#I wonder how Albert would react to this...
cawcawkarasu · 1 year
Role Playing
“Hey Fred, do you-” Whatever it was, Moran stopped at the sighting of William and Louis in Fred’s room. “What are you guys doing here?”
Louis looked like he was caught in doing some crime, but William’s signature smile washed his doubts away. “Moran, what perfect timing, may I bother you to call brother Albert here?”
Moran raised an eyebrow, a hint of disbelief, but obeyed without questions in the end.
After he left, Louis whispered, “Do you think the trick works, Bonde?”
“Don't worry, Fred.” Bonde, who had just finished taking off William's disguise, winked, “We did just fine.”
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bahablastplz · 6 days
All in | Chapter 15
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pairing: Lee Felix x f!reader (mafia au)
summary: You didn't know what you were getting yourself into when you started dating Yang Jungwon, notorious mafia boss. Your life gets flipped upside down when you're found beaten and bloody by SKZ, the rival mafia group, and you're quickly integrated into their lives. What will happen when you try to leave your old life behind and start anew?
chapter summary: Chan has thought up a punishment for you that doesn't really help your mental state; someone thinks of a plan to help.
chapter warnings: smut! unprotected sex
warnings: please see series masterlist for all warnings.
series masterlist ~~ series taglist ~~ main masterlist
Beep, beep, beep, beep. Click! 
That’s the sound you get accustomed to a few times throughout the day. It’s Chan, unlocking the door to let himself in. Every time he brings in a tray of food for the two of you to eat, and most of the time you pick at it but you can’t find too much of an appetite. 
The first few times, you don’t talk to Chan at all. You’re completely silent, looking out at the forest through the barred window. Occasionally you would watch his mannerisms or react when he moves something a little bit too loud. Other than that, you make it a point not to speak at all. That’s how it started, at least. 
Each time a few hours pass in total isolation, you slowly become more and more stir crazy. Mostly, you look out the window. Sometimes, you do situps and pushups or practice the self-defense exercises that Changbin and Felix had taught you until exhaustion. You take a few naps. You take a shower. You finish the latest book that Hyunjin let you borrow. Chan visits you for dinner. You do not speak with him, eat your meal in silence, and watch as he leaves. You go to sleep for the night with an empty, hollow and rotting sensation in your chest that you have never experienced before. It might be anger directed towards Chan, but also an empty feeling knowing that you are unable to see Felix, who is in the same house as you. You wonder if he feels the same as you right now. 
Beep, beep, beep, beep. Click! 
You wake up to the sound of Chan unlocking your door in the morning with breakfast. You break your silent treatment, finally, though probably more out of boredom than anything else. You only respond to his small talk, tell him that the food is alright. 
The longer increments of time that would pass, the more anger you would find bubbling in your chest. 
“Do you really expect to keep me locked here forever?” you snap at one point. You have just finished rereading The Stranger by Albert Camus for the third time. “You know that’s how people start to lose their minds? Is that what this is? A torture device? Or is it still a sick, twisted ploy to get me to fall in love with you?” you walk around the room, pacing. Your hands are strung through your hair haphazardly as you let out a laugh. “Some sort of Stockholm syndrome to the extreme? You already fucking tried that, Chan! I’m stuck in this house with you, I can’t leave, and it didn’t work. What is your plan here?”
He blinks at you, sitting on your bed and crossing his arms across his chest. “I don’t know.” 
“You… you don’t know?” 
He chuckles and you feel your blood begin to boil. “Well, I mean, I don’t know how long I plan to keep you here. At least until the Heeseung drama boils down. Until I feel confident that Felix is just as broken down about this as you are? I mean, it’s the point of a punishment, yeah?” He runs his fingers through his hair and lets out a sigh. “Obviously I know you aren’t going to fall in love with me right now, not like this, yeah? But the thought of you and Felix, it’s so wrong, y’know? So I gotta nip it in the bud.” 
You blink away a tear but wipe it away quicker than he can see. You won’t give him the satisfaction of letting him see you cry. 
“I hate you,” you spit. When Chan stands, he closes the distance between the two of you. He swipes a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“You might want to watch your mouth for now, especially when you’re the one who’s not in control,” he coos. “If you want to start getting your privileges back, you might want to consider upping the sweet talk.” He leaves as a chill racks through your body and the door slams shut, lock clicking into place behind him. 
You’re not quite sure about *sweet talking*, per say, but you suppose you could calm it down with Chan for now in order to get things back to the way they were. It’s really hard, with the way your anger bubbles every time he enters the room, every additional hour that passes. You start to feel delirious, depressed with nothing much to do, sleeping far too much and eating far too little. 
The flowers start to wilt. 
The flowers that Chan had given you for your date. You don’t even know how long ago that was at this point, feeling a bit too disoriented. You watch over days as the petals start to turn brown, curling up into themselves and falling to the floor. It’s only once every flower has finally turned to black that you convince Chan to let you leave your room. 
It’s only to Hyunjin’s room that he lets you go at first. He supervises your visit. You sit on the corner of Hyunjin’s bed and you sit and talk, nodding politely when he speaks. He updates you on Seungmin’s condition, shows you his newest painting (which is stunning beyond belief), and talks about his latest venture to the bookstore. It’s more than he’s ever talked to you at once, and you’re sure he’s doing it because he knows the effects that the isolation has had on your head, but you appreciate it more than he could ever imagine. 
Chan checks his wrist watch, clearing his throat. He tells you it’s almost time for you to go and you can’t help the panicked feeling that bubbles in your chest. You know that Hyunjin notices it too, the frantic look in your eye as you look to him for help, but there’s nothing he can do about it. You wonder if he and Chan got into a disagreement about it, if anybody besides Felix had the gall to stand up to him about your circumstance but it’s unlikely. 
As Chan guides you out, Hyunjin remembers something, handing you a new book as if it were an afterthought. A brand new copy of Wuthering Heights is placed into your hands. 
“I think you’ll really like this one,” Hyunjin muses. “I hope we get a chance to talk about it soon. I purchased this at that bookstore I was telling you about. Let me take you there one day, okay?” 
You smile at him. A true, genuine, smile before Chan takes you back to your room for dinner. Feeling a little more hopeful, you eat more than usual and talk to him more than yesterday. You think he’s expecting you to thank him. You don’t. He wishes you a good evening before he locks you in your room for the evening. 
Something about Hyunjin’s words had struck you as odd. “I hope we get to talk about it soon.” Since you moved in and Hyunjin had started giving you new books to read, although he was always very sure of himself in his choices, you had never really talked about your choices. Even today during your conversation you didn’t talk about Albert Camus’ The Stranger, which you had read a whopping four times since your isolation.
This is why you’re not as surprised when you open the book and you find a note, wedged neatly between page eight and page nine. It’s not Hyunjin’s handwriting, but Felix’s. You can’t help it when your heart picks up and beats against your chest, a smile against your face despite yourself. 
‘Dear Sunshine,
I am so sorry for everything. Each day that I have not been able to see you and that I have known that you have been behind those doors has been Hell for me, as I’m sure they’ve been Hell for you as well. Let me take you far, far, away from this place if you would let me.
If you will take me, if you want this as much as I do, let us leave tonight. Leave your bathroom light on tonight and I will know that it will be okay for us to make our escape. 
Love, LF.’ 
Are you really reading this correctly? 
It was the first night here that Chan took off his belt and whipped you with it just for leaving when he told you not to leave. What would the punishment be if you and Felix were caught? You knew the answer, and you found yourself grimacing as you thought about it. If Chan found out that you and Felix had escaped—and you had a very, very short window of time before he came looking for you, until breakfast tomorrow—he would surely kill the two of you in cold blood.
Felix, was he really to risk it all for you? No questions asked? You knew you were. 
Turning off all lights in your room, leaving just your bathroom light on for the signal and to light up your path, you get ready. You throw on some clothes, a pair of thick socks and a pair of sneakers, athletic pants and a t-shirt underneath a hoodie. You try to dress both light-weight but also warm, easy for mobility in case you have to do some running. And you take a quick nap, since it’s still light out and you’re sure that the plan won’t take place until after nightfall and you should probably be well-rested. 
You’re right. You wake up a few hours later and it’s dark outside. Felix still hasn’t shown yet. You sit right by your door and wait for him. You wait and wait and wait, your heart beating so heavily out of your chest it might explode. You literally have to calm yourself down with breathing exercises several times because you find yourself so worked up. You can’t help it–you’re so nervous about seeing him again, and about the escape, about his plans, though you’re sure he has something planned out. 
After some time has passed, you almost wonder if maybe he isn’t going to show, but you laugh at that thought. It’s Felix. Of course he’s going to show. You have never met someone more true to his word and dedicated. You just hope that everything is going according to plan. And sure enough?
Beep, beep, beep, beep. Click! 
Light from the hallway spills into your room, encasing the darkness that surrounded you. When you jump to your feet, Felix pulls you in for a very chaste kiss. His name spills silently from your lips and you see him smile before grabbing your hand, pulling you into a silent run down the hallway. You can already tell that there is going to be a long night ahead of you, though you’re relieved when Felix leads you to a mundane car, a dark mini-van, and you can’t help but think thank god we aren’t literally running away. 
You hurriedly get into the passenger seat, Felix the driver’s seat, and the two of you drive away. You watch as the house gets smaller and smaller in the rearview mirror behind you until it completely disappears, and most of your anxiety along with it. 
“You came for me.” you say finally. 
“Of course I did,” Felix says, his voice soft. “I just had to work out the logistics. I’m so so incredibly sorry it took me that long. I hope you can forgive me.” 
“It’s really happening?” you ask him. “We’re really leaving?” 
Felix only smiles. “I did everything I could. I was even able to get your sister out of your house, I sent her somewhere safe where Chan can’t find her to retaliate.”
“Thank you, Felix,” you say, breathing out a sigh of relief. “Really, really, thank you.” 
He reaches over the center console and grabs your hand, bringing it to his face to kiss along your knuckles. 
“You have no need to thank me. This is my escape too. In reality, I owe you just as much.” Your heart squeezes at his words. You don’t really understand the weight behind his words but you hope that he will open up to you about them one day. About his past and his history with Chan. You stare at Felix, at the way the passing headlights illuminate his face and accentuate his features, and you just sit there and watch and watch, drinking him in and hoping that you will never have to let him go again. 
─ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──── ♡ ─── ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ──
You’re expecting to arrive at some sort of hotel/motel, similar to the one you and Felix had shared after the night at the gala. What you weren’t expecting was an apartment building, at least ten stories tall in the middle of a city a few hours away. 
Felix parks the car, a protective hand around your waist the whole walk to the building. He holds you so close you find it almost difficult to walk. The elevator takes you up to the eighth floor, where Felix leads you down the hall. The building looks well-kept, maintained inside, contrasting from its run-down exterior. 
Felix leans over the door, typing a code into the keypad. It swings open revealing a large furnished studio apartment. 
“This place looks really nice,” you admit. “It is a step-up from the motel. How did you…” 
“Chan isn’t the only one that has his connections,” Felix says, sighing as he throws a backpack down next to him. He closed the door behind him, locking it. He walks around the apartment several times, making sure that every window is locked and secure as well. “It’s safe here. We should be able to stay here for a few days before we need to pick up again. But this place is completely alarmed and equipped with security codes. He won’t find us here, okay?” 
“Okay,” you nod. You really do trust him. You feel safe. 
“The password for the front door is 0325,” Felix tells you. You don’t know why that action alone makes you want to tear up. You’re not a prisoner anymore. You’re really free. 
“Thank you,” you tell him, shucking your hoodie off of your body. You don’t miss the way his eyes rack over your frame at the way your shirt picks up slightly. How does he still manage to make you blush? “How did you get the code for my door?” you ask him. You had been wondering about it for a while, as there was no way that Chan had given it to him. 
“Hyunjin told me,” Felix discloses. “He was the only other person besides Chan that knew the code, in case of an emergency or if Chan was away and he needed to give you food.” 
“He was the only one?” you ask. “But that means… Won’t Chan know that Hyunjin…” 
“Hyunjin has already come to terms with things,” Felix says remorsefully. “I didn’t want it to go down like this either, but Hyunjin really was willing to make a sacrifice for you. For both of us. Nothing horrible is going to happen–he isn’t going to be killed, but I’m sure the punishment will be brutal.” 
You shake your head, unwilling to believe his words. “I can’t believe Hyunjin would do that for us. I really thought he was loyal to Chan.” 
“At the end of the day there must have been something he found more important to put his trust in,” he smiles. “I think he realized how bad your mental state was after spending over a week in that room.” 
“It was over a week?” you nearly cry. Felix holds you tight to his chest. You don’t cry–you’ve already come to terms with what has happened. When you pull apart, you look into his eyes and find that he has tears of his own that have started to build up. Now that is something that you had not anticipated. 
“I’m sorry–” he starts to say, but you crash your lips into his instead. Your hands pull into his hair and you push your body into his, do anything you can to get your body as inhumanly close to his as possible, so that you can feel every touch of his skin against yours. 
Felix’s hands wander underneath your hoodie, tugging off the material and throwing it to the floor in a desperate show. His hands roam your body, his lips never once leaving your skin. This time he makes it a show to suck a mark into any available surface, licking and sucking dark purples and pinks into your neck, collarbones, shoulders, breasts–any area of skin that was once pristine now has Felix’s claim on it. 
“You’re mine, do you understand? You’re mine and I’m yours.” 
“Yes, Felix, yes,” you agree, letting him push you back against the bed. He towers over you for a second, dropping to his knees onto the floor so that he can pull off the material of your pants. You lift your hips, allowing him to. You push your thighs together, utterly exposed in front of him but also so aroused by his stare and he grabs your thighs, pushing them apart. 
“Beautiful,” he comments. You throw an arm over your face, embarrassed by his comment. “Don’t hide from me, angel,” he says, kissing the insides of your thighs. “You’re mine, right? Can I compliment what’s mine? You’re not going to hide away what’s mine, hmm?” When you don’t immediately answer him, your chest rising and falling rapidly from his words, you feel a slight pinch come from inside your thigh. You look down at his mischievous face to realize he has just lightly slapped your inner thigh to get a response. 
“N-no, Felix,” you moan. 
“No, what?” he teases, his mouth going higher and higher still, his breath right above your center but waiting. 
“No, I’m not going to hide from you. Yes, you can compliment me,” you reply.
“Fuck, that’s my girl,” he groans. “Prove it, then. Open those legs wide for me.” And you do. You spread your legs as far as they would go and Felix rewards you by immediately diving in, his tongue lapping at your clit like a man starved. As much as your thighs tremble and shake and threaten to close, you don’t let them. Your eyes stay on Felix, and his eyes on yours. 
Suddenly, Felix pulls away with a pop. 
He climbs onto the bed and lays down, leaving you utterly confused before he grabs you by the waist, manhandling you effortlessly by the waist onto his face. 
“Felix, what are you doing?” 
“I want you to sit on my face,” he responds, his hands caressing your thighs as if trying to coax you down to properly take your seat. 
“Are you sure? I–”
“Please, just, use me. Make yourself cum, and then I’ll fuck you open on my cock.” You can’t deny how appealing his words sound, and he had already worked you up just seconds ago so you can’t find the resolve to protest much longer. Eagerly, you sit. His tongue prods your entrance, pushing in as far as it will go. You rock yourself back and forth on his face, your clit occasionally catching on his nose, and you find Felix’s hands taking place on your ass to help you find your pace. 
Once you build up a rhythm you ride him in earnest, like nothing matters but him beneath you right now and your climax building up. He knows you’re close when he feels your thighs clench tighter around your head and your back starts to arch back, and your noises have become louder. You do exactly what he told you to do–you use him for your pleasure until you’re having one of the longest, most drawn-out orgasms of your life. 
When you finally crawl off of him, Felix wastes no time before flipping your positions, making your stomach turn with butterflies. He pulls his pants off in one swift motion and you take a moment to look at him in awe, to really just appreciate him and his beautifully toned body despite seeing it a few times before. 
You watch as he strokes his cock a few times, his eyes fixated on your pussy. He pushes forward, and just to tease–intentionally catches the head of it on your overstimulated clit, causing you to cry out. 
“Felix!” your hips buck up, your legs wrap around him, doing anything you can just to get him to enter you properly. 
“Do you want me that bad?” he asks with a smile, his voice a low timbre in your ear. 
“Yes, Felix, stop fucking teasing me, you know I want you–” and with that, he pushes right into you, fully sheathing himself in one thrust. Your hands come up to push crescent fingernail indents into his shoulders, just to ground yourself from the overwhelming sensation. 
Felix wastes no time before fucking you like he really means it, his hips pulling out to meet yours flush each time. The way his hips roll in a fluid motion into yours has you crying out, wrapping your legs around him. 
“Fuck, you’re clenching me so tight,” he pants. “I’m going to cum soon, baby. Where do you want it?” 
You wrap your legs even tighter around him. 
His hand snakes up to your neck, just placing it there, not even squeezing but it still causes you to cry out with a moan that is borderline pornagraphic. 
“You’re being so dirty, baby. Are you trying to tell me something? You want me to cum inside? Because you’re going to have you use your words to tell me that or else it’s not gonna happen,” he grins. 
His hips snap into yours so hard it’s almost bruising, but you’re so close to your second orgasm that you think you could fall over the edge any second. 
“FELIX,” you finally cry out. You’re sure the scratches you’re leaving into his back are going to leave marks, if not bleed. 
“Fuck, you gotta tell me now.” 
“Inside! Inside! I want you to cum inside, fuck, I love you Felix, please!” you sob. 
He kisses you. Rather, his lips smash into yours so hard you’re not sure what is happening, but you’re cumming so hard it’s blinding. You can feel him still as he fills you up with warm ropes of his cum. 
When you both finally come down, Felix flops beside you and you immediately curl into his chest. He embraces you, his hands stroking unknown symbols into your skin. 
“Did you mean it?” he finally asks. 
You don’t have to ask what he’s referring to. “Yes,” you reply. “I think I’ve known it for a long time.”
“I love you, too.” Felix tells you, grabbing your chin so that he can press another kiss into your lips. “You mean the world to me.” 
That night, Felix looks around the apartment again, making sure that everything is in its place. When you see that there is both a couch and a bed, you make a joke about sleeping on the couch that causes him to quite literally pick you up and throw you into bed with him. You fall asleep like that, intertwined in his arms, not worried about accidentally getting caught and what the consequences might be tomorrow. 
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You toss and turn. Images plague your mind. A guilt-ridden feeling plagues your gut. 
Minho, who gets anxiety on missions, who wanted to get away from his family and the life of crime from his childhood, but couldn’t let Jisung go alone for fear of what Chan would do to him.
Changbin, who has only wanted to protect his family, but instead Chan has held that over his head.
Hyunjin, who didn’t really know how to find himself after being told who to be, who didn’t know what to do with his life, exploited by Chan. 
Jisung, who has never had anybody tell him that he is good for more than shooting things and a life of violent crime, and had Chan take advantage of that. 
Seungmin, who had only one dream and had it taken away through an injury, was falsely promised by Chan that one day he could get the surgery and recover to play baseball again. 
Jeongin, who turned to a life of crime but was told he could have the money to go to fashion school, all if he would become Chan’s lackey. 
Even Felix, who you’re sure has been through something just as horrible, though he hasn’t told you yet… 
At the end of the day, there’s one common factor in all of this evil. 
You know that you can’t stay here and live a fantasy life, where you get to escape and be free while the rest of them are trapped there and still living in a nightmare. At the end of the day, you have started to develop close relationships with each and every one of them, and you can’t bring yourself to think more about the horrors that Chan continues to inflict on them each day while you get to run away with Felix. 
Picking up Felix’s arm, you kiss him on the head. You feel very remorseful for what you’re about to do, for the amount of mental anguish you are probably about to put him in when everything was finally going to go your way. You wish you could have relished in this a little bit longer. 
Opening up the bedside table, you grab Felix’s car keys and his gun. 
This has to end, and it has to end now. 
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a/n: we're getting close to the end! two main chapters and two mini chapters left!! sorry for the delay today guys, I only had this chapter half written i wrote the rest in a coffee shop lol <3
taglist: @shuporanporang ; @purp13st4r ; @eurydiceofterabithia ; @heartsbyandra ; @thicccurls ;
@rylea08 ; @the-sweetest-rose ; @oddracha ; @kapelover ; @goldenmellow ;
@zerefdragn33l ; @uhh-awkward-rightt ; @astudyoftimeywimeystuff ; @kaleigh-2002 ; @thatonexcgirl ;
@mindfreecreator ; @linoalwaysknows ; @velvetmoonlght ; @minahaeyo ; @crystalchuuu ;
@hash2013 ; @skzswife ; @b0bbl3s ; @thecutiepieme ; @bear8585 ;
@moss-the-man ; @softkisshyunjin ; @sylveonitesworld ; @m00njinnie ; @nicoleparadas ;
@starsofasteria ; @klopez01 ; @luvlinos ; @hyunjinnnnnnnnnnnnnn ; @skz-akira ;
@boi-bi-ahaha ; @l33bang24 ; @hermione640 ; @gal82 ; @b-chansbbygirl ;
@kayleefriedchicken ; @notsojourni ; @hogwartslife64 ; @stilltrynafuckingtumble ; @ellelabelle ;
@melleus ; @hyun-bun ; @luminouskalopsia ; @leftovercigarettes ; @sabrina-gal-kpop
@ghostedgameplays ; @wealwayskeepfighting ; @meloncremesoda ; @Lovelino23 ; @honeyybbuubblleess ;
@blossominghunnie ; @sunlitangel777 ; @kkamismom12 ; @slaykanejvetsi ; @eastleighsblog ;
@skzskzskzskzskzskzskzzzz ; @k-keya ; @moonlight-sunrise-channie ; @estella-novella ;
@mbioooo0000 ; @lovemepie67 ; @lemonn015 ; @jaeminie-cricket ; @cookiesandcreammy ;
@jchotch726 ; @cookielixie ; @xxeiraxx ; @chuuyaobsessed ; @anime-addictot8 ;
@raspberrii ; @holdontoitwhileitlasts ; @korthbum ; @nxtt2-u ; @drinkingrumandcocacola ;
@changbokkii ; @1810cl ; @sillyhal
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aliidarling · 2 months
first time requesting 😋😋
But i went through all your danny ones bro please i luv how crazy you make him.
I would like a wesker one, smuttiest thing you could think of 😫🙏🙏 Yk how sable has the new swimsuit cosmetic? Basically Mc/reader? (idk how you would describe) Runs into wesker in their cute bathing suit 😼 pls abd thanks for being my source of entertainment at 5 am
HAHAH thank you so muchhh!!! i try to make danny as canon-like as i can :)) ive never done wesker before but i can just for u😝
i’m not very educated on wesker lore, i’ve only played re2,3,4,6,& 7 which is basically the games without him 💀 so excuse me if i don’t write him that well! but i love dbd/stars wesker 🤗
the beach
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ALBERT WESKER x fem!reader
nsfw content — pls scroll if uncomfortable!!
summary; you’re spawned into the trial wearing a cute swimsuit and albert likes it veryyy much!
warnings; pervy wesker, dub con kinda, fingering, mean weaker, male masturbation, fist fucking, no penetration but he cums on your pussy :3
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from the moment you spawned into the trial, you felt the cold air brush against parts of your body it should not be available to. why could you feel the wind blowing against your ass? this had to be some sick joke.
it was like the entity was laughing at you. you looked down at your body to be met with the sight of a cute little bikini— a pink plaid set with strawberries littered over the two thin piece of clothing. the tiny straps holding up the bikini were flimsy and tied into little bows at each side of your hips with two matching ones at your shoulders.
this couldn’t get any worse, you thought.
you were thankful to spawn alongside your fellow girlfriends, feng-min, yui, and claire. all their eyes immediately cast to your outfit, feng-mins cheeks going pink as she gasped softly.
“oh! you must be so cold—“ she says immediately, scooting closer to shamelessly ogle your breasts. you blush and push her away with a playful grumble.
“let’s just get started on those generators..”
you all find the nearest generator and quickly get to work, fingers fiddling with the wires. a few times you accidentally get sparked by it but never bad enough that it causes an explosion. you’re on your highest alert, hoping the killer is one of those mindless monsters instead of the human ones, like ghostface or the legion. the mastermind probably wouldn’t even bat an eye at you, he’s so stuck up his own ass he probably isn’t even into others.
after a short minute of you all working together, the generator finally pops and the bright light begins to shine, alerting the killer of your location. it doesn’t even take five seconds for the chase music to begin, the loud heart beat taunting you.
it was as if the entity was making fun of you today, bullying you relentlessly. you wondered if she was sitting in the clouds eating popcorn, giggling at your facial expression dropping once you saw the mastermind scanning his surroundings.
once his eyes set on you, you immediately yelled at the girls to run and work on the other generators. you’ll loop him for as long as you can, you told them. you don’t have much time to react before the blonde man lunges at you harshly from afar, missing you by a few inches. you rush off to the side and break out into a sprint towards a jungle gym.
“don’t waste my time, deary. you’re wearing a slutty swim suit, you think you’ll last before it gets caught on a twig?” he mocks, his deep voice making you shiver. you hug yourself at his words, scowling as you run around a pallet with him, trying to greed the pallet.
“don’t be a pervert!” you scold, running pass the pallet to trick him, only to double back and drop it on his face last second once he’s standing close enough. a guttural groan is heard from him as he stumbles back, his sunglasses falling off his face. he glares at you.
the few seconds he’s caught off guard your eyes graze over his figure, admiring his rare outfit. it was a uniform of some sort, blue button up with a tactical vest and black slacks. his sleeves were cuffed and tugged up to the crook of his elbow, showing his veiny fore arms and expensive looking wrist watch. you could bet it had a dozen cracks on it by now.
“you haven’t gotten laid in what, months? years? no wonder you’re so uptight!” you yell. “maybe some pussy would do you a favor!” you shriek, still feeling a little offended over his comment on how slutty you looked. as if you had a choice wearing this!
“you’ll regret those words.” he hisses, lunging towards you and managing to grasp ahold of your body, throwing you over his shoulder roughly. you squeal, thrashing around as he starts to lead you to the secluded basement. great, you had really pissed him off.
you’re caught by surprise when he throws you onto the cold floor without any care, a small yelp leaving your throat as you try to stand up. he immediately pushes down on your back with his foot, crushing you into the floor. he grinds his boot into your soft skin, admiring how much of your body was revealed by the flimsy bikini.
“did you anger the entity, darling? no wonder she cursed you with such a scandalous outfit, your frustrating personality must of done what it always does.” he mocks, feeling his pants tighten at the sight of you on the floor under his boot, your pretty skin dirty.
“oh, fuck you! you’re so god damn annoying i swear to—“ you start, getting interrupted when you suddenly feel his boot shove itself between your thighs, rubbing down against your bikini bottom. you squeak, your body jolting at the unexpected friction.
“what? what’s wrong?” he coo’d, a cocky grin on his stupidly handsome face, his sunglasses hiding his eyes. he grinds his boot against your clothed pussy, relishing in the noises you suppressed. he could hear the small gasp leaving your system.
“you pervert, get your boot off my..” you whimper, voice cracking. you blink in surprise as he kneels down behind you, admiring your body from his angle. your butt was pretty much in his face, in your hands and knees. you gulped hard, feeling humiliated. and slightly aroused.
“what? what’d you say?” he tchs, large fingers tugging at the straps that hold your bikini together, the little bow threatening to give out. one little pull of his fingers and your bare butt and pussy would be on display for him.
soon enough he pulls on the thin strap and it falls off your hips, discarding onto the floor. you gasp as the cold air brushes against you, clenching down subconsciously.
“i hate you.” you whimper, pouting as he runs his fingers over your glistening pussy, his other rustling within his clothes. you heard wrinkling and the unzipping of his slacks.
he pulls his half hard-on out, pre cum dripping off the firm tip. he was extremely turned on by the sight of you bent over with your butt in the air line a dog, pouty lips and flushed cheeks. you looked so adorable.
“shut your lips and stay quiet. i can’t have anyone seeing me with you.” he spits out your name like you were a disgrace to be upon his tongue and you can’t help but feel a little offended. you weren’t that bad of a person!
“what is that supposed to mean?!” you gawk at him, pressing your lips together once he swats at your butt, silencing you. you go back to looking down at the basement floor as he smoothly slides two of his glove-clad fingers into your hole, watching how you take him in perfectly. it was a small squeeze but he manages, his other hand wrapping around his cock to lazily pump.
the precum drips down his cock onto his hand, a husky moan leaving his throat as his head leans back, bathing in the pleasure of the little fantasy he has in his head— fucking your tight pussy. but he knows he can’t achieve that, not here, that is. maybe another day. and he didn’t want you to know how damn desperate he was to be inside you, rutting against your butt like a’ animal in heat. he’d rather die then let you see him in such a submissive and vulnerable state, pussy drunk.
“cum for me, dearest.” he rasps, fingering you harder and deeper in attempts to push you over the edge. your orgasm takes you by surprise as he grinds hard against a very deep part of you, making you bite down to conceal your shriveled up scream. white flashes in your eye sight and you go limp, face down with your ass hanging in the air, cum dripping down your soft thighs and onto the cold concrete floor.
he pulls away with a gasp, focusing on fisting his cock now. he clenches his fist and slides it up and down at a rough pace, low deep noises leaving his throat. he positions his head right at your entrance, giving himself a few last pumps. he shoots out his load— aiming for your pretty hole, mixing his fluids with yours.
“ooh, that’s a pretty sight, doll.” he croons, panting. he fixes up his pants, watching how you lay on the floor like a dumb puppy, catching your own breath after that hard fingering he gave you.
“don’t be pathetic, dear. i didn’t even go that hard.” he scoffs, standing up to his full height, towering over you. he gives you a nasty stink eye before walking off, leaving you in your glory on the ground with your bikini by your side.
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jokeringcutio · 1 year
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Fandom: Black Phone 2022
Pairing: The Grabber/ Albert Shaw x Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+)
Warnings: Kidnapping, Dark!, Non-con/Dub-con, Forced!Blowjob, Smut, Insomnia!Reader, Kidnapped!Reader, Victim!Reader. Implied age gap/ older man/younger woman, somnophilia, use of Little/good Girl.
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AN: for @ninakuli How would the Grabber react if the reader couldn’t get to sleep? Well, this might be one of the ways.
“Can’t sleep?”
The rough voice made you look up from your position lying on the moldy mattress. You wondered how anyone could sleep here. A stranger’s house, a damp basement, an unknown environment. The walls were bare except for the painting peeling down. The tiny barred window that let in the only light, whether it was day or night because of the lamp that hung in front of it, was up too high. The walls absorbed any sound. It was a prison made with hellish barriers.
And then there was that stranger who came watching. You never knew when he would be down here. Never knew what he would do next. It had you on edge. How could anyone ever sleep when he was around?
So far, he’d mostly been down to watch you, talk to you, work on your mind until his words confused you and you started to believe you’d ended up here all because of your own doing. That you deserved being here.
But there had been that one time when you had pretended to have been asleep, eyes closed, in hopes he would become bored and turn away. But instead of leaving, you had heard his breathing deepen. And then you had felt his hand between your thighs, fingers pressing deep into your clothed skin until one finger curled against your covered cunt. You could still feel his fingertip press against your sensitive bud. The touch hadn’t lasted long, for you’d shot up instantly and his hand had been back by his side almost just as fast. But you were certain it had not been a dream.
And now you were scared of him. Frightened, that if you were to go to sleep, he might take you in it. That he might claim your body as his own when you could not fight back.
Anxiety ate you, piece by piece until it wrecked your nerves and made you shiver with fearful anticipation. Any sound would trigger a panicked reaction and would have you sit up and open your eyes. Because he is here again, isn’t he? Even when he wasn’t. You were constantly alert, ready to shy away from any advances he might try to make.
And so, you blinked up at him fearfully while you wondered what he would be doing next. He’d commented on your lack of sleep the past few times he’d been down there, annoyed that he couldn’t watch you sleep like he had the others. You didn’t know how many had been here before you, only that he somehow seemed to enjoy observing them when they weren’t awake.
Creep, you thought. You wondered if he got off of it. And why he couldn’t just enjoy you while you were awake?
Perhaps that had been a wrong thought to have, because what he said next made shivers run down your spine.
“I know just the thing.” Just the thing for what? To make you sleepy? You wondered for a moment if he referred to some kind of drug, or if he might just knock you out with one of his fists. But he did neither.
He cocked his head to the side, the mask’s chin pointed at his right shoulder. He was observing you, his stance pensively. What was he thinking? But then you regretted that thought when the man came over to you, coming closer than he had in the past few days.
“An ancient old medicine,” he said, voice low and gruff, while he started to unbuckle his belt. And that was the moment you realized what he might be implying. What he might want from you. He probably had wanted this all along.
Your eyes grew wide with fear as you tried to crawl back on the mattress until your back hit the wall and you couldn’t back away any further. “It has proven to be very effective over time,” his husky voice sounded. Then a chuckle emerged from behind the mask as he pushed his pants and underpants down to reveal an achingly hard cock, pre-cum dripping from the tip and glistening in the faint light that fell in from the window above.
The belt was wrapped around his right fist, the end of it dangling in front of you.
You tried to shield your eyes with your hands. “Please,” you begged when you noticed he’d stepped even closer and completely ignored the fact that you had tried to get away. “No, please,” his hand was upon your wrist, yanking it away to uncover your eyes. You looked up at him, tears glistening in your eyes, while you pleaded for him to spare you. “I’ll go to sleep,” you said, voice choked by tears. “Please, I’ll be good. I’ll go to sleep. You don’t need to do this.”
He paused in his actions and there was that tilt of his head again as he studied you through the hole-eyes of the mask. The belt dropped from his hand and fell to the basement floor with a clank.
His right hand came up to your cheek and you flinched, afraid he might slap you there. But his touch was gentle, his palm lightly upon your skin. You opened your eyes again to look up at him mistrustingly and wished you could tell what kind of expression he held behind that darned mask he was wearing.
You couldn’t tell. All you knew was that he was taking his time, standing there, only inches away from you. He was gently caressing your cheek, his thumb tracing circles. The motion was soothing as if he was trying to comfort you. It worked as well, for you felt your shoulders relax somewhat, despite your brain being on full alert.
His other hand was holding his cock. The aching hard member twitched in his grip as a new spurt of pre-cum droplets emerged from the tip. You tried not to look at it, which was hard as his shaft was on eye-level with you, ready to be brought to your lips.
Would he do it? You wondered how far he would go. He hadn’t touched you before like this. He’d been mostly at a distance. Except for that one time. But it figured he would eventually succumb to these primal desires. Why else had he taken you? If it had been just to kill then he would have done so already. Why keep you alive if not for this?
You whimpered, slightly trembling under his caress. A low hum escaped the masked man, then he stood straight again and you saw him move his upper body. The vest he was wearing fell open, his naked stomach showed. Round, you thought, pudgy. Yet, the muscles that showed on his chest betrayed your kidnapper was a man of strength. A strength that was confirmed almost instantly when he suddenly reached for you.
You felt your head being yanked towards him, and his shaft that had been angled at your lips was now pressed against them, begging you to spread them wide. He kept pushing, roughly, until the meat was between your lips and the head of his cock was upon your tongue. The salty taste of flesh mixed with the bitterness of the pre-cum filled your mouth and you hollowed your cheeks. And then he started to thrust.
You looked up at him, pleading silently for his mercy. But at the sight of your tear-stained eyes, his thrusts grew even fiercer and his grip on your head even tighter. You were left with no alternative but to suck, accepting his cock deep inside your throat.
Low, deep rumbles came from the depth of his chest when you started to cooperate. He was pleased, humming and moaning ‘oh yeah’ and ‘just like that’. Sounds that vibrated through his cock until you felt them in your mouth.
Dirty, your mind provided you while he moved you up and down his shaft. The salty and bitter taste of him filled you completely. The curly hairs around his manhood pressed into your nostrils when he pushed your head forward, blocking off your chance to breathe. You sputtered around him, feeling the tip at the back of your throat, feeling his cock spasm between your lips.
You gurgled and sputtered, trying not to choke. A moment of respite when he slid your head back again and his cock nearly left your lips, but then he pushed forward again until his hips met your cheek and your nose was nestled deep within his pubic hair.
You gasped and tried to claw at his hips, but all you felt was how he kept a tight grip on your head and stilled his movements, leaving his cock deep between your lips, the head pushing the back of your throat.
The process repeated itself a few more times, until his cock finally slipped from your lips and you were left gasping for air. A trail of sperm and saliva dripped from your lips and ran down your chin. You moved your hand up to wipe it away, but he caught your wrist before you could get there.
Staring up at him with wide eyes, you heard a chuckle derive from behind the mask. “Na-ah,” the man tusked, his low gravelly voice making something twist deep inside you. A longing, a tingle that had you squeezing your legs together. A foreboding feeling washed over you, that he wasn’t finished just yet. That this was only the beginning.
“Leave it there,” the man hummed. The pause that followed felt too long, making you writhe uncomfortably while you waited for him to either speak or let go of your hand. In the end, he did both, nearly at the same time. “I think I will have to cover your face in a layer of my spunk next time,” there was that rasp again. You had heard it before, how he could slide from a normal, almost gentle tone, into a demonic rasp that was usually used when he was angry and full of curses. “Paint your face a nice white with my cum,” he clicked his tongue behind the mask. His voice became lighter again.
“But for now, there’s another way I have in mind to tire you.”
You shivered at the promise and tried to back away again. The man in front of you got hold of his throbbing cock, wrapping his left hand around it. You saw how his fingers curled around the glistening shaft, still covered in your saliva, and watched how the veins throbbed when he moved his hand up and down at a firm but gentle pace. The ring on his finger glinted in the weak light, skin rippling as he pumped his hand up and down his throbbing cock. Still hard. Balls underneath heavy with cum.
“Undress, sweetie,” he cooed, voice soft like honey.  But when you refused to do as he said, his tone turned drier and more menacing again.
What happened next was much of a blur. He made you undress for him, tweak your nipples for him, rub your hands up and down your bare chest for him while he watched and laughed and licked his tongue past his teeth at the show. His hand never ceased moving up and down slowly, hardening himself underneath his touch until he thought it was enough.
 “Spread your legs, sweetheart,” it took only one command and you were back on your back on the mattress. Your bare back scrubbed along the mold. Even covered in the dark shade of the mask, you could see the glistening of his eyes, pupils wide. You hesitatingly spread your legs for him.
He crawled over you, cock still in his hand, and pressed your legs apart to fit himself in between. His right hand was on your thigh, palm pressed against your soft skin. His left hand guided his cock to your quivering cunt until you felt the head kiss your labia. A wet feeling against your pussy lips and you realized he was smearing his pre-cum at your entrance, deliberately rubbing the head of his cock up and down your entrance while some of the pre-cum came seeping out.
Your fingers clawed at his shoulders and your lips parted in a gasp. “Please,” you begged, knowing it to be futile. Then he dipped in, just the head. Careful fingers pressed the tip in. Not enough to hurt yet, just enough to tease.
He paused in his actions just to bend down, his hair brushed against your cheek as he whispered near your face. “That’s my good girl.”
Then he thrust forth without mercy.
You were speared upon his cock that night, in the basement that was your prison. He left you sore and tired as he forced orgasm after orgasm out of your trembling body beneath him.
He’d been right. You closed your eyes and fell into a dreamless slumber afterward, relieved when he finally rose from the bed and left you alone. You were too tired to notice when the Grabber returned for you in the midst of the night to get some more relief. Until you faintly awoke to wet sounds and the odd feeling of something thrusting deep inside you.
“Hush, pretty girl,” the low voice whispered in your ear, hips moving relentlessly while he kept pushing himself inside. One hand was on your breast, squeezing it tightly while he toyed with you. His other arm was around your waist, his knee between your legs as he held you from behind, your cunt squeezing down on his cock which was covered in your mixed juices.
“I’ll make you go to sleep soon, little one. Don’t you worry. I’ll make you sleep real deep.”  
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ranposbabe · 9 months
You Dangle The Mistletoe
summary: how some mtp men react when you dangle the mistletoe above you ;)
warnings: slightly suggestive in all except louis n herder (??)
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William had spent the entire day locked in his study
He didn’t mind as the hours flew by but you begged to differ
All was quiet while he continued to read his book until he heard a rather loud knock at the door.
He wonders who it is (not)
He expected you to simply walk in and yet when he didn’t hear your footsteps or was only then did he turn around.
You stood there with the mistletoe laying on top of your head
Like a statue waiting for his reaction first
He attempted to hide his smirk but of course you saw right through
“Take that off your head, y/n” He sighs, his eyes still stuck to the page.
You don’t even think he was actually reading at this point, surely it doesn’t take that long to read one page
“I will if only you-
“If only I what ?”
“Take off your clothes first”
William could no longer hide his smirk
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It was late eventing and Albert had finally returned from his military duties
But what you didn’t expect was to find Albert still in his uniform.
But it was a good surprise
You always thought he looked good in any colour but he something about him in red had you hot and bothered-i always get carried away when writing about Albert plss
Anyways he’s standing there looking proud and you’re dangling that mistletoe with your shaking hands and all is well
He then joins you by your side and does not hesitate in kissing you
You both enjoy yourself as you spend hours minutes kissing
When I say enjoy I mean like really enjoy
But next thing you know he’s groping your chest :0
“Albert !” You gasp at the sudden pleasurable sensations
He apologizes but he doesn’t mean it
He looks down at you with this mesmising emerald eyes that are glazed over with lust as he chuckles at the sight of your face becoming hot-
“You were holding it rather low, y/n”
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Louis stood rather anxiously in the kitchen as he listed to himself the ingredients he needed to gather to prepare supper
As always you were prepared to lighten the mood
Of course it never made him feel better you just got a laugh out of it most of the time
With his back facing you, you did spend quite some time simply watching him as he worked.
You were about to make him stress even more
“I think you’re missing something.”
He acts like he knew you were there but he didn’t (at least the whole time you were there)
“What is it ?” He rather blunt while you giggle showing off the mistletoe
He just stands there looking at you and you’re starting to get freaked out by his judgemental stare
He can’t help it though he struggles with expressing himself :(
He quickly catches on and trust me he wants to give you a little kiss but what if moran walks in ???!
Nobody is ever in the mood to deal with that man
Eventually he does come to your side and gently presses a kiss to your cheek
He does look behind your back to make sure no one is there
“Here” You hand him a napkin from the kitchen counter only for him to raise a brow in confusion at you
“You have a squished berry on your cheek”
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Sherlock had mentioned to you earlier in the day that his day would be filled with jobs so he of course told you not to wait up for him
Of course you never listen to him
To be far as it was already late you didn’t think you’d have to wait long for his return.
You were so wrong
You decided to wait up holding the mistletoe above your head waiting
Sherlock was gone so long you literally fell asleep
Some time went by Sherlock was busy :(
Your eyes flutter open to see the room in complete darkness except for a candle keeping the room in a dimly light
“What’s this ?”
You jump up in shock to see the sight of Sherlock standing over you holding the mistletoe as if to inspect it
“Nothing !” You laugh, without hesitation you grab it right from the detective
But still Sherlock observed it, noticing immediately how hot your face became as you twiddled with it nervously
“Perhaps it should be lower.”
Next thing you know the mistletoe is laying on your stomach ;)
Let’s just say…Sherly knows where to place his kisses <3
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You didn’t have to search far when it came to looking for Herder
“Herder !!!” You called, of course not surprised to see the man hunched over working on something you could only guess was an invention or so
With his back facing you as he was sat in his chair you didn’t hesitate to make your presence more known
“Oh hello” He smirks at slight ticklish sensation of the mistletoe touching the tip of his nose
Still sitting, he looked straight up tilting his head back already anticipating exactly what you came for
He couldn’t help but chuckle as you rather hastily pressed a quick kiss against his lips
“Well thank you for my present, y/n” He stands up from his seat.
He could tell you were blushing
With his figure now standing in front of the table tho truly did begin to wonder what exactly he was working on
But with Herder you were never left wondering long
“Here’s your present !”
Your jaw dropped as soon as you saw what was laid out on the table
“My very own gun !!!!”
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qdbs-writes · 2 years
RE bois with Zombie!Reader that just wants to live in their tiny house in peace? Please?
RE Lads Reacting to Chill-Zombie!Reader
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Leon Kennedy
You could have all the warning signs and barbed wire in the world around your little zombie house and Leon would still manage to bumble his way through your front door, yelling at you like you're the reason he's there.
He'll see that you're a zombie and instinctively round-house kick you into your tiny makeshift kitchen. He's about to rip the basil you were growing out of its pot when he notices how nice your little zombie house is. It was definitely better than his ratty apartment. Leon will have a small crisis of faith as he finally considers getting a bed frame.
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Chris Redfield
Sees the words 'DON'T OPEN, DEAD INSIDE' on your little house and takes that as some kind of challenge. Surely whoever wrote that warning didn't mean him, what's the worse that could happen if he kicked in the door?
Off the door comes from its hinges, while Chris sweeps your one-room home with the barrel of his gun. He can't help but think to himself that this is a suspiciously nice zombie house. As his gaze reaches the last corner of your house, he spots you perched on your neatly made zombie bed, crocheting a little zombie blanket (even dead people need hobbies). When you continue to crochet awkwardly, albeit a bit slower than before, Chris decides he's made a terrible mistake, and backs out nervously, attempting to put the broken door back in its place as he leaves.
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Carlos Olivera
He'd read the warning on your house as 'DON'T DEAD, OPEN INSIDE' and would still be like "This sign can't stop me; because I can't read!".
Deciding that the door would be too obvious of an entryway, Carlos instead sails through your window, knocking something over in the process. When he gets up, he sees you, a little zombie, sitting at a small breakfast table, watching the news on a grainy, antique TV. Carlos follows your gaze to his feet, where he sees the now-destroyed pie you had left to cool on the windowsill. Carlos is heartbroken as he remembers the pies his Abuela used to bake. Saddened at seeing your hard work go to waste, Carlos jumps into action. "Don't worry," he says "I can fix this!". He gets to work in your little kitchen and in no time at all, a new pie is in the oven. Afraid of breaking anything else, Carlos apologises one last time before he leaves, and you smile delightedly back at him.
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Albert Wesker
For whatever bullshit reason he has to hide somewhere and decides the little, highly-defended cottage you live in would be perfect.
He slams your front door shut behind him, huffy and sweaty before he notices a surprisingly well-kept zombie nestled in an armchair, reading a book. Enjoy a healthy dose of silent, prolonged eye contact, until Wesker takes a look around the quaint, bombed-out hovel that you've made for yourself. Assuming you can speak, he's gonna have a lot of questions. They mostly center around if you would like to kindly enter this luxurious iron-barred box he keeps at all times... No, it's not a cage, it just looks like a cage! And no, the armed men with tranquilizer darts aren't here to hurt you, he promises!
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Ethan Winters
Considering this man's luck, he'd probably come crashing in through your ceiling, groaning and cussing as he lands in a heap on your threadbare carpet.
Ethan sees that he's just fallen into your zombie house and wonders for a moment why bad things only seem to happen to him. But he struggles to get up after landing on his ankle. Steadily, you pull up a chair for him and make him a coffee, which was probably the most appetizing thing Ethan has had shoved in his face lately, so he drinks it. And it's not bad coffee either, maybe you used to work in a Starbucks. You and Ethan sit in amicable silence while he finishes his drink, thanking you quietly before hobbling out the door. He turns back as he leaves your garden and you send him off with a little wave. You were definitely a nice zombie.
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cripplecharacters · 6 months
hello! do you have any advice on writing disabled characters in historical setting? specifically characters, whose diagnosis hadn't been discovered yet (for example I have a character with pots but they live before 1982)
I love historical fiction, and know this can be a little tricky, because of course disability of various kinds has always existed and conditions are real before they’re named.
But you have options!
The most important thing, I would say, is describing the aspects of the condition and your character’s feelings and behavior around it (how they manage it, what they notice about it). You can also describe other people’s responses to how they feel and act.
You should definitely describe how your character feels about their condition. Do they wish there were others like them to talk to, do they actually already have a community of people similar to them, or do they wish no one else has what they have? Do they wonder if anyone they know is like them, or think they must be alone? Maybe they feel like their condition not a big deal at all and just an inconvenience, or maybe they feel really hindered by it and it greatly upsets them, or maybe they’re somewhere in between and sometimes get really frustrated and sometimes they feel it’s just a thing that happens.
And of course the answers to all of these will be different depending on your time period—someone with POTS in 1795 will manage their symptoms differently than someone with POTS in 1968, and the same goes for all conditions. But for POTS specifically, without naming it:
For the symptoms you can describe your character noticing that whenever they stand or sit up they feel their heart race and they feel dizzy or faint. They might not know why, but they’ll know how their body reacts.
You can describe what they avoid doing because they’ve noticed it makes them feel worse—maybe they take showers that are less hot, or go out as little as possible when it’s very hot/humid out, or maybe they don’t drink alcohol or coffee. Maybe it’s bad enough they can’t do some sort of work that is expected of them at their home, or their job, or school.
You can describe what they do because it makes them feel better—maybe they drink a lot of water, maybe they buy socks a size smaller because they noticed it makes them feel a little better, maybe they always give themselves an extra half hour to get anything done so they can stand or sit up more slowly. Maybe they take over someone else’s specific work because they can manage that better and trade with them.
As to other character’s reactions, some characters may be positive and always offer your character their arm when they’re standing so they can worry less about fainting. Some might be pretty neutral and just ask them why they never go grab a beer with them. Some might be negative and roll their eyes whenever your character needs extra time or to sit down for a bit.
People with POTS and similar conditions will recognize themselves in your character’s actions and reactions, and it’s very possible that people who have friends or family or people they know with POTS or anything similar will think “oh that’s kind of like what John Doe has.” And even if they don’t, they’ll still have read a realistic and respectful story about someone with a disability.
This goes for any disability, not just POTS. Just swap out the symptoms and ways to manage it and characters’ reactions accordingly.
Something you can choose to do, but you don’t have to do, is add a note at some point (but probably either at the end or the beginning of the story) that your character has what today we would know as POTS.
For an example I’ve seen in real life (not POTS related but about disability in general), I read a book set in the early 20th century in an institution, The Degenerates by J. Albert Mann. Since it’s a different time period, characters are referred to by terms we don’t use anymore at all or not in the same way, and many characters have conditions that we know about today but were not known at all at that time. What the author did was describe the characters’ actions (and thoughts, if they were the POV character), as well as how others reacted to them. At the end there was an appendix describing what each character might have been diagnosed with today, if anything at all (since not all people ended up at asylums because of an actual condition and some were just poor or Othered in some other way).
Thank you for your thoughtful question! I feel like I rarely see characters in historical fiction who have basically any disabilities, but thank you for wanting to create some :)
Good luck!
— Mod Sparrow
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crowwritesaway · 11 months
Albert Wesker x Reader Pt. 1
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“It’s funny. For someone I’m used to seeing so undefeated.” Albert thought, grinning as he stared at you.
You were locked inside a room. You stared at the people in lab coats. They were busy taking notes on your behavior. They were trying to see how you were reacting to the T- virus.
So far, you were dozing off. Nothing made sense. You didn’t understand what was happening. You had no relocation of what happened before. Where am I? Who are they? What the hell is going on? You huffed, slamming a hand down on the floor.
Wesker’s eyes flashed. She’s probably asking herself all the wrong questions. All in due time.
“Any drastic change.” He asked, the scientists that observed you. “Her body seems to be accepting the t- virus.”
Albert smiled. “Excellent. Proceed the next course of action.” The scientists nodded. Dr. Young called in someone to bring in Subject X.
Meanwhile, you shook your head. You felt your body jerk. The machine that monitored your body beeped. You gritted your teeth. You felt agitated. Tense. In pain. You aimed your glare at the shadows.
“What’s happening?” “Uhh, it appears that she’s angry.” A young scientist said, gripping on her clipboard. “Obviously. It’s her primary instincts. Rage. Wonder. Agony.” Albert told them, looking at you with a proud smile. “As long as she makes it through this round. We’ll have the next opponent for Alice.” Albert said, narrowing his eye at the thought of Alice. She’ll never see this coming. You would be stronger, faster, and better than her.
Some growling was heard along with shuffling. There were two guard holding onto chains. Attached to those chains was a zombie. His outfit was torn and had blood splattered across. He had a bag over his head. The only thing keeping him from snatching the chains was the drug that was administered which kept his violent behavior at a minimum.
Dr. Young entered a code. He was not worried about you escaping. The facility was located underground. Even if you did make it outside, there was nowhere for you to go.
You heard the doors open. You pulled yourself up. You staggered moving forward. You vision was clearing up. What the fuck is that? Why is it chained? You moved around, observing the men as they carried that thing in?
The men threw the zombie inside the room and exited quickly. Dr. Young closed the doors.
The zombie shook his head. It clumsily reached up and fumbled a bit before taking the bag off his head.
You stared at the zombie with eyes wide. You have got to be kidding me. Albert crossed his arms. “Keep me alerted with any information that involves her. This is our key for humanity.” He ordered them before he walked off. Dr. Young and the scientists nodded.
The zombie growled, snapping his jaw as if to catch food. You bit your lip. What asshole did I piss off? The zombie moved closer to you. You looked around for anything that you could use as a weapon. You groaned. Nothing.
Clang. Clang. His chains. You noticed his chains. That’s it. He got near you. You swiftly avoided the hands that reached out to grab you. You quickly snatched the chains and tied them around the table. The zombie turned around, growling because he couldn’t move.
You stood a few steps away from him. He looked at you and turned away. You tilted your head. Is that normal? I mean…great. But, zombies aren’t supposed to ignore humans.
Dr. Young watched the interaction between you and the zombie. He laughed. A laugh that sounded sinister. Gleeful.
He scribbled a few notes. Undetected by Zombie. “Marvelous.” He thought, staring at you with wonder. Maybe there’s hope after all.
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l0sercat · 2 years
how about how some of the dbd cast would react to stuff you baked? (i like most of the characters, i think that ghostface or meg would be interesting for a couple examples)
(this is for the one writing request thingy ? :D
HELLOOOOO can do!!! Thanks for requesting <333
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He was in awe and thought it was cute
Someone actually baked something for him
"Aww thanks sweetheart" he says and kisses you softly on your lips
He would only comment once on it if it tasted bad but otherwise would shower you in complements
He would also be teasing you constantly in a loving way of course
Blushes and gives you a hug
"Awww thanks hun" squeezes you tighter till you tell her to quit it
She would love whatever you made for her and would share with her grandma (mom?can't remember lore T-T)
She especially loves brownies...*wink wink*
Albert Wesker
"Oh you made something for me? How cute..." He gives a charming smile
He caresses your chin softly and places his thumb on your lips
He takes the chocolate chip cookie you made him and pops it into his mouth and chews slowly to savor the flavor
He gives a small hum and nods "These are wonderful dearheart but I would recommend to let them cook more so they are a bit crunchy"
He takes another cookie and puts it in his mouth and chews a little and then connects his mouth with yours and kisses you to where you both have some cookie
When you guys pull away for air and swallow he licks his lips and smirks
The Trickster
"I'm not surprised you baked something for someone as talented as me"
He's so fucking cocky like that was not a good move, he's so fucking full of it
He's used to being given this kinda stuff
It means a little bit more to him since it's from you...
Don't expect much that just a quick kiss and no knives in your back :)
"Thanks but why?"
He's flattered and appreciates it but is confused
He will pick you up and hug you and flash you a big smile showing off his pearly white teeth
Will brag to the other survivors (especially Nancy and Jonathan)
"My girlfriend baked me something did yours?" He says in a snarky tone and a shit eating grin
She swings an arm around your neck and kisses your cheek
"Thank you love" she says as she pulls some hair out of you face
She smiles at you lovingly and takes the cupcake you made her
She takes a bite, icing gets in the tip of her nose
She tries to lick it off but fails so you grab her face gently and lick it off yourself
You pull away and giggle while she's tries to say something
She blushes and looks away and smiles bashfully
"Aw thank you darlin'"
She pinches your cheek and pulls a bit
She takes a macaroon and eats it slowly, savoring the flavor
She lets out a satisfied moan
"Soo~ good darlin' you need to make more"
She envelopes you into a bear hug with your face smashed between her boobs
(platonic! I headcannon him as Ace and Aro so everything for him is strictly platonic!!)
*Happy noises*
Someone made something for him?!
How wonderful! He's so happy!!
He had a hard time talking so he will show you how much he appreciates it
Whatever you make he will love
He will give you things too!!
He can't bake or cook but it's okay! He's trying:')
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nightmarexdove · 5 months
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Special Specimen
(Taking place before the raccoon city outbreak)
You are one of the best scientists working under the great virologist Albert Wesker, your a hard worker and that's something everyone knows. However, what people lack to understand is that you are working yourself into the ground weather it was to be noticed or to get back at your verbally abusive family Your mental health has begun to tumble due to your lack of self preservation and you are on the verge of loosing it, however- you are saved by the last person you would have guessed to come save you from your destructive behaviors.
This is purely fluff! Wholesome (out of character?) Albert Wesker and how I personally depict him reacting to a well respected individual reaching there breaking point, I wanted to write sum' a little more on the softer spectrum of things. Apologies for any inconsistencies/poor writing or phrasing, I will continue to polish this fic before I eventually move onto making another one, all constructive criticism is greatly appreciated!!
TW: mention of poor mental health, past verbal abuse, mentions of alcohol
It wasn't like you to feel such intense waves of emotions, at least not like this. You were good at staying calm under pressure, hell some people would say your a master but it's seems as if the projects as of lately for you have begun to build up an immense pressure weighing on your back.
Your colleagues in the unbrella laboratory you worked at would've been paying close attention when you leased noticed it, your difficulty paying attention, the wandering stares into the void consisting of the white walls infront of you, your stuttering and lack of interest; These were little things that seemed to have been making there ways across the whole facility, making its way to your boss; The well respected and feared Albert Wesker.
You were always ontop of up-coming projects, always pushing yourself and always devoting overtime into the silence of the deep of the hours of night to study your findings and work to improve your ability to understand the things presented to you, even if it costed some hours of rest- To you it didn't matter even if you'd end up sometimes taking a nap at your work station, to say you were obsessed with being the best of the best was a understatement you had a passion- a drive to be just as intelligent as your boss the same man that inspired you to be a virologist in the first place.
You were on a journey not just for your company but you were also on a journey to prove your family wrong; That you could make it that you COULD be something in this life, you wanted to make the years of suffering worth it all that money poured into your golden education WOULD mean something and you gave it your blood, sweat, tears and health to be standing here right now.
But you could feel it, you felt it in your chest beat itself into your core with all the baggage it carried haunting you every night in which you'd spend hopelessly in your bed on the verge of tears wondering why you felt such a need to rip yourself apart like this, to overwork and fatigue yourself till your head sometimes was struck in throbbing pain. You were the best in the company, at least- one of the best why did that not feel enough for you? Why did that cold empty tunnel dug deep in your mind still linger like it had since your younger years?
"You'll never be that good, you lack intelligence."
"You can't even hold a conversation, what makes you think you can become a scientist?"
"Just like your father, you are just like him."
You hated it, the way it made you feel so worthless; "I have to be better"...You repeated in your mind, every minor mistake you'd ever make in the day you'd beat yourself up for it.
"Y/N, c'mon let's get outa here. It's already past-"
"I don't have the time I'm sorry, I know it's the weekend but you know how important this is to Doctor Wesker. Can't just leave these calculations unfinished, I don't want to get bitched at; That's all."
You'd say, hiding the exhaustion in your voice with a room temperature; half cup of burnt black coffee, a result of your lack of attention to the boiling pot earlier that morning.
"Y/N you look like your going to pass out."
They'd announce, there eyes contorted with worry as your figure kept slouched over your work station hair disheveled in a messy bun and somewhat shaky from the four cups of caffiene surging in your system your eyes gave away just how near to passing out you were as your eyelids gave away how heavy they were weighing by how desperate you fought the urge to let them fall and allow yourself to slip into a long long uninterrupted rest.
"Just let me work, I'm almost done anyways."
You'd say in the politest fashion you could muster, but it would role off your tongue in a more passive aggressive mutter. not wishing to speak on your lack of self preservation any further, you wanted to be done with this so you could hopefuly get a well night of rest, you could hear them; The hushed whispers of your colleagues listening to your snappy attitude, some would've laughed while others just turned the other cheek doing there damn best to mind there business.
Your colleague rolled there eyes in reaction to your lack of patience, they'd sway off nonchalantly in a manner that could only be seen as 'carefree' something you lacked.
As one by one your colleagues would disappear from the laboratory, you'd be stuck there once again below the flourescent lighting of the lab that would dim only a hour or so later. You'd stare down at your notebook full of numbers and equations and infront of you sets of testing tubes and a sample of black bile under your microscope sitting aside of your notebook, your mind was a fog a thick fog that clouded your every thought. The only sounds that would keep you company were the tapping of your pencil and the occasional sounds of beeping machinery around you, doubt swallowed you whole your eyebrows knotted together as a wave of distressing sorrow stormed your self control, the inability to think beyond the fog keeping you wrapped in incoherent ideas was tormenting and it infuriated you that a little sleep deprivation was causing you to behave like this.
You couldn't figure out a damn thing, the sample you were provided with was impossible to properly analyze you couldn't make a single conclusion without back tracking, without feeling stupid. You could hear your own voice shaping into the ones of your colleagues, into the one of your idol and family. It angered you- saddened you, you just could never feel adequate enough that you could never find yourself being recognized by the one person that's kept you sane for this long even if he's done little to take notice in you, you were delusional enough to think maybe- he would.
You could feel the cold gusts of air from the vents make your skin rise with goosebumps, your lab coat doing very little to keep you comfortable when your tears poured down on your hard work the pencil markings smudging as you'd whimper silently slumped on your hard, uncomfortable seat.
Slamming your fists harshly on the table in a fit of defeat you felt every emotion pour from your closet of self pity, the closet you'd never share the closet in which you'd spend your recent days glued in because your stubborn nature was the same force causing your downfall, causing you to feel like a piece of common rock amongst the gems untouched by man.
No one was here to hear you, no one to question you or comfort you or god forbid- laugh at you what lingered was just your usual lab equipment and computers.
You craved it, the arms of your boss no- your god caressing your shaking- tired body. You wanted to hear him with his voice in your ear, telling you JUST telling you that YOU were doing enough that YOU weren't the words you stabbed yourself with.
You were so lost in your own thoughts that- You wouldn't notice a hand ever so gently caressing your shoulder, it would make you jump rising from your seat in the slouched state you were quick to clean the stains of salty tears that ran down your cheeks.
Your eyes were a light red, irritated from the crying and lack of sleep.
When your head would peer up to the figure standing next to you, it took you by utter surprise to see wesker beside you staring down at you with those mysterious shades that always sat on his face.
"Crying in my laboratory again, dearheart?" Wesker inquired breaking the heavy silence between you two, his tone was soft and oddly gentle considering he was always such a stern; Serious man when interacting during the day it was a total shift in his personality that made you question his motives, you felt he didn't care about you; Hell you felt that you were just as disposable as all your other colleagues as much as you wanted to deny that. But to you it was worth the risk, Your parents asserted you as 'delusional' and 'childish' for ever thinking you could land a job at unbrella to start with, but you wanted to prove to the world you weren't the pinnacle of these nasty titles everyone in your family painted you with, even if you were delusional at least no one would question your mental superiority now.
"I'm so sorry Dr Wesker, I promise it won't happen again." You were quick to compose yourself, sniffling the build up of snot collecting in your nostrils that made it hard to breathe.
"Is that so?"
He asked after a moment of silence, reading you like the open book you'd been ever since you started here. He knew of your preformance better than anyone else, your work and efforts was something so fascinating to study unfold the ways you mumbled to yourself when you were so deep in thought the way you'd always try to present yourself with so much confidence to him when showing off your latest work you were always one of a kind, a ' special specimen ' to say the very least. Even if he didn't want to admit it he couldn't deny the feelings of admiration he had building for you. When you thought you were alone all those other nights where you'd cry in the isolation of the lab, he'd always be watching through the security cameras always watching how you pleaded shouted and sometimes even pulled at your hair how you'd always refuse your pushy colleagues that wanted to drink with you after work or how you'd always chew pieces of gum instead of taking lunch breaks or isolating yourself from everyone else in order to work better.
Perhaps he found you entertaining because he didn't quite understand your fussy nature, maybe it was because he wanted to see just how far your frustrations would take you, but the more that had became of these occurances the more curious he grew to find out the reasonings for you increasingly wreckless behavior even if it may have made you feel discomfort he WOULD hear from YOUR mouth regardless of what you wanted in the end.
"I'll be going now, I'm so sorry to waste your time like this. I'm sure you must be a very busy man."
You asserted, standing from your little stool chair. Once again, there you were cought totally off gaurd the firm grasp of his leather cladded hand wrapped around your wrist had you take a few glances at him in confusion your mouth gaping just enough to see your teeth and eyes wide like a deer cought in the headlights. His gaze just lingered locked on yours and you could see the dumbfounded expression on your face reflecting back on his shades but no matter how hard you searched his eyes could never be spotted through the pitch black lenses.
"I want an answer, why is it do I find one of my best scientists in such disarray?" He asked, his grip on your wrist not tightening or loosening.
"Sir, with all due respect; I promise it's nothing." You tried your damned best to shrug it off, you've already damaged whatever good your image was. your silly problems wouldn't matter, you thought- "He's too busy to actually care" you'd chant those vicious lines to yourself until you'd find yourself being brought to the reality of the situation his oddly gentle tone wrapping your lonely heart in a metaphorical blanket.
"I won't stop until i get a answer Y/N." He persisted, gently tugging your arm his voice remaining in that calm voice that had you feeling a little unease, it was almost...uncanny. His tone warming you from the inside out.
You didn't have a choice at this point, you knew you'd only wear down his patience with your stubborn words of defiance, something you knew he despised yet here he was taking his sweet time with just another employee of his.
"I just need some time to think sir, I really just need to clear my mind that's all."
You tried to say, surely pushing his buttons when his grip would eventually tighten yanking your body sharply forcing you several steps closer to his body. Eyebrows furrowed and teeth grinding together, you could feel his own strings of self restraint and tolerance snap at your tenacious attitude, it was carefully making him regret coming to initiate any kind of talk with you and the longer you stalled the more time he believed to be squandering.
"If you don't tell me Y/N, I'll insure your time here will come to a swift end."
He threatened, your body was only a few centimeters away from his you could hear his gentle breathing and watch the way his chest effortlessly rised and lowered even through his gritted teeth and the sudden sharpness to his tone the way his threat carried out like a scalpel blade running through your thick skin of stubbornness didn't feel like it carried much real weight at all, but you would be lying if you didn't say it stung like a papercut.
That was enough to bring you to your senses, that crack of patience wearing itself out. The tiniest hint of that smirk ghosting across his cheek now weighing into a gentle scowl, your stomach felt a bit sick just realizing how far you pushed the man made you want to run away and hide forever, run away and just find a new fucking job that wouldn't make you feel such disdain every day. But that couldn't have been an option, you made your bed now you had to make peace and lie in it.
You felt the words pool at your throat, you didn't know where to begin or if you ever could in this moment your voice wanted to elaborate every sensation coursing through you but the only way you could speak is if you lost control of your ability to keep your tears restrained- which in ways you did.
"I just...I just don't feel like...I'm enough...I feel so hollow like...like I just can't...I CAN'T..." your words choked out as you'd hold back the many tears creating rivers of defeat down your cheeks.
You felt so tiny, so lost and disgusted with yourself for breaking down like this infront of your boss, you felt wesker's judgement weigh heavy on you in ways you couldn't describe it hurt in millions of ways letting your words tumble from your lips you felt embarrassed and ashamed and you were so prepared for the lecture of your life when you realized you couldn't stop yourself from blabbering on and on nonsense about your feelings.
After sometime of just listening to you in total silence, eventually wesker would've placed a gentle hand on your cheek cleaning away your endless stream of tears with his gloved fingers.
"I think I've heard enough..."
He said, his other hand gently snaked around your waist pulling you into a much closer embrace till your head was against his chest. For the time being; Watching you stain his expensive clothing didn't seem to bother him like you thought it would've, he didn't pay mind to when you'd sniffle and pant in a desperate attempt to calm down he'd just let you do what you wanted because even if he didn't entirely understand the ways you felt he did his best to pacify your heartache in one of the few ways he knew how.
His hand gently ran through your hair, taking slow steady deep breaths he was trying desperately to be patient doing his damn best to not treat you the same ways he did to everyone else because he truly couldnt bare the thought of pushing you off your limits. At this point you didn't realize the way your arms desperately held onto him like a child seeking validation from there parents your curled fingers wrinkling the back of his lab coat, your nose nuzzling mindlessly into his shirt.
"I'm so sorry sir...I'm so sorry I'm such a fuck up!" You whimpered with quivering lips, you hated this so much- you hated it yet here you stood, practically begging for the validation that was sitting at the back of his throat.
"Shh...it's quite alright, you've done enough. Your work is acceptional in ways I cannot begin to describe, its because of you this division is able to function."
He'd say, slow enough for you to take in every word and also because he was internally scrambling to find the best words to sooth you to begin with.
"Really sir? You think that?" You asked, your eyes hesitantly glazed up to meet his you searched desperately through those damn glasses to see even a minuit detail of his eyes to see through them so you'd know for certain his words weren't just bullshit being tossed at you to keep you quiet.
"I mean it, not many of your generation behave the way you do or work the way you do, It's not your fault so many people cannot reach the levels of success you've obtained. But it's wise for you to know; That you absolutely cannot abuse yourself just to prove a point, to prove your own theories right that you can go for hours working on crumbs of rest and still be the best version of yourself I know you are, because you are just..."
He could have let it slip, he could have said it 'could have simply cheapened your worth to the level of a specimen like he planned to in the beginning, but he'd once again bite his tongue he wouldn't let you hear that word he wouldn't let you become it...not now at least.
"Just a human."
He said, listening to your breathing slow and steady out.
You felt the warmth in his voice fill your empty glass heart, pouring water to keep it full and content. His words repeated in your mind like the record player in your room playing that one favorite song of yours on repeat keeping you company, his presence right here and now was like a light shining down a tunnel full of monsters keeping your fragile self safe keeping you from complete; Irreversible self destruction.
You could hear the hammering of his steady heart beat, it was a sound unlike any other like the bang of a drumbeat or the crackle of furious thunder. Taking in a deep breath the scent of his expensive cologne lingered in your senses while the exhaustion you would have been fighting off for so long would have been taking its course over your aching body and mind.
You couldn't deny his words, if he was telling you this there must've been a truth as for him to even talk to you like this for him to even hold you like this...it must've been something, you didn't have a reason to doubt yourself now not when his fingers gently patted your little head.
"Perhaps you should take your leave my dear, I'll finish where you left off."
He offered, no- he insisted. He wouldn't allow you to keep pushing yourself, to keep going the way you did and pull yourself into your own grave via overworking. He still needed you, he just couldn't let his most valuable asset fall into crumbling bits infront of him and not do a single thing about it.
"Ok..." you'd almost hesitate, it felt like you were letting go of a heavy burden and you almost felt ten pounds lighter just by saying that very simple word. You felt as if you'd regret it, that you'd find a way to overwork yourself again after this, because you had to prove yourself that you could be the best that you were worth this sacrifice of his own rest he was making.
Patting your shoulder, Wesker's lips curled into what seemed to have been a very soft, but present smile of reassurance.
It wasn't long till you'd find yourself in a deep state of rest on your mediocre bed, normally it took a while to get yourself comfortable in that old thing, but not tonight Your own fatigue was what maybe had blessed you, or cursed you because when you'd finally snap out of deep sleep. You'd realize that you had been at least running three hours late. Your hand brushed over to snatch your phone into your hand from the nightstand beside you, pressing the power button the numbers flashed at you reading exactly;
"10:35 AM."
Your stomach felt like it dropped, your small intestines felt as if they were being crocheted and your heart felt like it just exploded from a grenade of panic, your blood felt as if it just drained from every orifice and was replaced with embalming fluid.
You almost forgot about the disaster which was last night, the memories slowly cought up to you whilst you'd fumble with your clothing and hair. You didn't know what to feel, at least not yet you were sure to hear about it from your co workers and boss. I mean...The adult world was no different from your dreaded years of high-school, it didn't matter who was present and who wasn't because these walls had ears. Even if your little mental breakdown was a show for Wesker's eyes and ears only, you could only comprehend the possibilities of your name going around with vicious lies and jealousy, jealousy because it was you that got his attention more than anyone else in that lab.
As your painful heals clicked down the tile flooring to the main center of the lab, you'd use your badge to scan yourself through the doors and as they automatically open you would have been holding in a breath of air. Fear was all you could feel in that particular moment, fear and apprehension to move into the lab but you would've found yourself surprised at the lack of interest they payed to you there busy bodies and minds keeping up with way more important things than noticing your fashionably late presence.
"So you actually got some sleep for once? I don't think I've ever seen you look so well rested in months, jeez...you were starting to look like one of those damn testing subjects for a sec there! I was starting to get worried we would've had to contain ya at some point." Your colleague from yesterday, in a rather disturbingly lighthearted manner announced in his upmost obnoxious tone. Hell, you were surprised no one was talking about HIM or if they were; They were making a damn solid effort not being noticed in doing so.
To compare you to a victim of all those failed test runs took you aback, you weren't sure if maybe he just couldn't hear himself talk or if the alcohol he loved drinking was killing his braincells. You were certain it was, because what mentally sound individual can speak about those weeks of messy trials causing so much havoc so casually? And so jokingly?
All you could do at that moment was let out a very (noticeably) forced chuckle.
"Ya, I was able to catch some hours of sleep. Didn't expect it myself honestly, I'm going to start my work ok? I'm already late." You said with a nervous smile, passing by him in a hurry to get to your work station.
As you'd approach your work station sitting a bit away from the others, you noticed a crimson red bouquet of roses, a box of assorted chocolates and a black little box with a gold symbol ontop of it.
At first, you'd have to take a second glance at the station you hovered over to insure it was the right one, and sure enough it was. Looking at the roses, you had never been so confused before, your eyes investigated the people around you and wondered if there was a secret admirer lurking amongst the large group of fellow scientists. You questioned who in there right mind could possibly ever fall for someone like you? You were a hot mess that needed the hand of your BOSS to finish YOUR work , if that wasn't wreckless to you then you were lost.
Picking up the leather textured box, you'd carefully slip the lid off insuring that everyone could care less at that point to notice probably ignoring you in part because of your little lash-out towards that (well deserving) ignorant 'colleague' if you could call him one at all.
Once the lid slid off, your eyes widened in awe your lips parted as your fingers gently ran over the delicate metal. It was a rose gold bracelet, intricate details danced across the metal appearing as flowers that would have held little crystals in the centers to give the flower accents more appeal and elegance.
You didn't know who could spend this kind of money on some emotionally drained loner like yourself, you didn't deserve these gifts- not a bit. You felt that gifts should only be given, and not received. At least to you this was a philosophy you lived by, internally you felt a tinge of guilt. What if this was really for someone else and you were ruining a surprise never meant for your glassy eyes to begin with? The sender must've gotten mixed up with someone else, that was the only logical explanation.
You probably would've tucked the bracelet away in it's box and hurried in search for its more rightful owner if it wasn't for the black envelope hiding unmistakably under the bouquet of intricately placed roses that were bunched up together by a red bow.
Pulling the envelope to closer inspection, you could see your name written in cursive in what seemed to be a fountain pen.
Yea, this was for you. It wasn't some poor misplacement by any means, your curiosity couldn't have been contained all thoughts of your work was pushed to the side to study this letter and its contents.
Opening the letter, your eyes followed the cursive handwriting staining the light colored beige paper. It would have read;
"Dear Y/N, I have scheduled a private conference between you and I.
You are expected to reach my office at 6:00 PM sharp, I wish to see you in your best attire and wearing this bracelet I've personally chosen for you for this appointment.
Do Not Keep Me Waiting
You weren't sure how to react, you weren't sure weather you should pinch yourself because your whole body became weightless reading those words. You could imagine his velvety tone of voice saying this to you, you were so lost by that letter that you didn't realize the stupid grin growing on your flush red cheeks. Your boss, a conference with you? The vague way of his wording could have meant anything; A promotion, a simple chat, maybe even a date. You wouldn't know until later, way later. But you were willing to wait, you were willing to work the time away until you'd reach the deadline of yet another day.
Wesker could only watch through the cameras, your bright toothy grin, your dreamy eyes and the way you moved with excitement and anticipation in your seat. Even if you didn't work the same way you normally did, Wesker was still cought up in your little antics your attempts at staying focused on your piling tasks was a bizarre delight that he indulged shamelessly in, because to him you were his
special human being.
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mothxmoons · 2 years
Real pregnancy? No way. Fake pregnancy by a man 3x my age and is old enough to be my dad? Yes.
Afab reader but gn
After two weeks of absolutely fucking you into the mattress every night, no condoms, no pills, no protection whatsoever, one morning you had found yourself with a very positive pregnancy test. You took two more just to be absolutely sure. Boy oh boy. You were excited to tell Albert, he was so desperate to have a kid with you. Securing his bloodline and for fucking you dumb.
Honestly you were more surprised it took two weeks. Nonetheless, you immediately wrapped up the pregnancy test, and placed it neatly inside of a box. Now you can sit and wait for him to come home.
Well. You could go to his office but you don’t like the people there. Sitting and waiting seemed better.
Actually, this was very boring so you decided to make a little place for his gift where he would see it, with his name on a folded piece of paper right next to it and went to take a nap. Just in case he came home while you were sleeping.
He did indeed come home early, and while you were asleep.
Albert was very confused and a little concerned why there was a little box with his name next to it on the table, having so many enemies any box can be a little concerning, but once he saw your hand writing he calmed down. Tentatively picking it up he stared at it and wondered where you were, and that if you had a gift for him, why not just come to his office? It would make his work day easier in his opinion.
Shrugging it off, he opened the box and slipped away the paper covering a plastic stick.
A plastic stick that confirmed his wants and desires.
He immediately set down all of his things and bolted up to your shared room, stick in hand. Seeing you taking a nap but not waiting to wake you up and scooped you into his arms, which woke you up anyways.
“Sweetheart you’ve given me the greatest gift.”
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weirdsillycreature · 5 months
Albert saw the feeling already
(we all know what happened after lmao)
but now I wonder..
How that ex friends gang would react to her?(the feeling)
Did they see something like her before too? Or is this new for them?
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(Ps. I changed her look a little because I were sad, lol)
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Poor Beast and June- they have never seen anything like this-
(also, ow :C I hope you feel better now)
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wizardfrog69 · 2 years
Hello, sunshine! Can I request how mtp men (mainly Moriarty and Co, maybe Holmes brothers?) will react to finding out what their s/o, who they are rather smitten about, doesn't see that they find so appealing in them? Like, they really don't see anything outstanding in their own self, saying that they're boring and mediocre at best, despite them actually being a talented and reliable person. I hope I managed to explain my request coherently enough ^^" English is not my first language, so I apologize for any mistakes.
Omg idk why but I got scared when I saw 'sunshine' thank you tho that was really sweet of you :)
Dw your request is great and dw about your English it's great! Thank you for the request! But idk who Co is. Like I know that Co. Stands for county but I don't think there's a character who is a county
'•.¸♡how am I specifical?♡¸.•'
Mtp x gn!reader
Feat. William, Louis, Albert, Sherlock, Mycroft
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William James Moriarty:
Honestly he'll be like huh????
When when you asked him why he liked you so much since you would never match his intelligence and your ideas always seemed so bland next to his he was confused.
Like he wouldn't really show it tho, he'll just smile and say that you are very smart and talented and would give examples when you surpassed his intelligence or when he was inspired by you.
Or if you're really good at something then he'll mention it and say how he doesn't know anyone who can do that as well as you do.
He'll also say something like 'I feel in love with you for a reason.' Or something along those lines.
Louis James Moriarty:
Man could talk about about you for hours and I mean HOURS.
Like if you make things e.g. paint or drawing then he'll show you everything you painted/drawn and gave to him and he'll say it belongs in a gallery and constantly compliment you on how talented you are, not only in art but in many other things.
If there's something that he can't do but you can then he'll definitely mention it like you're talented and he can write a whole ass essay saying how talented you are.
Albert James Moriarty:
He's surprised, he asked you to do things for him or simply asked you questions because he knew you had extensive on certain topics, so why were you asking why he was in love with you and were you saying you're boring?
Like you helped him in many ways and you think you're boring??!?!?!
He will give you a whole fucking list on why aren't boring at all and how talented you are and reliable not 100% not boring.
Sherlock Holmes:
He thought it was a joke and started laughing.
When he realised you were being serious it amused him even more, you boring? Really? If you were so boring Sherlock wouldn't be all over you.
If he still didn't convince you, he will tell you how many skill you have in which other people lack.
Mycroft Holmes:
He is confused, how can you be boring?
Especially if you work with him in MI6 cuz tell me one boring person from there, see you can't .
He will explain how you aren't boring at all and will list all your skills and/or talents as a result.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Hoped you enjoyed this! Btw requests will be answered at a slower pace this time around and my activity via posting will be slowed down in general.
But have a wonder day/night! And sleep well if you're going to sleep:)
-with love, Az the wizard from :)
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verdemoun · 4 months
Ik you set this up to ask about characters but can I ask how a beach day would go with the gang? Who's been buried in the sand and left there, what's Kieran getting up to, who's gotten the cops called on them and got removed from the premises? Do the girls get to enjoy modern swimwear as much as I think they would?
fuck yeah asks are for gang activity ideas too
bessie has no time for ageism she looks like aphrodite in her sunhat and sheer coverup and hosea almost has a heart attack and dies right there because of how beautiful his wife looks and how much he loves her
i need to set this in the whole gang chapters because arthur spends at least an hour making fun of john who is downright afraid of going near the water but instead of admitting he's afraid he just gets angrier at arthur
jack also can't swim and abigail is increasingly wondering why she even agreed to come jack looks like he's about to pass out because he insisted on wearing all black in his typical angsty teenage bullshit
isaac morgan to the rescue he convinces jack to at least change into shorts and take off his coat. being the sweetest most courteous man to ever exist he bought a paddle board and jack just gets to sit on the front enjoying getting further away from the embarrassing chaos that is the gang while isaac paddles.
course isaac is also a shit and jumps off at several points because it's hot he wants to be in the water and after giving jack suffient panic attacks he rows to a little secluded spot so jack doesn't have to be embarrassed about not knowing how to swim and tries to give him lessons
eliza and abigail both absolutely radiant like modesty is dead and they are thriving at its wake abigail is serving in the strapless bikini and her beach wrap and just because her boys can't enjoy the water doesn't mean she won't. they both deserve to be able to relax without worrying about their children or the men who fathered them if arthur and john kill each other they don't care anymore they're living their best lives
also men stupid enough to catcall them soon learn the reason the gang didn't react is because abigail can punch as hard as they can and will not tolerate that shit
sean gets buried mostly because he started to burn the second he left the car after claiming it was too hot to wear protective clothing and his skin has forgotten he used to be an outlaw who literally lived outside. burying him was the only way to get him to stay still long enough to put sunscreen on his face. karen proceeds to lay on top of sand mound so he can't escape which he is okay with because she is unapologically rocking the purple two piece
lenny is the only one with the mental facilities to remember everyone's ice cream orders so he spends half the trip trying to carry a gang worth of ice cream back from the truck but he would really enjoy swimming little nihilistic nerd ass is swimming around imagining it's the weightless of space and thinking about perceptions of gravity
everyone has been doing their own things for a good 30 minutes before they realise kieran has wandered off and they swear to god he is doing it because he enjoys causing them distress
kieran and albert mason went to look at rock pools which is fine NOT FINE DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY THINGS IN THERE ARE VENOMOUS charles has to abandon his relaxation to supervise and make sure they don't poke anything that could kill them
micah is trying to teach baymax how to swim the giant baby of a rescue dog has never been in water deep enough where he needs to paddle
dutch and micah would be the ones kicked off the beach because it's not a dog friendly beach and upon being asked to leave micah started shouting about stupid laws which triggered dutch into another 'oh so this is the great and bountiful united police states where you can use your almighty powers to govern where a man takes his companion'.
grimshaw gently squeezing annabelle's hand like honey that ain't your problem anymore. let the ladies lay on the beach and enjoy wine and cheese while dutch gets arrested
molly didn't even know the gang were going to the beach but it's good to see everyone every once in a while (she turns up after dutch left or she would have shived him). she brought 4 different outfits for different times of day depending on uv exposure and javier applauds her for it. she is taking so many selfies and encourage javier to pose with her
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aweirdfan101 · 1 year
Hello, can I request a platonic yandere hcs RMU trio finding their Younger sister figure! Reader sleeping next to a random boy in her dorm bed because last night they were doing it on the night of party? Feel free to reject it!
Hello dearie! Sorry this took a little while! Family stuff. And this is really funny and I knew immediately how they would react. Hope you enjoy this dearie!
Warnings: mentions of sex but no description, mentions of non-con but no description, mentions of murder
Type of writing: Fanfiction, platonic headcanons, Yandere headcanons
About: Yan!Albert Krueger, Yan!Vincent Edgeworth, Yan!Victor Blake reacting to finding their younger sister figure reader sleeping next to a random boy in the dorm after doing it.
Characters: Albert Krueger, Vincent Edgeworth, Victor Blake, Fem!reader
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Albert Krueger x Younger sister figure headcanons(platonic)
💜When I tell you he was absolutely livid.
💜Obviously don’t expect that guy to be alive for much longer.
💜He would immediately go over safe sex with you whether you wanted to hear it or not. (Use condoms guys)
💜He would lecture you especially if you or both of you were drunk.
💜He’s seething, but he isn’t mad at you. If you were drunk and the guy wasn’t he would torture the dude.
💜He feels hurt and he constantly worries over you and don’t expect to go to another party.
💜Albert is more of the laid back yanderes but this was the straw that broke the camels back.
💜If somehow you did end up going to another party, Albert would go with you whether you asked him to or not. He would supervise your drink, make sure you don’t drink to much alcohol, and make sure no guys go home with you.
💜If someone did flirt with you they would be found in a ditch.
💜Albert tries not to show he’s angry, but you can definitely tell he was seething.
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Vincent Edgeworth x younger sister figure headcanons(platonic)
🖤When he first sees it. He freezes, but very quickly he’s filled with anger. He probably beats the hell out of the guy right in front of you. Only to later kill the guy when you aren’t around.
🖤Or he’ll ruin his life. He’ll go to the headmaster and either lie or dig up something from the guys past to get him expelled.
🖤He may even try to frame him for a murder.
🖤As for how he treats you, he is extremely pissed, he doesn’t yell but you can just tell he’s about to snap.
🖤Like Krueger he goes over safe sex, as well as how to keep yourself safe during a party.
🖤Vincent would more than likely try to get you moved into his dorm. Really so he can keep an eye on you, but in almost all colleges you have to be the same sex to stay in a dorm together.
🖤However he will still start stalking you much more.
🖤If he wasn’t worried about your dating life them, well he sure as hell is now.
🖤Vincent is a lot more vocal about his anger. He’ll also try to scare other guys from trying to get into your life. And really everyone.
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Victor Blake x younger sister figure reader headcanons(platonic)
💕Victor is also angry, and sort of like Vincent he freezes at first. But very quickly he gets angry, and feels an intense mix of emotions.
💕On a whim he kills the guy, the murder was heavily driven by emotion and not as thought out as his usual murders.
💕He never lets you go out to parties very again. If somehow you sneak out and go to a party, he learns about it and follows you, he drags you back home instantly.
💕He would definitely think about kidnapping you so he didn’t have to worry about a lover taking you away.
💕He’d also mention safe sex and worry if you’d get pregnant.
💕Victor would definitely be more anxious with who you hang out with and try and isolate you even more.
💕He would try his best to scare you with how horrible people can be and really try and paint him in a wonderful light so you feel like you’ll only be safe around him.
💕Victor is probably more manipulative about the whole thing. Vincent is obviously manipulative as well as Krueger. But Victor is a lot more manipulative and tries to scare you a lot.
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s0ulsniper · 1 year
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🕯️ - links to my works will all be connected to this post, to make it easier, and far more organized.
-link to my requests page, who I will take. Please requests character/fandoms if you don't see who you want.
-click here.
-bucky barnes x reader
After Sam got y/n to agree meeting Bucky, strictly on mission terms, things start to get personal.
-avengers reacting to reader wearing a suit.
The avengers + others reaction to you wearing a suit. I added somewhat of a plot to each one.
-Our little secret: peter parker x crush!reader
only ned knows about y/n's crush on peter, and Peter's crush on y/n. they all decide to hangout for an annual lego build.
- gwen stacy x gn!band!reader
gwen has been ghosting you, but shows up to one of your concerts unannounced.
- avengers + getting caught making out with you (separately)
- peter parker x gn!classmate!reader
peter interrupts your best friend and yours conversation, but it turns out to be for the better.
- bucky barnes x best friend!reader
the power goes off in the avengers tower leaving you to find your way to the living room as per Tony's instructions.
- your camera roll if you were dating natasha romanoff
- your camera roll if you were dating peter parker (tom holland version)
-your camera roll if you were dating peter parker (andrew garfield version)
-donnie x reader
Your overworking yourself only for Donnie to find you in his room mindlessly studying.
-2012 Leo x gn!reader
reader has recently became obsessive over drawing, and dedicated all of their time, creating worry with Leo.
-donnie x hurt!reader
the boys thought you were an intruder when the motion detector went off, but instead you stumble in.
content creators
-I wanna be yours: flamingo x gn!reader
reader comes home after work to find Albert binging on the couch.
-albert aretz x sleepy!reader
albert knew you loved to sleep, probably one of your favorite things to do. While he was editing a video curled up with you, he felt your bodyweight get heavier and wondered why.
-albert aretz x reader
Exhausted reader comes home after a tiring day at work and hasn't slept for days.
-albert aretz x reader
after a fun day out, you find yourself falling asleep against albert's hands. who knew he was such a hair braiding expert?
-albert aretz x reader
Albert tells your date that you two are dating, when you aren't.
-albert aretz x reader
Albert is worried that you would want kids with how you've been taking care of them.
- albert aretz x reader
Albert invites you to rest on his lap while he finishes his work.
- lighting - albert aretz x reader
the thunderstorm definitely had great timing.
albert aretz x reader
you were never really open about your scars, but Albert will always be there for you.
albert aretz x reader
"close your eyes and hold out your hands", definitely wasn't what you were expecting it to be.
- albert aretz x plus size!reader
albert finds one of your many hoodies.
- albert aretz x gn!reader
after finishing editing albert falls asleep on your chest, you wake a couple hours later to the feeling of it.
cobra kai
you scared me, kid.
platonic!johnny Lawrence x fem!hurt!reader - Miguel x fem!hurt!reader
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