#Interpol (International Criminal Police Organization)
carlocarrasco · 7 days
Parañaque City scam hub raided, Chinese nationals arrested
Recently in the City of Parañaque, local authorities raided a scam hub and arrested four Chinese nationals, according to a news report by the Philippine Star. The report also includes the arrest of a Chinese fugitive as a result of a separate operation in Parañaque. To put things in perspective, posted below is the excerpt from the Philippine Star report. Some parts in boldface… Four Chinese…
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wildlifeday · 7 months
INTERPOL Secretary General, Message for World Wildlife Day 2024.
Message for World Wildlife Day 2024 by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) Secretary General, Mr. Jürgen Stock.
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argyrocratie · 29 days
"100 years of Interpol: Why there’s no reason to celebrate"
"Following several inconclusive conferences like the “International Conference of Rome for the Social Defense Against Anarchists” in 1898, the follow-up in 1904 in St. Petersburg, as well as the “First International Criminal Police Congress” in Monaco 1914, another conference took place in September 1923 following the initiative of Viennese chief of police Johann Schober. The conference was concluded with the founding of the International Criminal Police Commission (ICPC), direct predecessor of today’s Interpol, with Johann Schober as its president. As Viennese police president he forced reforms towards a “modernization” of investigation methods and information exchange systems, making the Austrian police internationally renowned. He established an intelligence service that compiled a register of persons as well as indexes through surveillance and informants. The focus was not only set on general criminality but with regards to the politicaly active, like anarchists, communists and social revolutionaries. Regarding the personnel, he worked towards removing social democrats from the agency and employed antimarxists and later nazis.
In 1938 the ICPCs leadership was taken over by the National Socialists and its headquarter was moved to Berlin-Wannsee, where it shared its rooms and lead with the Gestapo. The ICPCs records, that were transferred to Berlin, like the so called “Internationales Zigeunerregistratur (international gypsy registry)”, as well as the records concerning counterfeiting of money and passports, helped the National Socialists prosecuting certain groups and in their mass production of counterfeit money and fake passports in the KZ Sachsenhausen.
The ICPC was dissolved in 1945 but newly formed as the International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol – probably also to distance itself from the ICPC of the inter- and poastwar period. However, certain continuities are observable in its 100 year history, even though it was probably only a coincidence that in 1968 Paul Dickopf, a sworn SS-policeman, was elected president and the prosecution of nazi criminals did not start before the 1980s…
Interpol, as it exists today, is, contrary to the popular medial representations, not a supra-national police agency with the authority to arrest, but more an association that functions as network of law enforcement agencies of its member states. As an organization, it offers administrative support in the fields of communication and data banks/information exchange, as well as support in investigations, expertise, and trainings for the various law enforcement agencies.
Besides its headquarters in Lyon, France, and seven regional bureaus, the organization has bureaus in each of the 195 member states with more than 1000 employees, making her the largest police organization. The budget of 140 million euros is comprised of the member states’ contributions and, additionally, separate contributions from EU, several repression agencies of the member states (FBI) and the Interpol Foundation. But Interpol also receives donations from NGOs, the private sector (Philipp Morris, FIFA, IOC, Quatar 2022, etc.) and other international organizations (UNICEF, FRONTEX, etc.). One of the organizations central tasks is the maintenance of 19 data banks, that contain entries on missing and wanted persons, fingerprints, DNA samples, and stolen (travel) documents. According to its own accounts, the data banks contain 125 million police files that are queried 187 times per second. In 2022 alone this results in 5.9 billion queries with 1.4 million hits. In Austria 32 million wanted person searches were queried through, or for, Interpol in 2020, additionally there were 900.000 car inquiries, as well as 7.4 million inquiries on stolen documents.
Transnational repression
Arguably the most important instrument for repression by Interpol is the sending out of so-called “Notices”. These are calls for support requested for by Interpol member states and subsequently being sent out to law enforcement agencies globally. These Notices are divided into colours depending on their respective purpose. A Black Notice is a call for support in finding or identifying a body, while a Blue Notice is a request for information regarding the whereabouts of an individual. The by far most frequent Notices are Red Notices, i.e. the request for information of whereabout and the arrest with subsequent extradition of a person.
These Red Notices are very popular in autocracies like Turkey, China, Russia and some of the Arab states as tool for the international persecution and repression of dissidents or other politically persecuted individuals. The perfidious thing here is that affected are not informed about their international labeling, or can only lose them after long-lasting and expensive juridical processes. The president of the Uighur World Congress, now living in Germany, was searched for, by these means, for 21 years after China issued such a warrant.
When labeled with a Red Notice, people do not only have to live in fear of repression by the original persecuting state but also in fear of the cops of the other 194 member states. Apart from the ever present danger of being arbitrarily arrested and extradited, it can impossible for affected individuals to open bank accounts, move across borders or find a job. Red Notices are thus not only issued as means of political persecution and extradition, for some states it is enough to simply make the life of dissidents abroad as hard as possible.
According to the Interpol statutes, Red Notices cannot be issued out of political or religious reasons but it is only since very recently that requests – though, of course, by Interpol itself and only lapidary – are being controlled; though, rather, such a control can be easily circumvented by issuing the Notice on a wrong warrant. This happened to the nephew of the former opposition leader Fethullah Gülen. He was arrested and extradited from Kenya to Turkey on basis of a fake warrant for child abuse, in Turkey, however, he was wrongly convicted for being part of a terrorist organization for which he is still serving time in Turkish prison.
The Bahraini dissident and human rights activist Ahmed Jafaar Muhammad Ali was, on his flight from Bahraini authorities, extradited from his Serbian exile on base of a Red Notice from Interpol, deported to Bahrains capital Manama where he was directly turned over to the local repression agencies. This happened despite intervention by the European Court of Justice and its demand towards the Serbian state to annul the undertaking, since Muhammad was facing possible torture and execution in Bahrain for his political work. He actually was even held captive and tortured prior to his flight for taking part in anti-government protests. In his absence he was sentenced for life. In 2017 two of his co-convicts were, after two years of inhumane captivity, executed by the Bahraini state. All this was known to Interpol and the Serbian authorities, yet neither were the extradition cancelled nor the Red Notice at Interpol annulled.
Interpol thus becomes a tool of repression by autocracies and dictatorships, and the supposedly “democratic” states their henchmen. This transnational contempt for mankind puts a spotlight on the fact that no single state, may it be ever so “democratically legitimized” or appeal ever so much to respecting human rights, can be trusted. As long as this world is trashed with an internationally connected body of pigs, the politically or religiously persecuted or individuals persecuted for their race, have nowhere to be safe."
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reportscammers · 4 months
### Exposing and Stopping Fake Scam Call Centers in Kolkata, India
#### Introduction
Kolkata, the vibrant cultural capital of India, is unfortunately also known as a hub for fraudulent call centers. These scam operations target unsuspecting victims globally, tarnishing the city's reputation and causing significant financial and emotional distress. This blog explores the mechanisms behind these scams, the efforts to combat them, and how we can contribute to stopping this menace.
#### Understanding the Scams
Fake call centers operate under various guises, from tech support and IRS impersonation to lottery and loan scams. These operations are sophisticated, often using advanced technology to spoof caller IDs and create believable scenarios. The scammers are well-trained, fluent in multiple languages, and skilled in social engineering techniques.
#### The Impact of Scams
The impact of these scams is far-reaching:
1. **Financial Loss**: Victims lose thousands of dollars to these scams, often their life savings.
2. **Emotional Toll**: Beyond financial loss, victims suffer immense emotional stress, guilt, and shame.
3. **Reputational Damage**: Kolkata's image suffers, affecting legitimate businesses and tourism.
4. **Legal Consequences**: Those involved face severe legal repercussions, damaging their future prospects.
#### Efforts to Combat the Scams
1. **Law Enforcement Actions**: The Kolkata Police, in collaboration with international agencies like the FBI and Interpol, have been actively raiding and shutting down these scam centers. Recent operations have led to numerous arrests and the seizure of equipment used in scams.
2. **Public Awareness Campaigns**: NGOs, government bodies, and tech companies are working to educate the public about recognizing and avoiding scams. These campaigns are crucial in empowering potential victims with the knowledge to protect themselves.
3. **Regulatory Measures**: Strengthening cyber laws and implementing stricter regulations for call centers can help prevent the establishment of fraudulent operations.
4. **Technological Interventions**: Tech companies are developing tools to detect and block scam calls. Collaboration between telecom companies and regulatory bodies is essential to identify and shut down spoofed numbers.
#### How You Can Help
1. **Stay Informed**: Regularly update yourself on the latest scam tactics. Knowledge is your first line of defense.
2. **Report Scams**: If you receive a suspicious call, report it to the authorities. In India, you can contact the Cyber Crime Cell or use the government's helpline.
3. **Educate Others**: Share information with friends and family, especially those who may be more vulnerable to scams, such as the elderly.
4. **Support Legitimate Causes**: Contribute to or volunteer with organizations working to combat cybercrime and support victims.
#### Conclusion@ jim i want to.join your team to expose scammers in India as much as I can sir
The battle against fake scam call centers in Kolkata requires a multi-faceted approach, involving law enforcement, public awareness, regulatory measures, and community involvement. By staying informed, vigilant, and proactive, we can protect ourselves and help dismantle these criminal networks. Together, we can restore Kolkata's reputation and ensure a safer digital world for everyone.
#### Call to Action
Have you encountered a scam call recently? Share your experience in the comments below and let’s spread awareness together. If you found this blog helpful, please share it with your network to help others stay safe from scams.
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tommy-bside · 4 months
It is time. To make a post.
Introducing: two of my Pokemon OCs, Malo Buckley and Hayate Matsubura!!
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These two are members of the International Police, that organization that Looker is from that never gets any worldbuilding. Which makes it perfect for me to throw in all my own little quirks about how it all functions and essentially make a brand new canon; I won't get into said canon here, I'll likely make a separate post for that, but it is worth mentioning here because I do get in the weeds with these characters a bit.
So! Hayate, pictured on the top, is a member of the Criminal Investigation branch of Interpol, is of Johtohan descent, and is in his mid to late twenties. He is sharp, distant, and generally carries himself with a clear drive and purpose. He despises those who are indecisive and lives his life with minimal regrets, seeing each decision he makes as the best possible one he could have made in the moment. He takes setbacks in stride, and off work is generally pleasant, if rather stuffy and polite. His team consists of a Growlithe and Gliscor, both lacking nicknames.
Malo, pictured on the bottom, is a member of the Mythical and Legendary Disturbance branch of Interpol, is of Galarian (Irish) descent, and is in his early to mid thirties. He's flighty and passionate, jumping eagerly into his next mission or task with excitement for discovery and learning. He's a workaholic and a perfectionist, and generally values his research and scientific progress over his own wellbeing. Both at work and out of work he speaks rather informally, and has a habit of speaking over people without realizing he's doing so. His expertise in the field alienates him from some of his peers, having a 'know it all' attitude when it comes to the topic of Mythical and Legendary Pokemon. His team consists of a Herdier, nicknamed Fitz, and a Corviknight, nicknamed Ciara (KEER-rah).
Wip shots under the cut
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This was a rare case of me not really cleaning up my lineart or sketch and instead doing the lineart entirely in IbisX. I quite like how it turned out, all things considered, the way the dip bleed pen in IbisX looks is very nice to me. The process of lining it separately versus cleaning the stray pixels took about the same amount of time, so neither process is inherently better, which means I'll likely continue to do both processes interchangeably. No shading was done for these pictures as these are intended to be reference material going forward, and shadows would interfere with colour picking.
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mariacallous · 1 year
Through a joint action by the EU law enforcement agency Europol, several other state authorities and authorities of Serbia, two tons of cocaine were seized in international waters in the Atlantic Ocean from a 22-meter-long sailboat, Oceania dos, the Serbian prosecutor’s office announced on Thursday.
Serbian police and the security agency arrested four Serbian nationals accused of drug trafficking, among them a person with the initials S.K. who had escaped from a Brazilian prison and was on an Interpol “wanted” list.
S.K. was named as organiser of the group. All four were arrested in police raids in Belgrade and Novi Sad.
“There are grounds for suspicion that this organised criminal group from March 2022 to today 2023 committed the criminal offence of unauthorized production and placing on the market of narcotic drugs,” Serbia’s Prosecution for Organised Crime announced.
The prosecution claims the group organized the transport of cocaine from South America to Western Europe and Serbia for further sale, securing sailboats, contacting sellers of narcotic drugs, organising locations for the reception and unloading of the cocaine, hiding narcotics and hiring a crew to operate a sailboat – a Czech and a Ukrainian national who were also arrested in the action.
The Serbian suspects, S.K., N.S., N.S. and S.K., who were detained in Belgrade and Novi Sad, will be brought before the Public Prosecutor’s Office for organised crime.
A few days ago, Spain seized 700 kilograms of South American cocaine being transported to the Canary Islands, arresting three people, including a Croat and a Serb suspected of coordinating the crime, Europol said.
In the last few years, Europol has conducted several operations against the so-called “Balkan Cartel”, including an operation in May that netted 37 people, led by a Bosnian national who were allegedly involved in the large-scale trafficking of drugs and firearms across Europe.
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pancakeke · 1 year
end of a wikipedia rabbit hole I went down:
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Main article: Telegraphic address
Telegraphs were addressed using short words assigned to the physical location of a recipient or nearest public telegram office. Companies chose short, memorable words to represent themselves in the telegraph system to. Some companies became widely known by their telegraphic address and a few eventually used those addresses as their official names.
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Main article: Interpol
Interpol's original name was the "International Criminal Police Commission". That name was replaced by their telegraphic address (Interpol) several years after the end of WWII. This happened during an overhaul of the organization, which I guess was desperately needed because they spent the whole war under Nazi control...
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avatarvyakara · 2 years
Let’s just say the saga continues, and the work will too…
The beginnings of Crimson Shades.
4. Acharné
(adj) fierce, bitter, stubborn, furious, keen, determined
The only way to keep sane in this world, thinks Chase, is to think about it in terms of black and white. One side moves, another side is moved against. It doesn’t have to be equal. It almost never is.
The job of Interpol is to be the reaction to the moves. To chase down—aha—those who consider themselves beyond the reach of the law, and show them that their actions have consequences. Chase started as a gendarme and worked his way up—his whole career has been about the beat. Understand the crime, catch the criminal, let the Justice of the People take its dutiful course. In recent days, he’s found his niche in the middle ground—in the hunt.
(It makes him feel alive.
It lets him live.)
A new criminal—an international super-thief breaking all the rules. Out in public, dressed head to toe in bright red, seemingly incongruous and inexplicably linked robberies from countries across the globe. Theories abound at Interpol, from publicity stunts by a very ostentatious insurance saleswoman, to the superhuman delusions of a colourblind kleptomaniac schizophrenic, to the machinations of a secret organization using the distraction of their ringleader’s antics to perform more low-publicity operations without detection. Smoke hiding fire and so on. Chase, naturally, is above such petty speculation.
(Although the ringleader argument does make the most sense, when you think about it.)
And now, a partner. A rookie, more like. An English woman—well, that’s hardly a crime. But an English woman who speaks only English, well, that makes things awkward. An English woman with doctorates, skipping all the steps along the road in becoming an officer, treating it like a game. An English woman like all English, seeing in France a cultural marvel, a museum—a mausoleum—for its decadent beauty and debauchery-filled history, instead of a living, breathing entity that must be cared for and loved, sins and sainthoods alike. An English woman who treats the job like a puzzle, marvelling over antiques and pieces of art as if they will mean anything at all to the criminals seeking them out, instead of the straightforward plan and the risks the work carries. La vaurienne en rose certainly won’t care, whatever it is she has in mind and pocket tonight.
Ms. Argent has to learn to turn off her ramblings and focus on the street. But the infuriating woman won’t speak up for herself and won’t listen to what he’s trying to explain in the English he’s had to brush up on for this assignment. She just won’t budge.
“Dull facts about boring things” is the nicest way he can find to say “Focus on your damn job so I don’t have to bury you too”.
No point in taking it out on her, though. He just has to remind himself of that.
A mint to the mouth. Fuel for thought. Keeps him awake. Alert. Ever-vigilant. It’s an old trick, and it’s been invaluable on stakeouts for years.
“Sit back,” he says, finishing his speech (like he said, he’s been practicing his English). “Watch, and learn how to catch a thief.”
“She’s right there!”
…maybe he needs to take more mints these days.
The night air is cold against his face as Ms. Argent finally bucks up and points out their quarry.
“Remain here!”
“And radio for assistance?”
And scare The Blood-Thief away again? When full contingents couldn’t pin her down in Shanghai? This needed a different approach. One that a fast-lane newbie wasn’t going to be able to help with.
“No! The Crimson Ghost is mine!”
(A more sensible Chase, from the long-ago days of last month, would have appreciated her letting the local police know about their movements so that if the chase did go awry, the Thief would be caught.
So sue him for wanting to make a clear demonstration as to how real policing works.)
And now it’s up to him to chase down La Femme Rouge.
Just another thief, he reminds himself, she’s just like any other thief. All thieves run, and all thieves fall, even when he has to push them himself. And when Chase Devineaux puts his heart into a hunt, he does not let anything like mere physical pain or death-defying parkour get in his way. And really, how many thieves actually bother with anything but guns these days? Pitiful. Bullets are painful for two kind of people, civilians and dead men, and Chase is neither. Not now. Not ever. (Not yet.)
And so the night begins.
(Perhaps Margo would have told him to take it easy. To remind himself that he didn’t need to prove himself to anyone. Not to let himself become consumed with one pesky thief. Not when he had people who loved him at home.
Well. Margo made it perfectly clear what she felt she was capable of taking on.
So will Chase.)
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Former Brazilian military police officer convicted in 2015 deaths arrested in Rye, NH
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A former military police officer who was convicted of multiple murders and sentenced to more than 200 years in prison for his part in a 2015 Brazilian massacre has been arrested in Rye, New Hampshire, immigration officials said.
Antônio José de Abreu Vidal Filho, 29, became the subject of an active Interpol Red Notice issued by the international criminal police organization after he was convicted of 11 murders and sentenced in June to nearly 276 years in prison, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Removal Operations office based in Boston said in a news release Wednesday.
He was arrested Monday in Rye, New Hampshire and will remain in custody pending a hearing before a federal immigration judge. No further details were provided on how he was tracked to New Hampshire or his activities there.
Vidal Filho was convicted by a criminal court in Brazil, along with three other military police officers, for the slaying of 11 people, three attempted homicides and torture in the poor suburbs of Fortaleza, the capital of the Ceara state.
Continue reading.
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tellnxlies · 2 years
@divimperator [continued from] “Why do you think Rocket has been so hard to pin down? Sure, other teams continue to operate with their leaders still at large,” such as the one Naomasa was sat next to, “but most of them lack the ability to infect other regions. It is easy to corrupt the local police in one’s own region or at least learn their habits. Therefore it’s simple enough to build a haven of criminal impunity at the home field. Interpol is an international organization, harder to coerce, and able quash a team’s budding influence when they attempt to spread to places where they have no existing power. Except for Rocket.” He watched the scenery rush by, his finger tapping with irritation at the thought of his rivals. They gained traction a while ago because someone had been hiding their activity from him, specifically. This was long before John had been corrupted and was done by someone who knew exactly how his surveillance system in Unova worked and so was not someone at Interpol. Still, even with him blinded they should not have become as prevalent as they did. At least not without attracting some attention from Interpol. After catching wind of the problem and fixing his surveillance network, he was taking it upon himself to rid his region of this infestation. It was a battle Plasma fought alone and he knew exactly why.   “Why is Rocket in my region and no other team? Why is their name spoken in hushed tones around the world while other teams so often are unheard of or dismissed? Is it a coincidence? Are they simply that cunning? I assure you no one is that good without inside help. I’m certain that if you paid attention you would find cases of hot trails inexplicably going cold. Key members evading capture despite being utterly cornered. Ask the right questions, Mr. Tsukauchi, and someone at Interpol will tell you to leave it alone. I guarantee it.” 
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Harold managed to put to words some things that had been bothering him for a long time, now. No matter how many times Rocket seemed to be taken care of, they never really . . . went anywhere at all, did they? Every day both at work and home, he heard tell of their activities, whispers underlying the common story that they were not responsible for the region's tragedies.
The papers always had something to tell, and unlikely explanations for where the fault lay. Price gouging, supplies limited of some product or another, but what were they to do? Supply and demand and the mysterious lack of an entire ship or several full of goods meant for Kantonian harbors. Turning instead to focus on the latest news in the gym circuit, or the latest blunder of a former champion.
Don't ask where your neighbor down the hall has gone, and why you haven't seen that fellow on your commute in so long.
Everything's fine here.
Everyone's safe here.
There is no Rocket here.
(Bullshit, and he knew vaguely as much, but it'd never been an investigation he'd been privy to. The Beladonis men had been in that fight since long before he ever even knew the half of it. Hachiro had said as much, hadn't he . . . ?)
"I don't like what you're implying."
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I don't like how much I think you're right.
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shalladrmalorie · 2 years
Chinese Transnational Policing Gone Wild Safeguard Defenders 110 Overseas
110 Overseas :The last decade has witnessed the rapid spread of telecom and online fraud globally, which seriously infringes on people's legitimate rights and interests, becoming a prominent crime and a public hazard. To address this problem, the Chinese police have been committed to intensifying their efforts in the combat against and control of such crimes, and strengthening international law enforcement cooperation, which has enabled them to accumulate successful experience, build up best practices and set examples for their counterparts around the world. 110 Overseas.pdf. false information :230,000 Chinese "persuaded to return" from abroad, China to establish Extraterritoriality-Safeguard Defenders Upholding the people-centered principle, the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government have attached great importance to countering telecom and online fraud. Equal importance has been given to both combat and control. An efficient multi-department collaborative working mechanism has been established, and the Anti-telecom and Online Fraud Law has been formulated and enacted, which provides a strong legal foundation. Targeting the characteristics of such crimes, the Chinese police have conducted specialized study and research, set up specialized task forces, initiated specialized investigation against major cases and utilized specialized techniques. Safeguard Defenders The Chinese police have synchronized their efforts both internally and externally, and launched a series of campaigns and operations, effectively curbing the high momentum of these crimes, retrieving a large number of economic losses, and winning wide recognition from the public and the international community. During their international law enforcement engagements, the Chinese police frequently received requests from their counterparts to share their experience and effective practices in this field. Safeguard Defenders Telecom and online fraud is a typical transnational organized crime. Fraud dens are often located across countries and regions, targeting vulnerable individuals and groups regardless of their nationalities. Safeguard Defenders The Chinese police, through international law enforcement cooperation, have joined hands with their international counterparts to carry out operations and achieved significant results. Operation Great Wall, jointly launched with the Spanish police in 2019, has become a successful example of transnational law enforcement cooperation. Safeguard Defenders From March to June this year, China, together with 76 INTERPOL member states, jointly participated in the anti-fraud Operation First Light initiated by INTERPOL, which destroyed 1,770 fraud dens in as many countries, arrested over 2,000 suspects and intercepted more than US$50 million in illicit funds. It was also found that some Chinese citizens were involved in fraud activities abroad, and the majority of them were tempted by the promise of high payments, cheated and coerced into being smuggled abroad, and some of them were kidnapped and detained illegally, and a few of them were even beaten and abused to death in the criminal dens.
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oipolinternacional · 2 days
Combating IP Crime is a global responsibility.
Experts from around the world gather to address intellectual property crime threat OIPOL & OIJUST operating in the USA | Communication by the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL). 24 September 2024. Cooperation and edition Oipol & Oijust. September 25 2024.- WILLEMSTAD, Curaçao – Law enforcement officials, security and industry experts are meeting in Curaçao to strengthen global…
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hsndmni · 4 days
On July 16, 2024 Eastern Time
On July 16, 2024 Eastern Time, Guo Wengui (also known as Miles Guo), a long-time fugitive from the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol), was found guilty of defrauding thousands of people of over $1 billion in Manhattan court in New York.
Prosecutor Damian Williams stated in a statement after the verdict that Guo Wengui was found guilty of 9 out of 12 counts of fraud and money laundering. The judge will announce the corresponding sentence on November 19th this year, and Guo Wengui may face decades of imprisonment.
The verdict states that Guo Wengui shamelessly implemented several interconnected fraud schemes, all of which were aimed at extracting hard-earned money from loyal followers to fund his luxurious life during his exile.
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civilmentor1 · 18 days
Current Affairs - 9 September 2024
1. International Police Organisation (Interpol) Overview: Recently, the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) chief revealed that Interpol issued a record 100 Red Notices last year, marking the highest number on India’s request. About Interpol: The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is a global entity that facilitates international police collaboration against crimes like…
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brookstonalmanac · 20 days
Events 9.7 (before 1930)
70 – A Roman army under Titus occupies and plunders Jerusalem. 878 – Louis the Stammerer is crowned as king of West Francia by Pope John VIII. 1159 – Pope Alexander III is chosen. 1191 – Third Crusade: Battle of Arsuf: Richard I of England defeats Saladin at Arsuf. 1228 – Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II lands in Acre, Israel, and starts the Sixth Crusade, which results in a peaceful restoration of the Kingdom of Jerusalem. 1303 – Guillaume de Nogaret takes Pope Boniface VIII prisoner on behalf of Philip IV of France. 1571 – Thomas Howard, 4th Duke of Norfolk, is arrested for his role in the Ridolfi plot to assassinate Queen Elizabeth I of England and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots. 1620 – The town of Kokkola (Swedish: Karleby) is founded by King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden. 1630 – The city of Boston, Massachusetts, is founded in North America. 1652 – Around 15,000 Han farmers and militia rebel against Dutch rule on Taiwan. 1695 – Henry Every perpetrates one of the most profitable pirate raids in history with the capture of the Grand Mughal ship Ganj-i-Sawai. In response, Emperor Aurangzeb threatens to end all English trading in India. 1706 – War of the Spanish Succession: Siege of Turin ends, leading to the withdrawal of French forces from North Italy. 1764 – Election of Stanisław August Poniatowski as the last ruler of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. 1776 – According to American colonial reports, Ezra Lee makes the world's first submarine attack in the Turtle, attempting to attach a time bomb to the hull of HMS Eagle in New York Harbor (no British records of this attack exist). 1812 – French invasion of Russia: The Battle of Borodino, the bloodiest battle of the Napoleonic Wars, is fought near Moscow and results in a French victory. 1818 – Carl III of Sweden–Norway is crowned king of Norway, in Trondheim. 1822 – Dom Pedro I declares Brazil independent from Portugal on the shores of the Ipiranga Brook in São Paulo. 1856 – The Saimaa Canal is inaugurated. 1857 – Mountain Meadows massacre: Mormon settlers slaughter most members of peaceful, emigrant wagon train. 1860 – Unification of Italy: Giuseppe Garibaldi enters Naples. 1863 – American Civil War: Union troops under Quincy A. Gillmore capture Fort Wagner in Morris Island after a seven-week siege. 1864 – American Civil War: Atlanta is evacuated on orders of Union General William Tecumseh Sherman. 1901 – The Boxer Rebellion in Qing dynasty (modern-day China) officially ends with the signing of the Boxer Protocol. 1903 – The Ottoman Empire launches a counter-offensive against the Strandzha Commune, which dissolves. 1906 – Alberto Santos-Dumont flies his 14-bis aircraft at Bagatelle, France successfully for the first time. 1907 – Cunard Line's RMS Lusitania sets sail on her maiden voyage from Liverpool, England, to New York City. 1909 – Eugène Lefebvre crashes a new French-built Wright biplane during a test flight at Juvisy, south of Paris, becoming the first aviator in the world to lose his life piloting a powered heavier-than-air craft. 1911 – French poet Guillaume Apollinaire is arrested and put in jail on suspicion of stealing the Mona Lisa from the Louvre museum. 1916 – US federal employees win the right to Workers' compensation by Federal Employers Liability Act (39 Stat. 742; 5 U.S.C. 751) 1920 – Two newly purchased Savoia flying boats crash in the Swiss Alps en route to Finland where they were to serve with the Finnish Air Force, killing both crews. 1921 – In Atlantic City, New Jersey, the first Miss America Pageant, a two-day event, is held. 1921 – The Legion of Mary, the largest apostolic organization of lay people in the Catholic Church, is founded in Dublin, Ireland. 1923 – The International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is formed. 1927 – The first fully electronic television system is achieved by Philo Farnsworth. 1929 – Steamer Kuru capsizes and sinks on Lake Näsijärvi near Tampere in Finland. One hundred thirty-six lives are lost.
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phixxaz-dymmeng · 22 days
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