#I was 11 when FNaF came out... what the fuck...
king-of-havoc · 5 months
Just saw Foxy FNaF fanart and was forced to remember that I use to hate Foxy (despite foxes being my favorite animal?) because everybody loved him and I was jealous he got more love than Bonnie HYUJVNCX
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dragon-creates · 5 months
She Was Like A Sunflower
Read on AO3
Yeah, I just finished this so there may be some spelling mistakes. I just didn't want to delay the second chapter any further so I'll fix them when I wake up. Also, WHO PUT DOOMED YURI IN MY FUNNYBUNNY FIC?!?! Also, come support me and Pandora's new au on our shared tumblr called 'The Amazing Digital Redacted AU'. If you love indie horror like Bendy and the Ink machine, Poppy Playtime, FNAF then you'll love this AU. Here's the link Don't forget to check out twitter as well All that said, enjoy chapter 2! (and dont kill me pls)
2. Marjorie
What died didn't stay dead
You're alive, so alive
And if I didn't know better
I'd think you were singing to me now – Marjorie by Taylor Swift
Cloudy skies, not a hint of light coming through. It was going to be that type of day today, and that type of mood by the way Winter observed Riley’s behaviour this morning. The redhead was at the table, drinking coffee and bouncing Percy on her knee. Winter could tell whenever a smile was pretend, and the way her wife smiled right now was no exception.
Could she blame her? Winter was a wreck when Jack went missing and knowing how close Penny and Riley were, it made sense for her wife to behave the way she did. But the thing is, Riley didn’t, or scream, or get angry. The passionate, loud, amazing women she married wasn’t the one holding their son at the table. There was only a shell. And after that visit she had with David, Riley’s shell had only gotten tougher.
If Riley said anything that related to Penny, it would be to trying to find her. She never spoke about how it made her feel, never saw a tear, or the grieved anger that one would expect. Riley was always so loving towards anything about her sister, it unnerved Winter seeing her wife like this.
“Look at him,” Riley cooed at the little baby on her lap. “We have the cutest kid in the world, look at him.”
Percy giggled as his mother held him up under the arms, thrashing his legs about as he peered at his mama over the kitchen island. “He is the cutest baby in the world,” Winter agreed. “Um, I know Captain Rae is okay with you working on this case. But are you sure-”
“We should get him a new mobile,” Riley cut her off, focusing her attention on Percy. “I think the other one isn’t working to well, he never pays attention to it.”
Winter pursed her lips, tapping her fingers on the kitchen counter. She wanted to at least say something about Penny before Riley had to leave to drop Percy off at Laura’s. “Listen, Riley,” she spoke, making her wife turn to her. “You have been nothing but patient when I found out Jack went missing, I know this type of this is so fucking far from easy. Whatever you’re feeling, I’ve felt it too. You…you know that right?”
“I know,” Riley smiled warmly. “You know, you can say if you’re missing Jack again. You don’t have to be light about it to make me feel better, okay Hun?”
“No, no, that’s not what I’m trying to say,” Winter pinched the bridge of her nose. “I’ve heard you in the night, waking up crying. I understand what you’re feeling, you can talk about Penny-”
“-Okay Percy,” Riley turned back to her son. “Are you ready to see Grandma?” She immediately stood up, holding him by her hip as she grabbed her own bag, Percy’s baby bag and car keys from the table.
It was as if a switch was flipped, a wall was put up and the shell was hardening. “Riley, wait!” Winter went round the kitchen island as she chased her wife to the door, “Riley.”
Riley froze as she opened the door, facing the outside, her face hidden. Winter heard her take a sharp intake of breath before facing her with the same faux smile that she had been wearing ever since she came back from David’s “Yeah?”
“I…It’s just,” Winter tried to find the words, to say something that didn’t involve her life leaving without at least finishing a conversation. But she knew that no matter how hard she tried, Riley would find an opening in order not to face it, and it would only make Winter’s efforts even harder. The dark-haired woman sighed, “I’ll see you at work later. I…love you.”
A glimpse of a real smile appeared on Riley’s face, “I love you too carrot cake.” The redhead pressed a kiss to her wife’s cheek, “I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah,” Winter nodded solemnly, “See you soon.”
With that, Riley turned her focus back on Percy and shut the door behind her. Winter let her soldiers sag, a painful ache forming in her heart. She knew Riley was hurting, she saw it flicker in her eyes every time a dead end came up for Penny’s case, she heard it when Riley awoke crying from nightmares – yet Winter pretended she was asleep in order for Riley to not feel ashamed – and she felt every single anger and grief that she knew Riley was having because she had felt it when Jack went missing.
So why wouldn’t Riley talk to her?!
Winter took a deep breath, trying to cancel out the negative energy. Everyone copes differently with these types of things. Besides, she and Riley were as strong as cement, they could work through this despite how bleak everything seemed.
Riley would come to her eventually…maybe…hopefully.
So why did Winter feel so lonely?
“Okay, let me understand this as best as I can,” Ragatha started. Pomni and Jax had set up some bean bags for everyone while they sat on the bed, just finishing up their rundown of everything that happened in the last day. “You two have your memories back?”
“Yup,” Jax nodded.
“And you two were engaged before you got sucked in here?” Zooble questioned.
“That would be correct,” Pomni agreed.
“And now you guys might know a way to escape this place?” Gangle asked.
“That is a plausibility,” Jax replied.
Ragatha pressed her hands together and held them near her face, taking a long, deep, exhausted breath, “This is a lot to take in.”
Pomni bit her lip nervously, “I know this is the last thing you were all expecting, but you’re all handling this well all things considered.”
“I’m just confused on how you managed to fall in love with Jax of all people,” Zooble muttered, glaring at the rabbit.
Jax rolled his eyes, “Thanks Zooble.”
Pomni frowned, taking his hand into hers and squeezing it tight, “Because he loved me despite everything, saw me at my worst yet stayed because he knew I could thrive into my best. And right now, he helped me find a possible way to get everyone out of here. Do I excuse what he’s done to all of you? No. And I’m still not happy with how he treated me and Ragatha on my first day. So don’t think I’m taking sides, I’m simply observing.”
Zooble sighed, almost feeling guilty…almost. But they trusted Pomni’s word, not Jax’s (they didn’t know if they ever would) but definitely Pomni’s. “Fine” she muttered.
Kinger looked more lost than he usually did. The usual quiet brainstorm he would have in the middle of the room increased like wildfire. “Memories…returning,” he mumbled. “This…I don’t…I haven’t seen anything like it.”
Jax turned to the chess piece. He didn’t like this reaction, not one bit. It brought up too many painful flashbacks of someone similar to Kinger going through the same thing a long time ago, “Kinger, buddy, stay with us.”
It was like going in one ear and out the either for the royal character, still shaking like a leaf, “How…what is…something is…a trip?”
Trip? Jax didn’t want to see how far this would go, how far Kinger would go unless he’d – no, he wasn’t going to finish that thought and he wouldn’t let this continue. “Kinger!” Jax clapped his hands, the sound ringing through the room and snapping the chess piece out of his mumblings.
Kinger blinked. Once, twice, “Oh Jax.” And once again, he was back to himself, “Apologies, I must have been lost in a dream. But it’s so nice to know you and Pomni were together, young love finds a way.”
Despite the chess piece giving them all a scare, that statement alone made the rabbit and jester blush. Would it be rude if he kicked everyone out and smother his fiancé with attention? Yes, yes it would. And while it was tempting, Jax couldn’t afford to indulge. Not when the giant elephant in the room was still being addressed.
“It is really sweet,” Gangle whispered. It sounded like a genuine compliment from the masked woman – and it was don’t get her wrong – but there was something else lacing her tone. Something else that suggested the bodied ribbons couldn’t be as happy as she wanted to be. But she didn’t say, it wasn’t her place. No one could even tell from that slight lilt in her voice that she felt this way.
But Zooble noticed.
“Okay, still a little confused but I think I’m getting there,” Ragatha finally spoke up again. “Listen, Pomni. You know I trust you whole heartedly, but we’ve been here for years and no one has seen an exit until now, are you sure that what you’ve seen is accurate?”
Pomni’s face fell. Despite the door in front of Ragatha, despite everything she told her, why did the ragdoll still doubt her? “But we told you. The exit door is right there,” Pomni pointed to the door on the wall, desperation filling her eyes. “I know it seems impossible but I really think we can get out of here!”
Ragatha gasped, covering her mouth with guilt at what she said, “Sorry, sorry Pomni I phrased that wrong. It’s just…we’ve all tried looking for a way out and it always backfired, even when we think we’ve gotten so close. I don’t want the same thing to happen to you.”
Pomni opened her mouth, about to speak when-
“Ragatha,” Jax spoke. Everyone’s eyes widened, he never said Ragatha’s actual name, and so seriously either. “We saw her mother. She saw us send out a message to her. She knows we’re alive.” He paused, watching the ragdoll process everything with shock written all over her face. “Someone knows we’re here now. I know you’re scared, but this is a real chance of finally leaving.”
Ragatha’s mouth opened and closed, cutting off words before they even arrived at her lips. She thought she knew everything about the circus, had accepted that no matter how much they tried they could never escape. It was a horrible thing to accept, but she had to if she wanted to stay sane and not end up like…she could still feel herself almost crumbling away when Kaufmo’s abstracted form attacked her. No, no! She can’t lose herself now. She should be grateful that Pomni and Jax managed to find a way to be free, so why did it feel so hard to grasp onto that hope? “Okay,” she sighed. “I trust you, Pomni. But what about Caine, do you think you’ll tell him-”
“NO!” Pomni cut her off, fear swimming in her red and blue eyes. Even everyone seemed shocked by her sudden volume. Jax held her close, hugging her trembling form as the jester took a few breaths to calm herself down. “No, I-I don’t think that’s a good idea. He already had a weird way of trying to make things ‘fun’ here, I don’t know how he’ll feel when we say we’ve found a legitimate exit. What if he tries to take that away?”
The rest of the group nodded slowly. Even before Pomni arrived, Caine had always shut down the possibility of an exit being possible. And every time it was shown to him, he would twist it and prove to them that it was just another part of the circus. It was like he feared an exit even existing.
“It’s just your imagination!” he always said, leaving them to doubt if what they saw was actually there. And if you lost yourself in those thoughts, then it was a one-way trip into the cellar. And nobody wanted that.
“Well in that case…” Ragatha trailed off, closing her eyes for a moment. When they opened, they were fierce and determined. “Keep doing what you’re doing. This actually seems like a true way to finally get out of here. But do not let Caine find out. Keep pretending that everything is the same, you two are just friends, you don’t remember your past and that there is no way an exit is even here.”
“Got it,” Pomni and Jax said in unison.
“Which means that you two should stop acting like a couple whenever you’re in public,” Ragatha stated.
“Oh we know,” Pomni smiled innocently.
“Yeah, it’s not as hard as it seems,” Jax replied cooly.
Ragatha raised a coy brow at the two of them, “Pomni, darling, you’re sitting on Jax’s lap.”
Oh, right, the two of them forgot about that. They were both quick to slip back in to how they used to be before the circus, which meant a lot of trusting physical contact that the two were proud to have developed over the years. But then again, Ragatha was right. Something like that would be extremely obvious to Caine that something was up.
Pomni slid of the rabbit’s lap, rubbing the back of her neck awkwardly while Jax coughed nervously behind his fist. “Right, sorry,” Pomni laughed sheepishly, while Jax pouted at the lack of contact.
Ragatha pinched the bridge of her nose again, this is gonna be a disaster.
Riley paced back and forth in her mother’s living room, her phone held to her ear as she chewed on her fingernail. “Oh god I fucked up, I really fucked up,” she mumbled as the dial buzzed in her ear.
“Riley, sweetie, it’s gonna be okay,” Amber put her hands on her daughter’s shoulders, ceasing her pacing. “If this Samual boy is as nice as you say he is I’m sure he’ll listen to you.”
“I was really awful the last time I saw him, Mom,” Riley winced as she remembered his cries, ignoring him as the elevator doors shut behind her. “And the worst part was, I genuinely believed he was telling the truth. You always told me to trust my gut and I did! With him! But then Jason Wood said stuff that sounded plausible, and I feel so fucking stupid because even my head was screaming at me not to believe him. I didn’t know whether to trust the facts because both of them were laid out to me and I-”
“Hey, hey,” Amber’s voice was soft yet firm.  “This isn’t like anything you’ve ever worked on before. We are dealing with something that we didn’t even know existed, and its personal since both Jack and Penny are involved in this. In a normal case, maybe someone like Jason is right about this. But this isn’t a normal case, and we have proof that this Jason guy isn’t to be trusted.”
Riley nodded, “I have to let him know how sorry I am. This kid, he’s been through so much, all I did was make his situation worse. If Jason really treated him like that them…oh god…oh god Mom we really need to help him!”
Amber nodded feverishly. When Riley told her what Samual went through, with his parents going missing and how Jason was like to him whenever they were brought up, all the mother saw was nothing but red. The only time Amber looked like she was ready to kill was with David after the car crash all those years ago, and again when he showed up at both of her daughters’ homes unannounced.
Riley was about to speak when-
“Hello?” Samual’s voice answered through the phone.
“Ah, Samual!” Riley gasped, keeping the phone tight to her ear. “Samual you were right about everything! We couldn’t trust Jason!”
“M-miss Riley?!” His tone was small and frightened, almost trading on eggshells at the sound of her. “What are you talking about?”
Riley only wanted that type of fear from the voices of those who wronged her, not from innocent kids trying to help. She wanted to slap herself in the face for making that mistake, “Samual, you know the emails you showed me? Of the mystery person? The same thing happened to my Mom, my sister, I think she’s trying to get into contact with us.”
There was a small pause on the other line, before the boy spoke meekly, “You…you believe me?”
“Yeah, yeah kid I do,” Riley was nothing short of breathless. The last twenty-four hours have been nothing but a blur. But the way she spoke to him, at the height of her anger. Even if this situation wasn’t real, she shouldn’t have spoke to a hurting kid like that. “Samual, I owe you an apology.”
“Oh no, you don’t need to-”
“Samual, please,” she gently cut him off. “The way I spoke to you was nothing short of cold and rude. I was in a bad place and me and my family have gone through so much pain, but that’s no excuse and I should never have taken my anger out on you. I’m so sorry Samual.”
There was a pause, Riley waited with bated breath. Mere seconds felt agonisingly long until Samual finally answered, “I forgive you.”
Riley felt her lungs fill with air, finally letting herself breathe, “Really?”
“Yeah, I get it. Jason has a history of getting people to believe his stories,” Samual said. “I don’t blame you. And now I’m guessing we have more proof that he’s lying?”
“That’s right,” Riley confirmed, “Are you free to come check it out?”
“I’ll be there as quick as I can,” Samual’s excited and curious tone returned. “I can’t wait to get started on our secret FBI work!”
The line cut off before Riley could say another word. She grinned, shaking her head.
He forgave her.
“I’m guessing it went well?” Amber asked, her own smile gracing her lips.
Riley nodded, relief washing over her again and again, “We might actually be getting somewhere.”
Amber faltered a little. For a while, she was starting to lose hope that she would ever truly hear those words. But somehow, mercy was gifted to her and her family. “We’re gonna find her,” she stated firmly to her eldest daughter “We’re gonna get Penny back.”
“We will Mom,” Riley agreed, “We will.”
Yes the option to not go on Caine’s adventure was always available, but it didn’t mean that the ringmaster was too happy whenever someone decided to stay behind. Right now, Zooble was idly walking down one of the hallways on the tent, kicking their foot against the carpet a few times. Ironically enough, Zooble wasn’t the first and only one who volunteered to stay behind for the day. Nope, it was Gangle who asked first.
Normally the ribboned lady wouldn’t mind tagging along on an adventure with everyone else, but today she turned away at the offer trudging back into the circus. Zooble had instantly recognised that it wasn’t Gangle’s usual behaviour and decided to stay back too. He would deal with Caine’s shenanigans once the pair of dentures came back with the rest of the crew.
Zooble paced up and down the hallway, the day was nearly up but she hadn’t actually worked up the courage to see if Gangle was okay. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to, but Gangle was one of the sweetest and sensitive people here. Zooble cherished the fact that someone like her wanted to be friends with someone like him, to the point that they even got a bit nervous when talking with her one on one. But right now, there was something obviously wrong with Gangle and Zooble made the choice to stay behind to make sure that she didn’t feel less alone. Yet here she was, keeping a distance from the masked lady because he was nothing but afraid.
But then they stopped. When he was in the gloink hole, Gangle was the only one to realise he was missing, even being brave enough to try and bring her back. It would be selfish of Zooble to not at least try to comfort the girl and see if she was okay. Swallowing both his fears and pride, Zooble marched themselves down the hall to find Gangle.
He found her sitting on the stage, her silk legs drawn up to her chest as she sighed to herself, her comedy mask was once again broken and she had to rely on her secondary, sombre one instead. Under Zooble’s stoic expression, she was absolutely terrified. They didn’t know why, Gangle was their friend. Why did they feel afraid to start a conversation alone with a friend. Their sweet…kind…pretty friend. Ah! Pull yourself together! Gangle needs you!
Zooble took a deep breath, he could do this. And so, he walked up to the stage, slipping into their usual and calm posture, “Hey Gangle. No adventure today?”
She jumped a bit at the sound of her name, relaxing when they saw who it was, “No, not today. I wasn’t in the mood.”
“Oh,” Zooble nodded awkwardly. They weren’t really good at the emotional fluffy stuff, every time they tried she somehow always reached a dead end. But he didn’t want Gangle feeling this lonely, he had to at least try and help her out, “Any reason why?”
Gangle rubbed her arm, giving Zooble a sad smile, “It’s okay Zooble. If you have somewhere to be then you can go, you don’t need to stay and talk to me if you don’t want to.”
“No I do!” Zooble said a bit too quickly, making Gangle squeak. “Gah, sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to sound like that. It’s…ugh how does Ragatha do this so easily?” They closed their eyes for a moment, breathing deeply before opening them again. “I’m here because I want to be. And I’m always willing to lend an ear if you need to talk. Gangle, if there’s anything you wanna say or do, I’m here.”
The ribboned woman seemed to be taken aback by that, not fully expecting that level of support from the usual reclusive assortment of parts. But she wasn’t complaining, she liked seeing this side of Zooble. “Well, it’s just…” she started, fiddling with the ends of her ribbons for a moment. “I’m happy that Pomni and Jax have their memories back, really I am. And it really is sweet that they used to be together, but…”
“But?” Zooble asked.
“…Jax has done nothing but torment us, prank us and make our lives miserable,” Gangle spoke. “Every day, he’s done nothing but go out of his way to annoy us just because he likes seeing funny things happen to people. And now he has his memories back and we’re suddenly happy for him?! After all he put us through. As if it erases everything he did to us! With Pomni, I’m glad that she remembers who she was. She was so scared when she got here and Caine has done nothing to help her, so it’s good finally seeing her smile. But with Jax? It might be wrong for me to say but it doesn’t seem fair! We’ve been trying everything to remember who we were, all the while he laughed at us for doing so! Like he hadn’t tried doing so in the first place as well yet he still made fun of us! And now he gets them back just like that! I wanna remember! I tried so hard to! Yet he berated me for trying and he-”
She covered her mouth, ashamed. She said too much. “Oh gosh, that’s horrible what I just said!” her eyes darted round the area. “I need to find my comedy mask, that why I’ll stop talking like this and be happy! Where is it? I swore I had it here somewhere, it’s not broken. Oh god, what if it is?! No, no, no! I need my comedy mask! I need it! I wanna stop feeling like this!”
“Gangle! You’re okay!” Zooble quickly caught Gangle’s flailing hands in theirs, holding them firmly yet gently. “You’re not a horrible person for saying that and I get what you’re trying to say. I know you don’t mean anything bad by it and I understand your frustration. Am I glad that bozo has his memories back, sure. But it doesn’t mean that I forgave and forgot all that he put us through, and you don’t need to either. If someone as weird as Jax can get his memories back, then someone as amazing as you can get yours back too.”
Gangle lips parted for a moment, speechless at the honesty in Zooble’s tone. “Y-you think I’m amazing?” she whispered.
Zooble’s voice got caught in her throat, her entire face flustering up as she removed his hands from Gangle’s. “Well, yeah,” they replied nonchalantly. “You don’t overwhelm me like Caine or annoy me like Jax. Plus I like your acts you put on.”
Gangle practically beamed at that, “You like my acts?”
“Hehe, of course,” Zooble’s eyes gleamed. “You got a real talent for that.”
The masked lady giggled, “You know, for someone who doesn’t think they’re good at soft stuff, I think you did a pretty great job with talking to me.”
“Oh,” Zooble blushed, clearing their throat before mumbling, “Thank you. And your comedy mask, you wanna leave it or…”
“No I can’t leave it,” Gangle quickly told her. “Everything just gets too much in here, I need my mask to make it easier, to make me happier. That way I won’t bring everyone down and I’ll be as happy as I need to be.”
Zooble furrowed his brows at Gangle’s statement, “But you don’t bring-”
“Oh, I think I know where it is!” Gangle grinned. “I’ll be back soon! Thank you Zooble!” She then tore off down the hall, all the way back to the bedroom quarters.
“Wait but…” Zooble reached out an arm to her, but Gangle was already gone. “But you don’t need your mask to be happy.”
They sighed. They had seen Gangle smile without the mask, a real genuine smile that wasn’t forced by some code from the character model forced onto her. If anything, Zooble swore that the mask only made things worse for Gangle, making her rely on it more and more. Zooble wished to see that real smile again.
Their train of thought was interrupted by the sound of a group of voices, tired and groaning. She turned, looks like the adventure was over for today. “Jeez, what happened to you guys?” they asked.
“Football stadium adventure,” Ragatha mumbled, rubbing her lower back. “Turns out when you put four inexperienced players against a group of NPC’s coded with tons of knowledge about it, you tend to face a lot of back pain.”
Zooble hissed through his teeth, “Yikes.”
“But it’s all a part of the adventure!” Caine boomed, making them all jump. “After all! How boring would it be if you didn’t learn at all!”
“You couldn’t at least give us a tutorial?” Jax grumbled. “Was that really too hard for you to do dentures?” He wasn’t really angry for himself. Well, he was. But Pomni had a really hard time on her feet during the whole game, easily being outnumbered and beaten by the NPC’s.
At one point, one of them kicked her in the leg instead of the ball, sending her to the ground. For a moment, Jax had forgotten all about the pretending, tackling the NPC to the ground before checking on his secret fiancé. Thankfully, Caine saw it as Jax thinking they were playing soccer (despite him literally kicking the ball for hours on end) and being a good teammate. Jax had never been more thankful for the AI’s naivety, especially when it gave him a chance to take Pomni to a nursing room and dressing her wound (he wouldn’t forget about how her cheeks turned red when he kissed the side of her bandaged knee).
“Anyhow!” Caine fiddled with his cane before tossing it away, a cartoonish sound effect resonating from where it landed. “I suggest you all rest up! We’ve gotten even more adventures planned for tomorrow and you’ll all need a good feast and rest before that!”
“Oh great, its not as if we heard that line before,” Jax muttered. Pomni crossed her arms over her chest, raising a brow at the rabbit. Jax only grinned, rolling his eyes at the pair of dentures before circling his finger at the temple of his head, clearing stating his opinion of the ringmaster. Pomni scoffed, failing to hide a smile at her fiancé. Jax’s face softened, he’ll never get tired of making her smile.
 “I’ll leave everyone to themselves before dinner!” Caine boomed with his usual, yet unsettling, toothy grin. “Take care my superstars!”
Like the same song and dance he had done many times before, the pair of dentures vanished in a puff of smoke. Jax waited a few seconds, making sure that the ringmaster was gone before rushing over to Pomni. “How’s your knee? Does it still hurt?” he asked, brushing his hand over the bandage.
“Yeah Hun I’m okay,” Pomni reassured him, petting behind his ears. “I’m sure it’s just a bruise now with the way things work here.”
His brows furrowed worriedly, “You sure? No more aches?”
“No more aches,” Pomni repeated.
“Good, good,” Jax let his thumb brush over the bandaged skin one more time before standing up. “So, you ready to get back to business.”
Pomni took in a sharp breath, both excitement yet a hint of nerves washing through her, “Yeah, let’s go see my Mom.”
Jax nodded, the two of them going down the hall again, unable to feel the gaze of everyone else’s eyes on them.
“Still having doubts Rags?” Zooble turned to the ragdoll.
“A little bit,” Ragatha nodded, a bit of shame shown on her face. “It’s not that I don’t trust them. I guess I’m just…scared. We never had anything like this. It could go either really well or…” She didn’t want to finish that sentence. She didn’t want to finish that thought! Never before had they tittered on a tight rope so close to collapsing. If this went wrong, then all of them could suffer a fate worse than abstraction. No, no she wasn’t going to think about that. It she was brought down, then so would everyone else. And she wasn’t going to allow herself to act so selfishly, “Never mind, how about I go see if Bubble would like help making dessert?”
Zooble frowned at Ragatha’s shift in mood, “Don’t do that.”
“Do what?” Ragatha questioned innocently.
“You always do that, act like you’re not sad when you are,” Zooble told her. “You’re allowed to not have good days, you know that right?”
“Oh Zooble, you worry too much,” Ragatha patted his arm. “I’m absolutely fine, no bad thoughts in my head whatsoever. Now, I think a pie would do well for dessert for tonight, don’t you think?”
With that, the ragdoll turned on her heel and headed to the kitchen. That was two people in a row that pretended to be happy to Zooble. He hated when that happened, when they forced down any type of negativity in the fear of being abstracted. It wasn’t fair that this threat kept hovering over everyone’s head, and Zooble hated it that Caine didn’t do anything to sooth their worries, instead leaving them to wallow with shallow adventures that they all hated. It was another reason why Zooble felt bitter with Jax, he kept pushing them on the brink every single time while knowing how much they all feared the fate of the cellar, yet he never stopped. Zooble felt frustrated tears at the corners of her eyes, allowing them to fall. The others might be too scared to cry, but they didn’t want to (part of them was glad that Pomni felt the same way as well).
He felt a hand cover her shoulder, rubbing it carefully like a parent would do with their child. Zooble turned his hand, it was Kinger. His eyes didn’t meet theirs, still lost in his own worlds of chaos and insects. Yet his hands moved on their own, as though another part of his mind wanted to reach out and sooth them. Zooble sniffed, if they could smile then he would be smiling at Kinger right there and now. As crazy as it sounded in her head, Kinger somehow seemed to be the sanest of them all.
Knock, knock
Riley rushed to the door, opening it wide as it revealed the startled face of one Samual Abel. “Samual,” she gasped. “Thank you so much for coming! I’m so, so sorry!”
“Miss Riley, it’s okay,” he smiled softly. “I already told you I forgive you.”
“I know, I know,” Riley brushed back some of her red hair. “But you didn’t need to. You could have just accepted my apology and moved on, but you forgave me. Why? The way I spoke to you was awful.”   
Samual shrugged, “When I was a kid, my Dad always taught me that forgiveness is a heavy thing. Many people will feign an apology just so they can unburden themselves with forgiveness without actually being sorry. I don’t forgive a lot of people, I don’t think I can forgive some of the people at C&A for lying to me and letting Jason control me, I know that if they said sorry it wouldn’t erase all that happened over the years. But you, you didn’t know. You were tricked and I know that you meant how sorry you were. That’s the difference that my Dad taught me about, I’ll know the right people to forgive and not to bring myself down with the people I don’t choose to give that right to.”
This kid was just too kind, speaking with a wisdom many people who lived longer on this earth lacked, “Your father sounds like a good man.” Not many people have that luck.  
“Both he and my mother were great people,” Samual’s eyes were warm, lost in a memory of love and comfort from so many years ago. He blinked them away, his face simple yet determined. “Anyways, you got something to show me?”
Riley nodded, slipping back into business, “Yeah, let me introduce you to my Mom. She’s the one who got the messages.”
She led Samual into the house, shutting the door behind him. Amber came into the room, her hands clasped together and a cardigan wrapped around her shoulders. “Oh, hello,” she blinked in surprise at the sight of the boy. She turned to Riley, “Is this Samual?”
“Yeah, this is him,” Riley confirmed.
“Hi, it’s so nice to meet you,” Amber walked over, wrapping her arms around him, his eyes widening in surprise. “Riley told me what happened, I’m so sorry all this happened to you.”
He stood frozen for a moment, as though he wasn’t used to someone wanting to hug him back. But his arms wrapped tight around Amber like Riley expected, burying his face into her shoulder. He was shaking a bit, she couldn’t hear any sobs but Riley was certain that the kid hadn’t received this level in security in a while. Hopefully with how things were going so far, that would change soon enough. Soon, Samual pulled away, trying to still his shaking hands. “Right, so,” he took a step back, his hands shoved into his pockets. “Ready to get to work?”
Amber nodded, grinning, “This way.” She guided him to the sofa, letting him sit down as the computer switched on next to him. “It was so bizarre. I’m not sure what your experience was like, all I know from Riley was that you only received messages.”
Samual lifted a brow, “I guess yours had more to it.”
“Yes,” Amber confirmed. “Before I got the messages, all my lights were flickering, like something or…someone was controlling it. That’s when I got these.” Once the computer was up and functioning, Amber clicked onto the documents that held the words from her daughter.
Samual shifted closer, “Yeah, this is certainly…different. I only got emails, but it looks like someone wrote this if it’s on a document.”
“That’s the thing,” Amber turned to him. “I don’t know how but Penny was in this room. I couldn’t see or feel how but she was there, controlling the lights and writing to me.”
Samual’s eyes widened, no disbelief was seen but rather surprise at this new revelation, “Your daughter is trying to communicate with you. She even managed to be here with you somehow.”
“Yes, yes!” Amber exclaimed, grinning. “She was right here in this room.”
“But you said not physically?” Riley asked, her tone curious rather than accusatory.  “She managed to speak to you but her body wasn’t here?”
“Unfortunately,” Amber’s face fell slightly.
“So wherever she is, she’s still trapped,” Riley sighed.
Samual got up, facing the two women, “But it doesn’t seem impossible to find her. If she managed to get here the first time than its possible that she could come back.”
Riley bit her lip, “But how would we know?”
“Riley’s right,” Amber agreed. “I might have spoken to her then but I don’t know how to get in contact with her again-”
The lamp flickered, the trio’s attention focused in on it. “I’m guessing that wasn’t my eyes playing tricks on me?” Riley observed, her toes curling at the thought of who she hoped it was.
“Nope,” Amber’s grin returned, whipping back round to the computer. “Penny, is that you baby?”
Hey Mom
I’m back
Riley’s hands covered her mouth, her knees dropping to the ground, “Penny? Is that really you?”
Unbeknownst to Riley, Pomni had done the same thing. Matching her sister as she tried to stifle a sob, “Hey Jax, do you mind?”
The rabbit chuckled behind her, watching the exchange go down. There were no memory-like pathways this time, just a simple walk through the door and they arrived right back in the living room, “Yeah babe, I got it.”
She’s here, she just got a little overwhelmed seeing you all again
Hi Mrs Reed
It’s good to see you again
Amber brows furrowed in confusion for a moment before realisation struck. There was only one other person that she knew who disappeared the way her youngest daughter did, “Jack?”
Yup, that’s me
Hope you’re not too disappointed
The older woman let out a breathless laugh, about to reply with how happy she was to see him…until she was interrupted by another voice, “YOU SON OF A BITCH!”
Jax’s ears pressed flat against his head as Riley stood from the ground, fury written all over her face. Pomni, Amber and Samual had to take a few steps away from the raging woman.
Jax gulped, he should have known this was coming. After all he heard from Winter how Riley slammed someone’s head against a table just because they looked at Penny funny, if he wasn’t in the circus he would be on a missing poster by now. He took a deep breath, typing away on the keyboard.
You’re allowed to be angry
What I did was unforgivable and I understand if you won’t forgive me
But please understand then when I say sorry, I mean it
I’m so sorry Riley
For hurting your sister the way I did
For everything
Riley crossed her arms as she scowled, letting herself think long and hard about it, emphasise on long (she wanted to make him suffer at least a little bit). Jack was an asshole for what he did, but she knew what he went through as a kid and how hard he tried to make things right both for himself and for everyone else. She looked to Samual, the boy giving her a smile and a thumbs up before she turned back with a sigh, “Thank you for your apology.”
Jax’s stomach did a flip. There was a thank you, but no forgiveness. It was expected, a bit disappointing, but also a good start.
You’re welcome
Riley’s face turned soft again, shifting her feet on the rug below her, “Penny, are you…can you speak to me?”
Pomni clenched her hands, grinning and trembling with excitement as she rushed over to the computer.
Hey Riles
Please don’t kill Jack when we get back
Riley sniffed, wiping a stray tear from her cheek, “I’ll try not to, but I’ll do it for you Pen. Oh my god I missed you so much.”
Pomni bit back her sob, if she missed her mother so much already, then the weight of missing Riley hit like a bag of bricks.
I missed you too
You’re making me cry Riles
“I can’t help it,” Riley laughed. “You’ve been gone for three months.”
I know
You have no idea how much I wanna hug you all – Penny (did that so you can tell who you’re talking to)
Jax hummed, amused by her quick choice, “Smart.”
She gave the rabbit a quick grin before she turned her gaze to the boy in the living room, tilting her head curiously.
Who’s that guy?
Jax followed her gaze, letting out a small gasp of realisation at who it was, “Samual Abel?!”
“Wait, you mean-?” she realised now who he was talking about.
“Penny, Jack,” Riley walked over to the boy. “This is Samual Abel, son of Kaleb and Quinn Abel. He’s gonna be helping us get you home.”
“Uh, yeah,” Samual replied nervously. “Hi again Mister Jack, nice to meet you Miss Penny. Um, I’m really sorry I couldn’t do more for you when Jason came up to you that day Jack.”
Jax frowned as his fingers reach for the keyboard again.
It was nobody’s fault but my own kid
I was the one who took up Jason’s offer
Don’t beat yourself up about it – Jack
“Copycat,” Pomni stuck her tongue out at him.
Jax chuckled, “Couldn’t help it little lady,”
“But I should have done something!” Samual stood so fast it nearly gave him whiplash. “Jason always does this! He knows it’s dangerous when people touch that stupid game! The moment he said where he was sending you I knew what job he was talking about! I could have stopped all this!”
Riley faced the boy, confused, “Game? What game?”
“That fucking game!” he cursed. “It’s been the root of all of our problems yet he never got rid of it! It started small with people disappearing in the company with headsets left behind, but then it started spreading somehow to the public! And now we lost the file! It keeps jumping from place to place and we can never catch it! All because Jason was too stubborn to get rid of it!”
“Sam, Sam, hey,” Riley clicked her fingers in front of his face, his attention solely focused on her. “What game are you talking about.”
Samual’s buried his face into his hands, a stressed groan leaving his mouth, “It was supposed to be a VR remake of the first game my dad made, but Jason kept making too many shaky choices with it. Then my parents disappeared. I hate that game… ‘The Amazing Digital Circus’.”
Pomni gasped, “That was the game I saw when I tried to find you!” She turned to Jax, “We’re stuck inside the game!”
“I-I remember!” Jax clenched his hands. “When I disappeared! That was the file I saw!”
It fell on deaf ears. “The reason why Jason wanted to send Jack away was because that was where the last person went missing, the last time we saw the file,” Samual told them. “He wanted to send Jack there as a way to retrieve the file and get back to working on the game again, even if he knew it wasn’t safe. Unfortunately the file routed its way back to this city and took Jack with him.”
“And then it took Penny,” Amber whispered.
“Okay,” Riley gathered herself, her mind settling back into business. “Jason sent Jack away and lied to everyone for all these years. That wasn’t your fault Samual.”
“But I-” he tried to speak.
“You told me that whenever you tried to speak up to talk to someone then Jason would get in the way and scare you into stopping,” she stated firmly. “Don’t blame yourself because a grown man was enough of a coward to bully a child.”
He looked like he was about to retort, but a stern glare from Riley was all that he needed to heed what she said, “Ok Miss Riley.”
“Next,” she moved on. “What should be our second course of action.”
Pomni quickly moved back to the computer.
No one else in the circus has their memories
Is there a way we can try and help them get them back? – Penny
“Oh, oh wait!” Samual piped up, an idea bright in his mind. “I overheard Jason talking about this. He has USB files of each person that went missing, including their past leading up to this point.”
“You overhear a lot of stuff kid,” Riley crossed her arms. “I didn’t mean that as a criticism, just observing.”
“Hehe, well, when you’ve been isolated from everyone and everything all your life you tend to get a bit bored,” Samual replied with a wry smile. “Case in point, eavesdropping on the guy you’re suspicious off in order to gather information.”
“So if we get the USB files and hook them into this computer,” Amber started to catch on.
“It could help get their memories back,” Samual finished. “I’ll get to see if my parents are there!”
“This is amazing!” Amber cheered. “Well, not fully amazing because their all still stuck but we’re getting somewhere. Oh wait till Winter hears about Jack being alive!”
A wide grin appeared on Jax’s face. Winter, his sister, he could finally see her again! Reassure her that he was alive-
“-Wait! No, no!” Riley quickly interjected, making everyone become quickly confused at her sudden outburst. “We can’t tell Winter, not yet at least.”
Amber blinked in surprise, “Honey, she’s your wife. She’s been missing Jack for so long, she needs to know the truth.”
Pomni watched as Jax’s ear twitch, a slight scowl was on his face. He didn’t like this one bit.
 “I know that,” Riley said. “But you weren’t there when Jack was gone. She went nearly catatonic, unable to move, speak or eat. The devastation of losing him for so long nearly broke her. We nearly lost Percy in birth because of the impact. I…I can’t risk that happening again.”
A slow, angered breath released through Jax’s nose as he started to type again.
This is a mistake Riley
Winter deserves to know
You can’t keep this from her – Jack
Riley shook her head, “I’m doing this to protect her. It’s for her own good Jack.”
He wasn’t convinced, turning away from her. Riley shouldn’t have to make that choice for Winter, it wasn’t fair! She needed to know, not be kept in the dark!
Pomni patted his hand softly as she went to the keyboard.
But he’s right Riley – Penny
“I’ll tell her eventually,” Riley reassured everyone. “J-just not now, until I know for sure that everything will be fine.”
Pomni sighed. Riley was as stubborn as they came, there was no changing her mind with this.
Both rabbit and jester jumped when they heard the dinner bell ringing from outside the exit door. It was time to go.
We have to leave
You better know what you’re doing Riley – Penny
“What? But you just came back!” Riley cried.
Amber put a hand on her daughter’s shoulder, “Don’t worry. If this interaction has proved anything, they’ll be back.”
Riley was unconvinced, but if there was anyone she trusted more than anything, it was her mother. “Ok,” she nodded, “Just…please be safe Penny.”
I will
And like that, both rabbit and jester rushed out the door. They were able to make it on dinner on time, and Caine was none the wiser about what happened. But despite the feast laid out in front of him, everything that Riley said left a bitter taste in Jax’s mouth. After Penny, Winter was the one he was closest to out of anyone in his life. He might not have been the greatest person, but Winter was the furthest thing from bad. She was the reason that he started to believe that good things could happen in his life, and now Riley was refusing to tell her that he was here and alive.
It felt so wrong.
Pomni’s hand was on his leg, still yet reassuring. It was a silent confirmation that she was on his side about this. He laid his hand atop hers, making sure it was out of Caine’s sight. He squeezed it, hopefully things would be okay…they had to be.
Black, everything was black.
It was like she was stuck in inky tar, unable to move her feet, stuck in the black substance.
She looked up, the redhead gasped as she saw one very familiar, visible figure.
“Penny?” Riley’s voice sounded louder in her ears.
The brunette was wearing the same outfit Riley had last seen her in, a plain white T-shirt and grey leggings. Though it looked dirtier than she last remembered, and why were her eyes shut?
“Why did you leave me?” Penny’s voice echoed.
Riley was startled by the sudden statement, “What?”
“You’re my big sister,” Penny mumbled. “You’re supposed to protect me…yet you didn’t.”
“No, Penny I didn’t mean for you to get trapped!” Riley yelled out for her. “I’m doing everything I can to bring you home!”
“You said you would always be there for me,” Penny whispered back. “You said that no matter what happens I would be safe if you were there…but you weren’t…you didn’t save me…you’re a liar.”
“I’m so sorry Penny,” Riley sobbed, hands on her leg as she tried to pull them out, but to no avail. “I’m really sorry!”
“Liar,” Penny repeated.
Riley gasped, trying to run but she was frozen solid in the ink. Suddenly, the darkness was replaced by thousands of multicoloured eyes staring at her as Penny drew closer.
The brunette grabbed Riley by the collar of her shirt. It was nothing but silence.
Then her eyes opened.
Riley screamed when she saw that they were as hollow and black as the ink.
Penny opened her mouth again, the same ink leaking out from her lips as she screeched one more time.
Riley awoke with a scream tearing from her throat, her hands fisting the bed sheets beneath her. She failed her, she failed Penny, she couldn’t save her, she was nothing but a failure-
“Riley, Riley!” Winter reached out, taking her wife’s hands in hers. “It’s okay, see, everything is ok.”
Riley was still trembling, tears streaming down her cheeks.
“Breathe with me babe,” Winter told her, taking deep breaths in and out again. Riley gulped down a sob, repeating her wife’s pattern. Eventually, she breath was even again and she was calm enough to see her surroundings. There was no ink, no eyes. She was in her bedroom with Winter as the other woman turned the lamp on beside the bed. “It’s okay, it was just a nightmare.”
She was about to bring Riley back into her arms, before the redhead pulled away and stood up, “Sorry I didn’t mean to wake you. I’ll go sleep in the guest room, to let you rest before work.”
“No, wait, Riley!” Winter shouted as her partner gathered up her pillow and a spare blanket. “I just wanna talk, you don’t have to do this.”
“I want to get some sleep before work, alright? Conversation over,” Riley stated, gathering what she needed in her arms before marching to the door.
“Riley enough!” Winter yelled, making Riley freeze in her tracks still facing the door. “We can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?” she retorted bitterly.
“You avoiding me,” Winter told her. “Especially when you’re hurting. You can’t keep pretending that I don’t exist just because you’re too scared to talk about Penny.”
Riley bit her tongue, nearly drawing blood, “I’m not scared Winter. Stop it.”
“Where were you last night?” Winter questioned, unrelenting. “Yesterday you wouldn’t answer your phone after I tried calling you for hours. Where were you?”
Riley couldn’t say, she couldn’t. If Winter was told about Jack, she feared about what could happen. She still remembered Winter’s pale face, nearly slipping in and out of consciousness during Percy’s C-section. She nearly lost both her wife and her son that day. She couldn’t tell her, it’s for her own good.
“My mom’s house, my phone was on silent,” she said, her voice void of emotion. “I’m tired.”
She slammed the door behind her, leaving Winter all alone. The black-haired woman brought her knees to her chest, too exhausted to cry. Too tired to keep having these moments with Riley. She would give anything just to have her wife back.
“Well good morning little lady,” Jax bowed as he walked out of his room the next morning. “And how was your sleep last night?”
“Aren’t we supposed to be subtle?” Pomni placed her hands on her hips. “Cause as far as I can’t tell, I don’t think this is what it’s supposed to be.”
“But it made you smile, right?” he smirked.
Pomni blushed, he was right, she was smiling, “Shut up.”
He chuckled, nudging his head to the direction down the hallway, “Hungry?”
“Yeah, I could eat,” Pomni nodded. She was about to walk beside him when she noticed something in the corner of a door from one of the past circus members. She cocked her head to the side as she inspected it further.
Jax paused in his tracks when he noticed that his fiancé wasn’t next to him, “Pen?” He saw her staring at the door of an old string-worm character, coming up behind her carefully so he wouldn’t spook her. “What is it?”
“Do you see that?” she inquired.
“See what?” he asked.
She pointed to the corner, “That.”
Jax’s eyes squinted as he followed her fingers, they widened when they finally noticed what Pomni was talking about. The corner was glitching, similar to how Ragatha was when Kaufmo attacked her on the jester’s first day. “How is this possible?” Pomni observed.
“I…I don’t know,” Jax replied honestly. “I don’t think we’ve seen anything like this.”
Suddenly, the glitch sparked wildly and loudly, making them jump back in surprise. It started to spread across the door, erasing the face of the string worm with its flashing colours. Jax held Pomni protectively, guiding her away from the door as they stepped away slowly. They watched as little by little, it swallowed up the door, before disappearing entirely.
Both of them panted in surprise, this wasn’t good. It wasn’t good at all. “I think we need to hurry with our escape plan,” Pomni told the rabbit holding her.
“Agreed,” Jax nodded. “We’re on a timer Pomni.”
“The question is how long do we have?” her voice shook slightly, gripping onto him.
“Long enough for us to get out of here,” he told her, reassurance in his voice. “That much I know.”
“O-okay,” Pomni hated that she was stuttering, but the sudden fright of what happened didn’t seem to be letting go of her anytime soon.
“Come on, let’s get downstairs before Caine tries to find us,” Jax stood, holding out his hand and helping up the jester.
While the two walked down the hallway, they couldn’t ignore the sinking feeling of what just happened. Did they really not have enough time? Was it just another strange part of this world?
Those questions rung through their mind as they walked down the hall, unaware of a second little glitch behind them in another little corner of the hall.
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fnafsbheadcanon · 17 days
One of the very first questions I asked all the way almost 3 years ago once Security Breach came out and we first boot up the game was: "Where THE FUCK did everyone go?"
Look, I get that Gregory was trapped in the mall after hours, but the game starts at 11:30, meaning that there has to be at least some people left in the building.
But the thing is that when we exit Freddy's room, there's nobody there. We don't see or hear anyone.
Like, I get that the mall is closing and everyone's leaving, but you're telling me that everyone left before closing time??
And the PizzaPlex has over 1k+ visitors each day, so you're telling me that there wasn't like 50-100 people left in the building at that time?
Scratch that.
You're telling me, that everyone in different and farthest areas of the PizzaPlex that require more than 5 minutes to reach, all left at the same time in 15 minutes before closing??
What kind of FNaF logic is that-!?
Oh don't you know everyone in the fnaf universe has superspeed expect Gregory
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anxious-little-faicye · 11 months
The FNAF Movie (no spoilers)
So, I just got back from watching the so awaited Five Nights at Freddy's movie, and boy oh boy... I can't even put into words how emotional I am. It was such a wild, crazy, amazing thing to actually be sitting down on a cinema and watch a movie I waited for- what, 8 years? I remember being a child and first learning about the game through ✨youtube✨ (as most of us did let's be honest), and I'm not exaggerating when I say that changed my life forever. I got into gaming and social media because of it, I made some of my best friends because of it (shout out to the gang I used to rp FNAF with on elementary school), I discovered my interests and passions that shaped who I was and who I am, and it all started out because of a silly horror game about haunted animatronics.
And today? Today it wasn't me that went to see that movie. It was the lonely, shy 9 year old girl that got bullied at school because she liked "weird boy stuff" and hanged out with boys because they understood her. It was the 10 year old girl that saw FNAF 3 and 4 come out and discovered she loved to uncover the lore of the franchise and watched about a million theory videos. It was the 11 year old girl that watched lived as two youtubers played Sister Location the day it came out. It was the 15 year old teenager that rediscovered her love for the franchise and found Matpat's channel and started to make her own theories. It was that 16 year old teen that read the first trilogy of FNAF books and from then on took it upon herself to know every single detail about the story, plus finding out about our beloved King Of Five Nights At Freddy's™ and watched his FNAF playlist top to bottom.
It was them.
So I went there- with my crappy Vanny mask I made in 3 days, with the Freddy pushy I've had since I was 11, with my dad' stolen purple shirt, and honestly? I had the time of my life. I was at the edge of my seat the whole movie, screaming and hitting (lovingly /j) my friends every time a very specific detail came out, giggling and kicking my feet once You Know Who appeared or when something that matched the lore perfectly happened. And once me and my friends came out, we were all still yelling and singing our lungs out to FNAF songs. It was more that I could've hoped for.
I won't go into much detail on this post, because I wanna keep it as much spoiler-free as I can, but I'm just gonna say this... This movie was a hug from Scott Cawthon to all fans of the franchise, especially those that have been here from the very beginning. It was his gift. His way of saying 'thank you'. Sure, some plot points were absolute bonkers, and to be fair it lacked a bit of the Spooky Factor and more gore. But overall... I FREAKING LOVED EVERY MOMENT OF IT. I felt the same excitement that when I first discovered the games and started to get into the lore. You can tell that a lot of heart and soul was put into this, and that it wasn't made for a quick cash grab.
Was it worth the wait? Well, that depends on how you wanna see it. Keep in mind that this is planned to be a trilogy, so it has to have some loose plot points in order to set the ground for a second movie- let alone leave stuff out from the games and books. Is wasn't groundbreaking, and no, it doesn't include every single detail about the story. But it was a perfect introduction to the universe, and I think that's all it's set up to be. But I personally thought it was SO worth it and, let's be real, we've waited 8 fucking years for this! Even if it turned out to be a piece of crap (which it isn't), I would still be excited.
Anyway, yeah, was the movie perfect? No. Was a bit weird and confusing at some points? Yes. But it was made for the fans, for those of us that FNAF played a huge role in our lives as kids, and for those of us who just discovered the franchise not so long ago. It was made with love- for the games, for the creator, and for all of us. The fans that have built an amazing community that still stands strong today, a community filled with incredibly talented people like artists, singers, animators, youtubers, theory crafters (you're doing God's Work jsdhsj), cosplayers, editors, writers, the list just goes on and on. It was made with all of us in mind. So as broken and confusing as it might be, is beautiful. What represents is beautiful. And hey, it wouldn't be FNAF if it weren't broken and confusing am I right fellas?
*cries in Theorist*
So I guess my final thoughts are just... Thank you.
Thank you Scott Cawthon for all those years of scares and joy you have given me, thank you for making the game that would shape my life forever, thank you for loving your fans as much as you do, and thank you for not giving up on this movie despite all the things that happened along the way. You might have fucked up big time on some things, but I would be lying to myself if I said I don't appreciate you. Thank you for the best moments of my life.
And thank YOU, Five Nights at Freddy's community for everything you have done these years. If the franchise is what it is today is because it always had an amazing and creative fanbase backing it up and making sure it never died, no matter what sticks and stones came our way. I am so proud to be a part of this, and I hope we'll still be together many years to come.
And thank me, for making it alive and in one piece to the FNAF movie. Damn it took a lot of pain to get here, but I did it... I survived this long. And I can survive even longer.
I hope you can stay alive 5 more nights for this :)
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luckyplushy · 1 year
A look back on my old art (and other doodles on Twitter.) - December 2020
This marks the FIRST post of many I will make detailing my old work. I'm gonna start posting these weekly as to make it easy others AND for me. And what better way to start it off by the month I finally got a tablet. (and turnt 18 too I guess)
I was not a smart 18 year old, I some how barely survived the last 2 years of high school, and this and the next would become the worse it ever got. Yet I still persisted and somehow stay sane. Kinda. Keep that in mind for the bulk of 2021's art in the following weeks.
December 4
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As you can see from the first image, I was using a mouse at the time (and a combination of mspaint and firealpaca) That will change soon enough. Also homestuck =:3
Original descriptions:
I saw this and I thought I can use this as an excuse to actuallly draw homestuck
have this nepeta doodle as well
December 6
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At the time I was really obsessed with making homestuck sprites of stuff (and I still kinda do) so I made this at a request of a friend at the time.
Original description:
@SpringingTraps made me draw metaware homestuck
December 8
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Why did I even included this post in here? Well I used to be SUPER inconsistent how I draw myself, so thought this would be a good start.
Original description:
i found that pettting gif website...
December 11
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I'll be honest, I wish I didn't post this back then. IDK it's kinda weird looking back on now.
Original Description:
It's #FlatFuckFriday AND my birthday??? Fuck yeah!!! 🥞
December 18
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I'll be honest. I have no idea how I did THIS with a mouse of all things. Like how did I do it. In MSPAINT no less. Also I have no idea why I drew myself like this here.
Original Description:
fucking around with faking line weight, so glad I don't have to do this shit when I get a tablet
December 20
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Oh look Cave Story, one my earliest obsessions. When this drawing came out, I already have long since moved on from it, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate it.
Original Description:
16 years of #CaveStory =:]
December 22
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Ah here we go, I finally got a drawing tablet. I got REALLY excited with the pen pressure that I kinda gone overboard with it, but it was nice to use one. (granted I forgot how to draw with a mouse now.) Oh yeah, if you notice a black line on the VERY top of some drawings, that was a bug with firealpaca. I kinda had to live with it for a while.
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This was the first real piece I did after getting a tablet. I'm quite proud of it. The context behind this image is kinda funny really. A server I was in was doing a collab where we drew UCN portraits of our OCs or Sona, and I drew something for it. Yes UCN, Ultimate Custom Night. I was in my second FNAF phase at the time.
Original Description:
Let the static flow.
December 23
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At the time, I used to draw myself with sideburn thingies cause I thought it look cute, but I no longer do that. Also you might be noticing a large about drawing made in a short timeframe. Well I have an explanation for that. You see, I sometimes get hit by these bursts of productivity and I can draw super fast. Sometimes these bursts happen at random, but in this case it was because I gotten a new tablet and new ideas where flowing.
Original Description:
This was supposed to be a sketch...
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I HAVE LOT TO SAY ABOUT THIS. I was super obsessed with TGWeaver's FNAF comics. It was why I gotten back into FNAF around 2019. But I was fascinated with Toy Bonnie at the time, to the point I started drawing her on the daily. I started using her as an avatar for myself online. It was when I saw a post on tumblr where something made a kinsona when it clicked for me. This rabbit holds sooooo much gender. 🏳️‍⚧️ Thus ended 5 years of denial over my gender.
Original Description:
some weaver buns
December 24
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I tried drawing myself with my hair down here. I didn't like it then. I got better at drawing my hair down though. I was this file was named "cel test" for some reason.
Original Description:
It's me!
December 25
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Remember when I said I was inconsistent, here an example. I dislike how this turned out then, I STILL do now. The only thing I do like? This was when I started to shade in this particular way. Also at the time I was worried about being too slow, which is funny when I was posting so many things at once. But also the filename was "the crunch" which is less funny and more worrying.
Original Description:
I need to learn how to do this faster
December 28
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Oh look a Commission! There's nothing special to say about this.
Original Description:
Shaded commission for @Bunnydudee of Carmen from Animal Crossing!
December 29
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THAT'S RIGHT I DREW SONIC.EXE BEFORE IT WAS COOL. Jokes aside, this post was more so for Tails Doll. I loved drawing that little bugger in the most pathetic and dorky way possible.
Original Description:
Tails Doll's roommate is a wacknut
FINALLY we made it thru December. Goodness I posted alot more often back then huh. Kinda surprising. Anyways next week I'll post January!
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kakusu-shipping · 9 months
1, 2, 4, 11, and 18 for the end of year asks? :0
Aaah thankyou Echo!!! This post might be long, please forgive me!
1. Did you add any F/Os to your list this year? Were they from new media or just a newly discovered love?
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Here's every romantic F/O added to the list this year, or at least that I can remember adding this year. Years are long and my sense of time is very warped so it may not be fully accurate.
Most are from new media, or just new parts of media, like the end of the Owl House and the New Pokemon Games. The ones that are new loves from re-visits are Heracross, Smeargle, and Keckleon from Monster Mind, Mario and Luigi from Super Mario, Makarov from Fairy Tail, and Jill from The Wayward Children series.
Though Mario and Luigi are also what I consider my first F/Os, they weren't officially on the list until the movie came out, so I'm counting them in the 2023 yearly wrap.
2. Did you reconsume any of your F/Os’ source media this year? How did you feel about the rewatch/listen/read/etc?
I rewatch Assassination Classroom every year in March and it makes me cry every time. I also replay Hatoful Boyfriend and Holiday Star every December for Kazuaki and Hitori, watch Baka and Test sometime around late Summer most years to ease my seasonal depression, and rewatch Mushishi at least once a year.
Other than that, nothing super meaningful. I rewatched a few LPs of Mario games, replayed through Paper Mario myself, watched Romantic Killer again, Reread Manly Appetites every other month or so, watched The Cat Returns once or twice, played more Pokemon, Restarted Monster Mind (still haven't finished it), and skimmed the Ouran Manga at the library while waiting for them to replace the volume they're missing.
HOWever, this latest reread of Down Among the Sticks and Bones is what got me to finally put Jill on the F/O list, so that feels worth mentioning. I love that book <3
4. Was there anything on your blog that you were particularly proud of this year?
No, not really. My drawings were all very incomplete and sketchy this year with long gaps between them, and my writing really flaked off suddenly, I haven't written more than a paragraph at all this year.
I wouldn't say I'm particularly proud of them, but I did really enjoy making moodboards last month and am kind of waiting for my health to settle so I can get back to them. Making stuff for other self shippers is a lot more fun than writing/drawing for myself atm.
11. Was there new media for any of your F/Os this year? If so, what was your opinion on it?
Yes FNaF Help Wanted 2 came out and gave us New Sun Content and I LOVED IT!!!!! He's such a bitch!!!! A shit!!! A snobby theater kid!!! He's so controlling and harsh I LOVE him <3 So happy to know more about him honestly and that he's not all UwU Caregiver that the fandom made him. I like soft characters, but he's a HORROR character he needs to be a little fucked up!!
18. Did you have a favorite trend in the selfship community from the past year?
I'll be honest, I don't pay much attention to what other people in the selfship community are doing. I follow the tags but if there's like a popular trend thing going around, I miss it every time.
My LEAST favorite right now though is the whole "Stolen from an Anti" thing. I have no qualms about stealing posts it's whatever, but I hate when it's says that in text at the bottom of the post. Just tag it as such so I can filter it please
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thesunrisesss · 10 months
Personal Post: 11/20/23
I’m at a very interesting point in my life. I feel like the universe is giving me a second chance to be a teenager. I was very isolated and didn’t have a great support system back then. I was an avid watcher of youtube and was on tumblr nearly 24/7. When the Hunger Games movies came out was when I first found a community. I was too scared to interact with people one-on-one, but I followed numerous Josh Hutcherson fan accounts and gained a small following on my fan blog (which I unfortunately deleted years ago thinking my HG phase was over) and it was the first time I felt like I was a part of something bigger than myself. I identified closely with Katniss and yearned for someone to love me the way Peeta loved her. It felt like home. Eventually, I went to college and after the last movie came out, the fandom slowly lost momentum, but I kept strong with my adoration for it. Hell, I got a tattoo the “the sun persists in rising so I make myself stand” quote when I was 20.
I first realized I could have a second chance when TBOSBAS movie was announced and scheduled to be released on my birthday. To say I was excited was an understatement. I wasn’t allowed to celebrate my birthday when I was growing up (religious cult shit I never subscribed to and left as soon as I could) so this was a dream come true. I saw the movie with a bunch of my friends and then we all went to my favorite restaurant afterwards. It made my heart so happy. When I got home I cried (happy tears I promise). I felt as if a part of my soul had been healed and my inner teen was finally able to live out a reality she never thought possible.
The reason I created this blog is to reclaim what I missed out on. I'm older, wiser, and just as cringe as I used to be. I've been listening to old albums that I played on repeat, indulging in fanfiction again, and better yet, some of the old youtubers I used to watch are back. Dan and Phil are making gaming content again. Anthony is back at Smosh and making sketches. And while I'm not in the FNAF fandom, the resurgence of JH fandom is giving me new life.
Lastly, I've decided that I'm going to try my hand at writing fanfic, I tried a bit when I was a wee lad, but it never really went anywhere and it was bad to say the least. But, fuck it, I'll try it again and see where it takes me.
And to little teenage me, congratulations babe, the odds are finally in your favor.
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goremet-chef · 1 year
"now i will tell you a story" YEAH YOU WILL BITCH
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actually sobbing you dont even know what this means to me like.
i love fnaf SO MUCH SO FUCKING MUCH IT HURTS literally every single minute silly goofy dumb character means the WORLD to me. CANDY CADET? YOUR TELLING ME ITS CANDY CADET?
actual visceral emotion the minute he powered on that shit HURT BRO LIKE.. "now i will tell you a story" is so????? I KNOW THATS WHAT HE ALWAYS SAYS BUT IN THIS SCENARIO ITS LIKE. SO POWERFUL TO ME? like reminiscing on what happened here because i dont think cassie has any idea what happened here, fucking nobody does!!! thats one of the most insane things about fnaf is like.... i mean WE ALL KNOW cuz we are playing from the inside, but outside? pretty much no one knows the amount of heartbreak and death and fear and ANGER LIKE. its just some forgotten ghost story at this point its so. GODDDDDDDD
cant stand this game i love everything i dont care how much "oh the story doesnt make any sense!!!" or "x game is better than x", WHATEVER it wont mean shit to me ever because i love fnaf so fucking much i love everything about it. ill never think theyre drawing it out too long because i just fucking love this story and wanna see where they go with it, i love SEEING fnaf i love ingesting new fnaf content it feeds my soul genuinely
five nights at freddy you will ALWAYS be famous!!!!
genuinely fnaf is such a pivotal part in my character like as a human person i have absolutely no idea the person i wouldve been if i hadnt gotten into it, cuz i got into it when it came out, and i was 11
grown up with it, almost half my life was absolutely dominated by five nights at freddys and i wouldnt have it any other way
the characters, the games, the secrets and easter eggs, the fanart the fan songs like. everything is so special to me
i cant believe im doing it AGAINNNN the amount of long ass "I LOVE FIVE NIAT AT FRIEDDYS" posts ive made is . itd be embarrassing if i wasnt still full of so much love for this game and everything it stands for
it owns half my heart im CRYINGGG i love fnaf so much. literally every single fucking game in the series i love so much, i can actually give a reason like. never ask me which fnaf game is the best! because ill just say all of them i can find a reason for ALL of them. whether its lore implications, gameplay mechanics, location/atmosphere, characters etc ETC like. its never-ending, my love is completely unconditional bro
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starlightaxolotl · 2 years
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I posted 5,955 times in 2022
That's 3,077 more posts than 2021!
371 posts created (6%)
5,584 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,007 of my posts in 2022
#writing process - 31 posts
#starlight streams - 20 posts
#ask game - 19 posts
#fnaf - 14 posts
#fnaf security breach - 12 posts
#michael afton - 12 posts
#ninjago - 11 posts
#writing - 9 posts
#fnaf sb - 9 posts
#spoilers - 8 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#i could outline it with a very neat little ending or i can leave it open for additional content but that’s for later 2022 me to figure out
My Top Posts in 2022:
AU where every season of ninjago after 10 is the same except Kai is just a cardboard cut out
13 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
Write paragraphs, you'll know when it's time to change them the same way you know when to stop adding seasoning to your food. Listen to your heart, find what fits your story's flow the best.
13 notes - Posted May 19, 2022
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I’m always thinking abt this image
15 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Things I don’t see the security breach fans talk about probably because I don’t know if you can notice this without cheats but the fact that when Moon is crawling after you in the play structures their legs are backwards. Their upper torso is turned around and they are crawling on their hands normally but their legs are crab walking them around.
17 notes - Posted January 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
a grave mistake??? do tell!!!!!! >:)
You know exactly what cursed mistake almost happened. >:( Tumblr is trying to see me fail.
💘:A fic you couldn’t stop reading once you started
Encore! This fic reached through my screen, gripped my shirt and forced me to keep reading and the only break I took was to sob for 30 minutes over exactly 14 words. I didn't want to go to bed that night and literally read it until my eyes burned and everything was blurry. I should reread this fic and comment on every chapter, just to see what I notice on a second read through.
🔁: A fic you’ve re-read several times
First one that comes to mind is Meet Again, it is just so easy to get lost inside this fic and it always hits the emotional spot. And the writing is amazing. I think about the fact that I read it, looked at the word count and said out loud "what the fuck that felt so short" when it is, in fact, not short at all. It was so well crafted and never dragged at all.
😊: A fic that made you smile on a bad day
Okay there are so many I can think of to put in this spot.
Laughing At Tragedy is such a good one oh my god. I probably shouldn't smile reading this fic because holy hell is it not a fluffy fic at all but its the way that the soft moments are interspersed in the plot that makes it such a comfort fic. This fic is my literary chicken and rice soup on a cold winters day. @inkspottie has crafted such a good fic and I literally could go on for hours about this fic. I am emotionally attached to their Michael.
My Darling Little Prince is another fic. Quite literally came out on a day I needed some comfort and it has been so nice to read. I don't read a lot of RWBY fanfics but this one has a very special place in my bookmarks now.
Last one I swear but Sunspot! was an impulse read and I'm so glad I read it. I think it's just really sweet and fun.
39 notes - Posted March 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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fourcornerstar · 2 years
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I posted 1,187 times in 2022
That's 1,102 more posts than 2021!
26 posts created (2%)
1,161 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 54 of my posts in 2022
#oc - 11 posts
#fnaf daycare attendant - 11 posts
#art - 10 posts
#solar lunacy - 9 posts
#fnafsb - 9 posts
#sundrop - 7 posts
#wip - 5 posts
#fnaf - 5 posts
#the y/n collection - 5 posts
#oc myocs originalcharacter - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 89 characters
#oc originalcharacter messylineart justdontzoominyoucanttell shouldihaveevenuploadedthis??
My Top Posts in 2022:
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West side story art I made,
Definitely could have put more detail into the dress, but I think it still came out ok.
I have been in a really heavy drawing mood, I hope I can keep this up
30 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
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Also, follow up new clothes!! I just thought it was cute @bamsara
115 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Why Do Fools Fall In Love
272 notes - Posted September 21, 2022
Warm Welcome
@paper-lilypie inspired by your runaway bride AU, I just had to get this out. Also working on a comic, but my lineart sucks and I think this is less of an eyesore. I really hope you enjoy because this au has absolutely stolen my heart!!! 
TW Swearing TW Cheating
The clock above the oven was slow, two minutes behind, to be precise. It stalled at 4:57 am. The room was shrouded in soft light from the hall. A faint yellow glow to keep you from stubbing your toe on the kitchen island. You read in the paper that the sunrise would be around 6:45. Fairly typical of late autumn. The tiles in the kitchen were cold, like a sheet of ice was laid over the floor. The entire house felt frigid and dead. You leaned at the counter next to the stove, watching the hot plate grow redder and redder. A white percolator was starting to steam. The silk robe wrapped around your shoulders did nothing to wick away the chill nipping at your thighs and ankles.
Deeper in the house, you heard the jiggle of a doorknob and someone shuffling into the living room. Your fiancé, William Afton, yawned, rubbing at his eyes as he strolled into the kitchen. A blue felt robe was tied loosely at his hips, his chest bare but a pair of striped pajama bottoms saved his dignity. William flinched at first, but relaxed, recognizing you in the dim light.
"A bit early to put on coffee." He mumbled, scratching at his stubbled jaw. But, he didn't complain, sidestepping you to get to the upper cabinet and grab a mug. You said nothing. You didn't even spare him a glance. Disgust stirred in your chest as you were reminded of where you found him yesterday morning. Wrapped up in your sheets, comfortable with another lover.
His bare feet tapped against the floor as he walked behind you. He set the empty mug on the counter, wrapped his arms around your waist, and kissed your cheek. The wiry 5'oclock shadow scratching your face. You barged your way out of his hold, pushing him aside.
"What the hell was that?" He barked in surprise.
He shut up when he saw your face,  narrowed into a venomous glare. Your arms crossed as you leaned against the refrigerator door.
William sighed, his hand at his temple. 
"Is this about Johannes?" His voice was tired and bored. He could care less as he helped himself to the fresh pot of coffee.
"How long?" You were surprised you could even speak about his disgusting display. Of course, William decided to play stupid.
"How long, what, dear?"
"How long have you been fucking each other in our bed." The words came out like jagged glass, trying to elicit any sort of remorse from the man in front of you. He shrugged.
"Just once. I prefer the hotel down by the bistro. Keeps the public eye away. "
A scoff caught in your throat.
"What? I'm just being honest-"
Your voice broke as everything hit your heart at once. You looked at William dead in the eyes through the angry tears starting to prick at the corners of your own. "How could you do this to me? To us... Our wedding is in three weeks, and you’d toss it in the bin for one of your assistants." a bitter laugh cut off your own words. You couldn't believe what came out of your own mouth, your own naivety. You were warned he was a wanderer- hell, he's already been divorced! How could you be so stupid! Stupid-stupid-stupid!
William rolled his eyes, swirling the mug of coffee like a glass of red wine.
"Oh, would you stop with the theatrics? I still love you. We're still going to tie the knot. I already spent a fortune on the venue and that damned dress. No matter what you think, I'm not throwing "us" away."
"Do I even get a say in this?" Your hands were now on your hips. 
William's gaze narrowed, "You gave me your answer. What, you want to break up over a small infidelity? Seems to me like you want to toss the relationship in the bin."
"You go behind my back sleeping around the town and expect me to be okay with becoming your spouse?!"
"You are so dramatic. All I was doing was fulfilling my needs. Something you've been denying me."
"Your needs- your fucking needs!" Your hand clamped over your mouth as you fought back the urge to scream. You could feel your heart rate spike. But, you refused to raise your voice. Your eyes glanced back to the hall where your sibling’s room was.
"You can't possibly expect a man like me to be satisfied with just this! It's not in our DNA- there are studies about this- hell, it's even in the word of God! You don't need to take it so personally."
You heard enough. You brushed past William through the kitchen and out the front door without another word. William's yells echoed past the closed door and the threshold of your yard for you to come back.
Outside it was much colder. Patches of frost in the grass glistened like diamonds in the moonlight. Your bare feet treading on the concrete into town. You needed to clear your head. You didn't have a destination in mind, but anywhere would bring welcome peace.
The sidewalk narrowed. A few cars parked here and there as you strolled into the small strip of civilization of Hurricane. Many shops were still closed, inky black reflecting you in the window glass. It couldn't be any later than 6 am, but strangely enough, you smelled fresh bread.
It was warm and enticing, wafting from a little bakery across the street. There was no traffic stopping you from j-walking. You came up to the window, your breath fogging the glass as you peered in. The back lights were on, but no one was at the register. The local bakers must just be getting their stock ready for the day. You walked
See the full post
372 notes - Posted September 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Sun’s FIRST try to put on a shirt. How did this shit post get so many notes
2,217 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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unikhroma · 2 years
What about your favorite death screens from Spooky's?
the death screens are so good in spooky's that i'm gonna have to put my favs under a read more cause i have a lot to talk about. in fact you might regret asking me this cause fuck this is a lot of text
the thing i like the most about the death screens is how good the writing and visuals are for them! they're so ominous and they reveal more about each specimen/monster, whether it's how they feel about how they've killed you or how they came to be, and well i love me some lore
(btw if you don’t care about spoilers and you wanna look up any of these, i put content warnings for each one cause these are all pretty intense [’s a horror game]. i’d give a general flashing warning for all of them)
anyway here's all this :]
[warning for bugs (it’s a centipede looking thing), multiple eyes, trypophobia (sorta)]
specimen 3: i had never seen spec 3′s screen until i saw that one video where someone ranked each specimen and MAN is it good. the fact that there’s more than one of them and you have to just sit there and watch them surround you, it’s brutal
[warning for impending eye trauma (not shown but def implied), needles, eye strain]
specimen 6: the anticipation, the track that plays, the weird screaming (?) sfx right when the needle’s about to hit the eye, and the text afterwards. this one isn’t fucken around
[warning for eye strain, very very flashing images]
specimen 8: the red forest zone, your inescapable fate, the ominous as hell poem at the end. also it’s inspired by over the garden wall which is neat
[warning for gore]
specimen 4 (spooky’s dollhouse vers): while i like the animated part of spec 4′s regular death screen, the imagery for this one is so fucking cool and knocks the other one out of the park. love the vhs effect too
[warning for torture]
woormy charles: this one is really nuts but i love how well it illustrates, both in visual and text, what charles went through. great example of what i mean when these screens reveal how these creatures feel and what they’ve went through. also this monster design owns
and some honorable mentions:
specimen 11: meat hallway is pretty cool but not as cool as spec 8′s red forest zone
monsters 4 and 5 [very very flashing images]: really good writing and imagery
scare chair: “The sky above violently pulls you. And the air around you presses down, trying to worm its way in." ouch!
unknown specimen 2: fnaf reference
unknown specimen 4 [gore warning]: great anticipation with a brutal end. rip the protagonist
and now while i don’t really like specimen 10 in some aspects, i really like its backstory, and specifically the binary text in its death screen:
"You are more than just an animal.
Use the soul you've been given.
And be responsible for your actions."
there’s just something about it that really calls to me (i also referenced this in some art related to my game since parasitism is a theme in it)
ok i think i’m done LMAO
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emperornero · 2 years
i always love it when people share what their most memorable video games they used to play a lot as a child were because its usually something that inspired their passion for art or game making or music etc. like lets say people who were into fnaf when it first came out and who started making mspaint fanart of the characters and later in life became super skilled artists. but as someone who grew up without internet and a pc i could use personally until i was like 11 my first ever video game was fucking world of goo. the puzzle slime game that while being one of the highiest rated games of all time i feel like at the same time means NOTHING to 99% of people who played it. they just went through it and were like ‘ok that was a game.’ meanwhile i had like 2000 hours on this fucking building simulator and i had a crush on a character from it that doesnt even have a physical form and doesnt even exist outside of textboxes placed throughout the levels. and i dont know how to feel about it now when im older.
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baka-monarch · 3 years
So y'know what I just realized that is kinda funny?
I can be considered a minecraft veteran
Let me explain-
So I actually wasn't new to the mcyt community when I first started watching Dream and Dsmp- I had actually gotten into it about 6 or 7 years ago maybe (? I got into it through Stampy Cat when I was in 6th grade and I'm in 11th now which is about 5-6 years but american school has like 2 years split in half and put together for every school grade so this is an estimation). Obviously after getting into mcyt when I was like 10 or 11 I wanted minecraft to play for myself (my little bro wanted it too) so my mom got us minecraft for the xbox
Now, you may be thinking that's not long enough ago to be a veteran but..... When watching Philza's video where he fixed his old computer drive and got back onto his first mc worlds- his first world was in the EXACT UPDATE of minecraft that I first played on-
I've been playing Minecraft as long as Philza, and people call him a "minecraft veteran"
So... Wouldn't that mean that I'm one too?
I mean- I was there back when water exploded in the nether and in the end, I was there when they added the wither, I was there when boats didn't have oars (both design wise, and crafting), I was there when they added the ender dragon respawn- and even with mcyt, I watched Stampy's 300th episode of his lovely world when it came out, I was there for the very first episode of Iballisticsquid's Race to the moon (and the continuation with them going to mars and the time traveling series), I was there watching as Mango Tango uploaded new episodes of his mc fnaf rp, I watched NewScapePro upload videos for his Undertale mc rp, I mean fuck guys I was around before DanTDM stopped using his original lab for his mod reviews (and got to see him change to the new lab as well)
I'm pretty sure I've actually been in the mcyt community longer then most of you-
The only thing is I did fall out of it for like 2 years (? Probably less) before Dsmp started- and during that time I watched mainly other gaming videos and wasn't able to keep up with anything that was happening in minecraft or any of the updates because it was also during this time that my family got rid of their xbox and bought my little brother his own one without minecraft- so I wasn't able to play it and keep up with what was happening.... At least until dsmp started and I rejoined the mcyt community (I never really left since I still absolutely loved minecraft, and just couldn't okay it and had gotten obsessed with some nonminecraft let's players during that time) to watch Dream, dsmp, and other mcyt streamers that are part of the mcyt renaissance
What I find funny though is that I am constantly called a noob, dumb, and ignorant for not knowing certain things about minecraft because I wasn't here for that small period of time-
When litterally I was almost (not exactly- pretty sure I was acouple years late, but I was close) here at the very beginning of mcyt
It's just- I've been playing Minecraft longer then most of the people who call me a noob, and they call me a noob- I just I find it kinda funny
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chongoblog · 3 years
Rank the Star Fox games
A couple notes before we get started is that I am not including the original Star Fox (since I STILL have yet to play it) or the 64 remake for the 3DS. I’m also now counting the Ubisoft game whose name I can’t remember. With that lets get rolling.
1. Star Fox 64. The GOAT. Honest to God best Nintendo 64 game bar none. This game has had such an effect on me that I can’t possibly articulate. Absolute gemstone. I will sing this game’s praises until the day I die, I have so so so so so so so so SO much love for this game. FUCK I love this game.
2. Star Fox Assault. Honestly underrated and a little overhated, mostly because it dropped around the time when Halo was big, so everyone was kinda sneering at it. It’s far from perfect, but between the fun multiplayer, the cool music, and the legitimately cool Aparoid storyline, I very much enjoy this one!
3. Star Fox 2. Despite never coming out until years and years later, it introduced a lot of cool concepts that would see use in the future installments like All Range Mode, Star Wolf, and Funny Chicken Mode. Also make Miyu and Faye canon you fucking cowards
4. Star Fox Adventures. Star Fox Adventures is not a Star Fox Game. If I’m being honest it absolutely should not have been made into one. Why? Because then we would have gotten Dinosaur Planet on the N64 with a legitimately cool system that had to get ditched. It would have been better tbh. But more importantly, I’m like 80% sure that if Crystal didn’t get put into the series as The Girl then MIYU AND FAYE WOULD BE CANON IM GOING TO GO FERAL SHIGERU HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME! But that being said, even though it isn’t a Star Fox game, it’s still a pretty solid game. I like it. It’s pretty alright.
5. Star Fox Zero. Complex emotions on this one. While I do think that the hate that the Gamepad control style got was overdone (since I found it to be REALLY immersive and effective once I got the hang of it), there’s still a lot more about Star Fox Zero that felt disappointing. And every time I think about it, there’s a tiny voice inside of me saying “no come on you’re being too harsh on it! It’s really good and fun!!” but like.....then I remember what I can about it. It’s just a lackluster title.
6. Star Fox Guard. Why am I including this? It’s a weird FNaF-esque game that came free with Zero. Mostly out of spite. Because if this was included, for most people it would be at the bottom of the list. So let it be known that this should only bolster my opinions on
7. Star Fox Command. I first picked this up when I was in the peak of being a Star Fox fan, and I still couldn’t play it for more than twenty minutes. This was after I purchased it as a physical copy when I was, like, 11. I tried picking it up again almost ten years later and nope. I just can’t. The gameplay is all range mode only with a constant looming time constraint where you just pick off enemies in all-range mode. Star Fox 2 did the same, yes, but something about that one was just more fun. Maybe because it came out on the NES I was easier on it? But there’s a HUGE difference between how they feel. I can’t put my finger on it. On top of that, the multiple endings aren’t that bad. What SUCKS about them is the game drags you along one ending, locking certain paths completely until you do a different path first. I want to try this game again one day. MAYBE it’ll have grown on me, but I don’t have too much faith in that honestly.
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juicebox-sys · 3 years
I finished Marble Hornets for the first time recently and I feel like rambling about it so here we go
So a bit of background, I was in the Creepypasta fandom sometime around mid 2013, up until fnaf came out in late 2014 at which point I fell out of Creepypasta to move on to that. 
Marble Hornets started in 2009, and the date it released means I was maybe 7. Once I got into Creepypasta, I was around 11/12. And then I just kinda moved on from it and didn’t revisit it for a long ass time.
Since I primarily existed on a tiny fanfic site called Quotev, a majority of the content I consumed in regards to Creepypasta/MH characters was through the Fanfiction Filter, which basically meant if you weren’t a masked murderer you got no attention.
This was where I was first introduced to “Masky” and “Hoodie” as characters. I only knew what they looked like through fanart used in the fanfics I read. I remember being told at some point that they were from a series called Marble Hornets, but I wasn’t really interested in that kind of content back then, I was off doing my own shit.
I wish I had watched this back then, really. I wish I had gotten to see this through the lens of a kid in 2013 who wasn’t sure if they should be scared of the Slenderman or not. I really wish I had gotten to let this series scare me.
I love analog horror. The Walten Files owns my ass. I would bend over for the angel statue from Mandela Catalogue. And this is so clearly what so many analog horror projects are using as groundwork, it’s fascinating to watch through that perspective. But that’s the only perspective I have on it.
It’s not scary by today’s standards of Internet horror - partially because using Slenderman as your main villain is more of a meme at this point - but it really doesn’t need to be scary. I think it stands alone as a great mystery on top of its potential scares. I still don’t think I know what the fuck happened at the end there, and I still have no fucking clue what the “Ark” is, but goddamn do i wanna know so fucking bad.
I think that’s a large reason why MH’s influence is so clear in a lot of modern Internet horror projects. It was scary for 2009, but it had enough mystery to still make it worth the watch over 10 years later. Even if you’re not scared, you’re gonna be intrigued.
I don’t have nostalgia for the series the way a lot of people do, but I definitely have an appreciation for it. I can see why it’s so beloved and I can absolutely see why it got popular. It’s very well done and I cannot stress enough how much I wish I had watched when I was younger. I would have eaten this shit up.
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trashyswitch · 4 years
Pocket’s New Year Reactions: 2020 Edition!
2020...boy oh boy…
I made this channel on January of 2020. And thank god I did! My blogs and participation in the tickle community, were the only thing keeping me going throughout this year! It was a really hard year but with COVID, I got to meet tons of new people, make so many friends and return to writing fanfics! 
I’ve made fanfics for a very long time. 5 years, actually! But I have never felt so invested in my writing than I have this year. In 1 single year, I managed to make a total of 122 fanfictions! This year! And it all ended with my first SCP Foundation-only fanfiction: 049 and the ‘unkillable creature’. 
Yup: I have really fallen down the rabbit hole this time…
But to celebrate: I wanted to recap the different fandoms I wrote for this year, the amount of fanfictions I wrote for them, the highest amount of notes I got on a fanfiction and lastly: 
...Well, I’ll keep that a surprise. 
So: Let’s recap all that happened on Pocket’s New Year Reactions: 2020 Edition! 
Let’s a-go!
I’m gonna start off with the fandoms I wrote the least fanfictions for: The Tiny Bundles!
For the very first tiny bundle: I wrote 1 single fanfic for Luigi’s Mansion (3, to be specific). 
This was a fanfic about Polterpup and Luigi bonding, as well as Mario showing up near the end. I ended up closing this fandom because as much as I liked this fanfic, I wasn’t really as interested in writing more for it. 
For the second tiny bundle: The Animal Crossing Series with 1 fanfic! This fanfic was mostly about Jacksepticeye and Gabsmolders’ Animal Crossing avatars hanging out during the Coronavirus epidemic. I really liked writing for Animal Crossing, and I wanna write more for it. But, I have to come up with more ideas. 
For bundle #3: 1 single Markiplier TV fanfic! This fanfic was about Wilford Warfstache, Darkiplier and Yandereplier being a family. This specific fanfic was also based on an AU made by a couple of cosplayers: One of which is no longer on TikTok, sadly. I may write more fanfics in this fandom in the future, but no guarantees…
For #4: I wrote an original work upon request from a friend. This fanfic was about a cute couple who were just being playful and bonding. I sense that I may be writing more original works in the future, but again: we’ll just have to see. 
For #5: I have 4 Youtuber Fanfics that involve different fandoms. One of them was written about platonic Septiplier, the second two were on Jelix, and the fourth fanfic (and most recent) was on Unus Annus! UNUS ANNUS! I will definitely be considering writing more Unus Annus. As for any other youtubers: Maybe. 
For #6: I have 3 (technically 6) fanfictions written under the SCP Foundation! Though 5 of these fanfics were technically fandom collaborations with Sanders Sides, I did make 1 single SCP Foundation-only fanfic. I do plan on continuing to write more SCP Foundation fanfics. I just don’t know if they’ll stand alone, or if they’ll be collaborations again. We’ll see. 
And now onto the 3 top fandoms I wrote for this year: 
In at #3: is Five Nights at Freddy’s with 25 fanfictions: I swear: 90% of these are based on the Afton Family in some way or another. I have a problem...I will most likely be writing for FNAF in the future. I still love the fandom, and I still love the lore behind it! Sooo: Upcoming FNAF fanfics!
In at #2: is the Jacksepticeye Power Hour Fandom with 31 fanfictions! I love these guys so much! It’s too bad they were kinda thrown by the wayside by a lot of the viewers...But, I’ll still be working on a couple more fanfics. Specifically The Unexpected Roommate! I LOVE THAT SERIES! I look forward to writing more of it all the time! 
And #1...for the most fanfictions written: Is Sanders sides with 59 freaking fanfics! If there's a need for proof that I’m obsessed, then THIS is the proof. But, that’s okay! I love writing fanfics on this series! I will 100% continue to write fanfictions on this series. I love this series to bits, and it’s my most popular series on Tumblr as well! 
And now it’s fine for: Highest Notes! 
This was the part where you could really tell what fanfictions were loved by fans, and what fanfictions were thrown aside. This is all gonna be taken off Tumblr, since almost all of the fans are on it.  
First one that I will proudly show: My Unus Annus fanfic with 43 notes! This fanfic was a HIT the moment it came out! I swear! ‘Ethan and Mark Experience Torture Methods (Feat. Jacksepticeye)’ was a HUGE HIT! But I think the reason everyone loved it so much, was because everyone misses Unus Annus and its relativity on YouTube. I miss it too. Memento Mori, Unus Annus. 
Now I will show my top Fnaf Fanfic! Now these were very close...So: 
At #3 is ‘The Grumpy Ol’ Bunny’ at 28 notes. 
At #2 is a tie between ‘The Suspiciously Strange Night’ and ‘Robot Anatomy Vs. Human Anatomy’ at 36 notes. 
And the #1 spot goes to: ‘Jeremy and the Mysterious Robots’ at 37 notes! You’ll see what I do with this fanfic sooner than later…
And now we move on to the top Sanders Sides fanfic! This one had a huge variety of numbers! And boy, it was hard! But worth it! 
At #3, we have ‘Snakes Need Tickles Too!’ at 91 notes! 
At #2 is ‘The Upside of Hoodies’ (The very first one!) at 153 notes! WOW! 
And last but not least, at our #1 spot...we have: ‘Voodoo Duke-craft’ at 196 notes! How in the world- I don’t really know why it got so many notes. But: you’ll see what we do with this one as well, veeeery soon!
And now the surprise you’ve all been waiting to hear about: I’m gonna re-read and react to the two #1 spots! 
‘Jeremy and the Mysterious Robots’. I’ve actually re-read this one a couple times throughout the months. I liked re-reading about anxious Jeremy! I definitely wanna write more of Jeremy. He’s an underrated character. 
Here we go! 
[Jeremy has heard all the rumors.] 
Well, I assume he probably did some reading about it before starting there. You should know a bit about a place before you start working there...you don’t wanna end up in a dumpster fire. 
[He’s heard the urban legends about the child killer in the animatronic suit, and the children’s deaths. He’s heard about the children’s corpses being shoved into the animatronic suits. He’s heard about the ghosts of the children that haunted each and every diner. He’s heard rumors about the animatronics being alive because of these children. He’s heard multiple ideas of-]
Okay, okay, we get it! He heard rumors about the lore behind Five Nights at Freddy’s. He’s heard about the murders and supernatural stuff. Skip!
 [Are any of these urban legends true?
 If so: why did Jeremy sign up for a job at the one place that gives people the creeps?!]
 Gee...I dunno! Why WOULD you choose to take a security guard job in a place that’s still haunted? Besides: instead of hiring a security guard, why not hire an exorcist? Seems cheaper and you’d actually get a problem fixed! (Or not...we’ve all seen Annabelle…) 
 [It was the second night of working at this nightmarish party place. All Jeremy wanted was the paycheck at the end of the week. He did NOT sign up for this stupidity…]
 Teeeechnically he DID sign up for this stupidity. He didn’t have to take this job. He could’ve waited for more job offers to come up! Even if the Phone Guy had romanticized the risky job, he did warn him that ‘the animatronics get a little quirky at night’...Jeremy could’ve just abandoned ship right then and there and quit! 
 [Should he have reconsidered taking the job? Maybe.] 
 [Is he regretting taking the job? Somewhat.] 
 Just somewhat, huh? 
 [Is Jeremy gonna survive the week? God, he hoped so.] 
 I hope so too! Spoiler alert: he does. 
 [Jeremy turned on the iPad and flipped through the cameras. It looked like the party rooms were empty. Next, he checked CAM 05 and CAM 06: empty. Thank goodness. Jeremy looked at the other cameras and found out something strange: camera 11 wasn’t working! It was just showing pure static.]
 Okay, here’s some behind the scenes: I had to look up two separate maps for the FNAF 2 location. One with the camera locations, and one of the overall building layout. From that, I had to determine everything for this fanfic. I would later refer to these images for future fanfics as well! 
 [He realized that what he was gonna do was risky. But…what other choice did he have?] 
 Um...Don’t go??? That’s a choice. 
 [Jeremy grabbed his flashlight, and walked out of the office through the small hall towards Pasillo Central.] 
 [It took a little bit, but Jeremy managed to find the problem: a black wire was unplugged…] 
 I actually have no idea if this was the actual confirmed problem in the FNAF series. I just made it up as I went.
 [Jeremy’s eyes narrowed in curiousity. Now when did that happen? It was working perfectly fine yesterday. Who unplugged it?] 
 First off: Curiousity. Curio(u)sity. Do you need any more proof that I’m Canadian? XD
Second off: I actually think camera 11 never actually worked during the game. I don’t quite remember though, so don’t quote me on that. 
 [Jeremy decided to double check for any miswiring.] 
 This would prove to be a fatal mistake. 
 [Suddenly…a couple heavy footsteps could be heard behind the stool, in the gaming room. Jeremy froze in place. Oh god…Is that what he thinks it is?] 
 “It was at this moment he knew...he fucked up.” ~McCulley Quinn, Vine
 [Jeremy could feel the presence of a super tall figure behind him…Jeremy, growing extremely intimidated and anxious, slowly turned himself around to look the animatronic in the face.]
[...The first thing he noticed, was that the animatronic was brown. A chocolate-shade of brown with an orange hue on its belly and inner face.]
 I wonder...Just WHO COULD IT BE?
 Just kidding. It’s Freddy Fazbear. 
 [The eyes were open wide, staring at Jeremy with its light blue iris’s.] 
 Hmm...Hold on- 
 *aggressive typing noises* 
 Okay. Just had to double check. He does in fact, have blue iris’s. 
 [Jeremy just stared back at it, looking at the big bear as the visibly shaky flashlight shone onto it.] 
 Hehehehe...Anxious boi. Shouldn’t have chosen the haunted job, Jeremy!
 [“LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!” Freddy shouted.]
 🎶Do you hear that sound?🎶
  [Jeremy shouted-] 
 🎶That beautiful sound?🎶
  [-and threw his flashlight up in terror.] 
 🎶That is the sound, of, clean, white, shorts turning brown!🎶
 Beautiful Sound - Beetlejuice soundtrack (sorry not sorry) 
 [Jeremy jumped and quickly attempted to take a few steps back…only for his body to fall much more backwards than he wanted!] 
 “Nice job, dickface!” ~Anthony, Smosh: Pokemon In Real Life
 HAHA! That’s not creepy at all! *Michael Jackson moonwalks the fuck outta there*
 [Everything went silent for a moment or two. “…Kill you?” the same voice said.]
 WhAaAaAaAt?! A TwIsT tHaT eVeRyOnE sAw CoMiNg?! X’D
 [“He fell off the stool, and I caught him.” Freddy explained.]
 Freddy Fazbear nearly saves Jeremy from a concussion, a skull fracture or a brain bleed! 
 [“Now that I mention it, he hasn’t thanked me yet.” Freddy mentioned.]
 [“Oh-um…Thank you…for catching me.” Jeremy finally said.]
 Good boy. *pats the man’s head, even though he’s technically older than me* 
 [“Are you gonna kill me? Shove me into a suit? Leave my dead body to rot inside the suit?!” Jeremy asked, still overwhelmed with anxiety.] 
 This guy’s gonna need some whiskey after this incident. 
 [“It looks like Mr. Emily hired another 'daredevil’ night guard. Do you really believe those rumors?” Chica asked.] 
 In case you didn’t get the twist before: the animatronics are NOT gonna kill him. Why? Because my fluffy ass doesn’t like writing about confirmed death. (At least, not yet...I later write ‘Don’t Release the Spirits’...
 [“That’s a big child.” Chica commented.
 “He’s grown up. He’s a male, grown up child.” Freddy corrected.] 
 Another reminder of the obvious: Jeremy is an AdULT in this fanfiction! He is not a ChiiiLD! XD
 [“Flip him over.” Chica suggested.
 “Okay.” Freddy replied.]
 Insert long montage of Jeremy getting flipped over by animatronics who don’t know how to handle humans. 
 [“Let me go!” Jeremy yelled at Freddy, still pushing against Freddy’s fingers.
 “He’s wiggling a lot. Is he having a temper tantrum?” Freddy asked curiously. Chica looked at the squirming, frustrated man in Freddy’s grasp.] 
 Ha ha funny? Get it? Cause he’s an adult? And he’s being treated like a child? 
 XD I’m just being silly. I actually found this part fun to write. 
 [“I think so.” Chica replied. “Try throwing him up in the air and catching him. I’ve seen parents do it. Kids love it!” Chica suggested.
 Jeremy’s eyes widened in horror. Was he about to be thrown up like a toddler and caught by an animatronic?!] 
 Spoiler alert: Yes. 
 Insert long montage of Jeremy nearly shitting his pants while Freddy Fazbear breaks many laws against mishandling of an adult male, and extreme negligence if he were a child. May we advise that these animatronics are NEVER made in the future. 
 [By the time the sixth throw and catch had happened, Jeremy was visibly shaking in the arms of the animatronic. Jeremy’s face was visibly traumatized.] 
 HmMmMm...I wOnDeR wHy?! 
 [Without any warning, Chica fluttered the finger up and down, on Jeremy’s exposed neck. Jeremy’s body jumped and curled inwards to cover up the spot. A squeal left Jeremy’s mouth before he began flailing his hands towards the finger’s direction to stop it.]
 Voila! Tickles! They have finally arrived!
 [Jeremy’s eyes widened to the side of saucers! He began protesting as much as possible. “No, please! L-look! I’m feeling a lot better! See? I don’t need tickles!” Jeremy pleaded, putting on a fake smile to prove it.] 
 Probably any other time, this probably would’ve worked. 
 [But, Chica was persistent!]
 But of course, it doesn’t. Because y’all wanted tickles? You’re getting your tickles!
 [“Yeah! You were being a naughty little boy with a really bad attitude. I think you deserve some cheer-up tickles for that.” Freddy added, unintentionally teasing him.]
 I think those tickles were a little more intentional than ya thought…
 [“What- What are you doing?” Jeremy yelled. Freddy removed the slip-on shoe off of Jeremy’s foot, and let it fall to the floor with a loud clap. “Hey! Put my shoe back!” Jeremy yelled.] 
 But why would they do that, when they clearly wanna tickle your feet?
 [“Here: Your turn to hold him.” Freddy said, before throwing Jeremy old-granny style over to Chica.] 
 [Jeremy was NOT ready for that. No human should ever be ready for being thrown like that! It’s impossible usually. But if it IS possible, It’s always frowned upon for being inhumane! But, why should animatronics know that?] 
 It’s kinda nice that Jeremy is making up for the fact that all the animatronics share 2 brain cells. But these animatronics could’ve SHATTERED BONES. When is that EVER considered okay?!
 [Freddy tilted his head. “You don’t like my cold fingers?” Freddy clarified.
 “Oh. Well I’m sorry, but I can’t help that! You’re gonna have to sit tight and get used to my cold, fat fingers.” Freddy teased.] 
 Basically what happened: 
 Freddy: “Not happening! Suffer, you ticklish piece of shit!” 
 [Somewhere in the room, a quiet music box tune could be heard, twinkling in the background.] 
 [Was he gonna die? Was the marionette gonna kill him? Was the camera going to record is very last moments? Were people gonna watch the camera to figure out how he died?…Would they blame his death on bad decisions? What would happen to his body?! WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?! JEREMY DEMANDED TO KNOW!]
 [This is it…he’s gonna die…He’s gonna be found in a few hours, ripped apart on the floor…He could guarantee it.] 
 Anxiety in a nutshell. 
 [This animatronic isn’t cold. It’s covered in some kind of fur-like fabric.] 
 This was actually confirmed on the FNAF wiki fanpage. Marionette’s fingers are covered in fur fabric. 
 And now Jeremy’s gonna get ultimately tortured by Marionette’s 3 fingers on his feet. May his soul rest in peace. 
 [Then…Marionette did something only Satan himself would be capable of: Marionette pulled a couple of Jeremy’s toes back, and began scratching the more exposed spaces underneath the deathly ticklish toes.] 
 *looks at a watch* ...How the fuck is he not dead from asphyxiation? He’s been getting tickled heavily for at least an hour. He should be passing out. 
 [Jeremy was cackling like a mad man. The poor guy was losing energy rather quickly. His pushing and squirming had began to slow, and tears had started forming in his eyes.] 
 See? It’s about time. 
 [Not to be confused with tears of pain, of course.]
 Wait, what? 
 [This wasn’t painful for Jeremy. Though this kind of fighting presents itself with a few cons, It wasn’t torturous either. It was…strangely playful. It sort of reminded Jeremy of the stories his friends would tell him, of the tickle fights they had with their siblings growing up. Some tickle fights were pure playfulness, other tickle fights were slightly torturous. But in the end, they still loved each other.]
 ...Well, go figure. 
 [Was Jeremy beginning to like the animatronics? Not intimate of course, but…Was Jeremy beginning to appreciate the animatronics’ tickling? Surely not! That’s absurd!…unless…] 
 Go figure. Yup. Gotta make sure it’s somewhat enjoyable so the reader can enjoy it without feeling bad! Cause that’s how I write. 
 [“Oh Cohohohome ohohohon! IHIHIHI THOHOHOHOUGHT YOHOHOHOU WEHEHERE DOHOHONE!” Jeremy yelled as his laughter grew louder. Marionette had reached its fingers into Jeremy’s armpit, and began scratching lightly.
 “Your laugh is very fun to hear! I wanna hear more of it!” Freddy explained.] 
 Of course, you have to add a comment about liking the person’s laughter! Cause that’s always important! 
 [So, Jeremy gave them a nod to proceed. Then, Jeremy abrupted into brand new fits of laughter! How long was Jeremy gonna be like this? Who know? Jeremy didn’t care. Not one bit…] 
 Aaaaand that’s the end! 
 A little predictable, but still fun to read. Jeremy is still my favorite character in this fanfic. 
 And now, we’re onto the next re-reading! 
 Voodoo Duke-Craft! I’m proud of this one! I was happy to finally be able to come up with a fanfic idea involving voodoo dolls, and this was the first one! And EVERYONE LOVED IT! I swear, I’m not kidding! 196 notes says a lot!
 So, here we go! 
 [Remus came to the front of the yellow and black room, and knocked on the door. As he patiently waited for the door to open, Remus looked down at the liquid-free blood bag with the doll laying upside down in the bag.]
 Hehehehe! I like the idea that Remus holds his things in a blood bag-turned purse. XD
 [The door finally opened. As he predicted, it was Deceit.] 
 This entire fanfiction is gonna involve Janus being called Deceit. Why? Because Deceit’s name hadn’t canonically come out yet! And this fanfiction came out long before the name reveal episode. 
 [Remus happily comes into the yellow-colored room, lined with snakes, Law and Order posters and Judge Judy posters.]
 Because...Selfishness Vs. Selflessness! And law! 
 [Despite the doll coming from Remus, the doll appeared to be really well made!]
 That’s a compliment! 
 [Deceit looked up from the doll. “And you’re positive this thing actually works?” Deceit asked.
 “Yup! Positive. I tried it on myself before giving it to you, as you can see-” Remus said as he pointed at the green heart on the voodoo doll. “You can try it too, if you want.” Remus suggested.]
 Remus: “I already tried it on myself, so you don’t need proof to show it works.” 
 Also Remus: “...But if you don’t believe me, I suppose you could try it on me...just to see…” 
 [“I suppose this works really well. I will use this voodoo doll to my advantage. Thank you, Remus.” Deceit said with a grin.] 
 ...You SUPPOSE? You just tickled the man till he belly flopped the floor! Of COURSE it works!
 [With everything in place, Deceit was ready to start tormenting the other sides. He left his room and closed the door, allowing Remus to process the mistake he’d made in his room.]
 I doubt Remus would consider giving Janus a voodoo doll, a ‘mistake’. More like ‘the most evil idea ever’! 
[Deceit walked around, looking for potential contenders. While walking down the hall, Deceit gazed his eyes upon a light blue-clothed figure. Recognizing who it was, Deceit his behind a wall and grabbed the light blue heart out of his pocket.]
 Oh boy! It’s Patton first! 
 [Now, if it truly worked, Patton should be bonded with the voodoo doll. Just as a test, Deceit gave Patton’s neck a little flutter with his finger.
 From a few feet into the living room, Patton let out a yelp of surprise.] 
 Huzzah! It works! Turns out putting a fabric heart onto a voodoo doll, will hook Patton up to the doll and make him feel everything that touches the doll’s head. Becaaaause MAGIC!
 [Deceit began tickling the sides of the doll’s neck, fluttering his index finger on both sides of the neck one side at a time. Right side, left side. Right side, left side…
 Patton squealed as his back fell onto the couch. “EEEEHehehehehehehe!” Patton giggled more, flapping his hands absolutely everywhere around his head.] 
 Oh NO! I could sense that! Nope nope nope nope NOPE. 
 [To make things feel a little better, Deceit turned the doll around and gave it a hug.
 Patton smiled as he felt physically hugged by an invisible pair of arms. It felt so warm and snug. Like being held by a security blanket.]
 Awwww! This part has always been a personal favorite part due to how loving it is. It’s times like these that make me wish I had a voodoo doll…
 [Deceit allowed his mouth to morph into a toothy smile as he moved his tickly fingers over to the sides of the doll’s belly.]
 You can just TELL he’s enjoying the hell outta this! #Janusisbestler2021
 [Deceit’s mischief had just left him at this point. Deceit was actually really enjoying making Patton laugh like this. He was keeping it a mystery, sure, but it was really fun seeing Patton laugh and squirm on the couch.] 
 ...Doesn’t everyone feel that with Patton? Or am I the only one? I probably am. I find that BILLIONS of fans LOVE seeing Virgil’s reactions. And Patton’s been fulfilling all the fans’ needs! So...yeah. I would love to tickle Patton! And I would love to be the tickle monster’s pray. Hehe ^w^
 [As he hugged the doll, Deceit watched as Patton practically melted into the touch. It was here, that Deceit discovered something new about Patton: He’s touch-starved. If he were used to touch, Patton would be eventually squirming for him to let go. But, Patton was perfectly comfortable with being cuddled.]
 I actually forgot I added that little fact in here! This is the most realistic fact I have ever seen in my life. 
 [If Deceit didn’t have anything to do, he would’ve definitely stayed to hug Patton for a lot longer.]
 It’s sure a shame that Janus had 4 other sides to tickle. 
 [But, he had things to do.]
 See? Poor man’s busy experimenting with the ultimate tickle toy that beats the Tickle Me Elmo by a landslide. 
 [Deceit hid in the room across from the red-doored room. The room belonged to Roman, who was admiring himself in the mirror. Deceit rolled his eyes, but smiled as he pulled out the red felt heart.] 
 Would you believe I’ve forgotten the order at this point? Maybe now was a good time to re-read it! I’m losing my memory. XD
 [A couple seconds later, the red heart fabric began glowing. This meant that the heart was now fully bonded with Roman!]
 Still don’t quite know how fabric glows, but whatever. Screw logic!
 [Roman - who had been posing in the mirror with his arm up behind his head - squealed and slammed his arm down as he bursted into laughter.]
 Aaah, yes: the classic ‘surprise armpit tickle when the arms are up’ trick. But, with a twist! I’m surprised he didn’t fall! 
 [Deceit giggled and tried tickling two spots at once: the doll’s left armpit and the doll’s right foot. Roman’s eyes practically bulged out of his skull. Roman fell backwards onto the ground, and rolled around manically.] 
 Oop- aaaand he’s down. 
 [Roman was freaking out. Thank god no one was seeing this! How would anyone react to him screaming in laughter at nothing, and rolling around like a wiggle worm?! He would NEVER be able to live that down!]
 *sniffles* Here lies Roman’s pride and confidence. It will forever be missed. 
 [Deceit decided to listen to him and lessen the tickles dramatically. Deceit removed his fingers and decided to try a different tickle spot that Remus shared with Roman: the thighs.] 
 Remus would definitely do this. 
 [Deceit covered his mouth to silently giggle, before adding a second finger to the doll’s thigh. Roman let go of his knees and allowed himself to kick his legs as he rolled around and covered his face with his hands.] 
 Awww! De widdle bean is getting embawwassed! How adowable! OwO 
 [Deceit soaked up as much of Roman’s giggles as he could, before moving onto the left thigh.]
 [Despite one’s belief with soft tickles, Roman’s giggles didn’t die down! In fact, they almost got a little louder! Deceit’s very light fingernail tickles were almost teasy in a way! This made Roman’s face heat up in embarrassment.
 “Plehehehehease! Ihihihi cahahahahan’t tahahahahake ihihihit! Ihihihit’s sohohoho ticklyhy, and ihihihit’s wohohohohorse thahahat Ihihihi cahahahan’t seehehehehe whehehehere yohohou’ll strihihihike nehehext!” Roman explained through his never ending giggles.]
 Soft tickles can sometimes kill quicker than hard tickles. 
 [Deceit raised an eyebrow. ‘worse when you can’t see’? Now, Deceit was really intrigued.]
 It’s called ‘blindfolded tickles’ with a twist. Aka: ‘you’re worse than SATAN HIMSELF’. 
 And now Janus is gonna start constantly switching spots, to show Roman’s variety in his voice. As if we don’t hear enough melody variety from his singing. XD
 [His laughter would die down into giggles for a while, before growing into even MORE laughter! It was so strange and unpredictable! Whoever this was, was EVIL and should be given PUNISHMENT for such cruel tickle tactics!] 
 Anyone else agree with this? 
 *sees a sea of people in and out of the tickle community* 
 Roman is given time to breathe, he’s hugged by Janus and Janus moves onto the next victim. 
 [After going up the stairs, Deceit came across Virgil’s room.] 
 We’re literally given the name of who it is this time. No clothing guesses here! Just immediate names. 
 [Now: Knowing Virgil most of his life, Deceit knew that these tickles needed to be tame and calming all at once. He couldn’t go hard on him at all, or else he will really regret it. Even though he could easily get away with it using the Voodoo doll tactic, he still wanted to make him happy, not make him feel miserable.]
 Janus secretly has a soft spot for Virgil because he is a former dark side. 
 [Virgil gasped and bursted into giggles. “Eehehehehe! Gehehehet ohohout ohohohohof thehehere!” Virgil begged. Virgil zipped off his jacket and lifted up his shirt…Funny…No bugs? Were they invisible? Virgil felt around his belly and found that his belly was as bare as can be!]
 I guess the voodoo doll tactic can be quite...deceiving! HA! 
 Why am I like this…it didn’t even make sense.
 [It didn’t take long for his energy to come back thankfully, due to how easy Deceit was on him. Virgil sighed with a smile, and grabbed his headphones to place them on his head. But, just as he put his headphones on, a fluttery feeling started up on Virgil’s ear!]
 ...I actually completely forgot I chose ear tickles for this part! Talk about a renewed experience!
 [Deceit’s smirk got larger as he tickled the different parts of Virgil’s ears. The back of the ears, the front of the ear, the top of the ear flap itself, and even the bit of skull behind the ear was really ticklish! Virgil was giggling madly, shaking his head back and forth and kicking his legs. He was so confused! How were his ears being tickled right now?! Was it some kind of witchcraft?!] 
 Wow! How did Virgil know?! How did he guess it was witchcraft?! 
 [Virgil just didn’t understand. And, to make matters worse, he couldn’t properly think with his ears being tickled and teased!
 Deceit actually planned it that way. He knew that too many physical distractions would stop his spiraling head. This was for the best.] 
 Janus is actually very understanding and loving to Virgil, which is very nice to see! I should write more Virgil & Janus moments like this. 
 [Virgil gasped and suddenly smiled when he felt the feeling of a nice warm hug surrounding him. Virgil didn’t fully understand where the hug-feeling was coming from, but it was enjoyable! Virgil happily snuggled into his bed and cuddled himself into the invisible hug.] 
 Everyone deserves a nice long hug sometimes. And all the time, depending on the person! 
 [Oh boy! Deceit was REALLY excited for this session. Logan is known for showing very little emotion, so finding Logan’s ticklish spots and getting him to laugh could be a game-changer!]
 Lee Logan be like: 
‘shows no emotion. Therefore; laughter is more rewarding when tickled long enough.’
 [After a few minutes of quiet looking, Deceit soon found a book on the very subject he was looking for: voodoo magic.] 
 Because of COURSE Logan has a book on voodoo magic! And this isn’t sarcasm this time! This is genuine! Logan would definitely have a book on voodoo magic in there! 
 [The Voodoo Doll Spellbook: A Compendium of Ancient Contemporary Spells and Rituals]
 This is actually a book I found online! You can buy this book for $32 on Amazon!
 [When it was 100% bonded, Deceit started off small. He placed his fingernail onto the shoulder of the doll, and drew a line down to the outside of the elbow and down to the doll’s stump at the bottom, before removing the fingernail.] 
 [...Logan paused his reading and looked at his arm. Logan examined it, and discovered a potential fear of his had come true: He’s bonded to a voodoo doll! How did- Who in the world has a voodoo doll of HIM?! And WHY?!]
 Hahaha! That moment when you’re reading a book about voodoo, then you feel voodoo magic being done on you? That’s not creepy at all! A nOrMaL oCcUrAnCe!
 [A large squeak left his mouth as he just collapsed onto the floor in mad giggles. Deceit watched as Logan’s emotionless demeanor just crumbled, and allowed his to fall into such an adorable state only a lean nerd could fall into.]
 Presenting, Logan in a nutshell.
 [Deceit liked seeing this reaction. It was kinda cute! So, Deceit kicked it up a notch! He placed his pinky finger onto the black button and began drawing circles around the outside of the black button on the doll.]
 Janus is just having a jolly ol’ time! He should be a tickle monster more often!
 [“Uuh-…Please! That’s my worst spot! I’m begging you!” Logan begged. Deceit lifted an eyebrow. If Deceit wouldn’t have known better, it would’ve sounded like Logan WANTED to be tickled on his hips! So, Deceit did the one thing he 'begged’ for: He squeezed Logan’s hip. “No! NO! NOOHOHOHOHO! HAHAHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHI SAHAHAHAID PLEHEHEHEHEASE! DIHIHIHIDN’T IHIHI?!” Logan asked.]
 Janus being a little shit in 5 minutes or less. Also, when does please EVER work?!
 [It was here, that Deceit decided to walk out from behind the book shelves and in front of Logan.]
 Voila: the big reveal! Janus was behind the voodoo witchcraft all along!
 [“Deceit?! What are you do-” Logan started, before pausing his sentence as he noticed the item in his hand. “…You!” Logan reacted, jumping up to confront him. “YOU’RE the one with the voodoo doll!” Logan confronted.]
 ...Bro...that was so slow. At this rate, Jim Carrey could determine it was Janus before you could!
 [“Indeed I am. Are you surprised?” Deceit asked.
 Logan put a hand in his pocket. “Yes…I suppose I am. I can see the chances of Remus using this, as much more likely than seeing you with the doll. Then again though…You are capable of manipulation…” Logan explained.
 “Manipulation? Don’t you mean…” Deceit started, before lifting up the doll and his finger. “…exposing the truth?” Deceit corrected, ready to tickle Logan when needed.]
 oooOOOOH! I can sense the tension! The idea that someone is holding information about your weakness, and is ready to exploit it at any point?! HOLY CRAP! 
 [Logan’s face visibly morphed into fear. He clenched his teeth nervously.]
 See? Even Logan’s unnerved!
 [Logan resorted to his usual monotone act. “What…is there to understand? I don’t laugh.” Logan explained.]
 Why the fuck you lyin’? Why you always lyin’? MmmmOh ma gahd, stop fuckin’ LYYYIN’!
 ~Nicholas Fraser, Vine
 [“Oh, NOW you cover up your laugh. Let me not remind you that a few seconds ago, you were freely giggling and rolling on the floor.” Deceit reminded. Logan’s eyes widened in fear and shock. He SAW THAT?! OH SHIT!]
 Mm hmm, Yes. He did in fact see that. And now you are what the virgins would say: Fucked.
 [Logan, growing angry at the dominance Deceit had created over the logical side, Logan ran and attempted to grab the doll right out of his hand. But nope! Deceit dodged it and squeezed Logan’s hip as he ran backwards away from the angry side. Not expecting his hips to be attacked so abruptly, Logan made a whining sound and doubled over desperately.]
 ..Well that happened. Tried and failed. #1. 
[“Not a bad attempt. But, you’re gonna have to try a little harder, in order to get this thing out of my hands.” Deceit warned.
 Logan attempted to glare at the evil side, but the glare quickly failed him as the doll’s belly button AND hip was attacked at the same time. Logan let out a muffled yelp and fell onto the ground.
 “Interesting: Despite your logical nature, you seemed to believe that 'giving me a glare while I’m using voodoo magic on you’, will help you in any manner. Yet: it doesn’t.” Deceit teased logically...]
 ...Shit dude! I guess Janus is now the new Logan! 
 [Logan squeezed his eyes shut and helplessly began to let titters out of his mouth. “See? You’re beginning to break now. It’s probably because I’m using an illogical strategy to get you to laugh. No matter how much you laugh, you will never be able to truly understand: Why does a person laugh when they’re tickled? And, where does it come from?” Deceit proceeded to tease in a logical matter.]
 Why are mice ticklish? Why does the world spin round? And one thing I will never know the workings behind: Where do babies come from?
 [Logan’s pent up laughter pretty quickly turned into his regular giggles.
 “Wow! 2 minutes and 30 seconds! Impressive! Yet, at the same time: unimpressive.” Deceit reacted.]
 *crawls under about 10 different blankets and flips off Janus*
 [“How, you ask? Well, that’s simple really: You happened to be born with a collection of nerve ending around multiple spots. But, to narrow it down: your hips-” Deceit squeezed his hips. “your belly button-” Deceit booped his belly button with his pinky. “and…” Deceit said with a smirk, before placing his fluttering fingers onto the doll’s inner part of the upper leg. “…Your thighs.” Deceit concluded.]
 *screams out of my blanket burrito* “STOP TURNING INTO SHERLOCK HOLMES!”
 [Logan couldn’t help his reaction at all! He couldn’t change it either! Logan’s cheeks, against all circumstances, had turned a light red hue! He was blushing! Deceit couldn’t believe his eyes! “Do my eyes deceive me?! Is the logical side…blushing?” Deceit asked.]
 *starts slowly going into a lee mood because of JANUS DECEIT SANDERS!*
 [Deceit tilted his head as he tried something. Deceit tried fluttering his fingers on the jawline and the back of Logan’s ear…Just to see how he’d react.
 Surprisingly, Logan’s giggles heightened slightly as he curled into the strange, but comfortable touch. It was almost a melting spot for Logan. How cute!
 “It would seem that Logan has something that everyone lacks according to my knowledge: A melting spot. You, Logan, are capable of melting into a certain ticklish spot…Almost as if you like it. Do you like it?” Logan explained.]
 MMMMMMMmmmm why tf is this so CUTE?! 
 [Logan didn’t want to answer that question. He was NEVER going to answer such an embarrassing question!
 Though…Logan’s reputation had been left in tatters minutes before this…so…it wouldn’t hurt, right?
 “Fihihihine…Ihihi lihihihike ihihit…” Logan admitted.
 Deceit smirked. “I knew it!” he reacted, still giving Logan’s ears ticklish, cute little treatment.]
 [“Hey! Give that back!” Deceit yelled. Logan looked down at it, and smirked. It was a yellow felt heart. Deceit’s bonding heart…]
 Oooooh...I forgot about this part! I actually forgot just how long this fanfiction was. 
 [With the voodoo doll in his hand and the yellow heart in his other hand, Logan could get Deceit back. Only…one problem:
 “How does this doll work? Do I have to clip the heart onto the…black square where the heart location appears to be?” Logan asked.]
 Congrats! You’ve gotten this far. But now, please let us interrupt your much-wanted tickles with some ‘I don’t know how this works’ kinda humor. Pocket’s fanfictions everybody: A place where filler is expected. XD
 [Logan decided to test it. He lifted up his finger, and tried dragging a fingernail down the doll’s right, scaly side. Deceit gasped and hugged his side, showing off a wobbly smile and curling in a little.
 “Fascinating…” Logan reacted. Deceit looked up and watched in horror as Logan squeezed up and down the doll’s side. Deceit squealed through his toothy smile and let out a few high-pitched giggles.] 
 Awwww yeah! REVEEEEENGE!
 [“You know: For an intimidating and sneaky side, you have a very high-pitched giggle.” Logan reacted. Deceit only squealed in reply and continued to curl himself further. “How cruel of me…using such a powerful piece of black magic, for such a simple little reason. kinda makes you regret your previous actions…doesn’t it Deceit?” Logan continued to tease.]
 *claps proudly*
 Ladies and gentlemen: John motherfucking Watson!
 [“There we go! That wasn’t so hard. Was it?” Logan asked.
“YOHOHOU’RE SOHOHOHO DEHEHEHEAD!” Deceit yelled through his strong and overpowering laughter.]
Woooow...Revenge seems pretty sweet!
[“Oh, alright. I suppose I can give you a break from the feet.” Logan compromised and removed his fingers. Deceit happily took the break and tried to replace as much oxygen as he could through his body. 
But, Logan wasn’t done yet. Not by a long shot.]
No sir! No sir-ee bob!
[Deceit got stuck in Logan’s ticklish wonders for a good 30 minutes. Deceit was completely warn out from all the tickles. Which, how was that fair! Deceit had treated the others really well! Why did HE get the rough tickles?! Well, that’s simple: 
What goes around, always comes around…ESPECIALLY if it’s a snake’s doing…]
 Aaaaand that’s all folks! 
I gotta admit: I loved that. I can see why the fanfic got so much recognition! It was long, it was SUPER TEASY, it was EVIL, and it was fun! I had fun! 
I have to now sign off and spend the next hour with my family. I wish you all a wonder 2021! And may we all leave 2020 behind! 
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