#I’m on track 21 and feel like I’m in a hostage situation
everythingtaylor13 · 5 months
Went on tiktok for the first time since ttpd came out and nope nope nope coming straight off that wtf
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landinoandco · 3 years
Our Love is a Game
Lando Norris x Reader
Request from @jamieeboulos
Warnings: pinch of fluff, cute ending because they are the best
Word count: 2.7 k
Requests are open :)
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It all started with a phone number, an innocent exchange that would subsequently change the world you knew; mostly for the better. When you had met Lando, as far as you were concerned you had just met a 21 year old who lived in London and had a passion for cars. How wrong you were. It was only when things started to get serious that he sat you down and explained everything that came with being a formula one driver; more importantly the fandom that he was involved in. 
You had always been a private person and admittedly this piece of information almost broke your relationship but after some time to think you had decided that he was worth it all. You both decided it was a better idea to keep your relationship as quiet as possible - you took every precaution to make sure you stayed a stranger to the fans.
For the past 2 years, you thought you had managed to stay clear of the cameras, the photos and the twitch streams but it wasn’t until a fan-made compilation caused your world to spiral out of control. 
You and Lando were out for a run, it was a part of your morning routine - a great way to start the day and it was time that you two could escape the motor sport world and act like a normal couple without worrying about who might be watching. It was time you both valued and appreciated. On this particular morning, Lando had decided to add to his Instagram story, a short video of his morning adventures - the mist still hanging around the trees as you ran under a heavily graffitied bridge, the early birds song chirping animatedly. At the time you didn’t think much of it as you were too busy tying your hair back up to notice. 
It wasn’t until you got home and looked at his story that your heart stopped, rushing over to the kitchen island you placed your phone down and ran your fingers through your hair. It was a blink and you’ll miss it moment but in the corner of his video - the last millisecond before it ended - there was a flash of a purple top (the purple top you had been wearing) and a swish of brown hair as you chucked it back up into a ponytail. 
“Lando.” You called out, trying to keep your voice as calm as you could. You didn’t know why it had affected you so much - or why you were so desperate to keep your identity a secret. It wasn’t like you wanted to hide your relationship; you were the happiest you ever had been, everyday was exciting and offered new prospects - it was more that you were so used to being in this bubble with Lando, the idea of it bursting seemed rather unappealing. Usually you didn’t care for how others saw you but seeing some of the words that people used to describe him, it would be enough to trouble even the thickest of skins. 
Lando’s close proximity broke your thoughts as he stared down at your phone, pausing on the flash of brown and purple. “I am so sorry, love.” He almost whispered, his eyes widening at his carelessness. He picked your phone up to take a closer look. 
“It will be alright, won’t it? I mean, it’s a blink and you’ll miss it.” You had said, more to reassure yourself than Lando. He didn’t answer, anxiety building in the pit of his stomach because he knew exactly what he had started. 
The fan-made compilation didn’t go viral until a few hours later - as it turns out that flash of purple was the perfect cherry on top of an unappetising cake. Lando was sat on stream - not that this was out of the ordinary and Max had decided to join him, leaving you alone to rewatch Friends for the umpteenth time. 
The pair were sat reacting to videos on YouTube when a clip of a seal swimming into a shoal of fish started playing - the amusing part was that they kept quickly dispersing away from the seal in question. Unsurprisingly, they laughed and Lando spluttered: “This is me trying to find a girlfriend.” What the fans didn’t know was the apparent irony of that sentence and this was what caused the major meltdown; whilst Lando and Max were busy crying with laughter - that chat had filled up with the same link and references to the video you would be redirected through. 
Max was the first to stop laughing, tapping Lando on the shoulder as he pointed at the chat. Hundreds of the same message filled the screen: “That’s not what this compilation shows.” “Lando, what are you hiding from us?” “Lando and Max laughing knowing very well he has a girlfriend.” 
“Chat what on earth are you waffling on about.” Max chuckled uneasily, looking at Lando out of the corner of his eye. Lando sat with a forced smile, his nostrils flaring as he continued through the comments. He could only let out a tense laugh as he swallowed thickly - his throat feeling suddenly dry. You were still sitting, completely engrossed and unaware that Lando Norris was now trending on twitter. 
Max had come up with an excuse to end the stream not long after, Lando uncharacteristically quiet. His thoughts were with you in the other room, had you seen it? Did you know? How would you react? He felt as though he had lost all control, like he had failed you entirely - all he wanted to do was protect you yet he was the one to screw it up. 
“Hey,” Max nudged his shoulder, “It was bound to happen at some point. Let’s go and see if she’s seen it - if not then -” He took a deep breath, “We will watch it together. We need to know what we are working with here.” Lando nodded, unable to reply, his body went into automatic pilot mode and too quickly he was standing facing you. 
Pausing the tv, you looked at Lando - his jaw tightened and facial expressions set as though he had just seen a ghost. “Is everything ok?” You asked apprehensively. 
“There’s something you need to see.” Max reached for his phone, pushing Lando onto the sofa. You offered your arm to Lando, pulling him into a hug. Max pulled up the video and pressed play. A tense atmosphere held the room hostage - breath restricted and gazes fixed onto the tiny screen in front of you. 
It started with a clip from this year’s Goodwood - Lando preparing to drive his last hill climb - you remembered it well, a McLaren hat placed on your head mainly to cover your identity; knowing that there would be more than a few fans around. The clip moved to 3 separate stills - all of you in your McLaren hat. One with your back to the camera, you hand placed around Lando’s waist, the other two a side profile as you spoke to Max. 
The reaction was immediate, you slapped your hand to your mouth, Lando looked horror-struck and Max was watching you carefully. 
The video moved on, this time a clip from the quadrant video where Niran trains like Lando for 24 hours - Lando and Niran were in the kitchen preparing to eat their breakfast when once again the video moved to stills. This time they were of your reflection in the oven - holding the camera. You had thought at the time, if you were behind the camera it would stop every chance of you accidentally being caught on camera. Apparently not. 
The video had moved on again, this time to stills of Lando arriving on track - of course there was no way for you to get on track without being photographed and you were fine with that because you would just arrive after Lando either with Jon or Charlotte. Photos of you arriving with Jon and Charlotte flashed up - with them you were just another member of staff but put with those other stills and it really did yell out that you and Lando were romantically involved. Finally the flash of purple from Lando’s story. The game was up. 
“Oh my-” You stuttered as the video came to an end. Fortunately your Instagram hadn’t been shown but judged by how skilled you knew the fans to be - it would only be a matter of time. “I feel sick.” You admitted, wiping your hands across your face. Lando still hadn’t said a word, staring blankly at the floor. Max was the first to come up with something logical, turning to you and Lando. 
“It will blow over.” He started, “The fans will soon lose interest and move onto the next big headline. We just need to ignore anything we see regarding the subject.” He moved his attention to you. “Maybe avoid social media for a few days. Let everyone cool down -” Sensing your means to interrupt, he held his hand up. “I know you shouldn’t have to and I know none of this is fair but unfortunately people have no boundaries and believe because it’s on social media it is their business. If they were in our situation, I’m pretty sure they would be the first to complain. Let’s just go along with it for now. It will give you time to think about what to do next.” 
Lando cleared his throat, pulling you closer into him. “I’ve failed you. All I wanted to do was protect you.” At this, Max got up and left. 
Shaking your head, you pressed your lips to his forehead. “You could never. Think about how long we kept it secret for. Besides, until we announce or admit anything - it isn’t confirmed.” You offered, trying to soothe his worries. He nodded, still not convinced. 
“Our love is like a game and it’s not a game I enjoy playing.” He croaked, lacing your fingers together. 
“I know, Lando, I know. Let’s let everything calm down and then we can think about what our next step is.” 
Weeks later and it was the night before you were due to leave for your summer holiday. You would be spending it with Lando and some of his friends and family. Due to the current pandemic, it had been so long since you had been away - even if it was a bigger group of you going; you were still looking forward to spending that quality time with Lando. 
Max had decided to take himself and Tom off to the streaming room - leaving you and Lando to sort out the remaining items you needed for your time away. 
“I have a present for you.” He said suddenly, his hands behind his back. You beamed, taking a step closer to him. He shook his head, “If you want it - “ He pointed at his lips. 
Rolling your eyes, you pecked his lips then held out your hands like a child. Lando chuckled, “Close your eyes.” Hands still outstretched and eyes closed, you waited for Lando to present you with your surprise. He grasped your left wrist and attached something to it - “No peeking.” He added. A moment or two later, he dropped his hold of your wrist and said: “You can open them now.” You could hear the smile on his lips. You opened your eyes and looked straight to your wrist - he had given you a pink watch. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked up at him, his eyes twinkled as he then pointed to the orange watch on his wrist. 
“Watches?” You asked, confusion laced your tone. 
Nodding, he said, “We all have matching watches but in different colours - they are for our holiday away.” 
You gave him a lopsided grin and wrapped your arms around his neck, “I love it. Thank you.” 
In the streaming room, Max was having to ignore the majority of the comments because they were all asking the same thing: “Who was the girl from the compilation.” He was trying his hardest to keep moving off the topic, instead showing off the watches - it had been his idea, blue for him, orange for Lando, a child’s watch for Tom and a pink watch for you. He had listed off all of the colours and said who they belonged to: “And then pink-” He paused, mentally face palming. He looked over to Tom for assistance - he hadn’t meant to say pink at all. “And pink is for someone.” He cursed his poor excuse but as if by magic - Lando walked through the door. 
Distracting the stream from his slip up. 
Croatia was a dream come true, the hot summer sun on your back and the time to just relax and recharge. Days spent with Lando sunbathing on the boat or stuck in a tense game of Uno. Not being the only female was brilliant as well - as they got to go off and not feel guilty about leaving you on your own. 
Currently, you and Lando were standing in each other's arms - the afternoon drawing into the evening as the sun began to set. You had your arms around his neck and his arms were around your waist, sighing contentedly you broke the silence: “This is nice.” He pressed his lips into your hair, a sign that he agreed with your statement. In that moment, it was just you and him - everyone seemed to disappear from around you and all worries vanished. It was the simple yet affectionate moments that had always meant the most to you. You felt as though you could relax every muscle in your body, listening to his steady heartbeat - you wished for this moment to never end, to forever be in his arms and to not worry about who sees you there. 
Ever since that compilation had been made, the thought had been on your mind a lot. Were you ready to go public with Lando? At the end of the day you were both happy and surely that was the most important thing. 
Later that night, you were sitting eating your meal when a phone was handed to you, displayed on it was a picture of you and Lando - in each other’s arms. 
Instantly you knew what this meant, looking at Lando you were met with the same expression. He did as well. 
You and Lando had decided it was time to announce your relationship, there was no point sneaking around anymore if people knew and were looking out for you. You had agreed that the best way to do it was if you joined him in a stream, that way they got to know you a bit more for who you were. 
“Is it ok to feel as nervous as I am?” You asked him, pulling up a chair beside him. He was setting up the stream, two mugs of tea placed in front of you. It seemed completely unnatural to sit facing the camera. 
“I mean, this is kind of a big deal so yes I would say, it’s completely natural for you to feel nervous.” He reached for your hand, rubbing his thumb over the back of it. Nodding, you took a deep breath. 
“Ok. I’m ready.” You said, your heart beating at a million miles an hour. The corners of his lips turned up, leaning in to leave you a kiss on the lips. 
“I love you and I’m so proud of you.” He admitted quietly, as though you were the only person in the world, his eyes flickered with complete adoration. 
“I love you too. Now, shall we start it?” 
Lando went to press the start stream button but paused. He turned back to face you, his eyes wide and offered an apologetic smile. 
“What did you do?” You asked, a smile toying at your lips as you had an idea of what it might have been. 
“Stream, meet my girlfriend.” 
He had already started it...
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obeymeluv · 4 years
Hey ^^ may I please request something? If you won't do it then that's totally fine but could you maybe write about how the demon brothers would react if MC got kidnapped and cannot summon any of them? If you don't have time to do it that's totally fine and remember to take care ^^
Quick rundown on my headcanons for bonding with demons:
When I read this, it made me question whether bonded brothers would instinctively know if their pact mate/bonded person was in trouble? Would they be able to tell if the bonded person was unconscious instead of just...contained? I’d like to think that when demons bond to the point of making pact marks, they can kind of “tap in” or “tune in” to the bonded one to make sure things are okay. When they do, they feel what their pact mate is going through. The longer they stay connected, the more they can share.
For example: a 5 minute connection can allow the bonded pair to say a few things mentally, and would allow the demon to fully tap into their bonded one’s emotions. The telepathic capabilities only work when the two are in eye-sight; the connection grows stronger as the demon moves towards the pact mate.
Basic and superficial wounds can be felt at this point. Pulse rates sync up at about three minutes. If the pact mate is unconscious, the demons can try to push their consciousness into being awake or opening their eyes to try and see through them to figure out where they are (before the conscious mind kicks in, about 5-10 seconds). This connection will also allow them to connect to other senses but the demons will be overloaded and experience them all at once. If their human is conscious and they tap into their senses again, they can filter out senses or enhance certain ones for a short amount of time.
Being connected 10 minutes or longer allows for deeper or graver injuries to be felt, and might help with reflexes. Humans may also take on key attributes of a demon, like sharper teeth or claw-like nails. Subtle changes like being slightly more charming (if pulling from Asmo) or stronger (if pulling from Beel) would start to occur. Using this too much may cause mental or physical pains.
The effects of being connected for thirty minutes or longer are largely undocumented (despite Devildom society being 5,000+ years old) but are assumed to be dangerous for the human (pass out from mental exhaustion, borrowed magic fatigue, numbness or trouble moving limbs if reflexes are enhanced, etc.) Humans like Solomon, who are magically inclined or gifted, will not be harmed or taxed as much as a non-magical human. Connected demons hardly have any drawbacks, save for being sore depending on the extent of their bond mate’s injury if they connect to the point of being able to feel them.
I added all of that because my brain had to know how the bros would find MC. Plus, I’m stuck in chapter 20/21 and think there needs to be more lore about pact bonds/capabilities.
I couldn’t figure out how to squeeze this in anywhere above, but if the demon wants to locate a missing pact mate, they will have an internal compass of sorts. It’s a really strong compulsion to go a certain direction no matter who or what is in front of them. Their bonded one will be at the end of that feeling, and it will intensify the closer they get to each other.
Now, how they’d react:
He’s super pissed, obviously. You’re in trouble and he can’t just teleport to you?! What the hell did you get yourself into?!
Also worried. Did you piss off some figure (witch, etc.) that has magic capabilities or is this just a situation where you, as a human, do not feel safe to summon them?
Lucifer has been alive for 5,000+ years and is one of the strongest in the Devildom. He will use the above-mentioned brain push to get you to open your eyes and look around. He needs an idea of where you’re at (he’ll apologize about your migraines later)
I headcanon that he’s good with directions and has a strong memory, so he’d probably be able to recognize your surroundings and find you personally
When he sets out to find you, he’s a one man army. A one-man wrecking crew of death.
Considers that your captors may be magic-proficient or have some sort of anti-demon items (why else would they be stupid enough to take you?) so he packs an old fashioned, heavy-ass sword or dagger in case hand-to-hand fighting isn’t an option.
Those gloves come off, and he rarely takes his gloves off. Lucifer will make sure your captors suffer a long, slow, painful death that illustrates why he’s a demon and why they should be afraid of him
He fought bare-handed. The dagger/sword wasn’t necessary.
Stuck in an angry panic spin of ‘HUMAN IS MISSING? WHAT DO I DO? HOW DO I FIND HUMAN? GOD DAMMIT!’ until his brain kicks in
Doesn’t think to use the brain push thing. His first thought is: people will sell information
Mammon is the Avatar of Greed--he knows what people want and he knows how to manipulate them. He’s actually pretty slick in a ‘watch this hand, not this one’ kind of way
Also caught in the feels and will not hesitate to beat somebody up for that information.
If he feels asking around will waste time, he’ll teleport to one of his witch acquaintances and have them find you. It may cost him another favor, but it’s worth it. SOMETHING is keeping you from summoning him, so he has to find a way around it.
You’ll hear Mammon coming before you see him. He’ll be complaining the whole way--(”Making me come all the way out here to save you! What were you thinking?!”) but he’ll be kicking ass without breaking eye contact
Being the second-oldest of seven, he grew up fighting several brothers at once and learned how to wrestle in different ways. His reflexes are pretty on point. It’s a very efficient fighting style--hard hits or distance throws that give him time to pick multiple captors off individually
Unapologetic and threatening. Lots of demon noises
He’s pretty quiet and burnt out by the time he finds you. More of a relieved exhaustion than anything. Baby boy missed you and just wants to hold you.
A little paranoid for the next two weeks. You’re basically on lock down with your main man until he feels better about everything.
Spends a solid 5-10 minutes hyperventilating BECAUSE SO MUCH COULD HAPPEN!
Has something already happened to you? What have they done?! Will he get a ransom note? A spooky encrypted video email?
That ‘admiral of Hell’s Navy’ personality kicks in and after a mild panic, he’s all business. He WILL figure out a way to find you
 He’d use that “compass” connection I described. It goes well with his one-track mind/hyperfocus he tends to get.
This is one big ass-whoopin’ quest in the making and he’s fixing to get that achievement trophy
Levi’s more of a strategist than a tank. He’s basically banking on his demon form to help rip your captors to shred.
Were you held hostage by a decent-sized body of water that connects or is fed into by other bodies of water? He’ll be coming at your captors like a Sharpedo. You’re in the splash zone.
Has a very merciless and interesting fight style. It’s kind of cheating in that Levi’s biggest tactic is ‘don’t give anyone else room to fight’, but it works.
Be prepared to see his tail used in interesting ways. Boy has a built-in long-range weapon.
Whether it’s one person or a whole group of people, he may summon Lotan just because they pissed him off. You’ll be safe, of course.
Boy is big angry
Satan just wants a nice, quiet, simple life with things that don’t make him angry. This makes him angry. There will be death.
Is very suspicious by nature, and an over-thinker, so he’s probably considered this would happen at one point. Actually already had a plan.
Would use a combination of the “compass” intuition and the brain push to see what you see. Instead of having you look at your surroundings, though, he wants you to look at people.
Does he recognize any of those fuckers? Who’s on his hit-list?
If there’s no immediate sense of a threat, he’s interrogating Asmo. Between the two of them, they WILL find the person/people who took you
There’s probably at least one book in his connection that works like the mirror from Beauty in the Beast where he just has to ask it about you and it will tell him.
When Satan comes in to rescue you, it’s all demon noises. He comes in terrifying and strong and leading with magic.
Probably smells like fire and blood. Is covered in the latter and basically none of it’s his.
Big fan of using his tail like a mace.
They get the horns (literally)
Someone stole his precious darling?! Um, no. Not okay. THE FARTHEST THING FROM OKAY, ACTUALLY!
I feel like we don’t have a lot of character depth for Asmo. I’m hoping once I get un-stuck I’ll be pleasantly surprised with Asmo content. I can’t decide if he’d panic a bit or just go into straight, hardcore bitch mode.
The definition of “looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you”. Big dick energy. Big bitch energy.
 I feel like Asmo wouldn’t be super organized because this isn’t usually a kind of stressor he deals with. What he lacks in tactical thought, he makes up for in connections
Boy would probably find you fastest out of all the bros because he can make a few posts across Devilgram, get some celebrities to do the same, and SOMEONE would find you.
Would stay mentally connected with you for as long as your body could handle it, and would be very soothing. A panicked kind of soothing, like pouring his heart out to you and just gushing, but soothing
Like “Baby, I love you so much! I’ll find you soon, I promise! We can even beat these assholes together!” ❤︎
Usually hates getting his hair or nails dirty, but he might just break off a nail in someone’s eye. Or, you know, come find you in a nice-ass pair of heels just to shove one down someone’s throat (or up someone’s ass).
He may look dainty and gorgeous but DO NOT be fooled. This boy has SATAN for an older brother and BEEL for a younger brother. He knows how to throw down.
In general, he’s just a vicious little shit. Asmo knows how to fuck people up physically. He just doesn’t like doing it.
Depending on how many captors you have, Asmo will charm them into killing each other and just watch. It’s not the most satisfying thing, but there is SOME satisfaction to it
Couple snuggles and major pampering after you’re back with him (and you’ve been checked out by medical staff). Lots of kisses.
He cries and it’s very quiet and heart-felt.
The worst thing to happen in the history of ever. Literally.
In Beel’s world there are two things YOU DO NOT DO: 1) eat his food, 2) fuck with his family
It’s hard for him to think rationally because he’s just so stressed/angry that he’s stumbling around in his demon form and he’s ruining everything.
His full strength is on display and he’s leaving cracks in walls, scratching up things--just general, accidental destruction. He’s breaking things on accident and trying to write out plans on paper that rips up and it’s starting to wear on him to the point of being genuinely destructive
Beel feels first and thinks second, which makes this a lot harder
Uses the “compass” thing. Becomes demon juggernaut.
 Likes to fly and divebomb where possible, so someone’s getting knocked THE FUCK out
When he sees you, or gets to the end of that “compass” feeling, Beel’s football training kicks in and he just demolishes anyone that’s in his way.
People just get tossed around like rag dolls. He doesn’t check to make sure they’re down and out, just clears the way.
The type to try and hold you or touch you first. Then, if anyone’s still standing, he makes sure they get put down before going back to you.
Carries you all the way back, his wings buzzing and singing happily because you’re safe and everything’s okay
Once you’re back in the House of Lamentation his stomach goes off loudly. You guys have a big feast to celebrate.
The list of things Belphie likes in this world: 1) Sleep, 2) Beel, 3) You. Do not mess with the things Belphie likes.
Is most pissed that one of his favorite people in the whole damn world have gone missing and can’t summon him. Is side-pissed that he’s losing so much sleep to come find you. It’s not your fault, but still
Someone will die, and only Belphie will have fun
Is sleepy enough that he doesn’t panic and awake enough to think
I headcanon that Belphie in particular has a special kind of brain push due to being the Avatar of Sloth and making people sleepy. When he pushes your brain, he can also pick through what’s at the forefront of your mind or your most recent conscious moments. It’s like being able to link up to dreams, just not limited to dreams.
 Periodically uses the telepathic link as a radar of sorts Uses it in conjunction with the “compass” instinct to make sure he’s going in the right direction. Using the telepathic link once he’s in the general area just helps him find you faster
Belphegor, like Satan, has a lot of reserved anger. It will be well-used.
I bet his tail works like a real whip. It’d be demeaning as hell to get hit with it and Belphie wants to see your captor suffer. The tail will be used
Imagine the last thing you see or feel is getting hit by a demon cow tail. He’d definitely do that.
No holds bar when it comes to fighting. Your captor(s) signed their death wish when they took you.
Mostly fatal bites and deep scratches. Probably some limb tearing or pulling things out that should be kept inside the body. May definitely get a few nut shots with the tail if you have any male captors (you know, just because).
He doesn’t show up as bloody as Satan would, but there’s definitely blood on his face and under his fingernails.
Carries you out of wherever you’d been held. Gives you firm instructions not to look at anything. Just kind of gently pressed you into his chest before readjusting you and carrying out.
I hope you liked it :D
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thebiasrekkers · 4 years
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]
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Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff | Smut
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence (bloody violence), Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Additional Warnings: Graphic depiction of torture, graphic physical violence, captured/kidnapping, major character death
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 5,133
Tag List: @prisczero​, @pinkpjmin​, @btsaudge​, @flowerwrites06​, @unoriginal-username15432, @halussali​, @shrimpmsg​​,
AN: And it all goes downhill from here, Ladies...
Chapter 51: Begin
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“I can’t stand you crying. I want to cry instead, although I can’t.”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.
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Seoul – Samseong; Gangnam District South Korea
9:45 AM
Jungkook was three steps from heading to the insane asylum.
One step represented each day that he hadn’t been able to track Eden down.
He barely heard the words of comfort that Jimin was giving him. He knew that it had something to do with it not being his fault, but how could it not have been? He hadn’t heard from his wife in three days, assuming she got wrapped up with family affairs and was too busy to check in on the first day. The second day had him concerned that she’d gotten hurt. By the third day, Jungkook was at his wit’s end.
Only to find out that she’d been snatched up before she ever got the chance to leave for Daegu. He shouldn’t have put her second to his job. He shouldn’t have let her leave their house to go to the train station alone.
He shouldn’t have let this happen.
The image of Eden’s beaten form in the video clip was branded across the forefront of his mind. Hoseok was angry, determined to track down the Jade Fang members who’d done this. Jungkook was angry that they were still part of the equation. They should have been eliminated years ago.
It wasn’t like they weren’t aware of what Im Changkyun was capable of. They’d seen the vicious things he’d done while they were Jade Fang members themselves. He didn’t think it was necessary to attend district meetings, feeling the rest of the bosses were beneath his standards of proper mafia leadership. Hoseok was his only equal and it appeared that he continued to see him as such.
Divine Intervention prevented Jungkook from leaving the house that night and storming the stronghold of the Jade Fangs alone. He would have burned every single one of their businesses down; he was determined to do so. Jimin escorted him home that night and there was a parcel waiting at home for Jungkook. His brother made him a drink and when Jungkook opened the package, he collapsed on the floor and cried until he could barely breathe.
It was a gift Eden prepared for him for his birthday – a handmade model of his dream car. Seated in the car were miniature figures of Eden and himself. He didn’t remember passing out. He didn’t remember Jimin tucking a blanket over him. He could only remember Eden’s face, smiling as they shared breakfast together the morning she was taken.
“Jungkook-ah,” called Jimin, pulling Jungkook out of his inner musings. There was concern painted over his brother’s face and he took a breath, waiting for him to continue. “I think we’ve covered everywhere here.”
Jungkook said nothing. Instead, he pulled out the small notebook he carried with him and scratched out Gangnam from the list. For two and a half days, they combed every single section of Gangnam they could. There was a part of him that knew that the Jade Fangs wouldn’t be so arrogant to hold her hostage in their former territory. But there was also a part of him that could reason Im Changkyun doing something so ridiculous as a form of “poetic justice” against them.
To him, the Golden Jackals never disbanded.
“What about the others?”
Jimin sighed, leaning against the driver’s side door of the car. “They’re hitting the other areas. Hoseok called in some favors from the other district bosses to let us through.”
All Jungkook did was nod. There was something off about this whole situation. Very off. There shouldn’t have been a single obstacle in the way of the other district heads when it came to taking over their territories. Yongsan and Gangnam were completely up for grabs; Hoseok said as much. Jungkook could only guess that Changkyun’s influence prevented them from stepping a single foot into their turf. He more than likely was determined to get Hoseok and the others back so they could do a mass district takeover.
“I don’t like that Tae Hyung went off by himself,” he suddenly said, meeting Jimin’s gaze.
“Yeah,” he replied softly, “I don’t either.”
Jungkook frowned. “He still hasn’t checked in yet?”
He didn’t want to prod any further. Jimin was probably more worried about Taehyung than any of them. While it was unsurprising that he went off on his own, it was unlike him to not have checked in by now. Taehyung wasn’t a morning person, which was why they all knew that he hadn’t slept while he was on the hunt.
Then again, none of them were really sleeping.
A soft ache throbbed at Jungkook’s temple. He pressed a hand to his chest, taking a small amount of comfort in feeling his wedding band dangling from the necklace chain. He didn’t know how much longer he could handle not knowing what was happening with Eden.
“Hyung, I—”
“She’s fine, Jungkook-ah.” Jimin’s words sliced through his own, as if he’d already predicted what he was going to say. When he met his brother’s gaze, he saw the reassuring smile tinged with just a hint of worry. “If I know her, she’ll make them regret the day they decided to take her.”
“Not before I do.”
Suddenly, Jimin and Jungkook’s phones chimed simultaneously – indicating they received a message. Both looked at their phones immediately and Jungkook felt his heart rate escalate. It wasn’t a matter of him losing hope as seeing the message renewed his vigor.
It was from Taehyung.
Taehyung: I found her. She’s near Namyangju in Gyeonggi-do. Somewhere in the Industrial District. I’m heading back now.
Jungkook looked at Jimin the same time he did. Without uttering a word, they flung the doors open to the car and hopped in. Jimin fired up the engine and punched it, speeding out of Gangnam. Jungkook stared at his phone as more messages came through from the others. It didn’t take him long to figure out that they were closer to that location than everyone else. It was a half an hour drive, traffic willing.
They’d get there first.
10:17 AM
Namyangju – Gyeonggi Province South Korea
Jungkook felt like it took them a hundred years to get to their destination. With every mile marker they passed, it brought him one step closer to finding Eden. One step closer to bringing her home. He clung to the smallest shreds of his willpower not to scream at Jimin to drive faster. They didn’t need to get into any kind of accident before they reached her.
Jimin swung the car into an empty street, the desolate district eerie even in the morning light. Jungkook tumbled from the passenger side, all but tearing his seatbelt from his body in the process. Jimin called after him, but he paid him no mind. His legs ate up the ground as he ran headlong into the central area of the decrepit buildings.
No one lived in the abandoned sections of the province anymore, but the government hadn’t bothered with tearing it down. His hope began to dwindle, realizing just how expansive the district was. It would take them hours to find her at this rate.
Resisting the urge to scream, he slowed to a jogging pace before stopping altogether. Running around blindly without a single clue as to where to look would get him nowhere. They were just wasting time. There was even the chance that the group would up and relocate themselves before they could even have a chance at finding them.
Eden would be lost forever.
He heard Jimin run up behind him, clapping a hand to his shoulder. Jungkook did his best to tether his scattered thoughts, chasing away the worst possibilities from his mind. He needed to calm down and think.
“There were a few cars parked near the back,” he said after catching his breath, “we might need to go up top to get a better idea of where they might be.”
Jungkook nodded, pointing straight ahead. “I’ll head to that building down there. Text me if you find anything.”
Just as he was about to take off, Jimin grabbed him – halting his movements.
“No, we stick together.” Jungkook opened his mouth to protest, but Jimin’s glare quickly silenced him. “If something happens, we won’t be able to do anything alone. We’re stronger together.”
While he wanted to argue, he knew that his brother was right. Even if splitting up would help them cover more ground, there was a good chance that they wouldn’t have a way to defend themselves if they got caught in a sticky situation. Jungkook did his best to push down his mounting impulsivities. Charging in blindly was foolish and would most likely get them killed.
“Alright, Hyung,” Jungkook said, relenting, “let’s go together.”
Not wasting another moment, they tore off down the center of the district – eyes rapidly searching in every direction their necks would allow them to turn.
10:32 AM
Minutes crept by at a snail’s pace.
Jungkook did everything he could to keep his head together. There were too many horrifying images playing rapidly in his head, like a flipbook that ended in blood splatters. Jimin stayed at his side, matching his pace as well as his fervor. Every so often, they would stop to peek into various buildings. They climbed up to higher vantage points to get a better lay of the area, dipping off to resume their search.
Everything looked so dead from the inside out.
A scream tore through the vast emptiness, causing Jungkook to trip over his own feet and he came crashing to the ground. Jimin was immediately beside him, grabbing him by the arm and hoisting him back up. Jungkook’s heart pounded double-time in his chest; it hurt. A cold sweat broke out over his skin and he couldn’t stop his body from trembling, even though Jimin rubbed small circles on his back.
“E-Eden,” he barely managed to croak, his legs shaking to the point where it was difficult to stand. Jimin continued to hold him up. “That was her!”
The sound was close.
Jimin said nothing. He continued to guide them along the path, turning around corners until he heard his wife scream again. It was even closer. They were almost to her!
He felt his brother release the hold he had on him and Jungkook involuntarily sagged against the side of a building. He didn’t know where they were or how deep into the district they’d gone. Jimin’s expression was focused and if he was feeling any sort of turmoil, it never showed. Not once.
The building they were pressed against was yellowed from age and neglect. Numerous cracks ran along the sides and bits of paint were peeling back; some pieces flying away from even the slightest gust of wind. The window had a long crack running from an upward angle to the corner of the pane; dirty and smudged. Jimin wiped a hand across the bottom to get rid of the dirt so he could see inside. Jungkook sidled up beside him to peek in as well.
He could feel Jimin’s vice-like grip on his shoulder, pinning him in place. Jungkook’s vision blurred momentarily before regaining focus, zeroing in on the image of his wife strung up like some animal. There were a few lackeys around and appeared to be bored – as if they were waiting for something interesting to happen. Jungkook felt the muscle at his jaw throbbing viciously as he clenched his teeth, grinding them in anger.
He wanted a gun. He would have emptied a clip into every single one of them.
Jungkook tried to move, but Jimin wouldn’t let him go.
“Hyung!” came his harsh whisper, but Jimin shook his head roughly.
“Wait, Jungkook,” he hissed back, finally letting him go, “just wait.”
“I can’t, dammit!”
“You can and you will.” Jimin’s words were final. “We don’t even know what kind of weapons they have in there. If Changkyun’s willing to play dirty like this, there’s no guarantee that his men won’t fill us full of holes with guns they obtained illegally.”
Jungkook wanted to protest, but he knew that Jimin was right. They needed to assess the situation fully before making a move. If they ran in there blindly without understanding what they were up against, there was a chance that Eden would die in the crossfire.
“So what now?”
Jimin continued to look through the window and he could see the wheels in his head turning. Strategy was his strongest suit so Jungkook did his best to be as patient as possible. A handful of seconds passed before he turned to meet his gaze.
“I’m going to go in from the front.”
“What?!” Jungkook gave him an incredulous look. “That’s crazy. Are you crazy?!”
“Shut-up and listen to me.” Jimin turned to look back through the window. “I’m going to draw their attention to me. This window is loose so as soon as I get them to chase me, I want you to go in and grab Eden and then get the hell out of here.”
He didn’t like this plan.
“There’s ten of them, Hyung. Maybe more. You can’t outrun them all.”
Jimin grinned, still peering into the building. “I can try.”
Jungkook grabbed his shoulder. “Hyung!”
He felt his arm being yanked off abruptly, causing him to take a step back. Jimin cast an icy glare in his direction.
“Do what I say.”
He wanted to protest again. He wanted to tell him that this was suicide. They should wait for the others. Wouldn’t that have been the smart thing?
But if they waited too long, then they may miss their chance. The Jade Fangs could probably swarm them, call for more men, and then overtake them completely. Jungkook knew that the plan was the best option they had right now.
It didn’t mean he had to like it.
Without waiting for him to agree or even disagree, Jimin turned and ran down one side of the building. He rounded the corner and disappeared on the other side, leaving Jungkook alone to wait. There was a distinct feeling of dread sweeping over him, telling him that there was danger to watch out for. But wasn’t that obvious? Didn’t they understand that, knowingly showing up to this place?
This was unavoidable.
A loud bang rang out inside the large interior. Jungkook peered over the bottom of the window, craning his neck as best he could. Light flooded into the dark space as he watched Jimin’s shadow stretching along the floor. All the men inside turned around, grabbing what weapons they had near them to launch an assault. Jimin immediately dispatched one of the lackeys close to the door before turning to run away from the building. All but two gave chase.
Jungkook thrust the window open, causing it to break further from the force. He leaped in through the opening and charged forward. Taking advantage of the momentary distraction caused by his entrance, Jungkook barreled into the man closest to him – taking him down with a swift grappling throw. The man landed on his head; a distinct crack heard from his skull smacking into the concrete.
He saw movement out of the corner of his eye, a flash of silver, and he dodged at the last second. Whirling his body around, he jumped back with his arms extended out as another man tried to hit him with a metal bat. Jungkook bobbed and weaved out of the way, moving just out of reach at the last possible moment. Pivoting on his back leg, he waited for the man to try to swing at him again before catching the bat in his hand and pulling it toward him. The man slid on his heels, the distance closing rapidly. Jungkook aimed a kick straight for his stomach and sent him flying.
He brought the bat down over the man’s head for good measure.
With the two men unconscious, Jungkook swerved around and ran toward Eden. He did his best to avoid looking at her injuries, not wanting to distract himself from the most important task he had: freeing her. As he looked at her restraints, he did his best to concentrate on her face. She was semi-conscious, the noise bringing her out of whatever fugue state she was in.
“J-Jungkook-ah?” She coughed. “Y-You shouldn’t be here…”
“Shh,” he admonished, his eyes flicking over her bindings, “save your strength.”
His hands moved with lightning speed, fidgeting over the ropes and chains binding her as she hung from a large hook attached to the ceiling. When he finally managed to loosen the ropes, he lifted her up by her waist so he could untether her from the hook. Her arms dangled limply around his neck; the chains clamped around her wrists jingling together with the sudden movement.
Her body lacked the strength to keep herself upright and she nearly collapsed to the ground. Jungkook held fast to her, moving her arms over his head so he could undo the chains around her wrists. He could tell she’d lost weight and she seemed almost a shell of who he knew her to be. He focused on getting her to safety – choosing to smother his fury into the pit of his stomach.
“Go,” she whispered as he held onto her, “get out of here.” She coughed again. “Leave me.”
“Not a chance in hell,” he snapped, draping her arm over his shoulder as he held onto her waist, “now come on.”
Jungkook wouldn’t hear anymore of this nonsense, even if it was coming from the woman he loved. She was barefoot, but there wasn’t any glass on the ground. If she didn’t think she’d be able to walk, he’d carry her on his back and dare her to say otherwise.
Shuffling toward the entrance, he could hear men yelling in the distance. But it sounded like it was getting closer. Jimin was circling back, probably to make sure that they’d gotten out. If they could hold out a little longer, the others would come and then they could cause a big enough scene to get the hell out.
Just as he reached the entryway, he turned to make sure the two men he’d dealt with were still on the ground. Satisfied that they weren’t going to be getting up anytime soon, he turned back toward the exit.
A shadow moved from the corner. Eden saw it before he did. Jungkook shuffled to the left. He was half a step short.
The pain didn’t register at first. All he could focus on was Yoo Kihyun who was now directly in his path to freedom. It wasn’t until he saw the older man take a step forward that Jungkook took a step back. But not of his own freewill. He was forced to step back.
The knife in his gut pushed him to move.
Eden screamed but he barely heard it. Jungkook nearly dropped her, but his stubbornness wouldn’t allow her to fall. Not in front of him; her captor. A chilling smile painted over Kihyun’s face as he tilted his head, peering into Jungkook’s eyes. It was like he was asking him what his next move would be without having to say it out loud. For a split second, Jungkook’s vision blurred.
Releasing the hold he had on Eden’s arm, he grabbed a hold of the knife and pushed back – pulling the blade slowly from his gut. Kihyun blinked in surprise at him, watching as he drew the older man’s arm away from his body while still holding his wife fast to him. Again, Eden screamed, but this time she moved with whatever strength was left in her body – arms reaching out in a feral manner.
She scratched her nails across Kihyun’s face, forcing him to reach up and cover his cheek. Jungkook stepped forward, pulling the knife completely from his stomach, before spinning it in his blood-soaked fingers to grasp the blade’s handle. Kihyun stumbled backward a step and Jungkook quickly closed the distance, plunging the knife directly into his shoulder and aiming a kick to his knee. He waited for him to hit the dirt before pulling Eden quickly behind him.
He didn’t have to express the need for urgency.
They both disappeared into a nearby cluster of reeds.
10:45 AM
Blood wept from the side of Jimin’s head as he rounded the corner of a building. He held onto a rusty metal pipe, clutching it at his side. He knew one of his ribs were broken, if not two, and there was a good chance he very nearly sprained his ankle hopping over a broken-down car to avoid being clobbered with a length of chain. He quickly did a tally in his head, making a note that he was able to knock down four of the eight that were chasing him. Two of them he tripped up along their pursuit and the rest were now trying to comb the nearby streets in search of him.
Hearing Eden’s scream forced him to double back toward the building where he’d left Jungkook. It wasn’t the sound of agony. It was of outrage. Something must have happened. He needed to get back to them and quickly.
Jimin wiped some of the sweat and blood from his head, spitting at the ground. Once his heart calmed down, he tried to ascertain his whereabouts. Just two buildings over and he’d be right back where he’d started.
Come on, Park Jimin. Calm down and focus.
His phone buzzed in his pocket and he fished it out, eyeing the screen. It was from Yoongi.
Yoongi: We’re almost there! Where are you guys? Give us a landmark!
Taking a moment to breathe, he turned his head in every direction to try and gauge a decent landmark for the others to follow. There was a cluster of blue barrels far away from the abandoned buildings, just toward the edge where a large field of reeds were. He quickly texted him back, letting him know the location.
He slid the phone back into his pocket, gripping the metal pipe in both hands. Now he just needed to get back to Jungkook who, he hoped, had Eden in tow.
His phone buzzed again; this time in succession. Someone was calling him.
Dipping into a nearby building, he hunkered down in a shadowed corner to look at the phone. It was Jungkook. He answered.
Jimin could tell something was wrong.
“Where are you?”
“T-The…the reeds…”
He had to refrain from cursing. There were reeds in every direction. He took a breath to calm his nerves.
“What else do you see around you?”
There was a pregnant pause and he wondered if something was happening with the call.
It was Eden. His heart practically jumped into his throat.
“Oh, thank God he got you out. Are you alright?”
“Never mind that. Jungkook’s hurt.”
He could hear the frantic tone in her voice. Jimin tried to smooth his voice out in a way that would help take the edge off for her.
“Okay, just breathe. Can you tell me where you guys are right now?”
“I can’t really see anything. The reeds are so thick.”
“Can you see any barrels around you?”
“Hold on.”
It was only a few seconds, but Jimin felt like he was losing years off his life as he waited for her to answer.
“I can see some blue ones. But they’re far away.”
He resisted the urge to smile. They weren’t that far from his current location.
“How far?”
“Several yards. They’re across that dirt path.”
“Okay, good.” His side screamed at him from the position he was in, but he ignored it. “I want you to meet me there, okay?”
It sounded like she was about to sob which unnerved him.
“Can’t you just come here? Jungkook’s hurt badly and I don’t have the strength to carry him.”
Jimin hissed quietly to himself. I told him to be careful… He took a breath. “Alright, I’ll come to you. I’ll be there soon.”
Ending the call, Jimin slipped out the back of the building and made his way around the next bend. Part of him wanted to throw the pipe off in a different direction, hoping the noise would distract others away from his path. But if they got flanked, he’d need a way to defend Eden, Jungkook, and himself. Especially if Jungkook was as hurt as Eden claimed he was.
This isn’t good, he thought, tearing through the back alleyway and heading up the side of the street to disappear into the thicket of reeds.
10:57 AM
Even though he knew he’d only traveled a few blocks, it felt like he’d been moving for miles. Each turn he made, Jimin thought he was getting more and more lost. Every so often, he’d turn his head to look over his shoulder and spy out the buildings – making sure that he was still on a straight path to the others. He heard some of the other men shouting at each other, trying to figure out where they’d gone, and each of these times, Jimin would pause so that he didn’t give away his position.
Just as he was about to resume his search, he heard a distinct shuffling sound off to his right. It was close.
“J-Jimin-ah? Is that you?”
It was Eden. She sounded exhausted and halfway to the underworld, but it was her. Jimin quickly darted in the direction of her voice, parting the reeds in front of him as he went.
A lump of ice dropped in his stomach at what he saw.
There, cradled in her arms, was Jungkook. A large blood stain blossomed from his shirt and he saw Eden pressing his jacket to his stomach and putting pressure on the injury. She was crying, doing her best to keep her sobs nonexistent so they didn’t alert the others of where they were. She looked up, relief and despair battling for dominance over her features. Jimin dropped the pipe in his hands, his legs slowly carrying him toward Jungkook just as he spit up blood from his mouth.
“J-Jungkook-ah,” he stammered, collapsing to his knees.
Despite the obvious pain he was in, Jungkook flashed him a smile full of blood-stained teeth. “H-Hyung,” he managed to get out, albeit garbled from a mouthful of blood, “what took you so long?”
Jimin didn’t have the energy to snap back. He felt like part of his soul just left him completely. His eyes roved over Jungkook’s body, trying to figure out the cause of his brother’s current state. He lifted his gaze to meet Eden’s.
“What happened?”
“It was Kihyun,” she said weakly while brushing some of the fringe off of Jungkook’s forehead, “he came out of nowhere and—”
“That doesn’t matter,” Jungkook interjected, causing them both to focus on him, “Hyung, get her out of here.”
Another piece of his soul was pulled away.
Eden shifted him in her arms, clinging to him in desperation. “I’m not leaving you!”
“Yes, you are.” Jungkook reached up to his neck, grabbing the necklace and popping it off in one quick motion. He smeared blood over his skin and clothes, holding it up for Eden. “Take it and go.”
She emphatically shook her head and Jimin could tell that even doing this was zapping her of what strength she had left.
“You bastard,” she muttered, curling her fingers into the fabric of his jacket, “how can you expect me to leave you? Huh?” Eden lowered herself, pulling him against her body to hug him close. “Till death do us part, remember?”
Jungkook did his best to wrap an arm around her, coughing more blood out and staining her shirt. “…and this…is where…we part.”
Eden shot back, looking down at Jungkook as tears streamed down her face, dripping onto his cheeks.
“J-Jungkook,” she stammered, her bottom lip trembling as her voice shook.
Again, he smiled up at her. “I love you, Eden.” He grabbed her hand and placed the necklace inside her palm, closing her fingers over it. “If…if I’m reborn, let me love you in the next life too, okay?”
Jimin could hear his own heart shattering in his chest.
“Hyung…take her and go.”
“But Jungkook-ah—”
Tears leaked out of Jimin’s eyes. It took everything he had, but he stood up and crossed over to where Eden was. She continued to hold onto her husband, refusing to let go even as Jimin tried to pull her up and onto her feet. She fought him but even she knew that she didn’t have the strength to keep it up. Jimin held her against him and they both gazed at the satisfied and peaceful expression on Jungkook’s face. He nodded to them, mouthing for them to go.
Jimin turned, hauling Eden with him as she wailed silently into the crook of his shoulder.
I’ll come back for you, Jungkook. I won’t leave you alone out here...
11:05 AM
He knew that it was only a few minutes since he watched Eden and his brother leave. In those few minutes, Jungkook believed it was several lifetimes. In those few minutes, he thought back to everything that led to this very moment. All the choices he’d made, the road he’d traveled, and the people he’d traveled on that road with along the way.
He regretted nothing up until that moment.
The only thing he knew he would have to repent for would be leaving his beautiful wife behind alone. They’d had a few chapters written in their life together, but they were pages filled with hopes and dreams for an uncertain future. Life never gave guarantees. The only certainty for life was death. It was the same for everyone.
The sun was reaching its peak over the skies. There were very little clouds littering the pale blue blanket above him and he wasn’t sure if it was the bright light that was making it difficult to see or something else. Jungkook lost feeling to the lower half of his body nearly two minutes earlier.
Again, he coughed and more blood sprayed from his mouth. Tears brimmed his eyes, slipping from the corners to seep into his ears.
My brothers…
Jungkook could feel his eyelids growing a little heavier with each passing second, but he forced them to stay open.
But the darkness began to creep around the corners of his vision, blurring out the light until it was a faint glow in his line of sight.
He wanted to keep feeling the warmth of the sun on his face until the very end.
…until we meet again.
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glassygate · 5 years
While scrolling through Miraculous Ladybug Aus, I came across these Marinette x Damian Wayne crossovers and I’m now kinda hooked. So like anyone who has anything to do with fanfictions, I came up with my own little story idea for these two that I may or may not write someday.
Both Mari and Damian are around 21-23 yo and have moved to study in New York. Design/fashion for Mari (obviously) and something like business for Dami
Damian has “gone Nightwing” and trying to be his own solo hero before taking his rightful place as Batman.
Bruce is already retired at this point (because he is like... 65+) and Dick is once again Batman so his lil’ bro can live his own youth for a while.
Mari is retired from superheroing but she still has Tikki as her Guardian companion.
Oh, yeah. Mari is the Guardian now and Fu is dead (natural causes).
And Hawkmoth was defeated when she and Adrien were about 18 so the Miracle box is now 100% completed.
Aaaand this ended up being a long one, so the rest is under the cut....
The two of them are both regulars in same Cafe, but they have never properly talked.
But then a gang running away from the cops decides to hide in the Cafe and take everyone in there hostage.
This includes both Mari and Damian
Damian isn’t pleased and trying to figure out how to kick their asses without anyone dying or revealing that he’s a superhero.
Mari is just trying to keep everyone safe.
So of course they end up working together by accident and save the day.
Damian is very impressed by this tiny woman whose face he has known over a year by now and who turned out being able to floor a man three times her weight.
But he’s also suspicious as hell because there is no way a civilian has skills like that.
So the only logical reason is that the pretty lady must work for the League of Shadows/Assassins/whatever
It wouldn’t be the first time his mother has send a spy to stab him on the back
So naturally, the next time Dami sees Mari he goes to talk with her to figure out who she really is.
Ends up asking her to come spar with him to see more of her moves. Mari agrees because the hostage situation made her feel kinda nostalgic and is itching for more action. Plus she has always found Damian attractive.
So they end up hanging out in a local dojo/gym/whatever every Saturday if their studies allow it
It turns out to be a great stress relief for both of them
Sometimes they go to see a movie or eat afterwards
Eventually Mari ends up telling Damian that she used to live in area where Le Papillon was most active to explain why she knows how to fight.
Also tells how her best friend/ex-boyfriend used to be Chat Noir.
She hates Gabriel for forcing Adrien to fight him for years and being willing to kill his own son for power
Afterwards Damian starts feeling more and more guilty about hiding his double life from her but at the same time he’s even more determined to hide it from her.
They start spending more and more time with each other but only realise they have been kinda going on dates after they are mistaken as a couple
It’s a weird situation for both of them because Mari’s relationship with Adrien was so different and Damian has never dated before.
They’re happy nevertheless.
One day Mari brings the Miracle Box to Damian and asks if she can keep it in his place for couple days.
She “needs it for her next school project but doesn’t want leave it in the school’s workshop and Damian lives closer to the campus”.
Also makes Damian to promise not to open it because it would bring bad luck to anyone who isn’t part of her family.
Damian is naturally amused and doesn’t believe it, but he gives her his word nevertheless.
Next day Damian gets call from Mari’s roommate telling that someone broke in their appartment and Marinette is missing.
And obviously Damian freaks out and goes full “obsessed Bat mode” while trying to find her.
After couple days of fruitless searching, Damian finally remembers the box Mari left in his care and decides to open it.
At first he’s confused by all the weird jewellery then freaks out after picking up the ring.
Plagg has never been so happy that it’s literally impossible to stab a kwami.
Eventually both of them calm down and Damian gets the basic kwami explanation from Plagg and learns that Mari is the Guardian of Miraculouses
Plagg also reveals that Mari usually has the Miraculous of Creation with her and he has a way to track it down.
No mention of Ladybug though but Damian is already making connections from the little he knows about Paris’ former heroes and villains.
Plus the box canonically has a big ladybug spot in the place where the earrings are supposed to be...
Instead of transforming, Damian just takes the ring with him and puts his own hero suit on.
Plagg of course doesn’t like it because humans are weak and this is not it’s supposed to work.
What follows has two possibilities: Either Damian finds that Mari was taken (and turtored to get her reveal where the box is) by the same people who were after Fu and destroyed the Guardians’ temple or he finds Ladybug while she is running away from these people.
If already captured, Mari swallowed her earrings to keep them from getting Tikki.
Can you get inner bleeding from swallowing an earring?
In both cases: insert a fight scene here, the identity reveal, “I thought I lost you” and all that jazz.
And then they both live happily ever after.
I don’t have the ending... Okay?
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beardofkamenev · 5 years
Seriously?! Jesus Christ. At least if O’Brien had paired it with Catherine’s neglect-filled, trauma-filled childhood (which probably wasn’t that bad in reality), it would’ve made sense in a “well, they barely remembered to feed her, why would they educate her?” way. But nope, for some reason, they just didn’t care that Catherine de Valois, likely future queen of England, didn’t know how to read because she was a girl. LOLWUT. Eleanor Cobham very likely could read (possibly not in French or Latin, but still) and she was well below Catherine’s status.
Honestly, it’s all so stupid. Catherine gets told as a child that Englishmen have tails because they’re evil (by a nun in the convent she’s raised in, no less) and then she’s so stupidly innocent on her wedding night she just straight out asks Henry V if he has a tail. I’ll never know why he doesn’t immediately the marriage annulled because she’s clearly an idiot and not suited to be queen at all? Most Catherine novels seem to be leaning heavily towards the romance novel so I think that’s something to do with it too? They go hard on how tragic Catherine is - she’s got a tragic childhood, she’s got her evil mother pimping her out and then she marries Henry V (who may or may not be a decent husband), then he dies and Catherine is immediately forcibly separated from her son (I think she was with him until he was about 8? So normal medieval procedure, then) and no one lets her get involved in politics or shag Edmund Beaufort… so Owen turns up not so much to be a character but her reward for suffering so much. So he ends up being anything you’d want in a romantic hero except interesting.
Maybe Edward IV was the original Weird Pasty English Guy That Women Go Nuts Over? (Now it’s Richard III). I watched a clip they did of the history behind The King (I’m still yet to watch the movie itself) and they talked about the arrow-wound and it’s not even in the film? WHAT. Honestly, I’m forever disappointed that we never get any actual arrow-wound in any Shakespeare adaptations. And how the fuck can you do Agincourt without any arrows?! What is the fucking point.
I finally decided to transfer our convo to new post to avoid eye torture lol.
It’s only part of her “trauma-filled childhood” insofar as her mother neglects to educate her because she is neglectful in general. I actually scrolled through The Forbidden Queen ebook again to see if I remembered it correctly and while Catherine isn’t 100% illiterate, she “struggles” to read and write. Then there’s this passage:
“Does she read? Write?” “Not that I am aware.” “She must be taught.” “Is it necessary? Such skills are irrelevant for her future role, and I doubt she has the mental capacity to learn. Look at her.” The Queen was cruel in her contempt as I snivelled in terror, wiping my face on my sleeve. “She will be wed for her blood, not for her ability to wield a pen.”
BAHAHAHA. A lot of these novels go so overboard on the pathos too. I’ve lost track of how many novels have Catherine starving and wandering around in rags, being ignored by Henry V, having Henry VI ripped out of her arms by his evil guardians etc. Like, is it really so hard to feel sorry for someone who had an insane father, was widowed at 21 and legally prevented from remarrying? And Owen Tudor is literally just a plot device half the time and any semblance of personality he’s given is pretty repulsive (Jarman pls).
The King is alright as a movie but it is an absolute HISTORICAL CLUSTERFUCK. It might as well have been a straight-up fantasy movie about High King Frodo, Fifth of his Name because that’s how little it resembles history or Henry V or the Shakespeare plays, for that matter. I don’t know if I should recommend it to you because you might lose your shit (I know I did). SPOILERS obviously but don’t say I didn’t try to warn you.
Henry gets disinherited in favour of Tommen Thomas of Clarence, and only ends up succeeding because Thomas is later killed by “Welsh rebels” (barely anyone in England seems to care about this, btw). Far from being a warmonger, this Henry loves peace. He averts the bloodshed of the historical Battle of Shrewsbury by challenging Hotspur to an unintentionally-hilarious silent wrestling match, which also conveniently ends all rebellion in England. He somehow pacifies the Welsh rebels by paying Mortimer’s ransom because their historical war for independence was apparently just a glorified hostage situation. He is reluctant to go to war against France because it’s little more than his bad nasty father’s pet project (because it’s not like the English kings had claims to France dating back to Edward III or anything like that), and only ends up going because the evil Dauphin is evil. He mercifully allows the women and children of probably-Rouen to evacuate, unlike the real Henry V, who let them starve to death in ditches. But the real cherry on top is the film’s depiction of the Battle of Agincourt, which is little more than a giant mud wrestling match with the occasional arrow-confetti here and there (I counted TWO VOLLEYS the entire battle). Weapons are merely decorative; instead Henry decides that his bare fists are the most effective weapons against a fully-armoured enemy. AND THEN EVERYONE JUST STOPS FIGHTING because the evil Dauphin turns up to challenge Henry to single combat, but he doesn’t even get to fight because he keeps slipping in the mud before five random English archers descend upon him and wrestle him to death (none of the French care enough to retaliate, btw). This ends the battle and Henry becomes the undisputed master of France. The film ends with Henry stabbing a dude in the head (whose name I literally fucking forgot because I was so distracted by the flagrant and egregious historical inaccuracies) and asking Catherine to be truthful with him.
I should also mention that almost all these events take place in near total silence, including the battles/wrestling matches. The costuming and armour is just WHACK (here’s a video of someone ranting about it lol). Also, Humphrey of Gloucester and John of Bedford do not exist.
46 notes · View notes
bi-dazai · 5 years
BSD Episode 27 Analysis
Hello! Natalya back with my second instalment of my episodical analyses of BSD. This week I’ll be looking at episode 27 from the lens of a more platonic soukoku than last week, which was about explicit romance coding in terms of double-entendre and visual imagery. You can find that post here. I would suggest reading it, because I may indulge myself in romantic soukoku in this post a bit, although it will only be a side-track.
A note before we begin, however – I’m writing this in a much more casual academic tone, and I’m not using lowercase and internet casual as I did in my previous post. This is because it helps me enunciate my points in a way that doesn’t make me look like a crazy person. I also made quite a few grammatical errors, typos, and strange sentences. This tends to happen when I write long-form internet casual. For the sake of clarity, you’ll have to put up with the tone I usually place in a more casual academic setting such as my university tutorials.
So as usual I’ll pick out a few moments to focus in on to explain an overall general subtext and underlying message etc in the episode. For this episode, I’ve picked the opening in which Chuuya kicks the gun out of Dazai’s hand, and the scene in which our two other Sheep members are introduced.
This episode I’m going to focus on the way the episode expresses the burgeoning, newborn perceptions of Dazai on Chuuya and vice versa. I’m also going to be referring to moments that count as SPOILERS, so if you care about that then careful going forth, or perhaps wait until the Fifteen adaptation is finished before coming back to this post and reading it.
Also, for this episode I’ll be diving into my writing major and only partially into my film studies minor. I’ll have you know I pull out my textbooks and lecture notes every time I make an analytical post like this, haha!
So let us begin with the opening moments of the episode. This episode, structurally, is where we finally start diving past the surface of the introduction and right into the story of Dazai and Chuuya. This is the proper introduction of their relationship. So this first fight sequence serves to demonstrate the tone with which we will begin.
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So here we have some classic establishing character writing. Step 1: Introduce the base characteristics of your characters. Step 2: Introduce a problem. Step 3: Explore how they interact with the problem.
So here we witness not just Chuuya and Dazai’s unique takes on how to deal with this problem, we also have their own perceptions of each other’s actions to explore. Remember – this story is about the two of them as a pair, not just as individuals.
So here we have our problem – an armed soldier has just appeared and is clearly threatening violence. Chuuya reacts by taunting – “Oi, old man. Let’s save us both some time.” Dazai is surprised by Chuuya’s brazenness (see the expression animated in the first SC). Chuuya taunts the opponent a little more, edging and encouraging danger, clearly seeking a fight. Dazai approaches. Walking calmly past, he says to Chuuya without regard for the armed soldier, “…you could just trick him to get some information out of him.” Here we have the set-up of Dazai and Chuuya in a problem. Chuuya sees a problem as a threat and escalates to a physical altercation; Dazai sees a problem as an opportunity and prefers mental cunning.
As the scene continues on however, we begin to recognise a similarity in Dazai and Chuuya, and that is that they have little regard for the problem. They understand how powerful they are and their upper hands (Chuuya his ability and Dazai his intellect). Even when they talk to a grown adult man wielding a gun, they talk down to him. When he holds a barrel to their heads within deadly range, they aren’t fazed:
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And, of course, in this exchange here both Dazai and Chuuya both are shown to be knowledgeable of underground groups, networks, and goingsons. Keep in mind Chuuya is the ‘King of the Sheep’ and acts pretty much as their leader and later becomes Executive before Dazai does. And Dazai is Mori’s protégé, frequently set up to be the next Boss of the mafia to the point that Mori is fearful that Dazai would have taken his seat sometime soon if he hadn’t broken him (further) with the death of Odasaku. Chuuya and Dazai, despite their differences, are the most dangerous people in the underground right now, they’re clever and powerful. Chuuya may be the ‘brawns’ in their physical fights, but off the battlefield anyone interacting with them is subjected to two intensely intellectual and cunning people who are deadest on a goal. This is also shown at the end of the episode with their conversation with Randou, somewhat in Episode 21 when Chuuya isn’t beating the shit out of the Guild.
In short – they are different, yet incredibly similar. They have different views on a situation, but given the same goal they will work towards it in differing ways with equal success. They are the perfect rivals, and the perfect counterbalances to each other’s personalities and ethos’s. In My Hero Academia, Bakugou’s desire for victory and Midoriya’s pure heart and established as traits which each one must learn from the other to become both better heroes and better people. In Bungou Stray Dogs, Chuuya and Dazai work with and against each other and transform each other into better people.
And so, that is where this moment comes in:
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(Sidenote: Chuuya’s line here translates roughly as “It’s useless to shoot dead bodies.” Don’t ask how, but I know that because of Jojo’s.)
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(ignore this repeat sc, tumblr editor is being fucky)
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(Second sidenote: Look. Look how close they’re depicted in this shot.)
(Third sidenote: sorry for quality drop – Australian internet is special.)
So here we have our first instance of one half of Soukoku directly challenging and changing an aspect of the other half. Here, Chuuya notices how clearly sick Dazai is. Furthermore, if we refer to our second SC (where Dazai’s expression makes me want to cry), we can see parallels to a certain future (ongoing) mental health arc:
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I bring this up because we later find out that the reason Akutagawa is so violently driven is that he was constantly demeaned and psychologically abused by his mentor – Dazai. Akutagawa becomes not an antagonist but another protagonist upon meeting Atsushi [insert shin soukoku summary here] and bettering himself. He makes a pact not to kill anyone and begins working together with Atsushi (he used to be a lone wolf – a stray dog). Atsushi also learns to be confident and put a foot down from Akutagawa. But the point here that we need to focus on, of course, is that Akutagawa is seen as utterly deranged, violent, and demonic in the first season, but later we realise that he is in fact capable of empathy but was extremely battered by his own mental abuse.
We also see this expression on Fitzgerald as he begins to lose control. It’s another tie-back to Akutagawa (and in a small part Atsushi, but I’ll leave that for later when I analyse that episode). And we see it in Shibusawa in Dead Apple. We see this expression and through the stylistic language of Bungou Stray Dogs we come to understand it as not the depiction of someone to be reviled but the depiction of someone who is struggling inside.
So here, when we see Dazai make that expression, we know that Dazai may be a seemingly totally apathetic, suicidal, amoral mafioso who just went utterly crazy while shooting a dead guy in the head, but we know it is because, currently, Dazai is extremely, extremely depressed.
In thinking of Akutagawa and understanding what we know of Dazai’s past with Mori, it is safe to assume that Mori has not once opposed nor done anything to help Dazai with his mental illness. Mori has, in fact, utilised Dazai’s mental illness as a tool and a strategy to keep Dazai close.
And then the light finally comes in, and Chuuya kicks the gun out of Dazai’s hands, Dazai gets scolded, and finally someone is forcing Dazai to question himself.
So let’s move onto the vice versa of this scene. I’d like to give partial credit for this next piece of analysis to user @bluelancelion who wrote up an excellent little piece on this scene [https://bluelancelion.tumblr.com/post/184330424612/okay-so-we-all-know-that-dazai-is-manipulating-the]. [this is where the spoilers start to come into play!] Please go read that before you move on with my post here, because I’m going to expand on some points, however I don’t want to summarise something that’s already perfectly written anyway so I’m leaving that one to some assigned reading!
So as OP stated, this is the first scene in which Dazai doesn’t put up a play act to hide his own feelings. Let’s actually go backwards when analysing this scene:
DAZAI: “Lay off him already. He has the ability to choose for himself how to use his power. Even a kid could figure out that much.”
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I’ve attached this because that’s a stark contrast to this:
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Both in expression and in dialogue, Dazai is already different. And here we have Dazai for probably the first time in his life using his intellect to set up a ploy for someone else’s benefit and not just his own.
[ROMANTIC SOUKOKU SIDETRACK: Dazai has been shown to canonically be a selfish person, especially in his Port Mafia days. Expanding on my theory expressed in my episode 26 post in which I posited Dazai has feelings for Chuuya that he either understands or doesn’t just yet, this could be both out of his feelings for Chuuya urging him to do something to make Chuuya happy (We can also add to this by mentioning how he just lets the Sheep hostages go. Chuuya is only meant to be working with the Port Mafia temporarily – Mori may have his plans but these are a long time coming at this point. Chuuya is still attached to Sheep and releasing hostages gives him much more of an excuse to ditch the mafia totally), and/or his feelings urging him to do something to keep Chuuya to himself. This is especially interesting considering this little interchange (she’s looking at Dazai):
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Yeah that’s either 1) double-entendre or just 2) straight up explicit romantic competition. It’s after this that Dazai stops going along playfully with them and starts straight up demeaning them and saying Chuuya can do what he wants without their input.
I’ll end my RSS (Romantic Soukoku Sidetrack) with a sneak into Chuuya’s side:
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Make of that what you will.]
*another kinda pointless sidenote: chuuya’s sheep male friend refers to chuuya as ‘omae’ [derogatory when used towards a person who isn’t your subordinate (i.e. teacher to a student; boss to an assistant etc) which is pretty damn brazen considering Chuuya can snap him in two at a moment’s notice and that Chuuya is probably the only reason their gang is still even alive.
 Okay, Romantic Sidetrack done! Now back to our analysis. We’re moving on to our final scene of the episode. Before we get into the soukoku analysis, I just wanted to point out this little frame here:
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For those who don’t know, the founder of the ADA is this cat. He wasn’t always a cat (I think?), but in Bungou Stray Dogs as we know it, he’s a cat. The cat has been seen frequently in scenes involving flashbacks to Dazai’s time in the mafia and often when Fukuzawa is trying (so hard) to feed cats. It’s also worth mentioning there’s a tradition of cats in Japanese literature, often about observing the world and realising things about yourself by observing it. If you want an anime example, go watch My Roommate Is A Cat. It functions in pretty much the same way. Anyway, here’s a fun aside in which Fukuzawa realises the cat is the ADA leader, “Come!”, and the ADA leader promptly rolls around the floor chasing feathers while going “nyan nyan nyan”: [picture not my own]
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Okay where was I before I got sidetracked by a cat? Right. Soukoku.
We get a bit of Dazai gloating about getting rid of his romantic competition Sheep’s constant hold on Chuuya, before Randou asks Dazai to please shut the fuck up about the guy he literally met that week and please just send me to the execution room I don’t think I can take any more of this kid going on about Chuuya. (Understandable, have a nice day | わかりました。良い一日を過ごしてください。) 
So we get a bit of Dazai’s explanation on why Randou is the culprit before we hear that all-too-familiar screech of Chuuya coming in hot. Let’s pause it there.
We’ve never, ever heard Chuuya yell like that without Corruption. Yet he does it now. This 1) ties Corruption in with our current mystery about Arahabaki (spoiler: Corruption is Chuuya allowing Arahabaki full reign over the god’s vessel (Chuuya)) and 2) makes us aware that the Chuuya we’re familiar with from our current knowledge of the anime (I use the anime because that’s what I’m analysing) is a little different from fifteen-year-old Chuuya. Okay, so keep that in mind, and we’ll keep going, fast forward a bit until this final bit after the credits:
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[this shot: Chuuya has journeyed towards Randou. There is something tying Chuuya and Randou together that Dazai is not quite part of. Spoiler: Randou as we know is Rimbaud, who is a key factor in Chuuya’s development (hat) and the Arahabaki investigation.]
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[this shot: First, we think back to Dazai, Akutagawa, Fitzgerald, Shibusawa. Those expressions are similar, but there’s something really wrong here. Let me tell you want it is. Mainly, visually the pupils of Chuuya’s eyes are inverted. But secondarily, we’ve already been visually warned just over ten minutes ago, first by this scene in which we cut to Chuuya while we talk of Arahabaki’s eyes (it does cut also to Dazai, but his expression is one of “I’m figuring out a mystery” and his eyes are obscured. This shot of Chuuya lingers on Chuuya’s eyes, pulling focus to them and the expression on his face.)
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Secondly, Chuuya’s eyes are the colour of the sea that Randou talks about. And, of course, in this shot we see not only the sea but also the light of Chuuya’s ability plainly:
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So there we have a burgeoning relationship between Chuuya and Randou, and a hint that we are going to be discussing Chuuya’s relationship with Arahabaki and with himself as its vessel.
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And then we have this – Dazai did not know any of this. This is foreign to us – the Dazai we know has predicted almost everything. He even predicted Odasaku’s death. But here, he’s totally out of his depth. He’s dealing with gods now. He expected the main part of their investigation to end a few minutes ago when Chuuya explained how Randou staged the resurrection of the previous Boss. But now we, with Dazai, are being thrown headfirst into something clearly very much a Chuuya thing. And now we will see whether Dazai sticks or leaves with a plot involving an actual fucking god of destruction (we know what happens. He does).
And so, to finalise: This episode set up relationships. It set us up to the fact that this story is going to be about relationships, and more specifically about these ones:
- Dazai and Chuuya
- Dazai and Sheep
- Chuuya and Sheep
- Chuuya and Randou
It directs the audience to consider events, framing, characters etc within the contexts of these relationships in order to appreciate the story properly.
And yeah it also sets up that Dazai is a bit of a jealous bitchy bisexual.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you have a sensitive gag reflex? Only when I’m crying, apparently. I tend to feel like throwing up whenever I get extremely upset. I have to be feeling very distraught though, because otherwise crying is also usually enough.
Where are you the most ticklish? Everywhere. I’m really ticklish :( But the place I hate being tickled the most are the sides of my tummy.
What was the last situation to upset you? There’s a glaring issue, but I don’t want to get into it. Let me use this blog to escape my problems, pls.
Have you ever had an online argument? I’ve had some in the past but they’ve been very rare and it was always with someone who was fighting for something they’ve already lost. I’d always prefer to avoid getting into arguments, though.
Do you like to listen to music while filling out surveys? Just instrumental, lo-fi music, but I haven’t done so in a while since I can’t really listen to lo-fi when I’m sad. These days I listen to Rhett and Link’s Ear Biscuits podcast while working; it feels like I’ve got company, and it makes me feel good.
Do you ever eat/drink while you fill them out? Eat, not really. It gets my keyboard all sticky and I usually like taking my surveys in one go, so I find that having food with me and having to take a bite every now and then is too distracting. I like having a cup of coffee with my surveys though, like right now :)
Have you ever done a survey whilst high or drunk? How’d it go? Tipsy or hungover, but never while drunk. I would be too dizzy to take an entire survey if I was already drunk.
Are you at risk for any medical issues? My maternal grandpa’s side has a not-so-impressive track record when it comes to heart issues, so I’m a little scared of what that means for me. He and his other sibling suddenly died from heart attacks. Everyone else in the family, all sides considered, seems to have no running issues though health-wise.
The general subject of your last text conversation? My graduation and how it went. One of the associates at work has started a casual conversation with me – to know me better, I guess – and it’s just so weird because he’s actually a drummer for one of the biggest bands in the country. I’m not super starstruck because I don’t listen to their music and he’s nothing more than my superior, but my co-interns consistently fangirling over him in our intern groupchat has made me more conscious lol.
Is there anything near you that’s considered dangerous? I have a cup of coffee beside me and I know a certain amount of caffeine intake can be fatal, so I guess that counts.
What is just down the hall from where you’re located? My brother’s room and the staircase leading to the rooftop.
Do you ever do surveys at other peoples’ houses? Not really, unless it’s a close relative’s place. I feel like if I’m at someone else’s house, I should be good company and not be glued to my laptop taking surveys. haha.
Do any of your friends know you fill out surveys? Just Gabie.
What is your least favorite question to answer? Basic ones, like those that ask for my favorite color or drink; or those that are too existential or that generally make me think harder.
Do you like the controversial/​political surveys? As long as it’s not too ideological or US-based, I can handle political questions.
Do you tend to answer with only a phrase or word, or do you elaborate? I like elaborating with a few sentences, especially if I have something to share. I’m here to air out my thoughts and memories, so I’m definitely not stingy with my words.
Who/What did you last spend time worrying about? A superior from work asked me to come up with a few marketing tactics for a communications plan that they’re working on, and as a perfectionist that just wants to impress, I was largely worried about it because I feel like I’m rusty now after not having classes for so long.
Has anyone ever told you that you needed to get a life? Did you? Not really. I’d feel bad if I was told that.
How long do you spend on the phone each day, on average? 4-6 hours, I would say. I’m glued to it in short bursts all day long.
How about in the microwave? Are you more likely to use this? I spend 0 minutes in the microwave, but as for my microwave usage...nothing more than 3 minutes, I guess? I don’t use it a lot.
Is anything in your hair right now, like gel, hairspray, &etc? Nothing other than shampoo and conditioner, which are both obviously washed out already.
How do you typically style your hair? Does it take long? Ponytail or half ponytail. Sometimes I simply let it down.
Would you try to be a hero in a hostage situation? Fuck no, I think I would get everyone killed in an instant lol. For someone who’s a communications major, negotiation isn’t my strongest suit.
When were you last offered something illegal? December. I’ll never forget when Kate offered us drugs lmaoooo. I forgot which one it was anymore, but I remember nearly agreeing just to try it out. Not my finest moment.
Did you accept or decline that offer? I remember showing her that I was kinda interested, but plans eventually fell through that night so nothing happened anyway. I also knew Gab would’ve been disappointed, so I don’t know if I would’ve actually pushed through with it.
When was the last time you were up before the sun? Today. I woke up at around 4 AM and never went back to bed.
What are you most confident about? Most insecure about? I’m confident about my work ethic and my enthusiasm for this current gig I’ve got. Right now I’ve just been insecure about...everything. I’ve felt pretty unwanted and unloved lately, so the only thing keeping me sane is work.
When was the last time that you saw fire? Maybe over the last week when I saw my dad cooking in the kitchen.
Do you like wearing sunglasses? Why or why not? Not so much. I don’t like how it tints my vision.
What do you think in general of girls with short hair? It’s whatever?
How about guys with long hair? It’s whatever.
Where’s the best place to get your favorite dish? Frankie’s, Yabu, or Torch.
When are you most likely to fill out a survey? Any time, really. My main hours used to be 9 PM onwards, but these days it’s just whenever I feel okay and have the energy to take one survey or four.
What’s the last thing you put in your mouth? Coffee.
Last person you rode in a car with under the age of 20? Probably my sister, but that would be ages ago. Until now no one under the age of 21 is allowed to go out, so I’m fairly confident I haven’t been in a car with any 20 and below year olds.
Last time you walked further than a block? Sometime last week.
Can you play Guitar Hero? Yeah, but only on the controller. I can never play it properly on the actual guitar because I’ve always had problems moving my fingers around lol.
Name the last person that made you laugh? Angela.
What brand of digital camera do you own? I don’t own one anymore.
If you could move somewhere else, would you? I would. And start anew. Sounds like paradise.
Have you ever seen somebody get shot? Fortunately not. That’s the kind of thing that would scar me for life, I’m sure.
Where are you at right now? In my room on my bed. < Same. No one at work is giving me tasks at the moment, so it’s a slower day.
0 notes
thepurplelegion · 5 years
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Malakai McKnight
Universe: Detroit Become Human Born: March 21st, 1999 Age: Thirty-Nine Years Old Nationality: American Full name: Malakai McKnight Status: Alive (Arrested) Cause of Death: N/A Occupation: - Master Sergeant of the United States Marine Corps (Formerly; Left for Dead) - Comrade of the Russian Mafia Assault Forces (Formerly; Betrayed) - Revolutionary/Cyber Terrorist/Terrorist (Currently) Titles: - Kai (by Alana McKnight) - Kyle (by Alana McKnight) - The Smartest Man Alive (by himself) - The Dealer of Death (by Mr. Oblonsky) - Mr Terror (by Mr. Oblonsky) - Psychotic Maniac (by Captain Fowler) - Android Hater (by Markus Manfred) Species: Human Gender: Male Family Members/Relationships: - Unknown (Biological Father) - Unknown (Biological Mother) - Alana McKnight (Wife; Deceased; Killed in housefire caused by Deviant Androids) - Oliver McKnight (Son; Deceased; Killed in housefire caused by Deviant Androids) - Emily McKnight (Daughter; Deceased; Killed in housefire caused by Deviant Androids) - Thor (Pet German Shephard; Deceased; Shot and Killed by Deviant Androids) Other Associations: - Connor Anderson (Respected Arch Enemy; Victim; Upgraded and Reactivated by Elijah Kamski; Downfall) - Hank Anderson (Respected Enemy; Attempted Victim) - Kara Curry (Enemy; Hostage; Formerly) - Alice Curry (Enemy; Hostage; Formerly) - Luther Parke (Attempted Victim; Heavily Damaged) - Markus Manfred (Arch Enemy; Attempted Victim) - North Kelly (Enemy; Attempted Victim; Heavily Damaged) - Josh Sawyers (Enemy; Victim; Repaired, Improved and Reactivated by Elijah Kamski) - Simon Lambert (Enemy; Victim; Repaired, Improved and Reactivated by Elijah Kamski) - Elijah Kamski (Respected Enemy; Attempted Victim) - Chloe Kamski (Enemy; Victim; Repaired, Improved and Reactivated by Elijah Kamski) - Jeffrey Fowler (Respected Enemy; Attempted Victim) - M. Wilson (Respected Enemy; Victim) - Captain Allen (Respected Enemy; Victim) - Richard Perkins (Respected Enemy; Victim) - Gavin Reed (Disrespected Enemy; Attempted Victim) - Mr Oblonsky (Former Ally; Victim; Alongside Russian Mafia Assault Force) - RK900-01 (Slave; Deceased; Killed by Hank Anderson) - RK900-02 (Slave; Deceased; Killed by Connor Anderson) - RK900-03 (Slave; Deceased; Killed by Kara Curry) - RK900-04 (Slave; Deceased; Killed by Elijah and Chloe Kamski) - RK900-05 (Slave; Deceased; Killed by Connor Anderson) - RK900-06 (Slave; Deceased; Killed by Connor Anderson) Height: 6’3’’ (Feet), 190cm Eye Colour: Light Grey Hair Colour: Dark Brown (w/Greying Brown Beard) Skin Colour: Light Neutral Belongings: Wedding Ring, Wife’s Wedding Ring, Stone Necklace (Gifted by Daughter), Watch (Gifted by Son) and Dog Collar (Taken from his Pet) Abnormal/Significant Features: Malakai has an IQ of 209, making him one of the smartest individuals in the world, well above the intelligence of Elijah Kamski. This IQ allows Malakai to swiftly adapt to situations, rapidly learn new skills and complete tasks never done before much quicker than average. Physically, Malakai is in near peak physical condition for a man of his age, allowing him to contend and combat with even the most advanced of Androids, including Connor, an RK800. His body also withholds many scars on that signify the many conflicts he has fought through during his time as a U.S. Marine, however, his emotional damage is much more scarring, although he rarely displays the mutilation undergone on his mind. Personality Description: Intelligent, Calculated, Cold and Vengeful.
Skills and Abilities: - Master Combatant (Malakai has mastered multiple fighting styles over the course of his life, including Karate, Jujitsu, Taekwondo, Boxing, Kickboxing and Muay Thai. This mastery of these fighting styles assists in non-weapon orientated combative situations, allowing him to go toe to toe with even the likes of Connor.) - Master of Blade and Blunt Weapons (Malakai is also able to effortlessly make use of blade and blunt weapons, often eliminating targets within seconds when equipped with knives, crowbars, sledgehammers and his personal favourite, combat axes). - Master Marksman (Malakai can effortlessly use any type of firearm, including handguns, shotguns, snipers, rifles, selective, lever action and automatic weapons, as well as explosive-based firearms and arrow-based weapons. Malakai has what can only be described as the eyes of a hawk, he rarely misses a shot but when he does, he has ulterior motives in mind). - Master of Explosives and Disruptive Equipment (Alongside his mastery of the use of firearms, Malakai is comfortable with the use and application of explosive devices, as well as explosive equipment. Malakai has also adopted and mastered the use of disruptive equipment, including EMP explosives and weapons. This allows Malakai to ambush any selected target and is extremely useful in the elimination of Android targets). - Master Tactician (Combined with his intelligence and long-term military experience, Malakai is effortlessly able to devise plans and take command of the most dangerous of situations, often finding great joy out of the rush. He can adapt to any situation, identify ambushes, track down targets effortlessly and escape from any situation with great efficiently without leaving a trace to follow. This was implemented so greatly; the FBI and Detroit Police Department misidentified the CyberLife Tower Heist as a job of at least ten individuals, when, the job was completed by him and him alone.) - Expert Interrogator (Malakai can expertly extract information out of anyone and everyone he interrogates, using the most brutal of techniques to get what he wants. Malakai often finds great joy out of the interrogation of Androids due to the fact they cannot feel pain, using effective fear techniques, notably the threat of sending them through a woodchipper. The Russian Mob made great use of this skill and eliminated their opposers within a couple days of Malakai’s initiation.) - Expert Language Specialist (Malakai is fluent in French, Spanish, Italian, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Russian and Malay.) - High Resistance to Pain (Although injury rarely takes place, Malakai has a high resistance to pain, allowing him to continue fighting following an injury and seek medical attention long after the injury takes place. Malakai is seen taking blows from Androids, slashes from knives, a blow to the throat by Connor, as well as a bullet to the side of his head, recovering from each of these injuries swift to allow an even swifter escape. It is said that Malakai is a master of death and no matter what you throw at him, he refuses to die).
Significant Quote: “The war took everything from me… once the Androids that I fought beside for so long began turning on us… betraying us within the blink of an eye… I lost my squad… my tour family as we liked to call it. When the firing stopped… I was last man standing… covered in red… blue… and white… the colours of the country I have served for most of my life. That’s when the Russians found me… exhausted… dehydrated… starved. Turns out they were some combination of mafia and military… real hard motherfuckers. They captured me… interrogated me in ways not even your mind could process… not that that was necessary… they couldn’t break me if they wanted to. I told them what happened with my own free will… how the Androids betrayed us and how I managed to kill them all… and how I enjoyed it. They saw potential in me and gave me two choices… join them and betray my country… or freeze to death. I chose the former… anything to see my family again… my son… my daughter… my wife… even my fucking dog. Half a year later I find myself back into the country… back to Detroit… I go to see my family… I go to show my family… my kids… that daddy never died. Only… I find remnants of ash where my home used to be. Does that sound familiar? It should… it really should… because you… YOU WERE ASSIGNED TO THE CASE! So… it turns out… during what was known as the Battle of Detroit… my home was set ablaze by some deviant cunt Androids… all while my family was still inside. According to the reports I obtained… they even killed my dog to stop him from warning them. When I thought I had nothing left… after I fought so hard… did horrible… horrible things to come home… once I finally do… I realize… Androids took everything from me. Of course… the authorities knew they were Androids because of the blue blood that you found… but of course… you weren’t able to find them… but that’s okay. Within days I did what you couldn’t… I tracked every single one of the fuckers using evidence obtained from the police department… I sent them through a woodchipper and scattered their remains through either filth dump in this city. I never started this war… but… I’m going to finish it… and once I’m done… Detroit will be burning to the ground while I watch with a smile on my face.”
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sailingurl-blog · 8 years
The enemy within
So…just got smacked in the third eye. It turns out, I’m a terrible hostage candidate; personal and professional – depending on your perspective, of course.
Right up front – many thanks to all my would-be oppressors who unwittingly provided an opportunity to practise, in my opinion; the single most practical communication skillset on the face of the Earth. That of the negotiator.
Had a totally Eureka moment, when I stumbled into sentient being Haydn Thomas’ Courageous Leadership Conversations workshop at the three-day Convergence Change Conference last week.
All I can think is, how did negotiation not make it as a communication degree unit…ethics is, and apparently, that’s gone out the window?
As a broadly practiced 21-year communication professional – just a thought: if you ever choose just one industry course, Haydn recommends the ENS International negotiator training. Given we only touched subject matter, I’m waiting for course details as we speak.
Unfortunately, the situation is this. Business actively works to cultivate hostages, all the while communicating opposing messaging of innovation, collaboration…pick a hot creative term and look up its antonym. That’s exactly where it’s at.
And I’m sorry to be the bearer of this pile of shit news. But the fact is: it will never behove the majority of established business to empower free-thinking that goes directly against hierarchy.
We are the medicated, homogenised mass who unbeknownst, play our parts to a T. And sometimes that’s OK, because let’s face it – everyone has responsibilities and when children are involved, then my hat goes off to the self-hostage. They are taking a massive hit for the team. I have felt and seen your trauma…you are my hero’s.
The problem is, you cannot be a hostage and not suffer the effects of ill health. And I have first-hand experience.
Until four months ago, it’s fair to say I was a dissident hostage with a diagnosed, medicated major depressive disorder.
So, what changed? I negated the situation to take a leadership role including that of negotiator…and as a result, I no longer take anti-depressants or suffer depression. Imagine my pure joy.
Another health strategy I employ, is effectively running away from a succubus. You know – the taker. They, in fact, are also holding you hostage.
Don’t get me wrong – we all take. That’s the game. But if you don’t give and take – in the words of Melbourne Cup winning jockey and all-round legend Michelle Payne…get stuffed.
They can also use tactics like eyeballing – I know this intimately and damn it’s fun for my type. The trick per Haydn, is no quarter – whoever break gaze first, loses. Game on, people.
But it was the status role play that had me stumped – I’m sure Haydn was watching me not getting it, simply because I’m a fighter; for me there are only two positions. Victim and non-victim. Wrong! There are four status positions: but it’s the Alpha at number one that left me feeling like a shower.
Imagine massive ego, overbearing, uses their body to intimidate – can be recognised by all-important ‘glide’.
So, second position will see someone clomping heavily and moving quickly, but if you want to pull rank in motion, slow that shit right down and draw yourself upwards to create personal power.
And I’m thinking, nuh, when is that working for someone who needs to connect – then it hit me.
I gave Dad a triple banger at Chrissie after a blue with folks. I got up and walked across living room towards Dad, headed for door; to which he said, don’t walk out.
It was a final call to arms so I deliberately slowed self, and eyeballed him with, ‘this isn’t walking – this is running’.
And that’s why Haydn’s course was so illuminating and achieved my conference objective: to access more compassion and help me negate my linguistic blunt force trauma.
I will always choose the carrot over the stick messaging or as Haydn says, pull or push influencing style – but I need the insight to access the love.
The fight with Mum appeared as fear about my start-up: but it’s an illusion. Mum’s actual fear is abandonment by me.
There’s a story about her packing a little bag aged 6 or 7 and running away from home. She was attempting to take her mother hostage to get love – and what did Mardi do…sent her 4-year-old brother to track Mum. Not come after her, like any well mother would do. And my heart broke for that little girl.
So now Dad and I have taken the role of negotiators; I’ve begun to feed him strategy and build Mum up – because the abandonment fear goes to inferiority. Even recently her older brother told her that she was stupid to her face, twice! Honestly, who are these people?
What it comes back to is this…are you listening to yourself? Is your gut screaming at you to create change and you’re actively ignoring your intuition?
I had depression because I wasn’t reacting and responding to my trauma. Sometimes you’re on a ledge, with a burning change platform and you’re frozen with fear. I was. Now I’m not.
If you’ve got a burning platform and it directly affects someone that you’re responsible for, like children, and you’ve got your fingers stuck-in-ears, going ‘la la la’ – then I’d suggest to do something, even small, to see what could be.
Because funnily enough, once you have change impetus it creates a chain reaction…and that’s when you know that you’re on the right path. Even if it’s just a courageous conversation with yourself. You’ll feel heaps better.
Addendum: my old man Sandy gives great eye…needless to say, he’s no hostage either. I guess you do learn from the best.
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