mortonsalts · 1 year
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˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗  DELMAR O’DONNELL  ˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗
Tim Blake Nelson in O Brother, Where Art Thou? (2000)
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spidernerdsblog · 4 years
A/N : What if will be my personal take on Spiderman movies. This is an oneshot on Spiderman: Homecoming showcasing a platonic relationship between Peter Parker and Stark reader. Their relationship will evolve as per the sequels. Most of the original scenes from the movie is included. Trying something new hope you like this. Feedback and suggestions are always welcome.
Pairing : Peter Parker x Stark reader ( platonic)
Summary : After the events of Civil War the Avengers have broken Tony Stark is busy being a mentor to his new recruit Peter Parker aka Spiderman  who wants to prove that he is worthy to be a part of the Avengers. Things get interesting when he crosses path with none other than the heiress of Stark Industries Y/N Stark aka Ironheart. What does the future hold for them?
Warnings : mild language, suggestive themes.
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“What?! I have to go to Midtown High!” You couldn’t believe your ears. 
“Whyyy?! What’s the problem with my present school?" 
"It’s my decision and it’s final.” Tony said firmly. 
“Mooom! You agreed to this?” you turned to Pepper with a puppy face. 
“Don’t look at me, it was your father’s decision." 
"But you are literally the CEO of Stark Industries, you are the one to decide.” You whined. 
“Uh uh little miss I still own Stark Industries and being your father I’m the CEO of your life. So Y/N H. Stark you are going to Midtown High to complete your studies.” “Besides Parker will be there you’ll be fine." 
"You mean the spider boy, your new recruit?" 
"Your dad thinks Peter will be a good influence on you. Taken for your ever growing rebellious behaviour." 
"He’s a nerd and how are you so sure that your pretty little daughter won’t corrupt your young apprentice.” You smirked, raising an eyebrow. 
“He’s a nice kid Y/N you’ll like him. And one more thing you are not allowed to carry your suit or any of the Stark tech during school hours." 
"You gotta be shitting me! This is so not done!" 
"Uh uh language young lady" 
"Now you also don’t start like Cap." 
Peter had resumed his studies at the Midtown School of Science and Technology after Tony Stark told him he is not yet ready to become a full Avenger. He made it a daily routine to report everything he does the whole day ` to Happy. 
Happy scoffs at the numerous incoming messages. 
"Who is it?” you wiggled your brows sitting at the backseat of your posh car. 
“Ain’t that lucky kiddo. As usual our Spiderling." 
"He’s quite dedicated I see."  You chuckle. 
Your car pulls over in front of your new school. Happy opens the door for you as you step out of the car and let out a deep breath in anticipation of the new life ahead. Happy followed you as you walked inside. You felt a little embarrassed and stopped him. 
"Happy you don’t need to escort me inside the school. I’m not a 5 year old. You can leave, I’ll be fine.” You assured him. 
You walked past the hallways you could feel all eyes were on you students whispering to themselves to see none other than Y/N Stark in their school. You kinda felt overwhelmed with the attention you got.
You walked a little when you caught sight of that familiar mop of brown hair. You never met Peter in person but you have seen him quite a few times in the compound you went and placed your hand on Peter’s shoulder. 
“Hey underoos!” Peter jumped back as he turned to look who called him by this name. And he was dumbfounded to see you. He had seen you in magazine covers and ofcourse in your social media handles but you were breathtakingly beautiful in real life even in just a simple sweatshirt paired with jeans and sneakers. Your hair let loose cascading down your shoulders. 
“Hey- hi you.. You must be Miss Stark. I’m Peter.. Peter Parker.” He fumbled 
“I know and it’s Y/N no need to be formal as we are gonna be classmates. Anyways how are you by the way after that whole…” He cut you off 
“Yea.. Yeah I’m fine. The Stark summit was really hectic but I got through it” He widened his eyes and nodded his head sideways. You got the hint and played along. 
“Great! Hey I was hoping you could show me around your school?" 
"It will be my pleasure to give you a tour of our school.” Flash dropped in between your conversation from nowhere pushing Peter aside. 
“Who the hell are you?” you looked at him sceptically. 
“Oh sorry where are my manners, Flash - Flash Thompson.” he said with a smug face. 
“Oh! nice to meet you but I’m not currently into flashy things so if you would excuse us.” You shut him up. 
“Shall we?” you turned to Peter. 
“Yeah - yeah sure.” Peter stuttered. 
“You are Ned Leeds right? Nice to meet you too.” You gave a smile and walked past them. 
“Oh she knows my name.” Ned freaked out. 
“Students I would like to introduce you to your new classmate Miss Y/N Howard Stark.” Ms Warren introduced you.
“Hello everyone would really appreciate it if you call me by my name.” You said coyly and then went back to your seat. Ms Warren carried on with the class. 
“An object is thrown vertically with a velocity of v. What is its velocity at the highest point…" 
"0m/s.” You answered casually while taking notes in your notebook even before Ms Warren could finish her question. The whole class stared at you for your lightning speed answer. You felt intimidated with their stare. 
“Umm when examining vertical motion, the vertical velocity will always be zero at the highest point. At this point, the acceleration from gravity is working to change the motion of the ball from positive to negative. This change is represented by the x-axis on a velocity versus time graph. As the object changes direction, its velocity crosses the x-axis, momentarily becoming zero.” You explained your answer. You were indeed beauty with brains. 
“Thank you Y/N" 
"So let’s move on to the next question, how do we calculate linear acceleration between points A and B? Flash raised his hand. 
“Uh it’s the product of the sine of the angle and the gravity divided by the mass.”
“Peter you still with us?” He was busy looking at his own spiderman footage. 
“Umm yeah, yeah" 
"Uh mass cancels out so it’s gravity times sine”
“See flash being the fastest is not always the best, if you’re wrong. The whole class burst into laughter. 
During recess Peter kept staring at Liz with lovestruck eyes who was busy organising for the homecoming. 
"Did Liz get a new top?” he asked Ned. 
“Oh no you have seen it before but not with that skirt." 
"Probably we should stop staring before it gets creepy though." 
"Too late.You guys are losers.” MJ quipped. 
“Then why do you sit with us?" 
"Because I don’t have any friends." 
"Hey who said you don’t have friends. Mind if I sit?” you chirped. 
“No not at all." 
"It’s Y/N by the way Y/N Stark." 
"Michelle Jones, call me MJ." 
"And you creepos are really hopeless. Just go and tell her what you feel.” You snickered. 
“No I’m fine.” Peter got up abruptly flustered.
The school decathlon team was practicing in the hall whilst Peter tried to make Mr Harrington understand that he would be unable to participate. 
“Peter, it’s nationals. Is there no way you could take one weekend off?" 
"I can’t go to Washington because if Mr Stark needs me then I have to make sure that I am here." 
"You have never been in the same room with Tony Stark.” Flash jabbed. 
“Wait, what’s happening?” Cindy asked. 
“Peter’s not going to Nationals." 
"No, no, no.” Cindy said
“Why not?” Abraham smacks the bell.
“Really, right before Nationals?” Liz scowled. 
“He already quit marching band and robotics lab.” MJ pointed out as all the students stared at her. 
“I’m not obsessed with him, I’m just very observant!” MJ clarified. 
“Flash you’re in for Peter." 
"Pfff…. I don’t know, I gotta check my calendar first. I gotta hot date with black widow coming up.”
“That is false!” Abraham smacks the bell again. 
“What did I tell you about using the bell for comedic purposes? Mr Harrington warned him. 
You mistakenly stumbled into the room where the practise was going on, everyone’s attention shifted towards you. 
"Oh! sorry I was just looking for the robotics lab.” You apologized. 
“Hey Y/N can join us too.” Flash suggested. 
“Join you where?” you frowned. 
“Our academic decathlon team as Parker has chickened out." 
"No, no Flash there has been strict instructions from Mr Stark that Miss Stark should not be engaged in any kind of extracurricular which requires her to go out of the school premises for safety reasons.” You cringed internally.
“Umm first of all Mr Harrington with all due respect please call me by my name I am just a normal student of yours like others over here. And secondly screw my old man I’m in only if you are okay with that." 
"We will be glad to have a genius like you, welcome to the team Y/N." 
Peter was just waiting for the school bell to ring. As soon as the bell rang he ran out of school jumping off the gate. 
"Nice jump.” You appeared from the side startling him. 
“Sorry didn’t mean to startle you again." 
"Uh it’s OK. You didn’t go home?" 
"Nah my dad is on a trip to India so no one there to watch over me. And I’m not going to miss this opportunity so thought of exploring Queens today as I’m new here." 
"And this place will be my second home till I graduate but first I need to grab something to eat I’m starving." 
"I know a place that has the best sandwiches in Queens.”
“Great! Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go.” You chirped. 
You followed Peter as he led you to the place. 
“What’s up Mr. Delmar?” Peter greeted him as you entered the store. 
“Hey Mr Parker, no. 5 right?" 
"Yeah and with pickles can you squish it down real flat? Thanks.”
“And who is this pretty lady?" 
"She is Y/N Stark, our new classmate." 
"You got lucky kid.” Mr Delmar smirked. 
“Oh no it’s.. It’s nothing like that.” Peter got nervous. 
“Yeah I’m new here he is just showing me around.” You backed him up. 
“How’s your aunt?" 
"Yeah she’s alright." 
"La tía de este, es una italiana que está buenísima.” Mr Delmar says to his co-worker. 
“¿Cómo está tu hija?” Peter stuck out his tongue a little. 
“Damn!"you giggle, smacking Peter’s arm slightly shocked and impressed by his comeback. 
”$16" Mr Delmar demanded. 
“It’s $8" 
"For that comment $16”
“Hey C'mon I was joking, I was joking. Here $8." 
"So how’s school?" 
"Ah you know boring got better things  to do." 
"Stay at school kid, stay at school otherwise you’re gonna end up like me.”
“wow this is great!" 
"Best sandwiches in Queens!" 
You turned to leave as Peter got the sandwiches. 
"She’s beautiful,” Mr Delmar mouthed to Peter. 
Peter raised his hands dismissively and mouthed “no”. 
Peter handed you the sandwich after coming out of the shop. 
“Thanks I owe you a sandwich.Okay then see you at school tomorrow." 
"You can go on your own right?” Peter asked before leaving. 
“Yeah Peter I’m Ironheart I can take care of myself." 
"Then I better go." 
"Yeah bye goodluck with your spidermaning." 
That very night you saw the news of Spiderman preventing criminals from robbing an ATM with their advanced weapons. On the other hand as Peter tries to sneak into his apartment after stopping the robbery, Ned discovers his secret identity. 
Ned was so excited to know that his best friend is an avenger he bombarded him with questions the next day. During gym class Ned and Peter overhear Liz’s conversation with Betty about her crush on spiderman. Ned tries to help Peter. 
"Peter knows Spiderman!” Ned blurted out garnering everyone’s attention towards them. 
“Uh - no I don’t no I - I mean.” Peter stammered. 
“They are friends.” Ned added. 
“Yeah like coach Wilson and Captain America are friends.” Flash made fun of him. 
“I - I met him yeah a couple of times but it’s a- through the Stark internship. 
Yeah well I’m really not supposed to talk about it.” He glared at Ned. 
“That’s awesome! hey why you know what may be you should invite him to liz’s party right?" 
” Yeah I’m having people over tonight more than welcome to come.“
"You’re having a party?" 
"Yeah it’s gonna be dope you should totally invite your personal friend spiderman.”
“It’s okay I know Peter is way busy for parties anyways so”
“Oh c'mon he’ll be there right Parker?" 
You were standing beside MJ irritated with Peter and Ned’s childish behavior witnessing the whole drama unfold. When Flash tried to woo you again. 
"Hey Y/N you are very much welcome too. I know these are not your kind of parties but I’ll make sure you’re comfortable.”
“Thanks Flash will give it a thought.” you gave a tight lipped smile. 
“What are you doing?"  Peter snapped at Ned. 
"Helping you out. Did you not hear that? Liz has a crush on you!” Peter opened his mouth to say something stopping midway realising Ned was right. 
“Dude you’re an avenger if anyone of us has a chance with a senior girl it’s you." 
As everyone was leaving you briskly walked towards Peter pulling him aside. 
"What the fuck was that?!” You muttered in his ears. You were about to say more but you stopped seeing Ned coming near. 
“He knows.” Peter pointed towards Ned. 
“Okay so what the fuck was that?! You said out loud this time to both of them. 
"We are not supposed to swear in school.” Ned interrupted you. 
“Ned better not make me open my dictionary.” You glowered at him. 
“You do know right what my dad is capable of doing if he comes to know that you are using your superhero identity as a trick to woo some girl?” you snapped at Peter. 
“But- but I didn’t say anything. It was Ned.”
“C'mon Y/N don’t be a buzzkill Peter really likes Liz this is his only chance.” You huffed rolling your eyes. 
“Do whatever you please but being a girl myself I can assure you that this won’t work you dumbasses." 
Though you didn’t want to come to this party because this is nothing to the parties you are used to attending but you gave in for MJ. You two sort of have become really close friends so you couldn’t say no to her. 
” Oh my god hi guys, cool hat Ned.“
’‘Hi liz” Ned and Peter both greet her.
“I’m so happy you guys came." 
"There’s pizza and drinks. Help yourself.”
“It’s a great party” Peter complimented.
“Thanks. Have fun.” Liz goes to attend other guests.
“Dude what are you doing? she’s here spider it up" 
"No, no, no I can’t - I cannot do this”
“Y/N was right, spiderman is not a party trick." 
"Look I’m gonna be myself" 
"Peter nobody wants that” Ned said bluntly
“Dude!” Peter seemed offended. 
“Penis Parker what’s up?” Flash quipped. 
“Where’s your pal spider man? Let me guess in Canada with your imaginary girlfriend." 
Flash as usual started bullying him, you felt like punching him right at his face but then you thought Peter brought it upon himself and why are you even feeling sorry for a boy you have known for just a few days. Peter went off to the terrace to change into his spiderman suit. He didn’t feel right about what he was doing. Just then he saw an explosion far away and he went off to see what’s the matter. After sometime you noticed Peter was nowhere to be found. 
Later in the night when you came back home you got to know about Peter and how he came across a gang of criminals selling high tech weapons. He went to save the guy who was buying the weapons and got caught in a fight with a vulture guy who dropped him in a lake, he nearly drowned after becoming tangled in the parachute built into his suit for his safety. Thanks to your dad, who was monitoring the Spider-Man suit sent a rescue bot to save him.
Next day at school Peter was trying to dismantle the weapon as he repeatedly hit it with a hammer to separate the glowing core and study it. 
"Hey thanks for bailing on me.” Ned grimaced. 
“yeah well something came up.” Peter muttered showing Ned the glowing core he retrieved from the crime scene. 
“Woah! what is that?" 
"I don’t know, some guy tried to vaporize me with it.”
“Seriously? awesome!” Peter frowned. 
“I mean not awesome, totally uncool, that guy so scary." 
"I think it’s a power source" 
"Yeah but it’s connected with these microprocessors that’s an inductive charging plate that’s what I use to charge my toothbrush.” Ned explained. 
“Whoever is making these weapons is obviously combining the alien tech with ours." 
"It’s literally the coolest sentence anyone has ever said. I just wanna thank you for letting me be part of your journey into this amazing." 
"Hey I heard you were dunked into the lake by some flying vulture guy. How are you now?” you suddenly walked in. 
Peter jumped out of his skin in fear as he and Ned scrambled to hide the glowing object from you. 
“Yea..yeah I’m..I’m fine.” he said nervously. 
“What’s the matter?” you frowned looking at their horrified expressions. 
“Uh- nothing" 
"Why do I have a feeling that you guys are hiding something from me?” you eyed him sceptically. 
“Hiding, wha…what will I be hiding from you?” he stuttered. You narrowed your eyes in suspicion. 
“It’s boys stuff girls can’t know.” Ned backed him up. 
“Huh! Okay.. Whatever…” you scoffed rolling your eyes.
“Anyways the reason I came to you is Dad is back from his trip and he asked me to tell you to stop by the compound today after school." 
"What!? Really??Any new mission?” His face lit up in excitement. 
“Oh no, no he has something to do with you in the lab." 
"Oh okay.”
Later in the day after school you were in the lab engrossed in working on some new upgrades for your suit. 
“Hey” Peter said timidly. You turned. 
“Oh hi there, was waiting for you only." 
"You said Mr Stark had some work with me." 
"Yeah he has but an urgent meeting came up so he told me to do the work instead.He’s probably making some new upgrades for your suit and told me to take a body scan of yours." 
"Oh that’s cool." 
"Okay now take off your clothes."  you turned and continued working on the control panel.
"FRIDAY needs to scan your body so hurry up we don’t have the whole day” you reasoned. 
“Bu..But” he stammered. 
“Oh C'mon don’t be so confident about yourself I won’t swoon over seeing you in just your boxers.” You scoffed. 
“Umm okay.” Peter turned around and started taking off his clothes hesitantly. 
You turned around and instantly regretted because the sight for you was to behold. You actually thought you would swoon over seeing his chiselled back muscles. He is definitely over dressed to give away what’s underneath. You were grateful Peter wasn’t facing you to see you all flustered.
“Okay Peter you stand on that platform.” You instructed. 
He turned around facing you and now you could see his toned abs in full glory. 
“Fuck!” you cursed under your breath. For a moment you felt the air was knocked out of your lungs. You felt your chest tighten as you gasped for air, a heat rising in your body. You cleared your throat trying to ease the tension. 
“Man you are ripped why don’t you wear a little less clothing at school maybe it can help Liz to notice you.” Peter blushed at your comment. 
You tapped some buttons on the panel as FRIDAY did the scan. 
“So what upgrades is Mr Stark working on?” Peter asked, putting back his clothes on.”
“I don’t know, he said he’s working on something and I’m least interested in things which aren’t related to me." 
"Okay then see you later.” Peter pursed his lips smiling. 
“yeah bye” you got busy with your work. Peter turned to leave as he stopped in his tracks and turned back. 
"Best of luck for the decathlon.” he smiled softly. 
“Oh thanks.”
“Okay then bye.”
“Hmm bye.” You smiled. 
Back at Peter’s apartment, he and Ned were tracking the homing beacon that Peter attached to the arms dealer. The tracking device on Schultz leads to Maryland which was not far away from D.C., which makes Peter reconsider his decision to join the decathlon team. 
Next day when the team was about to leave for D.C. Peter showed up. 
“Hey it’s Peter.” Cindy exclaimed
“Peter?” Liz frowned.
“Hey I was hoping if I could rejoin the team.”
“No, no way you can’t just quit on us and stroll up and be welcomed back by everyone” Flash protested.
“Hey Peter! welcome back! Flash you are back to first alternate." 
“He’s taking your place.” Abraham laughed. 
“Uh excuse me, can we go already? I was hoping to catch in some protesting in front of some embassy before dinner .” MJ quipped. 
“Protesting is patriotic. Let’s get on the bus." 
Flash was furious as he took off his blazer and threw it at Peter. 
You became suspicious with Peter’s sudden change in plans and kept an eye on Peter the whole bus ride. 
At the hotel room after a lot of pleading Ned agreed in helping Peter disable the tracker your dad  implanted in the Spider-Man suit, and unlock its advanced features. Peter sneaks out of the hotel room but is stopped by Liz who asks him to loosen up a bit and have fun with everyone near the swimming pool. He was first tempted in spending time with his crush but his duties as spiderman stopped him from doing so and he also wanted to prove his worth to his mentor Tony Stark. 
With a heavy heart he swings off to stop Toomes from stealing weapons from a D.O.D.C. truck, but instead gets trapped inside, causing him to miss the decathlon tournament. When he discovers that the power core is an unstable Chitauri grenade, Peter races to the Washington Monument. 
Midtown High won the competition and Mr Harrington took you all for a visit to the Washington Monument. Peter tries to warn Ned about the explosive he’s been carrying around but it goes in vain. The Chitauri core gets unstable as it gets exposed to radiation in the x-ray scanner during security check in. You all boarded the elevator whilst the tour guide gave you the details about the Monument.  
Ned threw his bag away as he felt some vibrations coming from it. The core detonated causing a massive explosion shaking the whole building as a crack developed on the roof of the elevator. Everyone cried out in panic as you all got trapped inside it. You immediately put on your AI powered glasses that you snuck off from the lab incase of emergency. 
"FRIDAY??” you asked for the status report. 
“The emergency exit is blocked by debris of rubble Miss Stark.” FRIDAY informed. 
“So I need to blast off the blocked exit.” You activated your custom wrist watch which just like your dad’s watch turned into your Ironheart gauntlet giving access to your suit’s repulsor.
“Everybody duck down and cover your heads.” You commanded aiming your repulsor to the blocked exit and blasting it off. 
The door was cleared and slowly the rescue team started pulling you all out of the elevator one by one. But you knew very well the commotion had reduced the impact time for the elevator to fall. You really wished you had your suit with you. The cables snapped as the elevator started falling with Ned, Liz and Mr Harrington in it. Fortunately Spiderman was right on time as he webbed it up and pulled the elevator up eventually saving everyone. 
The news of the whole incident was everywhere as you all were escorted out of the building by the security officials. MJ came running and hugged you. 
“Oh! Y/N I was so scared. You okay?" 
"Yeah fortunately.”
A few minutes later Happy arrived at the place, he hurriedly came to you. 
“Oh God Y/N you alright?" 
"Yes Happy I’m fine see not a single scratch.”
“Save that for your dad he is so mad at us for letting you come here alone." 
"I’ll handle him, don’t worry. Let’s go home then?" 
Back at the compound you were about to go to your room but was stopped by your dad he looked angry. 
"Where do you think you are going young lady? Don’t you think you have got some explanation to do?" 
"For what?” you asked bluntly. 
“For participating in a school event and carrying the stark tech with you which I had forbidden." 
"Tony I don’t think it’s the right time, we should be glad she came home safe and sound from that horrifying accident, let her rest. We can do this later and I was the one who gave her permission. It wasn’t even her fault." 
"Uh uh Pepper don’t guard her. Let her speak because this wouldn’t have happened if she didn’t defy my orders in the first place.”
“Dad, what is the use of going to school if I don’t participate in the co curricular activities? It’s better you homeschool me if you have got so much problem." 
"Because unlike others your life is always under mortal danger because of your father’s job. And he is always trying hard to protect the only two precious things in his life. But you have made it a motto of your life to defy each and everything I say." 
"Oh yeah and if I hadn’t carried my repulsors with me then your precious daughter would have been dead by now.” You jabbed. 
“You are not using that tone with me little miss you are grounded for two weeks." 
"What! That’s outrageous!” you protested. 
“You heard me now go back to your room.”
“Why did you even bring me back? I was better off at my boarding school." 
"Because your father cares about your safety." 
"The only thing you care about is your reputation. That is why the avengers broke up in the first place. That is why Cap is not with us nor is Nat." 
"Now you are crossing your limit girl.”
“You never saw me as your daughter dad, admit it you just see me as your heiress. It has always been about you and your goddamn ego!!” your face reddened with anger. 
“That’s it I had enough of your reckless behaviour go to your room now!” Tony lost his temper. 
“As long as you are under my roof you are bound to follow whatever I say!" 
"Fine then I’m leaving!!” tears spilled out your eyes. 
“Where do you think you are going at this hour?" 
"Wherever my eyes lead me to!!” You yelled. 
“Y/N! Wait!” Pepper called you back but you ran off rubbing your eyes. 
Tony collapsed on the couch holding his head. Pepper sat beside him rubbing his shoulder. 
“Was I hard on her?” he asked weakly. 
“I think you might have gone a little overboard with her Tony." 
"It was for her good only.’' 
"I know Tony you were just trying to protect her.”
“I think I failed to be a good father.”
“No Tony you have tried your best but she’s growing up now you have to understand that you can’t always keep her away from danger. You have to let her go, she has to learn to deal with the world on her own. Just have a little faith in her.”
“I mean if it wasn’t for Y/N carrying the repulsors with her they would have been trapped in the elevator for how long god only knows.” Pepper made him understand. 
“I know and I’m really proud of her." 
"Then show her that you are, everything she does is just to get a little appreciation from her dad.”
“Yeah you’re right maybe I have been a little cold towards her. I should go find her.”
“Don’t worry she’ll come back once she cools down. She is a Stark with the brains; she has inherited your stubbornness too, gotta deal with that.” Pepper chuckled trying to lighten the mood. 
“Didn’t know parenting will be so hard.” He chuckled. 
“Think about my condition then, I have to take care of a headstrong teenager as well as a man child." 
You had your earphones on as you walked briskly down the busy road. You weren’t paying much attention to your surroundings so you couldn’t hear the honking of the truck behind you but before it could hit you, you were swooped from the ground. You found yourself in the arms of none other than spiderman. 
"Peter if you drop me I swear I’m gonna blast your ass off.” You wriggled in his arms. 
“Just stop moving will you? Or else we both will fall.”
“Oh! my god I’m not looking anymore.” You buried your face in the crook of his neck panicking. 
He finally put you down on the terrace of a building and took his mask off. 
“What were you thinking?” He frowned. 
“What was I thinking!? Why the hell are you even here?!” you huffed 
“I just saved your life and you are yelling at me!”
“Nobody asked you to but thank you spiderman. Happy now?! “ You jabbed. 
"You could have got hurt Y/N” Peter said softly. 
“Why do you even care?!" 
"We are friends Y/N and that’s what friends do, they care." 
"Nobody cares about me Peter! Nobody!” you screamed. 
“Hey everything alright?” He asked with concern placing his hands on your shoulders. You soften a little bit as tears brimmed your eyes. Peter pulled you closer embracing you in a hug. You cried your heart out. 
“Hey it’s gonna be okay you can tell me.” He said caressing the back of your head. 
“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. Was in a bad mood, had a fight with dad.” You sniffled pulling yourself back from him. 
“Yeah I understood." 
"Care to tell why?" 
"You know my dad how control freak he can be. He was mad at me for carrying my repulsors and participating in the decathlon. So had an argument, things got heated and I ran out of the house." 
You both sat on the edge of the terrace. You took out two beer cans from your bag and handed one to him. 
"Here take" 
"I don’t drink plus it’s illegal" 
"Jeez you are really the embodiment of a perfect good boy just like my mom said.”
“Yeah I know people get confused that why do I call Pepper mom but she is the best.”
“You are really close to her aren’t you?”
“That’s true.. Umm where to start actually. First of all I’m a product of one of my dad’s crazy night escapades which pretty sure didn’t go well because I’m here in front of you.” You chuckled. 
“My mom I mean my biological mother left me at his doorstep in a casket when I was around nine months as per I was told with a note." 
She’s yours. I can’t take her responsibility. 
"My dad initially was shocked and worried about his image and reputation in public after they would get to know about his secret daughter. He was up for giving me for adoption but then Pepper I mean my mom stepped in. She was ready to take up my responsibility while working for my dad. My dad agreed eventually. And since that day I have known her as my mother. My biological mother wouldn’t have done half of the things she has done for me all these years.”
“You and I are on the same page then. After my parents’ disappearance aunt May and uncle Ben looked after me as their own son. For me they will always be my parents.”
“At least you don’t have daddy issues, you didn’t have to wake up one fine day to know your dad has been kidnapped by the ten rings set up by Stane and then in no time the world knows him as the Ironman. Then he shipped me off to a boarding school citing my safety. Which I initially thought he didn’t want me around him but then our house got blown by the Mandarin and then I realized he maybe is worried about me. And then Avengers broke up and you came into our lives. Dad never praised me or even said that he liked me and I hated it when he praised you like non stop Peter is this, Peter is that. Can you imagine I was transferred to Midtown High because he wanted me to be with you so I could learn something from you.”
“I would say that’s an exaggeration. 
But now I get it why is he so fond of you. You are really a good guy Peter.”
“Thanks I guess.” Peter blushed. 
“Okay enough of my sob story. Now can you enlighten me spidey why was Ned carrying an explosive Chitauri core in his bag?" 
"Uh explosive.. What explosive??” Peter stammered. 
“Did anyone ever tell you that you are a terrible liar? Plus I had the place scanned by FRIDAY, now tell me the truth." 
"You can’t tell Mr Stark about this okay. I have come across a gang of criminals who are making illegal and deadly weapons with alien tech. I told Mr Stark about this but he despised me for getting involved in this." 
"Holy shit!! Dude you are sneaking behind my dad’s back. And he thinks you’re the purest soul on earth. So how much have you progressed with this?” you asked excitedly. 
“Not much actually.”
“Okay then best of luck detective Parker. By the way it was nice talking to you.”
“Anytime” Peter smiled
“One thing I can say Mr Stark loves you a lot Y/N that is why he’s so protective about you. Trust me I know sometimes it might feel a little annoying but when that person is gone from your life forever then you get to understand his worth. Don’t do anything that you might have to regret later.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
“Okay then let’s get you home shall we?”
“Yup need to apologise to my old man." 
You hold on to Peter tightly as you swinged across the city back to the compound. You tiptoed to the lab to find your dad working. 
"Hey Dad” you called out softly. Tony turned to see you standing at the door he got up and rushed to you hugging you tightly, heaving a sigh of relief. 
“Oh! Y/N you’re back! I’m so sorry for yelling at you like that.”
“I’m sorry too I should have listened to you.”
“No honey you did the right thing you saved so many lives and I’m proud of you.”
“Really?!” you were overwhelmed and shocked to hear that, this was the first time your father actually praised you. 
“Of course dear I’m so lucky to have a daughter like you. I know I have become a sort of overprotective father but can you forgive your old man? He just fears that you don’t turn out like him." 
"Hey I will be glad if I become just like you. You are the best.” You snuggled into him. 
Spiderman became a hot topic in the whole school . Peter was overwhelmed with how everyone was talking about him. But to his luck the Principal sent him to detention for ditching the team. But Peter decided to sneak off from there to catch the bad guys. At home with the help of Karen he came to know about Aaron Davis the buyer he saved the other day. He went to confiscate him and persuaded Davis to reveal Toomes’ whereabouts that they were having a deal at the Staten Island Ferry at 11 am. He reached spot to catch them red handed. 
“Incoming call from Tony Stark.” Karen notified. 
“No, no, no. Don’t answer!” Peter panicked. 
“Mr. Parker, got a sec?" 
"Uh, I’m actually at school." 
"No, you’re not!” Karen said
“Nice work in DC, my dad never really gave me a lot of support and I’m just trying to break the cycle…" 
 "I’m kinda in the middle of something right now." 
"Don’t cut me off when I’m complimenting you. Anyway, great things are about to happen." 
The Staten Island Ferry horn goes off
"What is that?" 
"Uh, I’m at band practice." 
"That’s odd. Happy told me you quit the band six weeks ago. What’s up?" 
"I gotta go. End call!” Peter abruptly ended the call. 
Aboard the Staten Island Ferry, Parker captures Toomes’ new buyer Mac Gargan, but Toomes escapes when the FBI reaches the scene and interrupts Peter’s plans. A malfunctioning weapon explodes, tearing the ferry in half. Peter desperately tried to keep the ferry from falling apart by webbing them up but it went to vain as it wasn’t strong enough to hold the two halves. He held onto the ends of his webs in a last attempt to save the passengers in the ferry. Just then he felt the tension easing as a man shouted. 
“Yeah it’s Ironman and Ironheart!”
“Hi spiderman band practise was it?” Tony quipped. 
As soon as you got the news you and your dad came to the rescue. You both flew to the opposite sides and pushed the two halves of the ferry to join them together. Your dad then welded the joints with lasers to prevent them from falling apart again. 
“Mr Stark!”
“Hey Mr Stark! Can I do anything? What do you want me to do?” Peter asked. 
“I think you have done enough.”
“You can handle it from here right?” Tony asked you. 
“Yeah dad.” you assured him. 
“Talk to the feds and call in the Stark Relief Foundation.” he instructed. 
“Okay dad.”
“Let me go and have a word with our young rebel. Gosh you teenagers!” Tony scoffed and then flew to the high rise building where Peter was sitting sadness clouding his features. 
“Previously on Peter Screws the Pooch, I tell you to stay away from this. Instead, you hacked a multi-million dollar suit so you could sneak around behind my back doing the one thing I told you not to do." 
"Is everyone okay?” Peter asked weakly
“No thanks to you." 
"No thanks to me? Those weapons were out there, and I tried to tell you about it, but you didn’t listen. None of this would’ve happened if you’d just listened to me! If you even cared, you’d actually be here.” Peter ranted out. Tony  steps out of his suit to reveal that he is actually there
“ I did listen, kid. Who do you think called the FBI, huh? Did you know that I was the only one who believed in you? Everyone else said I was crazy to recruit a 14-year-old kid.”
“I’m 15." 
"No, this is where you ZIP IT, all right? The adult is talking! What if somebody had died tonight? Different story, right? 'Cause that’s on you. And if you died, I feel like that’s on me. I don’t need that on my conscience." 
"Yes sir. I’m sorry." 
"Sorry” doesn’t cut it.“
"I understand. I just wanted to be like you.”
“And I wanted you to be better. Okay, it’s not working out. I’m gonna need the suit back." 
"For how long?" 
"No! No, no, no! Please, please, please.” Peter begged. 
“Let’s have it.” Tony was adamant. 
“You don’t understand. This is all I have. I’m nothing without this suit.” Peter said desperately 
 "If you’re nothing without this suit, then you shouldn’t have it, okay? God, I sound like my dad” Tony scoffed. 
"I don’t have any other clothes.” Peter said quietly. 
“Okay, we’ll sort that out." 
Peter went home all exhausted. Aunt May was hell worried about him. Peter finally broke down in front of her revealing that he lost the internship. May consoled him and asked him not to worry. Peter was sent to detention, MJ used to accompany him to cheer him up. 
You were talking to MJ as you saw Peter across the hall all gloomy. You excused yourself and went up to him. 
"Hey you’re not going to talk to me also?" 
"Why no- why would I do that?" 
"I heard about what my dad did so I thought maybe you are angry about it. I swear I didn’t tell him anything." 
"Hey I’m not blaming you for anything Y/N instead you saved so many lives and you’re my best friend. I trust you the most." 
"Best friend?” you were slightly taken aback by the new tag he gave to your relationship. 
“Umm sorry I thought maybe after that night we are good friends now.”
“Hey no it’s fine I actually never had a best friend or even actual friends so it’s kind of overwhelming for me.”
“I just thought maybe he told you to stay away from me." 
"What? No! And even if he did, when have I ever listened to him?" 
"I think he is right. I really put him down." 
"Hey it’s gonna be fine you didn’t mean any harm. I know my dad you’ll get back your suit. He’s just a little upset that his young apprentice would turn out to be such a rebel.” You tried to cheer up his mood. 
“So what about homecoming? Did you ask Liz yet?" 
"No not yet.” he said meekly. 
“Then go and ask her out before it’s too late.” Peter eventually asks Liz to go to the homecoming dance with him. On the night of the dance, Peter discovers that Toomes is Liz’s dad. Deducing his secret identity from Liz’s account about him, Toomes threatens retaliation if he continues to interfere with his plans. During the dance, Peter realizes Toomes is planning to hijack a D.O.D.C. plane transporting weapons from Avengers Tower to the team’s new headquarters he leaves Liz alone during the dance to stop him. You see Peter running away and decide to go after him. Peter dons his old homemade Spider-Man suit. Though he is ambushed by Schultz, he defeats him with Ned’s help. 
You catch sight of Ned in the hallway. 
“Hey where’s Peter?" 
"Oh Y/N!” Ned sighed a relief seeing you. He explained to you the whole situation. 
“Wait let me call Happy.” You tried calling him but every time it went unanswered. 
“Happy for God’s sake pick up the damn phone!” You groaned in frustration. 
“Maybe we can hack in the mainframe.” Ned suggested. 
“Good idea Ned I’ll help you with the codes.”
In the meantime Peter stole Flash’s car and asked you to track his phone he left in Toomes car. Ned provided him the location. 
Suddenly Ms Warren barged in, you quickly hid under the table. She saw Ned and asked
“What are you doing here? There’s a dance" 
"I’m looking at porn.” He replied awkwardly 
You slapped your forehead listening to his lame excuse. 
At the lair Peter confronts Toomes, but he destroys the building’s support beams and leaves Peter to die. Peter escapes the rubble and intercepts the plane, steering it to crash on the beach near Coney Island. He and Toomes continue fighting, ending with Peter saving Toomes’ life after the damaged Vulture suit explodes, and leaving him for the police along with the plane’s cargo.
You were back in the compound pacing back and forth in your room when you heard a knock on your window. 
“Oh god! Peter!” you sighed a relief as you ran to open the window and let him in. 
“Oh my god! you are hurt very badly" 
"Oh it’s nothing, I’m used to this.” he winced limping on his feet. 
“Okay tough guy sit down now let me bring the first aid and clean your wounds." 
You sat in front of him as you dabbed a cotton ball in the disinfectant solution and gently cleaned his wounds. Peter winced at the stinging sensation. 
"Sorry but it will sting a little.” You started smiling while cleaning his wounds. 
“What is the matter?" 
"Nothing just thinking about the luck you have got. The girl you liked, her father, turned out to be a criminal doing business with stolen high tech weapons.” You let out an airy laugh. 
“Oh no this is bad.” Peter tensed up.
“Why? you did a good job in catching him red handed.”
“No but in a way I ruined Liz’s life. She would be so devastated after knowing about her father.” Peter said with remorse. 
“Peter it wasn’t your fault she needs to know about the real face of her father.” Peter got up and started pacing in your room. 
“No Y/N it isn’t her fault that her father is a criminal. I really feel sorry for what I did, she doesn’t deserve this. I have to apologise to her tomorrow." 
He continued rambling, you were getting frustrated with him blaming himself for doing the right thing. And you did the unexpected to stop him. You grabbed his face and kissed him, catching him off guard. Peter’s eyes went wide in shock, his heart racing a million miles per hour. After you pulled away, his heart was still pounding at an alarming rate. 
"That shut you up.” You said casually as if the kiss wasn’t a big deal for you, you wiped your lips with the back of your hand and scrunched your face with the taste on your lips. 
“Strawberry lip balm? What are you a little girl?” you quipped, finally noticing the mortified look on his face as he stood there like a statue, eyes blown wide still recovering from what just happened. You narrowed your eyes. 
“Wait, was this your first kiss?” Peter was snapped out of the daze as his face turned red. 
“Umm..” he was at a loss of words. Your mouth went wide as you realized it was indeed his first kiss. 
“Oh I’m so sorry Peter! I ruined your first kiss!” you apologized. 
“No it’s OK it was.. It was.” Should he say it was good? Because for an unknown reason he really felt good. But how can he say that to you. You’re Y/N Stark, the Tony Stark’s daughter. Why would you like a nerd like him? 
“I know it was awkward. I know you didn’t imagine your first kiss to be like this, that too someone you don’t have any feelings for, sorry for ruining it. Just forget something like this happened okay." 
"And don’t tell my dad if your life is dear to you.” you warned. 
“Umm okay I should get going then.”
“yeah.” he swung out of the window. 
“Be careful!” you cautioned and then turned around flattening yourself against the wall of your room letting out an exasperated sigh. The casual attitude you were putting up in front of him was all fake. You were bothered, your cheeks started getting heated up for a reason that you can’t put a pin on it. This wasn’t to happen; you have had your share of fun with boys at your previous school without any feelings involved but why did kissing Peter give butterflies in your stomach? You are Y/N Stark, you can’t fall for a nerd like Peter or did you? 
After her father’s arrest, Liz and her mother decided to move to California. Peter apologizes to Liz before she leaves. MJ is appointed as the new captain of the decathlon team. You skipped school today because your dad asked you to stay for a press meet and of course you wanted to get over your lingering feelings for Peter. 
Tony sent Happy to bring Peter to the compound. Peter was in awe when he arrived at the Avengers facility. Tony went and patted Peter’s back like a proud dad. 
“Sorry I took your suit. I mean, you had it coming. Actually, it turns out it was the perfect sort of tough love moment that you needed, right? To urge you on, right? Wouldn’t you think? Don’t you think?" 
"I– I guess.” Peter said nervously. 
“Let’s just say it was." 
"Mr. Stark, I really" 
"You screwed the pooch hard. Big time. But then, you did the right thing. Took the dog to the free clinic, you raised the hybrid puppies. Alright, not my best analogy– I was wrong about you. I think, with a little more mentoring, you could be a real asset to the team." 
"To the– To the– To the team?” Peter couldn’t believe his ears. 
“Yeah, anyway. There’s about 50 reporters behind that door. Real ones, not bloggers. When you’re ready– Tony reveals the Iron Spider suit. 
"Why don’t you try that on? and I’ll introduce the world to the newest official member of the Avengers: Spider-Man." 
Peter was at loss of words seeing the new suit Tony made for him. He couldn’t be any happier but something clicked in his brain. 
"Thank you Mr Stark but I’m - I’m good." 
"You good? How are you good?" 
"Umm I would rather stay on the ground for a while just being a friendly neighbourhood spiderman somebody got to look for the little guy." 
"You are turning me down? You better think about this, look at that, look at me last chance yes or no?" 
“Where’s the kid?”
“He left”
“Everybody’s waiting”
“You know what he actually made a really mature choice." 
"He told the kid to go wait in the car." 
"Are you kidding me?" 
"Did you guys screw this up?" 
"What’s the matter? Everyone’s waiting there” you came out of the room too. 
“These two had one job and they failed miserably." 
"Let me guess Peter declined your offer. Good for him only” You smirked. 
“And now I’ve a room full of people waiting for some big announcement what am I going to tell them?”
“Think about something,” Tony said. 
“What about your engagement? That’s been long due.” You suggested. 
"Great idea! Happy still got the ring?" 
"I got the ring? Yeaah, I have been carrying it since 2008.” Pepper gave a weird look.
"I think I can come up with something better than that." 
"Well it would buy us little time” Tony kisses pepper. 
“Like we need time.” Tony mumbled with a smirk. 
“Jeez! get a room you guys.” You gagged. 
“And maybe give me a sibling it’s really boring over here being all by myself.” You added. 
Pepper cleared her throat and strides back to the room muttering. 
“I can’t believe you had it in your pocket." 
"Why aren’t you having fun with Peter?” your dad asked you out of nowhere. You choked on your spit as the memories from last night flashed back. 
“We rarely see each other after school he is mostly busy with his neighbourhood patrolling plus he’s no fun." 
"But I think you have started to like him.” Tony smirked. You understood his reference. 
“What! no way! And- and he’s not even my type.”
“Good I’m not even allowing you to date anybody before you turn 50.”
“Huh! As if I need your permission in this matter.” You gave a sly grin. 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Tony frowned. 
“Dad, you are 'The’ genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist Tony Stark and I’m your daughter. Is it that hard to figure it out?” Tony’s eyes widened as a sudden realization dawned upon him. 
“Wait on a damn second! Which weasley scumbag defiled you? Tell me his name! I’m gonna blast his weener off!”
“Uhh…I think mom is calling me, let me go and check.Okay bye!” You ran inside. 
“You come back right now! We are not done yet young lady!” your dad yelled from behind. 
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azaraspirit · 5 years
Transfusion-Chapter 2
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here it is!!! chapter 2 for Transfusion! I really like how its coming along and i hope you do to!
Chapter One
warnings: car accident, mention of blood
summary: You get hit by a car and Peter does everything in his power to make it up to you for he blames himself 
word count: 2985
tagging: @angelic-holland @angelhaz11 @hoforhaz @blissfulparker @foreverstuckwritingandimagining @heyhihellowhatsup0 @hypnotized-so-mesmerized @starksparker @madmadmilk
By the end of the day you and Peter have become inseparable. It amazed you how quickly you two have bonded. You reminded yourself that you didn’t have a true reason to hate him in the first place other than your own jealousy. But once you put that aside, Peter was actually a good kid and a better friend.
You two were lost in a video game in the living room, having no idea that Nat was watching from nearby.
Nat smirked at the sight, seeing you two playfully shove each other trying to mess the other up.
“No!” Peter cried out when he died. “God damn it y/n! That doesn’t count! You cheated!”
You giggled and laughed. “You never said we couldn’t play dirty.” you shrugged.
Peter glared over at you. “You suck.”
“Aww is Peter a sore loser?” you teased.
“So they seem to get along.” Tony said, approaching Nat.
She looked over at him, smiling. “Yeah. I knew they would.”
“You worried?” Tony asked.
“Not in the slightest.” Nat replied. “If anything I hope they end up together.”
Tony raised a brow. “Oh?”
She nodded. “I know she doesn’t have many friends but if they become something more…” She shrugged, smiling.
Tony just rolled his eyes.
You and Peter lost track of time, getting obsessed over trying to beat the other in the video game. Your stomach was growling loud enough for Peter to hear.
“Hungry?” he chuckled.
“How long were we playing for?”
“No idea..but it was daylight when we started.”
You looked outside to see it was pitch black, only the bright moon lit up the room.
“Wanna grab a bite to eat?” he asked.
You blinked at him, blushing, glad in that moment it was too dark for him to see. “You mean like...outside?”
“Yeah. There’s a great sandwich place I know of nearby.”
“Should we be out this late?”
Peter scoffed. “Please, I’m Spider-Man. We’ll be fine.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, Spider-Man, what place did you have in mind?”
“Delmar’s.” he said simply with a shrug.
“Alright, fine.”
You went along with Peter though inside, you felt guilt eating away at you. You never snuck out before but then again you never had a friend before. Surely your mother wouldn’t be too upset as long as you two came back in a timely manner and that no one got hurt.
“So! What does it feel like to be out of the tower, Rapunzel?” Peter grinned as he walked backwards ahead of you.
Your eyes narrowed at the nickname. “That’s not a very accurate nickname ya know.”
Peter chuckled. “I like it anyways. Besides you have pretty long hair and you wear it in a braid.”
You rolled your eyes. “Kinda creepy out here.” you admitted, looking around.
“Don’t worry, y/n, we’ll be fine. C’mon. Delmar’s is just a couple blocks away.” He took your hand and pulled you in a faster pace. You played along, almost skipping behind him, laughing. Yeah it was late but you put that thought aside and decided to have some fun. Like they say, better to regret than not to do anything at all, right?
You looked all around the city before you. It was dark but also full of light? Once you got used to it, wasn’t that scary and you felt more at ease with Peter’s hand in yours. It was a little chilly but you didn’t care as you enjoyed the cool air on your skin.
“You’re taking us to a gas station?” you asked dully, seeing the Delmar sign across the street.
“Don’t judge. It’s so good. C’mon!” You both ran across the street, not waiting for the light considering it was dead, not a single moving car in sight.
“Hey, Peter!” an older greeted from behind the counter.
“Mr. Delmar!” Peter beamed. “This is my new friend y/n!”
The man seemed rather friendly but you had your guard up. He was a complete stranger. “Hello.” you greeted with a little wave.
Wow that was cute, Peter thought to himself, smiling.
“Why you here so late, Pete? Isn’t it a school night?”
Peter shrugged. “We were getting hungry and I thought y/n and I could have the best sandwiches in Queens.”
The man muttered something in Spanish, rolling his eyes. Peter spoke back in Spanish also which caught you off guard. You had no idea he could speak another language.
“Trying to sweet talk me, eh Parker?” he grinned. “What will it be?”
Peter looked up at the menu when you noticed something warm brush against your leg. You looked down to see a furry cat rubbing itself on you. “Aw, hello.” You bent down, never really getting to pet one before. “So soft.” you giggled.
“Hey, Murph likes you.” Peter chuckled, petting it as well. The kitty purred into his hand and went back to you. He perched on your knees, making you sit down on the floor.
Peter ordered for you both, you not really caring about food anymore as you got lost in the soft fur of the cat. Murph rubbed his face against your cheek, making you giggle.
“Looks like you have some competition there, eh Parker?” Mr. Delmart teased as he handed him your sandwiches.
“Funny, Mr. Delmart, real funny.” Peter replied as he handed him the money.
“Must be a good person.” Mr. Delmar spoke up so you could hear, giving Peter his change.
You looked up. “Huh?”
“Murph doesn’t like many people but those he does have a good heart. Like Parker here.”
Peter shrugged. He handed you your sandwich. “Try it. It’s good.”
You got up, gently setting Murph back down to take your food. You pulled the wrapper back, inspecting it before taking a bit. Your eyes widened as you hummed. “Damn, that’s good.”
“Told you!” Peter chuckled.
You and Peter stayed at the shop to eat the rest of your sandwiches, Murph still at your feet, meowing for attention. When you finished, you picked him back up, the kitty purring.
“You better come back now ya here?” Mr. Delmar asked you.
“I will, promise.” you smiled, kissing Murph on his head.
“It’s getting late, we should get back.” Peter said. “We’ll be back again soon, Murph okay?” He gave Murph a good head scratch.
“Bye, Murph, I’ll be back soon!” you told him.
The cat meowed sadly from the counter where you put him as you and Peter left, saying goodbye to Mr. Delmar.
“That was so good.” you said, happy that your stomach is full.
“Told you. Who knew Murph would like you so much.” Peter said.
“Guess I’m a good person, right?” you smirked.
“Right.” Peter nodded. “Let’s get going before anyone notices we’re going.”
“Hey, I noticed you didn’t give him my last name.” you said.
“Oh, well he doesn’t know I’m Spider-Man so if he knew you were a Banner, he might figure it out.”
“Oh, okay yeah that makes sense.” It never occured to you having to keep your identity a secret. The world knew about the Avengers but you, not so much.
“Just gotta keep your last name on the down low.” Peter explained.
“Banner is a common one though isn’t?” you smirked.
“I’m serious. I don’t think your parents want the world to find out about you.”
“Oh, Peter being serious. Watch out, everyone.” you mocked.
“Funny.” Peter laughed.
“I haven’t known you for very long, Pete, but if there’s anything I do know, is that you don’t have a serious bone in your body.”
“Nuh-uh, take that back.” Peter pouted.
You paused, about to look both ways but thought why bother because there weren’t any cars around. You walked into the street, your hands in your hoodie’s pocket.
“Take it back, y/n. I can be serious.” Peter demanded.
You stopped walking half way in the crosswalk, turning to face Peter. “Okay, I’m sorry. You can be serious. Sometimes.”
“Thank you.” Peter said.
His eyes widened, his hairs standing up on end. His spidey senses were going crazy but he couldn’t see any threat. “Y/n maybe we should-Y/n look out!”
A speeding car came out of nowhere. Peter heard the squealing tires before you did. You were in the middle of the street, completely vulnerable. Peter was too stunned to do anything. He was caught off guard. All he could do was watch in fear from the side lines as the speeding car swerved right into you.
It happened so fast. You didn’t even scream. One moment you were looking at Peter, the next getting a face full metal as the car slammed into your waist, your head slamming on the hood. Your body flung back, your head slamming on the concrete. Your ears were ringing, vaguely hearing tires squealing and Peter screaming your name. His frantic voice sounded so far away. That was the last thing you heard before your blacked out.
You gasped awake, the memories coming back like a tidal wave. The urge to throw up became too much to bear. You leaned over, puking in a trashcan.
“Y/n! Take it easy!”
You looked up to see Peter, his hoodie stained with ketchup. No wait. Not ketchup. Blood. Your blood.
“P-Pete?” you asked, feeling groggy.
“Yeah, y/n, it’s me. Lay back down, please. You’ll bleed again if you move too much.” He gently laid you back on what you realized was a hospital bed. Your eyes looked around, recognizing the medical bay of the tower. He handed you some kleenex to wipe your mouth clean and a glass of water which you took graciously. You didn’t even realize you were thirsty till he hovered it, the scratchy dryness of your throat becoming unbearable.
“Again? W-what happened?”
“The-the other night...when we went to Delmar’s…you remember that don’t you?”
You nodded. “But the rest is fuzzy…” You tried to remember what happened after you left the shop together but it hurt to think about. Kinda reminded you of white noise.
“A car...it was speeding and it hit you…”
“A car?”
He nodded, sniffing. “Yeah. You lost a lot of blood…”
You focused on the stains of his hoodie. “So...that’s not ketchup.” you decided.
Peter chuckled, wiping his nose. “N-no. It’s not ketchup.”
“Am...I...okay?” You have never been in an accident before so the state of your wellbeing was a mystery.
“Not sure...your dad has to run some tests but...you lost a lot of blood…”
You sighed. “Guess I’m stuck here then…”
“I’m sorry.” Peter apologized. “This is all my fault.”
“Peter, it’s not your fault. It was an accident.”
“No, we snuck out. It was my idea. If I haven’t brought you to Delmar’s…” His head fell as he leaned on your bed.
“Speaking of which...you’re grounded.” Your father’s voice spoke up as he came in wearing a lab coat, holding a clipboard and pen, a stethoscope around his neck.
“G-grounded?” you asked.
“For a week. Your mother’s orders. Sorry, honey.”
Your head fell back, rolling your eyes. “Great.”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Banner, it’s all my fault.” Peter apologized again.
“Peter, it’s fine. She’s alive, that’s all that matters.”
Uh-oh. You thought. It was anything but fine. You knew your father better than almost anyone. He was angry with Peter. Course. Why wouldn’t he? .
“Am I gonna be okay, Daddy?” you asked, a little more innocent than you normally would have.
Bruce caught on and smirked. “Think you’ll be fine, sweetheart. Just need to take it easy. You lost over a pint of blood so you will need a blood transfusion but other than that, you’ll be okay.” He gently squeezed your forearm. “I promise.”
You smiled at your father, believing his words.
“Don’t think I didn’t notice the Daddy card.” Bruce smirked.
You just giggled, feeling like a little girl again.
“I’ll just leave you two alone.” Peter said, feeling awkward.
“Don’t go too far though okay?” you asked.
“I won’t.” Peter promised.
You watched Peter leave you and your father be.
“I don’t want you angry at him, Dad.” you said, knowing very well he was.
“Too late.” he said as he went on with checking your vitals.
“Dad, please. It wasn’t his fault, it was an accident.”
“Y/n you’re my daughter, how am I supposed to feel?”
You sighed, not really having an answer.
“How’s Mom?” you asked.
“A little distraught but she’s okay. She said you were grounded not me. So what does that tell you?”
“You think she’ll murder Peter?” you asked, truly concerned.
Bruce shook his head. “No, but that doesn’t mean she may not kick his ass later.”
“I’m sorry, Daddy...I didn’t wanna go out but...Peter asked and...well I never had a friend before…I couldn’t say no.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart.” He gently cupped your cheek, and your eyes closed, feeling the warmth of his skin.
“I’ll try to get you ungrounded okay? Not like you could go anywhere right now anyways.” He shrugged.
You chuckled at that. “You said I might need a blood transfusion?”
Bruce nodded. “We have to find a match though it won’t be easy. You have a rare blood type.”
“I do?”
“I have everyone’s on file and no one matches so...we’ll see.”
“What about Peter?”
Your father froze, thinking. “Maybe...he’s new so I don’t have him on file yet...I’ll do a blood test okay, sweetheart? Don’t worry.” He got up from his stool to peck your forehead, the top part of your head wrapped in gauze.
You felt helpless, wanting to go after your father but you were forced to stay in bed as he left.
“Peter, wait.” Bruce called.
Peter stopped, turning to face him. “You’re gonna Hulk Smash me are you?”
Bruce chuckled. “Uh, no. I’m not angry at you. But I think there’s a way you can help.”
“I’ll do anything.” Peter said, his eyes lit up with hope.
“Y/n needs a blood transfusion but no one here has the same time...but there’s a chance you might…”
Peter nodded. “How soon can we start?”
Bruce smiled.
Bruce thought it’d be best to test Peter’s blood separately from you in case it didn’t work out. The last thing he wanted to do was to get your hopes up and crush them.
“Let’s do a blood test in my lab,” Bruce said.
Peter looked back at the medbay where you were cooped up. “Shouldn’t we tell y/n?”
“I thought so too but I think it’s best if we wait till the results.”
Peter sighed. “Yeah. Guess you’re right.”
Natasha was too angry at you earlier when she heard the news. But now her heart was filled with guilt for grounding you over something you had no control over. She listened to her motherly instincts and made some hot food for you as she went up to visit you. At the corner of her eye, she saw Bruce and Peter disappear down the hall.
“Hey, honey, you okay?” Your mother stopped by with some soup. “Thought you’d be hungry.”
“Thanks, Mom. And I’m okay...sore..but...okay.”
“Where’s your father?” she asked, looking around.
“I don’t know...probably burying Peter’s body.” you joked.
Nat rolled her eyes. “Think I saw them heading towards his lab. Who knows what they’re up to.”
“Dad told me that you grounded me…” you grumbled.
Your mother sighed. “When he told me what happened...yeah. I was angry but...I take it back.”
You stared at your mother. She was the most stubborn out the three of you so it shocked you to see her like this.
“I realized that...it wasn’t your fault. Even though you did sneak out.” Your mother gave you a scolding look but when she saw the guilt on your face, hers softened.
“I’m sorry, Mom…” you apologized.
“It’s okay, Honey.” Nat gently sat next to you, holding your hand. “You’re alive and you have all your fingers and toes.” She pecked your forehead as you laughed but you winced, worrying her.
“Sorry, just hurt a little.” you explained.
“Mind if we come in?” Steve’s head popped in between the doors.
“Course, Steve.” Nat smiled.
He came in with a vase of flowers followed by the rest of the Avengers. Bucky was last, carrying a big teddy bear. Steve stared at him. “You really had to buy that thing?”
“If it will make her feel better, Steve, then, yes, I had to.”
“Can he be an avenger instead of Bucky?” Sam asked, pointing at the bear. Bucky glared at him, Wanda and Nat laughing at Sam’s joke.
“How are you feeling, y/n?” Bucky asked, ignoring Sam’s remark.
You smiled at everyone. “I’m okay guys, but thanks. I have a feeling that Peter will steal that from me, eventually.” you said, referring to the bear.
“Oh shit you’re right.” Bucky said.
“Language.” Steve scolded.
Bucky rolled his eyes. He went over to set the large stuffed bear in the corner.
“I got your favorite,” Steve said, handing you the vase of flowers that were filled with lilies.
“Thank you, Steve. They’re beautiful!” You sniffed their sweet scent and he sat the vase on the table next to you to enjoy.
“Where’s Peter?” Wanda asked. “Is he okay?”
“He’s fine and he’s with Bruce.” Nat explained.
“We’re all just glad that you’re okay, y/n.” Steve gently gripped your hand. “You’re one of us.”
A true smile grew on your face. You had your doubts about being part of the team but if Steve Rogers says you are an Avenger, you believed it.
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allthings-sandy · 6 years
Not What I Expected Chapter 3
Words: 2.4k
Summary: (Y/N) just wants to be a normal girl and go to school like every other teenager. She got her chance but only to look after a certain superhero in Queens.
A/N: Hope you enjoy this chapter!
Chapter 4
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‘ I'm really sorry, (Y/N)! I know I said I would show you around school but I have the Stark internship and all. I'm really sorry!’ Peter said and rushed out of school before the bell even rang. ‘ Does he do that a lot?’ I asked Ned who was right beside me. ‘ Yeah. I've been seeing him less and less outside of school. Heck, I don’t even see him much in school. He’s always running off once the bell rings.’ Ned said. ‘ I should follow and keep an eye on him.’
‘ Sorry but I have to go too. Call me later!’ I said as I took my phone out. I dialled Happy's number. ‘ Hello?’ I heard over the phone. ‘ Hi Happy. I know your on your way to pick me up but I have something else to do so you don't need to pick me up . Thanks bye.’ I said quickly before he could say anything and ended it as fast as I could. I ran as fast as I could to keep up with Peter.
As soon as the bell rang, Peter pushed against the metal doors leading outside. I hid behind the doors so he wouldn't see me. He looked around. Feeling assured that no one was watching him, he jumped over the 2 metre fence. I followed behind and jumped over it. He then made his way to Delmar's Deli-Grocery which apparently sells the best sandwiches in Queens. Man, I have to try them one day. Peter came out after a while and ran to an alley. I peered between the red gates as he unzipped his backpack to reveal his Spider-Man suit. Of course. I should have known that this was the Stark internship. Does Dad even know he’s doing this?
I looked away as he pulled his pants down. I gave in to my temptation and peeked a little and damn. He was ripped. I couldn’t see the front but I saw his back and wow. Thank you, curiosity. I have to admit, I was really jealous when I saw him put on his suit. My dad made that for him. He doesn’t even want to make his own daughter a suit and yet he made another kid's suit and brought him to Berlin to fight while I was at home sulking, worrying and wondering about what could have happen between Uncle Steve and Dad because no one would tell me anything.
While being reminded of the fact that I would never be good enough, I lost him. I ran past the red gates and into the alley. The only way he could have left was if he climbed to the top of the building. I exited the alley and went backwards to see if I could see him. After a glimpse of a jumping red suit, I made pursuit. He helped out a lot of people he saw struggling to know directions or literally anything on the streets. He also stopped a bike thief and stopped someone he believed to be a car thief but it was actually his own car. I guess superheroes can make mistakes too. He was swinging around so much that I almost lost him again, but with my energy-powered legs, I found him in no time. Peter was too busy helping people and swinging around that he didn’t notice me.
As I was mid-air between two buildings, my phone rang. It was so loud that I almost lost my footing when I landed on the building. I ducked quickly to avoid Peter seeing me and whipped out my phone. ‘ Hey (Y/N), wanna help me build the Death Star now?’ Ned asked me over the phone. I looked behind me and Peter was gone. I sighed and told Ned, ‘ Sure. Where do you want to meet?’ ‘ Meet me at the apartment 6 blocks away from Delmar's. See you soon!’ Ned said and ends the call. Looks like I have no time to change.
As I was walking to the destination, my phone rang again. It was my dad. ‘ Where are you??’ He asked in a slightly angry voice. ‘ I'm on my way to a friend's place.’ I said as if nothing was wrong. ‘ You promised me you were going to be here with Happy. Did you forget its moving day?’ My dad asked. Oh right! Today was the day we move to the new facility upstate. And I remember promising I'll be there. Crap. ‘ I'm sorry. I really am. But my friend just invited me to build a Lego Death Star with him! Dad, I got asked to hang out! I cannot miss this opportunity. Please.’ I pleaded. It has been a dream of mine to be invited to do something or anything when I entered school. It makes me feel like I'm part of something. ‘ No. ’My dad said. I breathed out hard. ‘ When were you going to tell me about Peter’s “Stark internship"?’ I said with hopes of him agreeing to me staying out but that didn't mean I wasn't mad. A minute of silence passed before he said, ‘ Have fun hanging out with your new friend. Love you, bye.’ He said and ended the call. I texted him,
-Why didn’t you tell me about his “Stark internship”? Did you think I was going to be mad? Because you are absolutely right. Btw, love you too.
‘ Hey Ned. Is this your place?’ I asked as I saw him in front of the apartment with the Lego set in his hands. ‘ Nope. Its Peter's. Let’s go in.’ Ned said and pushed the door of the entrance. I stopped in my tracks. ‘ Peter's apartment? What are we doing here? He said he had the Stark internship didn’t he?’ I asked him. ‘ Yes but he told me he would finish the Death Star with me tonight. So let’s go.’ Ned said and headed in. ‘ He wouldn’t come back with his suit on. I mean he left his clothes in his backpack and webbed it to a rubbish bin.’ I thought as I followed Ned inside.
Ned knocked on the door of Peter's apartment. The door opened, revealing a really pretty young woman, who I heard for Dad, was Peter's aunt. ‘ Hello, Ned. What brings you here?’ She asked Ned. ‘ Well, Peter said he would help us finish the Death Star so here we are.’ Ned answered. ‘ Sure. Go ahead.’ The lady moved aside so we could enter. ‘ May, this is (Y/N) (Y/F/L/N). She’s a new transfer student.’ Ned introduced me. ‘ It's nice to meet you.' I greeted and shook her hand. ‘ It’s great to meet you. I'm May Parker, Peter's aunt. You can call me May. If you have anything to ask, ask away. I will answer any question you have about Peter. Anything.’ She emphasized and gives me a huge grin which was kind of creepy but nice. I smiled back to avoid saying anything else and followed Ned into Peter's room.
‘ Is May always like that?’ I asked Ned as he sat on the floor and unpacked the Lego pieces. ‘ I’m pretty sure it’s the fact that you are the first girl to ever visit Peter.’ Ned said. I thought about all the possibilities of Peter and I being together. None because we just met and he is in love with Liz. ‘ Well let’s get started.’ I said and sat across Ned. It has been about 2 hours and we weren't patiently going to wait for Peter. Ned and I finished the Death Star ourselves. We smiled in satisfaction over the fact that we managed to complete a 3803 piece Lego set. Ned and I sat on Peter's bed and talked for a bit.
‘ What was that?’ I heard a soft creaking of a window open. Our heads simultaneously turned to the window beside the bed. A man in red slowly crept in the window by crawling on the ceiling. Spider-Man. My mouth gaped wide open and I looked at Ned who had the same reaction. ‘ Oh my God are you kidding me?’ I mentally say to Peter. After he closed the door to his room, he turned around and saw us. Ned dropped the death star we had just finished, and it all returned to what it was before – tiny little pieces. Ned stood up quickly as did I.
‘ What was that?’ May shouted after hearing the death star fall on the ground. ‘ It's nothing! Nothing.’ Peter said in a panicky voice. This cannot be happening. ‘ You're the Spider-Man. From YouTube.’ Ned said, astonished. ‘ I’m not. I'm not.’ Peter denied as he pushed a button on his chest which stripped him of his suit. I just stood there staring at Peter, not knowing what to do. ‘ You were on the ceiling.’ ‘ No. Guys, what are you doing in my room?’ Peter asked. ‘ May let us in. You said we were going to finish the Death Star!’ Ned exclaimed and I nodded.
‘ You can't just bust into my room!’ Peter shouted. The door opened, shocking Peter and he turned around to face May, who just opened the door. ‘ That Turkey meatloaf recipe was a disaster. Let’s go to dinner. Thai? Ned, (Y/N), you want Thai?’ May said. ‘ Yes.’ We answered simultaneously. ‘ No. They’ve got a thing.’ ‘ A thing to do afterwards.’ Ned replied. This was a disaster. ‘ Okay.’ May said. ‘ Maybe put on some clothes. There’s a girl in your room.’ She said before closing the door. Right. Peter was standing in front of me. Wearing only his boxers. I immediately turned around as he put on his clothes.
‘ Oh she doesn’t know?’ Ned asked. ‘ Nobody knows.’ Peter replied as he frantically put on his clothes. Now I have to act like I never knew he was Spider-Man. This is going to get so messy if he finds out I knew all along. ‘ Tony Stark made you that? Are you an Avenger?’ Ned asked as I turned back around. How does that make him an aven- ‘ Yeah, basically.’ Peter said. Yeah, basically? Just because he's swinging from building to building and helping everyone he sees does not make him an Avenger. My dad never said he was. God, I hate how butthurt I am about this.
‘ You guys can't tell anyone about this. You gotta keep this a secret. (Y/N), you’ve been quiet. You can't tell anyone about this alright.’ He held my shoulders and look me in the eyes. ‘ Ye-Yeah, I won’t tell anyone.’ I said. ‘ Secret? Why?’ Ned asked and Peter explained that if May finds out, she won’t let him be Spider-Man.
‘ I don't think I can keep this a secret. It's the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me.’ Ned said. ‘ May cannot know. I cannot do this to her right now. Please.’ Peter pleaded. I felt super sorry for him. He is pleading with all his heart to prevent May from finding out the truth. I don't know what it's like because no one knows who I am, but it takes a lot of guts to admit that you’re someone with special abilities; even if it's on accident.
‘ Ned, listen to Peter. You have to keep this a secret. If May knows this, it could break her heart and will never let Peter do the things he does. Besides, just knowing he’s a superhero means your life could be in danger. Spider-Man has enemies and you wouldn’t want to meet them.’ I told Ned. I heard about what happened to his Uncle Ben from my dad. May had to raise Peter all by herself. She wouldn’t be able to handle the fact that her dear nephew is stopping crime on the streets of Queens. He and Peter stared at me. ‘ Okay. I swear I won’t tell anyone.’ Ned said. After that Ned kept asking questions about the suit like if he could try it on or how he shoots the web, prompting Peter to kick him out of the room.
‘ Well.’ He said. ‘ It’s just... a lot of information to process.’ I lied. ‘ It must be an eventful day for you. Your first day in school and you found out who the boy in the Spider-Man suit is. Congratulations.’ Peter said with the uttermost sarcasm he could spew which made me laugh. ‘ It's not bad for a first day. It'll be a memorable one indeed.’ I said and reached out to grab the door knob when he grabbed my wrist. ‘ Thank you. You took this more calmly that I thought anyone would. It's almost as if... I don't know. You understand? I mean I don’t think I have made any real enemies but it would be really shitty if someone were to attack the people I care about. Anyways, thanks for having my back there.’ Peter said. ‘ Yeah it’s no problem. Well I should go.’ I said and stared at my wrist that Peter was still holding. ‘ Right. Sorry.’ He said as he immediately released my wrist from his grasp. I exited the room with my heart beating faster than usual.
‘ Are you sure you can't join us for dinner?’ May asked me. ‘ I’m having dinner with my family so I can't. I’m sorry.’ I said, suddenly feeling apologetic after remembering what happened to her late husband. ‘ No need to apologise for having dinner with your family. Have a great dinner!’ May said. I reached for the door of the apartment but stopped. Instead, I turned around.
‘ Peter is a great guy. You did a really great job in raising him.’ I spurt out. I wasn't thinking I just said the first thing that came to my mind. It’s only been a day but I’ve been following Peter for almost a whole day and it's not hard to see that he cares for the people around him. May looked at me with a surprised but pleased look. ‘ Thank you. I'm flattered, really.’ She said with a caring smile on her face. I smiled at her before leaving.
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