#Idk just wanna succeed and not feel stuck or redundant in my style
mmollymercury · 2 years
Stupid vent:
Recently, I think I've been having an art crisis. It might be because I'm doing encantober- aka a finished drawing everyday,, although I'm not really burnt out?? I'm really happy I've been able to do this challenge daily and sometimes, I forget that I've actually achieved doing a drawing every day, like it doesn't particularly exhaust me. It's weird, I think I just have some days were I get scared that I'm regressing skill wise, like my art quality isn't improving its getting worse, and I really don't want that. Idk maybe it's in my head but the thought has been bothering meee. It's hard to explain, I just don't want my drawings to look stiff or expressionless. I shouldnt really do this: but I've been looking at other ppls art and even my old art vs now and thinking abt whether mine is good enough. Sighhhh😭😭😭 art problemsss
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