#I'm very much looking forward to returning okay
dragon-kazansky · 2 days
The song in our hearts
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Lestat De Lioncourt x Female Reader
A musician with a heart that sings and an admirer who wishes to see his songbird thrive. Two beings in different worlds get caught up in each other when someone threatens to steal his songbird's spotlight. Loving Lestat isn't simple, and your life will never be the same again. What is eternity without chaos?
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Eight - Deep into the hole
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“I can't believe this is happening. What do you think happened to him?” Amelie asks, looking more than a little worked up.
“I really don't know…” You lie. It feels awful lying to her, but telling her the truth would be far worse. Why did you ever have to cross paths with Lestat?
“I can't believe it.” She says again.
You focus on making the coffee. There was very little chance of you getting any sleep right now anyway. You pour two cups and hand one to Amelie. She takes it with a soft ‘thank you.’
“You know… you were the last person I saw him with…”
You look at her. “Please tell me you're not accusing me of anything. Amelie, I don't know where he is.” 
“I know. I was just saying…” The tone of her voice leaves you a little unconvinced. There's doubt lingering in your mind and for the first time ever you're left wondering who your real friends might be.
“I'm a lot of things, but a murderer ain't one.”
Amelie seems to realize how her words had sounded and moves closer to you. She reaches out for your hand and sighs loudly. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything. I've just been thinking too much.”
“I know. I'm sorry. Please don't let whatever is happening come between us. You're one of the few people I have.”
Amelie puts down her coffee so she can hug you. You return the gesture, but doubt is still eating away at your mind.
‘Come to me, Chéri.’
You hear him in your head. He was probably disappointed you had left. You needed time to think before you went back. There was too much going on.
You wake suddenly. Light is illuminating your room through your curtains. Amelie is fast asleep on your couch and you're curled up in a chair beside her. Two forgotten cups of coffee sit on the table.
Your head pounds as you get up out of the chair. You take a few moments to gather yourself and then start cleaning up. Amelie only stirs after you start filling the sink with water to wash up with.
“What time is it?” She asks, stretching.
“Oh no! I'm supposed to be at the theater to answer questions about Noah. Damn it. I have to go.” She scrambles to get up.
“Wait a minute.” You wipe your hands and walk over to her. “What do you mean?”
“The police were going to go back to the theater today to ask questions. I promised Jack I'd be there.”
You feel an uneasy feeling in your body. “I'll take you.”
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Arriving at the theater, you only see one police car parked outside. It gives you a feeling of dread as you look at it. Amelie leads the way inside.
All the performers are gathered in the lobby. They're all talking amongst each other. Through the commotion you can see Jack talking to two officers. After a few moments he turns to everyone and steps up on a chair.
Everyone falls silent. Jack turns to the officers. The tallest of the two steps forward. “We're here to enquire about Noah. It would seem his disappearance holds more questions than answers. One by one we're going to take you into the theater and ask you questions. If anyone knows anything about where he may be, dead or alive, please come forward.”
It feels like it gets harder to breathe.
The shorter officer steps forward and calls the first name. While they go inside, the rest of the crew all begin talking again. They're all trying to figure out what's happening. Jack gets bombarded with questions.
You take a seat on one of the small couches in the lobby. Amelie turns and looks at you quietly. She walks over and takes a seat beside you. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, just… can't believe this is happening. Do they really think something happened to Noah?”
“His sister certainly thinks so. She went to his place and all his stuff was still there, but the door was locked. Reckon he was taken or something before he even got home.”
Shit. Shit. Shit.
Was Lestat even going to do anything about all of this? He knows what's happening. He surely knows how much trouble you're in. Then again, can the police even connect you with Noah's disappearance. No one actually saw you with him alone. Lestat came in quick at the time and took him just as fast.
There's no evidence you were with him after the show.
One by one more performers were called into the theater. The ones who have been questioned already get asked to leave immediately. You watch each of them head on home.
Jack comes over to you after half the lobby is empty. He sees you with Amelie.
“I didn't realize you were. You don't need to be here.”
You look up at him. “Don't they want to question everyone?”
“Yes, but you're clear.”
You furrow your brows at him. “What do you mean I'm clear?”
“I already told the police that after the incident on stage, you left and Noah came to me. You were gone before the end of the show.”
“Noah came to talk to me after you left the stage that night. I don't know where he went after, but when I came to your room, you were already gone.”
Jack doesn't know about the brief altercation in your dressing room. It really did happen too quickly for anyone to notice.
“Oh, I see.”
Jack places a hand on your shoulder in support. “You look tired. Go home.”
“No, let me stay.”
The short officer comes out to call for the next person when he sees you and Jack. He walks over and checks his list. “You're the pianist.”
“That's right.”
“Jack has already cleared up your whereabouts, but may we ask you some questions?”
Jack goes to interfere, but you're faster. “Of course. I'll come with you now.”
Jack looks at you with a column expression and watches you go with the officer.
Amelie looks up at him. “She'll be fine. She always is.”
“I know.”
Inside the theater you make your way to where the tall officer is. He's writing some things down. As you approach he looks up.
“This is the pianist Jack mentioned,” the other officer said.
“Oh. Wasn't expecting you here today.”
“I want to help if I can.” You tell him.
He nods. “I'm officer Michaels. That's officer Jackson. Take a seat, ma'am.”
You sit down beside him.
“Did you know Noah?” He asks.
“Not very well. He came to the theater to perform. Jack had suggested we do a duet, but I declined.”
“Yes, I heard as much. May we ask why?”
“I perform alone. I play solo.”
Michaels nods and makes a note of that. He looks at you again. “What happened that night?”
“I was performing. Same as I do every Friday. I was only just into my first song when Noah stormed the stage singing his heart out. I was furious, but only because he ruined my music. Not that he was a bad singer, just that I like my music to speak without the need for words.”
Michaels nods again. “Then what happened?”
Lestat happened. But you can't tell him that.
“I left the stage, ending my performance early. I was not in much mood to be made a fool of. I retreated to my dressing room to gather my things.”
“And then?”
“I went home. I was too embarrassed and furious to talk to anyone. I was gone before the show was over. Didn't even say bye to Jack.”
It wasn't a complete lie. It wasn't the whole truth either.
“I see. Jack said as much. He spoke to Noah briefly and then went to check on you after he had the next performer on stage. Your dressing room was empty. No sign of Noah either. You did not leave with him that night?”
“Not at all.”
Michaels makes a note. “Understood. Thank you for your time, ma'am.”
You nod and rise from the seat. However, before you get too far, you turn. “May I ask, what do you think happened to him?”
“I can't say for certain, but it is likely he disappeared after leaving the theater, but before reaching his home. Rest assured, We will find our answers.”
You nod and leave quietly.
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By the time you're leaving the theater, Amelie is going in for questioning. You don't stop to talk to anyone, just like the others did before you. You're on your way home when someone comes up beside you.
“Hey there.”
You turn and see Eleanor has joined you. You had just wanted to go home.
“May I join you for a moment?” She asks kindly.
You walk in silence for a few moments before she talks. “My brother wrote about you in his letter to me.”
“He did?” You ask, almost worried about what he had said. You felt too involved in something you didn't actually do.
“He said he had the most beautiful piano piece he had ever heard in his life. He had said to me that he was going to sing to that piano one day.”
You look at her. “He really wanted that?”
“Yes. My brother is an admirer of the arts. Music is his passion.” She smiles. “He used to sing to me all the time.
“I see…”
“It's a shame I didn't get to see him sing with you. You'd make a good pair.”
Her comment makes you feel rather sick. You can feel your stomach turning as you walk. You just wanted to go home and disappear for a few days.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just… tired.”
She seems to fall for your lie and loops her arm around yours. “Let me walk you home.”
You decide to just let her.
As you walk you drift away with your thoughts. It's still day, so Lestat will be asleep. Should you go visit him at nightfall? Should you just leave him be? Lestat seems like more trouble than he's worth.
Yet, the way he looks at you. The way he held you in his arms and kissed you. You can't deny your attraction to him. Lestat was like a drug you couldn't get enough of. You wanted to see him again.
Though he is still the reason this whole mess has happened.
You were confused on what to do.
Before you know it you're standing on your doorstep. Eleanor lets go of your arm and smiles kindly at you.
“Take care.”
You find yourself smiling softly. “I'll try.”
She walks away slowly, clearly lost in her own thoughts. You can't help watching her go. She shouldn't have come here. Everything would have been fine had she simply not come here.
Too late to do anything about it now.
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@awanderingghost @theprettiesthead @cosmixstar @theblueslytherin @katherine2098 @sawendel @floofdeloop @sitkafay @bigbaddie45 @bluscryn
@secretisme4 @darkqueen1995 @bridkesby @caribbeangal @sarcasticandfangirl @missjadesfics @kaybart19 @whereismymindnow @chauchirem @angelrenee239 @ppureheroiine
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livesworthlivingau · 22 hours
Behind the Vale Chapter 29
ISAT/Two Hats spoilers below! CW: Screaming, Biting, Choking, Suffocating, Mentions of Death and Suicide, Sleep Paralysis
{You step back inside after a moment, closing the door behind you. You lean your back against it, sighing out defeatedly. That sure didn't go very well.}
"Nille? Is everything... Alright?" {You turn to see Za standing there, Belle in tow, and Dile still sitting at the otherwise empty table.}
"I'm... not really sure, to be honest. I think they both just gotta cool off for the night. Vale's staying at the Inn for tonight. Did Frin say anything? And where's Bonnie?" {You ask, realizing they were missing.}
"They stormed off back to their room after you three ran out, I guess they were upset their big dinner was ruined..."
"A-And what happened with Siffrin? He just stormed off too after they came back in, they wouldn't say a word to us!"
"There was a little, uhh... misunderstanding. Like I said, I think they just gotta cool off. I better go check on Bonnie though, I'll help clean up after."
"Oh don't worry about that, We'll take care of it. I'll check on Sif in a minute then, let him cool off a bit first."
"Thanks y'all." {You give an appreciate sigh of relief, you've got enough on your plate tonight as it is. You quickly head upstairs to Bonnie's room, tapping your knuckle on the door.}
"Bonnie? You okay in there?" {You ask before pressing your ear to the door. You hear sniffling and soft sobs behind it. You slowly open the door, peeking inside to see them kneeling next to the open... window... Oh crab...}
"Bonbon... You okay sweetie?..." {You walk over hesitantly... They didn't hear all of that, did they? You place a hand on their shoulder, only for them to pull away. They scooch further from you, still sniffling and rubbing at their eyes, the usual tactic for when they didn't want to talk to you.}
"What did you hear?..." {They flinch at that, face still buried in their arms as they cried.}
"Why did they hurt Frin?!" {They finally lift their head up as they shouted in response.}
"It's... complicated, I know it's a lot, and I'm sorry you had to hear all that, but it's gonna be oka-"
"NO! I DON'T WANT IT TO JUST BE OKAY! I DON'T WANT FRIN TO GET HURT ANYMORE!" {They scream at the top of their lungs. You panic a bit, looking back at the closed door, then quickly shutting the window.}
"Bonnie please, keep your voice down at least!"
"WHY ARE YOU PROTECTING THEM?! WHY DO YOU AND FRIN CARE SO MUCH ABOUT TH-?!" {You panic more, quickly grabbing them to cover their mouth.}
"Bonnie! We'll talk to everyone soon but please just hold o-OUCH!" {You cry out as they bite your hand, quickly pulling away from them. Before you can do anything else they're already darting for the door, yanking it open and rushing out.}
"BONNIE!" {You cry out, quickly chasing after them.}
[Your senses slowly return to you, as well as a feeling of calm, peace, content. A stark contrast to the day prior, but a welcome one. Your dream unfolds before you, sitting on cool grass, leaning against a large tree, staring forward at a beautiful sunset... and Nille next to you to share it, hand in hand.]
[You let out a shaky sigh. You know this isn't real, you know you don't deserve this... which only makes you grip her hand tighter, as if making sure it won't slip through your fingers. She gives a light laugh, perhaps the most beautiful sound you can remember...]
"Afraid I'm gonna run off on you, Vay?" [You hold back whatever tears you feel coming. You lay your head on her shoulder.]
"That's usually my job, isn't it~?" [You tease playfully, trying to hold it together and savor this fantasy you've concocted for yourself.]
"Might be, but I always come running after you." [The sun continues to dip lower, finally touching the horizon.]
"Hey, Vay... Mind looking up at me?" [You hesitate... your mind isn't this kind to you, there must be something horrible waiting for you if you look, right?... But what if... You slowly turn to look up at them, looking like you might be bracing yourself.]
"It's something nice, I promise." [She swears as you look into her smiling face. She looks deep into your eyes, her cheeks darkening just a tad. Your own darken in turn, especially once her hand meets your chin, gently lifting it further.]
[She leans closer. Your heart starts to pick up. You know this isn't real... but in this moment, you're not sure that you care. You slowly close your eyes, leaning in as well. We'll never experience this for real, so why not live out the fantasy in a dream? It's the best we can hope for...]
[Your lips touch. It's warm, soft, your heart burns and aches, time seems to fall away as it happens... It's not real, it can never be real, but there's nothing in this world you want more... Eventually she pulls away with a sigh. You keep your eyes closed, you hardly move, you're just trying to hold on to that feeling so desperately.]
"So... That's what the kiss of a murderer is like~." [Your chest stings as your heart breaks... Right on cue... Of course your mind had to make it hurt as much as possible. You keep your eyes closed, you don't want it to get any worse.]
"That's what you are, isn't it?" [You feel a hand grab the back of your head, gripping your hair tightly and tugging. The hand doesn't feel like Nille's it feels... wooden. Your eyes shoot open again as you're yanked back. That same thing that tormented you last time was before you again, wearing that horrifying mockery of Nille's face. It leans uncomfortably close to you.]
"That's all you're ever going to be to us." [The sky, the sun, the tree, the grass, it had all vanished. Around you now was the same lightless void from before. Suspended in a circle above you were.. masks on strings. The faces of what was almost your family.]
"MURDERER! MURDERER! MURDERER!" [They all cry out.]
"No no no no! Not you again! I thought I took care of you last time!" [You shout, trying to kick it away and struggle in their grasp. The being barely reacting to your movements as the mask of Nille slides up off its head, suspended on its own strings as it joins the circle above. Left behind, staring into your soul, was that sick, twisted mask of your own face. The one it pulled out of your chest before.]
"We're going to need me for a long, long time." [Cracks appear in the corner of the mask's eyes, running down the face like tears.]
"Especially since we know how she'll feel about us now..."
"Shut up! I don't need you!! Get out of my blinding head!!!"
"She's going to hate us. They all will."
"MURDERER!" [The masks above cry out once more, Nille's joining in this time. The facade's grip on your head tightens as it pulls your gaze towards the masks above.]
"None of them will want anything to do with us."
"I don't need you to tell me that! So what do I need you for?!" [The mockery of your face leans in uncomfortably close as it speaks softly into your ear.]
"You'll break without me to hide behind. You're not strong enough to face them alone." [You clench your jaw, feeling their presence hovering just beside you. The hair on the back of your neck standing up.]
"What good are you if I can't sit through as single blinding meal with them all?!"
"You didn't embrace me, then. You tried to feel, to make it work. Too weak to become numb."
"And what good is a life if we're just left as a husk?!"
"We always were one." [It pulls away, holding you in front of it as a blank, star shaped mask descends from the void into view. It dangles between the two of you, covering them from view. You freeze upon seeing it... you're filled with absolute rage as you're shown this damned face again. You practically let out a growl, clenching your fist and suddenly slamming your hand into it, SMASH!!!]
[The mask of what once was shatters, the pieces scattered to the void, some left upon the ground like the star you ripped from your chest and left for Stardust to find... You stare at them for a moment before it's other hand suddenly wraps around your throat. It clamps down as you kick and struggle, gasping fruitlessly for air. Your face begins to darken, your vision goes blurry, and just before you pass out it loosens its grip to let you fill your aching lungs, then pulls away after another moment.]
"There's three paths ahead of us. First, you wear me to withstand what's coming, salvage some kind of life with them, with Her. Second, you fail, fall, perhaps die trying to take the consequences unprotected, and we end up alone in the dark." [You finally catch your breath, just dangling defeatedly in its grip.]
"... and the third?" [The end of your whip suddenly falls heavily into view, along with the sound of something snapping. Your whip has been tied into the shape of a noose, with the mask of your Stardust hanging from it. The mask of your face cracks some more, the fissures forming into a desperate grin.]
"We make them forget~." [You freeze... You stare at the noose before you... Your eyes dart to it, then the creature. You quickly grab the noose, managing to get it around that blinging thing's neck! In response, Strings, many-strong and pulling tight, wrap around your own throat in equal measure. Despite this it continues to 'speak'.]
"We've done it before, we can do it again. He cares so blinding much about us that he might even agree to it~." [You choke out for air, feeling those strings tighten on your throat as you tighten on its. You don't care, you keep pulling tighter as you only feel your throat tighten in turn.]
"I am a part of you, as much so as any other. Finish the job if you want, when he finds out we never woke up he'll loop back anyways~." [It leans closer to you, filling your slowly fading vision as your lungs burned even more, the strings tightening even further.]
"That's probably what you want, isn't it? With all that sleep medicine you put in us." [It's lying, it must be... It's just a dream, and we've defeated it once before... You use all of your draining strength to keep going tighter and tighter... and... tighter... The dream fades. Sensation, sight, feeling... all... going... away...]
[Your eyes snap open. You're in bed. Just a dream after all... Yet you can't move... You can't breathe! Your eyes dart around as you try desperately to move your limp form. All you can manage is to let out a frightened almost whimper in your panic.]
[As your eyes dart back and forth, you finally lock onto it... No... no no no no no no! It's standing there, in the corner. The Facade is watching you with your own face, eyes that should be yours alone, the cracks still forming that sick grin. It puts a finger to its fissure of a mouth, hushing you as it stares. You feel pins and needles all over your body. You still can't breathe, you still can't move!]
[As you stare in horror, waiting for it to act, it suddenly vanishes with one more blink. You finally let out a pained gasp for air, shooting to sit up in bed. You grip your throat as it burns, still taking deep gasps for air as you frantically look around to ensure it was truly gone... You're awake now, and it's gone, yet... You saw it while you were awake... You're not sure if you'll ever truly be without it, now...]
Yet another chapter done with the help of @tactical-shrubbery and stars blind it y'all, these last few chapters (and likely the next few) are RUINING ME!!! I should have the next chapter out by the end of the day (EST) as well, so keep an eye out~.
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ejunkiet · 2 years
one month until the Fernweh Saga ( @lacunafiction​) first book release 
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(have I been keeping an eye on the tag? PERHAPS >:3)
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prael · 24 days
Cleaning Service
Kinktember Day 2: Maid Play
Aespa Karina x male reader smut
words: 4,000 Kinktember Masterlist
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"Hey, babe?" You poke your head from the door of your home office. "What's with all the noise?"
Karina is hooking her head around the corner at the end of the hallway and calls back to you, "Noise? Oh, whoops! I was just sweeping the floor and dropped the brush. Sorry, sir."
"Sir?" you question under your breath as she disappears around the corner. "Whatever..." You retreat into the office once again, plopping down onto the comfy computer chair. You turn your focus back to the work documents in front of you. This lasts for all of two minutes before you hear a loud thumping noise once again from somewhere in the apartment.
You leave your chair, cross the room, and open the door, poking your head out in confusion once more. "Karina?" There is no reply. The hallway is quiet. The doors to the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen are all closed. You take a step into the hall and you're greeted by the loud scraping of furniture on the floor from the living and dining room at the far end.
You advance towards the corner in apprehension, calling out again, "Karina? What's going on?"
She is half over the dining table and looking over her shoulder. "I'm still cleaning, sir. Sorry if I'm loud. I have been told that I'm too loud with everything I do." There's a lilt in her voice on those last words. Between that and her choice of dress, it is hard not to have your mind in the gutter.
"What the hell are you wearing?" You probably intended to ask that in your own head but you couldn't help but blurt it out. In reality, it's very clear what she is wearing, the better question would have been why is she wearing it, but it's too late for that.
"Sir, this is standard dress for a maid. I am the maid you hired after all. I'm here to give your big, long... hallway a long, hard, deep clean, right after I finish here in the dining room."
At this point, you haven't made eye contact for a single second of the conversation, too drawn to how her skirt is so short that not only can you see her panties, but you can see the bare skin of her lower back above them as she bends. Your gaze wanders down the backs of her tasty thighs and the gap between them.
Karina speaks again after a soft laugh at how you seem to be stunned, "Perhaps you would like to watch me work? Make sure that I don't miss a spot and get into all these... tight spaces?"
"Karina... I have work. I have to finish this paperwork..." you respond half-heartedly.
"Okay sir, if you don't want to watch, I can just keep working on my own." As you lean back on the wall by the corner, thinking, she bends forward, so that her ass rises into the air. "I promise not to make too much noise."
Working is a fool's errand, every time you hear something outside your office, you're reminded of what Karina is up to—of her ridiculous outfit. You want to watch her. There isn't enough blood in your brain for you to think clearly. And then the door opens. Brush in hand, Karina steps into the office and bends over to run the bristles across the floor in long sweeping strokes. It is impossible not to notice the slight sway in her hips.
You look away, turn, and focus back on your work. For a brief second, anyway. Her long and slightly wavy black hair hangs in front of her shoulder as she bends over to sweep, between the locks, the white low-cut lace frills of her outfit struggle to contain her chest. It's fitted so tight that they spill over, each sweep of her arms threatening to push them free.
You can't help it anymore. You steer into the skid and fuel the roleplay. "I expect every inch of this place swept, cleaned, and shined. Do you hear me?"
"Yes, sir, the place has to be clean, really clean. I am here to serve you to the best of my abilities."
"Clean this desk," you instruct simply, returning to your computer screen with a smug smirk, as though you are oblivious to the real intent of your words. You aren't really oblivious to it—you're relishing it. She is likely doing the same thing, of course. This is her plan. Her choice of outfit—from the black and white dress down to the choker on her neck has an intention behind it, and there's no point pretending that she isn't trying to seduce you.
She steps over next to you, duster in hand, and with exaggeratedly graceful gestures she dusts down the desk you work at. She reaches over you, to the far side, instead of walking around, this way she can push her chest right into your face. In between writing lines in an email, you check out the cleavage just inches from you. You breathe a gentle warm sigh right onto her.
Karina whines, softly, in your ear, and then speaks, "Oh master... It looks like there's some dirt I have to clean right"—Karina reaches down below the desk to grasp your trousers, over your bulge—"here. I know just what it needs. A nice spit-shine."
"I did hire you to clean everything," you smile. Karina settles down to her knees on the floor and then crawls under your desk. You spread your legs a little more to let her inside and roll your chair forward ever so slightly. You type your email; there are so many to work through, after all.
Her hands explore over your trousers until she is firmly clasping at you, massaging through your pants. "It's so dirty down here," Karina puts a feigned whine into her voice. "I'm going to have to get in there and really make it nice and clean, master."
Karina tugs at the zipper of your trousers and pulls it down, next she has your boxer shorts tugged down as well. She cradles you in her right hand, toying, feeling it grow harder in the palm of her hand. For some time, she playfully toys and strokes, squeezing and palming and groping all over. This is heaven.
"This is a really big job, sir, I do hope it's worth a nice, big tip. The maid likes to be rewarded well." You hear and feel the giggle against your inner thigh before she runs her wet, slick tongue all the way from the base of your length right up to the head. She spits onto it and collects it with her stroking hand, creating a smooth and slippery glide.
She uses her other hand to massage your balls, cupping and stroking them. She seems to work you over for so long without making a change and it has you wondering if she intends to use just her hand all the way. Her fingertips play over your sensitive cock, teasing, working you into a fever. Your fingertips brush the keyboard, working away while your cock is worked over, a display of inhuman self-control.
"Are you going to be a good maid and clean it for me, or just play with it all day?" Your hand wanders to the top of her head to rub her.
"Sorry master, I have been known to enjoy my job a little too much at times. Don't worry, I will have your dick all cleaned and polished right away." Karina doesn't waste another second, before her mouth engulfs you, sinking down onto you, wet and soft and slippery, hotter than even the warmth of her hands had been, her lips gliding down on you and wrapping snugly.
Your fingers tap wildly over the keyboard. She runs her lips and tongue all along your shaft as she moves down and then up. Every movement causes your toes to curl, and your body to arch forward in your seat. The movements cause your hands to slow over the keyboard. "Good girl."
Karina grabs and caresses your thigh in silent appreciation. It tickles more than anything, making you writhe ever so slightly, but that just sends you deeper into the warmth and wetness. It is absolute bliss, the smooth, warm feeling enveloping your entire shaft.
Her hands kneed your upper thighs as she pushes her head down all the way, before coming up to gasp for air, catching her breath, and then descending back onto you with eagerness. In a moment like this, you can feel every little thing she shoes with her mouth. She plays her tongue over your tip and you grip the keyboard as if you plan to twist it in half. You stare straight ahead blankly, knowing that if you were to look down, you would be a lost cause.
That tongue swirls and twists around the head, a feat that cannot go unacknowledged. You reach down with one hand and tangle up in her soft, silken black hair and push her harder. It's all the direction she needs as she brings the full heat and pressure of her mouth down into your lap, bobbing up and down rapidly. She is drooling all over you. Your fingers are gently caressing her as her tongue draws all sorts of sensations over your flesh.
At last, the task is done and you hit enter and fire off your email. Just in time to grip the arm of your chair. " Fuck..." you exhale under your breath. Karina hums happily as your cock hits the back of her throat, sending ripples through you, driving you ever closer. Harder she sucks, desperate to suck you clean. Your mouth goes dry, and a violent shiver courses through your body, toes and fingers tingling. "I'm going to..." you exhale as a shiver rushes over you, eyes widening, pleasure mounting, peaking.
You tremble. Then, your eyes shut and you squeeze into a fistful of hair. You let out a low, long growl and thrust your hips forward, grunting. You cum, right down the back of Karina's throat, and she works you the entire time, sucking down every drop of you into herself. This is ecstasy. You could float right up away through the roof and into the sky at any minute.
Karina bobs her head for a short time, the intense sensitivity is almost unbearable, every second, every stroke is an overload to your system, but she won't give in into you have released every drop. Finally, she pulls her mouth away. Your whole body sags in relief as Karina leans her face against your thigh. "I trust my work has satisfied?" she whispers, and all you can do is nod. "Then I should continue my other tasks."
Karina crawls out from under your desk, and as she stands, she wipes around her mouth with her fingers. Her lip gloss is smeared at the sides of her lips, her cheeks reddened and her hair messy, but she still gives you the most beautiful smile. She stands straight and neatens her dress. 
"Where was I... Ah, yes, I should dust the shelves. Sir." You roughly pull up your trousers and underwear and watch as Karina retrieves her duster and sets about her work. You look back at your screen but she's still there in the periphery, standing on her tiptoes as she dusts, the hem of her little dress not even half-covering her perky ass. "Don't let me distract you, sir, work hard. Really, really hard."
What else were you meant to do? You watch Karina as she dances around, dusting in a way that doesn't even clean anything. Everything else has become unimportant, apart from the curves of her body moving in front of you. You could sit there all day, watching her, and, well, that's probably just what Karina wants. She has effectively just said don't try to do any work, sit there and think about fucking me instead.
A few emails later she's still there, leaning to reach the lower shelves, arching her back and showing you everything. Your commitment wanes by the second, just staring, thinking and wanting, it's like torture. "How can I focus while you're just there? In front of me?" You ask her directly at last, leaving your chair, walking past and watching her over her shoulder, pressing a kiss onto the side of her neck.
"What's wrong, sir? Have I done something wrong? Please don't fire me, I'll do anything." You stand directly behind her, nose in her neck, your hands resting on her hips, before sliding down and cupping her round ass. Karina fakes a stammer in her voice, "Sir, that's... that's..."
She doesn't resist. Your hands slip between her legs and stroke her underwear. You can feel how wet she is by just grazing over her. "I didn't hire you to be pretty, slutty and wet, you know? I hired you to work."
Karina pushes back into you, grinding against your fingers, wanting more than a tease. "Sir, I thought those were the only reasons you hired me."
You grip the band of her panties, before tugging them down her thighs. Karina grips the bookshelf, pushing her ass out towards you. "You really want to earn a tip?"
"Yes sir, a big, hard, throbbing, long tip..." Karina purrs, squirming against you, trying to get some stimulation where she needs it most, pushing her wet slit back towards you.
You plant one firm palm between her shoulder blades, using a hard force to pin her against the bookcase. Your fingertips travel down between her legs and you slip one inside her, causing her to inhale sharply through clenched teeth.
You follow this with another. They slide right in with a groan. You whisper in her ear, "How can a maid clean when she is so dirty? Look at the mess you are dripping down your leg." You say that with a tinge of aggression even if you're really happy about it. "It's going to get on my floor. The very floor you should be keeping clean."
"I can mop it all up. I'm so sorry." Her voice is an irresistible plea as you massage her soaked insides. "You can even make a mess of me if you want, then I will clean it all up. You will think I'm the very best maid."
"Want to be a good maid?" You spit onto the floor by her foot. "Get down there and clean that up. Quick." Karina immediately descends and begins licking your saliva off the floor.
You lower to your own knees, right behind her, and push your trousers down again, pulling your hardened, still-wet, cock free once more. Karina's licks are frantic—even if there's nothing left on the floor, you order her to continue until it's spotless while you take hold of her hips in a firm, dominant grasp.
You guide her body as needed as you press yourself against her pussy, running your stiffened cock over her flesh. "You clean that floor well and I'll give you a very... very big tip."
"Yes sir," is a repeated series of eager replies punctuated by soft groans, as you grind your shaft against her, lubing yourself up with her sticky juices. She shudders in your grasp and quivers every time the tip of your cock brushes across her clit.
Her attention falters with each one, causing her tongue to get slower. "Keep... Cleaning. You're not done yet." You hold your cock right at her entrance, and she pushes back, a subtle attempt to get you in her, she gets as much as the first inch before you pull back out.
Karina cries out at the teasing, "Nooo, please, put it inside me, sir." She glances back at you, and there's a glaze over those hazel eyes. Desperation.
"Keep licking," you tease Karina, pushing the head of your cock into her and out, never quite fucking her but driving her crazy. "Show me how clean you can get my floor. Then I'll fuck you... Hard... You want that, don't you?"
"Yes," she pants and shivers, unable to even formulate more of a sentence.
You reach up for the back of her dress, the black fabric held together by a white string, which you easily pull free. You keep pulling and it all unwinds from her, exposing her beautiful pale skin down to her lower back. Her breathing speeds as the reality sets in, you're taking control, pulling off her clothing, baring her. You grab the dress, yanking it down her body, and she doesn't even wear a bra so those heavy tits hang freely.
You return a palm to her upper back, pinning her to the floor. You readjust your position behind her.
Now she is near-nude, pressed flush against the cold and wet floor, and you're leaning over her. You steady your grasp back on her waist, taking her firmly. "What do you want?"
"I want payment for my services, sir, in the form of a big, hot load in my slutty, little pussy," Karina moans. She feels vulnerable now, underneath you as you lean over her back.
You begin to press inside her, feeling all of that clinging wetness, hearing her little noises. Slowly at first, before increasing your intensity, driving inside of her all the way. As you do, you speak over her, "Paid in sex? Paid in cum? And where will it go after we're done?"
"I'll keep it inside me, sir, so there's no mess. You can even dump it all inside my ass, and then I will make sure it all stays there." Karina quivers under you, her back is so slender and delicate, smooth as silk. You run your fingers across her spine and see her skin ripple and her butt rise slightly upwards in response.
"Think I might just do that then..." You begin to build up a rhythm inside her, picking up momentum. She seems so delicate and weak under you, everything Karina usually is not. She's whimpering already, a sign of how desperately horny she is, how she wants to be yours. You grip the soft flesh of her ass and then give a slap with your palm, leaving a red mark.
"Thank you, sir." There's a sincere sense of submission in Karina, which you drink up. She enjoys this change of pace just as much as you do.
You slip a thumb between her cheeks and run it up and down her crack. You prod her hole, eliciting another high-pitched whine from her lips and her insides tighten around you which feels fucking amazing. You gather more of the sticky juices leaking down from her pussy, moistening your thumb further and begin pressing your finger more firmly into her, inching the first knuckle up inside her ass.
With each press inside, a squeal leaves her lips, though her words beg for more, "Give me more, sir, don't stop, it's so good... Thank you!"
Karina is reacting like crazy, it is unlike her to be this sensitive, in the moment, she doesn't allow anyone to control her, but this is everything to her now. You push deeper into her, and deeper, and with a little more resistance, all the way inside. Now you're pressed to the hilt, all the way inside Karina's pussy, and thumb-deep inside her ass at the same moment, drawing more delicious, delicate noises from her, turning your beautiful domineering woman into a helpless mess of blissful whimpers.
Keeping your length inside her, you work your thumb with a twist and a push and you let your spit spill onto her hole, slicking it and making the movement smoother. You use your spare hand to brush over the cheeks and grope. Karina trembles violently, moaning, pushing herself backwards on your digit. She loves having you deep inside her like this, both holes stuffed.
There are so many things that you could say, so many taunts, so many vulgar things, but to bask in the revelry of Karina being a messy submissive girl is to not even need to say them, her expressions, noises, reactions and the pure depravity of it are more than enough for you. This is it.
This is it.
You pull from her cunt and cock back your thumb, ready to replace it with all the pumped-up eagerness of a man possessed, and then you spread her wide. Little to stop you as you slide forward, plunging into the warm and snug grip of her ass. She cries out in response to your breach, making those cute, sexy noises all over again, as you slowly slide into her, gritting your own teeth and groaning as you bury yourself completely within the grip of Karina's asshole, every bit as intense and delightful as you knew it would be.
"God you've got the best ass," you say with a growl. "Fit to take everything I have."
Karina could say anything, sarcastic or clever, or maybe something born out of depravity, but she can barely summon up anything more than an approving murmur. The kind of sound a girl makes when her mind isn't here anymore, focused on a single, wonderful feeling—being stuffed and stretched out.
Your hands caress the supple skin of Karina's ass as you begin to withdraw, holding the soft flesh between your fingers and taking handfuls of her.
Karina clutches, clawing at the floor, but says nothing, letting the sensations take her away, overwhelmed. Just her moans and the deep gasping breath through her nose as you roll your hips into her, grinding and stroking over her and causing her to go so rigid and tense. Her eyes roll back as you lose yourself within her.
A rhythm forms and you're barrelling towards giving her the mess she wants inside her ass. She strains to say, "Fuck my ass. Fuck it. Fuck it and then fill it. Want you so deep. Want all that cum."
Your fingernails dig in, gouging red scratches on her pale ass cheeks as you squeeze her tighter. Karina's hole grows snugger and hotter by the second as if the warmth and depth were begging for what Karina had voiced—an ass full of cum. You certainly want that, and the faster and rougher your hips work the closer it is. "Love filling all your tight holes."
"Do it, cum," Karina moans.
Hard and fast it arrives, the need that you can't prevent. You erupt within her. Violent spasms accompany your filling of her ass, of what must be the most satisfying, taboo orgasm of your life (so far). She takes it all so beautifully, moaning and squealing as she fills up.
No mess. None at all. "So full," she whines. No mess but the one in her.
You lean down, head at her shoulder as you catch your breath, and she cranes her head to nuzzle against you, reaching up to touch your cheek and make eye contact with you through heavy-lidded, satisfied eyes. In that gaze, she doesn't have a smirk or any sort of mischief, just a pleased look of joy, appreciation, and perhaps even a desire for more. You'd be lying to yourself if you didn't say you shared the feeling.
You leave her there, slumped onto the floor, ass in the air. Her little maid outfit is barely even affixed to her body anymore, crumpled and hanging around her midsection. The skin of her ass still bears the marks of your nails. She remains where you have left her. Karina's face and breasts smudge and push against the floor with each breath she takes. The room smells of sex, her, the two of you.
"Clean yourself up. Clean my office up," you instruct her while buckling yourself back up before heading for the door.
Karina coughs once, then admits, "I don't know if I can manage that. Maybe we need a real maid."
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brazilian-vampyra · 2 months
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⋆ ִֶָ ๋ ✮⋆ synopsis: you are a succubus and offers affection after jjk men pass or are in stressful situations.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋ ✮⋆ characters: ryomen sukuna, gojo satoru, geto suguru, toji fushiguro, choso kamo, nanami kento.
⋆ ִֶָ ๋ ✮⋆ warnings: strong language, rough sex, unprotected sex, praising kink, hair pulling, degradation kink, oral (both receiving), fem!dom, male!dom, creampie, nipple play, teasing, love bites, needy behavior.
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𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐍𝐃𝐄 was tired. He was hella tired.
Some time ago, Kento decided to give up his life as an office worker and put into practice everything he had learned at Jujutsu High. Enduring Gojo Satoru shouting in his ear like he did in high school was the worst of the problems, the big "x" of the issue now was dealing with the curses that arrived in the city.
Sukuna's return seemed to have brought a streak of bad luck to everyone else, and it stressed him, God, how it stressed him.
He had fought against a curse called "Mahito". He was all patched up, had blue hair, was tough and very ironic, the kind that brags about their deplorable exploits. His stupid actions meant that Nanami had to spend more time at work, as he was going to finish his shift at 6 p.m., but Mahito was persistent and stupid, forcing him to work overtime.
He left office life so he could stop working like a convict, and now he was forced to work overtime because of this stupid curse?
It's incredibly disrespectful.
He arrived at the apartment tired, just thinking about taking a relaxing shower and sleeping. Maybe this vacation to Malaysia should be brought forward.
He unlocked the main door and when he entered, he turned on the orange lamp next to it, casting dim light across the room. He was already loosening his tie and muttering some swear words when he came across a peculiar figure on the sofa. You were lying on your side, resting your face in your hand, looking at him with a mischievous smile and slightly shaking your tail.
The tail, as well as the horns and wings were part of your real form, but you made them disappear to be more comfortable sometimes.
━━ What are you doing in my house? — the blonde questioned, without paying much attention to you.
━━ You know how it is, no big deal... — you slid onto the couch. ━━ Just checking if my favorite blonde is okay...
━━ I am very well.
You giggled indiscreetly.
━━ You seem stressed to me...
━━ I can ease my stress on my own, I don't need another curse bothering me today.
You got up from the couch, walking over to him with a hand on your chest, pretending to be offended.
━━ Aww, too bad. I'm not a curse, you know this... — you said, making your most fantasy features disappear, looking like a normal human. ━━ Are you going to treat me like that night was nothing?
He grunted, taking off his tie to make himself more comfortable.
━━ It was a dream. A fucking dream.
━━ It wasn't a dream... — you teased. ━━ But I agree with you on the fucking part. Wow, we fucked so much!
You kept remembering about it, with a mischievous smile on your lips.
━━ What did you come for, you devil? Feed? If so, I'm tired, I don't have any energy to give you.
Well, that's the truth. Succubus feeds on a person's vital energy through sex.
━━ Do I look evil, Kento? I'm here to take care of you. You let me feed myself, I think it's fair that I take care of you.
You took a hand to the blonde's defined jaw and slid your fingers over his skin, watching as he shivered.
━━ You'll see... I can wash your hair... — you took one of his hands and brought it to your face, so he could feel your warm cheek. ━━ Kiss your pretty lips and we can explore each other's bodies, so you will sleep very happy afterwards. Don't you think you need some love?
His mischievous smile was a beautiful invitation. And the blonde gave in to the temptation and desire you emanated. You calmly convinced him, and now you were in the bathroom, in the shower, moaning and feeling the warm water slide over your skin. Nanami's strong body hugged yours from behind, while his hands were covered in liquid soap with passion fruit and chamomile essences.
His huge hands slid over your wet skin and went to your breasts, playing with your nipples between his index and middle fingers; giving you an awesome stimulation.
You could feel his hips grinding against your ass and his cock slides through your tight insides, giving you as much pleasure as you were giving him. The blonde's deep moans were close to your ear, making you bite your lower lip. Your hands were on the blue tiled wall, providing you with some support as he delighted in your body.
━━ I told you... you would be happier- ugh, fuck...
━━ I think you're right, I can't resist that fucking pussy... — he kissed your shoulder. ━━ Goddamn, if these curses keep stressing me out I'm going to need you every week...
━━ I'll always be here for you, darling... — you smiled, biting your bottom lip and brought a hand up to his wet blonde hair, while his lips were on your shoulder, tasting your wet skin. ━━ Every time you need... to give you the sweetest dreams ever.
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐒𝐎𝐑𝐂𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐑 can be irritated and stressed, like ordinary people. With Sukuna's return, there were other curses with Kenjaku causing problems, such as a stranger called Jogo. They didn't seem like a big problem, nothing he couldn't handle, but it was certainly something that would irritate him and require more strength and patience.
He had to balance this with his teaching duties and training the host of the king of curses, Yuji Itadori.
Sometimes Satoru fantasizes about what his life would be like without the responsibility of being a special grade sorcerer. Maybe he could be like most who don't have to worry about literally being humanity's last hope if the curses ever want to claim dominance again.
He had lost his best friend a few years ago, and it still hurt him. He had to take care of Yuji, Megumi and Nobara, as well as put up with hearing shit from other elitist sorcerers.
All of this made Satoru frustrated.
This caused erotic dreams to happen with a certain frequency, and the figure that satisfied him was you, a succubus. You're wrong if you think that your relationship with the most powerful sorcerer was just sex, nothing like that, you also talked a few times, flirted and even saw each other in real life.
At that point, you could already consider each other very close.
Now he had arrived home and removed the bandage that covered his vibrant blue eyes.
━━ I know you are here, sweetie.
He hadn't turned on any lights yet, but then you emerged from the shadows when he turned on the yellow lights in the living room. The lights were in a weaker tone, precisely so that he could be more relaxed and rest, providing a cozy atmosphere.
You were wearing a button-down shirt he had. A long-sleeved white shirt that had a few buttons lazily closed. Your thighs were bare, your smooth skin perfectly visible and your seductive scent carried far and wide. Your horns were not visible, nor were your wings or tail.
He went feral just by seeing this.
━━ I can see in those pretty eyes how tired you are... — you walked closer to him, hugging his neck affectionately. ━━ Wanna tell me what happened?
A muffled laugh echoed between you, a laugh coming from him before he slid his tongue across his lower lip gently.
━━ It's amazing how you always come up with the right words, and that lovely voice... — he wrapped his arms around your waist. ━━ It doesn't even feel like you're here with the purpose of sucking me dry.
You laughed at the audacity of the perfect white-haired sorcerer's words.
━━ Do you think I'm a mercenary who only cares about your life energy, Satoru? What we have is special... — you looked at him with your best puppy eyes.
He smiled happily upon hearing this.
━━ Don't you think you're needing some love, handsome?
You looked at him with your pink eyes, like a shining gemstone. Glowing with lust.
Gojo's response was his lips immediately being pressed against yours. His warm tongue slid against yours, allowing you to taste the mint gum he had been chewing all day. His hands held and squeezed your waist, making you moan against his lips, and he bit your lower lip lightly.
When you realized, you were on his bed. Your clothes were making a trail that led from the living room to the bedroom, and your bodies were sweaty on the sheets. You were on your side, with your head on the pillow, feeling one of Satoru's hands squeezing your breasts while the other held your thigh, slightly raised so that he could thrust his hips with precision against you.
The blue-eyed man bit your neck a little between kisses, probably leaving your skin marked, but he liked it. He liked to have the feeling that you were his.
━━ This pussy calms me down in a way... — he moaned, never stopping moving his hips against you, making the sound of your bodies echo throughout the room. ━━ It's like it was made for me...
━━ Take it easy, love... — you gripped the sheets tightly, feeling his body against yours as your vision was clouded with pleasure. ━━ Or you'll get addicted...
━━ Fucking hell, I already am... — hearing him go crazy was priceless. ━━ I need that damn pussy sliding on my cock every night...
𝐅𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐓𝐎 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐊 that even though it was half a curse, the human feelings of this man who was almost two hundred years old were the strongest. He — who had exhausted eyes — was lost among difficult and confused thoughts.
His current mental state lived up to his appearance. He was as worn out as his eyelids and his dark circles. The physical and mental exhaustion of the blood handler was increasingly evident, he no longer knew what to do. He had constant and massive existential crises, which made his head scream.
Being by Kenjaku's side felt right, but something in him told him that wasn't the only option he had. Halloween was coming, the coup in Shibuya was going to happen and Choso only thought about running out of there and never coming back, evaporating like water in a hot pot of rice. But on the other hand, he must avenge the death of his brothers.
Why did life have to be so difficult?
He entered the room, throwing himself on the bed and burying his face in a pillow as he sighed heavily and tried to clear his thoughts. That was when a shiver ran down his spine and he looked at an armchair next to him.
There you were, with your horns and wings and your tail, slowly swaying back and forth like a cat.
━━ Hi, baby.
You smiled and waved calmly at him.
━━ W-Who are you? What are you doing here?
━━ Oh, don't you know who I am? — You were surprised. ━━ Well, let me put on a friendlier appearance to talk to you then.
In the blink of an eye your mystical features disappeared.
━━ Better, right?
You fixed your hair softly.
━━ I'm a succubus, by the look on your face I can assume you've never met one, right?
He nodded shyly.
━━ Well, Choso... I noticed you're so stressed. So tired, so depressed... — you walked over to the bed, running your hands through his silky hair. ━━ That brought me here.
━━ Can I assume you want to kill me...?
You laughed at the man's naivety.
━━ Kill you? No, no. Why would I kill such an adorable guy like you? — he was so adorable and cute. ━━ All I need is a little bit of your life energy, and don't worry, you'll recover in time.
━━ And how do I give it to you?
━━ You'll have to cum for me.
His pale cheeks turned red like ripe strawberries.
━━ W-What!?
━━ Feeding me during sex is the best option, and the best thing is that it doesn't hurt you either... — your hot pink eyes glowed at him, in a tone of eloquent desire. ━━ Don't you think you need some love, baby?
Yes, Choso had to assume that this was the best option for him at the moment. He might have to give you some of his life energy, but at the same time he would be rewarded for it. He was a bit inexperienced, and he didn't hide it — maybe he couldn't even try to hide it.
While you were kissing, he ended up asking to taste your pussy. That was the most promiscuous and shy request a man had ever made to you, two extremes at once. He accepted, and now he was eating you out with a desire that not even an extremely experienced man had ever eaten. His eyes were closed, his hands were squeezing your thighs and his face was buried between your legs.
The desire left him intoxicated, too focused on making you feel good.
Your legs were draped over his shoulders and you held onto his beautiful dark hair, squeezing it every now and then just out of sheer will, as you let him dictate at his own pace. Kamo's tongue slid inside you and his lips worked together to make you moan more and more.
At that point he couldn't take it anymore. The noticeable erection inside his pants was making that piece of clothing tighter and tighter, and if you kept moaning like that while he tasted you, he would probably end up cumming in his boxers. It had been a long time since he had tasted pussy this sweet, and now he felt like he was being bewitched or something.
━━ Hmm... you're so sweet, hm... — he kept eating.
━━ Such a good boy, you're doing well... — looked down, seeing his lips on your soaked sex. ━━ Don't be shy, rub your face on it...
Without even blinking, he held your thighs tighter and rubbed his face against your pussy, making you moan loudly and grip his hair tighter. That was unexpected, as you didn't expect to be dealing with a man who would obey so much.
Choso Kamo is indeed a good boy.
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐀 𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐍 was far from being a bed of roses. Unlike what is shown in movies or comics, it is a sad, strange life with a growing sense of death because at any moment there could be a sniper waiting for you. Or another hitman who was hired to kill you as personal revenge for some of your work.
It was no different for Toji, who had to kill people almost every day.
The smell of iron coming from the blood was no longer something he found strange, as it was like smelling the good smell of a disinfectant or a perfume that was pleasant. Most of his clothes were black, just so he wouldn't worry about blood stains, his house didn't have light-colored carpets, precisely so that he wouldn't have to do such intense cleaning if blood leaked through a trash bag.
He lived in an extremely simple apartment, in a suburban neighborhood where the rent was very cheap.
Perhaps if his gambling addiction hadn't consumed him, he might have been in a better situation, as he was paid very well for his services. It was no surprise, after all Toji is a professional at what he does.
Today he was hired to kill an extremely important man, and he was protected by some very experienced and strong sorcerers, that was a lot of work and Toji got hurt a little. Now he had taken a cold shower and put on black sweatpants, lying down on the double bed in that small room, lit by the orange light from the streetlight that invaded through the window.
You teleported to his bed, laying down next to him.
Upon smelling her sweet scent entering his nostrils, Fushiguro wrapped a strong arm around your waist, pulling you closer.
━━ I was already thinking about summoning you, my little devil...
His deep voice shook your bones, reverberating on it.
━━ Missing me, my love? — you teased.
━━ Always, honey.
━━ Had a bad day?
━━ Bad as fuck, but now I have you here.
━━ I think you're needing some love, don't you agree? — you turned to him, smiling mischievously and running a hand over the scar he had on his lip.
━━ I need all the love in the world right now.
And so you started kissing. It was an intense kiss, with a lot of desire and lust as your tongues touched and he grunted against your mouth. His kiss always seemed to take the air out of you, leaving you shocked at how good he felt.
Toji Fushiguro is ridiculously good in bed.
Right now, he was reminding you why he's the best you've ever had. This man was fucking you in a deliciously sinful mating press, holding your thighs as his green eyes were locked on yours and he was thrusting his hips against you like there's no tomorrow.
Fucking looking into the eyes was something so intimate and serious that you had never done with anyone; Toji could consider himself a big important milestone in your centuries-old succubus life.
━━ So fuckin' good f'me... — he was going crazy, just like you.
It felt strangely good, feeling him thrusting while you were stuffed. This man had already come and was still hard and needy for more, so much so that some of his hot cum was dripping down your poor little hole.
━━ You're such a whore, aren't you? This pussy is dripping and you still want more...
You smiled mischievously, biting your bottom lip and looking at him.
━━ What can I do? You're irresistible...
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐓 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐒 was not satisfied with his concubines.
Yes, you did not read it wrong. No, that wasn't a doubt, it was an affirmation.
You, like a good succubus, had been watching him from the shadows for a while, because after all, his life seemed to be extremely interesting. Realized from the beginning that he had four concubines, all of them beautiful, with the most different bodies, different shapes. Always dressed in flashy lingerie and wearing jewelry.
But somehow, he no longer looked at them with that hunger and desire he had at first. You wonder why?
The truth is that there was no answer to this notorious question. He had probably just lost interest in them or sex in general for a while because of the problems that were plaguing him. After all, he is the king.
With this in mind, you decided to pay a visit to the lonely king.
You entered his throne room, wearing beautiful red lingerie, adorned with some rubies, which framed your curves very well. Your soft skin was completely exposed and you made a point of letting your perfume emanate far away, as well as your pheromones.
━━ Sukuna... long time no see.
You teased him, laughing softly. You never had to bow to him, he "forgave" your audacity.
━━ Little brat... can I know why are you bothering me?
━━ I came to offer you help.
━━ Help?
━━ I noticed you don't care about your concubines anymore... from afar I feel your dissatisfaction.
He laughed mischievously, in his classic way.
━━ And what did you come here for? Apply to replace one of them?
━━ Sukuna, speaking like that, it seems like you don't know me — you made a subtle gesture with your hand. ━━ I just came here to propose a deal.
━━ What type of deal?
━━ You give me some of your vital energy and I give you pleasure...
He would have said "yes" right away the way he was, but playing hard to get was part of his personality.
━━ What makes you think I would accept this deal?
You smiled mischievously and began to crawl towards him, slowly climbing the steps that led to his throne at the top. Like a cat, it crawls slowly until it reaches the ball of yarn.
━━ Oh, my king... — you knew how to play dirty. ━━ I was watching you the whole time, I can see how frustrated you are.
You rested your head on his thigh, covered by the white kimono.
━━ You're needing some love, my dear...
And he agreed to this deal the right way. You knew you would have to put up with all the brutality of the king of curses, and you were willing to do that, especially because he didn't go beyond the limits, but he really was remarkable.
The white kimono he was wearing was already open, exposing his beautiful body with the marks that were his striking feature. You were kneeling right in front of him, while he held your hair and moaned, with his eyes closed and tilting his head back. Your mouth slid over his huge cock, feeling how his precum slid over your tongue every time you played with his sensitive, pink tip.
Sukuna's moans were as profane as his dark, morbid nature.
But they were truly a pleasure to listen to, and they were so good that it was making your thin panties weat with your desire, which ran down your slits as you used your mouth on him.
━━ F-Fuck... what a good fucking slut you are... — he pulled your hair.
You gagged on his cock a few times. Which was completely acceptable since he was indeed huge.
You were still going to have a lot of fun in that room, you couldn't even imagine that you could fuck in as many positions as he was going to fuck you on that throne.
𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐀𝐍 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 was on the verge of going crazy.
Summer was a difficult season, as curses were everywhere and spread like plagues. In fact, the heat was so intense that it could kill the curses on its own, but he, as a sorcerer, had the obligation to act against them.
All that stress was already becoming unbearable, Suguru was already one step away from freaking out and killing everything and everyone in sight — whether it was a curse or not. He no longer cared about anything, and only thought about how complicated his life was and that maybe he wished he could have been born without this gift, so that he could do what "normal people" do.
Fortunately, or unfortunately for the man with long dark hair, you already had an eye on everything. I analyzed him from afar at various times, and thought about when would be the right time to approach him. You heard that he had been having these outbursts since Jujutsu High, now he was an adult and was still trying to control himself for not causing a giant disgrace.
Now he was on the balcony of his bedroom, it was a moonlit, starry and hot night.
His hair was tied up at the top and loose at the bottom, so he felt a little fresher. He was only wearing gray boxers and had picked up a cigarette, when he was about to light it, he noticed that he had lost the lighter.
━━ I always leave it here on the balcony table...
He muttered to himself.
━━ Looking for this?
He heard an unfamiliar female voice behind him and immediately looked to see what it was about. It was you, you were there looking at him like a predator looks at its prey, with your hot pink eyes.
━━ Don't get closer, or I-...
━━ What? Are you gonna eat me? — you teased, while holding his lighter. ━━ I mean, depending on how it goes, I accept it...
━━ Who are you?
You took the cigarette from his hand, politely asking "excuse me", and brought it to your lips, lighting it with the lighter and inhaling the smoke before bringing it to his lips. Suguru should assume that was a very sensual thing to watch, more so than he would like to admit.
You introduced yourself, saying your name to him and offering a gentle smile.
━━ Are you a curse? — he was smoking his cigarette calmly. ━━ I can feel your cursed energy.
━━ Succubus and incubus are not curses, but we have cursed energy.
━━ Then why are you here? I don't think I have anything that interests you, except my skills.
━━ I think your skills are formidable, but I don't want them, don't worry — you leaned over the balcony and took the cigarette from his lips, smoking it before giving it back. ━━ I want something else, and it can help you.
━━ I'm listening.
━━ I want to have sex with you.
Suguru almost choked on his own smoke at that moment. A creature appeared on his bedroom balcony in the middle of a summer night and suddenly said it wanted to have sex with him? That's weird.
━━ Sorry, I'm usually pretty straight to the point, haha.
━━ Can you explain? — he was recovering from his surprised cough.
━━ I feed on vital energy, and I need yours. Don't worry, I won't take everything, and you will recover pretty quickly because of your cursed energy level.
━━ What do I get from that?
━━ I have been watching you during this time, I know you are stressed and exhausted from having to deal with curses. So... I can make you feel good, really good, trust me...
━━ I won't sell myself for lust, not even if... holy shit.
While he was talking, you took off the thin t-shirt you were wearing and left your breasts exposed, leaving now only your denim mini skirt.
━━ C'mon, Suguru... don't you think you deserve some love? — you told him, in your seductive way.
The answer after that was clearly yes, and he buried the cigarette in the ashtray before kissing your lips eagerly and holding you in his arms, dragging you to the bed. Even though you had just met, it wasn't difficult for you to find the harmony between your bodies because somehow, you had the perfect fit.
You told the sorcerer that he just needed to let you ride him so he could be calm and sleep happily. He didn't think twice before accepting the proposal, and now you were there, in his lap.
Geto was lying down, with his eyes closed and moaning slyly while keeping his hands on your hips. You kept your weight on your knees, resting on the mattress as you moved your hips up and down, feeling your pussy milking his cock. His fingerprints would stay on your hot skin for a long time, you never wanted to forget this.
He looked beautiful with his hair messy like that, begging for more and being sensitive.
━━ W-What kind of black magic is this? W-What are you doing to me? — he moaned frantically. ━━ Oh my fucking God... that's so perfect...
You giggled mischievously as you continued moaning and said in your most promiscuous tone:
━━ I put a spell on you... — you brought a hand to his face, sliding it across his lower lip. ━━ Because you're mine...
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۰ ࣪📂 ٬٬ 𝐇𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: maybe it's a random topic but i was fantasizing about it one day and decided to write :) everything was written by me, don't take it as yours or get inspired without giving credit.
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clockwayswrites · 2 months
One birdritch, two stones.
part idk, 10? I'm so tired. masterpost
“Mr. Drake-Wayne, do I want to know why you’re here?” Lucius drawled without looking up from his desk.
Tim plastered on a smile anyways. “Well, in an effort to learn the business as part of my internship, I thought that it was about time that I took a proper look at R&D.”
“Yes, it would be good for you to see R&D,” Lucius said as he signed something with a flourish before he folded his hands and looked up at Tim, “but you are not going to.”
Tim let the door close behind him and came to flop into the seat across from Lucius. “Uncle Fox—”
“That worked much better when you were small and doe-eyed.”
“Okay, let’s be honest,” Tim said with a sigh, “I’m still small and doe-eyed. None of them will let me live that fact down. I have to use what I have, Lu.”
Finally Lucius cracked a little bit of a smile. He leaned forward and pressed a discrete button on his desk. Tim knew that the button would make the office soundproof, an effect that Tim felt in the back of his ears.
“Danny Fenton— and let me be clear, it is Danny, not Daniel— Danny Fenton is one of the best people I have in R&D. I will not have you all losing me one of my best because you lot do not know how how to be subtle.”
“Lucius, we can be subtle!” Tim said, honestly offended. “We do subtle all the time. You know how well I do undercover.”
“Exactly,” Lucius said severely.
Tim tilted his head.
“Undercover you is subtle. Tim Drake-Wayne you is a menace,” Lucius said. “That last name is a pox upon common sense.”
Tim opened his mouth to argue before he slowly closed it and slumped back into his seat.
“I had been considering bringing him as the engineer for the other side of you all,” Lucius said, almost idly, “but whatever happened spooked him. He booked the end of the week off. Mr. Fenton never takes time off. Whatever you are after it will wait until after he returns, understand?”
“Understood,” Tim said with resignation.
The only reason that Danny didn’t screech and drop the component he was holding was because he was used to ghosts. The person who had appeared sitting on top of Danny’s cabinet like they had always been there wasn’t a ghost, but the behavior was close enough. Danny took a steadying breath and set the part carefully on one of his work benches.
The off person smiled cheerfully and brought their right hand up into an almost salute.
Danny tilted his head for a moment before he brain kicked in and he repeated the motion back before pointing to the person then tapping his index to his chin and then next to his ear while purposefully screwing his face up into confusion.
They shook their head and brought their hand to their throat, turning it like they were locking a key, before making a so-so motion with their hand.
“Oh! Okay, I’m Danny,” he explained as he pointed to himself and brought his right hand in the sign for d up along his flat left hand.
They repeated Danny’s name sign with a cheerful smile before they pointed to themselves and moved the cupped hand of C over their flat left hand. They repeated the point before finger spelling out ‘Cass’.
“It’s very nice to meet you, Cass. I’m rusty at ASL, but if you can go slow for me, I’ll try my best.”
“Thank you,” Cass signed with a bright smile.
“Are you lost, or do you mean to be up there?” Danny asked.
Cass shook their head. “Comfortable. What is that?”
“Oh, what I’m working on. Well… nothing yet, not if it doesn’t work. It’s supposed to be something for improved water filtration though.”
“Sure. Tap twice on the cabinet if you need my attention or have a question and I’m not looking your way, okay?” Danny asked. He waited for a nod before he grabbed what he was working on and started explaining the idea.
Thankfully the fact that WE was working on a way to further reduce industrial water pollution was no secret so as long as Danny didn’t get particularity technical, he shouldn’t get in trouble with with his NDA. Besides, whoever this was was inside a secure part of WE and did have a badge, even if it wasn’t colors that Danny recognized off the top of his head.
Cass was oddly fun to chat with and the two of them got into a rhythm of him explaining something and following it up with a question of his own. Cass did give verbal responses or reactions occasionally, but mostly Danny settled into a position where he could both work and watch them sign in his periphery at the same time. He wasn’t perfect at understanding what Cass was talking about, but they seemed happy enough to repeat things for him or finger spell when he was really lost.
“A lead role? You should be really proud of yourself, Cass! That’s amazing,” Danny said with a bright smile as he fought a stubborn tapper.
“You will come?”
Danny blinked. “Sorry, what?”
“The recital,” Cass finger spelled out before repeated, “You will come?”
“I don’t know, Cass honey,” Danny said, the endearment slipping out without him thinking about it. “That would really depend on what your adults have to say about the idea. I don’t want them to freak out because you’ve decided to befriend a random R&D flunky.”
“Luckily Cass is a very good judge of character,” said someone from behind Danny.
Fucking hell, what was it with people just appearing today? Danny gave himself a second to close his eyes before he set down his tapper and turned around.
Ancients that’s Bruce Wayne.
“I hope she hasn’t been bothering you. Cass was supposed to wait in my office while I dealt with the emergency,” Mr. Wayne said with a pointed look at his daughter. “Even if it did take longer than expected.”
Right daughter, because Danny had been talking with Cassandra Wayne for the last few hours.
“Oh, no, not at all Mr. Wayne—”
“Bruce. And don’t worry, she’s great company,” Danny said.
Mr. Wayne— Bruce chuckled and stepped into Danny’s office. He’d hardly moved before Cass was flinging herself off the cabinet and into her dad’s arms. As soon as she was set down, she started signing rapidly at him and Danny looked away to give them some privacy.
“Well, that is up to your new friend,” Bruce said in that sort of tone that Danny knew he was being included in the conversation now.
“Danny Fenton, but just Danny is fine,” he said.
Cass signed Danny’s name sign.
“Or that,” Danny agreed with a nod.
“Well, Danny,” Bruce said with a smile that made his eyes crinkle a little, “if you’d like, Cass would love to have you at the opening so you can see what she’s been telling you about, but if you’re busy we’d understand.”
Cass’ pout said otherwise and Danny caved quicker than a paper cocktail umbrella in a tornado. “If you can send me the date and where to buy a ticket, I’ll be there.”
“Nonsense, the ticket is on me,” Bruce said. “I’ll be sure to send you the date and time, I doubt Cass will let me forget.”
“No,” Cass signed with an overly angelic smile.
Danny chuckled and couldn’t help but wonder if all of Bruce’s children had him so thoroughly wrapped around their finger like that, or if Cass had only daughter privileges. “Well, I look forward to it. And it was very nice to get to meet you, Cass.”
“Yes! Goodbye, Danny,” Cass signed.
“Goodbye, Cass,” Danny signed back and returned the little nod Bruce sent him before they left Danny’s office.
Danny waited until they were out of sight to let out a breath. Ancients, well, that was something. Who would have thought that the first time he actually spoke to the owner of the company would be because his daughter decided water filtration was interesting an that Danny needed to learn all about ‘Swan Lake’ in return?
“Cass, darling,” Bruce said with a pointed look at his too smug daughter.
“He’s nice,” she explained with a shrug.
Bruce just sighed and shook his head. At least that did seem true. Bruce had watched some of the exchange between Danny and Cass and he was patient, respectful, and attentive even despite the occasional communication issue.
But that hardly answered any of what was going on.
“Just don’t overwhelm him, alright?”
Cass nodded and crossed her heart.
Bruce didn’t believe her for a moment.
AN: I did my best to describe the signs right/use the right ones but my knowledge is only very, very basic conversational skills so if I have anything wrong, please let me know! (I write Cass very to the point response wise when she verbally speaks, so kept that same sort of cadence here.)
Oh, since someone asked Danny is just slightly older than he would be it canon time continued normally, so late 30's. Bruce is early 40's.
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
“I need to tell you something.”
Shitfuckno. Eddie doesn't even know why he's still surprised. This is how it always goes, after all. He should probably just give up and stop dating altogether – again.
Steve looks at him exactly as ominously as the words I need to tell you something require. Perfect Steve. Funny Steve. Sweet Steve. Sexy Steve. Steve, who Eddie had genuinely believed to be different.
Eddie sighs, barely suppressing a dark chuckle while he turns away from that perfect face. He doesn't want to look at Steve when he'll tell him the undoubtedly messed-up shit he's about to spill.
“Lemme guess, you're married?” That was what the last guy he dated told him, seven months after they got to know each other. It can't be much worse than that, can it?
Steve grabs Eddie's hand, causing him to involuntarily jerk up his head and meet his eyes.
“How did you know?”
Jesus H. Christ. Not again.
Eddie roughly pulls his hand out of Steve's grip and laughs a joyless laugh.
“Apparently I'm a good guesser.”
He stands up from the park bench the two of them had been sharing. “Well, Steve, this has been a blast. You should go back to your wife, or husband – don't tell me, I don't even wanna know – and I should um, get going. Maybe tell the next person right away what they'll be getting themselves into. Would save them a lot of wasted time, just in case cheating and going around other people's backs isn't really their thing, y'know.”
“Eddie, wait, let me explain!”
Eddie picks up his pace, but Steve, stubborn as he is, easily keeps up with him.
“I'm really not interested, man.”
“It's not – I'm not cheating on her!”
“Okay, so you have an open marriage, good for you. Still the kind of information you could've shared with me, say, three months ago, don't you think?”
“She's a lesbian.”
And that makes Eddie freeze on the spot. It takes Steve two steps before he realizes Eddie has stopped moving; he walks backwards until he's standing right in front of Eddie.
“She's my best friend,” he says, immediately using Eddie's stunned silence to his advantage. “Robin, my roommate – I told you all about her. We wanted to buy a house together and that turned out to be very complicated when you're not... Well, when you're not romantically involved. So we got married. For the, um, practical reasons. We never – we're like siblings. I love her like a sister. But she's also my wife. Platonically.”
It takes a few seconds until Steve's words sink in. Then, Eddie leaps forward and basically collapses into Steve's arms, needing to hold onto him to prevent himself from crashing to the ground.
Steve's arms are warm, strong, and as safe as ever.
“Eddie, are you okay?” Steve asks softly. His lips brush against Eddie's ear while he speaks, and worry colors his voice.
Perfect Steve. Too-good-to-be-true Steve.
“Jesus Christ, Steve,” is the only thing Eddie manages to say.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” Steve says. “It's just – I've gotten some, um... Less than ideal reactions, in the past, whenever I told this when I was seeing someone. So I thought it'd be better to wait until things were getting serious.” He sighs, tangling his fingers in Eddie's hair. “I didn't wanna scare you off. Are we – are you okay?”
Eddie nods. He lifts his head from where it's resting against Steve's shoulder and raises his hands to squeeze them around Steve's face.
“We're okay,” he says. “And I'm sorry I didn't want to listen to you. I–” He stops; he can't find the words right away. It's still difficult to talk about those things; to let himself be vulnerable. But Steve has been honest with him, so it's only fair to return the favor.
“I've been hurt, Steve,” he confesses. “More than once. I've had some really shitty experiences with dudes not being honest with me. I thought that that was what was happening again, and I couldn't – I couldn't go through that again. Especially not with you.”
“Jesus, Eddie, I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay,” Eddie rushes to say, pulling Steve even closer towards him. “I trust you.” And as soon as these words leave his mouth, he knows it's the truth.
“I do want to be absolutely clear about one thing, though,” Steve says.
Eddie leans back in Steve's arms to give him an expectant look.
“Robin is my wife. I'm not planning on that to change anytime soon. We've been through a lot together. She's been the most important person in my life for years. We own a house and a dog together, and I love her more than anything. I like you a lot, and I promise you I'm all-in with you, but... Robin is still my number one. And that's not gonna change overnight. I need you to be okay with that.”
Eddie swallows. He looks into Steve's eyes. All he sees is a man who is honest, who loves his friends deeply, and who refuses to make any compromises when it comes to love – whether it be the platonic or the romantic kind.
It doesn't scare Eddie off; it only makes him fonder of Steve.
He smiles, glances around to check if they're alone, and presses a quick kiss against Steve's lips.
“I think I can live with that,” he says. “As long as I'm the only one who gets to do this.” He closes his eyes and lets his lips meet Steve's again.
The sigh that Steve breathes into their tentative kiss is one filled with relief.
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tinyluvs · 1 year
Spencer coming back from a case and all you want to do is smooch him but he keeps talking?
omg yes please 🥹🥹 tysm for the rq my love 🫶🏻
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you hear him before you see him, greeting his neighbour in the hallway outside of his apartment, keys jangling quietly in his hand and before you can stop yourself, you're jumping over the back of his couch
"spence!" you gasp, full of excitement when the door swings open and he wanders in. you bound towards him, barely giving him a chance to drop his bag before you're jumping into his arms
he wraps an arm around you, the other smoothing over the underneath of your thigh, "hi honey," he sighs, happily, his eyes fluttering shut while you pepper kisses over his cheeks
"i've missed you,' you whisper as he kicks the door shut behind him. you hold his face in your hands, thumbs ghosting over his cheeks, the rest of your fingers tangling gently in his hair
he hums, in agreement but doesn't reply, letting you pull him in slowly, kissing him properly, his bottom lip pressing in between yours. gently he sets you down, his hands squeezing at your hips
pulling away, you immediately grab at his hand, dragging him towards the couch. he sits down first, like always, in the corner of the couch before he's tugging on your hand, pulling you down on top of him so you're sat in his lap
"you okay?" you ask, watching him roll his head back to lean against the back of the couch cushion. your fingers mess with the end of his tie, a habit you'd picked up since dating him
"much better now i'm with you," he smiles softly his fingers tracing down the dip in your spine. he looks so good, hair slightly messy, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, all you can do is stare at him
both of you sit in silence for a moment, just looking at each other, hands ghosting over any part of the others body that they come across. you can't take it anymore, he looks too good
you lean forwards, kissing him again though he doesn't expect it, a small gasp being muffled by your mouth on his. your hands slide up his body, resting on either side of his neck, holding him there.
spencer chuckles and in turn breaks the kiss when you pull away to frown at him, "you have missed me," he smiles wider, soft brown eyes gazing up at you like you're everything to him
"i have, very much" you pout slightly before smiling. you try to kiss him again but he moves, arm keeping you steady while he sits up properly.
"hey, want to hear what emily and morgan were talking about earlier?" he asks but clearly doesn't care for a reply, "so, get this"
it's cruel, the way you tune him out. you feel bad for it but your brain simply isn't working. you return to kissing at his cheek, slow spaced out kisses that have him smiling against you, you can't see it but you feel it under your lips
"and then," you cut him off with a quick kiss against the corner of his mouth before your moving across to his other cheek, "i think jj was there too?" he thinks
you groan, head lolling back, "spence, angel," you huff and he looks at you throughly confused, "shush a minute, please" you beg, not bothering to see him react before you're crowding into his space again
he kisses you back this time, fingers digging into your waist, pulling you towards him gently. you hum happily against him, letting your tongue swipe over his bottom lip
spencer had never really kissed a girl until he met you, not that you would've known with the way he's always kissed you like it's a skill he's had forever. you're practically melting into him, all of your weight pressed against his front
your teeth graze over his lip ever so slightly before you're pulling away, kissing over his jaw while you catch your breath. he tilts his head back, again, allowing you better access while you pull at his tie
"oh! guess what i saw while we were on the jet" he says, like you're not starting to nip at his neck
"spencer," you whine, pulling away from him again, he stares at you wide eyes, "you know i love you, right?" you ask, he nods, "then pease do not take this the wrong way,"
"if you do not shut up and just let me make out with you for a while," you say almost breathlessly, "i may explode"
his eyes widen further, "oh," he says simply and you roll your eyes, gripping at the collar of his shirt. in one swift movement you go from sitting up, in his lap, to him laying under you, "oh"
"oh indeed, now shush"
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thanks for reading! remember to like! reblog! and comment! i’ll give you a smooch if you do, ily! send prompts to my ask box!
❥ spencer reid masterlist !!
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222col · 1 month
is it casual now?
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★ patrick zweig x reader ★ based on the song 'casual' by chappell roan (rlly reccomend listening first!!) ★ 5.2k ★ 18+ | inc: angst (!!!), smut, m + f oral, public sex, breeding ★ an: patrick is a college student & also has a sister for context (part two)
patrick's barely dressed as he starts to leave, picking up his phone from your desk, opening the door before turning round to look at you once more. "oh yeah, my family want you to come to our beach house this weekend." no emotion on his face as he stands in your doorway. "they do or you do?" you question, sitting up in your bed, blanket covering your body. "my sister told my mom how much you helped her the other week, so they wanted you to come, you don't have to." he's fiddling with his keys, aching to leave your room. "okay, just text me the details." patrick nods to you and darts down the hall. getting yourself dressed before calling your best friend.
"sounds like his sister wants you there, not him." she tells you down the phone. "well maybe, but he could have just told them no or not invited me." you're pacing your room, desperately trying to defend your excitement for a weekend with patrick. "ugh, why are you so hung up on this guy? you're being such a loser, you know he told you no strings." you've had this conversation with your best friend so many times, yet the words just don't get through to you. "i know, i know. i just like him, okay? i think it could go somewhere." you hear her sigh through the phone. "have you heard the things he tells his friends about you?" you hold your breath, knowing this isn't going to be good. "he calls you a slut, an easy one at that, i heard him talking to art about it at tennis." you sink onto the floor, back leaning against your wall. "i'm sorry, i know it's awful to hear, but you need to get it into your head, that he doesn't think of you like that."
patrick picks you up friday afternoon, driving you both to his parents' beach house. his hand on your thigh as you stare out the window. "what's up with you? normally you would have dragged me into the back seat by now." patrick questions. "well this all just feels weird, you're driving us to spend a weekend with your parents, i feel like your girlfr-" patrick doesn't even let you finish your sentence. "we're not together." you shake your head and return your gaze to the window. "yeah, you've made that very clear, don't you worry." turning up the radio so patrick doesn't return with a sarcastic comment or dig any further. the rest of the journey is silent between the two of you, the radio serving as a distraction, after a few hours you pull up to patrick's parents' house. his younger sister is waving at you both from the front door. you met her at a frat party patrick brought her along to, the two of you got on well, and you helped her when some frat boys were being way too forward.
grabbing his own bag from the car, he leaves you to collect your own from the trunk. "not even gonna help this nice young lady with her bags, some gentleman i raised you to be." patrick's father says, appearing on the porch. patrick snatches your bag from your hands before pushing his way into the house, introducing yourself to his parents, patrick's sister shows you to your room. "you'll be sharing with patrick, obviously." she states, pushing open the door of the room. "what?" you question, patrick rolling his eyes and pulling you into the room, closing the door on his sister. "i can't exactly tell my parents we're fuck buddies, can i?"
later that night, patrick brings you with him to a bonfire on the beach with some of his friends that live nearby. "zweig, it's been too long." he's engulfed into the reunions but just about remembers to introduce you to his friends. beers are shared as marshmallows are toasted on the fire, all of you sat on logs and in the sand. one of patrick's friends coming to sit next to you as patrick catches up with his neighbour. "so, are you and patrick, like, together?" he asks you, he's not bad looking, so you think about entertaining him. "no, we just fuck." you laugh into your can of beer, taking another swig. "you're single then?" he asks you, shuffling closer. looking to him and nodding, his eyes lighting up. a shiver runs down your spine, making you realise how cold you are. "here, take this." he places his jacket over your shoulders, you could dream of patrick doing such a chivalrous act. slipping your arms through the sleeves and thanking him. "you're really pretty, by the way." that's all it takes. your lips lean up to kiss him. the only compliments you get are from patrick while he's inside you or frat boys as they spank your ass at parties. his hands wrap around your waist before you feel yourself being dragged away from his lips.
patrick pulls you off down the beach by your arm, stopping in his tracks when his friends are out of ear shot, looking down at you, his chest rising. "what the fuck are you doing?" he asks you, his words harsh. "i was making out with that guy before you interrupted." you return, arms crossed. "may i remind you that you're here with me, not some random fucker you just met?" you can feel his breath on your face as he speaks. "and may i remind you that we're not together, and i can kiss who i like?" patrick loves it when your bitchy side comes out, but right now he can't acknowledge it. eye contact hasn't broken once between you, titling your head as you wait for patrick's response. nothing slips from his lips before he grabs your face and pushes his mouth onto yours. hungrily kissing you, pushing your body back until you hit the rocks, his hand reaching under your skirt. "your friends are right there." you groan into his ear, looking back to look you in the eyes as his hand slips into your underwear. "do i look like i care?"
his fingers stroke up through your folds. "neither do you, by the feel of things." patrick hums, bringing his fingers to his lips as he sucks the wetness from between his digits, before pushing them into your mouth. smiling and nodding his head as he removes his fingers and slips them back into your underwear, inserting his two middle fingers into your cunt. the rocks disguising your bodies from patrick's friends, but you know if they looked closely enough they'd see everything. quiet moans leave your lips as patrick fucks you with his fingers, his other hand coming up to cover your mouth. "shut the fuck up, or do you want all my friends to see you riding my fingers?" patrick's fingers move at pace, curling up to hit your g-spot as he sucks bruises onto your neck. bringing his thumb up to circle your clit, leaning down to palm him through his shorts, grabbing and rubbing his cock through the fabric. "you want it, don't you?" patrick smirks, as you softly nod your head. "you want me to fuck you here on the beach, up against these rocks as my friends stand twenty feet away?" he can feel you smirking under his hand, just nodding your head. "god, where did you come from?" he moans, pulling his hands off your body to shuffle his shorts down his body. looking over to his friends, who are all engrossed in a drinking game of some kind, he lifts your leg, holding it up against the rocks, pushing your panties to the side as he pushes himself into your cunt.
leaning his elbow on the rock behind your head to keep himself steady, his hand covering your mouth again as his hips slap against your skin, thrusting himself in and out of you. even his hand pushing into your face can barely contain the noises you're making. "shut up." he groans into your ear, slamming himself into you. his cock filling you up as his friends are none the wiser. "hmm, this is so fucking hot, baby." patrick whispers to you, his breathing heavy, sweat forming on his skin as he keeps fucking you. rocks digging into your back as patrick's weight falls onto your body, his thrusts getting sloppy. pulling out of you suddenly to push you onto your knees, cuts and grazes form on the skin as the sharp rocks pierce your fall. forcing his cock into your mouth as he holds the back of your head, fucking your face before shooting his load down your throat. "fuck- such a good girl."
pulling up his shorts quickly, and helping you onto your feet. kissing you deeply before walking back over to his group of friends. sitting down on one of the logs, pulling you onto his knee. you try to hide your furrowed brows from him, not used to this affectionate side of patrick. it's rare that he kisses you after you've had sex, let alone pulling you onto his knee in front of his friends. "god, what happened to your knees?" one of patrick's friends asks, handing you both another can of beer. patrick can't help the shit eating grin form on his face, looking down at your knees to see them covered in blood. "oh, i just fell over onto the rocks, no biggie." patrick kisses your cheek, opening his can of beer, whispering into your ear. "sorry baby, didn't mean to be so rough with you." you really can't hide your reaction this time, either patrick's had more to drink than you thought or he actually feels bad for making you bleed.
a couple more drinking games later, patrick walks the two of you back up to his parents' house. patrick didn't let you sit anywhere other than his lap the rest of the night. entering patrick's bedroom, he walks over to the small en-suite, wetting a towel and starts cleaning up your knees as you take off your sandy clothes. "why are you being so weird?" you finally ask him. he looks up at you from his position on the floor by your feet. "i'm not?" he returns. "you're looking after me, kissing me in front of your friends, that is very weird, actually." patrick chews the inside of his cheek, wiping the blood from your knees as you wince at the sting. "i don't know, am i not allowed to do those things?" he's not looking at you anymore, focusing his attention on cleaning you up. "yeah, you can, it's just confusing." he throws the towel into the laundry hamper, along with yours and his clothes. you slip into an oversized t-shirt as patrick gets into bed in just his boxers, turning off the light as you lay together in darkness. "i'm not the only one being weird, you kissed my friend in front of me, that's pretty confusing too." patrick mumbles, the two of you facing each other, the moon light barely allowing you to see each others faces. "whatever, don't worry about it." patrick adds on, turning around to go to sleep.
the next morning is as though nothing happened the night previous, you and patrick spending the day at the beach with his sister. playing tennis and swimming, having fun. patrick's parents shouting over after lunch that they've booked a table at the restaurant down the road for dinner. checking the time on your phone, you head back to get ready. you hear a slap against patrick's arm as you leave the beach. "how are you not in a relationship with her?" you overhear patrick's sister ask him as you head towards the house, smirking as you go. showering before doing your make up and getting dressed, slipping a white dress onto your body, checking yourself in the mirror as patrick walks into the bedroom. "you look beaut-" he stops his words, coughing as he continues. "hot, you look hot." he corrects himself, showering quickly and changing into a button up and jeans as you finish off curling your hair.
the five of you arrive at the restaurant, enjoying glasses of wine as patrick's parents' learn more about you. his hand on your thigh under the table as they ask about your major at college and how you spend your free time. before dessert you excuse yourself to the bathroom, hearing patrick tell his family that he's going for a smoke. closing the door to the sole bathroom of the restaurant, patrick's foot stopping it from closing. pushing himself into the room quickly. "what are you doing?" you ask, as he locks the door behind the two of you. "i need you." he mumbles, pushing you up against the wall as his lips attack yours. "patrick, we're literally at dinner with your parents, can you not wait until we get home?" you protest, his hands groping your chest as he suckles the skin on your exposed collarbones. "no, need you now." groaning as he moves your hand onto his crotch. "can't you see how much you're turning me on? you look so good tonight." you've never seen him so desperate, so needy for you. finally giving in, palming him through his jeans. spinning you around, pushing you up against the sink, grinding against your ass as he pulls your dress up. the fabric bunching around your waist, your panties pulled down your legs. you hear the sound of his belt buckle hitting the floor, his cock hitting your clit as he pushes your legs open. looking into your eyes through the mirror in front of you as he pushes himself into your hole. one hand on your hips as the other instinctively covers your mouth. staring at you in the reflection as he pounds himself into you, looking back at him through the mirror too. watching him come apart behind you as he loses himself in the moment.
"god, you feel so fucking good, baby." he groans into your neck, his cock filling you up as your hips repeatedly hit the sink, bruising your skin. patrick's calloused hands trapping every sound that leaves your lips, making you so conscience of the reality of the situation. holding in your cries and moans as he pumps in and out of you. "you're so fucking perfect, fuck- i love you." you can feel your heart sink at patrick's words, as he's barely even aware they left his mouth. the grip he has on your waist tightening, his fingernails digging into the skin. your chest rising and falling, breathing deeper, focusing on his dick filling you up, desperate to not acknowledge his words. he didn't mean it, he can't mean it, he's just caught up in the moment, you have to tell yourself. his hand slips from your mouth to grasp the other side of your waist, pulling you back into him as he keeps thrusting into you. no moans leave your mouth, just hot breaths, so fixated on patrick's confession. he pulls you back onto him once more as his load shoots up inside you, groans leaving his lips as he does.
patrick holds you there for a second, before pulling out of you, his come beginning to drip out from you. frozen on the spot until he starts pulling up his jeans. i love you. the words are spinning around your head. he kisses your cheek before doing up his belt. "i'll meet you back at the table." he winks, slipping out of the bathroom. cleaning yourself up as you pull your underwear back up your legs. checking yourself in the mirror before rejoining the table with patrick's family, mere seconds before he does. "i wish you'd stop smoking, pat." his mother says, frowning at her son. "i know, i know." he mumbles back, swigging from his glass. patrick and his sister go for a walk on the beach when you all get back to the house, leaving you alone in his room. changing into your pjs, packing away your things, ready for the drive back to college the next day. it's late by the time patrick slips into bed, assuming you're asleep next to him, he places a kiss on your forehead. "goodnight, sweet girl." so grateful for the darkness as your cheeks flush, being pulled onto patrick's chest as the two of you fall asleep.
waking up on opposite sides of the bed, the two of you get ready to leave his parents' beach house. thanking his parents for being so accommodating and hugging his sister goodbye. "i like her for you, patrick." you hear his mom tell him during their goodbyes, smiling and waving as you both enter his car, beginning the drive home. "they like you." he says, one hand on the wheel, the other squeezing your thigh. "that's nice. i'm glad." you mumble out the window, his eyes darting between you and the road. he rolls his eyes at your bluntness and carries on driving, pulling into a gas station after a little while on the road. filling up the tank while you use the bathroom, coming back out to see him leaning on the car, phone to his ear. he throws you his wallet, nodding towards the clerk, signalling you to go pay. "yeah, fucked her in the bathroom of the restaurant too." he laughs into his phone. "i know, my parents just sat at the table none the wiser." ignoring the words that weren't meant for your ears, you enter the store, grabbing a redbull and paying for the gas. walking back over to the parked car, patrick still laughing into his phone. "i know man, she's so fucking dirty, maybe i'd let you fuck her and you can really see what i mean."
holding back your tears as the whispers of i love you slip through your fingers, jumping into the car, slamming the door behind you. patrick turning around at the sound, rushing himself off the phone and into the drivers seat. pulling out of the gas station as he questions your actions. your knees are up to your chest, hugging your legs as he drives. "why did you just slam my door?" patrick asks, staring over to you. "i didn't mean to." you grumble, refusing to look over to him. "yeah right, you've been acting like a bitch since last night." he rolls his eyes, knuckles tight on the steering wheel. "whatever, no i haven't." aching for patrick to just ignore your reactions and drive you home. he sighs and pulls into a old dirt road, turning off the car and manoeuvring his body to face you. stating your name as he undoes your seatbelt. "will you just tell me what's going on?" you ignore him, pushing your emotions down. grabbing your legs, he brings your body round to face him. he's smiling softly at you, waiting on your words. when you still don't reply, he leans over and places his lips on yours. trying desperately to resist his kiss, but it's inevitable, you melt into him. anger and sadness and lust wash over you, your hands on the back of his head, kissing him like you'll never be able to again. his lips travel down you, his body contorting to position his head between your legs. dipping under your skirt, pulling your underwear to the side, humming as his face pushes into your cunt.
licking a line through your folds, swallowing the wetness on his tongue as he licks over your clit. your head leaning on the window, hands in his hair, moaning out his name. "my name sounds perfect when you moan it like that." patrick whispers against you, tonguing your clit, sloppy kisses placed there as his fingers push inside you. the radio playing is overshadowed by the mewls escaping your lips. his dark curls tickling your thighs as your fingers scratch at his scalp. your hips bucking onto his face, grinding against him as his tongue laps you up. his nose bumping over your clit as your thighs clench around him. the sunlight through the windows highlighting the wetness over his face, his blue eyes looking up at you, smirking into your cunt. his fingers curling up as your body jolts, orgasm washing over you, whimpering his name as he removes his tongue. slipping out his fingers, pushing them into your mouth. smiling at you as you suck the taste of yourself off his digits. smoothing your skirt back down as patrick repositions himself in the drivers seat. he laughs, wiping the wetness of you from his chin. the two of you smiling at each other, putting your seatbelts back on as patrick reverses up the dirt road, carrying on with the drive home.
the two of you laugh and talk the whole way home, arriving at your dorm as patrick grabs both of your bags out of his car. "can i stay the night? i can't be bothered walking to my dorm." he asks, his car already locked and keys in his pocket. "patrick, your dorm is like a five minute walk away." you laugh at him, grabbing your room keys from your purse. "please?" it's so rare that patrick's soft like this, you've seen it more this weekend, and you've learnt you can't say no to it. "sure." you smile, leading you both to your room. dropping your bags by your desk, patrick slumps onto your bed, pulling you on top of him. "this weekend was nice." he mumbles, nuzzling his head into your neck. "yeah, your family are nice." you say, avoiding the idea of acknowledging any of the new found emotions between the two of you. "my sisters cool, my parents are fine." he responds, keeping your body on top of his, arms wrapped around you. "it was cool having you there to distract me." you'd assume he means with sex, but his tone tells otherwise. luckily your phone starts ringing before you can confess to patrick how much you enjoyed the time with him. "hey, yeah, we just got back, me and patrick are just at my dorm." you talk into the phone to your best friend, sitting up on the edge of the bed. patrick kissing the back of your shoulders as you speak. smiling back at him as you listen to your friend.
"when?" you ask down the phone, patrick peering up at you, furrowed brows. "yeah sure, i'll ask patrick if he wants to come. see you later." putting the phone down, turning to face patrick, his head on your pillow. "ask me to come where?" he smiles at you, arm snaking around your hips. "a party, tonight. do you wanna go?" patrick grins widely, nodding his head at your words. patrick heads to your bathroom to shower, sitting at your desk to do your make up. wishing for some time alone to process your weekend at patrick's beach house, to really consider his words and actions, to force yourself out of this idea you've created that patrick could actually like you. but knowing you'd never send him away, it's like your addicted to him. unable to tell him no, wanting to savour every moment with him, not knowing when he's going to snap back to his old ways of leaving you naked on your bed as he darts home. enjoying these domestic moments you and patrick are sharing, feeling like his girlfriend, playing house before his attention is drawn elsewhere.
pulling your denim mini skirt over your hips, and readjusting your crop top, patrick re-enters your room. zipping up the fly of his jeans and pulling down his polo. "are you trying to kill me?" he asks, mouth slightly agape as he breaths out deeply. you laugh, applying another layer of lip gloss. "what do you mean?" you ask, leaning down to your mirror. "you look so fucking good." patrick states, spanking your ass as he sits to put his shoes on. laughing as you do up the small buckles on your heels, putting your phone into your purse and heading out the door. patrick laces his fingers through yours as you walk down the hall of your dorm, heading for the frat house hosting the party. looking down at your joined hands, then up to patrick. "what? your hands are soft." even patrick doesn't believe the reasoning he gave as you laugh at his words. "whatever, i can fuck you but not hold your hand? is that how this works?" patrick laughs as you shake your head, tightening your grip on his hand and heading off campus.
your best friend is waiting outside for you when you arrive, patrick dropping your hand as you walk up the pathway. "i'll meet up with you later okay? i'm still staying at yours so don't leave without me." patrick winks to you as he enters the house. hugging your friend as she sighs at patrick's words. she leads you into the back garden, handing you a white claw and kicking some frat boys off the garden furniture. you tell her everything about the weekend, her eyes rolling and brows furrowing as you explain the details. "he told you he loved you?!" she almost shouts, shushing her immediately. "keep your voice down!" you return, checking your surroundings for patrick, luckily he's nowhere to be seen. "it was during the bathroom hook up, i don't think he meant it." she breathes sharply, opening another can of white claw for each of you. "well, have you talked to him about it?" she asks, handing you the can. "no, oh my god, no!" shaking your head as you swig your drink. the two of you continue gossiping about your time away with patrick, laughing your way through more drinks. heading inside to the kitchen to get more alcohol and have a dance together, your best friend stops you in your tracks. "don't turn around." she holds you in place. "what? why?" you ask, forcing your way out of her grip and spinning on your heels.
in the corner of the kitchen stands patrick, his arms laced around a blonde, kissing her lips. her hands in his hair, bodies pushed together. your heartbeat fastens, eyes closing slowly as you take in the scene before you. shoulders dropping, watching patrick's hands caress her skin. "c'mon, let's go back outside, he's an asshole." your best friend says, barely hearing her over the ringing in your ears. she picks up a bottle of vodka from the kitchen counter and pulls you back outside. your eyes welling up, sitting back down on the plastic chair, sipping from the bottle she hands you. stealing a cigarette from the boy smoking next to you, she lights it and hands it to you. "fuck him, okay? he's fucking awful, you can do so much better." her words barely getting through to you, hands shaking as you bring the cigarette up to your lips. "but he told me he-" she knows what you're going to say, cutting you off before you can finish. "don't. you can't think about that right now." she tells you, leaning over, stroking your knee. a single tear falls from your eye, wiped away by your friend before it can reach your cheek. she sits with you quietly, letting you get yourself together. wiping away your tears and collecting your breathing. "do i look okay?" you ask her, stubbing out the cigarette. smiling at you like a cheshire cat, she stands up. "you look hot. c'mon, let's show that asshole what he's missing."
holding your hand, the two of you enter the group of people dancing, swaying together and letting your hips around to the music. letting some semi-hot frat boy pull your back to his chest, arm snaked around your hips as you grind onto him. your friend running to the bathroom as frat boy's lips press to your neck, eyes forward as you see patrick leaning against the wall. his eyes on you, between all the bodies blocking the path to each other. smirking, drinking his beer as you continue dancing, eyes never leaving his.
the night continues like this, patrick alone watching you from the sidelines as you dance the night away. the party starts to clear as patrick comes over to you and your best friend, both of you ready to call it a night. "c'mon, let me take you both home." he sighs, ready for you to fight him on the idea, but you don't, you can't. "fine." the three of you walk in silence, heels being carried in your hand. you and patrick walk your friend to her door, before carrying on down the hall to your dorm. the two of you enter your room, dropping your shoes and bag on the floor and sitting on your bed, back leaning against the wall. patrick moves your desk chair to sit opposite you. "what's going on? why were you dancing with that guy all night?" he questions. "what's it to you? you were kissing that girl anyway, surprised you didn't go home with her instead." your words hiss, the alcohol in your system bypassing any filters you would typically adhere to. patrick scoffs at you, leaning forward, elbows balanced on his knees. "i didn't know you saw that." he says, his words soft, almost guilty. you shrug your shoulders, bringing your legs up to your stomach, chin resting on your knees. "you told me you loved me." you whisper, as though saying it any louder would make tears fall from your eyes. "what? speak up." patrick asks, shuffling the chair closer to the bed. taking a deep breath in you repeat yourself. "you told me you loved me."
patrick's eyes flutter closed, lip between his teeth. "i didn't mean it." he lies to you, not that he'd ever admit it was a lie. tears slowly fall from your eyes, grasping your legs tighter. "but you-" you whisper again, before patrick cuts you off. "i didn't mean it, okay? we're not together, we fuck, we're fuck buddies, there's no strings." his words are like daggers, your eyes closed, tears slipping out through your lashes. "okay." is all you can muster, finally looking him in the eyes. his heart breaking at the sight of you. "can you please leave?" you ask him, your head falling down onto your knees. as if looking at his face would break your heart into smaller pieces. "yeah, okay." his words are heavy, refusing to look up as he stands and grabs his dufflebag. opening the door to leave, turning to look at you once more, but your eyes stay planted into your lap. sighing, he closes the door behind him.
falling onto your side, the tears falling faster from your eyes now, hugging the pillow that still smells like him. so angry that you let yourself fall for his charm, disgusted at yourself that you really believed he could love you, and just so sad knowing all you wanted to do was say it back. hating yourself for letting it drag on so long. falling asleep in your mini skirt and crop top, eyes puffy as you know that'll be the last time you see patrick zweig.
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donutz · 2 months
sebastian with a reader who gives him a ton of resources and asks if they can buy a kiss from him O-O
Buying a kiss from Sebastian
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You aren't that delusional right?
— A big ol smooch. Mwah. Delicious fishy skin oh so yummy.
Warning: Shy reader, but not the stereotypical 'Y/N'; Stutters, I'm sorry I'll try to make it realistic; THIS IS NOT A BIG DADDY AND SHY Y/N TROPE.; Sorry I just wanted to warn you; I don't use Y/N anyways, I use Reader as if there's a difference😎; There's no kiss on the lips☹️; Buttt there's a teasing Sebastian; 'Bad' words; Non-human reader, they just have the ear fins; They have green-like skin with four yellow eyes! Two fakes ones underneath their original ones; They also can disguise as a human
After dying over and over again, you became acquainted with Sebastian. You saw him in the shop and even saw him when you were dead. You’re not sure on how the dying thing works but…
It doesn’t really matter as long as you get to see Sebastian.
You’ve gained feelings for him, even though he isn’t very.. Human. His little insults can be annoying but I guess it’s um. Reasonable? Yeah that’s something you don’t enjoy all that much.
But his voice and his tone is something that you like. You may have a strange taste but who doesn’t like a 10 ft tall man that has aquatic features?
… Probably every other normal person…
But some mermen can be attractive! You feel like a little kid crushing on cartoons.
Sebastian seems very closed off and distant from humans. Maybe because humans are the reason he’s this way?
That’s understandable.
I don’t think I would like humans at all if I looked like that either. It’s not like he’s ugly it’s just… It seems like he was human before being that way.
Maybe since he doesn’t seem okay with other forms of affection— You could get him a gift! It’s unexpected, can be taken as platonic, and a way to get closer to somebody! Perfect!
Though what should you get him?
You don’t know any of his likes, favorites, nothing really.
But he has a shop!
You could uhh. Give him some items for his shop!
And then…
Ask for a kiss!
… Is that too forward? Well he might like you back!
He might… Like you back..
He doesn’t really give many hints on his feelings towards love. Especially towards you, minus the lessened amounts of insults he throws at you.
Oh that could be a hint! He stutters sometimes too! But he did that before he truly knew you… 
Ugh, too many ellipses.
Oh sorry I didn’t mean to break the 4th wall.
Agh hem.
As the loop starts again, you decided that the gift could be items. Items to give so he can hold it for his shop. Then a smooch!
A smooch?
Yeah a kiss. Totally. He’ll definitely give you a kiss with those… Rubber… Lips…
Okay maybe a kiss on the hand can suffice.
Exiting the submarine you prepare to give Sebastian a ton of items in return for a kiss!
Are you really that delusional?
You end up finding flash beacons, flashlights, medkits— Actually maybe you should keep that one.
Y’know, just incase a good pers—
… Mmm…
Just in case good people pops up.
Hate that thing.
Oh wow a lantern.
When it comes to the monsters and just being in this place in general, it’s like your whole personality switches. 
When it comes to Sebastian you’ll be all shy. But when it comes to just Urbanshade, its creatures, and Hadal Blacksite… You’re more mad and irritated.
Sometimes you even say bad words at the creatures.
Saying bad words even though you’re a grown adult.
When people infantilize shy characters?
You get pretty close to door fifty, having many helpful sources to give to that— man…
You hear an expected voice..(Oh how spooky)
“Hey. Come here”.
You look at an invisible camera pulling off that— Roblox man face or something- I don’t– I don’t know.
Speed walking over there in excitement, you hold a smile on your face. Your beautiful smile lines showing.
Damn, you really like him huh?
You crawl through the vents waiting with anticipation. Possible praise? Or even a smile?
You can’t wait.
Reaching the end of the vent, you immediately look up, bumping your head. It’s a good thing you have that head gear. You might’ve gotten a traumatic brain injury and five dollars.
… What.
A- Anways, you rub your head looking down.
“Oh damn. Well based on that head bump I already know who it is. Hello my favorite prisoner”.
“Hey Sebastian, yeah you’re so funny. Making fun of my h- head bump. Die”.
“Hey buddy I was justt messing arounddd”.
“M-hm- Mhm.” You let out pained noises. Getting out from the vent, you stretch out your limbs. Hearing a few pops
“Eww… Yuck, I hate those sounds.” Sebastian commented.
“Yeah they’re kinda weird about humans”.
“They suree areee”…
After a few seconds of silence, Sebastian speaks up.
“Soo, you gonna buy anything”?
“W- Well maybe, I– shiver, I actually have some gi- gifts for you.” Clearing your throat you physically cringe at the stuttering. It makes you seem.. I don’t know.. Fanfic material or something.
“Yea! Gifts.. T- To show you my um… G- Gratitude for- sigh, for giving me those items”.
He chuckled, “It’s not like I give you them for free or anything”.
“Yeah but sometimes you give me discounts”.
“Oh yeah huh”?
“So I— I wanted to give these to you, S- Sebastian”..
“You’re very stuttery today aren’t you”?
You look up at him while getting the things out of your bag.
You let out a shivery laugh, “Y- Yeah, I’ve never really um.. Given someone gifts before a- and it’s.. Spooky– down here”.
Sebastian could tell that was an excuse.
I know that was an excuse, it’s obvious you’re this way because of your little crush or something.
You hand Sebastian the items, his two claws engulfing yours. You wish these stupidly thick gloves were off your hands so you could actually feel his claws.
“And shaky”.
“Oh! Um”..
“You sure you’re okay?” He asks with concern. Putting away the items, he’s not sure why he even asked.
“Yeah I’m okay! It’s just um. Th- Those aren’t f- free.” Even with the small amount of built confidence, you were still very nervous.
“Oh of course they’re not. What is it? Do I have to give you some data or something? If you’re asking for cash then–”
“N- No”!
He’s surprised by the sudden and yippy-like voice.
“I uh, I don’t want data or cash”.
“... So, what do you want”?
“A. A uhm. Uh”.
“C’mon spit it out already”!
“A kiss!! Yeah a small kiss or something”..
Oh yes I love awkward moments, what about you?
“A kiss?” Sebastian repeats.
You nod, not even being able to speak right now. You’re looking at the ground with hands together and thumbs rubbing against the hard leather. If you weren’t sweating you definitely would be now.
“Y’know it would’ve made more sense if you said that before giving me the items”?
“Sebastian I’m serious”!
“Okay okay, yes you can have your kiss”.
You look up quickly, a quiet crack in your neck from turning it so fast.
You may think that you’re blushy and flustered one right now. Well that’s correct, if you can even blush.
Buttt you’re not the only one with a rapidly beating heart.
Sebastian’s trying to hide it, to not seem all vulnerable in front of somebody. Not just a human. Showing that you’re vulnerable is a sign of, I guess.. Weakness.
“But how can you even kiss me with that diving helmet”?
Oh yeah you forgot about that.
“O- Oh, yeah uhm- let me take care of that”.
That sentence peaks his interest, if you were to take that off then he’s sure your head would pop.
“W- Wait I was just joking—!” He reaches out to you to stop you, putting his right claw over your head gear.
Even though you’d be just fine with the pressure, you were shocked he even stopped you.
“Oh uhm. Sebastian. I’m not fully human, I can handle the pressure with or without the gear”.
His face scrunches with confusion and shock, stunned. 
You take off the head gear, but don’t worry, you’ve managed to disable that explosion thing. Just temporarily, they haven’t noticed yet.
You hold your gear in your hand, looking up at Sebastian.
You smile, showing off your yellowish, blueish teeth. Your ear fins sway slightly, up and down.
“Yeah I’m not really uhh, human. Fully anyways.” You set your gear on the ground—
“A- And I’ve taken care of that blowing up device. S- So don’t worry”.
God he reallyyy hopes that nobody walks in right now.
“Th- They can’t hear me either so, I’ll be fine temporarily. I’ll soon have to turn it all back on so they don’t suspect anything”.
He thought you were kinda dumb to add onto your shy personality.
That’s um.
You can feel his stare on you. It’s not very uhh, it’s not a good feeling.
You look back up at him, putting a hand over your forehead as if it were a visor.
“Do I not look good or-”
“N- No! That’s not why I’m staring. It’s just.. Surprising. I couldn’t really get any hints on how you weren’t a human”.
“Ah, well that was on purpose actually. I- I’m not sure if you really do scents but– I gave myself a more human scent and covered up the dark green skin with a more human one”.
Woww, yes you’re sooo smart.
He keeps on staring at you.
“Anyways, what about that uhm.. That kiss..?” You mentally cheer at the least amount of stutters in the much bolder question.
“O- Oh yes”!
Oo! A stutter!
“Well I doubt you would kiss me on the lips”.
“O- Oh I don’t m- mind— Ughh, I don’t mind kissing you anywhere really. Just a kiss itself is fine”!
“Oh really?” He teased.
“Y- Yes.” You whisper.
“Well, how about a kiss to the palm, yeah? Not too forward and nearly just the right amount of romance”.
“Yeah that’s fine”!!
Your somewhat wobbly legs move over to Sebastian. He slightly moves his right claw to your face, casting a shadow over your head because of how big it is.
You grab both sides of his hand and lean over to his palm, giving it a quick—
To the palm. Even after the kiss you still stay there for a few seconds, before backing away with your hands behind your back.
You hurriedly put your head gear back on before quickly stuttering out—
“T- Thank you f- for the k- kiss! I enjoy- gulp, enjoyed it”!
Rushing out of the shop, you let out a huge breath.
As if this was some show, the camera would pan to Sebastian’s scrunched up face, his lip(?) quivering. He’s happy that he’s cold blooded, or else he’d be blushing very, very hard right now.
He holds up that same palm, and puts it to his lips(??).
Letting out a shaky breath.
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Guys guess how much words..
1773!!! I'm so good at um. Long fanfics yeah😛😛
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shaisuki · 4 months
okay what if bully!Miya twins and bully!suna caught reader riding someone else in the locker room what do you think would happen next -😶‍🌫️anon
the betrayal.
it took a mere seconds before it sinks into the very realization that you're being impaled by an another huge cock that isn't theirs and worst of all in the locker rooms where they usually make you take their cocks and cum all over you as much as they like.
there's faint sound of skin to skin contact and it gets louder as they got closer and when they take a peek to the door slightly cracked open they get the surprise of their life.
you, their manager that have been with them for almost a year is riding someone's cock that is not theirs. it was obvious it was you. there's no other girls in the school who had a back like you. adorned with the extra weight you carry and the soft layers of flesh that are stacked is currently rippling from the impact. your fat pussy is split open while the cock of the person you're bouncing in disappears with every thrust. your ass is mesmerizing in this angle and from the looks of it you like it very much. soft mewls spilling out from you. head thrown back from how good the cock was stuffing your cunt. stretched from the girth and cum is already running down in the length.
they remained silent. not daring to make a sound. suna pulls his cellphone out making sure it was recorded. the twins are dead silent. staring daggers at your back but can't deny how you beautifully takes someone's cock. they know it's going to be and seeing this another perspective of you is definitely the one they need. standing behind the doors like the fucking loser they are isn't somehow how this should go.
they can hear moaning the same words again and again. “fuck!” the curse rolling in your tongue like it's natural. it's hot the way you say it and your moans increased when the guy suddenly holds your hips. stunting your movements. it was like a sudden pause and then a flash forward. he began thrusting his large cock to your gushing fat cunt. a broken moan came spilling and the curse you were spitting earlier changed. “that's it! oh m— i'm cumming — cumming!”
the obscene noises of your guts being rearranged lewdly echoed in the small room. they see how your cunt squirt a clear liquid and damn fuck. you fucking squirted they realized.
you were now panting. rolling your hips in a slow manner. holding hands with the guy who just had made you squirt. moaning softly as you teasingly bounce on his cock that it still rock hard nestled in your fat pussy.
he arched his back before lifting his upper body. hands wandering on your back. his head leveled to your chest. there's a purring sound akin to a cat coming from you from the feeling of his lips brushing to your chest sucking marks and you can't help but to tighten around him. turned on from the nth time after being fucked by him. your arms are in his shoulder, your fingers in the strands of his hair. he looks up to you and both locked in an intimate gaze before dipping for a kiss. moaning softly at each other's lips and his hands are on your plush waist. slowly bouncing you back in his length. breaking the kiss, he smiles before returning to suck the supple skin of your chest. you let him do that.
they stayed in the same position not often blinking. trying to memorize and burn the memory of you being fucked. it's clear that you enjoy it and the other guy. you hugged him closer and that's when you slowly turned around. your hair's a mess and your face reeling from the pleasure. they know you see them and that's when you said the words.
“like what you see?”
it was meant for them and the guy assumed it's for him. still covered by your back he hums. “ahh~” it was intentionally loud when you moaned still looking at the crack of the door where you see them peeking.
they realized one thing after you done that. getting back from being ravaged by that son of a bitch and your moans gets louder.
they realize that you can play your own cards too.
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hawkinsbnbg · 24 days
don’t wake me up before sunrise
prompts: make-up sex, service dom, pillow princess | @steddiesmuttyseptember
tags: misunderstanding, light angst, mutual pining, requited unrequited love, ex-fwb to lovers, obsessive behavior, possessive sex, daddy kink, feminization, panties, smitten Eddie Munson, babygirl Steve Harrington.
word count: 2k | rated: E | ao3
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Shit, this was bad. Steve stared at the man sitting by the bar and glanced around, wanting to get out of there as soon as possible.
This was really really bad. His mind repeated desperately, hysterically as he stood stock still in the middle of the ever-moving crowd like an idiot.
Because laughing and chatting with some twink was Eddie Munson—still all chains and leather, still looking good as ever with wild curls and artful tattoos, still making his heart run wild with just an upturn of those plump lips.
Then again, seeing Eddie in a BDSM club wasn't so much of a surprise. Given what he knew about the older man, it was Steve who should be more careful with where he chose to go.
Or he had been hoping, dreaming of stumbling onto Eddie on accident since they broke up— no, since they ended their little situationship (he had stupidly and naively thought he could make the older man stay for him, but turned out, he wasn't worth it).
He was self-destructive, obsessive, or whatever.
But now his wish was granted, Steve decided that his heart wasn't ready for it yet. And perhaps it would never be.
Turning away, he glanced down at his wristband and snorted. Funnily enough, Eddie was also the one having introduced him to this lifestyle and got him hooked for good.
Although Steve wouldn't be able to admit it aloud, he still hadn't met any doms who could measure up to Eddie.
What an irony. And how pathetic of him to be so hung up on the very man who wanted nothing to do with him, much less be his dom anymore.
"Sorry ladies, but I've gotta go," he announced to Robin and her date for the night—Chrissy—once he returned to their table empty-handed.
"You okay?" Robin grabbed his hand and squeezed it lightly, sensing his panic even without words.
God, if he wasn't already tits over ass for Eddie and Robin wasn't so obsessed with boobies, he would've married her as soon as she graduated high school.
"I'm fine," he ran a nervous hand through his hair. "Just, uhm, saw a familiar face. So..."
"Alright, I'll make sure your car will make it back in one piece tomorrow," Robin plucked the key from his pocket and gave him a serious look. "Text me when you're home, okay?"
"Okay," he nodded, thankful that Robin didn't try to tell him to get over it.
Because she knew, understood the dilemma of catching feelings for someone you weren't allowed to.
Hers was Nancy Wheeler, and in his case, it was Eddie Munson.
As soon as Steve was out of the club, he ripped away his wristband—red for sub—and took out his phone to call himself a cab.
As he pondered if his self-pity party was worth a whole tube of ice cream and a bottle of vodka, a familiar voice sounded behind him.
Heart caught in his throat, he almost dropped to his knees on instinct, but he just froze like someone had pressed a pause button on him.
"Don't run," said the voice calmly as if it could fucking read his mind. Which, considering who it belonged to, should be possible.
And ridiculous. Because even after everything, it was so fucking unfair of him to still be able to read Steve like an open book.
And yet, Steve chose to listen, nonetheless.
Anxiously, he watched Eddie Munson step forward and stop before him, giving him a close-lipped smile
"Long time no see, Princess."
Steve didn't know what he was doing anymore. But it surely wasn't letting himself be pressed up against his apartment's door and kissed senseless.
They had been talking or rather, arguing. Steve could remember the thick tension, the lingering looks, the heated words that had been tossed carelessly back and forth like a tennis match between them.
("What are you doing here?"
"It's none of your business, Munson."
"Finding someone to put you into your place, babydoll?"
"Don't call me that."
"Or what? Didn't you tell me this lifestyle is too much for you? But now you're here. In a BDSM club."
"Jesus, you do know how to hold a grudge, don't you?"
"Were I not up to your standard, Harrington? What else did you want from me, huh?"
"You know that's not the problem, Munson."
"Then tell me what is it? 'Cause god forbids me from reading your fucking mind."
"Fine! I'll tell you. I wasn't being a bitch for shit and giggles, okay? I just wanted you to– I don't know, stop seeing your other subs when you started fucking me. Was it too much to ask?"
"What are you talking about? I didn't have any subs besides you at that time."
"Well, who was Andy then? He kept sending me pictures of you both!"
"Jesus, that bastard. I told him to stop doing that when we parted for good last time."
"... What?"
"Those pics were taken long before I met you. Why didn't you tell me anything?"
"How could I? You weren't my boyfriend, and you had made it perfectly clear to me that you don't do relationships."
"You want a relationship?"
"And what if I do then?")
Steve couldn't recall how the conversation had ended. He just knew they had remained silent all the way back to his apartment and then there he was, breathless and needy in Eddie's arms.
It was a testament of how bad he had it for the older man, because he didn't find himself doubting those words even once. Which wasn't wise in the slightest.
But since Steve had zero self-preservation, he decided to entrust Eddie with his battered heart again and hope for the best.
"Missed this," Eddie pecked his chin, his brow, his cheeks, the tip of his nose, the corner of his mouth.
"Missed what?" Steve tilted his head up, mouth slacked and eyes closed as his tongue was gnawed and sucked on.
"Your taste, your scent, your sounds," Eddie said huskily, lips trailing down his throat, hands tightening on his waist as if to prevent him from getting away even when it was impossible to do so with the door behind his back and Eddie flush on his front.
"Christ, even your moles are pretty. Such a pretty thing, aren't you?" Eddie murmured, nipping at his collarbone and leaving bruises behind. No doubt his skin would be covered in reds and purples once the night was over.
"You missed me?"
"How could I not?"
"Then why didn't you call?" Steve opened his eyes to see how close they were, to see the way Eddie shrugged lightly as if he was abashed.
"Thought you didn't want me," Eddie admitted quietly. "Thought you didn't want my freaky ass intruding on your life anymore. So I made myself sacred."
"Yeah, I found your ass freaky plenty," Steve whispered teasingly, fingers scratching the baby hair on Eddie's nape. "But I liked your brand of freakiness."
"Still do, by the way," Steve felt his cheeks warm at the slow smirk that grew on Eddie's lips.
"So you don't hate me?"
"I never say that."
Steve's heart fluttered in his chest when Eddie crouched down to take off the shoes for him. Then, he let himself be led into his bedroom, let his clothes be stripped down, let his legs spread wide open for the beautiful man above him.
"Fuck," Eddie groaned, fingers tracing the little bow and the baby pink cotton reverently. "You still wear this, angel?"
"Mhm," Steve bit his lips, suddenly feeling small and vulnerable. "It's your gift, after all."
Eddie cursed again, but he sounded more upset about it. Aroused and irritated. A combination that would make Eddie a little mean, which Steve usually loved. But it didn't feel right this time.
Because Eddie looked genuinely remorseful and it pained Steve to see the older man so dejected.
"I missed you, too," he reached up to stroke the side of Eddie's face gently. "That's why I wear it tonight. Didn't want to replace you with anyone else, Daddy."
Eddie made a wounded noise, complicated emotions flashing across those handsome features, but all Steve could see was ineffable adoration.
Arching his back, he moaned loudly when Eddie wordlessly ducked down to suck one of his nipples while rolling the other between calloused fingers.
He had become extra sensitive ever since Eddie started playing with his chest months ago. And even once they parted, the training still stuck and would make Steve nearly cream his pants every time he wore his shirt too tight.
It was the same at the moment, and yet, the pressure wasn't enough for him to come.
Steve whined and tried to seek some friction for his dripping cock by rutting his hips into Eddie's, but failed miserably.
"My pretty pillow princess," Eddie chuckled and petted the tip of his cock that peeked out from the panties' waistband, glistening pink with precum. Filthy and obscene. "Can't do anything without your daddy, hm?"
Before Steve could beg for more, Eddie had beaten him to it and pulled the gusset of his panties aside to prep his hole with those musician’s fingers, somehow already lubricated and ringless without his notice.
"You know how much I missed your little cunt?" Eddie pinched his nipple while pumping relentlessly into his prostate, making him drool and shake like crazy. "How I dreamed of tasting your nectar every night? How I starved for it? So much that I refused to touch anyone ever since I walked out of here?"
How Eddie could make it sound so sweet and filthy was beyond him.
Steve couldn't stand it. He rolled his eyes back and dropped his mouth open in a silent scream, making a mess on his tummy and chest, fluttering and spasming wildly around those long fingers.
Lost to the blinding pleasure, he didn't notice Eddie had moved until he felt something hot breach his twitching hole, suddenly stretching him and spearing him in two.
It was too much, too soon, too big.
Three months wasn't a long time, but it sure felt like it when Steve had to relax as much as he could and breathe slowly to accommodate the size of Eddie, trembling minutely as the older man eventually hit home inside him.
Eddie didn't do any better, brows twisting in a grimace at the vice-like grip Steve had on him.
"Fuck, you're so tight, babygirl," Eddie reached down to stroke his slightly distended lower belly possessively, eyes dark and heavy with desire. "Tell Daddy who do you belong to?"
"You," Steve responded without hesitation, an answer that he knew by heart, always at the tip of his tongue every time Eddie looked at him like he meant something precious.
"Good girl," Eddie smiled sharply and snapped his hips, shocking a high-pitched noise out of him. "Say that again."
"I'm yours, Daddy," he obeyed before rolling his eyes back as the older man bent him in half and set up a brutal pace.
He wailed and sobbed, overwhelmed with how good he felt, babbling nonsense and holding onto Eddie for dear life as all of his breath was knocked away.
He didn't know how long had passed, he just remembered crying his throat hoarse as Eddie kept pounding into him, kissing his tears and apologizing to him over and over again for all the time that they had spent apart, fucking him harder when he began apologizing as well.
"Mine, mine, mine," Eddie chanted, hammering into his prostate mindlessly and wrenching strangled noises out of him. "Never let you go again. Gonna keep you, gonna love you even in death."
When another orgasm was wrung out of him once more, Steve was too far gone to panic over the potential of his love wasn't one-sided.
Steve woke up to warm hands massaging his sore muscles and hot lips tracing his body with wet kisses, pressing sweet promises into his skin and flesh.
Sighing softly, he closed his eyes and wished the dream would never end.
When Steve came to again, he checked his phone to see it was a little past midnight. After sending a text to Robin, telling her he was safely tucked in his bed, he turned around to find Eddie already watching him.
"You stayed," he observed quietly.
And let the older man tug him close, caressing him with unsaid words.
"Would you prefer me to leave?" Eddie took hold of his hand and pressed soft kisses on his knuckles, a silent pleading for forgiveness.
Steve pulled back, smiling fondly when it made Eddie's face fall, and surged up to meld their lips together.
"Stay," he said, firm and certain, knowing there was no need to doubt Eddie anymore when the man held him so tightly that it hurt, and yet, so tenderly as if fearing he would break like porcelain.
If this wasn't love, Steve didn't know what else it could be.
Brushing his hair back gently, Eddie cupped the back of his nape and murmured into his parted lips.
"Your wish is my command, Princess."
They smiled too much to deepen the kiss, but it didn't mean they would give up any time soon.
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pomefioredove · 3 months
Okay okay, hear me out. Lilia with the quote “trouble never looked so goddam fine”. I can imagine as the parental figure of Diasomnia he tries to set a good example even with his playful behavior. No clue if you write for him so this is a bit of a shot in the dark. Have a lovely day/night ♡
I write soo much lilia 🫡 this was a really fun prompt!!
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summary: "trouble never looked so goddamn fine." type of post: short fic characters: lilia additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is yuu, flirting is MAYBE a little suggestive if you want to read it that way, reader flirts back a liiiittle bit
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"And... please... no trouble," Silver says, already sounding weary at the thought of the night to come.
Lilia tilts his head to the side, feigning innocence.
"Me? Trouble? Never," he says.
"...Though I'm wounded by your lack of faith! You know I wouldn't do anything to scare them off!"
Silver sighs. "Alright. They just mean a great deal to Malleus, and I'll be busy watching Sebek all night so he doesn't deafen them,"
Lilia chuckles; he's tempted to tell Silver to relax a little, it's just a small dinner with Malleus' new friend, nothing to worry about!
...Though, he has to admit, he is very much looking forward to meeting this mysterious individual.
"They're older than I expected," Silver mutters, looking towards the door as Malleus leads you inside.
Curious, Lilia thinks, though he only responds to Silver with a nod.
Malleus pulls out a chair for the prefect like a proper gentleman. You thank everyone for having you over. How cute.
"...I do hope you've met Sebek, being in the same year. Next to him is Silver, another one of my knights-in-training, and this is Lilia Vanrouge,"
Lilia waves, his mind wandering to a dangerous place as he smiles at you from across the table, cradling his chin in his palm.
Malleus starts explaining the architectural history of the building, and you nod along, making a valiant effort to listen.
...Though (and much to his delight), Lilia still catches you stealing glances in his direction.
He knows he's supposed to behave, but trouble never looked so damn fine.
Silver asks something about the statues on the building, and sets Malleus off on another tangent about the differences between gargoyles and grotesques...
Something you've probably heard before, if your silence is any indication.
Lilia takes the opportunity to make his move, tentatively nudging his shoe against yours from under the table.
Your eyes dart towards him, perhaps expecting an apology; he smiles, giving you an open invitation instead.
You glance between him and the others, then return the nudge.
Oh, this is fun.
Lilia hasn't felt so restless in ages. Having to stay relatively still and discreet is killing him.
But he is nothing if not patient. He has all the time in the world.
He leans against his elbows, teasingly rubbing up the side of your leg while you try to answer a question, flustered.
You're quite the entertaining thing, he'll give you that.
Lilia could easily take this a step further, and he's almost tempted to do so. Then-
"Fa-Lilia, are you listening?" Silver says, momentarily stumbling over his words. You raise an eyebrow at the slip up, but are apparently too polite to ask.
"Malleus asked you to tell the Prefect about your travels,"
Malleus nods, smiling softly. "I think they would enjoy them, they're quite interesting,"
You return the smile, turning your attention back to Lilia. "I think I would,"
He tilts his head to the side, almost intrigued by the mysterious lilt in your tone, before he feels you returning the teasing gesture from earlier.
"Go on, I'm at the edge of my seat,"
437 notes · View notes
vbecker10 · 4 months
Trust Me
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N) - established relationship
Summary: You and Loki have been dating for a year and a half and you moved into his apartment in the Tower last month when your apartment's lease was up. Since you've moved in, Loki has been coming home late more and more often. You fear he is cheating on you like your exes did, you finally break down and confront him. He admits has been keeping a secret from you but it's not what you expected.
Warning: Angst of course, being cheated on in previous relationships (briefly mentioned), fear of being cheated on again, lack of trust, arguing, negative thoughts, Loki being a little stupid
A/N: Ok... tiny spoiler but there is a super fluffy ending 💚 I know it's kinda long but I just didn't feel like making this a two-parter
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You have just finished cooking dinner and begin to set the table when you catch a glimpse of the clock on the stove. You feel a growing sense of disappointment, Loki should be home already. Sitting alone at the table, you look at the food for a few minutes until your phone vibrates causing your heart to sink. Without even checking, you know what the text will say.
<Darling, I'm so sorry I need to finish something for Stark. I'll be home late, don't wait up.>
You frown and scroll back up to the previous messages in the chat. Loki had sent you similar texts twice and you've only lived with him for six days.
<Okay. I made you dinner, it'll be in the fridge. Love you>
He replies quickly.
<I love you too>
You instantly lose your appetite and decide to put all of the food away. It is hard not to feel as if Loki is avoiding you. In the year and a half you've been dating, he only worked late a handful of times and it was never several days in a row.
What are the odds that his work load has suddenly increased now that I am living with him? you think as you fill with anxiety. No, Loki loves me, you try to reassure yourself. He would never lie to me, if he says he is working, he is working.
You get another text from Loki as you close the fridge.
<I forgot to tell you, I picked up all of the very specific snacks you requested. I am looking forward to spending the weekend with my arms wrapped around you while we watch that absolutely absurd show you love so much>
You smile, your worries fading quickly as you text him back.
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You change the channel again but you are barely watching the TV. You've had an unusually long and stressful day and you really need to cuddle with Loki but something tells you he is not coming home just yet. Almost as soon as you think it, your phone vibrates and you sigh.
<I'm sorry love, I'll be home late again. Don't wait up>
You text back the single letter, unsure if Loki can tell the subtle difference between 'okay' and 'k' but you just don't have the energy to fake being fine at the moment.
Two minutes later Loki responds.
<I love you>
You swipe the message away without replying, putting your phone in your pocket. You turn off the TV and decide you're done for the night, you can't bare the thought of eating alone for the third time this week. Without eating, you take a shower to try and wash off the day then crawl into the large, empty bed.
Once you are under the covers in the dark, your thoughts begin to race. Why does Loki never seem to want to come home to me? Does he really have that much work to do or is it an excuse? What if he is tired of being around me? We only just started living together but it feels like he is just trying to avoid spending time with me. What could he possibly be doing until midnight three or four nights a week?
No, not what... who is he doing, the little voice in the back of your mind pushes through. He's cheating on me, I've just been too blind to see it.
But Loki said he would never betray my trust like that, he promised, you counter but your negative thoughts quickly return. My previous boyfriends all seemed honest too, until they hurt me.
There are other signs I've been ignoring, you allow yourself to think. The calls, the texts, you wipe away your tears and cling to his pillow. You had gone into your bedroom two weeks ago and Loki was sitting on the bed, scrolling through your phone. He told you he was checking the weather app before you left for the park but the answer didn't feel right. You had nothing to hide and would often let him use your phone without question but you couldn't shake the feeling that he was looking for something. One thing you learned from your first boyfriend was that if someone started snooping around, it was because they were hiding something of their own.
Soon after that, Loki began getting texts that he didn't respond to or he would leave the room to answer a phone call. He always insisted it was Steve, Tony or Thor and that it had to do with work but you found it harder and harder to believe him.
He probably didn't even really want me to move in with him, your mind switches tracks suddenly. Sometimes I feel like the only reason he asked me to move in was because I had complained that my lease was running out and he was tired of hearing about it.
That's not true, you try to correct your thoughts. Of course Loki wants me here. You remember what he told you when he was helping you pack.
Your memory of Loki is quickly pushed aside by your memory of crappy ex number two. You had moved in with him just after college when you both realized you couldn't afford to live in NYC on your own. You had only been together a few months before you signed the lease on a one bedroom and it was just two weeks later when he began working later and later. It turns out, what he really wanted was a roommate with benefits and to still see other woman.
"That's everything," you said, looking around your empty bedroom. You had a gnawing feeling, even then, that Loki would grow tired of you and cheat. You wondered if you were setting yourself up for another heartbreak and Loki seemed to sense your anxiousness.
He took your hand in his and kissed it lightly, making you smile. Then he said, "Darling, I know the timing seems convenient but I have been wanting to ask you to live with me for some time. I know you prefer to take things slowly but I would have asked you to move in with me a year ago if I thought you would have agreed."
I can't keep denying this, you roll onto your back and look up at the ceiling, tears streaming down your cheeks. Loki is cheating on me. The only question is did this start after I moved in or has he been doing it the whole time?
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A few hours later Loki walks into the apartment completely exhausted, all he can think about is crawling into bed with you. He hates how late his project is keeping him, he misses you tremendously and needs to feel you in his arms. Loki is overwhelmingly concerned by your response, or lack there of, to his texts tonight. You had never not told him you loved him and it made him nervous.
He pauses in the dark when he is just outside your bedroom and realized he can hear you crying. His heart aches at the sound and he turns on the light when he enters the room. You roll over away from him, clutching his pillow tightly.
"Y/N, are you okay?" he asks. You are silent, unable to answer his question. He crawls onto the bed next to you over the covers. You squeeze your eyes shut, hating how safe his actions make you feel, his chest flush to your back and his strong arms around you. "Darling, please tell me what's wrong," he urges gently.
"You're cheating on me," you state through your tears.
"No," he pulls back in surprise, "No, Y/N, you know I would never do that to you."
You shake your head, "You never come home."
"I'm sorry, I'm working on something-" he tries to explain but you cut him off.
"Who is she?" you ask sitting up. He moves to sit up and face you.
"Love please, I'm not-," he again tries to deny he is cheating but you don't let him speak.
"I know you aren't working this late, you never worked long hours before I moved in," you tell him as you wipe away your tears angrily. "Just tell me who she is unless... unless there's not just one other woman." Memories of your third ex-boyfriend flash through your mind, he had cheated on you with five women that you knew of but you were sure there had been others.
"There is no one else. I swear on everything in the nine realms I have been nothing but faithful to you," he promises quickly.
Your heart desperately wants to believe him. You love him so fiercely, more than you ever thought possible especially after you had been hurt so horribly in the past. Your mind, however, is convinced that you can't trust him and you shouldn't have let yourself fall for him. You know it will destroy you to leave him but you can't remain with him if the trust is gone.
"Look at me," he says, touching your cheek lightly. "I have never and would never cheat on you. I know you don't believe me right now and I understand you have been hurt in the past but I love you and I respect you too much to ever treat you the way those pathetic excuses for men ever did."
You sniffle and he says, "It's late, come with me tomorrow morning. I will show you what I have been working on. I will show you that you can trust me."
You nod in agreement although you are unsure how he can prove to you he has been faithful. He wipes your tears gently. "Don't," you whisper, pulling away from him when he moves to kiss your cheek.
"Would you prefer if I sleep in the living room tonight?" he asks. His chest hurts even as the words leave his mouth but he knows if he pushes too hard, you will retreat further away from him.
You nod again, unable to trust yourself to speak. You want to tell him to stay, to comfort you but how can he if he's the one who caused you this pain.
"Okay," he says quietly. He hates knowing he hurt through his actions. He tucks you back under the covers and runs his fingers through your hair slowly in the hopes that you will relax even the slightest bit.
"I'm so sorry I've made you feel this way, this was not what I wanted," he says softly. "I was planning something for you and I didn't have time to work on it during the day. I should have thought about how you would feel when I didn't come home but I need you to know that coming home to you has always been the best part of my day."
"I love you," he kisses the top of your head and you feel him get out of the bed. He turns off the light but waits a few seconds before leaving, hoping you will change your mind and allow him to stay with you. As soon as he closes the bedroom door you begin sobbing again.
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Loki paces angrily back and forth in the living room. How could I have been so stupid, how could I have missed how upset you were? he thinks as he runs his fingers through his hair. He never intended to hurt you, he had become so distracted trying to make sure everything went perfectly to plan that he let the most important person in his life slip through his fingers. He sits heavily on the couch, wishing morning would come quickly.
He lays down after a few minutes, his hand over his eyes and remembers the day he first asked you on a date.
"No, Loki, I'm sorry," you told him while you were sitting together in the park. You slowly removed your hand from his and shifted away on the bench.
A few days later, the two of you were cooking dinner in his apartment and you asked him if you could explain why you had told him no.
Loki was almost too shocked and hurt by your rejection to respond. You had been doing date-like activities for almost a month and he had finally decided to ask you out officially. After a long moment he said, "I understand. I'm sorry, I must have misread things between us. I thought..." he shook his head, his words dying off. "Friends then," he looked up at you and smiled.
"Of course," he answered, a part of him hoping there was still a chance, however small, that you would change your mind.
You sat with him at the dining table and said, "There are two types of people when it comes to trust. You're the first type, you trust with your whole heart unconditionally. Once someone breaks your trust, however, it is gone forever."
He nodded in agreement knowing he had trusted his father without question but once he found out the truth, it was gone and could never be restored.
You continue, "I'm the second type, I don't trust anyone when I first meet them. I can't help but assume everyone is lying or unfaithful or willing to hurt me until they prove otherwise. I wasn't always like this but all three of my previous boyfriends cheated on me so now I almost feel like I've lost the ability to trust anyone. It was why I have so few friends."
After another hour of telling Loki what they had done, he promised to find your exes and make them suffer for how they treated you. You laughed in response, telling him that they weren't worth him getting in trouble but you secretly loved how protective he was of you.
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You roll over again, unable to get comfortable without Loki next to you. You close your eyes tight and try to force yourself to sleep but it seems impossible. I don't understand why he would do this, you think. He had tried for so long to earn my trust and convince me to be with him. Why would he throw it all away?
Three months later you were sitting on Loki's couch together, the same one he is trying to sleep on now. His arm was around your shoulder and you were leaning comfortably against him. Your mind wandered since you had seen the movie before and after replaying the last few weeks in your mind you realized something.
From the day you told Loki no, he had been nothing but patient with you, being the friend you needed. You continued to go to museums, parks, movies, from the outside it appeared as if it were dating but Loki never pushed you. He would hold your hand as often as he could and you discovered he gave fantastic hugs but he never went in for a kiss or asked you out again although you could sometimes tell he wanted to.
"Loki, ask me again," you said out of seemingly nowhere.
"Ask you what darling?" he laughed as he paused the movie.
"Ask me on a date," you smiled nervously. "That is, if you still want to date me."
His eyes lit up and a smile spread across his lips. "Y/N, would you go on a date with me tomorrow?" he asked, holding your hand.
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"Yes," you answered and he kissed your cheek causing you to blush. He promised you that he would never make you regret giving him this chance.
There is a light knock on the door and Loki opens it slowly. "Good morning darling," he forces a smile and you can tell by the redness in his eyes he slept probably as well as you did. "I know it is early, but I need you to come with me. I can't bear the thought of you thinking I've cheated on you for a moment longer."
He stops in front of the last door in the hall and he clears his throat. "It isn't finished yet," he says before he opens the door. "I was hoping to have it ready for your birthday next month."
You both get ready in silence and leave the apartment. He walks next to you and you can tell he wants to reach for your hand but you keep your arms crossed against your chest. You step into the elevator first and Loki pushes the button for one of the highest floors in the Tower. You have never been to that floor and are honestly not sure what is up there. When you arrive, he leads you down the empty hallway without a word.
"My birthday?" you ask confused.
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He nods, "You were right, I have been lying to you and hiding something but I never meant to make you feel as if I was trying to hurt you. I was a fool for not realizing this was a horrible idea."
Loki opens the door and the lights turn on as you follow him inside. You freeze, your hand covering your mouth.
"It's almost an exact replica of the Great Hall in the palace," he says looking at the high ceiling. He looks back at you, "You told me you wanted to see Asgard and this is as close as I could get to making that happen for you."
"Loki-" you can barely speak as your eyes try to take in the room.
Your heart fills with love but also pain and guilt that you hadn't been able to trust Loki the way he deserved. You slowly move through the space and you are blown away by the tall marble columns, stained glass windows and gold accents all around you.
"The calls and texts were to your friends and family," he explains. "I needed to go through your phone for their numbers. When we were at Scott's party last year, you said you had never had a surprise party so..." he shrugs. "I tried."
"I'm so sorry," you tell him, putting your arms around him but he shakes his head.
"I'm sorry, I thought you would like it," he says utterly defeated.
"I do," you tell him earnestly. "Loki this is amazing, you are amazing. I can't believe you did all of this for me. I don't deserve this."
"You deserve the world Y/N," he tells you, his fingers wiping away the tears you didn't realize had fallen.
"I gave you plenty of reasons," he corrects you gently. "I can see how... sketchy my behavior was. I just wish you told me your fears sooner, before they consumed you so completely. I would never be able to forgive myself if you left me because I did something stupid. "
You hug Loki tighter, resting your cheek on his chest while he runs his fingers through your hair. "No I don't," you tell him. "I didn't even try to believe you. I compared you to all of my exes and I assumed you were just like them even though you have never given me a reason to mistrust you."
"A lot of magic, that's why it is taking so long. It is draining to build the type of illusion that can withstand being touched and will remain even when I am not here," he explains.
"This isn't stupid, this really is amazing. I love it," you look up at the painted ceiling again. "I love you."
He smiles, "I love you too."
"How did you even do all of this?" you ask, looking around again in awe.
"It's why your always tired when you do finally come home?" you ask.
"Yes," he tilts your chin up. "But you are worth it." He leans down and kisses you.
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The night of your 'surprise' party Loki walks into your bedroom with a beautiful deep emerald green dress. He smiles at your reaction and says, "This is my first gift of the night for my queen."
You finish getting ready and meet him in the living room. He stands from the couch, his eyes fixed on you. "You truly are a goddess," he says as he walks over to you. He puts his hands on your waist and you put your arms over his shoulders.
You blush at the compliment and joke, "You look half decent I guess." He laughs, both of you knowing full well how much you love when he wears a suit. Tonight he chose his black suit with a green dress shirt to match you and black tie. He leans down to kiss you and you find it impossible to let him go but he eventually breaks the kiss.
"Loki, you've done too much already," you can barely contain how happy and loved he makes you feel.
"You can only be so late to your own party," he smirks and you agree. Taking his hand, you walk towards the door but he stops you. "Wait, I think you are missing something," he says as he conjures a long, thin velvet box. "A second gift for my love."
"You deserve every bit of it," he says as he opens the box to reveal a gold necklace with a small resin pendant. You notice a tiny flower in the center when he places it around your neck from behind. "It's a freesia, the flower. They are often thought of as a symbol of trust and I want you to have this, to know you can trust me completely as I trust you."
He puts his arms around you and pulls you close. "You didn't ruin anything, please stop apologizing. And for the record, according to every single person on the team, I am the annoying one in this relationship, not you."
You fight to hold back tears and say, "I'm sorry I almost ruined everything. I can't imagine how annoying I must have been, constantly reminding you that I didn't trust you and comparing you to my exes."
You laugh and look up at him, "That's just cause they don't like you as much as they like me."
He smiles, "At least you like me."
You shake your head no and giggle. "I love you," you tell him then you reach up and kiss him.
He strokes your cheek softly, "That is all that matters to me."
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Loki smiles at you before opening the door and the lights turn on. Everyone yells surprise as you step into the space and there is no need for you to fake being completely amazed. Loki has added so much detail work, flowers, candles and even some balloons since you had last seen the room. The Avengers, your friends, your family and some of your closest coworkers are here, ready to celebrate you. You turn to thank Loki and he lets go of your hand.
You look down in shock, covering your mouth with one hand as he reaches for your other hand. He kneels on one knee in front of you, a small ring box in his hand.
"Y/N," he starts but he is unable to get another word out
He smirks, "At least I was able to keep this a surprise."
"Loki..." you can barely believe what is happening.
"Yes," you answer quickly.
He laughs, "Darling, I didn't ask yet."
"I don't care, yes," you tell him and he stands up, putting the ring on your finger. You don't even look at it but you know it is perfect. You throw your arms around Loki and he picks you up, kissing you fiercely.
"I love you," you tell him over the sound of everyone clapping in the background.
"I love you too," he says before kissing you again.
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prael · 15 days
Kinktember Day 11: Cuckquean
IVE Wonyoung and Liz x male reader smut
words: 6,118 Kinktember Masterlist
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"I love you."
You love her too. That's a long-accepted fact, and you've told each other this a hundred times over. Sometimes it's casually told at the end of a phone call, sometimes it's in some romantic setting like when you're walking out on the promenade under the night sky, but in a way, these ones are the most honest.
It's a little bit special when those are the only words that come to her mind while she is cumming.
She's lying with her head against your neck, still shaking in pleasure. You would reply but you're so focused on grinding into her and you're so fucking close...
By this point, it's all become a little routine. Predictable, maybe. She gets home, you cook together, eat together, watch a film or TV show together, then one of you makes a move and... You get the picture. It's any old weekday.
So maybe this isn't what people would consider to be earth-shattering sex(fuck the critics) but she likes the feeling of your hips bucking and you spilling inside her. And you love the way she struggles for breath in between her moans before she does that same little squeal right before she cums.
These nights have all blurred a little into one. Tonight will become a little section on a page of many; a few lines that are not much more than a footnote.
Silence sets in once you untangle your limbs and lay beside her. Her head is pressed against your shoulder and the post-sex smell hangs in the air.
You look out your window over at the walled gardens on the other side of the river. It's as dull a sight to look at as always and there's hardly anyone out at this time but somehow you're content with looking at this view.
"So, do you think we should visit my dad sometime?" Liz asks out of the blue.
"I know I said I would think about it, but I was a little busy just now." You roll your head over to the side, sacrificing the river view for Liz's flush face. "What's this about?"
"Like I said, he's been asking." Her words trail off and she doesn't quite meet your eyes. She gives an awkward shrug of her bare shoulders, and then scoots over, snuggling up even closer. You give her back an appreciative squeeze.
"I can't do this weekend, busy remember? But we can go next week?"
Her hand stops circling your abdomen and she lifts her head from your shoulder to look at you. "Busy?" Her eyes dart around, searching your face for clues, but she just has to ask: "With?"
"My friend's birthday, I told you last week, and you said, and I quote, 'Okay babe, I'm meeting Wony this weekend anyway, have fun!'" You do your best-worst impression of her which earns you a jab of her fist in your side and a laugh.
"Oh... I'm always forgetting things."
"You work too hard." You cup her cheek and stretch your neck muscles to plant a kiss on her forehead. She coos and moves forward again, returning to her rightful spot snug on your shoulder. You slip your arm behind her back, and both of you lie there together in comfortable silence.
Liz moves her hand up from your stomach to your chest and starts circling her fingers over your skin. The touch is light and soft and very very deliberate.
"I have another question..." Liz eventually says, trailing off her sentence as though she's half lost in her own thought.
You bring your hand up to hers, hooking under her wandering finger and raising her hand, and then you lock your fingers between hers. "What is it? Something on your mind?"
"Am I good?"
"Good? Good person? Good cook? Good girlfriend? Good what?"
Liz laughs gently nuzzling into your body to hide her face and breathing hot breath over your skin. "Good... in bed."
"Oh thank god, I thought you were going to ask about your cooking and I'm not so great at the whole white lie thing."
She tries to punch you with the hand you're holding but you tighten your grip to stop her. "Not funny," she groans with a smile on her face.
She tries to turn her head into the pillow but you refuse to move or say anything until she looks at you. When she eventually peers up and matches your gaze you tell her, "You are the perfect girlfriend in every way," you tell her.
She exhales a short chuckle and raises an eyebrow. "Nice dodge," she tells you, unable to contain her laugh, and you laugh with her. "It's okay, I have a plan."
You pause, her words suddenly throwing you. "A plan for what?"
"You'll see."
She refuses to say anything more for the rest of the night, but she smiles at your puzzlement and laughs whenever you try to playfully nudge the subject. And you do notice that a slight smile seems to stick to her face all night, right up until she falls asleep.
Sunday evening transport is so hellishly unpredictable, so you're walking in the apartment door about an hour later than you planned, and about twice as stressed as you should be.
All of that washes away when you look at the girl who's been waiting for you to get home.
The scented (mostly melted) candles have been burning for a while and the smell of them fills the apartment. Not only has Liz picked out one of your favourite bottles of wine, but she's poured out a pair of glasses of it already, though they're both half-empty. And as you near it, the bottle is too.
"Hey, Liz."
"Finally! Welcome home," she says with a smile as broad as your confusion. "I've been waiting so long. So, so long." She's wearing a gown you don't recognise that's soft to touch when you hug her as she throws herself against you.
"Is this new?" you ask, touching at the silk hem.
"Of course it is," she answers quickly. "I was saving it, saving it until a special night. You know... Something special to break it out for."
She moves back in your arms, so she can have a better look at you, and she stares for just a few seconds before she leans back in, this time kissing you full on the lips. There's nothing soft about it. There's no hesitancy, and certainly no tenderness. This kiss is so firmly decided, so purposeful.
She purrs her words against your lips, "I've been giving it some thought, and, I know you would never say it, but I'm a little bit... vanilla, in the bedroom. And, I know, I know," she stops you with her fingers on your lips, shushing you with the tilt of her head and a flutter of her long lashes, "You wouldn't say anything because you love me too much and you're far too kind, but, this is for me too, okay? I want to be good, I want to try different things, exciting things, and this is the best way for me to learn."
"Liz. Liz. I've barely walked in the door and you're throwing this at me. I need a minute."
"No, don't think, we've been waiting so long for you already." Liz is pulling your arm toward the bedroom door. Her soft touch and your own burning curiosity have you willingly in tow.
She's smiling the wildest of smiles over her shoulder as she pulls you along. Your heart beats a little harder in anticipation of what lies ahead, and even more at the look of sheer excitement and determination on her beautiful face.
You dropped your bag somewhere in the middle of the room but you hadn't even taken off your shoes before Liz is bundling you through the doorway.
"This is Wonyoung."
Why the fuck is there a girl in your bed?
"Wait. I know. It's weird right?" Liz sounds giddy, almost frantic. She bounces up to you and pulls on your arm until you stand right alongside her, peering down at the young woman in front of you. "You know Wonyoung, right?"
"Of course, I know one of your best friends, but why is she in our bed?" You turn and look at the girl lying there with a similar silk gown over her body, from her neck down to just below the knee. "Sorry, no offence, but I have no idea what's happening right now."
Wonyoung doesn't react but instead chooses that moment to rise. She is sitting with her hands folded on top of her legs. She tilts her head and examines you carefully, with an unmoving gaze that's almost more uncomfortable than the two of you hovering over her.
"It's fine." The deep smooth voice cuts through the silence like a hot knife. Her voice is as cool and calm as you expected, not that you're all that familiar with it, you have only met her a handful of times.
"Liz?" you ask, turning to her again.
"I want to watch. I'm going to watch," she blurts out her response before falling silent.
Liz exhales softly, then draws in a steady breath, steeling herself, as her mouth curves in a trembling smile. "I was talking to Wonyoung, about... things. And, well, we were talking, and I guess maybe this idea just sort of popped into our heads. I couldn't just dismiss it. And I've had this fantasy. And well Wonyoung, it's been a while. And you, I want you to. And I can learn." Liz is talking far too quickly and doesn't finish a single sentence she starts.
"What she is trying to say," Wonyoung cuts in with her voice sharp and full of cold steel. "Is that we have come to a mutually beneficial agreement."
"Arrangement." Liz chimes in with the correction.
"That I will," her eyes drift, flickering and moving over both of you, "join you both, for a while, in a few different ways. What Liz is trying to explain is that, well, to be frank, it's been a while for me and I would appreciate some good sex. As for Liz here... It just so happens she has a bit of a fantasy about this whole thing too."
"Yeah, exactly." Liz cups your cheeks and kisses you gently. "It's completely up to you, of course." Her hands rest at the back of your neck and she closes her eyes, resting her forehead against yours. "I love you."
Your hands are hanging idly by your waist. This woman sits on your bed and your girlfriend clings to you, asking you to fuck her. 
"Okay." A single word while your heart is beating hard with anticipation. You reach to Liz's waist and pull her flush against you and plant your lips against her soft supple skin.
She giggles with delight and puts a finger under your chin, tilting your gaze up. "So... We're really going to do this, huh?" Liz leans in, eyes flickering over your own as you exchange a final look. You feel her warm breath just a moment before the warm touch of her lips, pressing against yours, melting your resistance and hesitation, while sending warmth through you, easing you into acceptance, as the idea begins to cement itself in your thoughts.
There's a rustle of sheets as Wonyoung climbs up behind you and presses herself against you. "You're already late," she whispers behind you. "Don't make me wait any longer."
Liz leans away and her delicate fingers ease open your shirt, undoing each button in turn.
"Don't hold back. I want to see you give it to her." Liz takes your hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, "Please, babe." Then she takes a step back, towards the chair that you're just now realising had been moved from the corner of the room so it had a close view of the bed.
Wonyoung pulls your shirt from behind, dragging it over your shoulders and down your arms. She follows the fabric down your back with a series of gentle kisses over your spine. The light tickle and feel of her hair drag over your skin, as she tugs the shirt free of your wrists.
"Liz..." You look over to your girlfriend who is staring with a grin on her face. Her eyes follow every single movement that Wonyoung makes as if studying them, examining them, processing them.
Wonyoung tugs the shirt free of your wrists and discards it. Her hands immediately reach over your chest and drag downward, making no secret of the way that her little breasts under the silk push firmly, and delightfully, up against your back.
Her nails drag over your skin until she hits the waist of your trousers. Delicate fingers, so precise in their movement, make quick work of the belt buckle, the button, and the zip. All without pausing, all without hesitation.
Under the dim light of the evening, Wonyoung pushes your trousers, and underwear, free from your hips. Down, over your ass, dragging them down your thighs. The cool air passes over your body, and you look to Liz for affirmation.
She smiles and she nods, waiting for what comes next.
Naked, and vulnerable, you're standing before her with another woman wrapped over you. Wonyoung reaches around you with both hands, she takes one confident grip of your still-limp length, and her other hand just a little lower onto your balls.
Liz's eyes light up at the sight.
"Not hard yet. Nervous?" Wonyoung's question is a tease. Her voice, velvet and silky, is whispered into your ear. The smell of her perfume is subtle, but the floral, womanly scent is unmistakable. She moves her hand in a light grip over the base of your cock and moves it slowly, methodically, and without the urgency you might've expected.
Wonyoung releases a silent giggle against the skin at the back of your neck. "Just wait..."
You look at Liz and her hands clamp tight over her knees as her breathing visibly hastens, matching your own. Her attention is fully, single-mindedly, upon you, with you, but there is no doubt about where her thoughts and her emotions lie. She's excited. In the comfort of seeing that, so are you.
"There we go," Wonyoung whispers. Her hands work leisurely over you. And yet in no time at all, you're rising in her grip. Stiffening. Aching for more. Your focus is on the sight of the only woman you have ever cared for, but the feeling of someone else's hand on your cock as you watch her is as strange as it is exciting.
She massages with both hands, always rhythmic, always steady. "Liz, do you like to suck cock?" Her question comes out smooth, and refined but pointed.
Liz glances up at you briefly, then down between her knees. She gives her answer as a nod, looking a little timid as her hands tighten their grip even more and her nails start to press into her knees. "I like the way his body reacts to my tongue." She glances up once more with a satisfied smile.
"That's good. And he likes it too?"
"Yes," you both say it at the same time.
You shiver as Wonyoung plants a long trail of delicate, wet kisses over your neck. She draws back her hand and leaves you there, cock stiff in the air. She walks around you slowly, finally that pretty face of hers coming into view. Her dark brown hair falls over her shoulders, the locks blending into the black silk of her gown.
She places both of her hands on your chest and stares right at you, no ounce of shyness or reserve as her piercing eyes dig deep, threatening to carve a hole clean through you.
"See something you like?" she asks. "Liz, if he is so hungry looking at me now, can you imagine what his expression is going to be like once my robe is off?"
Wonyoung rests the tip of her tongue on her lower lip, using it to moisten the pillowy soft, glossy surface. Her fingers rake down your chest as she drops elegantly, slowly to her knees and smiles up at you with those shiny red lips.
"May I?" she asks.
You take in the sight of her, kneeling before you, her lips so teasingly close to your tip that each of her soft breaths kisses it. A lustful, indecent twinkle in her eye.
You force a glance over to Liz, to which Winyoung immediately reacts, "I'm asking you, not her."
And all of the reasons to hesitate are just evaporating.
"May I suck your cock?" she repeats. She remains perfectly, unnervingly, poised on her knees.
"Yes. Suck my cock, Wonyoung."
Your breath catches. Your whole body shudders as she runs the warm, wet flat of her tongue up the underside of your hardness. Her gaze never falters. Wonyoung purses her lips, before lowering herself in her elegant descent, and letting her tongue slide around you as she sinks into the first of many bobs of her head.
Liz shuffles forward on the edge of her chair.
Wonyoung takes you deep, so deep, without so much of a gag or splutter. Her dark, doll-like eyes stare straight ahead, as she swallows your cock with her luscious lips and warm mouth. The warm and wet envelopes you so wholly that you can't stop yourself from hissing a groan of approval and you feel her mouth tighten its grip with a devious grin.
Liz squeezes her bare legs together.
Wonyoung braces herself on your hip, wrapping the other hand around your thigh as she rises and sinks back down again, again, again. Each time she gets a little quicker, a little stronger.
It's so different to when Liz does it. She's normally so playful with her tongue, and she doesn't take a lot of it inside her, but Wonyoung seems to have this sole fixation on drawing you deep into her. The very back of her throat greets your sensitive tip.
The muffled moans that roll from her throat vibrate around your shaft, and her tongue eagerly rolls all over your every inch. Her deep breaths get heavier, and her suckling becomes sloppy and wet. You're getting weak at the knees.
Wonyoung finally releases you with a short gasp and looks up at you with glassy eyes, "Fuck," she groans out before spitting over your shaft.
She clasps her hand over the head and grips you tightly, stroking up and down the length.
You don't dare to tear your gaze from the stunning, lewd woman staring up at you.
"Tastes... Mmm. So good, so good." Wonyoung whines her praise out between kisses and flicks of her tongue on your tip.
Your hands twitch and the instinct to sink your fingers into her hair is a near-unstoppable urge. You gently thread your fingers into her long, silken tresses, and gently grip them. She lets out a satisfied gasp and then says to Liz, "Look at that. See how much he wants me?"
Your gaze shoots over to Liz. Her eyes are transfixed, focused on Wonyoung's tongue, wrapped around the head of your cock. Her breath shudders, then slows.
You pull Wonyoung's head down while staring at your girlfriend. If she wants a show, you'll give her one.
A quiet sound escapes her, and then a sharper inhale, but still she shows no sign of objection. On the contrary, the pleased hum that emanates from her mouth drives you wild. It encourages you. You rock your hips forward, slamming past her lips and prodding against her throat. Your lust swells alongside your confidence.
"Good girl." You know how much Liz likes it when you're the dominant one, she often teases you in conversation about how it's hot when you tell her what to do and you notice her breathing become hitched when you whisper dirty things in her ears.
Wonyoung says nothing but moans her appreciation and rewards your command by relaxing her throat and letting you use her.
For a while you use her, over and over until you're right on the edge, Liz looks practically ready to jump out of the chair, and when you check on Wonyoung, her face is a mess. Tears streaking, saliva dripping. She's taken every last drop of this beating with nothing but an overwhelming desire to serve you.
She opens her mouth and sticks out her tongue. The desperate submissiveness in her act brings you that step closer, "Cum, cum," she moans out between deep gulps of air. "Do it. Give it to me."
She's holding your cock in her fist and pumping it towards her face. With the first hot jet of cum, she cranes forward and takes it onto her eager tongue. She looks up at you as if urging you to keep going, to fill her pretty mouth.
Liz gasps audibly as you empty the contents of your balls into the sweet girl's waiting mouth. Wonyoung does nothing but accept what you're giving.
Your girlfriend just watched you blow a load into the mouth of her friend.
With each spurt into the soft, receptive touch of Wonyoung's inviting mouth, Liz squirms on her chair, her tongue playing on her lower lip.
"That's so hot," she strains to say through heavy breaths.
Wonyoung swallows all of it without instruction and then cleans you off in the same eager fashion that she sucked the load out of you.
"Hey Liz," Wonyoung croons in that smooth, velvety voice, while kissing along your thighs, her breathing quick and light on your damp skin. "You should have invited me sooner. I can think of a hundred ways to fuck this cock."
Wonyoung sweeps her damp hair from her face. She presses her forehead to your thigh, collecting herself. You can feel her taking deep breaths through her nose against the skin of your thigh.
"Show me."
At that, Wonyoung glances at Liz in genuine surprise.
"Show me all of those," Liz pauses, and takes a moment to collect her words. "All of those ways to fuck my man. Please show me."
"Okay, Liz, you just sit there and watch me fuck your man." Wonyoung's lips are sticky with your cum, glistening and tempting in the low light of the room, the remnants of your seed on her chin are even more provocative, as Wonyoung tilts her head and reveals a gorgeous neck and collarbone that draws your attention. "Well?" Wonyoung continues, extending her hand, "Help me up."
"Of course." You reach for her, eager and so, so ready. You pull her to her feet, and into a heated kiss, a little rougher than you should, but she doesn't mind. You lean down, slipping your hands around her thighs and then up to her ass, lifting her against your body.
Wonyoung squeals as you take three steps towards the bed, toss her over the edge, and then stand over her. Her gown has fallen open, framing her petite, naked body in the centre of your bed. It takes no time for her to move back, propping herself up on her elbows, and then giving her body a delicious stretch to emphasise her every feature. She sits there, spreading her legs, knees parted, showing you her bare, wet pussy, flushed and exposed.
"I want you over me so badly. Pushing my legs up over my head and fucking down into me. But not tonight. Tonight I'm going to show Liz how to ride a cock. Would you like that?" The lust in her dark eyes shines, not for you, not for Liz, but for the moment, the experience, the power that Wonyoung wields right now.
"Yes," you whisper.
"Good." Wonyoung raises herself, rising to her knees to look up at you, leaving a lingering, open-mouthed kiss on your lips before peeling the gown off of her shoulders.
In a small, feminine pile, it gathers on the floor. Then she flaunts herself, not so much in an exhibitionist way, though she certainly has every right to, but more of someone who enjoys being admired. It's not just because her body is fucking stunning, but it sells such a sinful promise of how good it's going to feel to fuck, and she knows it.
You hold her waist for that simple purpose. Hands over her narrow body, soft skin and toned muscles underneath. For her part, Wonyoung extends one delicate arm so that she may brush her index finger over your jaw, just making that familiar, if chilling, grazing over your skin. You slide your hand down between her legs and press a single finger inside her.
"Mmm. Don't be afraid," she purrs.
You stroke her smoothly. Two fingers, twisting them, delving into her as her insides react, tightening, dampening around your teasing invasion.
"Already getting me so worked up, and poor Liz over there is being so well-behaved."
"Hey!" Liz laughs playfully. Her playful laughter trails off when Wonyoung's voice lowers, and the erotic, needy sound in her tone builds.
"Lie down, let me show her how it's done. Look at me. Watch me."
Immediately, you melt away. Back to the bed, to the cool feeling of the sheets under your skin. The quiet anticipation, and the expectation. With languid grace, and without her body ever seeming to interrupt its soft, almost perfect curvature, Wonyoung climbs over you. She places one knee on the bed, then the other. A hand on your chest, then the other. The weight of her, what little there is, pressing you down until the moist heat from her lips finds your cock.
She presses your length flat against your body, the lips of her pussy holding it in a long kiss that she gradually eases over your shaft. Grinding back and forth, you watch as your cock disappears under her as she comes forward, only to drag herself back down against it.
"Feel that?" Wonyoung pants quietly.
"Uh-huh," you hum.
"Feel that warmth, that slickness sliding around you. Imagine what it's going to feel like inside, hmm?" She coaxes a twitch out of you as you do exactly as she says.
Her tight abs roll into you, followed by the press of her thighs. Hot and clasping. Higher, her bare chest bears a pair of hard nipples on her little perky tits. Higher still, her face twists in expressions of pleasure, the delight in her shining eyes, the rapture etched across her face. Her lips tremble as something threatens to escape, whether a whine, moan, exasperated breath or a request for something, she never vocalises the sound and it remains nothing more than a sensual promise of a good time ahead.
Wonyoung slows to a stop and throws her head forward, putting her hands on your shoulders. You place yours at her legs, watching her close her eyes, drawing her lower lip between her teeth.
"Feel how wet I am?" Wonyoung moves her hips in tight circles and she struggles to hold back her whimpers. Her warmth flows out of her and over you. "That's me, getting turned on at the thought of having this inside of me," she whispers. She rocks herself again, this time drawing out her whimper.
"God. Fuck..." You gasp and groan. You want this. Need it.
Wonyoung lifts and turns your cock until your head prods against her tight and needy pussy. She pauses to look to the side, her hair falling over her face but you can make out a grin, that very sly smile as she tilts her head towards your girlfriend, no doubt appreciating her breathless arousal.
"I'm going to ride your boyfriend's cock now. Cum all over his cock. Make him cum inside me. How does that feel?" Wonyoung moans softly, tipping her hips up, down, and over again, toying with the head. "Mmm, you like the sound of that, don't you?"
Liz is gripping the arms of her chair, not saying a thing. She just whines with agitation, kicks her feet out and stamps on the floor.
Then, Wonyoung gasps with relief. While your head was turned, Wonyoung surprised you by drawing the tip of your cock into her. You snap you're attention back to her as she settles around your cock. Where her throat was so accepting, her pussy is decisively not. It's so fucking tight that she struggles to take much of you in at first. Such small movements over the tip, tiny motions that rock her. And yet the sensation is something that could, and does, unravel you in an instant.
You're powerless to resist as she takes more and more of you into herself with each and every drive back down. Each little push, deeper inside, the further apart her thighs, and the deeper she descends, pushing herself, forcing herself, upon your cock.
You hold onto her ass, guiding her every bit of the way, rocking her rhythmically back and forth. Deeper, harder, tighter, she stretches, accommodating you until you reach as far as her tight walls will allow.
"You're gonna ruin this pussy." The sultry voice and the crude declaration cause another tremble out of you.
At that, she places both hands on either side of your head, palms flat on the sheet. Her pretty face is so close, just bobbing slightly as she fucks you. She pants heavily, her small, round breasts quiver and bounce up and down in front of your eyes.
She stays like that for a while, fucking herself on you, telling you all sorts of sweet nothings. "Gonna ride that thick cock. Love it so much, feel so fucking good." All the while, her perfectly tight ass is in your rough hands as you knead it and pull it wide.
Eventually, she throws herself back, breaking the intense stare, and making herself a spectacle again. She leans back, far back, her hand behind her for support, and gives both of you a show. Those slender thighs shake just enough to send you crazy each time she slaps them down against your waist. Her cute, shapely tits bouncing and jiggling.
"Fuck! Liz! You lucky girl! Mhm!" You're squeezing and palming her thighs roughly, fingers into flesh. Pulling her down hard, trying your damnedest to force her even tighter against you.
"Sfucking hot," A filthy compliment that is rewarded with another gasp of arousal and a short burst of bouncing as desperately fast as she can.
She slows to a crawl again. One leg moves off you, and then her hips swivel and the movement on your length is breathtaking. She's sideways on you now. One leg between yours, and the other stretched out over your body, her foot by your face.
Wonyoung is looking right at Liz now. "Watch me cum on your boyfriend's cock."
You're holding her by the leg she has over you, and you're using it as the leverage you need to buck into her while she works the lateral movement. The bed shakes and protests under your exertions. Wonyoung pulls her hands behind her neck, scooping up her hair and holding it up, so every inch of her body can be seen.
"Look. Look, Liz." Wonyoung lets out a guttural moan. A throaty, visceral noise of climax catching you off guard. You keep rolling your hips, taking in the way her body tenses and tightens and she trembles all over. "Cumming. On your. Boyfriend." She barely gets the words out as her head falls backwards and you can't take your eyes off of her, or the way she spasms on your lap.
She struggles to keep up the pace and rhythm but still tries her best, her resolve amid an orgasm is worthy of respect. You move her, this time, hands on her waist and twisting her so she faces away from you. She allows you and gasps in delight the moment you reposition her, her hands reaching for your thighs.
You continue the thrusts, with Wonyoung content now to take the punishment. You fuck her in a steady, thumping motion, the slap of skin against skin loud and ringing in the air. Her ass is marked red, compliments of the tight squeeze you had on it earlier. Her taut little cheeks bounce and shake each time you slam into her. Her own whiny moans and squeals mix and add a new melody to the atmosphere.
Wonyoung is nothing but moans now, one orgasm just cascaded into the next, and she shows no signs of stopping. Every now and then her sounds break through, becoming cries. Each time they do, you follow it up with a series of rapid slapping of hips. It's all you can do, just to keep yourself going, chasing that elusive climax that the three of you so desperately want.
Liz is fucking losing it. She's squeezing her thighs together. Grinding. Dancing in her chair. Her fingers, her knuckles, are white with strain as she holds onto the chair for dear life. She's making squeals and gasping moans too—she wants to cum so bad. It is as though her pussy is squeezing on nothing, you can imagine just how needy and wet she is. How painful it must feel, not being able to have that satisfaction that you can give Wonyoung.
"Yes, yes, yes!" Wonyoung wails out her climax with such intensity that it actually leaves her voice a little hoarse and you can't hold it anymore, you have to follow her lead. You have to cum.
So you do.
Wonyoung drags her nails across the skin of your legs as you reach that tipping point and pump a thick stream of semen into her. There is more and more, and she takes it all greedily as if there's no limit. As if she'll never be satisfied.
You let it all out, pump her full of hot, thick, semen. The release is enough that, for a while, you blank out the world. Nothing matters but the overwhelming feeling of pleasure.
Consciousness returns with you lying limp on the bed. Your head rolls to one side and you struggle to stay focused. You gaze down past your feet where Wonyoung lies collapsed, the exact same way as yourself. Still, you watch, and try to keep focus, and you do because when Wonyoung awakes she lifts her head, a sheen of perspiration glistening and flowing in droplets from her dark, silky hair and down her face, streaking her skin and flowing over her red cheeks and flushed lips.
The combination of both exhaustion and arousal as Wonyoung catches her breath causes a wonderful sight before she meets your own exhausted gaze and that smile of hers, all pearly white and perfect and so damn alluring.
"Fuck! I have to! Fuck!" Liz is rampant now, her hand reaches in between her own legs and then her legs are spread apart and you can see her furiously fingering her own pussy, the motion of her whole arm trembling and shaking. Her pussy is wet, and gleaming. And the fingers in it move and dive deeply. "That was the hottest fucking thing... I need to... Cum..."
Wonyoung supports the side of her face up with her fist, a grin on her features as she watches the way Liz acts like she's going insane, out of her mind, she just needs the cum in the worst way, the urgency apparent from the way her fingers disappear, pumping into herself.
Wonyoung starts crawling up you, to rest on you, while transfixed on your girlfriend pumping herself into oblivion. "Oh, Liz, that is beautiful," her eyes light up as she comments, "Now imagine the feel of it... His cum leaking out of me right now. Because he fucked me and not you."
That's what sends Liz spiralling over the edge.
Liz's body twists, writhes, shudders and convulses in orgasm. It's almost hypnotic, her thighs squeeze together so hard that her hand must hurt, but she just goes on and on and on, never easing, and it leaves a hot, sticky mess all over the chair and her fingers. You watch as she rides those waves of blissful gratification, all over a set of digits that aren't nearly enough to satisfy, not even for a moment.
Wonyoung brings her lips close to your face, hot breath washes over you, and she whispers quietly into your ear, "She's going to want this again, you know? Look at her, you even seen her cum that hard?"
"No, I haven't."
"Then me and you? We're going to be having a lot of sex."
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irasamu · 7 months
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. . . (🍷) ֶָ֢ 𔓘 DON'T BE NERVOUS. OH DEAR, YOU ARE FEVEROUS ; a nakahara chuuya fic.❞
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . if you like, like this fic, i need a one page essay why lol.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ 🍷 ꒱ . . . tw ; fem!reader, virgin!reader, senior!chuuya, virgin!chuuya, badboy!chuuya, fluff, nsfw, virginity loss, first time, unprotected sex, messy kisses, biting, choking, clit rubbing, squirting and yeah, that's all i remember.
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do people sleep at night to not be aware of the beauty which comes after the sunset as the time after sunrise had tired them out too much or is it because sleep is an absolute necessity for one?
but then again, both factors are true yet not everyone is fortunate enough to sleep for some suffer from insomnia or some may be spending a night they aren't accustomed to, finding themselves in a situation they may have never faced before in their lives.
you fall in the latter category as you follow chuuya into his apartment, his hand grabbing your wrist as he leads you inside the door before closing it and locking it.
your skin feels like it's igniting in desire and ecstacy, his touch still making the ground beneath your feet to disappear and making you feel like floating on thin air.
"you sure you gonna be okay with me sweetheart?" chuuya's voice reached your ears as he turned to face you while leaning on the door after locking it, an eyebrow raised as he showed some hesitance but you immediately nod, taking a step forwards so your knee could softly bump into his while you grab his wrists, squeezing them.
"yeah, i rather be with you then with my neighbor anyway. my parents don't have any problem as well . . do you?" you ask as you stare at him with an ounce of nervousness dancing in your pupils and chuuya immediately shook his head with a smile.
your eyes fell on his lips which curved up but the small bruise on the corner of his lip was hard to avoid. yet you didn't ask him about its origin the first time your eyes fell on it and didn't plan on doing now as well, had it not been for him noticing your stare.
"it's nothing sweetheart. just a small scratch from a fight." chuuya tried to reassure you as he raised his hands which you were holding before placing your hands around his neck. his hands immediately went to encircle around your waist as he lifted you on your tiptoes a bit.
"why did you get into a fight?" you make sure to ask calmly so it would not come of as negative or offensive to the man you love and he hummed, making you walk backwards so he could lead you to his living room.
"couldn't help it, a guy was talking shit about you." he does not try to hide the truth, grinning mischievously before making you plop down on the sofa and looking down at you, "and i really can't tolerate anyone speaking shit about my sweet girl."
"so you punch the person?" you tease as you crane your neck to watch him take your bag to his bedroom before returning to sit next to you and he nodded, quite proudly too. "i do exactly that."
chuuya scooted a bit closer to you before laying his head on your shoulder and staring up at you, taking your hand to place it on his thigh, you squeezed it making him close his eyes and breath through his nose in pleasure.
"do you still talk to that bastard?" chuuya asked after a few seconds of a very comfortable silence but his voice only adds more to the comfort you are feeling so you nod while you lean back against the couch more but your answer makes him frown.
"because he is my senior? he will tell the professor i'm ignoring him and being disrespectful. i don't want my professors to think bad of me by knowing i ignore a senior." you tell as your eyes fall down on his face to see him pout up as if you said the most unacceptable thing to him and maybe you did, the thought makes you smile.
"i am your senior too sweetheart but i would never snitch on my junior like that." chuuya muttered, taking your other hand in his as he carassed the back of your palm with his thumb.
"that's because his entire role is to guide me and give me tips and stuff as a senior who gave this exam last year, so it really won't be ideal for me to ignore him chu." you tell as you chuckled at finding the older man acting so sulky to be adorable yet equally humorous.
"boo, that's stupid. nerd." chuuya playfully scoffed, a smile on his face to let you know he only meant this in a humorous fashion and not seriously and you play along, pressing the pad of your thumb against the small bruise on the corner of his lip and he hissed, exaggerating his pain.
"don't do that!" he playfully frowned as he scooted away from you and placed his hand over his mouth to protect it from you, playfully glaring at you, "for this, you'll sleep on this couch tonight."
"no, i won't." you deny as you smile cockily and chuuya nodded to argue against your claim.
"nah uh." you tell again as you scoot near him and lay your head on his lap, "if i sleep on the couch, you sleep next to me too."
"no i won't, i'll sleep in my room and on my very comfortable bed." chuuya smirked though it disappeared as quickly as it appeared when you lifted his white t-shirt to reveal his stomach, the sight of the faint abs he has still making you as flustered as the first time but you push against your shyness to press your lips against his skin, leaving small kisses everywhere on his exposed skin.
"stop it sweetheart." he grits his teeth as he tries not to let his unstable breathing come to your attention and let you know how much he is enjoying the feathery touch of your lips on his skin.
"i don't want to." you mutter as you part your lips to let your tongue out, kitty licking his skin and the sudden cold and wet feeling of your tongue on his skin had him letting his head fall back against the back of the couch, his back arching slightly as he once again tries to make you back away.
"i am being serious sweetheart, stop it." his voice is low and husky as he raised his head, running a hand through his head as he stared down at you but he did not make a move until your fingers brushed past his crotch and even the slightest touch from you made him react as his thighs twitched.
"why don't you listen to me?" chuuya hissed as he grabbed your jaw and pulled you up. your balance became unstable due to this and to stabilize yourself, you placed your arms against his chest and chuuya only hissed more as your palms were pressed against his chest.
"do you not know how vulnerable you are right now against me? all alone with me, in my apartment, hm?" the attractive hum which left his lips had a great effect on you as you gulped, flinching a bit when his warm hands grabbed your hip to move and place you on his thigh and you bite your lip, feeling shy under his intense gaze so you close your eyes.
"you assured my father you'll keep me safe so i don't think you'll do anything to me." your voice is trembling as you speak and chuuya snickered at your naive words before he pulled your jaw to pull you closer, getting really close to your lips as he whispered and every time he parted his lips to talk, they brushed against yours.
"let's see if you still think so once i'm done leaving my bites and marks on you. have fun explaining to your father how you got them, okay? that or you stop being a brat right now." chuuya proposed but it wasn't really a proposal as he gave you only one choice, the other being a dirty fantasy but you both know it's too risky to make it into a reality.
you felt goosebumps rising on your forearms and nape as you knew his eyes were still staring and taking in your features but you did not open your eyes, your ability to make eye contact weakening whenever it's his pupils in which you have to stare at, so you surrender as you are aware of the arousal pumping through your veins yet you do not act on it due to the fear of being seen as desperate or ruining the smooth course in which things are playing by now.
"sorry chu." your voice is just as shaky as your breathing is and chuuya gulped at this tone which made butterflies to swarm his stomach and lower abdomen, the temptation of doing anything to you in the security of his apartment is strong yet not strong enough to overthrow his rationality. he only pushes his head a bit forwards and parted his lips a bit to let his hot breath hit against your lips, the action and feeling of the sudden change of temperature on your lips making your lips twitch which made it brush against his, making him breath out shakily like you.
"there it is, good girl." chuuya praises you and his own eyes nearly closed at how sensitive he is feeling with every brush of his lips against yours and he knew of his body and what it is feeling right now, this is why he pulled his head back and didn't kiss you because he knew of what his one action would lead him to do.
once his hand leaves your jaw, you open your eyes and immediately get off his lap to hide your own growing arousal as you look at him nervously and offer him a shaky smile which he mirrored.
"i'm gonna change into something more comfortable . . ." you trail off as your eyes followed his hand which he raised to scratch his cheek and he looked at you after hearing your words, raising his eyebrows in amusement as he seemed to get over his state quicker than you even if if was a mask of pretence to make sure you did not feel uncomfortable.
"who told you that you can do so? should you not ask me for permission first since you are in my house." chuuya grinned and watched you walk towards his bedroom, knowing his apartment very well due to visiting a few times prior.
"you may not know this but the moment i came here after the third time -- your apartment automatically became mine so basically i am walking in my apartment right now and so, i don't need your permission for everything." you teasingly tell while walking towards his room with the bag you brought which contained all your necessities. a smile made its way on your lips when you heard the melodious sound of chuuya cackling before he seemed to realise something and stood up, jogging towards you.
"fine, since you wanna act as if everything i own belongs to you -- why don't you wear my shirt to sleep?" chuuya proposed a bit too excitedly then what he would've liked to express but you only smiled and nodded, making him feel thankful as he looked straight with a very faint blush on his cheeks as he already pictured you in his clothes.
when chuuya opened the door to his bedroom, the cold surface of the door brought him back to life and made him to stop thinking about you in a way he won't feel proud to say out loud, he looked at you over his shoulder to see how you patiently waited for him to enter his room in case he needed a very short moment of inspection to approve of the state of his room, you smiled a bit at him and chuuya gulped, looking forward again and scolding himself mentally to think of something so perverted which he wanted to do to you.
your palms felt sweaty as you silently sat on his bed while he rummaged through his closet for the article of clothing he wore many times and thought just as many times of how you would look in it. you've been to his room before but this is the first time to be here this late at night and so, the bedsheets feel more colder then they normally do.
you grip them in an attempt to stop your palms from getting so sweaty and looked at front to stare at chuuya after taking in his dark interior and aesthetic of his room again and when you did, you bit your lip at the sight of his back muscles flexing.
chuuya isn't muscular but rather lean yet one could still see the results of his daily workouts and practicing martial arts since a young age when he does something which makes his firm muscles or abs flex.
as he leaned to find the t-shirt he wants you to wear, you notice his hoodie riding up to reveal his back, you never thought of yourself to be so perverted to get affected by such simple and normal display of skin yet here you are, body feeling unbearably hot at the sight of the flawless skin.
chuuya muttered a cheer as he stood up straight and turned to look at you, tossing the t-shirt at your face. you tut in disapproval as you grab the t-shirt and look down at it to see it being a black colored one which doesn't really surprise you considering his overall aesthetic.
chuuya bit his lip while he stared at how you opened the t-shirt and placed it against your chest to see if it'll fit you or not and he smiled when you looked up with raised eyebrows, the gesture being enough to tell him of what your question is ; why is the t-shirt so oversized?
"it's convenient." he muttered with a boyish grin, closing the closet doors without looking back yet the moment he does so, you are able to look at your flustured reflection as they have full length mirrors attached to them.
you do not think twice about his words before nodding, making him satisfied. he walked towards the bed to which you gripped the sheets hardly and watched him pick a pillow, you understood his actions and quickly spoke to stop him,
"are you going to sleep on the couch? don't." you breath out once you realize how desperate your words sound yet you can't do anything to take them nor do you want to, you focus your eyes on him to see him smile yet it doesn't contain any arrogance or playfulness, no, it's pure and simple. as if it were your words or the tone you requested in that made his lips curve up.
"why? won't that be ideal?" chuuya uttered  softly while his voice remained void of any kind of teasing or cocky tone, not even seduction dripped from his tone except for pure softness, giving even him a soft look on his face.
". . . weren't you the one who said this is your apartment and so it won't be good for you, the owner, to sleep outside on the couch in the living room." you found yourself rambling quickly as you wish for him to believe your excuse which sounds dumb and pathetic even to you, your ears felt like being on fire due to how desperate you are sounding by asking him to stay but chuuya decided to be generous today and so, he only raised his eyebrow to ask you to elaborate more on your words.
or perhaps he found himself enjoying the garden of pleasurable affection he is in, any and every signs of lust is no where to be seen for atleast miles right now.
and nakahara chuuya, the man who always gave and never even thought of receiving, found himself being showered by the raindrops of your care and affection.
show the hopeless a solid hope and watch them cling onto you for more hope and show nakahara chuuya genuine care and he will look at you as if you are the one who hung the stars and moon in the night sky, as if you are an entity.
which to him, you are for who could even love this man who doesn't see anything worth loving in himself if he isn't wearing the mask of attraction and mischief which usually gets people to swoon over him?
". . . it's really important for you to sleep on the same bed as me or it'll be dangerous." you continue to sink deeper into this pit of a terrible excuse your desperation caused you to dig and chuuya chuckled, covering his face with his hand to stop you from seeing the dumb smile growing on his face.
"why dangerous?" chuuya asked as he ran a hand through his hair and although he still wanted you to try your best to convince him, he placed the pillow back in its place.
"well for starters . . . . i need you to sleep next to me so i can feel protected?" you blink as you ponder on your words but when you look at the reappearing cocky grin on chuuya's face, you felt your entire body burning in embarrassment and so you grab the nearest object your hands could find -- his t-shirt, and you throw it at him. "fuck off, nevermind."
so you said yet why are you laying beside him with a mind running wild with thoughts but a heart running even wilder?
you turn to your side to immediately face him who is already staring at you and from the way he is biting his lips, you know he is at the same crisis as you and is not able to sleep due to the overbearing heat from the other's body and ones own sensitivity as this is a first time experience for you both.
chuuya's eyes racked down to admire the way his t-shirt is just as big on you as it is on him but for some reason, you look way appealing in it to the point he is considering giving it to you forever, his eyes then went lower to see the t-shirt ending at your midthigh after which your bare legs were at the mercy of his eyes and intentions but he wanted to see more even if he looked away with a blush the first time you stepped out of the bathroom after changing.
chuuya looked at you as he raised his hand to place it on your covered hip and what you immediately notice are how warm his hands are even now despite the room being cool to such an extent that you two are under blankets (mostly him since you have your blanket only covering a quarter of your body) --separate blankets to your displeasure, so you make the first move.
". . . . it's cold, isn't it? why --"  you paused upon suddenly feeling shy and embarrassed before looking down at chuuya's loose grey sweatshirt and you try to speak again once you find yourself not getting hot under his gaze, "-- why don't you come a bit near me?"
you raised your eyes again to see a giddy smile spreading on chuuya's face as a low hum reverberated through the chest and throat, your heart began beating in excitement and you nearly shivered when chuuya discarded his blanket and leaned on his elbow as he leaned over you to grab your blanket and cover both you and him with it. he inched closer to you and when his knee barely touched yours, your breath hitched as if you are afraid of letting it out and ruining this adulterous silence between you two.
chuuya's leg forced its way between both of yours as the hand on your hip inched towards your butt to push it, making you move just the tiniest bit closer to him and the smile on his face reappeared as he whispered, "is this better?"
his hot breath hits your cheek bone due to him laying on the same pillow as you to be extremely close to you and you found it hard to speak or rather feared speaking due to what the situation could lead to once the words who are the prisoners of the brain and heart, finds leeway through your parted lips, and so you shook your head.
chuuya pouted a bit at the lack of your voice which feels like cool to his ears like how coolness feels to a feverish body but he does not voice out his desire. rather, his hand crawls back up to your hip and he pushes the t-shirt up to feel your boots shorts and to push it upwards as well before he finally has your bare skin beneath his palm.
"what can i do to make you feel warm sweetheart?" chuuya asked and maybe it's the lump of arousal in his throat that is making his voice to come out sounding so low and raspy but you can not look away from the effects it has in the form of goosebumps on your skin.
"maybe rub my bo-body?" as a contrast to his, your voice is shaky and breathless and your words are spiraling in your mind due to your focus being completely on his hand caressing your hip and this is why you stumbled upon your words in the end.
you bite your lip when you see a small yet cocky smirk appearing on his face as his arrogant nature returns when he saw the effect he is having on you by a simple yet intimate touch. his arrogance now serving as a motivation for him to continue with his action and so he does by moving his hand up towards your waist and under the t-shirt.
"you sure? you've been eyeing me awfully a lot today." chuuya makes it known to you that he had noticed your behavior from earlier and you nearly whimper as you try to turn around but his hand and leg between both of your's stop your mobility, his knee presses down on your inner thigh and it had you gulping as you felt yourself grow needier and needier the more he pressed his knee down to ensure you won't turn around. this action of his is making you face your arousal that you were trying to ignore as you wondered if only you are the one in such a state for he looks way more composed than you if he is as well.
"you were imagining it." you mutter in such a quiet tone that for a moment even you doubted if he heard you or not but when he moved his knee a bit upwards, you knew he did. your chest rises up and down a bit and chuuya looked down with a knowing smirk before looking up at you again but he does not comment, rather, he lowered his body and leaned near you, grabbing your throat to push your face up towards his as he whispered right against your lips which made you shudder, "yeah? am i now?"
you did not have time to reply and neither the ability when chuuya pressed his lips against your's, greedily moving them and forcing you to keep up with his clumsy pace. your hands reached up to grab his shoulders as you tried to push yourself up to be able to kiss him better but he digged his knee deeper into your thigh while his hand, instead, moved upwards and towards your back as he tried to find your  bra strap and open it with ease.
his desperation for the same mutual release and feelings as you is made quite clear by his rushed and desperate moments. once your bra strap was unclipped, chuuya pulled his hand out of your t-shirt and grabbed one of your wrists to pull your hand down towards his legs.
you closed your eyes as chuuya parted his legs a bit to place your hand between his thighs before he closed his thighs around it and after that, he immediately pulled back from the kiss but did not move his head back, he tilted his head to have his lips against your cheek and muttured, "am i also imagining this?"
he taunted and kissed your cheek once, twice, thrice while he kept on tightening his thighs around your hand in a very cruel way to get you to go over the edge.
your eyes fluttered open and you looked at him with a rushed breathing pattern and shook your head to which he immediately released your hand, smirking again as he pecked your cheek again before he turned around as if you did not see the pink on his cheeks and his half lidded eyes or as if he did not open your bra up.
you stared at his back which mocked you and you looked down, slowly bringing a hand down between your thighs to touch your cunt and when you felt the sticky wetness through the cloth, you know you can not ignore the burning ignition inside your veins any longer for there is now physical evidence to make it clear that even if you wanted to distract yourself from these thoughts and engage in an act of harmless sleeping and perhaps cuddling with your boyfriend, you cannot.
so you try to bring it to his attention as you moved closer to him, wrapping your arms around his waist which brought a smile to chuuya's face. said smile disappeared immediately as he realized one of your hand creeped under his sweatshirt and to a contrast to his warm hands, your's are cool.
chuuya bites on his tongue when your hand traces over his back and slither towards his shoulder blades between which you apply pressure at. he groans at the soothing sensation on his tensed muscles and looked down at your other hand wrapped around his stomach. he placed his own warm hand over your own and squeezed it to let you know of his silent appreciation and gratitude to you and this gesture of your's which he found very caring and adorable.
but he soon found out your real intentions when the hand under his wiggled out of his grip and he smiled upon finding your actions to be utterly adorable ; then the hand went under his sweatshirt and he let out a breathy snigger as he realised your true intentions when you began to rub your thumb over his stomach, trying to find the sensitive spot from earlier to tease him.
"sweetheart, are you not sleepy yet? should i tire you out?" he talked knowing you got the implications of his words when he noticed you inhale shakily, he knew his low tone had many and quick effects on you when he felt your legs move behind him to clench them, he assumed.
"what do you mean chu? i am just trying to warm up." you knew your excuse is not believable at all for your tone is breathy and shaky, making your voice sound a lot as if you are whining and it had effects on him when your voice cracked in between your words and his shoulders tensed.
"i know of a better and more fun way to warm you up." chuuya whispered as his hand also went under his shirt to try and find your's, he firmly squeezed your hand under his when he does and the silence formed due to your absence of a reply only urged him to continue with his elaboration.
"it requires your back to be pressed against my chest and . . ." he raised your hand through under his shirt and towards his lips as he kissed your fingertips, ". . . my hands all over your chest."
to put emphasis on his words, chuuya guided your hand down his chest and he smirked at how your palms got slighty sweaty before he continued with his relentless torture using a double edged sword as the more he teased and tried to rile you up, the more he did as well.
"i don't think that much is enough to keep me warm though." you quietly mumble for only him to hear your voice of boldness pushing past the shyness you usually display as you raised his shirt towards his shoulders and you placed a kiss on one of his shoulder blades.
his breath hitched in such a shaky way that even he realised how clear it is to realise how the kiss affected him and how unused he is to actions so intimate.
"y-yeah? . . . then i guess i'll just cover your hands to keep you warm." chuuya sighed through his nose at the way he is acting so nervous because your little kisses all over his shoulders aren't stopping for even once, you only hum against his skin.
chuuya licked his bottom lip which he was fooled by his nervous brain into thinking is dry, guiding your hand down his stomach and under the waistband of his sweatpants, ". . . is this better?"
chuuya whispered out as he teasingly trailed your hand (by guiding your wrist) up and down his clothed cock and he could feel the way your hand stiffened up, a victory for him to feed his childish desire to get you equally if not more flustured than he is.
but once chuuya felt your now warm hand (due to his gripping your's tightly) hovering above his dick, he felt his reasoning and self control jumping down the cliff and into the sea of lust as the waves hit against what is remaining of said cliff and trying to break it.
". . .  please chuuya?" chuuya was snapped out of his dilemma when he heard your shaky voice and he raised his head, looking at you over his shoulder to stare at you and let the cool realization settle on his otherwise hot body, as he stared at you to see you biting your lip and legs clenched tightly together to the point where even a third party could step in right now and could guess with a glance that you are turned on and chuuya truly pondered on how did he not realize this sooner, was he that invested in fighting off his own urges to not notice yours?
". . . please w-what sweetheart?" to fight lust is different when you've once submitted to it and it's different to fight it when it wants you to submit to it. you and chuuya fall into the latter category and so this is why his voice has lost the element of stability and composition it usually contains for all chuuya could focus on now is how arousal is ticking him and making his brain fry.
you parted your lips to reply but chuuya could see how instead of words, a whimper left your lips and you looked down, lips once again coming in contact with his shoulder and he almost cursed under his breath.
"i asked you something sweetheart, be good and reply." chuuya's tone suddenly turned firm as he still seemed to have some kind of control over his emotions and feeling still, but you didn't. and thus, upon hearing his firm tone, you felt yourself dripping between your legs and the burn and urge to have chuuya in between your legs, rummaging into you, got stronger and held you hostage.
"please . . . i want you in me." you whispered out pleadingly and the cliff of resistance on which chuuya stood, crumbled into pieces and as each small piece fell into the water, the water splashed up and hitted against chuuya's face, further edging him to go insane and to give in to his desires and temptations.
and so, he did when chuuya made you grab his semi hard clothed dick and made you move your palm up and down while he too grinded against the flat of your palm, his head dropped on the pillow as he let out sharp gasps and hisses at the sensation.
the lewd yet somewhat quiet sounds made you to cross your legs against each other tighter as you let out shallow breaths, feeling the heat consume your body in a rapid pace and if you don't get to release it soon, you feel like you'll be paralyzed but these kind of thoughts disappeared once you felt chuuya's dick hardening under your palm.
said man turned to face you and you never felt so disgusted by your thoughts as you do now when you saw sweat pooling on his forehead and your first thought is to wonder how it would feel like to lick it but the rationality which poked and wondered the reason behind these vile thoughts were forgotten when chuuya leaned forwards to push his head under your shirt, pulling down on your bra and tossing it somewhere on the floor, he rubbed his forehead against one of your breasts to rub off the sweat. you gulped.
"you are asking me for something very risky right now, sweetheart." the proximity, the intensity and the decendence to the sea of lust has an impact on chuuya in every way available and it was showing with the way he has no control over his own voice as his words came out with a growl.
but he did not let you talk, no. it's more as if you didn't dare to talk in the presence of the one you are deeming as an entity for how can a mere man look so ethereal in the midst of the night sky with only the moonlight falling on his face?
it is then and there that you wondered if this is a desperate attempt of the moon to touch and caress chuuya's face, as if even the celestial body could not come in terms with the fact that such a man who looks so exquisite wields the power and authority to make another human, you, grow speechless.
your body doesn't. your hands slowly grab the edge of your shirt as you try to pull it up as much as you can in this position where you are laying on your side ; as a silent approval of consent but chuuya preferred verbal confirmation in situations which you would be facing for the first time.
"are you sure?" chuuya doesn't look up but speaks against the fat of your breast and you hum out, looking down with eyes glazed with lust, your core throbs painfully when chuuya had raised his eyes to stare up at you like a tiger eyeing it's prey before pouncing on it.
"yeah, please." you nod but even these two words which would've been like water flowing in any other moment, required you to use most of your energy right now.
chuuya pushed himself up as he sat on the bed and looked at you, he wondered for a moment but when he looked down at your needy state and his own neediness growing, he knew he will not be able to walk out of this situation any longer.
so with a sigh that did very little to hide the excited smile growing on his face, chuuya tapped his thigh to let you know that he wants you to sit on it and when you raise yourself on your knees, you felt them getting shaky as you see chuuya run a hand through his hair and grip the roots as he wetted his bottom lip.
your one moment of hesitance led to chuuya grabbing your throat gently yet still tight enough to stimulate the exact emotion he wanted you to feel and pull you on his lap ; the moment the tip of his index and middle finger pressed down at the sides of your neck as he chocked you was when your eyes almost rolled back, this action of his being one you are very familiar with but not this strength he is excreting right now to make this moment sensual.
as a result of your feelings being skyrocketed due to this one move alone, you are not sober enough to grasp your stability and so, your hands land on his stomach, on top of his abs as you use his abs as a wall or pillar to maintain your bodyweight and not fall on him while he pulled down on your shorts before letting you sit on his thigh, you could see him carelessly tossing your shorts on the floor through your peripheral vision.
chuuya looked at you and smiled fondly when he saw you gulping as you look away from him, your inability to make eye contact with him has always been amusing and adorable to him and often is what he will use to tease you but right now, he remained quiet as he turned a bit to grab the bottle of cold water he usually keeps on his nightstand.
chuuya unscrewed the lid and offered the bottle to you and without any words being exchanged, you did what he wanted you to as you grabbed the neck of the bottle and brought it towards your parted lip to drink the chilled water contained inside. as the cold liquid flowed down your throat, it didn't satiate your needs or anything but helped you to be a little less bothered and a bit more composed than earlier.
"listen to me now sweetheart. now that you aren't that bothered anymore, take a few seconds to think if you really want to do this okay?" chuuya told as he took the bottle from you and screwed the lid on again and when he placed the bottle on the nightstand again, you felt yourself finding it hard to breath properly at the veins on his hands becoming more prominent when he streched his hand yet you obeyed chuuya as you thought and listed off all the pros and cons of what would happen if you would let the night continue in the path it is going in now.
yet it really isn't much of a surprise to either of you when you moved your hips on his thigh to feel some friction soon -- a silent response that your answer remains the same as the first time.
chuuya bit his bottom lip upon feeling the outline of your cunt through your panties and just how soaking wet you were but he wasn't rash, he gently grabbed your hips to stop you from grinding against his thigh to speak,
"you tell me if it hurts you or if you feel even the slightest discomfort or fear, okay?" chuuya lowly yet seriously instructed you and when you nodded, he rewarded you by slowly moving your hips back and forth on his thigh once before he paused again to continue,
"sweetie, listen to me. you know that i won't be angry or upset if you tell no, right? i don't want you to do something in the heat of the moment and then regret it later. so i will ask again sweetheart, are you sure you want this?"
"yes! . . . please?" you whisper out and chuuya sighed in what seemed to the moon as utter fondness. chuuya nodded, satisfied as he leaned forwards to capture your lips against his again.
and the moon grew shy and asked a cloud to cover its vicinity when chuuya licked your bottom lip to ask you to part your lips for him, his one hand leaving your hip to slide into your panties as he traced around to find your clit, being equally inexperienced as you.
a cloud covered the moon and blocked the moonlight from reaching the bedroom, your own hand slided inside your panties as you grabbed his hand and guided him to your clit. chuuya's tongue entered your mouth and teased your own tongue as he flicked and licked it, he pressed his lips harder against your's when you let out a whimper when his thumb began to rub your bud in a circular motion.
seeing as how chuuya played with your clit and rubbed it, you saw no more use of your hand so you pulled it out of your panties, rather holding his shoulder as you try to remain stable while he tilted his head to have a better angle to get access to your mouth, his lips around your tongue.
your eyes opened in a flash as you let out a loud yet muffled moan when chuuya pressed down on your clit before he began to rub it again, quickly and you closed your eyes again. you never thought that the mere action of stimulation could be so pleasurable that it would literally make you want to melt into a puddle.
you have masturbated but it never felt as good as when chuuya is doing it for you and maybe it's him who is making this entire experience more hotter or his wet kisses which now trail down your jaw and towards your collarbone that is making you extra sensitive to his finger.
chuuya pulled back before he could reach your throat and looked at your blissful expression, ordering lowly, "sweetheart. take your shirt off or i'll tear it."
you wondered if he was aware of how your cunt throbbed at his words and you quickly obeyed, grabbing the edges of the t-shirt and pulling it over your head. the action causes your breasts to jiggle a bit and chuuya groaned at the sight before he immediately attached his lips to one of your nipples.
the immediate feeling of his wet tongue and the cold temperature of the room made your nipples perk and chuuya took advantage of this as he sucked on one.
"chu- pleas -- ah!" you moaned out as your body leaned forwards on chuuya's when you felt the unexpected orgasm coming out of you, the small act of nipple play being the trigger for this sudden orgasm as well as the sensitivity in your inexperienced body.
yet chuuya's lips didn't abandon your breast even when you leaned forwards on him, he just grabbed your waist with one hand to keep you secure and his thumb continued to rub on your clit till your rapid breaths slowed down.
you weakly grabbed his biceps and pushed yourself to sit properly on his thigh again as you looked at him who finally separated himself from your breast, his hand which was inside your panties moved towards your labia as he tried to gather some of your wetness on the pad of his thumb.
chuuya pulled his hand out of your panties and brought it towards your other breast which he was not able to shower with his attention to rub his wet thumb against your nipple, he pressed on your nipple and dragged his finger across your areola. the slick which covered your nipple and most of your areola is a sight chuuya will remember for many nights to come as he found this sight which is a result of his actions to be a turn on.
"chuu . . . won't you do anything to me?" you whisper out as you are afraid to speak loudly and ruin this tranquility but chuuya had always preferred your voice along this tranquil atmosphere to be more soothing than the former alone anyway.
"what do you want me to do sweetheart?" chuuya breathed out, his chest moved in and out when he exhaled and once again, his hand reached down to rub against your slit through your panties. he grinned when he realised how utterly wet your panties were due to your arousal and cum dripping down it.
"anything you want." you breath out, your head lowered to look at him rubbing your cunt through your panties but it seemed as if he suddenly paused his action when you spoke up.
"anything?" chuuya repeated, "you sure 'bout that sweetie?"
you felt your body and cheeks heating up but you nodded, pushing past this shyness that he is producing in you to give the limelight to your lust which chuuya certainly took care of when he grabbed the underside of your thighs to lift you up and laid you down on the bed.
"please chuuya? how much more are you going to make me beg?" you looked up at him as he planted both of his hands besides your head and leaned down to peck your lips. his lithe fingers then moved to pull at the waistband of your panties and pull it down, you lifted your hips so he could do it easily and once your panties were pulled down to your knees, you raised one of your legs to pick your panties with your toes and pull it down, tossing it far away inside the room.
"did i make you beg me a lot?" chuuya chuckled as he asked you, he experimentally lowered himself and adjusted till his crotch was against your's and he pushed against your's and he immediately felt the urge to push his hips and to feel more of this newly found sensation itching at the back of his mind but chuuya refrained from doing so, trying to control himself. but how could he when you looked so preety when you nodded your head at his question, your half lidded eyes stared up at him and made him feel like what a greek god would when mortals would fawn upon him and his visuals.
utterly in admiration of the being which is partially a god and nervous to be in the presence of such kind, only a man could and who were you if not the one who worshipped chuuya the most and is chuuya really the one you trust your heart with if he doesn't prove again and again that just because his fists talks more then him, alcohol and wine is what energy drinks are to others in his age range -- does not mean that he is a stereotypical troublemaker. oh no, not when he treats you like a man of the highest caliber would treat his woman.
"don't worry sweetie, gonna spoil you tomorrow just as much as i am making you beg me tonight, yeah?" he rubbed his finger against your lip as he promised his affection and you hummed, parting your lips for him to shove his finger inside but chuuya didn't do as you expected him to do so, instead he blew a puff of air inside your mouth and watched as you blinked, overthrown by the suddenness and randomness of this action before your lips curled up as you laughed, somewhat embarassed.
"you are ruining the mood!" you whined as you smacked his chest but chuuya only sniggered on top of you as he raised his eyebrow in faux perplexity.
"what? no, i'm making the mood. you are just too used to all those porn and smut clichés to not appreciate my unique take on how to set a mood." chuuya playfully scoffed and leaned down to peck your jaw when you shook your head, denying with his words completely.
"just say you don't know how to get a girl wet chu --" your words were left hanging on your tongue when chuuya wrapped his hand around your throat and slightly pulled you up to speak directly against your lips while he pushed one of his knees against your bare cunt and nudged it to make a point before he spoke,
"oh i doubt that sweetheart. 'cause according to me, you are very wet right now." chuuya scoffed and you almost moaned for how can a single guy be sexy no matter what he does?
it's not fair.
it's not fair how he is choking you a bit roughly yet his eyes are making sure to notice any signs of discomfort on your face, neither is it fair when he leaned down to whisper in your ear and ask you what position would you feel the most comfortable in as its your first time.
neither is it fair for one single guy to hold love enough to rival that of a sea inside him but well, chuuya always did things exceptionally well and better then what's expected of him.
loving you is no different. he does it in a way that makes it clear that this is something only he can do and no one else can. no one else can ever will to be honest because chuuya nakahara exists only once.
and he is damn sure he is going to love only once and only you for as long as his brain could function to capture these moments between you two as memories.
"i . . . i feel kinda embarrassed so i don't want you to actually look at my face . . . you know . . ." you struggle to explain your feelings as you stare at chuuya's softened eyes filled with love and adoration, you could feel yourself leaning against the mattress even more if possible as his stare is literally melting you.
"so you want me behind you? is that what you are trying to say sweetheart?" chuuya asked for clarification and when you nodded, he smiled, leaned down to plant a small kiss on your lips before he climbed off you and instead, laid on the side beside you. when you tried to turn to face him, chuuya grabbed your hip to restrict your movements and instead, he, himself inched closer to you while he turned you using your hip, on the other side, such that your back was pressed against his chest and his hardened cock was pressed against your asscheeks.
"chu --"
"shh. why don't you keep quiet and let me satisfy you, hm?" chuuya whispers and how can one even think about being offended when it feels like a big honor to have your sentence cut off by him, to know he feels that his words should be spoken at the exact moment or they'll loose their impact or meaning but in your case, whenever chuuya intrupted you, it has always been for a cause that would make your stomach be swarmed by butterflies.
"hm." so you nod, breathing out nervously as you stare at the wall while waiting for your nerves to calm down or chuuya to do something to distract you from yourself and your anxious thoughts and he does as you expected but not in the way you expected him to.
instead of teasing you further or anything, chuuya wrapped his arm around your waist as he hid his face against your shoulder and murmured against it, "i  . . . am scared sweetheart. i  . . don't wanna hurt you, not even by accident."
oh, did he loose his mask of confidence now, now that he has you close yet your hopeful eyes aren't looking at him to admire him and is this why he is feeling so transparent? in this silence you always bring along that he misses in his otherwise fast paced and chaotic life? yes.
mumbled were the words that came from deep within his heart and moved you, your eyes softened as you smiled like a fool, something you do mostly whenever you are with chuuya. you look down at his hand resting on your stomach and you place your own on top of his as you bring it towards your lips to land a small yet sweet (as believed by chuuya) kiss on it.
"i was scared too till you admitted you are as well. now, i feel a bit better knowing we are both lame as shit at this." you chuckle as you admit to him and chuuya's hand (which was on your cheek as you placed it there) pinched your cheek when he heard how much he and his talking habits influenced you.
"don't curse." he playfully warned but smiled against your shoulder when he heard you sniggering at the irony of his words.
"i can do whatever i want, who are you to tell me what to and what not to do? hm?" you hum and chuuya gulped upon finding the sound emitted by you to be fairly attractive to hear, he did not let you have the last say though.
chuuya used his other hand to pull down on his sweatpants and boxers at the same time to save the time as he could feel impatience beginning to claw at his feet now that the fear is leaving through the same limbs after your confession of your sincere feelings in this otherwise sinful night.
"your senior and more importantly, your fucking boyfriend." chuuya muttered out and his voice came out low and mumbled as he was more focused on removing the clothes that covered his lower limbs and abdomen.
the voice of the greek god had always been something humans desired to hear once before dying but do they not think about what would happen once they do actually here it?
why, of course, they become the same as you -- addicted to the voice and who cannot go one day without reminiscing that voice which moved the grounds below their feets and made the air flowing through them to feel more cool.
"you do as i say, yeah? be my good girl, always." chuuya told, no, perhaps he demanded of you to always be on your best behavior for no one wanted to see you succeed more than chuuya.
he walked on a path filled with rocks and thus, he tried his best always to influence you on what turns to take as he wanted you to walk on the opposite road, one filled with rocks, indeed since no path is easy, but one which will have flowers to be admired and not spitted out blood to grimace at.
you nodded and as soon as you did, it was as if it's a reward for being obedient ; you felt the head of chuuya's cock poke against your ass cheek and you gasped softly, feeling your heart beat fastening and you patiently yet eagerly waited for his next action.
"may i?" chuuya whispered to which you nodded. he grabbed the back of your knee to part your leg and hold it up while you nod as you feel you cannot speak up as quickly as you would want to at this moment yet you do not want to wait anymore.
"i'll run to the pharmacy as soon as it opens tomorrow and buy you morning after pills, so don't worry, hm?" chuuya found the need to clarify to soothe your nerves in case this is what is making you feel so nervous but this was not the case at all, you nod, yet your nerves do not calm down as many thoughts appear in your head at the same time -- all of them have the same objective to answer what he will do next but none of these scenarios you thought could be compared to the real thing.
"i . . . am sorry, fuck, my inexperience is really showing up huh?" chuuya laughs as he clumsily rubs the tip of his dick against your folds as to gather some slick on it, he did not bother getting any lube as your cum would act like it already and truth be told, he feels to hot to actually wait another second from pouncing onto you now.
"never really thought you would be a virgin tho --"
" -- put it in?" chuuya intrupted you to lowly speak near your ear as he nudged his tip against your clit and you nodded quickly, shakily grabbing his tip as you marvel at the texture for a while, holding a dick for the first time sure feels weird yet you don't feel scared rather excited as chuuya's breath hitched when your fingers grasped his head. chuuya inched even closer to you as he buried his head against the crook of your neck.
"continue," he ordered and you shakily inched his tip closer towards your entrance as you nodded.
"'-- i don't know, you just don't look like the type to be one. i know i shouldn't assume things about anyone but you can't help but create a certain image of someone the more you --" your words were brought to a halt again as you paused with your actions now that his tip is aligned with your entrance, afraid of the pain it'll bring while pushing his cock inside your entrance and chuuya sensed it, dreading the same moment himself since the course of this night started but he had been scared for far long to manipulate himself with fake confidence and courage and so, he kissed your neck.
"wanna bite my hand to distract yourself from the pain? it'll disappear soon." he whispered to you and even though you shook your head, not wanting to feel better by inflicting pain upon him, chuuya still brought one of his palms near your lips and pressed the side of his palm against your lips because he knew you would soon give in.
your core burned again in desire and blinded your rationality which knew about the pain it would bring to have your cunt penetrated by his dick for the first time yet it was silenced by desire, your hand holding his tip shook as he you slipped it down to grab his length inside of the head, pushing the tip closer to your slit.
it didn't feel painful except a hit foreign at first but as soon as you pushed his length inside more, you could feel almost as if your muscles are tearing ; instinctly you closed your eyes and your teeth sinked into the flesh of his palm without you even realizing of doing so, a pained gasp leaving your lips.
chuuya couldn't dwell over the feeling of your walls suffocating his cock due to your teeth almost piercing his palm, it was a shrill kind of pain yet still had a subtle undertone of pleasure beneath it as chuuya is no stranger to punches and kicks and over the years of being so fearless of getting into fights, chuuya grew a great resistance to pain.
he took over where you left, both of his hands occupied by your body (one was being bitten, the other was holding your leg up to give him access to your cunt). he slowly pushed himself into you more as he thought it will be the best to go at a slower pace and drag the process out then going in quickly during the first time and taking risks.
you let out a faint sound of pain, your teeth sinking harder into his palm and chuuya too, hissed but continued to push himself inside you and stopped only when he was balls deep in you ; he once again hid his face against your shoulder as he let out a chuckle through his gritted teeth,
"fuck, are you trying to mark me or something sweetheart?" whispers are mere words but not so anymore when the one whose lips they leave to make a emphasis is the man whose blood is art and whose eyes are the spell.
and you will always fall for the spell, won't you?
the pain subdued and paved the way for pleasure to come sauntering in and this is when you realised the choked whines and pants leaving chuuya who felt as if he will cum just from the way you are sucking him in so greedily and suffocating his cock, challenging him to move and welcome pleasure to enter your body without cumming himself at the first thrust.
your teeth lifted up from the skin yet as a replacement, your eyes fell to look if your bite was too severe, a relief filled breath being exhaled when your damage was just faint teeth marks on his palm and the skin near it being extremely red.
before anything else could grab your focus, you let out a loud and surprised moan as chuuya suddenly pulled his dick out all the way till only the crown remained in your entrance before thrusting in.
you tilted your head as you tried to look back at chuuya but the same hand that once distracted you from your pain, now is also distracting you from looking at chuuya as he wrapped it around your throat to keep your head forwards for he knew he would cum if your eyes met with his, if he saw how much pleasure he is bringing to you.
he pushed and pulled as his skin slapped against your's with each thrust he made and you whined for how is it fair for someone claiming to be a virgin to be so good at this?
and so you let your frustration be known.
" -- you are so good at this! you always know how to make me shy or riled up so it's hard to, m-mhm a -- . . . -- ahh . . ., it's hard to believe you are a vigrin -- oh fuck, chu --" your eyes rolled back when chuuya's hand abandoned your throat to grab your cheeks and squeeze them tightly.
"what the fuck did i say about watching your language? you either do that or i fucking swear to you that you won't be able to speak even a single word once i'm done with you." chuuya roughly spat out as he closed his eyes, lips parted open to make way for soft moans to leave his lips while he continued to thrust in and out of you, his hand which holds your leg up in the air shook a bit due to the pleasure messing with him.
chuuya felt your walls clenching around him as he entered and left yet when the tip of his dick touched that one spot, he whined out as your walls squeezed him greatly and he paused, catching his breath and stopping the orgasm building inside him to reach its peak. he raised his head to look at you and you happened to sense his movements, opening your eyes which you didn't even realized shutted down the moment his head grazed near your g-spot and chuuya whined, cheeks heating up as he stared at you.
with his hand still grabbing and squeezing your cheeks to keep your lips parted, chuuya leaned down immediately to let his tongue inside your mouth, lightly grazing your's as he felt his saliva mix with your's and even dribble down your chin due to his one sided french kiss.
messy yet hot, the way chuuya likes.
chuuya pulled back soon, not bringing himself able to ignore the way your thighs tenses and relaxed as you waited for him to begin thrusting inside you again ; when he pulled back, a string of saliva connected his lips with your's and it made chuuya smirk, he leaned down to lick your bottom lip before letting go of your cheeks as his hand immediately came down to pinch your nipple between his fingers, wanting to edge you using your sensitive spot and you were too deep in pleasure to realise how his fingers shook too and how he whimpered and panted, feeling like he never did before but something he wants to feel regularly from here on.
"oh sweetheart, you are such a preety mess f'me. ain't ya? if one more curse leaves your mouth, i'll make sure to actually take my warning to you seriously, 'kay?" chuuya grinned as you whined out and with a cocky grin resting on his face, chuuya laid his head on the pillow again, beginning to thrust into you slowly yet deeply but not for long as once the taste of pleasure reentered into chuuya's body, his thrusts grew quick yet clumsy.
chuuya's fingers continued their assault as well, pinching your nipples, groping your breasts and lightly caressing them with a ticklish touch, all to watch you crumble below his finger and he dared not stop till your breathing quickened even more.
the saliva which still dropped down your chin and onto your neck is nothing compared to the pleasure flowing down your spine and stopping at your abdomen, where it playfully pulled on one end of the knot in your stomach.
the endless sucking of chuuya's dick by your walls had his thighs shaking as he moaned out softly.
chuuya's finger trailed down your breasts, downwards your abdomen and settled at your pubis before it once again trailed downwards and chuuya swore he only touched your clit with his thumb when you felt more pleasure travel down your spine and up your legs in waves, heavy waves.
these waves broke the knot in your stomach and you loudly cried out in pleasure and surprise when your body begins to tremble, the waves flowing from your head all the way to your toes.
so what broke the dam that is the knot of pleasure?
it was when chuuya lifted himself a bit to cling onto your neck and lick the side of it, the moment you felt his wet muscle touching your skin, your knot broke and the door of the dams opened, you loudly came while moaning his name.
chuuya watched with wide eyes in amazement  your body shook and you squirted. he watched, till he couldn't anymore and with one more thrust, he entered what seemed like the mortal equivalent of a taste of heaven.
"chu." it's how your voice cracked when you called his name immediately after your orgasm ended that had him quickly pulling out of you. thick ropes of white painted your back and ass as if it were a canvas for his paint. like his heart was beating fast, so were you both as you two panted, desperately trying to come back to reality after getting a short glimpse of heaven on earth and when chuuya finally felt the sensitivity and leftover pleasure leaving his body and leaving it in a relaxed yet weakened state, he let your leg fall (the one he was holding up the entire time) and raised his hand infront of you to let you know he wants you to grab it.
you do, sucking another deep breath in to calm yourself from this addicting high, you raise your hand to clasp it against his, fingers tangling against his pretty, lithe ones and you wonder when the moon came out from its hiding again to shower chuuya's skin with its light, making his skin almost glow.
"was it good for you? any pain? was i too rough? did i go to hard --"
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" -- why don't you just come and kiss me chu?" you mutter fondly as you stare at your clasped hands before chuuya tugs on it, his other hand going to grab your forearm to turn you around as he immediately raised his head to capture your lips in a soft kiss again.
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