#It shall not be named bc then I can't pretend it's normal and fine and not unhealthy for me and my life 👍
mrfoox · 9 months
I'm doing that thing I always do again
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mystk · 8 months
😨omegaverse inspired plz send help
Muzan wearing his S/O's clothes BC they smell like S/O and it's comforting
As always, minors DNI.
I lost my favorite gif whatever shall I do
I keep trying to write smut but I just physically can't so this is angst (sorry)
Also I'm tired of referring to his partner as ??? Or S/O so I would appreciate name suggestions.
Want a PT 2?
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??? Grinned, gently petting muzan as they sat next to him in bed, admiring the way their shirt looked on him.
With a muffled yawn Muzan blinked up lazily at ???, sighing and pressing his head back against their hand.
"Ain't you a pretty thing, Zan." ??? Cooed, gently scratching the top of his head. Muzan sighed and sat up fully, "I told you to stop calling me that." Was Muzans only response as he pushed the hand away.
"Ah, don't be like that. You love me." ??? Laughed and wrapped an arm around his waist, "Why do you keep taking my clothes, anyways?"
Muzan muttered something under his breath and turned away, flushing pink.
"I didn't quite catch that, doll." Muzan glared in response and shoved them away.
Muzan wished he had told the truth back when he still had ???, knew they would have laughed and told him it was cute.
Muzan would do anything to hear ???'s voice again, even if it was them saying they hated Muzan.
Anything to have them back.
Muzan pretended it was fine, he was over them. That's why he wore their shirts to bed, that's why he sobbed into his pillow when the smell of them started to fade.
it was familiar and in familiarity he found comfort. And now that comfort was being wrenched away.
Muzan had tried to find ways to cope after their death but nothing worked, he tried sleeping around and abstinence and throwing their stuff away and keeping their keepsakes with him.
It never worked.
He sighed as he glanced at the curtained window, shame weighing him down, repulsed at the unprecedented thought that shot through his head.
Muzan felt fresh tears well in his eyes as he brings his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms around himself and letting himself cry.
How far he had fallen.
Disdain, hatred momentarily graces him, how fucking dare they leave him like this?
Muzan knew he was a sight for sore eyes, tear stained blotchy skin and sunken eyes, dirty hair and pale lips.
He couldn't bring himself to get out of bed most days let alone shower or brush his teeth.
Why even try to live anymore.
Muzan looked back at the curtains with more intensity
How long would it take, how much would it hurt?
He would gladly spend centuries burning for a chance to see them again.
He brushed away the thoughts, grabbing a shirt of theirs and breathing it in, he could pretend it was normal for a moment.
Pretend he was waking up to the smell of ??? Making their repulsive human food, wake to the smell of their shampoo as they woke him up after having a shower, still smelling faintly of smoke no matter what soaps they used.
Muzan sighed, wiping his tears as he sat up.
He was distantly aware of the fact he was hungry but he didn't care enough to get up and eat.
Why even bother?
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uc-fakeadoption-au · 3 years
herói do futuro: chapter 2
read on ao3:
chapter count: 2/?
rating: teen and up audiences
category: gen
warnings: no (archive) warnings apply
relationships: Nathan Drake & Victor Sullivan, Nathan Drake & Samuel Drake, Samuel Drake & Victor Sullivan
additional tags: fake adoption au, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, also titled just a dad and his two sons, Young Nate, Young Sam, aka hes not balding yet lmaoo, “young” sully, Team as Family, Fluff and Angst, pretty good amounts of fluff tbh, Family Bonding, accidental family acquisition, There will be headcanons, content warning for sully bc he’s young and hot, dare i say…dilf sully?, yes beta we DON’T die (like sam!!!), place-filler ocs (they don’t mean shit to the story I just needed someone for certain roles)
no summary for this chapter! sorry,,
alternative to ao3 under the cut:
Victor had to admit, that had been a pretty good save. It was a bit suspicious if you knew what to look for, but it seemed like it fooled the social worker. Or maybe she knew of their troublemaker reputation and just decided to not bother with it. Probably. She beckoned the Morgans over, trapping them close by putting a firm hand on each of their shoulders. Yeah, she definitely knew what was up.
"Boys, why don't you introduce yourselves to Mr. Smith here?", she squeezed their shoulders to drive the point home. Nathan couldn't hide a wince, while Samuel just rolled his eyes, batting her hand away.
"Yeah, whatever. I'm pretty sure the old man here already knows 'bout both our names. I mean, you were yelling around earlier".
"Well, I'm Nate, uh, Nathan. Nathan Morgan". The poor kid looked pretty uncomfortable. Well, that was his brother's fault, though.
"Yeah, no, I've got an old man's memory, you know. Please do tell me both your names, kids". Samuel seemed pretty annoyed at that. Good.
"Nice to meet you, Nathan. How about you, kid?"
Samuel just stayed silent for a moment too long, crossing his arms.
"Well?", Reed nudged him with an elbow.
He huffed, "Watch what you're doing with that arm, lady. You could have put a hole in my back acting like that, geez".
"Okay fine, it's Samuel. Happy now?"
She gave him a look.
"Very", she retorted.
Kid really didn't want to do any of this, huh. Brought this on himself, being a little shit like that.
"Very nice to meet you, kid", he jested.
"Uh-huh. Can't say the same, though".
Nathan, who had been pretty quiet during the whole thing, finally did a little pretend-slap-and glare routine at his brother, complete with a drawn-out whine of "Saaaaam!". It was kinda adorable, actually. Who was he kidding, it was really annoying. But the kid was like, 8, so it was probably normal, he guessed.
"Can we go now?", Samuel pointedly stared at Reed.
"Sure, you are dismissed. Just don't go set anything on fire or anything like that ".
"Sure thing, Miss Reed", Nathan gave his best mock salute before running after his brother, who was already somewhere in the very back of the courtyard.
Well, that was interesting, for lack of a better term.
"Well, now that you got to talk to the boys, shall we go to the administration office, Mr. Smith? We still have to discuss paperwork and some other details".
He mumbled some vague affirmative, following the woman inside. He still had to get his wallet back.
"Actually, can you point me to the bathroom? I'll come up to administration in a second".
The social worker didn't seem surprised, "Sure Mr., Smith, take your time".
Going for the scenic route, he actually went in the way of the bathrooms before circling back right to the courtyard. He found the Morgans perched on a tall tree.
"It was a nice lift back there. You boys are pretty good".
At that, both of them whirled around. Nathan almost fell right out of the tree.
"I dunno what you're talking about, old man", spat Samuel from his perch, his brother nodding along.
"Again, don't call me that. Your technique was actually pretty sloppy". He pointed at Samuel, "You couldn't come up with an engaging enough conversation, couldn't distract for shit", gesturing vaguely at Nathan, "And you were telegraphing all your moves".
The brothers exchanged astonished looks.
"Yeah? I guess you figured me an easy mark. But you kids picked the wrong guy".
"You're crazy", piped the younger boy.
Both of them looked ready to bail.
"Hey, before you get any ideas. My wallet".
They just stared.
"Fine, maybe I'll just call Reed to handle you. Maybe even one of the nuns — Sister Catherine seems to have taken a real shine on you two".
"Sure, do whatever you want, old man"
"But of course", completed Nathan, "Miss Reed could wonder what you're doing back here now that she already took you back inside".
They both dismissed him, Samuel with a sweep of a hand, Nathan with a half-hearted shrug.
Oh, it's on. "Well, you two sure are crafty little beggars, aren't you?"
"Anyways, I'm sure you don't wanna get caught in a mess just because of a misunderstanding, right Smith?", rebutted the eldest brother. "I assume you don't wanna get in trouble more than we do".
"Good point".
With a smirk, he turned back around, his brother following his example.
Nathan scoffed and tossed the wallet back down, while his brother just rolled his eyes and shook his head. As Victor left the courtyard, he could still see two little figures perched on the distant tree, swinging their feet around.
"Kid!" They barely glanced back, the little shits."The wallet".
Fortunately, Reed didn't insist on escorting him out, "trusting" him to know the way back out. Well more like she was busy with something and/or done with him, and couldn't be bothered.
He narrowly managed to get back inside and on route to the administration office before Reed came looking for him. He played it off as just a long bathroom break and gave his best half-baked excuse as to why he had to leave, right now, it was very urgent Miss Reed, the paperwork will have to wait.
While the visit hadn't been so good in terms of reconnaissance, he had found something (or someone) useful indeed.
Surely, that wouldn't be too hard.
The Morgan brothers were clumsy and untrained but had good instincts. Obviously, he did not want those boys to pursue it to a life of crime — he knew how that was, firsthand — he was sure he could negotiate to use their "talents" and knowledge of the place, work as scouts for him. He just had to figure out what those kids could possibly want in turn.
Okay, turns out it was a bitch getting any kind of clue from these boys. Just what he needed.
Out of the three times he tried to go back and talk to them, he only managed to get actually face to face with them once — and they bolted the second they recognized him (though it did look like it was Samuel who was calling the shots and dragging his brother around). While he wasn't as closely watched as the first visit — the social worker didn't really follow his every step anymore — the nuns sure were nosy. Nothing he couldn't handle, but it just wasn't worth the effort, getting them off his tail.
Another big problem was that he kept having to make up excuses not to go up to administration and those were getting worse by the second. At some point, maybe at the third visit, they got a hold of him long enough for the paperwork thing. At least the client had enough foresight — and money to throw around — to actually set up some kind of "backstory" along with the fake name. Thankfully, thanks to that Victor didn't get into trouble with the background check.
He was sure that if the kids could stay still and actually listen for once they'd consider his proposal, hell they might even enjoy it if pickpocketing random strangers was their idea of a fun afternoon.
Maybe, if he could get through to Nathan, the kid would listen and get the message to his brother. It was almost impossible to get the brothers separated long enough, as Samuel himself had told Reed earlier, his brother was always close by. Goddammit, this was looking worse and worse
And the main, most troubling point still remained: what the hell could possibly want in exchange for spying for him? It just really looked like they just didn't want to be here…
He had to hope he lucked out and found the kid by himself for once.
Guess he can have nice things for once. He found the kid balancing on the edge of a lowish roof, trying —  and failing — to pretend he wasn't trying to look through a higher window.
"Hey kid, what are you doing there all alone? Your brother abandoned you?", the boy just gave him a dirty side glance, going right back to his anxious window watching.
From the muffled half-yelling, he assumed that their troublemaking ways had caught up with the brothers. Maybe Samuel had taken one for the team to spare his brother the sermon?
"Get down, son. I gotta ask you something".
"Shh, I'm busy. Get back later".
Victor huffed, amused, "No can do, kid.  I swear you're gonna like it if your little pickpocketing lessons are any indication".
At that, he looked back down, an excited spark in his eyes. He did manage to catch himself pretty quickly, putting on his best poker face. Which sucked, honestly.
"Sam told me not to talk to you at all. And he meant it".
"Oh yeah?".
"I think he's mad because you called his tactics shitty. Also, you insulted me, that's a big no-no". He shrugged, "So, no talking".
"Well he isn't here right now, is he? And anyway, what's he gonna do? Noogie you to death?"
He paused at that. Wow.
"Come on kid, I can see you're itching to hear it, come on down. What your brother doesn't know won't kill him. You can always tell him everything later".
"That's uh, a good point", that's right Sullivan, you almost got him.
At that, the boy finally jumped down from the roof. Finally, He made a vague "follow me" gesture, lighting a cigar as he walked a little ways over.
He told the kid about how he had been lying about a lot of things, how the name he knew him by wasn't even the real deal. He made a big show out of revealing the true one, giving the whole "my friends call me Sully" spiel.
The kid really tried his best to seem unmoved. In all his 8-year-old glory, tried to ask what was his angle, to which he replied with a simple affirmation of his and his brother's talent, which could only be improved with training, which he could provide if they helped him do a little something. Plus, they'd get another little thing in the end which was clearly way more to his and his brother's benefit, anyway.
Appeal to their ego, lay out the preposition, simple. It was obvious the kid was already sold on the idea. Now, he just had to hope the kid managed to do the same with his brother.
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