#I’m honestly. very glad that whole mess flew over my head cuz. holy shit
paterday · 4 years
You know when like. You revisit media you liked as a kid and realize how many adult themes/jokes there were in it. Cuz awhile back I experienced that but it was for fucking. Mogeko Castel
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binqtop-blog · 6 years
Here’s a story I wrote about my oc Jackie and @miraculousgems‘ oc Cherami It’s how they met and stuff! Please don’t ship them they’re literally based off my friend and myself so that would be extremely uncomfortable and disrespectful. They’ll both find their own significant others eventually don’t worry.
Warning: I’m not a good writer and I never re-read this to check for mistakes
It was late in the afternoon: the sun was still shining through the leaves, but the sounds of nature had softened. Leaves crunched under Cherami’s boots as she walked down the trail leading her back to the town. Her hat bounced with every step, and her cloak swayed with the crisp breeze. She quietly hummed to herself, occasionally glancing behind her shoulder to check on her bag of recently purchased goods, which had been enchanted to float in the air and follow her. Cherami’s been practicing witchcraft her whole life, and enjoyed taking trips to a nearby village to buy herbs, gems, and other ingredients. The trail to the village was through a dense forest full of beautiful flowers, mushrooms, and other flora. Of course she has come across many animals like the common birds, squirrels, and frogs; however, there have been times where the witch has seen a porcupine, opossum, and even a few bears. After walking for 15 minutes, Cherami reached a pile of mossy rocks: the landmark reminding her to take the special shortcut. She leaned over and pulled a wand out of her right boot. Gripping her wand, she flicked her wrist to the left of the trail, where there was just forest. The leaves rustled and drifted to the side, creating a miniature pathway. She paused for a few seconds, scanning the area to make sure there weren’t spiders. Despite not seeing anything, Cherami still ran, squealing for the whole time, which was around 5 seconds. She hopped onto the real trail and put her hand on her hip to catch her breath. Fixing her hat, she put slid her wand back into her boot and continued following the original path. The sun was starting to leave the sky, and the light began escaping from the woods. Cherami quickened her pace so she could make it home before dark, and covered lots of ground before stumbling as she nearly stepped on a tiny mushroom on a rock.
“I can’t just….not take it.” She muttered as she crouched down. Looking closer, she realized that the mushroom was next to the rock, and that the rock wasn’t a rock. “Oh?” Her voice caused the creature to stir. Its little head popped up and turned to look at Cherami. It was a bat, and it was laying on the ground. “Hey, little guy, did you fall out of a tree?” The bat’s big ears twitched, shifting its wings. Cherami picked up a twig and used it to pet the bat and scratch behind its ears. She brought the stick over to its legs, lightly pressing it against the feet, which latched onto the twig. Slowly standing up, she lifted the stick, with the bat now hanging from it, to the nearest tree and gently put the bat onto a branch. Before continuing her trek home, she used the stick to pet its back again. She had only taken a few steps when the she heard sound of rustling branches behind her.
And a voice.
“Hey wait come back that felt nice.”
Cherami screamed, barely saving herself from falling onto the dirt trail. She whipped and nae-naed around and saw someone sitting on the branch where she had previously placed the bat. They had disheveled short dark brown hair, matching their torn up shirt and pants that were both full of holes. They were dirty and barefoot, like they haven’t bathed in a few weeks. They were pale and skinny, and had pointy ears. Their big, red eyes wouldn’t stay still, and could barely hold eye contact with Cherami. It was like they were trying to absorb every detail, but couldn’t focus on anything long enough.
“Can you not!?” Cherami panted as she tried to calm her heart pounding in her chest. Her gaze lingered on the person’s eyes, the redness of the irises made her feel unsettled. She snatched her wand and grabbed her basket, just in case she needed to run or fight.
“O-Oh, yeah, um….sorry?” They were swinging their legs and picking at one of the holes in their shirt. “I haven’t really seen that many people lately. It’s just been a while since I’ve, um….. talked to someone.” They looked up and shifted their weight, and started messing with the tree bark.
They sure do move a lot, Cherami though before asking: “Okay, so who are you?” The question made the person perk up a bit, like they were surprised that Cherami even cared.
“Jack! But lots of people just call me Jackie. Like my friends….which I haven’t seen them in a long time. Can’t remember when I last saw them, haha….oops.” They sighed and licked their chapped lips. That was when Cherami noticed the fangs.
“Haha…..yeah, it was nice to meet you but I need to leave, so bye-” Cherami quickly announced and pointed her wand at her boots, putting a spell on them so she could run faster. She completely ignored Jackie’s response and, clutching her wand and basket, started sprinting down the trail. The environment became a blur of color as she sped closer to her house. In the blurriness, she saw a dark blob pass her, which distracted her long enough to make her trip over a root jutting out of the ground. Cherami yelped, her wand and basket flew out of her hands. The ground rapidly got closer, when she was suddenly jerked backwards. She cried out and flailed, trying to gain her balance until she realized that someone was holding her.
“You okay? I caught your glasses.” Said a familiar voice. Cherami squinted at the face and snagged her glasses. It was Jackie. Cherami started squirming aggressively and screaming. “Wait w-what are you doing–”
“But I’m–”
“Um….okay….” Jackie dropped Cherami, who kept screaming once she realized that Jackie wasn’t standing on the ground.
“WAIT NO–” Cherami landed on the dirt trail with a big OOF. “Shit….”
“You good? I honestly don’t feel bad if you got hurt cuz it was your fault! You told me to drop you that’s what you get!” Jackie was floating right above Cherami, their red eyes staring right at her. Cherami scrambled backwards, trying to find her wand.
“S-Stay back! I can and will use magic.” She stuttered, staring at the Jackie while patting the ground behind her. Where is it where is it where is it…..
“Did I say something weird? Or...or do I smell bad?” They started mumbling, “Of course I smell bad I probably smell like a dead animal…”
Cherami finally caught sight of her wand, which had rolled a few yards away. Some stuff had spilled out of her basket, too.
“No, it’s because you’re a fucking vampire!”
Jackie was silent for a few seconds, then laughed. “Holy shit I forgot about that. I’ve only been like this for…...what’s the day today?”
“Um.......the 27th.” Cherami responded and started scooting over to her wand.
“Forty-three days!” Jackie stated after counting with their fingers for a bit. They sat up and leaned back as if they were resting on a chair, except they were hovering above the ground. “Throwback to when I was turned...it was hella painful.”
“So you’re….not going to kill me?” Cherami paused, still tense, but curious.
“What? No!” The vampire almost looked offended. “Why would I? I’ve only seen three other people in the past month and a half. One person I just heard their voice so who knows if it even was a person. The second person I, uh….I was really hungry and hadn’t really eaten in a while so I may or may not have lost control of myself and…” They waved it off, “it doesn’t matter they’re dead now. And then there’s you! Congrats, you’re person number three!”
“Oh...fun.” Cherami forced a smile. “So how come you haven’t seen anyone else? This forest isn’t that small you could’ve easily just left.”
“Well….yeah but I barely eat so I have no energy, so I’m just tired all the time. That’s why I was just chilling on the ground when you found me. I was way too lazy to fly up into a tree so I was just kinda sat there.”
“You need to eat! You just said that you lost it and killed someone because you were so hungry. By the way please don’t do that to me I’d like to stay alive thank you very much. It’s close to being nighttime, so there’s probably some mice or something you can go snack on.”
Jackie silently lands on the ground and looks down at Cherami. “Wait you don’t hate me anymore?” They whispered.
Cherami grunted as she got up. “I never said I hated you. I was just scared because I expected you to rip my neck open.” She took off her hat, which somehow stayed on despite everything that just happened, and blew off the dirt. She brushed off her cloak and flattened the fabric. “You vampires don’t exactly have a good reputation.”
“Heh, you got that right.” Jackie smiled, showing off their fangs. “Oh, yeah! You dropped your stuff.” They flew over to the basket, and started to put some of the items back in.
Cherami watched them in silence for a few seconds. “What happened to your clothes?”
“Oh, yeah…. Sometimes I dissociate and fall out of trees, or I see a raccoon and I’m like ‘haha it’s a raccoon,’ and then I pick it up and– you know what I’m glad I can’t get rabies that would suck.”
“Yeah that wouldn’t be very fun for anyone.” Cherami picked up her wand.
“Hey, that reminds me! So you know how I’ve just been stranded in this forest for, like, over a month? I don’t have anywhere to live and I have no way to bathe, and also I don’t have any clothes! Also I have no idea where I am because after being bitten I was laying on the ground writhing in pain until I passed out and woke up in the middle of nowhere with blood all over my mouth! It was great.”
“Oh God–”
“So I was wondering….can I live with you? I’m just a lonely wittle vampire who means no harm!”
“Please?” Jackie dragged the word for a few seconds. “I won’t kill you or anything I promise.”
Cherami sighed. “Fine–”
“YES!” Jackie clapped their hands together.
“BUT! If you try anything I won’t hesitate kick you out. Also I have a familiar who’s a tiger so don’t you even think about eating her or I’ll stomp you to death with my fucking boots.”
“Now hurry up and get the basket so we can go home.”
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