#I’ll kill him myself
theinkgirl · 4 months
how old HOW OLD is chu wanning. i have been trying to figure this out the entire goddamn time. old enough that he thinks of himself as old but /young enough/ that teenagers refer to him as a “young man” teenagers think you’re old if you’re like. 30???
and then like 4 volumes in they threw me a bone and said this man is “32” OKAY. but was he 32 when he went into death/stasis for 5 yrs and we’re not counting the years he was dead—making him 28 when mo ran showed up at 15? Or are we counting the years he was dead/mostly dead as real years making him 27 at the time of his death and 23 when mo ran was 15? idk. maybe no one does. but at least there are 2 possible ages
but then 2 VOLUMES LATER the text said he’s “10 years older than mo ran” meaning he can’t have been 23 OR 28 when mo ran showed up so Somebody is lying and idk if it’s miss meat bun herself or if it’s a group of translators
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rigginsstreet · 2 years
The way that sometimes I’m like “stranger things has established in their universe the dead don’t come back so billy is staying dead” but then I remember the shit they pulled with hopper and I’m immediately like “nvm it’s 100% plausible for billy to come back actually”
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aria-greenhoodie · 1 month
I fucking HATE them.
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Click for Quality!
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norfkid · 13 days
that scene in ep #9 when they’ve set up camp temporarily. the way Jopson’s face involuntarily breaks out into a smile, the pure relief & hope i felt in him for that brief moment, when Cozier says he will not leave any man behind, regardless of their illness or suffering or slowing of pace. that it is Not Their Way. that he doesn’t mean this only for Fitzjames but that it includes the lieutenants—includes Jopson—sat before him. and i can't imagine how much it means to him to hear that from Cozier. the man he dedicated so much time, effort, kindness, patience & affection to so that he would see through Cozier's withdrawals & recovery in the earlier episode, knowing he tried in the past to do the same for his mother & yet still lost her to addiction. he shared that vulnerability with his captain & implicitly swore to him he would save him the way he could not save his mother. and he Succeeded. the poor man has lost so much & wants so Desperately not to be abandoned. he clings this crew, you can read it in his face so clearly. no matter how hard he tries to hide it he finds comfort & belonging & companionship with these men. despite the hardships, despite the struggle, he’ll brave it all knowing he is not Alone… and that breaks my heart just a little. to go on in spite of it all… not for yourself, but for the men around you. to find purpose in that even in the darkest of hours…
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peak-dumbass · 4 months
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Shoutout to the furry transformer fans this one’s for you
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vikvampir3 · 5 days
Tfw when I realize I’ve known this whole time my dazai and general bsd hyperfixation was self destructive and I kinda don’t care
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angelnumber27 · 4 months
It’s so embarrassing and heartbreaking being in so much pain over losing someone while knowing they don’t give a fuck if you live or die. Your favorite person becoming a stranger is a special kind of hell.
#I fucking hate having bpd#while I’m at it I don’t understand the fuckin audacity some people have to say they love you and do horrible things to you#I feel so stupid#I feel so stupid for believing all the lies#but I was so in love and put him on such a pedestal that I just allowed it all.#thinking about someone constantly and grieving over them and knowing they’re perfectly fine and to them you don’t exist#I’m still in such a state of grief and I don’t understand why time hasn’t healed#it honestly feels like it’s gotten worse w time#I just torture myself but I can’t help it my brain wants me dead#it’s so painful I feel so fucking stupid#being abandoned with no closure by someone who’s your entire world#for someone they were unfaithful to you with multiple times (I don’t even know how many and dony want to know) immediately#like that was the plan all along#he took our cat hundreds of miles away and I don’t even know if he still has her or if she’s still alive and I miss her every day#I never loved someone like that and it feels like the heartbreak is actually physically killing me#i spent 1/5 of my entire life with him#I was my prettiest and had the best body at the time and I wasted it on someone who didn’t appreciate me#not wasted. it wasn’t wasted. we had some incredible times together#I’ll never be that beautiful again#and now idk what do so bc i can’t decide which is worse: being alone and isolating or loving deeply and ending up horribly hurt all over#it’s all just so upsetting.#and I feel so stupid for allowing it all#he knows more about me than anyone and he made me feel like he loved me so much sometimes and then did horrid things and it’s so fucked up#nobody read this I’m so embarrassed and horribly broken#it traumatized me so much there was so much abuse and pain idk if I’ll ever recover#I deserved it but it still hurts my heart#I was so mentally ill and sick I know it had to have been miserable to be around me#there are so many things only he understands and knows about me and I need to talk about them I j wanna b able to b there 4 each other#but that girl is so beyond insecure and controlling so. if I want to talk to who fuckin gets me I’m just fucked#why lead someone on like that for years knowing you’re going to abandon them the second it’s convenient
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batboopp · 3 months
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dc why would you do this to him he is 3 apples tall
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he hugs his fathers grave. alone. in the rain. AGAIN.
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quokkafoxtrot · 22 days
This is so fkn cute it makes you forget you’re doing a quicktime event to eat food.
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bitterseaproduction · 2 years
Aemond getting his eye or forcing Luke to give it to him, only for the wound to become infected and Luke’s bedridden and delirious and going through what will probably be a slow, agonizing death among mostly strangers in enemy territory while Aemond is just there like🧍
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monards · 2 months
so we’re gonna have albedo confront and help durin, as wanderer did mini durin, when he inevitably comes back to life. Right
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only-one-brain-cell · 4 months
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soars22 · 7 months
Oh, man, ghosties, y’all weren’t kidding. The last half of that stream was rough.
I am… not prepared for what happens today. At least Bad won’t be alone though, right?
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wawataka · 4 months
i’m going out and i’m looking for my budget binder but i can’t find it anywhere so i was like okay whatever i’ll just use my trans tape I CAN’T FIND THAT EITHER
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planetsage · 2 months
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highdefinitions · 4 months
i think of this photo of seth jarvis yippeeing while surrounded by caps players so often
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