#It's okay if you aren't keen on answering.
natsury-kazuki · 1 month
Valentine cards 2024
Hi, this time I found them all at once, enjoy the answers from our dear NRC students and teachers! :)
My dear friend
Thank you for your gift. I’m not an expert, but I once read that this type of thing can help relaxation. I’ll certainly try it out soon? I’ll make you herbal tea sometime as a token of my gratitude.
Riddle Rosehearts
Heya, pal-
I never thought you'd get me something so fancy! It's got just the kind of scent I like. You've got perfect taste. I'm gonna use it soon-thanks! As for what to give you in return, well.. Got any requests? Just don't go too overboard.
Ace Trappola
My good friend-
Thanks for the gift! I didn't think it'd be something so fancy. You've got a good eye for this stuff, Prefect! It's nice having a fresh scent in my room to help me focus when I'm studying! Wait until you see what grade I get on my next test.
Deuce Spade
Eyyy, friendo!
Thanks for the totes' Cammable gift! It looks nice, AND it's
got a fragrance that's right up Cay-Cay's alley. I'm super excited for the gift-back, and hope you are, too! I'm gonna get you something you'll be amped to post about on Magicam.
Cater Diamond
Hello, friend-
Thank you for the lovely gift. I've been busy lately, so it's nice to have something to help me relax. You're always going the extra mile for everyone around you. I'll bring some homemade sweets over soon to say thanks, okay?
Trey Clover
Allow me to thank you for your generous gift. Heh. Can't believe you actually picked out a halfway decent fragrance. I might actually keep this. I thought about sending you something in return if the mood struck me, but this thank-you note should do the job just fine, right?
Leona Kingscholar
Thanks for the gift! I don't buy things that aren't albsolute necessities, so it's nice getting something like this. Don't get me wrong, though. I'm REALLY not picky when it comes to people giving me presents, so feel free to keep giving me whatever you like!
Ruggie Bucchi
Thanks for the gift. This is the kind of subtle fragrance I can see myself using, I don't like being indebted to others, so I'll think of something to send in return so we're even. Don't expect too nuch. Just sit tight.
Jack Howl
My boon companion-
Thank you for your wonderful gift. You have quite the eye for quality and chose a fine fragrance. That said, I prefer not to accept gifts without providing anything in return. Expect something from me of equivalent value soon.
Azul Ashengrotto
My good friend-
Thank you for your lovely present. Did you know that morays have keen senses of smell? I'll quite enjoy this. I'd like to treat you to a drink at the Mostro Lounge in return. What do you say?
Jade Leech
Dear Little Shrimpy-
What a neat choice for a present. Did you pick out this scent 'cause it reminded you of me? Kinda funny if this is the vibe I give you. I guess I'll use it if I feel like it. No promises.
Floyd Leech
To my dear friend
Thanks for the gift. You picked this fragrance out for me,right? I’m flattered! Ooh, I know? Next time you’re in a gift-giving mood, you could take me shopping to help pick it out! The more the merrier, right? Then again, that might defeat the purpose of the gift… But let’s not sweat the details!
Kalim Al-Asim
I was surprised enough just to receive a gift from you, but a fragrance? You never fail to surprise. It couldn’t have been easy selecting this. I’ll have to gift you something appropriate in return
Jamil Viper
Dearest friend-
Thank you for your gift. It was a rather thoughtful choice; I can use this when I'm doing stretches. What would you like in return, I wonder? You're getting something hand-picked by me, so I've no doubt you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Vil Schornheit
And merci boucoup! Did you choose this just for me? I'm delighted. The design is so lovely and elegant. I normally avoid using fragrances unless it's a special occasion, in which case I shall happily wear one-the one you gave me, of course.
Rook Hunt
Dear classmate—
Thanks for the gift! I don't know much about fragrances, but this one's mighty fine! It makes my dorm room feel a smidge more fancy. I'd better get you something nice in return. Its kinda fun thinking up ideas for that.
Epel Felmier  
Uh, are u saying I stink? Is this like a passive-aggressive gesture or sth? I have questions but since u gave it to me, I greatefully accept? I donc’t pay much attention to grangrances, but this one smelled p. dece when I gave it a whiff.
Idia Shroud
Hello, Perfect
Thank you for the gift! It’s a fragrance, right? So this is how you perceive me? That’s fascinating! I’m about to do a thorough analysis of its composition? Who knows? I might discover something neat. Let me know what fragrances you’re into sometimes!
Ortho shroud
To my good friend-
Thank you for your gift. Hmm... This fragrance is meant for pleasure and relaxation? What a tasteful choice. I rather like it; perhaps I shall take more of an interest in these things. You would be welcome to pay me a visit, by the way, should you feel so inclined. I would enjoy sharing an old tale or two. –
Malleus Draconia
Thank you for your gift. This smell is so nice and relaxing, it makes me want to nod off. I hope this improves the quality of my sleep and helps me to wake up sooner when my alarm clocks go off. I'll let you know how it goes, Hopefully well.
I've received your gift. Fragrances are a part of one's personal grooming, and you had the nerve to gift one to ME? Challenge accepted. I'll come up with the perfect thing to return the sentiment. You're going to get what's coming to you-mark my words!
Sebek Zigvolt
Thank you for picking something out for me. It's a rather nice gift. Immersing myself in an unusual fragrance reminds me of my days visiting other lands. I know! I should cook you some foreign cuisine as a token of gratitude! I can hardly wait.
Lilia Vanrouge
Dear esteemed student
I was quite taken aback when an unexpected package arrived at the headmage’s office ! To think you would send me something so thoughtful… Hmmm. This fragrance suits my taste nicely. Normally I wouldn’t be able to accept personal gifts, but I think I’ll make an exception for this, seeing as I’m so kind,
Dire Crowel
Dear pup
What is this? Giving personal gifts to teachers is hardly good pup behavior. But the moment I opened the wrapping, I could tell you picked this out for me. This design is suitable enough, as is the fragrance itself. I suppose I must commend your knack for gift-giving. Good boy.
Divus Crewel
Dear juvenile
I generally decline gifts from students, but you clearly chose this scent out of respect for me. I won’t use it around Lucius, but it might be nice to use in the staff room every once in a while? I gratefully accept.
Mozus Trein
Dear student
What is this? Did I give you homework assignment that involved getting me a present? Kidding, of course. This is the perfect scent for a guy as cool as me! I’ll teach you how to make my signature Vargas protein drink in return!
Ashton Vargas
Heya, my little imp!
What is up? Did you pick this out just for me? It’s fantastic scent, thanks! If you’re interested in this type of thing, I happen to have a fine looking forward to your next visit.
Dear minion
Mrah?! I was expecting tuna, but instead I get some weird thing called fragrance? What IS this thing? I woulda taken tuna in a heartbeat, but since my hench-human picked this out for me, I guess a proper boss would put it to good use. Be grateful for my kindness, partner!
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mae-gi-writes · 5 months
Finders Keepers | Gally [TMR] - Part 3
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In which Gally gets soft for one of the boys in the Glade, only…is it a boy? alternatively; In which Mai disguises herself into a boy to fit in the Glade, only to be suspected by the keen eyes of the Builder's Keeper.
taglist: @edynmeyer1 @ss28
Also available on Wattpad.
A/N: I'm sorry but can we take a moment to look at this fine-ass man? Thank you very much.
The first thing that Mai thinks of the moment her eyes spring open is Gally.
Him, and the fact that she's literally made a deal with him. Why? All for a lie.
A lie upon a lie.
Great, Mai wonders what he would make of her if he knew she was a girl. Probably never let her hear the end of it, surely.
It takes a lot for her to drag herself out of bed when she catches sight of Frypan to her left, getting a hold of his shoes and trudging to the kitchen. Mai sighs, running a hand through her short strands before slipping on her own boots to follow the dark-skinned boy.
It's still early and the Maze walls aren't open yet, giving the duo enough time to prepare all ingredients before the Runners start twitching in their hammocks. Frypan gives her the toasting of bread and the cutting of vegetables while he takes charge of the eggs, his good mood boosting the atmosphere and making her feel at ease in his presence. He's a nice guy, Mai decides as she watches him with a small smile, dancing about and humming tunes to himself, tunes probably from his past memory.
"How ya holdin' up, Mai?" Frypan asks as he overlooks his eggs, "you doing okay?"
"Fine," Mai replies, realizing that she'll have to either restrain herself from talking or talk in a deeper voice so that they won't get suspicious of her. Though, with the baggy clothes she's inherited from the storage room, it will take a while. They're all so large they practically dwarf her skinny frame.
It's finally breakfast time and the Runners are up first, getting their load of eggs, toast and bacon before they settle at their usual table. Minho's here too, grinning at her while she loads up his plate, "enjoying your new job, Greenie?"
"My name is Mai." she throws him a scowl, but he just laughs, "yeah yeah, sorry. The name suits you. Anyway, Mai," he makes a good point of dragging the word out, "hope your cooking's as good as Fry's."
"If not better," she answers with a roll of her eyes before moving on to the next Runner.
"Don't forget to pack their lunches!"
"For shuck sake," Mai mutters as she quickly moves on to the lunches.
Minho settles himself down at the countertop, not really caring whether she looks like she's in a panic, "Ever wanted to go out into the Maze, Greenie?" he asks, watching her quickly build up the sandwiches with amusement.
"No," Mai responds as she finishes wrapping up a sandwich, "aren't you scared of going out there everyday?"
The asian boy shrugs, "it's our job. That's what we do as Runners, we try to find a way out of this place."
"And have you?"
"Not yet," he presses his lips together, face drawn and serious, "but we hope we will soon. We've got a clue that might lead us the right way."
"Right," Mai finishes up his sandwich and hands it out to him, "you'll need all of that energy then."
"Thanks," he tucks it into his satchel, then without warning reaches over to ruffle her hair as Mai protests, "I'll see you tonight."
She barely has time to tell him off about touching her hair with the same hands that touched his food before he's setting off towards the Maze doors. Embarrassed and flustered, Mai pats her hair down in hopes of getting her heartbeat back to normal when a voice causes her to jump.
"You look pathetic."
"Jesus Gally!" Mai holds a hand to her chest, throwing him a glare as she does so, "can't you say hello like any shuck human?"
Gally shrugs, leaning over the counter where Minho had been a few seconds ago, "why you looking at him like that, huh?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Mai starts assembling his plate, putting two toasted bread slices before going to the eggs.
"Your face says otherwise."
She scoops up some extra eggs and bacon onto his plate before shoving it into his hand, "just go eat Gally, and leave me alone."
"Sure thing Greenie," he smirks, which causes Mai to scowl even deeper, "you're holding up the line."
Thankfully he doesn't fight her, merely picks up his utensils before trudging off to find a seat.
Mai blows out air from her mouth. Today's going to be a long day.
"Newt, right?"
The elfin-faces boy looks up from his gardening spot, frown dissipating into confusion when he finds Mai looking up at him with an expression similar to a deer in the headlight's.
"Hey Mai, everything okay?"
That's probably the first person to address her with her name and she will certainly not forget that.
"Yes everything is fine. Uhm— Frypan needs more tomatoes for the stir-fry tonight," Mai tries not to fidget under Newt's intense stare, "so..."
"Yeah," Newt looks over to another boy not too far from him, "Oi Zart," he calls out, "think we got some tomatoes to spare them?"
"Should have," the boy called Zart replies, "just need to cut 'em."
While Mai lingers around for Zart's tomatoes, she decides to keep Newt company as he toils through the soil.
"I thought you were second-in-command," Mai's eyes linger over the way Newt seems to drag his leg. It's a small limp, barely noticeable and yet, it seems like it hurts him, "why are you out here in the gardens?"
"Ey well, I like planting," he throws a small smile her way, "but I also tend to walk around and oversee stuff when Alby's not around."
"Where is Alby anyway?"
"He's been up all night, the poor shank," Newt shakes his head as he pulls out a few weeds, "the Runner seem to have made some progress. He's probably busy with that." Only then does he glance at her small frame, "you doing okay with Frypan in the kitchen?"
"He's great," Mai nods, "I like him."
Newt chuckles, "everyone does."
She finds that he's easy to talk to, this blonde boy who barely looks over sixteen yet speaks with the experience of an adult that's lived here for ages. Mai realizes she feels comfortable in his presence and before she knows it, has spent the entire afternoon by his side as he goes through his tasks.
Only at Frypan's call does she clamber back to the kitchen with an apologetic wave in Newt's direction and her basket full of ripe tomatoes.
She's halfway to the Homestead when she collides against a hard wall. No, not a hard wall. Someone. And that someone's angry.
"Hey watch it!" An angry Gally comes out from the other side, causing Mai to yelp out, "I'm so sorry Gally, I—" her eyes are wide as she sways, basket threatening to fall in her hold, "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going—"
"What're you doing carrying that klunk around by yourself?" He interrupts, glowering at her.
Mai winces, hating the intensity of his eyes because god he can be scary when he wants to be, "I--Frypan needs more veggies for dinner so I--"
"Oh slim it, Greenie." And before she knows it, he's hoisted her basket out of her hold and is already striding towards the kitchen, leaving Mai to run after him in hopes of catching up to his giant strides, "you don't have to help--"
"Too late for that," he grunts out. He reaches the counter and hoists the basket onto its surface, throwing her a glare that makes her want to shrivel up and die in a corner, "watch where you're going next time. You have eyes, don't you?"
"Yes," her mumble barely makes it out of her mouth as her eyes glue themselves to the ground.
"So use them," he turns to go but Frypan's voice echoes through the air, "hey Gally! What brings you over?"
"Nothing," his eyes narrow towards Mai, "just this shank being useless."
"What happened?" Frypan looks over at the smaller Glader, concern swimming in his voice as he asks, "did you get hurt?"
"Of course not," Gally growls out, "but you might want to stick him into the kitchen instead of making him run around to get your stuff. He's weak as shuck."
"Gally," Frypan tuts, though there's a grin on the Cook's face. He turns to Mai, "don't worry about him. He's always this grumpy during the day. I think it's because he hasn't eaten yet."
The said grumpy Glader is already walking away at this point, leaving an amused Frypan and a traumatized Mai in his wake. The brown-skinned boy throws Mai a smile, as if to comfort her, "Don't worry about him, Mai. He's a bit rough around the edges, but his heart's in the right place."
"Not too sure about that," Mai mutters, though it reaches Frypan's ears and causes him to chortle in laughter, "come on," he motions towards the uncut veggies, "we got a lot of shanks to feed."
Night falls and as usual, Mai waits in her hammock, curled up and tucked in to try and look as if she's already asleep as the rest of the Gladers shuffle to their own spaces. The chatter slowly dies down one by one and soon, even Newt, who's done his round around the Glade, settles in and murmurs a soft goodnight to her before turning his light out.
Mai waits, breathing as softly and as steadily as she can.
And then, when silence stretches out before her like a blank canvas, she decides to take the chance.
Slowly letting herself down from her hammock, she pads out of the Homestead as gently as she can, hurrying past the group of Huts where the rest of the Keepers are currently asleep. She hears a soft snore coming from Minho's hut and a small giggle escapes her lips. She can imagine him now, mouth parted and legs akimbo, probably dead tired from this morning's run.
Mai almost makes it to the showers when sudden footsteps echo behind her.
She swirls around, eyes wide and alert, only for her eyes to land on a familiar face.
"Gally?" she whispers hoarsely.
He lets out the most exasperated sigh she's ever heard from him yet, "You again?" He rubs a hand over his face, it's clear that he's tired too and half-asleep, "what're you doing out here?"
"I..." her voice trails off unsurely. What should she say? Should she just make up an excuse about wanting the loo?
Gally lets out another sigh before he regards her with a look, crossing his arms over his chest, "showers again?" he prompts when silence is her only answer.
He gets confirmation at her nod and after a few beats of more silence, the Builder shakes his head before motioning towards the shower, brushing past her in the process, "come on then, you crazy shank." he mumbles.
Maybe his words are a bit vicious, but it's probably the darkness that softens his tone and causes a small smile to quirk at the corner of Mai's lips as she follows him.
Contrary to his grumbling and his groaning, Gally stands outside the shower stalls -- after having been pushed out by the Greenie when he'd walked in and turned away -- a bit confused as to why Mai was so adamant on keeping her privacy. It just doesn't make sense, considering that they're all built the same. Right?
Unless there's something that the Greenie is hiding.
Gally's foot taps impatiently out of pure habit, something he's picked up while deep in thought. What is it that Mai doesn't want to show other Gladers? He can't seem to think of one possibility apart from the very literal one that would've been so obvious that--
Wait wait wait.
Wait a shuck minute.
That's not possible.
The entirety of Gally's body freezes up like stone. For a moment, he thinks he forgets to breathe.
No. It can't be. Mai's a guy just like all the other Greenies that came up before. And he looks like one, there's no way he isn't one unless this is some sort of sick joke to the Creators. And if he was -- hypothetically speaking -- a girl, then why the need to hide?
Gally wants to laugh at himself for being so stupid. Of course not. He would've seen it since the very beginning. Girls had...well, different assets than guys, so he wouldn't have been able to keep it a secret for so long.
Yes, Gally was certain there was nothing else there. Mai just wants some privacy, as simple as that, because Mai fancies guys.
His body unfreezes at the sound of the Greenie's voice. He steps away from the door and turns to see the younger boy, at the way his newly washed hair falls into his face and how he's practically swimming in his clothes. With his hair down like this, Gally can almost picture Mai being a girl, all soft features and small mouth and wide eyes that look like he's constantly surprised.
He's a guy, Gally repeats to himself. He is a guy.
But what if there is the possibility that Mai is a girl? Then what?
Doesn't that mean something to the Glade? Doesn't that threaten their supposed peace? Is it a sign?
And if so, is he supposed to tell Alby and Newt about it?
"Gally, you okay?" Mai asks, causing the said Builder to snap back to reality. He clears his throat, "yeah m'fine. Let's go."
He walks a little too fast for Mai's liking back to Homestead, but he realizes that he doesn't care. His mind is spinning too much and there are so many thoughts crowding his brain that he just wants to sleep and forget everything about that new stupid Greenie.
Tomorrow, everything will go back to normal and Gally can go on with his life just like he'd done for the past three years.
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t0rturedangel · 2 months
I wanted to request a Rick x reader if it's ok with you? Were they going to the citadel and since there's no readers there other Rick may try and talk to the reader? Who knows, maybe they get jealous of Rick and try to take the reader because since there Rick they like the reader too. (By the way feel free to ignore but to let you know I really LOVE your writing, it's so accurate and I hope this motivates you to keep it up)
𝟎𝟎𝟏. 𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘰𝘧𝘧
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⠀⠀⠀: ᯓ 𝟎𝟎𝟐.⠀ C-137 RICK SANCHEZ X READER
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟑. SYNOPSIS, Rick wasn't not too keen on bringing you to the citadel, and this is why
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟒. WARNINGS, Rick Sanchez, other ricks, swearing, possibly ooc, one rick gets a lil freaky with you, a rick dies.
› 〉 𝟎𝟎𝟓. AUTHOR'S NOTES, I'm on that grind rn, posting as much as I can while I still have the motivation. also I LOVE THIS REQUEST!! AHHH I'll happily do it!!
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🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤYour curiosity of the citadel started when MORTY had accidently mentioned it- he had been complaining about all the scams he found there when you overheared, quickly prompting you to immediately ask questions about it- RICK never told you anything about this citadel so obviously you were curious. MORTY had no idea RICK was keeping the citadel hidden from you for a reason and thus he happily began to explain about the citadel until he was caught by RICK.
"W-w-what the hell Morty?!" RICK pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyes narrowed at his morty- teeth practically gritting together in annoyence causing the teen boy to quickly question why his grandpa was suddenly even more angry with him "W-what?" He asked, slowly getting nervous as Rick groaned, ignoring your puzzled and equaly annoyed look, "They weren't supposed to find out about the citadel Morty!" Your Rick burped, now dragging his hand down his face "W-w-w-well I-I-I didn't know that!" Morty defended himself just before you voiced your opinion "Rick why have you never told me about the citadel? Meeting other me's would be so cool!" "No it wouldn't be... trust me [name] I know" "Maybe for you" you rolled your eyes, resting your elbow on Morty's shoulder (who was nervously looking between you and Rick). "Take me to the citadel Rick" you commaned after a short pause, immediately getting a shake of the said and a stern 'no' from Rick "What the fuck, why? You take Morty!" "It isn't the same with you as it is with Morty." "I dont care" "Neither do I but-" "So?"
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤyou two began to bicker about it, with you being insistant on going to the damned citadel while RICK came up with any and every excuse on why you should not and could not go- "they have man-eating cows so you'd be eaten immediately" was one of them, quite a stupid one you must admit but you quickly contrasted it "Okay? so i'll bring a gun!" and that went on for hours.... and then eventually days until RICK eventually gave up.
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤThat's how you ended up in the citadel. Wandering about like a child with your RICK close behind, glaring at every other rick who even glanced your way.
You looked around, eyes shining with curiosity and awe at each building and piece of technology you found (which was every where) "What the fuck Rick, why didn't you show me this place sooner!" "Because this place sucks?" you decided not to answer your boyfriend and instead run around some more, unintentionally ignoring RICK- who's voice was getting quieter and quieter until you couldn't hear it anymore. So now you found yourself by a train station, looking at all the different ricks, most wearing factory worker clothes which struck you as being odd, aren't all rick's smart asf? why are they dressed like that? Your overly curious nature led you to one of them, poking him in the shoulder for his attention. Your contact with him startled that rick, he quickly snapped his head to you- getting ready to shout at whoever was disturbing him until he processed your face- his eyes widening in, what you assumed to be, awe "a-a [name]?!" He bleched, asking like you were some damn pokemon "whats good" was your simple, yet slightly annoyed reply. "H-how did you get here? [n-names] are so rare" He questioned, a grimy hand getting closer to your face, possibly to examine it which was something you did not appriciate so thus you leant back. "Woah hands off" You held up your hands, trying to form a distance between you and the rick- which had somehow caught the attention of the other ricks who were staring at you with wide eyes, you could practically hear their shocked whispers which also consisted of 'a [name]?' 'when did a [name] get here?' 'where is their rick?' what the fuck are they talking about? and just as you were about to leg it in the opposite direction, one of the ricks- in an extremely expensive suit- walked up to you "Where is your rick?" his voice seemed posh, he didn't stutter and definately didn't have that alcoholic stench you were familiar with "uh... he's over- shit." you looked behind you, hoping to see your boyfriend yet was met with nothing.
"So your rick has left you? Meaning you're up for grabs?" "what the shit??? NO. My rick hasn't left me ass-face, and I'm not 'up for grabs' like a damn toy! Go find another [name]!" You gritted your teeth, clearly irritated by how you were talked about like you were an object "I can't just 'find another [name]' thats impossible, nearly all [names] are gone." the rick rolled his eyes, matching your irritation "But either way, why would you want to stay with whoever your rick is when you could be with me? I'm one of the citadels bet buissness men, I could treat you well" the way he was talking was making you sick to your stomach "Eat ass dude, My rick is brilliant! I dont need a replacement!" "Well clearly--" "-- you need to get the fuck away from [name]" a new, yet exact name, voice intergected the posh rick's statement, angering him "Just who the hell do you think you are?" "RICK OH MY GOD." You practically threw yourself to your rick, desperate to get out of the situation you were in- something that made all the other rick's (appart from the posh one) to let out defeated sighs and revert to how they were before you appeared. "So you're their rick? You seem pathetic." "The only thing pathetic here is that you think you can take my s/o" Your Rick jeered, crossing his arms "Well I can If I want to, you fucking alcoholic--" thankfully, the rick was quickly cut off, as the sound of a gun fired through the station- earning a small gasp from you and annoyed yells from the alive ricks.
"Come on [name]" Your rick grabbed your hand, before shooting a portal and walking through it "You didn't have to--" "-- He was getting on my nerves, I hate those types of Ricks.." "I see why.. but Rick, why did he say that nearly all of mes are gone?". You saw Rick physically stiffen up, before he shook his head "You'll find out later, I can't be asked to tell you right now." and while you were tempted to bother him about the topic, you had learnt that It's best to listen to him, at least for now. With a sigh, you plopped down on the sofa- next to your boyfriend "I will never go there again." "Yeah, see, what do I keep telling you all? I'm the smartest man in the universe and I know what I'm talking about ALWAYS, dumb pieces of shit" He sighed not even looking your way "Yeah yeah.. let's just watch some interdementional cable" You snatched the remote from the ground and began to switch through the channels, "WAIT, [name] go back! go fucking back! I saw ball fondlers!"
🜸 ㅤ▎ㅤ▍ㅤWhile RICK will never admit it, he is glad that you are never going back to the citadel- makes it easier for him to control his jealousy.
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
I remember seeing a panel of Bruce and Barbara(?) talking how Dick's feelings for Starfire(?) Is just a phase and Babs(?), and thought about if Bruce had ever pushed/or try to direct Dick to date a girl he (Bruce) liked/preffered Dick to date? I mean I don't think Bruce will forcibly do so, but he clearly has preferences (cough titans is Nono to him cough).
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Batman: Gotham Knights Issue #43
This one!
Even though he said this to Barbara, Bruce has drawn a line in overtly interfering with Dick's love life. Actually he makes it very clear that he's not going to interfere with Dick's love life after bringing up the topic.
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Nightwing (1999) Issue #14
Which is....what just happened? Was he saying he disapproves? Clearly not because he says he believes in Dick and that sounds genuine. But then does that mean he approves? Then why didn't he give a clear answer, actually why did he even bring it up because Dick wasn't even talking about that in the first place.
He's openly supportive of Tim's choices so why doesn't he just say what he thinks about Dick? I guess it doesn't help that Dick reacts like a cat in hot water when it comes to Bruce's involvement in his life so this is probably that Bruce doesn't know what to say. I don't know if he doesn't want Dick to date anyone, which tracks from his thoughts on Dick's relationships with people in general, or if he has a particular inclination toward someone but he's afraid of saying it because he doesn't want it to blow up in his face.
Obviously the Titans are a no way. Like the Titans aren't even on the table for Bruce when it comes to acceptable Dick Grayson dating choices. They're probably in the neighbor's trash can lol.
He's against civilians in general, even for himself, so that wouldn't fly with him. Anyone from the league or heroes are just as bad as the Titans for Bruce because he's terrified of Dick leaving him and has canonical attachment issues to him. So it would have to be someone in Gotham or in direct attachment to the batfamily so he can gatekeep Dick Grayson.
That only leaves two available choices - Barbara and Helena - that Bruce would ever be okay with Dick dating. You know how sometimes people compromise or say things like "I love you and would do anything for you but in the end it's up to you and I respect that", yeah...Bruce just leaves off the last part indefinitely.
Although this comic issue is older, it shows that he's not particularly keen on Barbara either,
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Detective Comics (1937) Issue #369
But that was then when it was just Dick, Barbara, and Bruce. Now there are more players in the game than just Barbara so compared to how much Dick would pull away if he dated or married one of them, Barbara looks like a shining star of a choice because all of Bruce's actions are inherently selfish although he tries his best not to be.
I think the issue with Bruce and Dick's dating life is the problem he has with Dick's life in general. He clearly wants to interfere, but he's worried about the backlash he's going to get.
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Nightwing (2016) Issue #38
Because Dick loves to help others but he hates receiving help much to the despair of literally the entire rest of the hero community. But he's particularily sensitive about Bruce's involvement in his life because he only became Nightwing to prove to Bruce he can take care of himself. Since then, Bruce's relationship in term of helping Dick or giving him his opinions has been a series of "Can I-should I-" thoughts.
So although he'll never tell Dick his opinions because he's scared of the backlash, but he definitely has opinions.
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Part one
Okay here's part two for my Suguru x reader fic i did earlier. It's going to evolve into a Satoru x reader x Suguru fic. This one admittedly has ended up feeling very uh meandering I guess? I'm trying to establish the dynamic between the three of them
Important notes: GN!reader, reader is referred to with chan attached to their name, reader is a year younger than Suguru and Satoru. Suguru and Satoru are absolute menaces. Reader's cursed technique is mentioned. Said CT involves absorbing curses through their hands and converting them into weapons though it's not super important to to this chapter.
Fun fact: the japanese school year apparently begins in in april! So this takes place a bit before hidden inventory shortly after Suguru and Satoru start their second year.
Edit: I've made some revisions to this chapter to bring it up to my current standards! Nothing big just things that make it flow better and some extra details.
Chapter 2: Movie night
Things are different after the mission with Geto, he's softer with you than he’d been in the past. Before the mission he'd almost seemed a little resentful of you behind his smile though you couldn't figure out why. It didn't feel like that now. You aren't dumb, you can pinpoint the moment things felt like they'd begun to shift with him. When he'd held your arm after you absorbed that curse, the way his eyes had looked over darkly bruising flesh with the ink black lines crawling up your arm like an infection. When he'd asked if it was always like this you thought you'd find pity in his dark gaze when you raised your eyes to his, instead you saw something you weren't expecting. Understanding.
You were admittedly thrown off balance by this, plastering what you hoped was a reassuring smile on your face as you answered him. You doubted you fooled his keen eyes as you tried to disguise your discomfort but he didn't push you or even ask if it hurt. Probably because he thought the question would be pointless. Only an idiot wouldn't have been able to see you were in pain. Instead he'd gently examined the limb, his fingers sliding over your arm before letting go when he was satisfied.
He'd also begun going out of his way since that day to help you train as well, though you're not sure how much getting tossed around the training field like a rag doll is helping you. You've gotten very good at breaking your falls. You can at least say that. He said you were improving but you're not sure how true that is, though it probably should have tipped you off he was being honest when Gojo who was sitting on the sidelines more often than not to watch didn't interject to say otherwise. Especially since he was more than willing to point out where you had messed up. Perhaps you just hadn't known them long enough to realize that Geto was soft for you and Gojo was becoming so in turn. Again it's kind of hard to realize someone is soft for you when they regularly send you flying like you weigh nothing. Both older boys could appreciate that you kept dusting yourself off and getting right back to it though. 
These last few weeks play back in your mind on repeat. Especially how gently he'd held your arm on that mission and the look in his eyes. You're broken from these thoughts when you notice the three second years making their way back to the dorms, Shoko splitting off from the boys presumably to head toward her own dorm. Probably to get cleaned up after a mission if you had to guess. You watch Geto and Gojo, watch as their hands brush against each other as they walk. They start to lean in close to each other and you watch as Gojo brushes his lips over Geto’s ear. You’ve apparently been caught staring though as suddenly Gojo is unmistakably looking directly at you as you noisily watch the intimate moment playing out between the older boys. Gojo’s sudden shift in attention of course causes Geto to look toward your window as well.
You let out a squeak and instead of maybe rolling with it and just waving or something to make yourself not seem nosy you flail and pull your curtain closed. "Stupid stupid stupid,” you grumble to yourself feeling your ears burn.
Down below you don’t see the two older boys share knowing and amused grins. You’re also far too consumed by your own embarrassment at having been caught staring at their intimate moment to hear their laughter as you internally berate yourself.
You also don't hear the ensuing conversation.
You get maybe a half hour of peace after that, able to mostly stop cringing at yourself and get back to studying. The peace is shattered when there's a knock on your door. You jolt in your seat, taken off guard since you hadn't expected anyone to stop by your room this late in the day. You turn in your chair and give the door a questioning look, unsure if you want to be bothered. Then he speaks. "Oi, ___-chan, come on don't ignore me." It's Gojo. All your embarrassment at being caught staring earlier floods back.
Reluctantly you get up and open your door a little to stare up at the older boy. He's got his arms full of snacks and he's grinning down at you, eyes obscured by those dark glasses he always wears. "I was almost worried you went to bed early. Come on, we don't want to keep the others waiting."
If an expression could be a question mark that's what your face was now. "Who's waiting and why?"
"You'll see it's a surprise~" he sing songs.
"Senpai, I" You're cut off when he adjusts his hold on the snacks and reaches out to grab your arm, tugging you out of your room since you were apparently taking too long to convince.
You flail, taken off balance and your voice involuntarily raises an octave "Gojo-senpai i-i'm not dressed to go anywhere i'm in my pajamas!"
"Pajamas are perfect for this, don't worry about it." He ignores your sputtering and goes to close your door.
"At least let me grab my phone." You huff.
He glances down at you with a triumphant smile knowing he's gotten his way. He opens your door fully and gestures with a flourish for you to go ahead. You contemplate slamming the door behind you but felt wrong being so disrespectful to an upperclassman, especially as your mind so helpfully reminded you of how you'd been caught rudely staring at him and Geto-senpai only half an hour ago.
You follow Gojo closely, having to take three steps for every one of his. "So you're really not gonna tell me?"
"Stop being impatient, you'll literally see the surprise in less than two minutes."
You pout but go quiet.
He wasn't wrong, soon enough you're standing in front of another dorm room. "Suguru, Shoko, I got the snacks and grabbed ___ along the way. "
You blink a little owlishly, realizing the dorm room you're at is likely Geto's. It's neat, at least by teenage boy standards. There's a biggish bean bag couch set up at the end of the bed facing a tv that's been set up with what looks like a shiny new dvd player along with several stacks of dvd's. Shoko and Geto are both by an open window, blowing smoke outside.
Shoko smiles warmly. "Ahh glad you could make it, ___-chan. When they told me they were inviting you too I wasn't sure you'd actually come."
You glance away for a moment and play with the hem of your sleep shirt. "Gojo-senpai was very... insistent." 
Geto laughs lowly. "Satoru always is once he's decided something."
Your eyes are drawn toward the dark haired boy as he stubs out his cigarette and tosses it into the ashtray. He's smiling at you, his head tilted to the side. You can't help but take in how his hair is down and wet, clinging to his neck. It makes your mouth feel dry in a way you're not really familiar with. Gojo nudges you into the room before going to set out the snacks.
For some reason the idea that your three senpai had decided to invite you to their movie night left you feeling intimidated. "Is uh... anyone else gonna show up?" you ask hoping you don't sound nervous. "Nope-” Gojo pops the ‘P’, ”just the four of us," he throws over his shoulder at you as he continues his task. Your stomach swoops a little. At least Shoko is here otherwise you're pretty sure you would have run away. Being alone in such a casual setting with Gojo and Geto would have been overwhelming right now.
You finally move to go sit on the far end of the beanbag couch only to be jerked toward the middle of it by Gojo as he sits on your left, before you can protest or move back Geto sits on the right side of you, effectively trapping you between the two of them unless you wanted to outright get up and find a different spot to sit, though your options would be the literal floor or Geto's bed since Shoko seems to have claimed Geto's desk chair.
Shoko catches you looking her way and she eyes her peers suspiciously. "___, we can switch places if you'd like." She states already starting to stand. You scoot just slightly forward ready to accept only to feel a strong hand pull back on your shoulder and then feel Suguru's arm pressing along the back of your shoulder's once you've been pulled back to sit snugly in the honestly too small bean bag couch with the two long limbed boys.
"Aww they're fine right here aren't you, ___?" Geto asks as he tilts his head at you, a smile curling his lips and pretty brown eyes turning into crescents.
You're pretty sure your brain is as fried as it could ever be in that moment only for it to get even worse when Gojo's arm presses against Geto's and he too somehow manages to get further into your personal space. "Yeah this is the best place to watch movies from," Gojo's breath  fans over your ear and you swear you can feel the barest hint of his lips brush the skin there.
Your face is so hot that you're surprised you haven't burst into flames and your heart is so rabbit quick you’re wondering how it hasn’t burst out of your chest. You’ve never been subjected to attention like this before. Especially not by a pair of pretty boys like your senpai.
Shoko breaks the moment by tossing two precisely aimed pillows into the faces of the two biggest menaces she knows. "If the two of you don't stop that I'll take ___-chan with me and go have a movie night just the two of us." There’s a clear threat in her voice and they know she means it.
Both boys sputter at the pillows in their faces before grumbling. Geto tosses his on the ground while Gojo holds his on his lap with a pout, he then sticks his tongue out at her. "You're no fun."
"And you're going to send ___ running if you keep it up," She shoots back and goes over to the dvd player to pick a movie. Neither Gojo nor Geto had taken the time to put one in, more focused on getting you trapped between them.
After selecting a movie and putting it in she glances back at you. "So would you like to trade seats?" You keep your eyes firmly on her but you can swear you can feel the two boys looking at you. You don't fully trust your voice but squeak out a small reply anyway. "Y-yeah actually." there was no way you were gonna be able to focus on the movie if they kept doing whatever it was they were doing. You feel Geto squeeze your shoulder briefly before letting go and both boys scoot slightly to allow you the minimal space needed to get up from the squishy death trap that is the bean bag couch. Shoko ends up helping you up before plopping herself in between menace one and two who are both definitely pouting.
The desk chair gives you the space needed to get your bearings for the first time since Gojo showed up at your door. Was this all some weird game to get back at you for staring at them from your window? As the movie plays you're sure you can feel them glancing your way but try to ignore it. Ignore it until Gojo tosses a candy bar directly into your lap startling you during a tense scene and making you squeak. When you realize what had touched you was a candy bar and not a serial killer you look over toward the three on the couch to catch Gojo flashing a grin your way. Geto reaches over shoko to playfully shove his shoulder.
Even now in the mostly dark room you can see it's your favorite. Which probably isn't that strange given that you normally eat one after training with Geto, and since one boy was never far from the other Gojo probably just picked up on it. That or it's all coincidence and your nerves from the evening thus far are making you over analyze a chocolate bar.
You're not sure when you dozed off in the uncomfortable chair but when you're woken up it's by Gojo poking you in the cheek and there are credits rolling on screen. He goes to poke your cheek again but you pull back with a slurred " 'm awake..." You blink blearily at the room, trying to get your brain to catch up with the situation. Gojo pokes you again deliberately on the nose this time. Without thinking and with sleepy irritation overriding all good sense you bite at him, surprising you both when you actually manage to catch his finger.
You immediately release his finger that now has a neat little ring of your teeth dented into it.
"You bit me! What the hell!?"
Embarrassed you yell back, "I only bit you because you kept shoving your finger in my face!"
Distantly through your embarrassment you register Geto laughing at the two of you. Honestly more at Gojo than you though you don’t realize that.
"Will you all shut up," an angry lump on the beanbag couch growls out. You realize it's Shoko. "I'm trying to sleep."
"Ah but Shoko, if you want to sleep you can go back to your own room. Satoru and I aren't going to bed for a while yet." Geto's tone is light as he sits up more in bed, drawing your gaze. From what you can gather it seems both he and Gojo must have moved to the bed at some point during the movie.
 It's while you're occupied with this thought that the white haired menace grabs both arms of the chair you're sitting in. You blink. "Wha-" He spins the chair and you let out a little yell. When he finally stops the chair you slide out of it dazed. The world is still spinning a little. "W-what was that for..?"
"For biting me of course."
"Satoru, don't pick on them too much, you were asking for a reaction poking them like that," Geto admonishes him, though even dazed as you are you can hear the amusement in his voice.
There's an annoyed grunt from the beanbag couch and the lump that is Shoko wrapped in a blanket stands up and heads for the door after tossing the blanket over Gojo. "Guess I will go back to my own room if the three of you can't be quiet."
From your spot you wonder what you did to get lumped in with the two of them.
Gojo pulls the blanket off his head and sticks his tongue out at Geto. "Yeah yeah." Standing he grabs your arm unprompted to pull you off the floor and you stumble into him because the world is still spinning a little from how fast he spun the chair.
You push most of the way off his chest in embarrassment though your hands remain to keep you steady as the world slows back down. You look up at him from beneath your lashes with an unintentional pout and mumble out an apology.
"Oh and what are you sorry for?" He tilts his head to the side and it suddenly strikes you that in the mostly dark room he'd removed his glasses. The full force of his pretty eyes focused directly on you. That is until Geto Speaks up. "That's enough teasing, Satoru." He sits up fully in the bed crossing his legs as he turns his full attention to you.
Geto blessedly gives you an out. "___-chan, do you want to stay with us and watch another movie or do you think you're done?" Honestly you think you could hug him for giving you a clear choice. The thought makes your cheeks flush.
"uh... I should probably go back to my room, it's late yeah? I have to be up early to train." Your hands drop from Gojo's chest now that the world has stopped spinning.
The raven haired boy nods. "I'll walk you back to your room then."
"You don't gotta do that, senpai, i don't even have to go outside."
"I know, but I want to." He smiles at you so prettily. 
Geto is bounced on the bed when Gojo flops down on the mattress.
You shift a little looking between the two of them for a moment. "Alright then.." your hand comes up to rub the back of your neck.
With that Geto is out of bed and walking you through the short halls to your room.
"Thanks for inviting me to watch movies with you guys tonight, or was that just Gojo-senpai?"
He hums. "No we both wanted you to join."
"Can I ask why?"
"What do you mean why?" He raises an eyebrow as he peers down at you. "We like your company, that's reason enough." You were skeptical and your expression must have told him as much as he sighs. "Do you think I spend my time between missions and classes training someone whose company I don't like? And do you think Satoru would stick around to add input if he didn't? Our time is too valuable for that."
"O-oh," you utter lamely before swallowing and speaking again. "Well, thank you, Geto-senpai." You weren't exactly used to people wanting your company. Before Jujutsu tech you were often viewed as being strange by your peers.
He messes up your hair. "Ack!" and when you glance up at him even while his hand is still on your head the smile he's giving you makes your heart thunder in your chest.
"You should call me Suguru."
"Isn't that a bit rude though? You're older than me and-"
"It's not rude if I've told you you can."
You're quiet for a moment as you reach your dorm room. He lets you be, giving you time to process your conversation. He leans against the wall by your door. "Well uh.. thank you again Ge- Suguru-senpai. It was nice at least until I fell asleep." You rock back on your heels before opening your bedroom door.
"Of course. I'll see you tomorrow then for training?"
You nod eagerly. "Yeah I'll see you then. Goodnight." You give him a little wave.
He bids you goodnight as well and goes to return to his room, likely to watch more movies with Gojo if you had to guess. After carefully closing the door you take a deep breath before throwing yourself onto your bed to squeal into your pillow and flail your legs to get out all your feelings from the night, especially the exchange you'd just had with Suguru.
Back in Suguru's room you miss when he sits in the desk chair Gojo had aggressively spun you in earlier and how it breaks dramatically beneath him. What you don’t  miss is Gojo's cackling in the hall and the sounds of thudding footsteps outside your room as Suguru chases him. When you peek out your door into the hall to see what's going on they're already long gone.
AHHHH part 2 is officially finished! I hope everyone enjoys it. This is the longest thing i've written i a long while. Keep an eye out for part 3. Upcoming parts will have spoilers for season 2 and the manga.
Tag list! @icy-spicy @strawberrystepmom @nanamikentoseyebags @gojoest
Please let me know if you like it! I put a lot of work into this so far.
Part 3
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krowlovesinazuma · 4 months
How have you been? I have returned for more headcanons! And I am not insane yet again! ...Ei, Kujou Sara, and Kokomi with a reader that has a gun (pistol in this case) on them
Okay fine I am a bit insane
Read this prologue for context!
Scenario: Reactions to a modern pistol
Characters: Ei, Kujou Sara, Sangonomiya Kokomi
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I'll be honest, you should make sure that Ei manages to fully understand the advances and culture of the present day Inazuma before you show her new tech. It will spare much confusion.
Ei isn't interested in military advancements at first, but once you perhaps bring it up as a small comment, or she sees it, she will bring it up, and once you mention it as a weapon, she'll definitely be interested and want to learn more.
Remember, she used to be a military leader, so she still has a keen interest in these things, even if she wishes to not wage a war again if she can stop it. So when she learns about it, she might start to asks questions that not many may know...
How does it work? Why is it so deadly? Can it be mass produced? How does one train to use it? She becomes very curious in very little time, and she may be a little disappointed if some questions aren't answered.
Doesn't matter if the questions tire you out or not, her curiosity is lit up, and eventually she'll start asking about a whole bunch of other things as well! The gun might not amount to much, but it caused a definitive change in her mind about your world!
She doesn't really see it as a threat, nor as a weapon she could possibly use, as she's confident in her own techniques, and power. She leaves it in your hands, and leaves it be, without much hassle.
However, if you're interested in self defense and weapons, she'd be happy to show you how it works in her world, while witnessing it first-hand! She might not be the best teacher, but it's the least she can do to pay you back!
"From your expression, I'm guessing you liked the demonstration. Isn't it beautiful? At first, I didn't think of it that way myself, but the more I thought about it, the more I came to understand how it can be enchanting to watch. Why am I... W-well, it's to return the favor, isn't it obvious?"
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At first, she won't ask many questions about your world, or your belongings. It's not surprising, given her tendency to not make small tall, and her respectful nature about her superiors. Get her to loosen up first, then maybe she'll notice and ask.
When she learns about the gun, she'll pay very close attention. She doesn't like putting in her personal feelings towards military matters, but from the way you talk, she eventually notices that it's more of a casual talk than anything.
Once she relaxes, she'll ask more questions, and show curiosity, much like Ei. Her questions are straightforward, and objective, like how to use it, about the ammunition, and its use as a weapon.
When realizing it's value as a self defense weapon, she leaves it in your hands, although she can't help but think about it at random times afterwards, especially when she's relaxing.
After this, she asks about the possibility of other firearms, how they work and what they look like! It might be just memories at this point, but she can't help but be curious... It's a good topic to keep her engaged, and just chat.
This will eventually lead to her asking about military matters in your world! If you do know, expect to be asked about wars, tactics, and other technology used in them. Perhaps you could spare her some gruesome details, but she does listen to whatever you may share.
In exchange, she'll eventually speak about military matters in Inazuma, perhaps some that you weren't aware of when watching everything from outside! Just make sure to let her know that you're actually learning, and not omniscient...
"You don't mind that I'm asking questions like these, correct? I understand that war is now something of the past, and I should enjoy other things in this world now that it's behind us, but... No need to explain? Are you... Hm. I'm... Grateful."
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Time for something a little different, as Kokomi is naturally curious of other cultures aside from the one in her home! So whenever you mention your past life and world, she naturally starts to ask questions!
If you show her your gun, she's immediately examining it, with just her eyes if you don't let her hold it, and the texture is just so strange to her... She examines it almost as if it's a relic of some kind!
Once you explain its functions as a weapon though, her more childish curiosity drops for a few moments, just in case it's something more serious than she assumed at first...
If you do let her hold it again, she'll be much more careful with it, and her eyes will lose some of that glow, getting sharper... Just ensure she doesn't overthink things, she's already done plenty of that.
Much like the others she'll leave it in your hands, but it's not hard to tell how interested she is! If you bring it up later, she'll definitely show how much she's been thinking about it constantly...
Once you let her though, she'll definitely storm you with more questions about both the weaponry, and the way it's used in your world, amongst other related topics! Much like the others, but there's a tone of spark and excitement in her voice...
She's definitely the one that remains most interested in the weapon out of them all, even if it's not to use it herself. It's to the point you can sorta predict what the two of you will talk about next time you two meet...
"I can't believe how far technology has developed... I can't help but wonder, how else has it developed? Even more, how far have other things developed? Ways of thinking, religion, warfare? So many wonderful possibilities to think about..."
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yanderambling · 1 year
concept: Forest Cryptid!Yandere(gn) x Recluse!Reader(gn)
words: ~ 2.3k
CW: 18+, yandere behavior, arson, attempts on reader's life (brief and ineffective), goddamn long, barely proofed
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Sverre has lived in this forest for centuries, the benevolent and undisputed sovereign of the vast woodland and all its inhabitants, and it’s been well over 200 years since a human last disturbed their grounds.
Then you showed up. And you just went and made yourself at home.
It was admittedly impressive, the speed with which you set up all your living facilities- Sverre only found you a day before you’d finish construction in earnest, and they’re diligent about their (admittedly vast) territory.
They immediately set about counter measures, none too keen on sharing their land with a member of such a notoriously violent and greedy species. However, past experience has taught that they must take care not to reveal themself. If you see them and make it out, you’ll come back with a mob. But, if they kill you, a mob will come searching for you anyway.
They’ve learned it’s safest to sabotage from the shadows, to remain subtle and unseen, a silent tormentor of darkness.
So they set your house on fire.
Or, what they thought was your house. It turned out to be your cooking shed.
They’d just barely made it to the treeline when you came rushing out of the other building with some kind of long snake, pointing it at the flames and forcing it to spit water until they extinguished.
They didn't count on that.
But it was just a minor miscalculation, they’re rusty is all.
So they regroup and try again the next day, seeing as you were already on alert that night, but they actually go for your living space this time.
Which turned out to be a bigger mistake, because apparently you keep that snake and several buckets right next to it- and you're a bit of a night owl. The wood had barely even ignited before you'd doused it, and Sverre was lucky not to be spotted as they dashed across the small clearing you'd made your home.
In their third attempt, they decide to bypass the possibility of a snake entirely and just smash the building down with you inside.
They blame their enthusiasm about the brilliant idea for them not noticing the snare trap until it cinched around their leg.
Sverre barely has time to yelp and struggle against the wire before your thundering voice makes them freeze.
They snap their head around to face you, a reflexive snarl ripping from their throat as they see you stalking toward them with an axe in hand.
"Don't give me that." Something in your tone makes Sverre instantly go silent as you stop in front of them; your unwavering confidence in the face of their rage is certainly disconcerting. "You're the fucker that's been torching my place, aren't you?"
Your voice is low, almost a growl, and it sends a peculiar shiver through Sverre's body. They give you a quizzical look, properly baffled by your lack of reaction to their inhuman form.
It doesn't seem like you actually wanted an answer, because you carry on almost immediately. "The fuck's your problem?"
Sverre steels themself as they look down at you. You're a good couple yards away, too far for them to reach. Their eye catches on the moonlight reflecting off your axe, and they can't help but notice how steady your grip is.
Why are you so sure of yourself? Other would be shaking out of their skin at the mere sight of them! Your unprecedented fortitude is making them less sure of themself by the second.
"What the hell are you, even?"
Okay, rude. Fair, but rude. They just narrow their eyes at you.
You hold their gaze easily, your sharp eyes reflecting nothing but self-assuredness and righteous indignation- they're sort of entrancing, so intense it almost hurts for Sverre to keep your stare.
They only last a few seconds before their eyes flit away almost reflexively. You huff a laugh.
"Alright, you know what? Whatever." You take a couple steps closer, Sverre cowers back without noticing. "Look, I'm a nice person. I'm gonna tell you this, and I'm only gonna tell it to you once, so listen good."
Despite the snarl that curls their lip, Sverre feels all their senses zero in on you upon your command.
"I don't know what your setup was before, but I'm here now, and I'm gonna keep being here until I decide not to be. It's a big forest, and I'm not hurting anybody, so I think you can learn to share. That said, if I see you near my home again-"
You swing the axe high over you head. Sverre flinches as you bring it down... on the thick wire of the snare, severing it with ease.
"I'm not gonna start with a conversation. Got it?"
Sverre can only stare down at you in shock as they feel the tension around their leg dissipate.
Are you... letting them go?
"Now, get!" Sverre startles and scrambles backward before they can even process your words. You wave the axe a bit and shout again, causing them to turn and dart as far away as you could possibly want them.
They don't stop until they're well on the other side of the forest and panting with exertion.
...What the hell was that?
None of the humans they've come across have ever been like this. None of them have ever dared to come so close to them, let alone speak in such a belittling manner. Honestly, who the hell do you think you are? Don't you know how powerful they are? Don't you know they could tear you to shreds in seconds? (But then why didn't they? They don't know!)
To be fair, your little speech wasn't entirely incorrect; you aren't causing any notable damage to the forest, which already sets you apart from nearly every human they've encountered before.
Yes, there's definitely more to you than Sverre originally thought. They decide you require further study.
In the following days, they take to following you everywhere you go. And they collect some fascinating data.
They learn that you're clever, that you find new routes through harsh terrain to access resources, that you can make a wide variety of tools for harvesting plants and accessing water. They learn that you're strong, that you can carry logs and boulders through the forest with ease, that your muscles move so tantalizingly under your glistening skin. They learn that you're kind, conscientious of the world around you in a way few living things are. They learn that you're absolutely enrapturing when you bathe yourself in the stream. They learn that you look so peaceful in sleep that it makes them want to curl around you and succumb to unnecessary slumber just to feel you like this.
They spend all their time watching you, taking in every action and shift with hungry eyes, obsessively recalling your sharp voice berating them again and again.
You're unlike anything they've ever seen. You're exceptional, capable, fierce, captivating, glorious-
They simply must take such an extraordinary creature as their mate.
When you wake up to a dead deer on your doorstep one morning, you don't exactly get that message.
You see a torn up, bloody corpse and assume it's a threat from that strange creature you encountered the night before. Loathe as you are to waste meat, you'd rather not be poisoned, so you drag the deer far away from your home or any water sources and bury it with a whispered blessing (Sverre would come to admire your high regard for the sanctity of life. You understand the way of the world, everything is consumed by something else eventually, but that does nothing to diminish the respect you hold for all living things- every life taken for the continuation of another deserves to be honored. They think it's beautiful, but at this moment...).
Sverre is highly offended.
But, they realize that you must still be upset about the fires and murder attempts and what all, so you likely need them to prove their dedication and earn your forgiveness before you accept their affections.
That’s just fine, it’ll make it all the sweeter when you do.
At least, that’s what they have to tell themself to get through each day. After just (ha, “just”) four of them, it’s starting to feel hopeless.
You’ve rejected every gift they’ve offered- another two deer (which you dragged to a different hemisphere of the forest), a bunch of rabbits in case you don’t like venison (you almost preferred lugging the deer over disposing of those five fuzzy corpses), bundles of vegetation and fruits in case you don’t like meat (you’ve been foraging all your food so far, to be fair, but that just makes you extra suspicious of these strange plants you haven’t seen around before), they even offered you the strongest wood to rebuild your cooking shed (you assumed it must be flimsy or rotten inside or cursed)- and you still shout and threaten them whenever you catch them lingering near your home.
It’s just not fair.
They’ve toiled tirelessly to show both their remorse and their dedication; they defend your dwelling places from wayward predators, they keep guard over you every second of the day (and night), they bring you only the highest quality offerings to keep you comfortable and safe.
They’ve more than proven they’ll be a suitable mate, but you haven’t given an inch.
They try to satiate themself with what scraps they can obtain; stealing your clothes to line their nest with your intoxicating musk, running their tongue over the handles of your tools where they can still taste your skin oils clinging to the wood, sneaking into your home when you're out and laying in your bed, soaking in your scent and reveling in the feeling of being so close to something that was close to you- but it’s not enough.
It’s never gonna be enough.
They need to try harder. If you won’t accept their offers of gifts, they’ll just have to take away the choice. They’ll just have to do something about it.
It only makes sense that they would fix what they broke. It didn't occur to them that they don't actually know how to mend a cooking shed until about the third nail in their hand.
It also didn't occur to them that construction is a noisy process until you came barreling out of your house in an obvious state of disarray.
"Hey! The fuck did I tell you?"
Sverre rips their hand away from the building, bringing a large piece of wood with it. They're just tearing out the nail and throwing the board to the ground as you skid to a stop before them.
Your gaze alone is enough to make their legs lock. They can't even consider escape, they just cower down and await your punishment.
But it doesn't come.
They risk a glance up, only to see you staring down at them with those enthralling, calculating eyes.
They can't break the stare, even though they now desperately want to. They feel their heart clench when you do so with a (downright musical) laugh and a slap to your forehead.
"You've gotta be fucking kidding me."
Sverre idly admires how the moonlight reflects off your skin, wondering if it's the last sight they'll see.
You lift you hand just enough to meet their eye again.
"Were you trying to fix it?"
They duck their head in shame.
This was a stupid idea. Maybe they aren't a suitable mate after all; all they can seem to do is mess up and upset you. They'd rather your axe to their head.
Another laugh, Sverre really wishes they were in a position to appreciate that lovely sound. "Jesus, is that what this has all been about? An apology?"
...Close enough. It's not like it'll matter in a few seconds. The only answer they give is a quick glance your way before training their eyes on the ground once more.
You let out a long breath. "Okay... okay. Damn. I wasted a lot of deer, huh?"
Sverre can feel tension gripping every muscle in their body as they await your response to this revelation. They can only imagine how they must look, an apex predator prostrated before a mere human for reasons nearly beyond their comprehension. They wish you didn't hold so much power over them, that your neutral tone didn't make panic further stir in their gut.
"Oh, don't you look just pitiful?"
Sverre feels a fission of pleasure shoot down their spine at your deprecating tone.
"Alright, get up. Here's what's gonna happen: you're gonna bring me another deer tomorrow, I'm gonna fix up somewhere to cook it, and then we'll see about calling us even. Sound good?"
Sverre can hardly believe their ears. Good! So good! More than good!
Their enthusiasm is enough to propel them to a standing position so they're looming over you once more (such an oddly unnatural feeling...), and you don't even flinch at the sudden motion.
They just stare at you for a few seconds, desperate to commit this image, this moment, to memory. They can feel a pleased purr starting to build in their throat, a sound they haven't made in years.
Maybe it's longer than a few seconds, because you seem to get impatient again before waving them off, though much less angrily than usual.
"Go on, I'm beat. And I still gotta fix this mess tomorrow."
Sverre obediently sweeps away into the wood, happy to ignore the extra work they've created for you in favor of focusing on their new chores.
They stay up all night collecting a feast for the two of you to enjoy together, helplessly fantasizing about the perfect domesticity of your future matehood now that you've accepted their advances. They'll show you what a good mate they can be, how well they can provide for you, how happy they can make you.
They'll win you over if it's the last thing they do.
You go to sleep still wishing you hadn't thrown out all those deer.
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thanks so much for reading! feel free to send a request <3
check my pinned post ~
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Reaper's Wife - Reaper
Pairing - Reaper x f!reader
Warnings - mention of blood
Word Count - 1,383
Notes - there's a voice line between reaper and widow where they talk about reaper's wife and it just inspired me to write this! i hope everyone enjoys because i am a huge fan of this teddy bear and got a brainrot smh. i hope everyone has a great rest of their day/night and stays hydrated!! enjoy!!! <333
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Not a lot of people know about Reaper's wife.
Gabriel Reyes. An old officer. A fighter. A killer. A monster. Nothing more. Always in excruciating pain and never able to catch a break.
No matter how many people surrounded that man, he would still have secrets. Thousands. Even with the people he is closest to.
"Wait, you have a wife?!" Sombra's jaw was to the floor in disbelief.
"I thought you knew this." Reyes put his face in his hands and sat down. He was already in enough pain, he didn't need a headache on top of that.
"I know a lot about everyone, sure, but not about you! You know it would be nice if you shared a little more about yourself."
"We aren't friends, Sombra." Reyes pinched the bridge of his nose.
"Sure, but does that really matter in the long run?" Sombra was checking all over her databases for even an ounce of information on who Gabriel's wife could be. "I would've liked to know that Mr. Dark and Brooding would have a cute little wife at home."
"What are we talking about in here?" Everyone recognized Widowmaker's thick French accent as she walked into the room with a dramatic fluffy robe and 2 cups of coffee.
"Cute face mask," Sombra giggled and took the other coffee that Widowmaker had. "No wonder your skin always looks so great."
"Maybe I'll show you my routine sometime," Widowmaker smiled and sat down on a nearby couch. "But I seriously doubt you were talking about my flawless skin, Sombra. Tell me. What were you and Reyes talking about?"
"Don't answer that." Reyes' voice was clearly angry, but Sombra didn't care one bit.
"Reaper has a wife!" Her voice was just as surprised as when she found out moments ago.
Widowmaker, on the other hand, just chuckled, modestly covering her mouth.
"Widow, did you know this or something?!"
"I've known since the day I met him, chère."
"What?! Am I the only one out of the loop here?! Not fair!" Sombra threw her arms down like a child and pouted.
Moira walked into the room already dressed and ready for battle. "I heard we were talking about Reyes' wife?"
"¡Oh vamos! You have got to be kidding me!" Sombra just took an angry sip from her coffee cup. "What do you know about her, Moira, since you're so keen on knowing everything about everyone."
"I thought that was your job, hacker."
"Shut up and just tell me! I want to put it in my records."
"No, absolutely not! We don't need her lingering in your records, Sombra." Reaper stood up. "Moira, don't you da-"
"She's one of the strongest women I've ever met. An interesting soul, that's for sure."
Reaper groaned and buried his face in a throw pillow.
"You've met her?!" Now Sombra was interested.
"Of course I have. I think everyone has in Talon except you, Sombra. Sorry."
Sombra just crossed her arms with a little pout. "It doesn't matter, just tell me more."
"I don't think I mentioned this yet, but she is beautiful. Reyes' sure knows how to pick them."
"Shut up." Reaper's voice was muffled in the pillow and everyone could tell that he was blushing.
"She's not a fighter, but I guarantee she could be if provoked. I would absolutely love to run some experiments on her if given the chance."
"Okay Moira!" Reaper sat up, now furious. "That's enough! Lay one finger on her and I'll kill you."
Moira just sighed and left the room, mumbling to herself about some experiment she's been working on.
Sombra just groaned, leaning back on the couch she was sitting on. "It's not faiiiiirrrrrr!!!"
"What's not fair?" Reyes' voice was getting more and more frustrated. Why did he have to work around these psychopaths?
"I want to meet your wife so baaaaaad!!!"
"I'm with Sombra on this one," Widowmaker stared into her empty coffee cup and back up at Reyes. "Let her meet y/n. I bet she would like her."
"I don't care who would like who! Plus... um..." Gabriel's face went bright red and he looked away.
"Ah, I see." Widow giggled, placing her empty cup on a nearby table. "Things aren't going so well at home, huh?"
"Um..." Gabriel rubbed the back of his neck, his face going a dark shade of crimson. "It's not really that it's more... uhm... how do I say this without sounding like an asshole."
"Ooooohhh." Widowmaker came to realization with a smirk. "You haven't talked to her in a while, have you?"
Reyes went silent and Sombra turned to him, looking concerned. "When is the last time you talked to her?"
Reyes stayed quiet and her and Widow turned to each other with a plan brewing in their heads. If they were going to be a menacing duo to Reaper, they really had to go for it now.
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~
Reyes walked back to the hideout reeking of sweat and blood. Probably exhaustion on top of that. He needed to soak in a bath for the rest of eternity, maybe that would make his aching body stop, even for a second.
"Well, it was very kind of you to invite me over, Widow."
Reyes quickly paused hearing a familiar voice. Your voice. You could kill him. He needed to find a way out and fast.
"Ah, Reaper!" Sombra spotted him from across the living quarters and quickly ran up to him before he could get away. "Good to see you! Wow, you look like shit! Perfect condition for your surprise." Sombra smirked something of malice and assholery.
She was just milking it at this point.
Reaper walked into the living room with his mask over his face, helping hide it's bright red tint. You saw him and ran up to him immediately. "Gabriel! Oh my god, you're okay! You don't know how worried I was!"
He looked up at you, clearly shocked. "You were worried about me?"
"Of course I was worried about you!" You moved his mask away from his face and gave him a kiss on the lips before a slap on the face that left his cheek a stinging red. "What the hell, Reyes! You could've at least called! I was worried sick that you may have died or that stupid scientist tried something! If you do that again, I will kill you, do you understand me?!"
Reyes' attention went to the other two girls in the room, who were snickering at both of you. He grabbed you by the shoulder and led you to the bathroom. "Look, I don't want them to hear about our marital problems, okay? Let's take it in here."
"Fine." You grumbled, allowing the tight grip he had on your arm.
Gabriel slammed the bathroom door shut and threw off his mask before holding you in a tight embrace. You quickly hugged him back with a smile, not caring that he smelled like iron and sweat.
"I'm just happy to see that you're doing okay, Gabe. I don't like being out of contact for that long."
"I know." He pulled away and chuckled at the bright red stain he left on you.
You looked down at your now blood stained tank top and looked at Gabriel with a pout in your lip. "Are you kidding me?"
"My bad."
You just giggled and slipped off your shirt, starting a bath for the two of you. "You are a menace, you know that, Gabe?"
"I try." He landed a few kisses on your bare collarbone as you felt for the right temperature.
"You could've at least called." Your voice was small and sad. Gabriel never usually sees you this way, so it always catches him off guard.
"I'm sorry."
"It's just more odd that Widowmaker sounded more eager than you did for my arrival."
Gabriel sighed, undressing himself. "It's not like that, really. I'm happy you're here, I just hate when you see me like this."
"I understand, love. I just want to see you more often. We are married, you know?"
"I promise I'll make an effort to see you more often, my angel." He pressed a kiss onto your cheek and led you into the tub with him.
You couldn't stay mad at death himself.
overwatch masterlist --- pinned post
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aoioozora · 1 month
The Ghosts Comfort You
Part 4: David 'Hesh' Walker
Part 1: Thomas Merrick Part 2: Logan Walker Part 3: Keegan P. Russ
"I'm just gonna head to the bathroom real quick," you say as you stand up from your couch where you and Hesh were seated.
"Oh yeah, sure," he nods as he picks the remote control to pause the movie that was on.
He watches you move away and disappear behind the bathroom door and then turns his attention to his phone to occupy himself while he waits. He steadily eats through the half-finished bowl of popcorn while he replies to text messages from his friends. When his fingers shuffle around the bowl only to feel the hard, unpopped kernels, he peers into the vessel and sighs.
Keeping his phone aside, he rises and makes his way to the kitchen with the bowl. As he does, his sharp ears catch the sound of a sniffle from the bathroom on the opposite side. He stops in his tracks, freezing and straining his ears, wondering whether or not he heard what he heard.
A very quiet, choked sob follows.
His protective big brother instincts immediately switches on but he restrains himself for a moment. "Do I check on her or leave her alone?"
Unable to resist, he softly knocks on the door. "Hey, you alright in there? You've been inside for a long time," he says gently.
He is met with momentary silence, but he waits. His keen ears catch a shaky breath being drawn.
"I'm fine," you answer from inside, "I'll be right out. Give me a minute."
"Alright, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me," he says, stepping away from the door, resisting the urge to wait there.
He moves back into the kitchen and anxiously begins to shovel corn kernels into a paper bag, waiting for you to come out. Just as soon as he is putting the bag in the microwave, he hears the lock of the bathroom door clicking open. He purses his lips and continues to wait for you to appear in the doorway.
Soon enough, you do and you step into the kitchen, your face slightly damp after washing it. He subtly scrutinizes your face as you enter, giving you a gentle smile as soon as he notices a hint of red in your eyes.
"You okay?" he asks again, the smile not leaving his face as he was adding a seasoning packet to the popcorn.
"Yeah," you say breathlessly, mustering a smile.
He beckons you to his side. "Can you taste this and tell me if there's enough salt?" He asks, pointing at the bowl of now seasoned popcorn that he is mixing.
You step closer to him and he stops mixing so that you can sample the popcorn. "Hm, yes, it's perf-" your words stop when he puts his arms around you and give you a gentle, loose hug. "Wh-What are you doing, Hesh?"
"Nothing, just wanted to hug you," he answers, holding you close to him and giving you a light squeeze.
You aren't opposed to his embracing you, and you let yourself sink into his arms slightly, making him smile involuntarily. He leans his back against the kitchen counter, pulling you along with him. He lightly rubs your back, hoping to soothe the pain you were not telling him about.
He feels your weight grow slightly heavier against him and he tightens his arms around you. "You okay?" he whispers a third time.
"Yeah," you say, but he can hear how you forced the response out of your mouth as you wrap your arms around him to return the embrace.
But he silently tightens back in response. "It doesn't sound that way to me," he insists gently.
He is met with silence again, and he can hear your hesitation. "What's wrong?" he tries to encourage you, "You can tell me anything."
His voice is soothing to as it had always been, and it compels you to confess. And so you do. Resting against his chest within the safe confines of his arms, you pour your heart out to him. He listens in attentive silence, gently stroking your hair to soothe you any time he heard the slightest waver in your voice. The neglected popcorn is now cold and soft, but he doesn't mind it in the least. You are more important.
"I'm sorry to hear that," he whispers when you complete your speech. A spot on his chest feels damp and a glance at your trembling form and the sound of your silent, suppressed sobs twists his heart a little. He tightens his arms around you as he thinks of what to say.
"I can't say I have a solution to your problems," he mutters, resting his chin on your head, "But just know that I'll be here for you whenever you need me, alright?"
He feels your head rub against his chest as you nod, and he continues to caress your chair. "There, there, I got you. You're not alone in this, okay?" When he hears a sigh from you, he gently rubs your back, his mind wandering to how his mother would do the same for him and for Logan.
You eventually pull away from him, sniffling, and he takes a good look at you. Your eyes are still watery and bloodshot, your lip still quivering, and your breathing still heavy, but he could see you were more-or-less calmer than before. He allowed you to pull away, but his hands lingered over your upper arms, gently holding them as he scrutinized your face.
"You okay?" he asks once again, his hands involuntarily but gently squeezing your arms.
You drew in another shaky breath and nodded. "I will be," you answer.
He carefully swipes a thumb against your damp eyelashes, wiping away a tear that slipped out. You look so small and fragile to him that he is tempted to hold you again, but he didn't want to go too far and make you uncomfortable in any way. He wipes away the tears from your other eye, and notes how you lean slightly into his touch.
"Do you want one more hug?" he askes tentatively.
"How about we go back to the couch and watch the movie, and I can hug you all you like?" he suggests, giving you a little smile as he takes the popcorn bowl, "Though I don't know about the popcorn," he presses one of them between his index finger and thumb, "they've gotten a little soft."
You return his smile with a tiny one of yours. "I'd like that," you reply, now looking at the bowl, "as for the popcorn, I don't think it's that big of a deal. It's still edible."
His heart flutters at the sight of your smile and he grins. "Perfect, let's go then." Putting an arm around your shoulder and holding the bowl in his other arm, he leads you out of the kitchen to give you your much needed hugs.
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he-calls-me-kitten · 2 years
His Darling Apprentice 2
<- Part 1
Solomon x Gn!MC 
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"Happy Birthday, Solomon!" Your voice message chirped from his phone at midnight. The first and only wish he got that day.
You weren't too keen on his idea about not telling anyone else, but he was the birthday boy and his word was final. He was away in the human realm 'doing urgent errands'.
In all honesty, he was avoiding direct contact with you. He couldn't stop feeling guilty about that night.
"Won't you let me come meet you atleast?" You texted. He could picture you pouting so clearly. It hurt him to make you that way.
"Next year I promise. This year, just your wish is enough." He said, warm and giddy as he lay back in his bed, waiting for your next text. Only there was a picture too.
It was you wearing a silly birthday hat tilted on your head, one finger stuck inside your mouth, cream smeared on the sides."You are missing your delicious birthday cake. I don't know how long I can protect it from Beel."
Fuck. Not again.
His imagination grew more vivid. He closed his eyes and imagined you sitting on top of him, displeased because he kept you waiting. He imagined you undoing his belt and roughly tease his throbbing erection. "This is your punishment for spending such a special day alone."
"Hah...MC..." You placed his tip between your soft lips and he grabs you by the hair, pushing himself inside you, to the back of your throat. You don't pull away even as your eyes water. He tries to pull away before he comes but you don't let go.
His cum marks your face, glistening in the moonlight as you smile and taste him. Before Solomon knew it, he'd made a mess of himself, some of it even covered the phone screen. Right on your picture. He wiped it away hastily.
Ironically, the last text from you read "Please just come soon."
"It's almost Christmas." You shivered by the closed windows, watching the delicate snow flutter to the ground. "I love the festivities, hate the cold."
"Really? I rather like the cold." Solomon placed a blanket over your legs. The goosebumps on your skin were too distracting. "It's the heat of the summer I can't stand."
"Well the cold is fun when you have a partner to cuddle you and keep you warm." You said gleefully, pulling him closer and wrapping your arms around his waist in an embrace. "Just like this."
His heart pounded right underneath your cheek resting on his chest. He let his arms reciprocate.  He felt the summer heat in the middle of Devildom winter, throbbing and needy under his belt. He had gotten worse since that day, getting aroused by your mere proximity.
"We are doing the Secret Santa system aren't we? Who did you get?" He asked, changing the subject. Talking to get his mind out of the gutter.
"I got Satan. Got him a book called Memoirs of a Catlady." You answered. "Every chapter is about each one of her 32 cats. Honestly it's good that Satan has such particular interests. Easier to buy gifts for him. Who did you get?"
How lucky for him.
"Well I didn't so much 'get' one. More like Asmo simply took the paper with his name on it and forced it into my hand." Solomon sighed. He really wanted to get your name. There's so many things he could have given you.  
You seemed downright annoyed, eyebrows furrowing in anger. "That Asmo, honestly! Again the same as last year! I don't care if he's full of himself but the least he can do is not be so pushy and let you choose fairly like everyone else." Your grip on his waist tightened.
Is that just protectiveness? Or is that ... jealousy?
"It's okay, it's not too bad. One good thing about Asmo is he always keeps a list of the gifts he wants ready." He laughs, as if trying to soothe you. "So I never have to think too much about it."
"Ugh. Way to ruin the spirit of suprises." You shook your head in dismay. "Well what does he want then? If it's something magical you have to stay up late night to make again, I'm going to help you. I can't believe you lost so much sleep trying to make a particular soap for him last year."
"Haha, it's already finished. I'll show you at the Eve party tomorrow night." He patted your head to calm your temper.
It was driving him crazy. Your endless care and willingness to help, getting angry on his behalf - he was falling deeper in love than he thought was possible.
Asmo announced it before Solomon could. "Attention everyone! I'd like you all to marvel at the gift I requested! Thank you Solomon for being so amazing!" The demon leaned towards him, pressing a glossy kiss on his cheek.
Solomon's eyes flitted to you on instinct. You were looking somwhere far away, a forced smile and resentful clapping. Like you didn't want to be in this room anymore.
"It's a magical mistletoe! Any two people standing beneath it will feel a unstoppable compulsion to kiss." Asmo winked at you when he said that.
Solomon's head burned. But your steely eyed response to Asmo's advances cooled it back. What a relief. Atleast he won't lose you to his cheap charms.  
"You can't possibly think to hang it here in the middle of the party." Lucifer reprimanded. "What if two of us brothers land underneath it?"
The rest of the brothers let out groans of disgust and agreed. Simeon and Diavolo nodded in agreement too. So it was put away, back in its box until the party ended.
Soon, Levi was singing his sixth song on the karaoke. Mammon and Asmo were trying to pull him away, Belphie was passed out asleep and Beel was finishing whatever was left of the giant Christmas cake. Diavolo was attempting to carry a drunken Lucifer back to his room while Barbatos was enjoying tea and themed pastries with the angels.
"What a waste. You must worked hard making it." You appeared next to Solomon. Even with the chaos erupting around him, it felt like he was in a space alone with you. He constantly craved that feeling.
"It's quite alright actually. I'd have to take the blame for whatever that thing makes happen." He felt you lean on his shoulder casually. The weight of your head on him was more comforting than he could imagine.  That was until Satan took it away.
"MC, I believe I haven't properly thanked you for my gift." The demon appeared out of nowhere, taking MC by the hand and leaning in towards their face. Solomon almost muttered a repulsion spell.
"No Satan really it's okay. I'm just glad you like it as much I thought you would-"
"Even then it's not fair that only Beel got to give you a present. Half of which he had already eaten. Surely you deserve better presents than that." Satan argued.
"You are waiting for MC's permission to give them a gift? I already planned mine." Asmo appeared, wrapping his arms around both Solomon and you. "I'll come to your room to give it to you at night."
A sickly feeling filled his insides - Solomon did NOT like the sound of that.
"Just what I was afraid of." Solomon stared at the enchanted mistletoe hanging from your ceiling.
He didn't dare imagine what would have happened if he hadn't sneaked away from the party and to check. Even the thought of another man with you- ugh, it made his blood boil.
He was just about to get up on your bed when he heard the door creak open. You looked back in shock to see you enter.
"Solomon?" You inched closer to him. He should have stopped you. Stop before we're both under the mistletoe. But he didn't. All he could think of was your lips and how soft they'd feel against him before he lost complete control of his body.
Without another word, he pulled you in, latching his lips on to yours. You tasted like cake and coffee, so soft and supple. Far better than what he dreamed of.
Light-headed and dizzy, he thought of nothing else. Only that he was kissing you. And your hands were holding onto him tightly and your tongue dancing on his.
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cal-writes · 3 months
I have notifications turned on for you so I know whenever you post your writing or reblog boa's art but the flip side of that is whenever you post things that aren't stories, I think about how it would pertain to Zolaw if you *were* to write something. Like "I can't lose you again."
I also love all your AUs. I still wait for the day Law figures out Zoro's abilities in the superhero AU.
ahh thats so sweet!! <3 also if i reblog it onto this blog i am also thinking that most likely ajkdhg
i dont have a great idea for "i cant lose you again" rn except maybe immorcation au but i have a little bit of superhero au where law is beginning to put pieces together so!
“Can you stand?” Law asks, clasping Zoro’s hand and pulling him upright. He swings his legs over the mattress and slips down. The second his naked feet hit the floor his knees buckle. Law scrambled to keep him from falling, hands clawing into the hospital scrubs. Zoro makes a keening sound and stumbles backwards, holding onto Law for balance.
He lands back on the hospital bed in an inelegant sprawl, legs dangling.
“Shit, okay-“ Law curses as Zoro pants.
“Give me your shoes.” Zoro says.
Law blinks at him. One bloodshot eye looks back at him, entirely serious.
“Are you-“ Law growls. “We don’t have time for this.” He bites out and drops to his knees to take off his boots. Zoro reaches out his hand for them but Law slaps him away, yanking the shoes on his feet himself before they waste anymore time. Zoro shudders as he does. “Not a fucking word, you wanted this.” Law tells him sharply, tying the knots probably too tight.
Zoro’s hand is a burning brand on his back. A relieved breath leaves him so heavily Law feels it on his neck.
He glances up before he rises back on his socked feet.
Zoro looks about ten pounds lighter, a weight off his shoulders.
And something in Law cracks.
“Better?” He asks, almost whispers.
Zoro nods, eyes closed for a moment longer before he slips off the bed. Law’s hands are already on his chest to catch him but this time he stands tall.
He gives Law a nod, the iris of his eye almost appearing red in the light. Law stares. Trying to determine what just happened, if he’s going to collapse the second he turns his back.
Law has never noticed how much taller he is than Zoro until they are standing face to face. He’s hunched without meaning to. This close he can see Zoro’s throat work.
They nod at each other, breathless for their own reasons.
“Okay?” Law asks. Zoro gives an affirmative noise so Law turns away before be can do something stupid.
“Where are my swords?” Zoro asks as Law makes his way to the door.
“Handyman found them.” He tells him and places his hand on the door. There is no noise from the hallway, the other’s distraction must have worked better than expected.
“They okay?” Zoro asks and Law hesitates before answering.
“You know, I can’t tell if you are asking about your team or your weapons but the answer to both is yes,” He says exasperated and pushes open the door. A quick glance up and down the hallway reveals it to be empty. “Just stay behind me and be quiet-“ He looks over his shoulder, expecting Zoro to stand behind him.
Instead he is by the wall, next to the IV pole he had just been hooked up to. His fingers dance over the chrome carefully before he grasps it, lifting it off the ground to unscrew the foot with the wheels. The bag of fluids flops to the ground like a dead fish.
“What are you doing?” Law hisses but Zoro doesn’t appear to be hearing him. With a few quick twists, Zoro has removed the foot and the hooks at the top of the pole, holding a makeshift staff. His other hand comes to wrap around it reverently and as Law watches, he can almost see that aura rise from Zoro’s shoulders.
His chest heaves with a heavy breath and he gives the pole a practise swing.
Now Law is sure it’s not the light, Zoro’s eye is red. A soft glow. He tilts his head as if listening to a distant noise.
He blinks and his eyes are back to slate gray.
“Let’s go.” He tells Law, who is frozen by the door.
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ishipgenfics · 2 years
You and Your Human: Part 1
You are small. You have tall ears and a long tail you use for balance and to carry things. You are covered in orange-yellow fur. Standing on two legs, you are about three feet tall, but you do not usually stand on two legs. Your front legs have opposable thumbs. Your language is a series of chirps and squeaks.
You are very, very smart. You were a member of your species first space venture. You were sent as a doctor. In the years since, you have worked on nearly twenty different ships. You discovered you have a natural knack for languages. You know everything you would ever need to know.
But... you do not understand humans.
You have heard the stories, of course. Humans are very new to the galaxy, even newer than you, and they are feared. They are strong, able to take levels of pain that would kill even a Xephala. They choose the things they care about, and will destroy anything else without hesitation. They are unaffected by mental tortures, seeming to suppress memories that would make any other species break. They are deadly, and to be avoided at all costs.
But personally, you don't really see it. Your human is bigger than you, of course, but you know that you are small. It rips fabric easily, but it as gentle with you as a Kaysbury beetle. Terror flashed in its eyes when you tried to give it a medical examination. It shrieked like a nestling when it accidentantly cut itself on a bolt.
For Saint's sake, this thing can't even handle spice! How could this possibly be a threat?
You cannot speak with your human. Though you know many languages, you do not know the one it speaks. You are trying to learn. You have never yet found a language you could not master. Until then, you find other ways to understand him.
Your human is tall, obviously compared to you, but even compared to the pictures of other humans you have seen in books. It is good at projecting a confident aura, but it has tells. Its hands shake, just a little, when it is in an enclosed space. It clenches its paws when a Cervilian comes on screen. And it hates medical equipment. Its breathing speeds up noticeably when it is forced to be near such.
You record all your observations with a keen eye and a yellow notepad, and adjust your behavior accordingly.
Although your human seems uncomfortable around others, you need your crew back. This flight was supposed to be a test drive, trying out some of their duties in the new vehicle. You got distracted by your human, but the deadline is swiftly approaching. They will assume you dead if you do not return soon.
Your human is sleeping. You do not know if it has gone at light-speed before, and you do not have the words to explain. You hope it will not awaken.
You hop up into your captain's chair. It was made for a creature taller than you, but it will serve. You tap the appropriate command and passcode into the panel at your side. It glows and hums in acknowledgement. Your human has never been here. It does not like bright lights. You will have to ask Meritha if she can adjust it once you get back.
To your relief, the light-travel goes off without a hitch. It's always a dangerous procedure, no matter how many pamphlets they pass out, and you know it. You also know you aren't the best pilot in your crew. The only reason you were sent was for your diplomacy. You might not make it back, but at least you won't start a war.
You knock on your human's door and it emits a low beeping frequency until your human wakes up. Its lips are pointed downward and it is slumping. Your human dislikes being woken up.
"Thing? What-is?" your human says in your language. You shake your head (means negative, negate action). You know its language better than it knows yours, and you already have to translate for your crew. You have explained countless times that it is simply easier for you to learn rather than it, but your human is persistent. It is... endearing. In its way.
"New place," you explain. "New people. You okay?"
"Why?" your human answers. It looks uncertain. You jump up onto its shoulder and run dexterous fingers through its hair. Your human likes touch.
"Ship," you hesitate. "More safe with them. Them here, than you safer. Us safer."
"They are good?" your human asks. Its voice is low. It is being vulnerable, showing its emotions. You are so proud.
You nod. Your tail is swaying, your eyes are bright, your ears tall. It's honestly a little embarrassing-- you are glad your human can't read Pyrican body language. "Good. Safe."
You land upon the planet, your human by your side. It is wrapped up in tight clothes and a mask. It did not fight this, although you did not have the words to explain why. Your human never seemed to need the explanation that being a human was a dangerous thing in this galaxy. It knew.
Your crew is not here. This is the meeting spot. You checked, and double checked. It is in an isolated location, but with a mountain to serve as an easy sign if you land in the wrong place. This is the right spot. And you are here and they are not.
They... left you.
You have left ships before, of course. When you would get a new assignment, if you saw a better opportunity, if they did something you could not tolerate, if they asked you to do things you were unable to do. You are not a criminal, but you are a freelancer, which means you have run in the same vein as criminals before. Every time you left, it was professional and communicated clearly. If a fight broke out after that, well, that wasn't really your fault now was it?
You have never been left like this. You did not realize quite how much it would hurt.
You feel a gentle tap on one of your front legs, and turn around to see it is your human. It is bent down, with an expression you do not quite recognize on its face. "You-safe?" it asks. "Body tesned. Mind tensed. Me worried you?"
You are too tired to tell it to speak its native language, to not bother itself for you. You are one of the few species that can safely produce adrenaline, and although it doesn't make you a saints-damned killing machine like it does with humans, the crash is just as bad.
"Expected outcome not," you try to explain. Your small body shakes with heavy breathing. Light-travel is stressful and adrenaline is a void of a drug. "Crew should be here. Crew not here. Alone."
Your human wraps you up in a gentle embrace. You feel certain that if it just squeezed a little tighter, it could pop you like a balloon, but it does not. "I am here."
Whimpering and snuffling, you bury your face into your human and let yourself cry.
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hyunsvngs · 1 year
Having a girls night with fem!lixie and she confesses that she doesn't really enjoy sex because her bf can't satisfy her so you take it into your own hands to show her how good it could feel
been thinking about this for days and i'm finally answering it baby. bc imagine both of u in cute lil matching shortie pyjamas and ur painting her nails... tw lixie is secretly evil
you're halfway through painting her nails a pretty pink. they're not too long, only just about reaching the end of her dainty little fingers. the colour is sheer, but you're planning on layering it until you look up and see a confused little pout on her face. "what is it, lixie?" you question, tilting your head to the side. "do you not like the colour? i thought this is the one you chose, right?"
"no, the colour's perfect," she sighs. you put the tiny paintbrush back in the pot, screwing the top on and putting it to her bedside table. her whole room is bathed in a soft pink glow, courtesy of a cute salt lamp and her overall vibe. when you turn back to her. she's staring down at her nails, her short blonde mullet wavy against the long column of her neck. "do you ever think you might be gay?"
you almost choke on air. "lixie, baby, i am into women. you knew that, right?"
lixie blinks, and then she's holding back a laugh. "you're right. i knew that," she shakes her head, rubbing her temples with one small hand. "i just mean... i've been dating that guy i told you about for a while now. i just don't feel a spark with any guy i date. they can never... y'know."
you raise your eyebrows. "they can never make you cum?"
she bites her lip, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "no! none of them can. so, i was gonna ask you if like... you'd help me try, since we're best friends, and then i'll know if i can cum, or even if i'm gay, and it won't even be awkward because we love eachother so much and-"
"yes," you cut her off. maybe you're being selfish, because you've wanted to get your hands on her for so long, but who cares. it's what best friends are for, right? lixie gasps at your intrusion, before she's shrugging and trying to act nonchalant. she does this a lot, screwing her cute little face up and her eyes soft but nervous. her pyjamas are soft when you let your hands go to her thighs, the pastel pink satin matching your own lilac ones. "lixie, honey, it's just me. we don't have to do anything if you're not comfortable."
she throws herself on top of you, finally dry nails on her hands going into your hair. she pauses, up close to your face, and you see her eyes flitting to your lips. her freckles are darker than normal, given that summer has just passed, and she looks so fucking beautiful you can't help but sigh. as soon as the noise passes your lips, lixie is kissing you, her tongue desperate as she darts it into your mouth.
"baby, calm down," you giggle, pushing her back onto the bed. her soft blonde waves fan out over her pillow, and she huffs, thrashing her legs. "it's just me-"
"i know it's just you, but i- you're hot, you know that," you shake your head fondly, trying to hold back a laugh. you don't even stop her when she unbuttons her pyjama shirt, yanking it off of her narrow shoulders and exposing cute, perky tits in a white lace bralette. she's just as impatient taking her shorts off, dragging them down lithe legs and exposing her matching panties. you can see how wet her pussy is through the lace, and you scoff. already?
you can't help it anymore. you giggle, shutting your eyes in disbelief. "lixie, was this all a ploy to get me into bed? you're awfully wet already."
when you open your eyes, there's a pink blush beneath her freckles. "okay, yeah, i knew you'd help me cum. he's really bad in bed, and you're sexy and clearly make me very wet. is that... i'm evil, aren't i?"
"you're a little bit evil," you muse, running your thumb over her clothed folds. "i kinda knew all along, though. slut." it's affectionate, but still makes her keen. her toned tummy jumps as you tease her, lithe legs falling further apart.
"mm, touch me more," she begs, her teeth digging into her plush bottom lip. she looks like the cat who finally got the cream. she's evil, she'd planned this, but you're so, so into it. "make me cum, yeah?"
you lean down, kissing her lips again before murmuring against them. "i'll make you cum over and over, evil girl."
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WIBTA if I(26nb) stopped answering my ex (27nb) or asked them to stop messaging me?
They aren't asking to get back together. A while back, my partner dumped me bc we just weren't talking as much, were into different things, and drifted apart. Normal stuff people break up over all the time. They told me there was no hard feelings on their end, and I was the same. It was kind of a bummer but the fact that I wasn't especially upset was evidence the relationship was dead at that point.
At the time, my New Ex™️ asked if I needed space or if it would be okay to check in on me from time to time and make sure I was okay because, even though I said I was fine, they were worried about the effect this would have on my mental health. I'm clinically depressed and they were aware things had gotten pretty drastic years before we even met, but the entire time we knew each other I was stable, and even when I was low I wasn't a danger to myself. I have meds and a good therapist and a lot of practice with coping strategies, I'm good to go, I got a handle on myself before we met and I still have a handle on myself now. Obviously mental health isn't a guaranteed thing and just because I'm currently okay doesn't mean I always will be, but I have the tools to handle it when needed.
All this to say, when they asked if they could check up on my mental health, I was a little taken aback, wondering if they thought this would drive me to something extreme and if so why would they think that. I assured them that I was fine, totally stable and doing well and they had nothing to worry about, but I'd like to stay friends so sure, message me whenever you want.
I figured they'd check in on me in the immediate aftermath, which they did, but I thought that once that aftermath had passed they would go back to messaging me more conversationally, if at all. But since then, they keep doing "check in's" every few weeks to make sure I'm okay. This is not something they did when we were dating. I've been playing along because I'm the one who said it was okay, but I'm starting to feel a little bit weird about it?
Maybe I'm being too sensitive but it rubs me the wrong way that they only message me to do these check-ins, as if they think I'm going to fly off the deep end because we broke up. As if messaging me isn't having a convo with a friend but is instead some sort of wellness check they're obligated to perform. Like I said, I was taken aback to begin with by the implications of this, but now that they're still treating me like that months later, it's kind of pissing me off.
They literally just say "checking in" and nothing else, and they don't seem keen to converse otherwise. It gives me wellness check vibes which bothers me because I'm not in crisis, I've never been in crisis while they've known me, and them dumping me certainly didn't change that. I cannot emphasize enough that even when I was deep in depressive lows while we dated, it was never their job to do this sort of thing and they only started doing it after we broke up. It feels like they think I'm too weak or too unstable to actually be okay without them, even though I've repeatedly said that I'm currently thriving and to my knowledge there's no reason for them to think I'm currently a danger to myself.
Part of me wants to just start ignoring the messages but I'm worried that if this person thinks I'm so at-risk they need to keep checking on me months and months after dumping me, they might assume the worst if I just stop answering. The rest of me wants to just ask them to knock it off, but in that case I'm worried I'll come off as defensive and unreasonable, like I'm being offended over someone caring about my wellbeing, or that my frustration with this behaviour will make it come off harsher than I want it to. I don’t want to attack them for being worried about me, even if I find the degree of worry a bit insulting at this point.
My ex does not have an anxiety disorder and is not an anxious person at all. I have never threatened to do anything to myself in the time they've known me, and my reaction to the breakup was very calm and casual. I don’t know why they're acting like this, but it feels... I dunno, infantilizing? Condescending? I don’t know how exactly to describe it other than that it kind of feels like a slap in the face after the years and years of work I put into getting to this point with my mental health, none of which I needed them or even knew them for.
Would I be the asshole if I asked them to stop and was honest about why? Should I just ask them to stop and not elaborate? But then, if they ask, I don't want to lie, but maybe this is a situation where honesty isn't the best policy? Should I keep my mouth shut because they aren't actually doing anything wrong and I'm the one who said I fine with them checking on me? I was fine with it in the short-term, if a bit confused, but I never imagined it would still be going on months later.
What are these acronyms?
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marc--chilton · 5 months
mgv house!! okay so what if house is left alone in his & wilson’s apartment while wilson goes to a conference in another state, and something about being away from wilson for a longer period than normal mixed with a bad pain day triggers an early heat. he tries to ignore it for a day or so, since wilson had scheduled this so perfectly to line up with their cycles (which had synced and were due in like a week) BUT eventually he just Cannot Handle It so he calls wilson absolutely RABID with the need to be railed so hard he forgets his own name. cue wilson pacing a hotel room and trying to a) get a plane home asap, like calling around madly trying to find some way to get back to his omega. b) have desperate needy phone sex with house to try and help as much as he can from a distance and c) keep his own rut at bay which is becoming increasingly more difficult since he keeps hearing house whining and begging and pleading and whimpering about how desperately he needs to be knotted 🥰 pls also imagine what both of them would do the SECOND wilson opens the front door to their apartment. thank u for ur time
some omegas cycles aren't so bad, manageable with toys if an alpha isn't available, but house's heats are SO bad. he fevers, he aches, and the stress to his system aggravates his leg until he's in agony. the echo of his Doctor Brain telling him the endorphins will help; his hands shook so bad when he tried to take some vicodin he dropped the bottle out of his nest, and getting out of it when he feels that bad is unfathomable.
he still has the phone at his bedside, though. and even as miserable and stupid as he is, he still manages to call wilson. luckily wilson is his hotel room in vermont when he picks up because house's keening is more than audible to any would-be passerby. he hadn't even had a chance to snarkily greet him before house was whining these awful rattling breaths. it sets off alarms immediately. he knows those noises.
"it's your heat, isn't it?" a meek yeah tinged with pain is his answer.
but when he tries to hang up so he can call cuddy, house sobs. the resolve shatters instantly. so wilson instead calls cuddy with the room's phone with his cell close enough for house to pick up his voice but with his thumb over the speaker to muffle the sounds of an omega in distress.
at first, cuddy simply does not believe him. "he's probably just bored and trying to trick you. there's that saying, 'everyone lies'--"
and it swells something ugly and protective in his gut, just like every other time he has to defend house from her, or the board, or vogler, or tritter, or the fucking hundreds of other people that have the power to make house's life worse.
"you think i don't know my own omega?" he growls without thinking. a challenge is clear in his words, one alpha to another. later wilson would wince at his choice of words and nothing else.
the line crackles with cuddy's sigh after a few seconds of silence -- even house's muffled whining on the cell has dimmed. "dammit, wilson," she huffs wearily. "he's already pulling you down to his level. at this rate you'll be in full rut by tomorrow, just in time for your panel--"
"i know, lisa." wilson has to set his cell down to pinch the bridge of his nose before he snaps again. "but i need you to find me the next flight back. he needs me."
cuddy's tone is laced with something almost sad among the ire. "he always needs you, wilson. you owe me." then she hangs up.
he lets himself have a moment of composure only to realize house has been quiet. cautious, not unlike how he would approach house when he's in the throes of it in person, he puts the cell back up to his ear. house is saying something and sheets are rustling. "house? you still with me? i can't hear you."
the shifting gets louder -- did he drop the phone? -- and suddenly house is panting into the receiver, "yours... 'm yours, always..." and wilson is FLOORED at how he can almost smell the pheromones through the phone, can practically see house's pathetic attempts to grind into the bed when his leg is spasming.
it's so pitiful it makes wilson's heart clench and his slacks tight. "oh, honey...."
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southparktegreity · 1 year
✩ study buddies
[ kenny mccormick x reader ]
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synopsis : you'd never really met kenny mccormick, not until you two both got partnered with each other for a project. you seemed to catch his eye after that.
gender : neutral cws : none word count : 2,424 requested : yess !! off tumblr a friend requested it :))
NOTICE : all characters are aged 19/20's! this takes place in college !
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You were never the type to go out of your way to talk to people. Some people dubbed you the most introverted introvert they'd met, though that's only if they got to meet you. Generally speaking, you had avoided nearly everyone at your school - and previous schools before this one.
However, here you were, sitting next to Kenny McCormick. Somehow you managed to get partnered with one of four people you had wanted to avoid. You were never too fond of 'Stan's team' as most people called them. They were loud and brash, and drew all kinds of attention. There was Stanley Marsh himself, the drunken wallflower. Kyle Broflovski, one of the few straight A students with quite the temperament. Eric Cartman, who had fucked you over more times than you could count, and then finally - Kenny McCormick. You didn't really know much about Kenny, aside from the few rumors about his perverted nature. Though, rumors were just rumors, and you couldn't be bothered to believe them.
Kenny was looking at you, you could feel that. His gaze snapped you out of your thoughts. You just weren't sure what to say or do, staring down at the assignment paper - examining it as if it was the most important thing in the world. Kenny slowly looked over your shoulder, as he sat next to you. He was looking down at your intense gaze - as if you were avoiding looking at him.
"I don't bite, you know." Kenny spoke with a charming smile, one that would woo anyone with a beating heart. Including you. You could feel your face subtly heat up under embarrassment, realizing you should've said something sooner. All you could muster up was an apologetic look on your face, before leaning back in your chair and setting your homework down.
Kenny clearly took note of this, though feeling unsure as to why you weren’t too keen on talking. He didn’t know you very well. In fact, he’d bargain to say he’d never even really heard of you. At least not from his main friends. He knew you talked to his good friend, Butters occasionally and sometimes Heidi but other than that, who were you? Kenny felt himself slipping away into his thoughts, as you continued to work on whatever the assignment was.
Your mind wandered to Kenny as you looked down at your paper, beginning to read the instructions aloud. You couldn't help but peek over your paper to see if he was even listening, to which you found his eyes wandering around the classroom.
"Are you okay?" You mustered up the courage to say, after long consideration. "We can work on this another time, if you're busy - or just aren't feeling it."
"Uh -" Kenny looked back at you as you snapped him out of whatever he was thinking about. "Yeah, yeah actually. We should go to a park or something." He spoke gently towards you.
"No need. Let's just go over to my house. I can order pizza or something. My parents should be out for the rest of the night anyways." You softly smiled as you got up, starting to move away as you picked up your stuff. "Just be over there around five, okay?"
"Sweet! That's perfect, I'll see you then!" Kenny smiled at you, his grin evident in his eyes. When you turn away, he mumbles a silent prayer - thank god he didn't have to bring you over to his house. What a nightmare that would've been.
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Meanwhile throughout the school day, Kenny decided to ask around about you. He decided to skip out on asking his friends, knowing exactly how that would turn out (especially with Cartman there). So that left him with Cartman's ex, or his own best friend. One of which would probably give him the most straightforward answer.
Kenny found himself looking around for Butters, only to find you talking to him right in front of his locker. His heart nearly stopped as he hid behind the nearest wall, listening in to your conversation with him. Kenny knew it was wrong to eavesdrop, but he couldn't help himself! He had known nothing about you, wouldn't you do the same?
"Heya, y/n! Whatcha doin' later? Wanna come over?" Kenny heard Butters say. He had no idea you two were close enough to hang out. That got his mind wandering, and he felt a pinch in his heart.
"Oh... I wish we could hang out but I invited Kenny over to work on some school work."
"What? Really? I didn't know you guys were friends! Oh hamburgers, I woulda gotten you both to hang out sooner!" Butters spoke with a giggle and a smile - as he always did.
"I don't know if I'd call us friends..." You shrugged, placing a hand behind your neck. "...He's just coming over to finish up our project - not that we even really started."
"Oh I getcha." Butters looked down, then back at you. "I'll see ya around y/n, I gotta get to class!" You waved your goodbyes to each other. You turned the corner only to find a certain blonde, bumping into him and dropping your stuff.
"Oh - shit! I'm so sorry.." You immediately bend down and start grabbing your stuff, quickly before picking up a book with someone else's hand touching yours. You looked over at Kenny, his face flushing a little as you both stood there holding the book and each others hands. Your stomach started feeling funny, doing backflips on itself. You quickly put your book back in your pile, out of pure embarrassment, then standing up to look down at Kenny.
"Sorry." Is all you could muster up before walking away. Little did you know, you forgot three little papers on the ground, leaving Kenny to pick them up for you. He smiled down, looking at them. He couldn't help but admire the little doodles you put on the page, little swirls or silly characters. He sighed bashfully, holding onto the papers on his chest and walked off gleefully. Completely forgetting to talk to Butters entirely.
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Kenny found himself paying more attention to you, he could never quite catch up with who you were with or spending time with each hour. It was a new group each period, but you never seemed to stay with them for very long. He wondered what it would be like to have so many friends. He's only really hung around his little group of four, and Butters of course.
He couldn't help but watch as you spoke to Wendy about who knows what. He couldn't help but watch your eyes light up as you spoke about something with her. He couldn't help as his mind wandered, were you talking about a boy? Someone other than him? A friend of yours? A friend of his?? Butters?? He felt that same tinge he felt earlier, that same jealous feeling sneaking around him like a snake.
His mood was now sullied, as he looked down at his desk - putting his head down on it. Wondering to himself how he'd never given you the time of day sooner.
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Meanwhile, you were talking to Wendy about a certain orange parka wearing boy. You were asking her questions about Kenny, trying to figure out if he was sweet and interested or if he was similar to a certain chubby trouble maker in his group.
"So... Wendy. I wanted to ask you a bit about Kenny.. Is he um -" Your face flushed a little before speaking up. "You know is he like the people he hangs out with?" You fidgeted with your hands.
"Why are you asking me this? I thought you two didn't really talk?" Wendy looked at you a little confused, putting a hand on her hip.
"Oh! Um... we got paired together for a project, and I just - you know... want to make sure he's a good dude and all." You fumbled over your words, giving Wendy a hint as to what you were really getting at.
"Well, I've only hung out with Stan's friends a couple times... usually without Cartman there." Wendy looked up, putting her hand on her chin and thought for a moment. "Kenny's pretty quiet, he's got a similar sense of humor to Cartman but I don't think he's even nearly as bad as him. Though, he does have a reputation with women. I think it's all fake though, probably one of the girls spreading rumors about him." She shrugged.
"Reputation?" You looked at Wendy with curious eyes. You thought back to what you told him earlier, 'nobodies home' and hoped to yourself he didn't take it the wrong way.
"You know, a lot of people say he sleeps around. Like I said though, I think that's probably just rumors people made up - wouldn't be surprised if it was Cartman or one of the girls." She sighed. "I'm sure he's nice though." Wendy smiled at you, a genuine one. "You two would make a cute couple." She said gently nudging your shoulder as you both looked over at Kenny with his head on his desk.
"You really think? Wait -" You looked back at Wendy, asking her somewhat confused as to how she knew where you were going with all of this.
"Mhm." She nodded her head, looking back at you while putting a hand on your shoulder. "Nothing gets by me!" You both laughed together, chatting a little more. Your eyes couldn't help themselves and kept glancing over at a certain boy.
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You had just finished up cleaning your room, preparing some space around your desk area for the both of you to work. Soon after you had heard the doorbell ring, which prompted you to run down the stairs, but not before taking one last look in the mirror to make sure you looked good.
You swiftly opened the door, looking at Kenny up and down before opening the door a little more to let him in.
“Hey.” He looked at you, awkwardly stumbling into the door.
"Hey, Kenny." You smiled at him, a little nervous. "We can go up to my room? You know to study." You spoke, pointing to the direction of your room.
"That's what I'm here for right?" Awkwardness hung through the air, you both looking back at each other unsure as to why the tension was building.
You nodded, leading him off to your room. You made sure to leave some space around for him to sit at your desk.
"We should get to reading the textbook right? Since it's part of the assignment?"
Kenny nodded as he sat down, flipping through random pages in his backpack, lord knows he'd never organize any of it. While Kenny was searching for his stuff, you decided to get right into reading, hoping the tension in the room would cease and you both could relax a little.
Kenny hung onto every word you spoke, for once in his life he felt like he was understanding the passages in the textbook. He couldn’t help but think to himself how beautiful you were, even while speaking about something mundane and uninteresting. Somehow you were able to grab hid attention, with the topic and otherwise. Maybe it was the glimmer in your eyes when you spoke, or the way you’d fumble over your words whenever you looked up at him. Kenny watched you work as if it was the last time he’d see you. That was, until you broke his trance.
You had stood up, and started to stretch. Your joints making that sweet classic noise as you started to stretch. Your arms in the air, bending over each other. Kenny watched, for a moment and thinking about how flexible you must be. He shook his head ridding himself of the thought, thinking it’s probably better he doesn’t make a joke about that (just yet). His mind wandered back to what it had earlier, the tinge in his heart when he thought of you with someone else. He needed to act now and fast.
“I’ve something for you.” Kenny opened up his bag, taking out the notes you had left when you dropped your stuff. “You left this.. when you bumped into me.” Kenny smiled, feeling a little awkward.
“Thank you Kenny.” You met his gaze, just for a split second before turning away and setting them on the table.
“Um.. I figure, while I’m here… I might as well ask…” He took a deep breath in, looking down at the papers you both had been working on earlier. “Do you like Butters?” His eyes met yours, desperate for you to say no, not that you’d ever know that.
“Pff - what kind of question is that?” You couldn’t help but let out a giggle. “We’re in college now! Remember? This isn’t elementary school!” You nudged his arm, your touch lingering a little bit longer than usual.
“So.. I take it that’s a no?” He perked up, his confidence rising a little more than it had been before.
“Yes, I don’t like Butters.” You giggled, leaning closer to Kenny. “But… there is someone I’ve had my eye on all morning.” You nervously put a hand back on the table, sitting back down to regain and steady yourself.
“Mm, and who might that be?” Kenny questioned, raising an eyebrow at you - almost teasingly.
“I dunno, why? Are you getting jealous?” You teased right back to him, the air playful and your hearts beating faster.
“So what if I am? You gonna do something about it?” Kenny looked back at you, glancing at your lips before looking back at your eyes.
“Mm.. maybe, maybe not. We’ll see where the night takes us.”
“Oohh.. you’re such a tease.” Kenny flushed, looking over and away from you. His face looking off to the side.
This prompted you to place a hand on his cheek turning him to look at you. He looked back at you, then your lips, then at you, signaling for you to make a move. Then you quickly placing a gentle kiss on kiss lips, reaching your other hand up and on his other cheek. Meanwhile, his hands found themselves placed against your waist, holding you gently as to not ruin the moment. Unfortunately, you both were soon running out of air - leading you to let go of him, looking back at his blue eyes.
“How’s that for being a tease?”
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