#Infrared Electrical Testing
thermoeliteinc · 29 days
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Ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical systems with Thermoelite's advanced infrared thermography for electrical inspection. Our certified technicians detect potential issues, prevent costly repairs, and minimize downtime through accurate and non-invasive inspections. Trust Thermoelite for reliable, professional service
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sirfrogsworth · 4 months
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I love how they just invent fictional arguments to validate their own.
No atheist is making this argument. We do not restrict our beliefs to the visual spectrum.
But fine... let's do this anyway.
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If by radio signals they mean electromagnetic waves outside the visible spectrum, you can literally "see" infrared by viewing your TV remote with your smartphone camera.
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And all "TV signals" are now sent as data through streaming devices via WIFI or ethernet. I can use an app to detect all WIFI access points in my vicinity.
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Here is a picture of a molecule.
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And here is a picture of a hydrogen atom.
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And the easiest one of all... electricity.
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We have ways to test, measure, verify, and *visualize* all of these things.
Now do God.
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maulfucker · 5 months
ok so my idea for a bad batch redesign is. What if the bad batch was actually an experiment on transgenic clone modifications. like. really putting the "experimental" in experimental clone force.
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Hunter - Kaleesh genes make his senses sharper, and gives him infrared sensing (and by extension night vision) and stronger hunting instincts - His ears are pointy and taller than normal, but he hides that with his bandana - Has pit organs under his eyes (that's how he senses infrared and electric currents) - His eyes reflect light and have slit pupils - His pinkies work as secondary thumbs
Tech - Kind of a test to see how much of givins' natural affinity for mathematics is genetic and how much is socialized - He's better with maths and has quicker thinking than regular humans - Givin genes make him smaller, pale and bony, so he looks kinda sickly and starved but he's totally normal - The glasses help hide how deep his eyes are - The "balding" look from his original design is now because of his bone structure
Wrecker - Gamorrean genes give him enhanced strength - It also gives him a very strong sense of loyalty, and makes him tend to be stubborn - He's actually a little bit shorter than an average clone, but he's so wide that people think he's taller than he really is - His left canine broke in the same incident where he lost his left eye
Crosshair - Chiss genes give him infrared vision and better reflexes (and red scleras) - Umbaran genes give him ultraviolet vision - He really is just an experiment on expanding the human vision range - He sees infrared better than ultraviolet, and has better night vision than Hunter - His hair is a cool black instead of the usual warm black - He's a bit paler as well but that's because he doesn't like bright places
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ysabelmystic · 9 months
My friends and I are rewatching a bunch of Christian films from my childhood and we completed the original Left Behind trilogy the other day. Here were my observations
I do think it's funny that the plot essentially begins with GMOs. GMOs are bad because more people being fed means world peace and globalism. That is bad.
"I'm Buck Williams and I'm standing in a wheat field" is now doomed to be repeated within my friend group for at least the next two years.
The antichrist's name is Nikolai Carpathia. He has the accent of a guy mimicking a Russian accent. This feels on par with JK Rowling naming her one Asian character "Cho Chang".
The character names also include (aside from the aforementioned antichrist and Kirk Cameron's character) Rayford Steele, Chloe, and Patty. Somehow it has the aura of a porno.
Despite the only demographic to be exclusively raptured is children under the age of 10, this fact is pretty much ignored.
Kirk Cameron's character (Buck) confronts police officers who are shooting at looters and teenagers for lacking compassion. By today's standards, this is woke propaganda.
I'm pretty sure the prior thing is to show that Buck is a good and pure soul who just needs to read a Bible to be fully redeemed because how else can you have a non-Christian protagonist in a movie like this. Or maybe this is to show that he's misguided and worldly. However, despite being a hot, sexy, prolific journalist, the movie also points out that he is a virgin.
The alleged romantic tension between Buck and pilot-not-porn-star Rayford Steele's daughter is painful to watch because Kirk Cameron will not kiss anyone other than his wife. There's a lot of awkward side hugs and leaving room for Jesus. Given that they end up getting married later, this is amusing to me.
These movies really want you to know two things: World Peace Is Bad, and Jews Are Bad. There are direct plot points specifically about converting Jewish people to Christianity so that they cannot usher in the rule of the antichrist.
I think it's really funny that, despite TV and the internet existing during the time this series takes place, the connection between the rapture prophecies/fanfics and The Fucking Rapture is only discovered by our protagonists and a handful of other random guys. I think a mass disappearance of certain branches of Christianity and children would provoke some kind of doubt and curiosity, but no. That's bad for plot. Instead, the whole world goes straight to "y'know what? Let's just get rid of all religion at once. Forever." This is because all other religions are made from faithless heathens who just really hate Christians, and since there are no longer Christians, they no longer have to Do Religion. I guess.
I also think it's funny that the main characters, though they themselves were convinced to convert because of the rapture, do not use the rapture as a means to convert the masses. They jump straight to bunker church and secret Bible brigades. When they do successfully convert others, it is either by trotting out the tired, "YOU THINK THIS WORLD WAS AN ACCIDENT???" Case for Christ nonsense, or basically threatening their victim with damnation.
Case in point, Rayford Steele talks a guy out of suicide by reminding him that he will never see his wife and child again if he goes through with it. Suicide = Straight To Hell.
There's a scene where the antichrist like... tries to "test" Rayford Steele by revealing his uber spoopy ghost face and seeing if he reacts. Because I guess the uber spoopy ghost face only works on believers. Te uber spoopy ghost face is his figure showing up in infrared, then his face stretching out cartoonishly, and his eyes turning black. This scared me as a child. It is the second funniest part of the movie.
Also, the title of the second movie being "Left Behind: Tribulation Force" is giving big "Electric Boogaloo" energy.
The antichrist reveals of the evil Global Community organization to the protagonists by handing them a piece of loose leaf printer paper with a logo that I would've made in the computer lab in 2005. This is done to the tune of sinister and dramatic music. This is the funniest part of the movie.
The third movie begins with the introduction of The President. It was previously stated that the president had been raptured. There was no mention of presidents up until this point. I know the line of succession exits but it really felt like they just forgot.
Oh yeah...the Pope was also raptured because he was secretly protestant.
Buck marries Rayford Steele's daughter at the same time Rayford Steele marries a random blonde lady. It feels weird and icky, which is furthered by the fact that the now married daughter will henceforth be referred to as "our girl" by both of these men for the rest of the movie.
We also had to stop the movie several times due most of the female cast consisting of skinny white blonde ladies. We could not tell the difference between any of them except for by their eyeliner. If she wears dark eyeliner, she's a whore.
Due to the plot involving the release of a virus that mainly only affects Christians, this film was definitely the most fun to dissect.
The virus is stored in badly CGId glowy green goo bottles, which for a series that has tried very hard to be serious, was awfully cartoony.
This movie does not give a fuck about the protagonists. This movie is about the president. I'm pretty sure this is because the protagonists, who are Christian, are no longer allowed to commit murder. The president is not a Christian, so he gets to use a gun.
The president has random warehouses to do casual interrogations in wherever and whenever he wants. It is clear that the creators were really struggling to make due with the set.
We know the antichrist is bad because he wants to take everyone's nukes. The president's main goal in this movie is to keep the nukes.
Back in the side plot, it turns out that the Christians are getting infected with green goo disease because the antichrist hid it in their Bibles. As the protagonists drown in guilt, the suspense of the plot really starts to fall apart. Their entire goal is to Get More People Into Heaven, and in this series, reading the Bible will automatically make anyone a Christian (the Bible's words cannot be resisted). If anything, they just fast-tracked a bunch of people into heaven, and they no longer have to endure the next seven years of apocalypse.
We should've all watched these movie pre-COVID. The only person who wears a mask and gloves is the antichrist. The protagonists also mention avoiding vaccines and relying on God/sacrificing themselves instead. This movie predicted 2020.
The super advanced green goo virus has an instacure antidote. Fucking red wine. This seems like a helluva lot of oversight to hand the "drinks red wine as part of religious rituals" group a virus that can be instacured by red wine.
WW3 starts. Somehow, this does not cause a nuclear winter.
The antichrist discovers that he can force-choke people.
The president suicide-bombs the antichrist's tower in order to "slow him down". Given that the antichrist cannot be killed and cell phones exist, I have no idea what exactly that was supposed to do.
As someone who grew up fully believing that Obama was the antichrist and Muslim (which is conservative for "literally a member of Al-Queda/ISIS").... and Black but they didn't say that part out loud), it was interesting in retrospect to watch this movie unfold. The president in this movie is a Black, non-Christian man who is initially for world peace, but then converts to Christianity and suicide-bombs the antichrist. We all have different interpretations of this, but we do agree that they would not have made that specific set of choices today. That said, my interpretation is the correct one /hj
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the-vixen · 1 year
𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐨𝐥 : 𝙀𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙣 𝙃𝙪𝙣𝙩 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
When you are sent on a mission to rescue Ethan Hunt from prison, the events that domino will force you to face the ghosts of your past and your guilt tied to Ethan.
This takes place throughout the events of ghost protocol. There will be a change in the story and the events of the mission impossible 2 and 3. Ethan and Julia never got married, a certain amount of information will be changed that will be revealed in the story. 
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You haven't spoken much to Ethan since you landed in Dubai. On one hand, it was hilariously stupid that one tiny statement that he had made--for the greater good--had affected you as much as it did. 
But it wasn't just the statement. 
You had overhead benji and Ethan talking as he explained the tech needed to pull the mission off. Perhaps Ethan didn't know you were listening, perhaps he didn't care. But it only added salt into your wounds when he was asked why you couldn't double Moreau or even go with Jane to meet Wistrom, his only answer was, "she's not reliable. its better she's within my sight." before he forced Benji to drop the subject. 
Now, as the five of you got dressed and gathered your bags of equipment, ready to head into the Burj Hotel in pairs. 
As you walked in, you and the men checked in and headed up to the room while Jane broke off and disappeared through the staff entrance. 
Brandt and Benji set up the equipment as You and Ethan secured the room and unpacked the equipment. 
"34 minutes to door knock." Brandt informed as he set his phone down against Benji's laptop. Benji cleared his throat. "we have a slight wrinkle...nothing to um worry about but...we're just gonna have to go through the server room from the outside." 
You and Ethan looked at him, "what?" you said at the same time. You looked at each other before looking back at benji. 
He shifted in his seat, "well the fire wall's server on this building is military grade. this would be a cinch if I could call Yousef at HQ but Yousef doesn't exist anymore and neither do we..." he said, "y/n and I could hack it but it would take too long.."
"then hardwire in." you suggested, going to his laptop and bending a bit to check the screen. "There's four layers of next gen security between us and the server room, there's no way we can get to it from inside." he looked at you. 
You looked over the firewall as Brandt spoke, "if we can't get to the server, we don't control the elevators, we don't control the security cameras. this operation's over before it even begins." he sighed and stepped away. 
"im telling you we can get to it from outside." benji looked at Ethan. 
"we?" Ethan repeated. 
You pulled away and ran a hand through your hair, looking over the view. You bit your lip as you heard Benji speak. 
"Im on the computer."
"im just the...the helper." Brandt added. 
You looked over the windows beside your room as Ethan stayed silent, "what floor is it on?" you asked. 
"Vent ducts?" Ethan asked. Benji shook his head, "pressure sensitive." 
"not enough time." Brandt added.
"Elevator shaft?"
"infrared sensors."
"Not enough time."
You looked at benji before going to the equipment, rummaging through the bag. "What are you doing?" Ethan followed you. You grabbed the case of the suction gloves and opened it, throwing one of the gloves against the window to test if it works. 
It powered up and stuck to the glass with an electrical whine. 
Ethan looked at you as he narrowly dodged your shot. His gaze perplexed. "we climb---I climb. those gloves are designed to hold on and stick onto anything." You explained as you went to pull the glove off. 
"that's crazy you're not doing that." Ethan grabbed your arm. 
You jerked at his grip, "I can do it. I've done it before. before Sydney." you looked at him and met his eyes. "no. you're not doing it. there should be another way." 
"there isn't and even if there is, it will not be fast enough to connect the cameras and change the room numbers before Moreau or Wistrom get here." You stated. 
Ethan's gaze flitted around as he tried to figure out another alternative. 
"Ethan let go. I can do this." you tried to reassure. 
"No. I'll do it. if one of us is making this climb it's me." he grabbed the gloves from you. "Ethan." you looked at him, "better him than you y/n" Benji muttered as he looked at the computer. 
"what?" you looked at him 
Benji looked at you in surprise, "no I mean--" he was interrupted by Brandt, "it doesn't matter we're wasting time. Benji come help me remove the glass." he grabbed the glass cutter before Ethan turned to change out of his suit. 
You stood there in silence, feeling your skin on fire and your blood slowly boil at your dismissal. You're a goddamn agent. You were one of the best. Suddenly it's all too easy to dismiss you? just cause you messed up? you paid your price and you worked yourself to the bone to get reinstated. You had enough doubts of yourself to worry about other than Ethan fucking Hunt undermining you infront of your teammates. 
Shoving down your feelings, you took a deep breath, "okay. you need some more gear..shoes..goggles.." you muttered quietly as you followed Ethan. He didn't respond to you, focusing on Benji and Brandt as he took off his shirt. You bit the inside of your cheek as you grabbed a black shirt from your bag of extra clothes and handed it to him, keeping your gaze away as he took off his trousers. 
You could see anxiety settle into Ethan's expression as he put on the rest of his gear. he stared at his gloves as Benji returned to his side and briefed him on the server room floor. 
You stepped back and crossed your arms as you watched them, Ethan approaching the window with apprehension. He tested the glove on the glass before putting the rest of his body out the window. 
You held your breath seeing Ethan hanging, before he continued to move and slowly climb. 
You saw Benji take a seat infant of his computer, while Brandt watched him. 
Rubbing the back of your neck, you headed into the bedroom and sat down, gripping your skirt as you took a deep breath. 
He's done this before. He'll be fine. He's Ethan. 
Your Ethan.
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toboldlywrite · 2 years
Another find the word tag
Tagged by @lady-redshield-writes for this one! My words are soft, wait, blue, end, and point. 
More First Impressions!
The stranger studied her for a moment. Then they tilted their head like the were listening to something. Mygre’s enhanced ears picked up nothing but the soft background music, a few murmurs of the scant other customers, and the thunder outside.
“We have company,” they said.
She stared out into the water beyond her platform, waiting for her eyes to readjust after the sudden light. A figure was coming towards her. Walking on the water. The green light blinking at her feet with every step revealed that the boots she was wearing were responsible. That wasn’t the kind of tech you got on Hestifin, or anywhere close by. Closer, and the neon light reflected onto shimmering white curls and even shiner curled white horns. Light gray skin; a scar down one cheek to the top of blue-painted lips to match deep blue eyes. An all-too familiar fanged smirk.
Most of the scrap was a cool blue under the constant torrent of rain, with only a few sparks of heat coming from parts that still had some energy left in them. And the boy, moving deeper into the yard. He seemed to have relaxed, now, taking him time and rifling through things. Moving ever closer to that skeletal ship.
And towards another heat signature.
Mygre paused, considering it. From where she stood, it looked like it was inside the ship’s frame. An amorphous shape of light right on the edge of yellow and white, lighting up the ship around it with its warmth. Some kind of engine part? Or a tool the buyer was using to rebuild the ship? She had never seen an infrared signature like this before.
The stranger dodged the blow with ease, and Mygre had the distinct feeling that underneath those lenses, they were rolling their eyes. They grabbed onto the other end of the baton, ready to yank it from her grasp.
That was what Jaliq had been waiting for. Electricity shot up over the beam, slamming into the stranger again. But this time, they weren’t thrown back. Their only reaction was to tense their jaw. They yanked the baton, and it flew from Jaliq’s grasp. They slammed it into her knees, knocking her to the ground. Then they pressed the baton against her throat.
“Done yet?”
For once, words completely failed her. Her reflexes did not. She reached for her dissociater—not beyond caring what happened to her after all.
“I wouldn’t bother,” the stranger said, not even looking at her as they took a seat and brushed strands of wet black hair out of their face. “It wouldn’t work any better than this did.”
They had a point.
“What do you want?” Mygre put both her hands on the table in a placating gesture. A dozen possible answers already lined up in her head. Did they work for the Syndicate? Were they part of Jaliq’s little test?
“I told you. I thought you might want your dagger back.”
if you have a “B” in your name/url consider yourself tagged. Same words. Have fun!
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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SPECIAL: First open gates of Edwards Air Base in 13 years
Bernardo Malfitano By Bernardo Malfitano 11/14/2022 - 9:45 pm in Air Shows, Special, Military
Certain places around the world have superlative importance to the history of aviation. The Bagatelle field, the dunes of Kitty Hawk, the English Channel... Certain airfields in cities such as Toulouse or Seattle or Zhukovsky... These places are associated by aviation lovers with a historical moment, or to several through the decades. At the top of this list is the Edwards Air Force Base.
The bed of a dry lake, Rogers Dry Lake, is effectively a gigantic runway where planes can take off and land in any direction. Because of this, the US Air Force - at the time when it was still US Army Air Corps - created an air base at this site for training and testing new weapons and planes. Between 1945 and 1960, new technologies allowed an explosion in aircraft performance, with records of altitude and speed being broken on average once every two years.
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The Rogers Dry Lake, surrounded by 50 km of desert, was the ideal place to minimize the risks associated with these high-performance experimental flights... also because it is an hour from Los Angeles, that is, from the headquarters of several giants of the aeronautical industry at that time: North American, Douglas, Lockheed, and Northrop. Therefore, since the sound barrier was broken in 1947, new military prototypes and experimental aircraft from NASA have been making their first flights - and continue to break records - in Edwards. Almost looking like a science fiction film, Edwards is a "bubble in time and space" where aerospace technology is always twenty years ahead of the rest of the world. Visiting Edwards is visiting the future of aviation.
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Stratolaunch aircraft seen from the highway that leads to Edwards.
Soon, articles at CAVOK will cover more details about the history of the base - such as the long list of planes that made their first flight in Edwards, speed and altitude records, and new aeronautical technologies such as fringed wings, jet engines, winglets, fly-by-wire, electric and solar propulsion and hydrogen, supersonic flight without "boom"... - and about important Today, we will talk about a rare opportunity: On the weekend following October 14, 2022, marking the 75th anniversary of the first supersonic flight, the Edwards air base opened its gates to the public for the first time in 13 years.
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In Edwards, even parking is interesting. At the beginning of each day of the airshow, fifty thousand people parked their cars in the historic Rogers Dry Lake.
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Entering the "static displays" area, the public had access to several unique planes, many still operational and some brought from the Flight Test Museum. Northrop Grumman brought its L-1011 Stargazer, used to launch Pegasus rockets, the last L-1011 that still flies. Scaled Composites - based in Mojave, near Edwards - was present with the prototype of the Firebird, an "optionally manned" plane optimized for HALE (high altitude, long endurance) missions.
FireBird from Scaled Composites.
Stratolaunch is also in Mojave (from the road that leads to Edwards, it was possible to clearly see the "Roc", the largest plane in the world) and exhibited a mock-up of being a hypersonic plane, the Talon. Among other jets, NASA demonstrated its 747SP "Sofia" (Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy), equipped with a huge telescope... and also smaller planes, such as a T-34 and (to the pride of the Brazilians present at the event) a Ximango motorplane.
Ximango from the Brazilian Aeromot, seen at Edwards Air Base.
Also present was the X-62 of the USAF Test Pilot School, a modified F-16 with control systems that simulate the flight characteristics of other planes; that is, a "flying flight simulator". The Test Pilot School teaches how to fly and evaluate various planes, so it has an eclectic collection that includes, for example, an Antonov An-2, a large biplane that attracted attention between much more modern jets.
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The Flight Test Museum contributed the F-16XL - elongated and modified with hang wings to increase the range and ability to carry bombs and missiles - and an SR-71 Blackbird. All this in addition to an extensive amount of military jets: B-1, B-52, F-18 (NASA flies genuine "F-18", the original prototypes, manufactured before the name is changed to "F/A-18"), F-22, F-35 (of all three models), KC-46, A330 Tanker, etc.
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And what most attracted the public's attention: The fictional DarkStar, a mock-up made by Lockheed for the filming of "Top Gun: Maverick". Although it is not a "real" plane, the DarkStar was created by Skunk Works (also located near Edwards, in Palmdale) to realistically represent the design of an airplane made for extreme speeds; It is practically identical to "SR-72", a concept published by Lockheed Skunk Works a few years ago.
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The airshow began with something rare - a "sonic boom", created by an F-22 flying high above the base. With the exception of the oceans, there are very few areas where it is possible for a pilot to receive permission to fly above the speed of sound, and one of them is a "runner" above Edwards.
Soon after, the official opening was the traditional American airshows: Paratroopers jumped from a C-17, carrying the flag of the state of California, several military flags, and a huge American flag, while the American national anthem was sung. The paratroopers landed and walked to the spectators, answering questions and explaining the details of this form of flight and ground combat.
The first "act" of the airshow was a simulated battle. An F-22 and an F-35 arrived to "attack the enemy base", which was being protected by two F-16s. The two modern fighters alternated between air combat against the F-16s and the launch of simulated bombs, with the right to pyrotechnic effects. They also demonstrated an air refuelling, with a KC-135.
A B-1 then entered the scene, with a simulated bombing that included a "wall of fire"... and to conclude with another element "only in Edwards", made a pass at high speed and rolled 360 degrees (!!!) before returning to the ground.
Several NASA planes were then demonstrated, another moment "only in Edwards". The 747SP "Sofia" made its last flight before being retired; Its infrared telescope, used at altitudes above 99% of the humidity of the atmosphere (water blocks infrared light), was recently surpassed by the James Webb space telescope.
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An F-15, an F-18, and a C-20 (Gulfstream 3), made several passes at graduation, and then individually. NASA uses Gulfstream for various missions: VIP transportation, pilot training (including at the time of the Space Shuttle, when astronauts simulated the landing of the Shuttle using Gulfstream), and scientific research such as the use of flexible flaps and fairings on the retractable landing gear to reduce noise during landing. (In modern transport planes, most of the noise during landing comes from the aerodynamics around the flaps and landing gear, not the engines). The F-15 and F-18 are used as "chase" ("chara", following flight tests) and also as "guinea pigs" in research projects. For example: The sonic bang is much less intense when the wings of the plane generate less than 1g (the weight of the plane) of support.
The F-15 and F-18 demonstrated this: They climbed a few km and flew above the base at supersonic speed: The F-15 in a straight line, but the F-18 performing parabolic ascents and descents, planned so that the sonic bang heard by the spectators was generated during the "push over" of less than 1g when the ascent becomes a descent The sonic bang of the F-18 was, in fact, much less intense than that of the F-15: The F-15 one reminded fireworks, while the F-18 diving looked like a car door closing. (The X-59, which will soon make its first flight, has an aerodynamic shape that theoretically should generate an even less intense bang. By the way: It was a shame that Lockheed did not bring the X-59 to the event, especially since the plane is at Skunk Works in Palmdale, less than half an hour from Edwards... It's for the next one.)
A number of civilian pilots exhibited the acrobatic capacity of several historical military planes. Vicki Benzing made graceful loops on her beautiful PT-17 Stearman; John Collver executed rolls on a SNJ ( naval T-6) including one where the landing gear was extended while the plane was inverted.
Ken Gottschall demonstrated why the P-51 was one of the most agile fighters of World War II; And Greg Colyer recalled that the P-80/T-33 - the first aircraft created by Lockheed Skunk Works, tested here over the Mojave Desert in the late 1940s - was the fastest plane in the world in the summer of 1947 (a record that did not last long
More intense stunts were demonstrated by Chuck Coleman in without Extra 300L and Rob Holland in his MXS. Coleman is an engineer and pilot at Scaled Composites, helping to create and test some of the most modern and innovative aircraft of recent decades, such as the BD-10, Proteus, and GlobalFlyer. Holland is literally the best acrobatic driver in the United States, Freestyle champion in the World Aerobatic Championship, gold medal in Freestyle at the World Air Games, the only driver to win the U.S. National Aerobatic Championship ten times in a row... Maneuvers such as tumbles and lomcevaks are simply impossible on most planes - even acrobatic planes - and for most pilots. Spectators watching Holland and Coleman literally said "I didn't know a plane could do that."
Bob Carlton then piloted a very unusual motor glider; an H-101 "Jump" with a small jet engine! The engine allows the glider to take off and climb without having to be towed... and creates a very strange sound, almost never associated with this type of aircraft. This type of flight is not only for airshows: It is an essential resource for training amateur jet pilots. In the United States, the FAA requires a Type Rating - that is, training and testing on the same airplane model - for any jet, including small planes such as the BD-5J and SubSonex, which have only one seat and are kits assembled by amateurs. For those who want to assemble and pilot their own mini-jet, how would it be possible to get a Type Rating? The answer: Carlton installed a PBS-TJ100 - the same engine used in the SubSonex and modern versions of the BD-5J - on a two-seat TST-14 motorplane. He coordinated with the FAA to create a training program: Pilots flying with Carlton in the TST-14 jet receive approval from the FAA to pilot their BD-5Js and SubSonex. It is a creative and interesting solution for a regulation written before the era of small and simple jets.
And speaking of amateur-made aircraft, assembled with kits, the most popular are the RVs, from Van's Aircraft. (I write this from a perhaps not perfectly objective perspective, being a RV pilot and engineer at Van's. Personally, I think RVs are more fun than any other plane, combining speed and stunts with the ability to land on short and non-paved lanes. Objectively, it is undeniable that RVs dominate the "homebuilts" market: On average, once a day, a new RV somewhere in the world makes its first flight. The number of new RVs per year almost equals the sum of all other popular kits: Sonex, Rans, Zenith, Glasair, Sling, Kitfox, etc.). P
RV ilotos love to fly in graduation, forming groups around the United States that offer training and coordinate fly-overs of dozens of planes on events such as American football games and car racing. In Oshkosh, fifty RVs flew together, forming a huge "50" in the sky to celebrate the company's fifty years, coordinated by one of these groups. Some of the "50" pilots live in Southern California and are part of the Dawn Patrol group - which has this name because they prefer to fly during sunrise, when the air usually has less turbulence. Dawn Patrol flies its RVs at several airshows throughout California, including Edwards.
The last demonstration of the day was that of the Thunderbirds, the US Air Force's air demonstration squad. They piloted their six F-16s in precise and carefully coordinated graduations, through extreme maneuvers, vertical ascents, fast rolls, kilometers high loops, and "opposing passes" where one jet flies towards the other with a relative speed of almost 2000 km/h.
During most of the flight, the Thunderbirds number 1 to 4 flew together forming the "diamond", while pilots 5 and 6 (the "solos") flew alone or in opposition, demonstrating more dynamic maneuvers. At certain points, all six came together flying in "delta". One of the most impressive parts of the airshow was the Thunderbirds "forming up" and separating, occasionally "fffing the sky" with planes and lines of smoke in various directions.
Twice, they surprised the audience with "sneak passes", where the "diamond" performs a maneuver to the right, and one of the "solos" comes behind and on the left side, almost at the speed of sound, unexpectedly. The viewer not only hears the "stow" of the aferburners; he also feels on his chest. The power and agility of the F-16, and the skill of the pilots, are spectacular.
Historical aircraft, almost impossible stunts, amateur construction single engines and a jet plane, planes used by NASA in scientific research, a simulated attack with explosions and planes of all sizes, and one of the best military aerial demonstration teams, all flying in one of the most important places in the history of aeronautical technology.
The Edwards Airshow & Open House is one of the most special air events in the United States. Aviation fans are crossing their fingers so that it is no longer 13 years until the next one!
Tags: AirshowMilitary AviationUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
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veganbread1 · 1 year
Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au (from Latin aurum 'gold') and atomic number 79. It is a bright, slightly orange-yellow, dense, soft, malleable, and ductile metal in pure form. Chemically, gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. It is one of the least reactive chemical elements and is solid under standard conditions. Gold often occurs in free elemental (native state), as nuggets or grains, in rocks, veins, and alluvial deposits. It occurs in a solid solution series with the native element silver (as in electrum), naturally alloyed with other metals like copper and palladium, and mineral inclusions such as within pyrite. Less commonly, it occurs in minerals as gold compounds, often with tellurium (gold tellurides).Gold is resistant to most acids, though it does dissolve in aqua regia (a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid), forming a soluble tetrachloroaurate anion. Gold is insoluble in nitric acid alone, which dissolves silver and base metals, a property long used to refine gold and confirm the presence of gold in metallic substances, giving rise to the term 'acid test'. Gold dissolves in alkaline solutions of cyanide, which are used in mining and electroplating. Gold also dissolves in mercury, forming amalgam alloys, and as the gold acts simply as a solute, this is not a chemical reaction.A relatively rare element,[7][8] gold is a precious metal that has been used for coinage, jewelry, and other arts throughout recorded history. In the past, a gold standard was often implemented as a monetary policy. Gold coins ceased to be minted as a circulating currency in the 1930s, and the world gold standard was abandoned for a fiat currency system after the Nixon shock measures of 1971.In 2020, the world's largest gold producer was China, followed by Russia and Australia.[9] A total of around 201,296 tonnes of gold exists above ground, as of 2020.[10] This is equal to a cube with each side measuring roughly 21.7 meters (71 ft). The world's consumption of new gold produced is about 50% in jewelry, 40% in investments, and 10% in industry.[11] Gold's high malleability, ductility, resistance to corrosion and most other chemical reactions, and conductivity of electricity have led to its continued use in corrosion-resistant electrical connectors in all types of computerized devices (its chief industrial use). Gold is also used in infrared shielding, the production of colored glass, gold leafing, and tooth restoration. Certain gold salts are still used as anti-inflammatories in medicine.
This was intriguing to read thank you mighty beast
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sofipitch · 2 years
☕️ intelligence/emotional capacity of animals (do you think our current understanding over or underestimates which creatures are capable of complex thought, self awareness, etc)
Okay this is something I am super passionate about. So for a long time researchers were in the underestimating category. However I also think some people, like the ppl with the talking buttons are in the overestimating category.
So for the first one science wasn't interested in animal intelligence for a long time bc it didn't seem like something worth studying. Many religions and philosophies will say humans are distinctly special from animals, and I have heard ppl say this a fair amount in biology and psychology classes. Which is just something that annoys me because it is a statement with no backing, and often times the line in the sand of what separates humans from animals will be surpassed by some animal and then ppl will come up with a new one (we've been "beholding a man" for a lot of human history now 🥱). One famous example is when Jane Goodall recorded Chimpanzees using sticks to fish for termites, which was evidence of tool use (considered at the time a unique and defining trait of humans), her mentor, paleontologist Louis Leaky said, “Now we must redefine tool, redefine man, or accept chimpanzees as human.”
However the beginning of a lot of animal intelligence research still involved testing animal's ability to act like humans, such as trying to get chimps to talk and act like humans. The most horrifying example being Gua who was a baby chimp raised by the Kelloggs at the same time as their own human child, to see if they could essentially raise a chimp into a human. I think a lot of studies about whether animals can talk have this issue. Even beloved ones like Koko the Gorilla, her signing is about as scientific as a Rorschach inkblot test, it often requires a lot of interpretation that cannot be confirmed in an experiment. We decided that something we do is the marker for intelligence, but just bc other animals don't communicate like we do or even think like we do does not mean that they aren't intelligent. Some people discount certain displays of animal intelligence as not intelligent bc they are seen as "intrinsic behavior", but we are social animals and count emotional intelligence as a type of intelligence. Is recognizing the emotions of others not intrinsic to social animals?
Each species has their own umwelt, which is the way they experience the world. We can't do some things such as sense electrical activity or see in infrared, inversely animals aren't going to talk or even display intelligence like we do. So researchers will have to get a little creative with their experiments of testing what animals do and don't know by taking a species' umwelt into account. Also somethings are just hard to define, like what is the line in the sand for complex thought? Self awareness also has that same issue. We inherently trust that other humans have self awareness and thoughts because we do. Behaviorists, scientists from a specific field of psychology will say that other people having thoughts or a mind is not something you can test in an experiment so we should not believe in it. You can't say other ppl have a mind bc you do, what if you are the ONLY person who has one (I'm not making this shit up my mentor in grad school was one of these ppl and this shit was unit one of the learning class). Cognitive psychology is the science of uncovering thought processes and while psychology has shifted in their direction, behaviorists still argue it's dumb. So yeah if ppl say that shit about humans you can imagine how hard it is to test in animals.
Anyways, some cool examples of potential complex thought are:
Moray Eels and Groupers working together to hunt: video of moray eel and grouper communicating and hunting together
Ravens can use water displacement to get something they can't reach: video
Irene Pepperberg's studies with African Grey Parrots are basically the best I've seen in terms of using human language to understand animal intelligence. Alex was taught various colors, shapes, material types, and count small thing and can then tell you about certain objects when prompted. What makes her interesting is the method for teaching the parrots was based not on humans but what parrot's umwelt and social behaviors. It was not recorded on camera but Pepperberg says one evening Alex asked her what color he was, implying self awareness: a long video on Pepperberg's experiments experiment comparing parrots to small children
There are also other phenomena observed in the wild such as animals such as apes, elephants, and cetaceans displaying mourning/funerary behavior over deceased animals they knew.
Another thing that people used to say is that humans were the only animals that had culture. Also, now being proven not to be true. I taught an animal behavior class and the textbook had an entire chapter on cultural transmission. Here's a cool video on one form of cultural transmission, whale songs
So, I don't think humans will ever sit down and have a conversation with a chimpanzee like a human, or they'll invent a way for dogs to speak to us in full sentences like the movie Up. However animals are more intelligent than they are often given credit for, there isn't a lot of evidence for animals being stimulus response machines as (especially behaviorists) previously thought.
Some good books if you are interested in the subject:
Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are and Mama's Last Hug by Frans de Waal (he has more books that are probably good but those are the two I've read)
Through A Window by Jane Goodall
Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin
What a Fish Knows by Jonathan Balcombe
Beyond Words by Carl Safina
Inside a Dog by Alexandra Horowitz
The Emotional Lives of Animals by Marc Bekoff
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The Ultimate Guide to Electrical Safety Audits: Essential Insights for Your Business
In today's fast-paced world, electrical safety should never be an afterthought. Whether you manage a bustling factory, oversee a corporate office, or run a small retail shop, understanding electrical safety audits is crucial. These audits serve as your frontline defense against potential hazards, ensuring not only compliance but also the safety of your team and assets. This guide will explore what electrical safety audits entail, why they matter, and how to conduct one effectively.
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What Is an Electrical Safety Audit?
At its core, an electrical safety audit is a comprehensive review of your electrical systems. It identifies potential hazards, assesses compliance with relevant standards, and helps in the implementation of best practices to mitigate risks. Think of it as a health check-up for your electrical infrastructure.
Why Are Electrical Safety Audits Important?
Preventing Accidents: One of the primary purposes of an electrical safety audit is to spot hazards before they become serious issues. From faulty wiring to overloaded circuits, early identification can prevent accidents, injuries, or even fatalities.
Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with electrical safety regulations, such as those established by OSHA or the National Electrical Code (NEC), is non-negotiable. Regular audits help ensure that your facility meets these legal requirements.
Cost Savings: Identifying and addressing electrical issues proactively can save your business money in the long run. The costs associated with downtime, equipment damage, or legal penalties can be significant.
Boosting Employee Morale: A safe working environment fosters employee confidence and productivity. When workers know that their safety is a priority, they are more likely to perform at their best.
Insurance Benefits: Many insurance companies offer better rates for businesses that can demonstrate a commitment to electrical safety. A documented audit trail can help in negotiating favorable insurance terms.
Key Elements of an Electrical Safety Audit
To ensure a thorough audit, several critical elements should be included:
1. Visual Inspection
A walk-through of your facility can uncover glaring issues. During this phase, auditors should:
Look for signs of wear and tear, such as damaged cords or frayed wires.
Ensure that electrical panels and circuit breakers are accessible and properly labeled.
Assess the condition of outlets and switches.
2. Testing of Equipment
Regular testing is crucial for maintaining equipment integrity. This can include:
Grounding tests: Ensuring that grounding systems are functioning properly.
Circuit breaker functionality: Verifying that breakers trip correctly during overload scenarios.
Thermal scans: Using infrared cameras to detect overheating components.
3. Documentation Review
A thorough audit must include a review of your facility’s electrical documentation:
Wiring diagrams: These should accurately reflect the current state of your electrical systems.
Maintenance records: A history of inspections and repairs can provide valuable insights.
4. Compliance Check
Verify that your electrical systems adhere to all applicable codes and standards. This includes checking compliance with:
National Electrical Code (NEC)
Local regulations
OSHA standards
5. Employee Interviews
Engaging with employees can offer insights into potential issues and safety practices. Questions to consider include:
Are employees trained to recognize electrical hazards?
Do they know the emergency procedures for electrical incidents?
Are there common issues they’ve encountered that need addressing?
Steps to Conducting an Electrical Safety Audit
Step 1: Preparation
Before you start, gather all relevant documentation, including previous audit reports and maintenance logs. Setting clear objectives for the audit will guide the process.
Step 2: Performing the Audit
The actual audit should follow a structured approach:
Kickoff Meeting: Discuss the audit scope with key personnel to set expectations.
On-Site Assessment: Conduct a detailed walkthrough to assess conditions firsthand.
Testing and Measurements: Carry out necessary tests on electrical systems.
Documentation Review: Ensure all records are current and accurate.
Step 3: Reporting Findings
Once the audit is complete, compile a report that summarizes:
Findings: List any identified hazards and compliance issues.
Recommendations: Provide actionable steps for remediation, along with timelines.
Step 4: Follow-Up Actions
After the audit, it’s essential to take action:
Develop an Action Plan: Assign responsibilities and establish deadlines for addressing issues.
Monitor Progress: Regular check-ins will help ensure that corrective measures are being implemented.
Best Practices for Electrical Safety Audits
Schedule Regular Audits: Don’t wait for problems to arise. Establish a routine schedule for audits to maintain electrical safety standards.
Engage Qualified Personnel: Ensure your audit team comprises certified professionals with experience in electrical safety.
Train Your Team: Regular training on electrical safety practices is crucial for all employees.
Document Everything: Keep meticulous records of audits, findings, and corrective actions to maintain a comprehensive safety history.
Stay Informed: Regulations and best practices evolve, so keep abreast of changes in electrical safety standards.
Electrical safety audits are not just a regulatory requirement; they are a vital part of protecting your business and its people. By understanding the importance of these audits and implementing best practices, you can create a safer working environment, reduce risks, and improve your organization’s bottom line. Remember, proactive measures today can prevent costly accidents tomorrow. Make electrical safety a priority and ensure the longevity and success of your business.
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riskcon24 · 16 days
A Complete Guide to Non-Destructive Testing
Non-destructive testing (NDT) is a critical aspect of quality control in various industries, ensuring the integrity and safety of components and structures. By evaluating materials and products without causing damage, NDT techniques provide valuable information for identifying defects, assessing material properties, and monitoring the performance of assets. In this blog, we will explore the different types of NDT, their applications, and the benefits they offer to businesses.
What is Non-Destructive Testing?
NDT involves a wide range of techniques that enable the inspection of materials and components without compromising their structural integrity. These methods are used to detect defects, such as cracks, voids, corrosion, and material degradation, which could potentially lead to failure. NDT is essential in industries where safety and reliability are paramount, including aerospace, power generation, oil and gas, manufacturing, and construction.
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Types of Non-Destructive Testing
There are several common NDT methods used in various applications:
Visual Inspection: This is the most basic form of NDT, involving a visual examination of the component to identify surface defects.
Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT): PT is used to detect surface-breaking cracks by applying a liquid penetrant to the surface and then developing it to reveal discontinuities.
Magnetic Particle Testing (MT): MT is suitable for ferromagnetic materials and involves applying a magnetic field to the component and then using iron filings to detect discontinuities.
Ultrasonic Testing (UT): UT uses high-frequency sound waves to detect internal defects in materials.
Radiographic Testing (RT): RT uses penetrating radiation (X-rays or gamma rays) to create images of internal structures and defects.
Eddy Current Testing (ECT): ECT uses electromagnetic induction to detect changes in electrical conductivity within a material, which can indicate defects.
Thermal Imaging: Thermal imaging uses infrared cameras to detect temperature variations that may indicate defects or abnormalities.
Applications of Non-Destructive Testing
NDT is used in a wide range of industries and applications, including:
Aerospace: Inspection of aircraft components for cracks, corrosion, and foreign objects.
Power Generation: Inspection of turbines, boilers, and pressure vessels for defects that could compromise safety.
Oil and Gas: Inspection of pipelines, storage tanks, and equipment for corrosion, pitting, and other defects.
Manufacturing: Inspection of manufactured parts for defects that could affect their performance or safety.
Construction: Inspection of bridges, buildings, and other infrastructure for defects that could compromise their structural integrity.
Benefits of Non-Destructive Testing
NDT offers numerous benefits to businesses, including:
Improved Safety: NDT helps to identify and prevent defects that could lead to failures and accidents.
Cost Savings: NDT can help to avoid costly repairs or replacements by identifying and addressing problems early.
Increased Reliability: NDT ensures that components and structures are operating at their intended performance levels.
Enhanced Quality Control: NDT is an essential tool for maintaining quality standards in manufacturing and other industries.
Compliance with Regulations: NDT is often required to comply with industry standards and regulations.
Choosing the Right NDT Method
Selecting the appropriate NDT method depends on several factors, including the type of material, the nature of the defects being sought, and the accessibility of the component. NDT service providers, such as non-destructive testing companies, can assist in selecting the most suitable method for a specific application.
Non-destructive testing is a vital aspect of quality control and asset management. By identifying defects and assessing material properties without causing damage, NDT techniques help to ensure the safety, reliability, and performance of critical components and structures. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more innovative and effective NDT methods emerging.
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thermoeliteinc · 20 days
Why a Thermography Test for Electrical Panels is Crucial for Safety – Thermoelite
In today's fast-paced world, electrical systems are the backbone of both residential and commercial properties. However, like any complex system, electrical panels can suffer from wear and tear over time, leading to potential issues such as overheating, faulty connections, or short circuits. These hidden problems can go unnoticed until it's too late, resulting in costly repairs or even dangerous electrical fires.
This is where a thermography test for electrical panels plays a crucial role. At Thermoelite, we specialize in using cutting-edge infrared thermography technology to assess the condition of your electrical systems without any invasive procedures. Our thermal imaging cameras detect and visualize temperature differences, which often signal the presence of issues like poor connections, overloaded circuits, or imbalanced loads—problems that are invisible to the naked eye.
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What is a Thermography Test for Electrical Panels?
A thermography test, also known as infrared thermography, is a non-invasive diagnostic tool that uses infrared imaging to detect heat emitted by electrical components. When electrical panels operate under stress, certain areas may generate excess heat, which is often a sign of malfunction. This test pinpoints such heat anomalies, allowing our certified Thermoelite technicians to identify potential issues early on.
The Benefits of Thermography Testing:
Prevents Electrical Failures – By identifying hotspots, loose connections, or overloaded circuits, thermography testing helps prevent unexpected power failures and costly downtime.
Enhances Safety – Electrical issues, if left unchecked, can lead to fire hazards or other safety risks. Early detection through a thermography test significantly reduces this risk.
Prolongs Equipment Lifespan – Routine thermographic inspections help maintain the health of your electrical components, extending their operational lifespan and improving overall system efficiency.
Cost-Effective – Early detection means smaller, more manageable repairs rather than large-scale emergency fixes that can disrupt your home or business operations.
Comprehensive Reporting – After completing the thermography test, Thermoelite provides a detailed report outlining any irregularities, complete with infrared images and recommendations for corrective action.
Who Should Get a Thermography Test?
Thermography testing is beneficial for both residential and commercial property owners. If your property contains critical electrical systems—such as in factories, data centers, hospitals, or even large homes with complex electrical systems—a thermography test for electrical panels is essential. Routine testing can prevent equipment failure and ensure that your property complies with safety standards.
At Thermoelite, we offer expert thermography inspections that are performed by certified professionals with years of experience. Our process is quick, non-invasive, and provides actionable insights that keep your electrical systems running smoothly.
Why Choose Thermoelite?
With Thermoelite, you're choosing a trusted partner in maintaining the safety and efficiency of your electrical system. We pride ourselves on providing reliable, high-quality thermography tests, backed by a team of experienced professionals. Whether you're dealing with industrial-grade electrical systems or smaller-scale residential setups, we have the tools, expertise, and commitment to ensure optimal performance.
Contact Thermoelite Today
Don’t wait for electrical issues to disrupt your life or business. Contact Thermoelite today to schedule a comprehensive thermography test for your electrical panels. Early detection can save you time, money, and stress—let our experts safeguard your electrical systems.
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greenproelectrical · 1 month
Energy Efficiency Specialists
An energy savings consultant will take an in-depth look at how your business uses energy and offer solutions to reduce costs. They can even help you achieve a carbon neutrality rating.
A home energy specialist performs an onsite inspection and performs a standardized evaluation of your home. They also recommend home energy upgrades.
Home efficiency experts
A home efficiency expert conducts a comprehensive evaluation of your home and recommends energy-efficient upgrades. These include air sealing, insulation, and replacement of old appliances. This will help you save money on your energy bills and reduce your carbon footprint.
In addition, it’s a great idea to upgrade your lighting with ENERGY STAR fixtures and bulbs. These use up to 90% less energy than standard incandescent bulbs and last up to 25 times longer. These measures can save you up to $180 a year. Duke Energy customers can sign up for a free in-house assessment through the Home Energy House Call program.
You can also take advantage of New York State rebates to improve the energy efficiency of your home. The programs are subsidized based on your income and can be combined with federal tax credits and utility incentives. In addition to reducing your energy costs, these upgrades can also make your home healthier and more comfortable.
Home energy raters
Home energy raters are trained professionals that use a combination of design analysis software and onsite inspections to determine a home’s energy efficiency. They also make recommendations for cost-effective efficiency improvements. These improvements can significantly reduce a home’s energy use and save homeowners money.
After passing a series of national online exams, a home energy rater must perform onsite inspections to verify their competence. The inspections include using a blower door and a duct blaster to test a home’s air tightness, window characteristics, and heating and cooling systems. The home energy rater then uses a computer program to calculate the home’s projected HERS Index Score.
TopBuild Home electrical services certified HERS Raters and residential field inspectors can help builders achieve their goals for a more energy efficient home. We utilize HouseRater, a software platform developed by building science experts that streamlines the HERS rating process. It also allows us to track and confirm insulation design and verification of the target HERS score.
Energy auditors
Energy auditors help building owners save money on energy costs by recommending energy-efficient upgrades. These upgrades are often eligible for rebates and tax credits. They also increase the value of your property and help you become more eco-friendly.
An energy audit starts with an inspection of the building envelope, which includes insulation levels and air leaks. Energy auditors may use a blower door and infrared cameras to spot problems. They can also recommend window replacements that reduce air leakage.
Another component of an energy assessment is a cost-benefit analysis, which evaluates the cost and savings of different energy conservation measures. These analyses are critical to making smart decisions about the most effective investments in energy efficiency. Energy auditors also stay informed about the latest in building codes and emerging technologies to ensure that their recommendations align with current standards.
The energy efficiency industry offers solutions to help individuals and businesses reduce their energy consumption. These solutions can range from insulation and air sealing to solar power and ENERGY STAR appliances. These companies can also help you save money through a no-cost home energy assessment and access available rebates, incentives, and 0% financing.
A home energy rater performs a comprehensive evaluation of your building to identify areas of improvement and provide a savings estimate. An energy audit includes an onsite inspection, air leakage test, duct test, and computer analysis of your home’s performance. The energy efficiency specialist can then recommend cost-effective upgrades.
In addition to evaluating buildings, energy efficiency specialists can also help new homes and multifamily construction projects meet the ENERGY STAR requirements. Third party verification is an important part of the ENERGY STAR program and gives homeowners and renters confidence that their home is energy efficient. It can also help builders and developers gain national recognition as ENERGY STAR partners.
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seoblog4 · 1 month
A Comprehensive Guide to Transformer Health Verification (HV) Testing
Transformers are critical components in power transmission and lightning protection studies distribution systems, playing a vital role in maintaining the reliability and efficiency of the electrical grid. Ensuring the health and proper functioning of transformers is essential to prevent unexpected failures and costly downtime. One key aspect of transformer maintenance is Health Verification (HV) testing, which provides a comprehensive assessment of a transformer's condition.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the importance of transformer HV testing, the various tests involved, and how to interpret the results to make informed decisions about transformer maintenance and replacement.
Importance of Transformer HV Testing
Transformer HV testing serves several crucial purposes:
Identifying Potential Issues: HV testing helps detect early signs of deterioration, insulation problems, or other issues that could lead to transformer failure. By proactively addressing these problems, you can extend the transformer's lifespan and avoid unexpected outages.
Optimizing Maintenance Schedules: The data gathered from HV testing can be used to develop predictive maintenance strategies, allowing you to schedule maintenance and repairs based on the transformer's actual condition rather than a fixed schedule.
Ensuring Reliability: Maintaining the health of transformers is essential for ensuring the reliability and stability of the electrical grid. HV testing helps you identify and address issues before they escalate, reducing the risk of unexpected failures and service disruptions.
Compliance and Safety: Many regulatory bodies and industry standards require periodic HV testing to ensure transformers are operating within safe and acceptable parameters. Adhering to these requirements helps maintain compliance and minimize safety risks.
Key Transformer HV Tests
Transformer HV testing typically involves a suite of diagnostic tests to assess the overall health of the transformer. Some of the most common tests include:
Dissolved Gas Analysis (DGA): This test analyzes the composition and concentration of dissolved gases in the transformer's insulating oil. Specific gas patterns can indicate issues such as overheating, partial discharges, or oil degradation.
Insulation Resistance (IR) Test: This test measures the insulation resistance between the transformer windings, as well as between the windings and ground. Low insulation resistance can indicate moisture, contamination, or other insulation-related problems.
Dielectric Frequency Response (DFR) Test: Also known as the Frequency Domain Spectroscopy (FDS) test, this method analyzes the dielectric properties of the transformer's insulation system across a wide range of frequencies. It can help identify issues like aging, moisture, or paper insulation degradation.
Power Factor (PF) Test: This test measures the power factor of the transformer's insulation system, which can provide insights into the condition of the insulation and the presence of contaminants.
Transformer Turns Ratio (TTR) Test: This test measures the ratio of turns between the primary and secondary windings of a transformer, which can help detect winding issues or problems with the core.
Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA): This test compares the transformer's electrical signature across a range of frequencies, allowing for the detection of mechanical and electrical issues within the transformer.
Infrared (IR) Thermography: Thermal imaging can be used to identify hot spots or uneven heating within the transformer, which may indicate problems with the windings, connections, or cooling system.
Interpreting HV Test Results
Interpreting the results of transformer HV tests requires expertise and a deep understanding of the relationship between test results and transformer condition. Factors such as the transformer's age, operating history, and environmental conditions must be taken into account when analyzing the data.
In general, the test results should be compared to industry standards, manufacturer recommendations, and the transformer's historical data to identify any abnormal trends or deviations. Significant changes in test results over time, or values that fall outside of the acceptable range, may indicate the need for further investigation, maintenance, or even replacement of the transformer.
It's important to note that HV test results should be considered in the context of the overall condition of the transformer, as a single test result may not provide a complete picture. A holistic approach, incorporating multiple test results and other maintenance data, is essential for making informed decisions about the transformer's health and future.
Transformer Health Verification (HV) testing is a critical component of a comprehensive transformer maintenance program.hv transformer testing By regularly conducting a suite of diagnostic tests, you can gain valuable insights into the condition of your transformers and make informed decisions about their maintenance and replacement.
By understanding the importance of HV testing, the various tests involved, and how to interpret the results, you can ensure the reliability and efficiency of your power transmission and distribution systems, ultimately contributing to the overall resilience of the electrical grid.
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volersystems · 1 month
Night Vision on the Go: FPGA Technology in Wearable Military Cameras
In the rapidly advancing field of military technology, every detail matters—every ounce and millimeter. A leading aerospace company recently confronted this challenge while developing a state-of-the-art wearable night vision camera tailored for military operations.
Facing stringent demands for size, weight, power consumption, and performance, the company sought a reliable partner with specialized expertise. Enter Voler Systems, renowned for its pioneering work in FPGA design, electronic design, wearables, and firmware. Together, they embarked on this ambitious project, overcoming significant hurdles to achieve their goals.
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Mastering Compact Design with Advanced Functionality
Designing a wearable night vision camera is a complex task, particularly when the device must be lightweight, compact, and power-efficient while meeting stringent military standards. The camera needed to integrate two distinct imaging sources—an infrared camera and a low-light camera—to provide superior night vision in challenging environments.
The integration of these sources presented a significant challenge. The camera had to process and synchronize high-speed signals from both cameras despite their differing resolutions. This required an advanced FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) design capable of managing high-speed parallel processing and video synchronization within the compact confines of a wearable device.
Leveraging Voler Systems' Expertise
To address these challenges, the aerospace company partnered with Voler Systems, leveraging their extensive experience in wearable electronic design, sensor technology, and FPGA development. Voler Systems’ engineers took a meticulous approach, creating an FPGA board design based on the client’s high-level specifications. Ensuring the camera's ability to process and synchronize high-speed video signals was crucial.
In addition to FPGA design, Voler Systems developed the firmware necessary for board functionality testing, enabling the client to finalize their firmware development. The team collaborated closely with mechanical design experts to ensure the device met all electrical, mechanical, and environmental requirements. They ensured the camera was functional, durable, and reliable under the demanding conditions typical of military operations.
Investing in Advanced Military Wearable Technology
The wearable night vision camera met all size, weight, and power requirements while providing the processing power needed to merge high-speed video signals. The integrated approach to electrical and mechanical design facilitated effective thermal management, allowing the device to endure temperature extremes encountered in military settings.
Ultimately, the device surpassed all military-grade environmental and electrical specifications, marking a significant leap forward in military wearable technology. This success highlights Voler Systems' capability to innovate and deliver cutting-edge solutions for the most challenging projects.
Expanding the Frontiers of Innovation
The achievement of this wearable night vision camera motivates Voler Systems to continue pushing the boundaries of FPGA design. We are committed to tackling the toughest challenges and transforming visionary concepts into impactful, real-world technologies.
Contact Voler Systems today to see how we can turn your unique FPGA development ideas into groundbreaking technologies.
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geocontech · 2 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) - Ensuring Safety and Reliability
What is Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)?
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is a range of analysis techniques used in the science and technology industry to evaluate the properties of a material, component, structure, or system without causing damage. NDT methods are crucial for ensuring the safety, reliability, and integrity of various products and structures, especially in industries such as aerospace, automotive, construction, and manufacturing. Unlike destructive testing, which involves testing to the point of failure, NDT allows for thorough inspections while preserving the usability of the tested item.
Geo Con Tech Group specializes in providing comprehensive NDT services to ensure the highest standards of safety and quality in engineering and construction projects. Our expertise in NDT enables us to identify defects and irregularities without compromising the structural integrity of materials and components.
Methods Used in Non-Destructive Testing
Several methods are employed in NDT, each with its unique advantages and applications. The most commonly used methods include:
1. Visual Inspection (VT): Visual Inspection is the most basic NDT method. It involves examining a component with the naked eye or using tools like magnifying glasses, mirrors, or borescopes to detect surface flaws, cracks, or deformities. This method is often the first step in an NDT process and can be enhanced with digital imaging tools.
2. Ultrasonic Testing (UT): Ultrasonic Testing uses high-frequency sound waves to detect internal flaws in materials. A transducer sends ultrasonic waves into the material, and the reflections from internal imperfections are recorded and analyzed. UT is highly effective for detecting subsurface defects and measuring material thickness.
3. Radiographic Testing (RT): Radiographic Testing employs X-rays or gamma rays to produce images of the internal structure of a component. These images reveal internal defects such as voids, cracks, and inclusions. RT is widely used in the aerospace and automotive industries for inspecting welds and castings.
4. Magnetic Particle Testing (MT): Magnetic Particle Testing involves magnetizing a ferromagnetic material and then applying ferrous particles to the surface. The particles gather at areas with magnetic flux leakage, indicating surface and near-surface defects. MT is commonly used for inspecting welds, castings, and forgings.
5. Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT): Liquid Penetrant Testing uses a liquid dye to penetrate surface-breaking defects. After removing the excess dye, a developer is applied to draw out the dye trapped in flaws, making them visible under UV or white light. PT is effective for detecting surface cracks and porosity.
6. Eddy Current Testing (ECT): Eddy Current Testing uses electromagnetic induction to detect surface and near-surface defects in conductive materials. An alternating current flows through a coil, generating eddy currents in the material. Variations in the eddy current flow indicate the presence of flaws. ECT is often used for inspecting heat exchanger tubes and aircraft components.
7. Acoustic Emission Testing (AE): Acoustic Emission Testing listens for the sound waves produced by the rapid release of energy from localized sources within a material under stress. These sound waves can indicate the presence of active cracks or other structural changes. AE is useful for monitoring the integrity of pressure vessels and storage tanks.
8. Thermographic Testing (TT): Thermographic Testing uses infrared cameras to detect temperature variations on the surface of a material. These variations can indicate underlying defects such as delaminations, voids, or corrosion. TT is widely used in electrical inspections, building diagnostics, and aerospace applications.
What is the Difference Between Destructive and Non-Destructive Testing?
Destructive Testing (DT) involves testing a material or component to failure to understand its properties, performance, and behavior under various conditions. Examples include tensile testing, impact testing, and hardness testing. DT provides detailed information about material properties but destroys the sample in the process, making it unsuitable for inspecting finished products or critical components.
In contrast, Non-Destructive Testing allows for the evaluation of materials and components without causing damage. NDT methods are non-invasive and preserve the integrity of the item being tested, enabling continuous use and further analysis if needed. This is particularly important for safety-critical industries where maintaining the structural integrity of components is essential.
Advantages of Using Non-Destructive Testing
NDT offers several advantages over destructive testing, making it an essential tool in various industries:
1. Preservation of Material Integrity: NDT methods do not damage or alter the material or component being tested. This allows for the inspection of critical components without compromising their functionality or safety.
2. Cost-Effectiveness: By preserving the tested items, NDT reduces the need for replacements and repairs. It also minimizes downtime by allowing for in-service inspections, leading to significant cost savings.
3. Early Detection of Defects: NDT enables the early detection of defects and irregularities, allowing for timely maintenance and repairs. This helps prevent catastrophic failures and extends the lifespan of components.
4. Comprehensive Inspection: NDT methods can detect a wide range of defects, including surface and subsurface flaws. This comprehensive inspection capability ensures a high level of quality control and reliability.
5. Safety and Reliability: By identifying potential issues before they become critical, NDT enhances the safety and reliability of structures and components. This is particularly important in industries such as aerospace, nuclear, and transportation.
6. Compliance with Standards: NDT methods are often required by industry standards and regulations. Implementing NDT ensures compliance with these standards, reducing the risk of non-conformance and legal issues.
Applications of Non-Destructive Testing
NDT is used across various industries to ensure the safety, reliability, and integrity of materials and structures. Some common applications include:
1. Aerospace: In the aerospace industry, NDT is used to inspect aircraft components, engines, and structures for defects that could compromise safety. Methods like ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, and eddy current testing are commonly used for inspecting composite materials, welds, and fasteners.
2. Automotive: The automotive industry uses NDT to inspect critical components such as engine parts, transmissions, and suspension systems. NDT methods help identify manufacturing defects, material inconsistencies, and fatigue cracks, ensuring the reliability and performance of vehicles.
3. Construction: In construction, NDT is used to inspect concrete structures, steel beams, and welds. Methods like visual inspection, ultrasonic testing, and thermographic testing help detect cracks, voids, and corrosion, ensuring the structural integrity of buildings, bridges, and infrastructure.
4. Oil and Gas: The oil and gas industry relies on NDT to inspect pipelines, storage tanks, and offshore platforms. Techniques like radiographic testing, magnetic particle testing, and acoustic emission testing are used to detect corrosion, leaks, and structural weaknesses, preventing environmental disasters and ensuring safe operations.
5. Power Generation: In power generation, NDT is used to inspect turbines, boilers, and pressure vessels. NDT methods help detect material degradation, stress corrosion cracking, and weld defects, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of power plants.
6. Manufacturing: Manufacturing industries use NDT to ensure the quality of raw materials, components, and finished products. NDT methods like eddy current testing, liquid penetrant testing, and ultrasonic testing are used to detect surface and subsurface defects, ensuring compliance with quality standards.
7. Transportation: NDT is used in the transportation industry to inspect railways, ships, and bridges. Methods like ultrasonic testing, radiographic testing, and magnetic particle testing help identify structural weaknesses, corrosion, and fatigue cracks, ensuring the safety and reliability of transportation infrastructure.
Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) is an invaluable tool for ensuring the safety, reliability, and integrity of materials, components, and structures across various industries. Geo Con Tech Group is dedicated to providing comprehensive NDT services , utilizing advanced techniques to detect defects and irregularities without compromising the structural integrity of the tested items. By leveraging NDT, industries can achieve early defect detection, cost savings, compliance with standards, and enhanced safety and reliability.
Whether in aerospace, automotive, construction, or any other sector, the application of NDT ensures that products and structures meet the highest quality standards, safeguarding lives and enhancing performance. Geo Con Tech Group is committed to excellence in NDT, helping clients achieve optimal results through innovative and reliable testing solutions.
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