#I realize my father was a Star Trek kid who grew up just after peak Spirk time
practically-an-x-man · 10 months
Backstage at Misery intermission
*joking about changing the show to be Buster-centric in the second act since my dad's playing him and our family is in the audience tonight*
Actor playing Annie (50s white woman, second grade teacher in real life): *sultry voice* Buster, I can make that gun work...
Us: *DYING laughing bc we'd never expect a joke like that from her*
Actor playing Paul (45yo white man): I'm gonna write fanfic about it. That'll be my cast gift to all of you, a fanfiction short story about each of your characters
Me: out of the people in the this who I'd most expect to say the word "fanfic" in casual conversation, you're like... second from the bottom
My dad (also a 45yo white man): Buster-Paul slash...
Me: *losing my mind*
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blankdblank · 5 years
Broken Bridges
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Wk 23 Prompt
...  Mention of broken bones and injuries ...
“Miss Pear, I have come to ask you about the quote for the timber haul we were to aim for from the northern woods.”
Ignoring the gushing internal wounds of your public humiliation from over the past six months you simply stated. “Ask Lord Drarnn. He is the head of the Timber intake now.”
“Oh,” for a moment a hint of panic flooded the Dwarf’s eyes realizing that the very public yet silent battle between the two of you was now at its head and you were calling the Dwarf on his challenge of superiority for the King’s full trust. “My apologies, though only yesterday you were the head.”
With a nod you replied, “Yes well, Lord Drarnn would be arriving while I made my rounds and pull rank on me anyways demanding the men followed his orders anyways to draw in inferior timber to reach the quote faster. If that is what he wants to fill the mountain with then he can do it without hiding behind my name. Have a good night, Master Tupo.”
His head nodded in response to yours and on his way to the Royal Wing from your rooms nearer to the front gate he made certain every Dwarf awake at this unrelenting hour knew just what you had accused the Dwarf of. Though they knew it already you had publicly claimed it and now it would surely reach the ears of the King.
The petite half Noldor half Vanyar Elf wanderer since before the sun rose from a long since demolished land across the once beautiful shores of Numenor sent from Gondolin you were an unlikely addition to the Journey home but with a month of sharing a path and shared warning of orcs an alliance was formed. It was timid and you were certainly paid your fill for killing Smaug though not a fifteenth of the vast hoard. A place on the council was gifted as well and the much ignored and often thought useless topic of timber assigned to you left you silent in the daily meetings since Lord Drarnn had first arrived. Honestly he couldn’t tell a tree from a turnip but each time your lips parted he had something to say and rank soon led to sway the Dwarves his way making you useless in all you aimed to do.
It was exhausting and you hated to think of returning to the life of a ranger so you tried to stay and mend fences the stubborn bastard kept chopping back down to bits. So yesterday was your last meeting and silently you left and returned to the lowest levels in the farming peak where you consulted the Head of the Messengers.
The mountain goats hated you for some reason, though you still had to do something new. You could tolerate their hatred until you wore them down and take up the deliveries between Erebor and the Elven forest where no Dwarf wished to cross after hearing of your escape even after the truce called between Kings. You missed the sky and the earth so this would be a calm in between and your words sealed the deal. “I would rather trek half of Middle Earth and back on deliveries over the constant humiliation of enduring that Dwarf’s opinions forced on my name.”
Humiliated, that was the damming word for the Lord when the Dwarf King heard why you had forfeit your post for something so low, but you were already on your first delivery and far from his ability to chase after you so he would merely have to wait to discuss this with you upon your return in a weeks time.
Joyful melody, that was the name your father had given you, these lands he had entrusted you to had changed greatly and for as long as you could remember those few years in Gondolin now long since gone truly left these pastures a dim comparison to those you once raced through. It was meant to be a short trip, a chance meeting between the Elf you were betrothed to. A bonding of the great houses of Findrod, Ingwe and Ecthellion, one never to happen.
A sudden sight of the massive figure of Sauron wreathed in metal and flames soon staggered and fell with the King who had severed his powerful ring. The Prince was left though none found the source of the arrow in his arm causing him to send the ring flying. But a young Noldor Lord did notice a telling flash of silvery curled hair in a long braid tucked under mightily armor, an Elleth supposedly led far from the battle on a caravan of other Ladies nowhere in sight. Sprinting after her, to join in a week’s travel for a hidden pass atop an endless bout of stairs, it was him alone who knew who had destroyed the ring, silence was bought and in the fall of Numenor and Gondolin the rumored ‘Prince Slayer’ was naught to be seen in the lands surrounding Gondor again. But Mordor was won and changed to a land all the brighter as it once was with a masked statue to remember the unknown figure Lord Elrond had sworn to have never known.
Lost to the Wilds a freedom was given to the young war hero who claimed the woman he loved as his bride while your grief and loneliness had granted you a freedom of your own. No home to return to and no family to bond you to another Elf or place allowed you great searches of all there was to see in these new growing lands.
Those days haunted you far less than how you assumed your father to have taken your loss. True he had fallen long before knowing of the severing of Aman and flooding of once great High Kingdoms still you couldn’t help but imagine him watching the lands binding the two collapse and crumble. When the dust settled and all sound was gone, he wept. Knowing you were lost forever more.
Though absurd a thought it did comfort you little pretending that the pain and knowledge was shared, if only for moments. That someone you once loved knew what had happened and why you were trapped here.
All the same those who did recognize your star like freckled features and telling silver flecked purple eyes remained silent allowing you your secrecy. The name was familiar to the Dwarf Lords though with your accent, use of an imagined surname and their disinterest in searching to discover the line of your father to know your true rank a secret it remained. However you had to admit treasuring their acceptance of you even if you were assumed nameless.
Another huff and jerk of the goat pulling the wagon nearly tore the reigns from your grip and in a huff of your own you were glad to have secured them on the railing on the wagon in front of your sunken seat leaving your legs to dangle against the front wall of it. “Tug all you like you’ll only tire yourself out faster.” You muttered in Khuzdul making you tuck your legs up to avoid its back hooves from crashing into your shins. Rolling your eyes at its cocky chortle you looked forward watching the path ahead still an hours ride from the forest.
“I understand you are bonded to a Dwarf as a kid, I am not taking you from Rundo, as soon as the trip is over you will be back with him.”
Again he grumbled between bites on his feed sack you drained a bit into for him to eat as you had dinner. He would be cut loose from the wagon but still tethered to keep from wandering away due to the mists while you slept under the wagon ensuring he couldn’t crush you overnight. Breakfast was no less amusing in his constant silence between bouts of arguments on his being saddled with the ‘Glittering Elf’ as all their kin had dubbed you upon first sight.
Remaining silent you relented seeing how the timid and gentle holding up and unhooking each night off and on the wagon harness between filling the bucket with as much feed as possible without draining supplies for the trip back had started to lessen his anger. Steadily you were gaining his trust at least that you could work well together, even to the point of walking in front of him when the path grew far from discernible from atop the wagon.
Two days and two patrol points later, just two hours from the front gates a wooden bridge over a wide enchanted river sat between you and your goal. The eerie silence of the forest led you to clutching your bow and drawing out your quiver you strapped to your side assuming spiders were nearby.
The explosion triggered by the weight on the wagon was far from what you had expected and a shriek from you died in the floundering of the tethered bellowing goat thrashing as he sank. Tugging a dagger from your boot you leapt into the water behind him sinking low enough to slice the straps and grip his hind legs to boost him up to clamber out.
Something was wrong, pulses of blinding pain coursed from your left side and in raising your arms out of the water to grip the rocks you saw why. Right out of your arm the same fracture from the power pulse following the destruction of the ring now had your bone sticking out of your arm. Clenching your eyes through the sound of racing steps of Men you pulled yourself out of the river into the sights of the wide eyed panting goat staring at you as your legs gave out in a cry of pain. Heavily you fell to your belly unable to catch yourself in time.
Panting yourself a second try to get up ended the same luring tears to your eyes. Slowly the wagon sank as you tugged your bow and arrows closer. “Run.” Catching the goat’s stunned gaze in your Khuzdul order it looked you over then darted off down the path at your shout, “RUN!!” Through the sound of nearing danger.
Whimpering is pain you tore the end of your shirt and bit one of your arrows pinning another to the side of your arm you used your good foot to pin down to the ground. Around the arrow a halting heart clenching scream in your moment of blinding and deafening pain alerted all three patrols of Elves to race towards you while your momentarily frozen goat turned to continue racing onwards to find help. With trembling hands you bound your arm to the arrow and shook your head unable to tell what was wrong with your crooked left leg still bound tightly in your talk splinter filled boot.
Inhaling sharply you raised another arrow and shifted yourself to face the oncoming strangers. An easing of the grip of your bow under the toes on your right foot you used the rock under your foot to help you prop it up and fire off an arrow into the chest of the first ax wielding Man. One handed you took out two more with shoddy daggers, clearly bandits hoping to snag a good score from the traveling merchant from Erebor hoping for a great haul.
Left and right Elves came into view circling you to ensure your safety only to have their Captain see you notch another arrow and lift your leg firing an arrow at the blonde haired Prince. A groan in pain at the slice across his bicep from your arrow had the Prince flinching away in time to avoid a sword falling to where his head Just was in the crashing of your arrow into the chest of the Man brandishing it and the following one hitting him square in the neck under the end of he face shield on his helmet.
Panting softly you eyed the bleeding Prince who came closer to you only to flinch at your cry out in pain at a brunette guard’s try to tap your injured leg. An apology was followed by a hushed conference on how best to carry you without injuring you further. Turning your head you glanced at the wagon a quartet of guards had begun to inspect for a safe way to bring it out of the rubble.
In the arms of the Prince you were suddenly cradled and was in the middle of the sprinting Elves mentally calling out for their Healers to ready for you. Wide the gates were thrown open by the guards and through the halls until you were settled onto a cot and were surrounded by Elves. Biting your lip in covering your eyes, the Elleths at your feet cautiously unlaced your boot off your left foot as the King strode wide eyed into the hall. Right to his son in the middle of removing his bloody armored shirt the King’s hands rose to the tear on his sleeve to see the clean cut stirring his hushed question, “Only an Elven arrow could pierce this armor. Which-?”
Your pained whimpering sounds turned his head and parted his lips recognizing you at once making him wonder why you were chosen to deliver their goods. Legolas used his silence to explain, “Ada, the Lady noticed a Man behind me. Her arrow lodged in the chest of the attacked behind me. Her second arrow ensured he fell.” Thranduil looked from you back to him and his lips parted heading him say, “The bridge collapsed from under her wagon, clearly a trap by those thieves.”
Across the room in your passing out from the pain at your revealed dislocated foot and hip the Head Healer asked the Prince, “My Prince, were you the one to reset her arm?”
Legolas, “Reset? No, her arm was braced when we found her.”
Making the Healers look at you in shock luring the King closer asking, “Why do you ask?”
The Healer answered, “The arm is clearly broken, to have had to reset it herself. It is incredible she was conscious enough or able to keep steady to fire arrows at all afterwards.”
Thranduil, “It was set cleanly?”
The Healer nodded, “Yes, perhaps the Lady had no clue as to how long she would be out there. Infection would be the main concern with a break through the skin. It should take a few hours to repair it though a proper brace will need to be made.”
Thranduil, “And for her leg?”
Another Healer answered, “Merely dislocated. Ankle and hip. Bed rest for two weeks should do wonders.”
Thranduil nodded then stated in a clearly concerned tone, “Do all you require to mend her fully,” the concern for your safety was quickly explained as he named you, “Lady Pear is the only child of Lord Ecthellion, and grandchild of High King Ingwe, spare nothing for her well being and comfort.”
Turning again he forced himself from the Elleths now fervently measuring your arm and leg for braces to be forged by the best smiths while others began to ready supplies to clean and mend your wounds in the flight of a servant to fetch clothes for you to be changed into. Back to Legolas’ side the King’s head tilted slightly eyeing the slice on his injured bicep sealing shut in a streak of healing cream after a press of a wet herb soaked cloth and relaxed at the lack of a scar the wound would leave.
Leaving the room together to guide him back to his rooms to change into a fresh shirt the Prince filled him in to all with news of the panicked goat and now dripping wagon now led by a trio of horses brought for the task was being led to the gates after dragging it from the river. Inside his apartment Legolas asked, “Ada, why did Lady Pear not announce herself, truly, upon her first arrival here with King Thorin?”
Thranduil, “I am not certain Thorin is aware who she hails from, he named her so casually as if he did not recognize the name. Though I knew her, distantly, when we were children. Merely in passing. I would know her anywhere.” His eyes sank to his son’s arm and he asked in a glance up again, “Do you hold any ill will-,”
Legolas shook his head, “Not in the least. I was frozen inspecting her leg and had no clue I was in danger at all. I wish to thank her properly when she is fully rested again.”
Thranduil nodded in relief then turned stating, “I will see to the choosing and freshening of her apartment myself. Wished secrecy or not the Lady will be held to the comfort of her birth rank while in our borders.” In a turn he was gone after a gentle pat of his hand on his son’s shoulder “Eat and retire for your wound,” with a ghost of a grin and a nod the Prince accepted as an order to keep him off returning to patrols. All of which were returning to their posts after more guards had raced out to sweep the area around your attack for any others responsible.
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It was no secret that this would go badly. The Dwarf and Elf King. Talks of lost thrones, of fabled returns to reclaim a lost home. Fears and fire led to shouts and a Khuzdul curse narrowing the Elf King’s eyes. Retracting a step his gaze rose and inhaling sharply in a beam of light from the lamps above he caught sight of you. Around the Dwarf King he strode straight to you making Thorin snarl and shout out, “Your qualms are with me! Do not trouble the Lass! She has done nothing and has nothing to barter.”
Flatly in his trot down the stairs as you stepped forward in Tauriel’s step behind you to usher you closer onto the lower platform, “Oh, I highly doubt that.”
Thorin, “It is my bloodline! Our battle! Our home! An Elleth of little standing is not deserving of withholding your fury for me!” In a faltering step at his claim that you were of little standing his hand rose to his middle in his shift to glance back at Thorin again, “Lady Pear has done nothing.” Inhaling again Thranduil turned to you hearing Tauriel’s dagger easing out of its sheath in the rise of your hand only to sheath it again in seeing the shimmering chain you eased into his palm.
Lowering his gaze in a tilt of his hand his eyes scanned over the simple necklace of a moonstone surrounded by shimmering antlers resembling the head of an elk alongside a thick banded ring coated in diamonds with the design of a swan. The former only worth much from the materials rare from Valinor from your first project forging, the latter was sent with you as a gift blessing your intended union to Gil-Galad. Softly in Doriathian you whispered, “Please, give me a chance.”
Shifting on his feet he looked to Tauriel stating, “Take Lady Pear to bathe before supper.” Turning around he folded the jewels in his hand that slid under his wrap ascending the stairs keeping his gaze locked on Thorin, “King Thorin, you are correct. Lady Pear has done nothing. However, neither will you.” Straight to the dungeons Thorin was drug with the others shouting for as long as he felt the fire to before slumping to the ground. Their only glimmer of hope was that you were not trapped with them. You were not being punished. But nothing readied them for the echoing death roar of Smaug and the tremors in the earth to follow.
Outside the cells Thranduil came into view locking his eyes on Thorin and stated, “My guards will take you to bathe, change and eat. If you imagine so little of me to believe that I would dare harm an innocent out of rage for another, know this, my patience outlives my fury every time. I have seen the wrath of my kin unleashed upon innocents, no mater what you may find in your rage, I am not cruel. I bear no malice for you. I wish you well in your endeavors as King. My only request was a sign of good faith.” An easy shift of his fingers around the bars and the door eased open in his step out of sight stirring Thorin to stand and hurry to the doorway.
“Lady Pear, is being released as well?”
Turning on his heel still keeping hold in his hidden hand on your chain you had left with him Thranduil stated, “Lady Pear is in Erebor guarding your throne.” Thorin’s lips parted along with those of the Dwarves watching them both, “The bloodline of that supposed nameless Elleth has brought down greater beasts than that of Smaug, and should you doubt her worth, one drop of her blood is worth more than every scrap of gold in that mountain and mine combined. A name weightier than that of Durin the Deathless. It is old, and foreign to you, for those however who hail from those lost lands, never doubt her again or she will be lost to you.”
Fed and pampered up onto spare ponies the Elves escorted the Dwarves home to find their friend inside the gates they embraced fully, grateful for all you had sacrificed and were eager to hear the tale. Invited in the Elf King left supplies and to his surprise was kept apart from you restraining him from being able to return your tokens of trust. So he would wait, until you were able to have a moment alone. And home he went by noon with the chest of gems in hand where he would bide his time and have more time to admire your jewels.
Sharply your chest rose and an overpowering numbness on your left side had your eyes snapping open and your right leg easing up in a bend to ensure you were still bale to move. The covers on top of you, both silk and plushy in mint green, slid down a few inches and your hand rose to pat on your shoulder feeling the loose shirt shifting under your fingers while the leg on your sleeping pants raised a few inches in the slump of your leg again. Timidly your fingers eased down your injured arm only to flinch back at the metal woven brace starting at your elbow. Breathing shallowly you fought to keep your eyes from tearing up only to hear the door of the apparent lavish apartment open with a cart rolling in and steps of another from the room on your right revealed to be the King.
In his same velvety tone as always he stated in his inspection of the cart, “Perfect. I do believe our patient is awake.” Up to the foot of the bed the cart was rolled and into your view the King and trio of Healers came up to your side.
Forcing a grin the closest to you said, “My Lady, we are going to check your injuries.” You nodded and in their gentle easing back of the covers your gaze turned to the King, who shifted the slit in his robe and raised his knee to plant it on the bed to sit beside you.
“Are you in any pain, Lady Pear?”
In a shake of your head his lips parted at the tears filling your eyes, “I could never apologize-,”
Instantly he chose to break conduct of a King to offer you comfort and fold his hand around yours, “There is no apology I would ever accept for saving the life of my son and guards. You owe me nothing,”
In the quiver of your lip you inhaled then said as a tear streamed out the corner of your eye to your ear, “I couldn’t protect your delivery. Which is no doubt ruined.”
“Doorknobs. The shipment was not ruined, and with the amount of dust in the crate it was due for a washing.”
In shock you asked weakly, “Doorknobs?”
With a nod and a hint of a grin he stated, “True, unusual delivery though nearly a century past they were sent for repairs, now they are finally being returned to us.”
“You expect me to believe you have waited a century for doorknobs? What have been used in the interim, rope?”
Openly with a grin he looked your face over after releasing your hand freeing you to wipe your cheek, “We merely removed the doors,” making you chuckle to yourself.
Looking down at the Healer inspecting your arm you asked, “How terrible is it?”
Looking up at you she gave you a soft grin, “Bed rest for two weeks to rest your dislocated hip and ankle, the break in your arm was set clean, have you done that before?”
“For others, first time for myself.”
She replied, “Three weeks with the brace should aid in your healing greatly. A sling as well might be incredibly useful.”
Thranduil again spoke saying, “Take as long as you need. The rainy season is beginning soon and it will take some time to reconstruct the bridge to repair the path to Erebor.”
“What do you mean?”
“That river circles the peak our kingdom is housed in, that is the only bridge within a reasonable distance of Erebor and all the others are to be inspected thoroughly before any trade or visitors are granted permission to cross them.”
“I assure you, as soon as it is assured we can transport you safely I will personally see you are returned, if you should wish it.” In a reach into his pocket he drew out a velvet lined box from his pocket he offered you, “I wished to have returned these to you in your first night in Erebor.”
“It was-,”
“A trade?” You nodded sheepishly and he watched as the Elleths helped to sit you up against more pillows in the arrival of a bowl of stew for you. “There is no possible portion of that hoard I would ever risk taking these from you. It was an act of trust. One well deserved.”
“How was it so easy to let me go face Smaug when you were so terrified to let the Dwarves go?”
In the path of the Healers out of the room his eyes trailed their movements until the door closed ensuring you were alone, back to you his gaze shifted and he answered, “How could I possibly doubt the woman behind the destruction of the one ring.” Just barely your lips parted and he stated, “Lord Elrond never was required to share who he followed to me, I recall the sight of a telling bow coated in swans and feathers, not to mention the twin of orcrist strapped to your back. Your Ada faced the impossible, it was no stretch to know greatness would circle you.”
“You’ve known?”
“I hoped I might find you again one day. Though to find you as a messenger after a council member, I am curious why you were chosen for this task. I understand Thorin’s kin have little interest in entering my territory again, why?”
After a sigh you answered, “There was a Dwarf Lord eager to humiliate and belittle my place on the council. I forfeit my position and wished to take the air. It certainly did not hurt that I was an Elf and not afraid to travel here alone. No doubt Thorin will be furious when he hears of all this.”
“Rightly so.”
While you ate he sat keeping you company hushing any worries on repayment then took the cart himself to be passed off to the returning Elleths outside in the hall. On his way to copy then send off the final copy of his drafted mental letters to Thorin informing him of the incident he paused giving his son a soft grin. “Patrol go smoothly?”
“Yes. Is Lady Pear resting?”
“Yes, a chair is being fashioned so we might wheel her into the dining hall for meals. With luck it might be completed by supper.”
“You seem pleased her stay has been extended. Lady Pear is quite beautiful.”
With a ghost of a grin the King replied, “You have yet to see her smile. When Vanyar are content they glow like starlight.”
“We shall have to see to her every comfort then.” The Prince said in a slink away with a plot of his own to make you smile again.
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