#Israel Bombs Christian Hospital In Gaza
never-was-has-been · 1 year
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500 victims in single Strike
HomeBlog 500 Victims in a Single Strike: Israel Bombs Christian Hospital in Gaza – BREAKING
500 Victims in a Single Strike: Israel Bombs Christian Hospital in Gaza – BREAKING
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By Palestine Chronicle Staff
UPDATE: A spokesperson for the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza: over 500 Palestinian civilians and medical staff have been killed in the Israeli strike at a Palestinian hospital.
The number, however, seems to be rapidly growing, with some people putting the estimates of dead and wounded at thousands.
The Al-Ahli Hospital, previously known as Al-Mamadani, has hosted thousands of fleeing Gaza civilians, who escaped the intense Israeli bombardment of their towns and refugee camps throughout the Strip. 
The Ahly hospital is supported by the American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem and has served a critical role throughout the years in providing urgent medical care for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
On Saturday, an Israeli airstrike hit the hospital’s Diagnostic Cancer Treatment Center. 
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kakashis-kunoichi · 11 months
Absolutely terrifying
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tungledotedu · 2 months
prismatic bell is shamelessly doing genocide denial again (archive org version), with some points such as:
'the keffiyeh is a symbol of arab colonialism'
'Every civilian killed is a travesty to be laid on Sinwar’s bloody hands. But…it’s actually also REALLY GOOD for urban warfare'.
no amount of 'it's tragic, i know it sucks, it's heatbreaking' will make up for the fact that xe LITERALLY SAID THERE IS A 'GOOD' AND 'PROPORTIONATE' NUMBER OF DEAD CIVILIANS. including children and babies. and this is right after xe called them colonisers.
xe's still desperately trying to deny the death toll. 'the numbers as given have been proven false. Someone was literally able to show they’re generated with a math formula. (I have articles backing this up, but again, will have to add when I’m off mobile, sorry.)'
also known as 'i can't add more sources right now, but i DEFINITELY have them!' (uses memri tv as a source)
'actually it's completely legal for israel to target hospitals because they fabricate evidence of weapons in those hospitals.' who's going to tell xir about how the iof mistook an arabic calendar for a list of names. also, legality=/=morality.
'DELIBERATE TARGETING OF HOSPITALS: yes, Israel has bombed or raided several hospitals because they were being used as weapons depots or missile launch sites. This is completely legal—what would be illegal would be raids on hospitals not being used as military sites.'
'hamas is the one that's committing genocide! if israel was really trying to eradicate all of gaza it would be done already!'
62% of homes and 84% of healthcare facilities have been damaged or destroyed. as well as more than 80% of schools.
'what is happening in ukraine IS genocide! but not palestine!'
since this person seems so fixated on 'proportionate' death tolls...
ukraine has a population of 34 million, and the 2022 russian invasion has resulted in around 34,000 civilian casuallties as of june 2024. that's a lower ratio of civilian casualties to total population (1:1000). mariupol and the rest of donetsk oblast (population: 4 million) have sustained the highest number of casualties, with over 25,000 dead. this means the ratio is 1:160. according to this user, this is enough to warrant the label of genocide.
(edit: the number of dead ukrainian civilians may be higher at 100,000, making it 1:340).
but the gaza strip had a population of 2.4 million in 2022 (see the quote below), and the estimate of around 40,000 deaths has been outdated for some time now due to israel's destruction of gazan healthcare infrastructure and staff. even without a more accurate death toll, the ratio is higher (1:60). but for some reason (racism), it's not enough to be called a genocide.
the death toll in gaza is estimated to be much higher. according to the lancet,
Applying a conservative estimate of four indirect deaths per one direct death to the 37 396 deaths reported, it is not implausible to estimate that up to 186 000 or even more deaths could be attributable to the current conflict in Gaza. Using the 2022 Gaza Strip population estimate of 2 375 259, this would translate to 7·9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip.
and this is a conservative estimate.
also, according to this user's 'logic', with a lower ratio of casualties, russia is actually 'doing urban warfare' better than israel. so much for being pro-ukraine.
all of this disgusting vitriol is tacked on a post with artwork of jesus christ, because one of the sketches depicted him with a keffiyeh. i don't think prismatic bell has anything of worth to say about christianity.
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(edIted on 20 july)
changed pronoun to xir. explanation here.
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i've added a link to a source for 100,000 killed civilians in ukraine.
but still, given the choice between an academic article and an internet user, i'm going to trust the academic article to have actual research with sources and not 'fake numbers' for gaza.
i wrote a bit about how the alleged 1:1.5 civilian death ratio is incorrect under the read more, but then i realised, does it actually matter? should this be the metric by which we measure proportionality in the first place? should we forget how more palestinians have been killed by israel since its founding than the other way around?
if we only focus on this, we overlook the bigger picture, the alarming number of people who have been killed or left sickened and disabled. we have to keep the total population in mind, and the fact that israel also mass murders palestinians 'indirectly'. through starvation, cutting off electricity and water, blockading medical supplies as well as other resources, denying life-saving healthcare, and other means. what prismatic-bell said about russia targeting aid workers applies to israel too.
what about how israeli militants rape and sexually torture palestinian hostages? how they don't distinguish between combatants and civilians, and their 'definition' of terrorist includes elderly men and kids they've captured and stripped to their underwear? or how they've maimed people as part of rabin's 'break the bones' policy since the first intifada? or when the iof lied about letting an ambulance rescue hind rajab, only to kill the paramedics and shoot 335 bullets at the car where she was hiding? or how they haven't stopped bombing and sniping people despite orders from the icj and credible evidence of them committing genocide?
and 'fake numbers'? sounds like projection to me. here's what prismatic-bell said:
'And finally, let’s look at the civilian-to-combatant death toll. [...] With that said, the best data we have at this moment suggests one civilian killed for every 1.5 Hamas militants.'
no source given, but i'm guessing it came from wikipedia (where the sentence is unsourced as well).
here's an actual analysis by yagil levy on ha'aretz. it's outdated, but it argues that even early on in the genocide, the israeli army failed to show restraint in targeting civilians. none of that 'it's actually also REALLY GOOD for urban warfare' or 'entirely proportionate', or however you want to cruelly dismiss human life.
It follows that with a high proportion of noncombatants among the total number of those killed, we can conclude that the principle of discrimination was not adhered to, and an unusually high rate will reflect either a departure from the principle of proportionality or a highly flexible interpretation of it. [...] Thus, rather than this being a case of "collateral damage," it was the reverse: Because most of those harmed are civilians, what was produced is "collateral benefit," in the form of a low number of Gazan combatants killed.
This calculation shows that out of the total of 6,747, at least 4,594 individuals of both sexes who can be categorized as noncombatants were killed – 68 percent of the total. 
this is a different way of calculating the ratio. it takes civilian deaths and divides it by the total number of people killed, not by combatant deaths (as the 1:1.5 ratio does). with 2,153 combatants killed, the ratio is actually around 2:1, meaning it is biased towards civilians killed. this is an outdated estimate and is probably higher in reality.
or take the iof's more recent but probably inflated estimate of 16,000 dead hamas fighters, meaning 24,000 civilians out of the 40,000 killed. the ratio would be 1.5:1. or 170,000 civilians if we go by the lancet.. that's 10.5 civilians dead for 1 militant. (if anyone has better sources let me know.)
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stil-lindigo · 8 months
Hello, very confused and overwhelmed outsider here. Looking at posts here and on news sites I see such pradoxical views, one saying to not support Palestine is to support genocide and the other saying to not support Israel is to be antisemitic. I wonder, and I am going around asking people on different sides of the war, do you believe it is possible to support both the lives of Palestinian people and the lives of Jewish people?
Feel free to ignore this ask or to point out any ignorance on my part. I hope you have some peace in your day/night, I can only imagine how stressful it is to have so many people asking so many serious questions.
hi anon. I’m gonna try to make this is as concise as possible, since I’m technically writing this on my lunch break. Yes, it is possible and in fact very easy to support the lives of Palestinian and Jewish people because - and this is the important part - Israel and Zionism is not Judaism. Depending on who you may ask, Zionism began as a pure-hearted desire for Jewish people post-WW2 to create a place that would always unequivocally be safe for Jews, but as I am not Jewish myself I feel like any description I might give comes off as insincere and not fully grasping the scope of that mission. But no matter what Zionism once was, it is now the belief that Jewish people have the right to commit genocide against indigenous population so that they can establish their ethno-state. And you can split hairs all you like, but after the past four months, my belief in that has only solidified.
Perhaps the strongest opposition to Israel comes from Jewish people themselves, who’ve popularized “not in my name” as a protest chant. Holocaust survivors have come out in droves to protest the actions of Israel, and they’re often the strongest front of any protest action since - yes, you’re right - mainstream news is very committed to selling the idea that this “war” is Jews vs Muslims which is just inflammatory racist garbage. There’s more to it than I can easily get into right now, but just for a start, it completely erases the existence of Palestinian Jews or Palestinian Christians, and also ignores Israel’s historically abusive and degrading treatment of their own Holocaust survivors in their population.
This “war” is not a war. It’s a genocide, where the total amount of bombs dropped on Gaza is officially over twice the impact of a nuclear bomb. One side is asking for a stop the fighting, for aid to be allowed through, they are asking for clean water and food as their women have been forced to rip off scraps off tents to use as menstrual products. One side has had all 35 their hospitals bombed (a war-crime the first time, and it continues to be a war crime every time it still happens), over 100 of their journalists have been targeted and murdered (more journalists than were killed in all of WW2, and btw this is also a war crime). And the other side films TikTok’s levelling apartment buildings, looting houses, kicking Palestinian hostages, stripping them naked and urinating on them. Israel has rained white phosphorus down on Palestine, they have bombed Palestine indiscriminately, they have destroyed archives, historical locations, they have done their best to rob Palestinians of their dignity and empathy and still, they’re not done.
Oh and the excuse that they’re just doing all of this to save the hostages? Hamas offered them all back in exchange for a ceasefire. And the Israeli prime minister, Netanyahu, said no.
In the future, try to get your news from trusted news sources like Al Jazeera, and following journalists on the ground like Bisan and Motaz.
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whattfisausername · 11 months
The hospital that was bombed yesterday in Gaza was a Christian hospital.
Do not believe the western media’s lies. Do not believe Israel’s propaganda.
This isn’t about religion. This isn’t about stopping Hamas.
They just want to wipe Palestine off the map.
No matter how this ends, we will remember the people of Gaza and the violence they endured. History will know the truth.
Free Palestine until it’s backwards!
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makerinthemaking · 11 months
neil gaiman is a fucking zionist.
"b-but neil gaiman simply said both israel AND palestine have a right to exist!! that doesn't make him a zioni--" yes the fuck it does u privileged ignorant fucks. i shouldn't have to fuckin say this but y'all will say anything for the sake of defending the brits ig? even throwing those being mass genocided rn under the bus?
i used to admire the guy 'til i found out what he's believed, the genocidal state he supports the existence of, & continues to stand by what he said.
israel DOESN'T have a right exist.
not as it is, not as it's been & will always be. a genocidal state built on stolen land. its very citizens have shaped into a culture of discrimination, see the shit they post about palestinians. see questionnaires & statistics. segregation laws many of them gladly endorse. this ain't just the politicians (who have been loud in their prospects of ethnic extermination to allow for more land stealing) nor is it abt jews, abt neil's or anyone's jewish background. plenty jews speaking up against this bullshit, & already there were jewish ppl living in palestine before colonization (brought by an illegitimate act of imposed imperialism & not one palestinian representative in sight. the UK must also be held accountable but they won't be). dare y'all to tell me it shouldn't be the goal to give the land & the power back to its indigenous colonized peoples, regardless of the oppressing settlers already being... settled. it ain't the native peoples' problem to figure out, esp when so many of the colonizing settlers will support the shit thrown at palestinians. there's maybe like 1000 palestinians losses for very israeli casualty. US cops r trained by Israel, not to mention Israel equips them w shit to k1ll minorities in the US. Palestinians stand by BLM & gave advice on how to dodge gas & bullets during protests. they stood by Malcolm X & Black Panthers. BIPOC oppression & fight has always aligned w Palestinians'. israel freely enjoys basics & luxuries & will fuss abt the silliest shit like not getting enough diet flour at the moment, while publicly segregating & making racist mock of palestinians for literally not having access to basic shit like water & shelter & for getting their population violently cleansed & decimated while in an open-air prison. they're not even allowed to try & leave without risk of getting killed, & they're bombed even where Israel directs them it's safe to go (like South Gaza!) but why should they leave? it's THEIR land. would be successful cultural genocide. & now Israel declines offers to recover Israeli hostages just bc they don't wanna return infant Palestinian hostages, & instead Israel bombs places where ISRAELI hostages may be kept. even target-bomb hospitals, houses. freed Israeli hostages come out saying how appalled they are at how Israel failed them & keeps failing them. Israel's also been stealing & jailing/target killing palestinian children for ages. this mass killing's been going on for decades, yet Palestine is demonized by media when they try defend themselves. ain't no matter of "two sides" & "neutrality" when one side is oppressed & the other the oppressor. hamas is israel's oppression fault (& their politics actually see them as a convenience). actual palestinians have stated again & again they don't just want the genocide to end, they also want their stolen land back & the genocidal invasor state to be dismantled. which is what's right. the state of israel often has to delete its own posts cuz they're always found to be fabricated, falsified shit against palestinians, now western jewish AND christian celebrities post abt how "scared" they are, from the safety of their mansions & limos. it was already illegal to wear traditional muslim attire in anti-muslim countries such as france, now it's illegal to even peacefully protest for palestine & if u do ur thrown in jail as a terrorist or deported. these countries publicly support israel. israel has the army the means & the world's support, palestine's been in need of support & neilman ain't helping. should just shut his goddmn mouth. ain't he the one getting genocided this day. i dare that moron neilman to come at me i'll fucking have him, he's just like any other people who won't let themselves be educated anyway. not by us, much less by the oppressed people of palestine, the ones actually getting the shitty end of this situation. im so done. bland fuckin spineless "liberals". so quick to defend the british. stop fucking defending rich public figures online & do something for the persecuted ppl actually getting killed rn.
they're never on equal footing when it's 15 goliaths against 1 david.
no, israel shouldn't fucking exist & neil gaiman is a fucking zionist for even saying it should. not sorry i said this - palestinians r getting worse than rudely worded posts.
not a war. GENOCIDE.
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watchmenanon · 11 months
Israel's hostility towards palestinian christians has been rising in the last months to the point that there was even an attempt to ban the name of Jesus there.
The bombing of the only christian hospital and the oldest christian church in Gaza is a cold reminder that they are willing to strip every piece of identity of Palestine, including the origins of christianity.
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jayflrt · 7 months
as a confused person, i ask you this question.
why do you support palestine? like, gaza started the war didn't they? israel is only defending itself, and suddenly when they're losing the war, palestine is playing the helpless victim role when they aren't innocent angels. like i saw a video of them hanging their own children, tiny tiny babies, outside their windows to safeguard their homes. why should i support people like that?
islam pretends to be a religion of peace when it actually is the only religion that i know which is so violent like, the quran justifies objectification of women and promotes violence against them, and it is said in quran that it is okay to kill people who refuse to convert.
so why support them when they aren't doing any good to society, instead, are only being harmful?
first of all, let me correct you that this isn't a war, this is a GENOCIDE. a war would mean equal footing, but this is clearly an ethnic cleansing and settler colonialism. second of all, gaza didn't start anything. gaza is a city. and no, israel is a settler colony who began their colonization of palestine 74 years ago, destroying 540+ palestinian towns and keeping 7.2 million palestinians as refugees to continue their occupation on land they stole. i don't know what you mean by "suddenly losing" because palestine has been oppressed by israel for years on end now. and "playing the helpless victim role"? since october 7th, gaza's death toll has surpassed 30,000. you think they're playing victim?
as for your accusation that they're hanging children and babies to safeguard their homes, i could only find this 💀 does your accusation even make sense to you? israel is dropping bombs on buildings and you think a child's body is gonna protect their homes against explosives?
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also i haven't read the quran but even the bible has the same concepts taken out of context like that which will not make sense to you unless you read the context around it. i am not religious at all but if you really want to understand the quran then have these conversations with muslim people. there are almost 2 million muslims in the world and you think they all believe in objectifying women and killing those who don't follow their religion? there are even parts in the bible you won't agree with, but are you demonizing an entire religion for their religious text? either way, israel is colonizing palestine over land, not religion (edit: forgot to mention this but saying islam is the only religion you know to be violent is insane considering christians started the crusades against muslims)
palestinians are cut off from the internet, cut off from clean water and food, and barely have working hospitals. they can't even use anesthesia for the life-threatening operations they have to do. you see children with limbs blasted off in the media every day and you still have the audacity to come into my ask box and ask me why i'm supporting palestine?
disrespectfully, go fuck yourself and get off my blog if you support israel
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fairuzfan · 11 months
Can you help me break down my family's arguments? It's just that they're on Israel's side
And they say that Palestine deserves what is happening
Their arguments are:
"But Hamas started, taking people hostage, raping women and killing children. Israel is just fighting back. If someone did the same to you I would kill their family."
"But the hospitals on Palestine are Hamas' bases"
"But cutting off energy and telecommunications in Palestine is just to prevent Hamas from communicating"
"But Gaza is a place promised by God to the Israelites, Israel is taking what is rightfully theirs"
"But Hamas was trying to make an exchange between the lives of the hostages and Gaza with Israel and Israel did not accept it because Gaza is theirs, and Hamas should have released the hostages instead of exchanging their lives"
Hello, thanks for asking. I'm going to generalize these arguments a little more just to make it more widely applicable.
"Well Israel is just taking revenge/defending itself"
Well a couple things. Taking revenge is not an actual reason for people to attack other people. Just naturally, it's not a good ideology we should ever live by.
About claims that it's defending itself: Israel is a military powerhouse dropping TONS of bombs, I mean literal TONS. To say that anyone is defending someone with that level of ammunition and pure destruction, is just cruel. No one should experience that even in an equal footing type of war. Shouldn't we strive to protect people? Isn't it right to help others?
Now for your specific case, if they're arguing that they would "kill their family" as revenge, I'm not gonna lie, I think you're going to have to delve into that with them and dismantle that idea by emphasizing revenge is never justified.
You should center the humanity of Palestinians and emphasize that they should never experience such horror in their life.
"The hospitals are Hamas bases"
There is absolutely no evidence provided of this other than Israeli propaganda. I'd show them this video, which is a testimony from a European doctor.
There's also this pamphlet they released saying that they "know that Hamas is safe" and still willingly bombs the people of gaza anyways.
You should center the humanity of Palestinians and emphasize that they should never experience such horror in their life.
"Gaza is promised by God to the Israelites"
Why is it necessary to enforce one's religious beliefs on someone else? Why must the Palestinians experience violence in order for Israel to exist? Besides, if it was "promised" to them, does that mean God is allowing them to kill people indiscriminately? Does God, the most loving Being in the Universe, ever condone such acts of horrific violence on people? I speak as a Muslim that grew up being taught that Judiasm, Christianity, and Islam are quite similar religions, so I doubt that any of these religions would condone such large scale violence.
I'm not an expert of actual religious scripture of different faiths, so I can't provide quotes or anything like that, but I'd argue that God's main purpose in our lives is to remind us to love each other.
You should center the humanity of Palestinians and emphasize that they should never experience such horror in their life.
I'm not sure what the argument in your specific case is, but I think any argument having to do with hostages does not make any logical sense. Wouldn't Israel want to protect the hostages? Isn't bombing indiscriminately dangerous for everyone, but especially the Hostages?
But even hostages aside, Palestinians shouldn't have to suffer en masse! They've been sectioned off into the largest open-air prison for 20 years! It's just plain cruel to blame them for the genocide they face when they've been victims for 75+ years!
I'd recommend introducing them to this resource that explains the history of Palestinians from around 1948 to now:
There is also this that has scholarly research for and by Palestinians:
Let me know if any of this is useful. Good luck, and thank you for sending this in.
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pxlestine · 1 year
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The last remaining CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL in Gaza was just bombed by Israel with NO prior warning.
200-300 have reportedly died as a result of this airstrike, many of them women & children.
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paperstorm · 1 year
There was a small hope, that's what the doctor told me about my baby.
I went and came back, but I couldn't find my child nor the doctor nor the hospital.
parent of one of the children who were killed in the bombing of the LAST CHRISTIAN HOSPITAL in Gaza that killed 500 civilian today wrote this.
Israel is in war against children with the support of the west and USA and the whole world is watching.
I feel so sick, disgusted and ashamed of my self as a human being.
I'm sick too. I don't know what to say anymore. I have tried to be extraordinarily fair to all kinds of voices because I don't see any use in us attacking each other or celebrities for slight disagreements or for the predictable ignorance that comes from having a media apparatus that is devoted to corporate propaganda more than reporting the news. But bombing hospitals (if that's confirmed, although an IDF spokesperson did confirm it and then deleted the tweet after backlash) is not war, it's genocide. Cutting off water to millions of civilians is not war, it's genocide. Telling 2 million people to evacuate in 24 hours, knowing that is physically impossible, is not war, it's genocide. Bombing apartment buildings because there might be terrorists inside is not war, it's genocide (and by the way, it was also genocide when the US did things like this in Iraq and Afghanistan.)
Netanyahu tweeted (and then deleted) "This is a struggle between the children of light and the children of darkness. Between humanity and the law of the jungle". There is utterly no way to spin that other than that the leader of Israel is a genocidal maniac and is racist on a level that would make some American republicans blush. Generally my belief is that this conflict is much more complicated than some online leftists circles want us to believe, but what's happened the last few days is not complicated. It's just plain genocide. The state of Israel (not the people and not Jews, I am not going to allow this to give people an excuse to be anti-Semitic in my inbox) is openly, proudly committing genocide, and it is doing so because it is confident it has the full support of the Western world. Show them they're wrong. I was so inspired seeing the pictures yesterday of Jewish groups protesting for peace at the White house. I know how hopeless this feels but keep going, and not just Jewish people. This can't rest entirely on their shoulders. Call or email your representatives. Use your voice.
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papirouge · 10 months
I gave up on being pro life publicly and online. The genocide in the Congo and in Gaza have proved it to me that many western women who run those pro life accounts don’t care for children. Many babies have been lost due to hospital bombings. More children are displaced with no families.
I’ve tried reaching out when they talk about saving children in generic posts because very real babies are losing their lives by IDF terrorism. And I get blocked or I get told “that’s different/ they’re Muslim/they should have left already/I don’t care” over and over and over again. The countless videos are already out that have children begging and crying for their families they lost or the homes that can’t be saved. Some of the worst messages I read criticized and blame the Palestinian men too that they should be protecting the kids, so when they die, it’s actually Palestinians fault. Not the IDF. Meanwhile those “young men” are just teenagers because their parents are dead. The Congolese topic is worst. Many are begging people to stop buying the iPhone 15 to raise awareness over the issues there but I got told by one girl who likes to call herself an anti woke submissive wife that she couldn’t care less about the Congo, she’s going to do whatever her husband wants, if that means ignoring genocide then that’s what she will do too. It’s her god given to have freedom over dead bodies l…
I’m fed up. I’m sick of the hypocrisy. I’m sick of seeing stupid homestead content of how they’re at peace taking care of a home as they purposefully condone genocide. If some hacker group exposed all these “submissive Godly trad wife” accounts as being agents for Israel to distract the west from IDF war crimes, I wouldn’t be surprised the least. Their apathy is demonic
@not-your-average-prolifer is the only pro life blog who passed the vibe check as far as I know. She reblogged posts about the emergency of pregnant women in Palestine and also post about mental health of middle east women. I think she is left leaning (correct me if I'm wrong!) so I'm not surprised to see her with more empathy about whatever's happening to women abroad, unlike Conservatives who are extremely stupid & uneducated when it comes to foreign affairs, if not straight up xenophobic.
I hope for every single Christian I know to never open their mouth about uwu Christianism is from Middle east uwu ever again the next time someone calls Christianism white man's religion or I'll go berserk on them. They better shut up forever. They had no problem to keep their mouth shut witnessing the martyrdom of our brothers - they better keep it that way permanently and stop summoning their struggle once it's convenient to them. YES, they proved they definitely consider Christianism a white man thing, considering our little care they have for our (non white) Christian brothers overseas. They better keep them out of their mouth permanently.
"They're Muslim" it's been well documented that there are Christians in Palestine. But even if they weren't, Christ wants everyone to be saved and accept him as their lord and savior - refusing to extend some basic empathy to people being bombed and killed in their sin is not the way to go. Never forget that Jesus didn't heal or saved only Jews, but also pagans, prostitutes, etc. It's insane how so unemphatic "Christians" have become.
Christian Palestinians are actually some of the oldest Christians - like, where do they those idiots think Jerusalem was?? where did the Pentecost happen? IN MIAMI?? KANSAS?? "They should have left" WHERE?? aren't the ppl pulling out this argument the same crybabies whining about woke culture destroying western civilization? Why didn't they leave the western zone already??? Also aren't they the same against immigration and how men fleeing their country are lazy cowards? so why are they mad at Palestinians sticking to their land?? Damn, Western politicians/diplomacy have the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible and mass import Palestinians in western countries to abide Zionists requirements in Israel 💀
And LOL oh so now Palestinian men are supposed to protect children? what are they supposed to do when the IDF is bombing their house? Take weapons to defend/get back their land and shit? Oh my bad, that makes them terrorists (and let's be clear : what happened on October 7th is unjustifiable but let's not act like the Hamas wasn't called terrorist much earlier than that). It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't. If they do nothing, they're cowards, and if they do, they are terrorists - because in this case, resistance is defiance. Ultimately they just want to deflect from their own lack on empathy and find a rational explanation to that.
Conservative scrotes are the LAST people who should lecture anyone about defending the children when there are acting bullying kids young enough to be their grandchildren calling them wokes, leftists, or whatever. I won't even start about gun violence and how deflective they are about protecting the children only to protect their precious right to carry. Ghouls. They only care abt unborn babies because they are unable to call them out on their bs yet. Once they do, they'll cuss them, call them woke, and all sort of -ists.
On TikTok there was a Christian girl saying how Christians are "too emotional" and how we should keep supporting "God chosen people" (Israel). I already made a post calling out how this "god chosen people " narrative didn't stand now that we were in the NEW COVENANT. But let's follow her train of thought: isn't humankind made from God image? Where do emotions come from? Didn't God himself have emotion? Why? What's the right or wrong place to have emotion? She and all the clown who agreed with her would never be able to reply those questions. We've all seen the videos. I did what I could to avoid them but they're quite unavoidable at this point. What's the correct emotion after seeing 2 kids younger than 10 carrying a third one crying while one of his foot was hanging with only one tendon?? This girl, along with every single Christian unmoved by this disaster has to shut up. Their heart is a stone and they should stop trying to lecture people who still have a heart made of flesh. We're not the same. Christ is PEACE. Not war or violence.
And girl, you really shouldn't even engage with women labelling themselves "anti woke submissive wife" 💀 why would you expect them to care about anything but their idol (husband)? Stay focus on what really matters. Peace and God. We're in the end times and God is slowly but surely unfolding the truth. The masks are slipping. Take note of all the so called who remained silent witnessing satan action, take proper action, and go on.
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magz · 6 months
Lets Talk Palestine, summary. March 31 to April 5, 2024. Quote:
March 31. Day 177 - Easter
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✝️ Israel denied Palestinian Christians — the oldest in the world — access to the old city in Jerusalem
🇫🇷 France to prosecute its citizens serving in IOF for implicated war crimes after video showed French citizen assaulting Palestinian hostages
• 77 Palestinians killed, 108 injured in last 24 hours
🇮🇶 Iraqi group’s drone strikes & damages Israeli naval base in Eilat in southern Palestine, bypassing Jordanian & Israeli air defense to do so (📸 above)
• Another massacre of aid seekers at Kuwaiti roundabout killed 17 & wounded 30. This major aid distribution point now dubbed a “deathtrap”
🏥 Israeli bombing of tents housing displaced Palestinians at al-Aqsa Hospital kills 4, wounds 17 incl. journalist
• IOF abducts 14 in overnight raids in West Bank
🏥 26 patients killed in Israel’s siege of Shifa Hospital. The remaining 107 patients face mass disease spread
🐀 Palestinian Authority President Abbas swears in new unelected gov’t
April 1. Day 178
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🏥 IOF withdraws from Shifa Hospital after 2-week siege that completely destroyed the hospital as they set fire to buildings (📸 above). 400+ bodies of Palestinians executed by IOF found, many missing body parts, showing signs of torture
•⁠ 63 killed, 94 injured in Gaza in last 24 hours
•⁠ ⁠Israeli army report admits that IOF executed Palestinians for crossing arbitrary invisible “kill zones” determined by IOF
🇸🇾🇮🇷 Israel strikes & destroys Iranian consulate in Syria, killing 7 in a dangerous regional escalation
•⁠ ⁠4 foreign @ wckitchen aid workers (incl. Australian, British & Polish) & their Palestinian translator killed by Israeli targeted bombing of their car while distributing food
•⁠ Hamas says the Palestinian Authority & Egyptian officials coordinated w/ Israel to infiltrate Gaza via Rafah crossing as an "intelligence plan" disguised as "distributing aid". PA denies the accusation; 6 PA officers were arrested by Hamas. The PA seeks to administer Gaza post-genocide
April 2. Day 179
• 71 Palestinians killed, 102 injured in Gaza in last 24 hours
•⁠ ⁠Netanyahu claims yesterday’s attack killing 7 foreign aid workers (🇦🇺, 🇨🇦, 🇬🇧, 🇺🇸, 🇵🇱) was “unintended”. But the workers were in a deconflicted zone, coordinated movement w/ Israel, & were in clearly marked @ wckitchen cars
👆UK & Australia summon Israeli ambassadors, demanding accountability; but US & Canada accept Israel’s excuse that the killing was unintended
🇺🇸⁠ Alarming level of US intelligence sharing w/ Israel since Oct 7 from Gaza surveillance. US unsure of its intel’s contribution to civilian deaths
• Knesset (Israel Parliament) pass bill paving way to ban Al Jazeera, claims it poses threat to international media & freedom of the press
• Multiple aid orgs incl. @ aneraorg & @ wckitchen halt Gaza operations after yesterday’s attack + aid shipment returns to Cyprus w/ 240 tons of undelivered aid. Due to Israel targeting humanitarian workers
• World Bank: Gaza infrastructure damage estimated at $18.5bn
April 3. Day 180
• After 6 months of genocide, Israel has killed 32,975 Palestinians, not including thousands buried under rubble; incl. 14,500 kids, 140 journalists & 484 medical staff. Starvation & disease are expected to kill even more as Israel prevents aid
🇺🇳 UN Human Rights Council to consider draft motion for arms embargo on Israel to halt arms sales
• 30% of children under 2 in Gaza are ‘acutely malnourished’
🇺🇳 UN suspends night aid deliveries in last 48 hours after Israel’s killing of 7 @ wckitchen aid workers
⚖️ The PA attempted to arrest a Palestinian resistance fighter in Tulkarem (West Bank), and later PA forces killed Motassim Al-Arif of Tulkarem Brigades (local resistance group), making him the 7th Palestinian resistance fighter killed by the PA since Oct 7. This sparked Tulkarem brigades to initiate a state of “civil disobedience” in Tulkarem. The attempted arrest of the Hamas leader occurred in Jenin (West Bank) and is another escalation of clashes between the PA and Palestinian resistance groups in the West Bank
🇬🇧 YouGov Poll: 56% UK voters support ban of arms export to Israel
April 4. Day 181
‼️ Gaza death toll surpasses 33,000 not including thousands under rubble
•⁠ ⁠Israel’s bombing of Gaza is driven by flawed AI software with little human review of the thousands of Palestinians placed on its ‘kill list’. The AI accounts for 5-10 ‘acceptable civilian deaths’ per targeted resistance fighter
[Magz note: This is a part of Israel's various efforts to kill Palestinians / "Hamas" with more efficiency and ease for the IOF. Other examples being robot dogs and high-tech missile launchers and dropping specialized bombs on highly-concentrated "concentration camp" of Gaza. In this case, the machine-learning database is called "Lavender", and 'identifies' targets that 'might' have any connection to Hamas at all, so the IOF directs "dumb bombs" on the targets. The unspoken implications is that the targets' identifications would include potential family members and friends - thus having as many as 37000 target list total for "Hamas", as the dehumanization of Palestinians is to idenitfy them all as inherently "terrorist". ("‘The machine did it coldly’: Israel used AI to identify 37,000 Hamas targets", The Gaurdian article. Article date: April 4, 2024)]
🇮🇷 Israel evacuated several of its embassies abroad, halted deploying combat units & called reservists in response to Iran’s threats of retaliation after Israel killed 7 Iranian personnel in strike on its consulate in Syria. Israel taking Iran’s threat seriously
• Israeli doctor reveals catastrophic conditions for Palestinian captives incl. requiring amputations from being shackled for 24 hours, regularly blindfolded, denied toilet access & surgeries without proper medical care
• IOF strikes homes in ‘safe zone’ Rafah, killing 8+ Palestinians
🇱🇧 2000 acres of Lebanese farmland destroyed by Israeli bombardment
• IOF shot & killed 28-year-old Asad Amr in Jenin in West Bank
April 5. Day 182
•⁠ ⁠On Palestinian Children’s Day, Israel has killed 14,000+ children in Gaza, 117 in West Bank since Oct 7. 31 kids killed by starvation while 50,000+ are acutely malnourished, 200 kids held captive by Israel & 17,000+ unaccompanied or separated from immediate family
⚖️ Colombia follows Nicaragua in requesting to join South Africa in ICJ genocide case against Israel
🇺🇳 UN Human Rights Council passes non-binding motion urging states to halt arms sales to Israel, citing ICJ ruling; US voted against. First time UNHRC takes a position since Oct 7
•⁠ Israel to open Beit Hanoon crossing to north Gaza & Ashdod port temporarily; analysts say it’s inadequate as Gaza subject to ‘catastrophic starvation’ by Israel’s blockade
•⁠ After international outrage, Israel dismisses 2 officers & reprimands 3 for attack killing 6 foreign aid workers, but no criminal trials or real accountability
•⁠ Israeli sniper kills Palestinian while filming an Israeli raid from his rooftop in West Bank
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hindkande · 1 year
Israel just bombed a Christian hospital in Gaza and murdered over 500 Palestinian civilians.
In what world do we live?
Dropping a bomb on a hospital full of wounded!!
What peace and humanity is this world talking about?!!
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eyeonpalestine · 1 year
Israel bombed AlMamadani hospital, the last Christian hospital in Gaza…
Killing 800 people, mostly women and children….
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darnell233 · 4 months
I consider myself a Christian. I’ve been following what’s been going on in Palestine since the festival massacre, where Hamas terrorists specifically attacked, murdered, raped and took hostage civilians. When Israel attacked Hamas in Gaza in response to rescue the hostages and put an end to the terrorist group that has declared death to ALL Jews, I have watched in sadness and empathy the death and destruction of Gaza and her people, but the simplistic response of the protesters and their anti semitic rhetoric has me horrified. Let me put this into perspective: during WWII the United States dropped 2 atom bombs and fire bombed Tokyo for a CIVILIAN death toll of between 300,000 to 400,000. The total civilian death toll on Germany from allied bombs was in excess of 800,000. These numbers didn’t result in protests, hate speech. And while a number of Nazis and Japanese soldiers were tried and convicted of war crimes the remaining innocent civilians were left to become the staunch defenders of civilization that children have become. Now we’ve become defenders of those that sponsor terrorism against innocent civilians who were praying for joy, peace and understanding between both sides of the current war between the terrorists and the Israeli army. 6 MILLION innocent Jews were executed and hundreds of thousands of innocent Chinese were massacred during WWII. And while we gave a pass to the people who promoted and followed both Hitler and Hirohito in starting WWII we never shed a tear for those hundreds of thousands innocent enemies who died during that war. And now we have the gall, the temerity to blame the entire Jewish population for the Israeli army finally trying to stamp out the terrorists who consider all Jews as someone to kill with no thought except how fast with as much pain and suffering as they can bestow . Nobody is saying how the people of Gaza voted Hamas to govern them. Nobody has wondered how Hamas could have built the tunnels under Gaza and into Israel AND Egypt without the innocent population of Gazans knowing and applauding it. How can we compare people are forced to dig out terrorists from under Hospitals because they use the population of innocent to hide behind to those that seek out unarmed festival goers to kill, rape and kidnap and video tape their beastialty with out qualm but with glee. Where is our justice, our humanity that we can vilify the victims and defend those that started this holocaust?
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