#Im so angry like theres so much more and nothing have been said or apologized for. My country flaunt about being open and accepting
weirdestcornelius · 3 months
president meat is my favorite character bc he is in such a Horrible Situation and i don't even know if kneeby intended it.
like. ok. some facts.
meat is 52. he is on his sixth term. each term is 5 years long. he has been president for 30 years.
meat has been in office since he was 22.
of course hes nervous!!!! hes the face of a tyranny- because there is no. fucking. WAY he is actually running anything. he is stuck in a position of immense power with no way out without severe consequences. i literally can't stop thinking about him. whos puppeting him? whats the goal? has it always been this bad? does he have any family, any friends? anyone he knows that isn't using him?
i think about him so often. he was 22. he had his whole life ahead of him. do you think he knows about the hospital? no wonder he handled it the way he did in cometcare. how much of himself has he been forced to hide. he was 22. hes spent 30 years like this. im not saying hes completely innocent but dear lord hes just a pawn. he has to be. theres no way this could happen otherwise. 30 years.
im so bad at typing out coherent thoughts i promise if i was able to physically speak words we'd be here for hours
Honestly I can agree with you by saying that there's no way Meat is in control of everything. No SANE person would want to stay in the office for 30 YEARS. He was nothing but a young adult when he first got in, so if I had to give a theory it's that Meat doesn't WANT to stay in the office, but he's being forced to/has to in order to cover something up.
For all we know he could be in alliance with Cuddles, which would explain in more detail how Cometcare turned out the way it did. The family specifically states that they didn't see Cuddles during the hearings, and they're still not sure what happened to him. Barry was FORCED to apologize to Cuddles during the hearing. From what I can assume the hearings were not public for obvious reasons (the public was told the hospital shut down because of financial problems) so. Why did Barry have to do that???
I feel like Meat is a good chance to explore a morally gray character. He doesn't seem "good" per say by ANY means. We can tell that easily because of the way he handled everything in Cometcare. But he is just SO NERVOUS all of the time, I wouldn't be surprised if he was actually a pawn like you said he was. No president that is proud of their role or even just comfortable being president would look like that. Hell, even in his official reference sheet he looks scrunched up, sweaty, and nervous. He doesn't like his job, that's for sure; so why is he still president? Why is the public not angry that they've had the same single person controlling them for THIRTY YEARS? Is there not a cap on the terms one person can serve like in the U.S? Or maybe there IS outrage at how long he's served, and we just haven't seen it yet?
Meat is an interesting character. I hope Kc uses him to make a dynamic, morally gray character instead of what has happened to other characters in Sparklecare. I want to see more of him.
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mrfoox · 2 years
I hate how my country bought into r*acebioligy and used it to oppress others, mainly our native people who already had been harassed and looked down upon through our history
Also hate how it's basically not discussed or taught in school
#miranda talking shit#The nazis were the king of that shit way of thinking but my own country adopted a lot of that bs#We had at least one such book published and many of 'intellectual' people at the time believed that shit#We had an racebuology institution up until 1950... And im sure plenty of people dont know that shit unless they#Are interested in history or well educated etc. Only reason we touched on it in my school was bc my teacher had sami ancestors#So she took up how racist and awful that shit was towards them.#Lets not talk about the school aspect of that... Special schools for sami where their native language was not used it was Swedish that had#To be used. Not until the 60s did that type of schools bring in their language but only like 2 hours per week#Im so angry like theres so much more and nothing have been said or apologized for. My country flaunt about being open and accepting#But have treated our native people like trash and still take up more of their land etc like :) haha yeah ok#Its not uncommon for people to have an negative view on the people too. My fathers side of the family is definitely in that mindset#'stupid sami with their reindeers' and some even kill or hurt their reindeers. An know method is to remove their marking on their ears#So the sami owners cant get any kind of money for their animal being killed... It disgusts me#But no one talks about it or cares about it unless they are sami or have ancestors or such#My moms side is probably have sami blood at least my moms grandpa came from such a family i believe.#And him and her wife despite being poor with 10+ kids they yearly took in traveling sami when they passed through with their deers#I have deep respect for them especially for that. Like they couldnt afford much at all but still shared the little food and room they had#And meanwhile my dads side of the family was racist assholes and still passed down that mindset to my dad
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meltedicescream · 3 years
Obey Me Bois with an Mc who has No Self Preservation
eyyy im back with my dumbassary
Spoilers for 15-16-17
tw//death, drowning, etc
Tags: Angst
Poor man is loosing any sleep he was getting because of you
He's had to stop you from fighting all of his brothers multiple times because you tried to fight them
He's also had to stop himself from fighting you
This man has caught you telling a lower level demon "do it pussy" because that demon told its friend it would eat you, and he had to immediately pick you up under your arms like a misbehaving cat
He's picked you up like this multiple times
He's genuinely thought about keeping you on a leash because of how often you have strayed away from the group and almost fucking died
Loves joining you in almost falling off of a cliff on accident because you thought nothing bad could happen
Actually he doesn't.
He has mini panic attacks when he can't find you
He'll occasionally pick you up when he realizes that you're in a dangerous area
Has caught you before you told a random, really buff demon to fight you, apologizing to the demon profusely while holding you under his arm
He has also thought about keeping you on a leash
He says he doesn't care about you but he's the main reason you don't almost die
This fucker didn't care until he took you to an anime convention and told a very buff cosplayer to fight you
He kind of relates it to an anime character he likes
He's caught you from straight up just diving into his fish tank because you thought you could swim all the way to the bottom, but he knew you would drown
Keeps you in his room most of the time and always keeps an eye on you
He won't let you leave his sight, he doesn't want his best friend dying!
He loves keeping you distracted from fighting someone with viceogames
Oh boy do you make him angry
One time while you were in his room he had to catch you before you could fall because you had climbed onto a pile of books to reach a book you thought looked interesting
He scolded you so bad
He has to keep an eye on you while your in his room
And when your in the kitchen he has to be at the door to keep you from accidentally poisoning yourself
He hates your guts
But he would hate it even more if you died or accidentally hurt yourself
He has kept you on a leash, at least until Asmo said somethin about it to him
He hates asmo now because thats all he can think about now
He almost screamed when he saw you on the kitchen counter just so you could reach something on the top shelf
He of course quickly ran over and caught you when you fell
You get scoldings every time he sees you doing something stupid
Sometimes he has to charm lower level demons so they won't actually fight you
He swears up and down he's getting stress acne because of you, but even without makeup he has no pimples in sight
Poor man looses his beauty sleep because of you
Don't worry, he's got you under control
He simply picks you up if you ever start climbing on counters or trying to fight someone
He's never taken care of someone so short before so its really new to him
But he'll gladly carry you around if it means you won't accidentally fall off a counter and hurt yourself or actually get into a fight
He's done this with Mammon (short king) before, when they were younger, picking up Mammon so he wouldn't get into fights over debt
Even if you're just standing on the coffee table to be eye to eye with one of the brothers, he'll still pick you up to make sure you don't get hurt
heres where the spoilers are oh boy
He never expected a human, something so fragile it could die from just one stab, would be so bold as to stand on a counter to reach a mixing bowl
If it hadn't been for Asmo you would have died again because he wasn't fast enough
And when he was intentionally killing you, he didn't expect you not to fight back, you had simply thought the other brothers would come and save you, but you were sadly killed. BUT YOU LIVED!
He's the reason Beel is like a helicopter parent for you
He asked Beel to keep a close eye on you so you wouldn't fucking die any time you got close to a ledge
He doesn't want to lose you, he cares too much! And he hasn't had as much time with you as his older brothers have had
no more spoilers, dear
Because of his princely duties he didn't notice you climbing onto his desk to get his attention, but he looked up right as you fell, swiftly catching you
You get many a scolding from him, but he feels bad about it so he gives you candy, too
He's asked Barbatos to keep an eye on you, but it seems he can't keep control of you without being right next to you at all times
Poor guy is stressed because of you!
He got one of those dog harnesses for you so he could simply tie you to a table with a leash so you wouldn't climb on something you weren't supposed to
And the amount of times he's heard of you almost getting into fights is astronomical
He genuinely thinks he has to keep one eye open just to make sure you aren't climbing through his bedroom window
Due to him being able to see into the future he can easily control you
Buuuut that doesn't mean he hasn't ran into rooms really fast for some close calls
He was wiping down the dining room table due to Diavolo accidentally spilling something when he suddenly dashed into the kitchen. You had been planning on making some cake for the demon prince but you couldn't quite reach the flour so you climbed onto the counter, only to slip. And in the nick of time, Barbatos ran in and caught you right before you hit the ground
He already has enough on his plate, but he's still very willing to take care of you
He's in a group chat with all of the brothers just so he can send a quick text of "mc's about to walk into the basement, grab them before Cerberus does"
Wizard bitch tried to use magic on you to keep you from almost dying all the time because you think you can't die
Since magic doesn't seem to stop you, he uses it to catch you or block you from something
He also used his pact with barbatos to his advantage when it comes to you
He doesn't care all that much though, just as long as you don't die
One time he had to physically catch you because you were a dumbass and decided to do a trust fall off of the dining room table in Purgatory Hall
So he had two children to take care of?
He's always holding your hand no matter what as if you were a toddler so you can't run off and almost die
He has went into his full angel form just to catch you before you could slip off of something
He doesn't trust you with anything sharp so he doesn't allow you in the kitchen
He won't let you around anything dangerous out of fear of you hurting yourself
He fucking started crying when you simply slipped in a puddle and scraped your knee. Humans are so fragile and he thought you were going to die!
The baby can't do anything when you almost die so like theres nothing here lmao
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rjshepherd · 2 years
xemnas headcanons???
on my blog? more likey than you think
tldr im bored waiting for my printer to do art prints and i cant work at my table bc theres no room bc of the printers/cricut so headcanon time?
long post under cut
Xemnas IS technically a keyblade wielder but the problem is he never had a keyblade of his own. and since he has no heart and you need a heart to get one(although you dont need a heart to wield one) hes outa luck.
since hes gotten his own heart circa kh3 i imagine he COULD use one, maybe even find someone to make him one from his own heart, a la redemption au.
an absolute menace in the kitchen. his ambition far outstrips his skill and he has ruined more dishes than anyone else in the castle. even the dusks dread seeing him walk in to the pantry.
so hes meant to be about 28-30 and isa is around 24-26 which means skuld could be something similar. i like to imagine in another world he's good friends with this girl bc of his ux player connection .
Kh2 xemnas is just insufferable but he is especially bad if he is sick which is more often than you'd think
im calling bs on that whole "hes terras body so he doesnt like sweets" this man LOVES sweets, sweet everything. if theres a sweet option he will take it even in savory foods . he pretends he likes the finer things but he will literally eat any garbage as long as it is 90% sugar.
gets migraines from wine, because he only drinks red dessert wines and not say, fruity white wine or something crisp and light.
Cheese fiend. loves a good charcutier board more than anything
also just loves fatty rich foods. kinda surprised he hasnt contracted gout or some shit.
not a morning person, never has been.
will fall right back asleep if you play with his hair
sees Xion as Ventus and has a hard time telling her and roxas apart
redemption au xemnas has caught terra-norts fury. hes so painfully angry about how unfair all of this is, how xigbar/luxu manipulated them and how he's questioning every decision hes ever made because was it really his choice if someone else was pulling the strings from behind the scenes?
he doesnt get yelling angry now he just gets frustrated tearful angry and very very anxious about everything
is just very full of feelings and doesnt know how to deal with ANY of them. Crying a LOT but has NO idea why.
Xion/Isa made him watch inside out to try and put words to his emotions and it actually kinda worked.
despite everything Xion is probably the best at dealing with him, next to maybe Aqua and Kairi (although none of them really want to)
Spends too much time apologising in a really awkward way. has no idea how to just say sorry and leave it at that. its always "im sorry...that 'insert terrible thing i did here that you dont want to be reminded of'" i think everyone would prefer he just didn't acknowledge it and moved on
platonic XemSai?
He's lowkey kinda clingy with ansem. As he said, he took his companions for granted and now he has no one. He got ansem back and hes not prepared to let go of him again
Doesnt really have a trio to be a part of. Ventus and Terra find him a little creepy and Aqua doesnt want Ansem around for the bs he pulled in kh3 . Seasalt quartet find him off putting for various reasons (although theyre more tolerant than most). Isa is ....well he feels for Xemnas but he doesnt want to cause friction with his actual friends. Destiny trio are ready to comit hate crimes against him and riku has had to physically hold kairi back at various points in time. little lady is just full of fight for her friends and no tolerance for bs
NGL the guilt of what he did to kairi is eating him alive. Kairi wants nothing to do with him but she is a forgiving sort. Finding him inconsolably upset because of what he was feeling pulled at her heart strings. she accepted his apology and begrudgingly allowed him a hug.
provided he never speak of it again.
The radient garden gang are probably the most tolerant. they let him have his own room on the grounds he minds his own damn business and stays out of there way. Ienzo is the nicest but hes nice to everyone so i dont think that counts. Ansem the wise and Even mostly ignore him but Aleaus and Dilan really have it out for him. one of them is almost always watching him for being suspicious and as soon as anthing goes missing or wrong Xemnas gets the blame. he mostly prefers to just go elsewhere.
spends a lot of time in Erandelle and the kingdom of Corona just exploring. he likes hiking the mountains to watch the auroras and exploring the forests to listen to bird song.
Not really sure where hes staying in this au but i imagine he'd get on ok in San fransokyo. maybe have some fun at the university?
Nightmares for days
Post kh4 sora decided to be nice and take him to Monstropolis to see if they had any suggestions to help with his nightmares. it didnt help much but it was a nice gesture that xemnas really apreciated
Sora isnt there for the start, when xemnas was trying to find his footing as a whole ass human with a heart, so he didnt see the worst of it. but sora can literally win over anyone, make friends with any sentient creature so its not long before Xemnas counts sora as a friend, despite everything theyve gone through.
hngg im sure i have more so if u want more xemnas, au or nort rambelings hmu in asks
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coremechs · 2 years
core mechs by what would happen if you kicked them
jolene: u go to kick jolene and she just. looks at you. you do not kick jolene. you run.
mindy: asks why you did that, but not in a like angry way in a 'clearly ur going through something if ur randomly kicking people so lets sit down and work it out' and then you wind up confessing ur complicated relationship w ur parents and how stressful everything has been and she cant fix it but she will give u a hug and u will be both sad u kicked her but also kinda glad bc this convo did help
shirai: u kick shirai and u realize that that wasnt shirai that was a concerningly realistic doll of shirai and then shirai kicks u and u realize she was behind u the entire time watching u work up to kicking her and then she mocks u for ur outfit
zoey: you kick zoey. she kicks you back harder. you kick her back harder. she kicks you back even harder. you cant kick that hard. also your foot is melting bc acid.
jaylen: dont kick jaylen. why would you kick jaylen. hasnt she been through enough. you monster. how could you. i hope she gives you unstable and then you die. how. could. you.
bees: why would you kick a literal swarm of bees what do you think was going to happen?
gia: shes a fucking robot. congrats idiot you broke your foot kicking the robot. she probably starts working like 5% better based on my experience of kicking machines. your foot hurts.
cannonball: i mean you could kick cb. she'd probably be kinda annoyed bc you just randomly kicked her. she will probably tag your house but bc shes committed to her art it will look super cool so really this is a net positive but she will probably avoid you for a bit bc you randomly kicked her.
kelvin (drumsolo): like a week later you'll come home and your entire house will be booby trapped and you will have to redecorate due to extensive water damage and also burns.
kelvin (andante): kandante will stand there, blink confusedly while ey process, and then like five seconds later start crying and clutching eir left leg. doesnt matter where u kicked em ey will clutch eir left leg. it will be a very awkward scene.
addie: you can kick addie. im sure nothing will happen. i mean captain judochop will absolutely be paying you a visit to tell you off in a few hours. you will be scared witless. she will critique your kicking technique. you dont know how she knows your kicking technique. you are afraid. 
mira: you kick mira. mira drags you down to her chless boxing gym and starts giving you lessons. apparently youve been kicking wrong this entire time. you dont understand how chless works. you wish you'd never kicked mira. you think you're a much better kicker than you were before you kicked mira.
alto: congrats thats a baby. you kicked a baby. a child. theyre sulking now. theyre listening to mcr and sulking and its all your fault. oh god theyre on the phone to dot. oh god theyre telling dot. oh god dot is coming here. oh god. you're hiding. you can hear dot. you're under the bed. the bed isnt there anymore. dot is standing over you. oh god.
combs: i mean there is literally nothing you can do that would hurt combs theyre a skeleton inside a sea comb colony theres no like... nerves. they probably dont notice. theres a small chance they just consume you and now you're within combs but most likely you've just accomplished like... nothing. hope you feel fulfilled. 
jj: you kick jj. you kicked a guy. he said ow. your foot hurts a bit. their leg hurts a bit more.
bottles: you go to kick bottles. lady looks at you. lady narrows her eyes. lady is coming towards you. you back away from bottles. you run away from bottles. lady is following you. you run. you can never run fast enough.
lady: we all know this is going to end badly. why would you even think of kicking lady.
lev: congrats thats even more of a baby. thats the maximal baby. thats a literal infant. the entire team are coming for you. there's nowhere to hide. you apologize. its not enough. mindy looks like you've disappointed her, jolene has crossed his arms, zoey is steaming faintly, bottles is slapping a spanner into their hand, lady is doing her sternest glare, shirai appears to be in about eight different places and you have no idea which one is the real shirai, kelvin drumsolo is even more on fire than usual and kelvin andante isnt smiling at all and ey're always smiling and you are so very, very afraid
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reidsnose · 4 years
completely and utterly, wholeheartedly and hopelessly (spencer reid x reader)
Tumblr media
overview: spencer helps his best friend talk through her emotions
genre: angst? and fluff
warnings: mentions of cheating, bad coping mechanisms, idrk what else reader being upset for a little bit
a/n: this has been sitting in my notes app FOREVER but idk how i feel ab this one im usually strictly fluff so yall lmk :)
you hated talking about your feelings. you knew it was unhealthy to keep it bottled and and 'deal with it on your own' but that didn't stop you from doing exactly that.
the worst part about your feelings right now was that you isolate to cope with them. you didn't want to interact with anyone at all because more likely than not you would lash out at them on accident. it just slips out sometimes.
when you trudged into the bullpen with your head down and your hands fidgeting with your zipper, you didn't even notice all eyes on you. you werent your usual happy self. you weren't being loud, you weren't cracking jokes. you were just begrudgingly existing amongst your favorite people and they knew there was something wrong.
"good morning gorgeous, its a paperwork day! that means no traveling!" garcia informed you brightly, trying to lighten my mood.
"oh. cool. thanks." you answered back, flashing her as much of a smile as you could muster after realizing the harshness of your words.
she shot morgan a look, to which he raised an eyebrow.
"hey pretty lady," he began as he walked over to you, "whats going on? did you drink some grumpy juice for breakfast?"
"no. im fine." you replied flatly, making your way to your desk.
"what in the world.." he whispered to garcia, not knowing you could still hear.
or maybe he did know. maybe he was trying to get on your nerves. no. this is the irritability talking. morgan was just being a good friend.
you groaned at your computer, retyping the same password for the 4th time.
this time Prentiss shot you a look.
"is everything ok?" she asked, smiling slightly.
"yeah my computer is being stupid." you rolled your eyes as it finally let you in.
"oh i know the feeling. if you need any help-"
"I'm alright. thanks." you cut her off, eyes glued to the file you were working on.
JJ, who had witnessed the whole interaction unfold, stood with her mouth agape.
"spence, your bestie needs you!" JJ tapped his shoulder and motioned to you.
he watched your jaw rhythmically clench and unclench. your tell. thats what you always did when you were irritated or angry.
"hey y/n," he hummed, sitting lightly on the corner of your desk, crinkling some of your paper work.
"Reid! my files!" you cried, swatting his thigh. he got up and murmured an apology.
"are you ok?" he asked simply, crouching down to meet your height as you sat in your chair.
"why does everyone keep asking me that!"
you knew why. you were being a bitch.
"you just called me Reid." he stated.
"its your name." you replied, not meeting his gaze.
"yeah but you always-" he began.
"I'm not in the mood right now."
he sighed, "if you need someone to talk to-"
"i don't need anyone to talk to because theres nothing to talk about!" you interrupted, causing him to furrow his eyebrows at the tone of my voice.
'i shouldn't be mean to him. why am i acting like this?' you thought to yourself
"ok, ill be over there if you need me," he threw his hands up in surrender.
you mumbled an ok and went back to distracting yourself with work. you were so invested in filing these cases you completely lost track of time and before you knew it, it was just you, Hotch, and Spencer left in the office. you vaguely remembered waving goodbye to your other coworkers but you didn't remember it being nearly 6pm.
"guys go home, you've done a lot today," Hotch said as he crossed the bullpen, making his way towards the glass doors.
"yeah i will i'm almost done," you answered, not looking up from my screen.
"good night, Hotch," Spencer called from the break room.
you stared at your screen, eyes burning. you did enough. you cant escape confronting your feelings much longer. you sighed as you began packing up.
as if on cue, Spencer walked out of the break room with two cups in his hands, steam rising from the both of them. your mood softened just a bit.
"here," he handed you your drink which he had filled with your favorite tea and sweetened just the way you like it.
"you didnt have to." you replied, setting down the warm cup as you finished packing up. he mirrored your movements, resting his satchel across his torso before picking his drink back up.
"i know." he answered simply, a gentle smiling resting on his lips before he took a sip of his own tea.
"im sorry for snapping at you earlier." you apologized, finally meeting his gaze. his eyes were soft and sweet and you felt a pang of guilt in your heart as they looked into your own.
"its ok. do you want to tell me why?" he asked, walking to the elevator with you.
"no. yes? i dont know. its stupid." you replied, looking down at the floor as you recounted your reason for my anger today.
"its not stupid." he spoke softly.
you scoffed lightly, "you dont even know what it is."
"so tell me."
"but its dumb!"
"y/n." he warned.
"my ex boyfriend, Ashton, is getting married to the girl he cheated on me with." you sighed, walking through the parking lot with Spencer.
"ah so Trashton put my favorite ray of sunshine in a bad mood." he joked, breath swirling around the cool air as he spoke
you let out a weary chuckle, "its not like i miss him or anything, i just wish i had someone! not him- i just- i want- ugh i don't know how to word this!" you grew frustrated, furrowing your eyebrows and balling your hands into fists.
you knew exactly how to word it.
you wanted Spencer.
"its ok, take all the time you need." he whispered, leaning on the hood of your car. you joined him, resting as you took a sip of your tea.
"why am i not good enough to be loved." you stated the question rather than asking it, eyes filling with tears.
"you are good enough and i promise you that you are loved more than you know." he affirmed gently, turning to face you.
"do you know why we broke up?" you asked, knowing if you acknowledged his previous comment you wouldn't be able to continue without sobbing.
"because he cheated on you." he answered confidently.
"no." you shook your head, fighting back tears.
"what? he didn't cheat on you?"
"he did. and i was going to forgive him for that."
Spencer started getting riled up, "what! why? you're worth more than that scumbag! you shouldn't ha-"
"Spencer just let me finish!" you cut him off. he went silent, chest rising and falling more rhythmically than it had seconds earlier. "he wanted me to chose. him or you."
"him or me?" he furrowed his eyebrows, voice much quieter now.
"mhm." you hummed not meeting his gaze, your cheeks redder than you'd like to admit.
"i don't understand." he breathed.
"he thought i was cheating on him with you. he had no proof and it w-"
"oh this is all my fault. y/n i'm so sorry!"
"no! spence its not your fault!" you grabbed his arm to reassure him.
"it is! your boyfriend broke up with you because of me! and now you're sad and lonely and its all my fault!" he cried, looking worriedly into your eyes.
"first of all, i broke it off with him, he just gave the ultimatum. secondly, you did me a favor."
"by showing me who i was really dating. a cheating, insecure scumbag who was quick to replace me when i left."
"i guess thats true."
"and id pick you over him any day." you admitted, looking back down at the ground. he nudged your shoulder playfully and you cracked a sad smile
"im sorry i made you sad and lonely."
"you didnt. id be sad and lonely anyway."
"why? you would still have a boyfriend if it wasn't for me."
"i don't want a boyfriend if it isn't you."
shit. shit.
the words toppled out of your mouth before you could stop them.
"what?" he asked, wide eyes and looking a little shocked. spencer was sure in that very moment that if he heard you correctly hed simply explode.
"i- no this was a bad idea. i just ruined everything didnt i!" you were speaking more to yourself, exasperated at your own stupidity.
"no," you felt him place a finger to your chin and lift your gaze to meet his, "im glad you said it because now i can admit it."
"admit what?"
"that im completely and utterly, wholeheartedly and hopelessly in love with you."
"spencer dont play with my heart like this. are you being serious?"
"yes. i am." he said with a strange confidence than you had never heard before. hesitant but sure.
"oh thats so lucky because i am completely and utterly, wholeheartedly and hopelessly in love with you too." you admitted, feeling about 100 pounds lighter, like you could fly. he pulled you into a bone crushing hug which you eagerly accepted. "i should talk about my feelings more often."
he chuckled, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head, "yes you should."
world littlest taglist:
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folkreid · 3 years
cheater cheater
TYPE: angst
SONG: should've said no- taylor swift
I walk into the living room Lila sitting down and Spencer was standing next to the couch she was on. Spencer and I have been dating for eight months, it's been going good. It's kind of hard to focus sometimes. All I can think about is him.
My phone starts ringing. It's Elle. I walk into the hallway to take the call. "We're on our way over there" she says through the phone. "Okay well Spencer and I are here with Lila" I tell her. "Okay good we'll be there in a bit" Elle says before hanging up.
I walk back to the living room. Spencer and Lila aren't there, where are they?
I hear a splash from outside. What the fuck?
I run out and see Spencer and Lila in the pool. They were kissing. Spencer was kissing her. What the hell. How could he do this to me. He grabbed her face with his two hands, just how he was kissing me earlier today. My heart sinks. Why? Why would he do this? I feel tears fill my eyes I quickly wipe them away. I'm at work I shouldn't be crying.
They finally pull away. His eyes meet with mine. "Y/n I'm I-I" he stutters.
I leave the room. I see Elle outside talking to Spencer a couple minutes.
Well we saved the girl and found the stalker. I've been avoiding Spencer. I don't want to talk to him. Or see him. Or be around him. Theres the problem. I live with him, we decided to move in together about a month ago. I moved out of my apartment. Which was stupid considering we had only been together for seven months at the time. We were so positive we would be a perfect couple.
How could I be so fucking naive.
Of course we wouldn't work out. I loved him more than he loved me.
Elle walks up to me, I was waiting for the elevator. "What's wrong Y/n" she notices me mood. "Nothing, can I stay with you for the night?" I ask.
She shakes her head yes. "Why, did something happen to you and Spencer?" she asks concerned. "No, I just think I need some space" I tell her. She nods as we enter the elevator.
We walk out the building heading to her car.
We finally arrive at her house, she opens the door and lets me in.
I flop onto her couch. "Did you tell Spencer you're here?" Elle asked me putting down her bag. "No" I mumble going into her cabinet grabbing a blanket and pillow. She kept extra ones there.
I lie them down on the couch. "He's been texting me like crazy, he says that he's worried." Elle tells me showing me the text. I take the phone from her hand and type. "Sorry I haven't heard from her" I send the text. I give her phone back to her and she looks at the text. She looks at me in disbelief.
"Y/n! Spencer just wants to know you're safe" she scolds me. "Please don't tell him i'm here I really don't want to see him." I beg.
She sighed. "Fine" she gives up.
I start to feel bad. I should text him. "I'm safe Spencer, I don't want to see you right now." I sent the message and lie back down in Elles couch.
About an hour passes and he sends me a couple of messages. I hear the door bell ring. Elle looks up from whatever she was doing in the kitchen over to the door. She goes over to it. I immediately hear Spencer's voice. "S-She won't answer me. She told me she was safe but-but i'm worried Elle" he cried.
He came in and saw me. He looked over to Elle angrily. "You said she wasn't here! Why would you lie to me!" he gets in her face.
"Reid stop. Elle didn't lie to you I took her phone any texted you from there" I explain. He mumbled an apology to Elle.
"Can we talk" Spencer asks me. Elle leaves the living room walking over to her room.
"What Reid" I say annoyed. I sit down on the couch putting my hands to my face. "I'm sorry" he whispers.
"I don't care just leave" I feel tears building up in my eyes. "Y/n/n" he starts.
"Reid, I don't care okay. Just leave" I stand up from the couch. He comes closer. "Don't call me Reid. Stop it. You haven't called me Reid since we've started dating." his eyes get watery as he says that.
"Well we aren't dating anymore" I back up from him. "Y/n, don't break up with me. Please. It was a stupid kiss" he begs.
"A stupid kiss Spencer?! Really? Why didn't you pull away!" I yell at him, tears streaming down my face.
"I-I don't know" he chokes over his tears. "Please I cant live without you" he cries.
"I don't care! You don't think it hurt me to see you with another girl!" I sob.
I back away from him and he comes closer. "Don't get near me" I sternly say.
I push him away and walk past him. He grabs my right arm. Almost by instinct I turn around and slap him. He holds his face and let go of me. I just stand and stare at him not knowing what to say.
"What the fuck Y/n!" he screams.
"I-Im sorry" I stutter nervous. I didn't mean to slap him I was just mad.
"Are you mad at me?" I ask. I feel so stupid. Asking him if he's mad at me after he cheats on me. What's wrong with me.
"Of course not" he sighed.
What now? What do I do now.
I broke down. I broke down. I slid down on the floor. Spencer immediately followed me down holding me in his arms.
I don't know what to do. I just feel hurt. So hurt.
I finally give in and sob into his chest. He holds me close and strokes my back. "Shh babe. I'm sorry love. I love you so freaking much." he says tears pouring from his face.
I don't even know what to think.
Do I stay with him? I love him but I just don't know.
I end up staying in his arms trying to make my decision.
I want to stay with him. I shouldn't let myself though.
"Spencer we need space"
It's been a couple weeks since Spencer kissed Lila. Spencer and I have talked. I try to sort out my feelings. And I finally did. I still want to be with Spencer.
We talked it all out today. And now i'm in the passengers seat of his car. We're going home, I didn't end up packing my stuff and getting a new apartment. I stayed at Elles house. She would go get me clothes from Spencer's sometimes.
I love Spencer. Like a lot. He tells me he loves me as much as I love him. I don't know though. I'm still kind of confused.
My thoughts were interrupted when Spencer put his hand on my thigh. I slightly flinched before taking his hand and putting it on his thigh. He gives me a confused look. "Sorry, I just don't want to be touched right now" I tell him. "That's fine love" he whispers before focusing on the road.
We arrive to his apartment. Oh I meant our.
I open the car door walking into the building. Spencer slightly jogs to catch up to me. We get into the elevator together.
Spencer puts his hand around my waist and brings me closer. He kisses my temple. "I love you so much" he whispers. "I love you too" I mumble.
It feels wrong. If he loves me why did he kiss her.
No Y/n. I said I wouldn't think like this.
I walk into our apartment and immediately go to our room.
I lie on the bed. "Are you going to sleep?" Spencer asks. "Mhm" I mumble.
He comes into the bed and wraps his arms around me. He spoons me. Why is touching me. Can he not. I scoot away. "What's wrong Y/n" he asked me. "Sorry" I whisper. I scoot closer to him. I can do this. It was months ago.
I lie on his chest and he kisses my head. I bite my tongue. Y/n don't say anything. He puts a hand under my chin lifting it. He gives me a light kiss.
That ticks me off. I get away from him and stand in the corner of the room. "Stop!" I yell.
"What's wrong baby?" he gets off the bed.
"Dont touch me please. Just don't kiss me or touch me or anything." I tell him. "I'm going to sleep in the living room" I say grabbing a pillow. "Why? Why are you going to the living room" he grabs my arm.
"I'm sorry I just don't want to be touched or kissed or anything" I tug my arm away from him.
"Why? Why can't I touch my own girlfriend" he looks at me angry. I can see hints of sadness behind the angry.
"Because" I say walking away from him. "So now I cant even kiss my girlfriend now?" he screams.
Something about that made me angry. So fucking angry. "Well maybe you should go kiss Lila!" I scream at Spencer.
I tried to let it go. I cant.
He looked at me in disbelief.
"Are you kidding me Y/n? You said you were over if!" he yells at me getting closer. I was basically cornered. He was right in front of me.
"How do you expect me to get over it Spencer" I say with tears running down my face. "I don't want you to hurt" he says. "What can I do to make this all better" Spencer asks.
"Nothing" I say honestly. There's nothing he can do to make it better.
"Please Y/n" he begs. I look into his eyes. His puppy dog eyes that I love so much.
"I think we should break up" I sigh.
I watch his reaction. It's as if you can see the exact moment his heart broke.
"No, No" he shakes his head.
"Yes Spencer." I grab my phone and keys to my car. He starts sobbing and I can't help but to feel bad.
"Leave, if you're going to leave do it now" he says in a low voice. I walkout his room not closing the door. I stand in the doorway he doesn't seem to notice. He goes into my drawer and grabs my favorite sweater.
He lies back down and cries into it. Y/n leave now. If you don't you'll get sucked back into this.
Spencer and I are over. All because of a kiss.
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henqtic · 3 years
Hi, can I request a Draco x reader in which they are best friends and reader is narcissistic, so when Draco starts to change in their sixth year, reader gets angry with him and ends their friendship until Draco tells her about his dark mark and reader realize how she is and try to improve. With a happy ending in which after winning the war both confess their feelings. im sorry if it's confusing
I can do better - d.m.
- word count: 2.2k
- warnings: mentions of scratching skin, please contact me if theres more !
- a/n- I’ve never really had an encounter with a narcissistic person and I don’t exactly know how to write them out so I did sort of switch that part up but everything else is the same <33
- masterlist | draco malfoy masterlist | gif creds | taglist form |
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Countless years of friendship, down the drain all because he had been acting differently. Ever since your sixth year had started, Draco had been off. Quitting quidditch when he was so close to becoming captain— something that he had been determined to do ever since he made his way onto the team in your second year.
He’d rant on and on between lessons of how you should be honored to be talking to Slytherins future star player and quidditch captain. 
There also weren’t any more occurrences where he’d stay up countless hours with you as you as you went on and on about the different aspects of astronomy— something that you had been overly interested in ever since you took the course as one of your electives in third year because you didn’t want to take ancient runes.
That was the same year you started to see him differently, maybe in a way that friends shouldn't have. And you played it off as something small, it’s not wrong to think your best friend looks good a few days out of the week, it’s just something friends do.
Well that was what you were telling yourself as you got used to finding even the smallest things he'd do cute. But it seemed that you weren't the only one having those feelings, that he had seemed just as interested as you were, so you grew comfortable with the situation and the attention.
The comfort of it all had grown even more when you were the first one he asked to accompany him to the yule ball without a second thought and you didn’t hesitate to say yes.
And even after everything that had happened last year with his father getting thrown into Azkaban, he hadn’t pushed you away but you were the first shoulder he came to cry on, and shamelessly at that. He wasn’t embarrassed in the least because he trusted you that much. Why wouldn't he?
It hurt that those were no longer the circumstances but that they were now almost the complete opposite. The shock of no longer having him and being his main source of attention scared you, it made you irrationally jealous at the thought of maybe he had moved on to someone else.
And while all of that was wrong, you couldn’t see it because your focus was on what you had lost and were no longer getting. So you were the person to end that friendship.
When you had told him that you no longer wanted anything to do with him, he seemed like he didn't care, almost like he wanted you to let him go and it made a deep pit form in your stomach.
It had only grown as you’d watch him from across the dinner table, bags prominent under his eyes and as days passed, he started to look more and more sickly.
To say the least, you had been riddled with guilt and thoughts of if you even should be— if you thought about it, you only hurt him before he could hurt you. But for some reason, it feel that way.
You decided to talk to him again, not as an apology but more of a deal that you could just move on and not think about because. It’s like when your parents call you to dinner instead of saying sorry for yelling at you, thinking that food was a piece offering.
So now you were roaming the halls in nothing but your pajamas and school robes remembering the times where Draco would be here on your side.
It was almost a daily thing for you both. You’d get tired of all of the homework that was required by the professors so you’d go and run around to try and get your ‘creative juices’ to come back. And while all of that did pain you, you were almost certain. That everything would go back to normal and things would be fine.
Your thoughts were interrupted by a cry sounding through the wide halls and you quickly realized it was a very familiar cry. And instead of just ignoring it, curiously took over, persuading you to follow to the source of their sounds. Moaning myrtle's bathroom.
You hadn’t a chance to ask what was or had happened before the ghost gave you a look of deep sympathy and floated into one of the nearby stalls. A splash followed, alerting you that she had gone down the toilet leaving you time to carefully step through the open space.
You tried your best to approach the person without disturbing them completely, but when you identified them, it was much harder.
“Draco is- is that you crying?” You asked, catching sight of the boy on the ground, left arm clutched to his body as if he had just burned himself.
“It’s not like you would care l/n,” he scoffed, trying to wipe his face and pull down his sleeve before you could get completely in front of him.
The last time you checked the clock, it was three in the morning and for some reason he still had his uniform on. The only sign of comfort was that his tie was a little loosened— had he not gone to sleep at all?
“Why can’t you just tell me what’s wrong,” you huffed, once again getting irritated that he wouldn’t tell you anything going on. The thought not coming up into your head that maybe if he didn’t want to be so open about this topic, maybe it was for good reason.
“You’re the one who said you didn’t want anything to do with me so, I’m good thanks.” He wasn't anywhere as upset as you were, more hurt if you will.
“You didn’t seem to care much when I did tell you,” you countered, making him exhale deeply and run hands through his hair.
“It was for your safety. Don’t you understand that?” Your face scrunched in confusion of what was so top secret that he couldn’t even tell you to ‘keep you safe.’ He was already tired of the argument and decided to not answer you, in words at least.
His hand swiftly went down to the end of his sleeve to reveal to you his, what should have been bare arm, but there was a mark, a dark mark. Your eyes stayed on his arm for seconds you didn't take the time to count.
Not only was the mark of the dark lord staring at you but so was the amount of irritated skin around it. There were scratches, old and new, liked he thought the actions would erase the marking.
Your eyes slowly shifted to look into his glossed over ones, staring down at the spot that you previously were, But instead of the stare being out of shock, it was a mixture of shame and disgust. “I am sorry Draco. I didn’t even think that you would—”
“I didn’t have much of a choice, it was either this or my family gets killed,” he revealed, disgust lacing his voice.
Had you been that blind? Now that you're thinking of it, you hadn’t even asked him once if he was okay but complained about him never having time for you now.
And it was pretty obvious that a sixteen year old death eater being in Hogwarts couldn't mean anything good. He was probably under so much stress and you, someone who was supposed to be there for him wasn’t.
“Draco I—” 
“I don’t need your poor try at an apology,” he said harshly, moving his arm out of your hold.
“No, really I—,” you choked on your words as if you didn’t have the ability to mutter a simple apology. Wait, had you always been that way?
“I am so sorry for everything and I know that I should've been so hard on you. I can’t imagine how horrible this year has been for you. I don’t even know how I completely overlooked you.”
You hated the way you made him feel, you hadn’t even thought your actions were that harmful seeing as you had always been that way. And that's when the realization hit, you had always been that way.
There were probably so many other occasions where you put yourself over others without a second thought and all the friends that you had, that had distanced themselves from you weren’t for no reason, but it was for that one.
You were suddenly pulled into his body, strong arms finding their way around you. The embrace wasn’t desperate, no, it was more of a silent plea that you’d stay and at least try to change your ways.
And you were going to do so much better than that. Your arms moved to hug him back, a sense of security coming over you both, enough so for him to let go and crumble into your arms once again and simply, cry.
After that night, your relationship slowly rebuilt itself, even though the first few days had been awkward seeing as he hadn’t truly accepted your apology, and understandably. But that only made you so much more determined to change, to improve not for only yourself but for the people around you.
And that’s just what you did, re-become the shoulder that was always available to cry on and the ears that were always open to listen when he needed to vent about not being able to fix the cabinet and how stressful it was.
Not to mention when he was done with it, he didn’t know how he wouldn’t mess up on the task of killing the headmaster.
But that also led to you trying your best to make him laugh again, and even though it wasn’t about seeing a boyish smirk come over his face as he jinxed unsuspecting students it was still something.
It was enough for you to see a sliver of a smile come over his even if it was from you tripping over the things in his room.
And when you finally did successfully make him let out a genuine laugh you were over the moon, you didn’t remember what it was he laughed at because immediately after you started cheering, that mission make Malfoy smile again had been completed.
That was probably the day that you realized that those feelings of more than platonic friendship were coming back.
That didn’t stop the crying you both did the night before he had to leave Hogwarts because while it does sound selfish, you wish he could've stayed that he didn't have to leave because you were going to miss him.
You even went to the extent of trying to convince him to let you join him but he immediately shut you down, not even entertaining the idea.
The manor wasn’t anything like it had been through your childhoods, but now it was stuffy and riddled with death eaters at every door. And there was no way he was going to willingly put you in that situation so you stayed at the castle.
Months later he was back at the school and of course, desperate to see you again. The last year had been hard for everyone and it was probably one of the worst for Draco. Not only did he figure out that his third year crush on you wasn’t so simple anymore but he had also realized it was so much more than that.
Standing by your side, on the side of Hogwarts only reinforced that idea. And as his parents beckoned for him to join them, he didn’t want to.
He wanted to choose the side that had been screaming out to him ever since he had become a death eater. And you were the one to not push him to stay or leave. But the slight squeeze to his hand was letting him know that whoever he did choose, you would be there right by his side.
And now as he watched Voldemort's body deteriorate, chipping and floating away like a piece of paper, a feeling of relief came over him, it was all over. 
But that wasn't the only feeling that came over him because now he was determined, determined to tell you just how he felt and that’s what he did, hands still tightly weaved together as he pulled through the ruble.
You beat him to it though, confessing how much you loved him. And how throughout your years of Hogwarts he had always been such a great friend to you and how much you adored him even when he had his flaws. How you appreciated how he gave you a second chance, one to grow and one to improve on yourself.
And soon after that, he realized that you were in the same condition that he was and it wasn’t sickness but love; giving his own sappy take on confessing his feelings, you hadn’t only felt love Darco and he hadn’t only felt love for you but it was the feeling of being in love.
Draco Malfoy was completely and utterly in love with the girls standing in front of him at this moment and you felt the same for that boy standing in front of you.
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om-headcanon · 4 years
☆ mc catching the obey me brothers crying
i believe its fair to assume mc has seen at least one of the boys cry. here is what i believe happened. (if you want me to do undateables, let me know! tw for low self worth, panic attacks, and survivors guilt/death mentions)
without a doubt the most embarassed to be caught crying
he had just gotten into an argument with diavolo, and he questions his importance in diavolos life
he goes into the study to get some extra work done late at night to reassure himself he is useful
with all of the stress from the situation at hand and some stress from supporting the family on his back, he cant help but shed a few tears
all he wants to do is keep those around him happy and healthy... and it tears him apart when he cant
if i cant make the ones i love happy then... what can i do...
he doesnt notice your presence, as he has hands over his eyes and is breathing slowly in order to relax himself
you call out his name softly to get his attention
lucy jumps and tries wiping his eyes and playing it off as if he was never crying
you walk closer to him and he keeps inquiring if theres anything you need
you dont say anything, you just place your arms around him and hold him in a tight embrace
and he starts crying again on your shoulder... harder, this time. holding you tighter and closer in the embrace
because of his pride, its hard for him to admit what he needs the most: someone to show they care for him
mammon is the type to not cry often but when he does, its a lot
while his brothers dont really have bad intentions, the daily degradation they execute against mammon really gets to him
he can only put up his confident front for so long, and not long after a fight with asmo, it recedes
he lay on his bed sobbing heavily into a pillow to muffle the sound for nearly a full hour
his mind cant help but insist all the words his siblings tell him are true... and he wishes more than anything that you were there to tell him they werent
he looks up to the door every once in a while with blurry vision, mind convincing him theyre at the door, but you not being there makes him cry even harder
maybe they just think the same as the rest of my brothers
he hears the doorknob, but convinces himself its his mind again. ironically enough, this makes him cry even harder
except its actually you this time
you run over to his bed to sit down next to him and rub his back reassuringly, asking if hes alright
he jolts up, shocked youre actually here. he closes his mind and smiles sadly with a tear stained face
he pulls you into an embrace and whispers a soft thank you... your presence helps him more than you will ever know
you hold him for a few minutes and tell him how awesome the Great Mammon really is
its been a long stressful day at rad, and he cant help but overthink every single action he has made
every single glance hes made, every single word hes said ... just everything
most days he would resort to playing a game or watching an anime he loves in attempt to distract himself, but other days its not that easy
he starts spiraling, thinking of not only everything hes done that day, but actions hes done in the past too
eventually hes past the point of no return, and starts having a panic attack
levi cant seem to catch his breath and with the thoughts still rushing through his head at full speed, he cant attempt to calm himself down
he envies those who dont feel the way he does right now because god, what he would do to not feel like this
you were just wondering why your gaming buddy hasnt come looking for you so naturally, you go to him
you knock on his door waiting for him to ask you for the entry code... but theres no response
you enter and are quite shocked to see levi shaking on his bed
this is familiar to you... whether youve had to guide a friend through a panic attack or have been through one yourself, you know what to do
you reassure him this will all pass and knowing how hard school is for him, you tell him he did well today
you get him to regulate his breathing and gain some composure
hes embarassed you had to see him like that... but he lets you know hes so thankful that you came to help him
he just wants to be his own person but with how his life was set for him, its almost as if thats a tall order
its very rare he cries from happiness or anything like that, but sometimes he gets so sad that he gets angry... and then he cries a lot
no one dares to go near him like that
and that hurts him too... that nobody could or would ever dare to console him because they fear what hed do to them
he acknowledges this is a justified fear as he is after all the representation of wrath itself, but it still hurts nonetheless
belphie decided to poke fun and tease satan reminding him of how hes lucifers shadow
he didnt take it well... and retreated to his room to handle his emotions
he knew his family didnt want anything to do with him while he was angry... and that made him feel like a burden
but he grew used to everyone expecting he handle his emotions himself even if every once in a while he desired some reassurance
satan sat in a corner of his room crying to himself waiting for this to pass because he didnt believe anyone else would care to check on him
but you were curious as to why he wasnt in his usual 4 pm reading spot, so you decided to check his room
he was just sat completely still staring into the distance while tears fell down his face
he didnt even notice your presence until you sat down next to him
you didnt want to pry, so you just asked if he wanted to talk about it
he shook his head, laid on your shoulder, and just said “this is all i need”
ahh... while self love is so easy for him, self value isnt
its easy for him to believe people want to be around him solely with lustful intent rather than because they genuinely love him
he doesnt really believe anyone could ever love him
so he overcompensates through self love because he believes hes the only person who could ever love him
hes great at hiding it but sometimes, this gets to him... especially after some quick encounters with others at the fall
he thinks maybe there is no depth to him.. maybe i really am just a pretty face and nothing else
asmo cries pretty often, but he only lets people see him cry when its over something material (ie, he couldnt get a new bag hes been wanting for weeks)
he cries quietly too in effort to make sure nobody sees him
he seemed to have forgetten that you two were planning to go shopping today so you went to his room to see if he was ready
you werent expecting to see him rolled over in bed softly crying to himself
you startled him when you said his name
“oh, mc, i didnt see you there!” he chuckles lightly to himself in effort to change the mood of the atmosphere as he wipes his eyes
you ask if hes okay and his sad smile falls slightly
he asks you if you genuinely think he could ever be lovable
your heart breaks a little knowing that he even has a moment of self doubt, but you reassure him that hes a lovable person inside and out
you hug him tightly while another tear falls down his face
you two decide shopping is best for another day... for now, you just want to talk and do facials
beel loves his family a lot
more than he loves food (also a lot)
he hates conflict between them and would do absolutely anything to avoid it
what he hates the most about himself is how hungry he gets... hes aware its poorly timed but theres really nothing he can do about it
but the feeling hes being an inconvenience to those he loves hurts him
beel is great at smiling as often as possible, but if theres any tension between the family, he wont stop crying until its resolved
once he was so hungry it wasnt possible to control himself and he ended up going on a rampage
he earned scolds from lucifer, mammon, and satan for this
it tore him apart knowing that he had caused his family trouble for even a second and he started crying because of the guilt
he couldnt even find enough energy to make it back to his room, so he just sat in the kitchen with tears on his face
you had decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack when you saw him
he apologized for being in the kitchen and offered to move if you wanted his seat, but you declined
beel didnt even bother wiping the tears from his eyes... he wore them like they were a punishment for his own behavior
when you asked him what was wrong, all he said was that he was a bad brother
you tried to tell him otherwise, but then he went into detail about the situation and how all he does is cause the family distress
you told him that isnt true at all and he continues to bring light and happiness to all those around him
hearing that his brothers will come around and know he meant no harm is all he needed to hear
“thank you, mc... i feel less hungry when im with you”
he has lots of survivors guilt
its been millenia but he still wishes that it was him instead of lilith
because of this he cries quite often, but never in front of anyone other than beel
this feeling that lilith and him should have traded places haunts him often, and its not always so easy to sleep it off
as fore mentioned, he usually finds comfort in talking to his older twin but beel isnt always there
beel was at one of his clubs at rad and belphie didnt want to bother him, but he really did need someone right now
unlike his older brothers, belphie actually makes an effort to find you
he doesnt find you in your room nor the kitchen, so he continues to search around the house in hopes youre around here somewhere
he happens to find you by yourself in the study on your d.d.d.
belphie feels bad bothering you, and enters the room quite quietly
“mc, can we talk?”
he sits down next to you and lays his head on your shoulder
contrary to what he stated he wanted, not much talking is being done
he just lies there quietly crying with no explanation why
he realises he may not be as ready to talk about it as he thought... but thats okay
you tell him that youre going to listen whenever hes ready to talk about it
that makes him feel a lot better
he falls asleep right there with a thankful smile placed on his face
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wickedpact · 3 years
You can't just drop that "I read Forces Multiplied" bomb on us and not give a ten page written reaction.
[cracks knuckles] if u insist
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nicky cant drive hc: destroyed. rip. also i loved how andy and nile stole those sports cars and were being badass and driving off the bridge & meanwhile joe and nicky were just absolutely vibing in the van
'heres the thing about power: people who have it think they deserve it' [shot of police car] i see u greg
5 whole panels being dedicated to booker not being able to unlock his door. booker not even seeing noriko sitting RIGHT THERE in the window at first. incredible
noriko being 24/7 horny was surprising. like wow all of the stuff i saw she did out of context was 100% equally horny in context as it was out of context. love that for her
i didnt think the 'andy + slavery' thing was handled as badly as everyone made it out to be when telling me about it. tho from the way it was talked about i had kind of figured the conflict between andy and nile re: slavery would be really racially charged (esp considering nile is a black american and would obvs have Thoughts on the subject in that regard) but like,, done in a cringey 'a-white-guy-obviously-wrote-it' kind of way? but it wasnt that. i mean. it makes sense that andy would be implicit in slavery through the years
i mean, like she says, is that not what people just did to each other in the aftermath of battles for thousands of years? and i really like how its pointed out that it was what she was raised with (in the beginning when you see her put shackles on that guy after the battle) but she also accepts responsibility for it and acknowledges that it was wrong and not just 'what people did'.
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i like how from her expressions you can kind of tell baby andy knew it was off but she sets those feelings aside bc she felt angry. it explains how she felt but didnt make her out to be blameless in it. plus i mean. i dont know, the fact that andy was involved in a lot of morally shady stuff for 7000 years is not that wild for me. if you live that long youre just Going to be involved in some shit, and she didnt even have other immortals with her as positive community influences, she literally just did whatever the fuck she wanted for thousands of years
'i was worshipped as a god once' i mean, yeah no shit she wouldve been involved in some seriously fucked up stuff, gods were fucking scary back in the day
tldr it could use some polish but it wasnt that bad
tho everything people said about moose being boring was unfortunately a little true. sorry king i tried to be interested in you
joe and nicky writing verbal fanfiction about nile and moose was iconic. 'you seeing that?' 'i am definitely seeing that'
it was also extremely funny bc that was like 60% of their contribution to the whole comic, besides kidnapping copley. they came, they wrote some fanfic, they left. kings. at least in tog1 they had an excuse to be useless bc they got kidnapped
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joe just found out his old friend who he thought was dead is alive (and also probably wants to murder them) and instead of investigating with andy he stopped to help nile up. champ.
nicky shooting noriko through andy was cool. rip to the concept since it wont happen in tog2
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wanna see mr ejiofor deliver this line
on that note imo copley was. weirdly enough, more interesting in fm than in tog1. to me at least. the fact that andy let him live and he was so haunted by what had happened that he came back and sought them out despite knowing they would likely kill him for it bc he wanted to not only make up for what hed done but also to tell them what theyd done for the world was admittedly more interesting than andy just kind of drafting him to the cause and him going 'okie'
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i like how nicky was drawn in this one. in opening fire he looks like a blob man but in fm he looks more like a very nice grampa with a very good dye job
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'theres no pain like a broken heart' andy 🥺
noriko implying andy's never drowned. .. .idk about that one, she musta drowned sometime
joe and nicky came, they waxed poetic about nile's love life, they waxed poetic about grog, and then they left.
sports bras being a reason humanity is good. i mean..... okay, yeah.
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i mean. wild but you cant exactly tell her shes wrong
i liked how noriko telling andy that their purpose is to make people suffer coincides with joe and nicky finding out that they actually did good all those years
joenicky in opening fire: jail for booker jail for booker for 100 years
joenicky when copley tells them he knows where booker is: WE'LL KILL YOU WHERE IS HE
joenicky when copley comes back: if your vibes come off as even remotely rancid we Will destroy you
joenicky 2 minutes later when copley helped them find booker: he made up some ground :)))) <3 lov you j cops
theyre forgiving af
moose: how old are you?? a hundred??? a thousand???
nile [vine voice]: I M 2 7 ?
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alright andy you got me there
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joe texts like my aunt
i dont know why noriko drowning andy in that car tickled me. Bad And Naughty Andromaches Get Put In The Pear Wiggler To Atone For Their Crimes.
the drowning sequence was cool
copley trying to talk to andy while she was like o_o at him was great
ive hit the picture limit but id seen that panel where nicky goes 'forgive me' as he kills a guy out of context and it was HILARIOUSLY anticlimactic for me to discover that there was literally no context to it. nicky just apologizes to random people he kills. i thought that guy was someone he knew or something. nope its just Some Guy that nicky didnt know from adam
nile's complaint that andy was especially brutal to the guys on the boat... i mean. . , how exactly does one kill a man with an axe and not be brutal about it?
it was funny how noriko kissed andy and the only people who seemed surprised by that were nile and also andy
nicky and joe's complete non-reaction to finding out noriko is alive And Evil Now is endlesly funny. they just left her on that boat and neither cared. i get book and nile not caring but joe and nicky knew her, and they just have 0 input on the subject of what to do with her
pinstripe suit guy!
joe and nicky and booker packing up and leaving with nile
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andy blowing up at nile was A Moment tho
i dont know, i get why people didnt like the ending but its. .. . it makes more sense in the comicverse. bc the squad doesnt really. .. interact outside of jobs? i mean, think of the moon landing story in ttt. that was booker and joe and nicky doing a job and andy only showed up a for a couple minutes after it was done. or the brunch in the first issue of opening fire. the squad arent as tight in the comic, and andy often seems to do her own thing outside of work, so andy saying 'i dont want to do work anymore' and the squad being like 'alright bye then' makes more sense in this universe than the movie one
also i feel like greg was Trying to set up a thing where nile becomes the Leader of The Squad after andy dies but like. its not very well done since. . . i mean, nile hasnt spoken to booker since opening fire, (and she only knew him A Day). and shes known joe and nicky all that time, but there isnt really anything that indicates that they have any relationship at all, much less one that's grown. in all the comicverse the only time nile and nicky speak is in FM, and in that scene nicky tells nile about noriko. nile goes from someone who needs to be set aside to have background knowledge explained to her to being the Leader of the group with nothing in between. it kind of... comes out of nowhere.
on the other hand tho... i felt really bad for andy thru the whole thing. well, i always felt bad for andy, but in this one she seemed so miserable, especially since it really felt like none of the others actually.... cared about her. when noriko came back no one asked andy how she was doing (big question ik, but it wouldve showed they cared at least), nobody ever expressed any concern for her, no one even really seemed to want to be around her. in opening fire everyone was more distant than in the movie of course, but there were little moments where she would joke with joe, or nicky would try and comfort her, or stuff like that, but in FM it really felt like they just didnt really care about her. & in opening fire it felt a lot like andy's relationship with nile breathed some new life into her, but in FM it felt like all they did was argue. i get theyre not *as* close in the comics but it really felt like the only person who cared about andy at all was noriko (which was probably also how andy felt) but it just seemed to come out of nowhere. honestly i was reading and i was honestly agreeing with andy that she might just be better off if she did just die. opening fire, on the other hand, never make me feel that way
tho everyone made it sound like when the squad split up it was one of those cursed 'the found family leaves each other at the end of the journey' tropes. but guys i mean,,, this is the second installment out of three. that isnt the End. theyll come back in the third one and Dramatically Reunite to fight some baddies (probably those 'others' noriko mentioned). im guessing yitzhak fits into that too somehow.
anyways it wasnt That Bad but it made me kind of sad and the only Sweet Found Family vibes in it were when they saved booker. also they shouldve beefed up that nilemoose romance, it underwhelmed me. 6.5/10
i also ABSOLUTELY understand all of greg's comments about how you couldnt make FM directly into a movie, he always said that it had no plot and. i get it now. it really didnt have a plot sdfghjkl
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ivyuns · 4 years
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hwang hyunjin
genre: angst | bit of fluff
word count: 1.7k
warnings: swearing, mentions of guns, blood, death, pregnancy + not proof read oops lol
A/N: lol hyunjin kinda psycho in this
this was drowning in my drafts since may omg
mafia!hyunjin x fembarista!reader
y/f/n = ur fiance’s name
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you owned your own cafe in downtown seoul. your customers and employees were always great people and bought positivity around you. it was currently a busy day and everyone was in and out of the main entrance. the employees were trying their best to stay calm and keep a positivity mindset. you however, were distracted by the co-owner, hwang hyunjin.
hyunjin always seemed like that flirty but a suspicious type. everyone told you to stay away from him since you were little but how could you when you two were inseparable. it all started in kindergarten.
you were running around the classroom til your teacher yelled out “stop” and everyone looked at her. you saw a little boy. next to the teacher, waiting to be introduced. “hello kids, we have a new student! please introduce youself.” the teacher says.
“hi im sam hwang from korea. please take care of me” he says softly and hides. the teacher tells him theres nothing to be scared of and let him wonder around the classroom. you went up to him and introduced yourself. “hi sam! my name is y/n kwon. i’m also from korea!”. hyunjins head went up and eyes went big. “y-you’re from korea?!” he stuttered since he was lowkey excited that someone in his class was korean, just like him. you smiled and nodded your head. you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the playground to continue recess.
2 years later in summer, your best friend came over with his parents to tell these news. hyunjin came in your room with a sad smile as you were playing with your stuffed animals. you looked up and smiled at him, “hi hyunjin!” you said cheerfully, obviously in a better mood than him. “y/n, i need to tell you something” he said sadly. he went to go sit across of you and picked up some of the toys around your room.
“i’m moving back to korea.” you stopped your actions after hearing what he said. “moving? why?” you looked up at him. “m-my parents said it’s best for us to go back to korea because we only came here for my dad’s work, but he ended up leaving the job and now we’re going to go back” hyunjin looks up to see tears falling out of your eyes. he went to your side and hugged you, telling you that you’ll be spending quality time before he leaves.
after moving back to korea after years hyunjin left you, you opened your own cafe. as your shop was almost completed for the grand opening, hyunjin happened to pass by your shop. he looked through the window and saw a girl that looked so familiar to him.
knocking on the window to get your attention, you go the the door to unlock it and stick your head out of the window. “hyunjin?!” he looks at you with his eyes big. “y/n? what are you doing here?” hyunjin asks. “i recently moved here and now im starting a business” hyunjin nods his head.
“are you looking for any employees?” nodding your head. “yeah but i guess around this area, nobody wants to work at a cafe” you joked. “maybe i can help? i-i mean if you want to” hyunjin laughs. nodding your head, you lead him inside the cafe. hyunjin looks at your artwork and the nicely decorated shop, amazed.
handing a paper that has all the requirements and terms in order to start working here. after hyunjin was done signing it, you looked at the paper and gave him a thumbs up. “looks good! ill give you a call whenever we start” hyunjin nods his head and waves a goodbye to you.as hyunjin exits, he now knows where his target is.
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2 hours earlier:
“hwang” chan calls out.
hyunjin looks up from his phone and sees chan carrying files. “remember that girl youd always talk about? kwon y/n? your childhood best friend back in america?” he nods. “apparently her dad is in a gang too and stole our money for whatever reason. so now your mission is to find her, bring her here, and kill her”
hyunjin gulps.‘why? did you do something wrong? what do you have to deal with this? does she know about this?’ all of hyunjins thoughts were about you. “ill do it”he knows he cant do it. but he has to or else he’ll be kicked out of stray kids. after moving back to korea and his parents suddenly passing, he was lonely. until stray kids saved him from being in the dark and invited him to their family. he gladly accepted.
hyunjin goes to his room and does research about you. he finds your instagram and sees that youre opening a cafe around the little area of downtown seoul which was a few hours away from his place. after enough of his little research, he grabs his jacket and heads out to find you.
present time:
the first week of the grand opening was a hassle. the cafe was always packed and made the employees feel stressed. as the cafe was almost settled, you told the workers to take a break as you and hyunjin will do everything else.
finishing an iced americano, you could see from the corner of your eyes and sees hyunjins strange actions. ignoring it, you gave the drink to the correct customer and continued making drinks.
closing time finally happened and everyone left out a huge sigh. having a group meeting, you gave everyone their weekly paycheck. “thank you everyone for working hard. i will see you tomorrow morning!” you waved goodbye and smiled. as soon as you saw almost everyone leave, you turned around and started cleaning.
hyunjin goes next to you and helps you clean the counters and machines. “jin, you know you can leave you know?” you told him as hyunjin lets out a chuckle. “nah its alright. plus as the second ceo, i shall help you” hyunjin winks. stopping your actions, you playfully smack hyunjin across his chest. “hey hey, im just joking. but still, after we finish cleaning, ill take you home” “but you said you have an exam tomorrow? shouldnt you be going home and start studying?” you asked. hyunjin nods his head, defeated. “alright you got me. i promise ill take you home another time” nodding your head, he goes and gets his belongings and leaves.
quickly cleaning the shop, you turn off all the lights and lock all of the doors. turning around to see the whole cafe in one point of view, a smile grew on your face. plugging your earphones in to walk home with your music blasting and texting your family group chat.
y/n: on my way home. the cafe was a success this week :)
mum <3: cheers to a successful opening
dad: come home safely, my son in law is waiting for you
smiling from the excitement, you started walking down the street to get to your house. as you entered this street, it was dark with the moonlight shining. feeling someone following you, you turned around and saw nobody. pulling up hyunjins contact on your phone just in case something happened, you continued walking in a fast pace, turning the volume down.
feeling the same aura from before, you quickly pressed the call button but you heard the familiar ringtone.
“sleep tight princess”
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you wake up feeling sore and lost of warmth. opening your eyes, youre in a room thats filled with drywalls and a hwang hyunjin to your left, sitting on a chair. “h-hyunjin?” you called out his name. he looks up from your phone after reading every conversation you had that was about him. “the princess has finally awoken from her slumber” hyunjin smirks.
hyunjin gets off of the chair and goes by your side, lifting your chin up. trying to protest only to be stopped as you felt your limbs tied up. “now now princess, no need to get feisty” hyunjin laughs. “what the fuck do you want hyunjin” “hmm? you really dont know?” shaking your head, hyunjin gets up and walks around the room.
“so, youre saying you dont know what your dad has been doing? the fact that he stole money from me just to help you other with the small disgusting shop of yours?” it hurt. both you and hyunjin. hyunjin wanted to give his mission up and hug you, wipe your tears away and apologize. you were more than hurt. more like angry. hyunjin knew you wanted a cafe when you grew up and he supported you more than anything.
“the fuck are you talking about? youre assuming that my dad stole money from you? from what information is getting in that head of yours?” you shouted out. hyunjin grabs his gun and clicks it. you hear the click and your attention is immediately on hyunjin. “h-hyunjin whatever youre wanting to do, put the gun down first” hyunjin closes his eyes as he feels fresh tears escaping and shakes his head.
“hwang hyunjin! do you not know what youre about to do? tell me what you want from us. we’ll give you your money back- anything just dont pull it-” you stopped talking as soon as you see him point the gun at you. “please hyunjin dont. im pregnant-”
he pulled the trigger.
everyone in the house heard the gun go off and goes to the basement. stopping as they heard hyunjins sobs, they see him on his knees, holding your bloody body and cries into your hair.
chan goes to hyunjin and pats him on the back. “you finally did it hwang”
as hyunjin takes his seat during your funeral, he sees your family and y/f/n go up the stage. after each family member said what they had to say about you and your death, as well as your unborn baby, everybody was now crying their eyes out. “my sunshine. thank you for everyone you love feel happy and we are deeply happy that you were able to start your own business. with the past events, i shouldve came by and picked you up from work before i lost both you and our child. without your presence, nothing will bring a smile onto my face. i love you so much kwon y/n, and i hope you fly high with our baby girl”
lowering your casket down, everyone leaned on each other, crying after they realized the kwon y/n has suddenly passed for an unknown reason at a young age. hyunjin just leaned on a pole and cried. looking up in the sky, he see something that had a little smile form on his face.
‘you’ll be next, hwang’
hyunjin gets into reality and turns around to see who whispered to him. seeing nobody, hyunjins future is now crumbling.
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END <3
tf is the end 🥴
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urmomification · 4 years
theres 1.8k words and 9,393 characters of a schlatt au below the cut LMAO
[i was rambling to my friend and this is what came out of it! send me an abt it if u have questions i would love to talk abt it more pls]
(slight body horror/gore tw!!)
slams fists on table rattling any dishes on the table au where schlatt doesnt die of a heartattack and tubbo locks him up to rot basically and his horns grow into his eyes effectively blinding him and chained his hands together and basically a leash on him to keep him from moving around in his cell so he cant do anything to break the horns off before they get too long and one day when technos breaking into lmanberg he gets chased into the prison and loses them in the halls before coming across schlatts cell and schlatts calling out like 'whos there i can hear ur foot steps whos there please someone whos there' etc yk and technos speechless they thought they executed him to keep him from causing any more problems in the country but this is this is just much worse than anything he even thought theyd do and hes standing in front of schlatts cell just looking at him as if hes imagining it he knew lmanberg was bad but holy fuck they just let this man rot in a cell to the point of his own horns blinding him and giving him no aid or way to ease the pain so he makes himself known and schlatt 'ive never been so happy to see, well, hear an anarchist in my life, its good to see- hear you technoblade' and chuckles and blood runs down his face like tears would, few drops landing on his clothes before techno starts trying to get into the cell to take him out of there he cant leave him here sure he was an anarchist terrorist w a murder record but he had standards and now that schlatt wasnt in power he had nothing against him really considering he isnt a citizen of lmanberg so he manages to pick the locks enough to get him out of there, schlatts arm slung over technos shoulder they stumble out of the prison building and as they slowly make their way to the nether portal to get back to technos base, they run into tubbo and quackity, schlatts old right hand men and they try to stop techno bc hes well an anarchist terrorist w a murder record but the glare techno gives them levels them and theyre left staring at each other for a moment when schlatt 'whyre we stopped whos there tech' and techno mumbles 'tubbo and quackity schlatt' and schlatt just furrows his brows as far as he can without sending excruciating pain into his eye sockets before he purses his lips and asks 'are they going to try and stop us?' techno looks back at the other two 'no they wont, isnt that right boys?' tubbo and quackity slink away allowing techno and schlatt to the portal and them going thru, schlatt still silent as he tries not to trip over technos cape or off the ledge of the bridge passing over the lava lakes, they make it to the portal and begin the walk across the arctic tundra to technos house, philza isnt there right now so its just the two of them and techno leads him up the ladder to his room (its not really a room i think its just a bed, a bell and an enchantment table) and sits him down on his bed mumbling something abt being right back and he is with some medical supplies and a change of clothes to clean everything up, they dont talk techno works in silence and when schlatt winces he mumbles a small apology before continuing eventually techno got schlatt as cleaned up as you can get someone w horns in their eyes and a sweater to keep him warm and finally starts asking questions 'how long had u been in there' 'lost count' 'did they bring you food' 'a chests worth at the beginning of the month' techno sighs 'i thought they executed you' 'tubbo chickened out despite me being 'an active threat to our peace in lmanberg' and locked me up a few days after u set the withers loose and dropped off a chest of food once a month and most of them refused to talk to me others couldnt even make eye contact with me, other than the few instances where they said things like 'heres ur food' or 'u deserve this' or 'i cant believe tubbo let u live' i talked to no one other than myself for however long i was in there' techno stands and walks around for a moment before flipping some pages and schlatt can hear him gasp quietly in mild surprise 'what is it tech' looking in the direction he heard techno from and techno says, turning to face schlatt on his bed 'schlatt that was almost 3 months ago' a single beat of silence rings for what feels like forever 'oh. i, i didnt think itd been that long. though it would explain my current predicament' loosely gesturing towards his face 'oh right abt that i have a few questions if ur ready to answer some' schlatt hums and techno grabs a pen and paper and sits next to him in case he needs to take any notes for future reference 'how fast do ur horns normally grow' 'idk just a steady amount my whole life pretty much' 'will they ever stop growing' 'they generally stop growing around 30 and continue to grow more in width than length' 'did anyone who brought u food notice' 'they grow quickly and by the time the person w the third chest came around they were getting close to my eyes but they didnt listen to me, no one did' he sighs looking down at would be his hands 'the odds of both of my horns growing into my eyes and blinding me like this are so low but of course it would happen to me' a chuckle void of any amusement 'because losing my country and my people and my power wasnt enough already' techno stands up 'you had that coming' schlatt actually laughs this time, short and curt 'ok fair, u were the one that took me down afterall' and from then on schlatt lives w techno and phil and eventually tommy and then without tommy (tommy was Not happy when he found out that schlatt was living with techno but he needed somewhere to stay too and techno happens to live in an arctic tundra where only a handful of people know how to get to so he didnt complain too much) and eventually techno saws off schlatts horns at the bend adn removes them from his eyes bc if they kept growing into his head theyd hit his brain and kill him on top of blinding  him and techno gags and almost throws up despite not being sensitive to gore  and gives schlatt a bandanna to cover the holes in his head for everyones sake and once they heal somewhat he can find something else out and thats how they live, schlatt helps with what he can like farming w phil but mostly spends his time learning braille or something so he can read and techno gets him books in braille so he isnt bored or alone like he was in the prison and he feeds him and takes care of him and schlatt is funny and entertaining despite being blinded by something from his own body and the torture it was like to rot in a cell alone for almost a 1/4 of a year and nights when techno gets home late and hes shaken and the voices are bad schlatt will sit behind him and play with his hair and talk abt his own day and rub technos back and in return when schlatt relapses and gets violent and angry techno will wash his hair and read him stories until he calms down and hopefully asleep and no one told him the news that wilbur died so when ghostbur shows up and starts talking to him he treats him the same as he would wilbur bc he cant see that hes a ghost all thats different is his speech pattern and overall personality and one day he says 'ur different wilbur what happened to that, i dunno spark u used to have' and wilbur simply 'im not sure if im being honest a lot abt me has changed since i died, or so im told i dont remember much from when i was alive' and schlatt just 0_0 and then hes scrambling down the ladder and stumbling around the house looking for techno, finding him in the basement working on something and when he gets there hes out of breath and his hands are shaking bc holy shit wilburs not only dead but a ghost and he was just talking to me and he doesnt remember what i did and and and and techno is shocked to see schlatt in the basement and asks whats up and schlatt just 'wilbur died wilbur fucking died tech why didnt anyone tell him and now hes a ghost hes a fucking ghost who lives in ur house and doesnt remember anything he doesnt remember that he blew up lmanberg does he he remembers my name but not anything that i did what hes a fucking ghost techno hes a ghost holy fuck' and technos just standing there like ??? no one no one told him 'yea philza had to kill him after he blew up lmanberg i thought u knew thats why i didnt say anything' oh. 'phil, phil had to kill him?' 'yea its a touchy subject, dont bring it up' and simply goes back to what he was working on so schlatt sits on the ground by the ladder and listens to him work his brain going a mile a minute trying to comprehend whats going on 'would i have become a ghost if theyd chosen to execute me?' 'its hard to say im unsure if theres specific circumstances that contribuite to someone becoming a ghost but theres really no telling' and goes back to working yet again and from then on they fall into an easy schedule of techno going out and doing whatever an anarchist terrorist w a murder record does on ur average wednesday and schlatt stays home reading and organizing whatever he can based on size and feeling and sleeping in windowsills and schlatt greeting techno comes home beaten up and full of new resources and a side of bruises and cuts so he tends to them, getting better at maneuvering and functioning without needing to see then techno making dinner and then curling up by the fire for the night enjoying each others company as they talk abt their days :]
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innocentbeing · 3 years
just some babble on my thoughts on that scene with paula talking to edward abt lizzie. literally i just put words down as they came into my head IT LITERALLY MAKES NO SENSE UNDER HERE but its nice to put my feels down
also i kinda just went coocoo abt rciel/lizzie somehow (haha “somehow”) so like theres that LMAO
 hhhuhuuu ok first, we have “through the tears...” aka Lizzie’s hardships. first being the time lizzie lost rciel on the twins 10th birthday.. and the other being lizzie refusing to wear high heels to support ociel.
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i just. find it so interesting that lizzie giving up her high heels is put here to show lizzie’s pain. it’s a sacrifice that she made for ociel.. but i never thought of it as a good thing for her. honestly, i don’t think we’re meant to think of it as a good thing for her here, seeing as paula equates it with lizzie crying. it’s pain she goes through for ociel, which he doesn’t even notice. not that it’s his fault ofc, but still. something to take into consideration.  
and it’s so funny to me how we get lizzie crying over losing rciel... instead of like, her being sad over her strength. i’ve always said that lizzie’s issue over what rciel said to her was never about how strong she was. it didn’t cause her insecurity problems with herself. what it DID so was make her worry that he wouldn’t like her or want her as his wife. and like, given that there is literally nothing shown about her being sad over her strength i’d say i’m spot on. what lizzie wanted most was rciel and her greatest pain was losing him.
moviiing on to “the smiles” ... which are all moments with ociel. (bc ofc, its not like it would make any sense to put random scenes we never saw before) but the dresses yana chose are so interesting to me... the first one is the one lizzie wore in chapter 2, her first appearance... and possibly one of the worst scenes for lizzie/ociel yet LOL. but whatever, i honestly don’t think that’s really important. the point is lizzie did feel genuine happiness with ociel, i think. that’s kinda the whole point with these pictures— its why lizzie was so broken up in ch144. as if rciel could merely be switched with someone who simply looks like him and she’d go on loving that person all the same. her love wasnt as real as she believed it was. 
while she thought that, it uses ch2 dress once again to represent ociel/lizzie 
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i have to wonder, why THAT one of all choices? wouldn’t it be better to use the one she wore on the ship since they shared better moments together? isnt it more significant? even the one she wore when she went to watch him in weston would have been better imo shudji
i think theres a purpose for it. like, it’s meant to represent lizzie’s happiness with ociel i think. shes smiling, shes happy, all is well. but. let’s not forget what went down before they started dancing. i mean, you can still see the tears in her eyes for god’s sake
like, i think overall the real point is: yes, she was happy.. but.  ..that’s it right there LOL. there’s always a “but”. yes ociel [pretended to] forgave her and they danced and she was happy but he almost slapped her. but they were yelling at each other just like 10 seconds prior. 
yes lizzie tries hard to make him happy but all it mostly does is annoy him and make him angry. 
yes it was sweet that ociel took off his coat and put it over her shoulders but he literally forced her out of her clothes against her will. yes they both apologized for their faults but they couldnt get there until he got aggressive and lizzie broke down crying
yes lizzie wears high heels to support him but she would rather be cute, she’d rather wear high heels. (there was no “but” when it came to rciel. he said a strong wife would scare him and she went ‘ok, im done with my training. i never liked it much but i definitely dont want it if you dont want me. i will give it up.’)
what REALLY gets me is the next dress.. paula thinks of lizzie and the good times they went through together... and lizzie holds the easter chapter dress 
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so we have the dress from ch2 and the easter chapter dress. THE EASTER DRESS SDHSUIJ i love the easter chapter sm
like ok. there’s lizzie’s big ‘ol smile ‘cause she’s so happy BUT.. (BUT!!) WE ALL KNOW HOW THE EASTER CHAPTER WENT DOWN. WE ALL KNOW HOW THAT ENDED
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like, of all the fking dresses for lizzie to hold up and represent her “happiness” ayhduija LIKE.. THATS SO DELIBERATE. ITS JUST MY POINT. like, yes she was happy and she believed she was happy but was she really all that happy? i think there was a lot of pain that lizzie put a happy mask over and covered up in front of ociel. 
look how SAD she is over “ciel” misremembering the times they spent together. times she SO OBVIOUSLY cherishes very dearly. the way she thinks of the moments where something was off about him and how it hurts her. iT mAKES HER sad. THAT SAYS SO MUCH........ LIKE DOESNT THAT SHOW SHE CLEARLY KINDA MISSED RCIEL?? DESPITE THINKING HES STILL FKING ALIVE..... 
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like this is sooo a lizzie -> rciel moment.  like NO she didnt realize that he wasnt really ciel BUT she still yearned for the real ciel ANYWAY SHUDI. LIKE THAT ALONE... is like, for me, proof that her feelings arent just bc she was robotically conditioned to love him due to being his fiancée. like, if that was the case then she wouldnt feel sad here. she’d just happily accept any behavior from him because it’s not like it really matters how he acts as long as he’s “ciel”. 
like that what it LOOKS like she did on the surface but this clearly shows that she’s been feeling this way ever since he came back from that month. AND LIKE HULLO... THAT TRAUMATIC MONTH.. OFC HE’S NOT GONNA BE THE SAME AND OFC SHE’S GONNA DO HER BEST TO BE SUPPORTIVE AFTER WHAT HE’S BEEN THROUGH...  
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god, its jsut so deep SDGUHIJo LIKE when I first read the easter chapter I was like, “what??? why is she sad just ‘cos he didnt immediately remember some design of an egg... why is the manga making it out like its so tragic... wth does it have to do with that month.” LIKE I JUST THOUGHT THE WHOLE THING WAS DUMB LMAOO. and i was so disappointed too ‘cos I got super excited when she took off those ears while everyone was leaving I was just like “FUCK YEAH SHOW US THE REAL LIZZIE.. I KNOW THIS GIRL IS NOT HAPPY AS SHE SEEMS!! IK SHE DONT FKING LOVE HIM” LOL
BUT NOW WITH 2CT ITS LIKE.. SO FUCKING SAD.. AND TRAGIC. AND DEEP. AND NOT DUMB AT ALL SDGYSUHIJ. honestly thats why i love this chapter sm. i went from excited to disappointed to MIND BLOWN AND CRYING SDGUHI 😭😭 
i mean like YEAH OBVIOUSLY since she thought oc was rc this whole time BUT THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT SDYUHIj like she still thinks of real ciel like the REAL real ciel.. not “ciel who’s actually ociel” .. THE UNDENIABLY REAL TRUE CIEL.. “we spent so many easters together” that was rciel. “its your favorite kind, with the strawberries on top!” that was rciel. “i’m the kind of scary girl ciel hates!” THAT WAS RCIEL SDUHIJS. that one ESP shows how she still hangs onto things that rciel said because they matter to her and still cares about what he thinks.
ANYWAY, I love how she says “hey, ciel...” and she talks to him in her thoughts, in her heart. like, like, its so sad ‘cos the one she is talking to is.. gone. he is gone and she doesnt know but she still thinks of him and speaks to him in her mind and its jUST FUCKJGN SHDGYUHSIHDUYG 
IT REMINDS ME OF NANA... AT THE END OF EACH EP HACHI GOES “Hey, Nana...” even though Nana has left and is no longer there. 😭😭 that fucking “you are not here any more, but I still think of you all the time.” I FUCKING LOVE THAT SHIT 😭😭
one of my fav lines (i have so many of them) was:  
“Hey Nana... Not a day goes by where I don't wish you were sitting across this table here with me. I call your name within my heart… over and over again”
LIKE HULLO... IS TIHS NOT LIZ? LOOL. like imagine when she thought ciel died that month and she was just MISERABLE the whole time and yearning for him in her heart.. BUT THEN HE COMES BACK AND SHES HAPPY ITS GREAT ITS A BLESSING.. even though hes not the same BUT THATS OK BECAUSE HES HERE AND ALIVE AND THATS WHAT REALLY MATTERS but like. god its just not the same and she still yearns for him in her heart ; - ;
its so romantic 💕
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desolationlovers · 4 years
oh yall thought i was done x posting? lol. kamui character rant under the cut
the thing about kamui is i dont know that hes a very deep character??atleast not how clamp has written him and esp not in the manga.
he spends a lot of the manga being confused and often manipulated. and hes really just a kid.
his first big character arc is debastardization basically. when hes introduced hes a TOTAL asshole (the anime added scenes to make him more of a dick at the start but also has a bit of an explaination? ill get to it). hes shown as very rude to everyone around him, yelling at people to get out of his way or get lost, including his previous friends. hes also shown to have absolutely no care for his surrondings and regularly fights and uses his powers in places where bystanders could be injured and leaving roads bridges or nearby buildings in ruins. when confronted about the latter by hinotos knight (his name is saiki) he straight up says he doesnt care if anyone gets hurt. which i mean ok nothing wrong with a character being an asshole. the extreme in your face way kotori and fuuma describe kamui as a kid being very shy and Very quiet and gentle makes this characterization confusing but hey people can change i guess. the confusing part is that as kamui slowly beings to let his guard down he says that the big reason he was so standoffish especially wrt kotori and fuuma was because he wanted to keep them at a distance so they wouldnt get involved with all the end of the world stuff. which makes sense obviously! kamui was absolutely aware of how dangerous it might get. his entire plan was to get the shinken (the sacred sword) and bail because he didnt want any part of any of it. what i dont get is why he was totally cool with bystanders being injured or killed. during his fight with saiki they were in a neighborhood! on people roofs and shit!! saiki is the one to lead them to an abandoned construction site so no one gets caught in the crossfire. and kamui almost kills saiki!!! which i will let slide a bit because kamui was being followed and had been attacked by spells literally that morning. but later on he apologizes to saiki but never explained his reasoning why he didnt care about destroying peoples houses??? and its never brought up again?????? also theres a scene added to the anime where he kicks the shit out of kotori and fuumas dad??? because he wouldnt give kamui the sword?? bro thats ur best friends dad you jackass!!!!!
in the anime they added flashbacks for the time after he moved away from tokyo which i think make his whole character make much more sense. when he first moves and goes to a new school he accidentally uses his powers and makes everyone afraid of him. fast forward past elementary school to high? school? its unclear. at school hes a lazy slacker that never goes to class and never talks to anyone, big ol loner. he sees that a local gang has been stealing kids money and beating them up. so he decides to put on a tough guy persona and confront the gang telling them to knock it off and scaring them shitless with some fun ass kicking psychokenesis. now i am SO on board with this addition. kamui being ostrisized for being weird and scary when hes already a super shy kid, so he embraces this scary intimidating image and tries using it for good because hes still ultimately kind hearted. he gets too absorbed in this tough guy persona that he loses touch with the original purpose of it and just uses it as a shield because he himself is afraid and confused. and maybe even hiding behind it because hes so afraid of having this huge destiny that he doesnt know if he can live up to and how can someone who decides the fate of the world be just some quiet oversensitive guy.
except all of that is my own speculation and analysis because they really do not go into ANY detail about this. i wouldnt say its to the point where it feels like they just flipped a switch and hes nice now but it def feels like that. and it annoys me because after he kind of apologizes for being a dick it doesnt really get brought up again?? i think he broods over it once or twice. but i would have really liked to see flashes of it coming back in high stress situations or something? he has a lot of points of grief and depression but its always meloncholic rather than angry and it really makes him feel like two different characters i wish it was way more of a mix.
anger would also be good with the whole overarching theme of trying to break out of the path destined for you. its constantly said that theres only one future by the dreamgazers although hinoto wants to change it. its supposed destined that kamui will lose and earth will be destroyed. anger but more importantly PASSION is whats needed break out of what has been preordained and to carve your own path. passion is also whats needed for the main part of the second half of kamuis character arc, figuring out what it is he REALLY wants. what his true wish is.
i also think anger could have been a good inverse to the deliberate mirroring of kamuis character and subarus character. subaru really represents despair and being completely swallowed by grief. his story is that the man he fell in love with (named seishiro) was just manipulating him for fun and is actually an emotionless assassian. subaru is so destroyed by this realization he goes into a depression and because of this is unable to save his sister being killed by seishiro. his goal is literally to be enough of a nusance to seishiro that hell kill him. literally he wants to be acknowledged as important enough to bother killing. its pointed out often how subaru and kamui are so similar, with how fuuma killed kotori, and how theyre both kindhearted ro a fault. its an intentional reflection. subaru even pulls kamui out of a similar depressive state after kotori dies. he and kamui have a whole heart to heart about how some peoples happiness can look pitiful to others and how hes going to fufill his goals even when other people are worried for him. and most importantly about how not everyone can be happy with an outcome. i think it would have been really good for subaru to represent someone overcome with depression about how awful the world is and paralyzed with that sadness and kamui would be the rightous anger and compassion needed to actually change the world. “lets this radicalize you rather than lead you to despair” you know? it would have been a really good parallel considering part of x’s themes are literally about having compassion for humanity. but that reading possibly shoots itself in the foot because the language used wrt the two possible futures are things to stay as they are or for a “revolution” to occur, meaning killing everyone to let the earth heal. so ideas of change are insinuated to be connected with the seven angels and genocide. which uh. not going to get into that.
i do like when he starts going to the clamp school he goes back to being shy and quiet and kind of gets pushed around by people with more force of personality. very fun uncomfortably relatable. its ok man im extremely passive too.
anyway final thoughts kamui needs more passion. clamp give me the rights. also let subaru and kamui hang out and have a brotherly bond. no creepy shit. just subaru being an akward older brother that knows what kamuis going thru and gives bad advice bc he has god awful coping mechanisms.
side note we arent ever told about his likes/dislikes hobby or anything of that nature. the blankest of slates. so my city now. i think hes into obscure indie music and has thousands of hours in various life sim games like animal crossing and stardew valley.
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jewpacabruhs · 5 years
bruv im still jus. wow. theres so much to say but. do u kno how good it feels... to be jewish, to accidentally fixate on one eric cartman & love him more than any other fictional character for almost seven years now, and then to see him in a little yarmulke, standing at kyle's side while he recites from the torah? do you know how validating that is?
i gotta get personal for a second here. idk how, but in the last few yrs my relationship with my own jewishness has been deeply influenced and intertwined with south park, as ironic and ridiculous as that sounds. i grew up secular, completely nonpracticing; as a child, i was only ethnically jewish, and saw jews as strictly an ethnicity, and a popularly hated one to boot. and it scared me. ive talked about it before, but as a child hearing about the shoah and about antisemitism, i couldn't understand. i thought it was looks for a while, which confused me, because ive got blonde hair and blue eyes and all my family that got caught up in nazi europe did/do too. i remember thinking as a second grader that i would've been spared for that reason; why didn't a good chunk of my family? but i grew up in a mormon neighborhood, with plenty of other blonde kids, and they stayed away from me like i had a disease. this was before puberty, before my hair got a little frizzier and my nose got a little bigger, when i looked just like any of them. but already, at age 8, i was an outsider. i wasn't one of them and i never would be, and they wanted me to know that.
and then i started to get it. it clicked even more once i got to high school and got called a kike every other day - but prior to high school, you know what i found, and you know what really pushed me towards understanding what being a secular jew in america meant? south park. and as a dumb little sixth grader with no critical thinking skills, you know what shaped my opinions on my own people? south park.
and that's good and bad. good because i do sincerely think kyle broflovski is excellent fictional representation for jewish people, maybe one of the top few ever shown on television. he gets on my nerves at times, but he's good through and through, he's well written and multi-dimensional, he's not a walking stereotype but he still has prominent jewish features that jewish viewers can look at and see in themselves, his morals and viewpoints and beliefs are obviously deeply influenced by judaism, hes deeply proud of his heritage and culture... and that all means a lot to me. and by the amount of jewish sp fans that adore kyle, it means a lot to them too.
the bad thing is, yeah, i can't deny it, during older seasons, cartman's treatment of kyle probably taught a lot of young and dumb viewers how to view jews in real life. have i, as a kyman shipper and cartman stan, justified that within a fictional and narrative context? yes. but it doesn't change the real-world effect; south park, but specifically cartman, since he's the mouthpiece, likely did cause some easily-influenced people to pick up antisemitic beliefs. did this contribute to the rise of the alt-right? debatable, but to some extent, possibly. was that m&t's intention and should south park be canceled and denounced? fuck no, i'll always love it lol, and fuck censorship. but it is something that should be taken into account.
matt and trey clearly regret that, and understand that it's no longer acceptable or fitting or needed in today's sociopolitical climate - or, okay, maybe they don't even regret it; they just understand that when fiction becomes reality, the fictional jackass isn't necessary when there's one right there in real life, sitting in the oval office, yeah? old cartman doesn't deserve or need a voice, not when real, awful people actually have one right now. and m&t are actively trying to change cartman for the better and really, really backpedal on his bigotry, while still doing it in a way that makes sense from a story-telling perspective. it's not a complete uncharacteristic change of character; it's shifting with the times and writing it into the character's arc so that it's a logical and plausible development in cartman's story.
cartman's behavior in the last few seasons is consistent character development. m&t themselves are pushing it, and clearly it's sincere; cartman's not faking. unless they're building up a surprise twist over the last, what, three to four seasons, that he was faking the whole time! woah! if so it better be a damn good pay off, because that's a lot of time invested. though that seems more forward-thinking than sp tends to be. they're intentionally stuck in the short-term, aren't they? plot-wise. but their character development is pretty long-term, and right now, cartman is consistently decent, and if it comes across as faking, it's because cartman's over-dramatic in how he speaks, and trey does that intentionally.
that's a tonal thing, and it's hard to say in a fictional character, but as someone who struggles with empathy myself, empathy and sincerity don't go hand in hand. you can lack empathy while still caring enough to sincerely and wholeheartedly apologize for something and mean that apology. not feeling remorse doesn't mean you can't apologize genuinely; the two don't go hand in hand. you can be mentally ill in any capacity, even a psychopath, and still deeply care about things or people, just not in the way someone else might. so you can headcanon that cartman's still a psycho/sociopath, though right now that's actually kinda going against canon, but don't rain on other's parades if they're happy he's exhibiting healthy growth. besides, and i repeat: what could cartman exploit out of faking sincerity for several seasons? nothing, so why bother? he wouldn't, unless it's literal in-show subconscious growth.
does that mean he's magically developed empathy? no. is it becoming less probable he's a legitimate sociopath/psychopath (while still possibly having better-disguised antisocial tendencies)? yes. does he seem to have better coping or anger management skills? somehow, yes! he seems to be legitimately healthier. does this mean he's no longer accountable for his past misdeeds, and even his present, less-severe ones? of course not! and you can still hate him all you want, but modern cartman is not the same as older cartman, and shouldn't be treated as such. because is this growth? absolutely.
he's clearly healthier, even happier. he's less angry, he's still a little shit but he no longer relies on bigotry or cruelty or anger to get the negative attention he thrives off, rather he gravitates towards being simply annoying. you know why he called ice? pettiness, immaturity, a little bit of spite, and a need for silly revenge. he's being intentionally petty, but going about it in a sly but no longer psychopathic way. less hannibal lector and more, idk, regina george, lol. extremely different on the antagonist scale. and cartman's been both.
and maybe it's personal bias on what type of human is worse within fiction, someone unstable and bizarre with violent tendencies (which is how he's come to be viewed in pop culture & some of the fandom, as a result of eps like scott tenorman must die), versus someone inclined towards pettiness and more silent and, i dunno, social-status-and-pride-driven types of revenge (cartman in general when he's not being particularly awful, tbh)... but i think it'd be pretty universally agreed that the latter is at the very least more tolerable, manageable, and even likeable - and certainly more redeemable. let's put it this way; if cartman continued on the path he was on, he'd be one of those tiki holding fucks, wearing a confederate flag hat, and he'd treat kyle soooo much worse. instead, m&t have turned him into a hypocritical false-woke ignorant dumbass - but that's strongly less problematique than it's counterpart, and it works.
because cartman simply serves a different narrative purpose now. and that's not sloppy writing; it's well-timed evolution of a character that stepped into a pre-9/11, pre-trump, pre-social media world! so much has changed, and south park is reflecting that in its characters, most notably in a character who was stuck in the, what, 1960s with his beliefs? that was fine way back when, but matt&trey are smart dudes - they understand that sometimes things have to change. besides, they love cartman, too. he's their favorite. but they understand that when real people act like him, it's not so comedic or satirical or funny, & they don't want to look at cartman, at their creation who they've invested twenty-two years in, and see the all-too-real hate of modern radical white america.
i think we know enough about matt&trey's social stances these days, and the empathy they've seemed to develop after having kids, to understand that they're no longer in their "apathy is best, everyone is stupid" phase. current south park is left-leaning and admittedly preachy at times, but i wouldn't want it any other way. g-d knows it's better this way than if they'd embraced and decided to appeal to their right-libertarian following instead. cartman's evolved in a progressive and positive way, and it's fucking dope, especially to us cartman stans who so badly want him to be good. and he is good right! he's doing so good!
and i know im up my own ass rn but yall know how much i myself have campaigned for jewish kyman/cartman and how much i just deeply and truly adore it, and to see it actualized in a canon episode to some extent? that meant the world to me. i couldn't believe my eyes. i was tellin lai - that's the most genuine, pure, almost violent happiness ive felt in my soul in years. that was like a straight shot of serotonin to the heart. that simple little scene made me so fucken happy yall dont even know. & theres a lot to be said about the political commentary and plenty of other people are analyzing that, but im a simple jewish kyman & cartman stan and boy ive been fed good fjskfkdkdkfk!!!
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hazelolive · 4 years
It was a day like any other Kera was walking down the street heading to a shop. She was out doing someone errands namely picking up some food and spices because it was there turn to cook and thanks to her forgetting to stop beel from raiding the fridge it was now complety empty and she had nothing to use if they wanted to eat tonight.
His twin decided he was bored and going to tag along with her.
"Hey Kera can we should stop by Hocus Pocus on the way back. There was something there that caught my eye last time and I wanted to see if they still had it."
"If we have time I want to be back with a little time before dinner. So I have plenty of time to get these unloaded and dinner cooked." She said as she put the list of items she needed back in her pockets.
"It wont kill them if they have to wait a little a little bit for supper. Well it might my brother but I'll be able to feel it if he gets to hungry."
"Belphy no that's inconsiderate to the others."
"Fine stupid responsible human." He said with a little bit of a pout to his voice.
She could go on and pout but that wasnt going to change her mind. It was just a tiny bit cute though. The pair continued to stroll down the street a bit. Intill they were stopped by some random demon.
"Belphy that you." The demon called out with a friendly wave. "Hey!"
He didnt seem that interested but still turned towards the demon.
"Its been a while were you been?"
He let out a sigh "Away."
The demon looked confused but otherwise let it go then noticed her.
"Who's this?"
"Oh im-" Kera was about to speak up but was rudely cut off by the demon who face was lacking any of that happy go lucky charm it had a minute ago.
"Oh your that other exchange student huh the one that can barely do magic?"
How dare he! She start to clench her teeth and ball her fists. She might of not known how to do magic when she first got her but she had been practicing hard and can do quite a few spells now. Granted it wasnt anything super elobarate yet but she wasnt going to let some random demon walk all over her! She was right about to show him how much better she had gotten but was stopped.
"I think the whole thing is stupid what's the point in letting humans down her the whole things just a insult to us demons. At least the sorcerer can almost hold his weight but I dont see any reason to let some weak defenseless girl."
It had happened so quickly. Belphy pulled him closer by the scruff of his collar.
He licked his lips and said "Listen here you little punk. I'm going to give you about 5 seconds to apologize. She is anything but some weak helpless girl."
"But I heard you say-"
"I dont give a dam what you heard me say. You have to earn the right to tease kera and theres just something's you dont say. Hell I havent even really earned the right to tease her myself but for some reason she puts up with my bullshit. That woman is a saint and I wont stand to here you call her anything else. Now get out of her before I let her tear you a new asshole." He said then shoved the demon away.
And He ran! I'm not sure who he was more scared of at that point belphy our the mage that had been gathering a smoky purple aura around herself.
She released the energy she had been building and let the purple smoke started to dissipate. She was fully prepared to defend herself but didnt expect him to jump in like that.
She turned to belphy still a little angry from that idiotic demons statements.
"You know you really didnt have to do that!" She yelled but then she let out breath. "But thank you." She had a hard time accepting help from others sometimes because she wanted to prove she could do it on her own but also was glad she had backup if she needed it.
She took his hand and started to walk down the street.
"Aww is that all I get?" He said in a play mocking tone.
"I dont know what your talking about." She said feigning indifference.
"After I defended you so bravely I think I've earned at least a kiss."
"Shut up and keep walking or I wont even hold your hand."
He laughed some then rolled his eyes as they continued down the street. A minute or two passed and she quickly turned to him to kiss him on the cheek. Causing the semi surpised boy to blush a tiny bit.
"What was that-"
"Come one we have Groceries to get!" She said letting go of his hand and running down the street causing him to chase after her.
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