#I'm actually just about to take a break but believe me - once my blood sugar level is back up it will again be Speed Drawing Time
sysig · 2 years
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Alright, speed drawing time
#DDoodles#Doodles#I'm actually just about to take a break but believe me - once my blood sugar level is back up it will again be Speed Drawing Time#Today's warmup! I haven't been posting my warmups lately 'cause they've been turning into their own projects lol#I'll post 'em in November it's fine#Anyway my goal is to get today and tomorrow's Requestobers done ASAP because I've added ummmmmm#Probably a solid couple hours onto tomorrow's lol#It's nothing particularly impressive lol I wish that it was it's just time-consuming tedium#And I don't know how to do it other than by hand so I'm doing it by hand lol#I mean I /guess/ I could /try/ to plonk it into a program that's capable of what I want and then go from there but like#That'd Still be an extra couple of hours just to figure out how to do that and then get it to do exactly what I want anyway lol#So I'll just do it manually! Make it harder for myself! Lol#At least I know how to do it manually - I can do almost anything given enough time and passion >:3c#Mostly I just need the assets in place - it'll take a jif'n'a half#Or it WOULD if my tablet would stop DYING on me!#The lights are on but nobody's home!#I can't tell if it's the cord or the ports or the tablet itself - I've had it for almost ten years so it's no spring chicken#I know the port is loose and this laptop has seen better days too lol#But still! I need it to hold out!#I could use my Gaomon but I'm still getting used to it :| Okay no that's a lie I haven't been practicing I'm avoiding it uou#It stopped displaying on my main screen and only displays on the tablet screen itself despite me not having changed any settings >:0#Technology just needs to chill and do only what I ask it to and stop making weird decisions without my input#Anyway! I'm gonna go eat sugar
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lutawolf · 2 years
Kinnporsche Notes and thoughts Episode 12
This started out as a way for me to keep notes. Something to look back on when writing my posts. One day I was going to skip writing them and I got messages. I realized that this was something personal and special that we bonded over. Thank you for your friendship and support 💜💜💜
We start off with Porsche dropping Chay off at school. It's a beautiful moment. I am surprised that Porsche is missing something is wrong. Though likely putting it down to a new school.
Chay is every break up MOOD. Have we not all been there at least once. Okay maybe not all of us but a majority. Emotional over load, run away, and change hair. There is a check list I'm sure.
I love how Pol still treats Porsche like Porsche but the new guy treats him like he is the boss.
Where is Kinn? Kinn didn't take bodyguards? Then he is up to something he doesn't want the to know about. I do think some of this is motivated by concern.
"Arm, code red" Arm immediately stands up and goes away. Remember when I said that the main bodyguards started treating Porsche more as a boss long ago. They are completely loyal to him. Kinn knows it too. That's why he trusts these guards the most too.
"Kinn, Are you cheating on me" Kinn would cut a nut before he cheated on Porsche. It's sad that Tawan has caused these insecurities. Though, I truly believe the big motivation is more concern.
His button has a mic. Hahaha. I put money on that being Porsche's doing.
Look at the dude flirting with Kinn. Kinn immediately looks uncomfortable and his eyes shift quickly. He knows either Porsche is listening or that someone who will report to Porsche is!
Smart man Kinn. He's like, we just not gonna say shit.
I love the coconuts. They have codes and their not afraid to use them!
Look at Kinn's face when Porsche is brought up. He has made sure its blank, with only a little anger showing through.
But then he inhales through his nose and swallows. This is the moment he has to deal with this and book it home.
Kinn made a half ass excuse backed with authority and booked it.
First thing to notice is that Pete searched the room to find that book. So he had to see those bolt cutters right? I sent the picture to the electrician who verified that it does in fact look like a bolt cutter.. The only reason he gave me for why Pete wouldn't use them "hell, he is a glutton for punishment, clearly"
We are about to deep dive into some multi-layers. "Where did you get that" and Pete replies with sass "I went to buy it." Once Vegas lost his anger, Pete once again became himself. What's more Vegas is amused and plays back "That book doesn't suit an idiot like you"
Look at Pete though, he is not appreciative of this comment at all. "Idiot, that's you" Again Pete is just being himself with Vegas. Back to their normal selves.
I am not going to go too deep into the blood types here. As @biochemjess has pointed out here. It's just sugar on the blood. I do think what's important to the conversation to know that Pete is O and Vegas is AB. One can give and the other can receive. The other can't receive what the other can give.
Vegas is staring at the hedgehog. When Pete calls his name, Vegas immediately shifts his body to face Pete. "What's your blood type" "AB" and Pete smiles and goes, "that's so cool, I wish I were AB" why? He hasn't yet read about AB but he wants to be it? Because he wished that could be the same? That they could equally give and receive?
Vegas finds Pete amusing because he doesn't get it yet. Then he asks Pete what his blood type is and it's O.
We find out that AB is peculiar, he looks open on the outside but is actually closed on the inside. Also difficult to understand emotionally. Volatile. And Pete says "this is so accurate" which amuses Vegas.
Pete knows Vegas. Do you really think he would know him so well, in such a short period of time, if not paying attention?
After Pete points out the book is Vegas' we see Vegas staring at the hedgehog. This is when we can see a change in his body language.
He leans forward to look closer in the cage. Vegas gets pissed at sensitive. Why? He has been calm and humorous up to this point. He says "whose weak" He is worried about his pet and is afraid to show it. Pete says "sensitive not weak, you are in need of love"
Vegas says "fucking leave it alone" and kicks the book. Why the mood change? Several reasons. His pet, one of only a few things he loves is not well. The other is Pete and Pete is simply on vacation.
Vegas has left bolt cutters you guys. He is simultaneously waiting 9n Pete's escape at the same time he is dreading it.
Pete is confused. He's looking around to see where the change is coming from. We see Vegas looking at the hedgehog. Pete looks at Vegas then the hedgehog, narrows his eyes and tilts his head as if thinking.
Porsche waiting at the window in his bodyguard uniform. Kinn is approaching hesitantly. His face already showing concern. He is unsurprised to be pushed away. He is clearly upset when he asks what's wrong. He already knows. Otherwise he would react with confusion and anger but instead he is trying to give off calm.
He's a man walking a tight rope and knows it. "Do I look like a fool" "What are you thinking" are you seeing it. He's being calm and soothing cause Porsche is a ticking Bomb he can't let go off.
Let me just say that Kinn IS nailing the Dominant right here. He is in the wrong and he is owning it. He is letting Porsche vent and communicate but he is walking him back, enclosing him. While keeping his tone controlled and moderate. It says, I am confident. I fucked up but I'm still here, I still have you, and I'm confident I can fix this.
Chan only addresses Mr. Kinn. And blocks Porsche. This makes me nervous guys. Something about this seems not right.
Tricking Porsche to work there and he knows about the car crash. Kinn is nervous.
The story doesn't add up. You put Porsche in a dangerous job to care for him and his brother? He might make more money but how are they having a better life... Doesn't add up daddy.
Kinn puts a hand on Porsche to remind him who he is talking to. Porsche pushes back, saying he knows but he will say his peace.
Kin sees how angry Porsche is. "I think you went to far" also reminder I'm on your side Porsche. Korn "Yes, I think so too" code for I didn't know my son's would get so attached.
Porsche tells daddy to shove it. Kinn tries to stop him. Daddy tells Kinn to go.
Once again when hurting Vegas heads to Pete. Pete though hurt doesn't hesitate to sit up and help. He isn't surprised the hedgehog is sick.
There have been so many guards but now there are none? Why? Vegas could be lying but he hasn't been lying to Pete since everything changed.
Now follow me. Last time Vegas was really upset he left a belt but he was waiting for Pete because he realized he left the belt. So do you really think he doesn't know he left a key. He also told Pete there are no guards. Who he probably sent somewhere so that Pete could escape. He's familiar with Hedgehogs and knows a vet isn't going to help at this point. Probably realized it earlier in the day. He is giving Pete the opportunity to escape. Maybe he thought he hadn't used the cutters because of the guards?
And maybe he was right because why else has Pete not used the cutters but now uses the keys?
Reminder. Again. Pete is not a super sweet nice guy. He only gives a shit about the select people he cares about. If you keep making him sweet, you are going to miss the real significance if Pete. He loves Vegas.
Vegas is not surprised that Pete is free. Only that Pete is coming to his side. "He is dead"
Pete inches closer and then puts his hand on Vegas' leg. Offering support and it breaks Vegas. I swear that I think that night when Vegas removed his last mask , that he well and truly removed them. Vegas is just him with Pete. Again, being vulnerable does not strip Vegas of his Dom status. I am vulnerable with my subs and none of them have ever thought less of me. That is not what makes me a Dom.
I love that when Vegas cries, Pete tears up. Their pain is shared. Then Vegas looks at Pete, really soul deep looks. For a moment everything is quiet like the pain is forgotten and then suddenly Vegas' face is etched with intense pain. Like he just realized something.
When Pete hands Vegas the flower. We can see they are sitting much closer together.
Vegas stands and waits on Pete. When he walks away, he has no doubt Pete will follow... Pete is on vacation. He isn't here forever but in this moment he chose to be there.
"Why didn't you run away" and Pete lies "I don't even know"
My dad had me take care of the Hedgehogs since little. One by one they all died until one left. "He still left me too" "I didn't even get to name him" why? He should have had time. This is a statement of regret. He thought by not naming him he would be less attached and he realizes he was wrong. He tried not to get close but he did anyway. Are you guys catching the double meanings here???
Pete says "If you're feeling sad, that means it's important" Vegas cries more and then says, "Everything I've loved, leaves me"
There is a very fine line between sadomastic and self harm. The difference should be the pursuit of endorphins versus a desire to be punished. For us though; feelings, emotions, and pain are all tied together. And a break the camels back situation can lead to blurred lines. Usually there is a support system to guide you back. Or lead you to safer, saner ways. What support system does Vegas have though?
Vegas proves that he sees Pete too. "But you like me like this, when I'm moody" you see the real me and it excites you. Just admit it.
Vegas "I know exactly what I want" he's had regrets. He knows hiding from it won't fix it. "How about you, Pete" "How do you like it" admit you want me as badly as I want you. "You're Psycho" to which Vegas only smiles and doesn't deny.
"But a guy like you, it's no fun if you don't give in" It isn't worth it if you don't choose me. This is honestly explained so well by my dear friend @ellaspore here
And Pete realizes what Vegas is saying and takes this moment for himself. Vegas surprised quickly slides into so fucking happy.
I love the fucking hair grab. Pete started it but Vegas has control.
Pete licking his own arm. Is a classic sign of being gone gone. You're so high in the endorphins that everything is pinging and instinct is telling you to savor it all. Everything is heightened. Smell, taste, sound and it's just driving you higher.
Fuckkkkkkk. Vegas and that ass.
Make know bones about what Pete is saying by handing over the rope. He is absolutely and unquvically submitting.
Okay that knot is gorgeous. You are seeing the tighten but that type of not has you initially tye with two fingers within the rope then you tighten after lapping. It's secure enough to not have touch give for too much wiggle but lax enough to have longer before nerve concerns. That particular rope is damn good rope, it's not rough and it's thick which will distribute better.
The kiss of the hands. He is recognizing and appreciating the submission.
Honestly I'm more worried about how his ankles are bound. That could cut off circulation. You got about twenty minutes give or take before we have issues.
Omg.. how passive Pete is. Sgfggfh
Vegas is treating him good. Damnn. Those little kiss. This is love making not fucking.
This is the real Pete. That smile. Their smile.
Sweet brother moment.
Bread product placement.
I love how we've come full circle of you live is mine to your life means the most.
I love this talk. Omg. How much they love each other. Kinn just wants Porsche. And Porsche just wants Kinn happy.
So domestic. How comfortable are we saying that Kinn knows he walked away from the life???
Daddy Dearest. I don't trust you. What are you trying to cover up by giving that picture.
Mafia boyfriends. I'll support you if you want to kill him. Do you want me to help you kill him. I'm glad you didn't kill him because it would have hurt you.
I l9ve how Porsche doesn't hesitate to ask for support. He just pulls him in.
Back where it started! Refresh and renew! I love yous!
All that green around the uncle. The question is who sent him?? Otherwise how did he know shit.
And what is daddy trying to cover up?
There you have it. My thoughts. You don't have to agree with me, but know this took hours not minutes. I don't watch the whole thing and give my opinion. I freeze frame and detail. I rewind over and over. Which is a labor of love for myself and my friends. I hope you enjoy 💜💜💜
Before you reblog my post or send an ASK talking about Stockholm Syndrome. Please take the time to read this by someone who actually knows what the fuck they are talking about. Thank you @akitbeast
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carelessannie · 3 years
Tony takes three steps around the corner and stops short, standing up straight.
"Oh," he muttered after a moment, caught between wariness and delight. "Oh, Parker is not going to like that."
Swinging the halter and rope cheerfully, he continued towards the second field where Licurgo was, for lack of a better way to describe it, flirting.
Speak of the devil - the sense of being judged was almost tangible and Tony turned his head to see a pert little ass and an upturned nose marching parallel towards the fields with him, so intent on letting Tony know he didn't care for his presence that he hadn't yet noticed the way his precious little trust fund pony was all but wrapped around Tony's 'backwater hick horse.'
Tony leaned against the fence with a cheerful smirk and waited. Three... Two...
"What the fuck is your horse doing to Bal?!"
"I believe its called bond-building grooming," Tony answered smugly, head cocking as he eyed the yard's star English pupil. Peter was staring with abject horror at where Balagur and Licurgo had their necks entwined, nibbling away at each other's fur in a friendly display.
Peter's cheeks had already obtained an affronted pink flush the shade of cotton candy. The stick up his ass seemed to grow in size, lending his spine a ramrod straight air.
"Look at them being B-F-F's," Tony cooed, shooting Peter a shit-eating grin.
"Shut up," Peter demanded crossly, arms folding and cheeks darkening. Over Peter's shoulder Tony could see Bucky heading straight for them, obviously anticipating that this would bubble over into another of their famous spats.
"It's not a big deal. I'll bet if we go back a few pages in their pedigrees they're even distant cousins."
"Oh please, you wish Licurgo had any of Bal's blood," Peter sniffed at him, shooting him a scowl. His cheeks were the color of roses now, dusky and hot. His brows had pinched down into what Tony liked to call his Regina George bitchface.
He pursed his lips.
"You know... Its not uncommon for bachelor stallions to form intimate bonds. Maybe they're lovers."
Bang went that pretty faced bomb.
Sheer outrage took over Peter's face and he squealed in fury, lunging for Tony. A set of strong arms wrapped around his waist and bodily hauled him off the floor like a scruffed kitten, the prissy little brat writhing and hissing in Bucky's arms.
"Whoa-hoah there, spitfire," Bucky laughed as he lifted Peter up, holding him against his chest and taking waddled steps backwards so Tony was out of range of those slender, deceptively powerful legs.
"I'm going to collect my homosexual stallion now. Toodle-pip," Tony announced cheerfully, slinging the rope over his shoulder and vaulting the fence as Peter yowled behind him.
(Find the first part here)
The worst part was— after Peter calmed down enough to finish training for the day, he could already notice a difference in Balagur’s attitude. His sweet, pure baby usually gets a second wind in the afternoon, eager to perform and even becoming more affectionate as the end of the day draws near.
But instead of excitable energy, Peter actually found himself correcting Bal twice when his posture slumped forward, deflating in a long sigh.
Once, he could understand. He pushes hard, and knows that even a stallion as fine as his Russian trotter will need a break from time to time.
Twice, and Peter was growing suspicious. He guided Bal through a series of exercises, and almost fainted to notice the horse practically dragging his feet around turns, the rhythm of his steps barely in cadence.
Balagur— Peter’s prized, award-winning and meticulously trained stallion— was throwing a temper tantrum.
Okay, Peter took a deep breath, forcing his aura to remain level-set and peaceful, he just needs some time.
Peter slowly approached where Bal was standing, making sure to remain in sight and keep his hands well within view. He wished he had a snack— it always helps to have a bribe on hand if needed.
“Shh,” Peter cooed, drawing a gloved hand up the side of Balagur’s neck, making sure to scratch behind his ears as well, “who’s my best boy, hm? Sweet, strong boy like you— what are you doing getting caught up on some second class set of hooves?”
He used both hands now to smooth out the brilliant white coat, making sure to stare deep into his horse’s eyes, “Listen to me— he’s nothing but trouble, understand? I don’t care how he sweet talks you, or how great he looks in that saddle, or how dark his hair is…”
Peter trailed off, absently thinking… not about Licurgo, but about the other stallion’s rider instead. He shook his head, focusing again, “Nevertheless! We have goals, yes? Two weeks to get down this routine, and then we’ll be draped in gold— how does that sound?”
He smiled down into Bal’s deep, dark eyes, admiring his boy’s beauty.
“I think it sounds good, sugar,” a voice called, startling Peter out of his daze. “Would love to see a pretty thing like you draped in gold, not that you don’t look stunning as is.”
Tony. The other man was settled against the fence, chewing on— is that really a piece of straw? Peter scoffed and gathered Bal’s reins, “Are you following me? Because I thought I made it perfectly clear—”
“Oh, no no no,” Tony grinned around the straw, tipping his head back to give Peter a salacious once over, “m’just here makin’ sure the goods are being taken care of.”
Peter is going to curse himself for asking, “And the goods are?”
Tony just smiled wider, looking between the two of them in some type of wild glee. Peter almost had to stop himself from smiling along. Almost.
“How’s ole’ Bal behavin’ today, sugar?” Tony asked instead, following them as they headed back to the stables, “I’ll tell ya— my boy was throwing a fit after you separated ‘em like that. Sure makes you think…”
Peter gripped the reins tighter, barely holding back his rage as he turned to give Tony an earful, but somehow the older man was already heading in the other direction.
“Pretentious cowboy,” Peter hissed, turning back to his horse, to his priorities.
He gave one last look over his shoulder, taking in the view of Tony’s firm, sculpted ass in his faded Levi’s.
No. Priorities.
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monstas1ut2 · 4 years
Diabolik Lovers x POC! Reader
-Lil bit of smut
-May have mistakes
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“If He Was Cheating On His Girlfriend With You” (Shu, Reiji, Ayato, Karlheinz)
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-Shu Sakamaki
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"You love me huh..."
Lip stick stains on his upper body as well as the smell of expensive alcohol littered the lazy vampire who was supposed to be home by nine. The chocolate sundae had him quiet and satisfied for the rest of the night.
"Come on... if you didn't we wouldn't be in this shit right now..."
"Why are you so noisy...."
"Because you know I'm right..." Those blue eyes of his glanced over at the melanin skin that cursed him with being unfaithful towards his other lover. Glancing up towards your face with love stirred up with annoyance. Your lips curving into a mischievous smirk.
"I do..." Shu muttered as his eyes averted to the ceiling above, unable to lie to your face. He's unable to stop feeding off your love, and your blood for that matter. Shu still doesn't understand the whole love thing but he was pretty sure that's what he felt at the moment... at least.. with you.
"I love you too..." You spoke, a bit of a pout on your face as you leaned down to him, pressing those plump lips to his ear.
"Not tell her what gotcha all caught up..."
-Reiji Sakamaki
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It wasn't as if he was bored with her, well... Considering his poor choices, that had to be the truth. Maybe it was as if she became boring and too predictable... too bland... Too ignorant of things. There's no good reason to turn away from said lover but his need for something more turned into an adventure he'd never thought he'd go on.
The rush, the excitement ran through his body when he saw you at such an elegant party... That's where he met you... that's where he took you... Reiji being such a proper form of person, he did not dare propose it to you there... it was at a five star hotel where you got into this issue with the sadistic male.
"Ngh~... Y-Yes sir... p-please make me.... m-make me cum~!"
After that day, it's been non stop with you both, to the point where you both have caught feelings for one another in the mist of it. It certainly wasn't right but at this point it seemed as if Reiji could care less.. his other lover was a burden..
"You'd like such a thing hm...? For me to completely impregnate you and bound you with such a task.."
Those words rang in your ear, and your pussy squeezed tightly around him. Milking him completely as your ass connected with his pelvis once more...feeling weak on the knees, Reiji watched you let go of the sheets that were giving you some type of comfort.
Its just the thought of him loving your skin, your kinky/curly hair... it had you head over heels.. so badly that you were starting to feel your heart hurt in result. Though that did not get you caught off guard with his phone ringing... it seemed like you had strength all so suddenly..
That phone was in your hand... and Reiji wasn't doing a thing about it, not anymore...
"He's with me...."
-Ayato Sakamaki
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The smell of marijuana mixed with a soft smell of sugar plum was something he got used to... It overpowered the vanilla scent he used to have on him every day... from his girlfriend.
That blunt between your fingers, acrylic nails long enough to poke someone's eyes out... He remembered just seconds ago how it was around his dick.. it wasn't as if he was trying to get hard again... well, he didn't have to try.. not with you..
"Oi... don't blow it in my face.."
"Wah wah... why you cry so much..." You hypocritically spoke, considering you were just balling your eyes out as Ayato broke your back in. To be completely honest, you were quite confused as to how your nails stayed in tack the whole time...
"Yours truly does not cry..."
"But yours truly doesn't know how to listen to his wants..." You snapped back quietly before blowing out some more of that addictive scent. Ayato could've sworn he gets a second high from you doing that.. it's not like he doesn't smoke, he just tries not to because hearing his girlfriend whine about it is quite annoying.
"Break up wit her.."
"You said that yesterday..."
"E-fucking xactly...... you was here yesterday..." You spoke sassily before crossing your arms over your exposed chest, your pretty, dark skin was a whole different situation form his girlfriend... he believed himself to like pale females... though when he met you it all turned into sunshines.
"Don't make me say it twice... I ain't arguin with you yato...."
"Don't be screamin at me.. I'll throw you out... I love you tho.."
Ayato glared towards you with those green eyes, though.... he did love you in return, unable to not love you... even though you two have sex mostly every day... it's always something more, the way you laugh at all his jokes.. the way you make him laugh.. he never wants to go home to her...
-Karlheinz Sakamaki
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Two complete opposites, a limo coming to a neighborhood that was not as near nice as his mansion... It wasn't a poor neighborhood, just a little neutral. He'd pop up everyday and would never miss a beat unless his purple haired wife dared to invade his personal space.
"He's ridiculous..."
The cold, pink collar on that pretty melanin skin, along with the lacy pink bra that cupped your breasts amazingly, like it was cocoa powder marshmallows. Your pink panties barely covering much, though it matched. Now... you knew for a fact that he wasn't giving the same treatment to any of his wives...
"I'm ridiculous, you say...?"
Feeling your heart jump out of your body, the random thoughts all in your pretty mind before swallowing the nervousness. (E/c) eyes glaring over to the male who was sitting on your bed. Sometimes you hated the male's vampire abilities...
"I look-.."
"Magnificent... gorgeous..."
Sighing, you walked out of your nicely smelling bathroom and closed it behind you. You just hoped that mirror wasn't teasing you, because from your pov in that mirror.. you looked hot.
That evil smirk etching onto Karlheinz's face. You've told him plenty of times that you weren't giving him a baby because of how he treats his own and how manipulative he was. Karlheinz took this as a challenge and in result, he actually fell in love with with you.. something he wasn't expecting.
Karlheinz has fondly tried to be more loving towards his children but that's going to take awhile... unlike you, they love you. Though those wives of his has some things to say about you nonetheless... especially when it was announced that you were pregnant. Only a month.. so not so noticeable whatsoever.
"Whatever..." you mumbled before those thick chocolate thighs straddled Karl, his hands were gloveless, only one ring on his finger...lightly touching at your juicy ass... that ring matched yours... and lord knows he doesn't claim his wives so out in the open...
"I know one thing tho... you better not be touchin her in the same way..."
"I'd never dare do such a thing my love..."
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kizzys · 4 years
Starkid Rewatch: The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals 🎼
Finally we have reached the hatchetfield series
My paulkins brain is ready let's gooo
I'm that one lady in the audience who's genuinely jamming out to the intro
Thinking back to how the intro was just foreshadowing the ending and that Emma gets infected too
🎶what an ass, what a bitch, what a cuuuuuuuuck🎶
I love how every musical with them has lauren and robert having a cute dance number
Paul was clearly set up to be the asshole character but we all chose to love him so they just went along with it
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Does she know i would die for her
I have very low blood sugar
Paulkins interaction here we go
Knowing that ted is the homeless man...
I don't know how it changes things here but somehow it just does
Reluctant friendship hcs for paul and green peace girl come through
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Once again: props to June saito for understanding the duality of lesbian fashion
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Hey it's everyone's favorite murder grandpa
Oh, look a new blouse
Pitch perfect whomst?
I love that for Bill it's never a question of alice being gay..it's never really that big of a deal. He just does not like deb
He even suggests other girls for alice
Its just really comforting for me to watch it be normalised so sweetly
Lah...dee...DAH. DAH. DAY?!
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I will 100% believe this is the man behind the paul clones. He is so fucking unhinged look at him
🎶black coffee, I'm your coffee gal- NOOOOO!!!!!
He has to bend to half his height to meet her eye level i love them
Promise me you'll think about the implications!!
Jaime had no business being this hot during cup of poisoned coffee
They're constantly just holding hands or reaching out for each other it's too cute
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The purest friendship
Ted casually jamming out to Robert's dance
[alien/turkey noises]
His brain fell out
Who is it? Professor hidgens! Don't lie to me whoever you are, I'm professor hidgens!
This is paul and...them
I'm going to...kick your...head
Get you someone who looks at you the way paul looks at emma
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Or even the way emma looks at paul really they're both equally soft
The biggest plot twist would have been if Paul had been the one to crash Jane's car
So I guess I'm the supervillain? I don't think of you like that at all emma
I'm soft for them
Jaime i love u
Seriously her voice 😯
Jeff just jumping around while jaime sings like a goddess honestly same
Anyways paulkins are being all adorable in the background
I love how they're just screaming out for bill like fuck ted
I shot a charle-ton
Appreciate his jokes please
The best starkid song honestly
Can we talk about how paul remembered most of the lines? Like emma and ted were just repeating whatever he said and bill was fucking singing the circle of life
Ted's voice cracking
I just realised he's sitting directly in front of charlotte's body and I know he's 90% an asshole but this fucking scene man
Like he cares just a little and we can all see it how he's trying to keep whats left of his friends from dying too
Honestly joey's acting here gets me
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Height difference™
When he said "I respect her choices but..." I honestly initially thought some homophobic crap might follow but bill you absolute angel
He did not dissapoint
Bill Woodward 🤝 Steve harrington
If you get what I mean
(team i have no issue with you being a lesbian but please have better taste in girls)
Fancasting for denise or angela to play grace chastity in NPMD
Corey's expressions in this scene honestly breaks my heart
He just wanted to save his daughter 😔
prove it asshole, we're the army
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he boop
I'm authorising you to use my firearm
Hidgens and mcnamara are both dramatic gays but with completely opposite energies
[foot sweep]
The way he skip-runs across the stage
Draco would be proud
For a 63 year old he can really work those hips
The audience losing their shit
Should I take this chair? I'll get the piano
The light slowly turning red as infected!mcnamara smiles
The audience slowly realising what the lyrics mean
Honestly iconic
One of my favorite moments in the show
So the last thing paul ever told emma was "byeeeee"?
Nah fuck that they both survived and are living happily in colorado running their pot farm
What ending?
The theatre being Paul's worst nightmare and starlight theatre being the place where he's killed, and starlight also being miss holloway's nightmare time? Methinks he might be her descendent of some sort
Watch out paul, he might kick your head
Mr. Davidson didn't want to be a mindless alien slave! He wanted to be choked by his wife!
Starkid stroking their villain takes a whole another level here huh
Jon slipping between normal talking to singing after every other word is pure talent
All jokes and paulkins related angst aside the ending is actually really amazing for a multitude of reasons
1. Inevitable is an absolute masterpiece of a song and it ties in all the previous songs that were there in the show
2. It provides context to the intro song (its all a fucking loop babey)
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3. We get this one final moment of softness
4. Emma's scream perfectly harmonises with the ending of inevitable
5. It spectacularly breaks the 4th wall for the second time and integrates the audience as characters in the show
6. They never once break character through the whole thing
7. It proves once and for all that the hero of the story was never paul, it was emma. paul was just the final villain
That being said I am happily going back deep down in denial-town. You can find me drowning in a bucketload of paulkins fluff fics goodbye
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tuancore · 4 years
Lost You (Part 11) :
Starring- Jinyoung x reader
Genre- Angst
Summary- It's your choices and actions which made you miserable.
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Standing outside your apartment's door, you examined the door briefly, every single line and curve, remembering the time when you both first moved to this apartment after coming to Seoul, everything flashing before your eyes, rethinking your each and every decision in life. When you first came to Seoul, you felt like an outcast but with Jinyoung by your side, you had that hope of everything going to be alright, can't believe that same Jinyoung became so unfamiliar to you. Twisting the doorknob, you stepped in, just like the first time you entered with him.
Your eyes were covered with a velvety blindfold, you felt like stumbling every now and then in your heels, not knowing where he was actually taking you. He took you by surprise by picking you up in his arms, your hand naturally flying behind his shoulders. He chuckled seeing that terrified expression on your face, "Easy, angel I'm not going to drop you".
"Jinyoung, I swear if you're taking me to some horror house, you know how horrible they are" But he didn't reply you but kept on chuckling, making your stomach churn with anticipation. A ding sound, perked your ears, it was an elevator. He stepped out of it walking for awhile and then stopping again, "Angel,I found the best place for us, exactly what we were looking for", stepping in he gently placed you on your feet, slipping your blindfold.
"Welcome to our home" He grinned, seeing your shocked reaction. You gasped seeing all the showpieces and furnitures, all were exactly the same what you used to always discuss with him. You faced him with tears of joy in your eyes, smiling adoringly at him, "Everything....is exactly the same...". He nodded, hugging you gently while you melted in his arms,"You're such a crybaby..." Wiping your tears he cupped your face with both of his hands,staring into your eyes, he said,"I promise you angel, as long as I am with you I won't let you shed a single drop of tear. And that I'll keep you forever happy and safe in my arms".
The truth is promises are meant to be broken. You always heard that but never believed it until today. All of his words were nothing but sugar coated sweet talks, none of his promise were meant to keep. Dragging your feet to the middle of the living room, you stared at the large couch, it was Jinyoung's decision to keep it there so that you both could cuddle and watch movies on Sundays in each other's arms.
What was that for if he couldn't trust you enough?
Your gaze shifted towards the wall in the front, which at this point looked like some stalker's wall. Jinyoung out of many of his hobbies he was very much passionate for photography as well, and his all time favourite muse was you. You remember, how he used to budge you night and day to pose for him, most of the time you obliged which made him always run after you with a camera. After some time you got irritated, of his constant clicking, so you strictly ordered him to not to click your pics.
"Okay Okay! I won't ask you anymore to pose for me" He rose his hands in surrender, seeing a huge pout on your face.
He loved clicking your pics but it got irritating for you, since you wanted to enjoy moments with him without phones and cameras while he wanted to capture all the moments to reminisce about. So he found another way to keep on clicking your pics rather asking you to pose for him, he took your candid shots, whenever you fell asleep, or when you watered the plants, or when you cooked, when you jammed to your favorite songs, when you read books, or whenever you did some work on your laptop. He just loved you and only you. The wall was wall less and your face in frames more.
What was that for if he couldn't love you enough?
Out of so many pictures one was your favourite, subconsciously you walked closer to the frame taking out from the wall, caressing the image ever so lightly. It was a photo which was a candid shot clicked by JB, when you all went to the Disneyland in LA while visiting Mark's parents there.
"Why are you grinning like that?" Mark asked seeing your stupid grin, but failed to noticed two cones of ice cream in your hands. So you extended your hands showing him the cones, "My favourite ice cream!".
"Two cones? Each with five scoops?" Jackson commented not believing your childishness, "Ten scoops, are you even a girl?". Glaring at him you muttered 'idiot',"Of course I'm a girl that's why I love ice cream".
"More than Jinyoung?" Youngjae asked, teasing you on purpose. "Obviously!", You tilted the heads of both the cones forming a triangle as they the topmost scoops touched eachother, others mouthing an 'Ugh'. Your sparkly eyes became crescent happily biting on the scoops at once, when all of a sudden Jinyoung appeared out of nowhere back hugging you, his mouth on top of your head making it look as if he was about to bite you. Thats when JB clicked it. It was such an adorable picture and your favourite as well.
Someone really has said the truth, that only pictures last forever. Gripping the huge photogframe harshly in your hands, you threw it with a sudden force making it land at the corner of the room with a loud shattering noise. Everything was already over, so what was the need to keep reminiscing over such petty things.
"Youngjae-ah.....Why?....." Jinyoung whispered in disbelief holding onto Youngjae's shoulder, he couldn't believe that Youngjae whom he thought of his smaller brother would hurt him in the most cruel way possible.
"It's not only Youngjae hyung but your so called friend Jisoo too" BamBam hissed, at the thought of Jisoo. Jinyoung snapped at BamBam with shock, another hard punch in his gut, "What are you saying?....".
"Yes, Youngjae and Jisoo were the ones playing you, noona and Jackson hyung like a puppet without any of your knowledge and if you think I'm lying then why don't you ask Youngjae hyung yourself" BamBam concluded with a stern face. Jinyoung turned around facing Youngjae with a furious eyes.
"Why the fuck would you do this to us?! Why Youngjae!?! Why!!" Jinyoung snarled gritting his teeth, his hands wrapped around Youngjae's throat almost cutting his oxygen, Mark and Jackson pulled him from Youngjae while he coughed his lungs out, his own tears spilling out.
"Because I love her....I always have....It hurt everytime I saw her in your arms smiling and giggling, I—.....I felt that it could've been me instead of you whom she loved more than her life.....and to protect my heart from bleeding anymore. I seperated you both" Youngjae's explanation made everyone beyond shocked. They all never thought the reason behind it was another complication.
"The fuck did you say Youngjae!!" Jinyoung growled breaking from Jackson's and Mark's grasp, landing a harsh punch on Youngjae's face which made him fall on the couch behind him, Jinyoung hovered over him punching him a few more times.
"Stop It Jinyoung! Stop it!!" Jaebeom and Mark shouted trying to get him to stop but he was too mad to pay attention to those words, when Youngjae pushed Jinyoung from him throwing a punch at his face, with blood gushing out of his own nose.
Youngjae got up on his feet, wiping the blood spurting out of his nose from his hoodie's sleeves, his cheeks also scraped from Jinyoung's hard punches.
"Since when?" Jackson asked sternly, glaring at him. Youngjae smiled at the mere thought of you, continuing, "Since University, she was my senior. I fell in love with her over time, she was not only gorgeous but kind as well. She saved me from getting bullied almost for an year and after that everyone stopped bullying me, how could I just not fall for her? I planned to confess her but Jinyoung hyung beat me to it! And my heart shattered when she accepted his love, I was broken......".
"Bullshit! You never told me that you were getting bullied back then!Plus she never told me" Jinyoung asserted. "I was! But whenever I was with you all I saw was you drowning in stress to get your master's degree and your father's constant ranting, so I kept quiet!".
"She never told you because I asked her to promise me to not to let you know about me getting bullied otherwise you'll get another reason to stress over and I didn't want you to!"Youngjae informed with his fists clenched in rage, "When she finally became your girlfriend, I thought of moving on so I tried dating but hell not a single girl I've been with could compare to her, I tried hard to convince myself that she belonged to you, she loves you but no my heart wouldn't listen.....it continued to ache for her, how could I just throw away the love which I had for her for past five years!".
With that Youngjae began to untangle all the strings, how he saw Jisoo working for Jinyoung, and from the way she looked at his with those heart eyes was enough to tell that she was in love with him, so he proposed the idea to Jisoo while as accepted it without any second thoughts. All they were waiting was for a right time and a perfect plan, and they got that exact opportunity when he saw you and Jackson meeting frequently without Jinyoung in range.
Coming to those photographs, he didn't had to do much at all, he simply clicked the pictures of Jackson's bedroom with every minor details, and technology gave him the exact environment Jackson's room had, but the real problem was in finding a boy who had same physique as that of Jackson and vice versa for the girl, so that your faces could be photoshoped accordingly, but that stupid girl forgot to hide her streaked hair.
"If you loved noona so much then why did you slut shame her like this?" Yugyeom snapped. "Jinyoung hyung was always insecure of the boys around her, so I kicked him on his weak spot. I couldn't believe when he believed in those fake photographs more than his own girl, I guess he really didn't deserve her".
"Youngjae......it's not love, it's obsession. Love is when you let the person you love just be happy, you completely shattered her! Jisoo and you both hurt the persons you loved! If you really loved her your heart would've ripped out everytime she suffered! It's not love Youngjae-ah, it's your obsession,it can't be love, it's not love........it's not......." JB croaked out choking on his own tears.
"After what you've done to her, Do you think she'll ever come to you? Do you?" Mark belted angrily. "She won't come to me but atleast she won't go to him either" Youngjae hollered with a sick grin, "And that's enough for me. If she can't be mine then she won't be his either".
"Youngjae fucking get out before we really do something to you which we'll regret for eternity!" JB yelled, motioning towards the door, shooting a last smirking gaze towards Jinyoung, he left without a protest.
Jinyoung dropped to his knees, feeling all the pain you felt through these days, all the tears you've shed for the pain he has given you. Small painful whimpers escaping his lips, everyone watched him crying.
"As much as I want to sympathise with you.....I can't, it's you who have brought this upon yourself" JB commented with a poker face eventhough his heart ached for Jinyoung. JB's remark send him further into the pit of guilt and remorse.
"Please..... forgive me......please....." Jinyoung stammered out sobbing hard, "I'm sorry.....I'm so so sorry", he just kept on pleading to the others, even when they were hurting seeing him before their eyes they were well aware that sooner or later this day will come, and Jinyoung will regret his each and every deed.
"You are sorry? You should be sorry. After whatever you've done to her, Do you think you deserve forgiveness?" Jackson crouched down beside him, his words hitting Jinyoung's heart like a dagger.
"Jackson.....I'm sorry......please forgive me. I was so wrong" He cried hugging Jackson, even if he wanted to hate Jinyoung, he couldn't Jinyoung was not only his friend but more of a brother. Unable to control his tears, Jackson sobbed hugging Jinyoung tightly letting him cry on his shoulder.
"Jinyoung hyung.....at some point we all can forgive you but the question is, Will Noona forgive you?" Yugyeom countered in a mere whisper. Jinyoung clutched onto Jackson's shirt, mumbling a quiet "No....".
"How am I supposed to apologise to her?" Jinyoung stared at Jackson for some assurance but found none, "I....I called my angel.....a slut.....how can I? I am such a monster, I even slapped her......when all she did was telling me the truth.....I hurt her, My angel begged me on her knees still I accused her of something so horrible. How can I be so heartless?....... Jackson, I—I made her feel so inferior......" Jinyoung gulped the knot forming in his throat as realisation hit him, facing BamBam he stammered, "BamBam....you said she is pregnant..... I—I despised my own child....our child.....How monstrous was I to hurt her this bad!!......".
By now everyone's eyes gleamed with tears, it was surely painful for him, but it wasn't anything compared to yours. Jinyoung has completely robbed you of your happiness, your everything, he tossed you away like you never meant anything to him while you continued to prove your innocence stepping on your self respect, self esteem. To be honest, he didn't deserve any forgiveness at all.
"Even if everything was set up by Youngjae and Jisoo, the way the things have degraded to, wouldn't have if you.....you" BamBam pointed out his finger at Jinyoung, "If you had faith on Noona, even a tiny bit, none of this would be happening right now. Instead of you crying here and she there, you both would be laughing and smiling in each other's arms........Loving eachother, accept it or not but you never trusted her enough. The way she was hurt, when you chose Jisoo over her......Gosh I can never forget the look in her eyes, She looked dead......so dead!".
Yugyeom patted BamBam's back with an attempt to calm him down, Yugyeom continued, "You can only pray for noona to forgive you. Everything is in her hands now".
The intense air subsided around everyone as BamBam's phone rang, answering the call immediately, he whispered, "Hello...".
The words from the other end broke BamBam to his soul, the phone slipped through his hands as he stared at Jinyoung completely emotionless.
"Noona had.....she had.....a miscarriage".
Part 10 // Part 11 // Part 12
Note: I'm not editing the drafts before posting them, so if you guys spot any errors, please let it slide, thank you so much ~~~
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abductee · 3 years
Tree Tops
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I was taken last night. This morning, five AM, I woke up groggy feeling completely unrested although I conked out last night at a very decent hour—say nine o'clock PM at the very latest. It was my day off and I put in a good amount of work down the hill clearing blackberry vines so I treated the family to Chinese take-out. With a belly full of food (all fairly responsible choices in dishes considering the standard decadence in American-Chinese variety) I put something mellow on the tube. I know I didn't make it through the one and a half hour long selection—a familiar talk: Dr. Michael Sala interviewing Elana Danaan (their fourth interview).
As a control, whenever I feel this way—typically during what I've begun to call “abduction season”—I consider that I may be recalling a dream or hallucination, or even a product of the power of suggestion rather than a legitimate memory of a real, physically observable, measurable experience. And although the selection I put on the tube last night was of the exopolitical topic, it's a video I've seen previously a number of times and it does not contain any subject matter that would have seeded an elaborate dream or cast a suggestion over the experience I recall happening (last night/early morning crossing May third to May fourth 2021 as I supposedly “slept”).
Mostly what I recall is tree tops. I was soaring over the trees looking down onto their tops. I was flying through the air without the assistance of any craft. It seemed that I was propelled or pulled through the air at a fairly slow pace, but whenever I fly in a plane, once we've reached cruising altitude, it always seems like I'm moving slower than I'm actually moving. I was probably moving faster than I sensed, but my assessment is based on how calm it felt up there above the trees. I recall very little wind. I was in complete silence. I imagine there would be a lot of wind screaming past my ears, howling as I flew through the air, but no. Maybe I was enveloped within an undetectable windshield providing the silent travel, but that's a guess. The pure memory says I was moving through the air with no craft. Perhaps the transfer was provided by tractor beam. But I recall no distinct sensation of a push or a pull.
I was being returned, at the close of the abduction event rather than at the start. Alone in my thoughts but not alone in the abduction, there were others levitating high above the trees, each of us spaced out about one or two miles apart, men dotting the sky asleep upon invisible floating pillows. Was I the only man awake. I looked around trying to see if the others were moving. I was flailing my arms and legs, a sort of dog paddling by instinct. No one else seemed to be grappling with their situation as I'd been. They just hung there limp a mile above the ground relaxed atop invisible transport pillows.
Before I could fully understand the surreal spectacle before my eyes, a grogginess come over me to which I fell unconscious.
Five AM, Butter the dog is crying for breakfast and to be let out to conduct his regular business. I wake up after supposedly capturing eight restorative hours of sleep, to feel completely drained as if I'd been forced to stay up and pay attention all night long. I'm not particularly sore as I've been in the past post-abduction; I feel more like I've been spoken to, forced to attend a lecture and pay attention all night—like I attended an all night seminar.
To add a bit of complexity, I don't specifically recall soaring through the air at night or during twilight, dusk or dawn hours. It seemed fully light out. So, I am curious if I we were all transferred someplace quite far away in a different time zone so that we may have been traveling into the sun as day was breaking. I will need to think on that factor to iron out the time-table. Based on how drained I feel, It isn't outside of the realm of reason that we were time-dilated. I will be able to determine that in a few days based on whether or not any of my joints get inflamed. Dirty quantum access generally causes auto-immune and/or histamine responses in a high percentage of participants, usually inflammation in the joints or puffiness in the face and neck, hands, and feet. I am lucky, but many experience blood sugar and electrolyte dysregulation and hypertension post time-dilation.
Abduction always disrupts the animals too. Nicholas and Butter are always quieter the morning of a return. I believe on some level, they're witnessing more than human perception may allow. Naturally the entire event is cloaked from human perception. Perhaps popular cloaking methods function well within animal senses. Or perhaps animals simply sense the upset in the abductee upon return.
Although I've been abducted countless times, this is the first recollection of the tree tops. And this is the first time I specifically recall there being ample daylight.
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caraleedixon · 3 years
Meeting for the very first time
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The bombing of Atlanta~
Cara woke up to the sounds of screaming and panic, she was on the ground level of the Super 8 in Atlanta, Georgia. The nineteen year old was on break from the Police Academy and was on vacation with some of her friends. Cara got out of bed and peeked out the window, wondering if it was actually bad. What she saw scared her nearly to death, and if she hadn't been a sheriff's daughter probably would have rooted her to the spot. However, Caralee Grimes was a strong willed cop in training. She knew how to handle herself, Cara looked down at her nightside table when she saw the light; Cara picked it up as she began to pack up somethings and grabbing her twin desert eagles. "Mom, not a good time... somethin's going on in Atlanta..."
"Caralee, listen to me.. Its not just Atlanta.. Shane says that their going to bomb the big cities to try to control it.. you HAVE to get out of there" Came Laurie Grimes's voice, Cara bit her lip.
"Alright Mom, I gotta go then.. I gotta find--"
"I don't care about them, get your ass out of Atlanta, now Bug" Came Shane's aggressive voice. She rolled her eyes but sighed.
"Fine... but If I see them--"
"Bug, the dead have risen and are eatin' people... DO NOT put yourself in anymore danger then necessary" He told her sternly, "Meet us outside the city, the billboard, you know the one" Cara looked shocked as the line went dead. She grabbed her bag, putting one of her desert eagles in the holster and the other in her hand as she opened the door.
Dead bodies were strewn outside, monstrous looking people eating screaming humans. Cara centered herself as she made her way cautiously through the parking lot to her truck, keeping an eye out for any of her friends. She jumped in her truck and started it up, wincing at how loud it was. "Goddamn it, I told Shane to look at that before I left" She cursed before slamming the truck into reverse and peeling out of the parking lot. She stopped short as the headlights fell on Kevin, the kid who she had known her entire life, laying lifeless on the street in front of her being eaten. She shook her head and peeled away out of the city, she had only been able to get down a couple alleys before being stopped again because of traffic. "SHIT!" She screamed as she turned off her truck and grabbed her bag and gun again.
How many hours had passed since her phone call with her mother and Shane? Were they even still alive? Cara walked through the woods at the edge of Atlanta, the bombs had dropped soon after she had left the city and she was nearly out of bullets now. The dead just had kept coming and coming until she had realized to aim for the head. Cara leaned against a tree, trying to catch her breath and calm down. The burnet heard a snapping of a twig and raised her gun at the ready once more, she checked her bullets. "Three" She said aloud, cursing under her breath. "I better make 'em count" She said, reaching down and grabbing her boui knife out of her boot. Her legs were all cut up from running through the woods at night, She was still in her pajamas, a sweater tattered around her shoulders.
She shot the first walker in front of her, dead between the eyes.
The second one fell on top of the first. She aimed at the third walker and pulled the trigger before groaning as the shot missed. "FUCK" She put her gun back in the holster as she pulled her knife up, it wasn't ideal, she didn't want to get that close to the walker in front of her but now she had no chose. She took a couple steps forward towards the undead woman in front of her before stopping short.
"Missy?" She said, her arms becoming slack. "God.. Missy how did they get you?" She asked, tears threatening to finally burst as she saw her best friend limping and dead coming towards her. "Missy, Missy you gotta stop.. come on please.. Missy it's me.. It's Cara" She said before;
An arrow appeared in Missy's left eye.
"Are you fuckin' crazy?" Came a gruff voice as Missy fell to the ground. "You can't reason with these fuckers lil' girl" Cara looked up from her best friend on the ground to see a Redneck with a cross bow. "Are ya alright?" He asked, looking her up and down. "Those gashes are they from the dead?" He asked, lowering his compact bow and taking a step towards her.
"What? No... I've been running through the woods from Atlanta since ten o'clock" She said looking down and finally seeing all the gashes. Cara looked back up at him as he walked closer. "Look, Redneck, I'm tryin' to find the billboard by the Quarry... am I any where close?" She asked slowly, realizing how tall the man was and blushing deeply.
"My groups there now, its about a days walk from here.. You good to walk?" He asked her as her eyes lit up, the girl picked up her bag and nodded.
"I'm more then ready.. my family should be there... at least my mom and brother" She said, "And my Daddy's best friend" She told him as she started to follow him. "Thanks by the way, I know I can't reason with the dead but... Missy and I go back to pre-K... I just couldn't believe that she was dead"
"I get it.. but ya gotta be careful, Sunshine" The Redneck said smirking, "By the way... I'm Daryl Dixon... and that.." The handsome man pointed to a burley guy appearing behind a tree. "Is Merle, my big brother" He said as Merle leered at her.
"Well hey Sugar Tits, did my brother be your knight in shinin' armor?" He asked. Cara raised an eyebrow as Daryl spoke.
"Knock it off Merle" He growled at him, "Leave the girl alone" He took a step closer to Cara protectively. It seemed Daryl knew something about his brother that Cara didn't, but Cara didn't mind the handsome redneck's perfection.
The three walked in silence for a bit before Merle raised an eyebrow, "So, do ya always go around in booty shorts sugar tits?" He asked, Cara stopped in her tracks, her hand going slack on her bag before she turned to face the burly man.
"I do when I was asleep when all this shit starts" She said, "Didn't have much time to change runnin' for my life and didn't realize I would be walking with sexist mcGee trying to find my family" She said, her arms crossed as she glared at him. Out of the corner of her eye, Cara could have sworn that she saw a smirk play on Daryl's lip before it went back to his normal glare. "Call me Sugar Tits one more time, and we'll see whose really made of sugar" Cara said, before starting to walk again. She could feel eyes on the back of her thighs but couldn't tell whose eyes they were. Daryl caught up with her a few minutes later, pointing up the ridge.
"Our camp is just up there, hope you find your family among us... sorry about Merle by the way he can be--" Cara shook her head as she glanced back at Merle who seemed to sulking a few paces behind them.
"Don't even worry about it... I've dealt with worse.. my father was the sheriff of King's County" She said shrugging, "I did a few volunteer days down there and had much worse thrown at me..."
Daryl raised an eyebrow, before squinting at her slightly. "You a cop too?" He asked sounding... off.
"Was plannin' on it before the world went to shit." She said shrugging, "It's in my blood, my daddy was the Sherriff, so was my Granddaddy and his before that" She said looking up at him, "Look, I don't care 'bout any of that now.. I never had what you'd call a strong moral compass.. you saved my life Redneck, If you think that something that happened before that means anything to me... think again"
Daryl's lips turned up at the corners before the smile disappeared as Merle walked past them. "Can we just get back to camp lovebirds? I'm starvin' and wanna drop the bitch off" Daryl growled at him.
"Leave her alone Merle"
~~The next day~~
Cara woke up and sat up shivering, she pulled her bag around to her before realizing that Daryl was sleeping right next to her. That was when she remembered, during the night Merle had followed her when she had left to pee and Daryl had come to her rescue yet again and slept next to her. She smiled gently before grabbing out her jeans, she went behind a tree and shimmied out of her pj shorts before starting to pull on her jeans.
"Well well, that lily white ass is hot sugar tits" Came Merle's voice, Cara stopped short before looking behind her and seeing Merle standing up against a tree watching her. "Why dontcha loose those jeans and pretty panties and I'll show you something that my baby brother couldn't fathom to do" Cara opened her mouth to speak before Merle was inches from her. "Come on baby take 'em off" Cara reeled back and punched the man hard. She was stronger then most girls for her stature but compared to the big idiot in front of her, she was no match. "You little BITCH!" Merle yelled before punching her right back across the jaw. "I'll teach you to hit me you--" Cara looked up holding her searing jaw. Daryl was straddling Merle beating the shit out of him.
"I told you last night to stay the hell away from her.. Now you go and punch her?!" He growled as he continued to punch his older brother.
"Alright alright UNCLE" Merle said, after he himself got a few shots in, but Daryl was angrier he had won the fight. Daryl rolled off his brother before walking slowly up to Cara and taking a look at her jaw.
"You're gonna have a bruise.. sorry about that" He said slowly as he helped her up. "Are you alright?" He asked looking down at her, Cara nodded as she smiled slightly. "What?"
"I think this is the start of somethin'..." She said smiling at him. "Thats the third time in the past twenty-four hours that you've come to my rescue" She looked up at him, Daryl chuckled.
"Always.. if you stay with me... I mean my group... I'll always come to your rescue" He said gruffly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Daryl had sent Merle on ahead as him and Cara walked up the trail to Daryl's camp. Daryl waved at an older gentleman on top of the RV.
"Whose the young lady?" The man asked as Cara looked up at him.
"I'm Cara... Cara Grimes..." She said, "I'm lookin' for my mom and my brother Carl... and Shane... Have you heard of them or--" Her eyes glanced around as she heard an intake of breath.
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-"Lee-Lee??" Came her baby brother's voice, she went around the RV before taking off as her little brother did the same. Cara grabbed Carl and hugged him to him. The tears that she had been holding back for a day and a half burst through the damn as she fell to her knees still holding her brother.
"Carl... Carl you're alive" She repeated over and over, after a few minutes of the brother and sister hugging each other and refusing to let go. Cara heard a voice above her;
"Caralee... we thought" She looked up and found her mother looking down at her.
"Sorry it took me so long mom... I.. I got lost.. Daryl saved my life and...--" Shane appeared next to her mother, a bit to close for her liking but she gulped it down as she let her brother go slowly.
"Dixon saved your life? Damn" he said looking behind you and nodding at Daryl. "Thanks man, this kids like a daughter to me."
Cara rolled her eyes, "I'm not a kid, if I was I wouldn't have made it out of the city before the bombs dropped." She said before looking around. "Where's... Mom where's dad?" She asked. Carl looked down as Cara looked at him. "No... don't.." Daryl took a step towards her. "IS he..." Carl nodded.
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kay-is-krazy · 5 years
Literally No Title
Please help
Idk what I’m doing
This is a fanfic
Deanxreader kinda
It needs work sorry
I will hashtag
Damp. Everything that surrounds you is damp. As you start to come to, you smell the stench. Sulfar. Confused, you try to open your eyes, brows furred as the light tries to chase away your sight. Your adrenaline pushes you to figure out where you are. Looking around weerily, you notice the familiar iron door. Your parents old farmhouse storm cellar. Opening and closing your eyes making sure this is what you're actually seeing. It's been years. Decades even since you've seen these walls. Theyre different now. Moldy, but with cobwebs. You start to realize you're strapped down on the old iron table you used to eat spaghettios on when the tornados hit. No use in trying to squirm your way to topple over. Your father bolted it down in the cement. How did you get here. As you push and strain yourself to remember, the door opens. A tall red flannel emerges, and you go cold...
Life wasn't always fighting monsters, and saving people. You had a family of your own, until the vampire mafia ripped in to town destroying everything in their path, including your home and everyone in it. You still remember their screams as you fled into the woods. Revenge is a choice you have to make, and it sure was a hell of a ride. In this life, you run into auhtorities, but very little hunters like yourself. After bumping into the Winchesters working a werewolf case, they sort of took you under their wing. Noticing you needed guidance, before you ever could. You were in constant rage, before meeting the boys. Searching for answers, and never being satisfied with the kill. It all blurred into a blood bath of vengence. A lot of trust, losses, and whiskey, but you found a new family. You need them as much as they need you. And just recently, it was Dean needing saving.
The mark had completely consumed him. Being the hero, the guinea pig, has led him to be desperate in saving the world. You knew he was always staying strong, putting on a good face for Sam, but deep down, he is slightly broken like the rest of you. His hope depleted as the mark's strength took over his judgement. He was like you were before they saved you, scared and fuming with anger. You're just trying to return the favor before he hurts anyone else, especially his brother Sam.
After months of research, you found something. Slight chance of hope in fixing Dean. Confiding in Sam, he decides to look for it himself. The word of God. Once touched by a demon, it is said to purify them. No one has seen it in over 100 years, but you got a lead. The only thing that's near impossible is finding Dean. So time to draw him out... He wants a fight, you'll bring him a fight.
Scrounging up as many demons as possible, making sure they're alive but bleeding, you make a devils trap and wait. You heard through demon grapevine, that Dean can sniff them out. He's the big bad now. Being a demon himself, he hates them even more, if that makes sense.
But your plan didn't work. There have been plenty of close calls while working on the job, but this wasn't just a regular monster case. It was so much more, and there's a lot at stake. You realize why you're scared. You're in a situation even you can't get out of alive. Fear sets in as Dean walks closer. Each step like a predator closing in on it's prey. That red shirt, being even more red than usual.
He smirks, “Welcome back sunshine. Thought I killed you too soon”.
Your head is pounding as you try to look at your body. Realizing its broken, bruised, and bloodied, you must have put up a fight.
“Oh that, sorry, I couldn't help myself. After I knocked you out, I had some fun.” Your heart is beating so fast as if it is going to jump out of your body. The last thing you want is for him to see you afraid. You try to muffle out his name, but your voice is hoarse. “Please don't speak, I don't want my ears to bleed as you plead with me.... or on the other hand, I'd love to hear you beg for your life”, he whispers the last part in your face.
Wincing at his words, you turn your head, and say “You're not you right now. We'll fix this, Dean.”
He puts his hands on your chin, for a second you think it's him. His oversized, warm strong hands that wouldn't hurt a fly unless it was unnatural.The ones who taught you martial arts, and the ever so famous air guitar. But looking into his eyes, noticing they are lacking the softness, they flicker, and those green eyes are no longer. Black eyes, and his hands smell of sulfar. “There's nothing to fix sweetheart, I'm better than ever.” he jerks his hand away making your head turn to face him. As he walks to the door to open it, you yell out, “Just get it over with and kill me already!” He stops, turns his head just so you can see his profile, and scoffs. Walking out, and leaving you alone once again.
Wondering where Sam is, you try to squirm free from being tied up.Your fastens on your wrist have some wiggle room. Using the pointiness of your sister's ruby class ring on your left hand, you try to cut the leather bands. It's going to take hours, but you're not giving up yet. You know there are only two ways out of this, and you'll be damed if you don't fight.
'Pour some sugar on me' plays from your cell phone. Sam's calling you, the signature ringtone for drunk, fun Sam. Reminding you of the nights at the roadhouse, playing the same G43 on the old jukebox driving Dean insane. While Sammy and you sang until your voices were unrecognizable.
The door opens, and you straighten up, not making a move to let Dean know you've been trying to break free. There's a cart that he's pushing inside, full of old kitchen utensils, some tools from a shed, and a few of Dean's things from the trunk of his Impala that have been missing since the mark took him over.
“I know you and Sam have been looking for me, trying to save me. I'm going to show you how much I don't want or need you two around. Lets send Sammy a message, hm?” He walks over to your jacket with your cellphone in it. Dean throws it in the air and catches it. Holding it like a gun, making fake noises pretending to shoot you. “Glad to see you havent lost your adolescent behavior”, you say, “I know you're still in there Dean”.
He puts your phone down on the cart, picking up a rusty knife used for cutting fish. “But I'm not, and I'm going to prove to you just how wrong you are about me.” He cuts your cheek, and you feel the skin break open, stinging.
“You can hurt me all you want, you'll just be hurting yourself.” You say and spit in his face. The dark smirk scurries from his face, and you know what's coming next is worst.
The torture that he tortured you with only stems from Hell. Picture after picture taken and sent to Sam. The laughing, the darkness, and the insults coming from him, you start to lose hope that Dean is even in there. You keep reminding yourself that demons lie. Not believing anything DemonDean says, even though you desperately want it to be true. The remarks about how he used to think about you like a little sister until a couple years ago when you got stood up on a date with some guy named Brett. Thinking back from a different perspective now, you realize Dean was the one there who saved you from getting kicked out of the restaurant for using up a table. Waiting for some loser you met online, but seeing Dean sitting down across from you, feeling a sense of clarity and sureness. But now ever since he's turned into something evil, he doesn't feel a thing at all for you or Sam.
In and out of consiousness, you decide you wouldn't give up on him. Even though your body is mangled, you keep pushing.
“Dean, this isn't the path your mother would have wanted. You have to know that. You don't want to let her down or she'd died for nothing.” You plead and try, but he slaps you hard in the face. The hit seemed personal, as if you were getting somewhere with him. You reason, “Isn't family what brings people together, it's what brought us together. Aren't we family, you could let me go, and Sam and I can help you see the light again. Just like your mom used to say right? The light will guide you home. Come home Dean!” Another blow to your head. He knocks you out again.
As you come to, Dean is reaching for the blade. He's actually going to use it on you, kill you. Coming to terms with your fate, you start to hum and mumble 'simple man by lynryd skynrd'. It was always your favorite. It was everyones favorite. You figured it was a good enough song to go out to. You peek open your eyes as much as you can. Throbbing and seeping blood, you're finally able to see Dean stop and stare at you. He drops the blade, looking down at the mark and then back at you. His face twisted, unsure of what is reality. You don't stop singing. Second verse, he's closer now. A single tear rolling down your face; knowing if he ever came back, got the mark off, he wouldn't forgive himself. Even when he's unable to save someone on a job, he's hard on himself. You can't imagine what he'll feel like, so you pity him.
He's closer now, hands around your throat. He's trying to fight you and himself. The pain and anger in his eyes turns black, then normal again. You look him straight in those familiar faint green eyes, and say your final words, “I forgive you.” The world goes dark.
Heaven was always described as 'your own personal paradise'. You're wondering why yours is in a hospital. White walls and curtains. The coldness in your nose suprises you. Who knew paradise would be so cold, gray, and foggy. Nothing was easy to make out, but you could definitely tell it was a hospital. You hate hospitals, confused as to why you're heaven isn't what you expected, you look around to see if there is a recognizable face. Hoping for maybe your Dad, Mom, or sister.
No one. There's a loud beeping noise and you look up to see a monitor. Looks like the vitals of a dead man. You start to wonder maybe God put you in the wrong paradise. So you pray. But words don't come out, and you drift back into the dark.
Blinking once, then twice, then several times. The light is bright. You can tell it's daytime. Still the same Heaven as before, but this time you feel everything. The pain, the tenderness. You remember, and know that you're not dead. Relieved, but still uncertain, you try to move. Expecting straps to hold you back, your right arm goes flying in the air. Not used to being free. You look down at your body. It's bandaged and braced. A mountain of a man peeks through the curtains. You have instant relief when you recognize Sam. He has the 'poor puppy eyes' look, and you put your hand on his. He grips it tight, but gentle enough. The gentle giant. Trying to let out a smile, a shadow lurks behind Sam. Instant fear as you realize it's Dean. Panic sets in, and your body cannot handle it. The monitors go off, you see Sam try to calm you down, and Dean sneaking away, head down, disgraced with himself. Nurses rush in with the Doctor to make sure you're okay. Tears well up in your eyes. You somehow cannot forget what Dean has done to you.
Weeks in the hospital, the only visitor you had was Sam. Trying to keep your spirits up, he shows you all of his research following up on possible cases. Between playing cards, reading books, and making fun of the new Taylor Swift song, you ask Sam, “How is he?”, and each answer is the same. “No better, no worse,” Sam replies. After the panic attack, Dean thought it best if he didn't show his face anymore to you. Once healed, you were allowed to go home as long as you didn't saw off the leg brace, and practice using the crutches. Knowing how stubborn you are, Sam rolled his eyes, and promised to watch over you.
Happy to finally break out, you laugh as you fumble with the crutches. Sam lets out a worrisome smile. “I'm fine Sam. Really.” You look up to him and give him a carefree toothy grin. Throwing all of your things into the impala, because Sam refused to drive “that stupid pink truck”, you beg Sam to let you pick the music.
Pulling up to the bunker, your stomach sinks a little. You know you'll have to face Dean eventually. Fogiving is easy for you, but forgetting is a whole other learning curve. Never being the one to admit you're wrong first, or facing real problems, you know it's somehting that needs to be worked on. Staring off into the distance a bit, Sam pulls you out of it as he opens the door. “We're stocked up on all your favorite foods, drinks, and even have Netflix!” He says, nudging you arm and attempting a playful laugh.
Weeks of healing, you finally are able to get up into your truck. You need some air, and desperately needed to get away. The outside world was calling your name, so were the pink wheels on that old ford. First hours, days, then weeks went by, and not a single glance from Dean. No words, no contact. Ignored you completely. Anytime you tried to reach him, asking to grab a drink at the dirty bird bar, to researching a simple ghost job, he pushed you away. You spent so much time in your room with your thoughts. Trying not to think about the event that almost ended you, and most importantly the relationship with Dean. Even Sammy has started treating you differently like you're broken. After Sam telling you to stay home again, while they hunt monsters, you'd had enough. Weekend getaway to a cabin in the woods. You leave your phone on your nighstand and decide you need some peace to clear your mind.
“Fill her up,” you say shutting off your truck to get gas. Getting out to grab snacks from inside, a long lost friend appears. Not able to look away from the light, he shields your eyes for you. You forgot how enchanthing the bright white was. “Cas what are you doing here?” You ask as you looks at you stearnly.
“I was told to keep a tab on you, and you left the bunker. So I'm here to bring you back.” He says reaching for your arm.
“Under who's orders?!” You demand. Not letting him answer you back away and say, “The boys? Really can't even get some fresh air!” Clearly angry, you hit your tailgate. Cas immediatley lays his hands on you to heal you. Being an angel has it's perks. But you wanted to feel something, Cas didn't exactly understand what being human was really like.
Brushing his hand away, you try to reason with him. “Go back to the bunker, grab my phone, and bring it to me. That way I have it on me in case I need anything. I'm still going on my very needed trip. What I don't need is a babysitter” Before you could blink twice, Cas had your phone in hand. “Do not turn this off and always keep this on you.” Rolling your eyes you respond sarcastically, “Thanks Dad. Can I leave now?” Clearly unsure of his decision, Cas side eyes you, but finally nods, and leaves you to your road trip snacking.
The cabin is the same as you left it two summers ago. A couple empty beers scattered, but the rest of the place in neat tidy order. Your mom always liked everything in a specific spot, and you try your best to remember that while staying there. Picking up the bottles to recycle them, you smile and remember the good times spent here with your family, both families. Thinking about the boys, you let out a sigh of relief. Thanking the angels that Sam showed up when he did in the storm cellar that day. The word of God being forcefully put in Dean's hands, purifying him instantly. A bright gold light shining through the brick like object, blasting Dean into Sam. His brother holding onto Dean as he comes to and realizes, he's saved. Sam's words will stay with you forever, that story will stay with you forever. You smile as you remember, you were the one who stalled Dean as Sam had come to the rescue.
“Oh shit!” You say as your line tugs and gets stronger. You were too busy admiring the cotton candy sunset to see your fishing line got a bite. It was a warm afternoon, but turning brisk fast. Fall was settling in, you could tell as the wing picked up every now and then. The trees leaves turning the auburn colors. Setting your beer down, you reel it in, but your bait is completely gone.
“You never were good at fishing.” You quickly stand from a lousy folded plastic chair, and turn around to find Dean, smiling at your loss. Clearly shocked, you ask “What are you doing here? Cas told you didn't he. Lousy friend.”
You put your pole down, and open the cooler to offer Dean a beer. He takes it and slowly sits down on the edge of the dock, feet dangling. You sit down next to him, opening your own beer. “Where's Sam?” you ask.
“Working the case still.” He notices your cocked eyebrow from a side glance. As if he would ever leave Sammy alone, he continues, “It's easy, just some pyscho vengeful ghost.” He sips his beer, straring at the now setting sun.
Getting straight to it, you ask, “Why are you here Dean?” Staring at him, you notice the weariness.
He lowers his head, gripping his beer tight. You see his shoulders move up and down slowly. Sighing heavily, he looks at you, completely looks at you for the first time. It catches your breath, because you have never seen a man so broken, Dean so vulnerable. You can tell he's been fighting with himself, beating himself up over the events that took place. Defeated, face full of hatred for himself, he doesn't say a word. You see his jaw tighten, his temples twitching. Reaching for his shoulder to show trust, but he pulls away shaking his head. “I don't trust myself with you” He musters, as he stands up to walk toward the cabin. Thinking about chasing after him, forcing him to talk, but you can't move. Like cement, you stay planted in your spot. The sun finally sets, but you still sit there, listening to the sound of the frogs.
Grabbing your things from the dock, you head inside. What could you say to make him believe you. Would you believe yourself if you said, “Everything is okay.”? Is it? Inside, you notice Dean is cleaning up what seems to be like the bathroom mirror. Understanding what just happened, you bend down to help and he stops you. Gripping your hands tight, he says “No. You don't need to clean up my mess. Any of my messes.” With a dustpan, he walks to the trash to dump the shards of glass.
“What's that suppose to mean? Am I not allowed to care? To try to save you from yourself?” He winces at the last part.
Turning around to face you, but leaning against the kitchen counter, he looks at you cold and promises, “You will never have to save me again. I will never hurt you or anyone else again.” He looks down and then back up into your eyes, moving towards the door, “You wanna know why I'm here? I came here to say goodbye.”
Stopping him dead in his tracks, you look up at him wondering how you and Sam could even survive without Dean. You start to cry. It's not like you to let anything out, but you stand there, tears pouring out of your face. “No.” was all you could muster up. Very stearn, you said it again, “No.” He grabs you and pulls you in close. Hanging on to eachother, as if it's the last time.
You both stay like this awhile, not realizing it's way over due. “You're not leaving us. We won't let you.” you say confidently, and at this he lets go. He tenses again, trying to be strong, and insists “You and Sammy have to let me go. I've been nothing but trouble. I'm bad. I'm not worth your lives.” Clearly needing reassurance, but not knowing how, you yell, “I went through all of that for nothing?!” Talking with your hands like usual, brows furious now, you continue, “After everything, you still think you're not worth it? Sam and I have done everything for you, for us, for this family.”
He turns his back on you holding back tears, but instead letting out his frustration, “You don't what it's like to need constant saving. I need control of myself, I don't have control.” He yells as he punches the wall. It startles you.
“Oh, I don't know what it's like?” you start, “You don't think that I was ever at a low in my life. What losing my family did to me, the things I did in return. It wasn't until you and your brother, that I finally found solace!” you scoff, “Please you're not the only broken one around here.” Realizing that anger isn't the route to go down, you quietly move toward him. Pushing back the fear that has been dormant, you hold his hand. “We are family.” you say softly. “Family doesnt end in blood.” You wipe away the blood trickling from his knuckle with your shirt.
His hands are shaking now, as he holds them up inching closer to your neck. You flinch, and he tries to pull away. You immediatley grab his hands, and put them to your cheeks, making his squish them together a little. Tears welling up in your eyes, you let out a low, “i'm a little guppy...” It was something you two always did to cheer eachother up. Getting the other to laugh when you're both at a low point has been almost like a game. So far, he's beeing in the lead. Before you can finish, his lips are on yours. Waves of heat roll from your head to your toes, your wet cheeks brushing his scruff, and you give in, even being scared and uncertain. Dean pulls away, looks at you stearn, and says “I'm going to miss you.”
You're still standing not sure of what just happened, and you hear the door slam shut. It seemed as though your feet wouldn't move, but then you finally took a deep breath, turned around and bolted out the door. He was getting in the impala, but before he could jet off, you opened that door and ripped him out. Standing toe to toe, you slap him. That bottled rage unleashes. Then you connect your fist to his face. Unprepared, Dean fell against the car. Shocked at how hard you hit, he starts to realize you're not going to stop, so he holds your hands down. Red in the face from anger, and him red because well there's now blood pouring from his nose, you finally relax so he loosens his rains on you.
“What was that?!” You ask. “Who do you think you are? That is not okay. I am not okay.” Turning around, hands on your hips, shaking your head. Instantly defensive, you gasp, turn to face him, and make sure he knows, “I am not like every other girl. I don't deserve to be treated like any other girl.” He opens his mouth to say something, but you immediatley talk over him, “You're going to have to kill me.” Dean looks at you clearly confused. “Why do I have to kill you?”
Walking back and forth now, you respond, “Over my dead body...You're not walking out on us. Not Sammy, not me. Not our future. People need us, they need you.” Stopping, and turning to face Dean, you say, “I need you. And if you get in that impala, you better have shot me first because I won't stop looking for you.” Walking toward him now, pointing your finger in his chest, you end with “I refuse to give up on you.” At that, he looks down at you, smirks, and responds, “You're stubborn, you know that?” You break a smile, and say “I learned from the best.” Throwing you over his shoulder, he walks into the cabin.
Completely surprised as to what took place last night, you turn around and look at Dean's green eyes. Understanding now, the feelings that were dormant for so long. Realizing now that DemonDean only told the truth to hurt you.You put your hand to his face, brushing his cheek with the back of your finger, and he closes his eyes to just feel your touch. “You're not allowed to leave.” He nods, reaches for your hand with his, and lightly kisses your fingers. “I will never forgive myself...” He says, and you respond instantly, with your pointer finger shooshing his lips, “I forgive you, and will continue to remind you that you're the good guy.” Closing your eyes, thinking about the first time meeting these boys, not knowing how they would change your life for the better, you smile. He rolls you over with ease, and tucks you in close to his warm naked chest. Deep, and grunting, he says your name into your hair. You lift your head a little to let him know you're listening, “hm?” “I don't deserve this” he says, “I don't deserve you.” You respond while picking his hand up moving it closer to your chest, “Neither do I.”
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