#I'm in the UK so I can get him easily thankfully
tyrannic-prince · 1 month
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Bad news is that he's an exclusive and he's only going to be available at certain places. Those places are:
🇬🇧🇮🇪 Smyths Toys
🇫🇷 Fnac
🇵🇹 Loja dos POPs
🇮🇹 GameLife
🇵🇱 Empik
🇬🇧🇪🇺 Funkoeurope.com
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imagine-knb · 11 months
idk if you've watched it, but I'm really into the one piece live action right now. So if they were on a pirate crew, what do u think the gom+uk+kagami would be?
anon, I have some bad news: none of the admins have watched One Piece... But my bestie is obsessed with that show, so I asked her a looooot of questions for research purposes! And also used this site here when her advice still made no sense to me... Here's my best shot! Admin Neon
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Kuroko — the boatswain
as the boatswain, Kuroko often reports to his captain about the progress of certain projects around the ship
his job is made a lot easier because of his naturally low presence; he's able to sneak around the ship without a lot of notice
this has people willing to get on his good side no matter the cost, because if he's easily able to report the great job you're doing, he's also able to report when people are slacking
Kagami — the (unwilling) cook
when he ran away from home to become a pirate, Kagami had big dreams of grand adventure and a lot of fighting
unfortunately, he's the best cook on the damn boat, so he got roped into being the chef for every meal instead
that doesn't stop him from joining in on a fight when there's a scuffle aboard his ship (the captain would never let him leave to board another ship)
Kiyoshi — the cooper
being a big and strong guy makes him the perfect candidate to be stowing and moving the barrels on board
this also means he is in charge of organizing all the items, which might not have been the best decision; only Kiyoshi knows how he organized the barrels and none of it makes sense to anyone else
he may or may not have done this on purpose to make himself invaluable to the captain
Kise — the navigator
not much of a fighter, but having gained an education due to his upbringing, Kise becomes the navigator for the crew
he's not very good at first and, in his earlier years pirating, often leads his crew right into the thick of danger
thankfully the devil's fruit he consumed gives him the power to temporarily copy the skillset of people nearby, so in a pinch he can fight just as well as his strongest ally
Aomine — the (unwilling) carpenter
much like his red haired rival, Aomine also joined a pirate crew with the thought that he would be seeing a lot of action
he was forced to pick up a job on board during the times where fights weren't happening, so he started apprenticing after the ship's old carpenter
more than once he's had to repair a breach underwater and he always swears he sees mermaids
Midorima — the medic
being the medic of the crew often meant that Midorima was dealing with more than just the sick; he was also dealing with the dead
he's one of the cleanest people on board the ship due to the nature of his work
often, he is escorted away from scuffles that break out on board; the captain will do anything to ensure the only medic is safe
Murasakibara — the sailmaker
being one of the taller members of his crew, it only made sense to make Murasakibara the sailmaker after he'd been asked to re-tie down some sails for the umpteenth time
the power he gained from his devil fruit has made the job of patching those high up holes much easier, as it allows him to grow at will to unsurpassable heights without changing his mass
unfortunately it also makes him an easier target when he's playing lookout for enemy ships
Akashi — the captain
having run away from home, Akashi starts his own pirate crew in the hopes that he can make a name for himself, whether he be famous or infamous
often rivaling pirates will not realize he's the captain at first since he isn't the largest and most ruthless looking of the group
what they fail to notice is that Akashi has certain pull from the shadows that makes him more terrifying than a traditional captain
Mibuchi — the quartermaster
as the captain's number one right hand man, Mibuchi knows the ins and outs on how to run a successful pirate crew
it's common that quartermasters become the next captain when new ships are taken over, but to Mibuchi, this would be a nightmare
often, instead of taking over new ships himself, he will assign another high ranked crew member to do it for him; he just can't leave his captain's side
Nebuya — the gunner
as the person in charge of the arsenals, Nebuya is also in charge of the main fleet that performs attacks on other ships
he runs a tightly knit, no nonsense fleet that is famed for their ruthlessness out on the open waters
he works closely with the captain and seems to be loyal, but there have been rumors lately that he's been eyeing out becoming a captain himself
Hayama — the cannon operator
the devil fruit he consumed makes him just as fast as lightning, so it's only natural that Hayama is in charge of reloading the canons
he works extremely well with whatever gunner is in charge, being able to pick up on their verbal cues just as quickly as they say them
whichever crew happens to have him on their ship is practically ensured easy victories, as he's become a master at knowing exactly which canons to fire and where at a moment's notice
Hanamiya — the stowaway
he'd hidden himself amongst some empty barrels when he first joined the pirate crew on their journey, but was soon discovered by the pesky cooper
once discovered, Hanamiya spent a lot of time in the brig while the captain debated with his crew on what to do with their stowaway
he garners some trust from them (a foolish mistake) and ends up doing small jobs around the ship to help; eventually he becomes known for ruthlessly executing whoever dares try sink the ship he's on
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foreignobjecticus · 7 months
Me standing in a sheepskin, flying boots, and carrying a flying bag with a map sticking out of it, looking like a very lost and stranded pilot at a random train station in the middle of Devon.
Had my first proper flying misadventure!
Got stuck in a pocket inside a cloud for twenty minutes. Very very luckily, it barely just cleared and I flew very low (dangerously so, but desperate times) BELOW the height of a nearby radar antenna, and only just managed to scrape myself into landing.
I was taking a plane down for maintenance so I was flying alone with another guy behind me. It was fairly clear sailing all the way down, but near the destination, it was cloudy at low height. I could see a way through the clouds easily so I went in but the exit to my right closed. As per normal procedure, I immediately turned around only to discover the entry point had closed behind me.
Thankfully, I happened to have another farm landing strip in sight within my pocket: if things got worse, which could VERY quickly happen, as I already discovered, I had somewhere potentially "safe" to land. So I kept circling. My back up plane abandoned and went home. Eventually, the pocket started opening up to the south. I needed to go west but I followed the opening anyway while keeping an eye on the west. South meant either heading into a "danger zone" or east into a military zone which was no guarantee of being better than my current situation. (Military air traffic control zones are perfectly fine to go into with permission or in an emergency, which I would have been well within my right to declare.) But I called my destination on the radio again and it looked like it might just be possible to get in. The cloud was breaking around 700ft-400ft above ground level (in very hilly terrain...). I followed the gaps towards the airfield, knowing there was no reported traffic. Eventually I sighted the airfield. HURRAH! (Actually I didn't hurrah because I wasn't all that stressed, but it was still a very welcome sight!) With what I see on my logs is a perfect half circuit, I came in to land no problem.
But of course, my second plane had turned back. He was following me to take me back home, meaning I was now stuck at the highest airfield in the UK, 120 miles (by car) from my home. The plane I was in was meant to stay there for repairs anyway, but regardless, there was no chance of getting back through that band of cloud.
Lovely Debbie (not real name) drove me to the nearest train station, and six hours, four trains, and one ride home from my landlord later, I am finally home. He's offered to take me to the airfield tomorrow too, to pick up my car. That's an hour away from here. Lol god. I'm very lucky he was so kind to come when I asked. I drove us back in his car to give him a break. Poor thing is tough but still. I didn't really have anyone else to ask such a favour.
Anyway, that was an adventure! I am glad nothing went properly wrong. I feel like I should be more worried or critical of my actions in having gotten into that situation re. the clouds in the first place, but I'm not sure or otherwise that I necessarily made the "wrong" move so much as simply a bad one. You never go around cloud unless you have an out: check. If you lose your way out, turn around immediately: check. If you don't have an instrument rating, never go into cloud (i.e., stay where you can see something outside the windscreen): check. There is a thing where of you accidentally enter cloud, you do an immediate 180 to edit it. I've done that before in training and also that day earlier. But I wasn't going to enter cloud with the hope that I could simply pop back through. And I'm still glad I didn't make that decision because I know it would have been the wrong.
While I was checking in cloud, I maintained my height, reduced my speed, and kept appropriate communication. While I was in my little pocket, I could also see a farm strip. While not ideal (farm strips are private and their quality impossible to check), I could see I had a straight (if potentially rough/blocked) piece of land where I could most likely make a safe landing if needed. Knowing that definitely helped my decision making process a LOT. And it was very likely I would need to use that; better to attempt a landing than to go into cloud. And MUCH better to land on a farm/disused strip than in a field.
In any case, like I said, the clouds began breaking up low to the west and I did manage to navigate through them. I was below legal height at times, I'm sure, but again, that's a legal manoeuvre in distress (which I didn't declare but could have). I also knew I had plenty of fuel, which made it less of an issue. I switched to the QFE (local pressure setting for the airfield) to make sure I knew where I was relative to them. As this field is the highest in the uK, I made this decision so I could be more clear of how high I was relative to obstacles in the airfield control area. At other airfields, I wouldn't make this decision to change the pressure setting until 100% within sight of the field, but I think my decision here made sense. Thankfully, I had my phone working and with the flying app open, however I also did thankfully see the high antenna in my flight path. If I had entered cloud, I could very easily have run into it, hence why we don't go into cloud! But I stayed clear, stayed low due to cloud, crested the hills and came in for a perfectly normal landing.
In future, the only thing I think I can do is to stay more clear of cloud. Just because I CAN do something doesn't mean I SHOULD. I would also not have chosen to go up on a day like today with such marginal weather. My decision to trust my instructor's happiness with the weather was definitely something I could reassess. While I was happy enough all the way until the end, I did think the forecast was a bit rubbish. It's certainly the most rain I've ever flown around/in. Next time I shall say no to flying on particularly "iffy" days. I am cautious already, but more caution if therefore advised.
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baekhvuns · 2 years
That Arsenal fan lawyer is me actually. I studied law for 1 year, I'm qualified enough 👀 Ancelotti 🍅🍅🍅🍅 get off the stage!!! My eyes are closed I refuse to see RM's stats....
Uhm I dislike Neymar, but what is this, a club acting like a bunch of bullies? Frenchies are back at it again. PSG isn't relevant enough for them to be that arrogant!
"they could unearth atlantis. they just choose not to. respect." true actually. Thankfully that photo isn't exclusive and I love that they use 🍙 for MBAPpe lmao, very kpop stan behaviour
Bestie you should be a Gooner already! Repeat after me "London is red". So many MU fans are against Gr**nw**d and Nike dropped him as well. He should go to Al Nassr, they probably don't give a fuck or maybe China. 💀
My friend won a London fan sign, she's not going to the concert though lmao. At least she has that, so I'm not mad at her! And Valenteez? Oh that Kaura thing had NFTs, hopefully there won't be any included this time....
If anyone comes for you for writing Seonghwa only I'll personally beat them up 🥰 plenty of people exclusively write for specific people, characters or ships and that's totally fine.
Take this quiz! I got Delancey
I feel so proud of the Skins cast, I grew up with them, and yes Dev, have you seen The Green Knight? I also used to live close to miss Kaya (she's an Arsenal fan too and we would see each other at the local pub). Lmao not PENG 😭 I don't say naur either, but I drink tea a lot, it has nothing to do with the UK though, I've drank gallons of tea since I was a child
Ewww I can imagine the body swap went into the worst direction in the Ryan movie, creepy shit. I read some reviews....
One thing about me is I'll choose a fictional cartoon man over a real one 😅 Tasir ❤
Boxer would get his hands bruised so easily, rip to that man! Y/N needs to mummify him
We still have no idea what's going on with Lookass, Chris Lee you fucking bitch. But Lee Sue Man??? huh how about he sues himself
Oh no wtf I had no idea Canadian schools were as bad as American ones :( I sincerely hope Mnet won't evil edit Hui or anyone... these poor guys have been humiliated enough
Wait Y/N and Hwa went to high school together in Mr & Mrs Park? I had no idea, I'm a fake Baeksussy fan.
Baekhyun looks cute, I'm glad he's back! TY the number 1 simp, he's the true user baekhvuns. And I heard Psycho, yes!
Someone said Seonghwa in the Spin Off video looked like a thundere LI in a fantasy movie, agreed <3
A much better version of Timothee akshuajaajhshsabsha. Yes Tamino is actual GOD, such a beautiful human and his deep voice ❤ ooohhh Baek I had no idea I'd awaken something in you 👁👁 perhaps his songs will inspire you to write! I'll let you know how he was in concert, I saw him once before, but sadly I was pretty sick that day so I couldn't enjoy it fully 😐 His cover of AM fucks too
They ditched my girl Kira even though she was the most relevant to the movie plot??? Fuck those werewolves! But no wonder, they didn't pay the actress enough (ekhm racist). What's the name of your avo baby?
Everyone's saying 2pm for the sex story thing?! An hour...god!?!?! Watch the story be fake though
Remember him 😭😭😭😭 - DV 💖
That Arsenal fan lawyer is me actually. I studied law for 1 year, I'm qualified enough 👀 Ancelotti 🍅🍅🍅🍅 get off the stage!!! My eyes are closed I refuse to see RM's stats.... /// Uhm I dislike Neymar, but what is this, a club acting like a bunch of bullies? Frenchies are back at it again. PSG isn't relevant enough for them to be that arrogant!
LMFAOOO GET OUT WHDHDJCICJCK you in court “your honour, i have receipts to back my evidence up actually! going to eat my walls if he denies it tho!”
i will do the courtesy of showing the stats ☺️
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i do be blaming it on ancelotti not putting vini in a better position to utilize his skills previously, he was on top of the world and now suddenly it died down 😭😭
yEAAAHH they have been doing this to both messi neymar and even verratti, booing them on pitch and their families! i think once it was messi’s wife w kids in the stadium it happened,, no srs they put psg on the map 😭 idk how much patience that man got but if it were me,,, on SIGHT! ON SIGHT SLEEP WITH ONE EYE OPEN BESTIES!
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"they could unearth atlantis. they just choose not to. respect." true actually. Thankfully that photo isn't exclusive and I love that they use 🍙 for MBAPpe lmao, very kpop stan behaviour
WAIT THATS SO TRUE 😭😭😭 utmost respect to them, tbh if kpop fans collectively got together they’d end up digging cleopatra’s tomb,,, LMFAOOO THE 🍙 IS SO CUTE AND FUNNY baby mbappe was rly cute,,, if he joined bubble 😭😭😭 his representative emojis is 🍙 😭😭
🍙: hello y/n!!!
i finished my training!!!
did you think of me???
thinking of you y/n 💖!!
Bestie you should be a Gooner already! Repeat after me "London is red". So many MU fans are against Gr**nw**d and Nike dropped him as well. He should go to Al Nassr, they probably don't give a fuck or maybe China. 💀
LONDON IS RED IM WAITING FOR IT TO BE BLUE IDC 😭😭😭 man utd fans for the first time have some brain cells and collectively hold someone accountable is so wild to me, never thought i’d see it,,, FJWVDJWHKCK doubt the chinese would take that mf in 😭😭 he should just go look for another career oh wait! how can he bdnwbddo i genuinely wonder how hard it is for football players to act decent, play ur game and go back to ur family quietly 😭😭
and spurs have been on a roll?? kane’s revival arc!
My friend won a London fan sign, she's not going to the concert though lmao. At least she has that, so I'm not mad at her! And Valenteez? Oh that Kaura thing had NFTs, hopefully there won't be any included this time....
that is very acceptable, crossed out the concert experience 🤚🏻OH THATS KAURA?? 😬😬😬 it better be some pieces of printed cardboard of his face and not some email confirmation 😭😭
If anyone comes for you for writing Seonghwa only I'll personally beat them up 🥰 plenty of people exclusively write for specific people, characters or ships and that's totally fine. /// Take this quiz! I got Delancey
tHANK YOU i would love to name drop but i will hold my silence fbwnbdnjc <33 right! writing for one person is completely fine but some people 🔫✨🔫✨✨🔫 omg delancey i haven’t heard that name since charm school, i got madison!! speaking of uquiz here’s one!
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I feel so proud of the Skins cast, I grew up with them, and yes Dev, have you seen The Green Knight? I also used to live close to miss Kaya (she's an Arsenal fan too and we would see each other at the local pub). Lmao not PENG 😭 I don't say naur either, but I drink tea a lot, it has nothing to do with the UK though, I've drank gallons of tea since I was a child
I HAVE SEEN IT! what an art this man is,, his work selection is amazing! NO WAY FBWMDJWK ANON BAG HER AUTOGRAPH FOR ME PLS I GO A LIL 😵‍💫😵‍💫 WHEN I SEE HER IN THE MAZE RUNNER SERIES ☺️☺️ NO DO U SAY PENG JDVWBDBC OR LENG,, you’ve drank everything except water since u were a child what is this anon 🤨
Ewww I can imagine the body swap went into the worst direction in the Ryan movie, creepy shit. I read some reviews.... /// One thing about me is I'll choose a fictional cartoon man over a real one 😅 Tasir ❤
yEAAAAH it was like dad/lawyer vs unhinged best friend (ryan) who’s single and they body swapped the night they peed in a fountain together 😭😭😭 and ryan has to go be a lawyer and the lawyer has to take up the acting gig ryan had and it’s just a porno 😭😭 so ur saying no seonghwa only tasir? nO SOOHYUK? ALRIGHT AND 20 YEARS TO HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS????? 😭😭😭
Boxer would get his hands bruised so easily, rip to that man! Y/N needs to mummify him /// We still have no idea what's going on with Lookass, Chris Lee you fucking bitch. But Lee Sue Man??? huh how about he sues himself
y/n on her way with the pointe ballerina shoes to save the poor guy <33 NOOOO BC CHRIS LEE IS ABOUT TO GET HIS ASS HANDED BACK TO HIM so basically! sm’s board directors + chris lee tried to push lsm away basically ask him to leave all together that’s why bro’s been in the states and arrived like a day ago
what sm did is that lee soo man didn’t give any of his shares to kakao ent (they tried to have sm’s share to take over them) and intrusted the shares with his nephew (chris lee) who went behind his back sold them! CHRIS LEE JAIL ERAAAAAAA
not the karina signs??? chris lee drops to a new low everyday
Oh no wtf I had no idea Canadian schools were as bad as American ones :( I sincerely hope Mnet won't evil edit Hui or anyone... these poor guys have been humiliated enough
yeah! tho most of it confined to one side of the city after rona tho it def got bitter, out downtown is in shambles and the police are trying their best to handle it so hopefully before the wc happens the thing’s all good! its in affect so it’s getting better <3 it’s mostly drügs and guys trying to be wannabe gangsters and then get surprised they have to face consequences <3 toxic 14-18yo mama’s boys <3 no yeah the guys have been humiliated enough 😭😭 they aren’t trained idols so they’d def have some inconsistencies 😭😭
Wait Y/N and Hwa went to high school together in Mr & Mrs Park? I had no idea, I'm a fake Baeksussy fan. /// Baekhyun looks cute, I'm glad he's back! TY the number 1 simp, he's the true user baekhvuns. And I heard Psycho, yes! //// Someone said Seonghwa in the Spin Off video looked like a thundere LI in a fantasy movie, agreed <3
THEY DID bdskdh it’s when the flashback of hwa hitting on the yn and yn explaining to Kai that they momentarily dated for a week until mf got heart eyes for some other girlie <3 FAKE BAEKSUSSY FAN FHWJD i am actually taeyong my pseudo was kira, im part time nct leader and full time baekhvuns! psycho supremacy actually 🤲🏻🤲🏻 HE DOES HE DOES him in a fantasy movie brb i will edit him in one rn,, he needs to be in a magically fantasy movie with a proper villain and he’s under this veil that the villain is the bad guy but then he realizes who it actually is!
A much better version of Timothee akshuajaajhshsabsha. Yes Tamino is actual GOD, such a beautiful human and his deep voice ❤ ooohhh Baek I had no idea I'd awaken something in you 👁👁 perhaps his songs will inspire you to write! I'll let you know how he was in concert, I saw him once before, but sadly I was pretty sick that day so I couldn't enjoy it fully 😐 His cover of AM fucks too
HE REALLY IS ANON IDK WHAT U DID IVE BEEN LISTENING TO HIM SINCE YESTERDAY!! his voice is omg, what a voice, so calming but so powerful omgg the talent really runs in his family, IT AWOKE EVERYTHING IN ME! EVERYTHING! HE HAS INSPIRED ME TO WRITE IVE BEEN WRITING TO HIS SONGS 😭😭😭 ur music taste i swear omg anon, u need to ppt format drop every detail of him at the concert, saw a few reviews abt it and it said he has like no voice cracks and it’s just his insane vocals and vibes omg 😭😭 he sings like lana but the male version get out the cover is sO GOOD ITS SO RUSTY ???? he sounds like if brown and emerald were a person
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They ditched my girl Kira even though she was the most relevant to the movie plot??? Fuck those werewolves! But no wonder, they didn't pay the actress enough (ekhm racist). What's the name of your avo baby?
NAHH FUCK WEREWOLVES UR RIGHT DONT NEED THOSE TYPE OF FURRIES would accept hwa werewolf au- HER NAMES ACTUALLY AVOLINA!! and uh, speaking of avo,, live action 😀
Everyone's saying 2pm for the sex story thing?! An hour...god!?!?! Watch the story be fake though /// Remember him 😭😭😭😭 - DV 💖
AN HOUR??? OH MY LORD THIS DEF A DILF,, imagine going to the inkigayo bathroom and someone’s getting dicked down in the stall next to u 😭😭😭 the shit kpop idols must tolerate must be crazy,, ITS THE LEGS FOR ME FBWMDJWK
in a few days i might ask u if ur prefer a lighter dark aesthetic or a dark aesthetic for yunho if make it in the end <3
0 notes
k1ll-ur-vibe · 3 years
I don't come on here much, so just so you all know: #IStandWithAllTimeLow #IStandWithJackBarakat and I always will. 💖💖💖💖💖
ATL saved me from myself when I first was being treated for severe depression and anxiety. They literally stopped me in the middle of a suicide attempt when I was 14. They helped me stop self-harming in 2013 when I was 15. Jack made me promise never to hurt myself again in 2017 when I was just a month away from turning 19. The year after that, I had my biggest episode in years and was extremely suicidal, to the point of writing a suicide note and making plans even. But I didn't do it, nor did I even hurt myself, because I promised Jack I wouldn't. He saved me. ATL have saved me, over and over again, since I was 14 years old. In April 2022, I'll be 24. And 6 days after my 24th birthday, it will officially be the 10th anniversary of my love for this band. I found them on 13th April 2012, and I've never looked back.
Over the past almost-decade, I've made so many amazing friends and so many amazing memories. I've seen the guys 16 times in person, 8 livestream shows over the pandemic. I've met them 5 times in person, as well as once over video chat during Basement Noise. I also went to soundcheck for the first time this past UK tour. ♥️ They recognise me these days and are always so happy to see me. They've never been anything but lovely to me. I am friends with their sound guy, Ricky, I'm basically friends with Alex's mother too as we've had a kind of back-and-forth going on Twitter for six years now and bonded over both being Welsh as she really misses it here sometimes. I'm mutuals with Zack on both Twitter and Instagram, and we've DMed before, as well as the fact that I've had him tag me in random posts, much to my shock when it happened LOL. I love these boys, and I always will. I have 3 ATL tattoos, one of those tattoos being of their signatures. They wrote those signatures for me in 2017, the same day that Jack told me to stay clean. I cherish that day so much. They were so kind about it being for a tattoo, which was so relieving as I was nervous that they would think I was weird for wanting a tattoo of their signatures. Nothing could have been further from what actually happened, they were actually so understanding and kind about it all. I adore them. 😭💖 As for Jack specifically, I've gamed with this man multiple times, he knows who I am now, we're literally at the point where, during Ricky's 1 year stream, Jack joined chat and the FIRST THING he did was scream my name to greet me. My *real name*, not my username. 🥺💖 I adore this man, and I always will. He is a total sweetheart and he doesn't deserve any of the BS being thrown at him rn.
I've known for a long time that my love for ATL is unconditional, I just don't tell anyone outside of my close circle that because I know that I would get pummelled for it if I said it on, say, stan Twitter. It doesn't matter what they do, I will ALWAYS love them. They're family to me now. Even then though, I don't believe these allegations anyway. They're so fucking easily disprovable if people would just look. I'm sick of going over the same things all the time though so I'll just say this: I will be with the boys every step of the way during their legal battle and afterwards, and I can't wait for these girls to get their asses sued into the ground by the guys. I was worried that the guys would be too nice to sue for defamation and stuff tbh bc, lbr, Alex didn't even report his fucking stalker. Sometimes these guys are too nice for their own good, but I think they're starting to thankfully finally realise that being too soft on this stuff can make it spin out of control. I just hope they're doing alright and that they'll make it out of this OK. ♥️ I am fully behind them, until my last breath. All Time Low for life. 💖💖💖💖💖💖🔆🔆🔆🔆🔆
If my stance makes you uncomfortable, please just block me and move on. Thanks. Oh, and if you're sending Jack/the guys death threats, leaking Jack's personal info, or telling Jack to kill himself, fuck you. You are human SCUM if you're doing any of that shit or spreading it. I don't care what your opinion on the situation is, YOU DO NOT DO THAT SHIT. It's fucking DISGUSTING and I hope ATL's team get all your asses arrested and thrown in jail honestly.
My inbox is always open for anyone who's affected by all of this. 💖💖💖 Anon is off for my own safety and mental health but other than that, I am here if you are supportive of the guys and this has got you feeling down or worried at all. 💖💖💖💖💖 Those of us who are still supportive of the guys really need to stick together rn. 💖🥺 With our love and support, I'm sure the boys will make it through this OK. We've got a tough road ahead but we can do it. 💖💖💖 I believe in us, ATL fam. I doubt the boys will ever see this but if any of them do, I just want to say I love you boys and I hope you're doing OK. ♥️♥️♥️ Hang in there for us, OK? 🥺♥️💖♥️
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gentlespaceman-blog · 7 years
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Patience Pays - Hannah & Dylan - Bowling Green Kentucky Wedding Videography by Creek Films
Patience Pays - Hannah & Dylan - Bowling Green Kentucky Wedding Videography by Creek Films
the side straps like this opportunity and I have just run all the way that close your store and she's like help us to always know that without you we can you can get through anything with you can do anything and everything we just ask them once again here discipline so Cindy with this throughout it was and help us to always reflect your glory and grace is in your son Jesus name we pray never been so sure cross the school hey gonna live my life to keep the promises in the early mistakes I knew somehow that was just like love ya found a heart that was just like mine out a little bit it's the kind of love I'm a Cuban under winn-dixie oh nothing so sure me go to keep promises mistakes I know I'm and everything look like that is the cow changed I distinctly remember the first time I heard about this mysterious von boy it would captured Hannah's attention it was during 8th grade Hannah walked into home run one homeroom one morning and you could tell she was eager to tell me something before I even had a chance to ask how she was doing she blurted out Sonia I just saw the cutest guy in soccer practice last night he was running shirtless what she failed to mention was that he had highlights that resemble Justin Timberlake circa nineteen ninety nine it's funny looking back but I feel so lucky to have witnessed still in Hannah's relationship unfold you could tell from the very beginning they were perfect for each other their relationship was and continues to be effortless exactly how it should be you I found the heart that was just like mom yeah he makes me laugh and he lets me cry it was about 8 years 9 months three days ago when this amazing relationship started so after school one day these two were online and instant messaging each other which some of you might know what that is and the lovely Hannah texted him and said or instant message and said are we dating or what and Dylan's response was no do you want to be and of course as you can tell she said yes thankfully just stand by your side treasure of my life just disbanded by side I know and Wow can you believe that the day we've dreamed up for over five years is finally here it seems like just yesterday we were standing my dad's office parking lot well we were both still in high school longing for this day to get here but realizing it was still so far away for the past eight years and eight months we've literally walked through together as best friends we've laughed we've cried we've argued but above everything else we vote it's crazy to think that we literally started dating when you were just barely a teenager at the age of 13 while I was only 14 just look at the two of us now at 21 and 22 years of age we were just kids back then struck with a helpless case of puppy love me with my long shaggy hair and highlights and you with your skinny jeans and turtlenecks when a long way we've come from those days we walked through so many stages of life together it's hard for me to remember what life was even like before we started dating...
See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=puGuOKh2g9I
What exactly are the Merits of Hiring a Specialist Wedding Photographer?
This particular write-up describes about the features of working with a highly qualified Asian wedding photographer with respect to your big day. Easily the most exquisite day of anyone's life is most certainly their wedding day. This is a moment when two hearts meet to commence a new life. The charisma of wedding event is that it can bring excitement, enjoyment, romance, pleasure, smile as well as tear all sensation in your heart simultaneously. The absolute best approach to catch every one of these kinds of memories of a wedding celebration is simply to employ the services of a competent wedding photographer. The professional wedding photographers aid you in capturing the invaluable instants in an extraordinary and also exquisite manner. Asian wedding event, particularly Indian wedding is certainly not a one day affair. There are a variety of rituals and also ceremonies, that complete at the very least in a week. Thus, there is not a surprise that the collection of wonderful memories are going to accomplish without an epic photo album. Choosing a qualified wedding photographer is a clever move to ensure that every moment of your wedding is immortalized in an unique a stunning manner. Most of the people do not hire a professional photographer so as to save on their hard earned cash. However, employing the services of a professional photographer may supply you rewards in a variety of ways. Capturing stunning and remarkable images is actually not something that anyone can do perfectly without having abilities and correct tools. Professionalism is just one of the greatest advantages of working with a professional Asian wedding event photographer UK. The experienced photographers have a good know-how about the basic rules of taking photos. Moreover, they are geared up with all the resources as well as extras needed for recording all-natural looking and magnificent photographs. The experts capture every image manually so as to deliver awesome memorabilia of treasured moments. The wedding day photographer will likely deliver conscientious attention to each and every ritual so as to catch every single moment of your wedding. Whenever employing the services of a professional wedding photographer, you can feel confident that you will get only premium top quality photographs of your wedding. They look after all the variables and understand effective ways to seize the subject matter in the most effective possible natural look. Another positive aspect of selecting a competent wedding photographer is verifiable years of experience. The experienced photographers provide hands-on knowledge in a variety of kinds of wedding photography. This makes it possible for them to help their customers in choosing the ideal theme, colour and also style of their wedding event. The qualified photographers deliver a wide range of packages in order to fulfil the various demands of the customers throughout their spending plan. Additionally, they modify the package as per your necessity and requirement. The wedding photographer will also allow their clients to secure their big day recollections in wide ranges of forms. Most qualified professional photographers will provide a wide range of photography solutions to pick from. The bride and groom can go with photographs printed on various brilliantly coloured papers, a complete wedding album or in an electronic format such as Cd disks and also DVDs. Hence, when you hire a competent wedding photographer you will definitely get photos that will definitely really help you remember your special day for a number of years.
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