#I liked the rapping part made between the two Miku’s
rubywolf0201 · 2 years
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Ever since (Not) a Devil has came out (and it’s a collab song made by two legendary Vocaloid producers, DECO*27 and PinocchioP), I’ve been listening to it non-stop because of how addictive and catchy the beat, lyrics and chorus part are.
Also the art is quite pretty, especially the ‘Dark Angel’ Miku (DECO*27’s Miku) drawn by Omutatsu tho PinocchioP’s Miku (both art and tuning) isn’t so bad either so both are a win-win.
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welcometomy20s · 2 years
June 21, 2022
#328 - Solar System Disco (Nayutan Seijin) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 17-06-24, Upload Date: 17-01-20
Probably one of the best expressions of the N.S. style. And probably the song that sounds most like a lively enka song, or song from the 80’s. All the qualities are there, the tuning, the chorus, the puns, and there is a rap part to boot.
#329 - Mushroom Mother (PinocchioP) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 17-07-04, Upload Date: 11-08-13
Song that is referenced and is the basis for many songs after. Probably the song established the current PinocchioP style, both in terms of topic and PV as well. Strange that it’s a song about mushrooms, but it doesn’t like a reference to two yabai things which mushrooms are usually associated with, other than kind of a fakeout?
#330 - Perfect Life (Nayutan Seijin) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 17-07-09, Upload Date: 15-10-06
This song feels like a filler song in the middle of an album, then the chorus hits. Also the lyrics seem to be most complex and frustrating, somewhere between the melancholy of Planet Loop and the joy of Comet Honeymoon or Solar System Disco.
#331 - Spirit of Azalea (Tohma) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 17-07-09, Upload Date: 12-11-05
If Tohma wrote a kemu song, I think this would be the result. Tohma already has certain similarity with the other rock greats at the time, but this wouldn’t feel out of place with Kagerou or KEMU VOXX. It’s still very much a Tohma song, though.
#332 - Daybreak Arrival (Last Note.) [Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka]
Achievement Date: 17-07-15, Upload Date: 12-02-24
It’s a song about a best friend, one dead and one swearing to remember forever… but it’s pretty clear it’s pretty much a yuri song. Last Note. wrote yuri songs before, so this is not just forcing yuri glasses on everything… Oh just listen to the great instrumentation!
#333 - Rain and Petra (balloon) [flower]
Achievement Date: 17-07-20, Upload Date: 17-03-09
Song that grows on me every time I listen. Definitely more of a traditional rock, which plays with the flower’s voice. Seeing Avogadro’s illustration move… this much is quite jarring, actually. The song is very good regardless of this features.
#334 - Dear Doppelganger (kemu) [GUMI]
Achievement Date: 17-07-21, Upload Date: 17-05-31
kemu’s comeback song after five or so years? Another instant hit, another song about superpowers gone wrong. Song is basically a chunni version of Duplicity. I don’t know why I mentioned that movie, except that I like Michael Keaton’s performance. 
#335 - Sand Planet (hachi) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 17-07-27, Upload Date: 17-07-21
Hachi also came back after five years, but he only left this kind of shady song. Hey, it reached the list in six days. If he released this song in 2015, it would have made sense, but we are now in 2017, and things have gotten better, including this song. I really hope there will be a hachi song soon, although even Kenshi Yonezu isn’t making too much music these days. You can hear the major vibes on this song.
#336 - Leave in Summer, Yet You're in My Fluffoughts (baker) [Hatsune Miku]
Achievement Date: 17-07-28, Upload Date: 11-08-29
Baker thought this song was not as well done and so privated the video. Why? This song is fantastic. It’s cute! It’s fluffy! The theme is very good! There are many covers. And it’s funny this is baker’s first song on this list. Soft-spoken tuning is very nice, and the jazz swing is always appreciated. Yeah, it’s a good song, baker.
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clownmoontoon · 6 years
Who's your favorite vocaloid?
1. MIKU (( QUEEN absolutely no vocaloid can fully encompass creepy AND cute and P MUCH EVERY GENRE OF MUSIC quite like miku (at least imo!), shes aesthetically perf and creatives can make her voice do p much anything YOU WANT HER TO SING A CUTE POP SONG?? HEAVY METAL SCREAM?? RAP?? POLKA?? JAPANESE?? ENGLISH?? RUSSIAN?? U WANT HER TO SING DESPACITO (pls look it up) HECK YEAH MIKU IS HERE FOR U BC SHE IS QUEEN 👏 AND ‘TWO FACED LOVERS’ IS STILL MY FAVE VOCALOID SONG despite me jumping between other songs and loid faves haha aaa im gonna learn the dance to it one day *shakes fist* ))
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2. GUMI (( gOD my fave vocaloid song for ages was ECHO and it still gives me chills today (plus inspired the story and characterization for two of my ocs!!) aND THEN “AGAIN” INSPIRED THE COMIC FOR ANGST WEEK ON MY MAJIMA BLOG HAHA and lets be real who WASNT inspired aesthetically and just in general by ‘Matryoshka’ ??? ALSO ‘MONSTER’?? ‘MACHINE GUN’?? ABSOLUTE BOPS!!! GUMI GOT THE GOODS!!!! ))
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3. TETO (( I KNOW SHES AN UTALOID BUT I LOVE HER AND IM BEGGING YOU ALL TO LISTEN TO TANJIRO’S TETO COVERS the whole playlist is called “Teto Justice” and honestly i dont think anyone knows how to tune a loid as good as them!! ))
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4. RIN (( meltdown is a dAMN GOOD S ON G also “Alluring Secret” fuckin chANGED THE GAME OK ive been wanting to do a jyushihomu vers of that forever kfjgh ITS SO INSPIRING!!! also from ‘Alluring Secret’ to ‘Summer Idol’ i love how gay she is for miku fkkjgkhj AND LETS NOT FORGET THE EVIL SERIES ))
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5. LEN (( AGAIN, EVIL SERIES also pls look up the “LEN GROWL” cover of ghost rule is sO SO GO O D aND ‘BRING IT ON’ FUCKIN SLAPS ))
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6. LUKA (( I ADORE LUKA’S VOICE AND ‘LUKA LUKA NIGHT FEVER’ WAS ONE OF THE FIRST VOCALOID SONGS I EVER HEARD GHGH shes so damn prETTY I RLLY LOVE HER DESIGN and the only reason shes not higher up is bc her voice is super chill and makes me relaxed and i tend to listen to vocaloid stuff more when i need to get hype (like if i have cleaning or work i need to be rlly awake and motivated to do haha) bUT I STILL LOVE HER ))
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7. NERU (( ’STOP NAGGING ME’ WAS STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR SO L O NG sO SHE DESERVES TO BE ON THIS LIST also i recently found out that shes the “anti troll/flame vocaloid” and was literally created out of spite by a vocaloid fan to tease mean trolls aND THEN THE ARTIST (Smith Hioka) MADE A DEAL W CRYPTON AND SHE BECAME AN OFFICIAL VOCALOID CRIES ))
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THIS GOT LONGER THAN I MEANT IT TO GHGHGtbh i got into voca/utaloids really late like literally last year HAHAi didnt really like the autotune-y voices at first but then i heard ECHO for the first time and it really made me wake up and realize just how much work goes into each song and all the art work/animations/edits ETC
i always loved miku’s design even before i was a fan of her voice! AND THE RIGHT TUNER MAKES A W O R L D OF DIFFERENCE if your first vocaloid song exposure was a badly tuned miku im so sorry 
i feel really lucky that by the time i became part of the fandom there were sO MANY really skilled music producers working on vocaloid songs i rarely encounter a badly tuned song nowadays! 
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ipodclassic160gb · 7 years
2017 Year End Music List
Hello and welcome to another installment of my annual album/song of the year lists. It was a rough year! Thank you for reading I love you so much.
20. Fleet Foxes - Crack-Up
I never liked Fleet Foxes. I always thought they were the product of an NPR think tank (just like Wilco or Neko Case). But I gave this album a shot and it really did it for me. The music is just so lush! My only issue with it is that you kind of have to give this album your undivided attention and listen to soak in all of the details. You can also file this one under “albums that sound like their cover art”
19. Colin Stetson - All This I Do For Glory
Every release from Colin Stetson is remarkable in it’s virtuosity and sheer innovation. No other artist on this planet can do what he does with just a saxophone. However, since Vol 2: Judges his work has been a lot of the same. It might just be me, but I felt like this release changed up his formula just enough to make this some of his best music yet.
18. Blanck Mass - World Eater
I think any album by a member of Fuck Buttons has a certain loudness requirement it has to meet to be considered as part of their body of work. While I don’t think they’ll ever match the pulsing wall of buzzsaw distortion that was Street Horrrsing, this album takes me to that same musical realm.
17. Jlin - Black Origami
THIS ALBUM IS BATSHIT FUCKING CRAZY. It sounds like the drumline from the movie Drumline and a West African drum circle playing together but they’re both are performing on computer instruments. These songs absolutely refuse to be background music. There were moments on here that left me with my jaw dropped, just staring at the speakers because I couldn’t believe what I was hearing.
16. Vince Staples - Big Fish Theory
Big Fish Theory is a great example of an album where the risks pay off and Vince Staples feels like the only rapper capable of putting it together. The production is pretty out there and not only does Staples make it work, he makes himself at home in it. Even with producers like SOPHIE (if you had told me even a year ago that I would hear Kendrick Lamar rap over a SOPHIE beat I would have called you crazy), this album is West Coast to it’s core.
15. (Sandy) Alex G - Rocket
This album is honestly kind of a mixed bag, but the good songs are great and led me to listen to listen to other a lot of older Alex G. So I figured it was worth including in this list. To me, his music falls into the space somewhere between This Is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About and Either/Or.
14. Mastodon - Emperor of Sand
Since no one else is saying I’ll go ahead and say it: Mastodon is STILL COOL and this is by far their best album since Crack the Skye
13. Ross from Friends - You’ll Understand/Don’t Sleep, There Are Snakes
Lo-fi house gets a bad rep because it’s bandcamp music made by enigmatic producers with funny names and is basically just an offshoot of vaporwave. That being said, lo-fi house is at the very least more functional than straight up vaporwave music and honestly…what’s wrong with funny names? 
12. Sheer Mag - Need to Feel Your Love
I love this band. They make such PERFECT and AUTHENTIC sounding 70′s rock. Do you remember The Darkness??? I liked The Darkness when I was A Teen but you could always tell that they were copying from someone else’s playbook. With Sheer Mag, I feel like you could put their music on a playlist right next to a Thin Lizzy song and no one would think anything of it.
11. Thundercat - Drunk
To me, this is Thundercat finally hitting his stride. The shorter songs suit him well and keep the album from getting stale. A lot of artists this year tried to capture the essence what it’s like to live in such buck wild times and a lot of them fell flat . This album captures that essence without even trying.
10. Visible Cloaks - Reassemblage
You know how you go back to look at the music you listened to the most over the past year and it’s like...what is this album I listened to like 100 times apparently? And it’s that album you would always play while riding public transit to help you relax and zone out? That’s what this album is and it’s really good
9. Power Trip - Nightmare Logic
Easily my favorite metal album in years. Not a moment of filler. This is music to punch people in the face to. 
8. Kelela - Take Me Apart
After seeing Kelela play the side stages at virtually every festival I’ve been to in the last four years I am really happy to see her blowing up from this release. The central theme of this album of yourself apart and putting yourself back together after losing someone hit EXCRUCIATINGLY close to home for me this year. 
7.  Charli XCX - Pop 2
Turning her back on the Iggy Azalea paycheck money to work with a set of producers who make music that sounds like you’ve wound up on the WRONG part of the internet solidifies Charli XCX as one of the realest artists working in pop music today.
6. Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.
This album is the last nail in the coffin of every rapper that is not Kendrick Lamar. It solidifies him as the peerless, undisputed heavyweight champion of rap music (honestly…the second half of “DNA” alone accomplishes this). It’s been such a gift to watch Kendrick make his way to the top.The only thing that worries me is that now that he’s at the top where can he go from here?
5. Mount Eerie - A Crow Looked at Me
One of the most gut-wrenchingly sad albums I have ever heard. What sets this apart from other albums about death is the specificity. It is an unadorned look into what someone goes through when someone they love dies. I think I’ve been able to make through the album start to finish a total of two times
4. Fever Ray - Plunge
What makes this album great is that it carries the same political themes brought forth on The Knife’s last album into a more refined and structured space without it sounding any less bizarre. No other lyric better summarizes the current global political climate than “THIS COUNTRY MAKES IT HARD TO FUCK”
3. St. Vincent - MASSEDUCTION 
I wouldn’t say that it’s St. Vincent’s best work by any means. However, there’s a handful of songs on here that just fucking GET to me. A lot of people seem to view MASSEDUCTION as this fun and sexy album but to me it’s just overwhelmingly sad. Yes there are some fun latex BDSM moments here, but they exist in the context of an album about loss and addiction. I don’t think I’ve ever cried at a concert as hard as I did when I heard this album performed live.
2. JAY-Z - 4:44 
This is one of the best albums of Jay-Z’s entire career. The real hero of this album, however, is No I.D.’s production. The "doing everything as big as possible” sound of Jay-Z’s other recent work only seemed to make him sound older. On this album, over slower more soulful beats, he sounds more in his element than he has in years. Jay-Z if you are reading this I do NOT forgive you
1. SZA - Ctrl 
If I could give AOTY specifically to the line “why you bother me when you know you don’t want me” I would. I connected so much with the loneliness and the uncertainty and the self doubt that lives at the heart of so much of this music. This is one of those albums that I will carry with me forever because it will remind me of a specific part of my life that was bad. And I’ll go back to listen to it later and I’ll be brought back to that time but I’ll miss it for some reason. Does this happen to anyone else? There’s a lot of music that takes me back to specific BAD moments in my life and makes me miss those moments. Hopefully that is normal.
Songs of the Year:
Lil Uzi Vert - XO TOUR Llif3
(Sandy) Alex G - Bobby
Carly Rae Jepsen - Cut To The Feeling
Anamanaguchi - Miku (NES Version)
The War On Drugs - Thinking Of A Place
The National - The System Only Dreams In Total Darkness
Gorillaz - Hallelujah Money (ft. Benjamin Clementine)
Cardi B - Bodak Yellow
Japanese Breakfast - Road Head
King Krule - Dum Surfer
Lorde - Green Light
Kelly Lee Owens - More Than a Woman (Aaliyah Cover)
Radiohead - I Promise
Payboi Carti - Magnolia
Lizzo - Truth Hurts
Thundercat - Show You The Way (ft. Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald
N.E.R.D. - Lemon (ft. Rihanna)
yaeji - raingurl
Arca - Piel
Calvin Harris - Slide (ft. Frank Ocean and Migos)
(2017 Overall Playlist) 
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