#Ikemen Grandpas Answer
ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
hello ikemen grandpas are you married?
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Hello my child! Yes we are! Since many many years now!
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ultramarine-spirit · 2 years
Of all the parts of the novel that never appeared in the manhwa, which one would you have liked to see?
Well, the lucathy kiss scene is a given. Not only it is super romantic and cute, but we get to see Athy reach 18 years old and achieve her original goal of surviving until then.
Other than that, in no particular order:
- Lucas and Athy walking on air à la Howl's Moving Castle at their market date. One of the vendors calling Athy Lucas' girlfriend, Lucas wanting to deny it but Athy shutting him up so they got free food.
- Athy asking Lily if she wanted to get married and have a child, but Lily answering she loved Athy as a daughter and that she just wanted to stay by her side forever. Athy then replying Lily was like her mom to her.
- Lucas gifting Athy Nox. It's cute, but it also addresses how Athy felt incredibly lonely without Lucas and after Blackie's death (she didn't get over it as easily as in the manhwa), and having something truly of her own, not of the "character Athanasia". She also called Nox "the child you gave me" in front of Lucas which is so funny.
- Felix freaking out about getting old and offending Claude in the process because he is older than Felix. Claude forcing Felix to drink gross soup to "stay healthy" (torturing him) but Felix not catching on and being moved because Claude "worried so much for him".
- Athy inviting Lucas to see the stars while laying in bed.
- Every Single Cabel Scene. His duel with Lucas was especially hilarious. Him gifting Athy flowers from her own garden and Athy being offended parallels manhwa! Athy being charmed when Lucas did the same. Double standards much, Athy?
- Lucathy's second market date when Lucas doesn't deny being Athy's boyfriend.
- Lucathy's tea party over the lake. It wasn't anything special from a narrative point of view, but it was super sweet and fun.
- Athy insulting the men that harassed her and Jennette when they visited the market (using very colorful slang) and kicking them in the nuts with a candy powered by her mana.
- All of LP!Lucas' scenes. This was always impossible because Spoon wouldn't (and didn't) include the LP extras in the manhwa (I understand, it would make the fandom hate like 75% of the characters), but LP!Lucas was so great OTL.
- Athy defending Lucas in front of Claude and Claude saying he must have cursed/bewitched Athy lmfao.
- Athy shutting Roger and the foreign nobles up (who called her a weak and fragile princess and tried to choose a husband for her) by bending a silver spoon in two.
- Ijekiel rejecting Jennette. It was much more compelling in the novel, expanding on their relationship in a way the manhwa didn't at all, making it a lot less interesting. I wish the manhwa would have kept it as it was, I think both of their characters changed for the worse without that added depth.
- Jennette actually getting upset over literally everyone lying to her. Her reaction in the manhwa is just so unrealistic. Jennette showing her ugly emotions in general, Spoon really didn't let her and it made her character flatter.
- Duchess Alpheus making a small appearance. Ijekiel, are you an orphan in the manhwa?
- Aety being his own character separated from Ana. He was way funnier like that and his motives made more sense, even if he was a clown. Everyone recognizing he was just a fucked up dude.
- CHIEF GRANDPA ASKING FOR ATHY'S HAIR AND BLOOD. Claude exploding half of the tower in retaliation, and then Lucas exploding the other half when he found out.
- Lucas' whole relationship with the royal wizards (who were all ikemen, including Chief Grandpa, by the way). Lucas torturing them, the wizards hating his guts, them not believing Lucas could be in love, Chief Grandpa trying to sell Lucas as a groom to Athy.
-Lucas stabbing Claude AND Athy with the World Tree's branch. Yeah, I know it would have clashed with the more dramatic tone of the manhwa, but it was so good. Athy calling him a murderer was hilarious.
- Athy hiding Claude's identity with magic when they visited the city making him look super ugly and the local men making fun of him. Claude then teaching Athy how to gamble and crushing said men at their own game. Poor Athy thought he was trying to teach her a moral lesson lmao.
- Athy's 18th birthday party, her dance with Lucas and Helena's POV of the whole thing. Yes, it was as hysterical as it sounds.
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ga-yuu · 2 years
Yoshino Is my best girl❤️
I honestly love her because she's so different from the other MCs and so relatable!!!
I like how she can be such a cutie and a badass at the same time❤️❤️❤️!
Because of that I have many questions, so please answer if it doesn't bother you!
1. Does Yoshino kill somebody in any route or event? (If she does she's gonna end up being my waifu with Yona)
2. Does she have any interaction with her rival in love?
3. Does she treat Tamamo like a pet?
4. Is she someone easy to manipulate? (Honestly I don't think so but just in case)
5. Let's try to see ikegen like a visual novel, so we are Yoshino but she is herself and has a personality that sometimes can't be so relatable: who would ship her with?❤️
6. In the end: how will rank Ikemen MCs? (In the game you played ofc)
Thank a lot!
She is not the kind of person who chooses 'killing someone' as means of solving anything. Rather she would choose an alternative that doesn't involve killing. Of course, she's not a saint because she knows that wrongdoings have to be punished and she won't support any heinous act. You won't see her act all innocent and dumb. She would try to evaluate the gravity of the situation first and then decides to select the right punishment. If she thinks that a person deserves a second chance she will try and ask for it....it's not like she will get on her knees and beg 'Please punish me instead!!' or something like that.
But then there are situations where she does threaten to kill anyone if they touch her man. At that time, she knows that what she's doing is wrong and she won't forgive herself for it. But she'll still do it because saving the male lead would be her main priority. As for now, other than killing demons, she hasn't killed any humans.
2. Are you asking about Masako? Yes, she does.
3. Never! She always sees Tamamo as her best friend in every other route except for his. A buddy who will also support her and is always by her side. Due to their pact, her soul feels much closer to Tamamo than any other male lead. It's the same as Yoshitsune does with Kurama. You get what I mean right? It's something more than a friendship but less than a lover. It's a complicated relationship. Sometimes, Tamamo does switch to his little fox form to comfort Yoshino when she feels tired or sad. She'll be hugging him all night.
4. The Shogunate gang never manipulates her.....they bully her. The Rebels are the sweetest cinnamon rolls. They wished she was on their side. The Imperial Court trio is kinda sus. They have an Exorcist, a dead man, and a handsome grandpa.....so they might try to manipulate her because they think they're the darkest people in the world. Yasuchika would manipulate her if the situation demands (#anything for Akihito). Akihito, well, he does manipulate her almost entirely in his route. Ibuki.....I can see him manipulating her in his child form.
5. Wait Ikegen is not a visual novel? I didn't get that question. Do you mean to say 'WE' meaning 'I' am playing the visual novel as the main protagonist who is Yoshino....then who would I ship with? Sorry I didn't get that one!!??
6. Ikemen genjiden MC: Best MC EVER!! In the whole otome universe! You can't change my mind! She's the golden standard for MCs. Love her design! I'm happy that they didn't go for the boring long brown hair and brown eyes. Usually, Ikemen MC's designs seem inferior compared to the beautiful-looking male leads. But this girl has a pact form where her hair turns silver and eyes turn to gold...like a real fox. Not only that! My favorite form of her is in the story event 'Eternal Contract - What if I am a Demon?' where she's an actual demon and her eye color is hot pink and has beautiful pure white hair. I just love that form. Even her personality is very cute. I thought at first she would be dumb...and her only purpose in the game would be nothing more than romance. But I was wrong. Not only that! Yoshino is still useful to the male leads without her fox powers. She can work as a doctor and also get along with the soldiers. She's also very good at giving everyone moral support when necessary. She's my golden child!!! Okay, I'll stop here because I can go on and on about her if I want to.
Ikemen sengoku MC: She's the first sassy MC I've ever played and I like her. I don't know how she is in the JP ver. but in the Eng ver. I think she's really really good!! (Not as much as Yoshino though, no one can beat Yoshino!!). Since Ikemen Sengoku is the oldest game, I will give a pass for her design. I can say that her design and her hairstyle look very modern for Sengoku era. That's why I give her a pass!!
Now the rest feels like first copies of Ikemen Sengoku MC----
Ikemen Vampire MC: Seriously? They're the same person!! Ikesen and Ikevamp MCs look the same.. the difference is one wears a kimono and the other wears a shirt and skirt. Come on! Can't they make her hair or eye color different! or give her some more fashionable clothes. Maybe she's meant to be a relatable MC but at least make her look desirable. The male leads look so colorful with feathers and other accessories attached to their clothes but why not MC? And don't even get me started about her personality....She has no personality! She's vanilla! Other than being horny I found nothing going for her. I'm sorry if I offended Ikevamp MC's fans.
Ikemen prince MC: This girl has personality....BUT she's just too dramatic for me. I find her very loud sometimes and her reactions to things...well....some might think she's pure-hearted, innocent little girl but I don't! I don't care if her personality changes in every route...because no matter which route I play I'm sure I wouldn't really enjoy playing as her. I'd rather put Yoshino in every Ikemen Games if I was the CEO of Cybird! Her design.....yeah boring.....and also, can I ask WHY they made her job as a librarian? instead of author. I mean, her work as a librarian doesn't make sense. Also after she starts dating one of the princes, she just easily gets the librarian job in the palace without any effort. Yoshino had to prove to herself that she is useful both as a pharmacist and a reliable partner in war to everyone and Mai was on her own. Mai started her own business by herself in the Sengoku era!! These two worked hard for their jobs and Ikepri MC simply gets handed over everything just because she's in love with the male lead? Huh? I'm sorry! The plot of Ikepri is all over the place for me. I don't miss playing that game!!
Ikemen Revolution MC: At least!!!!!!!! Her design looks desirable! Blonde hair with blue eyes....perfect!!! Her dress is supposed to be the way it is because she is 'Alice' so yeah...I like that too. I don't know too much about her personality because I only played one route of Ikerev and in that route I found her to be Okay. Not great But okay. That's all I can say.
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aoi-aoi-chan · 5 years
Ikemen Vampire (Japan): The Mystery of Comte ~Three Keywords~
This is the campaign currently ongoing in the JP server for the upcoming release of Comte’s route.
Word 1: Door
Comte de Saint Germain, the man with many secrets. What does he look like in the eyes of the great men......?
One late afternoon, MC overheard the conversation between the two residents in the mansion......
Arthur: Does Sebastian also came to the 19th century through that door?
Sebastian: Yes. I met Comte when I was wandering about in Europe in my era, and he invited me to be the butler of the mansion. When I went through the door, it is 19th century Paris. The door is like something from the dream......!
Arthur: Ahaha...... It does sound like a door of the dream, (through the door) going to the side of the people dying, making them into vampires, and bringing them back. But Comte actually comes up with this crazy idea.
Sebastian: Isn’t that because of Comte’s sympathy towards all resident’s desires?
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Arthur: Even though that’s what we hear, but creating a magical door like that only to make individual wishes come true...... I sometimes can’t help but think that he actually does it for other purposes.
Sebastian: I see what you are saying...... Now that you said that, it does feel mysterious. Both as the butler, and as a great men maniac, I have grown curious, but having a lot of secrets is also part of Comte’s charm......
Arthur: Sebastian is just as always. Well, Comte is a pure blood, maybe he has thoughts that are unthinkable to us who are originally human. His true thoughts are in the mist. Maybe someone who can become intimate with Comte will bring that out.
Word 2: Old Friend
One quiet night, there are several men talking in the church......
Charles: Yo, the pure blood who revived Shakespeare...... Eh......
Faust: You mean Comte Saint-Germain?
Charles: Yes yes. Will, what kind of person is Comte?
Shakespeare: Hm, let me think about it...... When he revived me, he required me to “become his family” as the price. And as he said, he treats me like a real family member...... He is a really compassionate person
Charles: Heh......
Faust: You sound very happy
Shakespeare: I didn’t mean like that
Charles: Comte is previously friends with Vlad, right? Wouldn’t it be nice if he just helps us
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Faust: The compassionate Comte is incompatible with Vlad’s goal. They probably went on separate ways because of that
Charles: Hmm...... If the world Vlad is aiming towards comes true, everyone will definitely be happy. Will, don’t you know what Comte is considering?
Shakespeare: I wouldn’t know something like that. There’s a performance tomorrow, I am going to leave now
Charles: ...... Ah, he left. For Vlad and Comte, it will be great if everyone can just get along. Don’t you think so too, doctor?
Faust: I don’t really care what the pure blood grandpas are thinking, as long as I can have my guinea pigs
Charles: Ahh, why do you always talk about that
What is between the pure bloods remain unclear, and the night goes on......
Word 3: Eternity
...... At dusk, MC looks into the living room of the mansion......
Napoleon: Leonardo, you don’t really go into social circles like Comte, right?
Leonardo: Ah? Why are you suddenly asking this? Do you think I am that kind of person?
Napoleon: ...... I guess not. Because you two have known each other for a long time, so I thought maybe you two have gone to evening parties together
Leonardo: Well, not that I don’t understand why he likes places where people gather. He has already been in the social circle for dozens of years
Napoleon: Dozens of years...... Wouldn’t people around suspect something?
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Leonardo: Usually, pure blood are very careful when it comes to the relationship with humans. Before the difference of age becomes too obvious, they disappear from sight. But that guy dares to not do that. And soon there are rumors that he doesn’t age or die. People around are attracted by the mysterious one...... He is now the star of the social circle. Comte is such a cunning person...... However, as one is more involved in the human society, one experience more encounters and goodbyes. Especially...... No matter how many times one experience it, the loneliness when goodbye is said still sticks around
Napoleon: I see......
Napoleon: That is the fate of the forever living pure blood. I wonder how he takes all of that......
When waiting for a good time to go into the room, a kind voice speaks to MC from behind.
Comte: What is going on, MC, standing at a place like this. Heh, it seems like they are talking about me. Are you also interested in me?
Comte looks at me, his eyes with both teasing and a hint of sweetness, and my cheeks turn hot uncontrollably.
Comte: ...... Haha, I will have hopes if you look like that? However, MC...... There is a huge gap between human and vampire. Do you still want to know me despite that......?
My answer to that question is......
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
ok so yall werent kidding about ikemen grampas, i thought it was just funny url but damn those sure are ikeman grampas
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No, we are very much two ikemen Grandpas :) Thank you for stopping by dear Grandchild!
-Grandpa Blaze and Whirl
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
Do either of you know the Season Of Moments Guide?
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We've heard of him before, but never truly met him until quite recently. Quite a lovely spirit, if a bit eccentric, aren't we all though? Heh.
Me and Blaze like to confuse him on who's who for fun, he still doesn't know what our names are.
-Grandpa Whirl
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
How many moths have you two adopted separately and in total?
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Blaze: To be fair, Whirl has been traveling to more calmer places than me, only lately have I begun to slow down enough to properly adopt.
Whirl: 47 and counting.
Blaze: 61 so far in total!
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
Hi grandpas how are you two today
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Hello dear Grandchild!
We are well, today we decided to visit the library in the Starlight Desert. How are you?
- Blaze & Whirl
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
"It's been less than a day, but I already love my two new grandpas."
- Astro ✨
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Hello Astro! It's so wonderful to have such a sweet Grandchild! We love you too!
- Blaze & Whirl
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
GRANDPAS!! It's my birthday today!!! I wish I could give you some cake! Well wishes from over here!!
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We hope you have a fantastic day!!
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
GRANDPAS! What season do you both hail from? I’m very curious!
Grandpa Whirl: Season...I believe I arrived in the middle of Rythm.
Grandpa Blaze: I personally hail from Season of Belonging! I am older than my hubby. :)
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
Hello! How is your day going?
I was wondering if you two had any thoughts on the lore of Sky?
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Hello there! You'll have to be a bit more specific with your question, dear Grandchild, as we only know the history through guesswork of trying to understand the spirits that inhabit our world.
-Grandpa Blaze
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
Hiiiii, Grandpas! I’m thankful to get to know you two, looking forward to watching your adventures unfold!
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Awwww hello there Grandchild! You are very sweet! We don't know what the future entails, nor if we will have any grand adventures. We hope you enjoy the journey with us nonetheless :)!
-Blaze & Whirl
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
Hello grandpas :D If I may be so bold, when is your anniversary date?
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Hello hello there dear Grandchild! How are you?
Ah, you kids sure are invested in our marriage, haha!
We don't really have calendars, but we do celebrate it in the beginning of summer! :D :D
- Grandpa Blaze & Whirl
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ikemen-grandpas · 1 year
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