#Isthmus Beer
Whether traveling to Madison, Wisconsin, for business or pleasure, you’re in for a treat. While the capital city is relatively small, it’s genuinely quite pretty in places. But not only that, it has quite a diverse culinary scene.It’s no surprise that Madison, like the rest of Wisconsin, is famous for its cheese (and cheese curds!), so many restaurants feature unique dishes that include the state’s most popular ingredient. Madison is also well-known for its superb craft beer, which you can find at many local restaurants and during festivals like the Great Taste of the Midwest and the Isthmus Beer & Cheese Festival.
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verita-lapalissiana · 8 months
so anyway I know this means nothing cause I'm just some dumb idiot with a phone, but imho there's every reason to claim that the biggest part of the Middle East is historically more closely tied with the Mediterranean and Europe than with Asia. Surely, it's got deep connections with both regions but if we just started teaching kids that the border between Europe and Asia was the Iranian plateau or some shit, I think it would give us just a bit of a different perspective in general, especially regarding the current events. After all, the border Europe/Asia is an arbitrary line anyway, why not move it to include the easternmost territories of the Roman/Byzantine/Ottoman Empire? The birthplaces of the Great Abrahamic Religions? The place where the alphabet, beer and the hexadecimal timekeeping methods come from? Like, I swear the more I think about it the more it just seems to me that whoever drew the line at the Caucasus only wanted to exclude the Arabic/Muslim/Middle Eastern populations out of spite.
And yeah I don't mean to say these countries don't have equally as strong ties with the Indian subcontinent, northern Africa or Central Asia, but meh, after all with Africa the geographic boundary at the Suez isthmus works perfect as is; the only thing I'd probably get along with would be to just come up with a whole new continent which groups the Middle East, the Iranian plateau and the Indian subcontinent, but then there's the nightmare of deciding where this new continent ends, and also what should we name it. Anyway yeah if anyone reads this and has any feedback to give you'd be much welcome to share
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kangamommynow · 1 year
A lesson in Madison drinking geography
You may have heard that Wisconsin is a state where beer culture and drinking culture are dominant. That's quite true. The rates of binge drinking are higher here than most other states.
Let me tell you a bit about Madison downtown.
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Madison is centered on an isthmus. The state Capitol is in the middle of it, and the University of Wisconsin is on the west end, spreading out. It's a very large university and we have a lot of bars.
The area I've circled in red is some of the primarily student area, which continues farther west. Most of the student housing is there, ranging from recently built 5-8 story apartment buildings to a shit ton of older houses than are now divided into apartments. Most of the bars in this area are student focused. I've learned, as an Uber driver, what the reputation is for most of the bars, which ones are known to be for upperclassmen, which for freshmen and sophomores (underage).
The area circled in green around the state Capitol building still has a lot of student housing, but most of the bars and restaurants are more adult focused (young professionals, couples out for date night, etc).
There are two really big drinking events each school year.
Freakfest. The Halloween for UW. This used to be a wilder and more dangerous situation, but now it's more controlled. There are stages with bands and heavy police presence. It generally takes place along State Street (highlighted in purple), a pedestrian street running from the Capitol to the campus. It's definitely a wild party. Officially one weekend, but tends to run to a full week.
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Freakfest photo, looking towards the Capitol.
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The other big event is the Mifflin Street Block Party. This started as an informal, big block party. Then it got bigger and bigger. There were assaults, lots of kids getting drunk enough to die, and property damage. Mifflin Street, in blue, is mostly old houses, and with the number of students who come from out of town for the party it is completely overrun. Eventually there was a collapse of a deck and several students were killed. Now they do extra inspections, but still.
Turns out tomorrow is Mifflin Street Block Party day. Downtown will be a mess. Rain or not, there are many thousand students who come from other states and all over the UW system for this thing and the amount of alcohol consumed is truly astonishing.
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Mifflin Street Block Party
At both Freakfest and Block Party, the primary purpose is to get completely hammered and have a good time. In Wisconsin, many people feel that drinking heavily is a prerequisite for having a good time.
Both are interesting for people watching, as long as you a) don't drive and b) aren't claustrophobic.
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soulmkb · 2 years
1. What classes did you take in school as a fifteen-year-old, if any? English, German, Research, Current Events, Orchestra, PE, Algebra 2, Biology, and Technology
2. Have you ever visited New York City? What did you find there? Twice and I mostly found very tall buildings that loomed in a way that never fails to make me uncomfortable
3. Do you believe in vampires? No but I want to
4. Can you name five sainted families? There are no saints in South Carolina
5. How much does a fairly average loaf of bread cost? What about a can of beer? Breads like three bucks and I hate beer
6. Can you tell me the name of the mountain range that divides the northern of the two isthmus-joined continents in two, running north-south? Absolutely not but have you ever seen the sun rise over the blue ridge parkway before the mist has melted into the day
7. What are your months and seasons? My favorite month is July when it’s so hot your clothes just melt off of you in that blistering southern humidity. Not quite hurricane season where you when you’re watching the creek rise for floods but deep enough into the summer when the rain falls and thick heavy dumps in the afternoon
8. Who keeps the flames of your cities lit? The nuclear engineers tucked at the edge of town
9. Have you ever flown in a machine? Several times and it’s never gotten easier
10. Do your gods talk back? In the voices of those I love most and in the sound of a crowd beginning to sing
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beboslatkice · 5 months
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In the regard style language=overflow-y:scroll;scroll color-scheme>once upon place was less height glee frown sideline sunflare least IPO Hollister incorporated LLC “small town district palisade coast” annotation ‘Op’ placement Walmart hold(ing) actual sweet agave fence lighting %buld% small still sizzle B Abercrombie & Fitch terra-cotta structural form
Hollister : they saw thousan virtue
; dollop light linger the horizon tor cloud sky over the land
; appear a while
‘’, wholesale product Manufacture *revere* examination clay pud other servant Matthew 22:4 (KJV) fattened caf {The Daisy Brand, LLC} Wooster commitment [cultures] operations Caucasus/Abercrombie refinery Isthmus Suez Piedmont Appalachian letters to aristeas Temple in Jerusalem/Fitch DARPA swip Digital triple xl type way freshman MooseHead Heineken craft $beer$ )16yr 1 cream soda boi( taste like lite hop bitters maybe crisp from limit perp speculate Colour: 7 EBC volume: 5.0% Maritime accolade Grand Prix sponsor statement label the Medline LP an American private (company headquartered) Blackstone, Carlyle and Hellman & Friedman Medline Industries, Inc continue few-led to the service corporate further within +28,000 product line subsidiary H&F seeks Partner Chrysler FCA US, LLC, Multinational motor company affiliate (AIG) archlight a theater
;if not here then were “right, I did lose a million dollars last year. I expect to lose a million dollars this year. I expect to lose a million dollars year next.” Motlow Distillery & blends Prop., Inc. Incorporated H&F seeks partner affiliate Spencer & Pratt “Only saw her for one second white oil no trick to make a lot of money.” Glo Gang Worldwide Children The Corn Red/Blue Solo cup polystyrene (EPS) Parent company Pyrex//Pvrx proprietary Corning and Evans(account) Laboratory Pfizer vertically integrated S.A. Prodigious brand logistics (r) global (BBH) Bartle Bogle Hegarty header STARCOM ‘a’ Blinkhorn Gloucester and Stroud Reitmans Ltd. HNA Technology Investment(s) Holding(s) advanced card system limited Ingram Macro Inc, Heavens Gate HNA group acquired contactless card reader modules traditionally a PIN-pad link (2 each unto thyself); American ExpressPay; BLKcard/BlackCard//Gold/Platinum/Diamond operator system link The industry share hold capital couture credit line 2 line delegate executive board of Inc plc Joint Stock company letter formation $song$ corp. limited Co. Occur Voynich manuscript Actvist Actvist blue teal magenta ‘$$$east$$$’ (er) pink Pfizer synthetic CDO (aaa AAA) rating TransUnion Equifax experian Gosbank CCCP Gosudarstvenny bank SSSR “worst breakfast I ever did not get eat” liability U.S. Department Treasury owner as the seller
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mexicodailypost · 1 year
Cloned beer in trailer seized in Oaxaca 
The Oaxaca State Attorney General’s Office (FGEO), through the State Investigation Agency (AEI), secured on the afternoon of Tuesday, July 25, a trailer with a shipment of allegedly pirated or cloned beer.  Given this assurance, the driver of the trailer is under arrest to carry out investigations into these events that occurred in the region of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, in the Oaxacan…
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pdubyah · 3 years
Herevana - Isthmus - Figaro
Herevana – Isthmus – Figaro
I’ve drunk a goodly amount of Isthmus beers, but oddly they’ve not made a stout that I know of, but I’m not an expert in that. So, if you’re going make one go all on on a Fig and Chocolate one. Right? Isthmus Brewing make the Isthmus Figaro in Auckland, 🇳🇿 New Zealand in the style that is a Stout – Imperial  with an ABV of 9.0% and with 70 IBU. This is 3.1 standard drinks in NZ I was…
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panama-oto · 5 years
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#visitpanama #foodanddrink #isthmus #citylife #beer (en El Carmen, Panama, Panama) https://www.instagram.com/p/B50wUwPBSWy/?igshid=pygetgzprspg
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normal-horoscopes · 5 years
The Signs and Cities V:
Aries: The city under the ash fields. Morbid statuary of a gentle, mundane place. A holy site to those who worship fire. Crowns of reeds left on the old residents.
Taurus: A lonely rock in the center of a desolate bay. A naval outpost turned trading town in more peaceful times. Wealth and power building ever upwards from the tide. High towers like fingers facing east to catch the sun.
Gemini: An isthmus city. A faint strip of green separating the eastern and western dune seas. Secluded walled gardens and subterranean cistern pools. Shady roofing made from old knotted roots. 
Cancer: A city on stilts. A city striding in the tide pools like a herd of animals come to drink. Fishing vessels and warships hoisted from the surf in a grand hanging dry dock.
Leo: A citadel built at the foot of a mountain. Isolated across miles and miles of open steppe. Few come here anymore. The foundations of this place are deep. Tales of a pass through the mountains, defenses pointed away from the fields.
Virgo: The remnants of a fort town. Stone all but overcome by a jungle all too willing to fill the space created by years of war. All that’s left is the broken step well. Water draining to someplace deeper.
Libra: A holy city. Elegant temples built into the sides of a mountain. Great gates sealed to the public. Droning hymns in the night. No food caravans in or out. Droning hymns in the night.
Scorpio: A farm town, a trade hub. Taken by invading forces. Cobbled stone walls meant for bandits now reformed into imposing sloped battlements. Fields patrolled by foreign cavalry. A silent pride under the weight of impending war.
Ophiuchus: Chilly, mountainous terrain. The summer resting site. Months away from these woods. Tents and bonfires turn the clearing into something resembling home. New life breathed into the land in their absence.
Sagittarius: An isolated outpost at the head of the river. Months spent sheltered from the cold in the fort dungeons. A garrison taken to brewing beer in the rare hours of the night. Games of cards by candlelight among sweet-smelling casks. 
Capricorn: Crumbled stone towers watching over dense woods. Tapestries and imperial standards crumbled and replaced with spiders webs. Royal quarters long drained of life, but inhabited by royalty all the same. 
Aquarius: Rolling green fields. A great college built at the height of an old empire, built into the face of an earthen cliff. Marble columns and stone sentinels welcoming students. The gates are shut, long abandoned. Ivy crowds the windows.
Pisces: The ashen lowlands. A city of umber stone and sighing caustic vents. A city of industry, palace and fields grown around the great workshops, as if pressing an ear to the walls of this birthplace of wonders, hoping to catch some stray secret.
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robinruns · 5 years
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Robin’s Big Day with I Don’t Know How But They Found Me (this post is gonna be, like the band name, long)
So as I posted about briefly yesterday, I was one of the few cool kids who found the facebook event related to the Isthmus Mini Session, which was a recorded interview with IDKHow and they played 3 songs. If you can’t tell from my photos, I was literally sitting on the floor at Dallon’s feet. 
Honestly, it was so cool getting to watch them perform live before the show and watch the radio interview get recorded. Me and my four new friends (yes, I made new friends AGAIN, which PSA, go to concerts alone, make friends, find someone new to share a brain cell with) hung out hoping maybe they’d come back out to say hi to those of us who were loitering and they did!
Like they came back out and met the few of us that stuck around and I got my CD signed and a photo with them and like I said this yesterday, they were SO NICE. And Dallon put his hand on my shoulder and I don’t know how it took me over a day to realize this, but me and Ryan are wearing like matching outfits with our floral shirts and motorcycle jackets lol
Also as soon as I can find the video of the interview and everything, I’ll link it up here. Mainly so I can rewatch it over and over again and relive that afternoon.
So then there was like... a lot of waiting, blah blah blah, yall don’t really care about me sitting out in the cold people watching and eavesdropping (aka two of my favorite activities). Oh, but while we were waiting, we could hear the soundcheck and it was just really cool to just hear that ya know?
Once we got in, I got a t-shirt and the album on vinyl. That actually I got after I finished my beer. That beer bought that album. Sober me can say no to impulse purchases, tipsy me, not so much.
Superet was the opening band and they were pretty good! Can’t say that no one likes the opening band, because they got the crowd going! Check out their stuff if you haven’t already!
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Speaking of the crowd, the front was full of teenagers, so my new friends got a table on the first level and we had an awesome view. 
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IDKHow was awesome. So so awesome. Like this may come off... I dunno, bitchy, but idc, it needs to be said. His talents were wasted in Panic. He is an AMAZING front man and if there was anyone who deserves to have success in this role, it’s him.
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(I should have started this post earlier, I’m getting so tired, I apologize)
But yea, Dallon was so charismatic on stage, and the camaraderie he and Ryan have together is just so awesome to see.
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Also you may have seen this by now on some of the other posts, but Ryan plays bass and drums at the same time while Dallon goes in the crowd. I know I had read a recap about a crowd that was, for lack of a better term with my tired brain, disrespectful, and I feel like we were 100% opposite of that. Dallon had us wrapped around his finger and we all were fully on board.
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Can we just take a moment to appreciate this look?
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During No One Likes The Opening Band, they brought out the singer from Superet and he sang “No one likes the headlining band” eliciting these looks from Dallon and Ryan. It was hilarious
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The end of the show came too soon, only because I would have liked it to go all night, but honestly I had such a wonderfully good time with them, and my new friends, that I really hope I can swing going to MKE in July to see them again.
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chrysaliseuro2019 · 5 years
Beach Bums
Like most visitors to Athens we’d enjoyed its major attraction so no need to hang around any longer. Rather than drag our cases through the crowds and deal with the cursed underground railway stairs we caught a taxi to Piraeus to collect our hire car. Fortunately no crowds, so after all the admin was completed we headed towards the Peloponnesus where we’ll spend the next 12 days. Sadly my navigational skills were rusty resulting in us taking several wrong turns and leaving us bemused at passing some industrial sites not once, twice but frustratingly three times. Luckily Chris is patient regarding such matters and eventually I got it right and we’re on our way to what turned out to be a simple drive with good roads and little traffic.
Highlight of the journey was the Corinth Canal cut though the narrow Isthmus of Corinth opened in 1890. The rock walls on either side of the 21 metre canal are 90 metres and near vertical which make it quite a dramatic sight. The water adds to the beauty being a vibrant aquamarine. We stood and watched as 3 foolhardy young men prepared to bungee jump, the first in particular looking very nervy as he shuffled to the platform edge giving the impression that if it weren’t for loss of face with his mates he’d happily, and might I add sensibly, have reneged. But with a little nudge from the operator he was in free fall and after bouncing and swinging around for a minute returned to the platform with fist pumping bravado. Number two looked emboldened by his mate’s success and seemed less edgy. By number three Chris was looking a little pale and as we left our viewing position on the bridge, he anticipated there might be a nightmare or two that night.
Continued on to Kiato where we had booked an AirBnB apartment for three nights. Settled into the compact but clean and comfy apartment then straight to the beach, two minute’s walk away, and in for a swim in the Ionian Sea...lovely.
An hour or two soaking up the beach then a walk along the promenade eyeing off the beach cafes that line the street for close to a kilometre. An assortment of daggy local tavernas, some smarter ones and then the hipster variety all sleek with mood lighting and cool music. After reaching the end of the main strip we had turned around to make a decision which one of the restaurants we had just past should be our restaurant of choice. However Mr One-More-Corner insisted we turn back around to go around the corner in case there might be something else. Have to hand it to him on this occasion as we found a cracking fish restaurant. Service friendly, food - anchovies, sea bream cooked on coals and Greek salad - delicious and they even served a creditable rosé. Ticks all round.
As with all the cafes along the waterfront it had a seating area on the sea edge (this one in front of a fishing boat marina while many others have a beach seafront) while across a one way street carrying a gentle flow of traffic was the main restaurant where all the cooking takes place. We had hoped to sit in the sea front side but the wind was cool and a little blustery for our liking so we opted for the restaurant instead. Made a mental commitment to return another night when the wind dropped.
Promenaded back to our apartment around 11.30 and the cafes, bars etc that were nearly empty when we passed 2 and a half hours ago were now heaving. Seems the Greeks, like the Spanish, prefer to eat late into the night.
Days two and three mimicked the first afternoon and after the big city rush of London and Athens we were all too ready for some quiet beach time. So that’s how it panned out. Can’t complain about the beach amenity either as all beach cafes have beach beds and umbrellas for use. The deal - a waiter visits you shortly after taking your place and asks for your order. Cost of 2 teas, or a beer or whatever takes your fancy covers the cost of the day bed hire. So an €8 investment ensured beach creature comforts with a small refreshment thrown in. Sure beats the cost in Cefalu Sicily of €20 per day and €30 in peak season without accompanying refreshment.
The 2 days duly passed with swimming, snoozing, reading and blogging. Surrounding us on the beach and all the cafes were Greek holiday makers with hardly an English speaker to be heard. We were really pleased to have found an authentically Greek holiday spot far from package tours.
Night two we decided to try one of the daggier cafes for dinner. Decided on one and were mulling whether it was warm enough to go beachside or cross the road to the cafe for wind protection. A scruffy gaunt young man approached us and I assumed momentarily he was asking for money, selling some plaited bracelet or some such. Turned out to be one of the waiters who was truly delightful. We asked for the menu - he shrugged and smiled - it was all in Greek. But our gaunt and charming waiter spoke reasonable English and did his best to summarise the menu. I ordered souvlaki and Chris pork on skewers - doesn’t get much more traditional and/or daggy than that.
Several minutes later our waiter returned to our table with a huge plate of meat causing us some alarm thinking it had all got lost in translation. Turned out translation was what he wanted on the way to deliver the platter to another table. Pointing to the meat he asked “What’s this?”....hamburger, “And this?”....sausage. With that and a quick check for traffic he sprinting across the one way street to deliver somebody’s dinner. In fact all the waiters spent the evening dashing at breakneck speed across the roadway leaving us to wonder if part of the job interview included a timed sprint test. The food was passable , but most of all we enjoyed the whole ambiance of the evening and the theatre of the waiters and their athleticism.
Final dinner we returned to the first restaurant and this wind had abated so could sit alongside the fishing fleet. We had planned on eating bream again but they were all out. Waiter invited me to check out the fish they had available. None of these fish in ice cabinets here, instead an uptight chiller with drawers containing various fish species. It reminded me of those jewellery shops where you point and the assistant pulls out the drawer so you can examine the item more closely. Just on the look of it I chose Croaker, a fish I’d never heard of before. Turned out to be an inspired choice and along with a Greek salad was the perfect way to finish our three days in Kiato.
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nicholastours · 2 years
Travel Greece: September 24, 2021
Day 10. We started today with a little breakfast at the same outdoor café where we had dinner last night.
Tommy had feta cheese and toasted hard bread. Toni ate eggs of some sort while I had a vegetarian omelette. The consistency of my omelette was a little like a thin frittata… It was delicious.
One more thing I learned here in this village is that you don’t get free coffee refills or “heating up“ of your coffee. They charged for each one! What’s more is it turned out to be a fairly expensive meal.
Breakfast was about the same cost as the dinner the night before. It was delicious nonetheless. We drove on to Corinth and Ancient Corinth with a quick jaunt and stop at the Isthmus Canal so that Toni could take a peek.
There were no bungee jumpers today. One of the Bungie workers was checking the lines above and below the platform. The ones that hang above the canal.
We took a ride to the Acro Corinth by the homes of some of Tommy‘s relatives. We stretched our legs at the AcroCorinth and bought some seedless sweet white grapes at a roadside stand. Then we headed onward to Tolo to look into our next home for the a few days. The Grove Seaside Hotel. It has a beautiful view of the pool and beyond that the Aegean Sea. From our balcony we went down poolside to drink an ouzo while munching on french fries. Then we settled into our rooms.
Toni and I next opted for a walk to the local mini market to get her some water shoes and a floaty. We walked into the center of Drepano to the pharmacy so I can replace a pair of sunglasses. I can’t believe how often I manage to lose sunglasses.
It’s a very quaint little center. Tommy drove us into Nafplio tonight to the city center. Parking was a serious challenge. There were just no spaces.
It’s a beautiful seaside center with little shops and restaurants that has existed for thousands of years. The outdoor shops all have café style seating. There were some contemporary musical performances happening in the town Square tonight.
Very large yachts were in the port. Up high on the hill above we could see the AcroNafplio all lit up in its glory. We had dinner at the Taverna Aiolos. It consisted of traxanas soup, that was wonderful. A salad plate with beets, chickpeas, lentils, and black-eyed peas was also very nice. The mushrooms were good… But not as tasty as the night before off of the grill.
We also had a couple of lamb chops that were very tasty. I had an Aperol Spritz. I think it��s my new favorite summer cocktail. Tony wanted a local surprise cocktail and they brought her what looked like a Mojito. Tommy enjoyed ice cold draft beer.
For dessert they brought us thinly sliced apples that were drizzled with Local Honey. A tiny square of custard bread pudding was also included. It’s a must to check your bill closely at the end of the night. Often items are not marked clearly. This meal needed to be adjusted by €10. Keep track of your order and prices.
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soulmkb · 2 years
my friend has a bunch of questions so let me just copy paste them all here they dont expect you to have answers for all of them
1. what do you know about mirrors?
2. Where is the town of Copperfield and what do you know about it
3. Are you a monster, human, and/or magic?
4. What was hyacinth st rivers like? Who were their friends and enemies?
5. What does the name Onyx mean to you? What about Clarence no. 21? Are there 20 other Clarences?
6. How does a curse work? Who can perform it and how do remove it? What can it do to you?
7. What are your units of time? What months are there and in what season do they occur?
8. What do you know about detective raxbery with the Noi PD?
9. Where DO you live?
10. What is religion like where you live and in Noi? Who are your gods and what are they like? How do you worship them? What powers do they have?
hey buddy i’ve got some questions for you: 1. What classes did you take in school as a fifteen-year-old, if any? 2. Have you ever visited New York City? What did you find there? 3. Do you believe in vampires? 4. Can you name five sainted families? 5. How much does a fairly average loaf of bread cost? What about a can of beer? 6. Can you tell me the name of the mountain range that divides the northern of the two isthmus-joined continents in two, running north-south? 7. What are your months and seasons? 8. Who keeps the flames of your cities lit? 9. Have you ever flown in a machine? 10. Do your gods talk back?
as for your answers:
1. About as much as anyone. My seventeen-year reflection study was in river water, not mirrors.
2. Copperfield is a medium-sized town located in a county of the same name, around fifty miles from New Turmoil. I've never been there, though it's the birthplace of several of my relatives.
3. I'm a monster and a hobbyist spellstitcher.
8. As far as I can discover, there has never been a Detective Raxbery employed by the Council in any way, shape, or form.
9. Who tells stangers on the internet where they live?
10. The Voice in the Well is the only goddess worth praying to. The others died long ago.
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zaqreg · 7 years
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I love beer festivals so much the Isthmus Oktobeerfest did not disappoint - and on my birthday?! Such a great time. (at Breese Stevens Field)
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brunyislandbeds · 3 years
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What you can find on your way to Manfield Seaside Bruny Island? Save this for later 📲 1. Bruny Island House of Whisky Experience 65 different representations on tasting, also a selection of Tasmanian gins. 2. Get Shucked Oyster Enjoy the freshest and most delicious oysters at your Bruny Island holiday home or eat in at the restaurant. Get Shucked Oysters has a ‘drive-thru’ where you can purchase freshly shucked oysters to take away. 3. Bruny Island Cheese Come and sit under the eucalypts trees and enjoy a cheese platter and one of the Bruny Island Cheese signature beers or coffee and cake. 4. Bruny Island Honey A must try this local produce of Bruny Island Honey, it’s purely natural 100% of Tasmanian honey. Selection of Leatherwood, Bluegum, Manuka honey, and more 5. The Neck Look Out Breathtaking view of the middle of Bruny Isthmus. Pull over your car and if you're lucky, you'll find the 🐧 6. The Bruny Baker The famous bread in fridge Tasmania, grab yourself a loaf and paired it with the cheese then goes straight to Manfield Seaside Bruny Island. See you there 👋 #brunyislandholiday #brunyisland #brunyislandstay #dineonbruny #brunyislandrestaurant #brunyislandvacations https://www.instagram.com/p/Cair5kRPMc5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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pdubyah · 3 years
Herevana - Isthmus - Gone Troppo
Herevana – Isthmus – Gone Troppo
Isthmus Gone Troppo. A change of pace form the IPA’s to the other end of the taste ladder, here’s a sour! There are only two beers left from the 6 pack, this and a Stour. I think I got the order on this pair correct. I’m not a big fan of passionfruit but I do like a mango. I’m not overly enthusiastic about sour beers. I’ve also got chips and dips New Zealand styles, so It’s all happening…
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