#I remember when we have skyped and all the times we have laughed together
kisses4tom · 8 months
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He would kiss you/make out with you anywhere
Sits you on his laps
Neck kisses
Dirty talk in public 🫢
Long comforting hugs
He would look for you in the crowd during concerts
He would look at you while playing "Leb Die Sekunde" (iykyk 😉🎸)
Flirts with you 24/7
Is always on the move because of tour so you're almost never together, but he would Skype you at any chance he gets (I remember you we're in the 2000's!)
Fill you with compliments everytime
He would give you his jacket if you're cold
Soft silly spot just for you (😩)
He would flip off the paparazzi if he catches them say something mean to or about you
He would remind you everyday not to listen to the obsessed fans who give you hate for being his girlfriend
He would do the thumb thingy when holding hands or cuddling
He loves having you wrapped in his arms
Always checking you out
He would let you borrow anything you want
Would praise you during interviews or when talking with the band out of the blue
You both would have special pet names for eachother (nothing too corny)
Frequent sex 🫣
Would bring you on tour with him whenever he can
Dates are not very frequent, but you do love watching movies while cuddling in bed
If you have exes, he hates all of them 🥰 simple as that
At times he would joke about how he's so much better than your exes (bro that's no joke that's the truth)
He would kiss you before every concert as a good luck ritual
Would ask you to reward him after a concert or award show etc
Random car rides in the middle of the night with no final destination as you're listening to music and laughing
Not excessively, but he's a jealous guy (he said it himself in an interview 🤭)
Would smirk at you a lot
He would kiss you while you're on his laps
Dirty whispers in public to tease you
He would disapprove of your outfit if it's too revealing even if he loves it
He would get nervous when making eye contact
He's actually kind of shy at times but likes to throw himself out there
He's the big spoon
He loves exchanging nudes (ofc)
If he sees you with a baby he wouldn't stop smiling and saying you would be a great mommy
(idrk about this one but I thought about it and now I can't stop laughing 😭) he would say "smash" everytime you change clothing 😭
He would teach you guitar
Let's you style his hair in funny ways
He would warm your hands if they're cold (spoiler alert: he would put them in his pants or pockets)
He would randomly chase you around 'cause why not
Always tickling you
We would pick you up bride style whenever you're tired of walking or mention the slightest of fatigue
You both use sarcasm and dark humor to communicate a lot
He would smack your ass when you're going up the stairs or whenever he has the chance with no shame whatsoever
He would buy you lingerie to wear 🫣
Eye fucking you a lot
He would put his hand oh your tight when driving or sitting at a table
He would make fun of your height
He would let you win at arcade games or board games just to see you happy
He'd do anything to get lucky. And I mean ANYTHING
He would do anything to see you happy
find me a man like Tom Kaulitz
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khodorkovskaya · 1 year
watched my mum's homevideos yesterday and omg
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maybe my grandparents did love each other, despite what my grandma claims..? bc every day she's like "thank god i don't have a man" or "my retirement wouldve been miserable if he was still alive". but they looked so happy in those videos! idk i feel like everyone's been super unfair to my grandpa bc he was ill by the end of his life and it was literally not his fault he went crazy like he had a medical problem. yes, okay, he did try to kill my grandma and my auntie with an axe, but it's sad that it's the only thing he's remembered for! and i don't think he was an alcoholic like my grandma claims. on all videos they took shots together and my mum said that he never drank in the house. i think he was just depressed and homesick and no one loved him and that's why he was miserable by the end of his life. i would've definitely vibed with him, i know it!
but yeah the videos were mostly of lviv. and they made me homesick even tho ive never been to lviv. but seeing my greatgrandma and all of those distant relatives ive never met made me feel this kind of longing for a time ive never experienced. everyone was always smiling and laughing and they all looked so happy. and beautiful. and i love how back in the day women wore those little babushka headscarves, i want to start wearing one too.
it's a shame that there is no audio bc there are many videos of my greatgrandmother singing and my mum said that ukrainian singing is the most beautiful thing in the world. and i would've loved to hear it. it's sad to imagine that so many folk songs and traditions have probably been lost.
there was also a video of my other greatgrandma's funeral. she was married off to a man 10+ years her senior and had 10 children. she was illiterate. and she died at 68. i wonder what she was like.
and on the video you see all of her children. and now the only one left is my grandma, the rest have passed away long ago. both her sons went to jail, one of them commited suicide and the other killed his wife. the son of the one who killed his wife is on the videos too, there's a video of his wedding. he worked with khodorkovsky and fled to lithuania after the whole yukos case thing. he's in his 70s now.
another woman from the videos i would've loved to meet was auntie nadia. she looked so wonderful! my own auntie went to visit lviv for the first time in like 30 years in 2013. and she saw auntie nadia and she was like 76 and had trouble walking. i hope she's still alive. she looked so wonderful! she couldn't have children of her own, so she took care of all the neighbourhood kids and everyone loved her, she was so lovely.
but yeah, time is weird. it's even weird to think that my greatgrandmother had a name, you know? idk how to explain it, but we're so used to our ancestors just being our ancestors that it's weird to imagine that they had all these whole lives of their own with their own friends and ups and downs and memories and dreams. like my greatgrandmother was called pani yankevichova (no idea how that would be spelled in polish sorry) or anastasia grigorievna or maybe she even had a nickname, who knows. and my other greatgrandmother was called arina but apparently that wasn't russian enough so her passport name was irina. and her husband called her arisha. i wonder how she felt constantly being pregnant and living in poverty...
even my own grandma, i dont really know know her. like yes, she's my grandmother and we used to be very close before she got really old and started having memory issues. i used to call her every day when id come home from school, we would skype for hours, she was my best friend. but seeing her on those videos of when she was in her 30s is like wow who is that? and seeing all of them hanging out in lviv and singing and dancing and hugging each other and drinking together and omg there were some clips of them eating what i think is pierogi/pelmeni/vareniki..? everything is in black and white but yummmm. my mum always told me that her lviv grandma's food was delish. but yeah, i would've loved to time travel to meet all of them. </3
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abbatoirablaze · 1 year
How To Get Away With Murder, Chapter 1
Word Count:  2.6k
Warnings: mentions of attempted murder, angst.
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"Happy birthday to you!” my mom sang over Skype.  She gave me a sad smile as she finished her off-key rendition of Happy birthday, “god…I miss you so much honey…has your mom and Sam taken you out yet for your birthday dinner?”
“Not yet…Sam’s with another client,” I shrugged, rolling my eyes.  She sighed and I felt bad about choosing to spend this birthday with my mom and her husband, “it’s okay mom…I told them it was fine.  Sam said that it was an important case…one that he had to pull mom into too!”
“They should be treating you to the most expensive dinner in town with the biggest cake that college town can muster.”
“Mom it’s fine.”
“You wait until I get you home in New York,” she teased, a playful smile on her face, “it’s been too long and I need my little Chey!”
“I miss you too mom,” I admitted with a frown, “it’s not the same when you and mom aren’t in the same room as me during my birthday…it’s weird that she wants Sam to be a part of it.”
“Your father is a part of your life too, Cheyanne.”
“I have two moms…not two moms and a dad.”
"Well, your mom and I talked last night…and that was one of the topics,” she sighed.  I leaned my face against my chin, knowing the words that would come out of her mouth already, “he’s trying to be in your life, Cheyanne…and he’s been there since you were a little itty bitty…”
“But you and mom had me…”
“He’s just as much your father as I am your mother!”
“I’m just saying give him a chance…okay?” she asked gently, cutting me off, “you know that he does try…”
“I know…”
“Good,” she smiled, happy that I agreed with her, “now to the important information.  I have to finish up a court case this evening, so you are going to the jail with them while your father does an evaluation on this ‘important case’.  Then later tonight they are going to have you pack your bag.  You are going to stay with me for a few days.  From their words, you’ll be taking the red eye, and I’ll take you out to breakfast at our favorite diner!  Rita’s French toast with cinnamon and the biggest milkshake you can guzzle down!"
I wasn't able to contain my grin, "Really?  Are you  being serious?"
"Yeah.  Just remember missy.  No funny business though when you go with your parents to the jail,” she smirked, shooting me a look, “I know how you like to look in on cases.  Just bring a book or some schoolwork.  Don’t get involved!"
"Hey, I get my nosiness from my moms," I laughed, sticking my tongue out at her, "You guys should be happy I have the same interests as you!"
Her smile got wider, "you’re not wrong on that front.  God, I just can't wait this day to be over and for me to hold my baby girl in my arms.  I bet you've gotten so big from the last time I saw you."
"It has been a year," I sighed, thinking about the last time I got to see her.  That's when mom's smile faded, “hey…you’ve been busy.  I get that.”
"I know honey.  I'm sorry.  I've had a lot of cases come up and your mother and I just couldn't fit our schedules together.  Add Sam’s schedule to that and it feels like a real puzzle that none of us seem to be able to figure out."
"I understand."
"Cheyanne," my mother called out, coming from the kitchen.  I looked up from the laptop, "We have to leave.  Say goodbye to your mom for now!"
"Alright mom."
I looked back down at the laptop where my other mother's face was slightly saddened.  I could see that she wanted the call to last longer, "It's okay honey.  I'll see you soon.  And then breakfast and back to the apartment where I’m going to get all my Chey cuddles in while we fall asleep to Disney movies."
"God that sounds perfect mom…I love you."
"I love you too honey.  Be good and fly safe…" she whispered.  Then the screen went black.  She'd hung up.  I closed the laptop and went into the kitchen.
"Did you have a good talk with Eve?"
“How’s your mother?” mom asked, “did she fill you in on the plan?”
"Yeah mom," I sighed, ignoring Sam’s question.  I turned my attention to my mom, "she’s good…told me that I’m taking the red eye and I’ll be home before breakfast.  I can't wait to see her.  It’s been a whole year.”  
“It has been a while!” she admitted. 
I looked up at her and she was busying herself with packing her briefcase, “You know, she asks about you all the time now…"
"Eve’s always curious about something."
I shot a glare at Sam, but he didn’t seem to notice.  But I didn’t take kindly to his comment, “you know, mom…you could always come back with me for a few days…I miss celebrating my birthday with both of you!”
“I wish I could spend more time with you honey,” she replied sadly.  Her hand stroked my cheek and I leaned into it, “but these cases are throwing me into the dirt and kicking my ass…that’s why your mother’s taking you.  She’s working on a few appeals for some cases, but it’s nothing that’s major.  She’ll be able to spend more time with you.”
"So, what's on the agenda for the day?" I asked, trying to change topic.  She gave me a sad look, knowing that my defense mechanism was to change topics when she brought up just how little time we spent together.
"Well, your father has been evaluating this boy, he's been in the juvenile holding facility since he was 13.  The case is an attempted homicide, but his parents say it was an accident.  Happened at the family's auto body shop."
"Then why is he in jail?"
She shrugged as we closed the back door and locked it, walking out to the car.  I got in the passenger's seat, and we headed off to the holding center where they had this kid.
"Tell me more about the case?"
“You sure?” she asked.  I nodded and she started recounting the facts out loud.  Sam gave her a look but she only shrugged, “what could it hurt, Sam?”
“She doesn’t really care about the case…”
“No…I do,” I admitted, curious as to what was so important that it negated me really having any sort of birthday celebration other than a low-key lunch where mom and I had snuck away from the house, before Sam called us back, “what’s it about?  Why’s this kid stuck in a holding center if it was an accident?”
“Fine, go ahead and tell her!” Sam grumbled.
Mom smiled, "Alright lets put your chops to the test.  The kid’s name is Frank Delfino, currently 20 years old.  Like I said before, the crime took place about seven years ago when he was at the family's auto body shop.  He was helping out his dad.  He dropped a car on his father and crippled him.  The formal charge is attempted murder.  His family is advocating that he be released and that it was an accident."
"So why is he still in jail?"
"He had a list of moronic crimes he committed while incarcerated.  Sexual harassment of a female guard, instigating fights.  He does this right before his hearings.  He's also never openly told the board he is remorseful for his crime," she said, informing me of the details, "So, what would be your angle here?  If you were in my shoes, what would you do to get him out of jail?"
"The family is advocating for him?"
"Yes," she responded quickly, “but I told you that fact already.  Stop stalling!  What would your angle be?”
"What did dad’s evaluation say?" I asked.  She raised her brow at me and for a moment there was a small smile on Sam’s lip.  I knew that calling him dad would shock both of them, as it wasn’t something I tended to do.  But it put both of them in a good mood as I tried to think of something, “did he do a full evaluation yet?”
"Your father thinks he was abused.  But you can't use that defence since his family is advocating for him so directly. "
"Call it teenage angst, and a mistake?"
"He admits that it wasn't an accident,” she pointed out, “that sounded more like a question itself than an answer…do you have a real angle or are you just pulling my leg, Cheyanne?”
"Then tell the truth.  Say he is remorseful for his crime and that he understands it was just an angry teenage mindset.  Thought the world was unfair to him.  His family is poor, right?  Say that he resented his father, but he sees that he made a mistake and that he is glad his father isn't gone."
"That's what I was thinking," she admitted after a moment of watching me, "But things can change after meeting with a client.  Your father really likes him though.  He thinks he’s a good kid.  We’ll see if we need to adjust our thoughts when we talk to him."
The rest of the ride was relatively silent.  As was the checking in process.  My mom told them I was her assistant, so they let me in.  When I got to the viewing room, I Sam had already made himself comfortable in the room.  Him and an officer were standing, pacing about.  The man was on the other side of the glass.
"This him?"
He nodded, "he's not a bad kid, Cheyanne."
I looked in the window.  His face was calm, but he looked confused. His shaggy brown hair just barely hung in his face.  I sat down in the chair on the other side of the glass, but even from where I sat, I could see his clear blue eyes. 
I could tell he was annoying my mom the second she walked in because soon she was being very direct with him.  She was asking about his more recent crimes and how they coincided with his parole.  She called him a moron and walked out of the room.  In seconds she was in the room I was in, arguing with Sam.  She didn't want to take his case. 
"Let me go talk to him!”  Sam offered.  She shrugged him off and sat down next to me.  He left to go see him.  Frank had his head in his hands when he walked in.
"What do you think?" mom asked me.
I looked at her, "I think you should take it."
"Really?" she asked.  An eyebrow raised, "Why's that?"
"He's not a moron, for one.  He caught on that you were pregnant and even Sam doesn't know that.  I also think that there is more to him than meets the eyes."
"It wasn't an accident," Frank said through tears.  We were broken from our little conference in a moment.  We both turned towards the glass, watching Sam and Frank talk, "I'd been planning it for weeks.  Waited for the perfect moment.  Looked forward to it.  When it was over and when he was under that car, screaming like an animal in a trap...my only thought was 'You idiot, Frank.  You couldn't even kill him right."
“Holy shit!” mom muttered, “there is more than meets the eye.”
"And that's why." I said, standing up, "You get him to say that in front of the board...and you get Sam to talk about how he thinks Frank is afraid.  That's what will get him out, mom."
She nodded, "I think you're right."
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"You are really going to take his case?" Sam asked over dinner. 
Mom nodded, "Yeah...and you can thank your daughter."
"Mom," I asked, batting my eyes at her as I picked at my takeout box, "Me and dad were talking.  When you get him out, you should hire him as your assistant."
"Oh hell no.  I will not let him work for me!"
"But why?"
"Honey," she said, reaching across the table and taking my hand, "some things...well some things are above what you can understand.  I know your father and I treat you like one of our interns, but you are our daughter.  And sometimes we forget that you are only 15. You shouldn’t have even been at the holding facility today, let alone know the facts about the case."
"I'm adult enough to understand," I said, pulling my hand away from hers, “you guys let me in on it all the time!”
"Cheyanne," she pleaded.  I shook my head and pulled back in my chair, "Cheyanne, you can't begin to und-"
"Mom I understand it just fine.  You won't give him a chance," I said standing out of my chair, "How ironic is it that you are willing to help him get out of jail, but you won't help him better his life?  Frank really needs you mom.  He needs us."
"Did your father put you up to this?" Annalise demanded, standing up.
"No.  I came up with this thought all by myself.  Believe it or not, I understand 'adult concepts' even though I'm a child," I said, doing air quotations around 'adult concepts', "But clearly that doesn't matter.  My opinions only matter when it's hypothetical, not a real opportunity."
I stormed out of the kitchen and up the stairs.
"Cheyanne," my mom yelled behind me, "Don't you dare slam that door."
I ignored her, slamming my door behind me.   Then I grabbed my luggage and started packing my bag.  I could hear my parents arguing downstairs about Frank.  A little while later, the stairs creaked, and I heard knocking on my door. 
"Can I come in?" Sam asked, barely opening the door. 
"Yeah," I shrugged, "I guess."
He walked into my room and closed the door, then sat down on the bed, "You know your mom didn't mean what she said."
"Yes she did," I said, continuing to pack my bag, "She doesn't respect my opinion.  And that is okay.  Eve respects my opinions.  At least I have one mom that treats me as something more than a child."
"Cheyanne, he said, putting an arm around me, "Your mom respects your opinion.  She asks you all the time.  This time you two just aren't on the same page."
"Maybe, but mom is making the wrong decision."
"Well, you will be happy to know, she said she'll hire Frank on as her assistant if he gets released.  And I've already talked to the board.  They've agreed that if he is remorseful and agrees to the conditions, they'll release him."
"Really," he smiled, "You did it kiddo."
I sat on the bed and hugged him, "Thank you so much dad."
"Alright," he laughed, "You get yourself some sleep.  We drop you off at the airport pretty early and if all goes well by the time you get back, he'll be staying here too!"
"Well, that was another condition.  I told your mother that we had to let him live with us.  Based on how his relationship with his father is, I want to also do some therapy with him.  That way he gets back on his feet, earns money to help pay off some of his father's medical bills, and he gets better."
I smiled, "Thank you dad…you and mom are probably changing his life more than you know…it’s going to really help him."
"No, kiddo," he said, as he pulled back the covers for me.  I got tucked in and he kissed my forehead, "Thank you."
Chapter 2
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brainlesspen · 1 year
Coherence (2013) Ending Explained
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Coherence (2013) is an American surreal science fiction psychological thriller film directed by James Ward Byrkit. It stars Emily Foxler as a lead.
Coherence (2013) Ending Explained and Plot Story in Details
* * * Spoiler Alert – If you haven’t seen the movie yet, turn back now! * * * Emily is talking with Kevin over the phone; Kevin says he was in a lawyer's bar. Suddenly Em doesn't get any sound from the other side, and her phone gets cracked by itself. Eight friends reunite in North California in the house of the spouse Mike and Lee. Beth has been having cleansing for 21 days. Cleansing means not having unhealthy foods like carbs, junk foods, drinks, or drugs. Em comes and says hello to everyone and tells them whatever happened to her. Kevin was talking about Miller's Comet, and suddenly, the phone cracked.  They assume maybe she dropped it. She says I was holding my phone, and suddenly it's cracked. Beth asks if anyone knows that Laurie is coming. Em says she didn't know. Then Kevin and Hugh enter and say hi to everyone. Kevin and Em are talking about booking some hotel or something. Em isn't sure yet about that. At that time, Laurie and Amir come. After Laurie comes, Kevin is totally changed; he opens up his scarf and tries to be a nice gentleman. They all sit for dinner, and Hugh asks if the network is still down. One of them says, maybe the tower is down. Em says not a tower thing; it's a big news story. In Finland in 1923, a comet passing incident happened, named Miller's Comet. It was actually crazy because when it happened, it affected people. After it passed, they would get lost. They would end up in the wrong home; they would forget things. They wouldn't really know where they were. She remembers reading about this one woman who called the police and said that the man in her house was not her husband. And then the police came over, saying that this was her husband. She said negatively that this was not her husband because she had killed her husband the previous day. But the police couldn't arrest her because he was before them. Then Lee tells about something Hailey's comet. Beth says there is a secret door in Lee's house. You put a picture of someone, and then it will give you some weird energy flow. Hugh asks when the last time we were all together was before Thanksgiving. Most of them were there.  Laurie asks Mike what does he do recently. He says he is helping his wife's skyping career. But he is an actor, actually. He was on the show Roswell. But Laurie can't recognize him even if it was her favorite show. She says actors on tv and actors face to-face is different. She asks Em. Em says she had a dance group, and she created it, but right before the premiere, they brought in Svetlana Aserrano. She is the best in the world. So Em got replaced. Laurie is such an uncivilized girl that she doesn't even know how to react when people say their sad stories. She says you hear these things that people are being shut out of something they created. It's terrible. Then Emily says that's not the case; I needed to hold on to the understudying. Because the girl who got the desired part was a dancer way worse than Em. Then everyone was telling a different story. Kevin starts telling a story in such a way that somebody is gonna die. They all laugh about it. Then Hugh notices his phone screen is shattered like Em. No one's phone has a network. But no one understands anything because their phone is in another room. Hugh suggests checking the computer. Amir goes to the other room. He returns and says there is no internet. Mike can't believe it. He asks how there could be no internet. Hugh needs to make a call to his brother because he said that if the comet passes and you see anything weird happen, then he requested to make a call to him. Beth asks why you didn't tell me. Hugh says because he didn't want to freak them out. Then suddenly, the lights go out. The electricity is gone. They go out to enjoy the load-shedding. Then they observe the beauty of the comet passing. One thing that Mike notice is weird, which is everything is dark outside except one house. Everyone thinks maybe they have a generator. They feel hopeful to see another lightened house. Hugh needs to make a call, so he decides to go to the house if they have phones. He goes with Amir avoiding his wife's inhibition. Everyone else is waiting for them, ten minutes passes but they don't come. Suddenly they hear a bang outside the door. After checking, they find no one outside. After a while, Hugh and Amir return. Hugh is a little bit wounded in the head, and Amir is with a box. Mike open the box. Everyone's picture is in the box. Every photo holds a number behind it. They need help understanding what that means. Hugh says he goes there and sees eight people sitting in a chair, and they look exactly like them. But Hugh asks Amir why he took that box. Hugh decides to go there again and will ask them for help. Everyone denies it, but he decides to do it. Hugh makes a note, writing, 'Hey…is anyone here?...I need to make a call… At that moment, someone bangs at the door. Kevin goes and says, 'Oh my god… he is really big guy'. Kevin opens the door and gets a note. Seeing the note, everyone falls from the sky. That note looks exactly like Hugh's note. Beth is aiding Hugh. Everyone else is examining the numbers of the pictures. They are thinking, who can do this? Amir suddenly notices the picture of him was taken tonight because he bought the sweater tonight. Laurie is wondering if any one of them is doing this purposely.  Em notices the number written behind the pictures, which is written by her. This is her handwriting. Kevin and Em don't understand anything. Em says they have so many memories together, but at the table, he shared a memory with Laurie. Em says she is not enough for him. Kevin tries to make her understand. On the other hand, they decide to go outside and see themselves with their own eyes. Em, Mike, Kevin, and Laurie go outside. They walk along the road towards the house. Mike says this is his house. He goes near the house, but everyone else says it's not his house; they pull him towards them and walk to their house. On the way back, they see four people exactly looking like them. They run to their home and tell everyone else what happened. Beth says Brian left a book in the back of the car. Hugh brings it. There is written something about quantum physics. That physics is saying they should not contact the other group of people. If they do that, it will be harmful to them. Em says, but they gave them the box. They kept the pictures for us. Amir says that box is not meant for us. We invade their territory. Quantum physics says decoherence keeps us separate. One of them says we have already broken the rule of decoherence. They will collapse on us at any moment. Before that, I am gonna collapse on them. Mike says he will go over there and kill them. Kevin tells Mike that if he does that, he will kill himself. They ask If he goes there what he is gonna see. But Mike says he saw different four. They were different four. They were Hugh, Lee, and Amir. If, in this reality, Lee is napping. Maybe in that reality, Beth is napping. So in that reality, they are not having this conversation. So they don't have the book. We can prevent the collapse if we take the book from their car, but Hugh doesn't want to give the keys. Mike gets pissed off. He makes a plan. He is gonna go there and blackmail Mike with a secret he doesn't want to reveal. Kevin says it's the worst idea. Lee gets up from a nap and says, after taking the drink. She felt a little sleepy. Then Em asks Beth if she put the drug in everyone's food. Everyone gets persuaded by the thought that Beth has done it. But Beth says a person has to drink a whole bottle if anyone wants to be paranoid. I have only put a few drops because she asked for them. In the meantime, the other Hugh and Amir have taken all the photos and boxes to return them. Mike comes into the house, and Kevin asks him where he went. He said to blackmail him, and I dropped the letter, but it freaked me out. Kevin says he has gone for 5 minutes, but Mike says he was gone for 45 minutes. Kevin doesn't believe that.  Mike starts to drink, and everyone comes down and sees the box, and the book is not there. They want to bring the book, and they return the box, but now they take everything. That means they were different from the person who left. They are different. After that, Kevin and Laurie talk in the hallway, and they kiss at some point. Beth sees that and tells it to Em. Em asks Kevin, and he ignores her. Suddenly they hear a sound and get outside to see what is happening. They see the car's glass is broken. Em finds a ring in the car, and it is given by Kevin. She wants to keep it on her finger. She asks Kevin if everything is okay. Kavin says everything is okay, and they hug each other. But after some time, she realized it was not real, Kevin. Mike brings Em some pictures to cut them off; therefore, they are fake, too, not the real ones. Beth injects some Ketamine into the drink of Lee. Beth is fake, too, but everyone is acting like they are the real ones. After some time, Amir and Hugh return. Everyone thinks they are the real one and hug them. They are finally all together. But they show the previous reason to go outside. When they were first outside. Everyone thinks everything is okay now. The problem is finally solved. But Mike creates a problem. Mike asks how we are sure they are real. Mike then reveals the truth that he slept with his wife. Hugh says his wife never slept with his best friend. But in real life, Mike slept with his best friend. Hugh attacks him. Between these problems, Em gets outside of the house. She knows the real Kevin doesn't love her anymore. So she needs to find her lover Kevin who she has got to meet outside the car. She looks at every house. There is happening different story in every different house. She eventually finds that house kills Em, and takes the place of that Em.
What happened in the story of Coherence (2013)?
The comet reaction is portrayed in the movie. The Miller's Comet is so close to our earth right now. So it affects the people. It makes people see people exactly looking like them. So everyone is experiencing confusing incidents. No one recognizes recognizing anyone. It's not a time loop. It's a whole bunch of different stories of the same group of people.
What is the Decoherence theory?
Decoherence theory is an idea in quantum physics that explains why tiny particles can act in strange ways but larger things, like everyday objects, behave normally. When small particles interact with their surroundings, they lose their weird behavior and start following the usual rules we see in our everyday world. This mathematical quantum theory helps us understand why quantum effects are usually invisible in our daily lives and is essential for developing technologies like quantum computers. Suppose a cat is in a box. It has a fifty-fifty chance of living. Because there is a vial of poison that is also in the box. So, regular Physics would say that it is one or the other. The cat is either alive or dead. But Brian would argue that quantum physics says that both realities exist simultaneously. It is only when you open the box that they collapse into a single event. Quantum decoherence ensures that the different outcomes have no interaction with each other. In the movie Coherence (2013), decoherence is portrayed as a science fiction concept linked to a passing comet's unique radiation. This radiation causes multiple parallel realities to overlap, leading to the coexistence of different versions of the characters from alternate timelines. As they interact with their alternate selves and face reality-twisting experiences, the boundaries between these parallel realities become increasingly blurred. Although the film takes creative liberties, it loosely draws inspiration from the real-world scientific concept of decoherence in quantum mechanics, where a quantum system loses its coherence when interacting with its environment. "Coherence" offers a mind-bending narrative that explores these ideas in a fictional setting.
What was the story of Kevin at the table?
Kevin and Laurie went out for drinking. They were drinking way too much of a bar. He passed out and started dreaming. This big black bear was up for its hind legs, sort of mauling him. Slowly. Tenderly. Anyhow they go to some party in Santa Cruz, and as they walk in, this huge dog comes running at him. He jumps up on its hind legs and starts pawing him exactly like a dream. And this guy yelled, 'Bear, get down, Bear.' Whatever happens, in the world, that can be passing a comet, collapsing the hills even destroying the whole world, people want to be loved by their loved ones.
Original Title: Coherence Genre: Horror/ Sci-fi Runtime: 1hr 29min Original Language: English Directed by James Ward Byrkit Written by James Ward Byrkit, Alex Manugian Release date: August 06, 2014 (United States) Origin Country: United States Read the full article
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kingbabynyc · 2 years
being 20 and vulnerable
tw// sexual assault and partner abuse
i met eric adiele (sporting life) when i was 20 at a party at market in the summer of 2019. at the time my friend ella was working with him so he hung out with us. after awhile of all of us chilling he wanted to go be alone w me on the roof and people watch. we had a good time honestly, just talking about anything and looking at the people passing by below us. we walked back inside and he brought me to this room. immediately as he closed the door he kinda pushed me down and took his pants off. honestly i was probably gonna do it anyway but like in retrospect i didn’t have much say in the matter. moreso it just happened and i figured i was gonna do it anyway so ya. we spent the rest of that night with whoever was still there just hanging out and stuff. this was the start of like a year long ordeal that was incredibly traumatic.
after that night, we made plans to hang out. we would see each other about once or twice a week. go thrifting. eat food. take walks. i would hang out with him while he made music. and have sex. i spent that whole summer just hanging out around the city with him and it was really fun. except when he would assault me.
the first time it happened was at market. market was this apartment in the two bridges’ neighborhood. the apartment was where a lot of underground nyc musicians and artists would stay and make art. it honestly was such a disgusting place, physically and emotionally. as soon as i walked in, he kissed me and we started making out and eventually that lead to us having sex. it was a really hot nyc day and the room we were in had no ac so he wanted us to shower together before heading out. we took a shower tg. afterwards we had sex again in the bathroom. i figured he was having sex with others during this time so we used condoms. but when we were having sex in the bathroom, i noticed he took it off. he was behind me and i was unclear as to what he was doing. but i remember seeing him take something off and his penis feeling different.
i talked to my friends about it. they all were like that’s super weird and you should talk to him about it. one of my friends said something about it being assault but i didn’t think of it like that. honestly, i figured eventually we would stop using condoms so like it wasn’t that big of a deal. ofc hindsight is 20/20.
the next time i saw him, i was in the mindset that i would talk to him about it. but then i got really scared and nervous. i grew up in a home where there was arguments nearly every night. there was a lot of yelling and screaming so i really wanted to avoid that. so i just never brought it up.
this would happen a few more times in the beginning until eventually i figured there was no point in using condoms anymore. in my head, i knew he was seeing other people but i figured he would use a condom with them. it was always hard to talk to him about more serious and emotionally intimate topics.
after that summer, i went to study abroad in nepal. while i was there i would stay in touch with him. we skyped every once in awhile and would dm on insta. we would say that we miss each other and all those cute things that couples say to each other.
i came back to nyc in dec. i was only going to be there for a month before heading to la to start my junior year of college. in that month we would have sleepovers all the time. he was staying at market still but whenever he wanted space from them, he would get an airbnb and we would spend nights together watching tv, laughing, and talking. we were still sleeping together and by this point not using condoms. this was the period of time when he would take out my phone in the middle of us having sex and video tape it. i don’t remember if i ever shared them with him. but i do remember deleting them, with the exception of a screenshot of a video, after we ended.
one night he got an airbnb between williamsburg and bushwick. off the morgan ave l stop. i remember it so well because i ended up living there after college. he usually got airbnbs in that area because he liked it so much, so living there was a constant reminder of him. but that night at the airbnb we were hanging out and watching tv together. we got hungry and he went out to get us some food. while he was out, he left his computer open. as the sneaky person i am, i went through his social media and texts. he was in so many girls’ dms and that really broke my heart. but i didn’t talk to him about it te childhood.
before going to la, i told him i wanted him to visit me. he didn’t make any promises but he said he would try. i knew that was the most i would get from him.
when i got to la, we were still chatting and texting. one day, before i was supposed to go to class, i get a text from him. he says he’s in la and sends me the address that he’s staying at. he doesn’t tell me how long he’s staying or what’s going on really. i skip my class and go see him. i go there and we immediately have sex. ive had an iud for awhile and this time he made a comment about how it would hurt him. i think insinuating that i get it removed. i spent the whole day with him in echo park. we did the whole romantic thing: walked around, went on the swan boats, people watched. we went back to his friend’s place that he was crashing at. for some reason, i had courage in that moment. and i wanted to ask him about something that was bothering me for awhile. i asked him how old he was. i asked him this once before and he said 28 or something. this time he said 31. clearly something was not adding up and he was lying. i told him that a few months ago he said he was 28. he started raising his voice at me; not too much but he had never spoken to me like that. i told him i googled him and it said he was 36. then it became a conversation about how his privacy was violated and what not. he said something along the lines of if u don’t believe me you can look at my passport. and i didn’t look at his passport. i just ended the conversation and went back to campus.
i knew he was older than me. in his 30s for sure but it was never something we talked about in the beginning. my friend ella told me he was in his mid 30s and a google search confirmed it. i was 20-21 when i was involved with him. something about being with someone older felt good; everyone would say i was really “mature” and “developed” so i figured i could handle it. sure he was smart, but i am smarter, or so i thought.
we continued to see each other after that. we kinda just ignored that conversation and never talked about it again.
then came february 25. i remember that date because i went to a yola concert that night with my friend eli and it was so much fun. i’m glad i went even though that afternoon was the most, i guess, obvious times eric assaulted me. i was too lazy to go to him so i told him to come to campus. we walked around mount fiji, got tacos, walked around york, and then went back to my room. it was a long day and i was tired, so i just wanted to watch some curb your enthusiasm and cuddle. the whole time we were cuddling he was trying to take my clothes off. he would lower my pants and i would put them back on. i told him i didn’t want to have sex. he insisted i give him head. i said no. but he kept asking and eventually i gave in. honestly, it felt like an out of body experience. i knew i was getting assaulted because it felt like the last time i was when i was 16. this thing was happening to my body but i wasn’t there or aware of it. i was somewhere else where i could not think of what was happening to me. he finished and we finished watching the show and he left. i think i cried after that. i almost didn’t go to the concert that night but i went and it was very lovely. thanks for making me go eli.
then covid hit. i came back from my spring break and had to pack everything up. i told eric i had to go back to nyc. he told me he wanted to spent my last night in la together. he came over while my roommate and our friend were watching a show. i went to the study room next door w him so that we could talk about something. i wanted to bring up the fact that i went through his phone and saw him talking to so many other girls. he told me some story about how he did that to his ex and whatever. he was really great at deflecting and manipulating conversations so that we never really addressed anything. but it felt like progress so i felt better. then i was walking out the door and then he grabbed me and closed the door and turned off the lights. he had sex w me. it was quick and then we joined my friends and watched tv. i think that was the only time he met any of my friends.
i went back to nyc and he was still in la. we would talk all the time. he said he missed me a lot. he talked about our wedding and getting married. we never said i love you but it was implied. eventually, around may or june, we talked about being in a relationship. i figured that maybe after quarantine when we were back in the same city together, we could.
a month later, my friend ella calls me. she says she has something she wanted to tell me about eric. she told me all these accounts of women that he assaulted. he did a lot of the same things that he did to me to them. and i knew he was a bad guy, but i thought that i was at least special. honestly, i didn’t really care about what he did to me. but i couldn’t be in a relationship with someone who did that to other people. that was really disgusting to me. so after awhile of ghosting him, we broke up. we didn’t speak again except for one time when i tried to confront him.
i think it took a long time for me to realize i was in an abusive relationship. even now it feels weird to thing about it as abusive even though it clearly was. im not sad over you honestly. im sad at the fact that i failed myself. i remember growing up and seeing dysfunctional/abusive relationships. hearing stories of wives getting beaten by their husbands. as a little child, i told myself i would never let that happen to me. but i did. and i don’t how to forgive myself for that honestly.
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carrotjiminie-blog · 8 years
❤️ Give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in "2017"! Be honest and send this to anyone who made u smile this year!
MEGAN A TRUE GEM IN MY LIFE where do i even begin,,,,,,,, I remember us first talking and getting to know each other, you were one of my first real friends on this site and allowed me to get out of my theoretical shell so for that i’ll always be thankful to you
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sheabuttahwrites · 2 years
in the Morning
story masterlist Shea Buttah Bakery Masterlist
My eyes came open, greeted by the sun spilling in through the curtains. And, for about a second, everything was all good. In my limited consciousness, last night didn't even happen. Hell, I didn't even remember who I was yet. After a good, deep stretch, I caught a glimpse of what I was wearing and it all hit me right in the gut. I grimaced through a yawn, capping it off with an aggravated groan as I sank deeper into the bed, pulling the covers over my head. Maybe I should've tried that shit last night. A full-on tantrum ensued with legs kicking and arms flailing. I was so pissed at myself, for a few reasons. For one, I had shown way too much interest. Especially in someone I hadn't even really met. The smiling and blushing were also very excessive. And the worst part; the part that shall not be called by name. Neither my guard nor my clothes had ever come down so easily. How did I let him do that to me?
I flung the covers back, but laid still in disbelief. I had to tell somebody. Somebody who wouldn't judge me had to hear this mess, and I knew the perfect person. So I made myself get up and I hopped in the shower, threw on some clothes, and headed right over to her place. 
I rang the bell and Koree answered the door, but I didn't get the smile I expected. “Hey, girl. Why you looking at me like that?”
She shook her head. “What’s up?” 
“I just wanted to come over. And I knew you wasn’t doing shit, sooo...” I walked in and she closed the door behind me. 
“Whatever,” she laughed. “You don’t know what the hell I was doing.” I just looked at her, waiting to hear how I was wrong and she smacked her lips. “Shut up.”
I hollered. “Oh, ok.” 
“Anyway, I was in the room. Just popped a bottle.”
“Oooh, I’m just in time. Let me go get my glass.” 
She laughed as I bounced my shoulders toward her kitchen. “Ok. I'm up in the room, though.”
“Aight.” The biggest wine glass she owned had always been my favorite, but I certainly needed it today. Luckily, it was right at the front of the first cabinet I checked. Almost like it knew I was coming. “What you watchin’?” When I walked into her bedroom she was sitting on the couch already having a sip. 
“Torturing myself with this ‘Delicious Miss Brown’ marathon.”
“Ooh, girl. Her food be looking so good.”
“Don't it?”
I dropped my bag on the couch before sitting down and putting my glass out to her. “You was getting ready to kill this whole bottle by yourself, huh?” I asked while she poured me up.
“And you know this.” 
I cackled, focusing on the TV as the commercials came to an end. “Ol’ drunk.”
“Mhm. So what you really come over here for?” 
Confused, I gave my attention right back to her. “What?”
“You never just pop up on people. I mean, you know you’re welcome here, but you always call or text first. So what’s going on?” 
She was right. I was strongly against unannounced visits. In fact, I hated them. But I was so out of it that it hadn't even dawned on me to hit her up first. I couldn't even try to lie. 
I groaned, taking my eyes down to my lap, then I chugged my entire glass of wine. When I held it toward her for a refill, her face let me know I was gonna have to explain myself.
“Girl! Start talking.” 
I smacked my lips and sat the empty glass on the end table. “Koree… I did something bad.”
“Bad how?”
“You know I was on Skype last night…”
“Oh lord.”
“Don't do that.”
“Ok, my bad.”
“Anyway. There was this guy. He had a nice pic, so I added him,” I said, hitting her with the calm before the storm. “I wasn’t even gonna call him, but he called me. And, girl, he was so damn fine…” 
I didn't mean to pause, but I was trying to get the rest of the story together without making myself sound as crazy as I felt. “We were just talking, kinda flirting a lil bit; you know, just having fun. But, girl, I was a smiling, blushing mess. The whole time!”
She frowned instantly, a deep wrinkle in her brow. “Um, what?”
“Yes! I don't know what the fuck was going on. I was acting a straight fool. But that’s not even the worst part.”
“Not at all. We were just playing around and I told him to take his shirt off. He did it, so I let the top of my robe fall, but I had on a bra.” I peeked over at her again and all I could see were eyes from behind her glass. “That’s when I just lost control.”
“Giiiirl,” she said, with a smirk before taking another sip of wine. “What happened?”
I took an incredibly deep breath, then I looked her right square in the eye. “...I took off my bra and the rest of the robe, and he watched me with my hand down my panties! Probably for a good ten, fifteen minutes!” 
“What?!” she yelled, almost jumping up from her seat. 
My face went down into my hands. “Girl, I spread eagle right in the damn camera. He talked me through it and everything.” 
“Sis! You didn't.” 
“I’m not even joking, Koree. I don’t know what happened. One minute we were just talking and the next, I was lying there titties out giving myself the business.” 
“Oh my god. Ever.”
I sat back, staring aimlessly, more unsure of myself than I had been in a while. “But then, like, I’m usually not ashamed of anything I choose to do.” 
“So why do I feel so weird?” I looked at her for an answer, but I knew she couldn't give me that. 
She shrugged. “I don't know, friend.”
I had to go back inward for that one. “I really gave somebody my coochie over the internet, though. When did I get this wild?” When I heard her trying to stifle laughter, I cut my eyes at her. “Really?”
“I’m sorry, girl, that's funny,” she said after letting it go. “But, look, you never have to see him again. It’s all good.”
“He lives in Ladera, sis.”
She was sitting back, going for another sip, when her eyes popped open. “Shut up.”
“And I’ve never seen him around. Watch I start seeing his ass everywhere now.” I rolled my eyes just imagining him popping up on me in Trader Joe’s or something. 
“This is some TV shit. So what happened after the, you know?”
“That post nut clarity hit and I slammed my laptop down so fast.”
“Just own it, sis. It happened, you can’t take it back, and I’m assuming you enjoyed yourself while it was happening. If you don't like how it made you feel afterward, just try not to do it again.”
I laid my head back on the chair and closed my eyes, groaning loudly to the ceiling. 
“And, if you see him while you're out, you hold your head high. Remember, you decide what emotion you attach to things.”
Hold on. I checked myself immediately after hearing those words. I hushed the groans and unhid my eyes. “You know what, you right.” Then I sat up and looked over at her. She was nodding, as she should. “You are so right.”
“Now,” she laughed, “tell me what this man looks like, because I am so curious.”
“Oh, girl, he is gorgeous. I’m talkin’ the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my fucking life. Beautiful chocolate skin, deep sexy ass voice. With the biggest, brightest smile. Teeth, lips, everything on point.”
“Oh, shit. Ok!”
“You feel me? But, Koree, he’s also tall as fuck—six-three. He’s 32, has a full beard, and, sis, he’s fucking buff. I’m talking about…” I stopped to flex my arms out in front of me like a bodybuilder.
She laughed. “Ok. Now correct me if I’m wrong, but last time I checked, none of those were your ‘thing’,” she said, making air quotes with her fingers.
“Girl, I know, but that man is fine!”
“What happened to your baby-faced, regular-bodied youngins that you love so much?”
“First of all, don’t say it like I’m a pervert. I don’t mess with ‘youngins’, I mess with legal guys just slightly younger than me.”
“Yeah. That’s what I meant.”
“Shut up.” I reached over and nudged her arm, and we were cracking up for a minute. Then something amazing popped into my head. “Yo, he looks like he can pick my big ass up.”
“Oh my god, you weirdo. You claim to not like ‘em super built, but you’ve been talking about somebody picking you up for as long as I can remember. I love you, but ain't no skinny person ever gonna be able to pick you up, girl.”
I fell over in another fit of laughter, resting my head on her shoulder. “I know, right?”
“With your horny ass. You always on some freak shit, I swear.” That heffa pushed me off of her. We were both dying. 
“Excuse you. I am a perfectly normal, healthy young woman.” 
“Hey, I know you take good care of yourself. You just got caught up last night.”
“Did I ever. But playas fuck up sometimes, too.”
She was finishing up her glass and had to get a hand over her mouth. “Anyway. Are you ok now?” she asked, still laughing. “Because I could see the stress all over your face.”
“Oh, I’m much better. It gets a little crazier, though.”
“How could it possibly?”
“...I kinda wanna link.” I clenched my teeth in an uneasy smile, knowing I wouldn't get the best reaction. 
“What? Oh, hell nah. You thought you was trippin’ before, you trippin’ now.” She reached over for the wine bottle to pour herself another glass. I guess I was still on restriction.
“You ever seen somebody who just looks like they can fuck? Well, I’m tryna go find out.” 
“What happened to you getting yours? Why can’t you just call up one of your usuals? No need to be sexing potentially dangerous strangers.”
“You just don’t understand. He was the first thing on my mind when I woke up today. No lie”
“Hol’ up,” she said, giving me the full stink face. “Weren't you just worried about possibly seeing him out in public? When you were actively planning on being the one to initiate the next meeting.”
I shrugged. “Well, him popping up on the cereal aisle isn't the same as me going to see him.”
She sighed heavily, rolling her eyes. I know it came from a place of genuine concern for my well-being and, honestly, I appreciated it. But I just couldn't pass this up.
“So, when you plan on doing this?”
I left Koree’s a lot lighter than I’d arrived. Bless her for somehow always making me feel better no matter how crazy things got. The only thing weighing on me now was making the call to pin down my plans for the night. I was either about to invite the embarrassment back or prepare to get my back broke. And, honestly, the possibility of either was almost too much for me to handle right now. But I had taught myself to live without regrets, and leaving this one untried would surely haunt me. Probably for the rest of my days.
I grabbed my phone and went into the app store to search for Skype. My compromise was to leave his face out of the equation. I couldn't look at him again just yet. I logged on and began to scroll, hoping that by some stroke of luck he would be there. When I saw his lone name in my online contacts, a mischievous grin found its way onto my lips. I took a deep breath, ready to put myself out of this residual misery. 
“Wazzam? Didn’t think I was gon’ hear from you again.”
“I know. Sorry about leaving you hanging last night. Truthfully, I was kinda embarrassed.”
“Oh nah, it’s cool. I’m not trippin’ off that.” 
“Yeah. So don't even worry about it. We grown.”
I was smiling my ass off once again. Not only did I feel better about where I was about to take this conversation, but that voice. It hit even harder when I didn't have his face to distract me. “So, um, speaking of being grown, I obviously hit you up for a reason and I'm not usually one to beat around the bush.”
“I can appreciate that. What’s on your mind?”
“Well, I was just thinking that maybe, if it’s ok with you, we could get together tonight. That is if it’s not too short notice.”
“I didn't have any other plans, so I don't see why not.” 
“Ok, cool.”
“Yeah. So, what you wanna do? I know this dope restaurant we could hit if you down. I also know a nice lounge, a dessert spot, arcade. What you like?” 
I can't lie, my smile vanished after hearing him say that. “Um… I wanna be really upfront with you. And I’m apologizing in advance, in case I offend you.”
“All of this sounds so fun, and I would love to do it another time. But, tonight, I really would rather just chill at your place.”
“You must be tryna creep with a nigga or som’?” He joked, laughing right after.
I laughed with him, too tickled that this was his first thought. “Oh my god, no. There’s just something about you that has me extremely curious… about some of your abilities.” 
“And, really... I just wanna fuck.”
“Oh, shit. Um, ok… that could be arranged as well.” He chuckled and I knew I had caught him off guard. Though I was quite sure he was used to the pussy being thrown his way. Maybe just not via Skype.
“I don't mean to make you uncomfortable or anything, but I just gotta be honest. I want you.”
“Nah, you good. Closed mouth don’t get fed.” He laughed again and my goofy behind fell out, finally losing that last bit of apprehension.  
“Oh my goodness. So, anyway, I was thinking of maybe stopping through at around ten or eleven. Is that cool?”
“Yeah, that’s perfect.”
“Ok. I’ll just put your address in my phone and I guess I’ll be seein’ you later.”
“Yeah. I’ll text it to you.” 
He sent me his address through the chat and I laid back on my couch, though it felt like I was floating above it. Just a lil bit. I was so relieved to have gotten that part out of the way, and he had reacted perfectly. Now the anticipation of all the good shit I knew would be happening to me in just a few hours had my insides doing cartwheels. That man could have all of my parts; just take them all and do awful things with them. 
My phone rang down in my hand, interrupting my nasty thoughts.
“Hey, girl. Didn't I just see you?” I laughed.
“Anyway. What you doing?”
“Nothing. Just got off the phone with ol’ dude. Sis, I’m finna slide throoough.” I did a little dance to accompany my song. I was too hype. 
“Let’s go out tonight.”
“What? Koree, I just told you I got plans.”
“So you gonna put some new booty before your girl?”
“Come on. You already knew what I was doing tonight.” 
She smacked her lips. “I know. I just don’t want you to go. It’s so dangerous.”
“You worry too much. I’ma be ok.”
“And you don’t worry enough. How do you know you’ll be ok? He could have his chainsaw waiting on your ass right now.”
“Ok,” I said, barely able to control my laughter, “you been watching too much TV.”
“Ev, I'm being for real.”
“And you know I appreciate your concern. I really do, boop.”
“So, stay home.”
“I can't do that.”
“Why not?”
“Well, mostly because I don’t want to. Plus he already knows I'm coming.”
“Ok. But what if you get over there and he tries to hurt you?”
“Ooh, girl, I want him to.” She smacked her lips again and all I could do was laugh. “Ok, I'm sorry. I’ll just get out of there if he starts acting weird.”
“See, you playin’ and shit. What if you can't get out?” 
I sighed, rolling my eyes. I understood, but there was no turning back for me at this point. “Koree, I’ll be fine.”
“Ugh, ok!” she huffed. “It’s obvious that I won't be changing your mind, so I'ma just get off the phone.”
“I still love you.”
“Yeah. I love you, too. And, hopefully, I’ll be talking to you again soon.”
“You will.”
“Mhm. Later.”
“Later, girl.”
She was gonna have to come better than that to scare me out of this dick. Ain't no way I was about to let this one get away. 
After a few of the slowest hours, I got up to shower. I made sure to lotion myself up with my pineapple buttercream scented body butter. I needed to smell edible tonight. And my look needed to match. I pulled out the big guns, going for an only once worn black lace La Perla set. My hair was freshly flat ironed, but brushing it into a top knot just felt like the most practical decision. Letting Koree get into my head a bit, I landed on wearing all black. So he would possibly know not to play with me. I almost wore black Nikes to go with the distressed skinny jeans and crew neck that listed the names of the boys from the fourth season of ‘The Wire’—maybe a second indication that I wasn't to be messed with?—but my Louboutin pumps just looked so much better. I didn't want too much getting in the way, so I kept it simple with the accessories; my gold Dior hoops and the matching chain bracelet. I finished the look with my leather moto jacket and by switching out my nude-colored Celine bag for the black one. And I made sure my mace, taser, and knife were inside. Just in case. 
I hopped in my truck and connected my phone to bluetooth, then I scrolled to ‘Man Down’. I thought that would be a good song to have playing in the background when I called to let him know I was on the way. You know, just in case. Once I had my route down, I opened the app to make that call.
“Yo. What’s up?”
“Hey. Hold on real quick.” I turned Rihanna down some right in the middle of the chorus. “My bad.”
“Yeah. You jammin’ over there, ain't you?”
We both laughed, but I hoped he got the message. “I just called to let you know I'm on the way.”
“You should be pretty close then.”
“According to my phone, I am. What am I looking for, though? What your house look like?”
“It’s white with two tan garage doors. Um, a balcony over the garage. And a silver car in the driveway.”
“Ok, I'm almost there. Keep a lookout for me. I'm in a black Range.”
“Aight then. I’ll do that.”
“Oh, do you own a chainsaw?” 
Right off the bat, he started to crack up. I didn't even think before I let that mess come out of my mouth. Listening to Koree.
I shook my head. “Never mind. I’ll see you in a little bit.”
He was still laughing when I hung up. I laughed at myself. Damn it, Koree! I turned my music back up, but I skipped to ‘Cheers’ to try and fight nerves that had come out of nowhere. I wasn’t driving much longer when my phone instructed me to turn into his neighborhood. That’s when I started to question everything. I stopped my car in the middle of the road and just sat there for a second. Then I whipped around and sped off in the opposite direction. I hadn't changed my mind, but I needed to hit the liquor store real quick. 
Recalculating… make the next accessible U-turn.
“Uh uh. Hush.” 
I went up the street a couple blocks until I spotted exactly what I was looking for. Once inside, I headed straight for the wine section. I skimmed the selections for a minute and decided on a bottle of pomegranate chardonnay. When I walked back up to the counter, I saw the shot bottles by the register. I grabbed a tequila, giving it to the cashier after he scanned my wine. 
Within minutes, I turned back into the same neighborhood, but this time I didn’t stop. I made a couple more turns before finally hearing, Destination on the left. I took a deep breath and pulled up into the driveway next to his silver Aston Martin. Oh, ok.
Ever: I’m here 
I dropped a pin, sharing my location with Koree.
Koree: You coming back home tonight?
Ever: That’s my plan. And don’t you show up here either
Koree: Girl please, goodnight
Ever: Lmao bye
I sat there in silence trying to figure out the best way to handle things when I got inside. Admittedly, it crossed my mind to walk in and just tackle his fine ass.
“Naaah. There should at least be some conversation first.” 
I didn't wanna linger too much longer, so I decided to just go with the flow. Assisted by this tequila shot, of course. I broke the seal and took it straight to the head. 
I had to shake that nasty shit off before tossing the empty bottle back into the bag. I took another deep breath and grabbed my purse and wine from the passenger seat. The shot definitely hadn't kicked in yet, because the walk up to his door was a slow one. I had to make myself ring the bell, biting the inside of my lip and holding my wine with both hands down in front of me as I waited. When I heard the doorknob rattle, my heart started to race. As the door came open, it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest. When I saw that face, though, the corners of my lips were pulled into an unprompted smile. “…Hey.”
@19jammmy @lemmewritesomeish @thisiswhatshefelt @teheeboo @miyuhpapayuh @shanisims @smollettmajors @judymfmoody @lyrarodriguez @fendionmyfeet @fadingbelieverexpert @chaneajoyyy @astoldbychae @cecereads209 -taglist-
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Follow you - Chris Evans smut
The one where Chris becomes your roomate and finds out he has a domesticity kink... and more
Warnings: Smut, breeding kink, domesticity kink, friends to lovers, rommates au, pandemic mention, hair-pulling kink, daddy kink, cockwarming, kind of allusion to an age gap, but can be read as reader being into teasing chris
Word count: 4.1k
A/N: Thanks to @mollygetssherlockcoffee​ for reading this over and helping me make it better! You’re the sweetest person ever!  this is for my own birthday celebration challenge! Like I explained here, I’m going to try to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and since the deadline if May 27, these fics will be posted randomly, as I finish them. Hope you guys like it!
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Chris’ P.O.V.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” I’d been trying to convince her to close her laptop for the last two hours, unfortunately without any luck. She just glanced at me before returning to her document, and I groaned as I left the living room in search of what I knew we needed.
“Close the laptop and I’ll give you a sip.” This time when she looked up, she found me holding a bottle of my most expensive whiskey, the one she’d been dying to try ever since she first got invited to my place.
It was a tense moment of evaluation while she took in my offer and her workload, her head turning from her computer to me and then back to the device again, and I found himself growing anxious because of how desperately I wanted her company that night.
“Please?” I tried to convince her, even going so far as to pout - which at least earned me a giggle. I considered it a win, especially with the way it made my chest warm up. “C’mon, we deserve it! After the week we had?”
She frowned when she thought back on the stresses we had confided in each other for the last couple of days, and I watched with glee when she slowly closed her laptop, prompting me to wave my arms around in victory. “We?” She teased, getting up to stand before me with her arms crossed in front of her body, making me laugh.
“Alright, so maybe just you.” I couldn’t really deny that my work “problems” paled in comparison to hers. “Listen, I’m only trying to help.” She narrowed her eyes at me, reaching out for the bottle and unscrewing it before taking the sip I’d promised.
“Shit, this really is good.” A smug smile took over my face as I wrapped my arms around her, walking us back to the couch before making us fall over it.
“Only the best for you, babe.” I watched her roll her eyes at the pet name, snickering at how it affected her. I knew it made her giddy and she hated it, it’s why I insisted on doing it - or so I told myself.
Something deep inside of me whispered differently, though. I tried to ignore it. She was my best friend and we were going to be living together for the foreseeable future. No one knew when this pandemic would let up.
And lord knows that nothing positive had ever come out of my investments in romantic relationships. So every rational thought in my mind was begging me not to overcomplicate this. I couldn’t stand to lose her friendship, anyway. That’s why I had invited her to spend lockdown with me - my need to know she was okay, and be able to have her around whenever I needed to vent.
She was the only one outside my family who got my anxiety well enough to help me work through it when I was feeling bad, and she had even been able to prevent me from having panic attacks more than once.
I just couldn’t imagine going through this with anyone other than her. I simply hadn’t anticipated how fucking horny this period of forced sexual privation would make me, and I never expected her to become a willing victim to my needs.
But boy, once the liquor hit and she ended up over my lap, shivering as she rode my thigh without a care in the world, was I glad that she did.
“Is this what you like?” I asked, looking up at her with my mouth hanging open, unbelieving of how fucking sexy she looked as she used my body for her pleasure. I didn’t even care that my cock was straining against my jeans, begging me to move her on top of it. As long as I could keep enjoying the show, being a part of it, I was satisfied.
“I wanna learn it,” I pressed, moving my hands to hold her ass, squeezing it the way I’d always wanted to do but never allowed myself to dream about. “I wanna learn how to please you.” She made me feel something I hadn’t felt before, in any of my past relationships. There was attraction, of course, but there was also this deep, familiar feeling that made me feel at home. It made me feel safe, and with the help of alcohol, I was desperate to explore it.
“Ugh,” she groaned, letting her head fall back, drawing my attention to her breasts, the way they bounced in front of my eyes, unfortunately still covered. My mouth watered at the sight of it, wanting nothing much than to strip her bare and wrap my lips around one of her nipples.
“Don’t say stuff like that, Evans.” The comment threw me off, making me frown as I took a hold of the hair on the back of her head and yanked her to me, devouring her lips. They were soft - so much softer than I’d ever allowed myself to imagine.
“Why not?” I panted against her mouth once I was forced to separate from her taste of whiskey to search for some oxygen. She kept moving, her eyes hazy and glossed over, and it sent a pang of lust straight down my body when I realized it wasn’t completely due to the drinks we shared. There was also desire in there.
“You want to learn?” She asked, hands bunching up my shirt as she used her hold to grind against me faster. “Then fuck me, Chris.” She molded her body to mine, engulfing my lips once more as I laid her down on the couch, excited to have her underneath me - excited to see her naked body, explore it, get to know every little thing that made her tick.
I knew it would be a moment I’d forever remember, regardless of the amount of bourbon in my blood. I just never expected it to become something I was so eager to relive over and over and over again.
It was supposed to be a one time thing. When I woke up in the morning, I was ready to go back to being roommates. We were good at that. She was a morning person, by the time I woke up every morning, she already had breakfast ready for me, and then we’d go out to the backyard to let Dodger out together.
We’d sit and talk and then I’d go for a run - she’d have done her yoga already, while I was still asleep - I’d answer some e-mails, she’d work on her laptop by my side and the silence was just as comfortable as all of our late night conversations.
She’d sneak out to the kitchen and come back with a few sandwiches for our lunch, and then the rest of the day would go by with us doing whatever mundane task we had in mind, together even if we were doing separate things, and I didn’t feel suffocated.
I didn’t even run out of things to say. By the time dinner rolled around and I followed her back to the kitchen, cleaning up the dishes while she fixed us dinner - I wasn’t allowed to cook in my own stove, mostly because she was terrified of my food but hid it under the excuse of that one time when I started a fire - then we’d eat together, watch a movie together, talk until we fell asleep - always together.
I was shocked. It’d never been this way in any of my previous relationships. In fact, I was certain it was the reason why they had never worked. I’d given up on any realistic expectation of settling down precisely because of this: I just never expected to find anyone with whom a day-to-day life wouldn’t eventually grow boring.
It’d been three months and I still loved to wake up to her coffee. We still fell asleep every night side by side, too tired to move into different beds because we had laughed our asses off after skyping Scott.
And now that sex came into play in our relationship? I just knew there was no way I’d ever go back to being nothing but friends - or living in a place where she wasn’t the first person I saw when I woke up.
It sucked that it took a pandemic and a night of alcohol to make me realize that, but damn, was I grateful that I decided to open a bottle of whiskey that evening.
I kept waiting for the catch, the moment it would all go to shit, but it never came. Our lives resumed to how they used to be, only now I had this ongoing inner battle to not just bend her over the nearest piece of furniture when we were busy, and the ability to do exactly that whenever there was nothing else to do.
And for a while it was bliss. There wasn’t a nagging voice inside my head questioning this arrangement because it was theoretically perfect. I had a best friend, a roommate and a fuck buddy, all wrapped into one single person that I adored.
Life couldn’t possibly get better - until I realized that I wanted more. Talks of lockdown being over started and she had plans of going back to her place, of course, but I couldn’t stand the thought of being away from her.
I wanted to see my family too, but I wanted to take her with me. Introduce her to my mom, see her get along with my sisters. Witness how she’d be with my nephews and nieces - I knew how much she loved kids. And that’s when it hit me.
I’d given my heart to her. Somewhere between the morning coffees and afternoon runs, the nights where I’d rant about all of my silly problems and she actually listened to them - really listened, never making me feel bad about what could only be described as rich people problems.
All the innocent little gestures, and the not so innocent ones - when I discovered she was exactly the nasty slut I’d always dreamed of, the way she would randomly drop to her knees and suck me off, even while I was on the phone. Most times she didn’t even let me repay the favor. She just genuinely liked to blow me.
She also liked to play with me randomly, like when we were watching a movie and she mindlessly reached for my crotch, rubbing me until I got hard. It almost always ended in sex, and I just loved it.
I loved it, and I loved her, and the idea of her ever sharing this idyllic lifestyle with anyone else made me irrationally jealous.
And that’s how I knew it. I didn’t want to mess it up. But how could I not fuck this up?
“Chris…” Her sweet voice called out to me, reaching my ears while I was hiding in my office, trying to get my thoughts in order so I wouldn’t just randomly blurt out what I was feeling for my best friend to my best friend.
To her credit, she didn’t try to force me to keep her company - but that only made me fall even deeper for her, leaving me a complete and utter mess while she went about her day as if nothing was wrong in the world.
“Yes?” I looked up to see her by the threshold, clearly reticent about invading my privacy. It made me smile, thinking back on all of the times my exes hadn’t been as understanding, even after I let them clearly know what I was needing.
“I made cupcakes, do you want me to bring you one?” The thought of her in the kitchen, baking a sweet treat just for me had my cock twitching in my pants. Biting my lips, I pushed away from my desk to finally get up and stretch my legs, taking advantage of the monitor to hide my hard-on.
“No, I’ll come eat them downstairs with you.” She smiled before leaving, and I soon trailed after her, walking into the kitchen to find the most delicious-looking little treats, just waiting to be devoured.
Much like her, I supposed.
I was reaching for one of them, already licking my lips in anticipation when something caught my eye, prompting me to raise my gaze and look at her again, but really look at her this time.
She was wearing an apron.
There was nothing inherently sexual about the damn thing, but the way she looked with it, going about her business in my kitchen like she owned the place… It just felt right, seeing her there.
And suddenly I couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Y/N…” I started, leaving the cupcake back on the counter and brushing off the crumbs as I circled the kitchen island to go stand in front of her. She hummed before turning to meet me, smiling slightly to signal that she was listening to what I had to say.
But I didn’t know how to say it. So we just stood there, staring at each other until eventually her smile became a frown. “Chris, what’s going on?” I still couldn’t speak. Much to my absolute surprise though, she just sighed, wiping her hands on the apron while shaking her head, a knowing smile on her face.
“You’re stressed, aren’t you? You’ve been working so much, that’s why I thought the cupcakes would be a good idea,” she explained nodding towards the tray where her sweet treats laid. “They’re a reward and a break all wrapped in one delicious cake.”
The comment was like a punch to the stomach - or a scalding wave of desire rushing through my body, straight to my groin. The idea of her thinking about my needs and catering (quite literally) to them just did something to me, and I didn’t know how to explain it - I don’t think I understood it myself.
“But since they didn’t work…” she continued, blissfully unaware of the conundrum she had put me into. “I know something else that will definitely work.” And just like that, the woman dropped to her knees in front of me, reaching for my sweatpants before I could find a way to close the mouth that was hanging open.
“I guess I’ll grab a sweet treat for myself.” She looked so devious, small hand encircling my already pathetically engorged member, that all I could do was whisper an, “Oh, shit,” when she immediately wrapped her lips around it,  starting to suck me off without any preamble.
My fingers were white as I held onto the counter behind me to keep myself up. She looked so good, staring up at me with her lips wrapped around my dick, I felt like I was about to blow already.
Why did she have to be such a fucking tease?
“Oh, God,” I moaned when she managed to engulf the entirety of my member inside her throat, the choking noises getting to my head. My hand instinctively laced with her hair, first to hold her lips close to my navel, then to pry her completely off of my member.
“What’s wrong?” She questioned once she was able to speak, surprise written all over her features while I was still staring down at her slightly teary face and trying to find my voice.
“I-I have a problem.” There. I said it. I had finally made some progress in my goal to let her know what was going through my head. Only instead of curiosity, what I got was a confused expression from the woman still holding my dick, her eyes darting from my own to the member throbbing between her fingers.
“No, you don’t!” It would have been funny if I wasn’t so fucking frustrated. Yanking her by the hair, I complained, “Not that kind of problem!” pulling her to the living room so I could throw her on the couch, trying to ignore her moans of pleasure in the process.
I’d figured out pretty early on that she had a pretty serious hair-pulling kink, and if my plans of sitting down and having a level-headed conversation were ever in motion, they surely went out of the window the second she pulled my body down to cover hers and adjusted my cock so it would easily fill her.
“Son of a…” I groaned, letting my head fall down against her chest as the little vixen gleefully giggled underneath me, legs wrapped around my torso as she tried to thrust up and tempt me to move.
“Just wait a second,” I managed to reason, but she just shook her head.
“Fuck away your problem, Chris. Use me. I want you to.” Motherfucker. I really couldn’t catch a break with her. Just as she started to make me move again, my hand instinctively wrapped around her neck, lightly squeezing it just enough to get her to shut up.
“I wanna start a family with you,” I finally spilled, looking deep into her eyes as I tried to ignore that I was still balls deep inside of her. Her eyes widened, and now her mouth was the one hanging open.
I couldn’t really relish in it because she looked absolutely delicious and she felt stupidly heavenly to my throbbing dick.
A few seconds went by without as much of a reaction from her and I was about to pull out - despite still being achingly hard - but her legs held me tighter, stopping my plans of leaving her tight haven.
“You know…” She started to speak, a little out of breath, catching my attention as I finally gathered the courage to look her in the eye again. “When I first met you, I thought you were the epitome of a fuckboy.”
The unexpected sentence had me snorting, and then I just couldn’t stop laughing. Finally pulling away from her, she fixed her hair when she sat up and I did the same, shaking my head slightly as I rubbed my eyes.
Our own relative nakedness - well… mine, she was wearing her usual dress with no underwear under the damn apron - didn’t affect anything when I pondered over her words, until I decided to break the silence.
“I mean… I think I was?” She chewed on her bottom lip as she took in my response, analyzing it, weighing its validity in that gorgeous head of hers. I was nervous, but she hadn’t blew me off yet. And quite honestly? I’d do anything for that little hope that was growing inside of me.
“What changed?” Was her question, so unexpected I couldn’t help but question, “Huh?”
“What made you change?” It wasn’t an unwelcome inquiry, especially when the response became clear to me, lighting up my brain and warming my chest, spreading all over my body until I had no choice but to voice it.
“I realized I could have a future with you.” My smile was vulnerable but honest, and in her eyes, I could see that she knew that. When she threw one leg over my lap, straddling my hips, I allowed myself to breathe deeply again, leaning on the soft cushion while taking a hold of her ass.
“So, how are we gonna do this?” She non-nonchalantly asked, slowly rubbing herself against my still half-hard member. I groaned when I realized the implication of her words, knowing that the meaning paired with the feeling of her wet lips dragging along my cock would get it back up in no time at all. “You wanna do me right now?”
The brashness of the question made my eyes light up, as weird as it may sound. In that moment, it became clear just how perfect for me she really was, giving me what I needed exactly in the way I didn’t know how to ask for it.
“See? This is why I’m in love with you.” She rolled her eyes at that, making me laugh. I’d anticipated the gesture, I knew it’d take her longer to say it, but it was alright. The fact that she was willing me to give me a child was more than enough proof of her feelings for me, if her entire behavior ever since she moved in wasn’t already.
“Shut up and fuck me, Evans.” Throwing her back against the couch, she yelped in surprise when I took off my shirt and slapped the inside of her thigh, assuming my usual position of hovering over her smaller frame.
“Spread your fucking legs, darling. I’m gonna fuck you real good.” The way she bit her lip as I slowly penetrated her again showed me just how excited the prospect got her, and as I started to make good on my promise, her moans told me just as much.
“Holy fuck,” she commented as I pounded her ruthlessly, weeks of frustration and the rush of anticipation getting the best of me, and I was glad for the feeling of her nails biting into my skin because otherwise, I’d probably run over the edge of not even caring about her own pleasure as I chased mine.
“You gonna cum inside of me, honey? Make me a mom? Finally fulfill your dream of becoming a daddy?” Her words detracted me from my task of sucking bruises on the skin that was now mine to bruise, mine. I threw my head back, yelling a, “fuck yes,” as my hips sped up, desperate to fill her up, but I was determined to get her to cum before me.
“Say it,” she ordered, small hand circling my throat as best as she could, a throwback to what I’d done only moments prior. It wasn’t enough to choke me, but it did catch my attention. “I wanna hear you say it.”
Tears escaped the corners of my eyes as I blinked, the intensity of the moment overwhelming in the best of ways. “God, you are such a fucking tease…” She chuckled underneath me, giving my throat a squeeze before she raised up on her elbows to kiss my jaw.
“Better get used to it… daddy.” And just like that, I realized that I had yet another kink I hadn’t known about before her. Or maybe it was just her, and I was obsessed with the damn woman, painfully turned on by every little thing that she did.
“I’m gonna cum deep inside your little pussy, sweetheart,” I finally gathered myself enough to do as she asked me to. “You’re gonna belong to me forever now. Give me kids, make me happy. How do you like that?”
The mischievous grin she gave me told me everything. “I love it.” I knew this was her way of saying what she couldn’t yet voice, and I’d take it. I’d take anything she gave me, any chance I got to love this wonderful woman.
We came together, both riding our highs in deep ecstasy. I moaned when I felt myself empty all of my seed inside of her, incredibly excited about the prospect of starting our future together right then.
“You’re so fucking beautiful.” I cradled her face in my hands as I struggled to catch my breath, but she turned it to the side and pressed a kiss to my palm and I was breathless all over again. It was such a simple action, why did it get to me so much?
“You’re not too bad yourself, Chris.” I didn’t want to part with her warmth, so I just adjusted us on the sofa in a way that kept me inside of her, sighing contently as I realized I’d never have to sleep away from her again.
“I’m gonna stay right here all night.” I adjusted myself so I was resting my face on her boobs, perfectly happy to do just so, but by the tone of her voice, I knew she had a teasing smile when she called me an, “Old man.”
“And here I was, thinking you’d be able to go again.” Warmth filled my chest at the realization of just how badly she wanted me - just as much as I wanted her too. I was so damn ecstatic. Not even her pokes at my age would be able to affect me.
“Oh, darling… better get ready,” I warned as I adjusted myself to hover over her again, taking notice of the excited glint in her eyes, the way she bit her lip as she stared back at me. “I’m never gonna get enough of you.”
The next morning, I added a new kink to the list of random bits of information that were driving me slowly insane as I felt the overwhelming need to bend the woman that I now got to call ‘mine’ over the nearest piece of furniture and rail her until I had cummed deep inside her pussy: seeing her in my shirt while cooking breakfast.
Yeah, I was going to live a happy life by her side.
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look-at-the-soul · 2 years
The Photoshoot (Part 18)
Cillian Murphy x OC
Previous parts here
How do you think the family will take the news? How will they find out? Think Cillian should pay Erin a visit? I’d love to hear your thoughts 💕 There’s a flashback in the end… thank you for reading!
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“Ah, shit.” Cillian mumbled holding the phone between his ear and his shoulder.
“What is it?” She asked on the other side of the line.
“Dropped the fucking keys. Give me a sec.” Yael heard him curse one more time as well as noise from the bags he said he had, went to the grocery shop on his way back home. “No, Scout, down… sush.”
Yael smiled while listening to him, he was struggling with the multitask and suddenly the line went dead.
Looking around her place even though it was all the same, everything was so different at the same time, without them. It had been really hard to say goodbye at the airport, she was so worried Scout’s cage would get lost, she had a tag being made for the cage with Cillian’s phone as well as hers just in case. She tried really hard not to break in front of Cillian that day when she kissed him goodbye over a week and a half ago, but he needed to go back to his hometown, they had been talking over the phone whenever he got a chance between rehearsals, only short calls to check on each other, and then they were able to talk longer at night.
Yael’s phone buzzed again, but this time it was on Skype.
“Can you see me?”
“Not yet, your screen is black.”
“Bloody thing.”
“Don’t touch it! There you are.” She smiled when Cillian’s face appeared on her screen.
“Hey.” He leaned on the palm of his hand, a wide smile on his face.
“Hi, I miss you.”
“Miss you more. Sorry about that, I kept dropping things.”
“It’s all good, how was the rehearsal?”
“It was fine, they are still trying to figure out the dates and stuff.”
“You guys were all laughing so hard when I called.”
At some point Enda even took Cillian’s phone to say hello to her, started chatting out of nowhere, asked her lots of questions as if they were friends from a long time ago. He seemed really nice and invited her to the play.
“I don’t remember what that’s was about, they are so shitty funny, they started mixing the lines… We were having a good time.” He let out a little chuckle. Yael treasured those little moments with him so deep in her heart, listening to his stories about his day, how much he enjoyed the making of a new character. “What were you doing?”
“Uploading some new photographs on my web page and refreshing the pictures on my Instagram.”
“Instagram, I’m still trying to figure out some things I’m finding new photographers that share their shoots there, look.” She showed him some. “I posted some pictures and people I don’t know are leaving comments and asking where I found the payphone red cabin…”
“Some interviewers had asked me about that.”
“I’m not so sure of posting personal things, I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of strangers having access to my private content, I just want to share about my work.”
She didn’t even post the photographs she took of him, it felt so personal now that they were together. Even though she saw Vass and the SIGM* accounts posting the content.
“There are good things like this.” He motioned their conversation and the fact that they could see each other. “But the rest, having someone you don’t know, getting the chance to see something so personal.” He shook his head.
She wasn’t hungry, didn’t feel like cooking just for herself.
“You left your food untouched again?” He was talking to Scout.
“Scout’s not eating? Why?”
Cillian shuddered. “I don’t know babe, he didn’t eat this morning, left the food all day here.”
“Must be weird for him the new place?”
“You miss your mama, huh?” Her heart skipped a beat when she heard him say that with such loving tone. “Tell her that you’ve got a girlfriend now.”
Cillian turned to look at her through the screen grinning. “It’s a husky, lives in the neighborhood, it’s beautiful white with a little grey, blue sky eyes, she’s four years, her owner lives here on the same block, his wife just passed away a few months ago and his kids thought he could use some company.”
“You knew her?” He nodded.
“Yeah, used to watch them walking by together all afternoons.”
“Was she sick or something?” Cillian shook his head.
He could only think of how fragile life was.
“Car crash.” Cillian scratched his head, his hair seemed longer now. “I offered to have him for dinner one of these days, maybe he can bring Leah.” He looked down at Scout. “Can’t believe you know I’m talking about her.”
“Hey! Scout I’m gonna get jealous, I thought I was your only girl.” She heard him bark in the background. “Yesterday I went shopping to one of those antique shops and look what I got.”
He was left alone on the call while she went to her room. A few seconds later, Yael came back.
“Wait, I’m going to put this under some better light.”
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“They were left in a corner.”
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“I’m not an expert, but that looks real.”
“You mean…?”
Cillian nodded trying to focus on the screen.
“Look for a little engraving inside the ring?”
“It has something, but I need to clean them.” She stared at the ring imagining the story behind it. Cillian saw her smile starting to draw.
The need to pull her in for a hug and a kiss growing suddenly. He wanted to come home after the rehearsals and see her there more than anything.
Hopefully she would be flying to Ireland in two more weeks, he would fly back as soon as he had a free day.
For now, the text and constant calls have been a good resource of contact between them, but it obviously couldn’t compare to be together. He couldn’t wait for the day where he could hold her in his arms.
“Hey go and eat your food.” He pointed to the full bowl.
“If Scout isn’t eating, maybe you could try to play with him? Throw the food in different directions, he loved that and he keeps running.”
Cillian rolled his eyes. “What makes you think I’m gonn-” She just smiled at him, that smile that made him feel over heels for her.
Sitting on the floor, he threw it and Scout ran off after it. Yael could hear the paws on the floor, running after the food.
One more time, Cillian rolled his eyes thinking how she was right.
The doorbell interrupted their conversation.
“You’re early man.” She heard Cill said to whoever arrived. “I need to take this monster for a walk first.” Scout was curious about the new guest.
Finally showing his face on the phone again, Cillian winked at her.
“I gotta go babe, I’m walking Scout for a bit and then we are going out for a pint.”
“You’re not driving back, are you?”
“No, I’m getting a cab.”
She sighed. “Just text me when you head back home please?”
Saying goodbye, they hang up.
“Mom said you came back different, but she forgot to mention you came back with a son.” His brother Padd joked petting Scout.
Cillian made a face while taking the leash.
“That’s the worst thing you could’ve said.”
Padd looked at his big brother with curiosity.
“What is going on?” He asked as they strolled down the street.
Cillian sighed, but he had to start saying it out loud. “Remember Erin?”
“Yeah, why? You said over the phone you guys broke up… are you getting back together? Cause Mum is still hoping you two would get marri-”
“She’s pregnant.” He said it bluntly.
Paidi stopped walking, Cillian tried avoiding his gaze, until he asked if he was joking.
“Oh, I wish this was a joke, trust me…” Scout pulled him to keep moving.
“I really could use that pint now.”
Cillian chuckled. “I need a fucking barrel, man.”
“Pregnant?” He repeated. The process of taking in the shock was hard, Cillian had been there. “You don’t know how to use a fucking condom?”
Taking Scout back, Cillian filled in most of the blanks for his brother.
“So when I arrived you were talking to her?”
Shaking his head, he explained: “That was Yael, my girlfriend.”
“We are getting the drinks back to your place, because I don’t understand what the fuck is going on.”
Half an hour later, they were opening a beer for each.
“Still can’t believe Erin is having your baby… I’m so glad you are the one always upsetting mum and dad.” Cillian smacked the back of his youngest brother’s head. “Hey! I’m not the one knocking up my ex.”
The brothers exchanged a look, after all these years, they could still read each other’s mind.
“I know what you are thinking.” Cillian said raising his eyebrows, taking a sip.
“Sorry, I can’t help it…”
Leaning on the table, he stayed silent for a few minutes. It didn’t change anything, but opening up to his brother surely made him feel better.
“The only way to know if this is true or not is running a DNA test once the baby is born.” He finally admitted out loud. “But, if the results come back and are positive, I could never forgive myself for doubting you know?” He placed the cold bottle against his cheek. “I mean, denying my own blood would be so low.”
“Definitely.” Pad looked in his direction. “Tell me about this incredible woman shaking your world.”
Cillian’s face lighted immediately, just thinking about her. “Oh, man I don’t even want to start with that ‘cause if I do, I won’t shut up, and you are going to blackmail me when she comes.”
“She must really love you, if she decided to be with you despite… well all.”
“I fucking love her too.” Opening another beer for them, Cillian told his brother all about her. Over the curse of a few more beers it was easier to let the alcohol do the talking.
“Or you love fucking her.” Paidi retorted twisting his words.
Arching one eyebrow, Cillian drunkenly chuckled. Best fucking sex of his life, he couldn’t get enough of her.
“You’re going to piss mum so fucking much.” Pad ran his hands through his hair, imagining the picture. “Dad will just look at you and do that thing with his head down.” He imitated their father shaking his head. “But mum… bet she’s going to tell you to do the right thing, marry Erin.”
“That’s not fucking happening.” He was a grown man, he made his decisions, but of course his family mattered a lot to him. He was determinate to do the right thing, but on his own terms.
This was harder than she thought, and she was worried he would be out drinking until late.
She needed to edit a lot of pictures, so she would probably be awake when he returned home. Uploading the photographs to her drive, she started to edit the first shot, a furniture workshop was starting a new line, minimalist. Even though she preferred to work with people, this was one of the contracts that payed the bills, and it had its perks, a chair can’t roll their eyes at you for asking for an specific look or pose, but still, working with people gave her the opportunity to learn and grow and force herself to go the extra mile. It was a blessing to have this amount of work, she was fortunate to have a job she loved, but right now, the only thing she wanted the most was to fly to Ireland to be with Cillian.
And even though she knew he would get a cab, she couldn’t stop the memories.
“Could you please wait until we get to the cottage?” Her mother’s fingers tried to stop dad from opening the can in the middle of their seats. Daddy must’ve been thirsty, it was a hot day, she had been running outside with Violet earlier, but she couldn’t come down to the cottage this time. The twins went to a school camp for the weekend.
“Don’t fucking start over the same Isla.”
Looking to her right, Arap, her older brother was sleeping, the walkie talkie on his hand slipped to the floor of the car.
“I’m just asking you to drive carefully.” Mummy’s voice was low, but she could still hear her. Yael got rid of her seatbelt to pick up the walkie talkie, Arap never let her play with that. Sebastian, sitting on her left was looking outside the window. He had the other one in his backpack.
“Just stop whining.”
Bending forwards, her small hand tried to reach the floor. She almost got it…
“I come here to relax not to hea-”
Mummy yelled: “Be careful!” The vehicle did a sharp move caused by her father behind the wheel, that made her head hit the seat in front of Arap, more hits, on her shoulder, back. Her brothers screamed. She felt something really hard hitting her head. She felt like she was flying for a few seconds.
And everything went black from that moment.
Until she woke up disoriented two days later in a hospital bed and couldn’t feel her legs.
SIGM*=So it goes magazine
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multifandhoem · 4 years
server collab || ii
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Server Collab from the Haikyuu HQ server with the prompt: “Guess I‘ll just have to cum inside you.“
The masterlist for the whole collab is here!
Genre: fluff, smut
Warnings: slight SPOILER (it‘s really really small), smut obviously, little bit of public stuff if you count it as such, slight breeding kink, wedding sex, lot‘s of fluff
Word count: 3292
“I still remember when Iwa-chan told me, how he embarrassed himself in front of a cute girl and hoped he would never see her again to not relive the existential dread he felt at that moment. And then he told me he met her again and she laughed over the mishap and they were going to get coffee next week.”
“I am so sorry.” His face was red, head bowed down in embarrassment, but you could still see it at the tip of his ears.
“It’s okay, it wasn’t like you were a stalker or something.” You were giggling a bit at the state he was in. “On top of that it is kinda my fault, I should’ve closed the curtains or something.” He slowly raised himself again, face still scrunched up in discomfort. He really looked like he was in horrendous pain and it was kinda your fault. “Please don’t beat yourself up over it. I’ll treat you to coffee, to make you feel better, when are you free?”
Maybe the fact that he was a looker made you act a bit more open towards him than usual, but you genuinely felt bad for him. He was obviously beating himself up over that accident a couple of days ago.
You had realised fast that you could look from your window right into the room on the other side of the street, which was why you invested in curtains pretty early. But apparently, you had forgotten to close them this time, so when you turned around shirtless and made eye contact with a man, you were both equally surprised. He looked mortified and you couldn’t even blink when he suddenly dropped to the floor, now hidden from your wide eyes.
Your body reacted, even though he probably couldn’t see you anymore, shielding your breasts with one arm, the other hastily closing the curtains. After the initial shock wore off you couldn’t help but giggle a bit. Why did he just drop to the floor? He could’ve turned around or something.
Next to you, Hajime buried his face in his hands, but the large grin that had adorned his face for the whole evening was still there. Tooru waited a bit until the laughter calmed down until he continued.
“When I came back from Argentina for a visit she was already his girlfriend of five months. And when I saw Iwa-chan I knew that she would probably stick around for longer. You know, Iwa-chan is a very violent person-“ “Only towards shitty people!” You knew he couldn’t have let that jab just go by, but Tooru professionally ignored him.
“but with her, he was very soft, always touching her in some way. Sometimes touching too much. Don’t think we forgot the trip to the cabin!” He scoldingly wiggled his finger towards you, accompanied by Makki’s and Mattsun’s affirming but still scandalised shouts.
“We gotta be quick, Haji.” His lips were hot on your collarbones, fingers already dipping under your shirt, quickly pulling it over your head. “I know, they will wonder where we are.”
You had excused yourself for a second from the movie the others had put on. It was the first time this day where there weren’t two other people in the room with you, everybody being huddled in the living room of the small cabin where you resided for the weekend. With two bedrooms shared between the six of you and one big room that functioned as kitchen, living and dining room, there was never space for some alone time, which you were desperate to have after your boyfriend strutted around you shirtless the whole day. It should be illegal for someone as fine as he was to do such things.
Foreplay had to be postponed for the next time, you had little time until the others would grow suspicious. “No need, I can take you.”
You pulled his fingers out of your entrance, desperate to just feel his cock in you. He chuckled at your eagerness, pushing his sweatpants down until his cock sprung free, already hard and leaking. Apparently, you weren’t the only sexually frustrated one.
“Fuck,” you breathed out when he buried himself in you with one stroke.
“Quiet, baby.” His lips found yours stifling your small moans as he began moving his hips.
Breathless gasped and small moans soon filled the room, occasionally accompanied by the sound of skin slapping, when Hajime couldn’t stop his hips before they met yours. “I’m close,” you whimpered as he began rubbing your clit and he shot you a breathless smile and pressed a small kiss to your lips. “Bite something when you come,” he said quietly, thrusts becoming a bit more erratic.
“Disgusting!” Loud banging on the door interrupted you and Hajime let out a string of curses. “If you already know then don’t go interrupting, Shittykawa!” Not having to hide anymore his hips finally snapped into yours, using the full capacity of his strength to make you moan against his shoulder.
Unfortunately, the orgasm you experienced didn’t lessen the embarrassment when you faced the others again.
It was your turn to hang your head in shame, trying not to meet your parents’ eyes, who were seated next to you. Or worse, Hajime’s parents.
Tooru chuckled at your misery, before continuing.
“To be honest, I wasn’t that surprised when Iwa-chan called me and told me he would send me pictures of rings and I should help him decide. He obviously forgot timezones since it was 2am for me and I first thought somebody had died, but after promising to make me best man I obviously forgave him.” The guests laughed again and Tooru took a well-rehearsed break.
“I don’t think I have seen Iwa-chan as nervous as when he was rehearsing his proposal through me via Skype. I told him it was good, even though he was a stammering mess. But the thing about those two over there is that they calm each other down. So I knew, when the moment would come, everything would go swimmingly. I saw the way they looked at each other, there was no way she would say no.”
“What are you planning?” You were chuckling, when Hajime lead you through the small house on the outskirts of Tokyo you two had purchased together when it was safe that he was staying in Japan with his work. “Let me surprise you, woman, and stop asking.” You could hear the amusement in his voice and it made your heart bloom. After all these years together he still made you feel like you were going on your first date. And he probably always would.
“Small step, be careful.”
You felt the ground changing from the hardwood floor to a rougher and colder one, showing you that you were now outside on the small terrace. You didn’t have to wonder for long, what he was planning when he carefully pulled the blindfold off your face. The first thing you saw was him.
But it was enough. He was smiling at you, his eyes radiating love. You couldn’t help but snaking your arms around his neck, to press a kiss to his lips. “You look so handsome. I love you.”
Hajime in a suit was something you had the pleasure of seeing a couple of times, but it still caught you off guard how someone could look this good.
“You haven’t even looked around, idiot,” He chuckled but still laid his arms around you to tug you towards him to kiss you again. After that he still forced you to turn around, to take a look at what he conjured in the last couple of hours.
The small garden you had behind your house was completely transformed, fairy lights making the faint evening glow even more magical.
“It’s beautiful.” The words were soft, Hajime wouldn’t have heard them if he wasn’t standing this close to you. “All for you, baby. I love you. I just thought, maybe we could sit on the blanket, maybe drink a bit of wine and just talk, you know?” His voice was laced with nervousness, even if he wasn’t even sure why. He knew you would like what he did. He went through your Pinterest boards and they were loaded with fairy lights, clinking classes, kisses shared under the faint glow. “That sounds perfect. What’s the occasion? I haven’t forgotten anything, right?” He laughed out loud at your nervousness. “No, babe, you haven’t. I just wanted to do something for you.”
His smile was so pure, filled with raw emotion, you had to kiss him again, putting as much passion as possible into the kiss. “Thank you, Hajime. I love you so much. I can’t believe I got so lucky.”
Your eyes were a bit wetter than usual and you hastily blinked the tears away, smiling at your boyfriend, ready to have a magical evening.
He really had everything prepared. Next to the blanket, a small cooler with a bottle of rosé laid, together with two glasses for you. His phone played soft instrumental music in the background, as you settled yourself against his chest, occasionally sipping at your wine, reminiscing about the past years, wishing for the future ones.
“Hey, move for a second, my leg’s fallen asleep.” A small tug of his leg under you made you sit up, while he fixed his posture, both of you now sitting upright in front of each other.
“Sorry, about that. Do you want to stand up for a bit to move it?” His eyes twinkled with amusement as he tugged you back down when you already wanted to stand up.
A shaky breath escaped him. So this was it. “Y/N, baby, I love you. So much, you can’t even imagine. You’ve been with me for the past couple of years and I honestly can’t wait for the future, if you’re by my side.” He paused for a second, hand slipping into his pocket. “Hajime.” Tears were already welling up in your eyes before he even managed to pull the ring out of his pocket, that he and Tooru had chosen so diligently a couple months prior.
“Will you marry me?”
“Those two, right there, are a great couple if I’ve ever seen one. I actually can’t imagine a better partner for my Iwa-chan. Hajime. I’ve seen you grow up. I’ve been growing up alongside you and, dare I say, we’ve both become pretty great.” Tooru chuckled a bit, but everyone could hear his voice wavering, as his eyes were fixated on his best friend.
“I can’t express how happy I am, to still have you in my life, to now seeing you maturing into this great man who is inspiring others in everything he does. Seeing you enter this new part of your life, with this great woman in my life warms my heart. And you deserve nothing less. A toast to you. A toast to your future, Mr. and Mrs. Iwaizumi.” He raised his glass to you, a big smile on his face.
If he weren’t sitting right across from you, you would’ve missed the small tears rolling down his face. The guests around you all raised their glasses to towards you, everyone touched by Tooru’s speech.
But nobody came close to Hajime, who was clenching your hand in his’ tightly, tears welling up in his eyes, before he strode over to his friend, tightly embracing him.
You couldn’t hear what words were exchanged as tears fell and people smiled at the pair. Every guest at your wedding knew about Hajime and Tooru. The best friends, the best partners, who have been with each other since they were about five years old. Who only see each other every couple of months, partners technically becoming rivals.
When your husband came back to you his eyes were puffy, some tears still escaping, but the happiest smile on his face. Tooru hugged you too, wishing you good luck for your future, making a small joke about becoming an uncle again and telling you, once again, to take care of his best friend, his brother.
“I’m so happy to be your wife.” Hajime kissed you at your words but you still knew that he was equally as happy as you were. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily now,” you joked, relishing in the laughter that escaped him.
“As if I would ever want that. I’m going to put some kids in you as soon as possible. And then we have a little family. Maybe even a big family. Whatever you want.” He kissed you again and you couldn’t help but smile at the picture of him with kids in your head. More importantly, your kids. “About that.” You leaned into his side, grateful for the minutes you had at the edge of the room. “I’ve been thinking, maybe stopping my birth control? I mean we don’t have to start trying and stuff, but we’re married now and we’ve been together for a while, and we talked about it already, and-“ You were cut off with a passionate kiss, Hajime even dipping you slightly as he practically devoured you.
“Do you mean that? Do you really mean that?” You could only nod, a wide grin on your lips as you cupped his face in your hands to bring his mouth to yours again. “Fuck, I love you. I can’t wait to fuck you today.” Heat shot through your stomach at his words and his kisses did nothing to soothe it.
“Hajime.” You really didn’t intend for his name to sound like such a whimper. But when he growled against your lips you knew you were done for. “The bridal room. Where I got ready. Let’s go.”
You felt like a schoolgirl sneaking around again, when you were rushing through the halls of the venue, hand in hand with your new husband, giggling around, until you finally closed the door behind you, being pressed against the same one in an instant, a breathless Hajime resting his forehead against yours.
You were whispering ’I love you’s to each other for the probably thousandths time this day, but it wasn’t like you were growing tired of it anytime soon. “You gotta be careful about the dress, I don’t wanna have cum stains somewhere,” you reminded him as he was flicking up your skirt, already sinking to his knees.
“Guess I’ll just have to cum inside you.” You giggled in excitement at his statement, soon leading into a moan, when he buried his face between your lower lips, thong pulled to the side, his tongue expertly doing all the things he found out about you the years before.
“Fuck, Hajime.” Your fingers thread themselves in his hair, tugging him closer.
He took one of your legs in his hand, tugging it over his shoulder and digging even deeper between your legs, using the fingers of his other hand as well, to insert two of them into your dripping cunt. “Haji, I’m coming,” you whimpered, clamping onto him.
“Wait for my cock.” The years of never neglected training came in handy, when he stood up, with you in his arms, to seat you on the small table, that was probably just in the room for decorating purposes. You shrieked a bit at how fast everything was happening, but you kind of agreed with him.
The first time you should come as husband and wife should be with him deep inside you.
He dropped his suit pants to his ankles and you could feel yourself clench with excitement. “Ready, baby?”
“Yes, please, Haji.” You pulled him towards you again to connect your lips, moaning into his mouth when he rubbed his dick up and down your folds, coating himself in your arousal.
It’s weird to explain what you felt the moment he pushed himself inside you. You had sex lots of times. But in that moment you felt more complete than you ever did.
You stayed like that for a couple of seconds, connected in the most intimate way possible, before his hips snapped back and into you again, eliciting a moan of both of you.
“Honestly, fucking you in your wedding dress is hot as fuck.” He laughed breathlessly, kissing you again, all while not halting his thrusts.
“Think about me pregnant with your kids,” you purred in his ear and squeaked in delight when his next thrust was harder than before.
“Don’t get me started. You’re going to look so good pregnant. All round and cozy.” His speed grew more erratic and you knew he would come soon.
“Fuck, we gonna start soon, right?” Your fingers clenched in his shirt, pushing him closer to you, chasing your own high.
“We’re starting right now, baby.” He kissed you again, hand moving down to rub your clit again, chuckling at the little whimpers you let out.
“Haji-“ You didn’t need to say more, he already knew, what you wanted to tell him.
“Go on, baby.” You kissed again, moans mixing in your mouths, as his tongue caressed yours, the slight taste of your juices still left on them. Every time his cock hit that one part you had to suppress a small scream, only slightly moaning in your husband's mouth.
“Can’t wait for tonight. Gonna fill you- ah- up again and again. And then you can be as loud as you want. Fuck. Gonna take my time with you.”
The filth he muttered against your lips only made you clench down harder onto his cock, feeling your high approaching rapidly. It was him coming, his cum spurting into you, which finally sent you over the edge, legs wrapping around him, bringing him even closer to your body, completely engulfing him, dead set on never letting him go.
Heavy breathing filled the room, as you both came down from your high. Small kisses were being exchanged, I love you’s were mumbled. But it was still perfect.
“I’m already anticipating tonight,” you mumbled, slightly exhausted due to moaning so much, making him chuckle, while his hands calmingly rubbed up and down your sides.
When he pulled out of you, you moaned again at the feeling of his cum slowly dribbling out of you.
“This looks so good. You look so good.” Hajime’s eyes were focused on the spot between your legs, fingers twitching to push it back inside.
“Don’t let it go on the dress!” You shrieked, chuckling at the way he darted to get a paper towel, carefully wiping you down.
“You alright, baby?” He helped you down from the table after pushing your thong back in place and fixing up his suit pants.
“Yeah. I love you. You made me the happiest woman alive, today, you know that?” The smile he threw your way at your words made your heart bloom. You were so in love with this man.
“Now, brace yourself for the comments.” You intertwined your fingers again, going back down the hallways to rejoin your guests at your reception. “You think somebody noticed something?” Your hands grew sweaty at the thought. Hopefully, nobody suspected a thing. Especially not his parents. Or worse, the grandparents!
“Tooru will have noticed for sure. You know how he is. If we’re lucky he hasn’t told Makki or Mattsun.” Hajime seemed way to relaxed at the thought, only shrugging his shoulders, ditching your hand to throw his arm around your shoulder and pull you into his side.
“I love you.” He pressed a kiss to your temple and you could feel he was smiling.
“I love you, too.”
No matter what was going to happen once you got back, this was still the best day of your life.
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khodorkovskaya · 2 years
yesterday i had a dream about going on holiday with a guy. and the dream was weird overall, like we had to take cottage cheese with us and it was very important for some reason and the cheese was in this yellow plastic bag...?? but anyway, the main theme of the dream was that i was with this guy and we were going to the mountains just like we'd gone with B before. and i woke up feeling so overwhelmingly guilty. as if i had cheated on B even though it's been like what 5 months since we broke up.
and today i had a dream with B in it. we were driving to some house party in the countryside and he suggested we do coke together lol. and then he crashed the car on purpose saying that he needs money from his insurance or something. and i was like you can't live like this, this is so wrong! and we started arguing about values and stuff and he was so disagreeable and yeah i woke up feeling sad.
and i told my stepdad about this bc i dream about B every night and it's becoming annoying. and he said that sure, even if we can't control our dreams, it's still my fault that i dream about him. yes, i don't think think about him, but my unconscious still does. and it's up to me to decide if i want to move on or not. and it's quite painful to realise all of this because, yes, deep down i still have hope for us. the more i think about him and our relationship, the more i realise how doomed we really were and how it was never meant to be. but in my heart im still so scared to let go. because what's gonna happen in the future? what am i moving towards? if i cling on to B, i can make up all those comforting scenarios in my head. but if i 100% admit to myself that it's over, what's waiting for me out there? the unknown scares me. and i think that's why i can't fully allow myself to move on, even if rationally im definitely over him.
it's funny cos the other day i talked to my cousin on skype and she found an old hard drive with videos of us when we were kids. and it was cringy and hilarious and i keep randomly laughing throughout the day bc i think about those videos and it's just so funny. and im like 13 in these videos i think. so it made me think about middle school and how i was feeling at the time.
and i remembered that during that period like from 6th to 8th grade i was obsessed with haibane renmei. i used to be on this kids' social media website since the age of 9 (and ofc i also had a public diary there lol, some things never change) and i had an online friend there who was really into anime. so i decided to watch her favourite one, haibane renmei. i watched it when i was 11 and fell in love and i remember drawing those characters all the time, listening to the soundtrack on my ipod every day on the bus to school and learning how to play the songs on the piano. i even danced to the opening theme at the school talent show (and i think the video of it is still up on youtube, it's so bad oh my god). but yeah, what i mostly remember from that show is that there were these cute angel-like girls who all lived together and went thrift shopping. i don't remember anything about the story but only how much i loved drawing girls with angel wings and halos and listening to the soundtrack.
so i decided to rewatch it! i had a short lived anime phase in middle school, mainly consisting of rewatching haibane renmei and other shows by the same creator (serial experiments lain and nie under 7). and then i watched onepiece when i was 15 and that was it. so yeah, i decided to rewatch haibane renmei and oh my god... first of all, the art style and the music and everything made me sooo nostalgic because it made up a huge chunk of my teenage years. but also the story is so much deeper than my 11 year old understanding of it as just a story about girls living together. im on episode 8 now and i can't comprehend how i even watched this stuff as a child.
but back to my dreams about B, the theme of sin in haibane renmei really resonates with me as im rewatching it. the main character also struggles to let go and needs to make peace with her past (that she can't even remember) to move forward. and even though she's in this new world and has no memories of her past, she can't be free from her past sins. and, as the show outright tells us, "to recognise one's sin is to be free of sin".
and idk maybe im projecting too much but this really parallels my relationship with B. because, even though i was present during the relationship, i feel like i can't understand any of it. why were we together in the first place? what made me stay? why did i leave? i remember the general vibe of it all, but i can't piece together much of it. and yet i need to make peace with it to be able to move on. but how do i make peace with something i can't fully understand? and with the haibane it's the same thing. they can't remember their past and yet they can't forget it. and they need to make peace with the thing they can't remember to be free. i.e. recognise their sin to be free of sin.
anyway, im curious to see how the show is gonna end and what the overall moral is gonna be.
and in the meantime, i have applied for two master's programs. ughh it was such a pain in the ass.
idk what annoys me the most about this B situation is that it really isn't that deep. it was just a bad relationship and that's it. and if im feeling lonely now it's bc im horny. like there's no deeper explanation to it, i don't think. and since im so scared to let go, i keep going in circles and analysing everything. and i should just tell myself "stop that" and be more disciplined and not go on and on about this shit. it's not that deep! but i don't have the guts to tell myself to stop hoping.
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Out of the Blue
*This was a request*
Warnings - smut / unplanned pregnancy / talk of abortion
I've used a fictional family for Cillian for this, names have been changed.
"That's it then," Cillian sighed, reading the letter from his solicitor, his friend Adam sitting opposite him in the kitchen of Cillian's new apartment in North Dublin. The Decree Nisi, his divorce from Kate now final. He felt a tinge of sadness, he couldn't help it, they'd spent most of their lives together and shared two teenage boys, but he couldn't forgive her cheating on him while he was away filming, the trust had left him completely.
"To a fresh start, Cill." Adam raised his bottle of beer to Cillian's pint of Guinness as they toasted, Ada ln trying to lighten the darkness in his best friend's eyes. "You're better off without her - now you can move on."
"Yeah no thanks, I'm done with women for a LONG time Ad, they're all the fucking same!" Cillian smiled, almost a laugh. "All I'm interested in now is the boys, they've been through one hell of a rollercoaster this last year."
"When are they coming to stay?"
"Tomorrow afternoon, I've got them all weekend."
"Then tonight Mr Murphy I am taking you OUT! Come on, we can go check out that new bar in the city, there's a band on!" Cillian groaned, that was not his plan for this evening. All he wanted was his pyjamas, a good book and an early night. This wasn't lost on Adam. "I'm not taking no for an answer here, come on! It's been months since you went out, let's do this!"
"Adam please... Not tonight yeah? Maybe next week, or.."
"Enough! No! You're not moping any more, I'm taking to out and that's the end of it." Cillian rolled his eyes. Fuck it, arguing with Adam was pointless, he'd known this since high school.
Within an hour they were ready, both of them in jeans and Timberland boots, Cillian in a blue striped t shirt and Adam in a green one. Hair fixed, they headed out to the waiting taxi outside.
"The first sign of someone trying to take my picture, I'm out of there Adam..." Cillian dreaded the thought of being papped out on the town following his divorce. The papers just wanted a scoop on who he'd be sleeping with now he was freshly single and available. Adam nodded in agreement a deal, as the taxi pulled outside the bar.
Y/n woke up, her head pounding. Opening her eyes she looked around at her surroundings, not recognising a single thing.
"The fuck have you done this time y/n..." You groaned, rolling your eyes and sitting up gingerly, trying to stop the contents of your stomach from evacuating violently over the unfamiliar bedsheets. Glancing at the alarm clock, you groaned again. 8am... Why the hell was it so damn early.. and where the fuck was she?? She heard a door downstairs open and close, and froze. She wasn't alone. Footsteps up the stairs, she quickly hid back under the covers pretending to be asleep as she heard the bedroom door open and the pressure on the side of the bed as someone sat down next to her sleeping body.
"Hey.. you awake?" An Irish voice filled the silence, as the smell of fresh coffee found its way under the duvet you were hiding under. Clenching your eyes tightly together, you slowly pulled the duvet back and opened them, seeing the man you clearly spent the previous evening with. Your eyes found his.. my god they were so blue.. he was handsome.. bit older than you, maybe? You couldn't tell for sure. You definitely recognised him from somewhere other than last night though, maybe he went to uni with you?
"Um... Morning.. I uh -" you sat up, taking the coffee from his hand, thanking him.
"Did we -"
"Did we.."
You both spoke at the same time. Clearly neither of you remembering the night before. You smiled, he smiled, before you both burst out laughing.
"Fucking hell, how wasted were we? We can't even remember if we had sex or not? I've NEVER been that drunk.. listen I'm sorry, this isn't exactly a great morning after huh?" He took a sip of his coffee, blushing slightly.
"Hey this is not something I do regularly okay.." he shook his head agreeing, neither did he.
"Cillian." He offered you his hand to shake, still smirking. "Listen if you can't remember if we had sex, you definitely can't remember my name..." Your turn to blush now.
"Y/n. And no. I definitely don't remember. But if it makes you feel any better, I'm still fully clothed? I don't think we had sex then redressed, do you?" You laughed, showing him you were still wearing the top and jeans you had on last night.
The pair of you laughed in relief.. eyes meeting again as the tension finally left the room.
"I can drive you home whenever you're ready y/n. If you need to get back?" Cillian offered.
"Erm.. oh yeah.. that'd be great, thank you.. listen, would it be cheeky to ask for a shower, or..."
"Hey, no not at all! Just through there," he pointed to his en suite. "I'll fetch you a towel, take your time."
You smiled. Those beautiful blue eyes were captivating you completely, you couldn't drag your own eyes away. He couldn't take his own from yours either, that tension was back, but it was a different kind of tension this time. Neither of you could remember how you got here, but neither of you minded that it had happened.
"You.. I'll go have that shower, yeah?" You moved to stand but stumbled slightly, landing closer to Cillian. He didn't move. Your face was now a mere few inches from his. Those eyes, once again never leaving yours. Your core burned, glancing down you saw the obvious excitement in his trousers, causing you to groan quietly.
He leaned in slowly, lips brushing yours carefully. You couldn't stop yourself kissing him back, within seconds the kiss becoming heated, tongues colliding. He leaned you back down onto the bed, moving his body to cover your own. You couldn't stop yourself, it was as if you were moving in autopilot, everything inside your core was on fire, demanding more of this incredible man immediately.
He stopped kissing you and hovered over your face, rubbing his nose against yours.
"Are you sure about this y/n?" You nodded, and kissed him again hungrily, parting your legs as he fell between them, grinding his own hips against yours. You could feel his hard-on, and you bucked your hips against his.
"Please... Don't stop now... I need this.. even if I never see you again after this Cill, just let me.."
"Baby I don't do one night stands... I'm taking you for breakfast as soon as we're done. Deal?" You smiled, no that was probably a grin. Breakfast sounded damn good right now, but not as good as he'd feel buried inside you.
"Deal. Now fuck me.. please?"
"Your wish is my command." Clothes removed, he grabbed a condom from his jeans pocket (Adam bought them the night before, he remembered that part at least, him slipping a couple into his jeans pocket as Cillian protested he wasn't going to sleep with anyone that night anyway...) Slipping it on, he pushed himself inside you, filling you completely.
"Fuck... Cillian that's fucking it..." You raised your hips with each thrust, he buried his face into your neck, biting the skin and sucking it slightly. You could hear him moaning into your collarbone.
"Shit you feel good... So fucking tight y/n..."
"Harder... Cillian, harder..." Your nails scratched down his back - if he was marking you, you were absolutely marking him in return. His thrusts now came hard and fast, as your walls clenched around him, your body finding that sweet release you needed, you hands pulling his hair hard. He came immediately after you, with a low moan into your hair as he pulled it in return, both of you panting trying to catch your breath.
"Shit me... I wasn't expecting that.." Cillian eased himself out, catching the condom before throwing it on the floor by the bed. Collapsing next to you, he turned to face you.
"I'm sorry... I don't even know you and I'm fucking you.. this isn't me y/n, I mean it, I don't do this, I've NEVER done this before."
"Hey, you've never had a one time thing? Seriously?"
"I was married for 20years until last night y/n!" He laughed, causing you to smile too. Suddenly your smile dropped a little.
"How old are you? If you don't mind me asking.."
"42. You?"
"If I tell you, don't freak out yeah?"
"Y/n I know you're younger okay, just tell me. It's okay."
"24." His eyes widened, was that in horror? Shock? Disgust? You couldn't tell but it didn't look good...
"24?? Shit me... The press are gonna have a field day with this..." You sat up, suddenly extremely self conscious. Age was never an issue for you, you actually preferred an older man, but it clearly bothered him.
"The press?" You asked, confused. "Why on earth would they be bothered?"
Cillian looked at you. You looked back at him completely deadpan. Shit, you were serious.
"Google me. Cillian Murphy." You reached into your jeans pocket for your phone and typed his name.
"Oh shit..."
"Y/n, you still with me?" Cillians voice floated through the screen, knocking you from your daydream. Filming over in England for Peaky Blinders, Skype calls were your norm now.
"What? Shit sorry, baby, I was in a world of my own then! What did you say?"
"I asked if that delivery had arrived from Amazon, those books I ordered? You ok?"
"What books? Oh, those.. erm yeah I think so, something arrived for you earlier anyway, I left it on the kitchen side for you for when you get home next week. At least I think I did..."
"What's going on with you? Are you okay? You haven't been yourself for a few days now, forgetting things? You left your keys at work the other day, your phone in your friend's car.. what's going on?" Truth be told, you had no idea. Since your chest infection four months ago, you'd lost the ability to adult. You and Cillian had moved into a new home on the outskirts of Dublin 4 months ago, that morning after being the start of a blossoming romance, that led to you moving in together within the space of 6 months. Everyone had something to say, especially his ex wife who was still telling everyone who'd listen that you were obviously sleeping together while Cillian was still married, obviously he traded her in for a younger model, obviously blah, blah, blah... Never mind the fact that SHE cheated on HIM, no mention of that... Luckily your friends and family saw past all of it, and welcomed the new relationship - seeing how good you two fitted together, it wasn't hard to see why. You were the gin to his tonic, exactly what you both needed without you knowing you needed it. But these last few months, you'd felt completely spaced out - not even you could deny it.
"That chest infection really knocked the wind out my sales Cill, I haven't been right since! My mind's gone to absolute mush! Maybe I'm just run down, I've got the rest of the week off now so I'll get some rest, I promise."
"Maybe book a doctor's appointment y/n, you should be over this by now, you took all your antibiotics, yeah?"
"Yep, every one, right on time. Babe I'm so tired! I can't explain it!"
"Hit the sack babe, get an early one. I'll call you tomorrow. Don't forget to make that appointment okay?" You agreed, eyes growing heavy. You told each other I love you before closing the call and heading straight to bed.
You left the doctor's appointment the following day with tears in your eyes. This couldn't be happening... You took out your phone to call Serena, your best friend.
Approaching her front door, she opened it and immediately held you as sobs racked your body. Taking you inside away from any prying paparazzi, she put the kettle on.
"He's gonna kill me Serena... This isn't supposed to happen! We agreed - this wasn't part of our plan!! What am I going to do? How could I have been so stupid?"
"This isn't your fault y/n.. and he is not going to kill you, okay?" Nausea overcame you and you ran to her downstairs toilet, your breakfast evacuating violently into the toilet bowl. Serena made you a glass of water. Your phone vibrated, Cillian's name appearing on the screen. You ignored it. Again. Three times he'd called, three times you ignored it.
"You have to tell him sooner or later, y/n..." Serena was at the door, glass of water in hand.
"How? How exactly do I tell the man who is adamant he wants no more children that I'm fucking pregnant Serena? And I'm already 13 weeks gone? How did I not know?" Sobs overcame you again, your phone vibrating a fourth time. This time, a voicemail was left. Shakily, you listened to it.
"Y/n what the fuck? Call me. Call me right now." He didn't sound happy - from just a few missed calls, that was a bit extreme! Once you'd calmed down, Serena left you alone in her kitchen while you called him back via WhatsApp, hands still shaking.
"Baby, what's going on?? Paul's just shown me a photo on Twitter of you leaving the doctors with tears in you eyes, what the hell is happening?" You cursed yourself.. fucking photographers everywhere!
"Babe, are you alone? And sitting down? Put your phone on video call." He did as you asked and you saw his panic-stricken face fill the screen as you settled your phone on the counter. He saw your pale, tear-stained face and turned a shade of white.
"Y/n what is it?"
"I went to the doctor's -"
"I know that, y/n..."
"Look, this is easier if you don't interrupt me, yeah?" He nodded an apology and sat back, arms folded. "So that chest infection.. I had to take antibiotics. And it would appear that antibiotics... Well.. they render the pill completely useless and -" his eyes widened as he listened to you.
"The fuck are you saying y/n?"
"I'm pregnant, Cillian. 13 weeks." You closed your eyes, waiting for him to scream at you. Shout at you. Curse you. But he said nothing. Silence. Complete radio silence. You opened your eyes, tears threatening to fall any second. "Well fucking say something Cill!"
"I... I don't... Fuck y/n... This is a joke, right? You're joking? It's April 1st and you're having me on, yeah?"
"No, Cillian, it's July 15th and I am not FUCKING JOKING!!" The tears fell freely now, how much of an arsehole could he be. You saw him stand up and walk across the room out of view and your tears fell harder. Serena re-entered the room hearing your sobs but you waved her back. Composing yourself..
"Cillian... Cillian are you still there? Cillian?!" He came back into view and sat back down, eyes wet. He was crying.
"I'm sorry.. baby I'm sorry I didn't mean.." choking his words, so many emotions running through his mind. Another wave of nausea saw you suddenly dash out of view to throw up in the toilet again. All he saw was you run.
"Y/n?? Baby?? Where you going??" Serena came into view.
"Cill she's fine - it's morning sickness. She's okay don't worry." Cillian breathed a sigh of relief seeing your best friend there, at least you weren't alone.
"Listen, go take care of her yeah, tell her to call me when she's feeling okay.. and tell her I love her. We'll be okay. Everything will be okay, I promise." Serena smiled, nodding her head, ending the call, making her way back to you, still wretching into the bowl.
"How are you feeling?" Cillians voice helped to ease the pain. Your morning sickness had subsided, at least for the last couple of days. Your bump appeared out of nowhere once you'd found out you were pregnant, but with the sudden change in your body came changes you really didn't appreciate - your pelvis was agony. Since you hit the 7 month mark, it felt like it was on fire daily.
"Like dogshit. Like my hips want to cripple me. This is hell Cillian, I miss you so much!" You started to cry again, Cillian feeling completely helpless. He'd already missed so much of this precious time filming, neither of you able to come home or visit due to Covid restrictions and y/n having a high risk pregnancy. Severe morning sickness, coupled now with severe pelvic girdle pain, doctors had signed you off on sick until your maternity leave kicked in in 6 weeks time. You couldn't walk now without crutches, relying on friends and family to bring you groceries. You were beginning to resent your own baby, which made you feel even worse.
"I'm on the first flight home tomorrow morning, we wrapped filming up a month early so I could come home sooner. I wanted to surprise you, but I'm shit at surprises!" He chuckled, causing you to giggle too. You perked up, still lay on the sofa like a bloated whale but at least you were smiling now.
"Really? You'll be home tomorrow?"
"Flight lands at 7am. I'll be home by 7:45. And I'm not going anywhere, y/n, I've cleared my schedule. Nothing coming up, no press, no interviews, I'm completely yours and the baby's for the foreseeable future. I promise." Tears fell again, but this time, happy ones. He'd be home in less than 12 hours. One more sleep, and he'd be home.
"Come on y/n... You can do this!" You gripped Cillians hand hard as another contraction rippled painfully across your abdomen. Why the fuck did you refuse the epidural? What the hell were you thinking??
"I can't... I can't do it... Cillian I've been doing this for hours I can't..... Aaaaahhhhhh!" You screamed as your body took over and you bore down. The midwife ordering you to push.
"You can, you can baby, come on... She's nearly here! So close now, just a little longer..." He breathed with you, patting your head with a cold flannel to cool you down. Another contraction, another push...
Suddenly the room erupted with a baby's loud cry, swiftly followed by your own. Cillians eyes watered as your daughter was lifted in the air, still attached by the umbilical cord. Cillian cut it, taking your daughter into his arms. It was already decided he would hold your baby first, after all, you'd been carrying her for 9 months! You choked, seeing him holding your baby for the first time, as he carried her over to you to hold to your chest.
"She's here... She's beautiful.. look at her eyes Cillian!" Ocean blue, just like his.
"She has your nose y/n... My god she's perfect..." He kissed your head gently, openly sobbing now and not caring in the slightest. He thanked you. He thanked you for bringing his daughter safely into the world, for going through hell during the worst pregnancy you could've imagined..
"All worth it... Every second.. but I'm never doing this again Cillian.. I mean it, never again." You glared at him then at the scissors on the table, then down at his groin.
"Fuck off, y/n, I'm not having anyone snipping anything down there..."
"Looks like a life of celibacy then Murphy, that's the only logical conclusion."
"I'll book an appointment next week." You smirked. Very rarely did you not get your own way, and now he had two girls against him, he knew he'd never get his OWN way ever again.
And he wouldn't have it any other way.
@queenshelby @peakyscillian @ntmynouis @margoo0
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || You’re Drunk Crying [Request]
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Jin tried to hold back his laughter as you started crying in the seat next to him, he knew it would be mean to laugh at you right now since you were in such a drunken state you'd begun crying over a dog you'd seen in the street.
"You know I love you right, I love you so much Jin." You whimpered as you began moving around in the backseat, he'd sat you back there so you couldn't distract him while he was driving.
"You're so perfect and kind to me. Even now! I woke you up at 5 am to come and get me and you did!" You began sobbing heavily again as you laid down on the seats, going on about how perfect Jin was. Gushing about how much you loved everything he did for you.
"This is sweet baby, you won't remember any of this though." He chuckled as he pulled into the driveway of your shared house.
"How can I forget anyone as kind as you, you're so handsome!" You squished his cheeks together as he came closer to you to help you out of the car.
"You're so fucking perfect." He hummed along with you as you began to slur on your words a little, he shook his head at you as he wrapped his arms around your body. Letting you continue to ramble at him as he carried you through to the house. All of this was only going to boost his ego and allow him to bully you in the morning.
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The music was blaring through the speaker next to you so Yoongi couldn't hear what you were saying to him exactly,
"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" You screamed to him as he asked you to repeat yourself for the sixth time in the span of 30 seconds, he could hear you crying down the phone to him and he felt a stab in his chest at the thought of you  crying.
"I love you too baby, where are you?" He asked concerned as he looked at the time, he was in the studio so he hadn't even known about you going out tonight.
"Out with the girls! W-We went for a drink!" You hiccupped between your sentence causing him to let out a small chuckle about how cute you were when you were drunk. He was used to you crying on him whenever you got drunk, gushing about how much you loved holly or your friends but this time it was all about him.
"Are you going home soon?" He questioned as he began to pack up his own things getting ready to go home or grab you from whatever club you happened to be in.
"Soon. I-I want cuddles Yoongles. I want you to hold me." The sniffles had already started so he chuckled to himself, promising to come by and grab you if you told him what club you happened to be in that night.
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Hoseok grunted as he set you down on the bed, it was 3 am and you were sobbing hysterically over something Hoseok didn't understand. Tears were gushing down your cheeks as you made incoherent remarks to him about what was making you cry so much,
"Baby please tell me what's wrong." He begged, sitting in front of you only for you to grab onto his cheeks and stare into his eyes.
"You. You're what's wrong! How can someone be so full of sunshine and happiness...You're a literal angle!" He frowned as you said angle instead of what he assumed you were trying to say as "angel". He shooked his head at you as you laid back against the sheets and began to tell him how much you loved him. Crying while you gushed out all of the reasons you loved him, he teared up listening to everything you had to say about him while he got you ready for bed.
"Thank you Angle, I love you too." He teased you as you passed out in the bed, snuggling into the sheets as you breathed in the scent of Hoseok's pillow.
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Being away from one another was never easy but it was even harder when you got drunk and called Namjoon on skype, crying to him about something. He knew how much of an emotional drunk you were so he expected nothing less tonight only this time you surprised him. When he answered the call he expected to see you in the street crying but not this time. This time you were curled up in bed dressed in one of his hoddies crying to him.
"What's wrong baby? See a cute dog?" He questioned referencing back to the time you called him crying over a homeless man and his dog.
"My boyfriend is so fucking perfect. He gets to live his dream life! H-He's just so smart and loving-" You continued to ramble on about Namjoon as he listened to you, chuckling as he realised you probably meant to call one of your friends instead.
"Baby...Look at the screen." He whispered to you as he looked at the screen at you, as soon as you saw him you began to sink into the hoodie.
"Is this what you do when I'm gone?" He smiled as he put his writing items down and snuggled into the hotel bed, wanting to be as comfortable as you were.
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Jimin didn't expect to walk into the kitchen and find you crying on the floor to the cat when he came downstairs. He thought you were staying at a friends place for the night so he jumped up when he heard small sniffles.
"You're on the floor baby," He cooed when he looked down to see you laid on the floor eating a slice of bread straight out of the bread bin,
"Any reason you're eating bread?" He chuckled as he sat down in front of you,
"S-Soak up the alcohol." You slurred as you handed him a half-eaten piece but he took it away from you, placing it on the counter behind his head,
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?!" You whimpered as you crawled over to him, laying down with your head resting on his thigh. Silent tears gushing down your cheeks as you began to list off the reasons you loved him.
"I look at you and I instantly feel like I'm at home like I belong somewhere." You sobbed to him as you tried to stop yourself from crying but the alcohol in your system was making you more emotional than usual.
"Come up to the bed, you can tell me how much you love me while we fall asleep." He chuckled softly as he looked down at you, your hands covering your eyes as you cried hard into them.
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Your friends had called Taehyung to come and get you, you were crying into one of their arms when Taehyung rushed into the bathroom to find you.
"Babe?" As soon as you heard his voice and saw his face you began to cry harder, getting up and wrapping your arms around him as you sobbed into his chest. No one had told him what was making you cry so he looked at your friend for answers,
"They mixed their drinks, they're just gushing about you." Your best friend told him as you began to mumble against Taehyung's chest about how much you loved everything he did for you, including driving out in the middle of the night to come and get you.
"I love you too baby, come on." He chuckled as he began leading you out of the bathrooms and towards the exit, trying to get you into the car as quickly as your drunken Bambi legs would allow you to go.
"you're so kind to me, most people would just leave me alone to cry." You whimpered as he sat you in the front passenger seat, leaning over to do your seatbelt up.
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Jungkook winced as you came bounding over to him from the small stage area, your best friend had called him when you'd gotten up to perform your seventh song of the night. All of them some big cheesy romance song which you'd devoted to your boyfriend, even though he wasn't there.
"KOOKIE!" He gripped onto you as you were about to slip and kissed your forehead, as soon as he came into contact with you though you began to sob at him, whimpering as you pushed your head into his chest.
"They've been emotional all night," Your friend whispered to Jungkook as they both began to walk you out of the small bar and over to his car which was waiting for you.
"I have not," You whimpered, Jungkook chuckled as you sat in the car. Folding your arms over your chest as you pouted at him,
"I've been expressing my love for my boyfriend." You sniffled as you stared out of the front of the window.
"You've been devoting your love for me, baby?" He chuckled starting up the engine and reaching for your hand as you continued to let out small sobs, telling him how much you appreciated everything he does for you.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @rjsmochii​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @bisexualmess007​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @agustdjoon​ @jin-from-the-block​
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sorry-i-ship-drarry · 3 years
Coming Home
Day 4 - Fireplace/ floo 
The low hymn of the music played, the wine already set on the table and the food ready out of kitchen and over to the dinning table. Harry set up the laptop on the table, an evident but perfect distance from the plate and himself. He shuddered a breath, fixing his collar one last time then just for a good measure turned on the camera to see how he looked and how did the lighting look.
Apparently not so good.
He got up and set a fire in the fire place behind him which immediately enlightened the room and he checked the lighting in the camera once again. Satisfied this time, he settled down into the chair and logged into his skype and called Draco.
The bud-boop sound continued for a while until finally Draco picked up the call.
" Hi- Draco-uh- Dray- your camera's off" Harry said first.
" oh- shit- right " and the screen immediately lit up after that and Draco became visible on the screen.
Draco paused for a while just smiling at Harry that he was almost scared that his video was stuck but soon he spoke up " Hi " it was a content smile that made Harry smile himself.
" Hey " Harry grinned.
" Ready for the date ?" Draco asked lightly chuckling.
Harry nodded " I made sausage and kale lasagna "
Draco smiled knowing it was his favourite " I made Indian- your favourite- chicken curry and rice "
He smiled and without any further delay they started acting out how they did when they weren't on a virtual date, talking about all sorts of things, even thing's that didn't make sense and the most random complaint about people the other didn't know exist.
45 minutes later they had pushed aside the food and Harry was leaning over the table with one of how elbow on the table drinking his wine with the other hand.
" and so I told him he can take his tiny rats ass and work with someone else who gave him attention like a baby- I mean we were supposed to be working together and he completely relied on me for all of the things- it's like being with baby only much worse " Draco groaned.
Harry let out a low chuckle " I mean what did you expect from Tyler anyways- remember the time when he cracked up a joke about a baby and nobody laughed and he was pissed at everyone because no one did-"
" I know- He really needs to grow up. It's just annoying at this point and you won't believe there's two of them" Draco gave a big eye roll.
Harry eyes widened in a surprise " there's two of them " he laughed
" Yes- wasn't one enough, now I have to work with stupid Miller too- he's even got an annoying voice " Draco added.
Harry shook his head laughing " Oh Dray, poor you"
" exactly- pity me, poor me" Draco sighed.
A little while later after Harry was done talking about the new album of the backstreet boys and how they had really outdid themselves but Harry's favourite was still Incomplete by backstree and a bit more of how Harry only liked slow song's like those while Draco liked more the stuff of Fall out boys and Beatles or Greenday, that was until Draco caught sight behind Harry and saw the newly built fireplace.
" you got it repaired?"
" actually- I repaired it myself- well ever since you're gone, I don't have much to do so I have ample time on the weekend's- so- I did it myself- I had nothing better to do and nothing special happened at work" Harry explained shrugging right after.
Draco sighed then leaned back in his chair " Well it looks great"
Harry sensed his tone and added " And ?"
" And what ?" Draco questioned back
" you know there's more to that sentence, you know I know it too " Harry replied.
Draco sighed then leaned forward over his own table and slumped down, his chin over his crossed arms in a soft look " it's just sometimes I worry"
" Worry, about what?" Harry asked frowning.
" about us- you- it's not like I'm insecure or anything but it's just I worry that we won't have enough time for each other or how I'm not there with you worries every second of everyday-"
" but I'm absolutely fine- there's nothing going on-"
" I know " Draco dragged on " I just- I want us to be together- I'm afraid I won't be home for Christmas. With the way everything is going around I feel like I'll have to stay around a bit longer"
Harry remained silent for a while. They had been doing long distance relationship for about 3 month's ever since Draco had to work at the countryside of Britain on some other case. They understood the work was important but this distance was killing both of them, not being able to see each other was just too much.
" it'll be fine- we'll spend some other time together- let's say when you come back home that is whenever you do we'll do a Christmas theme date" Harry said as a compensation
" it still won't be Christmas and it won't be the same Harry- I- I want to be with you- like all the time. I know I say we'll work through it and that I can do the long distance but I can't"
" but you said you could ?" Harry countered.
" I know I said I could and I can but I don't want to Harry. I promised myself I wouldn't tell you this but this is killing me- not being able to see you is ripping me apart, knowing that I don't go back home to your arms frustrates me and over everything it upsets me that I can't be there for you in anything- literally like last month when you got sick and couldn't move from the bed for 4 days- it broke me- I know you told me not to worry but I swear I was thinking only of you. It was killing me then and it's still killing me and I'm always Afraid you'll get sick or something would happen to you and I won't be there- fuck- I love you so much that it's just making it so difficult for me to not being able to see you " Draco inhaled sharply after that.
Harry stared at him through the screen, he Never knew Draco was bottling up so much. He knew the long distance must be as hard on him as it's on Harry but he didn't know that not being with each other worried him so much that he didn't focus on anything but Harry even if there was nothing. He didn't like to admit but it was true for him too. He wanted to be supportive of Draco, to his job and everything else but he never wanted to do long distance not because he didn't have faith in their relationship but not being with each other for whole 6 month's or more just messed up with his functioning. Whether he believed it or not, Draco was the reason for his survival.
" I miss you too Dray but it is what it is- no matter how much it's kills you or me- its something we have to do- I want to be supportive of every decision you make as long as it benefits you-"
" benefit me at the cost of being away from you- not worth it- fuck it I'm coming Home-"
" wait what- No- Draco-" but he had already disconnected. He knew Draco could be very impulsive at times, he could be irrational even but something like this had never happened before and it worried Harry more than the sane amount that he started pacing back and forth across the room biting his nail trying to think of how he could make up an excuse for Draco's absence at work because Draco definitely wouldn't explain well but his rail of thoughts came to an end as soon as the fire place lit up with emerald green sparks and Draco ran across and immediately hugged Harry, who didn't hug back.
" Are you out of your head ?" Harry snapped pushing Draco away a Little bit to look at him.
" yes- I'm out of my head-"
" Draco this isn't the time for a joke- go back and we'll work on making an excuse for your communication- and-"
" No harry-"
" yes "
" No " Draco said louder this time meaning he felt strongly about this.
" but your work?" Harry sounded defeated.
" can wait. I don't care if that stupid job benefits me or not or if it would do me any good or would work for my promotion or if it was the one thing I wanted to do my whole life- I- don't- care " Draco explained
" you don't ?"
" No I don't- nothing is worth this Harry. I don't want to choose to be away from you. I meant it when I said that the distance was killing me, it was, so much. I don't want to be away from you no matter how much better a job might be- nothing is worth losing you or being away from or seeing you only a stupid screen. Work might've been my priority once but now- it's you- it's been you for a very long time now so the world could fuck itself but I'll stay right here with you and I won't leave- because- you're my safe place Harry, the only one I want to come back home to, and not some gray coloured hotel room" Draco explained.
Harry gazed at him, his expression changing from worried one to soft look of love. He chose to stay, with Harry. Was there anything more he could ever want in his life.
" so you'll stay ?" He asked smiling.
" for always " Draco smiled back.
Harry finally hugged Draco and just in time kissed him over the lips confessing his love for him. At the end of the day, they could be world's apart but there was nowhere else they would rather be but with each other, even if that meant getting fired from your dream job.
Day 3- All I Want For Christmas Is You || Day 5- Some unsaid lovestories
For @hpdestress fluff December fest.
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procrastinatingnerd · 3 years
Hi everyone! So this was my first time taking part in the @osemanversebigbang but I had so much fun!! I can't wait to read everyone's entries! 💜
Title: Angel Rahimi And The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Lunch Break
Characters: Angel, Juliet, Rowan, Jimmy, Lister, Bliss, two of Angel’s future uni friends (OCs).
Spoilers? Minor spoilers of important events in “I Was Born For This”.
Word Count: 3.6k
Ships: Bicci, one joke about Juliet/Rowan.
~Joan of Arc (Probably)
“I am so fucking tired”
“Right, time’s up, put your pens down.” The exam officer says from the front of the room. I scribble one last sentence before my hand gives out, and I all but throw my pen onto the desk, sighing as dramatically as I can. This week is a fucking nightmare. Exams and assignments are the piss. Fuck uni, I’m ready to drop out. Or drop dead. Either works, honestly.
As I leave the exam hall, I walk past some people from the students’ union. They’re handing out flyers for the Christmas ball next week. My housemates are all planning on going, but my friends and I planned our present swap for that night, so we’re going to spend it eating a fuck ton of snacks and watching the cheesiest Christmas films we can find. I can’t wait, I bought them each a bag of their favourite sweets from the American candy shop, it's going to be so much fun!
But that’s next week. Right now, all I want is to sit at a table that doesn’t have an exam paper on it, and eat something very greasy and very unhealthy. There’s a pizza place just on the edge of campus, run by some of the culinary arts students, and they make the best sauce ever. It’s pretty cheap too, which makes it a favourite for most people, especially at the end of a semester, when everyone’s bank accounts are running low.
I have about an hour until I need to be back in the exam hall, so I take full advantage of the outdoor seating and collapse into a chair after ordering. My pizza is brought out to me not long after, and I breathe in the smell. Nothing has smelt more gorgeous than the slices sitting in front of me. It’s a surprisingly warm day, for December at least, and for a moment, everything feels calm. I can hear a bird singing in a tree somewhere, other students are hanging around campus, most with their noses in their phones or in textbooks, and I actually let myself relax for a bit. I’ve done all the revision I can for this next exam, and I’m in desperate need of a break. I deserve this.
I pick up my first slice of pizza, and bring it up to my mouth. As I’m about to take a bite, however, my phone rings. I put the pizza down with a sigh and answer the phone without looking at who’s calling. Mum probably sensed I wasn’t doing any work, and is calling to check up on me.
“Hello?” I say tiredly.
“Angel, hi! Is this a good time??” I grin at the sound of Juliet’s voice.
“Hell yeah, it’s a perfect time! What’s up?”
“Wait, you don’t know why I’m calling?” Juliet says hesitantly. Shit. What have I forgotten now? I know it’s not her birthday. Wait, is it mine?? I swear exams rot your brain, have I actually forgotten my own birthday?
“No…?” I ask after internally monologuing for way too long.
“Oh my god, you don’t know??” Juliet screeches in my ear, “Angel go look at your phone, it’s urgent!”
Now very concerned, I put Juliet on speaker and, for the first time all morning, actually read the notifications filling my lock screen. I open the Twitter news one, and my mouth drops open in shock.
“Holy shit.”
On my screen is a news article with a headline that reads, “THE ARK’S JIMMY KAGA-RICCI AND LISTER BIRD’S SECRET RELATIONSHIP EXPOSED”, and just below it sits a large photo of Jimmy and Lister, standing outside a pub, kissing. I don’t believe it.
“Holy fu- Hold on a second. Mate, isn’t that the pub by Piero’s house?!” I say, bringing my phone as close to my face as I can, as if that’ll help me see better. There’s a loud shuffling noise on the other end of the line, and then I hear a gasp.
“Oh my god, you’re right!” Juliet says. “Rowan said they were going on holiday, but I thought he meant abroad or something.” I smile at that. Ever since our little jaunt to Kent last summer, Juliet and I have kept in touch with the boys. We even have a group chat now; us and them and even Bliss is in it. I’m so glad we stayed friends.
At first, Rowan was really quiet, and if he did speak he and Juliet would almost always end up arguing, but they’ve been getting along quite well lately. I’m not saying I ship it or anything, I’ve learnt my lesson there, but I have to say, fangirl-to enemies-to lovers would make a wicked fanfiction trope.
“Did you see any of this coming?” Juliet continues. “Surely Jimmy would have said something to you?”
“He said he was dating someone, but didn’t want to give details because they were taking things slow. Well, that and that celebrity phone hacking scandal freaked him right the fuck out, remember?” I say.
right, he stopped talking on the group chat for like two weeks, didn’t he?” Juliet giggles back. “Well, nevertheless, I’m happy for them. They’re cute together.”
“Yeah, they are.” I grin again. “Oh my god, poor Rowan though! I’d hate to live with a couple, especially a new one! It’d be nauseating.”
“Oh I know, right? And imagine what’ll happen when they have their first fight!” Juliet gasps again. I shudder at the thought.
“I’m muting the group chat when that happens.” I joke.
“Not a bad idea.” Juliet laughs back, then pauses. “Oh, Angel, I’m sorry I’ve got the get going, but do you want to skype later?”
“Yeah, no problem! I’ve got a revision session at 6, but I should be free by 9ish?”
“Sounds perfect! See you then!” Juliet says, and with that, she’s gone, and I’m back to sitting alone with my pizza.
Jimmy and Lister. Holy shit. I don’t think anyone in the fandom saw this coming. Everything has been about Jowan, since the fandom started growing it’s the only ship that ever existed. No one bothered writing fics about any other pairings. The only Jimmy/Lister fics I ever came across were platonic ones, and even they made sure to mention Jimmy’s boyfriend Rowan.
Oh god, I hope they’re okay. The fans got so crazy when Bliss and Rowan’s relationship was exposed. Jimmy/Lister is the final nail in the Jowan coffin. Jimmy must be having the panic attack of his life! I’ve got to-
My phone rings again.
I look down at the screen, and see Jimmy’s name. I take a deep breath, and answer.
“Jimmy, hi! How are-”
“Have you seen it??”
“Oh god. This isn’t how we wanted to tell you guys.”
“You sure? Because getting caught by the national press worked so well for you last time.” I tease. Silence. Oops, probably not the best thing to remind him of right now.
“Jimmy, you still there?” I say carefully. There’s a slight rustle on his end, which means he probably just nodded. “Everything is going to be fine, I promise. The fans will move on. They already did with Jowan, right?”
“But what if something happens again? Something like-”
“It won’t. You guys have better security now, and you’re doing less public events. You’re going to be fine.” I hope and pray that I’m saying the right things. Jimmy and I have gotten close lately, but I’m nowhere near as good at helping him deal with his anxiety as Rowan and Lister are. There’s more silence, until finally, Jimmy speaks again.
“Okay. Yeah. Yeah I think you’re right. Thanks, Angel.”
“Course I’m right! If there’s one thing I know, it’s fandom drama.” Jimmy laughs, and I grin back. “And don’t forget, you’re not alone in this. This is happening to Lister too, and no doubt Rowan and Bliss will be there to help you. Just talk to them.”
“Thank you Angel, I’ll go do that now.”
“Perfect! Love you Jim, I’ll text you later.” I say, and the call ends.
He’ll be okay. He’s got too many people who love him not to be. I take another breath and put my phone down on the table. As soon as I do, however, it buzzes again, and I see Jimmy is trying to facetime me. Now very concerned, I answer it and hold the phone up so he can see my face properly.
“Jimmy, are you okay, what’s happened??” I ask anxiously, but he looks fine. He looks at me with a confused expression.
“Nothing, I’m just talking to the others, like you said.” He says. It’s only me and him on the call. I stare at him in silence for a moment.
“Jimmy, mate… I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m not any of them” I say slowly, and to my surprise, Jimmy laughs.
“Yeah I know, but I was kind of hoping to have you here, too, if that’s okay?” He says sheepishly. “It’s okay if you’re busy, it’s just that… I don’t know, you’re good with this stuff and you make me feel calm? Sorry, I know that’s a lot to just dump on you.” Jimmy doesn’t look at me directly, and I start to feel tears in my eyes.
“Well damn, Jim, I guess if you truly love me that much, I can stick around for a bit.” I laugh, and quickly glance at the time. “My lunch break is only halfway over, anyway, so I have plenty of time to hang out while you talk to the others.”
Jimmy seems to let out a breath, like he’d been holding it, and grins.
Just as I’m about to start talking again, I hear a ping, and Lister’s face appears on screen, followed by Rowan and Bliss.
“Hey Jimjam, you okay?” Rowan asks, looking as calm as ever. “Oh hey Angel.” He adds. I give him an awkward smile.
“Wait, Angel's here?” Bliss interrupts before Jimmy can answer. “Nice, how’s the week from hell going? Didn’t think we’d hear from you until you’d made it through.”
“Yeah it’s rough, but I’m getting there. This is a welcome distraction though.” I grin at her.
“So you’ve seen the pictures then. They look good, right?” Lister chimes in, before correcting himself. “I mean, it’s horrible they found us, fucking pricks, but you’ve got to admit we look good.”
“You can be so self-centred sometimes.” Bliss laughs.
“Come on Lister, this isn’t a joke.” Rowan chides him.
“Well, I guess he isn’t wrong..” Jimmy mumbles nervously and I see him smile a bit.
“See, Jimmy agrees with me!” Lister argues back at Rowan, who rolls his eyes.
“It’s still not something to laugh about.” Rowan says firmly. “Cecily’s already on damage control, cancelling some events, beefing up the security at others, and giving the tabloids hell. She’s also let your grandad know, Jimmy.”
“Wait, aren’t you guys all down there already?” I ask, confused.
“Nah we got back last night. That picture was taken when we went out for lunch the other day. Took their time printing it.” Lister says.
“Probably needed time to pad out their articles. Seriously, how can they write so many pages about two people dating?” Bliss adds.
“Probably whining about how Jowan is now well and truly dead.” Rowan rolls his eyes again. “Although I have to say, I’m pretty happy about that part.” I cringe slightly as he says that. I will never not regret being one of the Jowan fangirls.
“So Cecily’s already got a plan? That’s good, that’s a bit of a relief.” Jimmy speaks up, looking visibly more relaxed than he had sounded over the phone earlier.
“Yeah she’s got it sorted, so we can start planning our Christmas party!” Lister says, making the others groan.
“Lister what the hell makes you think we should be throwing a massive fucking party right now?!” Rowan says, his voice growing louder. Lister goes quiet, looking like he wants to shrink into his seat, before eventually speaking up again.
“Look, it doesn’t have to be anything big, I just mean… Angel, you’re gonna be in London with Juliet, right? Come over, drag Bliss with you, Jimmy can invite his grandad, Rowan you can bring Jade, and there you go, that’s our party!”
“That’s...actually a good idea.” Rowan says, surprised.
“Yeah, that sounds like fun!” Jimmy adds.
“I’m up for it, Angel, do you think Juliet will wanna come?” Bliss says.
“Hell yeah she would, let’s do it!” I reply with a massive smile on my face. Partying with Bliss and the boys sounds like the best way to spend my Christmas London trip. I’ll make sure to tell Juliet about it when I talk to her later. As I start planning all the food I’m going to bring over, and wondering what the boys’ flat will look like at Christmas, the conversation starts up again.
“You sure you’re doing alright, Jimmy? I can come back home if you need me to.” Rowan says, focusing things on the issue at hand again.
“No no, don’t worry, stay with your family. They’d kill me if I made you miss out on spending time with them.” Jimmy jokes. “I’ve got Lister here, and Cecily’s number if I need it. My head isn’t giving me too much grief right now, anyway.”
“Wait, Lister, you’re there with him?” Bliss asks.
“Yeah, check it out!” Lister says, before picking up his phone and moving. He takes us out of what I think was his room, through a hallway and comes out into a large living room, where we can see Jimmy on a sofa looking at his phone. “Say hi to the chat, Jim!”
Everyone laughs as Jimmy gives an awkward wave to Lister’s phone. Lister then hangs up and launches himself into view of Jimmy’s screen, and the two shuffle about until they’re practically sitting on top of each other, faces
squished together so the tiny phone camera captures them both. I hate how cute they look together.
“Alright, if you’re sure, Jimmy,” Rowan says, smiling for probably the first time this whole call.
“Yeah, I’m sure.” Jimmy smiles back. “This whole situation is terrifying, and I’m more than ready to hide in my room and not see another mad fangirl for the rest of my life, but... if I did that we’d never get to hang out with Angel again.” He finishes, biting his lip as if unsure of whether or not the joke will hit.
“Uh..ouch!” I clap my hand on top of my heart dramatically and laugh, while the others join in. “I’ll have you know I’ve abandoned my fangirl ways. Mostly. Sort of. Okay, not completely but I’m not shipping real people anymore, so that’s something, right?!”
Lister is giving Jimmy a look of what I can only assume is pride for making a decent joke during a time of peak anxiety, Rowan has his head in his hands, probably contemplating his life choices now that Lister seems to be rubbing off on Jimmy, and Bliss still looks shocked that such a joke came out of Jimmy’s mouth, not Lister’s. When things calm down again, I check the time and speak up again.
“Well this has been fun Jim, but I’m afraid I have mad fangirl duties to be getting back to. Shrines to build, fanfiction to write, you know how it is.” I say sarcastically.
“Thanks again, Angel, for being here, and listening. And you’d better be right about that fandom drama.” Jimmy laughs again, although this time I see his smile falter a bit.
“Hey, look at me,” I say, moving as close to the screen as I can without squishing my face on it. “Things will settle down before you know it, in the meantime, we’re all here for you. You’re not alone in this.” Rowan and Bliss nod in agreement, and I see Lister hug Jimmy closer. Jimmy takes a breath and nods as well.
“Thanks Angel. And good luck with your exam. We’ll see you over the holidays.” He smiles.
“Yeah you got this Angel, go smash it!” Bliss chimes in, giving me a thumbs up and a grin. I say one last goodbye to them all, and hang up.
I look back down at my pizza, still uneaten. I need to stop letting myself get distracted during phone calls. I can eat and talk to my friends at the same time. I’m usually a master at it.
“Fereshteh!” I look up again. Either I’m going loony, or someone just said-
“FERESHTEH!” I turn around and see Mollie and Christina barrelling towards me, with the most excitement I’ve ever seen on a students’ face during exam season. They crash into my table and both start talking at once.
“Have you seen??”
“Did you know??”
“How long have they been together?!”
“Oh my god is this why you won’t tell us about what happened in Kent?!”
“Woah, easy on the interrogation! Seriously, you guys need to work on your interview skills.” I put my hands up in surrender and laugh. Mollie rolls her eyes at me.
“So? Did they tell you or what?” She asks again. I roll my eyes back at her.
“You know I don’t want to tell you guys anything about the boys. They trust me, and I’m not going to fuck that up because of some shit a tabloid prints.”
“How dare you appeal to our morality and ethics, we want gossip dammit!” Christina giggles, lightly banging her fist down on the table.
“Then stick to the Twitter pages.” I stick my tongue out at her. Mollie and Christina are two of my housemates, and are part of the Ark fandom. I never planned on telling them about Kent, but they figured out who I was thanks to the pictures of me and Jimmy on the train. I didn’t think you could tell it was me, but fangirls are like master detectives. They figured it out in less than a week. They haven’t told anyone though, they’re good mates.
“So how are you feeling about all of this? Whether you knew or not, having it out in the press like this is a lot to handle, especially after last time.” Mollie says, now in serious mode.
“It is a lot, definitely, but they’ll be fine. They’ve had this happen before and they know what to expect from the fans. I just wish I could be there for them.” I say, sitting back in my chair.
“I get
that, it must suck that you guys are so far apart now.” Christina chimes in.
“I mean it’s not like we ever lived close to each other before. The only reason we even crossed paths over the summer was because I was staying with a friend. But yeah, being away from them all is kind of hard sometimes.” I sigh dramatically, making Mollie and Christina grin.
“Are you going to visit them over Christmas?” Christina asks.
“I’m definitely going to visit my friend in London again, for a day or two, but I don’t know if we’ll be able to see the boys.” I quickly lie. “They cut back on public events but they’re still really busy most of the time. And this,” I gesture to my phone “definitely won’t help.”
“We’ll keep an eye on fandom updates for you, and try to shut any mentions of Jowan down,” Mollie says, reaching across the table and giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I squeeze hers back and give her a grateful smile. I mostly stopped interacting with the fandom after meeting the boys, reading fanfiction, and discussing theories with other fans just feels weird and creepy to do when the people you’re talking about are your friends. So it’s nice that I have Mollie and Christina looking out for them, and doing what I can’t. Christina has a pretty big following on Tumblr, and Mollie’s a Twitter ace, so I trust them to hold their ground with the fandom.
“Okay, you don’t have to give us any details, but genuinely, what do you think of Lister and Jimmy as a couple? Because I don’t think the fandom could handle a breakup.” Christina says after a while, making me laugh.
“Pfft, yeah I don’t think the boys could handle a breakup, either.” I smile. “But honestly? I think they’ll be good for each other. Lister is good at helping Jimmy relax and step out of his anxiety bubble, and Jimmy can help reign in Lister’s chaotic energy. Plus they’re freaking cute together, I mean just look at this picture!” I finish, gesturing dramatically to my phone again.
“They are so cute!” Mollie nods in agreement. “I’m actually shocked no one thought to ship them together before.”
“That’s the Jowan storm, for you,” Christina adds. “Can’t believe we ever shipped that.”
“So gross.” I shudder at the thought. Suddenly the alarm I’d set this morning went off, making us all jump.
“What’s that?” Mollie asks. I check the screen and practically leap out of my seat.
“Oh shit, my exam starts in 10 minutes!” I say, gathering my stuff up as quickly as I can. I say my goodbyes to Mollie and Christina and start running back across campus to the exam hall.
I make it just in time, much to the invigilator’s chagrin, check my bag in at the desk at the back of the hall, and collapse into my assigned seat. The exam starts, and it’s only when it does that my stomach reminds me that I never actually ate lunch. Shit.
I start to silently scold myself for being so stupid, when my mind starts drifting to the video chat with Jimmy and the others. He and Lister looked so comfortable with each other. Makes sense, they've known each other for so long. But even still, Jimmy looked so much happier once Lister sat down with him, and Lister himself practically seemed at home with Jimmy’s arms wrapped around him. I smile at my exam paper.
I’m so happy for them.
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minsugallery · 3 years
This is Part Of: BTS Gold Net’s Fateful 8 Anniversary Event [ @btsgoldnetwork ]
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Summary: So, it’s your three year anniversary. Three years as a couple, three years in love, three years of trials and tribulations. So, the question is: what now?
Genre: Slice of Life! AU, Established Relationship! AU, Fluff, Fluff/Smut, Angst
Pairing: Idol! Jimin x Reader, Male! Jimin x Female! Reader
Warnings: Cursing/Swearing, Mentions of Stalking, Bullying (Verbal and Slight Physical), Threats/Threatening, Death Threats
Word Count: 2,392
Written: November 2, 2020, Posted: June 14, 2021
This is Part Of: BTS Gold Net’s Fateful 8 Anniversary Event [ @btsgoldnetwork ]
A/N: Hey everyone! I’m back! Well, I never really left, but I was really struggling to get this plot going but then I got struck with lots of inspo, and so here we are! I hope you enjoy!🥰
“Jimin, what is going on?” You giggle out as he keeps his hands firmly around your eyes, slowly leading you through what feels like squishy ground — you can’t really tell. You can’t really tell but you trust him not to let you fall or get hurt because, when has he ever?
You and Jimin have been together for three years. It was a long process to get to where you were now. He met you internationally. You were there for a trip, and he happened to have a concert there. You both got close, and despite him having to leave, you kept in touch.
He had promised that he would try to come somewhere near your home city next time and he did. You didn’t have to travel too far from your region to go see him. It was wonderful. You got some tickets, went to his show, saw him and met his brothers, it was the most fun you’d had in a long time. It was also when you had realized how serious this was getting.
Jimin was always a little shy with new people, so when he introduced you to people that you knew he considered family, you truly grasped the level you had reached. It was that same night where you had had a conversation about your relationship with him.
It was at that moment when you decided that you were starting to fall in love with him.
Moving from there was easy. You both had smoothly transitioned into a relationship and it only grew from there. He was not always there physically, but you texted, FaceTimed, called, and Skyped as much as you could. He was there to calm you down and help you relax from the stress and pressure of work, making sure you never broke down, and that even if you did you would have him to help you through it. And likewise, you were there for him to talk him out of his self consciousness and fear, helping him learn to love himself better and to show him that people care about him and accept him as he is. You were there to show him that one mistake doesn’t define him and his entirety and that people aren’t made to be perfect and flawless.
It was around a year or so after you started dating that you made the decision to move to Korea. It was the most practical thing to do if you wanted to be closer. Jimin couldn’t leave Korea, his entire idol life resided there, and you could never ask him to leave that for you even though you knew he would — he’s threatened to drop everything and come to you once before. You distinctly remember the day where you told him you felt alone in a terrible time in your work and that you missed him and his only reply was a jarring experience to you. “Just give me the word and I’ll drop everything and be there, Y/N,” he had told you. So you decided to pick up and move to him.
Your work could be transferred to Korea, and you learned Korean some time ago, so you could manage. You did it quietly. You wanted to surprise him, so the only ones who knew were the members. Some of them came to pick you from the airport and take you to the company building. The look on Jimin’s face when he saw you was what made it all worth it, and it’s something you’ll never forget.
“Y/N?!” Jimin stood up from the floor to look at you, his cute eyes going round in shock. You laughed and let out a nod, “Yeah, I wanted to surprise you,” was all you got out before he slammed into you, wrapping his arms around you and not letting go as you kissed his cheek and slowly stroked at his fluffy hair and whispered in his ears.
From then on, you’ve continued to grow. You’ve had your fights too. It happened when there was a sasaeng that got too close to you both. She tried to ruin your relationship. You and Jimin know to never let strangers come in the way of your guys’ relationship, but this one was concerning. The sasaeng made sure not to ever show herself around you when Jimin was there, and whenever you were alone, she would strike. It started off simple, with just death threats through text. You were a little unnerved, but you knew better than to let something like that get to you. You never really posted much on your social media so when the sasaeng messaged you privately and dangled your private social media account’s password over your head to threaten you to break up with Jimin if you didn’t want to risk an internet leak, you stood your ground, telling her to do whatever she wanted because you didn’t care.
It was simple stuff. Things that wouldn’t really hurt you. But when the sasaeng saw that these weren’t affecting you, she turned to more aggressive tactics. She threw an egg at you once while you were on your way home. That unnerved you to the point of absolute shock as you speed walked to your house and immediately got into the shower to bathe and wash your clothes before Jimin got home and saw what had happened.
Your initial reaction to this situation was to hide it from your boyfriend. You didn’t want this to be something he broke his head over when it could just wash over after the initial spite of your dating news died down. But while everyone else seemed to have moved on, this sasaeng didn’t. She would follow you two on dates and would show herself to you when Jimin wasn’t paying attention. She would sometimes walk by you close enough to bump shoulders and touch you. She would come close enough to shove letters containing death threats in your bag. When it got scary enough, you told Jimin, only to not be met with the reaction you were initially expecting.
“Really, Y/N?” He let out a mock laugh, “Now? Of all the times, now? When there’s an album right around the—“ “Yes, Jimin. I know,” you sighed out as an attempt to stop the fight you could see was brewing around the corner, “I know you have an album coming up and I wouldn’t have brought it up if it wasn’t important. You know this.”
“You’ve never had a problem dealing with fans before. Why now?” He paused, until, “Are you just doing this for attention?” He looks up at you the same time your eyes widen as you stare at him, rage slowly bubbling inside of you. “Excuse me?” You breathe out, staring him dead in the eyes now. “What did you say?” Jimin shrugged his shoulders. “I don’t know, seems like you’re just doing this because I haven’t been paying attention to you during this comeback season.”
“Park Jimin you open your mouth one more time and I will make sure the punch I want to throw at you will also knock out a few of your goddamn teeth.” Jimin looks at you in shock as you move around your shared home, grabbing your phone, keys, and jacket before turning back at him, “Then, shall we see how nice your face looks for comeback season?” These are the only words you end with as you storm out the door. Jimin sinks back in shock, not knowing what to do as he looks around the room. He wants to continue to be angry at you, but the way you reacted just proves to him that he was most probably the one at fault.
You hadn’t told him about the eggs thrown at you, or the constant shoving she did, only the letters and texts. But still, something compelled him to look around the bag you took for work, stashed away behind the couch to be out of the way when you don’t need it. And in it he found dozens upon dozens of threats.
‘Next time I’ll throw something harder than an egg at you!!!’
‘Don’t forget bitch, I know where you are!’
‘Last chance to get away from Jimin, or else you’ll have to face me the next you see me’
Jimin feels a tear run down his cheek then. He then scrambled to his feet, grabbing his phone and running after you in directions he thought you might have gone.
He did find you eventually, and he didn’t stop apologizing for the next week, constantly going overboard on dinners and chocolates and your favorite foods, doing whatever he could to make it up to you. He begged you day and night to forgive him even though you already had, constantly telling you how much he loves and how much he was an asshole that didn’t deserve you.
“Jimin please, it’s alright.” You grabbed his cheeks, looking him in the eyes as you held him in bed. “It’s okay, Jimin. I promise.” You press a kiss to his nose, “I still love you. You know why?” He hummed as a way of telling you to continue. “I still love you because even though you did something wrong, you came back for me. You came back and you apologized and you understood. That’s why I still love you.” He said nothing as he pecked you on your lips and then nuzzled back into your neck, letting you continue to rub your fingers through your hair.
The sasaeng was found and arrested after a detailed investigation and then BigHit put out a statement as a subtle but dangerous warning to anyone who felt like trying anything like this ever again. Everything has been peaceful since then.
But that’s two years ago in the past, and living in the present moment is more important.
“Jimin! I’m getting impatient over here!” Jimin giggles at you as he continues to lead you on some squishy ground that you still can’t identify, but decide to label as grass. “There,” Jimin breathes out, “we’re here. Are you ready?” “Yes!” You huff out, “Yes! I’m ready.” “Alright then,” your lovely boyfriend taunts, “Here we go~” He sings out.
He takes his hands off your eyes and you blink a few times to get rid of the blurry-ness. You look down first and confirm that you are, in fact, standing on grass. You then look around you and realize you’re in a meadow of sorts. It’s an open grassy area with a stone path weaving through the side where you’ve come from, extending in through the meadow and into the trees on the other end of the meadow. You look around and see the entire meadow is bordered with large trees and you are far enough away from city that you can see all the starts twinkling brightly in the night sky when you look up. In front of you there’s a picnic blanket set up with a basket in the middle with — what you’re assuming is, — food.
“It’s so wonderful,” you smile at him. Jimin looks relieved as he lets his shoulders hunch down and lets a relaxed grin take over his face. “I’m glad,” he breathed out, “It’s our 3 year anniversary and I wasn’t sure what to do. And I thought, you know, why not something relaxed, and private?”
“I like it a lot, Jimin,” you nod at him in agreement, “it’s very intimate and it’ll be just the two of us, no one else.” He smiles at you, giving you a peck on the lips before taking your hand and leading you towards the blanket.
“Thank you so much for all of this, baby.” Your words are gentle in the calm atmosphere as you look down at the basket with most of its contents empty — the two of you having eaten most of it by these past couple of hours.
“There’s one more thing,” Jimin starts as he stands up, holding his hand out to help you up. And as you dust off your outfit, he continues. “I’ve been wanting to do this for a while, and I thought, ‘why not on our anniversary?’” You tilt your head at his words, until he lowers himself to one knee, making your eyes widen.
“Jimin—” “Y/N.” Jimin stopped you with a gentle smile and a crinkle of his eyes, the ones that always make your heart skip beats. “Y/N. I love you. I love you so, so much. I actually don’t think I would even be able to function if I didn’t have you around me anymore. The reason I flourish is because I know that I have you by my side. You always support me. You always love me and are there for me. You are my rock. You are the reason that I can keep going the way I do in life. And I can only hope that I’m doing the same amount for you. And, if you’ll let me, I want to keep doing for you what you do for me. I want to keep loving you and supporting you.” He then gently and gracefully pulls a tiny box out of his pocket which he then opens up to reveal a lovely ring.
You let out a soft gasp as he finished, feeling tears start to pool in your eyes. “So, Y/N,” Jimin starts of again, “Will you marry me?”
You immediately drop to your knees and fall into his arms as you wrap your hands around his neck, pushing your lips against his as the tears now flow freely down your face. Jimin wraps his hands around you, careful of the ring in his hands as he kisses you back with just as much love. “Yes,” you breathe out as you pull away. “Of course I’ll marry you.”
Jimin feels himself start to cry as he smiles at you, swiftly putting the ring on your finger and letting you admire it for a few moments, satisfied that you like it, before pulling you back in for a kiss with smiles on both your faces.
This would not only be the beginning, but also the continuation of what you both know is and will be a wonderful life with the both you. Together. Forever.
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