#Im a hardcore self shipper
papercutslut · 14 hours
Im so normal Im drawing ford in a wedding dress because we're gonna get married
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sonjuponju · 4 months
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why of course i had to make a frenrey tote bag as soon as i was given the chance
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cielomist · 8 months
personal interpretation of radiant garden unethical science polycule:
even and aeleus were married first and dilan got absorbed into the marriage later. braig was their collective sidepiece bc he had no interest in committing
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crookedaverse · 7 months
Im sorry but there are a few things that have to be said when it comes to Hazbin fans.
Some-(NOT ALL. DO NOT FUCKING BASH ME.)-Huskerdust shippers need to stop stereotypicalizing their dynamic.
Husk isn't racing to rescue his damsel in distress all the time, Angel can take care of him fucking self, that was the whole point of his development; realizing he can stand up for himself. He isn't a little princess who's weak and needs saving, he's a mob-boss for satan's sake. How did you guys twinkify a twink???
Husker is not this innocent kitty cat. He was a fucking over lord and likely had several souls under his belt himself, so if you hate Alastor automatically because he was a big-fat-meanie to your pookie you need to grow tf up.
If that is the first thing that makes you immediately turn on Alastor you need to sort out your priorities, because if you ignored all the other bad shit he's done you should be able to forgive him for lashing out when a sensitive topic is touched on. Alastor has feelings too.
Which brings me to my next topic.
Alastor is aroace, but aroace is an umbrella term and its a spectrum. Most writers seemingly make their characters aroace to prevent people from shipping them with others but it never works.
Now, i'm not saying Viv is one of those people at all, hell, she even condoned shipping him with people! She gave permission!
But as an aroace person myself I have to say, I hardcore ship Alastor with Lucifer. Like, not qpr, i mean full on tongue kissing and shit. Idc. It's what I like.
So if you're aroace and you're trying to get people to stop shipping Alastor ships because "Oh BuT iT's So DiShEaRtEnInG-"- shut up, you don't speak for ALL of us aroace people.
We need to not shove ourselves into that little box of "sex repulsed, touch repulsed, romance repulsed" stereotyping. Stop stereotyping yourselves!
It's ok to not like a ship, but if you're that upset you need to go watch some fucking paint dry or some shit.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk, have a nice day.
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atlasdoe · 11 months
Unpopular Marauders opinions
i'm bored so here are some opinions that i'm too scared to say on any other platform
Deciding that Pandora Lovegood had to be from a death eater family (Rosier, Malfoy, Lestrange) was the worst thing this fandom ever did to her character
The fannon characterisation of Marlene McKinnon gives me massive self inset pick me vibes and i hate every part of it (and i really mean every part of it)
This fandom isn't misogynistic y'all are just too demanding and expect the fandom to be the exact same as any other where we have a hardcore cannon source for every one of these characters and ships. we do not. we know more about Barty Crouch Jr then we do about Marlene McKinnon, Mary MacDonald and Dorcas Meadowes combined. it's unrealistic and stupid to expect everyone to care about the same characters and ships to the same capacity as you do when we are not watching/reading the same thing. (if any of that makes sense)
Barty Crouch Jr, Evan Rosier and pretty much every single other death eater were villains. it's okay to like them and want to expand on them but stop trying to make every bad guy secretly good
We cannot keep blaming Dumbledore for everything. Dumbledore had nothing to do with half of the deaths that you are accusing him of. blaming Dumbledore and headcannoning that he obliviated Mary and turned Regulus away and all that takes away from everyone else's characters, sacrifice and choices
The Marauders weren't child soldiers. They had a choice on if they wanted to join the Order or not and they chose to because they're Gryffindors and they're The Marauders and probably thought of themselves as some invisible hero's. They don't need to be seen as victims to Dumbledore for them to be tragic
There is a cannon and you cannot be mad at people for wanting to stick by it
Similarly Fannon Sirius is against cannon. Sirius is one of the primary adult characters in the Harry Potter series. He is literally the title character to the fan favourite book/film. We have so much information about how he acts and "oh Remus i'm your little bitch please let me sit on your lap because i'm only small" ISNT ONE OF THEM
Death to alpha male Remus. DEATH I SAY
This fandom is so obsessed with making every character tragic that the word has lost all meaning. It is possible for Mary to be happy yknow???
Someone in the fandom: "hey look at this cannon character who seems quite interesting" The rest of the fandom: "how can we make this character have some kind of relation to every other character that we already care about??" IM SO SICK OF IT!!! NOT EVERYONE HAS TO BE DATING EVERYONE
Stop trying to change the name of the Slytherin Skittles. Yes it's a stupid name but it's somehow stuck and you're not changing that. just let it be
I ship Remus with anyone who is not more then a year younger then him and i mean literally everyone. Give me Remus and Voldemort fanfic for all I care
I've already said this before but the prank is overrated
Leave my girl Emmeline alone. Why are y'all shipping her with Barty?? Why are you making her the other women to Marlily?? Why are you making her anything but a Ravenclaw?? Do you hate her?? She hasn't done anything to you😭😭 (no but seriously tho i get that headcannons are headcannons but Emmeline is my girl and i have been expanding on her character since 2019 when no one gave a rats arse about her so seeing her shipper with BARTY ruined my life)
That's all i can think of for now please don't hate me but if you wanna talk send me an ask or reply cause i love talking about this kind of stuff :)
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
I'd give you an analysis, but frankly from what I've seen from your own "analysis" you're not very good at reading
also if you'd be so kind to tag this as mha spoilers, or screenshot this ask and put it under a read more so i dont spoil anyone who's interested in reading mha. it'd be greatly appreciated
(also thanks for getting rid of anon, this time i will include pics !)
anyway, this is the "straight dude who is having a typical cutesy high school het romance with a girl in a taken for granted het world." you're talking about;
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also i wont lie, calling mha a het world when these are real dialogue is highkey stupid:
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and i know the topic at hand is s/n/s and bk/dk but lets pivot to tg/chk bc theyre more relevant to what im saying
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theres a lot to say but honestly, the manga speaks for itself :)
oh and also, you're right, bk/dk has no romantic subtext - it has romantic text. no subtlety needed! :) that is, if you have read the manga - my favourite example is this:
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and then shgrk then proceeds to kill bkg, who "dies" (sort of) thinking about izuku in his final moments:
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and then izk loses control when he sees bkg "dead" on the ground
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and these are from recent chapters! imagine the rest of the series, ey
well! that got long. i'd tackle your crappy assessment of deku's character, but then I'd be here all day!
anyways, if i were you, I'd reread mha and really really understand the text you're reading. you might end up seeing something you missed at first!
Aiyyo someone got triggered! Hehehe. Ah it was inevitable that the moment I talked about MHA and rejected shippy head canons from the show, some delusional hardcore shipper would get all up in arms. Sigh.
You think what you wrote is analysis? Hehehe.
So just some random panels and chapter covers from the manga prove Bakugou or Deku is gay? Lol. I have seen fans like you in Naruto fandom as well. But you are right, I am not as invested in MHA, because it just doesn't have the versatility and genius of Naruto and Shippuden, it is actually quite a straightforward story and I don't need to burn a lot of my braincells to 'get it'. Lol. I am not saying it's bad, but as compared to its contemporary mangas, it just isn't at par for my tastes. It's good for entertainment but it doesn't affect me like other mangas that it takes inspiration from. Some silly shipper telling me I can't read, I would tell you my credentials but nah, too much work for disproving silly ass headcanons.
Fans make comparisons between Naruto and BNHA because Horikoshi is inspired by Kishimoto, definitely some similarities are there, but it misses on the most crucial point. Naruto and Shippuden are love stories. BNHA is simply your typical shounen manga. Naruto and Shippuden use the narrative tool of subversion to tell a love story in the restrictive genre of shounen. It has multiple layers and you need presence of mind to see them. Naruto is gay and you see comphet in his character, his interest in Sakura looks superficial from the beginning and then in kage arc, it is concluded as a mere cover to run from confronting his dilemma, and closetedness. His character is consistently shown as having an internal fight, a dilemma. Sasuke is just on your face, he is clearly shown as having no interest in women, but with Naruto he is especially intimate on his own accord. Ya know, using random panels ain't gonna help, you need to establish it in the narrative. Headcanons are all nice to entertain when that's all you watch media for, shipping. But please to be showing more maturity and media comprehension when sending me an ask, I am not very sympathetic to gaslighters whose heads are filled with shippy shit and cheap self gratification. When I talk Naruto, I make comparisons with other clearly gay media, and point out the common tropes, it's a result of expansive research. Not just random panels that prove nothing. Little one, you need more than that to prove your theories. I have watched a wide range of media, including gay media, your ask is just representative of your ignorance and lack of knowledge about how storytelling and character building works. Heh. Or do you think BNHA has its own concept of homosexuality, its own private language that cannot be compared with how other media establishes homosexuality in a given universe? Yeah, solipsistic ideas like that cannot be taken seriously.
Conformity is one of the pillars Japanese society is built upon, so it's not surprising that Japanese media talks upon how anything that doesn't conform to the norms is rejected. Their media is representative of their society. Mha also touches upon that and there's no surprises there, but again, you need more than that to prove it in the course of plot building and narrative. Some random out of context panel about some character saying something about conformity proves your point? You need to SHOW it and not just tell. But where other mangas, great mangas, popular and critically well acclaimed mangas have explored this idea in detail, MHA is just touch and go. It doesn't entertain a balanced proper discourse on it. It is truly shounen in that sense. Again, I am not saying it is bad, it is just more age appropriate. Which is totally fine. Do you know how heteronormativity is established in the narrative? Like this. Show me where this happens in MHA. Lol. Sweetheart, if the writer had made any attempt to write this world as heteronormative, where gay characters face challenges, I would have seen it. But mha is just not that deep. Sorry to burst your bubble. But that's just a fact.
Seriously, you are going to give me the example of Toga? I haven't gone through the recent chapters yet. I have only watched the anime. But it is clear that, that girl is medically insane. Her idea of liking someone is to kill that person and drink their blood, for her own pleasure. She ain't a homosexual, more like hemosexual. Hahaha. Again, you gotta show me the trajectory of her character, start with the base and show me how it escalates, how does she learn better about herself, her own feelings, the world from her perspective. No character is isolated, any writer who is talented enough to write multimillion franchise knows that. Don't project your assumptions on the story and the characters, work with what you have and draw the meaning from what's given, not the other way round.
There is no doubt Izuku and Bakugou have a strong relationship, even if it is mostly rivalry. But one can see that Bakugou cares about Deku and vice versa. Before telling me how to read, perhaps you should have done it yourself. Lol, I see this type of behaviour a lot from typical silly shippy shippers. "What, did you just say my ship makes no sense? 🤬"
Do you even know what subtext or text is? Hahah. This is text and subtext. So just because Bakugou and Deku talk about their rivalry in their vulnerable moments, that the audience knows as congruent since we have already seen they have a hot and cold relationship but that they are friends nonetheless, that proves they love each other romantically? You obviously don't know how romance tropes work. The dynamic between two men who respect and admire each other is always shown with a lot of empathy in Japanese media. It is one of the founding pillars of shounen, a genre meant for teenaged boys. They are certainly closer to each other than they are with women they are interested in, but a lot of fans such as yourself misinterpret it as romantic, because headcanon goggles. No, you gotta have more than that. Where Naruto and Shippuden have it in truckloads, none of that in BNHA. Deku is heterosexual af. If he is so interested in Bakugou, how come he reacts the way he reacts to Uraraka? Where is his conflict? Where is his dilemma? His affection and romantic interest in Uraraka is genuine and sincere, not a cover to hide his more private feelings. Unlike in Naruto's case. Kishi uses clever narrative tricks and tools to tell his love story in shounen and he does it skillfully. His motives and intentions are clear as water. He uses inventive smokescreens and red herrings to escape from being too controversial and colour inside the borders of shounen, nothing like that in BNHA. To begin with, Horikoshi doesn't even delve into the sexualities of his characters, because his story is not about that. There's no context, no set up, nothing. His worldbuilding is simply conventional, by which I mean heteronormative, there's no talk about sexual orientation of characters. You see the usual shounen perviness by Mineta and Kaminari and typical straight girls going kawaai over good looking boys like Todoroki, what impression does that give? If Horikoshi wanted to establish his characters being gay, he would have set up the context mindfully and carefully, like Kishi did. Gay relationships and characters can't be shown so explicitly in shounen as that would jeopardize its distribution in the west. Reason? Censorship. That's why Kishi had to be so careful, his target audience might not get it, but the adults do. Well, unbiased adults do, at the very least. So the boys in bnha are gay just because? Because you want them to be? Storytelling and character building doesn't work like that.
Seriously everything you think works as 'analysis' isn't even valid. I honestly didn't even want to respond to this ask, given it's so surface level and ridiculously simple minded. Perhaps you are a tween or teen who thinks every time two boys or girls smile at each other or rescue each other, they are gay and in love. Lol, watch gay media. Like actually watch it and see where your arguments stand in the scheme of things. I will tell you, nowhere. Juvenile kiddy stuff. I won't entertain anymore asks like these, they are a waste of my time.
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iphisesque · 1 year
hi gio can you please direct me to some jjk meta? honestly I did not notice the grooming thing with gojo and megumi and I want to talk about it with my mutuals, but none of them seem to have even considered this theme as well, I tried searching through the jjk tag but you and your circle are the only people talking about it 😩 also is it really true that gege said he hates gojo?
hi dear! starting from the easier question here, haha — gege has made reference to his dislike of gojo on several occasions, both in-story and in extra material! there's constant remarks in the text and paratextual materials on gojo's terrible personality and his creepiness and how much other characters dislike him (like nanami or utahime, characters gege writes as sensible and reasonable), and gege himself often makes sarcastic comments about gojo, i remember when gojo won some type of valentine's day contest in shonen jump gege's only comment was "well, i guess he's not dead yet" LMAO. i have seen some people say that in japan this type of needling from an author to a character can be considered a form of respect, but im doubtful as to how much water that holds, so take all that with a grain of salt.
as for the meta — i assume you mean meta about the relationship between gojo and megumi, of which there is a sore lack on tumblr! the jjk fandom on here is quite monotonous and self-righteous and it tends to coagulate around stsg, itfs or self-insert ships, and there's not many people who write meta in general (the most notorious one being lele of tempenensis), let alone meta for a "problematic ship" that doesn't have a large presence here in the first place. i myself emigrated to twitter to find more meta or analysis posts on gojo and megumi, where i encountered the proship side of the argument, or the people who are actually hardcore into shipping gofushi as a normal hot dreamlike couple while completely ignoring its canon aspects (here is why i don't "ship" gofushi); that said, there's a lot of people over there, even shippers, who are invested in dissecting their canon dynamic, such as seaurchincage who writes threads explaining nuances in japanese, or this specific thread by s0ftymegumi which is fairly thorough in collecting all the crumbs of gojo and megumi characterization. unfortunately there is no great big tumblr meta that i know of explaining why and how gojo groomed megumi yet, though we should probably write one at some point, but as you well know you can find a lot of smaller posts about it browsing me and my mutuals' jjk tags; it might seem silly, but the best advice i can give you is to reread jjk with this interpretation in mind and you will start noticing a lot of things to support it — this goes for anything really, i clocked the grooming subtext on my first read but i didn't clock the sukufushi subtext until my reread when i was already partially skfs-pilled.
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hamsamwich23 · 6 months
Hello and welcome, Silly Critters
About me
My name is Sam and/or Mort, I'm 19 years old. I identify as pan + demiromantic-asexual, and my pronouns are he/they/it/xe. I am also polyamorous and have one partner (whom I love very much💛).
My hobbies include writing (mostly fanfiction), playing video games, role play, photography, and more. I am currently working on two AU's, which will be mentioned later. (After my DNI)
My interests include: Hello Puppets, Doki Doki Literature Club, 1nv4d3r Z1m, Adventure Time, Hollow Knight, Cult Of The Lamb, Don't Hug Me Im Scared, Milk inside a bag of milk +Milk outside a bag of milk, Amanda The Adventurer, Welcome Home, Smile For Me, Happy Game, Slime ranchers, Among Us, Minecraft, Fall Guys, GHOST and pals music, Vane Lily music, R.I.P music, Limbo, Inside, Bojack Horseman, Yo Kai Watch (1st and 2nd Games), Nexo Knights, Night In The Woods, Deltarune, Undertale, Undertale Yellow, The Dog Island, The backrooms, Liminal Space, Tomodachi Life, That's Not My Neighbor (Bolded interests are my current special interests and main focuses)
My DMs are always open, and I'm always up for making friends! However I would like to mention that I am neurodivergent, I have AuDHD and struggle with OCD and heavy mental health problems. I simply ask that you be patient with me. As I may misunderstand things at times, as well as go offline or isolate myself at times.
❗Writing Commissions and trades are currently: CLOSED
❗Requests for Unreality Au one shots are OPEN
❗Hello Puppets Infected Au will be continued in 2025.
🍉This Blog Stands With The People Of Palestine🍉
I'm aware that people don't Technically have to follow DNI's, but I would still like to state my boundaries. I block freely and often, and will block you if you make me uncomfortable and/or treat people like shit, or for any personal reason that I feel the need to block.
That being said, as I mentioned before I have heavy paranoia issues and OCD that interfere with my every day life, including life on the Internet. If anything at all feels off to me I just block. I understand this is somewhat irrational and I apologize in advance if I end up blocking you for seemingly no reason. This is the easiest way I can explain the issue.
I would prefer if you didn't interact with me if you're any of the following or if any of the following applies to you:
Prosh1p/Comsh1p/Prof1c/ECT, shipping discourse blogs, against oc x canon/self shippers, if you engage in lgbtq+ discourse and/or are a lgbtq discourse blog, support the boyfriends webtoon, hardcore DSMP fans, k1nk/f3tish blogs that are not run by people i personally know, support either or both fox_an_draw and/or scatteredkitbrainzzz/kitruckus, hardcore stranger things fans
(a lot of these will still end up in an automatic block but I'll still at least try to ask for my boundaries to be respected)
Please do not talk to me about: Ship discourse, Lgbtq+ discourse, TheWaltenFiles (unless we're mutuals but even then I would prefer not too), IZfandom discourse, The Amazing Digital Circus.
You will be blocked immediately if: you are bigoted in any way at all (TERFS/radfems, rad-exclus, abliest, pro-isreal/Zionist, antisemitic/Nazi's, conservative/republican, anti-lgbtq+, sexist, anti-choice, ECT), L0Li/Sh0t4c0n, Pro-harassment, Antishippers who tell pr0shippers to hurt themselves/k1ll themselves/to relive their trauma, people who harass others over shipping in general, ai "artists", people who support the use of AI to steal from content creators, people who believe "blackwashing" is a thing and/or defend whitewashing, If you support any of the following people: JKRowling*, Viziepop*, proshippersaretheproblem, thelocalvampyre, inky/Spencer/snax/grey(IZ), Dream/DreamWasTaken, mr-saturnnn, Fluffyphobias, kittensneeze, izzydrawsforfun, lunasol, refrainbow.
(*Fans of Harry Potter and HH/HB who are critical and don't support the actions of the creators are okay to interact)
This list can and probably will be updated at any time
Socials/Other blogs
My other blogs on Tumblr:
@unreality-au-content-hoard - A blog for my Unreality Au, A crossover/multifandom AU inspired by weirdcore, horror, and Liminal Space themes. (Includes characters from Hello Puppets, Doki Doki Literature Club, Inv4d3r Z1m, Undertale +UT yellow (recent addition), Hatsune Miku(/hj), and OCs!! (All content warnings are in the pinned post. Fan content for this au is OKAY with me!!)
@morts-infected-au - A Hello Puppets AU inspired by the MLP infection Aus!! (this blog is still under construction and this Au contains heavy elements of horror and gore)
Discord: hamsamwich23
Instagram: hamsamwich23
Wattpad: judgment23
SquidgeWorld: hamsamwich23
Thank you for reading
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stevebabey · 8 months
I'm the first anon, thank you so much for understanding. I have those feelings for months now and I'm going crazy lmao.
I wish I could get into character x character stuff, but unfortunately, my stupid brain loves to consume stuff through self insert, so x reader is my preferred outlet for everything :/ I just feel like I don't belong anywhere in this fandom rn in terms of content creation. I'm not into most x reader stuff and I like to explore more character things, but I also don't really belong in there because I'm not a shipper.
It's just so frustrating to see, and the other anon was right. The tiktokification of media and fandoms in general is insane to watch. Like I saw a tiktok that complained that the Poppy War by Rf Kuang was boring because it had no spice. M'am, this is a book about war? 😭 Or, like everything is described in tropes (that's a problem for books, not fanfic per se) for fast consumption, the plot doesn't matter if certain scenarios are not ticked off. Not to mention AI and things like characterAI where people just get quickly what they want without using really their imagination (plus them not caring that this is stealing from real people).
And yeah, the whole minor part. It's insane to tell 12 year olds, that virgins write the best stuff. I'm reading and writing fics since I was 14, and I'm "lucky" I wasn't really exposed to those things until I was 16. English isn't my first language, so fanfics were a bit limited, I guess (plus having a very nieche interest that didn't reach international fame and fandom). Also, I mostly consumed stuff from friends I know irl and we had a few spicy scenes because we were curious, but we never got exposed to hardcore smut. I'm not saying there should be no smut at all, everyone is free to express themselves. It's a problem if the fandom is only that because it creates a space not everyone has access to or gets messed up. Fandom is community and everyone should feel welcome. If I was a minor and all writer blogs tell me to fuck off because they only write mature things, idk if I would even wanna stay. Which is also another problem because fandoms die out so quickly as it is.
Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this exactly because you already said everything and I agree with you. <33
omg you say you don't know where you're going with this but brought up so many good POINTS
you're not crazy and you're definitely not the only one feeling that way!! i understand completely and it's infuriating that the topic of it is almost tongue in cheek in this fandom and lots of people feel they would be better off biting their tongue than expressing that frustration ://
character x character is something that takes a hot minute to get into i've found, i've honestly only just gotten into it within the last year or so (because i also struggle with like ocs and the like) but i am a long lover of the self insert i can't even lie <3
but there's like a difference between the way you describe this!! i think you're very much like me and it's like a genuine love for a character that drives your desire for writing self-insert- its like i love this dude so much and i want them to be happy and i want to be that source of happiness, i want to be that first kiss or gentle touch they need :D
andddd that's my problem with so much of the smut-leaning fics. where's the soul!?! where's the driving heart of the story? the best fics are the most self indulgent because you can see the best parts of someone in them !!!!
i'm really sorry that you feel like you don't have a place in this fandom but you do definitely belong here honey- fandom is supposed to be a community and there's no prerequisite to existing here at all and the fact there feels like there are certain amounts you have to succeed in to be a writer is so just bleh
tiktok is a goddam brainrotting place lmao and every day im not on it is a great one! the trope shit is SO true, like the idea that if you can check a few boxes (one of those things being smut) its the thing that makes a piece good instead of how it's written and the passion for the story like ugh and don't even get me started on ai 😭 that is a shitshow in itself and anyone who uses that to write fics or complete other peoples fics are absolute garbage people
the minor thing is yeah completely fucked and you raise SUCH a good point about how it limits the spaces that they can occupy which is so fucking stupid cos how many of us started in fandom at young ages??? everyone should feel welcome! and god the thought of someone trying to so hard to avoid nsfw content but just to have it shoved down their throat in every other post and also having so many writers telling them to fuck off ur so right, i wouldn't wanna stay either!
and it's just so so so sad because there are a thousand people who i WISH would write their ideas, write their fics, whether its bad or good first time around because THAT is the point of fandom. love for the source! new ideas! people's new takes on old tropes over and over :D
ah you opened the floodgate in me.... you didn't ask for advice but truly, write the most self indulgent stuff ever and it can't lead you wrong. i hope the culture of fandom changes and every time you ignore the urge to write for what u think people will like and just write what you want, we all get a little bit closer to that change :")
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stupidmoonman · 1 year
hi hi its ur new community mutual
for reference im a hardcore abedison shipper with a side of big brother jeff to annie and i was thinking that obvi jeff has to officate their wedding if they get married and shit
and the easy thing to say is oh he would be so good at that, write it out only a month in advance and it'd be so good. but what if he just gets so nervous about abt it. what if he's a mess. calls both of them not even drunk, just self deprived, in the middle of the night to preemptively tell them its gonna be bad.
(its amazing ofc)
tell me ur thoughts pls
Helloooooo!! I feel like Jeff would be the type to actually try to drink away his anxieties about this wedding since he both loves them so much like family. He would end up drunk crying to a bartender and then drunk calling abed or Annie to honestly say his thoughts about the wedding (something along the lines of "I'm so drunk and happy for you guys please don't break each other's heart cause it will break mine and I'm gonna cry." I know Jeff isn't an emotionally open person but I think deep down he is.) and then Jeff would wake up in abed and Annie's apartment completely confused as to how he got there. Then they'll talk and as Jeff watches abed and Annie assure him, he realised how much they love each other and it just ends with Jeff hugging both of them and rushing off to write the most perfect speech for their wedding.
PS. Abed and Annie got married. Heheheh
PS PS. I'm not an abedison fan but I'd like to think there could have been some potential there if the show had more seasons.
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raenyships · 4 months
been more active on my main lately, still a hardcore self shipper just not super into the community at the moment
there's no drama im just in an avoidant period and don't want to interact with people
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
hello! i don’t know how exactly to articulate my thoughts on this matter but i’ll give it a try! this is all just from my own experience and i’m not saying that this is 100% true or accurate.
so, i’ve noticed that sasuke is a highly controversial character. there are people who love and enjoy his character and there are others who hate him and call him an edgy emo boy and what not. usually the ones who dislike him are dudebros who don’t even try to understand sasukes character. they just see the surface and jump to conclusions without even trying to go more in depth. but there are also the hardcore sasuke stans who believe that sasuke was right and that he’s never done anything wrong in his life and that he’s a victim and bla bla bla, im sure you’ve seen already a lot of it.
so my actual thought was this: most hardcore sasuke stans are also huge sns shippers (of course there are some exceptions where hardcore sasuke stans don’t ship him with naruto (or anyone) cause they believe he was manipulative and brainwashed by konoha, but i think this is actually a minority). anyway, i’ve also noticed that many sasusaku shippers actually understand sasukes character (individually!!! not in relation to sakura!!) but then they think that sakura is his best match which is something i don’t understand? i don’t know how to describe it but for example many sns shippers actually get sasukes character but then they misinterpret him because of their own favored sasuke version (that he’s an avenger and a revolutionist). & there are many sasusaku shippers that understand that sasuke deep down is actually someone who just wants love but then they connect that to sakura which again makes no sense to me??? it’s like they understand the essence of his character but they connect that with someone who sasuke never gave a fuck about aka sakura. sasuke was a happy kid who loved being with his brother and spending some quality time with him. naruto was also the person who brought out that lighter, soft side out of him and eventually naruto was the one to save sasuke from his darkness! the point i’m so desperately trying to make here is that while ss stans ship sasusaku i feel like they actually get sasukes character (individually) but then they ship him with sakura? i don’t know if you get what i mean but to me it seems like many ss stans actually understand that sasuke isn’t a revolutionist and a “fuck the system” person but then they ship him with sakura which to me personally makes no sense. cause while they understand his character and his need for love they connect it to someone that sasuke never showed an interest like that to. sns stans also get sasukes character but they see a version of him that sasuke himself actually pretended to be (in reality he wasn’t really an avenger, as seen in haku x zabuza arc where sasuke gave his life to protect naruto, or how kakashi almost got to sasuke after trying to knock some sense into him, or how orochimaru said that naruto was changing his heart etc). sns stans definitely understand sasukes character better i believe (cause they see how naruto is the one person who’s connected to his heart, unlike ss stans who think that that spot is reserved for sakura) but it still confuses me how they want sasuke to be this self-destructive person who is in the darkness, apparently going after some “big revolution”. it also confuses me how ss stans seem to understand sasuke deep down but then believe that sakura is the light of his life and what not. what do you think of this observation that i’ve made? have you noticed something differently or noticed anything regarding that matter? thank you for your time and thank you for running this amazing blog!!
Anon, Are you by any chance can perform a Jutsu like Inoichi who could read the Mind?? LOL... I had this confusion back when I was a newcomer here...
I’ve noticed couple of SS posts (without being aware of it at first), where they got Sasuke’s character right... However they are very very less though.
Even among those garbage posts, there will be some good posts and I started to read one which goes where I yelled... ‘Yes!!!!’  ‘Yess!!!!’ ‘That’s totally right...’ and then in the end of the post they attached Sakura’s name into it... I was like ‘I am totally done with this bullshit’. LOL.
And Yes, I’ve noticed many contradictions among Sasuke stans as you’ve mentioned in this Ask which I will explain more here... 
[[Disclaimer : Strong Criticism of Sasuke stans ahead (Not Sasuke, the Character)... Read at your own risk.]]
Stans : SNS and SS fandom are Assholes. They just thirst over Sasuke for his Body and ship him with people who harassed him mentally and physically. I will hunt all those fujoshis and shippers who uses Sasuke like a sex toy. A Real Sasuke fan would never ship him with anyone.
Also Stans : (Scroll down their page) Sasuke fucked Karin....
Also the same Stans : I am writing a fanfiction about Sasuke.... (Sasuke X Reader)....
Me : LOLOL.... Clown... Puhlease... You are no different from those shippers you are accusing of... You don't want your Precious Sasuke-kun to be banged by other characters but you want to bang him by yourself. You are totally a Real Life Sakura. But an extremely horny one at that. STFU!!
Stans: Sasuke was Naruto's just another goal to achieve... That's why he let him go for that atonement Journey alone in Chapter 699. He never cared about him at all.
Also Stans: Sakura chased Sasuke in his Atonement Journey like a Horny Woman. She is too clingy and unhealthily obsessed with Sasuke.
Me : Uhhh??? Can I pick a mirror and show that your Clown Make-Up is wearing off?? This is Hypocrisy to the Max and it’s just showing... 
Stans : Naruto and Kakashi has no sensitivity at all. They are taunting/provoking Sasuke using Uchiha Clan's name... A Massacred/Genocided Clan. And in Kage Summit Arc, they were persuading Sasuke to give up on his Revenge (Naruto couldn’t even understand why Sasuke would go for Revenge). After all, what can these fucking Outsiders know about Sasuke's heart??
They bring these panels which should be taken as a Joke but they take it way too serious... Party Poopers of Naruto Fandom indeed!!!
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Also Stans : Kakashi and Naruto, despite becoming Hokages, didn't reveal UCM to the Public.
Me: Why would you want these low-level outsiders to meddle with Uchiha Clan justice anyway?? Sasuke could have easily said it out loud and brought Justice to his clan if he wanted to... You don't need N and K at all. If they come in Sasuke's way to prevent him from doing what he wanted to do, he could easily obliterate them... It's as if you guys looooovvvvved Naruto and Kakashi in the beginning but got betrayed by them in the end. Clown!!! You already hate them both and this is just another stupid excuse... That revelation would do more harm to Sasuke than anyone else and you claim that you care about Sasuke.. Hmmph!!
Meanwhile Kishimoto & Itachi: 
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“Then never tell them! I want the Uchiha clan to maintain it’s honor”
Stans: Itachi is just a minor character who has no existence out of Sasuke's Character Arc. He is overrated just like Sakura. Him becoming good is just a retcon and Kishi had never properly planned on it.
Also Stans: Because of Itachi, Sasuke's character development got drained down. UwUwU...I wish Naruto shouldn't have to follow Itachi's stupid idea of what it means to be an Hokage... Grrrr
Me : Ok Clown!!! You are projecting too much of your Itachi hate onto both Naruto and Sasuke... When in reality Sasuke loved his Brother till the very end and Naruto respected him... If he was just a minor or retconned or overrated character, how come he has such an influence on both N and S (according to you people's own words??)... How come a minor Character on the level of Sakura can affect another Character like Sasuke for 80% of the series???
Just say you hate Itachi and go.
Stans : Itachi was the one who made Sasuke to come to a conclusion that Hate is the only way to obtain Power... Otherwise, Sasuke wouldn't have suffered like this.
Me : Ok, point well made. Kudos. ***Chef's kiss***
Also those Same stans : Sasuke is an Avenger.... An Unstoppable Chaos... He doesn't need saving... And He doesn't need love as those shippers claim themselves to be. He could stand on his own.
Me : So, Your point is??? You blame Itachi for making him this way (which means you yourself acknowledge that Sasuke was suffering)... But also you want Sasuke to continue to be that way... What is the fuck is wrong with you anyway? Which one you want him to be??
Stans : Itachi mindraped Sasuke... He is fucking Stupid.
Also Stans : Sasuke murdering/mindraping Sakura for 10+ hours in a Genjutsu is the best thing Sasuke ever did... Bitch be like using her feelings to stop him from going for his Revolution.
Me : Either say Both are wrong... Or Say Both are Right... How is it that when it comes to your beloved Sasuke-kun, it was an horrible act... But when it comes to Sakura, it is totally Right??? And it was also considered as right when Sasuke put a Genjutsu on Sai for a trivial reason???? I hate Sakura... To my Bone... Am not defending her here but I find this claim to be extremely hypocritic. I know they will say Mindraping about Clan Massacre and Mindraping about Murdering a person for hours are not same. Well, No. In both the process, the receiver experiences excruciating pain both physically, mentally and subconsciously... If I take both of those acts are wrong... At least Itachi cried after doing that to his Brother... Whereas Sasuke felt nothing after putting her in a Genjutsu... Which makes Sasuke to be more of an evil Jerk... (Which he isn't)
My Take : Genjutsu is a Jutsu which is specifically used for mentally ensnaring the opponent rather than using a Physical attack... A Jutsu which was established right from Chapter 4, Bell Test. And basically Genjutsu is the theme of the later part of the Shippuden... And Uchihas are known for their Dojutsu and.... Genjutsu being one of their specialty... WTH???
So, Narrative wise... It's fine for me to be used on anyone... The Only time, I morally condemn Itachi for using Genjutsu is when he manipulated a Girl to distract Jiraiya in Part 1... (If it weren’t for Jiraiya, That Girl would have had an unconsented sex...)
Yes, I wept when Itachi did that to Sasuke by betraying his Trust especially when Sasuke was just a child... But If Sasuke ever put a cruel genjutsu on Naruto... I would still say the same. IT’S JUST A JUTSU... It’s for this precise reason I don’t blame Sasuke for putting a hole in Naruto’s lung in VoTE1 even though I felt angry. Because IT’S THE NATURE OF THAT WORLD. 
There is this Sasuke leaning SNS hypocrisy, I don’t understand... When it comes to defending Sasuke ramming Chidori into Naruto... They pull ‘It’s a Ninja World... Of course, they fight in a Gruesome manner.. They use Jutsus using their Chakra’ card... However When it comes to Itachi’s Genjutsu... They pull this ‘Real-World Trauma’ card... 
At the end of the Day... Both of the Acts are kind of Harsh Betrayal that stirred Seething Anger inside me... But when I realized the motives behind them, I understood and moved on. That’s what I take from both of these scenes.
Stans : Just One Uchiha made a wrong doing of Releasing Kyuubi... But It's totally wrong to accuse an Entire Clan for that.
Also Stans : Sasuke should've burnt the entire Konoha to the Ground for the suffering they put Sasuke and His Clan through.
Me : So, Based on a single clan member's wrong doing, it's very wrong to blame an entire clan... Yes. True. But Why can't you apply the same logic for Sasuke??. He was clearly told that the people who were responsible for the massacre were Danzo and the Elders. Shouldn't Sasuke also want to kill just the Elders and not the Entire Village who had nothing to do with UCM???
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“No, Personally I want to kill every last person in Konoha”
Stans : Sasuke loved and cared so much about his clan... He is the only one to bring justice to his fallen clan.
Also Stans : Kakashi and Danzo are non-Uchiha. Both Outsiders who don’t care about Uchiha Clan... How dare they possess Sharingan... A symbol of Uchiha.?
Me : Yes, If Sasuke cared so much about his clan... 
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“Trying to forget Uchiha Itachi??”
He didn’t need these low-level minions of Orochimaru to spell it out for him TO PURSUE FOR REVENGE... Sasuke should’ve inherently known it by himself as to where his priority should lie... So, he prioritized something else than his Revenge for his Clan & Family members, Right? What is that ‘Something’ that could go beyond the so-called Love for his clan, I wonder????
And if he definitely cared about Uchiha Clan Honor.....
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Sasuke should’ve slaughtered Obito out of all people since he was also a perpetrator behind UCM.... And definitely Sasuke shouldn’t be ignoring all these Eyeballs of his own clan members so casually... 
And there are so many panels like this which showed Sasuke’s real motivations... And are those stans going to call all of them as ‘Kishimoto, Sasuke and Itachi were brainwashed by Shonen Jump Editors’... Like for what, 120 Chapters??????
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Sasuke, after some point didn't care about his own clan because his revenge on Konoha was mostly for the extreme pain Itachi was put through but discarded him as if he was nothing and Sasuke couldn’t see his precious person was being wasted just like that...  Obito never cared about his Clan, neither did Madara... Shisui did but was prevented by Danzo... Itachi had no choice but to take all the burdens and wiped out his clan. 
It’s only these Stans care so much about that clan even till the very end.
And there are so many times Sasuke stans contradict their own words.... Like Calling Konoha as a Fascist Country but thoroughly ignoring the fact that Sasuke, despite having Good Intentions, in the End also wanted to become a Dictator like Danzo which leads to Fascism.... 
And when I read these posts, It’s just.... Too much for me to process.
And that’s why I always resort to Manga and Manga alone when it comes to reading Sasuke’s character. Even in Kishimoto’s Interviews, he was brutally honest about Sasuke’s design which is 100% canon compliant (Meaning, He didn’t lie.) 
I don’t like to bring Interviews to justify my point because it means I am also doing the same thing what those SS and NH shippers does. Like Relying on Interviews rather than the Source material. It’s just that for this particular post, I wanted to bring up the Author’s motivations behind his Favourite Character.
For Example... In an Interview for Cinematoday.jp in 2015, He talked about Sasuke’s character.
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“Sasuke is a character that likes tea, so if tea shows up in a scene, he’ll drink it, but if it was juice, I don’t think he would drink it because he doesn’t like it. But if I turn it into a setting where the story won’t advance if he doesn’t drink juice, I have to employ a different pattern from when tea shows up or it doesn’t work. But if it is decided that he will drink juice, his character image is messed up.”
So, Basically Kishi is saying that Sasuke acts in a certain way ONLY UNDER SPECIFIC SITUATION... Otherwise he would act in a different way... 
I can’t even deny anything from this excerpt.... I, 1000%, agree with his words.. Because it happened with Sasuke in his 2 most important moments... 
As you very well know that What Sasuke did in the Kage Summit Arc... Not going into Detail on that. But What I find it to be very interesting was, 
Gaara tried to reach Sasuke... Instead of Attacking him, he started to talk to him... And make him understand what he was doing.... But after Gaara realized that he couldn’t stop him, he questions himself about something...
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“Naruto, If you were here, what would you do?”
Gaara tried to stop Sasuke, but he couldn’t...
Karin, his Teammate got caught in Danzo’s clutches, but that doesn’t move him... Not a Bit
Sakura.... Uhhh??? Next
Kakashi tried to talk to him, Still couldn’t reach him...
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But the Moment Naruto came into the Picture, Sasuke stopped. Started to listen. 
So, Sasuke is Sasuke... Naruto is Tea.... While Kakashi, Karin, Gaara are all Juice.
I wonder why Sakura couldn’t be the Tea though????
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This is Sasuke who was hell-bent on his Resolve to cut Naruto out of his Life and then pursue for Revenge...
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But the moment Itachi came into the picture, Sasuke got diverted... 
In this Case, Itachi is Tea...
Tell me, how is this not Well Within Sasuke’s Characterization and Narrative decision but some ‘Brainwash Agenda’  those Sasuke stans boldly claims very often????
To add furthermore, Another Interview from New York Comic Con 2015 where he draw parallels between Sasuke and Madara...
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Madara is part of the Uchiha clan -- in fact, he's one of the earliest of the Uchiha clan. Sasuke of course is also Uchiha. So I was trying to think of 'if I had to teach(?) Sasuke and also create kind of an older – not just age wise but time wise (chronologically)... You know, Sasuke turns pretty dark for a lot of the series and I wanted to do something even darker and more evil. Almost kind of a concretion of evil. That's how I came up with Madara.
You see, Kishi was clearly saying that Madara is the concretion of evil and hence he wants to teach Sasuke as to how Madara was wrong because Sasuke was also becoming someone similar to Madara...  
Isn’t it funny that Sasuke was the only person to hear about Madara’s story from 3 different people like Itachi, Obito and Hashirama????
And they really believe that Sasuke’s plot was messed up by the Editors??? 
Ok, According to Kishimoto’s words, Did Sasuke learnt anything from Madara???? 
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“Maybe I should’ve gone that way too... My Dream is coming to an end... But yours hasn’t yet...”
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“Maybe... I should’ve gone that way too...”
Look How many times Sasuke’s face was full of pity which was inserted in the scene that’s totally belonged to Hashi and Madara???? 
Yes, He learnt what Madara did was wrong in a way... And that’s why Sasuke’s Revolution plan was totally Self-Harming by hurting himself as compared to the Self-Serving dream of Madara. 
You know, Sasuke turns pretty dark for a lot of the series and I wanted to do something even darker and more evil. Almost kind of a concretion of evil. That's how I came up with Madara. - Kishimoto
Also, Kishi was clearly mentioning here that Sasuke was turning into the darker side for a lot of the series.... But his stans would never acknowledge this and pull this UwU baby Trauma Card and dumb down his Character into an Innocent Victim and claims that Sasuke did nothing wrong...
And in Shonen Jump 2014 Jump Festa, he talked about Sasuke’s character as to whether he is Evil or Good....
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In the end, Sasuke is a very genuine person, he doesn't think whether what he does is good or bad. He does what he wants to do without thinking about problems he causes for others.
He's very self-centered, only thinking about himself. Some people might think what he does is good, like avenging his parents or trying to realize his brother's ideals.
But he keeps creating problems for others in his way, this is where lies the bad aspect of this character. So it's kinda hard to put a word on him. It's all about knowing if it's good or evil to be self-centered about your goals. I'd say he's not really good or evil, just genuine.
Believe me, I never knew about this Interview until very recently... But this is exactly how I thought his character was since very long... He has this dual Aspect of being inherently Good but trying to become Bad by being obsessed with his Goals which he was struggling throughout the series as to which side he should fall upon.. This is exactly what Sasuke was for 700 Chapters... There’s no inconsistency from writing perspective that bugged me at any point of time... Well, Even in Gaiden, he was totally in-Character.
And Also the author says that “He is very Self-centered who only thinks about himself” but when you say this fact, his stans would slash your throat online!!!!! 
To Conclude,
In my opinion, Sasuke is such a Strong and Great Character, a character worthy of nothing but Admiration.... 
He is self-centered... Yes.... But I also learnt from him as to how to be extremely selfless towards a loved person.
He became an object of vengeance... Yes... But I also learnt from him as to how to be extremely Forgiving... This is an important Aspect of Sasuke which many stans fails to acknowledge... And this is also the attribute that made me love this character...  
But to label Sasuke’s character under ‘Too Good’ or ‘Too Evil’ or ‘Too Innocent’ is just plain disservice to his Entire character and such one-dimensional Interpretation is not something I would take it as sincere or serious... Especially making him into a ‘Girly Wallflower who is Meek’ kind of interpretation is just plain cringeworthy... Because at the end of the day, it would be full of emotions and self-projections from people who self-insert and make it all about themselves and their real-life ideologies... And I clearly don’t want ‘Someone Else’s’ version of Sasuke other than what the Author has written in the Manga.
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edalynn · 2 years
Obviously there's no "wrong way" to consume media, but whatever you're doing sure does come close. Looking down on self-shippers and hardcore kinnies but talking about your past life where you were inserted into two different shows and dating the boys from them? I won't say it's "cringe" but it sure is hypocritical; seriously how are you above them? And being so sensitive about ships that you get tilted any time two particular characters are drawn *next to* each other, ship art or not! Why?
Lmao you anons are wild. I’m pretty sure I have posted multiple times and have it as a literal link in my pinned post that im also a kinnie, so not really sure where you’re going with THAT one. The most I’ve said abt self shippers is that i don’t get it/it doesn’t appeal to me but to each their own and hope they enjoy it? Unless you’re talking about the one time I said something to someone that was self shipping in some kinda problematic media in the first place & was being rude to me in the first place, then yeah if the media is kinda a problem and you self ship in that it’s a little weird. I can tell anyway you’re just another angry you know,,, shipper because of my post about Luz hunter and Gus lmao. I’m sorry, but personally there’s more in depth character development between Luz and hunter or Gus and hunter and clearly a lot more to go & I think it’s way more interesting and accurate to not just stick him in the emerald trio ALL the time in art, but that’s just me. You don’t HAVE to follow me you know, the block button exists
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king-maven-calore · 3 years
i’m worried they’re gonna make cal super boring so all the new fans will be mareven shippers:( im not someone who’s judgy about ships but i want marecal content!! for selfish reasons!!!
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confession time. I'm not very afraid or anxious about the adaptation, bc I will have a good time either loving it it's decent or trashing it if it's irredeemable garbage. What I fear are the new hardcore stans and shipping discourse. I can smell it in the air like the earthy wind from an incoming storm.
There's a probability here we have to face. No matter how good of a job the writers and the actor do with Cal, Mareven has a high chance of having more stans and content, bc it ticks a lot of boxes of things that have been General Audience favorites for ages: betrayal trope, root for the underdog, tragic byronic prince, Lovers to Enemies, the list goes on.
That being said, Cal is a fantastic, sexc character and the best chance we have is that we're shown scenes of him being a pragmatic strategist, his cocky charm, his ruthless loyalty AWAY from Mare. That way the G.A. can love him and root for him (or at least understand where he's coming from) So then they can ship Marecal bc of their hard-headed Enemies to Lovers soulmatism. Not just because it's ✨healthier✨ istg if my fellow marecals start spewing that self-righteous bs I'm jumping into the cold waters of fandom silence.
tl,dr: I'll edit for them!
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youranxiousnerd · 3 years
Second Chances Thoughts
bc what
spoilers below
i have...thoughts
ah no chaotic intro, f in the chat
it’s still a nice intro, tho
i used the thingy
no bows either?!?!
this is called high school musical: the musical: the series not high school musical: the backstage drama: the series
wow they got changed fast
I’ll be the judge of that oh wait i cant bc they didnt show us
ashlyn is such a queen
the perfect belle, stunning
“A couple letters, actually” it’s a sign (literally)
flower touch
they love each other so much
east high kids be snooping
not me thinking about carlos’ hand on seb’s back we were robbed im taking what i can get
“You were the perfect Belle tonight. I was really proud”
“Evil genius”
they’re so happy
kourt and howie are so awkward 
howie and seb would get along
weird little playoff, maybe he is lying?
they’re cute, tho
sad that they didn’t really get any build-up
“happy now?” “yes”
“If it’s with you, always” MY HEART
just like a fanfic
kourtney just invited north highs beast to east highs cast party
i was not expecting that okay
ej and mazzara are the best
gina is so happy too bad it wont last
gina is an actress 
gahhhh portwell drama
oh god rini let the drama begin
that was very calm, did someone possess nini and ricky?
i really like them as best friends. i was a hardcore rini shipper last season but with all their constant conflict i realized how much fun they are as friends
“we are literally on the same page” 
“just for a moment” I LOST MY SHIT
miss jenn no
oooo seblos please be good
Seb calling Miss. Jenn out on her bullshit since idk when
“That’s a hard never mind now” okay wow
Miss. Jenn is Carlos’ godmother 
This is theatre, not football
oh wow a plot line actually being addressed
season 1 callback im not ready
gina and nini people!!! 
very sweet scene
ahha jamie callback we all knew it
i would really like to see miss jenns batb audition notes
“I’m in a great place, mentally” if you were you wouldn’t be saying that
like that was a big deal, a big effing deal and then nothing?
you told a kid to jump off something high and you can’t even say “sorry”?!?!
back to the miss jenn love triangle
“I think I’m happy, or gettin’ there”
ricky you don’t have to be there yet it’s okay
that line hit
killer harmonies
sofia giving us that alto rep!!
portwell duet! audition outfits
very good, very very good. this song kinda screams autotune but it still sounds very good. 
last song of the season NOOO but very fitting
Is it just me or does “Second Chance” look like a music video they show in Justice (the teen store) in 2014?
cast bonding yay!
shit why does my favorite ship have to be the gay one on a disney show?
east high booing the lily and french boi has me on the floor
“Big Red, you were also in it” BEST LINE OF THE FINALE OMFG
i missed antoine 
sorry carlos has glitter on his face
seb’s smile and wave at north high why am i laughing?
off topic but i have unintentionally started doing the seb wave (you know the one) (with the fingers) in real life.
also gay chair sit
e.j is also doing the gay chair sit 
lily what
you have had like one conversation
she says she likes his face but not his personality? 
im calling bullcrap
pause didn’t lily steal the harness? are we just going to forget about that
probably, the writers did forgot to develop seblos
Let Ricky be single challenge
so this season has been for nothing?
all the shit they went through (the self-doubt, relationship problems, the injuries, the death threats) is for nothing?!?
since when does Miss. Jenn not care anymore about the Menkies?!?!
I actually get the kids side of this, but not Miss. Jenn’s. 
I was surprised they took this route with the Menkies, didn’t even cross my mind 
“It was five”
Big Red x medicine 
bet your ass ashlyn would have gotten a nomination best actress
is mazzara staying for miss jenn? they could do long distance but it doesnt have the best rep in this show
ashlyn is the captain of the portwell ship and nini is her right hand man (or whatever second best is called in sailing)
“Will you be my first kiss” smiles
“this summer is about to get hot” SUMMER SEASON 3?!?!
hey they ended with andrew barth feldman what more can you ask for?
Oh wait some cast stuff...brb ima cry. The ending has some very series finale energy...I’m scared. Natalie wouldn’t have done the “buckle up wildcats” if there wasn’t a season 3, right? But the bloopers at the end...
The cast ending was great. “You are the Music in Me” was so heartfelt and I’m a sucker for bloopers.
Wait so no Lily home? It was probably a cut scene. 
If we got Lily home, can we get an album with the cast singing all the BATB songs? 
I have so many mixed feelings about this episode. Here is the thing, if you love the core 4 then this was your episode. If you’re like me and prefer the side leads then this was probably a little disappointing since we barely saw them. This episode felt rushed and a little messy, but there were some great moments. Season 2′s writing has felt a little weird. This season lacked the chaotic theater kid energy season 1 had. It was one of the reasons I fell in love with the show. If/when we get a season 3 I really hope the writers find that energy again.
Let’s all give a round of applause for the cast and crew who filmed majority of the season during a global pandemic. That could not have been easy. They gave us a pretty good season under crazy conditions. They definitely had to change some things to fit the current climate. Overall, hats off the the cast and crew because you guys killed it. 
I’m really going to miss this show, hopefully it gets renewed. It has become a comfort show these past several weeks. My sanity says “no, don’t go” but my sleep schedule says “leave.”
To second chances!!
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sparkys-ec-corner · 3 years
Can you lease enlighten me as to why you ship Amomiche and why you love Amostia so much? Since Amostia is given very little screen time if you will and barely characterized at all it's difficult for me to see why you ship them so much and why you love Amostia so much. Or is it partially because your a hardcore Len x Miku shipper? You can ship whatever you want ofc I just am curious as to what led you to ship it and stuff. Plus I'm more of a Gumi x Gammon shipper (#NemesisxNyozeForLIFE!!!) who barely ships Miku or Len or Rin with anybody and when I do ship them it's more often Miku x Rin (I'm trash for girlxgirl ok) sooo. And yes that goes for in Evillious as well I barely ship any of the Mikus with anybody (minus Michaela x Clarith) and same goes for any of the Lens. So oof
dw!! i understand your points and im aware of how unusual it is for me to love a character like amostia and ship something so unexpected like amomiche (i already apologize since this is long,,, oops,,,)
i would be lying if i said that the fact im a diehard lenmiku shipper didnt affect my decision in bringing amomiche into existence, but it's mostly due to this specific extensive au that serves as amostia's characterization arc and the hcs involving both amostia and michelle.
as for why i love amostia, it's because i thought he was a character with a lot of potential that was shoved to the side as a simple plot device + i was incredibly salty over why amostia is the only irregular who doesnt appear in motheavenly novel at all. since ma was given some characterization that culminated in her "i'm going to destroy the universe to confirm my existence" goal at the end of the novel, i wondered, "what about the Punishment boy? doesnt he get a chance to appear since he's an irregular too? where is he?"
heck, even irregular in scap short story gets a personality, however extremely barebones and single-minded it is, and he's called a boy without an ego since he died right after being born. despite this, he still had the desire of meet his mother.
around 2018, i began writing what would be amostia's backstory because i thought he deserved one. he deserved a personality. he deserved to be cared about. i was ready from the start to be that one weirdo who likes an obscure character no one cares about (i never finished that fic, btw. my hcs changed overtime and my prose back then was kinda ew, so i deleted it)
i never intended to love him as much as i do now. i just wanted to give him a personality and a backstory, but the more i thought about what might had happened to him in lunaca labora and during his time as Punishment the weapon and what would be his personality, the more i wished him to be seen as a person rather than "the weapon nemesis used to blow up the world".
i joined an ec discord server for no other reason but to find other fans, and rather hesitantly shared my hcs of him and fanart in the channels. as i said before, i knew it was weird for me to be attached to a character no one cared about, but i nevertheless persisted on.
before i knew, i was changing everybody's perception of amostia, turning him from a simple plot device into an actual character to the eyes of the fandom.
to be honest, i still do not believe how much everything has changed all thanks to me, only because i cared enough to share what i thought of him. i didnt... expect my hcs to be received so warmly. i made him starkly different from your typical ec len — he's angry, explosive and rude; nothing like the dimwitted and enthusiastically chaotic hansel, much less like the loyal and stoic allen — but maybe the fact he was so different was why people liked him so much. he's like a bright red dot on a canvas of soft colors. im really happy that people liked and accepted my hcs, even after Outlaw & Lychgate was published.
as for amomiche, here's where the extensive au comes in — before Outlaw & Lychgate was published, i had a thought that amostia wandered around the dead world before being found by meta and pretty much adopted by her. this characterization arc of his is meant to be a "coming to age" type of story, exploring his past and making him learn how to be a better person — an actual person with dreams and purpose instead of a weapon merely to be used by others.
initially, i intended michelle to be amostia's friend since they both have a link through nemesis. they would kinda bond through that since michelle wanted to know a bit about nemesis despite amostia himself not knowing much, after amostia finding michelle lost in a snowy night and bringing her back home.
one time, i received a m/a ask in amostia askblog about "len" and "miku" being a couple for some asks. since michelle was the closest "miku" to amostia, i obviously were to bring her in. tbh i was already slightly struggling with keeping them as friends since i found them to be really sweet together and my dumb lenmiku ass bothering tf outta me, and that m/a broke me definitely. i gave in. (although i took a time to answer the m/a itself, admittedly. by the time i answered it, i was already doodling some amomiche stuff)
again, i was ready to be seen as weird, to be the only person in the entire fandom to ship them together. i never hid the fact it is a crackship. i knew i would possibly be cast out as lenmiku trash for it. regardless, i kept doodling them and talking about them simply because i liked them (hell, they stay as friends for a long time in the au before romantic feelings blossom. sue me for liking friends-to-lovers trope with a self-improvement undertone)
and then, my surprise when it was accepted by the fandom despite its status as crackship. gosh, even people who arent into evillious had doodled amomiche!! someone who was into ec actually thought it was canon!! and was saddened to discover that it wasnt because they thought it was really sweet!! and they didnt even ship lenmiku normally!! i swear this still makes me die inside, seriously 😂
so you can say it's a combination of everything that eventually brought amomiche into existence, including my own love for amostia. i dont blame anyone for being confused with it since amostia as a character is so underdeveloped in canon and amomiche is a crackship. it's okay, really. im just vibing here. im not here looking for validation for them nor am i hoping for official crumbs.
all of this is self-indulgent, simply because i want amostia to be more popular, even if slightly. amostia will never become as popular as hansel or allen, im aware, but as long as someone appreciates him as a person, then i think my job is done here. all i want is people to appreciate him. if someone comes to like amomiche too, then it also makes me extremely happy! if someone likes amostia but not amomiche, that's fine too! i don't mind different hcs. if one respects my own, then i respect theirs.
so. yeah. it might not make sense to some people, but that's basically it. i am but a humble artist doodling stuff for a character who she wants to give the happiness and the characterization he didnt get in canon. if someone likes them, then im happy!! 💖
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