#I think if you tried this on my colleagues they would immediately and happily rebrand it as
postoctobrist · 2 years
Of the people who attended the WTYP live show, ten will get covid. Good news, statistically speaking, none will die. Two of them will get permanent neurological damage from it, but you probably don't believe that's real.
Bad news, with the current r0, they will infect thirty more people, who will in turn infect ninety more. That's 140 cases, 30 long covids, ten hospitalizations (it's mild!), two deaths and a nonzero chance of a new, deadlier variant. Additionally, all of these people's immune systems will be damaged (death of naive lymphocytes), some permanently especially the older people.
But at least, you got to read the Wikipedia article about molasses, so who's to say if that's good or bad, etc.
I mean, we could print this out and put it on the door and see if anyone changes their mind about coming in, but I think most people kind of know there are risks, whether they trust your numbers or not. I think maybe you just have to file that under shitty background environmental risk rather than tracing every covid case back to which specific bastard was inconsiderate enough to have a social interaction. That’s an (ironically) unhealthy view of risk and of disease, I suggest
Anyway, molasses (/məˈlæsɪz, moʊ-/) is a viscous substance resulting from refining sugarcane or sugar beets into sugar. Molasses varies in the amount of sugar, method of extraction and age of the plant. Sugarcane molasses is primarily used to sweeten and flavour foods. Molasses is a major constituent of fine commercial brown sugar. It is also one of the primary ingredients used to distill rum.
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