rainbowxocs · 2 years
Well, I think you deserve to be seduced and wooed.
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fatelotusorder · 3 years
stuff for people who don’t know MDZS or the Untamed.
The man in purple is Jiang Cheng courtesy Jiang Wanyin
ths takes places during Danfan Mountain the sub singularity gose until the Defeat Of Jin Guanyao . This is before Wei Wuxian ( in Mo Xuanyu body ) shows up .
Lan Zhan is the character at the end.
yes I know Wu Song would’ve been born where Qishan Nie is
Culivation in Fate term is a term for a type of Magecraft where a golden core is need
Im assuming MDZS takes place after the Han dynasty( After the three Kingdoms ) but before the Song Dynasty ( Before When the Fictional events of Water margin took place ) ——-
“Oh great, we got Separate From Ming at the Start of a Singularity,yet again.” Lin Chong Said as he and his Blood brother Lu Zhishen walked under the beautiful starry night sky looking for their master in the smountains.
“Ming ,Ming Where are you ?”Lu Zhishen yelled in Concern as the two bandits scanned the dark forest looking for him.
“He couldn’t landed that far with Cao Cao and Xiaohun Dun “ Lin Chong Said as he heard the sound of Struggling and someone speaking “Their this way I can hear it but, we should be low. I hear someone eles there as well.”
“Thats easier for me than you Chong ” Lu Zhishen joked looking up at his friend .
“Listen here you eggplant colored tightwad,we have no idea what your talking about!” yelled What looked to be a young Chinese female Struggling between the Ropes of a net glaring down at the Eggplant Man she was talking about.
“Usually I would wait until I got back to Yunmeng Jiang Sect to interrogate the likes of you.”
The man dressed in purple robes redirected his sight on the woman and Man in blue who were also struggling to get of the nets their weapons did nothing to cut them out the nets.
”However You claim that these two are Cao Cao and Xiaohun Dun , People who have been dead for centuries “The man Continued
“You,the young “lady” in strange white clothes ,tell me how long you’ve been practicing Demonic Cultivation to be able to summon the vengeful ,spirit of a person like Cao Cao.”
“One ,I’m Male, I just like putting on Cute outfits, “ the Very Feminine Chinese male Said pompous yet agressive matter .
“Second ,What the hell are you talking about ? ,I don’t even know what Demonic Cultivation is!”
Lin Chong and Lu Zhisen arrived to see this scene with Ming, thier Master unfold. However, their gazes were on the Man in Violet robes. His stance seemed to demand respect and those almond shaped eyes narrowed in anger determined to get an answer out of Ming.
“Chong ,Dose that guy in purple remind you anyone” Lu Zhishen whispered
“Wears purple ,puts his Hair in a bun thats lot of people in the 108 stars, Zhishen, “ Chong Said looking at the Man to see what the big deal was .
“Look at his Face , he’s almost an Exact match for Wu Song “
Lin Chong squinted his eyes and Studied the man Closer as his eyes Widened.
“Yea If Wu Song always had a Stick up his ass.”
“You think we’re dealing with a Wu Song Alter “Lu Zhishen Questioned.
“Consider this guys Resemblance to Wu Song and that he was even born somewhere eles 50/50 chance we’re dealing with some guy who just really looks like him or possible reincarnation. We might even be looking at an ancestor.” Lin Chong said
“Anyways , Let’s fight him and get Ming and the others out there.”
The Man in purple glared at Ming for second before stepping over menacinglyn ready to interrogate further when Lu Zhishen rushed out the brush and slammed his monk’s spade into man’s side blindsiding him and sending him flying into a tree. He winced upon impact with the wood.
Ming just smirked “Good work Lu Zhishen, you really Sent that jerk flying.”
“I’m not done yet! “
The man had a whip in his hand all of a sudden but, there wasn’t anywhere on his Body that could’ve been hooked to as the man in purple used it to attack one of Zhishens hands by the wrist
“Argh!, It burns “ Lu Zhishen thought as he dropped his weapon in pain.
The man in purple attack him quickly and relentlessly with a wrath that matched his own .Lu Zhishen quickly tried picking up his weapon but , the man in purple predict his movement and whipped his hand away. Lu Zhisen looked without a weapon he had to fight him hand to hand and that whip seemed to be desgined for Spirits as it sparked with a violet lightining .Zhishen used his arms to block the mans relentless whip attacks . Lu Zhishen cringed as he was lashed all round his body .Then Lu Zhishen saw an opening the man seemed to getting cocky and grabbed the length of whip despite it burning alot managed to fling the man up into air.The man let go of the whip not expecting the sudden gutsy action as another figure leaped up from the trees.
"The Majestic Star makes his appearance!" Lin Chong said his silhouette high lighted by the moon.
The man in Purple was surprise at Lin Chong’s Apperance. “Lan Zhan ?” he thought before Lin Chong attacked.
“I Guess its my Job to bring you back down to earth .” Lin Chong said falling right past the man.” But I’m sure this will be a safe fall,for me at least .” Lin Chongs Sectioned staffed Spear wrapped around the Man as they fell .The Lancer Class servant smile as upon impact with ground he slammed the man in purple down knocking him out .
His eyes then looked at a man dressed in white cutting Ming and the others down from the nets and looked dumbfounded at Lin Chongs appearance . Lin Chong stared at him for a moment before Smiling” I see someone shares my sensiable taste in hair style and everyone said the half up style wouldn’t catch on.“
The Man in white was flattered before hearing screaming from the woods. Another man in purple whose Face looked very simlar to other man in purple came dragging an unconcious Lad in Yellow by the ponytail.
“Finally! I found You ya damn Alter !” The Man said “Here take your Little piece of Shit too !”The man in purple was just about to stirr Awake when the Lad in yellow was thrown at his Head knocking him out again .
“That throwing arm is that the Actaul Wu Song?!” The Two Liangshan Bandits looked at the Man in purple as he looked at them.
“Lin Chong ,Lu Zhishen!”
The Man in white Clearly Confused was approached by Cao Cao.
” We’ll explain this to you later .” She said patting the man on the back .
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fairyiatlotl · 7 years
The Vampire That Longs For Mirror
There are three things you should know about me.
Im a vampire (hot scary fanged immortals that live on blood as in blood).
My name is Zhae (Its pronounced as Zshay, so please dont try pronouncing any other way).
And I have a huge butt (well the story is all about this).
Have you ever looked at the sky at night? Bet you would have been awed by the sight of it – bet you would have tried tracing out the zodiac signs – bet you would have tried spotting your zodiac and had felt happy about it – bet you would have had told the special characterstics of it and how it miraculously fit your description –bet you would have done all that and happily felt categorised into something that you feel proud to be born in.
Have you ever looked into the mirror? – Naked? Bet you would have hesitated a moment – bet you would have hated that one extra flab coming out – bet you would have hated how your bones are all that was visible – bet you would have hated the way your boobs dont grow the size they should – bet you would have hated the large butt that swings every damn time you walk – bet you would have hated those eyebrows out of proportion – bet you would have hated the way your underarm hair left a dark patch – bet you would have compared yourself to a thousand other people – bet you would have felt ashamed of yourself and what you have made yourself into – bet you would have asked yourself when is your body going to be happy – bet you would have done all that and still ignored the clitoris that you are supposed to be proud to be born with.
Thats how stupid we are; letting our zodiac signs make us feel happy about us while letting the mirror NOT feel happy about us. And I know this because once upon a time I used to think in this exact same way until one day I woke up seventeen and a vampire. And boy was I happy! Nope this aint Twilight, who am I kidding? – I mean I was kind of hysterically happy but for just a second. The belief that vampires are godly beautiful made me expect miraculous changes until I realised Ive not turned into a Beyonce-bod vampire but am forever trapped into a Beyonce-bod that weighs 80 kgs. So Congratulations to me! Am no more a mortal endomorph! Hurray! The vampire beauty curse epically punctured my gorgeous body dream! – I became a fat-ass immortal. Period.
Coming from a society where fit figure is an aspect of befitting element, do you realise how much stress would you go through once you realised that you are gonna be trapped for the rest of your immortal life in the body that you fed for seventeen heavenly years of your life – its like having permanent thyroid problem – its like being trapped in those epic novels that you love. Yea so I got trapped in my True Blood. I got trapped in my jeans. I got trapped in my body. And it sucked.
The next few days after my transition the thought of being forever fat did not even cross my mind. The funny thing was, I was reminded by the ignorants of this society that I could never ever wear a twenty six waist jeans. It was Aunt Shinzah; shes a dreamy doll aunt – everyone loves her; shes too pretty and too sweet, unfortunately she is too determined to make each and everyone happy. We were in the living room and she and her husband; Uncle Drad came for tea. I sat with the family to entertain them and while we were in a full swing of laughter and fun she said; Oh Baby! You look like you lost some pretty weight. Oh darling! You wait – youll lose weight as soon as you enter college; youll be as pretty as a sunshine; she passed me a smile. I felt so happy that she thought I lost some weight (should have known it was because I had starved for a week). My glass of delusion was cracked by Rob (the guy who apparently turned me into a vampire because he was too high to remember) who I met the very next day. He got scared at how pathetic I looked; I happily smiled and said that I was losing. He smirked at my foolish conclusions; No – youre hungry. Youre not losing weight. Gawd youre a vampire – you are never losing weight. Your body is frozen; I remember that day well and clear, I remember how the taste of my throat changed from sweet to vomit-like. I remember the guilt face of Rob as how he noticed my hurt. That day I killed my first human: He was a forty five year old drunkard that had abandoned his wife and children while he ogled every piece of an ass that walked by the 56th Bay street (and yes I am trying to justify my kill with this one sentence). He was eating Lays with booze; my hunger hormones couldnt resist. That day I felt pathetic at my existence. I actually wished for death – just walking and sitting made me feel ashamed of myself. But I couldnt ignore the fact that my body felt strong and healthy and ALIVE! That day I got the taste of human blood. It was irresistibly Lays-like!
The feeling of being the object of fun is one dark feeling induced by shallow mindedness. That day nothing was wrong; all was normal, I was infact happy and feeling healthy until my math period. The teacher had some grudge against me; reason to which was anonymous to me. He asked for our assignments, he started scolding each and every student in line; my heart was already in my throat I knew that he was going to scold me for no reason. He was a bully, what do you expect of him! He atlast came across me. He looked at me from under his bushy eyebrows, he radiated disgusted criticism and mean looks and then he came on at me (and am the vampire here!) he started yelling at me – he told me how pathetic my work is, that he would better thrash me on the floor ten times than better ever check my assignment ever again (by the way that assignment was an obsolete method of wasting mind, time and energy). This was not it. The next day when I entered class, he was filling some health forms. He came across my name and started laughing; Zhea huh! Even shes gonna write her weight here atlast; he laughed in his evilish snort and some of the front benchers joined him. What are you Zhea? An eighty or a hundred? soon the whole class joined in his act of evilness.
The next day he died in a sudden accident he met on the mid-way road that leaves the city (I wish this guy drowns in the pits of hell – I wish the Satan takes his personal interest in him and gut him with his pitch fork until he drowns in the lavas of the hell!). Dont judge me, he was the one at fault. I thought his death would stop my body shaming and public bullying. I was wrong. Everyone had started looking at me/my ass as an object of laughter by that time. Why wouldnt they? Well when the elders of the society take pleasure in this why shouldnt they? After all its the elders and teachers we look up to. It all came to an end. Even my distant hearing capability became a nuisance to me. I could hear boys talk about butts, I could hear girls talk about the methods to avoid a butt like mine. I could hear girls search over net the category to which my butt belonged to. I apparently fit into the peach figure among several other types: hour glass, straight line, inverse peach blah blah blah! It was there all over internet; the figure categorization of a womens body that is indirectly set for pleasing the patriarchs of our society. So much for gender equality!
The most pathetic part was, I was letting myself being treated that way; I being the vampire did not retaliate or infact confront anyone coming over to me and making fun of my so called healthiness (bullies gave me nicknames like fatty or dinosaur while friends gave me the consolatory adjectives like healthy; ironic right?). But believe me this was nothing to the final act that actually made me hate myself – the funny thing was it was an inanimate object that told me that I absolutely wasnt meant to fit in this society. It was just one chair – a students chair which had a side swing table hinged to it; I sat on it – I didnt fit. So I tried and when I fit I realised I was stuck; by the end of the class I struggled but then when the bell rung I awkwardly tried getting off the chair and then I heard; Look look Hahaha Hehehe God Am so happy to be me today; all the snickering, sniggering, simpering and whispering of all forty five fellow mates got me. It got me and thats when it happened – I lost it.
Seventeen years of my life I had been hearing people wait for me to get slim and pretty, seventeen years of my life Ive heard my father call me with funny names, seventeen years of my life Ive heard my sister flaunt me her figure and give me goals to reach, seventeen years of my life Ive been hit with comments and been joked about, seventeen years Ive been asked to dress myself in a way that nobody could see the fat-flesh of mine, seventeen years Ive cried about the fact I bloat even when my diet is exactly the same amount like any other persons, seventeen years Ive actually never looked into the mirror with pride and glory or in a way that I feel happy about myself or my body, seventeen years Ive felt ashamed of my ass and me, seventeen years were given to me to change myself. SEVENTEEN FUCKING YEARS IVE BEEN GIVEN THE CHANCE TO BE SOMEONE THAT THIS SOCIETY WANTED ME TO BE! Still it took the curse of eternity to make me realise to love me. How foolish we humans are, right?
The following days were followed by insidious depression. Vampire depressions are worse than human depressions they are like black holes that temporarily feel likely to be filled by the lust of human blood, but as soon as you hunt one down another appears for more – its actually a black hole in me that build: consuming every inch of me per person I killed. The depression was a slow perpetual intricate build up. It first started with the reckless killing of animals, then isolated hobos and then it lashed out as the most horrifying thing you could ever imagine. I started cutting myself. How? Well it started when I slit off my extra flesh in the shower. It hurt me like hell but it was the best way to release my anger and anxiety – the best way to punish myself for having flabs. Once I had cut myself, I would heal but I always ended up being hungrier and so I had to go hunting again. Soon it became my daily cycle. Nobody knew it, nobody noticed it. And why would they? Everyone was too busy feigning happiness and I was too busy killing mine.
Breaking away from my beloved cycle wasnt a choice. Rob found me one day all bloody and weak. This time it went far; I could have actually have actually died (could you believe that!) but luckily Rob smelled leakage of blood and he came running to my bedroom. He was horrified by the sight. He found me in my tub; I wasnt dead, just numb; all my blood was in the tub. Soon I lost conscience; when I opened my eyes again I found myself on the bed. I wasnt feeling hungry like the other times I felt. I was feeling physically normal. The sun was shining and it all came back – the frustration, depression, anger, hurt, hate. I again felt pathetic about myself. While my mind wandered in the dark miasma that I had created inside my head, my eyes wandered around the room; I saw a flower pot by the open window. That was different since I didnt keep a flowerpot by my window. It must have been mom, I thought.
Hey dumbhead; a voice came from the door; Mazie was standing there. Mazie is my Nana – we dont call her Nana for some specific reason that even we are oblivious to. Mazie? What are you doing here? I looked at her; I felt the warmth that she radiated.
Dont ask me silly questions! You were out for a whole godamn week and you ask me why am here? You gotta be kiddin me! Now get up and get ready we are going for shopping Mazie is one stubborn Nana – she has got my genes of holding onto things and being stubborn about them. What shopping? I asked with absolute confusion.
Well bikini shopping – we are going to the beach tomorrow; she gave me her Cheshire cat smile as she crossed the room and checked the flowers. It was she who got them.
Bikini shopping? I must confess she is the only living person that is scarier than a vampire after a hunger strike; I dont do bikini shopping; I answered with a wavering voice. Mazie looked at me with sceptic eyes and sighed heavily; Well! Its about time that you start doing it; she raised her eyebrow. I felt my cheeks flush. Bikini shopping? How could I do that? I hated my body. I hated myself. I felt pathetic and embarrassed about it. My eyes widened and I could feel tears brimming my eyes; I cant do that; I heard my voice mumble.
Yes you can! You in fact will; Mazie raised her head and I could see her poker face; Zhae – its just a bikini; she took the flower pot and moved towards me; Dont let a piece of cloth weigh you down; she kept the flowerpot next to me and patted my cheeks. They knew.
That day we went for bikini shopping and spa. I had no idea what was happening or what was going to happen tomorrow. The bikini was good but I again felt embarrassed about my weight. The spa on the other hand made me feel heaven like; I could feel my body relax. The next day I wore a long baggy shirt over my bikini. Mazie didnt say anything just gave me a look. I looked around and saw people playing and having fun in their shorts and bikinis; they looked gorgeous. But then I noticed something; I noticed a man with a big belly playing with his seven year old daughter, I noticed an old women rub sunscreen on herself, I noticed a women of twenties with a bulging belly run down the beach with her sister who apparently had the biggest breasts Ive ever seen, I noticed a boy with absolutely no flesh on him sit on the life guard post, I noticed chubby boys eat popsicles, I noticed a child rolling down the sand mount, I saw people getting wet as the waves hit the shore, I saw life happening around me and I felt so aloof and sad. I again felt angry but this time I wasnt angry at the society for not treating me well – I felt angry at myself for waiting for the society to treat me well. I immediately got up and walked away to the shops nearby. I entered a shady lane and cried my eyes out. I felt so agitated and irritated and so annoyed that I wanted to just end everything. I hated being a vampire, I hated being cursed with this body; I wanted to stop my misery. I wanted to know how was everyone on the beach confident enough to stand straight and play and enjoy; I wanted to know the secret because I also wanted to wear bikini freely; I also wanted to be a part of this happiness that everyone seem to radiate. I had to see how bad I looked – I needed to analyse and accept how I looked and moreover I wanted to see why it mattered to me to look Barbie perfect for wearing a bikini on a beach. I needed to know.
After a while I got up and roamed around the lanes, and there I saw something that induced a spectacular idea in my head. I entered a sketch shop. I took off my top and paid for a bikini portrait of mine. I still remember that one hour of portrait making – that one hour of exposing myself to me. It gave me the acceptance I needed. That one hour was totally worth it. When I came out with my sketch I smiled. I saw a piece of a bikini body that was made by an artist. I saw a piece of an art, I saw myself reflected in that small piece of paper and it made me feel so true and so important for some reason. The very sketch made each and every cell in my body release endorphins. I fell in love with my portrait. It was a fine feeling, tears brimmed my eyes and I hugged it. It felt good to make yourself feel mattered. Thats what I had to learn to finally accept myself. I analysed as I went down to the beach that I did not look bad at all, I looked okay, absolutely fabulous! In fact I looked really beautiful and confident. I seemed normal. I seemed human.
That day was my first day to ever walk on beach with only bikini on. Mazie was proud. And I prouder. I atlast had found my mirror.
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skiasurveys · 7 years
love surveyyy
1: Do you have a crush at the moment? take a guess.
2: Have you ever been deeply in love? i am currently. first time.
3: Longest relationship you’ve ever been in?  the one i am currently in is the longest which is right now 1 year and 3 months <3
4: Have you ever changed for someone? Yeah and i have for the good and also for the bad.
5: How is your relationship with your ex?  i dont talk to any of them anymore. I deleted their numbers and have deleted them off social medias, i somehow still have them on snapchat..
6: Have you ever been cheated on? not that i know of
7: Have you ever cheated? NO
8: Would you date someone who’s well known for cheating?i would only do that if i didnt believe what the others said. but most likely i wouldnt lol
9: What’s the most important part of a relationship?  trust and companionship 
10: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? serious
11: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on “breaks”?  no i think breaks are just a code word for breaking up and wanting to fuck other people 
12: How many people have you ever hooked up with?  if by definition of hook up you mean fucking, no i havet ever hooked up with someone. I only have sex with someone im dating.
13: What’s one thing you regret saying/doing in a previous relationship? dating someone i didnt like but only doing it because i thought i should and everyone liked the guy. smh.
14: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex? kids shouldnt be having sex..
15: Do you believe in the phrase “age is just a number”?  im bias cause my boyfriend is 6.5 years older than me but im over 18 and so its not really weird then. but i dont like huge age gaps. as long as youre both legal adults and theyre not like 18 and 36 than whatevs.
16: Do you believe in “love at first sight”? nah
17: Do you believe it’s possible to fall in love on the internet? yah i think so. if you talk to them everyday maybe. but i think you need to do more than just texting. Like video chats but idk i think its kind of hard. i can see it happening if you met online and then eventually met irl but just thru via internet nah. idk i just feel like physical relationships are better than none. thats me though.
18: What do you consider a deal breaker? cheating and drugs. and lying about hardcore shit.
19: How do you know it’s time to end a relationship? when you stop feeling things for them, stop caring. or if you can see that its going no where. or if you just know they are not good for you.
20: Are you currently in a relationship? yep. 1 year and 3 months.
21: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends? eh. if youre mature  i guess. but someone you were super in love with..then you end it..can be hard to stay “friends” without someone still hoping they can work it out. Maybe like where you talk and are mature but not friends. im sure anyone whose mature can talk to an ex without it  being weird. unless you broke up for diff reasons.
22: Do you think people should date their friends? yeah sure
23: How many relationships have you had?  4 including the one i am in. 
24: Do you think love can last forever?  i do
25: Do you believe love can conquer all things?  no
26: Would you break up with someone your parents didn’t approve of?  no. unless it was a super good reason..with proof. but im 20 i dont really care what they have to say about my relationships. Unless its to help me. (eg. hes abusive/etc)
27: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?  Only date someone you actually like.
28: Do you think long distance relationships can work?  trust and lots of effort and communication. You have to be the type of person to handle that stuff though. i cant do it 
29: What do you notice first about another person? how they treat me and how they smile.
30: Are you straight, bi, gay or pansexual? straight
31: Would it bother you if your partner suffered from any mental illness?  no. Obvs something hardcore like sociopath or psychopath would be a deal breaker but 
32: Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? yea
33: Do you want to get married one day? one day
34: What do you think about getting your partner’s name tattooed?  dumb. i love my boyfriend and we want to be together forever but shit happens and also i just find it kind of stupid. Unless they like died and you wanted a memory of them i guess.
35: Could you be in a relationship without sex?   no
36: Are you still a virgin? no
37: What’s more important: Looks or personality? both are equal to me.
38: Do you enjoy love films? yeah they can be good. it depends though i hate stupid troupes ( eg. nerd girl dates hot boy. nerd boy gets hot girl. )
39: Have you ever given anyone/received roses? yea
40: Have you ever had a valentine? yes. and actually in my last relationship he dumped me on valentines day after spending about 70 dollars on me! lmao. Oh well it was a short relationship and looking back at it i laugh lmao. thank god im not dating him anymore.
41: What’s your imagination of a “perfect date”?  going out somewhere..having fun and enjoying eachother. doesnt even have to spend a lot of money either. 
42: Have you ever read “Romeo & Juliet”? no
43: What’s more important: Your partner or your friends? both. I am not gonna choose my man over my friends but i will not choose them over my boyfriend. If he needed me asap i would go to him, and vice versa if they needed me i would go to them. I need a balance of friends and my boyfriend. 
44: Would you consider yourself “romantic”? yeah very actually 
45: Could you imagine to date one of your current friends? no
46: Have you ever been “friendzoned”?  nope.
47: Which “famous couple” is your favorite?dont have one lol
48: What’s your favorite love song?  there is a lot of them.
49: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? yeah. oh well shit happens. i always feel bad but sometimes you cant be with someone or you dont want to be with them.
50: If you’re single, why do you think you are? n/a
51: Would you rather date someone who’s rich but a douchebag or someone who’s poor but a nice guy? this is a dumb question. a poor nice guy. lmao
52: Are you good at giving other people advices regarding dating/ relationships?  i think so. yet im really dumb with my own stuff. its that whole heart over mind. mind over heart. of course i can tel my friend to dump her bf if hes being stupid cus im not romantically involved but with me and my relationship issues its diff.
53: Are you jealous of couples when you’re single? yeah. i gt jealous even now when im with my bf, especially couples who are super good with eachother. and girls who are independent and not jealous cus im always jealous.
54: How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on facebook)?  eh. my boyfriend doesnt have it on there but its not like he hides our relationship. i dont think its overly important. unless youre hiding it.
55: Would you consider yourself “clingy”, “overly attached” or “jealous”? overly attached. i think.
56: Have you ever “destroyed” a relationship? no.
57: Do you think it’s silly to consider suicide because of a broken heart? suicide is never silly.
58: Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship? sub.
59: Have you ever forgotten important dates like your partner’s birthday or your anniversary? no
60: What’s your opinion on open relationships? stupid.
61: Who’s more important: Your partner or your family? depends on the situation. <--- same
62: How do you define “cheating”? if you have to hide it, youre cheating.
63: Is watching porn while being in a relationship inappropriate? no. just dont brag about it or be like “damn they fck better than you” this hasnt happened to me but i know if it did i would be angry lol
64: Do you think Valentine’s Day is overrated?  yeah. i dont want my boyfriend to spend money on me because he thinks he has too.
65: Would you consider yourself a “cuddler”? yes
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snoobydoo · 7 years
who the fuCK (thank u tho
1. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU HELD HANDS WITH? - my little sister!2. ARE YOU OUTGOING OR SHY? - id be pretty outgoing if i didnt have social anxiety but yeah,, im shy af3. WHO ARE YOU LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING? - AAA DREN IS COMING OUT IN THE SUMMER!! Allynah will also be hanging out with us for a bit while theyre here, too!! im so excited to hang out with both of them oml4. ARE YOU EASY TO GET ALONG WITH? - id hope so ? idk tho5. IF YOU WERE DRUNK WOULD THE PERSON YOU LIKE TAKE CARE OF YOU? - theyd probably be drunk too but yeah i think so? id probably take care of them more fhgdhf6. WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE ARE YOU ATTRACTED TO? - man,, fuck if i know,,, everyone, really?
7. DO YOU THINK YOU’LL BE IN A RELATIONSHIP TWO MONTHS FROM NOW? - fuCK NO lmao,, id love to be but its unrealistic8. WHO FROM THE OPPOSITE GENDER IS ON YOUR MIND? - opposite gender dbdsfdhgdsf9. DOES TALKING ABOUT SEX MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE? - it depends, really?? on like who im talking to and how in depth it is? casual mentions of it are chill with me but if its very specific like,, things they like and/or have done before im,, im good dude10. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU HAD A DEEP CONVERSATION WITH? - fuck idk11. WHAT DOES THE MOST RECENT TEXT THAT YOU SENT SAY? - ‘HELLO ILY’12. WHAT ARE YOUR 5 FAVORITE SONGS RIGHT NOW? - oh shit uhh probably?? Someone in the Crowd from La La Land, Under My Skin by Jukebox the Ghost, I Know by Tom Odell (even tho it makes me Sad? ????), LGBT by Cupcakke, and We’ll Meet Again by Vera Lynn13. DO YOU LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE PLAY WITH YOUR HAIR? - YES but i always feel super self conscious about it too oh boy14. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LUCK AND MIRACLES? - nah15. WHAT GOOD THING HAPPENED THIS SUMMER? - uhh i cant remember last summer very well rip but this upcoming summer Dren is coming out here for two weeks!!! and thats a v good thing B)16. WOULD YOU KISS THE LAST PERSON YOU KISSED AGAIN? - lmao N/A17. DO YOU THINK THERE IS LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS? - hell yeh but its not as advanced as we are/hope18. DO YOU STILL TALK TO YOUR FIRST CRUSH? - lmfao no i lost contact in like 3rd grade rip19. DO YOU LIKE BUBBLE BATHS? - i havent had one in years so im not sure?20. DO YOU LIKE YOUR NEIGHBORS? - yeah they all seem really nice but ive never met any of them21. WHAT ARE YOUR BAD HABITS? - Everything I Do22. WHERE WOULD YOU LIKE TO TRAVEL? - ooh anywhere, really?? travelling seems so heckin cool. id love to go to Canada and Amsterdam and Italy n stuff,, just anywhere23. DO YOU HAVE TRUST ISSUES? - l m a o24. FAVORITE PART OF YOUR DAILY ROUTINE? - going to sleep25. WHAT PART OF YOUR BODY ARE YOU MOST UNCOMFORTABLE WITH? - everything26. WHAT DO YOU DO WHEN YOU WAKE UP? - dissociate and/or go back to sleep27. DO YOU WISH YOUR SKIN WAS LIGHTER OR DARKER? - eeh my skin is hella pale so if it was just a little bit darker thatd be chill B)28. WHO ARE YOU MOST COMFORTABLE AROUND? - uhh fuck idk probably Dren and Allynah?29. HAVE ANY OF YOUR EX’S TOLD YOU THEY REGRET BREAKING UP? - N/A lmao30. DO YOU EVER WANT TO GET MARRIED? - maybe?? im not sure31. IF YOUR HAIR LONG ENOUGH FOR A PONY TAIL? - yeah but some pieces dont fit in it32. WHICH CELEBRITIES WOULD YOU HAVE A THREESOME WITH? - no thanks my dude33. SPELL YOUR NAME WITH YOUR CHIN. - ksatre
34. DO YOU PLAY SPORTS? WHAT SPORTS? - im Super unathletic,, id like to play a sport but i dont. im struggling in p.e. lmao35. WOULD YOU RATHER LIVE WITHOUT TV OR MUSIC? - tv36. HAVE YOU EVER LIKED SOMEONE AND NEVER TOLD THEM? - haha yeah every damn time37. WHAT DO YOU SAY DURING AWKWARD SILENCES? - i just laugh or stay silent38. DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM GIRL/GUY? - okay this is gonna sound crazy but.. th- they Like Me Back,, i know, Whoa..39. WHAT ARE YOUR FAVORITE STORES TO SHOP IN? - Target ?? it just feels really familiar for some reason,, prob bc i used to go there a lot as a child40. WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO AFTER HIGH SCHOOL? - die41. DO YOU BELIEVE EVERYONE DESERVES A SECOND CHANCE? - no42. IF YOUR BEING EXTREMELY QUIET WHAT DOES IT MEAN? - i dont have anything to say, im having a panic attack, or im holding in whatever i want to say43. DO YOU SMILE AT STRANGERS? - yeah!44. TRIP TO OUTER SPACE OR BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN? - SPACE45. WHAT MAKES YOU GET OUT OF BED IN THE MORNING? - i dont lol46. WHAT ARE YOU PARANOID ABOUT? - everything, my dude,, everything47. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN HIGH? - no48. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN DRUNK? - yes49. HAVE YOU DONE ANYTHING RECENTLY THAT YOU HOPE NOBODY FINDS OUT ABOUT? - no? i dont think so?50. WHAT WAS THE COLOUR OF THE LAST HOODIE YOU WORE? - black51. EVER WISHED YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE? - constantly52. ONE THING YOU WISH YOU COULD CHANGE ABOUT YOURSELF? - Everything?53. FAVOURITE MAKEUP BRAND? - lol fuck if i know54. FAVOURITE STORE? - already answered above ?55. FAVOURITE BLOG? - i like that one blog that posts unflattering pictures of cats (im not gonna tag them tho rgdgfsdf)56. FAVOURITE COLOUR? - yellow57. FAVOURITE FOOD? - peaches or coffee tbh58. LAST THING YOU ATE? - cereal59. FIRST THING YOU ATE THIS MORNING? - cereal60. EVER WON A COMPETITION? FOR WHAT? - no i dont think so61. BEEN SUSPENDED/EXPELLED? FOR WHAT? - nope62. BEEN ARRESTED? FOR WHAT? - nope63. EVER BEEN IN LOVE? - fuq that, idk64. TELL US THE STORY OF YOUR FIRST KISS? - n/a
65. ARE YOU HUNGRY RIGHT NOW? - no66. DO YOU LIKE YOUR TUMBLR FRIENDS MORE THAN YOUR REAL FRIENDS? - what is the difference tho,, if we mean online vs offline then yes my online friends are better but theyre still my Real Friends ya feel67. FACEBOOK OR TWITTER? - twitter68. TWITTER OR TUMBLR? - tumblr69. ARE YOU WATCHING TV RIGHT NOW? - no70. NAMES OF YOUR BESTFRIENDS? - Dren, Allynah, Grace, Eli, Allison71. CRAVING SOMETHING? WHAT? - nope72. WHAT COLOUR ARE YOUR TOWELS? - we have a lot of different colors72. HOW MANY PILLOWS DO YOU SLEEP WITH? - two73. DO YOU SLEEP WITH STUFFED ANIMALS? - no74. HOW MANY STUFFED ANIMALS DO YOU THINK YOU HAVE? - none75. FAVOURITE ANIMAL? - cats76. WHAT COLOUR IS YOUR UNDERWEAR? - im too lazy to check77. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? - vanilla78. FAVOURITE ICE CREAM FLAVOUR? - mint chocolate chip for sure79. WHAT COLOUR SHIRT ARE YOU WEARING? - black80. WHAT COLOUR PANTS? - red81. FAVOURITE TV SHOW? - the walking dead probably82. FAVOURITE MOVIE? - CAPTAIN AMERICA: TFA83. MEAN GIRLS OR MEAN GIRLS 2? - theres a second one?84. MEAN GIRLS OR 21 JUMP STREET? - ive never seen 21 jump street,, so mean girls85. FAVOURITE CHARACTER FROM MEAN GIRLS? - DAMIAN86. FAVOURITE CHARACTER FROM FINDING NEMO? - Squirt87. FIRST PERSON YOU TALKED TO TODAY? - n/a88. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO TODAY? - n/a89. NAME A PERSON YOU HATE? - m e90. NAME A PERSON YOU LOVE? - see #7091. IS THERE ANYONE YOU WANT TO PUNCH IN THE FACE RIGHT NOW? - ME92. IN A FIGHT WITH SOMEONE? - no93. HOW MANY SWEATPANTS DO YOU HAVE? - one pair i think?94. HOW MANY SWEATERS/HOODIES DO YOU HAVE? - two95. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? - if a musical counts, then Heathers. if not then i think how to train your dragon 2?96. FAVOURITE ACTRESS? - Lauren Cohan probably? idk97. FAVOURITE ACTOR? - andrew lincoln or chris evans98. DO YOU TAN A LOT? - nope99. HAVE ANY PETS? - YES i have four. three cats and one dog100. HOW ARE YOU FEELING? - sleepy101. DO YOU TYPE FAST? - yes102. DO YOU REGRET ANYTHING FROM YOUR PAST? - everything ??103. CAN YOU SPELL WELL? - fairly104. DO YOU MISS ANYONE FROM YOUR PAST? - yea105. EVER BEEN TO A BONFIRE PARTY? - we’ve had small parties with a little bonfire but ive never been to a BONFIRE PARTY,, i wish106. EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? -probably not107. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN ON A HORSE? - uhhh i dont remember?? maybe?108. WHAT SHOULD YOU BE DOING? - i actually have no obligations right now,, thank god109. IS SOMETHING IRRITATING YOU RIGHT NOW? - me110. HAVE YOU EVER LIKED SOMEONE SO MUCH IT HURT? - yeah i have bpd111. DO YOU HAVE TRUST ISSUES? - this was already asked112. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU CRIED IN FRONT OF? - my brother i think113. WHAT WAS YOUR CHILDHOOD NICKNAME? - just? Kate? or i think Petuna was one too114. HAVE YOU EVER BEEN OUT OF YOUR PROVINCE/STATE? - yeah115. DO YOU PLAY THE WII? - we had a wii one time but i only used it like twice116. ARE YOU LISTENING TO MUSIC RIGHT NOW? - i was but then it ended and now its just silent and i didnt even notice.. im gonna change the song117. DO YOU LIKE CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP? - yes118. DO YOU LIKE CHINESE FOOD? - yes119. FAVOURITE BOOK? - perks of being a wallflower120. ARE YOU AFRAID OF THE DARK? - i get paranoid yeh121. ARE YOU MEAN? - yeah122. IS CHEATING EVER OKAY? - no u piece of shit123. CAN YOU KEEP WHITE SHOES CLEAN? - no dgfsfs124. DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? - infatuation, maybe, but not love125. DO YOU BELIEVE IN TRUE LOVE? - no126. ARE YOU CURRENTLY BORED? - nah this is keeping me busy127. WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY? - being included128. WOULD YOU CHANGE YOUR NAME? - im not sure? probably not129. WHAT YOUR ZODIAC SIGN? - sagittarius130. DO YOU LIKE SUBWAY? - sure131. YOUR BESTFRIEND OF THE OPPOSITE SEX LIKES YOU, WHAT DO YOU DO? - opposite sex,, and heck, if anyone liked me id doubt it and/or panic132. WHO’S THE LAST PERSON YOU HAD A DEEP CONVERSATION WITH? - idk but this was also already asked133. FAVOURITE LYRICS RIGHT NOW? - I wanna take you somewhere so you know I careBut it’s so cold and I don’t know whereI brought you daffodils in a pretty stringBut they won’t flower like they did last spring134. CAN YOU COUNT TO ONE MILLION? - i could but i dont want to135. DUMBEST LIE YOU EVER TOLD? - i dont remember136. DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? - closed137. HOW TALL ARE YOU? - 5′6138. CURLY OR STRAIGHT HAIR? - i have curly hair139. BRUNETTE OR BLONDE? - im a brunette140. SUMMER OR WINTER? - summer141. NIGHT OR DAY? - day142. FAVOURITE MONTH? - october probably?143. ARE YOU A VEGETARIAN? - no but id like to try it some time144. DARK, MILK OR WHITE CHOCOLATE? - milk chocolate145. TEA OR COFFEE? - coffee but both are good146. WAS TODAY A GOOD DAY? - idk i just woke up147. MARS OR SNICKERS? - ive never had a mars bar so snickers?148. WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE QUOTE? - “you’re not a sad story. you are alive.”149. DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? - idk150. GET THE CLOSEST BOOK NEXT TO YOU, OPEN IT TO PAGE 42, WHAT’S THE FIRST LINE ON THAT PAGE?  - How can you use a topographic map to interpret information about an area?
thank u for these questions im sorry this post is so long dgdfgsffdquestions
0 notes
krayns · 8 years
All :p
THANKS A! okay ill skip the ones M already asked me!
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? 
LOLOL, well it was the GC so I would say hey bitches wus good. ACTUALLY. I’D BE LIKE YALL CAN LOOK BUT CANT TOUCH CAUSE YALL BITCHES BE GETTING THE WRONG IDEA, and told yall bout a good million times Im just not interested. Pls take a hint.
2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?
WELL. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, bc he was a lowlife scrub who I do not need in my life at all. Blocked & erased my history 
3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? 
UM…. yes bc I would care about my partner and would want the best for them……. so I wouldnt want them on drugs 24/7
4. Is your last name longer than six letters? 
OMG its exactly 6 letter BISH.
5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? YA GIRL WAS DRUNNNNK IN LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE 
6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?
OMG NO. Im never the one to mess it up SMH, im the one left to clean up the mess SMFH 
7. What does your last received text say? “Or nahhh” 
8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? 
LMFAO what kind of question. YALL REALLY THINK I SIT THERE AND COUNT EVERYTIME I KISSED MY MAN LIKE LOL?????????  Lets just say I kissed him WAY too many times than he deserved. (V many times tho bc who doesn’t love a good smooch)
9. Where was your last kiss at? 
BRUH. my ex mans house OK NEXT 
10. When is the last time you saw your sister? 
well I have 2, and a few hours ago before they both went to sleep bc they youngins. 
11. What do you drink in the morning?
Ya girl likes her steaming hot cup of TEA in the morning. Gotta have my daily tea. 
12. Where did you sleep last night? 
My mans crib ;) why you care tho?
13. Do you think relationships are hard? LOL. They’re hard if you make em hard. And if you’re partner is stressin you then hell yeah. But I mean no relationship is perfect. Its all about working through those hard times and that honestly makes the relationship stronger. 
14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? 
YES. I would’ve left the trash ass ugly piece of garbage that treated me like shit and used the hell out of me, before I got super attached to him and let him walk all over me. DEFS wish I could’ve left his fuck boy ass long time ago, shouldn’t have let things lasted as long as they did.
15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOO. bruh. YOU ARE ASKING FOR A WORLD WAR 3. im crying could you imagine. OH he would be shook. That or he would have the best sex of his life lbr. 
16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?
Sunny when I gotta go out, Rainy when I’m inside/ at night. BC YA GIRL HATES GOING OUT IN THE RAIN. Womans are not tryna look like a wet cat. 
17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? 
Actually yes quite a few, people I knew from school, also I think Selena Gomez? My middle name is kinda basic.
18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?
None of the above ;) 
19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
PART OF ME: I REALLY HOPE SO bc ya girl a hopeless romantic 
OTHER PART OF ME: HONESTLY IDEK BC MANS ARE SO WHACK THESE DAYS, HARD TO FIND A QUALITY QT, and honestly im doing me these days like mans can wait BYE 
20. Does anyone like you?
Jesus! My boy JC. Dont know if anyone else likes me bc like I clearly can’t read minds so?
21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S?
Besides family, no one else is ringing a bell
22. Is the last person you kissed gay? 
23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?
Currently: My EX, Alicia from AYTO (tv show) (snake ass bitch), 
24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?
Yessss many times. Like theres so many ideas I have. I would probs get one like on my side, back, lower waist, or behind my ear? Either something cute or something with meaning.
25. In the past week have you cried? 
Yes I think I had a moment the other day.
26. What breed was the last dog you saw? 
A cockerspaniel. 
27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?
Depends on my mood. I really like showers tho, preferably with my man 
28. Have you ever kissed a football player?
Not yet ;)
29. Do you think you’re old?
Honestly sometimes I feel old asf
30. Do you like text messaging? 
TBH not really. I prefer having that face to face, talking through text is too much miscommunication. 
31. What type of day are you having? 
A swell day, kinda was in my feels earlier but ya girl got it together. 
32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?
YASSSS. I’ve wanted one for a while, but now I’m like do I want one that bad? It would be cute af THO
33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
WARM WARM WARM. No ones tryna freeze their ass off. Ya girls an Island baby 
34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?
Jesus Christ. 
35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?
RELATIONSHIPS, FUCK FLINGS ARE JUST NOT FOR ME. I am not meant for that fling life 
36. Are you a simple or complicated person?
Im quite wild tbh when you get to know me
37. What song are you listening to? 
Currently: Straight Up & Down by Bruno Mars 
38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? 
Hellllll YEAH 
39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? 
Yes, I’d say my Moms, Ash, Rach or my sister Tia
40. What made you start liking the person you like now?
OK. WELL…………………………………… dont ask me bout this rn im confused. But I kinda also have feelings for my ex ex man who wasnt really my man but still he is literally like my ideal man and ive been seeing him a few times and im triggered UGH my first uni LOVE FML fuck he has me WEAK ASF
41. When did you last receive a text message? 
A second ago: so 1:55 AM 
42. What is wrong with you right now?
no but real talk school out here draining me. ALSO IM V CONFUSED BOUT STUFF. 
43. How well do you know the last female you texted?
YO thats my girl. RIDE OR DIE since 7th grade. I know her like the back of my hand and likewise for me. 
44. Does anyone disgust you? 
HAAHAHAAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA, you already fucking know the answer. TRASH ASS EX MAN. Also fuck boys just disgust and erk my soul in general. 
45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?
Depends on who’s asking 😏 but hey if I like you, you cute, nice, funny, LOYAL, determined I mean I would probs say yes. ALONG WITH MY OTHER WANTS: smells good, good style, nice hair, kind, TALLLLLL, athletic, 
But hey I mean he don’t have to fit all these categories, im just being extra here 
46. Are you in a good mood right now? 
Currently Yes :D
47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?
My mom
48. What color shirt are you wearing? 
Not wearing a shirt oooooooops 😳
49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? 
YUP. dont wanna repeat bc it was honestly the DOUCHIEST thing I’ve ever heard in my life and it makes me sick to my stomach that this literally came out of a mans PIE HOLE. i cant. 
50. Anyone you’re giving up on?
Already gave up on em. LIKE UP OUT OF MY LIFE. blocked and erased that history 
51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? Not really my ex ex man I still kinda like. BC my ex man was not the one that a fell hardest for so nah. IF IT WAS HIM THEN I WOULD. 
52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?
ummmmm noooo????
53. Do you like rain? 
Only when I’m inside, or about to sleep. That Netflix and cuddles possible chill typa weather ya feel 
54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?
Nope, unless the liqs turns them into a monster then yes I would care. 
55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? 
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL😳😳😳 HONEST TO GOD IM EITHER STRAIGHT UP OR SO LOWKEY. Like im TOO GOOD AT THIS. I could be crushin so hard on someone and they would never know bc im too good at hiding it.
56. Do you like to cuddle? 
YES LOOOOOOOOOVE. your girl likes her doses of cuddles. BABS like getting cuddled too ): 
57. Are you shy? 
LOL HONEST YES. IM SO SHY AROUND CUTE BOYS OR LIKE PEOPLE I DONT KNOW. But once I get comfortable with you whoever you are im defs not. YA GIRL WILD AF
58. Do you get along with girls?YASSSSSSSS girl power bitch. LOVE MY GIRLS. Love hyping and empowering up my girls. 
59. Have you dated the person you texted last?
60. What do you carry with you at all times?
STRESS. LOL jks but omg phone, lipgloss (bc you never know if you eva gonna kiss a QT), the normals 
61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?
62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?
YES. OBVI. I’m that long term typa gyal ;) Im that ride or die typa girl
63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? 
LOOOOL. Lets not think back to that time, I already ctrl alt and DELETE. BOI BYE 
64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?
um YES. stop. putting. me. in. my feelS. But lets just say it wouldn’t just end with a kiss on the forehead ;) 
65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? 
Well im cute so……….. everyday something cute happens aka ME :)
66. How old are the last three people you kissed?
21, and the rest were family SO LOL 
67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself?   
honestly i can do my own nails, but its nice to treat your self
68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? 
ZEBRA, your girl is a zebra print stan, my whole room is practically this print 
69. Do you have any stickers on your car? 
i dont own a car, but the car I drive has a “princess on board sticker” which is for my little sister but HEY its suitable for me too so 
70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne?
Lil Wayne… not about that country/ tim buck two. But tbh I dont listen to either of em 
71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone?  
72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut?    
Maybe like last year? Usually get pizza pizza
73. Do you like diet soda?   
NAH, diet taste kinda weird 
74. What color are the walls in your room?    
Its like an olive green, but I want to re paint, maybe a shade of pink 
75. Are you 16 or older?    
older…. why you tryna holla?
76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars?  
I did…. show got mad boring tho. 
77. Do you have a job?   
Not currently, in school tho
78. What are your initials?   
79. Did you ever have braces? 
nope, but the dentist always ask me if i had braces and always say how nice my teeth are :D
80. Are you from the south?  
81. What does your last status on facebook say?  
um???? I think I promo’ed Ash’s travel VLOG, check that shit out tho!!!!!!!
82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? 
83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? 
I would say my dad bc I grew up with him? but i tell my mom and step mom more personal stuff/ everything so
85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? 
I think it was suicide squad.
86. Do you smoke?    
Nah, not on those greens fam
87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops?  
DEPENDS. On location and look. 
88. Is your phone touch screen?    
89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? 
Well my hair is wavy and I usually just leave it natural. I love straightening my hair but takes way too much strength and energy out of me.
90. Have you ever snuck out of your house?  LMFAO YES. TO GO TO SLEEPOVER AT ONE OF MY MANS HOUSE IM CRYING @GOD forgive me father 
91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? 
94. Are you single or in a relationship?   
Doing me. Living life. Doing whatever the hell I want. I am happy and thats all that matters. Not letting mans bring me down, have me stressing, crying myself to sleep, or crying until i have no more tears to cry
95. What were you doing last night at midnight?  
Texting my squad in the GC, talking about waste mans 
96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks?  
Fireworks in my heart: probably in the summer on my first date with trash 
97. Do you like the camera on your phone?   
YES bc I stay taking cute pics, im obsessed with taking fire pics
99. Have you ever passed out from drinking?    
NOPE. Always know my limit
100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? Hate is a v strong word. I think if anyone I really disliked I’ve removed, I may have some fakes from like HS but thats about it.
103. Do you have any tan lines right now?  noPE, but honestly i wish I did bc I wanna go somewhere warm 
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