#I think FS Sephiroth needs his own banner now lol\\
ghostofnibelheim · 6 months
Sephiroth do you have a bucket list of things you want to do if you get fired?
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Until recently, this kind of question would have been brushed off so quickly. Sephiroth, fired from ShinRa? It didn't sound plausible. There was nothing outside of serving the company that the boy knew.
For this reason, he had never contemplated that possibility. But now, due to... certain developments... it was a thought that crossed his mind if only as wishful thinking. A fantasy that no doubt would be choked and extinguished like a flame beneath the heel of R&D leather shoes.
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"Do people really make wishlists like this for something like that?" He was under the impression that getting fired was something bad and that should be avoided. He'd definitely noticed upset on the faces of Hojo's assistants when the man's patience ran thin. But then again, not being SOLDIER would mean...
To be free to do as he wanted. But what was it that Sephiroth wanted? A normal life was easy to say, but impossible to imagine or even describe in less generic detail. Maybe he didn't even really know what that meant. Better find other answers.
"... There's a lot of books from Professor Gast I have yet to read. I'd like to complete my collection of his bibliography." It was the first thing that came to mind. Sephiroth had picked up reading as a pastime in the ShinRa facilities; all of his books were carefully cherry-picked by his guardians, but it was how he'd come to know the name of Hojo's predecessor. His admiration of him ran deep.
"Maybe I could be a biologist like him. I know that requires a lot of studying, but I don't mind that."
And on the crest of that thought, another thing came to mind. Like little links on a chain, his wants were coming to the surface more clearly now.
"I'd like to own a tree, and build a tree house on top of it." Was he getting too old to live in a tree house? What place grew the biggest and strongest trees?
"I would like to travel... and find out where I am from. If I have a hometown somewhere, and relatives." He knew who to blame for this particular wish now. The thought of siblings, aunts and grandparents had never occurred to him until a certain passive model hadn't put the bug in his ear.
What else? Perhaps one more thing, the most childish of all.
"And... I want to swear in front of someone."
Because he had absolutely already tried it by himself. In secret. Just to hear his own voice say it. But nobody needed to know this.
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