#I'm supposed to want Hawks and the other Heroes to stop fighting and ask them to 'pretty please stop killing people'
problemswithbooks · 2 years
Ch. 374 Leaks
So, I guess Hori is going to paint Hawks as bad for killing Twice now...
First of all it’s a little to late for that. After Twice was killed Hawks wasn’t framed as a bad person for doing so. As much as people say that him getting off scot-free during the press conference is supposed to be another failure of Hero Society, it wasn’t framed that way what-so-ever. It was framed as Enji and the rest of them trying to step up and do the best they could. It wasn’t sinister at all and zero people ever showed any hesitance over what he had done. This makes you think the plot was either dropped or that it was a sad but necessary thing.
Second of all Twice coming back to fuck over the Heroes isn’t a direct consequence of him being killed. Twice would have been on AfO’s side regardless of Hawks killing him or not--he made that perfectly clear when they fought the first time and with his actions during the MVA arc. Hori is passing it off as ‘see, you shouldn't have killed Twice because now he’s going to fuck things up’, but that only works if Hawks not killing him would have caused a different outcome, which from everything we’ve been shown wouldn't have been the case. Hori easily could have set it up to work that way but he didn’t.
Twice was never going to not follow his friends and do whatever they told him to do. He was devoted to them fully and nothing would have deterred him to our knowledge. Twice was never upset with all the killing they did and how much further Shigaraki wanted to go. He was fine with going after and possibly killing teenagers right out the gate because the only thing that mattered to him was that the LoV liked him and they were his friends. 
If Hawks hadn’t killed him Twice would have either escaped with the LoV and used his duplicate to help over run the city and kill as many people as possible (as we saw him do in Deika), or been arrested and given how Kurogiri was just sprung, probably ended up on the battle field again anyway. Hawks killing or not killing Twice has zero effect--he’d be here fighting the Heroes anyway. It’s not a fitting punishment for Hawks that he’s back because his actions wouldn't have changed this scenario either way. Twice was always going to duplicate himself or his allies and try and murder as many people as possible because his ‘family’ told him to. 
On top of that Hawks is, I guess, supposed to be wrong for wanting to kill Twice again, but like I said above the writing undermines this message. We have never seen someone talk down a villain with success ever. Not even Stain stuck around to actually help out, he just gave All Might a letter, cheered him up and fucked off (plus it wasn’t even useful in the long run anyway). Hawks is the only Hero who even tried to talk a villain. Sure, it wasn’t the best, but it was better then just sticking a knife in his back and calling it a day. If Hori wanted the killing Twice option to be so clearly wrong, he shouldn’t have had Hawks bother to try talking to Twice at all. Now both options look like failures and that neither would work, yet only one is suddenly the wrong choice. 
The whole thing is so disappointing because there was a way this plot could have worked but Hori never pulled it of. He just couldn’t have Hawks kill Twice in cold blood, nor could he have Twice (or any of the other LoV members for that matter) show any concern or displeasure at the extreme methods they were being asked to do. Yet, despite not doing those things in the story, Hori is still pushing Hawks’ actions as wrong now. If he was going to do that Hori shouldn't have chickened out and just have made Hawks completely in the wrong to begin with. 
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darling-glitch · 2 years
𝑼𝒏𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒃𝒍𝒆 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓
[Tamaki Keigo]
Reblog | Comment | Enjoy, ig
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Warning! Spoilers. Slow burn. Drunken sex. Breeding sex. Desperate sex. Forgetful sex. Loveless sex. No strings attached. Plot sex. Strangers to Lovers Sex
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"T-This just in..."
You were seated in your usual spot at your usual bar, subtly listening intently at what the reporter had to say.
"T-This- I can't believe- "
She kept on stuttering over her own words. It annoyed you at first, but then you realized that gasps and sobs joined the baffled reporter. Curiosity had you looking up at the screen.
"I-" she cleared her throat. "This just in. Pro Hero Hawks seems to be having a struggle fighting against League of Villains member: Dabi. The blue flames make it hard to see b- but we should only hope for the- ah!"
The reported was attacked and the camera went all fuzzy. More people in the bar started whispering and gossiping; overall worrying about their safety. Many left while others tried to drown their sorrows away with alcohol. You just sat there, finishing your drink, looking up at the fuzzing tv.
Life never was something to brag about to you. Your quirk had gotten you exactly where your parents wanted you to be. You were a graduate of medical school, supported by your Regeneration quirk. Basically, you rebuilt lost or damaged DNA.
Later that night you walked alone in the streets of rubble, shit and death. Some newbie heroes took care of the job, though it lasted hours. Hawks ended up in the hospital, wings joined in the rusty evening sky as nothing more than ashes. You'd met him before and rather enjoyed his "company". Met at the bar, a few drinks in, then woke up entangled with feathers and sheets.
A shame, really, to see such potential burn in the flames of his rival. Fuck you, she scolded Dabi for being such a dickhead.
Time skip. He was discharged about two days ago, the fight being something of the past. Weeks were wasted in the hospital where the constant reminder of his disappointment haunted him. He was told to take things easy but being sober was forcing him to nearly lose his sanity. He left for a bar. A bar he hadn't visited in quite some time, and he wasn't sure why.
Everywhere he walked people would gawk and stare. Some would even try to encourage him, but that always ruined his day even more. People pitied him now. A hero, who was supposed to save them.
Wearing a face mask and cap he took a seat at the far back. He asked for something strong and patiently waited.
"Everyone's fucking stupid," he heard you say from behind him, seated at your usual booth. At first, he didn't think you were talking to him. "Either people or blind, or luck is finally on your side." You took a sip. He glanced through the corner of his eyes, but still couldn't see you.
"What now? You gon pity me or some shit? Call me out for being such a fucking disappointment?"
"Why would I do that?" He turned his head over his shoulder and looked directly at the back of your head. "You did more than what I ever could've."
"Yet I still failed." You scoffed and downed your drink, the notified waiter refilling it within moments. "Something funny?"
"Just you thinking you're so special," you could feel him lifting his brows and twisted your head to look at him. Your arm rested atop the booths. Both your faces were really close.
"I'm not-"
"But you are," you swallowed more comfort-juice.
"I'm not-"
"But you are," he stayed quiet to avoid irritation. "Stop thinking you're so special just because some villain whooped your ass. Life happens and there's nothing you can do about it... except laugh it off and call out: 'Fuck you too'," his eyes softened after a moment's worth of pondering. Then he started to chuckle amusingly.
"Have we met?" He then asked, voice a mixture of pure depression and pure delight.
You shrugged. "You've had many, but I'm a lucky bitch who was railed by the Pro Hero Hawks." A seductive grin grinned and he lifted a brow. Your glass rested on your bottom lip and daring eyes looked up at him. "Guess you were just having a shitty day and needed some therapy."
He reached for his own drink and downed the burning liquid. "Guess you pop up exactly when I need you most, huh." You snickered and placed your empty glass down.
"Are you saying you're having a bad day?" Fuck, you were being a slut. Your finger traced circles on his shoulder, ignoring the threatening glare he sent your way. "Maybe you need some therapy."
You looked at him. Fuck, you looked at him.
And that's how you ended up under him, begging for more and pleading for him to stop. Hands clawing at his back as his mouth sucked, bit, gnawed, and kissed away at your body.
Both naked. Both steaming hot. Both already dripping with sweat. Both horny as life itself. Where exactly? He said it was his place, but you didn't quite remember it being as such. Didn't matter. Nothing mattered.
Nothing mattered other than his slick fucking fingers stretching you out mercilessly. Your hands gripped at his hair and pulled, groans and moans syncing sexually. He added his thumb to rub your clit. Your back arched and a string of curses cursed their way out your mouth. The common stranger would never take you for being so verbal.
And you weren't. Unless it was a frustrated, animalistic horny beast busy railing you into the fucking ground. You came all over his hand, his fingers dripping soaking wet with the evidence you proved of being ready. He did that. He made you feel so good your body erupted with sensational orgasm.
"I think- I'm starting- to remember you," he spoke between sloppy kisses, ignoring his desperation for air. You kept on kissing him back.
"How so?"
He pulled away and flipped you over, forcing you into doggy style. He took a moment; a painfully short moment, just to take all of you in. "Who the fuck wouldn't remember something as incredible as you?"
Your head dropped with a childish grin. Big, rough hands tightly gripped your sides. Your heartbeat beat faster and faster at the anticipating expectation of him filling you up. You weren't a virgin when he fucked you before, but his size made you feel like tearing everything possible. It had you anxiously excited.
"Ha!" You responded to his previous statement. "You haven't seen the least of my incredibility," you boasted. Then you felt it. A massive fucking cock just brushing over your dripping cunt. It slid between your folds, massaging your clit with every up and down movement.
His chest pressed up against your back, mouth close to your ear. You felt his hot breaths. You felt his tongue wetting your lobe. Shivers. Fucking shivers.
"Then show me."
Fuck! What better word to describe what he was doing to you? With no mercy and no time for taking a breath, he fucked himself deep into you. Pounding endlessly until you swore, he reached your cervix. A repeated motion of buckling his hips and gripping your waist. It drove you mad.
Again and again, he thrusted into you and then for absolutely no fucking reason... he stopped. Dick buried deep inside of you, you were hoisted up and pressed against him. Your back against his chest. Both standing on your knees, only you had a twitching cock inside of you.
"Show me exactly what makes you so memorable."
When you made your remark, you meant it in two ways. You were incredible. Your quirk, to be more specific. And when he uttered those words, it somehow managed to slip out doubled meaning as well.
When all he got was sympathy, you proved to him that life was cruel and there was no point bitching about that. Yet you lightened something that he didn't even know was there. A flame, perhaps? A glimpse of... motivation?
His arms were crossed over your body, each hand gripping a tit. your one hand reached to cup his cheek, while the other rested atop his hands. His nose nuzzled into your neck, pecking it softly.
"If I did that, you might not want to let me go."
You wanted him. Before it was only a hunch and even now you could've just been under the influence of his arousal, but you wanted him. And not just in the sexual way. You wanted him. Desperately.
"You thought I was going to let you go?" He tugged at a string in your mind that sent flutters into your tummy. One peck to the cheek and you were back on all fours, gripping onto the sheets and crying out cries of pleasure. Bouncing along to his beat. Taking him in inch by inch. Like a hawk in heat, he made you his.
His thrusts became sloppy and breaths even more rigid. He was close. You gasped and yelped all at once, feeling the sudden attachment of his finger fingering your clit. Over stimulation. Complete and utter rapture. Glee that made you feel wanted and adored. How could he have such an effect on you?
Your walls tightened and pussy juices squirted all over his pounding cock. Hawks himself then joined you in orgasm and filled you with his seed. Hot, sticky cum dripped from your cunt, sweat mixing in with it.
You were exhausted. He plucked himself from your clingy pussy and turned to sit on the edge of the bed. At first, you fell face first into the bed. You then caught your breath and adjusted your position to look at him. He sensed it and looked back at you.
No words. He simply crawled onto the bed and wrapped big strong arms around you. Gently, he shifted both your weights to lay on your sides; snuggled up against him. You felt hot, sure, but you also felt safe. You heard him chuckle with little amusement.
"Last time I held you I could at least cover you up," he mentioned towards his lost wings. The fluttering burned and you had a heavy sensation dropping in your chest. He pecked your forehead, but let go when you looked up at him.
"I want to show you how incredible I am now." You've decided. His head titled slightly to the side in confusion and he snickered.
"Thought we already established that, kid."
You pulled your lips into a thin line, but then shook your head. Sincerity in your eyes allowed him to understand how serious you were, and his expression softened. He looked at you and maintained focus on where you were touching him. Over his chest, down his sides. Across his back... until you touched the roots where his wings once were.
He cringed or flinched; you weren't sure. One hand went to his neck, and you pulled him in for a kiss. Something to distract him. Something to comfort him. Intimacy. Affection. Passion. All synced along to the kiss. You worked your magic. He didn't notice.
When you pulled away his forehead touched yours. You felt gingerly at the roots of his wings. You smiled. You started to giggle. He looked down on you and gave you a questioning look. You simply smiled up at him.
"And that smile?" As reply you gestured towards the bathroom. In specific the mirror. He felt like there was something on his face or some shit and decided to get up. You sat there, excitedly waiting for him to open his gift from you. It was honestly the least you could do for him.
He looked at his reflection and saw nothing out of the ordinary. He turned to the side and looked back at where you were sitting on the bed, shrugging. You motioned towards the mirror again, this time he only turned his head to examine his side figure.
His eyes were wide, yours were closed. His mouth was agape, yours pulled up in a smug smile. His hands were near trembling, yours were ready to embrace him again. There they were. At his roots.
Two little bundles of freshly grown, scarlet-red feathers. An unforgettable favor.
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© all content belongs to estjbeaver '22. do not modify or repost.
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hayleyb100 · 2 years
Updraft, Part 2
⚠️Heads up:
-Everything is headcanon weaved on to canon
-It's a story featuring Endeavor and Inasa Yoarashi from BNHA
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The morning sunlight tapped me awake. My body weighed down like an anchor and my head felt like it's been hazed. I wished the morning just wouldn't come, but again, like always, the sun rose. There wasn't a hint of energy in me to push on for another day to fight off the villains... when no one appreciated it. 
I've lost count of how long it's been since Dabi... No, Touya reappeared after all those years I thought he died. It was supposed to be the most touching day for any parents who lost their child, but due to my sins, it turned into the worst nightmare for myself, my family, and the whole of society. My sins brought ruins to the heroes. With growing disbelief towards heroes due to my acts, a good hero named Death Arms made retirement, pouring gasoline into the collapse. I received the undeserving title of No. 1 hero so pathetically, and I am sure living up to it. Going down in flames with the title hero I so desperately wanted to be. My flame not only burned the hooded Nomu but the whole order too.
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I wanted to give everything up and run away, but if the No. 1 hero does, the hero society will get torn apart. I know that villains are the ones waiting for that the most so I couldn't do that either. The weight of the title crushed me, and I was so ashamed for being so oblivious to what All Might was fighting with on his shoulder. And with the goal of becoming the No. 1 hero vanishing in front of my eyes, I was like a boat without wind on its sail, just floating aimlessly on the ocean. The hideous emptiness and disillusionment devoured me. I completely lost what I've been reaching for. I reached the peek soaking my hands in others' tears, but it was an empty, freezing peek of Everest with nothing around but shackles of the highest mockery. Was it worth all that? Straying my family, pushing Touya and my wife to breaking point, destroying the hero society that I never even constructed, and... There was no one to complain either, as I brought this upon myself with reeking greed. In fact, I was disgusted at myself, already feeling worn out, when there are still light years ahead to repent all I did. 
I sighed dragged myself out of the bedding, changed and walked out. The wall was covered with flyers and graffiti cursing me as a disgrace of heroes. I read them briefly and passed by as there are villains to stop. I knew what was on there but I couldn't ignore it, as they're all that I have to swallow for what I did in the past. It was a tough pill, but who can complain?
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"You okay there, No. 1?" the bird man's voice sounded exceptionally disturbing today. What the heck is the meaning of that question anyways? He was right there, at the sight, the grand ballroom where I got stoned by the media. He knows Touya returned in the worst form possible. Does he expect me to be fine after that? I looked at him for a brief moment and pushed on to patrol.
"No need to be a meanie who ignores-" he chuckled as he trailed me.
"I never asked for a backup." I snapped, feeling irritated as if his feathers are tickling my nose. 
"I hate to admit but we're cornered," Hawks sighed. 
"We need to gather not scatter especially at times like this."
I said nothing as he was right, but it didn't mean it annoyed me less. I was already worn out to rock bottom and now I have to pretend I'm alright all while doing my job. It was... too much to ask. 
"I'm still rooting for you, No. 1. No matter what they say."
His words really got to my nerves this time and a little flame glared on my scar. No offense, but his smug grin makes his intention questionable all the time. I almost grabbed him and shoot him flying with my flame just to be alone. Ironic, because I was suffering under torturing loneliness but still wanted time to myself. 
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It was after we finished the daily patrol that I got hit by an empty can. There they were again, the protestors who yell for the disappearance of fake heroes. 
"Don't let it get to you." Hawks closed his eyes turning away from the crowd. 
The moments like this are when I hate being a human being. I am the one at fault yet my heart still screams for help. No matter how much time I scold myself that there is so much I need to do to make it right again and that I shouldn't run away, my heart was already giving out. Feeble. So feeble. When I was a monster to my family, I didn't even feel a thing, but now I'm brimming with emotions. The double side of mine made me feel nauseous. I hate myself. I despise myself so much...
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That's when I heard a voice that nearly tore my ears, followed by a powerful gale that blew all the garbage they'd been tossing away. 
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"Everyone, just STOP PLEASE!"
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It was the boy from Shiketsu, who took the redemption course for Provisional Hero License with Shoto. I didn't give much thought to him apart from how much blood-coated he was as he told me he'll support me. Never I've imagined he would barge in between the crowd and me to shield me. 
"It's none of your business, boy! Get lost!" One of the protestors yelled.
'Yes, it doesn't concern you,' I thought too.
'Just go your merry way and everything will be fine.' 
"No! Please, stop it! I won't let you hurt him!" 
"Isn't that a Shiketsu hat? Means you're a hero trainee, so why are you guarding that disgusting fake hero!" 
Not sure if it is because of how loud his voice was, but my heart throbbed at the words. Hero? Me?
"The fight he had against the hooded Nomu was the display of true hero... Risking their lives and pushing their limits to overcome evil to save the day! He has it, the fire of a hero in his heart! Even now, he is STILL HERE as a hero after facing the most embarrassing flaw of his! The majority of people try every means to run away from their faults as that's zillion times easier! But he is here. Here to FACE IT! That's the bravest thing I've ever seen someone do! I know it is hard to forgive, so I won't even ask you to do that! But I'll say this because I lingered hating someone without trying to know about them for so long and realized how stupid it was! AT LEAST DON'T DISCOURAGE SOMEONE WHO IS TRYING TO REDEEM! These things aren't like flipping your hand, so PLEASE GIVE HIM THE TIME HE NEEDS!"
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the boy bowed to the crowd in place of me. The crowd fell silent and soon scattered grumbling.
I felt like my breath stopped for his whole speech. 
No. You don't deserve it. You don't deserve someone standing on your ground. You're a fake hero. A foul person...
That's what my head said, but my heart felt indescribable consolation. 
"Are you okay, Endeavor??" the boy turned to me and asked.
"...You shouldn't have. Why did you do that?" there I was again, not being honest when I was grateful to be speechless.
The boy quietly stared at me, as if he is seeing through me. He soon beamed ear to ear.
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"Remember I said I will be rooting for you? I meant it! And I'll support you in every way!"
His smile was so bright that it stung. My heart felt like it was tearing apart into the smallest bits but with that, maybe not so much anymore. It's been a while since I've seen any child of his age smile at me. Forget my kids, but I was so arrogant to push away any child fans that a kid's smile is a fantasy. 
His ragged Shiketsu hat was also a pain in my heart. I know it's a school rule in Shiketsu to always wear the uniform hat along with the hero costume, meaning he also was facing a tough time guarding the city. When it was my fault that students had to go to the front line of defense, he still wore that face on me. 
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"Thank you." was probably all I could say. 
"No problem!" he replied even louder. 
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"Oh, oh!! Hold up!" the boy seemed to have remembered something and started digging into his school bag. He soon pulled out what seem to be goggles. 
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Can I have your...
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My heart sank. Why did I not remember him when he was so loud? How is he wearing that face to me and say those words when I stomped on his heart with my stupidity and haughtiness? 
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"See? It isn't so bad to have fans." Hawks chuckled.
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"And why not? Even if it doesn't mean a complete repenting yet, having somebody to recognize and cheer you can do wonders."
I hate it when he talks senses. I really do. But today, I couldn't deny it. I'll just let him take the win. Now I really can't stop the work of atonement, seeing that innocent boy who wholeheartedly believes I would. I quietly continued the patrol as the bird man followed me.
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_____________ The fire cause updraft in the wind to soar higher, the wind fans and fuels the fire to burn brighter. 
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little birdie
word count: 792
"we've got to stop meeting like this, little birdie."
hawks didn't look over his shoulder to see who it was. only one person called him by that name.
"meeting like what? me doing my nightly patrols and you stalking me?" he replied smoothly. a strong gust of wind blew, and he extended a large, crimson wing to shield himself from it.
"maybe i just enjoy your company. have you ever thought of that?"
as the man came to sit next to him on the ledge of the building, hawks changed his position from a crouch to sitting, allowing his wings to rest from keeping him balanced. the glowing city lights of fukuoka were spread out beneath him as far as he could see, and if he used his imagination, he could pretend he was above the stars.
"you shouldn't, dabi," he responded after a silence had stretched between them. " we can't keep doing this. i'm a hero, and you're a villain."
dabi turned his gaze from the lights to hawks, compelling him to do the same. "yet, you don't change your patrol routes, and you sit on this rooftop until i show up."
hawks drew in a shuddering breath and folded his wings in closer to himself. he couldn't bring himself to look away from dabi's teal eyes.
he knew he shouldn't, couldn't, be meeting him on the rooftops of his city every night. they were on opposite sides of the same war. their colleagues hated each other, and they hated each other's colleagues. they were supposed to hate each other too.
there was every possibility hawks would lose the respect, the job, the friends he'd worked and trained for years to gain if he was seen with dabi. and he knew that for dabi, the scarred, pierced man would have to face the wrath of the most powerful villains in japan. nothing good would come out the two being together.
nothing except...
"do you trust me?" hawks asked. from the other's rapid blinking, he could tell the question had been unexpected.
dabi let out a heavy exhale and stood up. “do i trust a predatory hero whose only business he should have with me is to either put me behind bars or kill me?”
hawks felt his heart begin to sink and stood up as well. as he opened his mouth to speak, dabi gave him a smile.
and stepped off the edge of the building.
hawks thrust a hand out, trying to catch hold of even a piece of dabi’s clothing. the man kept falling.
spurring his wings into action, hawks dove off the building. he did everything he knew to do to make himself fall faster. he tried to keep his mind off of how rapidly they were nearing the sidewalks of fukuoka and instead focused on reaching dabi.
his hand still outstretched, hawks managed to grab hold of his arm. he used everything in him to pull dabi closer, closer, closer until he was tucked safely into him. his large powerful wings beat, fighting to slow their descent. he struggled to carry himself and dabi, but he wouldn’t let his wings stop until they had reached a solid structure.
hawks flew and flew, away from the city. their fall had almost brought them close to the point where even those without enhanced sight would recognize the hero and villain. he didn’t want to risk the chance that someone had.
finally, hawks spotted a field of grass. he allowed himself to get nearer to the ground, and when he was a safe distance from it, dropped dabi. he stayed in the air even after hearing the other man’s pained groan, contemplating on just leaving him there. but he knew he didn’t have the heart to.
“ow,” dabi fussed.
hawks scoffed before using a wing to smack dabi. “why would you do that?! you could’ve been hurt! what if i didn’t reach you in time?!”
“i was giving you your answer,” dabi pouted. “i was showing you that i trust you.”
dabi sidled up to hawks, wrapping his arms around him while being careful of his wings. he waited until hawks eventually relaxed into him and brought his own mouth near his ear, even though he knew hawks would have no problem hearing dabi whisper from 10 feet away with his enhanced hearing.
“i’m sorry. can you forgive me?”
a silence grew between them. hawks knew what he was doing. he knew, yet he was still falling. for the trick, for dabi? from the shiver that had run down his spine when dabi had spoken, he knew the answer.
“don’t ever do that again. i mean it,” hawks finally huffed.
grinning, dabi answered, “as you wish, little birdie.”
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containatrocity · 1 year
Write me your last words (duck and hawk)
I couldn't figure out the right way to do this, but given that we're not exactly the kind of brothers who... talk, to each other, I guess this'll suffice. I'm sorry. I was a shitty, attention seeking little brother and I know that... left you in the lurch. I'm sorry that I was both the one brother you really... got on with, and also the one who spent most of his time fighting with you. I'm sorry that I'm the reason you wound up stuck here. Maybe it would have been better if we meant it, all those times we said we hated each other. that we wouldn't give a shit if the other one keeled over and died.
I never meant it, at least. You're my brother. And despite it all, I love ya. I've got a fucking porcelain tooth and it's your fault, but I still look at the four wheeler in my garage and remember how much fun we'd been having before I fell out of that desk chair and mulched my face. before you came running to the scene of the crash and begged me 'please ducky don't tell mama!' while trying to bribe me with your allowance for the week. I did tell mom though. Not because I wanted you in trouble, but because I needed a dentist's intervention to pick the shards of my teeth out of my lip, and a doctor to get the chunks of my glasses out of my face. You were a lot nicer to me, the week after, but we still avoided each other. We only got along when we were getting up to trouble. Maybe that's how we were always just. supposed to be.
I'm sorry. I know I was annoying. That you got a degree in medicine around the time I had my first child and that pushed your achievements to the side. That I was some war hero that mom bragged about and you were a doctor who moved away. I'm sorry we ever felt like we were in competition. You're smart. Way smarter than I could have ever hoped to be. Because you're reading this. And I'm dead. I don't know how, maybe I finally just stopped getting lucky. Maybe it was my own stupid fault... No matter what it was, don't hold this against me- I'm really sorry I told on you, after all.
I don't want to ask you to take the kids in. Wren's grown and I know she'd take good care of her brother. But keep them away from Ma. I spent 20 years raising them the exact opposite of the way we were brought up so maybe when they're old and shitty like me and you they'll at least be able to have dinner without getting into a fistfight in the yard.
I didn't like fighting with you. I guess that's stupid to admit, that's... our whole thing, right? But- it's the only thing you would do with me for ages. How many times did I ask you to come out hunting or fishing or just for lunch and you were busy? At least if I pissed you off, we were hanging out. At least if I let you win sometimes, I didn't feel like I'd taken everything from you. You remember when we were teenagers and I tried to talk you into taking a roadtrip with me? I made a tape and everything, and then I totaled the sedan. I guess I've spent most of my life fucking up and making you hate me. I guess I don't blame you.
I'm sorry I hit you with the stock of my gun when you came home. I should have known the only reason you'd come back was because you were worried about me. I got us both stuck here.
When you and Matt get hitched, save me a seat at the table. Pretend I made some stupid speech about when we were kids how I knew you were a hopeless gay just like me. And when you remember you hate me, find some way to make it productive, because I'm not around to beat to shit anymore.
Despite it all, I love you, Hawthorne.
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saso-does-art · 7 months
This is out of roofer but I don’t care
Also triggerwanting this has to do with inhuman human corrimientos read at your own risk
Chapter 8 Experiments
(dois pov)
I sighed as I finished the primary duty for Hawks. I was the youngest hero there. I hated it; I hated being on mail duty. I'm good at fighting. I was created for fighting, but I'm on mail duty. “Stop sulking” i herd tokoyami mutter
(5 years ago)
I ran away, holding baby 010 in my arms. I ran into 2 people. One boy with white hair and patched skin, and the other with curly hair. I gave her to them. "KEEP HER SAFE" I yelled as the scientists ran after me. "Now run." I watched as they ran off. The scientist taxed me in the neck, and I passed out.
(4 years ago)
I was put in the room with 2 other experiments. One with an electricity quirk and the other with a fire quirk. We were supposed to fight to the death. The fire one ran at me, and I blocked his flames with my wings and blacked out. The next thing I remember is opening my eyes to see the kids I was put against dead, blood on my wings and feathers.
(1 year ago)
I overheard 2 adults arguing. One said, "This isn't ethical," and the other said it was. I walked into the room where the man who said it was grabbed a cloth, and I passed out.
I sighed, watching out the window as Hawks continued talking. Eventually, I said, "Since there is an upcoming war (the war arc in MHA, aka the paranormal liberation war), can I be on the front lines" I looked to Hawks, who hung up. "Doi, we went over this," he said. "You can't do hero work yet because…. Because you are not ready. "Not ready? NOT READY," I snapped at him. "I have been GOVERNMENT TRAINED SINCE I WAS BORN," I stared at him. "I think I'm ready." I heard Tokoyami finally say, "Yeah, Hawks, give her a chance," and that's how I got onto the front lines of The Paranormal Liberation War.
Chapter 9 The Paranormal Liberation War
(Kumo's pov)
"Is it ethical to put literal children on the fr-" I began before Bakugo yelled, "Shut up extra," I rolled my eyes. "This is Japan; ethics don't matter," I heard one kid say. We all looked at her. She had blond hair like hawks did; she looked like hawks but younger and a girl with white wings. "I'm sorry, but who is this?" I heard someone say.
(dois pov)
"Oh… um.. Im Doi," I said everyone just went on from there. Everyone was given instructions, and we all got to the position. I was put with the group that was going after the central area. I saw someone running at me, and without even an ounce of hesitation, I took one of my more giant feathers out and stabbed him through the chest. I sighed unphased, but the person next to me, a boy with long black hair who held a crystal sword and could control crystals, stared at me for a second, horrified.
(ruiki Yaoyorozu’s pov)
I stared at the kid. Apparently, her name was doi. I looked back, fending myself off from the villain that was attacking me, accidentally stabbing him. "Oh shit… idd I just ki- oh shit," i kept saying
(kudos pov)
I sighed, waiting on the hill with others, not fighting as much. Well… I mean, I did web a shit tone of people up together. That was when I saw it, a villain running toward me and Momo; without even thinking, I ran toward him, knocking him to the ground and biting his neck. When I finally realized what happened, I stood there spitting out blood and my own venom. "Oh shit, what happened to you," Momo asked, pointing to her brother holding a bloody sword. "Don't want to talk about it." We later saw doi flying over to our, landing, and then saying, "They are on the move? You know that giant; it's going over to the other area.
(Setsuko's pov)
I looked around, helping children get out of the earthquake. "Um… guys… there's a giant coming…." I could hear Momo say on the radio. "We ne-AND Mydoria is running off, ok b- and bakugo is running off ok then t- AND TODOROKI IS RUNNING OFF," I muttered. "Ok, uriaka, you can do my job for me because I'm going after them," I yelled over to her, running after all 3 of them.
(Half an hour later)
I ran towards Dabi, a water attack in my hands, resting before he threw flams at me. "You really smart when it comes to temperature," he taunted.
(One hour later)
Eventually, gigantimacia was down, and I climbe myself throw up a lot of blood and venom. After vomiting, I could feel a burning, and when I looked over to where it was, I saw Touya/dabi and flames. I also noticed that Bakugo was hurt, so I ran over to help him despite being severely damaged.
(2 days lateral)
(Doi's pov)
"This is why you bring my fireproof ass w-"I started getting interrupted by Yokoyama. "Didn't you kill people?" He asked, "So did ha-"Hawks interrupted us. "You 2 shut the fuck up. I'm going to bed," he muttered. "Oh, also, do, there's a package on your bed; welcome to UA."
And that is how I got into UA.
Chapter 10: The Phoenix
(5 years ago)
(Sicentsts pov)
"010 was created to replace touya. They were created because YOU couldn't do your job right after Touya died," I snapped at the Endever, who was yelling at me of all people because they disappeared. "Well, they were doing it when they disappeared." one of my coworkers said. "She might know," she said, opening the door and dragging doi in. "Where is 010?" Endever yelled, about to hurt the young experimenter.
(presant day)
(hinotoris pov)
He was gone. My father (dabi) ran off. I was looking for him; it was early and dark, so I used my flame as a light. My wings were cut off by him earlier. "And you sure that there was a child with him" I heard a voice say as the other voice said, "Yeah, I specifically remember." The different voice said. I listened to a 3rd voice; it was calm, it was quiet, and it was a female voice, "Let me look, I can probably find them." I could hear footsteps, and then I saw her. She stared at me, her brown eyes looking into my blue. She finally spoke. "010, look, it's me, 007," she said, looking down at me. I hugged her. I thought I would never see her. "Actually, my name is doi," she said. “Im hinotori, i said. No one calls me 010… anymore"
(dois pov)
I picked her up and walked to Hawks and Endever. We took her to the hospital because she had been bleeding and her wings were cut off.
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afurioushawk · 3 years
you asked me about my thoughts about how they could fix s5, but I'm curious about what you think they could do lol
By no means comprehensive because I still haven’t had time to process everything lol.
But I think they should take full advantage of the fact that Johnny and Daniel must now stop teaching. And everyone around them should honestly be like “lol good.” I really want someone, other than just Amanda, to call these assholes out on treating their kids like pawns. Like, at least Silver and Kreese are supposed to be douchebags, they’re the villains, but Johnny and Daniel are our alleged heroes and they acted like absolute dicknuggets. Someone, please roast them, it would start things off on goodwill.
Have Chozen take over what’s left of Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang, create a truly combined dojo now. Call it whatever you want, Miyagi-Do, Chozen-Do, Miyagi-Fang, whatever. But Chozen’s style of fighting is actually, like, the perfect representation of what the good parts of MD/EF would be combined. Chozen knows when to take a fight seriously. He’s used to offensive fighting. In KK2 he trained American airbase men, and in S3 he learned Miyagi-Do karate also taught skills how to kill. Obviously, none of these kids need to be taught how to kill lol, and it’s good Chozen understands the best way to stop a war is to take away the enemy's means of being able to wage it. But he takes this shit seriously. He’s not like Daniel, just looking for a moral high ground.
So have him teach the kids. And honestly, I’d be so happy if they all just took to him after the initial shock wears off lol. Like, "Can you be our forever Sensei, please?" And please for the fuck of god give Hawk a Sensei who can appreciate him, after how Johnny, Kreese, and Daniel have treated him. He and Chozen have so much potential in their interactions, please writers, don’t squander this one.
Johnny’s heading to Mexico, that much is a given. And I suspect he’ll take Robby with him because he can’t just immediately reconcile and then dump Robby again lmao. I mean, I guess he could and it would track, but I get the feeling they really want to address the Robby-Johnny-Miguel stuff next season, so I think Robby will probably go with him. And, really, they should finally get Robby and Miguel to interact again, it’s time.
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Soulmate Au
Before you meet your soulmate you have to deal with a chibi version of them before actually meeting them. So can you handle it?
Hawks point of view
A/n: finally I kicked the sloth aside and wrote this...
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Soulmates weren't a good thing... that was at least what your mother told you.
Soulmates crushed your heart. Not all soulmates accept their own ones with kind hearts and cozy and loveable chibis... Your mother fell for your father, a loveable chibi who appeared in her life, everything was fine until... your birth.
Your father's chibi was cold and uncaring about the baby. The fruit of your mother's unconditional love from him. And with what he returned? Bullshit.
They got separated. They never once married, and the chibis ran away from their owner... never appearing again.
Your father and mother shared your custody even though you pass more time with your mother and the mom of your dad.
"I hope you never get a soulmate (Y/n)." Your mother spoke as she carresed your hair, hate evident on her words as she comforted your crying self due to some hurtful thing your father had said to you.
"W-why not mama?" You sniffled as she wiped your tears with a frown.
"They can hurt you as badly as some knife on your chest sweety. If you happen to have a soulmate, promise me you will not put your heart on their hands, dont give yourself away for the cuteness of some chibi. It may not be real."
That was when you started to have a fear towards the cute things...
You walked around your school, seing all of your classmates cheering or talking about their chibis. Some on their shoulders, others on the top of their heads...
You grimaced. You felt... left out. Despite your fear to getting one, how you wished to find your soulmate... just hoping that you didn't ended up like your mother... or worse, like him.
You had affection towards your dad for a while... but as the years passed by, you noticed how his "play" was more of hurtful words. The man only cared about himself and his money... yet you couldn't leave.
You felt like a bird on a cage.
Sighing, you sitted on a bench... alone. Picking your art supplies as you started to doodle on your notebook. You hummed a song while the pencil on your hand leaved trails of graffiti before smilling at the sound of birds chirping.
Something felt on your notebook then... you let out a confused sound at the thing.. a drop of some red fluid. You looked up and frowned before you went to brush your hair before gasping at noticing it was YOUR blood which had fell.
"W-What?!" You whimpered, now the pain starting to manifest as you hissed. It was like a knife had cutted your skin! And gosh, how it hurted...
Grabbing your things and rushing to the bathroom you didn't noticed something entering your backpack... you wiped at the blood and sighed.
"I will have to go to the enfermary... but what will I tell the nurse?! Suddenly this appeared?! Urgh!" You hitted your forehead in the mirror with closed eyes, opening them slowly after.
Seing a blond and feathered chibi looking up at you. Your eyes widened and blinked to confirm it was real before it squeaked at you. You screamed and dropped in your butt, crawling your way until your back hitted the wall of the bathroom.
The chibi squeaked. A worried sound as he flew, getting closer and closer to you as you trembled.
"S-Stay back-!" You grabbed a ruler that felt and pointed at him, making him stop on his flying as he arched one of his eyebrows and let out a giggle..
Sure, you would laugh as well if someone pointed a ruler to you as if it was a weapon...
"Stay back! Go to your owner or something!" You shouted before he furrowed his eyebrows again, smile fading as he flew and dropped inches awya from you. It came out a soft squeaked, and somehow you could just feel it was like a apology.
"I-Its okay. You just scared me appearing out of no where..." you hesitantly dropped the ruler back and hot on your knees, looking down at the chibi.
It had such messy hair... golden eyes, shining as bright as the sun, yet it carried a deep pain and some sorta of loneliness. You could certainly understand him...
"I'm sorry, did I scared you as well?" He shook his head as he pointed at his own cheek and squeaking at you. You touched the wound and got what he was supposed to say "I'm okay... didn't know where the heck I got from though..." you mumbled the last parts.
He squeaked at you again, opening his little wings and flying at the at the height of your eyes. Some little feather coming out and tickling your cheeks which you giggled a bit.
"So that's your quirk!" You giggled, the chibi letting out a yelp of glee of seing you smile as he did a black flip. "Okay okay, you're nice... Where are your soulmate though?" You tilted your head at it as he stopped and pointed at you.
You caried it on the palms of your hands as if it was going to break it... get frowning at him for being so.... handsome and... too perfect.
Your mother's words echoed in your head as you entered your father's car and he drove you out of the school. He saw the chibi and started saying bullshit like "got a soulmate dolly? Heh!"
You ignored at his clearly fake smile and smiled at the chibi flying around your head and chirping and squealing. It reminded you of a bird!
Maybe... you could just trust your own soulmate?
"(L/n)-san!!! You are a life saver!" Your coworker moaned while holding onto the table as you finished your drawing.
"Sure."you giggled before signing it. Waiting a few minutes before you saw the puppy slowly coming out of the paper and jumping at the floor, shaking and barking cutely at your coworkers.
You snorted at hearing the sound of tiny hands clapping inside your jacket pocket. Birdbrain. The chibi always encouraging you of using your quirk.
"Thank you so much! My nephew then will get some ideas on what kind of dog he will want!" Your coworker chuckled at the puppy licking their cheek.
"It will be like this for at least four hours, but then they will return to the paper. Dont forget." You warned, allowing your birdbrain to flee as free as he wanted out of your pocket.
You smiled at him, opening your hand for him to sit on it. Such an ass, your soulmate was surely one of the most laziest man around.
It had passed years since he appeared on the bathroom for you. Yet you felt your guts twist in anxiety at only the thought of getting to know the actual male that was your soulmate...
Words of your mother ringed in your earbuds each time and your relationship with your father was no better than before. Now aparently he was trying to rebuild only because he knows he is getting old and needs help...
A strong crashing and sound of people shouting and crying made you break out of your thoughts. It all happened so fast. Endeavour, the top one hero crashed your window and if it wasn't for your chibi you squeaking loudly and pushing you out of the way you were going to get hitted.
A voice from another hero came up and for some reason the feathers of your chibi ruffled up as he widened his gold eyes up before you rushed out of the building along with him.
:we have to get out of here before this collapse on us!" You shouted as bird squeaked along as you helped some coworkers of yours along the way to get out.
You didn't stay up to watch the fight... you just wanted to get out and go home to where it was safe.
Yet your chibi completely disagree with that as he squeaked, flapped his wings... heck, even threw a chicken wing at your head.
Your birdbrain NEVER would throw a chicken wing away. Never. You come to notice his love for nuggets and other chicken related things like that at a young age, joking about him being a canibal.
You had enough when he just flew past your head when you were going to eat and pushe dyour head while pointing at the winfown
"Fine! You won!" You shouted, glaring at him when he made an action whose was almost shouting hallelujah, before getting out and him flying behind you.
The night was quite beautiful as you and your chibi walked, him rested on your shoulder as he smiled at looking at you.
It was peaceful before he jumped on his feet, his little wings wide open as his feathers ruffle up. Eyes sharp as a Hawk.
"You're okay? Birdy?" You asked in worry before gasping when he just flew like the speed of light away from you.
"BIRDY!" you shouted, running after him on the path of the park.
Shit! If you lost your chibi then you would never get to meet your soulmate! Tears started to form on your eyes as you searched for your chibi oi the dark of the night.
If you werent so anxious and stupid! You could meet your soulmate even if it wasn't for this stupid fear of having a relationship like your mom had!
Suddenly your heard distant squeaking, recognizing as you almost sobbed in relief and followed the sound. Noticing him flying back to you.
"You bird brain! How much did you wanted to-... to.." you stopped talking immediatly when you saw a tony version of you on his arms, smiling and cuddling up to his chest like it knew him for ages..
You blinked before hearing footsteps coming closer, and when you looked past the chibis your heart jumped before being shooted by an arrow.
The man in front of you, was no other than the actual version of your chibi. The number 2 ranking from the heroes. The man whose was know for being way too fast....
"H-Hawks..." you greeted shakily, not quite believing yet. Sure, your chibi reminded you of Hawks a lot, but... it seemed yet more intimate. More clingy and desperate for affection and actual love... You just put in your head that it was another man, with a similiar quirk and appearance as him.
Well, you were wrong. Hawks was indeed your soulmate.
He let out a chuckle at your gretting. His wide eyes and shock washed away with relief, smugness and... love, actual love on his eyes.
"Since we're soulmates, I guess you should at least call me Keigo..." he mused with a smile, taking his visor off to take a good look at you, frowning when his eyes were at the aim of the scar you had... the one whose mysteriously appeared on your skin many years ago before meeting your chibi.
"How long do you have this?" He asked, you felt your cheeks warming in self conscious at it. You never actually cared when other people asked but with him was another story...
"Since my childhood I guess... It was out of no where." You mumbled in embarrassment yet with a smile, praying mentally taht he take your mumble as a joke.
You widened your eyes when his hold brought you closer to him before he touched his forehead with yours, lovingly golden orbs staring at you with care and not a piece of judgement inside them.
"I like it chickadee." You snorted before a series of giggles escaped your lips at this, hounding quite hilarious that you also named your chibi something bird related.
"Chickadee? Really?" You asked breathless as he let out a raspy chuckle.
"Well, you did called the little fella over there birdbrain. Guess we're mates for life..." he mused with his husky voice as the chibis prefered to watch from afar on a nearby tree.
You smiled at him... somehow.. You just knew it this relationship with him was going to work. You were going to be, as he said, mates for life.
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dabiboy · 4 years
I couldn’t help it and I wrote a self-indulgent Hawks scenario. 50% angst and 50% fluff, hope you guys like it🥺🥺
My Angel [warnings: some manga spoilers]
''Babybird, look what I bought!'' Keigo said happily, quickly opening the bag that he had with him, crossing your legs you rested your elbow on the arm on the couch and watched him with a smile.
''Is it food?'' You said, raising your eyebrows.
''Nah-uh, I'm learning to control my cravings. Damn, you made me think about food, now I want some chicken'' He stopped his actions, looking away as if he was picturing his favorite eating place, and he was ''Nevermind, check this!'' He took out the recently bought item, and you couldn't believe your eyes. 
''Are you serious, Takami Keigo?'' the truth was, that you wanted to laugh at the cuteness and a part of you couldn't believe that he spent money on that.
''Yes! Are they ugly?'' he pouted ''I think they're cool'' Keigo looked again at the pair of socks, Endeavor socks. They were a kind of dark yellow, and the Number one hero's face was printed all over the material. 
''No, but... I... Do you really want me to look at Endeavor while we're cuddling?'' You laughed 
''I can cover my feet with a blanket'' Keigo raised his shoulders, remaining silent for a few seconds, eyes glued on the socks. ''Are they that bad?'' He furrowed his nose, looking as if he regretted buying them. 
''I'm kidding, Kei,'' You gave him a smile when he sat next to you ''If they make you happy, I'm happy'' Cupping his face on your hands, you kissed his lips. 
''Damn, I don't deserve you'' Keigo laughed as he placed his hands on your hip, moving his lips against yours softly without erasing the smile on his lips ''I love you, my chicken wing'' from one second to another, his body was over yours, and his mouth was leaving soft kisses on all his favorites places.
''I love you too, my angel'' You said in a whisper, caressing his wings softly'' 
Your body was still shivering, even as a hero some scene and news reports were hard to take. If it hadn't been for a student, it would have been the end of Hawks. The day he had fought against Dabi, you were at home, that night it was supposed to be your night, some drinks, movies, the usual before his free day. But things took a turn, and the only thing you saw on the news was how he almost died, and then the hospital personal calling you. 
''What else should I bring?'' you asked the nurse.
''Anything, miss. Probably just some underwear and things like that. A toothbrush, just personal items.''
''Ok, thanks. I'm on my way'' 
In a bag, you saved his tooth brush, a hair brush as well. You opened his drawer and took some boxers, and then, you saw them. Those damned socks. Despite his cocky attitude, there were some traces of his personality only you got to meet, he was childish at times, got excited with tiny things. Maybe, it was because he didn't have a good childhood, and now he had the chance to buy whatever he wanted, even an ugly pair of socks of his favorite hero. Those socks were an allegory of his essence, his innocence and love for simple things, an image of how now he was enjoying those parts of his childhood he didn't get to have. Tears filled your eyes as you held them against your chest, keeping them in a bag after short seconds.
The ride to the hospital was the longest ever, and once you were there some kind nurses guided you to the back door to avoid the annoying journalists. The elevator ride was long as well, and your heart was beating fastly against your chest. Was he awake? Was he fine? All of those doubts were answered when you entered his room. 
His back resting on pillows, semi-sitted and looking at the window. Lots of bandages were on his face, his torso was naked, but also covered in different types of bandages. But... Something was missing. His wings, his crimson wings. 
''Kei?'' You asked softly, walking inside.
''Hey kid'' His voice was soft, so soft it was concerning. 
''You scared me so much'' Fighting your tears, you sat on the chair next to him, holding his hand. ''I... I brought you your things'' you opened the bag ''Your hairbrush, teethbrush, underwear... And your socks'' Words where hard, what else were you supposed to say in a time like this?
''You brought the socks'' He laughed weakly, trying to avoid his pain. 
''Yeah, I did. Thought they could cheer you up'' You said, knowing what had happened, but unsure of what to say.
''Cheer me up? I'm fine, baby bird!'' Keigo smiled, although you knew he was pretending ''It was just another fight, right?'' It sounded as if he was trying to convince himself'' 
''Kei... you know you don't need to keep things from me, right?'' You stand from the chair, now sitting on an empty spot on his bed, a hand caressing his golden locks.
''I...'' He drifted his eyes away from you, looking at the window one more time. And as if it were a cliché movie, a bird was flying free. You could see him, his lower lip ws trembling, and his fist was gripping the sheets tightly.
''I know'' You whispered, now caressing his face tenderly, and just there he looked at you. Crystalized eyes, still trying to put a smile on his face.  A broken one.
''I lost my wings'' Keigo finally stated. The smile lasted only a few seconds, because tears came right after. A drowned sob as he looked down and played with his hands. 
''Come here'' That's all you could say, moving an inch closer and holding him against your body. His face was buried in the crook of your neck, not caring about his tears staining your skin and shirt. Your hand was playing with his hair as the other cas carefully resting on his back. Keigo's grip on your body was strong, holding you with his life. Tears leaving your eyes. ''They can grow again,'' you said ''There's a whole team trying to find solutions, I'm sure they will'' 
You spoke with your lips on his temple, kissing that same spot repeatedly. It was heartbreaking to see him like that, the man that was usually cocky, that was always walking around with a smile and something to say, the one who was childish and got excited over a pair of hero socks was broken in front of you, in your arms.  
''What if they don't?'' He asked, a hiccup left his lips, still hiding on your neck. 
''Hey, look at me'' You grabbed his face slowly, using your thumbs to wipe his tears, then caressing his stuble, forehead, and cheeks again. ''Everything will be fine, ok?'' You tried to comfort him, his image still hurting you, but even with puffy red eyes, pouting his lower lip, and the bandages and cuts covering his face he was beautiful as always ''And if the worst happens, we will work it out together'' A small smile appeared on your face, lost in his eyes. ''You will always be my angel, Takami Keigo. Are we clear?'' He nodded, and right after you pressed a kiss on his forehead.
''Thank you'' He whispered as you held him again, his body shivering and his eyes closed ''I love you. So fucking much'' Keigo said, his voice sounding a little bit better. 
''I love you too, and you don't need to thank me for anything, my love'' You ended the hug, looking at him again and pressing a delicate kiss on his lips. ''You're trembling'' You said, touching his bare shouolders covered in cold sweat. 
''Yeah... I'm a bit cold'' He sobbed again, calming himself.
''Come on, lets put your ugly socks on'' You gave him a smile among the tears on your face, standing up and grabbing them. 
Keigo let out a small but genuine chuckle, looking at you with pure love. He was indeed, the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, and you were going to be by his side no matter what, even more now. His wings were beautiful, they made him strong and they were a big part of his identity, but to you... He was an angel for who he was, the cocky and childish man you loved with your entire heart, your angel. And who knows, maybe those late night flights over the city were not going to be over, all you two needed was time. And you were going to be by his side all the neccessary time. 
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whom-the-hell · 4 years
𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓘 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓱𝓪 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓴 𝓸𝓷 𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼...
𝓗𝓸𝔀 𝓘 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓱𝓪 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 𝔀𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭 𝔀𝓪𝓵𝓴 𝓸𝓷 𝓱𝓮𝓮𝓵𝓼...
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1A class:
⥅ Deku: I feel like Izuku would try to walk on heels, but when he would he would either break the heels or one of his bones.
⥅ Uraraka: She would be a very slow walker when it would come to heels. She wouldn’t be able to walk very fast because she isn’t very used to them. I do feel like she would wear those small heel heels (if that make sense).
⥅ Bakugou: I just KNOW that he’s SO good in heels. He can dance, fight, train and do anything with them.
⥅ Todoroki: He can stand in them like a statue but that’s it. When he walks, he looks like a broken robot trying to move his legs, he isn’t relaxed, he has no elegance in the way he walks and it’s just horrible. But hey, he will then ask how to walk in them and try to walk in them again.
⥅ Iida: He would fall a lot and try to use his hands to stop the falling. He would try to talk to the heels to just stop making him fall and stumble over.
⥅ Kirishima: He wouldn’t fall, but he would definitely stumble over on air and catch himself by holding onto the wall or anything in general. He wouldn’t be able to last 20 seconds without stumbling over something.
⥅ Denki: He would try to be goofy and walk like a model but fail miserably and end up breaking the heel on one of the pair. He would also try to dance but would suck at it and look like a duck trying to shake his booty.
⥅ Sero: I have this headcanon of him just taping a chair and sitting down on it with heels on while singing the song “Chandelier” from Sia. Denki would probably record all of it too.
⥅ Mina: She walks perfectly! She’s our queen that is amazing at anything she does.
⥅ Tsuyu: I think she would be very uncomfortable in walking in them. She isn’t used to wearing something like that on her legs, because of her quirk. She would mostly just sit on the floor and stare at the heels.
⥅ Hagakure: I think she would be good, we can’t see her, but she’s good.
⥅ Jirou: I feel like she is more of “be comfortable” than stylish, so I think she wouldn’t be very good in walking in them. In fact, she would be almost like Todoroki. Very stiff and doesn’t know how to move.
⥅ Aoyama: He looks like those runway models in heels. He will absolutely SLAY in them. He will pose, dance, flex and so on. Some of us should really take some classes from him.
⥅ Ojiro: I feel like he wouldn’t be able to walk in heels and just fall when he tries to stand up, so I think he would just lay on the floor with them on like “what am I doing with my life?”
⥅ Koda: Him? In heels? Nah, he rather talk to animals and be outside. His first question when he sees heels would be “what is that”.
⥅ Sato: He would try to walk in a straight line and succeed. He would be surprisingly amazing at it even if it was his first time.
⥅ Shoji: Kakashi 2.0 wouldn’t even put them on. He would be scared of them, like they’re some kind of creature’s that can hurt him.
⥅ Tokoyami: He would put them on and walk in a straight line like it was nothing. He would notice how people are looking at him and be like “was that supposed to be hard?”
⥅ Momo: She would stumble then and there, but other than that she would be really good in walking in them. Literally walking in her louis Vuitton heels and money just falling out of her bag.
⥅ Mineta: He wouldn’t wear the heels; he would smell them. He would want to know if there were hot girls walking in them.
The big three:
⥅ Mirio: He would suck at walking in heels, but laugh whenever he would fall and say that it’s a first time for everything.
⥅ Tamaki: He would look down from the anxiety and embarrassment he would be receiving. He would also stumble quite a bit and fall a couple times.
⥅ Nejire: She’s just like Mina, she can do ANYTHING in heels. She likes wearing heels a lot, and thinks that they’re comfortable.
Pro heroes (some):
⥅ All Might: Yeah no, he can’t walk in heels for the life of his. He can’t even stand without him just falling in some way and waving his hands around for help.
⥅ Eraserhead: He tries to use his quirk by thinking that it’s going to help in some way. He will swear any time he falls or stumbles over too.
⥅ Endeavor: SHOTOOOOOOOOO- Yeah but if seriously, he is like this big, brick wall that can’t move his legs. He can’t even move his head because he would just fall.
⥅ Hawks: BRUH HE’S SO GOOD LIKE JDEFJKSDBVJK. He will literally go out and do his hero work in heels if you just ask him to, and he will have no problem with it. He will randomly put on heels and dance in his room at 3am if he feels like it too.
⥅ Miruko (Mirko): I feel like she would be a bit uncomfortable by them, but she would get the hang of it over time and start to like them. She wouldn’t see the point in wearing them on a normal day though.
⥅ Midnight: She is a GODESS at walking in heels. Like an angel that just came from heaven herself.
⥅ Mt. Lady: Same like Midnight. She walk’s amazingly and I'm jealous.
⥅ Fatgum: He tries to walk like a hero would, and he’s good at it until he comes half way. At the start he walk’s well, doesn’t fall, doesn’t trip. But when he gets a bit too confident in himself, he will fall.
Villains (some):
⥅ Shigaraki: He will make Dabi hold him if he falls too much. Shiggy will not be able to walk nor stand in one place. He will probably just fall and die.
Dabi: OKAY BUT- I JUST HAVE THIS FEELING OF HIM SLAYING IN HEELS. Like he would walk better than the girls and pro hero women 😀✋
Overhaul: He will be SO bad at walking in them. He will literally hold into a chair or desk and not let them go when he’s standing in heels.(idk how he gon hold on to anything with that arm situation of his, but let’s just imagine his arms are still okay-) Will also probably ask someone to burn them, or he will burn the heels himself.
Toga: Fuck heels- She HATES heels. She can’t stand them- Just one look on those devilish shoes and she will literally freak out.
Kurogiri: He wears shoes? WAIT WHA- Omg he wears shoes and I didn’t even notice... Anyways, he will wear them if Shigaraki says for him to wear them. He would still suck tho.
Stain: He just refuses to wear them. You can’t make him, unless you kill Endeavor or All Might.
Twice: The one second, he walks like a king, the other he is laying on the floor and crying-
Kurono: “What are heels...?” Boy- He will wear them if Chisaki makes him (Overhaul). He will also suck at it but wear them when he has alone time and train so he hits the goal of walking perfectly on them.
Mr. Compress: He LOVES heels in secret. So, when somebody asked him to try them on and walk in them, he knew his time has come.
(Side note! Are you good on heels? I know I bought a pair recently and boy, do I look fabulous- I do need more experience but I think I’m good at walking in them.)
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jazzytriestowrite · 4 years
Date night | Takami Keigo (Hawks) X Reader
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Fandom; My hero academia
Pairing: Takami Keigo (Hawks) X GN Reader
Synopsis: Late nights and long mornings, quarantine has made it hard for y/n to see anyone, more or less their boyfriend hawks. Feeling bad for leaving his s/o alone in their empty home, hawks plans a date night for the both of them to relax and enjoy the little time they have together. 
Warnings: A bit of angst at the start, but after that bone rotting fluff. 
Word Count: 4,778
A/N: This lovely fic is apart of quarantine fluff collab that the discord server crackhead sanctuary put together. Thank you Sof @myherowritings​ who hosted this, and I can't wait to read everyones fics!! Also this lovely banner was made by @sanurrwrites​ and I'm very thankful!!! 
It hit us unexpectedly.
The drastic change in how we did everything was overwhelming, and many of us didn’t really think it would be such a big deal at first. It was a silly virus that would be cured within weeks, nothing to really worry about. So everyone continued about their normal lives, happy that the virus wasn’t in their country, happy it wasn’t them. It simply wasn’t our problem right?
Everything flipped and turned upside down when the unknown and mysterious virus finally hit Japan. While earlier we thought it wasn’t our problem, what are we supposed to say now that it's at our front door? Affecting our neighbors, our friends, our students and our heroes who protect society. No one really cares until it's your problem.
The first death the virus caused made everyone realize just how serious this was. This wasn’t some joke, people's lives were actually in danger and things needed to be done to protect the citizens from a virus that was on a killing spree.
That meant no more social gatherings.
Someone might ask- Well that doesn’t sound too bad? What's wrong with not having to see people?
It was a problem to you, and many others.
Laying in bed day after day, letting the loneliness set in and the worry skyrocket about the current situation. You had taken the simple act of seeing someone in person for granted, and realized just how texting and calling wasn’t the same. You missed going out with friends and doing random things that made you happy. You missed going to the ice cream parlor down the street that would sell you ice cream and soothe all your sad and depressive feelings. What you missed the most was your boyfriend.
The sudden thought of him already made your eyes water and your heart clench. ‘’I miss you Keigo’’ You whispered to the darkness, pulling your warm blanket closer to your body for comfort. The bed that was made for two, suddenly felt way bigger than it needed to be without your boyfriend. ‘’I’m just being selfish, he’s keeping us protected’’
Keigo or Hawks as most society knows him, had been quite busy since the virus broke out in Japan. You’d think villains themselves would stay inside once they heard a virus could kill them, but it was quite the opposite. With no one outside to stop them from their wrongdoings, it was easier for them to commit their daily crimes. So that meant heroes never really got the break they thought they’d get.
While they risked their life everyday to protect citizens, the risk factor was now doubled because of the virus. Heros would continue to go out and protect homes, stores and people who needed it, not letting the virus keep them from doing their job.
It made you happy to know that your boyfriend was doing his job, and probably saving many lives with his patrols. It just hurt that you couldn’t really see him anymore. He was gone before you woke up, and back away after you’ve closed your eyes. You had tried multiple times to keep yourself awake, but never seemed to make it.
You missed his laughter, the way he grinned after getting on your nerves and the stupidly cute smile that would make your heart flutter. You missed his bear hugs and his butterfly kisses all over your face. You missed everything about him down to his annoying antics and crazy eating habits. You had taken it all for granted and now all you had was yourself and the little notes he would leave behind.
‘’I love you Keigo, goodnight baby, stay safe’’ You whispered to the darkness, hoping your words would get to him. Closing your eyes, you snuggled into your body pillow and fell asleep within minutes.
A couple hours later, the front door of your home creaked open. A blonde male entered quietly, or what he thought was quiet. His posture was slouched, and the eye bags under his eyes gave a clear giveaway that he was tired. ‘’Shit’’ He glanced at the clock and saw it was around 3 am, meaning you had fallen asleep some time ago. His red wings felt heavier than usual, and the thought of sleeping by the front door so he wouldn’t have to climb the stars to the bedroom, was seeming like a good idea.
Keigo shook that idea out of his head, if anything, he wanted to see you, even if you were already sleeping. He felt filthy, so maybe a shower before he got into bed. Even though he was sprayed with every cleaning spray known to man before coming back to your shared apartment, he still took extra precaution when coming home to you. Constantly checking his temperature, and wearing a mask and goggles to keep you protected. You were his little dole, he’d never get over the regret if he passed a virus on to you.
Slugging upstairs, he yelled in fright when he felt himself falling forward towards the steps. At first he didn’t even fight it, trying to save himself from marks on his face from steps seemed like too much work. However, his wings spread out as much as they could, leaving the males face hovering over the steps he was just about to kiss. ‘’Oh’’ He mumbled, the simple thought to use his wings had flown out of his head. God he was so tired. Standing back up, he carefully treaded up the stairs, trying to be more quiet now that he was getting closer to the bedroom.
Opening the bedroom door as quiet as he could, his yellow eyes found your body first. Walking closer he stared down at your sleeping form, a small smile appearing under his mask. ‘’Hi baby, I’m home’’ he said softly, before he frowned. He noticed the tear lines on your face and his heart suddenly felt heavy. Just the thought of you crying without him here to comfort you was truly heartbreaking. You weren’t the only one who missed their partner, since he was surely feeling the same loneliness as you.
He teared his eyes off of you finally, walking away and into your shared bathroom. Shutting the door behind him, he turned on the light and let gaze find the mirror. His rough appearance made him cringe. His golden blonde hair was matted down poking in every direction, eye bags were prominent and his gorgeous smile was covered by this stupid white mask. Reaching up, he ripped the mask off his face, cringing at the red lines he saw of having to wear it so often.  All of this sucked. Yet if it meant keeping you and others safe, he would wear this mask for eternity.
About an hour later, he’d showered and dressed in the clothes he’d be sleeping in. All today's grime and cleaning products washed off his skin leaving it spotless. As he stood in front of the mirror, brushing his teeth half heartedly, the thought of you crying earlier was still fresh in his mind. While you wouldn’t tell him you were lonely and wanted more, he knew better. He had been with you for some years now, he knew you inside out. He knew that whilst he had it hard, you were equally suffering.
Within the first two weeks of Covid 19, your student Bakugou Katsuki had caught the virus and was hospitalized due to it. You had cried for 4 days straight, and nothing he said made you feel any better. Being a U.A teacher meant you had worried even more for your students, who were still kids and had places to go.
Keigo felt terrible that he was putting extra stress on you since he still had to do his duties, and that everything wasn’t easy on you just because you were home and hopefully safe.
‘’I’ll make it up, we’ll both have some fun soon’’ He said to himself in the mirror, before spitting out the nasty toothpaste and rinsing his mouth out with some cold water. Finally finishing up, he turned the bathroom light off and trudged towards the bed. Climbing in lazily, he wiggled under the comforter you were hogging to yourself. As his head hit the pillow, he had to keep himself from falling asleep on the spot. The soft fluffy pillow almost sent him to heaven. Scooting closer to you, he wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you closer to him, his head resting in the crook of your neck. Your hair didn’t even bother him, if anything the smell of your shampoo calmed him.
‘’I love you y/n, goodnight dove, I’m home and safe’’ Keigo whispered to you before finally letting his eyes slip close, knowing in a few hours he’d be gone again. Yet getting to hold you before he went to sleep always made his mornings and days easier.
Sometime before the sun came up, you had felt the bed move, and the warm arms that were keeping you secure left again. You wouldn’t lie, the disappointment you felt hit harder than anything. And when you heard the bedroom lightly shut behind Keigo, you simply wrapped your arms around yourself, hoping to mimic the arms of your lover. Yet his arms and presence were unique, so of course you couldn’t replace his embrace.
You don’t remember falling back asleep, so it confused you when you suddenly felt the bright rays of sun on your face. ‘’Oh, Good morning I guess’’ You mumbled as you sat up, trying to rub the sleepiness out of your eyes.  Shielding your eyes from the sunlight with your right hand, you looked around for the one thing that always made your morning.
‘’There it is!’’ You say happily as you roll out of bed and towards the dresser that was next to the bathroom. On Top of the wooden dresser was a handwritten note covered in chicken stickers, and a red rose next to it. Grinning you grabbed both items and jumped back into bed, excited to see what the dumb bird had wrote for today.
Ever since the pandemic started, and since Keigo had been having long shifts, he’d always left letters for you to read in the morning, and a different coloured rose everyday. It made him leaving easier, and the fact that he spent time writing and putting his feelings into them always sparked joy.
Carefully opening the note, you were met with Keigo’s chicken scratch handwriting. You loved him, but one day you were going to give him writing lessons. You shook your head in amusement, ignoring the bad handwriting, you began reading.
‘Good Morning Chickadee,
I hope you had a good sleep baby, I came home late again but as soon as I had the chance you were in my arms. You cuddled up to me instantly, what if I was some intruder? I guess even in your sleep you recognize me and my godliness.  
Anyways, I apologize for once more coming home late beautiful. Work has been a bit stressful, but I believe we’ve put a dent on the villains plans. Only small time villains are really causing trouble, and were handling it pretty well. I think sooner or later we won’t need so much patrolling anymore. Hopefully soon, I wanna spend time with my lil nugget.
Oh! I have some news.
Someway or another, I will get off early today and spend some very much needed time between the two of us.
Not to be too sappy in this letter, but, I really miss you y/n. Way more than words can describe. It’s lonely patrolling instead of being home with you and having fun, and honestly just the thought of coming home to you at night is the only way I’m getting through my days at work.
I miss you and the weird laughter you let out at my god awful jokes, I miss you and the way your eyes sparkle when you look at something you like, I miss you and the way you love me unconditionally even when i’m being a weird asshole.
I love you y/n, and I’ll see you tonight dove.
-The best boyfriend ever
ps. You mumbled my name in your sleep.. Having some good dreams huh ;)’
‘’I hate him so much’’ You say while grinning and holding the note towards your chest, your heart beating like crazy. It was weird he still had this affect on you despite dating for a few years, but you hoped this feeling never went away. Neatly folding the note back to how it was, you crawled to the edge of the bed and pulled out a container that was hidden under the bed. Popping the lid off, you placed the note from today alongside the other notes you’ve received over the weeks.
‘’I love you Keigo’’ You whisper lovingly before closing the box once more, sliding the box back under your bed. Picking up the rose you abandoned, you smiled at it. The red rose was beautiful, and it seemed your lover had taken the time to cut the thorns off it.
Shaking your head with a smile, you stood up and walked out the bedroom, your feet padding against the cold ground. ‘’God it’s freezing” You mumble out loud shivering physically, before heading into the kitchen. Opening the window above the sink, you see a cast of 7 different colored roses from this week alone. ‘’Here's your new home’’ You say softly to the red rose before placing it in the vase next to the others.
Leaning against the sink, your gaze wandered to the window or more specifically what's outside the window. The beautiful flowers that were blooming outside made your mood feel lighter, and hearing the kids laughter who was next door made your heart clench in joy.
You couldn’t wait to start a family with the love of your life.
Now that you were up, you would start your daily routine of going with the flow and seeing where the day would take you. Hoping that Keigo would keep his promise in the note and come home early so you could shower him with much needed affection
Sighing, you turned off the tv with the remote, eyes getting tired of staring at the same screen for hours. Looking over at the clock, you read it was currently 8pm. While your boyfriend said he’d be home tonight, it was starting to get late and you were questioning if he’d actually show.
Not that it’s his fault or anything, you knew his job could get stressful. Yet that wouldn’t stop the disappointment that started to set in, which was a very valid feeling.
Standing up you begin to head towards the bathroom, planning to simply take a bath before getting comfy in your bed and reading, a hobby you picked up after quarantine.
A voice shouts after forcefully kicking down the door, startling you and making you flinch. None other then Takami fucking Keigo was standing at the door, wings tucked neatly behind his back, huge grin on his face and two grocery bags in both hands.
‘’Keigo, you scared me’’ You say with an angry look before everything set in. ‘’Wait.. Keigo..’’ The light bulb in your head turned on and before your brain could process it anymore, you were flying across the room and jumping into your lovers arm.
Keigo let out a grunt at the sudden attack, but smiled at your innocent gesture. He placed the bags down and wrapped his arms around your body, spinning you around as he bear hugged you. ‘’I’ve missed you too’’ He says, kissing the top of your head. ‘’I told you’d I’d be home tonight, I hope you didn’t lose hope’’ He says as he grins down at your sheepish expression.
‘’No worries though’’ He comments before picking back up the backs he previously dropped. ‘’So, I have a whole plan in mind for tonight, which I am very excited for’’ He says before kicking the door shut and walking into the kitchen. He places the bags on the counter, ‘’So just sit back and relax and I’ll make this a date night you’ll never forget.’’
You tilt your head in curiosity, now wanting to know what this bird brain had planned, but you couldn’t help but get excited along with him. It had been a while since the two of you properly hung out with each other. ‘’So Mister ‘’I have everything planned out already’ what's on the agenda right now?
‘’Well Chickadee, we are gonna make dinner together’’ Keigo says with a bright smile, but cringe when he see’s your deadpanned expression. ‘’Don’t look at me like that dove, I promise it isn’t what you think it is’’
You saw through his desperate attempt to lie. ‘’Kiego did you plan on making chicken again’’ You say while staring him down, and when you see his head hang in shame you laugh. Stepping closer to the male you lift his head back up and press a quick kiss against his lips. ‘’It’s okay, I don’t mind having chicken for the seventh time in the row. Your cooking is actually pretty good’ You comment before stepping away, tying up your hair so you could help as well.
‘’WOO!’’ Keigo winked as he gave you finger guns, ‘’Chicken never gets old babe, thought you knew this’’ When you responded by throwing said bag of chicken at him he screeched before catching it and laughing.
You pull out your phone and play your favourite playlist, so the two of you could bop while cooking. ‘’Oh we can make cookies as dessert! It’s the one thing I can actually bake’’ You say sheepishly, sticking out your tongue when your lover nods in agreement.
With that, the two of you jammed quietly as you began the preparation of dinner.
While you were pouring the cups of flour into the big mixing bowl, you suddenly got the idea to terrorize the male who was singing quietly behind you. Scooping some in your hands, you turn around and innocently call out his name. You wait until the perfect moment. Which is when he turns around fast, a small smile on his face as he quirks his brow. He immediately see’s what you're about to do, but it's too late anyways.
You blow the white powder in your hand right at him, watching as he closes his eyes and screams. ‘’Y/N!! IT'S ON NOW’’
And while you thought this was a good idea at first, when you saw Keigo open his eyes and reveal the determination within them, you mentally cursed. And from there started the flour war, with the two of you giggling while throwing flour at each other.
It ended when you were running to throw some flour at him, but ended up instead eating shit and busting your ass on the wooden floor. Keigo, who was concerned, couldn’t help but start laughing as he helped you off, dusting the flour out of your hair. ‘’Oh gosh, we’ve made a mess of the kitchen’’
Looking around he was right, everywhere you looked there was flour, and now the two of you regretted ever touching the damn powder.
After some cleaning, and a mini dance session to a couple of songs, the food was finally ready and the two of you sat at the table eating together.
‘’Yeah there was this big spider and I was so scared, I yelled for you and then realized I’d have to get rid of it myself’’ You spoke between bites, your eyes lighting up as you continued telling the story of how a huge spider made its way inside your home.
Kiego just stared at you silently, his mind not even processing your words anymore. You were so cute when you started to ramble, he honestly missed the way you would get so into your stories. Sometimes he didn’t think you were real, you were too perfect. But he was glad you were his, because at the end of the day, he was wholeheartedly yours and he was glad you shared the sentiment.
You two continued to chat as you ate, nothing too important just random chatter to fill the silence. The two of you had so much to tell each other that you didn’t even know much time had passed. Two hours had passed by in the blink of the eye, and you didn’t notice until you glanced at the clock behind you. ‘’Wow it’s getting late’’ You comment, putting the dry dish where it was supposed to go, stepping away from the sink.
Keigo nods, ‘’Time sure does pass when you’re having fun’’ He says with a soft smile, before taking your hand in his, ‘’Come on, I have one more activity I wanna do before sleeping’’ He said as he picked up the last bag that was still sitting on the counter.
You nod, trying to get a peek inside the bag only to be met with him pulling it closer to his body. Letting out a pout, you followed as he pulled you upstairs, nearly sliping as your socks slid across the wooden stairs. ‘’Jeez, the stairs are trying to kill me’’ You complain, glad when the two of you reach the bedroom.
Kiego then whips around, ‘’You should go clean up, you know to get the flour out of your hair’’ He says nervously, and while you wanted to ask why he suddenly started acting weird, a voice inside your head told you just to listen. You simply nodded and gave him a grin, ‘’Okay I will, better not run away while I do’’ You say before going inside the bathroom, shutting the door behind you.
Keigo lets out a deep breath, his eyes drifting to the bag in his hand. ‘’Don’t fail me now’’ he whispered  to himself as encouragement.
Finally done with washing your hair, and getting the flour out of random places you stared at the door in front of you. It was obvious he was doing something out there since you heard his hard footsteps running all around the place. Yet you wanted to give him all the time he needed, and the fact that he was trying to surprise you was cute.
Suddenly, you hear music start to play, making your brows furrow. It sounded like that one song..
‘’Dove you can come out now,,’’ You heard the slight panic in his voice, which made you nervous too. Pushing those feelings aside, you open the door and slowly peak out.
‘What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright’
You stand in shock as the lyrics start to reach your ears, which was the song the two of you danced to when he first confessed his love to you. The next thing that almost brought you to tears was the sight in front of you.
Standing in the dim moonlight, your lover was standing proud and tall in the balcony, a nervous smile on his face. Leading up to him were red and pink rose petals, some thrown on the bed as well.
‘’Keigo’’ You whisper as you start walking in his direction, not even caring that the petals stuck to your feet as you walked.
‘My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind’
You finally reach your lover, who in fact still has some flour in his hair. Yet that didn’t matter, because all you could see was his beautiful face, the way his blonde locks flowed in the wind, and how his golden eyes sparkled with an emotion you knew all too well.
‘’Hi my love, I wanted to end the night really special’’ Keigo whispers as his hands find their way to your waist, pulling you in as your arms wrapped around his neck.
’Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you’
The two of you start to sway to the song, your eyes staring into his honey coloured ones. You were caught in a trance, a trance you didn’t really mind at all.
You loved this man more than anything and anyone you knew. Even when he was being a weirdo or saying unfunny jokes, you always found him entertaining. You loved him and all his imperfections. Arguments never tend to last long between you guys as of the unconditional love you had for one another.
As the song started to come to an end, you laid your head on his shoulder, embracing this moment and engraving it in your mind. Tonight was simply perfect, and while the two of you didn’t do much, you still had a blast with your boyfriend.
’I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, oh oh’
You pulled your head off his shoulder when he started to sing the final lines of the song, a genuine smile on his face. ‘’Kei-’’ As the song turns off, he suddenly lets go of your waist and bends down onto one knee, his hand reaching inside his pocket.
‘’ Ah, so here I go’’ The male says as a blush covering  his face and running up to his ears. You stand there shocked, your hands coming up to cover your mouth.
‘’Quarantine has been pretty rough haha, but it has taught me a lesson. The world is a scary place, and when this virus pops out of nowhere, I’ve noticed that anything can happen. It’s scary to think that villains aren’t are only problems, but some killer disease could sweep over and take away our happy lives’’
Keigo takes a deep breath, before putting on a nervous smile.
‘’These last few days that I’ve been apart from you made me realize that I never, NEVER, want to be away from you again. I realized that I want to spend all my time that I have left here with you. Y/N, I love you so much’’ He laughs, ‘’I’ve been nothing but happy with you, and you bring out the best in me, and without you I wouldn’t have found myself. I never thought I’d find love, If anything, I just thought I was made to be a hero and nothing more. But I’ve figured out that I can be a hero and also love you.’’
‘’You are my pride and joy, my dove, my chickadee, my beautiful lover...What I’m trying to say is, I love your last name, But I’d prefer if you’d take mine’’
You giggle at his words, tears slipping down your face. You were speechless, and honestly couldn’t even compel yourself to say anything.
‘’Y/N L/N, will you make me the happiest bird every and marry me?’’
You can’t help the shit eating grin on your face as you stare down at your lover, your best friend and the best thing that has ever happened to you. ‘’Keigo’’ You say as more tears fall down your face, your voice shaking as your brain processes everything that just happened. ‘’Yes duh! Who would say no to you’’ You yell, your bottom lip trembling as he stands up and slips the gorgeous diamond ring onto your finger, kissing the ring after he placed it.
‘’I love you’’ The two of you whisper at the same time, both of you gazing into each other's eyes. The both of you were crying, and it made it more special to see him showing so much emotion.
Keigo leaned in slowly, ‘’I’ve loved you for many years Y/N, and I’ll continue to love you until my dying days’’ He says softly before pressing his lips against yours, one hand holding your cheek and the other bringing your waist closer to him.
And with that, moonlight shined on the newly engaged couple, who still had their whole life ahead of them.
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