#I know y'all might think the villains could go after nighteye
thelazyhermits · 4 years
You know, after giving it some thought, I really don’t think I’m ever gonna try to pick up where I left off with the TABF main story and continue covering canon events like the way I did with the main story. The reason for that being that after seeing recent manga events I really don’t think TABF wouldn’t go that route because of the changes I already made to canon.
So, in the end, I wouldn’t be following canon for long before it diverges into AU territory. While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, I don’t really see the point in trying to cover the manga’s current arc since it’ll end up being pretty anticlimactic, at least on one end, and Fortune wouldn’t even be present to see everything going on anyway. 
I’m not saying I’ll stop covering canon events period. I just don’t plan on covering every single arc that follows after the Cultural Festival arc. I just might do one shots here and there addressing certain events like how Secrets Revealed, the Shinsou hug drabble, and the Monoma drabble covered the aftermath of the Joint Training arc
I know some of y’all had been excited by the idea of me eventually covering future canon events, so I feel bad for disappointing y’all. But I just can’t see TABF going the same route as canon
Under the cut I’ll go into more details about my reasoning for this decision. The reason I’m doing it this way is since I’ll be mentioning manga spoilers and I wanted to provide a general explanation first for those who would prefer to avoid spoilers.
Okay, so not too long ago, I brought up my theory that Shigaraki’s big revival in the recent chapters wouldn’t happen thanks to Fortune’s and Nighteye’s Quirks and the fact that the heroes have the Quirk erasing bullets since Nighteye and Aizawa confiscated them before Overhaul was taken away from the police.
I still stand by that, but I wanted to add something else to that. The main reason Shigaraki revived was the fact that X-Less destroyed a machine that was still running and the live wire hit the water surrounding Shigaraki. That electric shock is what led to Shigaraki’s heart beating again. 
We’ve recently found out that the Quirk-erasing bullets that Shigaraki gave the doctor were in that machine. So, since he never got a hold of those bullets in TABF, neither did the doctor, so there would be no need for that machine to be on or even there period in TABF. Whether the doctor already had it or built it for the sake of creating more bullets doesn’t matter since there wouldn’t be a need for it to be on in that scenario. Ergo X-Less could carry on with his duty of carrying Shigaraki out of there while he’s still very much dead.
Not only that, since Nighteye is alive, I see him being a part of the hospital team so even if that machine still happened to be there and active, he would stop X-Less and make sure he carried on with his mission since by this point Nighteye has already used his Quirk and knows exactly how everything is supposed go down in the hospital.
Even if there was a way for Shigaraki to still magically revive, Nighteye would see it ahead of time thanks to his Quirk and would just use the Quirk-erasing bullets on Shigaraki before he can hurt anyone. So I really can’t see a way for Shigaraki to come out of this situation alive. 
While I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned it, Nighteye ends up working with Hawks in TABF thanks to Fortune’s interference. After she gets a vision of Hawks at that rally with the LoV and MLA, she realizes just how dangerous Hawks’ position is and what the heroes are up against, so she drags Hawks to Nighteye’s agency so Nighteye can look at his future and see for himself just how bad things are about to get.
After that point, Nighteye starts working with Hawks, getting ready for the big showdown with the villain army. Unfortunately, this meeting takes place just after the My Villain Academia arc so the two forces still end up joining together.
However, in the end, the heroes still have the advantage because they have Hawks and Nighteye. After he gets let in on Hawks’ secret mission, Nighteye starts doing his own investigation in order to learn as much as he can about the LoV and the MLA. This of course includes using his Quirk to find out what all is gonna happen in the future. 
It’s because Nighteye gets involved in this investigation that he tells Midoriya to intern somewhere else during the winter since he knew he wouldn’t be able to dedicate the amount of time Midoriya needed for Black Whip. Plus, he didn’t want to risk Midoriya getting involved with the investigation. That’s why Midoriya still ends up interning with Endeavor like in canon.
So, overall, I see things ending in the heroes’ favor with the hospital team. Now, I’m not saying that the rest of the villains or the MLA will get stopped since I could see Dabi and Mr. Compress trying to run once they see the odds are not in their favor. 
Considering how upset she was about Twice’s death, I think Toga would continue fighting the heroes until someone finally manages to stop her, but it’s also possible that she could find a way to escape being captured since I know she’s not one to underestimate.
I’m not sure what would happen with Gigantomachia since he only responds to Shigaraki, so since Shigaraki would die in this situation, I would assume either Gigantomachia just doesn’t do anything or he escapes thinking he’ll be receiving orders from Shigaraki eventually. It’s hard to say for sure, but I can’t see him fighting without orders unless he finds out about Shigaraki’s death and tries to avenge him. His situation is kinda up in the air since I don’t know enough about him to get an idea of how he would act if Shigaraki is successfully stopped.
In regards to the MLA, I could see the heroes coming out on top, but it’s possible that some of the army could escape. However, in TABF, Mirio would be in the team dealing with the attack on the HQ so he would give a lot of the army members a run for their money considering how strong he is. So the LoV and MLA would be at a bigger disadvantage since I could see Mirio taking out a lot of people on his own. 
So, even though Shigaraki would be stopped, I could still see some bad guys escaping this situation so they could become a viable threat down the line after they regroup. So it’s not like the heroes would have a complete victory.
To summarize, I can’t see the LoV and MLA being successful in the current manga arc in TABF like they are in canon ergo the series’ main antagonists would be stopped resulting in a lot of future canon events not happening.
Honestly, I have no interest in attempting to write this arc since Fortune wouldn’t be directly involved. She’d be at UA with Eri during all of this, so the most I could really write is her interactions with everyone before and after it. I won’t say that I won’t ever write something along those lines, but as of right now, I don’t plan to.
I’m really sorry for disappointing everyone who was looking forward to a direct continuation of the TABF main story, but I just think this is the best way to go for the series. 
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toshis-puppycat · 4 years
Unfortunately, I Think I Love You Too Part Four
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A/n: So, uh angst happened last chapter lol I'm sorry about that. But y'all liked it so its okay. Some fluffyness will be coming soon! Also big thanks to @onyxiana-is-obsessed for letting me use a name in this!! You're the best for that truly. And I'm very sorry it took me a while to update things happened and I got stressed, but it should be all good now! Thank yall for being patient with me!
Summary: Hawks doesn't know what to do, you're semi avoiding him now and that's very difficult because you're literally trapped in the same house and you know for a fact you have no food available. Shopping with Hawks is okay at least. Too bad that gets interrupted. 
Part Four
You tried not to think about what he said. "If...if you ever need it. I'm here for you." 
It was awkward, uncomfortable. You didn't like it. Unfortunately, you noticed you had like, absolutely no real food to consume. You had to make a trip to the store. And you had to do it with Hawks.
"Hey, birdbrain. We need to go to the store." You said, walking into your living room. Ignore it. He shot you a look.
"Is that really safe to do right now?" He asked.
"You want food?" You ask, he nods in response. "Then get ready." He gives an apprehensive look, it's an odd on him. He's usually so confident and sure about his movements. You quickly got ready, and left the house together straight to the store. First, your assorted fruits, then your vegetables and now the protein and other assorted foods. First choice from Hawks was chicken, of any type (mainly asking you to make fried chicken the goddamn weird bird), apparently the discussion between you two earlier is finally being pushed aside for the time being. You hoped it'd never be brought up again. You didn't want to acknowledge it, you didn't want to remember the terror you'd feel every time you fell asleep. You shook the thoughts off, checking the assorted meats. You could make some tacos or something tonight, maybe some stew. You felt a hand at your lower back in that moment. Ah, Hawks finally came back-
"I do hope you don't think that having him nearby will keep you safe." They said, and you felt yourself stiffen, eyes widening in shock as you subtly tried looking around. Hawks wasn't near you at all and you knew this person. "It was quite easy to lead him away. Money gets people to do things, my dear." They continued.
"Toxin." You said, you tried your best not to move around. You remembered his quirk all too well.
"Awe the little one does remember." Toxin teased, you could practically feel his smile. "I'm sure you understand why we're doing this sweetheart." He purred. "Betraying us the way you did back then left a lot of scars for us. Me especially, you were my future y/n." 
"That was not a life for any child to experience. Being offered to you should have never been an option." You hissed.
He tisked at you, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. "Ah y/n. I wouldn't be so snappy if I were you. After all you are alone right now." He smirked, then kissed your temple. "It was nice to see you y/n, but I should be going now. That bird is coming back." He said, you didn't let yourself relax with him saying that though. He grabbed a strand of your hair, and lightly tugged it and sighed. "I'll be seeing you again soon though, sweetheart." And with that he left you, you couldn't move, your body felt numb and you couldn't breath. Then there were hands at your shoulders. Oh God were they back already? You couldn't do this you had to run-
"Kid!" Hawks exclaimed. "Take deep breaths, alright?" He pulled you into his arms at that. You snapped out of it at that point, gently shoving him away. You freaking out would have caught some attention, you couldn't just push him away.
"I'm fine. Let's just pay and get out of here." You said, you tried keeping your voice steady but he could hear the quiver, and basically feel your erratic heartbeat. You were right, you both had to leave. Him before a fan would try to ask him to sign something and you before you started to panic again. You quickly paid for your items and left. Your heartbeat didn't slow until the both of you were safely in your home. 
He usually knew what to do in situations where civilians were scared. But there was a catch for this time. You weren't a civilian, you were… you were a hero. A hero whos childhood was somewhat shrouded in mystery for him. The commission didn't give him anything more pertaining to your case. The only information that they had was that you were saved, and then you didn't join any hero work at all. But that was a lie. He knew it at this point that you were are a hero. Something he didn't tell the hero commission because he knew it'd hurt you. It took months of bugging attempting to get to know you and be somewhat close enough to talk outside of your hero duties. Which didn't happen the way he wanted. You were intriguing, ever since he first met you at that charity event. You also weren't really known, any information was shrouded in mystery, nothing was confirmed about you. Well one part for him was confirmed now, you were gorgeous. He always had that theory after he met you and you were soft. He remembered when you had hugged him close when you were undercover with him, you felt right in his arms. He wanted to help you. But he had to understand you. So when you forced yourself to cook dinner, he didn't argue because you would shield yourself away. Even though he was feeling a tiny bit desperate to know, he kept it to himself. And when you finally turned in for the night he made a decision that would go past this assignment. He would protect you, no matter what. Starting with not calling you "sweetheart". It was a cute pet name to you but well, hearing that villain, Toxin, call you that just… it made your annoyed reactions make more sense. Especially when he had first done it. You were more neutral when you two first spoke, but the moment he uttered that pet name you ended up annoyed with him. That ended up becoming the relationship you two had now, you annoyed with him and him slightly desperate for your attention. But now, right now you were someone he had to protect more, a victim of a criminal organization. He looked over at your bedroom door, your home was soundproof, no one would be able to hear you inside, and considering what he heard earlier it made sense. He walked over to the door, not opening it just waiting, hearing you toss and turn attempting to get comfortable. He leaned against the wall nearby, he really wished you'd trust him. 
Having Hawks stay at your home leaves mixed feelings for you. It made you relieved but at the same time on edge. Glad someone who knew about your hero life but also left you paralyzed with fear. Heros saved people, heros were strong. This… this was you being weak. You were acting like the scared child All Might saved. You were still terrified of them. Your childhood was a horror show. The amount of times you saw people killed just for existing, being there at the "wrong time" (which was all the time the damned liars), the fact that they would force you to watch them kill innocent people and laugh about you cowering away. It was no wonder you were grateful for All Might saving you, it was why you wanted to be a hero. Saving the people who weren't always seen. You pointed out Chisaki Kai to Nighteye, he looked more into it and decided it was a case he'd investigate with a few other agencies. That little girl with them, she needed to be saved. It was why you told him about what you'd noticed in the first place. You didn't want to be known however. Too many people were wary about those related to villains, all you wanted to save people. And you were. But now… now it was coming back. Now you had to rely on heros to protect you. You hated it. You didn't want to rely on anyone, you just wanted that chapter of your life closed. You felt a terrible headache coming on then heard something shuffle outside of your door. Did this… did this dumbass not see the spare bedroom? You sighed, and got up. Quickly moving to open your door as you saw something move in the corner of your eye outside of your bedroom window. You tensed, you forgot that they were watching you. God it was probably why Toxin fucking talked to you! You probably threw them in for a loop having Hawks at your home thankfully. You opened the door, finding Hawks leaning against the wall nearby, and quickly threw yourself into his arms and tucked your head under his chin, he froze at the sudden contact. "M'sorry I panicked like that earlier and pushed you away." You said, it was muffled. He was still kinda frozen but you felt his arms slowly wrap around your middle. 
"Ah, its okay kid. Are you feeling a little better?" He asked, this was so different from the Hawks you were used to, unsure of what to do almost shy like, you shook your head in response to his question before you forgot to.
"Not really, but I didn't wanna shut you out." You whispered, forcing yourself to relax in his arms. Liar. A voice whispered in your head. You're a liar and a coward. Its good they came back to get rid of you. You deserve it. 
"Hey come on kid, I'm not heartless. Why would I leave my little songbird alone when she needs me?" He said, and wow did those pet names stick out as a "long term" thing they thought you had. You felt yourself flush. He was almost being… cute. He kissed your temple and led you back to your living room. Sitting on the couch before pulling you into his lap, one hand moving to steady your waist as you attempted to get comfortable, both legs thrown over his. "I'm not going anywhere songbird." Thank god he seemed to have gotten the hint, you thought as you saw a single feather subtly fly behind him and under the front door. You two sat there for what seemed like forever, he was holding you, he moved the hand at your waist and threw it around both of your shoulders and the other cupping your cheek as you laid in his arms. It was… nice. It felt right, like nothing was wrong. All the negative thoughts that were swirling in your head a moment ago vanished the moment he properly held you, your body felt at ease for the first time in years, you were exhausted. You didn't notice the tension in his shoulders leaving as you found yourself relaxing in his arms, didn't hear the fast beating of his heart as your eyes started drooping, and finally you slumped against him. Damn, you didn't know you were that touch starved. You slightly turned your face into his neck and relaxed even more, one hand coming up to his shoulder and loosely gripping at the material of his coat, before settling again. It was like you completely forgot why you came out in the first place, which you did for sure. You never knew Hawks could be so comfortable to lay on.
Hawks was relishing in the fact you relaxed against him so easily, but there was that twinge of worry. How long have you not been sleeping well if you went lax from the bare minimum of touches (affection?) from another person? You were a private person, he knew that. It was obvious from the way you kicked him out earlier that day, to when you immediately left for your room after you two ate. But here you were, basically cuddling with him. He'd take you back to you room, but when he got up you just clutched at his coat tighter and tensed. You didn't settle until he was just holding you again. Well fuck.
Tag list: @traqicalromance, @onyxiana-is-obsessed, @neon-tries-writing, @shiggi-trash, @jqnposts, @notmykirk, @crackhead1-800, @sinclairsamess, @takmikig, @ewok-things, @lookslikeleese, @rat-suki, @bakatenshii, @enjifuckersupreme,  @protagonist-senpai, @atsumumu, @mikithekiki, @marshmallow-witch
Let me know if you want to be tagged!
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sonofanyx · 5 years
*Asks all of them*
Favorite character- I'd have to go with Shinsou mostly due to the fact that I can relate to his character a lot from what we know and have seen of him
Least favorite character- Hands down Mineta.
Favorite villain- My boy Shigaraki
Least favorite villain- probably muscular
Favorite teacher- Tie between Aizawa and Hizashi I love them both equally for different reasons
Least favorite teacher- I don't really have one
Favorite student- If I had to pick one that wasn't Shinsou I'd say Kirishima definitely. He's a beautiful character in design and personality and although he struggles with himself he always puts forth his all and he's a sweet character.
Least favorite student- once again...mineta but there's a handful of ones I'm neutral on
Character you wish to see more of- My boy Hizashi
Character you find most interesting or mysterious- Aaah that's a tough one but I'd probably say Shigaraki in all honesty due to his quirk and his backstory but I find loads of them interesting as hell but it's a long list 😅
Any moments or scenes you could watch over and over again- Definitely a few. One being Midoriya vs. Todoroki at the festival. The Hosu incident. All for one vs. All Might. Aizawa talking to Joke about his students and basically saying he cares about them and is proud of them during that one exam.
Any character you disliked at first, but warmed up to?- Honestly it surprises a lot of people when I say this but... Bakugo. I guess it took me understanding his character for me to appreciate him more but even then I still struggle with approving of everything he does but I do really like his character.
Character you liked at first, but no longer do?- Hmmm honestly I'd have to say Iida. I don't know he gets under my skin a lot for some reason
Do you have a favorite quirk?- Ooooohh I have a few. 1) Aizawas. Like being able to erase a quirk while you're looking at someone is pretty neat to me. 2) Shinsou. It could be used for so many things? It's a great quirk to have but also depends on the person who has it. It is just rad as hell, especially the fact that he can use it on multiple people at once. 3) Todoroki. FIERY BOY but also the ice aspect is super COOL(ahaha) too. 4) Monoma. While he can be annoying his quirk is rad
Least favorite quirk?- Fuckin sticky balls is one. That moonfish guy I think his name is, I don't know I just thought his was stupid. Most other quirks I can deal with but there's a few I'm just ???? About
Which pairing are you the most fond of?- Erasermic.
Are there any pairings you aren’t a personal fan of?- Anything that's student/teacher or potentially abusive. I respect all of the others though, I personally just can't get behind those types in particular.
Favorite fight?- As of right now it's a tie between All for one vs All Might or the Overhaul fight
What were your thoughts before watching the show?- I didn't really have one aside from wondering if it was overhyped like a lot of popular anime's
What are your thoughts now after seeing it/ reading it?- I absolutely love it, it's one of my favorites
What or who got you interested in giving it a try?- A lot of Cosplayers I talk to and also sitting down and starting it with you (@soaringbeans )
Were there any moments or scenes that caught you by surprise? - Finding out who Shigaraki was related to
Any moment that was a disappointment?- Not that I can think of right now
Is there a character that a lot of others like, but you don’t, or vice versa?- Honestly Overhaul, I just don't get the big deal over his character. I dig the design I guess but I feel like his character is overhyped in my personal opinion but if y'all like him I respect it
Was it better or worse than you expected it to be?- Soooooo much better than I thought it would be
What moment did you find the saddest, or that hit you the hardest?- From the show so far the scene when All Might said "now it's your turn" From the manga there's a lot but one that had me crying was when they were rescuing Eri up until everything with Nighteye.
Any moments that made you angry or frustrated?- The fact that the first person to find out about One for all that Deku had to tell was Bakugo. It should have been someone else in my opinion, it genuinely upset me
Who gave you the best first impression?-Oh gosh...I'm honestly not sure
Who gave you the first disagreeable impression.- Bakugo when he told my sweet summer child to basically jump off the fucking roof
What is, if any, the biggest flaw you see in the series? Or something you would have done differently?- Nothing major really? I'd have only maybe changed who found out about One for All first but aside from that nothing.
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