#I’m Ken-ough
aclulessidiot · 1 year
Barbie hit a cord with me. Going into the movie I didn’t expect anything I expected a good movie with commentary and for the most part that’s what I got but the scene that just dug into me was when the daughter makes Barbie cry. When Barbie started crying I started crying. Because I realized I was that little girl. I used to love Barbie I have all her movies on dvd, I loved pink and glitter, and frilly dresses. I wanted to be Barbie. I dreamed about being a beautiful girl in a ball gown and makeup. Hell my favorite movie was the three musketeers and I asked my grandma if she could sew the costume from the film. I remember she took me to Joan’s we picked out fabric and embellishments. I even sketched the dress for her and I wore that thing all the time, I made a mask too. But when I grew up people always looked down on ‘girly girls’. Girls who wore skirts and dresses and did anything feminine. I looked down on myself as a child because I felt like being feminine was wrong. Like I wasn’t cool enough because of it. So when I was 13 I remember vividly hating everything feminine. I even dunked on Barbie. I told people I hated the color pink that I hated glitter. I gaslit myself into believing it. And all of it came out in that scene because to me it felt like I was the one making Barbie cry. Knowing that if she had heard what I had said would have done that hurt me. Because deep down I love her and everything she was. And I think that is what is so different about this movie. Is it covered things that were so integrated into my being as someone who was born a woman. Things I’ve been too scared of talking about or thinking about because I’m scared to think of my gender and what it means for me and how I am. Today I got to dress up like the princess I wanted to be as a little girl, I got to be something that little girl would be proud of. And all of it was just because of a trend for this movie. I did not expect to come out of this movie grateful. But I am. I am grateful for this movie being made and to the writers and dicrector and all the creatives behind it who did. This has changed a lot for me. And showed me that I didn’t kill that little girl that she is still in there no matter what happens in my life. Even when I don’t feel like a woman. She’s there and maybe she’s even proud of me.
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robots-are-kinda-hot · 9 months
I like to think error is the kind of guy to say he’s awesome, compliment himself n shit, but fucking crumples and blushes to hell and back when someone genuinely tells him he’s cute or agrees with him when he says he is
like. imagine being his friend or something, and he brags that he’s Sans Abomination #1 and u go “oh yeah, ur the best :)”
you get so confused when he blushes and yells at you for it. like
Error: UGH, you weren’t supposed to agree!
You (genuinely confused): …but what else was I supposed to do?
Error, throwing up his hood angrily with error signs clouding his sockets: …N-NOT DO THAT!
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
Every moment of every day I’m thinking about ghoul day to day life. This is my curse. There’s a lot of change about Tokyo Ghoul if I could but so much is I WISH THEY TALKED MORE ABOUT GHOUL DAY TO DAY LIFE! Because imagine having a handful of filler episodes that aren’t just pure angst, because Ken becoming a ghoul isn’t just “ough moral struggle,” there’s gotta be other stuff! Give me Kaneki freaking out about a small bump on his head and the other ghouls teaching him about his sagittal crest and how it will make his bite strong and telling some dumb stories about biting through things. Give me Anteiku teaching Ken how to deal with the weirder instincts like wanting to hide in cupboards when he’s anxious or purring when he’s relaxed. Give me Ken bonding with other ghouls through little social cues he’s learning as he goes from both his own instinct and his friends. GIVE ME THE SOFT PARTS OF GHOUL LIFE!
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romanticisntreality · 6 years
Real isn't means being rude
Do you ever pierced or hurted by a thoughtless, random words by a friend, a family, or a stranger yet you don't feel like you have the right to confront or complain about it?
Scenario one:
"Hey, lets hang out tomorrow before I leave!"
Scenario 2:
"Sara, look at my dress! Isn't look nice on me?"
"Only if you lose 5kg."
Scenario 3:
"Ken, I really feel in love with this girl."
"C'mon, she'll never look at you!"
Is there any similar scenarios, or words by some close friend or your sister that came to your mind?
Do you always feel hurt or just feel bad easily by what some random thoughtless comment made by others?
If you are, this article is for you.
Well, we all know - we shouldn't be affect by what others said, we should be able to control our reaction, we shouldn't take it personally.
That's the worst part, really. Now we're hurt and im addition, we blamed ourselves for feeling the way we feel.
If that's what you think, please know that I truly admire your self-reflection and independency. But I also urge you to not be harsh on yourself. Yes, we shouldn't be affected. Yes, we shouldn't live in the opinion of others but damn, we like it or not, we live with them! And leaving them isn't always an option. They could be our best and closest friend (they're usually our best and closest friend). Their words meant something and that thoughtless comments or inappropriate tease - do hurts.
Most often in close relationship, we tend to take each other for granted. We tend to be direct, thoughtless and - as trendy opinion suggests, be more real.
There's a huge misinterpretations in the virtue of being real, that being real is almost equal as being rude.
It is why we don't confront our friend. They're just saying the truth. My friend, more often than not, you aren't being too sensitive. You are sensitive and human being are suppose to be sensitve.
We aren't suppose to live in a war and dont shed a tears for a bomb. We aren't suppose to bullied in workplace and take it all in. We aren't suppose to feel hurt and expected to smile through it.
If you're as sensitive as me - especially towards word. I know how careful when you give a compliment, a criticism, an advice, a promise. I know how important it is, to receive a praise from our parents, to receive a well-intended and loving criticism, and how serious we take a promise.
We're those who have a sensitivity with words and their energy. It is not a weakness. It is a gift.
Being real isn't equal to being rude.
Im here to tell you, you can protect yourself by telling your friend:
Scenario 1:
"I'm upset by your blunt rejection. That makes me feel ignored."
Scenario 2:
"I don't think 5kg will makes me more flattering. Thanks for your opinion, anyway."
Scenario 3:
"C'mon dude, maybe thats true, but I kinda need some support from you."
If we're sensitive with words, we will also have the power to use it to educate others.
Here's some tips on how to protect or express yourself while educating others who are less sensitive and thoughtful in communication:
1. Feel your hurt, accept it, and understand it
2. Recognize how the words are inappropriate or makes you feel hurt - is it disrespectful? Is it inconsiderate? Is it triggered your wound? Is it depreciating?
3. Speak kindly and respectfully, regardless - teach by example and treat others as how you would like to be treated
4. Be generous with understanding and forgiveness - most people just being mindless and careless with words and do not really mean it.
5. Feel the energy, and don't be too uptight with the words. The words are just representative - it is the energy behind it thats matter (fuck comes with varieties of energy, eh? ;) )
Hope these helps if you to learn to protect and express yourself when you face another similar scenario! It takes time to master, but when you do, you will only gain more respect and true friends. Good luck!
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