#I mean sure but you're skipping several steps to say something innaccurate
jaythelay · 19 days
"Bloodeborne is playing on PC!"
Correction, it's running on an emulator and that emulator is running the game on your PC.
You ain't coding a port from the base up idiot haha. You're just emulating the console's OS essentially.
That's infinitely more accurate and cool than failing verbiage about bloodborne "being on PC" It ain't. It's still very much a console exclusive. That's why you're emulating it. Emulating PS4 on your PC.
Ya got a PS4 emulator that can boot Bloodeborne to it's menu. You did not run bloodeborne on your PC.
It ain't pedantic either. Just simple verbiage that the community, and only this community, has elected to have solely for the meme, and it ain't funny nor exciting. Just sad that Sony likes to gatekeep art.
If a semi has your car in their flatbed while driving, and you're in the driver's seat of the towed car, you are not driving, it's kinda sad to argue otherwise, especially pedantically.
Or more accurately, you're in the passenger's seat making "vroom vroom" noises while daddy's asleep in the driver's seat.
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