#If you are planning to I just think you should think about it yknow. Firstly think about what you want
doctorguilty · 7 months
Long cartoons ramble lol
That was from my queue but making me think abt s2 my biggest fear is s2 is simon being like out of the main story like as a character that just sometimes comes up not just because I like him like yeah but way more importantly I really liked how the dynamic and friendship between him and fionna and cake developed because it was like so extremely important for the entire world building and I get sorta miffed when people are like, uhhh it's fionna and cake not fionna cake and simon get over it 🙄 let other characters (finn gets brought up a lot here) take the spotlight, like firstly you're contradicting yourself because I don't see Finn in the title either, and not to say I don't want to see more of him (I do! And I anticipate more of him!) But he was NOT actually a major part of the story! And isn't actually all the relevant to fionna he NEVER was in the og series, ice king was, but lemme back up. . .
From the beginning, fionnaworld existing in Simon's mind, was entirely impacted by his feelings, which wasn't just the lack of magic it was the fact he was depressed and getting to his wits end, feeling out of place, that's why fionna was so sad in her world, "I'm not feeling like myself today" etc, it wasn't like in a vacuum she was 100% intertwined with him (always was! Ice king wrote her stories!) And the beginning of their relationship was this sort of hostility like simon being angry to know she even existed and wasn't just a foolish machination of the insane ice king, and his peers are like ohhhh we loved those comics ice king wrote, and meanwhile simon is like repeatedly attempting suicide (which would have killed fionnas entire world. Btw.) Fionna is a little more open to him, but leaning towards her self interest of the fact that if he dies her world does, cake meanwhile is like damn this guy sucks.
By the end of the journey though, fionna genuinely cares about him so much she'd rather risk losing the battle to save her and her world than for simon to destroy himself for her (and she does this twice actually! The first time when they were with the lich and fionna had secretly picked up the crown and tried to hide it so simon wouldn't put it on, she even fights with cake over it, her bestie cake), simon cares so much he (ALSO TWICE) tries to go against Betty's wishes to save fionnas world with the crown, and at FIRST it was like a convenient excuse to psychologically off himself like welp I don't care if I live or die, if I throw my brain awake this person lives, then it's settled. Later its like, he so genuinely wants to make the sacrifice he tries doing it in front of his chaos God wife (when originally.. the plan was to see her, apologize, and die with her)
After fionnas world became it's own thing separate from simon.. like, the parallel cannot be missed here, the fact that her world was represented by a dandelion she wished on to save, the fact that Betty blew simon away like blowing like a dandelion wishing for him to go back home and live, he and fionna stay in contact across the multiverse to be friends. And their friendship and love for one another peaked at this point, when they are no longer like involuntarily bound together, they both chose to make the best of the lives they have (fionnas being letting go of the magic she wanted to have, and learning to appreciate her world as it is .. which is better because the way it is, simon is not suffering (as ice king ) for it to exist. That's what her nightmare about the freezer was about.)
Like all the themes and parallels between fionna and simon are so fucking intertwined I cannot even understand why you'd want to see less of that :[ even if it's not the main focus of like, whatever stakes will be introduced in s2, their bond should still be like.. very prominent I feel?? To be like "well we don't need simon anymore since fionnas on her own" kinda like dumps out all of the stuff I was just talking abt yknow?? And idk like rip to you but I'm different ig but was it not super sweet and cute for a peppy 30 year old failwoman, her sassy talking cat, and a 59 year dorky widower with a heart of gold to be adventure buddies like..? :[
"Well Simon's story with betty concluded" I hear a lot well, okay! First of all the conclusion sucked but w/e that's a hot topic of debate, but more importantly, that's fine, that part can be concluded and. The conclusion was (the better part of it) that simon should stop letting his grief about betty kill him from the inside out and instead live the life she sacrificed herself for him to have. So... that.. lines up? Perfectly in fact?? that sets him up for s2 to have more than not a clean slate on one of the most major parts of his character since forever (betty) like if his journey is no longer about her then. He's like pretty fresh to do whatever. And what was ADDED to him was his relationship with fionna and cake. And as much as I WISH he got a happier end with betty, it is what it is, I'm very much ready for simon new game+ where he's happier and (especially since s1 set him up as like being pretty alone and isolated even from the people who love him b/c they're living their own fulfilling lives) gets a reprise with fionna and cake and they're like, his next closest people, and she like, gets another adventure with the person connected to the world of magic she wanted (who himself isn't even magic he's a human like her)
I don't wanna see that shoved to the side it would be heartbreaking!! They're friends! They care so fucking much about eachother! 😭 it's not just me right?? I can't be the only one who doesn't feel like their friendship is integral to the story 😭😭
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obitv · 2 years
do you have any drey/chip/william/insert character headcanons that might not be relevant to canon but are real to u
wiwi time.... i have so many. honestly. a lot of it is from back when i was first getting into the show and the way i fell asleep every night was pondering the many mysteries of eilliam eisp til i had headcanoned enough to be happy. so...
firstly. his body is like.... weird......... even before dying the million extra timed the wisps like. Arent human anatomy experts? theyre keeping him running, sure, but thats it. if william thinks he should be able to eat, he can eat. if he thinks he can sleep, he can sleep. if he thinks his hair should grow, etc etc. obviously after the train death things get... wonky. because not only are the wisps mad at him but having that connection severed weakened it when he got back. sleeping was harder, he ate less, when he DID eat it honestly just hurt sometimes? stuff like that. + wouldve been when his heartbeat started to get irregular and the decay very slowly began to set in. he started painting his nails a lot more around this time so people would stop asking him why his fingernails were purple (fun thing that happens when yr blood doesnt flow right. this isnt projection its called uh. uh. writing what you know).
also iirc smokijg because are you really a wiwi wisper if you dont have elaborate hcs on his relationship with smoking. he wouldve Very casually smoked back in deadwood, more of a "if my friend is smoking and offers me a drag or the ends ill take it, but ill never ask or buy my oen" kinda guy. when he joins the pd he DEFINITELY doesnt pick it back up because if tide didnt kill him dakota probably would since. dakota definitely would have strong opinions on that shut esp when he knew william was. uh. unstable. over the timeskip though uh. he never Planned to take it back up but he was the only one of thrm who kept going to school so he didnt HAVE anyone in the school since i assume he was avoiding summer or something (they said at the start of s2 that he wouldve stayed in school to graduate im working off that). so he started skipping class and ended up in the unofficial student smoking area and. it started as just sitting there bc he knew teachers wouldnt show up but then. well. stressful time, he had a LOT of thingd he didnt wanna think about yeah he definitely fell into it. vyncent minded a But but like. do they have tobacco on fauna idk man. hed ask will not to smoke inskde and kinda leave it at that because lbr those teo didnt talk NEARLY as much as they shouldve. it doesnt even do much for him by the time s2 starts because. yknow. Decay. no blood means no actual nicotine. but its very much habit by then
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iamnotmereally · 3 years
Hello👋fellow biace here
So..its been almost 6 months since school reopened here and i'm in my sophomore year. I had missed my bff so much and now we're literally together almost whole day everyday. But past a few weeks ago, i feel like i love my bff more than as a friend. I've caught myself staring at her more than often like my eyes automatically goes to her all the time. I find her very hot and sometimes i feel like slapping myself for imagining and fantasizing stuff like kissing her and making out. Im scared when she gets a crush and im afraid of losing her. I've been thinking abt confessing to her before its too late, but i dont have the strength to do that.
Have you experienced any such feelings before? I wanna hear about others' experiences and make up my mind👉👈
Personal stuff under cut ig... 🐒Hi
Hm yeah I have felt that actually, not with a best friend though.. she's just a friend.. and yeah I wish I could talk to her more wish she would want to sit next to me I can't take my eyes off her omg she's so pretty.
Now idk what i really feel and I think it would be hard to try to explain it anyway. B Anyway she texted me a few months ago because she had a sexuality crisis and she decided she is straight. well whatever I feel is hopeless anyway
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luckiestblock · 3 years
ive said this in tags of some reblog before but not on an Actual Post, but i dont think that blowing up the community house and setting off tnt at the prison and ranboo having one life are connected.
discussions, counterpoints and additions are welcome. assume all names mentioned are the character, not the creator. 
if you dont understand a part just specify what and i’ll try to re-explain it in a better way
firstly - theres a possibility that, like phil, he just has One Life. with him being part enderman and part ??? its a possibility that could change how many lives he starts with, yknow?
secondly - How could he die by doing those things? like, ranboo is definently smart enough to. not die while setting off tnt. At Most, it’s a suicide mission in the sense that he’d be in a lot of trouble if caught. (and on a meta sense, we know that ranboo didn’t die while setting of the prison because we didn’t see a death message)
third point - i don’t see how it would benefit dream or ranboo, and i dont think there’d ever be a chance for them to talk about it. dream has a very few number of allies (punz, ranboo, and bbh [< possibly just for the prison plans, and being sympathetic towards him]), and losing one, especially one we know that he trusts (giving ranboo the disc, ranboo putting the message at tommy’s house about where to go on jan 20 2020 (disc finale. that), etc).
with him only experimenting on vikkstar and lazarbeam, who. Probably do not have memory problems. he wouldn’t know if ranboo’s ghost would remember everything, and losing ranboo (enderwalk, anyways) would just. be losing an asset (possibly, a friend). since this would have had to been before disc finale, with ranboo being with techno, and new lmanburg before that (iirc), and since there wasn’t a clue of it, (and with punz being logical and saying not to get people everyone would notice), he definitely wouldnt have had a chance for either of them to find out
and its not like he can revive ranboo either- if techno asked him to as a favor, them he could definitely do it without suspicion (whether boo wants to be revived or not is a whole other thing), but considering that dream didn’t expect awesamdude to get Corrupted By Power, i dont think he’d knowingly bank on that - ALSO i dont think we should assume that dream KNEW that ranboo was on one life. like assuming ranboo didnt get Blown Up by accident, we dont even know if dream knew about the experiments, and WE dont even know if ranboo died during the experiments
but uhhh back on point. if dream revived ranboo i think EVERYONE would notice. the Major Players anyway. like. if techno didnt ask. because then people would probably be like “hrm why would dream revive ranboo” and if he did do that the only way they (dream and, maybe ranboo) would get away with it is to play up the “dream is EVIL and is MANIPULATING MINORS” which. would Not work if the base plan was dream go to prison and then get sympathy and says he changed. and if that wouldn’t work then like, ranboo wouldn’t work as a spy anymore. and Stuff
also feel free to ignore this part because Endersmile brain but we Do know that dream cares for (enderwalk) ranboo - or at the very least, trusts him. I don’t think that dream would let ranboo die if he knew that ranboo would Die die - but i dont think he’d just let himself get caught again either. hope we get to see ghostboo and dream ( or just. ranboo in general) interact with each other more
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curriebelle · 5 years
I know the general understanding is that anthony janthony and his angel are Incompetent in the grand scheme of things, but there is one thing I’m going to give Crowley his due credit for — he is a *very* good tempter, and by extension a good manipulator. If he weren’t so averse to outright evil he’d be an excellent demon.
The key to a good demon-temptation is not telling people what *you* want, but making them think *they* want something that benefits *you*. So when Hastur and Ligur describe their temptations at the beginning - putting nasty thoughts in a priest’s head - that is PATHETIC that is just AMATEUR HOUR (imagine dramatic Tennant hand gestures here please.)
His first really good temptation (aside from, yknow, the First Temptation with the Apple and such) is the part of episode 1 he spends convincing Aziraphale to co-parent the Antichrist. Okay, Aziraphale, so you won’t help me save the earth, even though you love the earth as much as I do. What’s something you like, (so I can buy some time, and more information)? You like food, let’s eat. Then let’s drink until you let something slip. And eventually he gets Aziraphale to say something about ineffability and right and wrong, and that’s Crowley’s Way In. Maybe the right thing to do is Thwart my Wiles, right? Don’t appeal to Aziraphale’s own loves - the food, the bookshops - appeal to his angelic sense of righteousness. That’s how you make him do what you want. No wonder Crowley got thrown out of Heaven for asking questions - you need to ask questions to be a good tempter.
The other scene where Crowley pulls one over on people all snake-like is when he outsmarts Hastur after vaporizing Ligur. Crowley needs to buy time, and then he needs to trap Hastur somehow. So, what do demons like? Winning, getting recognized by dukes of hell - he starts with that mostly to buy time. Oh, I’ll call up the dukes right now! Demons also like violence, and vengeful violence even more so, and so goading Hastur to follow him through the telephone is child’s play.
There are great storytelling threads to pull at here - mostly in David Tennant’s performance and in some clever scriptwriting. It’s neat that while Aziraphale senses Love at the paintball nunnery, Crowley can tell what the office workers Want - (they want Real Guns, and he just gives them what they Want).
And, as with any time a character is good at something, it’s neat to look at the moments when they fail. His early temptations succeed, but later in the series he fails temptations three times, all of them with Aziraphale - first with the holy water, then at the bandstand, then with Alpha Centauri. In all of these cases it’s because he’s misunderstanding what Aziraphale wants. He doesn’t care about Insuring the Arrangement, but he Does care about Crowley being disintegrated. He does care about Crowley, but he also cares about that angelic righteousness, believing in the goodness of Heaven and the Plan, and if he can just reach the right people—!
The tactics Crowley uses are so delightfully varied - suggestion, drinking, bribery, painting vivid mental pictures (the only demon with imagination), threats, all manner of coercions. My favourite one is the very hissy “we’re on *our* side” at the bandstand, because — well firstly because it’s a fantastic line delivery — but also because, like all tempters, he’s succumbed to irony and he’s tripped up by his own desires eclipsing those of his target. That’s what *you* want, Crowley.
I heard a piece of writing advice that amounted to “at the beginning of the story, every character wants something and every character needs something, and those should not be the same thing. By the end of the story, the character should realize what they need and either get it or not.” Aziraphale Wants to be a good angel, but he Needs to realize what Heaven is and start to think for himself. It’s neat to see Crowley as a character whose entire existence is shaped around giving people what they Want and Need, and how that contrasts with his own wants and needs, and how that gives Crowley and Aziraphale’s story a lot of movement even if they don’t avert the apocalypse.
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eledritch · 6 years
How do you feel that sheith was kinda destroyed - a fellow sad sheith shipper
Here’s the thing, anon - I don’t at all feel that sheith is dead or anything like that bc of the “You’re my brother. I love you” line. In fact it just reaffirmed my love for sheith :’) @arahir made a great point about this before the season dropped - the whole brotherly or sisterly love thing is something that’s pretty common among queer ppl. 
Like...let me give an example from my own life. I was in denial about being bi until I was a sophomore/junior in high school. When I was in 8th grade (and then again in 9th), I was very close friends with a girl who I soon realized I had romantic feelings for, but I was a) in denial, b) didn’t want to ruin our friendship or her image of me, and c) didn’t even know how to properly articulate the emotions and love I felt for her. 
So I told her she was like my sister. Because I wanted her to know that she meant more to me than just a friend. Even ‘best friend’ didn’t quite seem honest enough. I have a younger sibling, and my love for her is so much more than the love I have for any of my friends.
When Keith says Shiro is like a brother to him, could he literally just mean that - that his feelings for Shiro are brotherly and nothing else? Sure. I’m not ruling out the possibility, but...their relationship and interactions are SO romantically coded, at least to me, that it seems.....improbable. It’s also far more in character for Keith to a) be in denial, b) didn’t want to ruin their friendship or Shiro’s image of him, and c) didn’t even know how to properly articulate the emotions and love Keith felt for him. 
Also, think about the context - Shiro’s clone just hit Keith with perhaps one of the harshest things Shiro could ever say to him - “I should have abandoned you just like your parents did. They saw that you were broken. Worthless. I should have seen it too.” 
In essence - “I should have given up on you like everyone else.” 
And Keith just took it, he put on a brave face, because he was trying to set aside his own feelings to save Shiro. But he was made really vulnerable by that; emotionally vulnerable by Shiro’s words and by Shiro’s cruelty towards him. Shiro was the one person Keith had allowed himself to be vulnerable with, so I can’t even imagine how betrayed, terrified, and upset he was.
If he loves Shiro (well, heh, we already know he definitely loves Shiro, thank you season 6), and by that I mean, loves him as more than a brother, then he didn’t feel able to say that in that moment. But he wanted, perhaps even needed Shiro to know he loved him. 
We’ve seen this before - in the Blade of Marmora episode, when the vision of Shiro was cruel to Keith, Keith responded with the same defense mechanism. This time, because it was obviously a more intense situation and Shiro’s life (and Keith’s) was on the line, he also said “I love you.” So I think Keith’s getting there in terms of coming to terms with how he feels, but after being nearly killed, scarred, and betrayed by Shiro, it makes sense that his heart wouldn’t be able to bear the pain of Shiro laughing in his face when Keith revealed his true feelings. It would be harder for Shiro to deny that they’re like brothers, yknow? Much easier for him to break Keith’s heart with a rejection.
As for anyone trying to claim they’re biological brothers - oh, boy. Firstly, there are some pretty racist implications of jumping to that conclusion so readily, @otasucc explains that quite nicely. 
Besides, setting aside the gross racist implications of insisting the two Asian coded characters MUST be brothers, Krolia didn’t recognize Shiro. And it was implied Keith’s father died (we’ll see, believe me I hope he’s still out there), so....doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of room for biological broganes out there. 
@fenri has a very interesting theory that Keith and Shiro were in the same foster home, but Shiro aged out of it, leaving Keith there, and then likely pulling some strings to get Keith to the Garrison (this was hinted at in the Garrison flashback). 
Just because Shiro is a familial figure for Keith doesn’t invalidate Sheith somehow, and it’s infuriating to me that people think it does. Families love each other. Keith and Shiro built their own little family together. Krolia says as much when she meets Shiro and thanks him for helping to raise Keith into the man he is, and says Keith has told her a lot about Shiro. 
Also? It’s infuriating that of EVERYTHING incredible from that beautiful scene - the heartwrenching fight between them, Keith constantly on the defense trying not to hurt him, Keith pleading with him, Kuron goading him on and trying to break him, Keith never giving up on him because Shiro never gave up on him, the gorgeous fighting animation, the gorgeous scenery, the music, the dialogue, the expressions, the voice acting....out of ALL OF THAT, the most this fandom seems to be taking away is a single line about Shiro being Keith’s brother. 
Miss me with that shit. Appreciate this beautiful scene for what it is - a declaration of emotion and the culmination of every interaction between these two since the first season - instead of shoving your “proof” that Sheith is over down everyone’s throats. Romance is not the point of this show and never was. Things being canon also isn’t the point. Watching the show and enjoying it, critiquing it thoughtfully, and being inspired to create more content because of it is the point. Don’t forget that.
This isn’t aimed at you, anon, and please don’t be sad. This was a good season and I for one enjoyed it a lot. Regardless of what the writers plan to do, Keith & Shiro’s relationship makes my heart very warm and fond. Whatever they have between them is something special and I’m so glad that they got a happy ending this season :’)
Oh, and here’s a cool parallel I noticed ;)
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I will leave you with that
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moony-balloons · 7 years
Oh hey yeah I was gonna make a “what is up with me lately” post so here it finally is! Under a cut bc I don’t know how long it’s gonna be.
So! Firstly, I have a job. I work full time as a cashier at a grocery store, a major chain one BUT it’s part of a smallish franchise owned by a dude who is very nice and community focused, and we’re treated very well so no complaints on that front. I didn’t -actually- want full time for “I have no energy as it is and will not get anything done towards finding a Degree Relevant job if I am spending literally all of my energy at my current job” but my parents were not real receptive to that? So when I was interviewing and the manager asked me if I wanted full time or part time I said I’d take whatever and they put me on as full time bc boy howdy do they need people. Also honestly tbh I don’t mind making that full-time dough, could use the money to build my savings back up and start paying down my student loans faster / buy myself some of the things I’ve been putting off for forever and a day bc “well it’s not ESSENTIAL and I don’t have a job so lol”. I’ve been there for around..... 6 weeks? 2 months? Somewhere in there, and the Exhaustion from working on my feet 8 hours a day every day is reducing as my body gets used to it so I may be able to start getting things done again, aside from the small organizational irl things I’ve been picking away at bc those just make my life and my brain and everything feel cleaner. Clean is good yknow? And my mom’s house is pretty cluttered (less cluttered than her parents admittedly so step in the right direction, but lordy) so wanting my room to at least be neat is nice.
But yeah, on the topic of getting things done for job searching? The troubles I’ve been having, as always, are that I feel like 1) I need to do Everything Right Now bc I want to get a job that utilizes my degree, but that is overwhelming, so I feel like 2) I should take things a bit at a time bc that is the solution to things being overwhelming but that is Not Good Enough Or Fast Enough bc I should be there Now so as a result of those two things clashing I often just end up doing nothing? Which is even worse than moving too slowly, but? With the fact that I don’t have a clearly quantifiable end point in mind with my “I gotta learn x, y and z languages/skills well enough to be able to get a job” goal, I always feel like I am wasting time when I chip away at it bc, oh, maybe THIS skill isn’t important and my time would be better spent learning THIS instead, or maybe no one even does things THIS way anymore and it’s dumb to even learn it bc I will have to learn a different way anyway. Or other such nonsense and basically what I am getting is that my attempts to learn these things keep failing in part bc I am too damn vague and I can’t feel like I am making progress towards my goal if I can’t quantify what my goal IS, or at what pace I “should” be moving towards it. So I plan to try and.... set things up more like as if I was in school? Like give myself deadlines and homework and reading assignments and shit lmao, and see if that works. I also have to remember what the therapist said when I was speaking to him a while ago when I was first starting medication, which was.... I was having this same issue, and he asks me why I feel like I’m not moving fast enough and it’s because I feel like more is expected of me, by both my family and by society in general, and he’s like well basically fuck what they think, you move at whatever pace you can (in much nicer terms obv lmao). And I gotta like, write that on my forehead in sharpie bc that is the thing to remember, getting there more slowly than someone else is fine if that is what I am capable of and it sure as shit beats giving up and never getting there at all.
But I did have a mental health slump recently bc, well, it doesn’t feel great to have a bachelor’s degree and still be doing retail stuff, and getting turned down by countless actual tech jobs in the meantime. Being rejected by the most recent one hurt the most because it was one of those “oh we’re looking for more of a personality fit than a skills fit!” type positions, and it was an internship (a new position they were still in the process of working out even what that entailed, but even so) and they liked my personality and invited me to take a skills test...... and I didn’t complete it in time, and they were basically like uh yeah we’re gonna pass. Like, not looking as much for a skills match but my skills disqualified me anyway. And then on top of that! The weekend before last I went to help my grandpa put in his new air conditioner (he still uses the kind you have to mount in a window) and he had a nice snide comment about “6 years at [school] and all you can say is, do you want fries with that” which, A, 4 and a half years, thanks, but also B, can you not??? He’s very much of the opinion that college is a waste of time and computers are on their way out and have overstayed their welcome and I should learn a SKILL (anything that doesn’t result in physically building something with your hands is not a skill in his book) bc only people with SKILLS are useful/valuable/etc. I know that he’s wrong about that and that his “if it wouldn’t help you in the apocalypse then it’s dumb and not worth knowing” attitude is not anywhere near the norm, but the fact that it echoes the insecurities I already have about myself re: being dumb and useless just made it REALLY hit home. Bc like...... idk. I can combat my own bad things I think about myself with, well yeah, you have depression and are definitely not as bad as you think you are, you’re just looking at yourself with poop-tinted glasses bc mental illness. But if someone ELSE says it, well, clearly they must be right! Which is dumb af but that’s what my brain does. BUT after spending time with my very pissy grandpa I went over to my dad’s house and got to pet my dog a lot and Dad made burgers on the grill which was excellent (my stepdad considers himself a grillmaster but honestly tbh keep this a goddamn secret but I like my dad’s burgers better) and they showed me the house they bought, which has 4 bedrooms and would theoretically have space for me to stay with them should I ever need it, unlike their current house which is small af and causes some inconveniences if I end up having to stay the night lol. Also the new house has a fireplace and a loft area above the living room which I am SO sure their cats are gonna love.
Artwise I’m in a similar spot to where I am career-wise, which is “I would love to do a fancy finished detailed thing but I definitely won’t have the energy to actually do it to my satisfaction so I should work on just practicing little things but that is not good enough and I have to be able to do awesome cool things right now” and the fact that I don’t have a good, comfortable drawing space doesn’t help. I keep meaning to work on it and I do believe that in bits and pieces, I will, it’s just one of those things where I want to draw and then if I do start, I immediately hate it and want to stop, and lately haven’t had the energy to push through it. XD Just weh.
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