#I want to see her flourishing now that shes away from cinder
coldgoldlazarus · 1 year
Honestly, the other big thing aside from Pennyvival I want out of next Volume? And this one at least I can be sure I'll get:
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thewulf · 1 year
A Week Too Long || Remus Lupin
Summary: Request - As always I have another request. Can do you a small thingy of Remus x sleepy reader? Like just always tired and would rather nap together than go out. Maybe she falls asleep at breakfast and then the rest of the marauders go looking for them two and find them napping in bed together? Just something cute and simple about cuddles and being sleepy together 💕💕
A/N: I love sweet and soft Remus. Thank you for the request @loving-and-dreaming !!
Pairing: Remus Lupin x Y/N
Word Count: 1.6k+
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It had been another night of rather tragic sleep. It happened every year when you got back to Hogwarts. It’s like your brain failed to comprehend what the hell sleep was. You didn’t know if it was the excitement of being back and being around everybody again, the nerves for a new school year, your worry for your werewolf boyfriend or what had you up all night, but sleep evaded you for the better part of it.
“Hey.” Marlene giggled waving a hand in front of your face, “Are you even listening to me?”
Your glazed over eyes snapped back into focus, “Sorry Marls.” You sighed, “I didn’t sleep well last night.”
She frowned, “Again?” Looping her arm with yours she guided you along the corridor towards the Great Hall.
“Every year.” You shrugged bringing your hands up to your eyes. You tried to rub the sleepiness away, but it didn’t seem to help much. Your eyelids felt like cinder blocks that kept wanting to be dragged down and down.
“What’s that about anyway?” She asked spotting your friends from the doorway.
You let a yawn out before answering her, “I dunno. Think I just got to get used to it again. I’ll be fine in a few days.”
She all but dragged you over to the table. You felt like you were going to fall asleep with your eyes open at this rate, “Remus, your girlfriend.” Marlene unhooked herself from you before bouncing off to sit somewhere else. Did she just drop you off with your boyfriend?
“Darling,” His smile dropped when he saw your state, “Sit down, what’s wrong?”  Shooting up from his seat he made you sit down with a gentle touch. You were so tired you hadn’t heard the snickers from his, and now your, friends from behind you.
“Rem, I’m fine. Just tired.” You let out another yawn. Your brain desperate for some oxygen to wake you the hell up.
“Yeah Remy, she’s fine.” James teased turning his voice up an octave earning a glare from Remus as he sat back down next to you.
“Bugger off James.” Remus turned back to you making sure to flip his friend off in the process.
“Didn’t know Remus had it in him.” Sirius just had to add in. He leaned forward on the table, an amused expression gracing his lips as his eyes bounced between the two of you. The two of you were nothing new, having been going strong for over two years now. Naturally, you’d grown quite close with his shithead friends that you really did love. They were everything and more for Remus and that meant to the world to you. An incredible human loved by more incredible humans.
You peaked over giving him a broad smile, “James, Sirius, Peter… lovely to see you all again. How was your holiday?” You asked to nobody in particular letting out another yarn trying your darndest to keep your eyes open.
Without hesitation, Remus guided your head to his shoulder. He should’ve known. He saw you like this last year and you’d always mentioned how the start of the year left you sleepless.
“It was fine.” James grinned seeing the soft side of his long-time werewolf friend come out.  James would never admit it, but he dreamed of a relationship like the two of yours. The two of you were each other’s safe spaces. You told each other everything. You also gave the other person enough space to grow and flourish on their own. Only pulling them back when they needed it.
Sirius nodded turning back to you. His smile grew into a sneaky little grin seeing your eyes close on Remus’ shoulder, “Let’s just say I’m glad to be back. And she looks like she is too.” You felt Remus’ hands run through your hair. You just knew he was throwing a glare at his best friend. Probably telling him to shut the hell up. Remus always made sure to put you first, even in front of his friends. It never ceased to make your heart swell with the utmost love.
You smiled letting the group know you heard them. Truth was you were glad to be back. You were more than thrilled to be back with your best friends and boyfriend. How cool was it that you got to spend the next ten months with them? Coming from a muggle home the concept of Hogwarts never ceased to amaze you. You were more than thankful for everything your life had thrown at you, no matter how stressful being twelve was. Imagine, you thought you knew the world and then you were thrown into an entirely new one.
“When the bell rings what do you say we skip potions and go take a nap instead?” He asked whispering into your ear
You opened an eye looking right at in not knowing if you heard him right, “Did my studious boyfriend just suggest skipping class?” You soft smile turned into one much wider knowing you’d corrupted him down to the core in the most innocent way possible. Sleep and snuggles were now his weakness. You, sleep and snuggles was all he needed to survive in this world.
He nodded quickly peaking his eyes back at his oblivious friends, “Slughorn probably won’t even notice love. Let’s get you nice and rested up for charms after lunch. How does that sound?” He gave your nose a quick kiss earning a gag from Peter and a snicker from James. Menaces, all of them.
You nodded almost breathless from the sheer intimacy of the moment, not even his friends could ruin it, “That sounds amazing Remy.” You nodded with the lightest touch of a blush on your cheeks. Even after all this time he still made you feel those butterflies like it was the first time all over again.
As if time was reading your mind the bell chimed letting students know it was time to get a start to their day. Remus waved off his friends letting them get a head start. He knew they wouldn’t get nervous until class started and the two of you didn’t show up. He knew their alone time was limited so the second they disappeared from the Great Hall he tapped your shoulder whispering, “Let’s go love, let’s get some sleep.” He pulled you up beside him softly before walking you back to the Gryffindor common room.
It was all a blissful blue of happiness up until you heard James’ obnoxious laugh echoing from the bubble Remus placed around you. Perks of having a genius boyfriend, he knew all the useful charms. You grinned seeing your boyfriend try and shush his loud roommates trying not to wake you up.
He looked back, his shoulders visibly deflated seeing your eyes open. You heard a faint, “You guys woke her up!” Before he cast the charm away with a simple flick.
“It’s our room too!” Sirius whined sitting down on the foot of his bed.
Peter nodded agreeing with his friend, “Yeah!”
You yawned stretching your arms out towards your boyfriend. A lopsided grin crossed his face seeing you reach out for him so needily. He obliged, walking towards you quickly. You nuzzled your head into his chest once he pulled you back into him, “It’s okay boys. I needed to get up anyhow.” The steady beat of Remus’ heart had other plans for you though. Your eyes shut again once he began running his hands through your hair letting you sink fully into him.
You didn’t notice that Remus cast the spell once more silencing you into a bubble once more. He shooed them out successfully letting you fall asleep for another little bit. Remus continued to stroke your hair smiling down at his sleepy girlfriend. He couldn’t believe how truly lucky he was to have you in his life. He planned to have you in it for a long, long time more now knowing he could do it. He could be a part time monster and you still loved him.
“Hi Remy.” You soft voice tore him away from his thoughts.
He looked down at you with a sweet smile, “Hi love, sleep okay?”
Nodding quickly, you answered him, “Better than I have in a while.”
Leaning down he kissed your temple, “Good.” He kissed you once more before continuing, “I missed you.”
You giggled, “it’s only been a week since I’ve seen you Rem.”
He shrugged, “A week too long.” He pulled you in closer to him. He smelled your hair always loving the scent of your shampoo. It always brought him comfort when he needed it most. The two of you had made it a point to see each other a few times throughout the summer when the other wasn’t traveling. Yes, he’d seen you a week ago, but it was too quick of a trip to your parents’ house. He wasn’t able to do this, no not at all. This was what he wanted and craved. You in his arms snoozing away. This was his version of heaven. You were the something he’d always dreamed of.
You nodded, “A week too long, indeed.”
He leaned down to capture your lips on his. His sweet kisses always seemed to catch you off guard. When he pulled away your cheeks were ablaze, pupils blown out in love, terribly breathless. Remus grinned seeing the state he left you in, “I love you, Y/N.”
“Love you so much Remy.” You grinned laying your head down on his chest once more letting him hold you. You knew he’d get you going for charms if he really wanted to. This too was your version of heaven and you too weren’t terribly keen on giving it up.
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Permanent Taglist (Message me or comment below if you want to be added!): @loving-and-dreaming @kmc1989 @memeorydotcom @matisse556 @buckylov3r @taygrls @ah-blossom
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greenteaandtattoos · 3 years
Memories like Thorns: A Ruby Rose One-Shot
Ruby slung the red skirt and cape over the makeshift clothesline that she had made with some sticks she had found lying on the beach and rope she had stashed in her pockets after the incident with the Ace Ops and the Command Center in Atlas. 
The sand was warm beneath her bare feet, her boots drying nearby. Her belt, tights, corset, and forearm bracers were laid out on a rock. She hoped they would absorb the heat from the face of the rock and dry faster. She had used a sharp stone to tear off the long-sleeves of her dress and discarded them entirely. It was hot, and she didn’t want to suffer from heatstroke. Crescent Rose rested against a giant seashell. 
So, there she stood, in just her shorts and a now-sleeveless blouse. She sighed. 
How did it come to this? She remembered the cruel triumph on Cinder’s face as she loomed above her as Ruby clung to the leg of Neo, the girl who had been trying to kill her only moments ago. She remembered the screams of Blake and Penny. She remembered Blake’s grip on her as she attempted to rescue her. She remembered the feeling in her stomach as she and Blake fell after Cinder cut the ribbon on Gambol Shroud, sending them falling to their deaths. She remembered the feeling of free-falling, and then crashing into water, which she eventually discovered was the ocean of this world she could only assume was the afterlife. 
She had been lucky her father had taught Ruby and Yang how to swim at a young age. She had managed to swim to the surface of the ocean, spitting up salt water. Through her blurry and burning vision, she had seen the island not too far from where she had fallen, and had managed to swim to the surface. After lying in the sand for what felt like a couple of hours, she had managed to get to her feet and function properly. It was warm now, but who knows what it would get during the night, and she didn’t want to risk freezing. 
Not that I can die twice, she thought dryly. Gazing around, she finally took in her surroundings. The sand that made up the beach was tawny in color, and all around her were flourishing trees and colorful flowers. The giant seashell she had rested Crescent Rose against was just one of many that dotted the beach. A massive cliff loomed over her, and on top of that was a tree of gargantuan size, sporting rainbow foliage. Beyond that… she didn’t know, but she heard birdsong. 
“We should have asked for guardrails,” Ruby muttered to herself, mentally scolding herself for not thinking of everything like she had hoped. We made more than one foolish oversight, she thought, referring to how they had so easily forgotten that Penny wasn’t the only maiden in Atlas. 
Then, I wonder where the others are? Though she and Blake had lost hold on each other when they fell, she was fairly certain she should have fallen somewhat close to her. Yang… she had no idea. Weiss and Penny and Jaune, I hope they’re okay. Last she had seen, they were okay. 
Oscar. The thought of the former farmhand scorched through her mind, and she clutched her chest. She hadn’t been able to say goodbye to Oscar. 
All of a sudden, a horrifying thought entered her mind. Uncle Qrow. He doesn’t know what happened to us. When he does learn… Oh gods, he’s lost all of his family, now. The thought made her want to vomit and her knees weak. She stumbled and managed to catch herself on one of the branches she had used to make the makeshift clothesline. Her cape, still damp but warm from the sun, brushed against her cheek. She froze suddenly, a memory surfacing. 
The feel of velvet brushing against her face, a crimson swathe enveloping her, the warmth of familiar arms wrapped around her in a warm hug. Silver eyes flashed above her as her mother gazed at her, unending love swimming in them. She smiled widely as she clasped her arms around the child in a tight hug, bundling her in her cape. The warmth and the velvet were snug and the child couldn’t imagine leaving the warmth of her mother’s embrace. 
Ruby took a step back, her focus returning to the present. She stared at her own crimson clothes. She reached out to touch the cape that had been with her through thick and thin. She grasped it tightly, feeling the damp cloth wrap around her hand. 
Her mother’s hug before she left on her final mission was one of the only memories she had of her mother. Her final mission. She grit her teeth. Her final mission that led to her falling into Salem’s clutches. To be experimented on, to be subjected to horrors unfathomable. 
All so Salem could spit into Ozpin’s and the God of Light’s face, she thought bitterly. She could imagine the cruel glee that Salem must have felt when she discovered that she could turn the God of Light’s warriors into her own. Her hands trembled, out of anger or fear, she wasn’t sure. She wasn’t sure of anything anymore. 
She remembered Oscar’s lament after they picked him up from the slums. “Every choice I made was the wrong one,” he had said forlornly. But it was her choices that had been wrong at every turn. It was her choice to lie to Ironwood, to waste time trying to put out a message with the naive assumption that help would come. Anger and regret surged through her forcing her to sit down. She criss-crossed her legs and stared up at her drying clothes. She wanted nothing more than to be lost in the red, like she was so long ago while in the embrace of her mother. 
When she was younger, she had tried very hard not to lie. After all, heroes in fairy tales didn’t lie. They were truthful and brave, and she wanted to be just like them. Of course, she had told little white lies here and there, like when she ate all the raw cookie dough that Yang had made to bake cookies. She remembered when she told her first big lie. 
It had been when she first got accepted into Signal Academy, and she chose her combat gear. When she returned home from shopping, decked in all red - and most notably - a red cape, the look on her family’s faces was unforgettable. Qrow - who had come over for a visit - and her father had looked at her with strange, twisted expressions, which in hindsight, she realized was because she looked so similar to her mother. 
Yang, on the other hand, had been so proud. “Copying Uncle Qrow, eh?” Yang had asked, in a knowing, teasing voice, jabbing her with her elbows. “The red suits you. Matches your hair.” 
The twisted expression had melted off Qrow’s face, replaced with immense pride. “You look good, kiddo. Everyone will know you’re my niece, all right,” he had crowed. Mischief glinted in his pinkish-red gaze as he added, “But don’t think I’ll go easy on you. No favoritism from me. Nope.” 
They had looked so happy, and Ruby hadn’t been able to remember the last time the whole family had been so happy, all together like that. Qrow and her father could rarely be in the same room without an argument breaking out, and Yang spent more time at school or hanging out with her school friends than at home. 
“Yeah!” Ruby had laughed with them. “I just wanted to look like my hero!” Qrow had puffed out his chest and stretched out an arm ruffling her hair. But deep down, she wasn’t laughing, because it wasn’t true. She hadn’t picked her outfit to look like Qrow. She had chosen the red-soled boots and the corset and the cape because when she thought back to her mother, all she could see was red. From pictures around the house, she knew her mother had a white cape, with a crimson interior. 
All she could remember of her mother was the warm embrace of arms hugged tightly around her, the feel of velvet on her face, and bright red. It had been like being embraced by rose petals. And so, when she saw the crimson cape hanging on the clothes hanger, nearly hidden by other capes of varying colors, she had picked it almost immediately. From there, she picked out the rest of her outfit based on the cape and complimentary colors. When she had put it on in the dressing room, it had felt so right. 
But she hadn’t wanted to ruin the moment, and so she lied. Guilt had squirmed in her stomach for days after. She had finally managed to dispel it after she convinced herself that by lying, she was keeping her family from feeling sad. She remembered quite vividly how her father got whenever she brought up her mother. He seemed to wither, and while pride and love glimmered in his eyes whenever he spoke of his former partner, his voice became hollow. 
Another lie, one that she kept to herself and told no one, was that she was jealous of Yang. She loved her sister more than anything, but sometimes jealousy burned hot in her stomach when she talked about their mother. Because Yang remembered her more than Ruby, and it made her feel emotions that she hated herself for feeling. 
It had been a new memory of her mother that had allowed her to activate her eyes against the Leviathan. She had been so excited about the new memory that she had told Yang. Yang had been so happy, and had gone on a long tangent about their mother in an attempt to jog some more memories out of Ruby. Ruby had once again felt the hot bubbles of jealousy in her stomach.
And when Salem had caused a new memory to surface, Ruby had never felt such despair in her life. She remembered the witch’s words, she had burned them into her mind. “Your mother said those words to me. She was wrong, too.” 
And then that attacked the Schnee Manor. She remembered the face of the Faunus that had been revealed to be the core of the Hound Grimm. Horrific scars and boils and patches of raw, exposed muscle covered his face and neck, and a strange white spider-web-like substance covered half of his face. Ruby could only assume that Salem had removed his eye on that side. His eye… She had noticed it right away, the dull flash of silver from his remaining eye. He had looked at her, his eye void of any emotion and yet full of an agony that he could not voice as he repeated the same sentence over and over. “Take. The Girl.”
The answer to the question she had asked for 15 years came to her in an instant. This was what had happened to her mother. This was why she never returned. When she had told Yang of her suspicion, for once, she did not feel any jealousy as Yang broke down. All she could feel was overwhelming sorrow and guilt as Yang attempted to comfort her because she knew. She knew why her mother had left her and her family to face Salem. 
It was because of her. Because she had inherited her mother’s eyes, and became a target that Salem would eventually come for. For once, she had cursed herself for the color of her eyes. She had previously thought of her eyes as a way to help people, but all they had done was sentence her mother, and indirectly, every silver-eyed warrior that came after her, to a fate worse than death. 
She shifted in the sand. A warm, moist wind blew through her hair. None of it mattered now. Because her eyes had failed her, and she had failed her friends, her family, and now she was here. She was dead. She took a deep breath of the salt-scented air. Her heart was rolling with emotions, but all she could do was sit there.
A new sound reached her ears, breaking the lull of birdsong. She instantly became alert. She quickly rose to her feet and snatched up Crescent Rose, brandishing it as her eyes scanned the treeline, where the noise had come from. 
A crack of a foot breaking a twig, the rustle of a body brushing against leaves. She tightened her grip on Crescent Rose. A thought suddenly came to her. Wait. I’m dead. Whatever is out there can’t kill me. 
The thought wasn’t very comforting, but she did relax her shoulders, keeping her eyes on the treeline, waiting for whatever creature was in there to emerge. Then she saw it, the flash of white, the gleam of silver in sunlight, and the furry black ears that twitched with each step.
Ruby lowered her scythe.
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moon-mirage · 3 years
uhhh I don't know how many prompts I get for your cresswell drabble thing, but it's exam season so how about an "I know we've literally never spoken but my roommate has their partner over and I have an exam tomorrow and i CAN'T focus when they're around so please can I hang out with you until then?" AU 👀
You can enter as many prompts as you like. :) It would be good to have just one word because then I can maybe manage to write a drabble only. But only maybe. 
But since you gave me more than a word, you’ll also get more words back ... 2,7k actually. :P I hope you have some time to spare. ;)
It was one thing to see her crush from far away, maybe even in a group of shared friends.
It was a whole different matter if he actually walked around her little apartment as if he owned the place even though he had never been here before.
"You like Vietnamese food, right?" He asked over his shoulder as he looked though the little kitchenette for some cutlery. Scarlet had organised the place well, so he easily found it. "You know Wolf, so there shouldn't be any cilantro in any of the dishes. Not sure what his deal with cilantro is since he usually eats everything that can be chewed. Weird if you ask me," he told her with a shrug.
"I do," Cress piped up. "Like Vietnamese food, I mean," she added lamely. After he said it was weird, she didn't want to reveal that she didn't like cilantro either.
Why oh why, couldn't have Scarlet warned her?
Although what could have prepared her for the sight of Carswell Thorne in her open door with two big bags of takeout, asking her if he could come in?
A devilish smile, a wink and Cress lost her ability to speak. Or behave like a normal human being.
She wanted to hide in her bedroom, change into something pretty and practice a conversation. She would like to be smart and witty and maybe a little bit sexy so he wouldn't know what hit him. He should be impressed by her, fall in love with her but instead she hardly could say a word.
He gave her his best smile. "Great." He hummed a few notes as he arranged the dishes on her counter, and she saw him glance at the pictures at the wall.
Oh stars!
It's not that she was particularly embarrassed by the fun pictures with her friends, when they had dressed up for a Disney-themed party (although with quite some booze which was hardly Disney-approved). But she certainly was now that her crush saw her in a full-blown Rapunzel costume, including the braided wig!
She cleared her throat, relieved when he turned his attention on her instead.
Well, that relief was short-lived now that he looked at her.
With those dreamy eyes that haunted her since her first college party.
Since then, Carswell Thorne had crossed her path more than once though she had to to speak with him more than ten words.
"What are you doing here?" She blurted out.
"Um." For the first time since he entered her apartment, Thorne looked sheepish. "Right. So, Scarlet is at our place."
Cress nodded. That wasn't anything new. Since Scarlet and Wolf got together, they had been almost inseparable. Wolf had come by their apartment a few times but tall as he was, he always looked caged in their small apartment, almost afraid to move and accidentally break something. Even sitting on their couch had been a sight. Cress and Scarlet fit snuggly into it but when Wolf sat on it, he used the whole space for himself. He had tried to make himself look smaller - an unsuccessful endeavour.
So, Scarlet was usually at his place that he shared with Thorne.
Which still didn't answer why Thorne was here.
In her apartment! With takeout!
Rubbing his neck, he seemed surprised that his reply hadn't answered her question. "So, Scarlet and Wolf are at our place ... together." When she didn't say anything, he gave an exasperated sigh. "I mean, together-together." He gave her a pointed look before folding a few napkins. "And I could hear everything. I mean, my bedroom is next to Wolf's so they know that I can hear them. They just didn't care."
Cress blushed furiously. Scarlet had been considerate enough not to bring Wolf to her place to be, as Thorne had put it, together-together but it had never occurred to Cress that they would go to Wolf's place instead since he also didn't live alone.
"But um, don't you also bring... girlfriends over?" The words were difficult to say with ease and she hoped he didn't notice. Thorne was many things - a charmer, very smart, good-looking and fun - but also, to her detriment, quite popular among the female students for all the reasons she just listed. She knew he went out with Shan from one of her classes for a while, Scarlet's friend Émilie had also talked about dating Thorne during their first semester and she had  seen him with Elia from Cress's dancing class as well. And those were just the ones she knew about.
Maybe if he flirted with her, if she at least got the chance for a date ... She never wanted to be another girl for Thorne, she wanted to be the girl for Thorne but he never extended his excessive flirting to her. More often than not, she had wondered if he even knew who she was despite sometimes hanging out together with Scarlet, Wolf, Cinder and Kai and Iko.
He gave a short laugh. "We usually have a kind of understanding ... or a schedule." A wink. "And I'm more discreet. I tell you, Scarlet brings out the wolf in Wolf," he said with a snicker. "Dinner is served!"
With flourish, he revealed the counter where he had strategically placed all the dishes, the rice, the sauces and even some candles she recognised as the ones they usually placed on the little shelf next to the door.
When she didn't say anything, he faltered for a second, his proud smile turning into a frown. "Oh wait." He looked through one of his pockets until he found a lighter and proceeded to lit the candles. "What do you say?"
Cress's heart was beating hard in her chest. "It's beautiful," the told him truthfully.
He preened at her compliment. "Well, the stuff you have is quite nice. The table pretty much set itself." Reaching for her, Cress felt his warm hands on her shoulder as he led her to the counter and helped her sit on one of the barstools.
This wasn't happening. Was she really eating dinner with Thorne?
When he looked expectantly at her, she reached for a summer roll, dipped in one of the sauces and hoped she wouldn't spill the whole content on her shirt as she bit into it. It was delicious and she hummed in pleasure.
"I take it tastes good?"
She opened her eyes, trying her best not to blush. "Amazing. Where is it from?"
"It's a few blocks from our place. Next time you come over, we can order from there again. Although there is also this great Indian restaurant you've got to try."
Cress munched on her roll, trying to figure out if he had indeed invited her to his apartment. Probably along with their other friends but still. She had only seen his place once not too long ago when he and Wolf had a little housewarming party.
A thought occurred to her. "Wait. If you, Scarlet and Wolf ordered it ... and you brought it here ... did you steal their food?"
He gave her an innocent look that could fool nobody. "I wouldn't say steal. I told you, they were otherwise occupied. Food is the last thing on their minds right now. And why let it go to waste?" He dug into one of the rice dishes, chewing thoughtfully.
They ate in silence but somehow, it wasn't awkward. At least, Cress didn't feel it was. But she was usually silent, so maybe it was awkward for Thorne?
Gathering all her courage, she asked him about his classes. An easy and safe topic for her and though he answered, he was more monosyllabic than she was used from him. He must have noticed himself because he gave her an apologetic smile.
"Sorry, Cress, it's just ... I'm doing okay but I'm no match for the golden child from campus. I doubt I could tell you anything you don't know already."
"That's not true." They shared a literature class together and he had eloquently interpreted a piece of fiction with ease. His view on the book had impressed her, despite having read on it and knowing the many ways to interpret the book. But he had made it his own and expressed his opinion, while Cress was usually too shy to raise her hand and join the discussion.
When she told him, he laughed warmly. "Ah, that pulp fiction story, I remember. Honestly, Cress, I was just bullshitting. I haven't even read the book."
"But then it's even more impressive."
There was a short silence during which she carefully evaded his gaze and focused on some fried vegetable. "That's sweet of you to say. But still, you're the genius who is acing pretty much every test without trying from what I've heard. I'm jealous," he said with a conspiratorial wink.
She blushed but didn't deny it. She wanted to let him know that it wasn't anything special, that learning was easy for her and that studying had been the only thing she had ever been good at - but no, it would come off as haughty or patronising. "I would like to be more like you," she confessed before she could stop herself.
"Sure you do. Who wouldn't?" He meant it as a joke but Cress didn't miss that there was a sombre tone to it.
She shrugged, trying to find the right words. "I'm good at tests, so I do well at college that's true but I'm not ... one day, we'll have our degree and then those grades won't matter much. I suck at personal interviews and my soft skills are really bad. I freeze up when I'm asked questions even though I know the answer. I'm not someone you remember among all those other college students aside from my grades."
"I remember you," he said without missing a beat. Cress blushed furiously at that and had no answer. Before the silence stretched on for too long, Thorne spoke again. "I'm actually relieved. I always saw you and heard the way people talked about you and thought, wow, there's someone who doesn't have to worry about life after college."
"I wish."
He nodded. "I actually excel at interviews. I can bullshit my way through them. Hey, I could teach you!" His eyes glinted with honest pride. "It's all about confidence."
"I don't have much of that," she murmured.
He waved her concerns away. "Just pretend you do then. Believe me, if you go into an interview, thinking you deserve the job and they have to convince you to take it, you'll automatically act all confident. It's easy, I'll show you how." He tipped at his temple, as if an idea had just occurred to him. "And in return you help me studying for my tests, deal?"
Thorne was all smiles and Cress couldn't help but grin back at him. He was so genuine and kind, in ways she was never able to discern from away. It just made her heart ache more. "Deal."
From that moment on, their conversation flowed more easily and Cress learned more about Thorne, his dreams and ambitions she had ever thought possible. Shy at first, she was nevertheless gaining some confidence as she talked to him and wasn't embarrassed when he pointed to the picture of her, Scarlet and Cinder in their Disney dresses.
"Please, let me borrow it. I need to make fun of Cinder, please, Cress? You can't deny me that one chance to one-up Cinder."
"She would so kill me."
"But Cress, she's wearing a dress. A poufy one, with glitter! And a tiara! An ugly one but still. Maybe I should take her shopping for a new one. See, I need that picture to help Cinder. That's me being a great friend."
"How selfless of you."
He nodded earnestly. "Selfless is my middle name. Right after suave and daring."
Cress giggled as she finished the last bit of her rice pudding dessert. With some sadness, she realised their nice evening together would be soon over. She didn't want it to be but takeout was what he came here for and now nothing was left.
Even Thorne was quiet, as he looked at all the empty boxes, cleaning a few specks on the counter with a napkin.
Cress wondered where he would go now. It was unlikely that Scarlet would return tonight or that she and Wolf would not take advantage of the empty apartment.
As if he read her mind, Thorne asked. "Would you mind if I crashed here for tonight?"
Cress stuttered. He wanted to stay the night? Here? At her place? Where she was?
"Or not!" He laughed. "Sorry, I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I just assumed Scarlet's room is empty and since it's already late... I'm sorry, Cress." Reaching for her hand, he squeezed it lightly. His usually mischievous grin was replaced by something more soft and sweet and she knew he would leave if she asked him to.
Cress had never invited a guy into her apartment. She wasn't prepared. The bathroom was a cluttered mess and she desperately tried to remember if she left her underwear somewhere he could see. Or the braces she wore during the night. Aces, he would see her in her spaceship pyjamas! Her cute flowery ones were in the laundry. She was just not prepared for Carswell Thorne staying the night.
And still... "I-it's fine. I'm sure Scarlet won't mind." From the stories she heard, they had already shared a tent when they went hiking with Cinder and Iko. Cinder had absolutely refused to share the tent with Thorne but Scarlet and Iko didn't have the same issues (though for different reasons, she remembered).
His smile was soft but there was a touch of nervousness that was so unlike the Thorne she knew that she felt flustered and busied herself with cleaning up the dishes. "Thank you, Cress. I promise to-"
She didn't let him finish. "Is that why you came here?" She had actually wondered about that. Thorne could have went anywhere after leaving his apartment. Iko and Cinder's apartment was much closer to his place than hers, and Kai's place was really fancy. It was the apartment they would hang out the most since it was the most spacious one and had lots of anemities. For a group of ever-poor students, it was a dream come true.
The silence went on a heartbeat too long. "Yes. Right. Scarlet's empty room. I mean it makes sense right?" His laugh was a touch too loud before he helped her cleaning up the counter. "I promise you won't even notice I'm here."
Somehow she doubted that.
"I can't believe you actually thought I randomly came by with dinner."
"How could I think you were not? You were at my door with takeout, I didn't think ..."
Thorne tugged playfully at one of her locks. "- I wouldn't come by under pretense just to spend a bit of time with the girl I had a crush on?" He finished for her. "Come on, Cress. You are supposed to be the smart one in this relationship."
"But you were so convincing!"
His finger tips ghosted over her cheek and she leaned into her touch. "Just as I told you then ... I pretended to be confident. And apparently, it worked."
The kiss that followed still made her heart race. She laced her hands behind his neck, drawing him closer, his taste now so familiar to her.
It stopped way too soon. She looked up him questioningly, her eyebrows furrowed when she saw his mischivious grin. "What?"
Leaning closer, he whispered into her ear. "You want to know another secret?" She knew he would feel her nod. "Scarlet and Wolf had left for the weekend to visit Scarlet's grandma. I didn't see - or hear - them for two whole days."
She gasped and he bit his lips playfully. "You planned this?"
"Yes." He drew her in for another kiss. "And I'm glad I did."
Her heart warmed at his confession. "Me too."
Don’t ask me why but I feel this oneshot pretty much wrote itself (during working hours but no one needs to know that). It’s actually my first AU oneshot and it was a fun challenge. I hope you enjoyed reading it. Thank you again for the prompt. :)
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kitkatopinions · 3 years
The baby boy himself, Whitley!
(for the ask meme)
Whitley is so my baby, I love my child so much. I’m realizing I say ‘I’m really excited for this one’ for like every character I get for this ask game, but it’s because I’m having so much fun! These take a bit to write, but they are honestly so interesting to me, so as an fyi, if anyone does have any character they want to ask my about, but thinks they might be too late, or I might be uninterested, I’m still totally interested! It just might take me a bit to answer. :)
My top three ships for the character
Whitley/Oscar is my top ship for this in canon currently. It works best if Ozpin could somehow be separated from Oscar (which is theoretically possible I guess,) but yeah. Farm boy vs rich boy, they look cute together, their personalities could vibe, and they’re both snarky, but at heart caring and compassionate. Whitley/Mercury. I mentioned this in my Mercury ask, but I was writing a fic with @why-i-hate-rwby-now where Whitley and Mercury were thrown together and had to work together to escape their abusers, and I just kind of started shipping them while writing it. O.O Also Whitley/Penny is cute as heck and I could totally see her grounding him and also making him loosen up, while Penny thinks he’s funny and interesting.
My three least favorite ships for the character
Whitley/Blake. I don’t understand this ship, Blake just feels like more of an adult atm compared to Whitley - a literal child. (Yes, I realize I ship Whit with Merc, but A. I thought Merc was sixteen while I was writing that fanfiction and he acts kind of on the young side, while Blake has been acting ‘as an adult’ and being treated ‘as an adult’ for two seasons at least while directly talking to Whitley, and has always been more of a mature character for her age anyway.) But on top of that, Blake seems to treat Whitley like an in the way child and is kinda judgey to him, while Whitley barely seems to notice her. Whitley/Henry Marigold just feels bad. And Whitley/Yang. Again, Yang has been written as a nineteen year old demanding to be treated as an adult (though I wanna say she’s less mature than Blake) but also Yang is a hotheaded character and has been acting pushy lately, and that’s fine as a character flaw, but I feel like it just puts me off her for Whitley especially.
My biggest criticism for the character
He’s treated like he’s not a victim??? Like, his abuse and neglect and even his struggles are just... Not really gone into or acknowledged very much, Weiss acts like he has to prove himself before she can show him the slightest bit of sympathy or affection when she’s his big sister, his relationship with Jacques is glossed over and he isn’t given closure there, Willow’s neglect isn’t really acknowledged seriously, Winter seeming totally disinterested in him doesn’t feel like it even matters, Weiss is treated as blameless in her and Whitley’s problems. And the writing kind of frames Whitley as having gotten a redemption, when the worst things he did was be a bit of an asshole while in an abusive situation as like a fourteen-fifteen year old with no aura or glyphs or fighting ability. Emerald and Whitley’s volume 8 arcs should not be comparable! Emerald is a full on murderer and was still willingly working with Cinder to attack people as a nineteen year old woman, and yet she and Whitley are treated very similarly by the narrative (helping one person and then that ‘making up for’ their ‘past mistakes’ and then them just being on the good side and carrying the team’s actions until the pathways arrive and they both go to Vacuo. To be clear, I think this framing was too much for Whitley since he never even needed a redemption at all imo, and not enough for Emerald, the literal murderer of Penny who was just recently willingly helping Cinder try and murder Penny once again.) Whitley should’ve been treated as the child he is, he should’ve been treated as the victim he is.
My favorite thing about the character
His potential dynamics, but specifically with Weiss. He and Weiss both had almost the exact same upbringing, only Weiss actually had more support, but guys... The way the two of them coped had similarities, but were also very different. Weiss hid behind anger and sternness, Whitley hid behind peppiness and smiles. Weiss copied Winter, Whitley copied Jacques. Weiss was always afraid of people putting on acts around her, Whitley was constantly putting on acts as a means of survival. Each of them are plagued by jealousy, pettiness, judgmental behavior, and they both have good qualities that are similar, but they both are too prejudice against each other to see those good qualities and need to learn to understand where the other is coming from. Weiss is a fighter, but a follower, while Whitley seems to have a bit of a ‘fawn’ tendency, but plans and enacts schemes under the table (even if it doesn’t have to be, like with Nora! Whitley’s instincts were to just figure out how to help Nora and then go off and do it alone without telling any of the obviously antsy people with guns what he was doing - after he was spying on them lol.) I just love the possibilities that exist with two characters that are so similar, but so fundamentally different. Also I’d love to see him resentful of Winter and snarky and passive aggressive with her, and Winter not really getting the problem, and Weiss having to mediate between them. Idk, there are so many possibilities of amazing interactions and connections Whitley could have with the others, and he could be a really new, good viewpoint if he was allowed to flourish. And maybe became kind of a ‘guy in the chair’ more permanent part of the team. Like, I know we don’t need more character bloat, but let me dream!
A headcanon I have about them
Before Weiss lost her inheritance, Whitley was sort of tasked with learning everything but being head of the company, like he was learning the financial side of things, the technological side of things, ordering, inventory, scheduling, all about Dust and mine operations... And Whitley’s naturally academic and a fast learner, so he absorbed a lot of it. But yeah, I think Jacques was trying to train Whitley up to be a sort of always available PA of Weiss’s that could handle anything she didn’t want to do / was too busy to do, and that was something Whitley really resented too. His skillset was essentially being crafted around helping Weiss, but never learning how to actually manage the company itself and severely lacking in the social side of things, like he’d never be able to make a proper speech. Also, like pretty much everyone I think he plays piano and writes his own music compositions (which in my headcanons he subconsciously writes to include vocals only for him to then get bothered that even his music seems influenced by Weiss. XD) Also I know this is three headcanons, but if he had been trained to fight, he would’ve used duel pistols and would’ve eventually developed a ‘born out of trauma’ semblance.
What I would change about them if I was making a re-write
I’d just allow his status as a victim to be recognized and for him to have the sympathy I feel his character deserves. I’d have him and Weiss both framed as having contributed to their bad relationship, but Weiss - as the sister four to five years older than him - would be the one who makes the first moves towards repairing it, proving she has changed enough to put aside her pettiness and be there for the brother she does truly love. I’d also get Willow away from him, or at least let Whitley be angry and distant and not have their relationship fixed over the course of an in-universe day. This is why I say there should’ve been another Atlas season, which I think is what I’d do when it boils down to it. With every plot point coming fast and then being pushed on the back burner for the next plot point, there’s no time to focus on any of it or to give the character’s sufficient growth from it. So then things like Willow having her hand glued to Whitley’s shoulder feels very ingenuine, because their ‘growth’ was so rushed. So yeah, I’d really just add an extra season and let Weiss recognize that Whitley is also an abuse victim, make her be the one to start making steps to be there for him, and let things like his relationship with his mother come slower and not be an easy fix. Also I’d have Winter acknowledge that she has a brother more regularly and have her actually care about him, even if she hasn’t shown it well at all.
What I I think of their character allusion and what (if anything) I would change about it
Whitley has no assigned character allusion and his name doesn’t offer very many hints, since it literally just means white meadow/field snow, but it’s easy enough to assume that like Weiss and Jacques - Snow White and Jack Frost - Whitley’s character allusion has something to do with the cold. I agree with the general opinion that he’s connected to ‘the Snow Queen,’ and is likely meant to be Kai, a once kind hearted boy who gets a piece of a magic mirror in his eye that only lets him see the bad in people and gets kidnapped by the snow queen. His best friend Gerda goes on a quest to save him - encountering a land of eternal summer and a talking crow amongst other things - and temporarily forgets him due to an enchantment, but then finds him almost frozen over and saves him by crying on him and through the power of her love that literally makes people and nature bend to her will, Gerda rescues Kai and dislodges the mirror piece from his eye so that he can be cheerful again. Pretty in tune with how the writers wrote things. I don’t mind this, but if Whitley is meant to be Kai and Weiss is meant to be his Gerda, there were two missed opportunities here that could’ve been great. One, Gerda is reminded of her love for Kai whenever she sees red roses, and Ruby and Whitley have a few similar mannerisms and kind of similar coping through their ‘cheery exterior’s’ even f Ruby’s lost all her sass and Whitley’s never had her spazzy, dorky, rough around the edges traits. I think it would’ve been cute and make for a more interesting dynamic if Weiss had mentioned to Ruby in volumes 1-3 that Ruby reminds her of her brother, and if it had made Weiss both harder on Ruby (since she and Whitley are estranged and he does drive her crazy a lot lol) but it also made Ruby all the more endearing to her and is one of the reasons they could be friends fairly fast despite Weiss’s early animosity (since she loves her brother and the traits he shares with Ruby compliment hers.) The next missed opportunity I can think of is that everyone thinks Kai is dead in the Snow Queen for a bit, but Gerda doesn’t believe it and goes looking for him instead. You could easily fit this into a narrative where everyone else has given up Whitley as a lost cause, but Weiss won’t believe that and is determined to help and to get close to Whitley again, which is what I think I’d want to go with. But also, a Whitley death fake out? That could be very good and very emotional. And it’d be easy omg. Weiss could think the Hound has killed him sometime during the fight (even if just for a moment,) but also if Whitley had been the first one to fall in the void instead of going through to Vacuo O.O 
Idk if we’ll ever get his character allusion confirmed, but if it isn’t someone from the Snow Queen, I feel like the whole fandom will say “What?!” at the exact same time. XD 
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sneezehq · 4 years
Eye for an Eye
Tyrian makes good on his offer to Cinder.
Why is this guy attacking them? What does he want with her? Why and how is Qrow here? And if their attacker isn't working for Cinder, then who is he working for?
Ruby's head is spinning with questions, but there's no time right now to ask any of them. There's no room for anything right now besides fighting for their lives.
The faunus laughs again, and Ruby grits her teeth. His crazy shrieking laughter is starting to grate on her nerves. And really, Qrow expects her to just sit back and watch while he and her friends fight for their lives? Not on her watch.
Still, she tries to keep her distance, taking shots and sniping wherever she can, making use of any openings she can find, and flinching whenever one of her friends take a hit. But then, she sees an opportunity, a weakness, and even though she's supposed to staying out of reach, she acts.
Vanishing in a blur of rose petals, Ruby zooms away from her vantage point on top of one of the abandoned houses, and re-materializes almost within arm's reach of their opponent. As soon as she's able to, she takes her shot—and hits her target dead on. His tail falls to the ground with a few drops of blood, and Ruby allows herself a glimmer of satisfaction as Tyrian freezes, letting out a shriek of rage and pain. There, that should do it.
Faster than she can even think, though, he twists around and lunges for her. Before she can even think of fighting back, or using her semblance to get out of the way, the left side of her head explodes with pain. She falls to her knees, screaming, and her hands fly up to clutch at her face.
"An eye for an eye," Tyrian chuckles, before . . . turning to walk away?
She feels blood trickling between her fingers and lets out a sob, but crying only makes the pain worse. There's a rush of noise as her name is shouted and panicked footsteps rush to her side. A pair of hands on her arms shakes her gently and a deep voice that sounds like her uncle is barking orders. Ruby finds herself drifting despite the commotion, wanting to get away from the pain.
It feels like she drifts in the darkness for a long time.
When she wakes up, she's covered in soft blankets, and the surface she's laying on is too comfortable to be a sleeping bag in the middle of a forest. Opening her eyes, she finds herself in a bed in a cozy-looking room. The windows are open, letting a breeze drift in with the sunlight. She can hear people outside. It sounds like they're in a fairly big city. Judging by the bright skies outside, it's daytime, but that doesn't help her figure out how much time has passed, or where she is, or what happened. Something about the room seems off, too, strange, almost like there's something wrong with her eyes.
Pushing herself to sit up, Ruby spots her uncle sitting in a chair next to her bed, slumped over and sound asleep. Her body feels stiff and sore and she groans. Qrow's eyes fly open at the noise. "Hey," she says, clearing her throat when her voice comes out as a croak.
"Hey yourself, sleeping beauty," Qrow replies, smiling tiredly. He looks like he hasn't slept for a couple of days. "Good to see that you're finally awake."
His comment does not ease any of her worries. "How long was I out? What happened? Are the others okay? Where are we?"
"We're in Mistral, to answer your last question. As for the others, they're okay. They're here in the house, resting up."
"So we made it," she breathes a sigh of relief. "How did we get here? What happened—" She cuts herself off as she tries to scrub at her face, only for her left hand to catch on a carefully wrapped bandage. "What?"
"Hang on a second." Qrow strides over to a small door that must lead to the bathroom. He comes back over with a small hand mirror and holds it out in her direction. She takes it automatically, face scrunching in confusion. "This might be easier to explain if you can just see for yourself. They said you can take the bandages off, by the way."
So Ruby slowly begins to unwind the bandages from the left side of her face as Qrow talks. "Tyrian fled, and we managed to stop the bleeding, but infection set in pretty quickly. We booked it out of there as fast as we could, and by some miracle we managed to get picked up a couple of airships passing through the area. They rushed us here and they were able to treat the infection, but." He trails off as Ruby finishes unwrapping the bandages and sets them to the side, gesturing for her to look in the mirror.
"Uncle Qrow, what—" The girl that stares back at her in the mirror looks just like her, but there's a jagged scar where her left eye should be. Ruby feels numb. "Oh." She brings a hand up to touch her face, carefully brushing her fingers over the scarred skin. Her reflection copies her. This isn't a dream, then.
"I'm sorry, kiddo. If I'd gotten to you sooner, or realized that Tyrian was after you before he attacked, then maybe I could have prevented this."
Ruby forces herself to snap out of her troubled thoughts. "Uncle Qrow, that's enough. This isn't your fault. I knew the risks of what I was doing when I set out on this trip." She tries for a reassuring smile. Judging by his expression, it comes off as more of a grimace. "Although I do want to know, why were you following us? If we were all traveling to the same place, why not just travel with us?"
"That's actually what I've been wanting to talk to you about. You and your friends. I'm afraid it's a bit of a long story though, so I'd rather only tell it once." He sighs, getting to his feet and running a hand through his messy hair. "I know you're probably still exhausted, but how does getting breakfast sound? I'm sure that everyone will be glad to see that you're awake, and we can talk about it over some food."
"Breakfast sounds great," Ruby replies. "But, is it even still morning anymore?"
"Eh, it's the first meal of the day, so it's breakfast. I'll leave you to get ready, let the others know that you're up. I hear that Ren makes good pancakes."
"He makes the best pancakes. I'll see you in a little bit!"
It takes her a little longer than usual to get ready. She finds her gear easily enough in the closet, and slips it on without too much trouble. She'll have to thank whoever cleaned it for her. Her legs are a little shaky, though, and she feels off-kilter and clumsy in her movements. As she brushes her hair and splashes some water on her face, she keeps finding her eyes (eye) drawn to the scar over her left eye in the mirror.
She runs her hands through her bangs and arranges them carefully so that they cover where her left eye should be. Problem solved. Out of sight, out of mind.
With a deep sigh, she braces herself to head out of the room and face everyone. She finds herself glancing to the left frequently as she makes her way through the hall and down the stairs, turning her head to make up for her new lack of sight on that side.
"Ruby!" She hears Nora squeal as soon as her foot hits the bottom step. The redhead rushes over to hug her, almost knocking her over. "I'm so glad that you're okay!"
"It's good to see that you're awake, Ruby," Jaune says, stepping forwards to hug her when Nora finally releases her.
"Indeed," Ren nods and hands her a plate of pancakes. "Why don't you have a seat? We've all been very worried."
"I knew she would be fine," Jaune insists.
"You should have seen him pacing!" Nora exclaims, bouncing over to sit on the couch next to Ruby.
"So, what happened while I was out?" Ruby asks, taking another mouthful of pancakes.
Jaune and Nora take turns on filling her in. They tell her about rushing to Mistral after she was injured, splitting up, and fighting the Nuckelvee. Surprisingly, Ren insists on chiming in for the last part.
"And then the airships found us, and brough us here!" Nora finishes her story with a dramatic flourish. They fall into a shared silence.
"Where did my uncle go?" Ruby asks, glancing around to make sure that he's not hiding in the corner or something. "I thought he wanted to talk to us about something."
"I think he said he was going to refill his flask, something to do with not doing this sober?" Jaune shakes his head.
"Of course," Ruby sighs.
"So, Ruby, I'm thinking you should get an eyepatch!"
Ruby isn't following. "Nora, what are you talking about?"
"You know, for your eye!" Nora says, gesturing to Ruby's face. "You could be like a pirate!"
"Oh. Yeah." Ruby swallows hard against the sudden lump in her throat. "I'll keep that in mind."
Nora pumps her fist in the air with a victorious grin, but fortunately Qrow interrupts before she can ask any more questions.
"It's way too early for you kids to be this loud."
Ren blinks. "It's—" He checks the clock hanging on the wall. "2:30 in the afternoon."
"Uncle Qrow, didn't you say that you had something to tell us?"
"Yeah, yeah." He takes his seat in the armchair across from them, taking a swig from his flask and looking at them warily. "Tell me, what's your favorite fairy tale?"
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Whumptober2020: Day 10 – Internal Bleeding
Fandom: MCU Characters: James Rhodes, Tony Stark, Helen Cho Pairing: IronHusbands Tag: @whumptober2020​
Summary: In the aftermath of an Avengers’ mission, Rhodey studies Tony’s behaviour and deduces something to be wrong. Universe: Alt.Timeline created by the time-travel shenanigans in 2012, in which Loki ended up stealing the Tesseract in the aftermath of the battle of Manhattan.
[Read on AO3 here.]
Rhodey had been watching Tony since the wrap up of their latest mission. He kept a trained eye from where he leaned against the quinjet walls, arms crossed. The billionaire wasn’t speaking much, even after a very quippable dialogue between Steve and Clint to which he was just three feet away from. Tony loved to pounce on such openings in order to poke fun at his teammates. Except now?
Unable to take much more of this worry, Rhodey crossed the jet floor and stood to his boyfriend’s side. “You okay?” he asked in a quiet manner. He knew how little Tony liked it when his vulnerabilities were broadcasted.
“Fine,” was the return. It was very hard to believe what he just heard; no follow up, no flourish, just a word– a syllable, at that.
“Tony, look at me,” he coaxed. A look in his eyes would be all he needed to determine Tony’s pain. That was where he hid everything. All Rhodey needed was one glimpse.
The mechanic shifted his head the slightest degree. He did not quite meet Rhodey’s eyes, which in itself tipped Rhodey off.
Still keeping his tone hushed, he asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Dizzy,” Tony gasped. “Bit nauseous. I can’t.. World’s not supposed to sp..” He scrunched his eyes tight, “..blur, right?”
“No, not really.” Rhodey shook his head with a light smile.
“Hm,” Tony attempted a noncommittal grunt. “That’s not happening to me.”
Guiding him into a chair, Rhodey patted him on the shoulder before slipping into the space to the left of the pilot’s seat. “How far out are we?” he asked, to which Clint glanced over.
“Couple minutes at most,” he updated. “Why?”
At a tone that would only be audible between the two in the cockpit, Rhodey commanded, “Go faster, and alert Helen to prepare medical equipment for Tony. He’s worse off than I thought.”
“Copy that.”
Rhodey left the cockpit to crouch by Tony’s chair. The man held his head in his hands. His posture was ridiculous, and if this weren’t a worrying situation, Rhodey might have teased him for it. Instead, the Air Force lieutenant placed a hand on Tony’s knee and regarded him for a few silent moments.
“We’re almost at the Tower,” he said. He didn’t receive an answer. “Hey, Tones.”
“Can we just go to sleep when we get there?” Tony muttered. As much as Rhodey liked the idea of curling up with boyfriend for the night, he shook his head.
“Medbay, first.”
Tony groaned, but the sound was pitifully weak. “I don’t want to.”
“You think you have a choice?” The last thing Rhodey would do would be ignoring the clear signs of sickness on the testimony of ‘I don’t feel like it’. “We’re just coming back from a mission, you’re clearly in pain. I’m bringing you to Helen, end of discussion.”
Within the next minute, the quinjet landed upon the tower platform. The back of the jet slid open and out descended the ramp. Rhodey linked an arm around Tony’s torso and let the wounded lean heavily on him the entire way to the stretcher waiting. Helen Cho was quick to relieve some of Tony’s weight from Rhodey’s shoulders.
“Any notable symptoms?” she asked while strapping a halfway-to-unconscious Tony to the stretcher.
“Dizziness and nausea,” replied Rhodey. “Also fatigue, the obvious one here. Blurring vision.”
Nodding, she took up space at the back of the stretcher to wheel him away. Rhodey was left with no other choice but to follow. He would have followed all the way into the Medbay, but he was blocked by one of the staff. They needed space to work, she explained. Rhodey could only push so much before common sense kicked in and he sank into the waiting room chairs just outside.
What happened? he let himself wonder.
As with all missions, things in the field happened fast. Through adrenaline and years of military experience, Rhodey kept up well with the rapid pace. He trained to process things in real time. He recalled every move he made. How many times had he crossed paths with Tony this rescue mission? A handful, maybe three? Had he seen anything happen, anything he could have prevented? He held his face in his hands. Through the gaps in his fingers, he watched the floor tiles.
Dangerous thoughts, he warned. The past was the past. What judgements he had then were the best he could have thought of. Hindsight may be twenty-twenty, but it served nothing more than a dish of regret and a promise to be better.
He remembered seeing one of the buildings crumble, but there hadn't been a man of gold and red underneath. Not that you saw, the back of his mind commented. What if he was inside?
Lulled by the relentless sound of self-critique, Rhodey closed his eyes. He sank inside the darkness only to be shaken back into the light after what felt like a few seconds. Blissful seconds they were, a few seconds of absolute relief.
“Mr. Rhodes,” someone hissed. “James.”
He shook the darkness into the corners of his mind and blinked up at the gentle face of Helen Cho.
“I’m here– awake– Is he awake?” spluttered words from his lips.
“He is,” she smiled. “You can see him now.”
Rhodey jumped to his feet. He would have raced inside the hospital wing's doors if it weren't for the doctor's hands coming to a rest on his upper arm.
“Be careful. He’s still recovering. The internal bleeding was severe. Make sure he doesn't move much.”
Baring her words in mind, the lieutenant pushed open the MedBay door. At the end of a chamber of beds was Tony’s resting place. Rhodey drew in a sharp breath. Tubes and monitors and the stench of disinfectant quelled not his fluttering heart. It only quelled when he caught Tony’s head roll across the pillow.
“Imagine my pleasure,” the mechanic smirked, and though it sounded weary, Rhodey’s spirits were lifted by the detection of Tony’s signature spark of life. He hadn’t lost his vibrancy; he’ll be okay. “The second face I see is ol’ Sourpatch.”
“Imagine my pleasure, seeing you make it,” Rhodey retorted. "You gave us a scare."
“You thought a building was going to stop Iron Man?”
“It could have." He winced at the reminder of seemingly ceaseless cascade of cinder blocks. Again, he could not remember seeing a flash of gold underneath. How much pain had it cost to fly out, he asked himself, how much had Tony endured as everything came crashing down upon him?
But Tony was safe now. Tony was sailing towards a recovery. Everything proceeded optimistically.
Placing a hand on his shoulder, Rhodey smiled down at those chocolate eyes he’s come to love. The browns darted back and forth between both of Rhodey’s own eyes, surveying him through a mild squint.
“You’re going to tell me to ‘be less reckless’,” Tony ventured a guess.
Rhodey chuckled dryly. “What’s the point? You’ll just ignore it.”
“Good, you’re catching on. Only took a couple decades.”
“Being your impulse control is a full-time job,” he said. He trailed his hand down Tony’s arm only to stop when he reached his hand. Integrating his fingers in between the mechanic’s, his shoulders rose and dipped witho the least obstructed breath he’d had since the mission, since before, even.
“You love it, though.”
“I’m pretty sure the only good thing that comes out of it is you not ending up dead.” Rhodey cast a glance behind him, spied the chair against the wall, and stretched his free hand over to drag it close by. He settled himself on the dark blue cushion before leaning his forearms against the bed.
"Yeah,” Tony drew out. “I think I’m invincible.”
“It’s that kind of thinking that’ll get you killed.”
Tony pouted for show. “You don’t believe in me? I thought that’s why I signed up for when I started dating you.”
“Shut up,” dismissed Rhodey but not without sharing a laugh between them. Seeing that smile was enough to warm his heart and drive the post-battle jitters definitively from his system. He might have his work cut out for him when it came to teaching Tony restraint, but for the moment, he focused on the solace in his recovery.
He stayed by Tony’s side for as long as he could, but eventually, Helen came in to herd him out, claiming it was time for her patient to rest. Rhodey bid a ‘good luck’, knowing how impossible it was to get Tony to sleep, before making for the door. One last look, he tossed behind him, a mutual exchange, before Rhodey took his smile into the hall.
Yeah, things are going to be fine.
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itsclydebitches · 5 years
Someone made a really good post on reddit about Rwby's lack of agency and how that ties to the adult characters. The jist of it is that possibly the writers and everyone else thinks that rwby's lack of agency from the later volumes is because they keep following orders from the adults so getting rid of the adults = rwby gaining their agency back. The post argues that their lack of agency stems from their lack of motivation.
I absolutely agree with that last bit. We really haven’t heard anything about their personal motivations since Mountain Glenn and what little we do know is often contrary to them choosing to join this fight, let alone acting like that’s an obvoius choice for them: 
Ruby is generically a Good Person™ but that just isn’t enough to go on given the new stakes and the emphasis on realistic repercussions/ethics. If Ruby is human enough (as opposed to fantasy-hero-protagonist enough) to have PTSD and break under a single word from Salem, she’s human enough to have reasons for fighting beyond “It’s the right thing to do” or, at the very least, real doubts about how she can manage that. The writing needs to establish compelling reasons for why she, as an individual, is willing to fight against seemingly impossible odds. As far as she knows, she’s not beating Salem. Ozpin with his magic and resources has tried for a thousand years and failed. What gives her the confidence to believe that she’s different? Or the insane willpower to shoulder on  if she’s not? Ruby is either the most confident person ever or had resigned herself to a suicide mission---and we don’t know how either option came about. We’ve reached a point where this conflict is far too much to hang on the generic characterization of, “Ruby is a good person so she’ll always do the right thing. Yes, even throw her life away fighting an immortal enemy. She’s just that good.” We’re past that kind of fantasy logic. 
Yang has explicitly said that she is fighting because Ruby is... which, as I’ve said before, does not make her a reliable ally in this fight.
Last we heard, Blake wants to end racism which does not obviously correlate to “Beat Salem.” 
Weiss either wants to redeem or abandon the Schnee name (that’s pretty muddled post-Volume 7) which also does not automatically equal “Beat Salem.” There are far easier, far better ways to achieve both these goals. 
Ren and Nora seem to be there only because Jaune and their other friends are. 
Jaune, I’d argue, is the only one whose personal goals actually align with the larger conflict (ignoring for the moment the assumed goal of “Ruby wants to avenge her mother” which hasn’t actually been established yet). Though the writing has largely dropped mention of this the last two volumes, last we heard he was gunning for Cinder to avenge Pyrrha. And Cinder as a (presumed) ally of Salem’s is someone he’s more likely to take out if he stays on the front-lines of this fight. Jaune is the only character where it somewhat makes sense why he’d throw away so much on what everyone thinks is an impossible fight. 
Oscar, meanwhile, had no choice in whether he participated, but that doesn’t mean his lack of motivation isn’t still a problem. We know nothing about him pre-Ozpin which not only muddles this merge business but implies that the writers don’t care about him as a character outside of functioning as a plot device. 
So we’ve got this cast who either a) claims they want to do things and then make choices that don’t move them towards achieving those goals or b) are just blindly following Ruby. Ruby, in turn, is leading this battle for... reasons. All of this should have been addressed post V6E4 when the group realized that their easy quest of “Secure the relic” and the presumed slightly harder quest of “Kill Salem” were upended and they were, suddenly, staring at a lifelong quest that, chances are, they’d never see the end of. They would either outright fail and die or succeed in holding Salem back, die anyway some day, and the war continues on without them. We needed reasons for why everyone---as individuals---was willing to continue on despite that and then that needed to be compared to what the adults in their lives have tried and done. How is Ruby different than Ozpin? Based on what we’ve actually seen in canon, she’s not. They both carry on despite the odds, lead their teams, tell lies and keep secrets to protect themselves and this war. Except that we know Ozpin broke for who knows how long in that cabin. We know the catalyst that got him to fight again. We know his divine goal of bringing unity to Remnant and his personal goal of finally achieving peace by passing on. We know that his choices led to an “extraordinary time of peace”... Ruby, meanwhile, never faltered. We have no explanation as to why she didn’t. There was thus nothing that re-invigorated her. We’ve established no personal goals and thus far her own choices have caused a lot of damage, so much in fact that it should be undermining this absurd confidence she has. I completely understand the desire to set your protagonists on their own two feet, out of the shadow of other characters so they can flourish... but you can’t grant them agency if they don’t have motivation. Without their own motivations all they can do is mimic others, aka do precisely what the adults have done. Ruby lies just like Ozpin. Yang is obedient to Ruby just like Elm is obedient to Ironwood. And now everyone in that group expects those around them to achieve the impossible like Ozpin (from their perspective) expected that of them: not telling eight people about Salem’s immortality yet still hoping for their assistance on one quest is apparently horrific. Yet now the group has orchestrated a situation where a whole city doesn’t know about Salem’s immortality yet they’re still hoping for that city’s assistance in fighting Salem herself. 
This is their agency without consequences and motivation. In rejecting the adults without compelling reasons and with no direction to take that agency in, the group has just become the adults 2.0, doing even more damage than the people they criticize. Which would be a FASCINATING direction to take the story in if the writing was willing to acknowledge all this as a problem the story would eventually fix. 
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themangoyogurt · 4 years
Between 29th and Astoria: Cinder-Fucking-Ella
Chapter 6
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The day sped by in a whirlwind of nervous energy. Lunch with Mr. Ren left butterflies in your stomach, creating excitement and energy as you buzzed around the office. Your mind kept drifting to the feeling of his warm hand against your lower back, and the way his eyes crinkled when you said something funny. Despite your interest in the man, a small voice would quietly remind you that you were just an assistant. Maybe Mr. Ren was only extending an olive branch, and you shouldn’t read too much into it. After all, logic would dictate that work would be a lot more productive if his assistant actually enjoyed her job.
Even if you weren’t working underneath the accomplished mogul, it wasn’t like someone like him would ever be interested in someone like you. Expectations ought to be managed. Sure, it was perfectly acceptable to harbor a small crush on your boss. But you couldn’t let it get away from you.
Yet, another more irrational side of you wished so badly that Mr. Ren would do something completely insane like ask you out.
As if.
By the time you got home, you had resigned yourself to simply admiring Kylo from afar. You really had no business going around falling in love with a billionaire. Toeing off your heels at the door, you were welcomed home with shrieks of laughter. The sounds of house filled to the brim in joy and friendship bounced against the white walls.
Rose was in the center of the living room sashaying around as she held a tulle skirt up to her chest. Finn and Poe were hooting as she pretending to wave and bow towards her adoring fans.
“What’s going on here guys?” You laughed while Poe rolled his wrists in circles as he hinged at the waist. Rose gave him a curtsey and then bounded your way. Clutching your hands in her own she shrieked, “We’re going to a ball! Like Cinder-fucking-ella!” Finn guffawed and shook his head. You collapsed onto the couch between the darker man and Poe, watching Rose as she continued to turn in circles around the room.
Poe laughed, “Close. Finn and I need dates for this yearly charity gala work makes us attend. We figured it would be more fun with our favorite gals. It’s held at the Lincoln Center, and its going to be amazing!” Finn cheered and leapt up to catch Rose in his arms. The pair began to waltz around the room as Rose sang the chorus to Beauty and Beast.
Stifling a laugh at Finn’s look of offense, you turned towards Poe. “Really? A gala? I don’t even know how to begin unpacking this.”
He reached over to the coffee table and uncorked a bottle of red wine. Shoving a full glass into your hands, he replied, “Drink this while I talk. Alright, the gala is on a Saturday so it doesn’t conflict with your work schedule. Next, Rose’s sister works at that stupidly fancy boutique on Fifth Ave., and she can get you guys some clothes at a steep discount. Lastly, you deserve this sweet pea. You need to take a break once in a while. Plus, there will be important people in the room to network with. I know you miss photography. This is New York City, babe. You never know what will happen!”
The man wiggled his eyebrows and continued, “At the very least there will be tons of free fancy pants food and champagne.”
“You really know the way to a girl’s heart, Poe.” Downing the rest of the wine, you gave him a sigh and a nod. Rose and Finn burst into claps before Rose climbed back onto the couch. Tossing her arms around you, she cheered, “I already texted Paige! We’re going to have a shopping party!”
Throwing your face into her arm you moaned, “Why is everything a party with you Ticos?”
Rose giggled and squeezed you tighter. “Because life is worth celebrating!”
Wednesday rolled around, and you found yourself impatiently tapping the leg of your desk with the side of your heel. Pinching the bridge of your nose, you reminded yourself that your friends were just being kind, and that you should be gracious at their generosity.
Side-eyeing your phone, you pulled up the conversation with Rose.
Rose Tico | 4:19 PM | Okay! I confirmed the private shopping appointment for today with Paige. Let me text you the address!
Rose Tico | 4:19 PM | 754 5th Ave. It’s between 5th Ave. and W. 57th St.
The address was pulled up on Google Maps and sat mocking you from the computer screen. Bergdorf Goodman. You needed to have a talk with Poe and Rose regarding using the words “fancy” and “boutique” lightly.
There was no way you could afford anything in that fucking department store. And knowing Poe and Rose, they probably worked out some scheme to get you decked out in the most expensive shit while paying the least.
Your heart was touched that Rose and Poe wanted to spoil you. But your pride was finding it hard to accept such an ostentatious gift. You continued to debate with yourself when a familiar baritone snapped you right back to reality.
“Bergdorf’s, huh? Finally getting that Chanel?”
Somehow you managed to clumsily close the tab while simultaneously swiveling around in your chair. Mr. Ren was leaning against the wall behind your chair. Hands in his pockets, his chest rumbled in laughter as he watched you panic.
“No! I mean, yes. But no, I’m not buying a Chanel. My - uhm - friend is taking me shopping though. I need...I mean it’s not really...”
You could see the headlines now - “Personal Assistant Launches Herself Out of Forty-Fifth Floor Window”. Kylo tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. Leveling his voice, he flatly ventured, “Your friend is taking you shopping. How generous of...him.”
You heard it. It was barely there, but you heard it. Mr. Ren was trying to suss out if a male was taking you on a shopping spree. As much as you wanted to tease the man, the prospect of keeping your job was a lot more enjoyable. Your voiced lamely squeaked, “Her. My roommate’s sister has an employee discount, and I need new clothes.”
His lip twitched upwards, as if the man was trying to suppress a smile. Looking downwards, he lightly tugged at the lapel of his jacket. Flattening the fabric against his chest, he nodded as he straightened the top.
“I see. Well, enjoy the shopping trip then. Feel free to leave at 5 today. There isn’t much work left.”
With that, the man turned on his heel and slinked back into his office. At the sound of the heavy oak doors closing, you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding.
This was unnecessary. This was so, so, so, unnecessary. You were perched atop a velvet Bergère that was more appropriate in the bedroom of an 18th century princess. Despite your general discomfort at being primped and fussed over, Paige had a disarming attitude about her that left you feeling less apprehensive about the whole ordeal.
Or maybe it was the fact that Rose had smartly plied you with three glasses of champagne before the styling session had begun.
Paige had just wrapped up going over measurements and jotting down ideas when an older gentleman stepped into the parlor. He discretely slipped a folded piece of paper to the woman before excusing himself.
Paige’s eyes twinkled and a mischievous smile spread across her delicate features. Tossing the piece of parchment aside, she sang, “Alright, I’m going to pull some garments. You ladies relax and enjoy some light bites while I’m gone.”
She blew a kiss, and skipped out the door. Judging by the boundless energy the sisters shared, you wondered if enthusiasm was genetic. Rose settled herself on the armrest and laid her head atop yours. She played with the hem of your sleeve as the two of you relaxed into friendly conversation.
“Hey, Rose?”
She hummed.
“Thanks. Seriously...for setting this up with Paige. It was really sweet of you guys, and I’m having fun. Really!”
Rose gave your shoulders a gentle squeeze. “Of course! You’re my best friend, and you deserve nothing but the best.”
Paige burst into the room with flourish as she dragged two racks along. Rose squealed at the sight of silk and feathers and immediately began to comb through the garments.
“Down, girl!” Paige teased as Rose gushed over the lush fabrics. You noticed that one of the racks was suspiciously fuller than the other. Paige caught you gaze and smiled. “Rose told me that you haven’t shopped for yourself in ages. I thought we could try on a few extra things just for fun.”
You cringed at your Banana Republic trousers. Did they do the job? Sure. Did you look good? That was up for debate.
Paige put on some upbeat electronic music, and the three of you began to go through outfits. You had a suspicion that Rose was only a decoy to get you comfortable with trying on expensive garments. The petite woman was certainly a lot more invested in what was going on your body, as opposed to her own.
“Oh my God. You need to try this on.” Rose screeched. She was holding up a black wool sweater dress with cut outs by the arm and a soft turtle neck.
You pulled the dress from her hands and took a look at it before screaming, “Rose! What am I going to do with a six hundred dollar sweater from Helmut Lang?!”
Oh no. The woman threw you her all and her best. Brown eyes cast wide open in innocence, she silently nudged you towards the dressing room. Relenting with a groan, you stomped away, but not before shouting over your shoulder, “I thought we were shopping for one dress. One!”
Your protests fell upon deaf ears. Once you emerged from the room, Rose and Paige immediately ganged up on you. They continued to ignore your objections (“No, Paige! Nobody in their right mind needs a $4,000 Akris wool coat!”), and piled outfit after outfit upon you.
One hour later, and you flopped onto your back to stare at the ceiling. Designer department store be damned, you’d make yourself right at home on their overpriced rug. Rose sat cross-legged by your face and massaged your arms.
“I’m sorry we love playing dress up so much,” Rose whispered as she gave up on your arms and began braiding your hair. You never had siblings growing up, so you were unaccustomed to the hustle and bustle that were the Tico sisters. Rolling onto your side, you propped your head up on one arm and replied, “It’s okay. I’m sorry if I’m being a sourpuss. I am having fun. I love you and Paige. It’s the reminder that I’m dirt poor that I’m not enjoying.”
Rose fluffed the ends of your hair and smiled. “Just one more dress, and we’ll be done. I promise.”
Just in time, Paige entered the room with a single black garment bag. Carefully unzipping it, she pulled a navy blue gown out. Inch-by-inch the crepe was revealed. The top was off-shoulder with crystal embellishments dotting the neckline in a floral motif. The bust featured beautiful drapes, and fell into a figure-hugging silhouette. A soft and delicate chiffon cape fell from the back and trailed along the floor.
Sitting up, you gasped, “Wow. That’s not for me, right?”
Paige reached a hand out to help you stand. She slowly eased you into the dress and carefully zipped up the side. You looked like a modern-day princess. How could something be so sexy and elegant at the same time?
Rose rushed to your side and began to coo alongside her sister. The three of you faced the mirror in awe. Fingers shaking, you tentatively reached underneath your arm to look at the price tag.
Paige immediately slapped your hand away. Eyes twinkling, the woman smirked, “That’s for me to know, and you to never find out.” Winking, she gingerly unzipped you and whisked the dress away alongside your very full rack of garments.
You began to protest, but the sisters would hear nothing of it. Thirty minutes later, and Paige returned with a mountain of bags and boxes neatly stacked together. She beckoned you towards a marble desk with a singular black box resting in the center.
“Paige. I don’t understand...”
She grinned and made playful eyes with her sister. Leaning forward, Paige whispered, “Before you came in, a VIP called and insisted that we outfit you in a new wardrobe. They already have an account with us, and insisted that we charge anything that looked good onto their card.”
Words escaped you as you turned to look at the ridiculous amount of clothing expertly packed away. “But...I didn’t even...”
Waving her hands, Paige laughed, “Don’t worry! I only picked practical things you’ll get use out of. I am a personal shopper, after all. I’d never send you home with something you’d hate!”
Mutely nodding, you mentally calculated just how much everything cost. You were pretty sure that there wasn’t a single garment in those bags underneath $500.
Holding up a finger, Paige caught your wandering eyes and motioned towards the black box. Pulling the lid off, she cautiously peeled back layer after layer of tissue paper to reveal leather hidden underneath.
A rectangular bag made of calfskin sat nestled in between paper. Pearls gracefully dotted the perimeter, and the middle featured tweed with classic quilting running across the bag.
Two “C’s” interlocked at the center.
Paige pulled the bag out, and pushed it into your shaking hands. She whispered, “Our VIP insisted that we choose a Chanel Boy Bag for you.”
💖Masterlist 💖
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unlockthelore · 4 years
An Unexpected Ambition
When the option arises, Rin decides the best route to protecting herself is one that suits her best.
From the series Affections Touching Across Time on Ao3, and part of the Four Seasons fic. For more updates, follow the affections touching across time tag on this blog. For more of this fic, follow the four seasons tag.
While it may sound strange I learned that fighting is more than muscles and ki - to fight for someone with all of your heart - even if you know you might lose, it takes strength.
Inner strength that many don’t have.
You won’t say it, so I won’t either, but I’m glad that you’ve grown so strong.
Keep fighting with all your heart for whoever you want to protect, so you’ll grow even stronger, and be the greatest daiyōkai of our age.
I believe in you, Lord Sesshomaru.
The next morning, Rin awoke to the distant exchange of quiet and gruff murmurings.
For a short while, she shuddered and wriggled beneath her comforter, attempting to slip back into a pocket of sleep. Thick waxy thoughts refused to settle in one form as voices churned them about into different shapes and figures.
“When I was that size, I’d’ve given anything for someone to teach me how to throw a decent punch,” a deep voice said, thinned with exasperation and gruff in its speech. Rin could imagine the furrow in its owner’s brow, and his irritable scowl. “ ‘Sides, world we live in isn’t all that safe, y’know. There were dangers before Naraku, and one of these days, she’s gonna have to face ‘em on her own.”
The voice’s owner spat ‘Naraku’ as if it were a mouthful of poison. Rin’s brow quivered and she pressed her lips together to stifle a whimper, trying to banish the thought of creeping spiders and soulless red eyes.
“… Ye have made yer point, Inuyasha,” another voice, wizened and haggard in exhaustion. It was a tone Rin knew well. Seconds away from a chiding remark. “Just know that if any harm should come to Rin —”
A harsh snort interrupted the reprimand. “Yeah, yeah, you don’t have t’ remind me,” Inuyasha scoffed. “If anythin’ happens to her, he is gonna throw a fit.”
He? Rin’s quivering slowed as the image of a silver-haired figure painted across the back of her eyelids, his silhouette illuminated by the moon. He was the one who stood between her and certain death time and again with naught but a blade in hand even when he possessed only one.
“I was going to say ye will have to deal with me,” the second voice filled the void’s silence and echoed but the daiyōkai seemed to pay it little mind.
“She sleeps in my home, we eat meals together, and she has quite the voice for singing and storytelling…”
In her mind’s eye, he furtively glanced over his shoulder, sparing only a sliver of golden eyes away from the unseen foe before him. His eyes, brighter than the sun, were alight with an emotion she couldn’t put to name. What was he waiting for?
“Did ye think me so cold-hearted not to care for her in more than body and obligation, Inuyasha?”
Nothing was said but the unease Rin felt slowly crumbled away.
It’s nothing, m’lord. I’m fine.
Kaede would look after her just as he trusted she would not so long ago. Sesshomaru stared at her for a moment longer then turned forward. His sword flourished, its blade catching the moonlight with an unearthly silver-green tinge. The markings along its edge luminescent with a green glow as he sheathed it then walked on into the light.
Rin held out her hand, fingers outstretched but she could barely see past them as the fog wrapped around him - obscuring his image in a silhouette.
“Keh, I know that. You took in Kagome when she first got here.”
“She told ye about that?”
“Said you were the first person to treat her kindly, even if you were a stubborn old hag.”
“I believe you embellish.”
“Yeah, Kagome wouldn’t call you a hag. She’d probably sit me right now if she heard me say it.”
Giving up with a huff, Rin groggily shuffled upright and rubbed the grit from her eyes, blinking away sleep’s veil. Past the window’s slats, the clouded blue-black sky wouldn’t allow even the moon’s outline to be seen. In lieu of its luminescence, weak firelight spilled past the noren and coaxed shadows to the room’s far corners.
“She will return, Inuyasha,” Kaede intoned softly, and Rin could imagine her peering across the flames. Forehead creased deeply in concentration and eye gleaming in the copper flames. “May ye not forget how to live the life that she helped to forge with ye.”
Rin squeezed the fluff of her comforter’s lining between her fingers, swaying precariously as she tried to wake. She glanced aside and pouted at Kaede’s folded bedding, shuffling to the edge of her futon to touch her comforter’s corner.
It still felt warm and fluffed.
Had she gotten out of bed recently?
Concern for the elder priestess arose as Rin glanced toward the doorway. Nightmares plagued them both; though Kaede claimed her own were nothing more than smoldering cinders, while Rin’s were still-burning flames. Time is what the elder priestess attributed to her current state of mind, and it is what she told Rin to give to ease her own burdens.
However, Rin learned that the saying that time couldn’t heal all wounds was quite true.
When Kaede awoke gasping for breath and shuddering in the darkness, Rin pretended to stay asleep to avoid embarrassing or upsetting her. Her mother’s words echoed in her ears - to cry as a woman was a sign of weakness that not many could afford.
Rin understood it though she didn’t agree. Kaede was one of the strongest women she knew. If she needed to cry then perhaps it was her wounds that needed tending.
On one such night, when Rin heard Kaede’s sobs, she crawled from beneath her comforter and refused to leave the priestess’ side until she found sleep again. Rin couldn’t rid herself of the memory. Kaede’s hand, large and rough with callouses based on the palm of wrinkled fingers, engulfed Rin’s outstretched hand with trembling might. Tears sprung to Rin’s eyes and she fit her fingers in the crook of the priestess’ thumb, clasping tight til Kaede’s trembling ceased.
They hadn’t spoken of that night since, but when tears were to fall whether her own or Kaede’s, the other remained until sleep could be found.
It was one of the few times that Rin disagreed with the ghost of her mother. Crying wasn't a weakness. Kaede wasn’t weak to shed tears. She was holding onto her strength by alleviating the pressure in her heart.
And for that reason, she would always be strong.
“I know that,” Inuyasha murmured after a long moment and his voice was so soft that Rin barely caught it. Were his ears pressed against his head? Did he look down with guilt for doubting Kagome? Or did he just miss her and couldn’t look elsewhere.
Rin’s heart ached for him. She could recall a time where she had felt much the same. Bitterness toward the ones she felt abandoned her but knowing their intentions were in her best interest. Still, all she wanted was to be with them. Her hands trembled as she grasped her comforter’s edge. Was that how Inuyasha felt?
When the thought crossed her mind, no matter how much she tried to remind herself that their intentions were good, pressure built behind her eyes. Tears vying for a place in the world slipped past her closed eyelids, and her best efforts to wipe them away were futile. It wasn’t hate she felt, or abandonment. They were there but it wasn’t that which squeezed her chest.
It was a feeling she couldn’t put to name.
The noren was pushed to one side and Rin squeaked, her hands flying up to her chest as light poured into the room. Backlit by its glow was not the silver-haired figure who tread into the fog but another donned in red, a pair of ears twitched atop his head while his eyes narrowed at her.
“Kaede didn’t mention you were an eavesdropper,” he grumbled, brushing the noren aside with the back of his hand. His scowl and the wrinkle between his brows eased when he crouched beside her, letting it fall behind him. In the dim light, his eyes glowed and Rin’s heart hammered as her mind unwittingly summoned the image of eyes following her in the forest’s brushwood.
“Hey,” Inuyasha said softly and Rin hadn’t realized how far she’d gotten from him to where she was almost falling off one end of her futon. His look of annoyance had shifted into one of concern, hurt reflected in his eyes as he reached out then hesitated, turning his hand palm-up. “Are you alright?”
Rin blinked slowly, inclining her head. What did he mean by that?
Inuyasha pulled back his hand and gestured to his cheek, tapping a claw beneath one eye.
Her own widened and she reached up to wipe at her eyes, startled when moisture came away on the back of her fingers. Wiping at her eyes furiously, she sniffled, “I’m okay…” and nodded.
When Rin’s hands fell away from her eyes, Inuyasha’s look of concern had been replaced with skepticism. It was strange. Golden eyes, emotional and alight. They were brothers if Master Jaken was to be believed but they were different down to their core. She’d never seen her lord show this much obvious concern for her.
Rin lowered her head and wiped at her eyes again then scrambled up to her feet. Her mind was laden with memory. Her lord’s impeccable countenance presented to her with his back often left for her viewing. Jaken had professed knowing of his moods but he was often rebuked with fierce knocks to the head. Rin trembled at the reverberation of Jaken’s squawks and her lord’s lengthening strides.
On this night too, she missed them dearly.
Rin ducked her head and started to grab the hem of her comforter. Her body tensing when another hand, much larger and clawed, grasped the other end and tugged them gently from her grasp.
“Go on,” Inuyasha muttered, and Rin glanced up at him. His gaze skillfully darting aside when she tried to meet his eye. Guilt ravaged her heart and she glanced down at her hands. Had he been offended by her tears? Or the lack of voicing where they’d come from? Bitterly, Rin thought: it wasn’t his fault that time hadn’t healed her wounds after all.
Before Rin could think of a way to explain, the comforter was slid out from beneath her and she stumbled to climb off of it. Inuyasha gathered the thick fabric into his arms and began to fold it at the corners. The length of the comforter covered his face from view but his ears twitched atop his head.
Without his eyes on her, Rin reminded herself to breathe and fiddled with the hem of her kosode as she slipped past. Inuyasha said nothing, and he seemed so taken with the task that Rin thought he wouldn’t notice her as she pushed the noren aside and stepped out. Yet with a glance stolen over her shoulder, a sliver of gold caught her eye just before the noren fell behind her.
What did that mean, she wondered. Was he trying to give her a way out or maybe he didn’t want to talk anymore. But what was the point of folding her bedding and why did he look at her like that? Questions flooded Rin’s thoughts and drowned out the dull calling barely brushing the surface of her mind. Only when a light touch brushed against her shoulder did she tear her gaze away from the noren and toward Kaede.
The old priestess gazed down at her worriedly. “Yer up early, child,” Kaede tilted her head, her fingers combing through thick sleep-mused locks in a futile attempt to neaten Rin’s hair. She appreciated each stroke and leant against Kaede’s side with a small smile. “I assume Inuyasha began to speak to ye.”
Rin nodded, a backward glance spared before she was led away from the door and toward the fire pit. Her cushion was set near Kaede’s and she knelt upon it with a soft sigh, taking a cup of tea as it was offered. The steam fanned across her nose and Rin took measured sips to mend her frayed nerves.
She knew that Kaede and Inuyasha had been talking about her to be exact, but she couldn’t quite piece together what it was they wanted. Mentions of learning how to punch made her wonder who she would need to fight. And Kaede’s sentiments left her gazing at the older priestess with a deeper degree of fondness. Then there was the slight daydream of her lord which left Rin with the consistent question: what did it all mean?
As if reading her mind, Kaede broke the silence and regarded her solemnly. “From today on, Rin, I’ll have need of ye outside of yer chores.”
Rin perked up and deflated all at once. She did appreciate having the time outside of her chores to play with her friends, or explore new places around the village. “What for, Lady Kaede?”
“The incident with the foxbear,” Kaede began and Rin winced internally. Her discomfort must have shown on the outside because the crease deepened in Kaede’s forehead and she shook her head. “Nay, child. I haven’t called ye to scold or place blame. Merely an act of understanding on this foolish old woman’s part.”
“You aren’t foolish, Lady Kaede,” interjected Rin before another word could part Kaede’s lips. The outburst rendered them both silent but where she might have thought a scolding would come, only a quiet smile was given.
“Aye child, but age and perspective tends to lead one to forget. Allow me to recognize where it is I’ve fallen short.”
Kaede picked up her own tea cup beside the small tray where another emptied cup sat upside down. She took a sip, then cradled it between her palms, closing her eye. Rin looked down to her own cup and sipped in solidarity, allowing the sweet taste to wash down the bitterness of her thoughts. It was an expensive blend if Kaede were to be believed and had come on the last visit from her lord. Perhaps, Rin thought, that is why she thought of him.
“Now,” Kaede said as she began once more, deep shadows pronouncing the wrinkles in her face. “The incident with the foxbear reminds that while ye are safe within the village, elsewhere ye may not be.”
Rin thumbed the ridges of her teacup, her heart pounding. Kaede told her that she wasn’t in trouble for what happened but would she be confined to the village now? The woods were vast, and she was learning the trails better and better everyday. To be without that was unimaginable.
Steeling her heart, Rin murmured. “What do you mean, Lady Kaede?”
Kaede gazed longingly into the flames and Rin craned her neck to one side, attempting to see what captivated the priestess. “An important part of knowing how to live is to defend yerself,” Kaede muttered, and Rin sighed softly, watching the light flicker in a wet brown eye. “What is most precious to ye isn’t always precious to others.”
There was a slight crack in Kaede’s voice, so gentle and soft that it could’ve been missed. Its timing falling in line with the kindling wood cracking and crumbling into the fire pit, its ashes joining others. Rin’s lower lip trembled and she clutched the bottom of her tea cup until the impression of its smooth rounded bottom pressed uncomfortably to her palm.
Before either of them could say a word, the noren swung to one side, slapping against the doorway’s frame. Inuyasha stalked out of the backroom, golden eyes bright with the flames’ glow and some emotion that startled Rin into sitting upright. “What Kaede’s tryin’ to say with all those flowery words is that your life is at stake everytime you run off,” he said brusquely, tossing his head to one side as he bared a firm glower on Rin’s head. “And if you don’t know how to protect yourself, you’ll wind up dead.”
Rin’s breath hitched and Kaede gasped, turning away from the fire sharply. “Inuyasha!”
“The kid’s died twice, she ain’t a pushover,” Inuyasha’s upper lip curled with a sneer as he turned his gaze to Kaede. “Just human.” Rin exhaled shakily and stared down at her cup, seeing her own stricken face in the tea’s rippling surface. “And she ain’t gonna be a kid forever.”
Be that as it may, she can’t behave like this forever, m’lady.
Kaya’s desperate pleas had fallen on Kaede’s deaf ears but they resounded deeply within Rin’s chest. She wasn’t sure what it was that was wrong with the way she was now. Yes, she was young, but she was far from an idiot or naïve.
Don’t be so conceited. Lord Sesshomaru’s honor was challenged, he isn’t doing this for you.
“What happens when she grows up? Going with Sesshomaru, to another village, to hell knows where - who is gonna be lookin’ after her?”
This is a chance for humanity to earn your trust.
Humanity. He’d said those words with such conviction but there was something else beneath it. Everyone talked about her growing up, what she should do, what the world would be like. A chance to choose. Rin braced her hands around the tea cup and soaked the warmth in her palms, trembling slightly. Her lord never told her to fight. He protected her and let her follow along as she was.
Do what you want.
“If you don’t learn how to stand on your own two feet, what’s the point in havin’ them?” demanded Inuyasha, the floorboards creaking beneath his feet as he took a step forward. The red of his suikan ablaze in the fire’s copper glow and Rin slowly lifted her head, staring into golden eyes brighter than the sun.
“Inuyasha,” Kaede snapped, embers crackling and drifting up from the fire as her voice hardened. “That is enough.”
Rin loosened her hold on her cup, her mouth falling open. “I want to protect it…” She could feel Kaede’s questioning gaze, softened and firm at the same time. The old priestess was worried about her but there was no need. “The life Lord Sesshomaru saved… I want to protect it,” Rin insisted, steeling her voice to prevent it from wavering and cracking. Inuyasha’s eyes, although they were bright and sharp in their glower, there was softness to them. A misty sheen as if he were looking at her and not. Rin sighed, allowing her shoulders to fall and her hold on her cup to loosen further until the rim was no longer pressing into her palms. His eyes were just like her lord’s.
“I don’t want to hurt anyone to do that,” she said softly, noting how his eyes narrowed. “Not if I can do something different. Something that only I can do.”
She’s protected people before with only her voice and her body as a shield. It may not have been the right thing to do in Jaken’s opinion or even her lord’s, but she believed it was. And that was all that mattered.
Inuyasha stared at her solemnly, tipping his head up. His eyes glowed as they were cast in shadows from beneath his bangs and she was sorely reminded of the forest and those hungry eyes watching her as she ran desperately. “... And what if you have to?”
Her lower lip quivered and from the corner of her eye, she could see Kaede’s head swiveling to look between them. She seemed unsure whether to let this continue on any longer. Just as she’d been when Kaya and Nishi came. But this time, Rin wasn’t hiding in the crawl space below her hut. She could speak for herself.
She set her tea cup on the wooden floorboards and balled her hands into fists, pressing them to her lap. “Then…” she trailed off as his eyes narrowed, and for a second, she could see the resemblance between them. It was almost as if her lord was staring down at her and waiting for her answer. The answer that she couldn’t give him that day, and one she couldn’t bring to voice when they met again.
I’m alright. I’ll learn how to stand on my own.
“Then I’ll do what I have to in my own way.”
Inuyasha held her gaze for a moment longer. Only the crackling flames and their breaths filling the silence. Then, with a resigned puff of air exhaled through his nose, he turned his head away. “Jinenji…”
He walked past, his sleeves fluttering with every sway of his arms, reminding her of reddened leaves fluttering on a crisp breeze. “Have you met a demon with big blue eyes, names Jinenji, he’s a farmer.”
Rin blinked at his back then thought about it. She didn’t remember anyone with big blue eyes but the name did seem familiar. “Yes…” she looked away from Inuyasha as he approached the hut’s door, looking toward Kaede instead. THere was solace found in the priestess’ nod and the inquisitive gleam in her eye. “He helped me awhile ago and gave me directions to find medicine for Master Jaken… when he was stung by wasps.”
She shuddered at the thought and how distraught Jaken had been, going so far to even begin bashing his head against a tree trunk. If her fingers had been a bit quicker and if she were a little bigger then perhaps he wouldn’t have had to go through such agony.
“Naraku’s wasps?” Inuyasha asked, his ears perked and head turned to peek over his shoulder at her.
Kaede frowned. “Ye went by yerself, Rin?”
“Yes.” Rin ignored the disappointed look from Kaede, staring down at her hands instead. They were still small. How much could she truly hold in these hands? “Master Jaken needed help and Lord Sesshomaru was gone. I took A-Un with me, and found Jinenji… but he was going through his change and couldn’t come with me.” Her fingers trembled and she curled them into tight fists. How scared had Jaken been when he was on his own? Did he think she wouldn’t have come back? It had already gotten so late in the day at that time. He only had until sundown. And if she’d been a little faster.. More careful..
“I didn’t want to see anyone die anymore… especially not Master Jaken.”
A dull ache throbbed in her chest. She missed the little imp dearly. His heartfelt goodbye every time they visited and the way he would squeeze her so tight almost sprang tears in her eyes. Her sleeve caught on her fingertips and she rubbed at her eyes quickly, trying to stem their flow.
“Seeing as he’s still kicking, I’d say you did alright..”
Rin sniffed, peeking up from her sleeve. Inuyasha had turned to face forward, and she couldn’t gauge how he felt from how his voice sounded. “I’ve been out that way, and the climb is steep… flowers don’t grow near the ground because of all the demons eating at them, so… you had to go a ways to get it..”
“Ye are lucky to have left with yer life, Rin,” Kaede agreed, not quite a scolding but the concern on her face made Rin’s insides warm and tinge with shame at the same time.
She squeezed her hands into tight fists despite their trembling, meeting Kaede’s eye. “I couldn’t abandon Master Jaken,” Rin retorted, her voice pitching as the thought of his bulbous yellow eyes glassy and sightless. “I won’t abandon Master Jaken.”
Kaede held her gaze for a while longer. The thin wisps of smoke rising and the stinging in Rin’s eyes dutifully ignored to keep the priestess’ gaze. She wouldn’t allow herself to be cowed into thinking that her actions were wrong. There was no time to wait for Jinenji, A-Un did all that they could, and Lord Sesshomaru couldn’t be found. She was tired, panicked, unarmed, but even if all she could do was cling to the craggy cliff face and reach for the small cluster of flowers inches from her reach on the ridge - she would.
Because Jaken needed her.
Kaede closed her eyes, then with a gentle smile, she looked to INuyasha and said, “Well, is that proof enough for ye?”
Rin’s hackles dropped immediately and she looked between them confusedly. Inuyasha peeking over his shoulder at her then scoffing, jerking his head forward.
“Hmph. Proof that staff is just for show, more like.”
Rin pursed her lips, pouting. Although Jaken didn’t use his staff very often, that didn’t mean it was for show. He took very good care of it and defended her with it multiple times. Her mouth opened, though before hse could volley words to defend Jaken’s honor, Inuyasha interjected with a soft sigh. “... You did good, kid. That imp owes you his life.”
She blinked slowly, rethinking all of the times Jaken saved her or looked after her. He was grumpy, sure, and in the beginning it was only because Lord Sesshomaru would clobber him if he didn’t — but she appreciated every moment they spent together.
Rin shook her head. “It’s fine,” she said, smiling gently. “As long as Master Jaken is alive and well, that’s all that matters.”
Inuyasha’s face was half shrouded but when he turned his head, chin brushing shy of his shoulder, Rin noticed an upward tick of the corner of his lips. BArely registering it was a smile before it was gone and he’d slid open the door, stepping out into the night and closing it behind him without another word.
“I believe ye have a power all yer own, Rin.”
She looked to Kaede, surprised and confused. “Really?”
“Mm…” Kaede nodded solemnly, her smile sad as she stared at the door. “That’s the first time I’ve seen Inuyasha smile in many moons…”
Rin softened and stared down at her palms. “... I see… was that a smile?”
“I don’t know why but…” Rin lifted her head, looking to Kaede, the squeezing in her chest brimming tears in her eyes. “That smile… it seemed so sad.”
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albion-93 · 6 years
RWBY Analysis: Who is the Main Antagonist of Volume 6?
Disclaimer: Contains intense RWBY theorising and speculation inspired by Volume 6 Chapter 9 that is subject to being made redundant should the rest of the Volume go along like nothing as follows in this post.
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RWBY has an interesting history when it comes its villains and antagonists. From Volumes 1 to 3 we saw a succession of rogues who fit the bill, each nastier than the last, from the likes of Roman Torchwick to Adam Taurus, Cinder Fall, and finally Salem. When it came to these four especially, and their criminal cohorts, the terms villain and antagonist went hand in hand. And with good reason, they were in active or indirect opposition to our protagonists’ actions, and their intentions and deeds ranged from petty theft to Machiavellian manipulation, terrorism and mass murder. Roman was a solid rival and foe to Ruby Rose, while Cinder served her role as main villain and antagonist well in Volumes 1 to 3, with Salem’s overarching series antagonist role revealed as a cliffhanger.
With Volumes 4 and 5, there were certainly plenty of villains but the role of main antagonist became somewhat complicated. As Team RWBY split up, most of them faced their own antagonist to overcome in various stages. In Vol 4 Weiss had her abusive father, Jacques Schnee; Blake had the White Fang operatives in Menagerie; Yang’s was at first psychological - the trauma of losing her arm and regaining her resolve to fight - and the second came in the form of her estranged survivalist mother Raven Branwen. Lastly is Ruby, who is sadly the most lacking in this department. Apart from her battles against the Grimm alongside Jaune, Nora and Ren, nothing came close to Roman or a potential enmity with Cinder, alas.
Now that RWBY is back together, things have changed. Cinder is now a month behind everyone else and unable to confront anyone. Salem is moving her minions into place in Atlas but doesn’t pose a direct threat to the heroes, though we will probably see Hazel, Tyrian and Watts out in the open at some point. Emerald is experiencing a crisis of allegiance, while Mercury seems to have chosen his side. Finally, Adam Taurus is as yet unaccounted for with no White Fang support to be found. 
You could argue that we’ve had the threat of personal demons and some excellent opposing interplay within the group, such as Ruby dealing with Qrow’s alcoholism and despair, Weiss’s reluctance to return to Atlas, Blake and Yang keeping a lid on their issues, and everyone falling into despair and anger at learning of Salem’s immortality. As effective as these are, there hasn’t been a single villainous character directly or indirectly circumventing the heroes’ actions. Odd.
So, I ask again, who is the main antagonist of Volume 6?
My personal take might shock many if you.
Since the start of Volume 6, this character’s words, choices and unfortunate past mistakes has led to more problems for the heroes than anything caused by Adam, Cinder or Salem. He’s nominally on the side of good but has failed in upholding his mission and his stagnation and secrecy has become a source of fear, discord, disunity and despair, more so than any servant of Salem. I am referring to Professor Ozpin.
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Now let me be absolutely clear about this: Ozpin is NOT a villain.
Ozpin does not crave death, destruction, domination or the suffering of humanity. In the past, he was a kind and wise mentor to Ruby at Beacon, and a fair leader. He is ultimately someone who wants to put an end to Salem’s evil and somehow lift the curse, maybe once he believed he would be the one to finally do it. But now, he he’s a liability to Team RWBY, the remains of Team JNPR and of course his most recent incarnation, Oscar Pine.
If he had elected to tell the heroes that the Lamp attracts Grimm before boarding the Argus Express, and most vitally trust them, they might have avoided separation and being stranded. His constant omission of the truth, while claiming that it was for the greater good, is the same mentality that contributed to the Fall of Beacon. The more his pessimism, bitterness and double standard thinking emerged, the more the group’s distrust grew, culminating in Oscar briefly regaining control and revealing the Jinn in the Lamp. He was even prepared to use force to stop Ruby from asking Jinn what he was hiding. Overcome with despair and shame, he retreated deep into Oscar’s mind. They were left there to endure the Brunswick Farms horrors because of him.
I don’t blame him for retreating as he did, especially given the secrets regarding Salem. But when they finally reached Argus and the truth was revealed to Team JNR, he didn’t even re-emerge to come to Oscar’s defence from Jaune’s anger, and let him take the brunt of it. Again, there was no malice on Ozpin’s part, but in not intervening he allowed the rift between Oscar and the others to widen. In an older post, I said that if I were Oscar I would have taken my chances with the cold weather and Grimm rather than stay with people mad at me for another man’s mistakes. That came true in Dead End. So how is it he went from this...
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To this?
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The thing that struck me in the recent episode Lost was the reveal that Oscar had seemingly been waiting for the group at the Cotta-Arc house sporting new,  princely clothes and having cooked dinner for everyone. I do not think for a moment that that’s the real Oscar who welcomed the gang back. Absolutely nothing about what we saw in the previous episode, being threatened, isolated and emotionally dumped on naturally leads into him being relaxed, willing to reaffirm his mission to help RWBY, accepting his fate, easily forgiving Jaune and cooking dinner for everyone. Why would he do any of this? 
Looking at his body language and choice of words, he seems too calm, confident and controlled to be Oscar. His new combat outfit lines up with the green motif shared in other past Ozma incarnations, even with the red flourishes and leather fittings. Also, take a read of this dialogue, and instead of Oscar pretend it’s Ozpin saying this to the group:
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Many have said that this sounds an awful lot like someone with a terminal illness would say, and that this could be a sign of the Merge happeninng. But why is the story acting like Oscar is the one who will fade away, when Jinn showed the different approaches Ozma had to coexisting with his hosts? 
Personally, I think it’s Ozpin imitating Oscar. He seemed surprised when he found out the group were looking for him, so how could Oscar not know why they were looking for him? For Ozpin, it’s a perfect cover since the group still doesn’t trust him but are are happy to see the boy safe. Asserting his desire to help extends a proverbial peace offering, while keeping the nature of the possession ambiguious. Also, isn’t cooking dinner for someone (or indeed twelve people) a pretty good way of making amends? 
But hang on, how could Ozpin still be an antagonist if he’s promising to help the heroes and wants to bury the grudges between them? He’s not telling the truth and remaining entrenched in the same mindset that has weakened their efforts in the past. Also, if Oscar is being locked inside his own head and being used for deception this is certainly a moral breach.
I think Oscar would have succeeded in running away or done something much worse if Oz didn’t forcibly intervene. Such a move would be very in keeping with Ozpin’s pattern of actions; the idea of committing a little evil in the name of the greater good, i.e. to return Oscar safely  to the group he had to forcibly take over. Also, the omission of vital truths and maintaining an amiable facade in the belief that everyone is happier for not knowing the full story. There’s even escalating a dangerous solution whilst potentially alienating or endangering others and removing the option of choice, just like in Volume 3.
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It would be a cruel twist of irony if Jaune’s angry rant at Oscar in the house actually became a self fulfilling prophecy; “How do we know it’s really him?! What if we’ve been talking to that liar this whole time?!” By denying Oscar’s individuality when he was at his most vulnerable, he sowed the seeds for Oz to return and deceive the heroes into thinking Oscar returned of his own free will.
Now, imagine if all this crazy theory-crafting proved correct and the truth came out, Ozpin would have to contend with the wrath of RWBY and JNR, for duplicity, manipulation and subduing another’s will. And yet, unless something changes within him or his soul and Oscar’s battle for survival, there is nothing anyone can do. A once good mentor turned antagonist, with no villainous intent or goal, who cannot be challenged, driven away, imprisoned or killed without hurting his innocent host. Now that is a terrifying foe...
Aside Note: If it IS Oscar talking and this is something that he has decided himself, we didn’t see the process of making that decision for himself and go through classic character development or spiritual guidance to reach that point and signal his newfound commitment to the mission. This isn’t just a plot hole, this is an easy fix, and completely antithetical to good storytelling. After eight episodes where there were no easy fixes in the plot, why is this suddenly allowed? Maybe a character short could retcon character growth into place, but I have serious doubts.
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The one point I will give is the look shared between Ruby and Ozcar when she complimented his new attire. That seemed like a genuine Oscar moment and expression, and I could buy that he chose red to earn Ruby’s attention. But I’m still suspicious.
Thank you to all who’ve read this long analysis post. I’m sure the next episode has a very different idea from what I’m proposing, maybe a much less dark outcome, but this was a very interesting train of thought to indulge.
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Twin Tales: The Thief and the Prince
  Once upon a time, there was a continent of peace that lay nestled between the oceans containing monsters and storms. On the northernmost part of the continent lay a kingdom, united with proper moral values, and ruled by The Yonogg family. Rainer Yonogg, the king, was a wise soul who controlled the land with a passion for happiness. His wife, Cassidy Yonogg, controlled every aspect of the castle; she was as stubborn as a mule and refused “no” as a response to any command or question. Together, they had a pair of playful fraternal twins. They liked to play in the fields, draw, and learn from their parents. All in all, the kingdom was happy and life flourished.
   However, the positive life in the kingdom soon took a turn for the worse when a wicked enchantress, claiming that Rainer was unjust, cursed the prince. She made it so he would turn into a werewolf, and to make it worse, she cursed the entire kingdom as well. She linked the kingdom’s curse to that of the prince’s; if he should perish, so would the entire kingdom.
   The king, being pragmatic, researched the curse and found a critical weak link; the curse would become null if the accursed entity was a hundred miles from the kingdom. The king ordered the prince to be sent to an old mountain fort and live there until his death.
    After several years, King Yonogg grew old and soon fell ill. He wished that before his death, he would be able to see his son again. The queen, with a sense of urgency, decreed that the king’s final wish shall be granted. She sent messengers throughout the land, hoping that somebody will answer her call to action, free her son, and please her dying husband. She had the messengers report their results to her every morning, afternoon, and evening. After four days had passed, she started to lose hope; mayhaps nobody could rescue her son from his mountainous prison, or his grim curse. She sat down on her throne and started to hum a soft tune, a sad song about family. She would still hold on, just a while longer.
    Off in a meadow southwest of the kingdom sat a small group of adventurers. They included a musclebound satyr by the name of Cinder, a rogue knight with the name Acknezar, and a thief by the name of Cassandra. They had just concluded breakfast when a messenger ran up to their party to deliver them the queen’s news. After the messenger left, the trio talked about the plea from Queen Yonogg.
    “Should we do this?” asked Cinder.
    “It might be a fool’s errand,” interjected Acknezar.
    “It might be, but it’s for the royal family; wouldn’t you do something for your kingdom?” responded Cassandra.
    This quieted Acknezar. He seemed to ponder the thought for a bit before finally responding. “Nothing I do will change your mind, huh?” Acknezar asked half-heartedly.
    “Not a chance,” Cassandra chuckled.
    “Fine...Let’s go ahead and start packing,” Acknezar said while standing up.
    The trio broke camp and soon made their way towards the mountain fort. Cinder started singing a song with his deep bass voice, Cassandra joined in with her alto, and Acknezar soon followed with his tenor. Not long later, they arrived at the mountain fort. They attempted to open the door, but found it locked.
    Cinder, wanting to finish the quest quickly, grabbed the door by its handle and ripped the door from its hinges. As he lifted the door up above his head, a blast of magic from the enchantress hit Cinder in the chest, knocking him down. Acknezar rushed inside, while Cassandra attempted to tend to any wounds Cinder had. He laughed lightly at her efforts.
    “Don’t bother Cassie, tis but a scratch,” He reassured her lightly. “I’ll be fine. Here, have these.” He said to her as he started to take off a pair of bracelets he had kept hidden in the brown fur coating his arms. “Take them, they’ll help protect you from her magic.” He slowly got up, bid her farewell, and traveled back to the kingdom on Cassandra’s request.
    Cassandra hurried inside after Acknezar, hoping that she wouldn’t be too late. She looked around the first floor for Acknezar, but was unable to find him. She then hurried up to the second floor, hoping that Acknezar wasn’t killed by the enchantress. She had started her ascent of the stairs to the third floor, but stopped when Acknezar fell through the ceiling and landed at her feet. The Enchantress’s wicked shrill of laughter could be heard throughout the fort. Cassandra grabbed a looted arrow from her belt, and threw it at the enchantress, who simply disappeared in a cloud of purple smoke. Cassandra quickly whirled around to check for Acknezar’s injuries. He had a minor puncture wound in his stomach, but he could manage. Acknezar coughed and then began to speak.
    “Cassandra, the enchantress is weak right now. If you can pierce her, she will die,” Acknezar informed while coughing up some drops of blood. “Here, you can use this to help you,” he said as he handed Cassandra a potion. “It will make whatever it touches stronger.” After handing her the potion, he propped himself on a chair and put his hands on his wound; applying pressure to his wound in order to prevent it from getting worse.
    Cassandra applied Cinder’s bracelets to her legs, as they would not fit on her slim arms. She then dipped a dagger of hers into the potion and made her way towards the top. There, she was face to face with the enchantress, who stood in front of a locked door. She turned around with a smirk and began to address Cassandra.
    “So, you’ve come to save the prince,” she began, “But you’re too late, I’ve already defeated your friends and now I’ll beat you; and when I’m finished with you, the entire kingdom will die!”
    Cassandra knew that she couldn’t let this happen, so she began to run towards her foe, who cackled wickedly and shot some magic at Cassandra. It reflected off of her due to Cinder’s bracelets; this shocked the enchantress long enough for Cassandra to jump behind her and put her dagger straight into the enchantress’s back. The enchantress stumbled a bit before collapsing to the floor, dead. With the enchantress dead, all her magic had been lifted and the locked door swung open. Inside the room, there sat a chained up prince in ragged clothing; the room was littered with destruction and there were claw marks along the walls. The two locked eyes for a long minute before the prince finally spoke.
    “Are my eyes deceiving me?”
    “No they aren’t,” Cassandra spoke quietly, “It has been a long time, brother.”
    The enchantress’s shackles fell off of the prince’s ankles, and he ran into Cassandra’s arms. He began to cry; happy that not only was he saved, but also because he was able to see his twin sister once again.
    The pair returned back to the palace and were able to inform the people that the enchantress was slain. King Rainer saw the prince and smiled, for his wish had been fulfilled. He passed away with ease and a look of happiness on his face. Queen Cassidy helped the prince with running the kingdom as a king, and life moved on as smoothly as it had. Acknezar and Cinder decided to take up positions in the castle as official guard and head cook, respectively.
    Now that her other half was back, Cassandra gave up on being a thief and rejoined the kingdom as the official princess. The town would annually celebrate the death of the enchantress and the end of her wicked hijinks. Cassandra was happy, and she would be for the rest of her life.
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supacutiepie · 6 years
New RWBY Theories and Old Hidden Plotlines
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So far, with the new lore and old lore- this is what the general world of remnant looks like in terms of symbols and the maidens and relics and plot.
Right off the bat, I don’t think that Ozma and Salem’s children are the maidens. Simple because they don’t actually match up to the maidens once laid out in these ^^^ terms.
Color wise, they don’t match, age wise, they don’t. Clearly, the oldest daughter is Blue- to the maidens it is Fall (orange). So I think the maidens are in fact the Wizard’s way of grieving and moving on from his daughters loss, and his way of getting back on track with the god of lights task.
With these four women, he can bring the world closer to it’s judgement and hopefully passing it with connected seasons and powers to help bring people together.
I believe, that the girls weren’t just killed in the fight between Os and Salem. I think that there was a lot of rampant magic being thrown about by two careless parents- and that the girls were changed because of the battle. They had magic too, perhaps it was the only way to save themselves or one of the girls tried to protect her sisters (Blue most likely) and therefore, the girls became powerful but uncontrollable beings. Jinn is a VERY powerful being, but she is ultimate trapped due to her form and such.
Which, therefore- the girls became one with the relics.
(for the sake of ease, I’m giving them nicknames based on possible story connections of elements of the relics)
Blue became Jinn, who was combined with the Lamp of Knowledge Relic. And then, to protect her, was safely stowed away in the vault of Haven. But clearly, the reincarnations traveled a lot, and the younger Ozpin must have located the relic, but we can assume that each 100 years the current reincarnation would seek out the lamp. It’s just coincidence it ended up in Haven at the end of the line? Hardly.
I think Ozpin is and has always been a bit sad, and keeps asking the same questions expecting new answers. It’s likely, that he finally had to stop- and then trusted the lamp to lionheart’s academy to be its guard (without outright telling lionheart surely, but this was also something had to learn which I’ll explain in more detail soon)
Gold became Caliburn, a spirit combined with the Sword of Destruction Relic, which we believe is the weapon that the Vacuo King used in the last great war to cut down the thousands of soldiers etc. She was then, put away or is somewhere in the Shade academy. Possibly being used? Or, more likely for story effects, placed in stone like some kind of Caliburn. This could make for a fun narrative of one of our girls (RWBY) trying to pull the sword from the stone (LOOK ITS RWBY YOU KNOW THEY WOULD MAKE ANOTHER MYTHICAL STORY REFERENCE)
Third daughter is Pink, which ironically DOES fit with Atlas’ relic symbol. The Paintbrush or possibly a staff or stave. Look at her, she looks like Rapunzel, who is semi-famous for painting. There are so many instances in which Rapunzel is associated with painting I.E. Creation. She became the relic of creation, and is somewhere in “Atlas”.
Theory 1--- I bet that she is actually with Weiss’ grandfather, who has been hinted at being the main engineer of Atlas’ military concepts and of Atlas as a whole as the genuine patriarch of the Schnee family name. 
((Rapunzel, the girl trapped in her tower by not her mother, but someone who stole from her mother. (It does fit rather well).))
But let us not forget, the biggest clue that Atlas is of creation...
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Theory 2 -- Or, that once upon a time, Atlas wasn’t even existing. It was in fact, a barren wasteland And not until Alsius flourished did it exist. When Mantle lost the capitol status, and when Atlas became Atlas as a whole, the relic could have very well been left behind in the old kingdom of mantle, or moved through the war. We won’t know until we get there of course.
Which leaves Laurel. 
The last daughter, the relic of vale. A Crown of Choice.
This one is basically confirmed location wise simply because of what we’ve seen so far. RWBY is a team of self made choices, Pyrrha as the fall maiden to-be MADE HER CHOICE to face off against Cinder. Vale is the home of Ozpin who is now synonymous with “make a choice, make a choice, MAKE A CHOICE” (between the gods, the witch, and everything from rwby s1-3 this is a solid theory)
Laurel was the youngest, most likely the least bit skilled in magic. (This is paired with the Fall Maiden being the oldest). It’s most likely that when she was turned into a being, she was the least put together. Possibly the most fragile, and most necessary to baby over. Oz took personal watch over her relic.
But, there is a chance, that while Oz knows he is connected to the relics, he doesn’t recognize them if they are his lost daughters. Clearly, with each reincarnation, things got fuzzier and more cloudy about past and reality. His body hosts didn’t even recognize themselves in the first few reincarnations.
Who’s to say it even is Ozpin in RWBY V4-6. What if he only thought he was? Clearly, with the newest reincarnations some of the lines have blurred. What if Ozma has been the one in control from the beginning and even Ozpin didn’t know anymore..
Regardless, The relic in beacon is either the most powerful or least controllable, highly volatile perhaps.
Where these relics are is clear, the academies.
But, the hints of these objects locations is the most interesting bit.
We we’re told of Jinn before she even arrived, through the Haven statue.
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So the question becomes (and what we should be on the look out for) what are the other clues??
I think, we have one.
Ozpin said that the Beacon Relic was, “A challenge to find”. And what’s more hard to find than whats in plain sight?
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I do want you to take note that Blake is narratively connected with THIS statue. Like how Yang is connected with the Haven statue (chasing her mother etc)
But she isn’t the only one.
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Both of these characters are inherently, DEEPLY, connected with the idea of Choice. Not just choice, but Vale’s symbol is that of choice between the fist and the open hand of leadership and such. It would make A LOT of sense for either Blake or Jaune to deal with this artifact. But, I think it’s Blake, and you’ll see why...
The statue itself is in the court yard, its the place that Raven choices to speak with Yang in. Which we STILL don’t know what happened in the rest of that dream btw.
Atlas, might be right in our faces. Or, we already know part of the story.
As we can sorta tell, RWBY as a whole will play their parts toward finding and reclaiming the relics. Yang found the Lamp, Blake will find the Crown. Which leaves Weiss and Ruby.
We know the next relic is the paintbrush, and that its in Atlas. As previously stated, I think that maybe old man Schnee will know where it is, or know of it. And that Ironwood will be necessary to accessing it. In regards to the show, and to Weiss- this would pull together some very nice loose ends and create some good character development.
Weiss will not only get to know her grandfather, she will learn her true powers. like how Yang learned her mother was the spring maiden and finally let some of her grief go. I think, that in parallel, Weiss will reclaim the Staff/Paintbrush as well as deal with her family as a whole.
It’s really important though, to know that Atlas was once Mantle. And therefor, we are missing key parts of its founding. The relic may not even be in Atlas, and since our heroes are currently a little lost in the land that was once Mantle, they may just happen to stumble upon its true location.
Or, Maria will be helpful in this case. I think we’ll be finding out soon.
Vacuo is the Sword, and as I stated before, the sword could become a very Caliburn situation simply because its not in use. We know its not because Vacuo isn’t currently waging war with the literal sword of Damocles  in the story right now. Which means most likely, it is either safely hidden or the current leaders of Vacuo have it carefully guarded. We won’t know until the show finally takes us to Vacuo. But I believe this won’t come for a while.
The sword is meant to be the most dangerous weapon. But, it’s also a symbol. Of the king, the knight, of war. And when connected with the Summer Maiden, of Change. Deep and intrinsic change.
When the Summer Maiden came to the Wizard, she changed him. she set him on the path. When the king took up the sword, he changed the face of the great war. It changed things.
Which is why Ruby will claim the sword.
Think of it, Ruby is the main force of change in this show. the Chosen one, our Arthur. It makes total sense that even though the others find the relics, SHE is the one who will use them. She’s the silver eyed warrior, our plot pusher. And the one Ozpin already saw something in.
She is the one the god of light set in motion.
When Ozma was given his task, it was said he wouldn’t have to do it alone.
I believe, that Silver Eyed Warriors are VERY specific to their Oz’s. The two children for the reincarnation before Ozpin were important to that Oz because they taught him something, family and what to fight for. And other before them had their own uses and values.
I think, that Summer Rose was Ozpin’s silver eyed warrior, and that the story of what happened to her will ultimately make a lot of sense in how the current story has developed. Whatever happened to her, whatever sort of mission Oz had for her, it set in motion major events which have led us here...
Like inspiring her daughter to become a huntress, or giving reason for her children to be who they are today. But ultimately, I think that the truth will be far sadder. And that when it comes out, Qrow will be the one to deal with the major fallout. We’ve had many hints and teases that Summer Rose meant a great deal to Qrow, and we know now the Ozpin didn’t tell Qrow the major things, the real truths.
If Summer died at the fault of Ozpin, the blame and regret will have a devastating effect on Qrow.
But Ruby? Ruby isn’t Ozpin’s Silver Eyed Girl.
She’s Oscars.
There is no inherent say to who becomes the next Warrior/Wizard. Simply that, with each reincarnation something must be learned.
Ozma, he learned of the fate of the world. He accepted to task. The first reincarnation learned the hard way that Salem must be defeated. From there, each reincarnation has learned something else that will ultimately come together in time.
The Wizard learned that he could not just sit by and let the world turn. That he had to move forward. He was so OLD. He held onto the reincarnation for centuries. Refusing to die, to put the power out into a new mind. He learned how to change. The maidens taught him that, and when he gave them the powers, it made a new possibility show up- a way to defeat Salem.
Ozpin couldn’t defeat her, because that was not his task.
He was meant to bring the world together. And he was meant to find the forces that CAN defeat his witch.
Which is exactly what Ozpin did.
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It’s clear that the final moments of the world are coming. That RWBY began at the end of the world. With all the songs and stories and the show explaining how a peaceful world suddenly became a war zone.
The time for the judgement is coming, Salem knows and is finally acting. And somewhere, deep in the immortal part of Oz that is still Ozma, that is the man brought back by the God of Light, he knew it was coming too.
So now, Oscar is here. the youngest reincarnation, the youngest because this battle may take a while. And, something new to learn.
I’m sure he isn’t the first, clearly not- but Oscar defied Ozma. He not only stopped Ozpin, but outright acted out. He learned how to fight as himself and not as the reincarnation.
And we know that, ultimately, that the Ozma in the reincarnations takes control. Each reincarnation so far has not only taken over the life of a stranger, but changed it. Like possession, and Oz played the roles of his bodies but he was still the one in control.
Even with the man and his family, Oz was the one in control. He just simply playing the part of the father and crafter and huntsman, but still listening to the man who’s family he know protected.
It’s important that this family gets some story. Because they became this Oz’s responsibility. His plans and his greater purpose had to be put the this side in order to do the right thing. (thats what he learned in this form)
But Oscar? Oscar is not only pushing back against the reincarnation possession, but WINNING.
“and it was in that moment, that the wizard knew what should be done”
Oscar is the exact opposite of the Wizard. He is young, he is fighting back, and he is taking control. But, at the same time- he still has help.
From his four maidens, from his silver eyed warrior.
I think, that the show is about to REALLY REALLY REALLY kick off. and not a damn one of us are ready.
Now, I wanna talk about the Faunus.
The god brothers ARE faunus. I don’t see anyone else freaking out about this. A stag and a ram faunus. The God of Light is playing right into old school witch stories about the Horned One and the Old God. While the God of Darkness plays into the more modern idea of the “devil” with the ramhorns. Both were once the same thing, but time and people have made them unique concepts.
Either Salem told every new human about the gods appearance, and also told them about the old history of the world and such- or some people survived who knew what the gods were like.
This is an odd plot point. It gets confusing.
If the god of darkness really did destroy all humans, and the moon- then how do people know anything about the gods at all. Surely, the world would have decayed in the time it took for Humans to grow back out of evolution. And that alone is a weird narrative plot because it implies that Humans just, sprang back up... and ignores that they needed to grow.
So I think, that in fact, we should operate on the idea that Salem DID teach people about the world before. At least she did before she became corrupted..
The World of Remnant.
Before Salem was revealed, the world of remnants were her stories.
Of course, since parts of the show are new concepts- its hard to count each and every one of  world or remnants and other such stories as part of the whole story..but I find that the VERY first story is VERY telling.
In the VERY FIRST episode of RWBY, Salem is introducing the story. It’s very important to realize that what she says, with the new information explains SO MUCH. But, its interesting to note that for the majority of it she sounds calm and gentle, kind and sad even. and then angry, and righteous and cynical. As though she goes from someone kind, to someone spiteful. (A young maiden in a tower to a blood thirsty angry and deeply sad immortal)
But then Ozpin speaks. And what he says is kinder and hopefully and while not reprimanding..it does try to smooth over what Salem says.
Its as though, they were telling a story together.And she fell back into a twisted sense of reality..and Ozma corrected her..as though they were telling a bed time story and he was keeping that viciousness in her at bay. (they’re albeit short time together in the first reincarnations life)
The world of remnants are their daughters bedtime stories. And when they were gone, and when all Salem had left was the newborn humans, she kept telling stories.
Taking the WOR into account therefore --
The Moon shattering wasn’t just a coincidence.
In the first story, Salem explains that man is born of Dust. In the telling of WOR Vol 2.- Salem explains that animals are also made of dust.
The God of Darkness intentionally destroyed the moon, used the fragments to rebirth humans, and what was left became our dust shards.
A fascinating fact.
But, in the new world, Faunus existed for the first time.
I think, that with the moon shards (what else do I call them lol??) some of the shards took on the appearance of the gods. As thought the god of darkness had purposefully used his own image to rebirth the humans.
“ According to Qrow Branwen, the Grimm were created by the god of darkness in order to destroy his older brother's creations of life. Eventually, the brothers ended their feud and both created Humanity, however, despite the younger god's involvement in creating Humanity, the Grimm were still left to roam Remnant and prey on them. “ -RWBY Wikia
I think, that as a little minor haha take that, when the god of darkness killed the humans and brought them back, he made them look like himself to spite his brother who had previously created the animals (hence why they look like the animals themselves)
It’s interesting to note that the God of Darkness was kinder to the humans than his brother. Where as the God of Light put priority over their children, the God of Darkness was empathetic, and when he wiped the planet he did so quick and painlessly. Whereas his brother continued to cause pain to Salem, and even went back on what he said to make his own ends meet.
Both are not very good beings. And lack the basic understanding of Love. A common theme in RWBY. Love and Compassion are what create purity and strength. And the brothers of grimm were VERY quick to not only turn on each other but also quick to destroy their “experiment” of a world. To the Gods, the world of RWBY is but a play thing and like a weird ant farm.
But back to it- The humans are both of the gods creations, but the faunus are specifically the god of darkness’ kiddos.
Which somehow...translated over to modern times.
I’m curious to know where along the line this happened. But I think that either Salem’s story about the gods created a distaste for the god of darkness, and therefor his children, Or Salem herself had a hand in it. I think it’d be the former, since she seems to still be considerate of people’s plights and doesn’t outright like suffering. I don’t think she would have started the whole, “Lets destroy the faunus”
Salem is not Cruel. She is corrupted and quick tempered, and yes she is careless in her rage, but she is not a cruel thing. She is even capable of being gentle and kind to a degree, when it suites her but still.
She might have seen Cinder as something like a daughter, something that the dormant mother in herself would connect with. Which may be interesting seeing as once again, due to her actions her child is dead.
Some of this may be off, I’m brushing up on all the world of remnants and back stories. But for the most part, the world of remnants have their own places in the narrative. And if you think it might be a symbol, chances are, IT IS.
Like the fact that Mistral looks like the dragon brothers side by side, or that the lands above vacuo are SUSPICIOUSLY dragon shaped.
Or that the color combos are insanely matchy matchy.
Or that every song ever has been foreshadowing and RIDDLED with spoilers and back story.
Go back and listen to to Salem’s songs, and now you’ll see them in a new light, Like Divide which was then Salem to Ozpin, but now is Salem to Ozma AND the Gods. Infact, a small portion of Divide can be heard when Salem and Ozma reveal themselves to the humans.
Sacrifice, “falls from grace are never elegant, stars will fall and drop out the sky”
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“show them gods and deities, blindly keep the people on their knees”
I once thought that Sacrifice was a story between Salem and Ruby, but now its SO MUCH MORE.
The song isn’t about ruby at all, its from Salem TO the GODS.
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Chapter 2-Mikulia Greeonio; Scene 5
The Lunacy of Duke Venomania, page 72-79
For IR, Abito Village was just a regular farming village, with nothing that really grabbed her attention or interest. She had seen several villages like it up until this point. She had destroyed several too.
I'd rather like to reduce this village to a pile of cinders as well.
That seemed to her to be the fastest method to use. Once she'd done that it would erase the witness who had seen the duke's demonic form.
But IR had decided not to use any of her own magic for the time being.
Sateriasis Venomania was the first contractor for a "Vessel of Deadly Sin".
What sort of actions would he take, and what would he accomplish?
She wanted to see that with her own eyes.
And I can't use magic in this form in the first place.
The "girl body" that IR was usually controlling, she had left back in the duke's mansion.
Normally, she made a practice of never going too far away from the "body" she was using while in her cat form. That was because when IR wasn't controlling it the "body" was little more than a corpse, left exposed in an extremely defenseless state.
But Lukana was in the mansion now. She entrusted taking care of the "body" to her. It was unthinkable for Lukana to cause harm to the "body" now that she had become the duke's puppet, and she'd ordered her to watch over it with her life if it was ever put in some kind of danger.
It's quite convenient to have allies.
For IR, if she was merely moving around she was much more nimble in her cat body, and it felt better too. She agilely bounded through the village.
It was a very small village, and the population was tiny. It was relatively easy to locate the person she was looking for.
…I've found you, Mikulia Greeonio.
Mikulia didn't look like she was working. She was heading somewhere, empty handed and humming.
"♪~I~am~a priiinceeess~"
She was walking towards the outskirts of town with a jaunty step.
IR secretly tailed her. It wasn't like she'd be able to do anything about Mikulia in her red cat form.
Is that damned Duke still being held hostage by that old goat?
She grew irritated at the duke's tactlessness. That being said, it seemed that no one had been made aware of the Duke's true form yet. The way the villager chief had acted around him was proof of that.
Mikulia must have either not told anyone about it, or else not been believed if she had--either way, it was exactly as IR had predicted. Nobody around her would believe so easily a peasant spreading rumors that she'd seen someone transform into a demon, without any proof. And perhaps Mikulia hadn't realized it was the duke that she'd seen in the first place.
Even so, we can't just let her go around unchecked forever.
A wide forest stood at the western edge of Abito Village. Mikulia approached the area close to the entrance to the forest, and then kneeled on the ground.
Then she clasped both hands before her face, and started to pray.
IR watched her do so from behind.
Praying in the forest…Ah, I see. That's a nuisance.
The state religion, the Levin church, had three main sects.
The Levia sect, the Held sect, and the Behemo sect.
The Behemo sect among them was treated more like "heresy" than a denomination of the religion, and had all but died out at the present time. In actuality, one of the parent bodies of an organization that continued their activities beneath the surface was supporting IR's actions behind the scenes, but...right now that had no connection to this, so that was all that needed to be said.
When it came to Levin followers in the Beelzenian Empire, most of them were of the Levia sect. The Held sect had flourished in the nearby country of Elphegort, but there were hardly any followers in this country.
But right now Mikulia was conducting a "prayer to the forest"…that was a religious activity particular to the Held sect.
The "earth dragon Held" was the target of worship of the Held sect. IR knew that that god continued to exist in the world, though his form had changed. Held changed himself into an enormous tree, and continued to watch over the world. His principle place of worship was the "forest of Held" in Elphegort.
Bothersome for IR was the fact that Held was planning to exterminate from the world "HER"s like her, and the "Vessels of Deadly Sin" that had the power to create more of them.
The duke's "Lust" spell hadn't had an effect on Mikulia, who was devotee of Held.
In other words--
That damn Held must be pulling some sort of disruption. You annoying, bastardly old god…
IR gnashed her teeth, making a grinding noise.
Perhaps because she'd heard that sound, Mikulia abruptly stood and turned around, spotting IR.
And then she merely said, "Ah, the demon's stooge."
By "demon" she probably meant the duke. Mikulia must have witnessed her talking with him as well.
IR had been in her girl form at that time, but her real body, the red cat, had been riding on her shoulders. So it wasn't all that strange to call IR "the demon's stooge".
"Though I'm a bit reluctant to be called a stooge," IR muttered without thinking. She had no memory of becoming the duke's underling. If she had to pick one of them to be in charge, she would have said it was her.
The other side of the conversation, Mikulia, replied with her head tilted to the side, "Huh~ But~ If you're a cat doesn't that make you the demon's stooge?"
"That is a common prejudice. That's little more than the result of stories that someone has created leaving an influence on future generations."
"Then you aren't a demon's stooge, Miss Kitty?"
"Of course. Rather, I'm the one in charge who employs the de--Hold on, wait a moment. That's odd."
The only people that IR could speak to as a cat were people who had contracted with demons--in other words, right now the duke was the only one. To anyone outside of that, her voice should sound like nothing more than meowing.
--So then how could this girl talk to her?
"Oy, girl. Why are you--" IR tried to ask Mikulia, but a single man showed up as though to interrupt her.
"Ah, IR. So this is where you went off to. I was looking everywhere."
It was the duke.
Next he noticed Mikulia in front of IR.
"…Already found her, have you IR?"
The duke tried to say something to Mikulia, but before that she opened her mouth to speak.
"Ah! It's the demon! The demon prince!"
She didn't sound scared in her tone. Rather, she seemed like she was enjoying herself.
"I see. So you're that girl who saw my true identity, after all."
"Yeah! Today you're a prince. You look like a normal human!"
"…Why are you calling me a prince?"
"Because of your clothes! Even if you don't have chestnut hair."
"Are you not afraid of me?"
Mikulia exaggeratedly shook her head at the duke's question.
"Not at all! I was really shocked back then, but now that I've gotten a better look, you looked really nice. I figured you must be a prince."
"So if I'm a prince you're not scared?"
"Yeah! 'Cause I know a prince will make me happy!"
The duke looked at IR with eyes pleading for help, likely put off by Mikulia's cheerful behavior. "Well, what should I do about this girl? Should I try the spell one more time?"
"…There's no one else around right now, so you might as well. Though I fear it won't work."
The duke gripped both of Mikulia's shoulders, and brought his face close to hers.
"You have such a cute face…Though it may just be the course of events, perhaps our meeting was destined."
"This time I will try to keep from changing form as much as I can."
Mikulia gazed at the duke's face with a stupefied expression, unresisting.
"Look deep into my eyes."
The duke's eyes gradually became more red.
At the same time there was a slight shudder in his back. An omen of the demonic transformation. But he didn't sprout wings or claws, aptly holding it back. Only the ram horns peeked out just a little bit from within his hair.
The two continued to look at each other in silence. Only faint, low frequency sounds resounded about them, but they were likely the kind of noises that wouldn't reach the ears of the two interested parties.
After a little while had passed, the duke murmured in Mikulia's ear, "Mikulia, would you like to come with me to my mansion?"
"…Yes, let's go."
The duke once more looked towards IR while holding Mikulia's shoulders, as though this was an unexpected response.
"…Looks like it worked."
"…Did it?"
"…It worked. I think."
Mikulia leaped into the duke's chest with all her might, as though tackling him.
"Hee hee, my prince~♪"
The duke gently patted Mikulia's head.
"Excellent, then let's go shall we?"
The two of them started to return to the village while holding each other, but IR stopped them.
"Wait a moment, duke. You still can't just take her with you in broad daylight."
"That's true I suppose. Well then, how should we proceed…?"
IR jumped onto Mikulia's shoulder, and whispered to her, "Mikulia. Today you will go back to your house alone. And then when it's night time, you will secretly sneak out without any of your family knowing."
"Huh~? But I don't know where the prince's house is."
"Well then I'll remain in this village. When it's night I will guide you to the duke's house."
"Got it. I'm counting on you~ Miss stooge."
Mikulia reluctantly moved her body away from the duke, and then ran off to the village.
"That's quite a lot of concern coming from you, isn't it?" the duke said to IR, in a teasing and slightly curious tone.
"…There are a few things I would like to ask her. I'm just taking the opportunity."
"I see. Well then, I'll return to the mansion ahead of you. Lukana's waiting for me," the duke said, heading back to the village too.
As the only person--cat--left, IR sighed loudly while watching him leave.
Does that man have no questions about my conversing with that girl?...I can tell I have my work cut out for me.
That night, Mikulia came to the mansion in Lasaland with IR in tow.
For three days and three nights afterward, Sateriasis and Mikulia made love to each other.
Venomania Harem
Present number of members: 2
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setsunatama3 · 5 years
Chapter 14: the thing about contracts and new knowledge
Chapter 14: the thing about contracts and new knowledge
Waking up in the morning to find a warm body next to her. Was something Yang could say she wouldn't have gotten used to before coming to beacon. But now it was a joy to find naruto or Weiss in her bed in the morning. So to find nither in bed when she woke up. Made her feel a bit empty inside. A feeling that was soon replaced with amusement when she got out of bed to find the two where talking. While naruto was writing in a large scroll. "So, this is called a summoning scroll?" Weiss asked curious about the implications between it and her semblance glyph summoning.
"Yea, I've been working on this for two years trying different formulae if this works I will have a major asset back," Naruto said as he continued to inscribe the new formula into the scroll. Hoping that with this his oldest allies, the toads will be at his side once more. Finishing the section with a flourish and biting his thumb to sign his name in blood and chakra to finalize the scroll. With the scroll finished and rolled back up, the only thing he had to do was test it and get a pass from class for the next few days.
"Morning," Yang said as she draped herself over Weiss's shoulder, looking at the rather large scroll. "So what ya working on?" 
With a grin, naruto delved into the explanation of his new summoning scroll. How if he gets this right, then he would be able to modify the toad summoning contract and have a piece of his old world back and an ally.
With a grin that only spelled mischief, Yang said. "well, I'm going to shower care to join me?" then bound into the shower, leaving her clothes trailing in her wake cackling as she saw the looks on their faces when she poked her head out the door.
"She's going to be the death of us, isn't she," Weiss said looking at naruto with a bit of trepidation. "Yea, but at least we'll have fun," Naruto said with a mischievous grin of his own. "Race you!" he exclaimed, throwing his shirt in her face and running in the bathroom after Yang. "Hey! No fair," Weiss yelled, following in their wake.
Walking up to the tower with Kurama at his side. Naruto was not looking forward to getting a leave of absence from the headmaster when the man already had his eye on him. And was digging into his background. Knowing that just asking for this favor would put him in Ozpin's debt and under even more scrutiny.
Sensing his partner's apprehension through the bond, they shared Kurama gave him a nudge." oi, brat you, and I know you have to test the contract now if you miss this full moon you'll have to wait another year for the celestial bodies to realign."
Crossing his arms as he waited in the elevator, Naruto huffed," yea, yea, I know it's now, or it might as well be never on this scroll, and I don't like using the Chikushōdō it's just wrong. Let's just get this over with.
Ozpin noticed immediately upon Naruto entering his office that the conversation they were going to have. It would be interesting. Taking note of his stiff posture, it was clear that Uzumaki had no desire to be here. That he only need to wait, and the young man would tell him what he wanted, and hopefully, there would be some gain he could get out of this. 
After a moment of silence, Naruto spoke up. "I need a few days off from classes two at most."
"Your coursework is excellent, and you're at the top of your classes. So I don't see why we can't bend the rules a bit in this case. So long as you don't make this a habit," ozpin said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Although I am interested in why you need a few days off? And if you're going to go on an unauthorized mission, I am going to have to say no."
"Thanks, it's not a mission that I am going on. I just need a few days to work on an old Fūinjutsu scroll. It was passed down through my family. It's more of a right of passage to solve one to complete mastery." naruto explained to the headmaster. 
"Well, if that's all you need to do, then I don't see why we can't accommodate you, Mr.Uzumaki." 
Naruto turned to leave when ozpin cleared his throat," emhm, Mr.uzumaki, I do believe there is something else you need to supply."
Naruto tossed him a scroll labeled coffee with a grin as the elevator doors closed.
After letting his team know of his plans for the next few days. Impressing the need to work on this alone and getting a tentative approval by explaining it as a rite of passage for his clansmen. He set off at top speed, quickly slipping into the night, leaving no tracks to follow. 
After making a clearing just outside of Vale, Naruto set to work under the light of the full moon. Taking advantage of the power that a celestial body provides.
Unfurling the scroll in its full-length Naruto bit his thumb drawing blood and allowing it to drip onto the scroll. While channeling chakra, causing the script to shift on the paper within the scroll. Causing it to crawl out and spread like serpents until it filled the clearing. His preparations were done. Naruto took a breath and looked to Kurama. "Wish me luck, Kurama." 
Snorting in response, Kurama just gave him a look that said as if you need luck. 
Naruto then began to flip through the hand seals for Kuchiyose no Jutsu: (Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram). Slamming his hand down on the scroll, he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
When she heard of Naruto's plan to go into the forest, she could say that with certainty, this was probably one of the worst ideas he had. And not wanting him to go by himself, she trailed after him. Stepping into the clearing just as he had slammed his hand down in the matrix. The next thing she knew, she was coughing from the smoke that clouded her vision. When the smoke cleared, she got the distinct feeling that she was not in Vale anymore. The first thing that clued her in was the fact that in the sky. There were two suns in orbit and a planet in the distance. The fantastic scenery from the waterfall to the giant panther on top of it. 
Yet she had no more time to take in the view. For there was a massive panther at least thirty four meters tall standing in front of her partner. Panicking and reacting on pure instinct, she drew her weapons Miló and Akoúo̱. Shifting Miló to rifle form and taking aim.only to freeze when she heard a growl of warning behind herself. Followed by an unexpected pleasant voice coming from behind as well. "Child, I would recommend you put away your weapon. Lest you become a snack for the younglings. A fate I assure you is most unpleasant."
Turning slowly to come face to face with another giant of a panther. This one, however, was surrounded by smaller panthers of varying sizes. When the largest one spoke again, the other panthers that surrounded her started to back off. "Greetings flame of victory I am an elder sage of the panther clan of Wakanda Bast. And your arrival here was expected. You have no need to fear us. Not while the Maelstrom of Uzushiogakure no Sato is here."
All she could do was blankly nod, looking blankly at Naruto. Who turned around looking annoyed. "Pyrrha, just what are you doing here," Pyrrha flinched when she heard his tone. Before she could give a response, Bast spoke up in her stead. 
"Do not blame your mate inheritor of Asura's will; this is something that we have foreseen. As it was meant to be. Her arrival here was inevitable. The alternative would have been most severe. now come we have much to discuss before we sign a contract."
With a panther pushing her along the panthers lead the two an opulent building with the motifs of a massive ethereal panther covered by shadows, a caring lion tending to the sick and injured, a powerful and mighty gorilla working a forge, and lastly a cunning crocodile leading an army painted on the walls of the throne room.
 Sitting on a large raised dais was an elderly panther. "Greetings, Maelstrom, Flame of victory I am the elder panther sage Nyami. And your visit has been foreseen since I was but a mere cub a long time ago. 
Naruto looked to the elderly panther with a look of disbelief. "Look, if I hear anything about another prophecy, then I'm gonna tell you right now I'm done."
Nyami just laughed at naruto's defiance. "No, nothing of the sort while we see into the future we don't give prophecy. It's more like we predicted the odds of you coming. However, we do have a warning about the future for you, young Maelstrom. To save the Ash of Autumn, you must gain her trust to seek out the truth behind her revenge. And you will need our aid young summoner. Yet you must prove yourself to gain the allegiance of the nation of Wakanda.now convince us of your true worth Maelstrom of two worlds."
"Naruto, just what is going on here?" Pyrrha asked, grabbing his hand now terrified. Due to not understanding the situation and only getting half of what is going on.
Though his ability to sense emotions, Naruto could feel the confusion and terror. And in a moment he decided his course. with the same determination that had gotten him banished in the first place, he voiced his decision. "alright, no more hiding." 
With that, he took Pyrrha's hand and lead her over to a table, and the two sat as he began the story of his life.
While it wasn't tricky to sneak out of beacon without Naruto, it was time-consuming for Sarada. But thanks to the use of shadow-clones, it was possible. This was why Sarada found herself running across the rooftops of Vale at top speed to get to a white fang rally that Roman had tipped her off to. Since Naruto was out and that left things to her.
Slipping into the warehouse through an air vent. And using chakra to stick to the ceiling. Sarada's job was simply to see what cinders forces were up to since they now had info that the white fang and cinders faction had joined up despite their warning not to involve civilians. And actively seeking out a group of terrorists is doing just that.
It meant that she clearly brushed off the warning. Once they had an idea of what was going on, Roman and Neo would be pulled from their service. And depending on their choices, they would have to be made to submit or be put down.
While listening to the inconsequential speech of the grunt that was chosen to speak. Sarada had to frown as it wasn't anything impressive that caught her attention. Until they dropped the banner with the symbol of the fang on it. Several military-grade firearms and ordinance were on display. While they were something to take note of. The thing that had her undivided attention was the Atlassian paladin mech and the platoon of drones behind them. The damned mech was terrible on its own. But the fact that there were at least fifty of the fucking drones. Behind it meant that a message had to be sent. A bloody and violent message that this would not abide.
So after waiting until the civies left. Sarada donned her mask and dropped down from the ceiling right on top of a guard tanto drawn and wreathed in lightning, severing the brachial artery and piercing the lung. The man would die in minutes. Before his two allies could react, they fell as well to two thrown kunai. Coated in wind chakra cutting through their Aura and gouging deep into their eyes, the men were dead before they hit the floor. After a quick glance, she counted seventeen more men.
In the moment of silence between the deaths of the three men. And the next man to fall to her blade, she spoke. "It's nothing personal, but Vale has been under the protection of Uzu for two years now, and many of you know this. But whatever you are planing, I don't personally care, but you will be made an example. Your plans end here!" with speed and strength, belying her frame she cut clean through the next man's head as she passed him. his head rolling onto the floor before they could respond, making the total count drop from seventeen to sixteen. Then the men of the fang moved. Attacking just like a squad of trained huntsmen. But that was their first of many mistakes this night. One of the many things that Naruto and Sarada learned when they came to Remnant was the people here are too reliant on their Aura to keep them alive. Just like these men, it was why it only took a single anti-personnel tag slapped on one man's shoulder when she blocked a sword strike. She then kicked the man into a group of four men. And the note detonated spraying the five men with senbon killing the four with the senbon, and the man died in the blast. Charging into the remaining men with her sharingan active letting loose for the first time in a long time was honestly a thrill. Ducking under a swing of a club and slapping his flank as she passed with a chakra scalpel lacerating his internal organs. Dodging a bullet by a hair's breadth. Throwing her tanto coated in lighting into the man's skull. Bringing the count from sixteen to nine in just three minutes. Even though she had just killed eleven men in under ten minutes. One of the remaining grunts got brave because she had no weapon. "Ha, just what do you think you can do now that you don't have that fancy sword."
Sarada merely made eye contact with him, trapping him in a genjutsu that drove him to take his own life. That changed the whole tone of the fight, and the grunts turned to run. Completely put out by the cowards running, she flashed through the hand signs Snake → Dragon → Rabbit → Tiger intoning (Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu). Incinerating all of the men but one who managed to dive out of the path of the conflagration. Leaving nothing but a shadow behind where they stood. Trembling like a leaf and unable to do anything else, he shit himself from fear. 
Sarada walked up to the man. Who averted his eyes when she looked at him. "so I suppose you deserve some congratulations your the last one left. Do you know what that means?" she said. The man looked at her with the slightest glimmer of hope that he might yet live. Making the mistake of looking her in the eyes for the briefest of moments. In the mear moment, it was all Sarada needed to put him under a genjutsu with precise commands and then implanting the Tensha Fūin: Amaterasu inside him to activate once he met one Adam Taurus. Per the instructions of the genjutsu. It would be a very pointed message true, but once they found this man, but that was the whole point of this massacre. It was quite simple, really cross us at your own peril. For a war in Vale would not be tolerated. As the man walked off, Sarada had to huff in disappointment. Just when it was looking like she would get the chance to cut loose a bit. They fail utterly at the task and turn and run like cowards.for most huntsman Its a simple fact in this world of Grimm and huntsmen they struggle to survive. Yet to shinobi and those trained by them are apex predators in this cruel world. She then turned to the weapons and the corpses left on the ground, knowing that she could leave the bodies here. But doing so would be more trouble than it's worth. Making the horse hand sign and molding a massive amount of fire nature chakra in her chest she intoned ( Katon: Gōka Mekkyaku) breathing a wall of white-hot flames so hot that the metal sublimated into gas and the bodies fatty tissues caught fire and the bodies carbonized to dust. She then quickly left the now burning and melting warehouse via Shunshin no Jutsu. Heading back home to get a night's sleep in a beautiful bed.
The test that the elder sage was looking for was one of wisdom and truth, not one of power. As she observed the shinobi in front of her. Someone how was trained and bred to do anything to win even lie, cheat, and steal. So when she had given him the test that so many Summoners before failed a test, that was rather simple. To gain the allegiance of Wakanda, all the Summoners need do is tell the truth. But not just any truth but a profound personal truth that may have repercussions to another. The test of Wakanda is unique that instead of just the summoner coming to their realm. It is always with another close to the summoner. And when the Maelstrom told his partner everything without even knowing what the test was. She could not help but burst out with laughter. "hahaha, this is perfect Naruto; you have gained the allegiance of Wakanda."
Utterly confused by the elder's outburst, Naruto had no idea what was going on. Then it came to him the words of the elder. The unusual reverse summoning taking not just himself but Pyrrha as well. They took both of them in the summon. It's so clear now so much so that he joined in the elder's amusement. "haha, you know it's not every day you can say that you tricked an immortal into revealing his secrets."
"indeed naruto god you have no idea how hard it is to act that cryptic all the time when Summoners come to us. I mean, if we didn't have the test, we would have people trying to get our contract all the time, but now that we are aligned with you, we no longer have to worry about that." Nyami said, completely relaxing and leaving the red-head speechless. Looking to both for answers after that significant info dump. 
After a while, desperate for an answer, Pyrrha meekly raised a hand," um, can anyone please tell me what is going on?"She asked.
"Ah, Pyrrha, it's simply the reason you were summoned was because it was part of the test I just passed. It was a test of my character." naruto explained to the red-head.
"If you ever require us oh Sage of six paths, you just need and summon us, and we will give you aid just like the previous sage of six paths. Now you may be well on your journey, young sage." the elder panther said, eyeing Naruto.
The two were escorted back to the center of the city in front of a fountain. With an unmistakable oil inside. Where Bast was waiting with several jars and a young cub playing about her paws. 
"hay grams when is big bro going to get here." amused by the young cub's brash attitude, Naruto had to hold back a grin. "and just who is this big brother of yours is supposed to be a young lady." Naruto said, getting her attention, and she leapt into his arms with a cry of, "big bro."
Without fail, Naruto caught the young cub who happily introduced herself devolving into the native language spoken in the elemental nations. "hi onii-chan, I knew I would meet you if I came here early. My name is Margiela. my sister is here too, but she's a bit shy." When he looked around for another cub but was unable to find one and his senses where muddled. With all the natural energy in the air. But he had to pause when he concentrated on himself and noticed something not right. There was another source of chakra in his shadow. Had he not been a sage, it would have been impossible to notice. Turning slightly, he looked towards his shadow and said, "you can come out now." 
A small, timid cub emerged from his shadow. "H-hello I'm Shuri," she mumbled 
"Before you leave, you should know that in Wakanda, it is tradition to have our Summoners care for some of our young. That act as familiar and bring knowledge back to the clans. These two Mageela and Shuri will be your familiars, please take care of them. this sage oil should help you in their training when they are ready." Best explained to them.
After marking the scroll as the new panther summoning scroll in preparation to leave naruto handed Mageela off to Pyrrha and picked up Shuri and began to make the seals needed to send them home. In a puff of smoke, they were gone.
When they arrived back in Remnant, it hadn't taken them long to make their way again to beacon. With the cubs resting in his shadow. And despite the awkward glances his way from Pyrrha. He did not sense any truly negative emotions from the girl, just a delicate apprehension and a cautious skepticism. Knowing that she just had her whole world view broken, he opted to give her time. So when they retired for the night, Naruto hoped that she could accept him for who and what he is and represents.
Naruto was a bit surprised to find Weiss in his bed when he slipped into his bed but took it in stride too tired to care. Knowing that answers could wait for the morning. Wrapping an arm around her with the cubs resting at the foot of the bed.  
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tomeandflickcorner · 7 years
OUAT Episode Analysis- Hyperion Heights.
Well, here it is.  The start of the new chapter in OUAT.  Not sure how well it’s going to go with most of the original cast gone.  But I’m willing to give it a chance.  So let’s go, Season 7.  Impress me.
We open with Henry, who apparently managed to graduate high school, in spite of the horrendous education system in Storybrooke.  His plan is now to go on some kind of soul searching journey.  See, he went to the Sorcerer’s old mansion after completing his Authorial task of writing about everything that happened throughout the past 6 seasons.  While there, he found hundreds of other books that revealed the existence of parallel worlds. Each of these parallel worlds had their own version of Snow White or Rapunzel.  But he’s feeling a bit weirded out that there wasn’t a parallel version of himself.  For some reason, this doesn’t sit well with him, so he’s now wanting to live his own story. And now that he’s out of high school, he feels now is the time to set out and do that.  Regina’s not too keen on this idea, since she was hoping he’d go on to college.  But let’s be real.  Even though Henry managed to get through high school, it was the high school in Storybrooke. They probably let you graduate if you could recite the alphabet.  I seriously doubt he could get through a single semester at college.
But in the end, Regina agrees to let Henry live his life, and he drives off on a motorcycle I’m assuming August gave him, using a magic bean to open up a portal to one of the previously mentioned parallel worlds.  I guess this means Anton’s bean field is flourishing again.  It struck me as odd, though, that only Regina was seeing Henry off.  You’d think Snowing, Emma and Killian would want to be there, too.
Regardless, we then flash forward a few years.  Henry is now a full-grown adult, and is still traveling around the parallel worlds. This is how he quite literally runs into Parallel!Cinderella.  The run-in causes Parallel!Cinder’s carriage to get damaged, preventing her to get to the famous ball.  Henry, wanting to help Parallel!Cinder finish her story, offers to drive her there on his motorcycle.  But after a bit of back and forth, Parallel!Cinder manages to steal the motorcycle, punching Henry to the ground in the process.  I do wonder why Henry didn’t see that coming, as Parallel!Cinder was making her intent rather obvious, what with her over-interest in how to operate the motorcycle.  But he doesn’t seem to mind in the slightest.  Maybe he was remembering the story of how his grandparents met, and how Emma met Killian, and suspected the tradition was continuing?
 Either way, Henry manages to follow Parallel!Cinder to the ball.  There, the story comes out that Parallel!Cinder isn’t here to meet the prince in the way the tale usually goes.  In this world, the prince somehow brought about the death of Parallel!Cinder’s father, leading to her becoming a scullery maid for her evil stepmother. Who’s even nastier in this version. She even kidnapped Parallel!Cinder’s fairy godmother and killed her with her own wand.  So, anyway, Parallel!Cinder’s plan is to kill the prince in revenge.  Henry, possibly remembering the lessons about revenge he’d learned from his stepfather, tries to stop her, but he’s held up by a woman who claims to be Alice of Wonderland fame.  Not sure if she has any connection to the Alice of the Wonderland spinoff.  Maybe she’s a Parallel!Alice?  I don’t know. Either way, she drugs Henry’s drink to send him to this weird hallucinogenic place where she tells Henry to not interfere with the events unfolding in this Parallel World, and that he should just go back home.  She also reveals she’s in cahoots with Rumpelstiltskin somehow.  At this point, I have no idea what Rumpelstiltskin and New!Alice’s plan is. But whatever it is, I doubt it’s good. In any event, Henry refuses to heed New!Alice’s demand, because he feels called to help people, no matter what.
While Henry was being detained by New!Alice, Parallel!Cinder manages to approach the prince.  But she’s ultimately unable to kill him, because he conscience kicks in.  But that’s when Parallel!Evil Stepmother steps in, killing the prince herself.  She goes off on a monologue about how she wanted the prince dead because he rejected Drizella, one of the Parallel!Stepsisters.  But she was hoping Parallel!Cinder would do her dirty work for her.  Parallel!Evil Stepmother then tries to frame Parallel!Cinder for the prince’s murder, but she eventually manages to fight off the guards and escape, with Henry’s assistance.
Sometime later, Henry arrives at the site where a portal has been scheduled to open up at midnight, allowing him to return home to Storybrooke.  I can’t remember if they ever explained how Henry knew this portal would open at this time.  If they did, I completely missed it.  Maybe New!Alice told him?  Maybe, but Henry seemed to know about the portal even before his acid trip conversation with New!Alice.  So I’m not really sure how Henry knew about the portal.
However, Henry is visibly disappointed.  During the ball, when he was trying to talk Parallel!Cinder out of her revenge plan, he offered to bring her back to Storybrooke with him, so she could start a new life in a new land.  But Parallel!Cinder doesn’t seem to be showing up, making Henry feel she decided to reject the offer.  Before Henry could go through the portal, however, he notices Parallel!Cinder’s glass slipper lying nearby, and he realizes that she was there.  But for some reason, she didn’t stick around.  I’m not sure if she left of her own accord or she was captured before Henry could arrive.  Either way, Henry decides that ‘Operation Glass Slipper’ isn’t finished, and he decides to let the portal to Storybrooke close so he could stay and continue assisting Parallel!Cinder.  While some might feel that Henry should have given up on naming those operations of his, since he’s no longer a kid, I really don’t mind it that much.  I just chalk it up to Henry being Henry.
That’s about all we see of the backstory for this new season in this episode.  The rest of the episode focuses on Present Day Seattle, where Henry is working as an Uber Driver.  He returns home after a typical night and tries once again to start to write a new book. As we learn throughout the episode, there’s a new curse in effect, and Henry is one of the people who were affected by it.  Because of his new cursed memories, he believes all his adventures throughout the first 6 seasons were just part of a novel he wrote.  But after he completed that, he’s been experiencing a prolonged writer’s block.  Though there are some small aspects that pop out at you in this scene.  For instance, we see briefly that the swan pendant that Emma gave him in a deleted scene set during the Wizard of Oz arc now resides on his keychain.  And I spotted a small painting of a pirate ship on his wall.  I’m guessing this was his subconscious mind remembering the Jolly Roger?
Anyway, this is the part when Lucy appears at his door, announcing that she’s his daughter, her mother is his True Love, and that she wants him to help her break the curse.  But Henry, because of his cursed memories, doesn’t believe her, because he thinks all his past experiences was just the book he wrote.
However, Lucy isn’t deterred, and somehow manages to steal Henry’s laptop, leaving him a note that if he wants it back, he has to come to Hyperion Heights, which is apparently the new Storybrooke.  Henry drives out to Hyperion Heights to get his laptop back.  As he drives into town, he passes by a stone troll statue, which is apparently a real sculpture in Seattle.  But I have a feeling that the stone troll will be important later somehow. I think I noticed something unusual about the troll’s eye.  After a rather weird encounter with New!Alice, who goes by Tillie in this world, Henry follows the instructions on Lucy’s note and enters a bar called Roni’s.  Turns out, the bar owner, Roni is actually cursed!Regina. Naturally, they don’t recognize each other.  But Roni/Regina tells Henry about Victoria Belfry, the alter ego of Parallel!Evil stepmother.  Victoria is the new big bad of S7, and possibly the one who cast this new curse. After all, we saw in the flashback portion that she has possession of a fairy wand.
In Hyperion Heights, Victoria is this powerful businesswoman who pretty much owns everything in town.  And she’s planning to buy Roni/Regina’s bar, too.  She also has Parallel!Cinder under strict observation.  Though in this world, Parallel!Cinder goes by Jacinda.  She works at a fried chicken restaurant, but her boss is a major jerk, and she ends up quitting after a confrontation with him, in which she tried to stand up to him in defense of a fellow employee.  At the start of the episode, Jacinda lives with Lucy and their roommate, Sabine (the cursed identity of Tiana from Princess and the Frog).  But when it’s discovered Lucy ran away to find Henry, Victoria swoops in and announces her intention to take permanent custody of the girl, stating that Jacinda is proving she’s not capable of properly providing for her daughter.
Meanwhile, Henry and Jacinda meet when Jacinda shows up at Roni/Regina’s bar to return the stolen laptop. Even though the curse prevents them from remembering each other, Henry and Jacinda still are able to have an instant connection.  As they talk, Jacinda mentions a dream she has to start a new life on this small island just outside Hyperion Heights.
Sometime later, Henry finds that his car has turned up stolen, which prevents him from leaving Hyperion Heights and returning to his Seattle apartment.  He goes to the local police station, but the cop at the front desk proves to be unwilling to help in anyway.  But they’re overheard by Officer Rogers, aka Cursed!Killian.  Rogers/Killian, even when cursed, is a good man, and probably the only one in the police department who is willing to help.  While he’s working on helping locate Henry’s stolen car, Victoria storms in, announcing Lucy is once again missing.  And Jacinda is also nowhere to be found.  Right away, Henry suspects, correctly, that Jacinda is planning to run away with Lucy and start over on the island she told him about, but he tries to stay silent, wanting to do right by both mother and daughter.  But Victoria manages to coerce him into spilling the beans.  As a result, Jacinda and Lucy are prevented from leaving, and are subsequently separated.  And Victoria manages to locate Henry’s stolen car.  Though, there’s a part of me that thinks Victoria was the one who took Henry’s car in the first place, planning to use it to trick him into betraying Jacinda’s confidence.
As the episode wraps up, we revisit the cast of characters.  Henry, whose cursed memories have led him to believe his wife and child were killed in a fire, journeys to the cemetery where they were buried.  But when he arrives at the site where he believed the cemetery was, he finds nothing but an empty lot.  And a random passerby informs him that there was never a cemetery there. So Henry’s probably realizing that something isn’t adding up.  Jacinda is forced to go back to the fried chicken restaurant with her tail between her legs.  Which admittedly bothered me.  Yeah, I know, Jacinda probably felt that she needed the job to try and earn custody of her daughter again, but it rubs me the wrong way that she had to go back to such a horrible boss.  I say she should go work at Roni/Regina’s bar.  As much as I don’t particularly like Regina, I’d rather have her for a boss than a guy like that. As for Rogers/Killian, because he ended up helping them track down Jacinda and Lucy, Victoria used her influence to get him promoted to the rank of detective.  But as a result of that, he’s now partnered to Detective Weaver, the new identity of Rumpelstiltskin.  I cannot see this as a good thing.  Because I just KNOW that Rumpelstiltskin is awake and knows full well who he is.  And it’s clear that he’s just as sadistic and cruel as ever.  We saw him earlier in this episode, waterboarding some poor slob.  So I’m really worried what he’ll do to Killian, considering Killian clearly doesn’t remember who Weaver is.
However, because this is OUAT, we are given a few crumbs of hope.  Roni/Regina, who clearly didn’t like how Victoria handled things with Jacinda and Lucy, decides to stand up to her by refusing to sell her bar. Rogers/Killian was given the new copy of the Storybook  that Lucy was carrying around, with the instructions to get rid of it.  But he has seemingly decided to hold on to it, instead.  Because he caught sight of an illustration of Emma within the book. And it’s clear from his expression that he recognizes her.  But of course, he can’t understand why because his cursed memories is preventing him from remembering.  As for Jacinda, she finds a coin while sweeping the restaurant floor and uses it to make a wish at a wishing well Lucy was visiting earlier in the episode.  This wish, I guess, helps weaken the curse a bit, as Henry starts to break through his writer’s block, and this flower garden, which I guess was rendered dead by the curse, starts to grow again.
So, that’s how this new chapter is starting out.  I admit, I’m a bit curious about how this all happened.  I’m wondering how Henry and Parallel!Cinder got from their first meeting to their current predicament. I’m curious as to what started this curse. So yeah, I’m sorta interested in where they go with this.  But it’s a bit convoluted.  They just push all these new characters on you, making it slightly hard to figure out who’s who.  So I’d say the jury’s still out on this one.  We’ll see what next week brings.
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