#I thought life was co-op but everyone out here playing PvP.
animatedtext · 2 years
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mobauniverse · 2 years
Blade Origin: Oriental Fantasy Redeem Codes & Gameplay
🎮 DOWNLOAD 📲 Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jygn.jqyau 📲 iOS N/A
🎮 SIZE 1.50 GB
🎮 DESCRIPTION The zombies on these grim islands are very ferocious. It's a good thing there's a shelter where I can survive. Look, I've crafted some cool weapons here. Now nightmares will turn into night safaris :) - Rick smiled as he waved a huge baton with nails in front of a dead zombie. Surviving on an island in the company of hordes of zombies is not something everyone can endure. Dealing with the walking dead allowed Rick to keep his sanity and not forget the important mission for which he had come to these islands.
Honestly, when I got here, I thought it was the zombie apocalypse! Mutants, the living dead, and whole fractions of people fighting each other. We scattered around the island as soon as we arrived. There was no time to prepare, because from the very beginning we were attacked by the walking dead, though it's hard to call them walkers-they ran faster than athletes. I knew right away that this was a one-way ticket, so I started looking for cover instead of doing this strange task. And I wasn't wrong; a day after the landing, communication with our fighters was cut off. I doubt if any of my group survived! - Rick turned off the recorder, bowed his head over the crocodile and continued - Finally, I can make my own crocodile shoes :).
I thought today would be my last day on earth! A whole wave of zombies broke in through the open steel door in the bunker I was looting. I hid behind the machine, then ran outside and locked them all inside. I turned off the air conditioning beforehand, ha ha. Oh how surprised I was when those zombies started dying without air, they even screamed something in there. And I was even more surprised when, looking over the corpses, I realized it was my squad!!!! This island is driving me crazy, I haven't seen this much loot in a long time :) - Muttering to himself, Rick grinned as he wheeled behind him a wagon full of ammo, armor, and lots of precious loot.
How much time had passed, who knows. This role playing games has become a part of my life. There definitely has to be a boss. I have to find it and destroy it!
Dead Island is an apocalyptic world where everyone goes crazy in their own way. In this role playing games you have to build and improve your shelter, craft items, and mine resources!
Read more about the game Dead Island: The setting is contemporary. Genre - RPG (role playing games) with elements of survival. Multiplayer - cooperative and PvP modes are planned in upcoming updates. Features: Crafting with a huge variety of items (from clothing to a flaming sword) Varied interior for the shelter Resource extraction (from wood to rare minerals) Wild animal hunting Interesting story Huge amount of quests and riddles Mini-games Trade with NPCs Clans (in development) Cooperative (under development) Unlimited loot Detective investigations
In cooperative mode, we plan to complete quests and raids on bosses together. We also plan to add PvP Arena, so players can find out who's the coolest! In the future, if you like the co-op or PvP mode, then we will try to make an MMO mode.
Survival on the island is not easy. You have to build yourself a shelter. Waves of zombies will keep you up, breaking down the walls of your house. Other players will raid your hideout. You will have the opportunity to get revenge on the players who robbed you.
Mine resources to craft new weapons and armor. Explore the military bunker, which hides a lot of loot, but also many traps.
You'll encounter bosses that can only be killed in special ways described in quests and notes scattered around the islands.
💌 COPYRIGHT MATTERS & PAID PROMOTION Email [email protected]
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Addicted to Solitude (+Rant)
Hello web surfers, It’s been awhile since my last post so let me just start with a quick update. E3 has been a joy to watch though a bit underwhelming in regards to new games but the Virtual reality games are coming in nicely. Xbox is adding backwards compatibility to the Xbox One for the original Xbox which is awesome. Nintendo surprised me with a few good games unlike the past 9 years where the only good games are Zelda or… nope that’s pretty much it. The new Assassins Creed Origins, Battlefront 2, Far Cry 5, Project Cars 2 and LIFE IS STRANGE season 2! Are on my watch list. I am doing my best to not buy any games but depending on how many hours I work over the summer, I just may cave in get one or two. A game that really saddened me was “The Crew 2”. I was a huge fan of the first game and I was so excited for a second one and I thought for sure it was going to be a ‘must buy’ for me but they seemed to have taken the game into a new direction. Instead of building on street racing and the social side of co-op and PvP racing, they added boat racing, plane racing and dirt bikes. Now dirt bikes I’m cool with but seriously, who wants to race a boat or a plane? Anyway I’ve gotta stop going on about gaming… it’s just so awesome. Anyway my depression has been numbed I guess, I can still feel it and I’m sure it’ll strike and haunt me anytime but with all the excitement  of E3 along with busy school stuff right now a few other fun plans, there hasn’t been much time for me to stop and hate myself. Except now I’m thinking about it… hmmm let’s move on. The last update is about how I came across more evidence to support the theory that my parents and siblings are a major contributor in my depression. I got into a few different fights with my parents and/or siblings, within a span of 4 days. The results were me wanting to cut myself and the only thing that stopped me was that my girlfriend wouldn’t want me too. It does make for a great coping method but it’s not healthy. Next is my sister she’s a special type of evil, she’s was around this past weekend and dang I would need to dedicate an entire post towards how evil, mean, judgmental, degrading and toxic she is. The worst part is that she has everyone fooled, she acts so nice and perfect and socially acceptable and complies with all social norms when people are watching but around the house she rips on me like it’s her day job. Also she does it right in front of my parents too and they say nothing! Actually they are more likely to join her, they’ve done that several times. No wonder I feel worthless and hate myself, everyone who says they love me (lies) rips me down and tears me apart. I don’t feel socially, emotionally or mentally safe here. I’m at the point where before I open my mouth I ask myself “is this 100% required to be said” and if the answer is no then I say nothing. If I word something imperfectly I will get a lecture and be told I suck at socializing or I suck at English. If I spill a glass of water then I’m clumsy and uncoordinated. If I ask for the car to see my girlfriend (which is less than once a week) then I’m selfish and entitled. If I eat some food which is expensive (basically any fruit or meat) then I’m hogging all the good food. If any sound comes from my room: music, game sounds, loud laughter then I am inconsiderate of my sister who is watching netflix or listening to music in her room adjacent to mine (but it’s ok to hear hers because my parents like her genre of music). If I use the bathroom and someone else needs it then I am inconsiderate but if I need to use the bathroom and someone else is using it then I need to either plan better or wait my turn. (waiting my turn is fine, as should everyone, but this double standard really gets to me). I have a brother too but he moved out… but he may be moving back in once we move to our new house, I guess I’m just gonna live in a certain stage of hell because he’s no better. My parents and my siblings just beat up on me at every chance they get and call it “constructive criticism” which some times it can be but 99% of the time it’s just straight up bullying and there’s nothing I can do about it. I mean what can I do when my parents, the people with all the power and authority don’t even see how unjust everything is. I can’t wait to move out. Heck if I could move in with my girlfriend and her family I would. There’s just several problems with that… it’s a bummer. Anyway this kinda turned into a rant. Let’s move onto the other thing I noticed.
 So folks, I noticed that I’m addicted to solitude and after reading the paragraph above you can imagine why. I go through great efforts to avoid my family and most people. I was at a church meeting and a work meeting this week and both times I sit in the far back corner and do my best to look unfriendly (not mean just not socially friendly) so that no one will sit next to me, or near me. It works well and when I get home I go to my room with a headset on. I am almost always alone in silence. Writing, reading, working on art or gaming which has sound. I sometimes listen to music but I am trying to cut it out so I am not too over stimulated. I found that over stimulation and especially loud environments and sounds encourage my depression to kick in and make me suffer more and more so I’ve cut back on music. I no longer even care to try and be social. I just crave to get back to my room and disappear. The only time I’m happy and free to leave is when I’m going to see my girlfriend, she really has become the closest person I have to family and so has her family, though I’m not totally sure where I stand with her dad but I’m not sure if I am free to go into details nor do I want to. I really savor my peaceful, quiet, alone time when I’m at home because at any moment my brother could walk through the door; “hey big guy” or hey little buddy, I’m here to tell you that you’re wasting your life, I mean I don’t know anything about you but you like videogames and I’m perfect so I can tell you that you’re a waste”. Or my sister could be home and tell me to shut up, yeah she straight up tells me to shut up if I say something that she simply doesn’t want to hear; because obviously she has total control over everything or if I use a plate or cup I am basically crucified for it because that’s an extra dish which needs to be washed like big whoop it’s a freak’n cup! I could go on and on about this but I’m gonna try and stop now. Anyway about solitude. I read somewhere that solitude actually can be addicting, however I have a feeling it’s not any different from other things that seem to be addicting. For example alcohol is not addictive in itself but avoiding your problems or temporarily forgetting your problems by using alcohol can make the use of alcohol addictive. Now you only become addicted alcohol because you are trying hard to avoid or forget your problems. I am using excessive solitude for that same reason, though my problem is the environment made by my parents and siblings actions, words and overall mindset towards me. It really sucks living somewhere where no one knows you. My parents didn’t know I liked to write until I told them, they still thought I liked playing Call of Duty when I haven’t played Call of Duty since 2013 (4 years ago!), they still think I’m violent even though I haven’t got in a real fist fight since elementary school (over 7 years ago). The only thing they know about me is that I love chicken fingers… who doesn’t? They’re the best. Anyway I don’t have much more to add about my love/addiction for being alone since it’s pretty simple to understand and I think I’ve done enough ranting for one night.
 So I end things off, I thought I should mention that I am still working on my book, I’ve just been super busy with school, E3 gaming stuff and a few other life events the past week or two. Also  I realized recently how lucky I am that I never got addicted to cutting, I may have my girlfriend to thank for that… but it feels so good… no wait what! No. Never mind. I should go, I’m gonna go eat chicken fingers now for a 3am DESERT! : )    Good night everyone and sorry for being so ranty… actually never mind this is my blog, I can rant as much as I want. Peace out!      
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mobauniverse · 2 years
Dead Island: Survival RPG Gameplay
🎮 DOWNLOAD 📲 Android https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.devvisiongames.deadisland 📲 iOS N/A
🎮 SIZE 793 MB
🎮 DESCRIPTION The zombies on these grim islands are very ferocious. It's a good thing there's a shelter where I can survive. Look, I've crafted some cool weapons here. Now nightmares will turn into night safaris :) - Rick smiled as he waved a huge baton with nails in front of a dead zombie. Surviving on an island in the company of hordes of zombies is not something everyone can endure. Dealing with the walking dead allowed Rick to keep his sanity and not forget the important mission for which he had come to these islands.
Honestly, when I got here, I thought it was the zombie apocalypse! Mutants, the living dead, and whole fractions of people fighting each other. We scattered around the island as soon as we arrived. There was no time to prepare, because from the very beginning we were attacked by the walking dead, though it's hard to call them walkers-they ran faster than athletes. I knew right away that this was a one-way ticket, so I started looking for cover instead of doing this strange task. And I wasn't wrong; a day after the landing, communication with our fighters was cut off. I doubt if any of my group survived! - Rick turned off the recorder, bowed his head over the crocodile and continued - Finally, I can make my own crocodile shoes :).
I thought today would be my last day on earth! A whole wave of zombies broke in through the open steel door in the bunker I was looting. I hid behind the machine, then ran outside and locked them all inside. I turned off the air conditioning beforehand, ha ha. Oh how surprised I was when those zombies started dying without air, they even screamed something in there. And I was even more surprised when, looking over the corpses, I realized it was my squad!!!! This island is driving me crazy, I haven't seen this much loot in a long time :) - Muttering to himself, Rick grinned as he wheeled behind him a wagon full of ammo, armor, and lots of precious loot.
How much time had passed, who knows. This role playing games has become a part of my life. There definitely has to be a boss. I have to find it and destroy it!
Dead Island is an apocalyptic world where everyone goes crazy in their own way. In this role playing games you have to build and improve your shelter, craft items, and mine resources!
Read more about the game Dead Island: The setting is contemporary. Genre - RPG (role playing games) with elements of survival. Multiplayer - cooperative and PvP modes are planned in upcoming updates. Features: Crafting with a huge variety of items (from clothing to a flaming sword) Varied interior for the shelter Resource extraction (from wood to rare minerals) Wild animal hunting Interesting story Huge amount of quests and riddles Mini-games Trade with NPCs Clans (in development) Cooperative (under development) Unlimited loot Detective investigations
In cooperative mode, we plan to complete quests and raids on bosses together. We also plan to add PvP Arena, so players can find out who's the coolest! In the future, if you like the co-op or PvP mode, then we will try to make an MMO mode.
Survival on the island is not easy. You have to build yourself a shelter. Waves of zombies will keep you up, breaking down the walls of your house. Other players will raid your hideout. You will have the opportunity to get revenge on the players who robbed you.
Mine resources to craft new weapons and armor. Explore the military bunker, which hides a lot of loot, but also many traps.
You'll encounter bosses that can only be killed in special ways described in quests and notes scattered around the islands.
💌 COPYRIGHT MATTERS & PAID PROMOTION Email [email protected]
#gameplay #newgame #newmobilegame #mobilegaming #android #gaming #gamingmobile #androidgameplay #apk #games #videogames #gamedevelopment #mobilegame #gamedev #indiegames #indiedev #gamedesign #videogaming #gamer #androidgames #newgames
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