#I've had a handful of lovely dreams where when i wake up i fall into complete despair bc it wasnt real
herefortheships · 1 day
What is your opinion on the Beetlejuice 2 Dream Theory?
My short answer is that it's plausible, but not likely that that's what the writers or Tim intended. That said, every viewer is entitled to their own interpretation. When a piece of media leaves the author's hands, then it doesn't belong exclusively to the author anymore; the story takes on a new form when it falls in the hands of the audience ("the death of the author is the birth of the reader" etc).
I'd have to rewatch the movie with my brain prepared to point out references that may show that everything we're witnessing as the movie plays out is not real.
As for my personal interpretation, I don't think that's the case. There was indeed a dream sequence at the end though; we have to decide, when does the dream start? Was it when Betelgeuse and Lydia were dancing in midair? (Betelgeuse does break the 4th wall to tell the audience "I love a good dream sequence", so that's possible). Or was it later after Lydia says her goodbye to Delia? I've only watched the movie once so far, so my thoughts may change when I rewatch it, but for now, this is where I think the dream starts:
I think the dream started with Lydia quitting her show. She may not have quit it at all, as a matter of fact, but her dream started with this because she's now hoping for a fresh start and quitting her show is part of what she has identified as her ideal life, going forward. She's dreaming about a perfect life, believing herself rid of Betelgeuse and Rory and her past, and starting fresh with Astrid, focused on being her mother and being there for her this time. Astrid and Lydia only have each other now after the loss of Delia and Charles, as far as family goes. All of that from that moment on is the dream. In truth, she isn't rid of Betelgeuse, and she is pretty isolated now. So she is shaken awake by the nightmare (I already made a detailed post about that, so I won't go into detail about the dream and what I think it means here). I think the dream ends when she hears/feels Betelgeuse in bed with her. Betelgeuse isn't gone and he's still very much in love with her, which may not be a very comforting thought to her just yet lol.
Now as I'm writing this, as a matter of fact, her little jumpscare when feeling Betelgeuse in bed with her might have a double meaning. Why was she dreaming about him being in bed with her? To be honest, when I first saw that in the theater I thought the wedding had gone through, since they were sharing a bed now! Lydia may be beginning to realize her feelings about Betel have changed, which understandably scares her right now. Then she wakes up again and he's gone. There is a question here, was he part of the dream or was he truly in bed with Lydia? Maybe he was there after all (which is what I personally believe).
Anyway, I am beginning to ramble, but Tl;Dr: There was a dream, but it starts when Lydia quits her job (or maybe after she quits, when she and Astrid are in vacation together).
Again, if it's the same theory I read (which I totally love and find super intriguing), it does make good points, so in short I would say it's plausible. Today I read a post about how the name "Richard" repeats in the movie in several instances, which may add to the "none of this is real, it's all a dream" theory. But to be honest, for me at least, there is more reason to believe that what we witnessed in the film did happen, and Astrid, Rory, Richard, etc are all real and part of Lydia's life.
That Lydia isn't married to Betel by the end of this film doesn't mean her feelings about him will remain as they are and that she will never accept him or even love him, though. This movie was SO a setup for a third film and I am sure of that. It was left open ended so in the event it didn't land well, the franchise could be set to rest with this sequel which was mostly a passion project for those involved, but now we know the movie was a massive hit, so it's very likely and I have no doubt we will get a final third part. There is a LOT of "the rule of three" around Betelgeuse, starting with the fact that you need to say his name three times to summon him. "Third time's a charm", you know what I mean? So I believe the final movie will see them married (yep, not just together or just friends, but married). Marriage is a very important theme in Beetlejuice, both for the series and the titular character himself, so that wedding will happen and it will go through next time, for better or worse (and I hope for better!) Again, rule of three applies here. I think the story is prime for either a soulmate story, or a tragic "true love will set you free" kind of story in which Lydia has to marry Betelgeuse in order to free his soul so he can move on (it was pointed out to me that this resembles the story of Corpse Bride, which is also a movie directed by Tim Burton). If he goes with the latter, then that doesn't mean Lydia won't love him and will just marry him to free him (as in she’s his true love but she doesn’t love him back romantically); she may still fall in love with him, but will find a way to break his attachment/curse to set his soul free and "let him go" for now (it could go either way tbh 😭), and they can still find each other in the afterlife. And wouldn't that be nice? If the two of them can move on to a better place in the great beyond in the finale? To spend eternity together in peace.
Anyway, rambling again! This is my answer. Sorry for replying a little late (and "yapping" so much lol), but trust me I was thinking about this question all day.
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helioooss · 2 months
hard times
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synopsis: you have been dating mina in secret for nearly five years now. things start to fall apart after her fans finally raise speculations about your true relationship with her
w/c: 7.4k ((oops, got carried away and dragged it out))
warnings: mentions of alcohol…lots of angst. actually just pure angst
a/n: if i had a dollar for every time i yelled “girl, stand up for yourself” while writing this, i’d have like $6. againnnn, not proofread, was sleep deprived writing this, also only had 12 hours of free time at work <//3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The early rays of sunlight cracked through the blackout curtains of your apartment window, sending out golden hues of light to wake you up. You turned over to wrap your arms around your girlfriend, but to your surprise, were met with cold sheets and an empty bed instead.
In confusion, you slowly opened your eyes - melting away any remnants of sleep. As far as you were aware, she had nothing written down on her schedule today.
You were about to reach out for your phone when you noticed the answer to your question: a handwritten note sitting on the bedside table from no other than Mina herself.
A smile tugged on the corners of your lips, she knew you too well.
good morning my love, i got called into a morning meeting with head office today. i should be back home for lunch!
love, minari <3
Sitting up, you let the familiar silence settle around you. You were suddenly reminded of how lucky you were to be a part of Mina's life - to be able to call her your own, she chose you even when the rest of the world wanted her.
Four years later, your love for her only grew deeper with every sunset and beating of your heart. The timeless moments that built your relationship; from the late-night game dates, flying to every tour show, holding her hand as she achieved her dreams and even the silly little arguments that made your relationship stronger — you were grateful for them all.
The light that she brought into your life was otherworldly- she was everything (and perhaps more) you needed.
Though sometimes, there were moments where you wished you could just tell the world about your girlfriend because the world outside of yours, you were only one of her closest friends. At least, her family and friends knew, and to some extent, her company. You could write a million books about her and it still wouldn't be enough.
There was a delicate balance in the fragile world you built together. Mina worked as a popstar and you were an independent producer.
It helped that you grew up with one of her bandmates, Jihyo, who (unfortunately) was always a good first excuse whenever questions were raised as to why you were so dedicated to being present in almost every show. Secondly, you were one of their producers.
Besides that, you had pretty much perfected the art of being Mina's best friend. Anniversaries were orchestrated carefully, always planned months ahead of time and any public appearances involved being friendly with her as possible. Your longing smiles and shared looks were a soft reminder of your love for each other, and that was enough for now.
In the corner of your dimly lit studio, you worked in front of the mixer endlessly - isolated from the rest of the world as you poured yourself into your craft. You were constantly attempting to push JYP into releasing more music outside of TWICE's comfort zone, something the girls had respected you for.
The buzzing of your phone pulled you out of your work trance as you frantically grabbed it out of your pocket. It was Jihyo and it had to be something important if she was calling you at ten in the morning.
"What brings forth the Queen's presence?" you chuckled, however, she held her silence on the other end. "Hello, earth to Jihyo?"
"Have you seen the link Momo and Dahyun sent you?"
You frowned at the seriousness in her tone, the weight of her emotions passing to you. "Good morning to you too, and no, I've been working since I got up."
She heaved out a sigh. "It's not looking too good, Y/N, not good at all."
"What are you on about?"
Within a second, you were scrolling through the group chat you shared with the other members. Multiple links were sent out and you wish you hadn't clicked on it because the sudden doom you were feeling was horrifying - your world had just been turned upside down.
Mina and Y/N - more than friends?
The first one you had clicked was a video compiled of Mina's longing stares, the changes in her mood whenever your name was mentioned and of course, the moments you two shared together in public as friends being carefully dissected. She wore a different persona around you - the one you were only meant to see, and it didn't click to you how painfully obvious it was.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," you muttered as you clicked another link, heart racing as you watched the headlines unfold.
This time, it was a tweet; a photo of her in one of her many disguises next to a photo of you and her holding hands at the beach...the only indication pointing to her was the fact that she wore the exact same outfit.
There were more "evidences" but you had seen enough.
You have never felt this violated in your life, years of cherished memories were now tarnished by the mere fact that it was being shared around for the public to scrutinise. It would be a lie to say that you two had not prepared for this, but there was always the illusion of your lives being separate - safe in the world you had built.
"It's going to be okay," Jihyo tried her best to comfort you in her soft voice. "Is she not home?"
"No, she told me she got called into a meeting and I'm assuming it's all because of this mess," you plopped your head against your pillow, a million thoughts already running through your head. "Do you think she'll get kicked out of the group?"
"Are you kidding me?" Jihyo scoffed at you. "We aren't Twice without Mina. The only options for JYP are to either confirm, deny or not say anything at all."
"I'm going to lose her, I know it," you gasped out, running your fingers through your hair. "What am I going to do?"
"You know what Mina always says about you, Y/N?" it was Chaeyoung's voice on the line this time. "That she wouldn't be able to do all of this glitz and glamour if she didn't have you in it. You're her anchor, remember that.
"Thank you," you strung out, voice heavy. "I appreciate it."
"Your relationship will always have our support, we love you as much as we love that penguin."
Mina suddenly barged into your studio a mess; puffy eyed and hair messy. Her face showed a mix of anger, uncertainty and more importantly, fear of what the future held for the both of you. In the middle of all the chaos surrounding your relationship, you opened your arms wide for her and you were met with a crying Mina falling into your chest.
"I'm so sorry, baby," her voice was barely above a whisper. "Tell your family that I'm sorry. Everyone's going to pry into your life and —"
You squeezed her body tight, making her stop as you kissed her temple lovingly. You were just as lost as her. "Have you forgotten that everyone was prepared for this? Don't worry about my family, they'll be fine, I'm more worried about your career."
She looked up at you, biting her bottom lip as hard as she could. "They want me to confirm the old dating rumours I had with Jeno."
"What?" your question held so much frustration and turmoil. Out of all the possibilities you two had considered, you didn't see a fake relationship with another idol coming. "How the fuck is that going to help you?"
"They're convinced a relationship with him will be more beneficial for me than damaging, and it'll stir away all those rumours about us if the public is convinced enough," she replied, her tone mirroring your bitterness. "They also want you to go on friendly dates with other idols and make it look like you do this with everyone else."
Your eyebrows furrowed, your grip on her arms loosening. "And you said okay to all of this?"
"I had no choice," she bellowed out, another set of tears prickling out of her eyes. "It was either I lose you forever or for a short amount of time and I picked the latter!"
You sent her an apologetic look, letting out a sigh. It was a mission to contain the surge of anger flowing through you in front of Mina, it was the last thing she needed. This storm would pass, however, it was sailing together that worried you the most.
"I love you, Y/N," Mina firmly reassured you. "Do you know that?”
"I love you too, I'm sorry."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
In the days that followed, against both of your wills, Mina temporarily moved out of your apartment and "officially" started dating Jeno. Alongside that was the release of a series of photos of you with other idols - seemingly justifying your intimate dates with her.
It felt like a blow to your place in the industry. You weren't just a mere producer to the public now, you were linked to almost every member of Twice and Blackpink, years of hard work overshadowed by dating rumours just like that.
The thing that convinced the public the most were old photos of you and Rosé's friendship resurfacing, all the way back from her debut days. A recent one caught Mina's eye out of all of them; the blonde idol was kissing your cheek at your favourite Italian restaurant out of all places - the one you took her out to for your first date.
It was the sole reason for Mina's silence tonight.
You and the members of Twice were all seated around the dorm's dinner table; candlelights flickering and casting shadows in the room as Japanese jazz played in the background.
She was sitting right across from you, absentmindedly twirling her ramen but still refusing to eat it. The soft hum of their conversations were drowned out trying to figure out how to push your girlfriend's sour mood away. And, she looked so beautiful in the light - jet black hair cascading past her shoulders and perfectly framing her divine features.
"My love, aren't you going to eat?" you whispered gently, a tinge of concern beneath your voice. "You haven't touched your food since I got here. Did you not miss me?"
You hadn't seen her in over a week due to your clashing schedules, most of her free time were spent doing publicity stunts with Jeno and most of yours consisted of missing Mina and hanging out with idols you have worked with at least once.
She sent you a tight-lipped smile, pushing a strand of her hair to the back of her ear. "I did miss you, a lot, I'm just bothered."
You gazed at her, raising an eyebrow. "What about, my darling?"
A rush of warmth made its way to her cheeks as she shook her head. "It's nothing important, I'll tell you after dinner, yeah?" she reached for your hand over the table, resting it on top of yours.
Albeit unconvinced, you nodded with her. She didn't speak to you for the rest of the night, choosing to engage in conversations with the group. It would've been reasonable if it weren't for the fact that you hadn't spoken to or seen her all week - the longest you have spent away from each other so far since you started dating.
It didn't seem to have an effect on her and it stung.
Nayeon nudged you with her elbow, noticing the shift in your behaviour. "And what's going on with you, Y/N? I miss seeing you lurk everywhere, and now all these other girls get to be in your presence."
All eyes were on you now, but yours fell on Mina whose jaw was noticeably clenched. You nervously chuckled, taking a big sip out of your chardonnay. "I know, it sucks, but also a perfect opportunity for me to play around with my tunes, you know? It's exhausting, but hopefully it'll all tone down soon...specially with Mina dating Jeno."
"So, having fun with Rosé?" Mina cleared her throat, tone coming out harsher than intended with hurt evident in her eyes. And it caught you and the rest of the girls off-guard. "I didn't know you guys were that close until those photos came out."
"Yeah," you awkwardly trailed off. "I used to work for Teddy at the Black Label. We've always been close but the years have grown us apart, can we talk about this later?"
"Why later?" her voice cracked, burning you with her stare.
Your face was flushed with embarrassment as you took notice of the girls sinking on their seats, trying to make themselves invisible and far away from her wrath because angry Mina was bad, but jealous and angry Mina was the worst version of her to exist, ever.
"Because I haven't seen you in so long and I'd like to have a good night with our friends," you said quietly. "Is that too much to ask, Mina?"
She got up, not before exchanging strained looks with you, unable to hide her emotions any longer. "She's kissing your cheek in one of the photos for god's sake," she shot back at you, footsteps bearing the heavy weight of the mess she created. "Girls, I'll be in my room if you need me, I'm really sorry for ruining the night."
The stunned silence that followed after her departure hung heavy between all of you. You were completely blindsided by her reaction because it was unusual of Mina. She trusted you and your judgement regarding everyone in the industry, and you had always been transparent about your previous relationships. Rosé wasn't even on the list of people you've dated, she was like a sister to you.
"Go after her, Y/N," Jeongyeon was the first to break the silence, a gentle contrast against the previous heated exchange. "She's under a lot of pressure from the company right now - please go easy on her."
You silently excused yourself from the table, trailing behind Mina a minute too long. You opened the door to her room and your heart instantly ached at the sight of her sitting on the edge of the bed with a defeated look on her face.
She glanced up at you, tears streaming down her face. "I don't know where that came from, that was unacceptable and -"
You took a deep breath, kneeling in front of her as you cupped her face in between your palms. "Baby, what's going on?"
"I'm scared and I'm so tired of following rules and I hate holding the hands of someone I barely know and don't love," she started, shoulders trembling with silent cries. "And I hate seeing you with girls who are so much better than me.”
"My love, there is no else better for me in this world. I will always choose you no matter what," you said, wiping streaks of tears off of her face with your thumb. "I love you more than anyone else in the world, you matter to me the most."
She searched your eyes for any ounce of lies, and all she found was sincerity. "You promise?"
"I promise," you took her hand into yours, placing a chaste kiss on the back of it. "I'm all yours."
Her head was resting against yours and you sat frozen in that position for a long time, cherishing this moment for the rough waves ahead of you two.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
After the first wave, it wasn't long before the cracks in your relationship began to show. You weren't allowed to see Mina for a certain amount of time each week and every interaction with her had to be meticulously orchestrated by her managers - date nights are now rare and she barely replied to any of your texts, it felt like your place in her life was slowly being taken over by Jeno.
Arguments were more common than ever, most of it coming from Mina's side with all the built up frustration at the lack of control in her own life getting lashed in your direction.
In one of the rare nights management had allowed you to see her in the space of your own home; a month and a half after the unraveling of the biggest chaos in your lives, she had specifically told you she only had limited time for two rounds of Fortnite and and maybe an hour or two of Minecraft before she had to leave.
Nonetheless, for you, that was more than enough.
You went out of your way to set up a pillow fort in the centre of your living room, Mina's favourite snacks all on display and even putting up fairy lights all over the space. It was the only way you could try to bring back the intimacy that you both lost ever since being outed by the public.
And honestly, you wanted to remind her that you were so much better than Jeno - that you knew her more than he did.
"So, how long ago did she leave?" you were on the phone to Jihyo like normal. These days, with your movements still limited (the rumours between you and Mina have thankfully died down) you confided in her and she let you.
"She should be there any minute now," the other girl hummed, clapping her hands in excitement. "This is going to make her feel so much better, Y/N, I just know it."
"I really hope so, Ji," her old nickname rolled off your tongue like clockwork. "I miss her so much, I wish things could go back to normal."
"Just hold on a little longer, yeah?"
As soon as you heard the locks turn, you stumbled on your feet trying to make yourself somewhat presentable in front of your girlfriend. "I gotta go, I'll let you know how it goes."
Mina appeared behind the door, a tired smile on her face. In an instant, your arms wrapped around her, being smothered with all the kisses she missed from you.
She planted multiple kisses on your lips, equally missing you. "I missed this."
"I'm so glad you're here, Minari," you pulled her into the living room with your back turned towards her. "Just like old times, hey?"
Your eyebrows furrowed when you were met with silence, confused as to why she wasn't saying anything. So, you turned towards her and you wished you hadn't because you felt so small under her cold gaze.
"What's this?" she began, her tired giggles replaced by an angry scowl.
Your hopeful smile was gone. "What do you mean?"
"I'm so fucking tired, I told you not to do anything special, didn't I?" she rubbed her temples in irritation. "You never listen to anything I say."
Your heart sank at the entirety of her words. Tonight was supposed to be special for you both but Mina's lack of effort and gratitude were beginning to show and it hasn't even been five minutes. "I thought it would've been nice to bring a sense of normalcy back into our relationship."
"Normal?" she scoffed at you, clearly offended by the words that came out of your mouth. "There's nothing normal about our whole situation. It's hard for me to keep up with you when you're always at my back for the smallest things. There is only one of me, Y/N, can't I catch a break from you?"
"Mina...what are you saying? What am I doing wrong?" you stood there, dumbfounded at the lack of context in her words. She was simply rejecting you and it felt like a punch to the stomach.
"You're obviously rubbing it in my face that I'm not putting in enough time into our relationship," her voice was laced with nothing but anger. These days, it was a common tone from her. "Do you know how exhausting it is to act like everything is fine when it's not? To act like I'm in love with someone I'm not? I didn't ask for any of this, I just wanted a night of peace - not a fucking extravagant date."
Your expression softened, heart aching at the sight of her scrambling to let all of her bottled emotions out. She was struggling to balance everything and you hoped that she would let you carry some of the weight on her shoulders. "Okay, we'll get all of this silliness out the way," you were trying so hard not to cry in front of her - you hated making things worse but feeling a sense of rejection from your own girlfriend wasn't exactly the best one.
"Forget about it, don't follow me, please," she added, walking out of the living room and into your shared bedroom.
Your heart broke as she stirred away from you with every step, all you could do was sink on the couch - the fort you built crashing after you. Burying your face into your hands, you let the tears fall: you were losing her, and that realisation had cut way too deep.
Minutes later, deep within your thoughts, you failed to notice the presence in front of you until she wrapped her arms around you, muttering gentle apologies and reassurances.
"I'm here, baby," Mina's tone was laced with a heavy sense of regret, drawing circles on your back just like how she used to. "I'm sorry I took it out on you, again."
"I don't understand what I'm doing wrong," you turned to face her with bloodshot eyes. "I'm trying my best for you and none of it seems good enough."
"None of this is on you," she reassured, placing a kiss on your neck - lips lingering longer than usual. "I love you so much, I don't want to lose you."
"It feels like I'm losing you, Mina."
"I'm here until forever, remember?" she promised, a hopeful glint in her eyes.
"I hope so."
"I do know so," she smiled at you with sincerity, that was all it took for you to forgive her. "Let's smash a few rounds in, shall we?"
Mina somewhat kept her promise of putting more effort in, she fought with her managers more, never failing to defend you from their wrath. With the rumours toning down, you were allowed to be out in public with her and Twice again. Of course she was still dating Jeno in their eyes, but with their schedules constantly not aligning due to his group's upcoming album, the rift that was building between you and her grew smaller because it meant she could see you more.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Things were nearly back to normal again, until you had to meet him.
"Remind me why I have to meet this guy again?" you raised an eyebrow as Momo and Sana both circled around you.
"Because the public is starting to notice that despite being Mina's best friend, you have never been seen around Jeno," Momo described the situation perfectly.
"Um, what?" you chuckled. "I could literally say the same thing about you and him!”
"Okay, but we're idols, and our worlds are bound to crash with each other," Sana defended their situation.
You rolled your eyes. "Whatever you two say."
That same night, you were seated around the candlelit dinner table once again. Arriving a little later than usual, you had exchanged formalities with Jeno against your will, and as much as you wanted to hate him, he genuinely seemed like a nice guy and if the circumstances were any different, you would've liked him.
Cutlery clinging and small conversations that were filled with laughter took up the sound of the room. Instead of taking the seat across from Mina like you always did, you chose the one next to Tzuyu. She didn't even notice.
With him around, she barely acknowledged your presence. If anything, she seemed to enjoy being wrapped under his arms as they all laughed to a stupid joke he made.
"Are you alright?" Tzuyu whispered into your ear when she noticed your white knuckles on the wine glass, carefully treading around your anger.
"Me?" you forced a smile.
"I'm asking you, lovely."
"Why would I not be?" you swallowed the bitterness along with your drink. Her eyes held a bunch of questions, frowning when her bandmate who moved a little too close to you for liking. "I'm feeling great, Tzuyu."
Tzuyu didn't press you any further for the rest of the night and as the evening drew to an end, you had nursed at least a bottle of wine to distract yourself. It only heightened the growing knot of jealousy and despair in your chest as Mina laughed to another joke Jeno had said; leaning in closer to him.
"Please enlighten me on what the fuck the show they're putting on is all about," you asked Chaeyoung with a low voice, and heard by Tzuyu and Jihyo as they turned to you. "Are there cameras around?"
"No," Jihyo shook her head, confusion plastered on her face. "You're going to have to ask Mina that."
Chaeyoung sent Jihyo a warning glare, not wanting her to add any more fuel to the fire. "Y/N, are you sure you're meant to be pouring another glass?"
"We've already taken photos, why the fuck is she acting like this in front of me?" your voice feigned with hurt, ignoring the concerned looks from your friends.
The sight in front of you frayed with your emotions and clawed at your insecurities. They looked so perfect together and she seemed happy. At your expense, you watched as he leaned in closer and captured her lips unexpectedly.
You were met with nothing but only horrified looks from everyone in the room, including Mina. The pain in your heart grew, and the temporary bandaid placed on it ripped apart - the wound you thought was healing was gaping open once again. Without thinking, you slid off your seat; chair scraping harshly against the wooden floors.
"I'm sorry, but I have to go attend more important matters," you held your composure firmly, looking Jeno right in the eye before bowing your head down. "It was nice meeting you, you're perfect for Mina. I hope the rest of you have a good night."
Everyone seemed to hold their breath as they finally pieced what the breaking point in your relationship would be. You turned on your heel, not bothering to look behind you. And with one certainty, you held your head up and slammed the door shut.
Outside, you stumbled down the pavement; the cool winter breeze hitting sharply against your flushed skin. You clenched your fists as you tried to steady yourself through the alcohol and the free-falling of your tears - the picture of Mina and Jeno kissing replaying in your head, sealing it into place.
Behind you were audibly hurried footsteps, and Mina's voice echoed throughout the street as she called for you to halt. You quickened your pace but anyone sober was guaranteed to be faster than you. "Please let me explain, Y/N," she pled desperately, grabbing your arm.
"Explain what?" your voice was cold, another set of tears making its way down your face. "How do you explain kissing someone else in front of me? You barely spared me a glance tonight and now you want me to listen to your bullshit?"
Her grip tightened, fearing that you would slip through the cracks and leave her completely. "He doesn't know about us. It's all my fault, I'm sorry, I know I should've told him beforehand but I assumed he would've gotten the hint after meeting you —"
It felt like another punch to the gut. "He doesn't know we're dating?"
The fake relationship with Jeno was supposed to make things better for you and Mina, but it felt like he was slowly seeping into your lives, casting you to the sidelines. You failed to notice all the Jeno this and Jeno that, but it all came to you at once now.
What you had witnessed tonight; the way she slipped into that fake relationship felt too real - it looked like what you two once had.
Mina's features were etched with fear, eyes glistening with tears, and despite all this mess, she looked gorgeous under the streetlights and your hazy vision. "I love you, please stay over tonight."
Your breath shuddered in disbelief. "You want me to go back and watch you play housewife with this guy? Don't you think your actions have embarrassed me in front of our friends enough, Mina?"
"Okay," she heaved out a sigh, pausing to consider her other options. "Then please let me come home with you tonight."
One thing about her was that she was stubborn - always almost determined to win you back immediately after arguments. You've never felt to defeated in your life; in the back of your mind, you knew you were never good enough for Mina.
In your eyes, she was a bright star with so much ahead of her future and the shadow you casted over only dimmed her; she deserved someone who would let her shine. And tonight, you saw that in him.
You shook your head, turning away from her. "Forget about this, okay? Go home, Mina.”
"Y/N, you're not listening to me," her voice trembled. "I wanna come home to you."
Ignoring her desperate pleas, you continued to walk ahead of Mina - widening the gap between the two of you. In one last final act, her body collided with yours from behind, arms wrapped around your waist tightly.
"Mina," you tried to wriggle your way out, but you undermined the extent of her strength. "Let go, people are going to fucking see!"
"Then let them," she cried out. "I'll end this stupid contract and tell him about you and how I have loved you for the past four years. No more drifting apart, my love, it all ends tonight."
You finally gave in to her touch, allowing yourself to lean against her. You began to think about all the things she gave up for you; ones that would've been beneficial for her career but in the end, Mina always chose you. And tonight was no different from that.
She was willing to defy everyone else, with her career on the front lines, just to keep you in her life - but why?
"I love you," she whispered, breaking the silence. "Please don't give up on me now."
You took a deep breath, turning around to face her. "Okay," a flash of hurt appeared in her eyes as she took a good look at your tear-streaked face - regret filling her body knowing that she caused it.
"Okay what, baby?"
"Okay, you can come home to me tonight...after you do all of that."
Her eyes lit up, pulling your face in for a kiss but you immediately stopped her. She looked at you, a mix of hurt and confusion plastered on her face. "What's wrong?"
"I don't want his germs on me, please brush your teeth first," you put your hand up in disgust. "I'll see you at home, okay?"
She chuckled, nodding her head in understanding. "I love you baby, text me when you get dropped home."
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
For the next three months, things settled down for a while. In the eyes of the public, Mina was still dating Jeno - you two figured out that it would be too soon to end it and would only make things worst for the both of you. Their dates were less frequent due to her insistence; she fought for your relationship like she would. And he was extremely apologetic about his actions that night.
The two of you were rediscovering your love for each other, coming out stronger than before. Days were filled with laughter and heartfelt conversation - you were rebuilding your safe space together once more.
Things were good, until they weren't.
You were more careful than before, even after JYP offered an extension of your contract that came with a new apartment in the same building as Twice.
This allowed you to spend more time with the girls whenever you had the chance, hence why you were currently sitting on their couch with a bowl of bulgogi in your hand whilst Mina was away...which seemed more frequent nowadays.
After some blissful weeks together, the shadows of the past were creeping up behind Mina, and the person the came with it was Jeno.
They had frequent shoots for international brands together and were practically the face of the industry after one of their Prada campaigns went viral. The thought that often lingered in the back of your mind, the one that told you that you weren't good enough for Mina, was beginning to resurface in her absence.
"Can you cut more trees for us, Somi?" Chaeyoung rasped out. "Stop swooning that useless and ugly man over, the village doesn't need more mouths to feed right now!"
You chuckled at her frustration, eyes glued to the screen. Tonight's game was Medieval Dynasty, and both Chaeyoung and Somi were new to it. Usually, it was Mina playing it with you but with her often gone, you managed to convince one of her members to play with it - who also swayed her friends, Somi, into it.”
"I don't care, I wanna see useless and ugly babies," she snickered, eyes quickly falling on you. "Can you throw a mouthful of that into my mouth, please? It smells really good.”
"Have some damn shame, Somi," Chaeyoung said, fake annoyance laced in her tone. "Put some in my mouth first.”
"And what makes you two think I'll give you some?" you quirked up an eyebrow. "I asked if you wanted any but you chose to order sushi instead, so live with that decision."
"I just cut you thirty-four trees you ungrateful brat!"
"And I just built you three houses and a hunting lodge, plus I gave you my copper axe."
As the night continued, the nagging doubt inside your mind gnawed stronger - constantly looming over your thoughts. It was nearly midnight and it was unusual for her to be out this late.
to: minari
hey baby, you good? when are you coming home
from: minari
Was out with jeno and some of his members tonight, on mg way home now. Sorry!!!
You frowned; she couldn't even tell you that beforehand. Jamming your phone back into your pocket, you grabbed the controller in frustration again. Jihyo woke up from her "nap" (which was six hours long, you counted) and took the empty space on the couch next to you.
"Was that Mina?" she mirrored your expression. "Why isn't she home yet?”
"Went out with Jeno and his friends," you mumbled, eyes focused on the screen and failing to notice the glances your friends exchanged with each other. "Chaeng, I think you should build a huge orchard. I have all these seeds for you."
Not too long after, the door rang open and Mina stumbled inside; hair messy and eyes red. The scent of alcohol entered the room with her and the laughter faded into concerned looks.
"Hello," she slurred, struggling to kick her heels off her feet. "Hello everyone, sorry for interrupting."
Your heart immediately sank at the state of her, walking over towards her to hold her up. "Christ Mina, how much did you drink?"
She sheepishly smiled at you. "I'd rather not count."
"Okay, let's get you to bed," you said, suppressing your anger for tomorrow's conversation.
As you laid next to Mina with a million thoughts running through your head, you took note of his scent lingering a little too long on her.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
The next few days grew longer. Mina was out almost every night, barely making time for you. You were seated on the edge of your bed, hands buried in your face after Mina had slammed the door on you after voicing out your growing concern about her spending too much time with Jeno.
"You know this is important for my career, right?" she immediately turned defensive after hearing the familiar tone in your voice. "Y/N, the man you speak of is actually boosting Twice again. The girls are getting booked more -"
"And that's awesome," you said gently, going back into the mental box you built around yourself after stepping a foot out. "I don't have a problem with that, but Mina, it's affecting our relationship. I'm not seeing you, you're always out and when you come home, you're hammered. I'm not getting any sleep just staying up to look after you, it's unfair, I have work to do too."
That didn't help your case because she just seemed angrier than a second ago. "Why are you being so selfish? It's always about our fucking relationship and never about my career, do you even care about me?"
"Is it selfish to ask you for the bare minimum?" you bit your lip. "I want you to show our relationship a tinge of respect."
"You're so clingy all the time, I can't stand it," her frustrations were cut short with the sound of her phone ringing. "Why do you always start pointless arguments when I'm just about to leave?"
You sent her a glare. "If you leave now, you can sleep at your dorm tonight."
"Perfect," she clenched her jaw with no hesitance in her voice. "Goodbye, have a nice night!"
That night, you accidentally found out from Momo that your girlfriend didn't end up coming home. Accidentally...because she ended up asking where Mina was after she didn't show up to practice.
You knew the worst had already happened a long time, you felt it in your gut. Something shifted in Mina and its been going on for weeks now, the distant look in her eyes, their intimate photos together - she had been pulling away from you for some time now but you loved her too much to let her go.
Four years. Four years of building your life around your future and this was how it was going to end, tainted by her betrayal.
That wasn't even the turning point for you. No, it wasn't when the girls cornered you into a table in an attempt to talk you into confronting Mina about her late nights, not the photos plastered all over online - the ones with her head on his chest outside of a restaurant in Gangnam and definitely not the smell of his perfume on her clothes.
You knew it was truly over when she barged into your apartment one night with marks all over neck.
The room was illuminated by the television, a random Anerican show playing in the background. Your eyes were glued to the clock on the wall, a glass of whiskey on your hand as you waited for her to come home. She was supposed to be here four hours ago for your anniversary dinner...and she didn't turn up.
Mina was now living a fast life and you fell behind. You sprawled out on the couch, loosening the tie on your neck as you pictured a desolate life without her. It would end all the heartbreak, for sure, but could you really do it without her?
The door creaked open, revealing the disheveled woman in front of you. The knot in your chest tightened, eyes failing to ignore the dark spots on her neck.
"Y/N baby, you're still up?" your presence startled her, assuming you'd be asleep by now, she didn't even bother to hide it.
"Do you know what today is?" your grip on the glass tightened when she remained silent. "Happy fifth anniversary."
The severity of her shortcomings instantly dawned on her, rendering her frozen in her spot. It seemed like those three words pulled her out of the safe bubble she had been living in - away from all the guilt that had been eating its way into her chest. She knew that you have known for a while now, yet she was too selfish to let you go.
Deep inside, Mina needed you more than you needed her.
"It's not what you think -" she stammered, struggling to find a decent explanation.
"Do you think I'm stupid?" you asked her, voice dangerously calmer than expected. "You forget our anniversary and come home to me with hickeys on your neck? After five years together, you dwindle me down into a stupid idiot - how could you stoop so low?"
She flinched at your tone, noticing the half-empty bottle of whiskey and a gift box on the table. "I know there's nothing in this world -"
"You only get to speak when I'm fucking done talking to you, Mina," you stood up, towering over her - your anger rising. You couldn't look at her, she was a stranger to you now and the thought of it hurt. "How fucking dare you. After all these years!"
Tears welled up in her eyes, never having seen this side of you. You were always gentle, even during heated arguments where all she did was yell at you, you remained calm. "I don't know what happened, Y/N, but please, give me another chance to make it right."
She searched for love in your eyes and found nothing but indifference. You were enraged, her betrayal slashing deep cuts into the home you built for her inside your heart. Everything was crumbling apart, each fall carrying the weight of your love for her.
"Get out of house," you said through clenched teeth. "And my life."
This was the end.
Mina stepped closer, eyes filled with regret. She reached out for you, but you slapped her hand away. "I love you so much, I'm so sorry for everything. I know I ruined it, but we can fix this, Y/N, I'll do anything just to get what we had back."
You shook your head, refusing to shed another tear for her. "Fix this? I can't even look at you without feeling disgusted. It's gone, Mina, the love that we shared is gone. You threw it out of the window."
She remained silent, the weight of her own actions bearing heavy on her shoulders. "I understand," she nodded slowly, choking a sob out. "But I'll wait for you, until you're ready to fix things with me."
You held your breath. "Don't you get it? There's nothing left to fix. Please go now before I say anything I'll regret.”
"No," she shook her head, trying to intertwine your fingers together. "You and me always forever, right? I love you, please don't leave me."
A forced smile tugged on the corners of your lips as you were starkly reminded of the happy memories you shared with her over the years. It calmed you in an instant. "And let's keep it that way by letting each other go. Don't ruin any more memories for me, Mina, I don't think we can fix this. We have to move on separately."
"Let me remember you," her fingers desperately traced your face, her eyes closed as she brushed over your features - heart shattering at the thought of not seeing them anymore. "I don't know how to let you go."
You gently placed a hand on top of hers, stopping her. "Goodbye, Mina."
Tears cascaded over her cheeks as she tried to understand why she needed to let you go. "I've hurt you enough, haven't I?"
You didn't say anything as your eyes followed her towards the door, each step she took felt like another knife to your chest. As soon as her hand reached the handle, she turned towards you with a grateful smile on her face amidst her tears.
"Thank you, for everything. For being you. And for allowing me to love you. Goodbye for now, Y/N."
The door behind her closed with a gentle thud, the harrowing silence of your loss echoing. The loneliness was beginning to settle in your heart as you threw yourself back on the couch. Memories of her felt so distant now, but the way they made you feel were real. She loved you in those moments.
You weren't certain about what the future held for you, it was going to be a rough road ahead of you but you hoped to find yourself again. And maybe, live a life where love didn't have to hurt this much.
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Snow Angel
Daemon's Version
I'll angel in the snow until I'm worthy but if it kills me, I tried.
Gwyane's Version ❄ Daemon's Version ❄ Aegon's Version ❄ Aemond's Version ❄ Jacaerys' Version ❄ Cregan's Version ❄ Criston's Version
Daemon Targaryen x Snow!Reader | 700< | cw: fem!reader, reader is Lord Rickon Stark's bastard daughter, canon divergence, angst, violence, blood, war, death, typos, etc.
A/N: renee rapp my beloved
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Though you were his wife by law, you were not by heart.
It did not hurt you, at least not anymore. You understood your place. You understood your duty; your duty was to your house, to your family, to him.
This was how you found yourself in the crosshairs of peril.
Daemon had been lost for days on end. He'd not given word ever since his proclamation to seize Harrenhal for the Queen— for his niece, his beloved niece. You knew why he was so eager to act. He so badly wanted to win Rhaenyra's favor.
They had not seen eye to eye lately, and one could say it was your fault. You were getting in the middle of their relationship, you, his wife. It felt as though there was not a soul in Westeros who did not know of their relations, and yet even in that blatant shame, not once did you ever bring it up to your husband.
Not once.
Because he saved you when you were wed. You had been promised to an old lord known to be a wife beater. You were told that it was the best match you would ever get, but then you caught the interest of the prince of Dragonstone, even if for a fleeting moment.
You thought that what you had was akin to desire, if not love, but it seems he only married you to spite someone that truly stoked such a thing within him. And now, you were sent to the North to remind your half brother of House Stark's pledge to that person, to Queen Rhaenyra. Your kin did not take kindly to that. But it was not Cregan that found offence in your appearance, but his men, some five of them.
Daemon dreams about this in Harrenhal. He dreams of five direwolves pulling you apart, limb from limb. He wakes up in a cold sweat because of it. When he rouses with word that a raven came telling of the conditions of his wife, he did not need to read its contents to be inspired to saddle Caraxes.
He makes his dragon land inside Winterfell and demands, "WHERE IS MY WIFE?!"
Cregan runs and meets him once he dismounted, leading him to your room.
His expression falls when he sees you. You were badly cut and beaten. You looked like you were ready to greet the Stranger. He grabs Cregan by his furs and hisses, "where are the men that did this?"
"I've sent them to the Wall," Stark raises a hand, indicating he did not want to fight.
"The Wall?" he shoves him away, "their heads should be on a sp-"
"They are my men. I will do with them as-"
"They outnumbered and ambushed my wife! You think they deserve the honor of keeping their heads?!"
Daemon was about to draw Dark Sister, until he heard a soft voice call his name. He turns to you, catching the way you stirred, and immediately comes to your side.
You weakly reach out a hand and he takes it. He is warm, a complete opposite to you. You feel lethargic but you manage to pull your lips into a semblance of a smile. You whisper, "you've come."
Your husband stares at you. He clutches your hand in both of his.
You rub his skin with your thumb.
He shakes his head, "I will exact your injuries of your attackers. They will regret the day they left their mothers' cunts."
You no longer have the energy to respond. You weakly smile at him before closing your eyes.
He stays with you until you fall asleep. He stay with you until he is told your eyes would no longer open again. He had to be subdued before he killed the maester that announced the news.
Cregan could do little to stop the prince and Caraxes from flying off to the Wall. He all but threatened to burn the whole of it down if your attackers did not come forth. And when they do, Daemon tells them to fight him or be fed to his dragon.
And so the fools attacked him, and were slain, and were fed to his dragon anyway. He flies back to Harrenhal after, and you haunt him in his dreams.
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fraugwinska · 5 months
I swear your stories make my heart skip beats❤️🩷❤️🩷 I need some soft spicy Alastor x Female Reader. Maybe a Morning After scenario with Alastor and the reader (waking up together, being soft and cute. Kisses and stuff and maybe a slight continuation of last night😏😏)
After the last stories I was EAGER to write your request, my dearest @alastor-simp. I've accepted my rank as fluff fairy, and I oh-so-love to write these cute, tender moments!!! Thank you for this ask, I hope I did it justice!
For the best experience, I suggest to listen to Ingrid Michaelson's "Love is', which I imagined the radio to play in the story (and listened to while I wrote it)
We only have Forever
The birds in hell weren't like anything on earth – their songs were not sweet and melodic, but rather ominous and melancholic.
Which is why, when you were woken by an unusual, bright chirping sound, you thought for a split second you were alive again, waking up from an intense, unusually immersive dream.
You shifted, cheeks still pressed into the white, soft pillow and body messily wrapped in cotton sheets, too drowsy to realize that the chirp was not coming from birds, but the little, vintage radio that sat beside the bed in. It quietly came to life, the search for a channel resulting in high, pitchy squeaks and fuzzy static feedback. Which was always the tell-tale sign of a waking Alastor.
The arm around your waist twitched, causing you to sigh peacefully. Your lids fall close and you let it pull you back into the center of the bed, into a warm, waiting body - a soft chest, thinly covered in silky taupe fur that tickled your nose, an underlying, hearty scent of wood and vetiver and the familiar rhythm of another heart drumming against your ears.
You left your eyes closed, relying on the most comforting senses of touch, hear and feel, the latter came into use as the sensation of sleepy, light kisses on the crown of your head that caused your lips to pull into a blissful smile.
"Mornin' my buck."
"Good morning, my doe."
His voice was nothing more of a mumble, still lazy and half asleep, hoarse and slightly deeper than when up and about. When he finally seemed to have picked a radio station he liked, the room was filled with a soft, dreamy song which suited the very same ambiance that was present - happy, in love, slow, silent bliss. It was one of your favorites, and one of the few more modern ones Alastor tolerated.
He ran his slender fingers up your back and shoulders, through the disheveled masses of hair, stroking it gently with his sharp talons, scratching ever so lightly on the scalp. He pulled himself a little more forward, tangling his legs even more with yours in an effort to maximize the connection of your bodies and minimize the space that span between you.
"Hey, easy now or I'll think you're afraid I'll jump up and leave as soon as my eyes open." you teased playfully, as Alastor nuzzled his nose deep in your hair, taking in deep breaths, inhaling your scent and humming in content.
"I had hoped after all my efforts tonight you wouldn't be able to even if you tried, darling."
You flicked his ear in fake indignation, but chuckled and raked your fingers over his back in soft, tender streaks, your fingertips gliding over his spine and sides. He shivered under your touches and melted deeper into you. A rhythmic, shuffling sound joined in with the faint tune from the radio, and Alastor groaned when you purred in lofty pride.
"Damned, traitorous thing...", Alastor scowled, trying to evade the hand that reached for his wagging tail under the sheets.
"Don't you talk like that about my precious friend.", you cooed and caressed the plush fur on his lower back, scratching with nimble fingers close to the base of his tail, the very spot where he was extremely... responsive. Alastor just growled again, missing any angry or mad edge, his tail continuing to thump louder and even quicker and causing him to whine as he failed to stop its excited sway.
"It betrays me."
"No, it only tells me that you're happy."
Alastor tilts his head to brush his lips over your own, almost not touching, a tiny, bittersweet distance between his and your mouth.
"If it's that much more of a conservationist for you, maybe I should stop talking then."
With a faint, sighed chuckle he finally closed the agonizing gap, lips met lips in a slow and flowing embrace, moving almost at the tempo of the song, it's calming beat guiding the cadence and harmony of his kiss. You felt him smile, more relaxed and at ease that his usual signature grin, even though your eyes were closed shut in drowsiness and enjoyment. The slow, lazy, fullness of this morning's intimacy, of your bodies so closely pressed together in ruffled sheets while hell's sun was only slowly rising on the horizon, making out and embracing each other without the need to rush or be somewhere in another hour or so was a rare occasion and therefore worth savoring.
His hands traveled over your hips, up your waist to settle in a gentle, cradling grip around your neck, fingertips grazing the outer edges of the delicate bite mark still there as a reminder of the contrasting feverish passion you both shared last night. With Alastor - It was war and peace, in a circle - hard, unforgiving, passionate desire at the beginning of dusk, and soft, tender and sensual love at the break of dawn. A clash of burning flames and gentle streams, all on an even ground of equals.
You sensed the slight change in the mood, the licks over your parted lips with the warm tip of his tongue soon turned to be deep and demanding, less lazy and more eager movements from his tongue - exploring the insides of your mouth, playfully flicking yours and circling around and between your teeth. His large hand left it's spot in the crook of your neck and pulled on the base of you head, sinking his digits in the tuft of your hair. You moaned softly into the kiss, more of a wanton, sloppy sound rather than anything else and you started to grow flushed, your skin tingling pleasantly under every touch and lick and nibble.
You deeply enjoyed the roughness and depravity you shared in the nights, you really really did. But this, this was what you loved. It was when Alastor wasn't starved for you, endlessly hungry and hasty to devour you but when you were a well prepped meal, slowly cooked and seasoned with care and love that you felt the most powerful connection of your souls - his touches were careful and secure and when he held you in his arms like this, kissed and adorned you like that, every and any gesture or caress spoke so clearly the sentence he had captured your heart with - you are mine and only mine.
"You are saying an awful lot with that body language for someone who wanted to stop talking, my buck." Alastor laughed fondly at your husky breathed words, rolling you on top of him, sheets sticking to the planes of your bare bodies. You threw a leg over him to sit in a straddling position, your face a mere few inches above his as he rolled his hips and swayed your body against his growing length.
“That's the beauty of a loophole, my doe, for no spoken words could express me quite as honestly as this."
Alastor kissed you once more and, now grinning as devilishly as you were used to, let his hands find rest on your hips, ready to start one more of those heavenly nonverbal conversations before you both had to ready yourselves for the hellish world outside of your bedroom.
Again, thank you for suggesting this. And a big shoutout to @minkdelovely, who made my heart skip with her article on 'Pictures of you'. The fluff fairy had you in mind with this, too ;>)
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laurfilijames · 2 months
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Worst Way
Pairing: Will 'Ironhead' Miller x female reader
Words: 1.9k
Warnings: Rated E, 18+. Mention of mutual masturbation/video call sex. Unprotected intercourse. Will in that polo shirt.
Summary: Will comes home from doing a stint of talks and his only priority is getting his fill of you, your time apart making him need you in the worst way.
A/N: I've been listening to this song on repeat and needed to write about it, and the character I felt that fit it the best was our Captain Miller. We'll consider this a little early birthday treat to myself, I was going to wait until Tuesday to post it but I'm too excited! A big thank you to @spaghettificationandpretzels for making me the beautiful banners to use!
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In the grand scheme of things, five days was a blink compared to the amount of days he’d been away from you before, but as he drew closer to being home, Will’s impatience to get there was becoming nearly unbearable.
He adjusted his grip on the steering wheel, the leather feeling cool to his palm that was hot from his eagerness and holding it in the same spot for too long now, glancing at his watch on his wrist where he calculated he had exactly two hours and fifty-three minutes left until he would pull in the driveway.
Each day had been the same; driving from base to base all along the coast from Tampa to Houston, waking up in an uncomfortable motel bed he tried hard not to think about how many other people had laid in doing god knows what, and giving his memorized speech to a different room full of candidates considering signing on to be part of the Special Forces.
It was all automatic by now, having said the same words one hundred and ninety-two times, his mind able to drift off to what you were doing as he spoke without a second thought, wondering if you were making coffee in the kitchen wearing just his hoodie and your underwear, or if you were cleaning the house, feeling jealous of your fingers grazing over every surface and all the belongings that made up your home.
He imagined your smile; greeting the cashier warmly as you placed groceries onto the belt from the cart, grinning as you said thank you to the older gentleman who held the door open for you as you left the store, and knowing he was so close to seeing it for himself again kept him hanging on to get through each long day without you.
Late night video calls and texts sent between lectures helped carry him through, feeling grateful to at least have that compared to what little communication he would have when he was deployed, a crooked grin tugging his lip up as he thought to your last video call from the night before; both of you laying naked in your separate beds, touching yourselves in ways that were instructed by the other, the sounds of your moans brought on by your own hand still repeating in Will’s mind now.
He adjusted in his seat, his right foot pressing on the accelerator with slightly more pressure, the need to get home and have you increasing to a level he couldn’t tolerate anymore than he already had.
Rain started speckling on the windshield, a few drops at first before turning into a steady fall, the streams of it on the glass reminding him of all the showers you had solo in his absence, feeling envious of the water running down your skin and every curve, imagining you slipping into your bedsheets with drops still clinging to you and marking the cotton with darker spots.
Will wondered if it was raining at home, too, if you were sitting on the porch watching it pour, always loving the sound of the rolling thunder and the tapping of each drop on the roof, or if the skies were clear as the sun started to go down, picturing the pinkish-orange light casting on your skin to make it glow in its golden hour.
With a sigh, he rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, accepting that no matter how much he continued to dream about you, it wouldn’t bring him any closer to home any faster, accepting that he had to live through each of these minutes in full until he was able to have his hands on you again.
With the sun now tucked behind the horizon and the ground saturated with water, Will slammed the door to his truck, leaving his bags in the back seat to get tomorrow, nothing more important than getting inside the house and getting his hands on you.
His boots ground against the wet pavement as he took purposeful strides to reach the front door, quickly inserting the key into the deadbolt and unlocking it, the smell of home and of you filling his nose as soon as he turned the handle and stepped inside.
Before he could close the door behind him, you walked around the corner from the hallway leading to your bedroom, your smile making his heart leap in his chest as you locked eyes with him.
You rushed into his arms, your body warm and soft, the feel of your hands carding up his back making goosebumps break out on his skin. You both peeled away from each other slightly, exchanging a look that spoke more than words could before crashing your lips together, a shared moan transferring between your mouths as the desperation you both felt finally set in.
Will kicked the door shut with his foot, making it slam so hard the walls shook, his hands tearing to get to your form that was covered by an oversized t-shirt and quickly discovering that was all you had on.
He growled against your lips, his hands squeezing your bare ass and spreading your cheeks slightly, feeling you press your hips forward into his in a silent request for more.
Your chest rubbed against his body, the tight fit of his polo allowing him to feel how hard your nipples were through both of your shirts, your arousal clearly having built up as much as his had in anticipation of his arrival.
He felt drunk with lust, his senses working primally as everything about you made him feral, your scent and touch breaking him down to be nothing more than a man who needed his woman in the most raw and cardinal way.
Will grabbed at the hem of your shirt and ripped it up and off of you, his hand gripping your jawline when he met you in another claiming kiss, hearing your breathy moan die out in his mouth.
He forced himself to stop, his chest heaving as he broke the seal of your lips, seeing yours already puffy from his beard chafing against them and wet from his kiss.
You looked heavenly standing before him; naked and stunning, equally as vulnerable as you were strong, your frame small in the shadow of his. But what made him feel powerful was the love and lust held in your eyes, your heavy gaze consenting for him to take you how he needed, knowing you craved him as much as he did you as you shifted on the spot you stood, squeezing your thighs together while arching your back so your chest stook out.
A crooked, half-smile dressed his lips as he took a step toward you again, backing you up against the wall and shoving his thigh between your legs, watching with complete satisfaction as you closed your eyes at the feel of your bare sex contacting the rough denim of his jeans.
He dipped his head and latched onto your neck, sucking and nipping at your tender skin, making you squirm against him and begin to ride his thigh, his hand slapping the painted drywall beside your head.
His fingers dug into the flesh on your hips with his other hand, clawing at you in a way he knew might leave bruises but that you also loved, aiding your movements on him as you ground back and forth.
“Will…” you whined, his name the only word uttered between you so far, the sound of it coming off your tongue so desperately in combination with how your hands clawed at his shoulders encouraging him to kiss your neck even more and press his leg up harder against your core.
His mouth traveled upward along your throat and under your chin, pulling your earlobe with his teeth before making his way back to your lips, growling when your hands ran over his straining cock in his jeans and then tugged at his shirt to untuck it from his waist.
He lifted his arms for you to whisk it over his head, returning to your mouth instantly while your soft hands smoothed over his bare chest, his skin feeling like it was lit on fire wherever your palms had laid.
You worked next on his belt, the sound of the metal clanking undone and then his zipper sliding open almost lost in the wet smack of your lips, your fingers sliding behind his back to pull his jeans along with his boxer-briefs down over his ass. They fell at his feet and he stepped out of them as quickly as he could, holding your face in his hands to try to keep you near him, but feeling you sink away from him as you dropped to your knees.
The look in your eyes as you stared up at him made his cock throb even more, and when you took it in your hand and stroked it while bringing your lips to the tip, he knew he couldn’t go a second longer without being inside you, having you take him in your mouth not even enough to sate his need.
Will knelt in front of you, grabbing your face again as he kissed you hard, leaning his body forward to guide you back to lay you down beneath him.
Spread out beautifully for him, he covered you, his cock finding your entrance without assistance, and with the slight movement of his hips, he pushed inside your wet hole and stretched you out.
Your cry was suffocated by his tongue, your back arching off the floor as you succumbed to his size, and Will allowed no time for you to adjust, pulling out of you before slamming back in again.
His thrusts were powerful and unbroken, determined to give you everything you needed while taking from you everything he could, his pleasure controlling all of him and blinding any restraint he had left.
You met him with equal fervor, rolling your hips with his with a similar goal in mind, chasing what only he could provide you, feeling you get wetter by the second and already soaking his dick and groin.
Will held onto you tight, nearing his end, his hands grabbing at any part of you he was able to keep you as close to him as he could while he hammered into you, your cunt clenching around him in a way he knew that signalled you were about to come apart too.
Your nails scratched his back wildly, muscles tensing and straining in both of your bodies as you rode through your climaxes, Will continuing to pump in and out of you frantically as he coated your walls and filled you completely.
Feeling you contract around him again, he didn’t relent, fucking you more with all he had left as a second orgasm took hold of you, the feel of his cum leaking out of you extending your high in the most addicting way.
His panting breaths filled your mouth as your kisses began to slow, feeling you relax under him as he settled his pace until he eventually stilled in you, his hand smoothing over your forehead where he looked at you smiling sweetly at him after he’d peeled his face away from yours.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he purred, finally giving you a proper greeting.
You giggled softly, your finger tracing the crease beside his mouth. “Welcome home, Will.”
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@sotwk @dailydragon08 @sunnys-day @thedreadandthefugitivemind @glassgulls
@littlenosoul @glitterypirateduck @momia2910 @maggotzombie @rmwarn90
@paintlavillered @casa-boiardi @stealfromthedevil @kmc1989 @justreblogginfics
@spaghettificationandpretzels @whatever-lmaoo @steviebbboi
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oepionie · 1 year
—"POETIC RIZZ" various
SYNOPSIS: Horrible 3AM post—Just a bunch of random quotes/lines from various shows & books that i mixed together (Also diasomnia has the best rizz ngl)
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"In vain, I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you. One word from you will silence me on this subject forever. And so I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my lover."
“This feeling has possessed me, I think and...I wanted to tell you that wherever you may end up in this world, I will be searching for you. I'm not afraid of anything now. I finally understand. I'm in love. We're in love. That means we'll meet again. I'm sure of it. ”
"I had not intended to love but now, I have for the first time found what I can truly love—I have found you. And I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I'll love you then. You're more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same."
“I love you but I know it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; I'm gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you; forever and everyday.—I am who I am because of you. You are every reason, every hope, and every dream I've ever had, and no matter what happens to us in the future, everyday we are together is the greatest day of my life."
"I desire more…than what's within my reach. Who blames me? Many call me discontented. I couldn't help it: the greed is in my nature. Please just bear with me. You pierce through my soul. I am half agony, half hope. Tell me not that I am too late, that such precious feelings are gone for ever. I offer myself to you again with a heart even more your own than when you almost broke it."
"I miss you deeply, unfathomably, senselessly, terribly.I long for you; I who usually longs without longing, as though I am unconscious and absorbed in neutrality and apathy, really, utterly long for every bit of you. Moreover, you are the knife I turn inside myself; that is love. That, my dear, is love."
"I heard what you said. I’m not the sappy romantic you think. I don’t want the heavens or the shooting stars. I don’t want seaglass or shiny pearls. I have all those things already. I want…you. A steady hand. A kind soul. I want to fall asleep, and wake, knowing my heart is safe. I want to love you, and be loved by you."
"My Persephone, I would have chosen you a thousand times over, the Fates be damned. Even if they unraveled our destiny, I would find a way back to you. All my heart is yours: it belongs to you; and with you it would remain, were fate to exile the rest of me from your presence forever."
"Darling you are mistaken, and you know nothing about me, and nothing about the sort of love of which I am capable. Every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own. Now, tell me every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you, anyway. Yes, you make mistakes, are out of control and at times hard to handle. But if I can't handle you at your worst, then I surely don't deserve you at your best."
"In beauty of face and soul, no maiden ever equaled you. If I were to be blinded the moment I laid eyes upon your incandescent form, I would not grieve, for in that very instance I have truly gazed upon everlasting beauty."
"Be with me always—take any form—drive me mad. But I beg of you do not leave me in this abyss, where I cannot find you. Oh, God..It is unutterable. I can not live without you in my life. I can not live without my soul. It is the greater grief, after all, to be left on earth when another is gone."
“I have little left in myself—I must have you. The world may laugh—may call me absurd, selfish—but it does not signify. My very soul demands you: it will be satisfied, or it will take deadly vengeance on its frame.”
"I am a gentleman. I have been raised to act with honor, but that honor is hanging by a thread that grows more precarious with every moment I spend in your presence. You are the bane of my existence, and the object of all my desires."
"I have a strange feeling with regard to you. On some days—I have dreamed and wished I was one of your tears. To be born in your eyes, roll down your cheeks, and to die on your lips."
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yanderespetdarling · 3 months
Kidnapper Yandere x Femme Reader
Kidnapperx femmereader, Kidnapping, yandere, drugging, fluff, praise kink 
pt two
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The night is calm and silent, with only the faint hum of crickets outside your window. You wake up with a start, sensing something is wrong. The room is dark, but you can make out a figure standing at the foot of your bed. Your heart pounds in your chest as your eyes adjust to the dim light.
His eyes are wide and full of adrenaline. He looks at you like he has never seen a human being before. You open your mouth to scream, but before you can make a sound, he lunges at you, holding you down with surprising strength.
"Who are you?" you manage to whisper, your voice shaking with fear.
He doesn't respond immediately. Instead, he looks at you with an intensity that chills you to the bone. "I've waited so long for this moment," he finally says, his voice trembling with emotion.
"Why are you doing this?" you ask, your mind racing with confusion and terror.
"You're all mine. You are finally all mine," he manically smiles at you before pressing the full weight of his body against yours, pinning your already shaking body in place. "Why are you shaking? Calm yourself for me, love, if you know what’s good for you."
You try to scream but your voice catches in your throat. He uses one hand to pin your arms above your head, his knee pinning down your torso while he pulls something you can't quite see from his pocket.
“Stop shaking, baby. You’re going to be okay,” he places something on your bedside table and presses himself against you once more. He strokes your hair.
Full panic spreads and your freeze response shakes into a full-blown fight. You wrestle with him, kneeing him in the leg and shaking your torso around wildly. He lays on top of you once more, yanks your head back by the hair on the nape of your neck, and whispers to you, 
“Why are you still shaking?” You try to hold your body in place for fear of retaliation. He kisses you on the cheek.
“Good pet,” he says with a sweetness that catches you off guard. “Now stay quiet for me.”
You try to memorize what you can see of his face in the dark, the chestnut curls of his hair and his big bright eyes when he as he leans closer to you. The mood light hits him from behind as he grabs the needle from the bed, illuminating his dark hair. He pops a needle onto a syringe.
“What are you going to do to me?” you can't get the words out in much more than a whisper.
“Shhh quiet now dear.” his voice darkens and the light from the window strikes his face. He smiles, with a wide, kind grin. You notice now, that the freckles on his cheeks seem eerily familiar. He bends down to your level and leans into you once more.
“Goodnight, princess.”
You feel a sting, and everything goes black.
You wake up a few times over what could have been hours, but you can't get the energy to open your eyes. You feel the trip in glimpses before falling back asleep each time: the feeling of a car bumping along a rocky road, the smell of moss and leaves, the feeling of a blanket being put over you. You wake up once more, groggy and with what feels like the worst vodka money could buy flowing through your veins. You have almost forgotten what happened. You feel foggy and intoxicated. The bed you are laying in is incredibly comfortable, and an eye mask is over your eyes. For a moment, you think you are back at home.
Maybe I am, you think. Maybe it was a bad dream. You feel something in the bed near you and jump up, ripping off the eye mask.
“Where—” your head is pounding with whatever he had shot into you, and you can hardly keep yourself up. He puts his arms around you, pulling you closer to him, and says, “Shhhhhh. You need sleep honey.”
You try to fight him but your arms feel like they are made out of gelatin. Everything feels warm. Peaceful. Your heavy legs melt into the softness beneath you.
“Shhhhh. That's it, honey.” He pets your hair as you try to shake him off.
“Please don't hurt me,” your voice chirps out, finally.
“Oh, my love,” he holds you tighter, “I can't promise that. I will say you are safe with me, however.”
Your stomach twists and turns, the fear creeping into your voice and all the adrenaline you had shooting through you. “Please, HELP!” You try to run from the bed but instead tumble onto the floor.
“Okay, let's just take a second here.” He gets up from the bed and lifts you back into it before walking to the other side of the room.
You finally take in the room. The pink sheets sprawled in front of you have a familiar floral pattern. Across from you sits a shelf full of knick-knacks and toys, much like the ones you have at home. A standing coat rack full of dresses sets between a borded window and a large cell door. Through the bars, you see another door with several locks.
Your blood runs cold. “This looks like… my bedroom.”
He smiles and leans against the vanity in the corner. “Oh, not quite. There are definitely aspects of it I put in to help you feel at home, but I wanted this to feel like your new room, so I didn't want it to be exactly like your old room, if that makes sense.”
“My new room?” For a split second, your pounding heart is the only thing you can hear.
“Not forever! God, you must think I’m crazy.” He smiles and takes a seat at the vanity. “It is kinda crazy that you’re really here, though. I hope you like the room. I took inspiration from your room and some of what I just thought you would enjoy. It took a while.”
“Are you going to kill me?” your tears muffle the words as they come out.
“No, I would never.” He pauses and smiles sadly. “One year. I just want one year.”
“W-What?” You hadn't realized it before but his frightening grin has dimples. He is tall, slender, and frankly a bit nerdy looking. His large-framed glasses and dark hair make the clumsy smile he has seem out of place.
“In one year, if you don't love me, I will let you go. It will kill me, but if you truly believe you do not love me, in a year you will be free to take everything I have and go. Whatever you wish,” he sighs and leans back in his seat. “I would give you anything for that year.”
You sit up the best you can. You rack your aching mind for the best way to respond. “You don't have to do this... In another setting, we could have just gone out on a date, you know? You're cute, I wouldn't have turned you down.” Your voice trembles as you speak. He smiles when you call him cute, so you continue, “We can still do that if you want. I’m sure there’s somewhere we could go—”
“God, you are so cute.” He leans over and holds his face in his hands as if he were trying to contain himself. “I don't want a date,” he takes a deep breath, “I want you to know for the rest of your life that you belong with me. That’s not coffee talk.”
“I was so curious about you.” Your captor looks at the wall as he speaks. “I had so many ideas about what you were really like. God, then I started learning about the real you. The things you wish for, your secret wants and needs. The things you obsess over. No one saw how hungry you are, but I did. I knew there was something there. So I looked deeper and… finding out the kind of things you really like was just… exhilarating. Here you are, stunning and adorable and feisty, and begging for someone just like me. I think your internet blogs are my favorite to peak at.”
“Please… I don't know what you think of me or what I want but—”
“The porn you read is fantastic, by the way. A few things I would tweak, but overall,” he winks.
“You—” fuck. The tears start pouring. “Please, it's just pretend. This is real life. Please let me go. I’m scared. Please… please don't hurt me.”
“I didn't mean to scare you.” He approaches you slowly. You stumble backward in the bed, leaning your weight against the wall. “ I just… I know you. I do. I don't think anyone else in the world can know you like I do and I, I know I am the perfect person for you. We have the same dreams, the same hopes, ideals, the same fantasies.”
“You don't know me,” you whisper through trembling lips.
“You’re right.” He sits on the edge of the bed and looks away from you. “I know what you want others to know. I know what you keep secret, what you tell your diary, what you read late at night. I know your laugh, I’ve seen you cry, and never have I just had a day with you. Now we get to have time for that, and if I don't change your mind, you can go. End of story.”
He stood up and walked to the cage bars, punching in a code on the wall and slipping out of them.
“Your chain will let you go almost anywhere in the room. The bathroom is behind the door over there, and there is a mini fridge with some snacks in it if you get hungry before I get back.”
“Please, people are going to come looking for me.”
“It’s okay, sweet princess, no one is going to find you here.” He leaned against the door looking lovestruck, before punching codes and switching locks, releasing him from the room, and leaving you alone.
pt two
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nanamiscocksleeve · 1 month
11. With a dark!/evil! Nanami?
Shaved ice! I haven't seen you around I've missed you! 💜💜💜💜Evil Nanami...hope I haven't disappointed here, dark! and evil! Nanami aren't really my wheelhouse.
"I had a very nice dream that started like this." --------
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He'd been missing. Missing for months now, and despite it all, you couldn't help but have faith that he wasn't the villain here. You had heard the details of the report over and over. You saw the looks on everyone's faces, how you were the poor girlfriend, manipulated, brainwashed into believing he was innocent.
Oh, but you knew... Knew the disgust in his face, the pain in his eyes. At night, you lay awake, the bed too empty and too cool, his side forever unoccupied.
One night, you lay with the window open, hoping to tempt in a breeze to quench the stifling heat inside. You fretfully slept and of course, you dreamt of him, hair tousled and his eyes still closed with sleep, reaching out to you to pull you closer, nibbling and whispering into your ear how much he will always want you...
And with a jolt you awaken, realizing the hand around you wasn't imagined, and in a panicked scramble, turn around to see him laying there, on his side of the bed like nothing had changed.
"Kento!" He grins at you, and it's like time hasn't passed by, like it was another regular night and you were both getting ready for bed.
"Where have you been, I can't- Everyone's been-" You stammer to form sentences. Because despite loving him, you know the report said he had been responsible for the deaths of at least 50 people.
"Shocked to see me? Why wouldn't I come back to see my favorite girl?" He reaches out to caress your cheek. "Come back here. You're too far away."
Hesitantly, you sit back down. "But Kento...it's been months. I hadn't the faintest idea where you were and -" your words are cut off as his mouth greedily covers yours, his tongue slipping between your lips. And for a second, reality disappears. He's here, tangibly, in your shared bed, warm and wanting you. His hand busy themselves under your nightgown, cupping your breasts and squeezing, teasing your nipples with familiar expertise.
"What's the matter?" he whispers hotly against your lips.
"I had a very nice dream that started like this." you admit quietly, body responding to his touch. Your response is met with a chuckle and with a harsh movement, he yanks your panties down and buries 2 fingers knuckle deep into your cunt.
The moan that leaves you is primal, ripe with need and longing, after missing him for so long. His thumb circles your clit in the exact way that you wanted it, fingers curling up into your gspot, and it doesn't take long for you to cum messily on his fingers, the intesnity like a shock to your very being after months of refusing to allow yourself pleasure in this way.
"You were starving," Kento growls into your ear. "Are you so in love with me that you wouldn't let another man touch you?" He flips you over onto the mattress, pushing your head into the pillow. "I'm not criticizing you. I'm praising you. The most loyal slut I've ever seen."
His cock plunges into you splitting you apart, your noises muffled into the bedding. You're helpless to fight or struggle, more than willing to let him use you. It's rough and sloppy, the entire affair filled with your gasped noises and his wolfish growls.
His balls tighten up and with a final satisfying stroke, he empties himself into you, painting your walls white with his seed. After pulling out, he pulls you against him, lips grazing your hair. "You know what to do if anyone asks about me."
You're too sated to respond and fall asleep in his arms. The next morning when you wake up, you're alone in bed, all evidence of his presence gone.
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ddejavvu · 8 months
Hii so I absolutely LOVE your best friend with no boundaries James Potter (and all of your works ofc 😚) and wanted to request this but with Steve Harrington? Like maybe you’re both napping in his bed and he has a sexy dream and reader wakes up to him humping her ass and moaning/whimpering her name?? So reader is there grinding back into him and he wakes up mortified but reader rubs over his massive bulge and tells him not to stop, then they have the dirtiest sex of their lives (with spitting and/or choking bc aren’t we all whores for dirty spit sex)
that's a little more than i can fit into a blurb but i've got the meat of it here 😅
this post is 18+, minors dni.
Napping with Steve has always been relaxing. Where some people might push, shove, or kick in their sleep, Steve is delightfully dead, limbs cemented into position until he wakes and stretches him. On top of that, he's nearly warm enough to make you sweat, so if you manage to score a spot in his twin bed, wrapped in his arms to keep you from falling over the edge, you'll be guaranteed at least an hour of cozy, restful sleep.
When you wake it's to shifting on the bed, and you assume he's getting up to get water. He always complains of a sore throat after he naps, but if he remembered to sleep with his mouth closed, perhaps he wouldn't find himself so parched.
"Nooo, Steve," You whine, gripping his forearms where they wrap across your chest and enclose you in his hold, "Don't get up."
You wriggle backwards into his arms, intent on trapping him beneath the blankets, but your unstoppable force meets an immoveable object; not only his hips but something rather stiff between them.
It takes you a couple seconds longer than you'd ever admit to realize what's happening, and why Steve is really trying to get out of bed. Your cheeks go hot and apologies pour from your lips while you shimmy forwards again, trying to free him to take care of business.
His arms tighten around you, and his hips chase yours.
You feel his hard-on grind against the curve of your ass, the same way it had only seconds ago when you'd unknowingly rubbed yourself on him. Your breath hitches, cut short by some invisible vice pinching your throat shut, but Steve doesn't respond to your rapidfire apologies, nor the stuttering that comes after it.
"Steve," You blabber, turning your head when you can't turn your body, "Steve, fuck, I'm sorry- just- I'll let you get up, and-"
He's asleep.
His brown lashes are splayed delicately over the flushed apples of his cheeks, hair endearingly mussed and breath hot where it puffs out in steady streams against your shoulder. He brings his hips forwards again, grinding himself once more into your ass, and you're ashamed to admit that you don't fight to get out of his embrace this time around.
All it takes is a moan of your name, a soft, whimpered 'Y/N' to stop feeling guilt claw at your chest.
He wants this- he wants you.
You're frozen in his hold but you break out of it to turn your upper body, leaving your ass against his dick so that he can keep using it.
"Steve," You croon, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you comb your nails through the soft strands of hair splayed over his forehead, "Stevie, wake up."
"Y/N," He groans again, and after one more call of his name, his eyes blink open. He's mid-roll of his hips, his boner pressed flush to the center of your ass. If neither of you were clothed, if your flesh was bare and his cock wasn't confined by his briefs, he'd have been rutting through the fat of your ass cheeks.
His cheeks flare red even faster than yours heated, and he scrambles to get away, but there's nowhere to go between you and the wall behind him.
"Shit!" He hisses, knocking his head back against the wall in his mortified rush to escape, "Shit, Y/N, I'm- I'm sorry, fuck, I-"
"Don't stop," You mewl, your hand darting from his hair to his thigh, nails digging into the flesh that his basketball shorts have rucked up to reveal. It's milky white but later it will be littered with crescent-shaped marks.
He breathes out, in, then, "What?"
"Don't stop." You repeat, hand shaking as it travels from his thigh to his ass. You press forwards against it and he lets you shift his hips against your own again, breath stuttering as his cock rubs against your ass.
"Are- Are you serious?"
"Yes!" You gush, desperation in your voice, "Please, Steve, I- I want you to fuck me, please."
There's incredulity in his exhale that suggests he'd expected his wet dreams to stay just that; dreams. But here you are, grinding your ass back against his aching dick, begging to be fucked in his bed.
His thick bicep arcs over your face, and his broad shoulders hover over your own as he rolls himself over onto you. You spread your legs so that he can grind instead against the pad of your panties that covers your cunt, and his weight is suffocating where he lays over top of your back.
"Thank you," He breathes, like a prayer that's delivered in a sticky, spit-soaked kiss to the nape of your neck. He grinds down against your cunt, the meat of your ass above his cock as he holds himself over you on the bed, "Fuck, thank you."
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silentmoths · 1 year
Some HSR Thirsts
Because I've been fucking star-railed this last week and also I promised @dustofthedailylife that I would write a svarog thirst if she finally pulled welt. so since this exists, you can guess what happened!
Svarog/Yaoshi/Kafka x Reader
NSFW, nothing explicit perse but all very heavily implied, Robot/monsterfucking, does fucking a god cound as monsterfucking?, Svarog is a giant vibrator, Yaoshi and their many hands, also Yaoshi having an aphrodesiac venom in their scorpion tail, maybe a little implied dubcon in kafkas case? I dont...think it is but its there as a warning in case.
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Ok but Svarog, who definitely knows what sex is, of course he does, he has an entire database to access, and lets face it, this man has probably already accessed it when looking up ‘how to parent’ information because at one point or another he’s going to have to give clara ‘the talk’
(no, we wont talk about how his version of the talk is going to be the most embarrassingly clinical talk ever to exist. rest in peace clara.)
But he does not, for the love of anything, understand why you want to have sex…with him.
Nonetheless, he does not stop your hands roaming his chest plates, he doesn’t really stop you from doing… anything really, because… whatever this is  makes you happy, and that’s all he wants. 
He’s confused when you ask him to touch you, but he does it anyway, all while sifting through his databanks to figure out both why and where. 
This is also the day you discover that Svarog has an… interesting vibration function in his hands that he claims was once for easing stiff muscles of his old human commanders before he was abandoned.
Yeah it’ll sure ease you alright.
Admittedly…he does like watching you squirm…it does… something to his servos.
Though, he thinks he may have created a monster, because now every day, without fail…you’re asking him for a hand. 
Perhaps one day, when he has done enough research…he might just reveal that one…extra modification that had been made to him before everything went to shit.
One day he will allow you to delve below his trousers and maybe one day he will use that…modification, to finally give you what you want, since it seems you’re unwilling to find another mortal to fornicate with.
perhaps …clara could do with a mother figure around.
Some say the Aeon Yaoshi, of the Abundance, is a cruel and evil creature.
This does not stop you from seeking Their favour.
However when they finally do appear before you, you get so much more.
Six hands, long and delicate, trailing your skin as they pull you close, unearthly voice whispering in your ear, telling you they’ve heard every prayer, every plead and call for them; how they’ve been watching you all this time, and now they have come to bestow the blessing you’ve been seeking.
But only if you can endure one last trial.
In some depictions you had found, Yaoshi is endowed with a scorpion's tail, so it isn’t a shock when the appendage curls around your body, the tip pricking into your thigh. You feel the warmth of the poison spread through your body and you moan for it. Yaoshi only hums their praise 
Their venom makes you feel warm and fuzzy, it makes their touch intense and vivid, most of all…
it makes you want to give yourself over entirely
You feel hands touch places that have never been touched by another, you feel their teeth and their tongue. You hear their praises.
And then you wake, in your bed. 
At first, you think it was a dream, but then you sit up.
You were naked, your muscles ached, but it was a sweet ache, soft around the edges, and there on your thigh, where they had stung you with their venom…
the symbol of abundance
Soft hands, and an even softer voice, leave you weak in the knees.
“Ready to talk yet?” Kafka muses quietly as she presses a single finger to your collarbone, and you immediately fall back against the table, your arms still bound behind your back. 
You should be struggling. You should be fighting back.
But you’d be lying if you said you weren’t incredibly turned on by the stellaron hunter who had kidnapped you, and was now apparently intent on interrogating you.
“You’ll….have to try harder than that.” you rasp, trying to sound intimidating. 
By the way Kafka’s smile widens ever so slightly, it’s failed completely, and you’re once again left reeling as she approaches, leaning over you like a cat who’s just caught their mouse.
“Will I?” her voice is so soft, and yet so very dangerous as her ruby eyes narrow in on your face “My…are we a little smitten? Your face is all red.” 
Goddamn it.
“I’d never-”
“Oh don’t be so dramatic.” She interjects as she perches on the edge of the table beside where you lay, she shoots you a look…an expression you can’t quite discern for a moment, until you realise her own eyes are raking down your body.
You watch her bring her hand to her mouth, teeth closing around the finger of her glove before pulling the offending article off; your heart is jackrabbiting in your chest.
“I think…” she hums as she leans back over you, magenta hair falling between you both like a waterfall. This was dangerous, so very dangerous.
But the moment her hand presses against your belly, and slowly begins its slow gaze downward, pressing shamelessly beneath the waistband of your bottoms? You’re a goner.
“I think I have other ways to make you sing that we’ll both enjoy…don't you think?”
Taglist: @stygianoir @meimeimeirin @ainescribe @dustofthedailylife @rjssierjrie @crystalflygeo @angel-of-requiem @asoulsreverie @zomzomb1e Want to be added to the list? shoot me an ask~
I will be starting a Starrail specific taglist shortly so if you want in on that let me know!
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hanlimz · 9 months
[midnight thoughts: jungwon + the sublime]
synopsis: after an arduous battle, jungwon isn't sure if he's going to make it, but he has to say something before he goes. pairing: yang jungwon x gn!reader genre/warnings: spiderwon!au, angst with happy ending / mentions of blood, discussions of death, overall angsty themes but no one actually dies!, lots of confessions of love, and weird inclusion of "the sublime" bc we talked abt it in my eng class, also NOT proofread :,) wc: ~2.4k (haha OOPS) a/n: heyyyy how yall doin :))))) this has been sitting in my drafts forEVER ... and i finished it at 1am b4 my first day of school so be warned for inconsistencies / i liked the first half of this drabble but the second half is not my fave ,, so sorry that i couldn't do you justice spiderwon
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yang jungwon never believed in the concept of the sublime. that uncanny mixture of overwhelming fear and unsettling fascination never managed to make an impression on him. especially in his line of work, jungwon is firm in his notion of death: when the time comes, a vast blackness will consume him; the void will leech away his life, and he will cease to exist. there will be no theatrics, no white light, no booming voice or angel song—only a comforting emptiness welcoming him into the dark.
now, however, jungwon lies alone in a familiar back alley; the tips of his fingers are numb from the amount of blood he's lost, and he can hardly lift his head up from the brick wall it's resting on. the palms of his hands are stained a deep crimson as he attempts to stop the river of red spilling from his thigh. jungwon admires the eerily beautiful way in which the body lets go; glinting in the dim street lights, his wounds glitter like rubies in a summer sunset. at this point, succumbing to his injuries seems inevitable, and jungwon thinks there may be some truth to be found in sublimity.
but, he's not ready to die. not yet—not with so many things left undone, so many things left unsaid.
with the little strength he has left, jungwon reaches for his backpack hidden in the nook behind the dumpster. he pulls out his phone and dials a number number he knows by heart; his cold fingers fumble over the screen, and he curses his current lack of dexterity. eventually, though, the machine begins to ring. the sound grates on his ears as he waits with bated breath for you to pick up.
"hello?" you croak, your question laden with sleep, "who is it?"
a breathy chuckle escapes jungwon's lips. he had forgotten how late it was, how you mentioned earlier that you had a calulus exam tomorrow, and just how gorgeous you sounded when you were tired. "sorry, [y/n] ... didn't mean to wake you," jungwon sighs, "just wanted to hear your voice."
"won, seriously?" you scoff, "this couldn't have waited 'til tomorrow? i mean, it's—it's two in the morning ... i was literally just dreaming about acing that calc test."
a dopey grin fastens itself to jungwon's lips as he wills his eyes to stay open. if he falls asleep, he knows there's a possibility that he won't get back up; so, he indulges for a bit, listening to your fatigued grumbling and smiling like an idiot. "honestly, m'not sure if tomorrow's in my cards, [y/n]," he admits, trying to hide how labored his breaths are becoming, "'nd i jus' wanted to hear you one last time."
"yang jungwon, what the hell are you—" jungwon knows exactly when you realize he's in trouble. he knows exactly when you realize he's not messing with you. the abrupt pause, the hitch in your breath, the way you inhale through your teeth—it's almost too obvious. "oh fuck," you continue, "oh shit ... won, where are you? are you hurt? what can i do to help?"
jungwon coughs out a laugh, "'m in the alley off jackson ave, 'nd i think i've bled on every piece of old furniture back here, if that says anything."
your breathing is frantic. jungwon listens to the sound of rustling clothes and the occasional thud of your foot as it hits your bed frame. you're cursing and mumbling and unravelling at the seams, searching for whatever you can that might help you help jungwon. out loud, you go through a list: gauze, neosporin, saline.
"am i missing anything?" you ask, not expecting a response.
"bandages?" jungwon replies.
"bandages!" you exclaim, "i almost forgot the fucking bandages?" there's more noise on the other side of the phone, and jungwon doesn't let himself relax until he hears your window crack open. metal clangs as you rush down the fire escape; he wills the beating of his heart to match the tempo of your feet against the steps. jungwon wills himself to stay alive. and, it's almost as though you can read his mind through the phone. "don't you dare fall asleep, yang jungwon. talk to me about something—anything—just don't fall asleep."
he racks his brain for a topic of conversation; the nerves building in his stomach as he anticipates next week's orgo exam, the cat he rescued from a tree in queensbridge park earlier today, the new thai restaurant that opened up near his apartment building. options race through his mind, but all of jungwon's thoughts lead back to you.
"i love you," jungwon says, abrupt yet resolute.
"oh god." you suck in an incredulous gasp, "you're delirious. this is—"
"i'm not delirious," he interrupts, voice hauntingly clear. "i know what i'm saying. and, i'm saying that i love you, [y/n] [l/n]."
for a moment, the line crackles with a thick, viscous silence that seeps through the grainy static; it's heavy, almost too real, and jungwon listens to the sound of your shoes slamming against the pavement until you speak again. "okay," you sigh, something unreadable swimming behind your words, "keep talking to me, jungwon."
jungwon takes in a deep breath before speaking again. his whole body is cold now, and if it weren't for the weakness spreading throughout his veins, he's positive his teeth would be chattering. inhaling the concoction of gasoline fumes, freshly dumped trash, and frigid, autumn air, jungwon feels the chill of the reaper creeping up the length of his spine. its spindly fingers beckon him into that same darkness he was once so sure of, once so okay with. but, jungwon can't let himself give in to its temptation. after all, he has someone waiting for him.
"you give me this feeling," jungwon declares in an inexplicable moment of lucidity, "'nd i dunno how to explain it. it's—it's like ... i look at you, and you pull me in. an invisible string, maybe? fate? true love? i'm—i have no idea what to call it. you always make me want to know more, even though i've known you forever. since we were kids, [y/n]—i've felt like this for years. and, i'm sorry. i'm sorry for not telling you earlier, for not telling you when i told you about the whole spiderman thing.
"i'm such an idiot for making you worry. someone who loves you shouldn't do that to you, i shouldn't do that to you. and, god [y/n]—i love you so much. you're this force of nature, you know? drawing me in, even though it's dangerous. and, even though i'm terrified of what the consequences might be, i love you so much that i'm afraid to die without saying it at least once.
"i'm—i'm so sorry for being so stupid, because—" jungwon whispers with a shaky voice, teetering on the edge of consciousness, "i love you, [y/n]. i love you."
jungwon's hearing is fading in and out, and his vision is growing blurry; but, the sounds of your footsteps accompanied by the incessant drone of his phone keeps him from slipping into that overwhelming darkness. you take in a sharp breath, and his head lolls in your direction. jungwon's lips are molded into a mindless, faraway smile; his eyes are misted over, foggy with both pain and fatigue. he's not all there, but he still manages to be cheerful. it astounds you.
rushing over to begin applying all the first aid supplies you managed to stuff into your backpack. wound-wash, gauze, bandage, wound-wash, gauze, bandage, wound-wash gauze bandage, wound-washgauzebandage. the sheer amount of blood that has been leeched from his body makes you dizzy; your head is spinning as you try to calculate just how many pints would be equal to what you've just sopped up. glancing up at your best friend (crush? lover?) you see that his eyes have drooped shut. his skin is pallid, his lips are pale, his neck is craned at an awkward angle as it rests on his shoulder. and, your heart stops because you didn't get to say it back.
"no. no, no, no ... won—jungwon, wake up!" a storm brews in your stomach. it starts as a mellow rain pattering against the lining of your intestines, then becomes a raging tempest as it bubbles up and out of your throat. "please, please, please! i got here in time, i swear—i never cared about the stupid, fucking calc test! i cared about you, i care about you! and, i'm here now, so you can't leave. you can't leave me."
an inhuman shriek claws through your lips, ricocheting against the brick walls that seem to be caving in around you; the weight of the world crashes into your frail shoulders, threatening to crush you. as you inch even closer to jungwon's shrouded figure, your pants are soaked through with a crude mixture of blood and rainwater. you reach out for him and cup his cheek with a trembling hand, and part of you swears his skin is still warm to the touch.
but, hope has no place here.
instead, you cradle his head and heave his body to rest against yours. he is astonishingly heavy; you can feel his muscles ripple beneath the tips of your fingers, but you're already convinced. your best friend is dead. slowly, the cement will absorb his heat, and he will grow cold. as the morning draws nigh, you will be forced to put his mask back on and leave him for someone else to find. then, the news articles will pour in, and the city will have stolen not only his life, but his death as well. tears are wetting his scalp as you bury your nose into his sweat-caked hair. you're gripping at his suit so hard you think the threads might snap, and the throbbing in your head is nothing compared to the agony in your heart.
the wailing doesn't stop until, in your peripherals, you see his finger twitch. sucking a staggering breath through his nose, jungwon cracks open a tired eye to gaze up at you. "i would—" he coughs out with a wince, "i would never leave you."
in your stupor, his voice doesn't register first. his mouth moves, but no sound escapes him; then, the words play over again in your mind while his lips remain closed. seconds melt into minutes, and you float away from your body. a numbness overtakes you as you stare at the scene before you from about five feet away; your fingers are still clutching at the suit fibers, the pajamas you chose earlier tonight are now saturated with blood, and jungwon is breathing. jungwon is breathing. jungwon is breathing.
snapping back into yourself, you place a weak hand on his chest. steadily, certainly—it rises and falls; the beating of his heart, though shallow and slow, thrums beneath your palm. shifting your stare to his face, you are greeted once again by a familiar, wry smile. jungwon is alive. despite all odds, the boy you love is alive; and, try as you might, you can't really help yourself.
"[y/n]?" he croaks, quirking the eyebrow above his less swollen eye, "can you hear—"
"i love you, too."
the utterance dangles precariously in the frigid midnight air. jungwon's lack of response causes your stomach to churn until he relexes further into your frame, huffing out a pained laugh. he lets himself rest for a moment, relishing in the warmth he manages to leech from your skin. "it wasn't ... wasn't supp—supposed to happen like this, you know?" jungwon protests, voice catching on his fatigue and discomfort. "i ... had everything planned—planned out."
"won, you don't—"
baring his teeth, he lifts a hand to hold the one you kept on his chest and barrels through your objection. "i was gonna take you to the met ... gonna take you for a pic—a picnic in central park." jungwon sputters, pressing his forehead against your upper arm, "then, we would swing ... back to your apartment. 'nd, i was gonna tell—tell you. tell you about how i feel."
still supporting his neck with your arm, you move to take his face in your palm once more. jungwon's gaze is sharper than it was just minutes ago—more focused, more alert. the emotions swirling in those deep pools of raw umber are more multitudinous than the stars they reflect. gratitude, torment, joy, defeat, love. bridging the gap that had separated the two of you for so long, you stop just shy of his lips. a dynamic heat emanates from them; jungwon is practically vibrating under your touch, living and breathing.
"are you okay?" you ask, "is this okay?"
jungwon answers by pushing himself up—closing the distance, sharing your breath, connecting your souls. salt and iron dance on his tongue as your tears mingle with his blood. it's a hypnotizing concoction—one that threatens to send him reeling, one that threatens to have him spinning out with no hope of return. fireworks explode behind his eyelids, a myriad of bright reds and vibrant oranges blinds him, and jungwon uses what is left of his strength to grip your wrist; he grounds himself and allows his lungs to burn as he breathes you in.
after a while, however, your parting is instinctual as the lack of oxygen forces you apart—two bodies trying to preserve themselves long enough to meet again. with a labored sigh, jungwon slumps backwards and tucks his chin to catch your gaze. in that moment, he finds himself frozen; his essence is suspended motionless, positively bewitched by you. in the silence, where all he can sense is you, jungwon embraces the ever-present warmth that has flourished within him. it floods his being with a terrifyingly powerful adoration for you. it is nothing like he has ever felt before, and though he is brave enough to confess, this extent of his love for you—it scares him.
however, as your skin glows in the light of the moon and your eyes pool with the desire for a future with him, jungwon digs his feet in and roots your love deep within his heart. he refuses to let this fear grow in its place; instead, he vows to nurture it, to care for it, to protect it. as he lies in your arms, jungwon rejects the sublime once more and chooses for himself.
"i love you, [y/n]," he whispers into your palm.
the world seems to go quiet as it listens for your response.
"i love you, too, jungwon."
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mind-player · 11 months
Durge is beginning to wonder whether it matters if they make it to Bhaal's temple and if it would be better for the others if they didn't.
And Astarion, despite your constant protests, cannot helplessly stand by and watch as you pour out the contents of your stomach and then eventually all of your questioning thoughts along with it.
Warning! Suicidal thoughts/questioning
Words: 2,040
Astarion was quick to wake from his trance just from the absence of your presence at his side. He felt the place with cold fingers, realizing the blankets still had some of your warmth. The fire everyone circled around in their bedrolls was freshly tended, alive again with a new log added to the flames. 
The vampire quietly got up to avoid disturbing the other companion's rest and began to sense where you might've run off. He strained his ears, and it didn't take long for him to pick up the sound of a specific someone retching in the distance of the forest. Astarion made haste, not wanting to let you suffer alone for a second. 
A selfish part of him wanted to tell you again that it was alright to snap him awake whenever this happened, but he was fast to conclude that the morning would have to do. As much as he's gently brought it up, he did also understand your discomfort at the thought of him seeing you throw up last night's dinner. 
But still, they were in this together, Bhaal be damned. And he knew you wouldn't hesitate to do the same for him. Hells, you've asked him for a kiss even when he was covered in blood and viscera, his hair more than just slightly askew, and his face sore with cuts and bruises. Sure, he couldn't look into a mirror, but he could still feel that the grime and exhaustion were evident to anyone at camp.
Didn't matter to you, though. You would call Astarion beautiful every time, and he'd readily call you a liar. And you'd say with a smile as golden as your heart, "Prove it." 
He never could. 
Astarion finally came upon the vision of you keeling over on your knees. Your hand was your only leaning support, pale and clammy from the night's cold on a tree stump. The only contrast was the red and scabbing marks around your wrist from being tied up every other night. 
"Don't look," you croaked, your voice hoarse and tired, ready to deny his help. 
It was rare that you would let yourself sleep sometimes, especially after what happened to that poor bard you so eagerly let join camp without even a hint of suspicion on your mind. Astarion was irritated by your being so open and careless, and all you had to say was that you missed the sound of a bard's music. 
And you were punished for it. 
Astarion remembered the last day you would ever trust your body around anyone. Not even your thoughts were safe in your mind, for fear of them crawling out and unleashing murder upon your companions and, God's forbid, on Astarion. Even the idea of that happening made you ill, but your mind would force you to see it in your dreams, and your slinking Bhaal butler would provoke the strength of your will.
It was only inevitable and natural that you'd be sick to your stomach with all that on your shoulders, your mind. 
"You think this is the worst I've witnessed in my two hundred years?" the elf questioned, and he chose not to move forward, not without further consent. 
"No," you answered truthfully, letting your hand slide down the rough bark for you to fall back on the balls of your feet. 
"Then please let me help you." 
"I," you started, taking a shaky breath. "I don't think you can." 
Astarion could tell from your voice alone you were on the brink of tears. And as much as the vampire just wanted to take all of that pain away and rip it to nothing but shreds, kill any God that causes it, and ascend himself victorious so that it could never happen again, he couldn't. Not yet. He remained where he stood. 
"What do you mean, my love?" he questioned softly when you didn't continue. He could always be sincere with you when you so effortlessly were, especially in such moments. 
"I just hate this," you responded, nearly crying aloud. "I know you said we can fight this together. And I want to. Gods, I want to. But sometimes, I just wish my mind would stop for a second. Just to let me be me around you. The me that you know and the one I want to be. But I don't think I ever will." 
He didn't say anything, letting you say what he couldn't bear. 
"I'm going to die," you whispered, giving out and leaning onto your side. "And if my body doesn't, I know whoever was on this journey with you definitely will. So what does it matter if it all just stops now?"
Astarion almost couldn't believe his ears. Such a dreadful question slipped through the lips of an angel who soothed everyone's worries and selflessly promised devotion to countless others regardless of their own self-preservation. 
Some say vampires are unfeeling creatures with no heart, none that craves to beat for anything other than the thrill of power. But, of course, if anyone ever proved them wrong, it was you. 
And if there was anyone to tell Astarion he was worth more than his looks, his body, and his charm, that he was a person just like everyone else who could be valued, trusted, and loved so readily, it was most certainly you. You were the only one to give him even the slightest hope of defeating someone he had revolved around for two centuries. You were the only one to tell him he could finally stop surviving and start living. 
You were the hope of every tiefling, your companions, and him. Hearing you, seeing you finally break, was enough to bring him to his knees, and the thought of genuinely losing you made his heart fall. But not for one second was this only about him. 
A silence fell over the two of you until he finally gathered his words. 
"When I discovered you, I remember being so furious. After all, how could there be people like you out here all this time? Just waiting to save someone's life, end their torment, their worries," he tried to explain without his voice trembling. 
"You were so naive yet so relentlessly kind, constantly worrying about right and wrong, weighing every decision and then being the one to bear the consequences of them, all on your shoulders. And not once did you expect anything in return from anyone.
"So, please, consider when I hear you ask if it matters if you keep existing in this world, even if it's for a moment longer, that it does. Gods, it does. It's indisputable. Because this world is already so starved of people like you," he said, his chest aching with every word. 
Hot tears threatened to well in his eyes, tears he hadn't known since he was still in that wretched dungeon being tortured alive. 
Astarion couldn't stop thinking about you being lost forever compared to so many other evils they've slain along their journey. There were so many in this world who no one would miss, who no one would even consider a moment to remember, and Astarion thought that, with all his faults, he might as well have been on that list, too. 
But everyone would most certainly miss you. Probably would throw thousands of flowers on your grave each year, speak exciting stories of your adventures with all you've done, put up a statue of you, and honor you for centuries to come. 
He would so desperately miss you. When the others finally abandoned him and left him to his own devices or back with Cazador, he would have forgotten how to love again, knowing that you were the only one he could care for. 
Astarion watched as the hand that supported you on the ground clenched, intertwining your calloused fingers into the grass. You turned your body to finally face him, shining tears from the firelight staining your cheeks. 
And all of that and everything else he could've said to convince you otherwise must've been conveyed in just one look because he was finally seeing you. Your sweat-damp brow was furrowed in pain, your white-knuckled grip released the delicate blades of grass, and all your pain from your stomach to your head and mind was brewing behind your reddened eyes. Tired eyes. 
"I'm sorry," you eventually cried with shoulders quivering, and it was all Astarion needed to come crawling over to hold you in his arms. "I didn't– I shouldn't have–"
"You have nothing to be sorry for. Nothing at all," Astarion vehemently told you, shaking his head. "Everything that's been asked of you forced onto you, would test anyone." 
You wept, sniffled, and apologized, and the cycle repeated, but Astarion never once ran out of quiet, comforting whispers. 
It continued until it eventually came to a slow end, with you resting your head on his shoulder and his hand rubbing against yours. Your legs were numb from how long you both had sat there in that forest and if you could feel, maybe even a little cold- not because of Astarion. Never because of him. 
While basking in the comfortable silence that befell both of you, you still couldn't help but sigh and shake your head. 
"What is it, my love?" he asked so gently as if the words alone would make you fall apart again. You never hated yourself more for dumping your doubts, worries, and dreads on him. 
"It's stupid," you said, actually meaning that you were stupid in a sense. 
"Try me."
You hid your face further into the crook of his shoulder, feeling that familiar warmth spread across your cheeks. 
"I just remembered how much I didn't want you to ever see me throw up... and you get something ten times worse."
Astarion laughed and said, "Compared to the monstrous atrocities we've seen throughout this journey, this is more akin to sunshine and a bed of fresh roses. I don't mind."
You squinted in suspicion at him and persisted, "Not even a little?" 
Astarion quirked a brow. 
"Well, I could do without the snot on the only shirt I possess," he joked, earning that gorgeous smile he missed so dearly, "but if it means you're still here, together with me, then no, I genuinely don't mind. I'm not going anywhere." 
The latter part of his words sounded so irrefutable and clear to your ears that you almost forgot everything ahead. 
"Even if I turn into a monster?" you asked him.
"The day you turn into a monster is the day that bears will fly," he answered, silently thinking about how different you were compared to him. "But if that still somehow manages to happen, then what's the harm of being monsters together?" 
"That'd be so terrible," you told him, shaking your head with a smile. 
This was nice. Your dark thoughts were quelled and momentarily replaced with the idea of you and Astarion, the future you two could have if you somehow managed to live through all this. What would it be like, you wondered. 
You imagined a house somewhere in the city, perhaps a townhouse. You'd both live messily; all the treasures you hoarded over this journey would be scattered everywhere when first moving in. Curtains would be closed, but you'd like to imagine them open with a smiling Astarion basking like a cat in the sun he adored. 
Alive again. With your love's heart beating so strongly with your ear pressed up against his naked chest as you both lounge in bed, doing nothing in particular. 
Then it crossed your silly mind that you wanted that. You wanted to see that someday, even if it might not have been in the cards for you. But when have the chances ever not been slim? And how many times did you beat them until now? 
That future, that hope, was enough to fight for. 
That acquainted quiet settled once more before you finally whispered a vow only to him, "I'll defy him. Whatever it takes." 
Even if it meant dying. 
"As will I," he answered, and you knew who he spoke of. One day, both of you might be free- truly free. 
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hyuckmov · 1 year
haechan — settle down pt.3 (rockstar hyuck) | preview
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wc: 904 words genre: angst, suggestive? | read part 1, part 2 a/n: life is crazy and scary, but this fic and interacting with u guys about it has been a constant and i'm so grateful for that :) motivating myself to keep going by posting this here, this is the opening to part 3 - the final part! let me know what u think!!! thank u for all the love <3
there was something wrong with haechan.
something's different. that's what jeno had said earlier, after the show. exhausted from sleepless nights, screaming fans making him feel nauseous, haechan barely paid attention to anything during his performances except for his own guitar. he hardly looked at the crowd, didn't acknowledge their pleas of his name, as if it wasn't one he recognised at all. 
he'd started missing parties, and was barely there even if he showed — ignoring the way girls swarmed around him, wondering if he was playing a new game, one where they had to work harder to earn his attention, one that they never could seem to win.
but out of all of haechan's bad habits, this might be the worst of them – sitting in the living room past midnight, sipping down to the last dregs of his alcohol, waiting for the knock on his door. 
it was late now — so late that the hours had bled into the next day. he hadn't seen you at the concert, not at the party, and despite telling himself not to dream, not to hope, he still carried enough desperation in him to stay up again. 
he's relieved he did. 
his hands shake as he opens the door. his hands falling to his sides as he drinks in the sight of you, letting you in. 
"hi," you breathe, and you don't ask before you lean into him, soft lips brushing his plush ones. 
he's at a loss for words, his tongue numb in his mouth, limbs still heavy from how tired he'd been all day. he lets you guide him to the couch, into the cushions. lets you straddle his hips, holding your body close to his with careful arms, as he meets your kisses gently.
something's different, but haechan's not the only one who's changed. on nights like these, it feels like all you do is take and take and take. 
"i haven't seen you in a while," he murmurs. quietly, softly, the words almost getting lost in between kisses. immediately after he says the words, he slots his lips with yours firmly, as if afraid of what you would say if he let the space between you and him grow, his tongue stroking over yours. 
"i've been busy." at the crestfallen look on his face, a small smile tugs at your lips, and you lean in to brush your lips with his. "why? did you miss me?" 
"i did," he says, almost timid. "i missed you."
at this, you raise your eyebrows. "you could have had anyone else." 
but he shakes his head. "i missed you," he repeats, hands mapping your skin, as if checking if you were really here, seeking the familiar way you fit into his palms, your slopes and your edges. 
"i missed you too," you say, meaningfully, letting him pull you in. but when you push against him, body rocking into his and mouth open and wanting, the glow in your eyes tells him you're talking about something else entirely. 
his mind races. the feeling of you against him wakes him up like nothing else, the way you touch him, your smell and your taste setting fire to all his senses. there's something sweet about your lips tonight, something he wants to savor on his tongue and drown in all at once. 
he doesn't want to waste any of this, because this was the only thing you ever wanted to see him for, now — and that's what he reminds himself as he pulls you into his body, because finally, finally, your attention is all on him, an electric heat simmering over each fibre of his being, the feeling of your body too good to be true.
but it's been one too many nights he's waited, a weight on his chest and a drowsiness he can't shake overcoming him like a cloyingly sweet poison. 
"i–" he's cut off by a shuddering inhale as your lips travel down to his neck, your hips grinding against him just right. "baby, i'm sorry," he tries again, his hands now gripping onto your waist, trying to steady you, even as he gives up. "i don't think i can take care of you tonight." 
you still. 
"don't go, please," he begs. "i'm sorry, it's been…it's been a long day and i…" he breaks off. the performance. the fight with the band. the fact that he'd been drinking for hours, the starless sky inky black outside his window, his fingers still stinging from plucking at guitar strings all night. "just give me a second," he stammers, burying his face in his hands, tugging at his features, before looking up at you with tired eyes. "i'll be fine in a minute, then we'll go to the bedroom, i just —" 
your hands slide down the slope of his shoulders. 
"don't go," he repeats, hands fumbling for yours as he brings them up to his lips, like a prayer. "i can take care of you, i promise. just…" 
"donghyuck," you say, softly. again you smile, cupping his face in your palms. his round cheeks, plush lips, the slight flare of his nose. he almost goes cross-eyed staring at you, as you lean in close and kiss him again – this one different than the rest, close-lipped and chaste. 
"hyuck, let me take care of you tonight, okay?" 
caught in a riptide of his own longing, he lets go.
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kkcauseway · 1 month
Mine For Life
Parent Joel Miller x F!reader
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Summary: Your son has been on the earth for a whole two weeks, the days are all blending into one, but you wouldn't change anything about it. When you wake you go about your routine as normal but Joel has the biggest of surprises for you, the biggest of questions to ask, wanting to make you officially his for life. Content/warnings: No outbreak. Soooo much fucking flufff!!! family fluff, domestic fluff. Joel being the cutest dad. Reader and Joel working as a team to make sure their new born son gets the care he needs. Marriage proposal, breast feeding. Caring!Joel Miller. No use of Y/N. A/N: This was a literal dream I had that I woke up from and wrote notes about instantly and I've now changed it into the cutest fluff piece. I hope you love it!!!!
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Two weeks you’ve been parents. In a crazy so full of love, lack of sleep bubble where the days have merged into one. You haven’t washed your hair in a few days, but you wouldn’t change the reason for the world. Your son Frankie Thomas Miller named after your father and of course Tommy, came into the world weighing only 6lbs and screaming his tiny lungs out. And there wasn’t a dry eye in the house. It still doesn’t feel real even with you having had two weeks to adjust.
When he starts crying you quickly get up and bring him into bed with you, in a half-asleep state. You’re thankful Joel didn’t wake as he’s helped so much in the day today to allow you to catch up on sleep, so you want to make sure he gets a full nights rest.
By the chirping of the birds and the beginnings of sunlight pushing its way through the side of the curtains you guess it’s roughly 4am. Meaning you’ve managed to get a solid four hours sleep, no wonder you feel so good.
You instantly place him on your breast to settle him and after he’s fed for a solid thirty minutes you burp him, change him, and then lie with him against your chest. His wide-awake eyes stare at you and you’re in no rush for this moment to end. Differentiating between drawing circles on his small back and head. The full head of hair that he has getting longer you swear by the second.
When your eyes begin feeling heavy you jolt yourself back awake do not fall asleep with him on you. But as a precaution in case you do you make a little area for him between the pair of you on the mattress so he will be safe if you do. You lie staring at him the biggest of smiles on your face and that’s the last thing you see.
When Joel stirs awake and it’s fully light outside his eyes readjust and his focus is straight on Frankie. Fast asleep between you. He’s surprised of course but quickly catches on to what’s obviously happened. And he’s not complaining, who would waking to the site of his gorgeous newborn son and girlfriend fast asleep.
He turns fully onto his side so he can watch Frankie sleep. It’s such an intimate beautiful moment. He places his hand to his son’s stomach stroking softly. Adoring the sight of the love of his life and his precious son in slumber.
One second Frankie’s hand is above his tiny head and the next he’s stretching slightly, and it falls to his side. Joel can’t help but chuckle because that’s a move you pull often in bed.
His lips smack against each other every so often and he lets out little purr like noises. So tiny so cute. Melting his heart completely every time. He’s obviously in the happiest of dreams.
It isn’t long till he begins stirring. Actually waking and doing the all mightiest of stretches all four of his limbs stretched to full capacity and his tiny face scrunches in on itself. His eyes open wide and begin scanning the room and he begins whimpering obviously getting ready to cry. But Joel’s actions calm him right back down.
Yet it wakes you right away and you turn to your side noticing the smile on Joel’s face. God he’s so gorgeous when he first wakes up and watching the way his hand rubs Frankie’s stomach softly melts you. You can feel just how much he loves your boy, just as much as you do.
“G’mornin’” he eventually grumbles
“Hey baby” you mumble as you move closer to Frankie Joel brings his hand away from Frankie’s stomach to rub at your hip and you both bask in the comfortable silence.
“I still can’t believe he’s real” you whisper unable to take your eyes off him.
“I’ve never been so happy as when you blessed me w’him.”
You chuckle, goosebumps taking over your whole body as his thumb tickles your hip.
Eventually Frankie begins crying for real, obviously desperate for his mama to feed him again.
Yet nothing could ruin this moment not even your son beginning to get rowdy. So you bask in the last few seconds before having to both get into full parent mode.
As his cries grow louder, and more intense Joel sits up grabbing him and shushing him as he holds him close to his chest. Fuck he looks yummy like that. His broad shoulders and chest making your son look even smaller.
His large hand holds his head softly stroking to comfort him. Joel notices quickly that he needs changing so grabs the caddy that’s on the end of the bed, somehow not been kicked off after you passed out having done half a job to put things back away, and gets to it right away. Frankie still fussy as he does.
Once clean and fresh, you’re ready to feed him so working as a team he passes him over and makes sure you’re comfortable whilst you do.
He watches you feed him; your maternal instincts so natural. Frankie forever happy and content with you. Eventually, he speaks wanting your attention “hey baby I got somethin’ f’you.”
“What’s that?” You mumble as you move your eyes from Frankie back to him. And you gasp. No idea what to do or say as you stare at Joel, and he stares back at you with a red velvet ring box open before you. A beautiful diamond ring gleaming at you.
“Joel” you whisper unsure of what to do, what to say.
“Baby I love you like I ain’t never loved someone before, and I don’t think it was even possible but when you gave me Frankie that shit doubled, hell it tripled, and I thought I already loved you more than was possible. I wana spend the rest o’my life with you, growin’ our family, fillin’ our home, growin’ old together. I want it all with you baby.”
Tears flow freely from your eyes and the glossiness of them makes it almost impossible to see. “I- I- god it’s so beautiful- Joel I don’t know what to say.”
“Well a yes would be nice.” He chuckles
Fuck. You hadn’t even thought about the response too caught up in the craziness. Too caught up in how unexpected it was.
“Yes, a million times yes!!” You chuckle wetly and he joins you.
“Yeah, you gonna marry me baby, become a Miller f'real?”
“I can’t think of anything I want more.”
You hold Frankie with your other hand so you can hold your left out to him. He takes the ring out of the box and places it onto your finger. It’s the perfect fit because Joel always gets everything exactly right. He brings your hand to his lips and kisses the ring.
When he finally releases your hand, you hold it out and study the ring intently.
It’s the perfect size diamond for your small finger and is absolutely gorgeous.
“Fuck I love you.” Joel grumbles and as you move your hand away, so he comes back into full view, you chuckle.
“I love you too fiancé.”
“Fiancé, damn I like the sound o’that.”
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 5 months
plsss kirk with no nut november
A/n: This one is really short compared to the other NNN I've done, I'm sorry to all Kirk fans who were hoping for more from this :')
Warnings: Smut, cnc, cock warmings, if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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Kirk wasn’t excited about the whole no nut November thing. He wasn’t sure which side he was on, either. He knew that between James and Lars it was a bet to see who would get laid first, though neither of them could initiate it. That part made enough sense to him but where did him and Jason come in?
He thought about it on his way home back to your shared apartment, telling himself he’d talk to you about the whole thing when he got there.
When he walked in you were giggling on the couch watching TV so he came over to sit beside you and saw that you Metallica’s interview was on. “Did you seriously agree to this?” You asked, looking up at him with a grin. Kirk lets out a heavy breath.
“You know, I didn’t sleep well last night, I wasn’t totally in it, alright?” You chuckled at him and his reasoning, leaning against him and kissing his cheek.
“You’re still taking part in it?” He groaned loudly and let his head fall back onto the couch.
“I kind of have to, don’t I?” You shrugged, nuzzling closer to him. It’s not like he could really just pull out since he already agreed, it would just turn James and Lars against him.
You both agreed that not taking the challenge too seriously would be the best option. He’s not going to intentionally lose just to get out of it, if he did James and Lars would have his head. Then again, he didn’t actually want to participate in the challenge, he just got sucked into it.
A few days passed and you two were in bed. It was late and you just so happened to wake up to the feeling of kirk right behind you.
This was normal, he always was cuddling, often pulling you closer even in his sleep. The odd part was the way he rocked his hips into you. It was by no means the first time, it wasn’t a regular occurrence but it had happened before. When he was having a good dream.
This was Kirk’s loss, since he’d initiated it, and you’d make sure to tell him when he woke up but for now you had other plans.
You shimmied out of your pyjama shorts and panties that already had a wet spot on them and kicked them off the bed. You pushed your ass back against Kirk, hearing him groan as you did.
His hard cock rubbed against your bare ass through his boxers. His right arm wrapped tightly around your waist. You reached your hand back and tugged his boxers down, his dick hitting your thigh.
You moved your leg for a moment and got his pulsing member between your folds so his grinding would hit your clit and glide over your needy cunt. Occasionally you’d squeeze your thighs and hear a soft whine from Kirk.
Eventually he began to stir and his movements halted as he became aware of what was happening. “Couldn’t wait?” He mumbled, planting soft kisses to the back of your neck. You let out a low chuckle.
“You couldn’t wait.” You pushed your ass back again.
“Fuck~ Guess I lost.” Kirk mumbled, not sounding at all upset. You both got into a rhythm, both grinding against each other, loving the feeling it gave you.
Kirk’s arm came around to rub your clit. You felt him twitching between your thighs and knew he was trying to get you to finish with him. He kissed up your neck, licking and biting where he pleased.
His groans got needier and louder in your ear, signalling he was close. Instead of finishing between your thighs he pushed into you, hot cum hitting your gummy walls. You loved when he came inside you, he didn’t do it often which made it all the more special. It got you over the edge, your body relaxed as jolts of pleasure rocked through you.
“So pretty.” Kirk mumbled, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, already falling back asleep.
“What about cleaning up?” You asked with a small pout. Kirk waved you off.
“Worry about it tomorrow.” He kissed your cheek. “I’ll just stay in you tonight, you’ll be fine.” You couldn’t pretend you didn’t love that idea. Cock warming him all night, holding his cum in you? You nestled right into bed with his arms wrapped tightly around you.
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mustainegf · 2 months
james fluff where he's just holding reader after a stressful day and rubbing her back and wiping her tears away and telling her that he loves her ??<3 thanks :)
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I was lying on our bed. I could feel the stress building up inside me all day, bubbling in my throat. James held me in his powerful arms, now gentle and caring in their hold, against the warmth of his chest. Being warmed by him soothed me to no end, but I knew he could sense my exhaustion.
"It's okay," he whispered smooth and soothing, his hand rubbing my back. "I'm right here. You're safe with me."
My eyes, which had been welling with tears all day, finally overflowed, and he very carefully wiped the tears away with his thumb. His calloused fingers were in a way, soft. "Shh, don't cry, baby," he purred into my forehead. "I love you so much..."
I sniffed, trying to smile through my tears. "I just... it's been such a tough day."
His grip tightened, and his nearness medicated me. "I know, sweetheart. I'm right here."
He pressed another kiss to my temple, and with fingers combing through my hair, the pattern of his ministrations soothed me shaking body. "Remember that time we went to the beach and you got all excited about finding that perfect seashell?" he asked, a playful tone in his voice, and I wondered where he was going with this. "You looked so adorable, like a little kid. That's one of my favorite memories."
I chuckled softly through my tears, something about the memory brought a small smile onto my face. "I still have that seashell," I said, my voice a tad steadier now. "It's in my dresser."
His voice had warmed up and sounded sincere. "I love how you enjoy so much in the simplest of things."
The words that tumbled forth from his lips wrapped about me like a blanket as he spoke on. "You know," he started off, "I've been thinking a lot about our future . I want us to have all of it, a nice house, maybe with a big garden to plant flowers and vegetables in. And kids... I want kids with you. I want to see little versions of us runnin' around, laughing and playing."
The thought made my chest light, and I looked up at him, peering into his those gorgeous eyes for a hint of doubt. All that showed there was love. "You really want that?"
He only nodded, his eyes soft. "I want to marry you, build a life. I want to wake up every morning with you by my side and fall asleep every night holding you just like this."
He pulled me in closer, if that was even possible, and I felt his lips lightly touch my forehead again. "You mean everything to me. You're never alone, baby. You have me, forever."
I was crying once more, but they were tears of happiness, tears of love. "I love you so much, James," I could barely speak.
His smile, all crinkly at the corners, which I adored. "I love you too. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy."
He kissed me again, and with that soft, tender pressure, the last of my worries vanished away into the night.
He told me about all the little things he loved about me, how I scrunched my nose when I laughed, how I always knew just what to do when he was sick, how I made the best pancakes in the world. Each word was a soft touch.
"And you know what else?" he added. "I love how you always steal the covers in the middle of the night. It's a pain in the ass, but I wouldn't have it any other way."
I giggled, feeling lighter than I had all entire day. "I don't do it on purpose," I protested.
"I know," he laughed, and pecked a kiss onto the end of my nose. "That's what makes it cute."
Soon enough, as we kept talking, stress left through the window. James kept telling me sweet stories of things to remind me of all the good times that we had spent together and all the great moments still to be spent in each other's company. He spoke of our dreams to visit places we had not been to, to travel around the world and explore new places together, and to create memories for the rest of our lives.
"And someday," he said again "We'll have our house, our kids. And every day I will remind you of exactly what you mean to me."
"You mean so much to me," he whispered, his lips against my ear. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
I snuggled myself deeper in his chest, feeling his heartbeat against my cheek
Feeling myself start to drift off, I felt James press one last kiss onto my forehead. "Goodnight, my love," he whispered. "Sweet dreams"
"Goodnight," I murmured, the smile creeping onto my face. "I love you, Jamie."
"I love you too," he replied in a whisper. "Always."
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