#I’ll get to amane soon….
mrgoodenough254 · 3 months
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I tried 😅
Minigram styled Haruka for his birthday outfit
(Thank you for suggested the idea, I don’t know if you want to be named)
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musicalmoritz · 19 days
Here to kindly request more TBHK asks bcuz I feel like the past couple days there’s been a damper put on it with my interest in it hinging a lot on complaining abt stuff (+ the whole situation with one of my moots calling me out on TikTok) but I really don’t want it to be ruined for me so I need to focus on the things I like abt it again. Which shouldn’t be hard bcuz I was doing it only a few days ago but still. I need to yap. Asks about ships, characters, friendships, arcs, etc. are all heavily appreciated but again, nothing that requires me to be too negative pls
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featheredclover · 2 months
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Chapter Five
Read from the beginning
Also on Wattpad
Chapter Four < Chapter Six
The birds chirped along as they fluttered from branch to branch. But the day greeted the Gupta mansion with much less peace that morning.
Khushi bit into her toast, as Sumi poured juice into her glass.
“Shashi! I am getting nervous. Will Mr Raizada say something now?”
Her papa shook his head, his forehead scrunched in a frown.
“Rajiv has hinted at nothing. Even Shyam has not come up in our talks. I don’t know what to expect, Garima.”
“It would have been a milestone for us” she sighed, “ But what can we do except wait”
“Khushi, have some fruits,” Shashi said as he passed her a bowl.
Her thoughts were clouded with worry for her parents as she walked into Venus Designs.
She had never seen them so unsure, so worried. And she had never felt as helpless as she had today.
“Morning Leela”, she smiled at the receptionist.
“Khushi, some big client has come here asking for you!” Leela whispered.
“Me?!” She gasped.
“Yes! They are with Madhumati ma’am right now. You better go in. She told me to usher you into her office as soon as you came!”
And so Khushi found herself half-pushed inside her aunt’s magnanimous office.
“Good morning Khushi!”
She couldn’t believe her eyes. Madhumati bua was laughing! Her usually stern eyes were now soft as she looked fondly at the two men.
She looked at the well suited gentlemen, and wondered which of her previous works could have impressed them.
The men stood up.
She found herself stunned as the smirking visage of Arnav Singh Raizada greeted her.
“Meet Arnav and Aman! They are from the Raizada group of companies. Arnav wants his new office to be designed by you.” Her aunt continued jovially.
But her eyes couldn’t leave the devil’s, who had come to extract his pound of flesh!
“ But I-I have never designed professional spaces before.”
“I did mention that to Arnav, but he said he wanted his office to have a bit of domestic touch. Now, now go on. You have to work from the site.”
Rummaging through her mind to look for an excuse , Khushi looked at her aunt trying to signal her to refuse on her behalf.
“I’ll take Khushi with me Mrs. Madhumati. After all, I need the job done by next week.” 
She watched as he put on the best buttering act with her aunt. All sweet smiles and flattery.
“Hi, I’m Aman Mathur, ASR’s right hand man.”
The young man ,she hadn’t paid much attention to , shook her hand, offering her a glimmer of hope.
At least, someone is kind here.
“I think you’ll have a great time working with Arnav. He’s as clear and concise in his demands as it gets.”
“Yeah” she grumbled “Hitler pales in front of him”
Aman raised his eyebrows in amusement .
“ He is demanding, but not a dictator”
“Aman.”Arnav had already reached the door.
“Let’s get going, shall we?”
And that’s how Khushi Gupta found herself in a Bentley, heading towards the heart of the city.
“Why are you doing this?”
She couldn’t keep quiet anymore.
“I wanted to spend time with you “
Blushing pink, Khushi marvelled at this man’s shamelessness.
“I forgave you already-“
“That’s not enough for me”
Exasperated, she ignored him for the rest of the ride.
Slouching over the desk Aman had provided her, Khushi scribbled into her notebook.
Designs, light source ideas, decor pieces and vendors all in one place.
With that out of the way,she began sketching. 
Her pencil flew across the page, as she thought of the space where he would work. 
The desk where his coffee machine would stay. The few photographs he took, that he wanted on the wall. The antique telephone he had bought from Paris.
“I have never seen a better portrait of me”
She jumped and twisted her neck, as Arnav grabbed her book from her in a split second.
Grinning, he squinted, pretending to judge her sketch of him.
“I must say Miss Gupta, you have observed me quite closely”
“Shut up! I was just sketching the office “
“And got distracted? Well since I am to be blamed for the distraction , it will only be fair of me to buy you lunch!”
He bent down and grabbed her purse, meeting her petulant face with a wink.
“Shall we?”
“And there he was, telling me to run for the damn election!”
She giggled as Arnav finished his story. She hadn’t expected to have a fun time with him. So far she had only experienced mad rage and mad lust for the man. And that had to say something!
“You left the states to come back here?”
“I wasn’t really sure about where I wanted to live. And dad really wanted to come back. After mom’s death-” he blinked.
“Are you okay?” Her hand found his.
“Yeah” he held her hand tighter “He took years to move on. The last time we were here was for Di’s wedding”
Khushi swallowed as she realised the topic was now down to his brother-in-law, Shyam. Can she ask him about the deal her parents were after?
“My papa really likes your father. Um…he invited him to brunch…”
“I know Khushi, I was there” he smiled in amusement at her sudden fluster.
“Yes, well they were wondering if Mr.Raizada had made up his mind about the deal.”
Gasping inwardly, she hated herself at that moment for blurting it out. 
She wanted to seal her big mouth forever.
Understanding that anything she said now will only push her further down the hole she had dug, Khushi held her silence.
To her dismay, even Arnav stayed quiet. No jokes, no witty remarks to erase her folly.
“Well, Khushi I can’t say much about that”
She nodded meekly.
“Let’s head back, shall we?”
And that’s how Aman found them in the office that afternoon. One deep in thought, and one mortified.
Tagging: @arshifiesta
Next chapter>>
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doctorbunny · 9 months
(Part 2) MILGRAM x AVOIT bluetooth earphones collab: Haruka and Yuno voice lines
[Brief context: On 28th December 2023 a crossover was announced for bluetooth earphones featuring original voicelines from MILGRAM characters. Website]
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PRISON.001 [I think they meant prisoner but they wrote 'Prison' so....] Haruka Sakurai Vertical text = 人を不幸にすることだけは得意なんです = I've only ever been good at bringing misfortune to others [From his third intro voice line]
Voice Guidance: 電源を入れます...=Power switched on... 電源を切りますね…=Power's turned off... あ、接続成功したんですね…=ah- the connection was successful... 接続解除します…=Connection ended... ペアリング?中らしいです…=Pair-ing? Seems to be in progress... ペアリング、成功しました=The pairing, was successful ペアリング失敗....ごめんなさい…=Pairing failed.... I'm sorry.... あ、バッテリーありません…=Ah- there's no battery left... ノイズキャンセリング、オン=Noise cancelling, On アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモード=Normal Mode
Random Voice: ばかでごめんなさい=I'm sorry for being an idiot 看守さん、いや、なんでもないです=Guard-san, -wait no, its nothing な、何、聴いてるですか=W-what, are you listening to? [as in music] ア、アマネちゃん....ごめんなさい…=A-Amane-chan... I'm sorry.... ムウさんは、お母さんなんです=Muu-san is, definitely my mother ミ、ミコトさんは、いい人ですよ=Mi-Mikoto-san is, a good person y'know ….どうしました?僕、なにか変ですか?= ....Is something wrong? Is there something strange about, me? ミルグラム、とても楽しいです。= MILGRAM, is really fun.
PRISON.002 Yuno Kashiki Vertical text = そうだ、千円で膝枕してあげるよ = I know! I’ll give you a lap pillow for 1000 yen! [from her third introductory voice line]
Voice Guidance: 電源を入れるよ=Powering on 電源を切るよ~=Powering off~ やったね、リンク成功=Yippee! Linked successfully リンク外したよ=Link removed 繋げてるからちょっと待ってね=Connecting, so wait a sec ちゃーんと繋がったよ=Fu~lly Connected おっとと、繋がらなかったみたい=Suddenly, its like it disconnected ほら、そろそろ充電しょ?=Hey! Lets charge it soon, ok? ノイズキャンセリングをオンにするよ?=[Shall I] Turn on noise cancelling? アンビエントマイク、オン= Ambient Mic, On ノーマルモードだよ=It's Normal Mode
Random Voice: 看守さん、ちゃんと私のこと暖かくしてよね?=Guard-san, warm me up properly ok? 看守さん、おーい。返事してみて~=Guard-san, heeey. Please try responding~ いいね、今の曲。あたしも好きかも=Nice, the song on just now. I think I also like it. ん?ハルカ。なに、ニヤニヤしてんの?=hm? Haruka. what, what's with the smiling? マヒルさんって、なんかほっとけないんだよねぇ=Mahiru-san can't just be left on her own, right? ムウお嬢様は今日も楽しそうで羨ましいね=Looks like Little Miss Muu's having fun today too, I'm jealous [Yuno's use of ojousama is her implying that Muu's never suffered any kind of hardship, lol get rekt muu] ....何?看守さんちょっとしつこくない?=...What? Guard-san, aren't you being a bit too persistant? あたしが欲しい人、ここまでおいで=If you want me, come marco, I'll polo/Person I want, come here [lyric from Teardrop]
This is PART TWO of 6 Jackalope and Es, Haruka and Yuno [You are here], Fuuta and Muu, Shidou and Mahiru, Kazui and Amane, Mikoto and Kotoko
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purgemarchlockdown · 5 months
My brain is still in Es-Amane situationship mode (es quest my darling wait for me I’ll finish you soon…) and my brain is going Es Timekeeper and then Amane as the assistant ala Sonneto. But unlike Vertin and Sonneto where Sonneto is the good doggo and Vertin is the rule-breaker curious of the outside. It’s Amane who’s the rule-breaker curious of the outside, and Es is the super proper best student.
So Amane does the all the funky rebellion stuff while Es looks over like “*sighs* I wish I had an identity and sense of personhood but no I must Follow the Rules and be a Attachmentless Soldier” but at the end of it all Es saves Amane from getting Reversed, and it fucks the both of them up for ages.
Sidenote: I suppose in this situation Jackalope would be Constantine? I wonder if in this situation Jackalope wanted to see if Es would follow orders fully (let them all die) or if they would do something. Making saving Amane the proof that Es isn’t the perfect attack dog they want them to be.
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archivalofsins · 5 months
I think it would be fun if Kotoko did what I do when people are judging my actions. Work out more. I hope she works out so much more. We know she's been continuing her training in Milgram. She doesn't seem like the type to fold easily and we haven't seen anyone get tougher from being denied. Mu is close because she got more active and begun attempting to prove how useful she can be. This ties into her saying I found put how much I'm not needed in After Pain.
Plus, if the point of the milgram cast is for them to seem like people one can meet in real life. Well, it wouldn't be that varied of an experience if everyone responded to rejection the same way. I think Amane, Mikoto, and Kotoko and the last half of the cast respond to rejection similarly. So if she responds like Amane and Mikoto have even a bit, I don't think she'll be going "I was wrong" anytime soon.
I'm interested in her following through on the energy she said she'd have if she was voted guilty trial one. Disappointment and disgust. Because that's the appropriate response honestly. From her perspective, this can feel like she's being told she should meet a wrong with sympathy and understanding instead of just looking at and punishing it as the wrong it is. Like I get how her mindset conflicts with Amane who considers love an endless mercy and why she referred to Amane with unbreakable magic.
Because when a person is extending mercy they don't have to question the repercussions of that. If the outcome of trial one was the downfalls of punishment, it makes a lot of sense for the outcome of trial two to be the downsides of showing mercy. A lot of prisoners were given leniency too despite all the red flags and warnings against that in the voice drama. Even down to Mu telling the audience to just vote everyone innocent.
It works out well for trial three if the only people causing real damage are the ones with the best impression. To be fair, they tried to showcase this with Kotoko. Still not many people questioned if Kotoko went forward with that because she was innocent then what sort of things will the others find excusable if innocent now. All the way down to.just ignoring the well blatantly stated fact that Mikoto to an extent is just not fully restrained by Milgram's rules and hasn't been from the start.
Kazui even stressed how dangerous he is. If Kotoko can't ally herself with Es and Milgram... Well, maybe the koto-koto duo isn't impossible, ya know. After all she did say from the beginning-
Q.11 Do you have a romantic partner?
Kotoko: I don’t. I’ll make one if needed.
So if she needs a new teammate who better to reluctantly work with then him? He can't put his personal feelings aside to get to the goal he wants as well. Doesn't matter if he doesn't like her he'll do anything to protect himself after all. So, I'm really excited to see what happens and how relationships change do to this.
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mari-lair · 1 year
hi! not a question but i'm so in love with your series about the phantom thief au! do you have any headcanons for thief akane x chief teru? like in the post you made about full supernatural akane?
THE AO3 PHANTOM THIEVES SERIES?? I did not expect to get an ask for it! :D There will be a prequel (eventually...) so I’ll try to keep it brief.
Teru’s mom died in a robbery when he was young. He was an eyewitness and has a more... traumatizing memory of it than Kou, who was told about it after, making her death hard for Kou to fully process it until her funeral happened and it really hit him. Kou and Teru do not talk about it.
Teru takes a while to learn Akane’s real identity, he used to call him “Thief”.
Akane has decent pain tolerance but his determination is near suicidal, he’ll grit his teeth through the most excruciating pain to get what he wants or black out trying. Teru have extremely high pain tolerance, and while he is not as stubborn as Akane, he never takes long to subdue his target, many people consider him more of a monster or a hero than a person: There is a reason criminals fear him.
Akane used to live in a relatively small, but dangerous, town. He moved out at 21, became friends with Aoi, his neighbor, in the same year, and met Teru at 24.
 Akane hates Hanako, he genuinely wants to see Hanako be caught and locked up, but he somehow finds himself being dragged by Hanako into hidden criminal hang-out spots instead. Hanako admires Akane, and tries to be his friend despite the older thief's palpable dislike. He doesn’t know Akane’s real name, and Akane doesn’t know his real name is Amane until much later, when Teru tells him.
Akane falls in love first and he hates it so much. He keeps trying to convince himself is lust, not love, and he is able to trick himself for a while since he does find Teru attractive and gets frustrated by most of his actions. When he realizes the reason Teru's actions frustrate him is because he wants his love and feels greedy for scraps of his attention, Akane has a crisis and gets drunk, something he very very rarely does.
Aoi is in a stable relationship with Mei, so Akane never got a crush on her but between his old town and his current one, he dated 3 people before he started pining for Teru.
Teru is touch starved:  He had some team missions but his coworkers (which soon turned into his subordinates) never touched him, be it shoulder pats or hair ruffles. He dated twice very briefly but any spark he thought he felt disappeared when his partner tried to ‘take it to the next step’. He only allows himself to fully relax with his siblings, and much later, with Akane.
Teru is aware half of the town is in love with him and his ego is off the charts, but when it comes to intimacy or vulnerability of any kind he becomes insecure (even if he is too arrogant to acknowledge it until it corners him).
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anmiruzu · 10 months
Hanako but with prompt 27: "Who you gonna call?" / "Ghostbusters?" ?????? (I love hanako a lot and think this would be really fitting for him if that makes sense??).
another day, another apparition to deal with
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a/n just a little off since yashiro is mentioned much, much more (makes it obvious who’s my favorite jshk character is) but it’s finee anyways hope you enjoy this even tho it’s a month late
-281 words-
October eighteenth,
amane yugi; prompt 27: “Who you gonna call?” / “Ghostbusters?”
since halloween was right around the corner, it meant more apparitions, more apparitions meant more work for the four of you. you and yashiro especially dreaded this season, because it meant being dragged around by hanako-kun everyday to exorcise some ghost that went out of control.
sighing, yashiro put her head on the desk.
“you good?” you inquired the exhausted girl.
“no… i’m too tired to go clean the toilets today” yashiro complains before burying her face in her arms.
“y’know since halloween is soon it’ll be-“
“be helping hanako-kun exorcise apparitions?” she finishes.
“even worseee”
you chuckle, “well, just get some sleep now, i’ll show you my notes later”
yashiro’s eyes lit up as you offered that, “yess thank youu _____”
“no problem”
when class ends you gently shake yashiro awake who was peacefully sleeping for the last hour—you have no idea how she didn’t get caught.
“yashiro? wake up.”
you can hear a groan from her before she looks up at you, “we’re going to hanako-kun now?”
stretching her arms and gently slapping her cheeks, she stands up, “okay! ready!”
“wow! that was a quick recovery!”
yashiro simply nods before dragging you away to the girl’s restroom. slamming open the door, you’re greeted by hanako-kun.
“ah! my assistant and my assistant’s assistant.”
“assistant’s assistant?” you repeated, skeptical that is even a thing.
“what? is that not a thing?”
“definitely not!” yashiro cuts in.
“anyways,” hanako starts, “who you gonna call?”
you and yashiro look at him confused until you both eventually realize what he’s referencing.
in unison the three of you respond, “ghostbusters?”
“wait- kou-kun!? when did you get here?” you question, surprised by the new face.
{31 daydreams of halloween event lineup}
{jibaku shounen hanako-kun masterlist}
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
And here's one with Weak for Fuuta and Amane, for anon! I've recently been going crazy over some ideas from posts about Fuuta and food and he and Amane's relationship, and they came together perfectly with the prompt -- thank you for the request 👀👀👀
“Can you be quiet for one minute?” 
Fuuta spun around from where he’d been complaining loudly about the food, with his mouth full of it, to find Amane glaring from beside him.
“I’ll do whatever the hell I want,” he said through bites. He paused to swallow, though. And take a sip of his drink. And then forgot was he was talking about anyway.
Amane returned to mouthing a blessing over her food. The annoyance in her expression melted away to serenity as she brought her hands together. Fuuta watched as she drew herself up. Then she ate calmly. He could have crumbled in shame, right then, at the thought of this tiny kid holding up better than himself. 
She, too, had experienced the punishments that came with their verdict. Restraints pulled so tight it’s hard to breathe. Long nights of maddening voices and watchful eyes. The smaller meal portions leading to shaky limbs. Fuuta spent every meal inhaling as much as he could as soon as he could -- and here Amane sat as if she had a perfectly content stomach. Through everything, she maintained her strong gaze and commanding voice.
Fuuta reminded himself she did have a few advantages over him. She still had all her eyes and ribs intact, for one. It was difficult to give someone a convincing stinkeye with only one eye.
While he continued shoveling down his meal, he noticed her separating things on her plate. The meat in the corner went completely untouched. 
The aforementioned treatment had made him irritable -- more irritable than usual, that is -- and he jabbed his utensils at her. “Hey, we talked about this. Eat your fucking meat. I’ve been eating my vegetables, yeah?” Not that he wanted to. He would have eaten just about anything they put in front of him if it kept the gnawing hunger at bay.
“It’s against my beliefs,” she said simply. 
“I thought suicide was, too.”
She raised her chin. “I’ve known plenty who have fasted and become stronger for it. This is nothing drastic.”
Fuuta grit his teeth. He’d witnessed his fair share of internet-goers who acted cruel about another’s religion. He wasn’t about to join them in being some piece of shit who forced her to do something that was against her code. But there was no way he was going to sit around and watch her starve herself, either.
He couldn’t blame Amane for how harshly she’d refused help from the others -- they coddled her, encouraging her with sweet talk, or tried an insufferable stern parental tone. Fuuta wasn’t cut out for any of those methods, anyway. What he did know how to do, however, was make threats. 
Even if Amane didn’t fear death, he knew there was one situation she would do absolutely anything to avoid. 
“Oi, if you get any weaker, Shidou’s gonna step in.” Her frown twitched. “He’s already harassed me and Mahiru about our meals. He saw my hand shake one time and hasn't stopped hounding me about it since. The minute he can tell you’re not eating enough, he’ll be all over you. And let me tell you, you’re not very subtle about it.” 
The final statement came out with more bite than intended. Maybe he was bitter that she was at least more subtle than him. Maybe he thought it was fucked up the way she, too, had grown visibly weaker. Maybe he was just hungry and tired of talking. He attacked another mouthful of food. 
Amane was searching her plate as if the answer could be found there. There was a long silence as she contemplated. Fuuta had thought he’d won until she shook her head. “No. I can’t.”
He rolled his eyes and head in an over dramatic show of exasperation. “So stubborn!”  When he was done chewing, he picked up his plate. “Fine.” He gathered up all that was left, dumping it onto hers with a flick. 
A fire ignited in her gaze. She shoved the dish away. “I’m not some weak child to be pitied.”
“Wha–? It’s not pity!”
“You think I’m weak.”
“I think you’re hungry!”
“You don’t know anything!”
Mikoto passed by, chuckling as they raised their voices. “Look at you two hotheaded kids. Do I need to break it up?”
“Go away!” they chorused.
“Alright, sheesh…” He kept walking, leaving the pair to stew in silence. 
Fuuta didn’t have it in him to fight today. He was tired. He ached all over. If she wasn’t going to appreciate his help, so be it. He was starting to get used to his good intentions being taken the wrong way. It looked like he was just the weak one, after all. He grabbed his empty plate and stood to leave.
“Fuuta.” Amane took a deep breath. “I am hungry.” She gestured for him to come back. Then she moved the meat from her plate onto his.
He eyed the offering, hoping his expression didn’t betray how desperately he wanted to scoff it down. “I’m not some asshole who’s gonna take your food.”
“You’re not taking it. I’m giving it. I would have thrown it out otherwise.” Amane picked up some of the vegetables. “In return, I will eat this. We both must stay strong for the ordeals ahead.”
After a moment of hesitation, Fuuta sat back down. He took a bite. Neither said a proper thank you. Neither needed one.
He glanced to Amane with a smirk. “Good. This way, we’ll both keep that geezer Shidou away.”
It was only for a moment, but for the first time since the second trial began, Fuuta could have sworn her lips slipped into a small smile. 
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oboetemasuka · 9 months
Order of Attack (part 3)
I have returned from disappearance! Wait, I have to report to work? I guess I won't be picking up the pace just yet...
So have part 3 of bad-things-happen-to-Amane! (Previous parts on AO3 here.) I'll want to revise it again before posting it on AO3.
Did I say this was 736 words? Well, now it's 846. Behold the writing juices.
This one is centered on Shidou. I spent so much time trying to figure out his priorities, Mikoto/John's state, medical care that wasn't glaringly inaccurate... Sorry if I still get something wrong.
Amane speaks a little bit.
Cw for canon-typical violence and descriptions of injuries (blood). Let me know if I'm missing a tag.
(Read more)
After Yuno debriefed Shidou on the situation in Fuuta’s cell, Shidou carefully pocketed a pair of scissors and rushed to his own cell. Resources first. Considering Kashiki-kun’s statement, we’re probably looking at several fractures, some likely in the ribs. There will also be a lot of blood. It’s best that I come equipped.
As he passed by Fuuta’s cell, he heard the scuffle inside, more labored than he expected—or maybe it was expected, if it had been going on as long as it took for Yuno and Mahiru to find them.
Shidou cracked open his cell door and reached in just enough to grab the medical kit right next to the door frame. This will have to do for now.
Just then, two yelps rang out in unison, followed by a “Knock it off!”, followed by some breathless swears. Shidou arrived at Fuuta’s cell just as Kotoko stormed out, and they collided. He barely paid her any mind as he entered the cell and she scrambled to her feet in a huff.
The first thing he saw as he pushed open the door was Amane curled up on the ground. Kazui was kneeling over her, folding a pillowcase with uncertainty. At the end of the room was Fuuta, unconscious and bleeding in multiple places. To the side was Mikoto, catching his breath.
“Allow me,” Shidou told Kazui as he knelt down to better assess Amane’s injuries. Several scrapes on her legs, and a few on her face. Her eyelids were barely open, but her left eye tracked Shidou’s movements with a contemptuous glare. Her right eye, bleeding heavily, did not follow suit.
“We’re going to need more hands,” Shidou told Kazui. “Can you get Kashiki-kun and Shiina-kun?”
He pulled out some wound dressings and antiseptic from the kit.
“Won’t you need help with two patients?” Kazui asked. “Or three?” He gestured towards Mikoto, who hadn’t moved since Shidou first entered the room.
“Yes. The sooner we get more hands, the smoother this will go.”
Shidou cleaned the area around Amane’s eye. She winced.
“Besides, we don’t want to risk them getting attacked by Yuzuriha-kun.”
Kazui nodded. “I’ll be quick.” Then he left the room.
Shidou realized too late that he should have asked about Haruka and Muu as well. The last anyone had heard from them, they were making crafts in the warehouse. Though he was concerned with all the attacks going on, he figured that they were outside of Kotoko’s attack pattern. He could just ask Kazui to get them once he returned.
Shidou looked over at Fuuta. Someone ought to stop the bleeding, but he was busy tending to Amane. Could he trust Mikoto? Kayano-kun has been so different lately, but… Even so, an extra hand would be indispensable right now. He wouldn’t pose a threat to the patients, would he?
“Kayano-kun? Could you lend a-” 
Mikoto turned his head just enough to glare with an intensity that Shidou thought he was incapable of.
I hope the others get here soon. Shidou pressed the dressing over Amane’s eye.
“What… are…” Amane rasped.
“I’m making sure the bleeding slows down. I know it hurts, but-”
“Stop,” she said weakly yet forcefully.
“I’m afraid I cannot. You would lose too much blood.”
“It’s only a tr-” Her voice halted as if her air supply was pinched for a moment.
Shidou wrapped gauze around Amane’s head and glanced at Fuuta. How long has Kajiyama-kun been bleeding out like that? Should I have checked on him first? If only I could be in two places at once.
He wondered what was taking Kazui so long. Surely Kazui understood the gravity of the situation. Or… maybe a reasonable amount of time had passed, but the uncertainty of everything slowed time down. Shidou picked up the scissors and started at the oversized sleeves on Amane’s uniform.
After what felt like an eternity, Mikoto broke the silence.
“Where… am I?” Before Shidou could explain, Mikoto’s eyes widened and he let out a panicked gasp. “Why do I hurt all over? Why- Fuuta? Amane? Did we all just get-”
“Slow down, Kayano-kun. If you’re up to the task, I could use a lot of help.”
Mikoto paused and took a breath. “You need my help?”
“Yes. I need you to keep an eye on Amane for me.”
“Are you sure? I think she’s scared of me.”
“Am… not…” Amane responded, fury leaking from her ragged breaths.
“Just make sure she doesn’t get hurt more. I really need to check on Kajiyama-kun.”
Just as Shidou began examining Fuuta’s wounds, the cell door opened.
“Shidou-kun!” Yuno and Mahiru called out. Yuno walked over to his side, while Mahiru knelt beside Mikoto and Amane. Kazui followed in after them.
“Mukuhara-kun. Kashiki-kun. Shiina-kun. Was there a hold-up?”
“I don’t believe so,” Kazui replied. “It only took four minutes to get there and back. Is that not the typical round trip?”
Shidou sighed. It was a small relief that it wasn’t twenty minutes. For all the seconds that counted, he hadn’t lost as many as he feared.
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the-elusive-soleil · 11 months
chase the wind and touch the sky
For @nolofinweanweek day 3: Aredhel
Unlike her brother, Irisse has never had occasion to take flight on the back of an Eagle.
She does not particularly mind, though, for how could that be at all superior to what she has now? She is flying perfectly well like this, bent low over her horse’s neck as they race over the grassy plains. The sky is clear and blue and forever above her, and the land stretches away before her, and the horse’s speed becomes her own, and she is free, free in a way that Turukano can never understand in his walled-up city.
There is laughter, wild and joyous, from behind, and the pounding of hooves, and Tyelkormo comes racing up beside her, keeping perfect pace, his pale braids streaming behind him in the wind. He offers her a carefree grin and a wave, which she returns. A glance to her other side reveals Ambarussa nearly caught up as well.
The ride was perfect already when taken alone, but this is its own kind of perfection.
Later, they will hunt. Later, they will gather around a fire and share food and drink and tales and teasing. Later, they will all curl up in their cloaks around the embers, and rise in the morning to do it all again. It will almost be like they are in Aman again, before darkness and cold and death, before her family scattered to the winds and her brother felt any need to keep her shut up.
Now, there is only flight, swiftness with not one thing tethering her in place.
After minutes or hours, there comes a dark smudge on the horizon, one that slowly resolves into a dark wood. Irisse cannot say how it is different from any of the many other woods she has seen, but it is. Something about it is drawing her in.
She starts to turn her horse towards it, only to be halted by Tyelkormo’s hand on her reins. “Come this way, Irisse,” he says, something foreboding behind his eyes. “There’s nothing good over there. We’ll have better hunting somewhere else.”
She can’t; she has to enter the wood; it’s a simple fact. When she tries to nudge her horse forward, though, Tyelkormo still holds her back. “We can’t take the horses in there,” he says.
That’s solved easily enough. Irisse slides lightly to the ground, relinquishing the bridle to him. “I’ll go on foot, then,” she says. “I’ll see you later.”
He won’t quite meet her eyes. “Namarie, Irisse,” he says, and then he and Ambarussa wheel their horses and are galloping away.
It’s all right; she can still go swiftly on foot. She takes off running through the long grass, and soon comes under the eaves of the wood.
It is dark here, and the trees are closely tangled together, but she is nimble and careful, and for a time can still nearly fly even so. She is not trying to get anywhere in particular, now that she is among the trees; she only moves for the joy of it, of the working of her arms and legs and the panting breaths in her lungs and the wind whipping past her.
The branches come ever closer and closer, but she dodges every one, weaving around this one and ducking under that and...
One catches her shoulder, like the firm grip of a hand, and shakes her slightly, and there is a voice saying to her Echuio! Wake up!
Aredhel awakes, and looks into eyes dark as flint. 
Once he sees that she’s awake, Eol shifts away from her and slides out of the bed. Already, she can feel the tendrils of his will slipping in past her defenses, wrapping around her mind. 
It is fine. It will be fine. He can trap her in this house, he can exert dominion over her body and her waking mind, but he cannot stop her from flying free when she dreams. As long as she has that, she can survive.
She breathes.
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twilightmalachite · 28 days
Timbres of Heaven - One For Two 6
Characters: Hinata, Yuuta
Translator: Mika Enstars
"I’ve always disliked that kind of thing about you."
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Spring
Location: Residential Area
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Yuuta: I’ve always disliked that kind of thing about you.
…It seriously makes me sick.
Hinata: …
…That’s Neiro’s like, isn’t it? From Timbres of Heaven.
Yuuta: Yup. Great that you noticed.
Hinata: I’ve been reading a lot in preparation for filming. I’ve memorized most of the scenes that I’m in already.
But you started talking in such a serious tone, it surprised me. What’s up with you all of a sudden?
Yuuta: You’ve been ungrateful all day, Aniki, so I set off a blast to wake you up.
As you know, while the script for Timbres of Heaven is complete, it’s developments may change depending on the audience response.
If things stay the way they are, Neiro and the heroine will end up together—
Hinata: And depending on my efforts, there might be a future where it’ll be Amane united.
Yuuta: Yup. Or one where Neiro, Amane, and the hero will all three be happy together.
The last one isn’t too realistic, but hey, it’s fiction. I think it’ll be an ending that’ll stick the most with the target audience.
Anyways. How it ends depends on our efforts—
In other words, it’s a match between you and me, Aniki.
Hinata: Right… I feel we’ve just been fighting ever since we entered ES, but…
I’m down for more. Every time we collide, we resonate and grow stronger.
I won’t lose to you, Yuuta-kun.
Yuuta: Right. I won’t lose, either. Right now, I—Neiro has an advantage, after all. Do your best to catch up!
I’ll be waiting for you, Aniki.
Location: Dressing Room
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On the day of shooting of the Twin Wedding Vows MV, Timbres of Heaven’s theme soon. In the dressing room…
Hinata: …Oh, Anzu-san, good work so far today. Are you here to check in on me?
Yup. Today I’m doing the magazine interview and shooting the music video.
It’s a love drama, so it’s stuff like… When was your first love? What kind of love would you like to have? I’m a little tired of only being asked questions like that…
‘Cause I’m married to my work! ☆ Ohohohoho!
You’d answer something like that too, wouldn’t you, Anzu-san? All, “I’ll do the job”~♪
What you have there in your hands are work documents too, aren’t they?
…Wait, what? Bridal magazines… Marriage features…?
…Oh, you received a proposal from a bridal company, so you were reading them for reference?
I-I see~, it is nearly the season for bridal projects, isn’t it?
That spooked me. I started thinking you were gonna get married—
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Hinata: I mean, not like I’d feel upset over that! Not at all! Don’t misunderstand, okay!
…Hm, what? Are you asking what my thoughts on marriage are?
You’re asking me, Anzu-san? …Well, it’s a question you’re asking me as a producer, so it’s fine.
I’ll give you a serious answer, as an idol.
If I get married, would it separate me from Yuuta-kun?
If it does, I can’t imagine it at all. We’ve been together since we were born.
So maybe we could all get together as three, like that one line from the drama.
Even if we wouldn’t be able to register it, I guess it’s fine as long as we live happily.
It might look like a distorted relationship to everyone else, but… Happiness comes in different forms for different people.
And I want to choose a path that’ll end in happiness for both Yuuta-kun and I, whatever it may be.
Yuuta: Hey~, Aniki~. Filming for the MV’s starting~.
Huh? Wait, are you in the middle of something?
Hinata: Nah. We were just chatting.
Yuuta: I wonder how true that is~. ♪
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Hinata: It’s true! Hinata-kun does not lie!
I’ll see you later, Anzu-san.
Yuuta: I’ll be borrowing Aniki, Anzu-san~.
Location: Timbres of Heaven MV Shooting Set
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A couple minutes later…
Hinata: “♪~♪~♪”
Yuuta: “♪~♪~♪”
—Sooo, what were ya talking to Anzu-san about, Aniki?
Hinata: You’re so persistent, Yuuta-kun!
…It seems that she’s considering idols to appear in a bridal project.
And so she asked for my thoughts on marriage to use it as reference. I was just answering her question.
Yuuta: That’s all? You sure she wasn’t using work as a front and trying to probe the topic~?
Hinata: Anzu-san wouldn’t do something like that.
…Her lack of ulterior motives does irritate me, though.
Yuuta: So? What did you answer with, Aniki?
Hinata: That I don’t wanna be separated from you, Yuuta-kun, so I’d like to get together as three.
Yuuta: What? That’s unrealistic. Life isn’t a drama.
Hinata: …Yeah. That’s what I answered Anzu-san tentatively, but…
I want to stay with you, Yuuta-kun.
If I’m made to choose one person, then I choose Yuuta-kun.
Yuuta: Because without you, I’d be all alone?
What is that. Aren’t you smug.
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Yuuta: (It’s you, Aniki. Even though you’re the one who can’t live without me.)
…Enough talking about this. I can’t even imagine getting married.
It’s about time to focus on the filming, you know?
(…This isn’t the time to get distracted, seriously.)
(Even though I’m trying so hard with my solo activities… In the end, only the weapon that is 2wink has landed us big jobs.)
(I’m not recognized by the public yet as an individual idol.)
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Yuuta: (But, that’s to be expected. I’ll use any weapon available to me to pave a path, without becoming rotten.)
(And then… I’ll catch up with, and overtake Aniki… And beckon to him from somewhere warm.)
(“Come here, Hinata-kun.”)
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Hinata: (…Yuuta-kun sure is enthusiastic, huh?)
(It’s clear to me that he’s trying to have his presence be felt through Timbres of Heaven.)
(Twin Wedding Vows was created in a way that it’d fit any ending of Timbres of Heaven, but…)
(Even though it’s a song for the heroine, I feel like I’m singing about ourselves.)
(…Well, if I were to tell Yuuta-kun that right now, he’d probably say something like “that’s gross”, though. ♪)
(Hey, Yuuta-kun. What will happen to us in the future?)
(Will we be always together, even if we find a special someone? Even still…)
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Hinata: (No matter what path we end up taking… I believe we can move forward with our chests held high.)
(Because it’ll be a path we paved together, as Yuuta-kun and I.)
(…I’m sure that our future is shining beautifully.)
[ ☆ ]
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graveyard-darlingg · 3 months
OMG MISA AMANE MENTION REAL!!! I'LL POST PICS FROM THE CONVENTION AS HER SOMEDAY SOON!!! recently i've been trying to finish A Sign Of Affection with my partner and a lot of ghibli movies!! i just finished pom poko which was such a silly movie about these cute shape-shifting raccoons ^^ what have you been watching, i'd love any recs you have!!
the 2v8 sounds cool!!! i'd be so down to play, my next days off are july 10-15 if you're free sometime then ^^ and yesss raiden!! i do absolutely agree w you on that. story-wise, she is so!!! evil!!! but i do absolutely love her design and as a character!! it took me so long to have a decent build on her since artifact farming always takes me FOREVER to get something satisfactory but im pretty happy with her build as it is now ^^ ALSO YES TARTAGLIA RULES
i'm glad to hear you've been alright!! i've been doing great for the most part, just a bit tired with work and all!! i've been taking some time though to make sure im hydrated esp with the hot weather omg... im melting;;; D:
:00 that would be really cool!! what’s a sign of affection about? also!!! i love studio ghibli movies!! do you have a favorite? i’ll have to look into pom poko!! that sounds really interesting.
i would love to play with you on your days off!! and yES. ARTIFACT FARMING IS SO HARD :(( i genuinely wonder how people get so lucky with artifacts bc ive only gotten shitty ones and i’ve been farming for wanderer for MONTHS.
i’m glad you’ve been doing so well, but i’m sorry you’re tired :(( i’m very proud of you for hydrating!! it does get really hot these days unfortunately :(( i’m brining you one of those really powerful ac’s that go in your window !!!
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featheredclover · 2 months
September Rain
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Chapter One
Also on Wattpad
Read from the beginning
>Chapter Two
Her legs stretched out , still aching from the long walk she took. Resting her back against the wall, she looked out of the window.
Well it wasn’t really a window. Five bricks had fallen out and it had become a window for them.
Arnav had then talked about wabisabi, the beauty of imperfections. He talked so much about philosophy, it always made Khushi giggle.
She looked up to see her best friend, lightly drenched.
“Early rains?” She quipped.
“Guess, I was lucky” he shrugged.
Sitting beside her, he reached into his bag.
A fluorescent yellow flyer greeted her eyes.
“NK is throwing a party?!”
“Yes! He feels class 10 will be the turning point for him to become the life of Woodsmith’s underbelly”
“Underbelly?” She laughed.
“Aman agreed to let him do this?”
Arnav smiled with a gleam of a thousand secrets behind him.
“Aman was on board as soon as class 9 was invited”
She gasped, “Who?!”
“Naina Jha”
“Aah, I see. They both are very alike, you know. Quiet, sane and mature”
“Well, Aman believes love works best between similar people”
“Do you?” Khushi held her breath.
He looked at her. A moment too long.
“I don’t know “
“So anyway, if you don’t come to our dorm tomorrow at 7, NK has threatened to hunt you down himself “ he said, amusement clouding his voice.
“Oh, I wouldn’t miss it for the world!” She shook her head.
His hand caught hers, entwining them together.
‘Calm the hell down!’, she screamed in her head as her heart raced.
“I feel like this is the last carefree year we have Khushi, “ Arnav said with a sigh.
A frown creased her forehead.
“You say that every year!”
He stifled a smile.
“Yes, but next year I am applying to be a sub-captain. Only then I’ll have a shot at becoming the head boy in 12th”
“It won’t be that bad, Arnav. No one is as good as you for the post!”
“That’s not true” he pursed his lips.
“Just take it a day at a time, you know we are all with you”
“Thanks Khush,” his eyes held a twinkle.
“For everything “
“Shut up okay!” She pushed his shoulder “I hate when you get all….sentimental “
“Well,somebody's gotta play that role here “
She stuck out her tongue at him.
“You are still set on just being the head of the clubs?” He asked.
“Yup! I have so much on my plate I can’t even think about the captaincy”
She glanced at Arnav.
“I guess, I’ll just have to be satisfied with being the wind beneath your wings”
She sang with a giggle.
Her smile dropped as he stared at her instead of cracking his usual joke.
He looked away with a smile.
“What?” She whispered.
“Nothing” he dismissed, the smile still plastered on his face.
The green roof became visible on the horizon, as Khushi hurried down the pebble filled path.
Her mind was too cloudy to pay attention to the plants as she usually did.
Her embarrassing little crush on Arnav was going to kill her one of these days.
She really didn’t know how or when it began. Who wasn’t fond of their best friend? But she never realised when those feelings tipped over! 
The worst was the dread that he would find out. Things would become awkward. She would lose him.
And that she definitely couldn’t afford.
She turned around to see Dhruv running towards her, his cricket kit slung over his shoulder.
“Well, well! Cricket, tennis, chess! Is there some sport you can’t play, Mr Iyer?” She smiled.
He laughed.
“What can I say Gupta, it’s what keeps me happy” he shrugged.
They walked towards their dorm, the street lamp lighting their path.
“Khushi you know I got selected for being a sub-captain this year”
“Of course “ she smiled warmly.
“Congratulations! Green house is super proud”
“Thanks, K! But I wanted to ask something of you…”
Khushi looked at Dhruv, who seemed hesitant, as he kicked away a pebble .
“Anything Dhruv, just name it!”
“I want you to support me,” 
His eyes wide as he waited for her to respond.
“What? What does that mean?”
“You are part of quite a few clubs, the teachers adore you….and I love to see you cheer for us”
She blushed.
“ I always cheer for the house”
“Yes, but Khushi, everyone will love it if the best of the house is there to cheer me. You know that there are four sub-captains right? If I have to outdo the candidates from the other three, I need crowd support in every match to impress the teachers”
“And you think I will bring the crowd?” She asked bewildered.
He grinned.
“That’s what I find so fascinating about you Khushi”
She gaped at him.
“That you are so unaware of your own power” he chuckled.
“Well…” Khushi paused as she reached the doors of the girl’s dorm.
She smiled, “Of course Dhruv, you can count on me”
Dhruv bowed dramatically.
“Forever grateful Miss Gupta” he winked before sprinting off towards the boy’s dorm.
Tagging: @arshifiesta
Next chapter>>
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fuutakaijyama · 1 year
Amane Momose x Reader (STRICTLY PLATONIC)
description l There's a girl in your neighborhood who you met purely by chance, now you bond over a cat.
includes : Platonic relationship, sibling dynamics, fluff, chance meet, animal care, rainy days, sick/comfort.
There was a kitty you would often find between a pile of old thrown out furniture, you placed him on the chair amongst the rubble, bringing him food and water when you could, moving around the rubbish to keep him protected from the heavy rain that often fell.
Today was no different, at the very least it wasn't supposed to be, there was a younger girl crouched in front of the chair, a large handkerchief in her hand as she wrapped it around the cat. You slowly approached the chair, crouching next to her as you opened the small can of cat food you had brought. The grueling December rain and cold was always harsh, especially for animals.
“He’s a sweet little fella huh?” You said as you brought the can of cat food towards the small creature, watching him slowly eat out of the tin. The girl was silent for a second as she finished tying the handkerchief around its leg, “Daddy doesn't like him, but I think he's okay..” She smiled softly, happy that the cat was receiving some kind of affection and help, you hummed watching her stroke the cat's head carefully.
You looked at the small girl's uniform, the clear umbrella she held onto with her life, the small hat she wore. And the large hardcase backpack you would lug around in your elementary school years.
“So I take it you're in elementary school?”
You smiled, watching her pet the cat, she stopped looking back at you, opening her mouth to say something, her mouth agape before she sneezed. You took your handkerchief to her face carefully wiping the snot from her upper lip as you ruffled her bangs. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
She nodded, grabbing onto her umbrella tighter as she looked up at you, “Are you a high schooler..?” She tilted her head slightly as she questioned you “Yep! I go to the highschool down the street, I’ve seen you around there too, do you go to their elementary school?” She nodded intently, getting up off of her knees as she dusted off her leg warmers. She looked back up at you, a glint of happiness in her eyes, “Do you take care of him often?”
She asked as she began to talk towards the house complex down the street, you followed suit right next to her as she slowly waddled down the street with you. “Yeah, I do my best to take care of him. I'm glad you help too, it's really sweet of you to help him.” She raised a brow, looking at you with a puzzled expression. “Him..? I thought it was a girl..?” She asked looking up at you, she didn't exactly seem stunned but she seemed surprised. “Yeah, it's a boy, I wish it was a girl though~”
You chirped, throwing your umbrella back and forth in your hand as the rain flew everywhere. Amane took notice of your behavior, being careful not to get splashed as you continued making your way down the street, soon enough you stopped in front of a small apartment. You took note of the apartment number, 403.
“By the way, what's your name?” She asked as she began rummaging through the large hard cases backpack, and the umbrella leaned against the brick wall. “It’s [Name], what's yours?”
She responded without looking up from the backpack, her arm almost shoulders deep into it, “Amane, Momose Amane, it's nice to meet you [Name].” She said as she pulled out the silver key from her bag as she smiled, unlocking the door and grabbing the umbrella. “I’ll see you later.”
She waved you off as she closed the door behind her. You smiled, waving back at her with a smile on your face. “Bye-bye Amane!~”
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canonjoshua · 6 months
Please choose between Valkenhayn or Rachel for the ask game :3
send me a character and i’ll list: Rachel Alucard
favorite thing about them: Hands down, her design. Like, the huge black and red dress with a cross motive for a vampire? hell yeah
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least favorite thing about them: Being too mean to Ragna sometimes. Like, I get it's part of her bit, but sometimes it really slips over into being infuriating when she gives him shit for stuff out of his control / things he really isn't at fault for.
favorite line: Yes, from now on my name shall be Rach-HELL, queen of the underworld.
brOTP: Her and Amane. The few interactions they had in CP and CF were fun. Let them be observer buddies and trashtalk people from a distance. Also, for a crossgames one, I can see her and Slayer being great buddies.
OTP: Until Rachel can learn to see anyone on the same level as herself I do not see her getting into any relationships anytime soon.
nOTP: I've seen some pair her with platinum and carl because she also looks young and that's a Hard No.
random headcanon: There have been several timeloops where she decided to just say fuck it and start doing silly shit.
unpopular opinion: I think Rachel should not have "won" the Ragnabowl at the end of central fiction. I can definitely see them start to get along in a vitrolic best buddies sort of way, but I do not see them get romantic in any sort of way. Sorry Mori.
song i associate with them: White Requiem because it's the first battle theme you ever hear in CT when fighting her.
favorite picture of them:
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This one gallery pic of them is really cute. I kinda wish we had gotten a scene like this in the main story at some point.
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