#I'm definitely keeping the movies. bought the blu-ray set like 10 years ago and my niece always wants to watch them. I'm not wasting space
running-in-the-dark · 5 months
something I've been thinking about while unpacking stuff.
I've still got my old Harry Potter books. I don't have all of them, we were poor so I borrowed most of them from a friend. but I've got 5 I think. I know I won't ever read them again. I don't like looking at them because they just make me think about bad things now. but I also don't want to throw them away. they (the physical objects) meant a lot to me when I was a kid. if I throw them away I can never get them back. I only have maybe two or three other books from when I was younger (I think I either got rid of them or they got lost during one of the many times we/I moved).
it feels stupid to keep them when I don't even want to see them, but I know there's many things I threw away in the past that I still regret now. maybe I'll just put them in a box somewhere, just to know they're still there. maybe I'll get rid of them the next time I find them again.
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