#I know u said ur tired but pls do more like these films
spaghettitigers · 1 year
the absolute decadence of female rage in that scene in chak de india is scintillating. outstanding. excellence. it is literally everything
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Me and You Together, 4/10 (Taywhora) - Ortega
fic summary: The cardinal rule of having flatmates is that you Do Not Catch Feelings For Your Flatmates, because everything inevitably goes to shit and gets made horrifically awkward. A’whora and Tayce both know this, but being in first year of uni and making good decisions have never really gone hand in hand.
a/n: fam this response is crazy it really is…thank u all so much for the love, kudos and comments, i’m so sorry if i’ve not managed to reply to urs yet but know that i’ve read them all and cherish every one and i will get round to replying and yelling some love and thanks at u soon!!! pls enjoy this chapter in which A'whora does not possess the flat’s shared brain cell at any point. that being said, i wish all the readers of this fic a very pleasant italicised ‘oh’ xo
last chapter: January-Tayce and A’whora still had unfinished business from a night out and a hungover morning in December.
this chapter: October- The gang make plans for their first year together, Tia gives everyone plans for the evening, and A'whora has a realisation that will change the dynamic of her friendship with Tayce forever.
“Bimini, what is it you’re actually doing?”
A’whora’s intrigued by the way her flatmate’s sitting on the sofa: legs crossed, notepad in one hand and a cigarette in the other, and looking deep in thought. They’ve not long since stretched over the smoke detector with a sock, having long since established nobody in the flat minds them smoking indoors as long as the windows are open. Lawrence is beside them on the other end of the sofa having been to all the lectures that’re required of her already today and has got a bright pink, blue and purple-flecked ball of yarn hanging from two knitting needles, with which she seems to be knitting some sort of cosy accessory. It’s a wholesome picture that’s playing out in front of A’whora, one that’s miles away from the raucous, drunk nights they’ve all shared in the first month of uni so far.
“Okay, here’s what it is,” Bimini starts, clicking their long nails together. “I am making us a freshers bucket list, and I want your input.”
“Ooh!” Lawrence perks up beside them, and A’whora, interest piqued, picks up the bowl of pasta, butter and cheese she’s spent all of five minutes making and crosses the room to sit beside her flatmates.
She knows it’s only been a month so far, but she really loves everyone she’s living with. For a start, there are four of them that take classes at the art college (the ‘art hoes’, as Tayce calls them), so they all get to walk to lectures together and hang about between classes and workshops with each other depending on how their days are going. Bimini is almost always in the flat, with not a lot of contact hours making up their journalism degree, so they’re a comforting presence for A’whora to come home to at whatever hour of the day, always asking how she is and always offering to make her coffee. Tia is sweet and funny (if ever-so-slightly grating to her at first) and they’ve bonded over being the only two flatmates seemingly able to keep the place clean and tidy. Lawrence is endearing and big-hearted, if A’whora spends half her life hoping that her next prank isn’t involving her in some way (Ellie is usually the butt of them). Ellie herself is one of A’whora’s closest flatmates; they’ll often stay up half the night finishing prototypes or assignments together, all while watching a film which they have spookily similar taste in- they’ve agreed on 101 and 102 Dalmatians, Hocus Pocus, and The Wizard of Oz so far.
And then there’s Tayce, who A’whora thinks is both the absolute carbon copy of herself and yet also so different, the yin to her yang. Tayce has been her closest friend in the flat since day one when she booted the door to her room down and dragged her out of her emotional stupor, and that’s really what’s set the tone for the rest of their friendship; Tayce, upbeat and motivating, constantly and infectiously helping A’whora feel the same way even when she doesn’t want to go out, or doesn’t feel like dragging herself out of her room for a chill flat night with the others, or even when she just feels like a heap of shit. She’s such a fun and positive person to be around, relentlessly optimistic and goofy, and she brings out that side of A’whora too. As opposed to during sixth form and high school, where she’d put up a front to make sure nobody fucked with her, A’whora finds that at uni she can be the person she truly is and let her guard down a little.
This includes being open about her sexuality for the first time ever. She’s out to her family (for the better or worse), but nobody else back home knows (not even her friends) and she wants to keep it that way for now. But at uni things are different- nobody knows her here, nobody has these preconceived ideas of who she is and who she has to be, so she’d taken the plunge and been open about everything. None of the others had cared of course, in fact they’d all been too excited about the fact there’s not a single straight person in their flat comprised of four lesbians (Tayce, Lawrence, Tia and A’whora), one bi (Ellie) and one pan (Bimini).
“What’ve you got so far?” A’whora asks Bimini, sitting down on the sofa opposite her two flatmates.
Bimini reads off their notepad. “Casino night, bottomless brunch…get the train down to Newcastle, have a big night out, stay out all night an’ get the first train home-”
“Christ, that’ll be a challenge for me, you know I get sleepy around midnight,” Lawrence chuckles.
Bimini shrugs. “We’ll just get you an IV drip of Ellie’s Monster, you’ll be alright.”
“What else’ve you got?”
“That’s it so far.”
A’whora spears a pasta spiral, tilts her head in thought as she eats it. “Get drunk in a lecture.”
“Aw, good one!” Lawrence cries enthusiastically. Bimini, for their part, frowns with disapproval.
“Wait, no! Not a good one. Not a good one at all. It’s alright for you art school bitches, you’ve got some lectures together and you can coordinate, where does that leave me n’ Tia?”
“I guess that leaves you…downing a bottle of five pound chardonnay on the back bench of a lecture hall like a tramp with a drinking problem,” Lawrence shrugs, A’whora yelping out a laugh as Bimini shoves Lawrence with their foot.
Just then, there’s movement in the hall and as A’whora turns around she’s greeted by the sight of a tired-looking Tayce and Ellie walking into the kitchen. They shrug off their coats and take off their shoes and dump their bags on the kitchen table with a huff before they walk over to the others. Tayce spreads herself out over the sofa that A’whora’s sitting on, thudding her feet onto her lap without asking permission, to which A’whora instantly pushes them off her and gets a glare and a smirk in return.
“Lawrie, are you knitting?” Ellie laughs, sitting on the arm of the sofa beside her.
“Yeah? And?”
Ellie snorts in amusement. “Just didn’t realise we were living with a wee granny.”
“Well actually, bawbag! I was in the middle of making you a scarf because I can’t stand to listen to you talking shite about how you’re cold every time we leave the flat, but I can leave it if you want,” Lawrence explains. A’whora thinks it’s funny how Ellie backtracks immediately; she can’t tell if she’s blushing or just out of breath from scaling their block’s stairs. Bimini gains control of the conversation, tilting their head in intrigue.
“How were your lectures, huns?”
“Shit, thanks for asking,” Tayce groans, thudding her head down dramatically against the sofa cushions. “I don’t know, I just can’t concentrate when I’m getting talked at for an hour at a time. I need to be doing stuff, you know?”
“Feel that,” Ellie joins in, deflated. A’whora can sympathise- she loves the practical elements of her course, but not so much the lectures. She’s glad she shares a lot of them with Ellie, and the two of them can dick about and text each other and doodle designs in their notebooks while keeping one ear on whoever’s speaking.
“Well if you want to be doing something, you can help us with this,” Bimini suggests, explaining the bucket list they’ve been making.
The girls get settled and the ideas start to flow, Lawrence putting her speakers on for background noise as they all come up with new and increasingly more chaotic exploits. Ellie suggests trying every cocktail in Levels which gets scribbled down into Bimini’s notepad, and Tayce suggests going to Levels sober, which doesn’t get afforded the same appreciation. A’whora comes up with crashing the catered halls for breakfast one day, which they all agree is a good idea but the chances of it actually happening are low considering the earliest riser in the flat is Tayce and even she doesn’t waken up til half nine on a weekend.
“What’re some clubs we’ve not been to yet?” Bimini asks, shrugging. “Could put those down, try an’ visit every one in the city?”
Lawrence snorts derisively. “You go to Underground if you want your phone stolen, Velvet if you want to be bullied by fifteen year olds in the toilets, and Crystal if you want to subject yourself to painful misogyny and probably some light sexual assault.”
“So none of those, then,” Bimini murmurs.
“Those are all really het as well, though,” Ellie wrinkles her nose up in distaste. Then her face lights up as she gets an idea. “Oh! Put down Pride in July.”
“Nice one,” Bimini nods as they scribble down Ellie’s suggestion, the others making little hums of approval.
The conversation goes on for quite some time. Halfway through it Tayce seems to decide she’s bored of lying down and instead moves to sit on the floor between A’whora’s legs, asking her to play with her hair. They’ll do this sometimes- it’s a routine they fall into, A’whora being able to style Tayce’s endlessly long, straight hair and Tayce finding the whole thing therapeutic. They have a lot of little routines like this: they’ll sit close together on the sofa during a flat movie night and take turns leaning on each others’ shoulders, spontaneously give each other hugs at random points throughout the day, trace patterns into each others’ palms when the other seems stressed.
It’s nice. A’whora’s never really had a friendship like this, soft and caring and kind. In school her group was the kind that made catty jokes about each other then buffered them with a “love you!” afterwards and took kissy-face group selfies only to bitch about each other on a private group chat mere hours later. If it was a wolfpack then it was rabid and cannibalistic, and it had seemed like a full-time job ensuring she was never the runt of it. What she’s got with all her flatmates now- especially Tayce- makes her feel like she can finally breathe.
“What about the Centurion Challenge?” Lawrence suggests with a small gasp, breaking A’whora’s reverie as she expertly twirls Tayce’s hair into a loose and chunky French plait.
“Jesus Christ, Lawrence,” Ellie mutters in amusement.
“What’s the Centurion Challenge?” Bimini asks, pulling a face.
Lawrence gives a blythe shrug as she elaborates. “A hundred shots in a hundred minutes.”
A’whora ruins Tayce’s braid in shock, her hair untwisting itself from the braid as if it’s outraged too. The cry she gives joins in harmony with that of Tayce’s and Bimini’s. “A hundred shots? You’d fucking die!”
“Not of vodka! Obviously not of vodka! I know we all have one communal brain cell between us but Christ, can one of yous not use it?!” Lawrence protests. “It’s a hundred shots of beer. Don’t shit yourselves.”
“Aw, well that’s alright then,” Bimini pipes up sarcastically. “What’s actually wrong with Scottish people? Is your breastmilk spiked with whiskey? What d’you get instead of Cow and Gate formula, just cocaine?"
“Actually, a hundred shots of beer sounds more doable to me,” Tayce shrugs, and A’whora can feel her relax against her lap.
“I’d need to change it, I can’t stand beer,” A’whora considers. Ellie cocks her head in consideration.
“Well what alcohol do you like?”
“Fucking none of it,” A’whora laughs. “Cocktails. Vodka cokes. Anything where there’s juice to cover it up.”
Tayce twists her head to look up at her, a little twinkle of mischief in her eye. “I think the challenge ceases to be a challenge when it’s reduced to one hundred watered down shots of Woo Woo, Rory.”
As the others blurt out a laugh A’whora glares down at Tayce, but she can’t help but break out into a giggle too when Tayce grabs her knee and gives it a playful wobble, letting her know she was only joking without even having to say a thing.
A’whora’s not sure what time it is when she hears the front door swing shut and Tia emerges from the hallway, her long hair all messed up from the seemingly ever-present wind outside and almost obscuring the bright smile plastered on her face. “Hey, huns!”
“Oi oi,” Tayce greets her from her position on the floor. “What’s got you so smiley?”
“Nooothing,” Tia smirks, dragging the word out playfully. “Just got an invite to the night out of a very cute girl in my MT society…and she said you guys can all come too. Pres at her flat and then out to The Avenue. Evening plans sorted?”
“Oh, love that!” Bimini gives an enthusiastic clap. “Go on then, who’s the girl? Whose night are we crashing?”
“Her name’s Veronica,” Tia smiles bashfully. “She’s so lovely. Honestly, she wouldn’t mind you coming! She’s got one of the big flats over at Gourock Court so it’s not like it’ll be packed.”
“You don’t exactly want to go to a party that’s not going to be packed,” Ellie screws up her nose. She looks unimpressed and her tone is flat. “And even if it is, I don’t know if I’m in the mood for a flat party with a ton of new people, Tia.”
A’whora’s face drops and she locks eyes with Lawrence simultaneously, who’s got an equally incredulous look on her face. “Els, are you unwell? You never turn down a night out.”
Ellie shrugs quietly, not giving much away on her face. Tia, obviously keen to move to the girl she’s crushing on, carries on persuading her. “C’mon, Eleanor, don’t be such a fucking…square! It’s the musical theatre society, we’re just a walking Pride festival who all happen to be able to hold a tune. There’s loads of fit lesbians?”
“Well if I wasn’t convinced before, I sure am now,” Tayce purrs, a little smile appearing on her lips and a cheeky twinkle in her eyes. A’whora feels her laugh come out weakly. She doesn’t know why, but an odd, uncomfortable feeling lodges itself in her gut. She can’t quite put her finger on what exactly it is or why it’s put itself there.
“And there’s gonna be so many musicals on the playlist!” Tia continues to insist, despite being met with Ellie’s sour face. “I know you’ll love it! They’d probably even play stuff from Shrek if you got them drunk enough.”
A’whora can’t help but scrunch up her nose in distaste. “Hey, I’m only coming if they play fucking…normal people music as well. I’m not gonna be sat in a room with twenty white kids trying to rap to Hamilton or whatever the fuck it is.”
Tia rolls her eyes, plants her hands on her hips in exasperation. “Calm down, A’whora, you’ll still get all the top 40 dance-pop shit you love so much.”
“To be honest, it sounds class. And The Avenue’s always good,” Bimini cuts in calmly. A’whora does have to agree with that. They’ve not been there in a while- the bar across the road from the city’s most popular LGBT club- and its selection of early 00s pop princess tracks combined with its deal of two vodka mixers and a shot for a fiver makes it a guaranteed good night out.
“Well it seems like we’re all down, even if this stroppy cow isn’t,” Tia smiles happily, sticking her tongue out at Ellie for good measure. Ellie finally heaves a world-weary sigh, rolling her eyes dramatically as she relents.
“Ugh, fine! Fine, but this Verruca or whatever the hell she’s called better be the hottest bitch on the planet for you to drag us all out with your MT weirdos, Tia Maria,” she grumps. Tia ignores her bad mood and lets out a cheer which the others join in with, and A’whora resolves to interrogate Ellie about her Bitter Betty attitude later on. Preferably when they’re both drunk. That always makes things easier.
In the melee of excitement, Tayce twists round from her position on the carpet, folds her arms and rests them on top of A’whora’s thighs. “Right. You need to come help me choose an outfit if we’re going out. I need to look fit.”
A’whora smiles with pride. “Ooh, personal stylist duties? I’m honoured.”
“Well I’m hardly gonna ask Tia, am I?” Tayce giggles quietly, and A’whora joins in like it’s a little secret they’re sharing. “Or Ellie. She’d just send me out in one of her bodysuit/skirt combos. I swear to God that girl is like Marge bloody Simpson. Open up her wardrobe and she’ll have twenty sets of the same outfit. Serial killer behaviour, that.”
At this point A’whora is laughing so much that it draws the attention of the others, who eye them with suspicious stares. “What the hell’s so funny?”
A’whora gives Tayce a mischievous look. “Tayce just called Ellie a serial killer.”
Tayce yelps in outrage at having been called out, and as Ellie narrows her eyes Tayce leaps up from the floor and tugs A’whora off of the sofa with her. “That’s taking it out of context, you absolute hound! Come on, help me pick something.”
Tayce’s fingers stay curled around A’whora’s hand all the way down the corridor and into her bedroom. It’s a feeling that A’whora likes because it makes her feel close to her friend, and Tayce taking her hand is like an affirmation and a reassurance all in one; that she likes her, that their friendship has reached the level where hand-holding has become acceptable, that A’whora is worthy of being liked, of being someone’s friend- their real, proper friend. The validation sets her heart off like a flare. It’s nice to feel wanted.
A’whora perches on the edge of Tayce’s bed as she scrapes the coat hangers in her wardrobe and throws outfits onto the bed like a tornado, each more gorgeous than the last and all ones Tayce would look stunning in. That’s something that always strikes A’whora about Tayce; just how beautiful she is, how absolutely blessed with the God-given good genes. The way she looks serene and ethereal without makeup, walking to lectures in the morning with the sun hitting her face and giving her skin a glow. The way she paints for a night out and knows how to accentuate everything about her face that’s already perfect, a feat that would seem like an exaggeration if A’whora hadn’t seen it for herself to confirm it’s true. She frequently finds herself having to hold back from giving compliments to Tayce because if she started she’d never stop.
“Okay, first thoughts are…” Tayce announces unnecessarily loudly, and A’whora laughs at the way she’s talking as if she’s a stylist on a morning TV show. “…I’m thinking something black.”
“Of course you are,” A’whora interrupts with a laugh. “Tayce wearing black. How predictable.”
Tayce gives her a shove on the shoulder that’s too hard and makes her fall back against the mattress. “Shut up! I’ll wear something other than black when Lawrence wears something other than purple, how’s about that?”
The pair of them giggle at the joke as Tayce rifles through the clothes she’s shortlisted, holding up a black leather jacket and a black bralet with an intricate lace hem. The combination makes A’whora’s eyes fly wide open in appreciation.
“This?” Tayce raises an eyebrow at her inquisitively. The fact she’s obviously seen her reaction makes A’whora feel a little self-conscious and she doesn’t particularly know why. “Because I’m wanting to wear either my wet-look leggings or my black vinyl skirt with the zip up the front, and I don’t know if that’s too much leather effect stuff?”
“It’s too much,” A’whora nods, physically unable to help her honesty. “Also I think you should wear the skirt because you’ve got good legs and you should get them out any chance you get. But also the bralet won’t go with it because it’ll make your proportions all wrong.”
Tayce smiles appreciatively as she throws the bralet back into her wardrobe as if A’whora’s given her a command and not a suggestion. “See, this is another reason why you’re the queen of outfit advice. Bimini wouldn’t give me this level of honesty, they’re too nice.”
A’whora feels a warmth spread in her chest at the compliment, but she doesn’t show it. Instead she snorts, nods in agreement. “Yeah, because you could come out dressed in a pair of child’s pyjamas and they’d still say they love it. They’d say it’s very Y2K or something.”
Tayce lets out a cackle before holding up the skirt and leather jacket, humming in thought. “Okay, so you’re saying ditch the jacket but keep the skirt.”
“And ditch the bralet.”
“So you want me to go out in a skirt and a pair of heels and nothing else,” Tayce raises an eyebrow at her, and as A’whora bursts out laughing and protests she has to fight off a blush at the thought of her best friend topless in heels. Topless in heels and a vinyl skirt. Topless in heels and a vinyl skirt with a zip that could just be pulled down to leave her in-
The heat floods A’whora’s face like she’s been smacked and she shifts on the bed in an attempt at dissipating the feelings that’ve hit her like a tsunami. Inappropriate. Weird. Way too weird. Don’t do that again.
“What about the bright blue fur coat you’ve got? Because you could have an all black outfit with that as a bit of colour,” she suggests, shrugging lightly in an attempt to pretend that she hadn’t just been thinking about Tayce in the way she had.
Tayce’s face lights up and she points at A’whora with one hand and reaches into her wardrobe with the other. “Love that. Okay, top?”
“Are you addressing me? I’ve never topped for anyone,” A’whora attempts a joke. If Tayce can make jokes like that to her then she can do it right back.  
“That’s very clear, baby,” Tayce shoots in response without missing a beat. Before A’whora realises it, she’s flexing her toes. What the fuck is happening to her? She needs to steer this conversation back on track.
She thinks for a second. “You’re a size eight, right?”
“In theory. The amount of pot noodles I’ve been chucking down my neck since I moved in is very quickly rendering that a distant memory, I’ll tell ya,” Tayce says, as she leans against the door of her wardrobe and folds her arms.
“I’ve got a black lace bodysuit that would go with that. It’s a ten so it’ll fit. D’you want to try it?”
“Well despite the fact a skirt and a bodysuit was the very thing I just roasted Ellie for always wearing…that sounds lush. Thanks, Rory Roo,” Tayce agrees, the nickname-of-a-nickname setting off the click of a small pilot light in A’whora’s heart. She’s about to ask if she wants to come try it on just now when she hears both their names being yelled from the kitchen.
The pair of them head back through to find that Tia has changed the playlist on the speakers from the chilled-out, calm acoustic one that had been playing to her early 00’s tunes. Combined with Bimini half-singing, half-yelling along to Murder on the Dancefloor and the blast of the extractor fan as Ellie stirs something in a big metal pot at the hob, it’s a far cry from the calm, cosy scene that A’whora had witnessed in the kitchen some hours prior.
Ellie had been the one who had shouted on them, and she whips around from the cooker when she realises that Tayce and A’whora have come through. “I’m making dinner for me, Bims and Tia, you wanting some?”
“Depends what it is. Come on, talk it up, Ellie. Give us some options,” Tayce shrugs with feigned disinterest, and A’whora can’t help the bubble of laughter that bursts from her mouth as Ellie narrows her eyes at her.
“It’s spaghetti and meatballs, and your alternatives are fuck off or die,” she shoots back savagely, and the whoop of shock and laughter that goes up from the others soars above the music and the fan. Tayce laughs good-naturedly in spite of the barb.
“I’m joking, ‘course I’ll take some.”
A’whora wrinkles her nose. “You’re making meatballs for a meal that Bimini is gonna eat?”
“They’re not real ones, dipshit,” Bimini pipes up from over on the sofa. “It’s that Birdseye Green Cuisine shit, innit.”
“Birdseye Green Cuisine shit,” A’whora repeats disdainfully. “If you ever go on The Apprentice, Bim, Alan Sugar’s gonna shit himself at your selling abilities.”
Tayce snorts, tries and fails to cover it up. When her eyes rest on A’whora they share a little smile, and A’whora’s grows bigger when she thinks about the way they’re both so in sync all the time.
“They’re nice, I promise! Veronica’s talked them up loads, she told me she’s been trying to eat more veggie things,” Tia insists, with an entirely unnecessary namedrop of her crush. A’whora relents and says she’ll have a small bowl before jumping out of her skin as Ellie bangs the spoon against the pot somewhat aggressively with a face like thunder.
Before A’whora can ask Ellie about her bad mood, Tia speaks again as she scrolls her phone to change the song. “Honestly, Ellie, you’re a star for doing dinner. Thanks so much.”
“Aw, don’t be silly, doll! It’s nothing!” Ellie turns around from the hob and bats the compliment away, shooting Tia a dazzling smile in return. It’s funny the way her demeanour seems to instantly do a complete 180 at the praise, and it makes A’whora wonder what’s changed.
She’s distracted, though, by the way Lawrence enters in her dressing gown with her hair up in a towel, obviously having come straight from the shower. She pouts and whines in a very un-Lawrence way as she lingers at the doorframe between the hall and the kitchen.
“Guysss, does anyone have an ID they can give me for tonight?”
“What about your friend? Who was it…Rosé?” A’whora shrugs, and Lawrence fixes her with a wide-eyed stare of incredulity.
“Oh my God, A’whora! I never thought about asking the girl I’ve been borrowing ID from since the start of uni! Thanks for that!” she says sarcastically, Bimini giving a yelp of laughter and A’whora leaning off the countertops and swiping at Lawrence in retort. “She’s using it. She asked her girlfriend and her flatmates for me but they’ve all got plans. I felt like a fuckin’ daytime TV charity advert.”
“For just one pound a week, you could help an underaged child get blackout drunk on triple trebles,” A’whora puts on a dramatic, concerned voice, proud of the way it makes Tayce blurt out a laugh.
“It’s such fucking bullshit,” Lawrence huffs, leaning against the fridge and folding her arms. “I mean my eighteenth’s in five days and I’ve been drinking in parks since I was fourteen, how can I not just be let into a fuckin’ bar?”
“Grow up and order a fake one,” Ellie shakes her head with incredulity, smashing the wooden spoon against the pot again with a bang-bang-bang to get the excess pasta sauce off.
“Just you pipe down, hen, you shouldn’t even be at uni. In fact, have you even completed primary yet?”
The two girls stick their tongues out at each other, a mirror-image of petty bickering that makes A’whora laugh. Luckily Bimini steps in, shrugging as they open their purse.
“Here, babe. I’ve still got my course friend’s provisional from when she dropped it on Gordon Street when she was off her face. I ain’t given her it back yet an’ I’m sure she wouldn’t care if you borrowed it. She’s chill.”
Lawrence accepts enthusiastically, bouncing over to Bimini and thanking them gratefully. A’whora watches her face drop, though, when she takes a look at the photo.
“There’s no way this’ll work.”
Bimini tuts and shakes their head, the picture of casual composure. “It’s fine, babes, they never look properly anyway.”
Lawrence drops the hand that’s holding the license to her side and fixes her friend with an astounded glare. “Bimini. This girl is black.”
As the others screech with outrage and mirth, Bimini waves Lawrence’s concerns away blithely. “It’ll be dark! It’s fine! Asttina an’ you have both got similar…well…you’re both girls, an’ you’re about the same height. Give or take a few inches.”    
“Christ. I’m going to have to just forward roll past the bouncers, aren’t I? Then draw a fuckin’ club stamp on my arm in Sharpie.”
“Oh my God, stop moaning!” Ellie sighs from her position at the hob, bangs the spoon again for emphasis. “Look, I’ll ask Pippa from flat 2, alright? You both have brown hair, so…that’ll probably be enough.”
A’whora thinks it’s interesting the way Lawrence doesn’t shoot something back in her foghorn of a voice like she normally does. Instead she smiles warmly, dashes over to the kitchen where she hugs Ellie from behind, squeezing her tightly at the stomach and making her flinch in surprise.
“Thanks, Ellie-Bellie,” she sing-songs, swaying her aggressively from side to side until Ellie bats her away, flicking the spoon in a way that threatens to shower them both in marinara sauce.
“Right, that’s plenty. Don’t even do things I enjoy for that long.”
“When’s this gonna be ready, Els?” Bimini shouts through as Lawrence lets go. “ ‘Ave I got time to do my makeup before it?”
Ellie shrugs. “If you can do your makeup in ten minutes.”
A’whora kicks her leg out in Tayce’s direction and jerks her head towards the hall. “Do you want to try on that bodysuit before tea?”
Tayce nods enthusiastically in agreement, so they go back along the corridor with a shout to the others telling them they won’t be long. A’whora holds the door of her room open for Tayce and her heart sinks in embarrassment when she realises she forgot to make her bed this morning.
“Sorry about the mess,” she apologies, to which Tayce gives a cry of a laugh in response.
“A’whora, have you seen my room? You’re fine, kid, don’t worry.”
A’whora thinks that’s true- Tayce’s room is a state, but somehow it seems to suit her. Tayce’s room with the crowded bulletin board, desk covered in sweet wrappers and sketches, floor carpeted with clothes that need washed and outfits that didn’t make the cut. The cracked picture frame on her window-sill of the first selfie the six of them all got together on the first night of freshers and the huge cheese plant that sits next to her bedside table, Tayce’s pride and joy. They’re all little intricate shards that join up to form a perfect picture of her personality, and A’whora thinks it’s sort of perfect.
She looks out the bodysuit from its neatly Marie Kondo-d place in her wardrobe and hands it gently to Tayce. “Try it and see. It’s a small 10 anyway so it’ll probably be fine for you.”
Tayce accepts it gratefully and hooks a finger around both of the straps, letting the rest of the material fall out of its perfectly folded little parcel. She gives a little gasp of appreciation as she looks at it. “Oh yes, baby. I think this’ll do just fine.”
A’whora feels good- proud that she’s managed to find the perfect piece for Tayce’s outfit, to help her look as inevitably gorgeous as she knows she will. The smile on her face falters, though, when Tayce shoots her a wink and leans against the wall with her shoulder. “This is gonna get me someone I can pop off my acrylics for, I can tell. You’ve got the best taste, girl.”
“Are you actually going to try and get with someone tonight?” A’whora injects a laugh into her question that she’s banking on sounding genuine, otherwise it comes across as accusatory and that’s not what she means it to be. Or is it? She doesn’t know. “You know how messy nights at The Avenue always get. Last time we were there Lawrence got so drunk she told us she couldn’t see, remember?”
Tayce laughs her off with a shrug. “Well then I’ll just have to be careful with my drinks, won’t I?”
A’whora gives a false laugh, tries so hard to get it to meet her eyes. Why is she so pressed about this? She gets with girls on nights out too, she’s brought the occasional one night stand to the flat. Tayce is allowed to do the same.
So why does she feel ever so slightly gutted?
If her smile looks fake (which it is) then Tayce doesn’t notice, and she only shoots her a smile as she opens the bedroom door. “You’re an angel. I’ll pop this on then be back in five.”
A’whora takes the opportunity of Tayce having left to make her bed, and as she does so she feels lots of little thoughts dart around her mind like minnows, none of them staying in the same place for long enough to be able to be deciphered. She manages to catch a few before they flee away and she clings to them, turning them over in her head: why does she feel so bothered about the prospect of Tayce finding a girl at the party, talking to her and making a connection and laughing at her jokes? Why had it felt like a punch to the gut when Tayce was joking about doing so? Why does she have this part of her that feels like an idiot for setting Tayce up to look her best and knowing that it’s for the benefit of somebody else, somebody that doesn’t know her like she does?
And then her bedroom door opens and A’whora turns around and lays eyes on her best friend. Tayce in her high heels and bare legs and the skirt with the zip. Tayce with her baby blue fake fur coat and her straight, dark hair tumbling over its shoulders. Tayce in the bodysuit- A’whora’s bodysuit- with the lace and the mesh that clings to her chest like it was designed just for her. There’s something about the fact that she’s wearing something that belongs to A’whora that makes something inside her chest tingle, the fact it’s a little piece of her in Tayce’s jigsaw puzzle that seems to fit regardless of the difference.
“What d’you think?” Tayce smiles, all too aware of how drop-dead stunning she looks.
And then the realisation hits A’whora like a train.
She’s screwed.
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ghoestys · 4 years
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and this is ruby! my 4th and final muse! been wanting to use gayoung’s pretty face since she was in tempted and now that shes in true beauty it made me want to use her even more! and the content she gave us while playing yeo hajin? iconic this is ruby <3
full name: ruby odette im nickname(s): rue, rubes, ro, odette, od, odettie age: twenty two date of birth: october 8th, 1998 hometown: tba! gender: cis female pronouns: she/her/hers religion: christian (raised, non-practicing) sexuality: bisexual & biromantic hair colour: brunette eye colour: brown height: 5'9″ tattoos: dainty colored lavender on her left ankle facing outward (ex) piercings: standard & upper lobe (both), forward helix & industrial (right), daith (left)
a legacy and member of the yale's elite, they're twenty-two and a sophomore undergrad student majoring in law. they are as positive as they are negative.
● was caught with a dui and almost got her license revoked because of it, but she flirted her way out of the ticket and convinced the police officer to kill the report by giving him tickets to a movie premiere where she held a small role.  background: this happened in new york after she was attempting to drive home from a party with her 3 model friends who were also all drunk. she was 20 at the time and should’ve also gotten in-trouble for underaged drinking along with driving under the influence, but she truly utilized her fame status and looks. luckily no one got hurt and the road was pretty empty so there wasn’t many cars, but it was still dangerous and irresponsible because if she wasn’t pulled over, then she would’ve hit busier traffic and something definitely would’ve happened. after being pulled over and saving her ass, ruby stopped driving and ordered a lyft to pick up her and her friends to drop them back to her apartment in new york. 
● was convinced her father was having an affair with a news anchor, so ruby convinced producers, news channels, and everyone in the business to blacklist them from ever working and essentially ruining and ending the new anchor’s career. unknown to ruby, though, is that the news anchor was never having an affair with her father and it was actually colette who was having an affair with her father at the time.  background: her relationship with her dad has always been rocky, but the minute she found out he was having an affair and cheating on her mom made ruby go batshit. she wasn’t sure who the person was exactly except for that her father was having an affair because she was overhearing flirty & secretive phone calls and was seeing bills for expensive gifts that her mother was never receiving. when ruby saw her dad meeting with a news anchor frequently, ruby automatically assumed that was the person her father was having an affair with and essentially ruined that new anchor’s career. the new anchor’s career ended very abruptly and ruby loved seeing it. she loved her mom and she wasn’t going to let anyone hurt her- not her father and not the news anchor. unknown to ruby, though, is that the news anchor was never having an affair with her father and it truly was just business. ruby framed the wrong person and ruined an innocent person’s career for no reason. 
ruby’s family consisted of her father (randolph im), her mother (marissa im, nee byun), and her three younger siblings (edeline, brietta, and dominick)
her father, randolph im, is a top politician and was formerly a senator before being removed from officer and losing to his component- senator ahn. instead of being a senator, he’s apart of the house of representatives. other than being a politician, randolph also runs a loan business that’s not  known unless you’re also apart of the top 1-10%. since they have so much money, he doesn’t mind giving out loans to those in need, but he always expects something in return (like a vote or an endorsement) and he always expects being paid back in time with interest included. if he doesn’t get his money paid back in time, then he’s a loan shark who sends his henchmen to do all the dirty work for him.
her mother, marissa im, is a house wife who happily takes care of her kids. 
the family is as tight knit as it can be. it’s not hard for them to act loving and family-like infront of the media because that’s how they are everyday. they have their tense moments like every other family does, but they’re healthy for the most part. 
healthy until it involves ruby and her father. these two are constantly butting heads and always arguing over something. maybe it’s because she’s the eldest daughter or maybe it’s because she doesn’t support her father’s shady loan business. she just doesn’t like him and the only time you’ll catching her supporting her father’s political career is when it’s family involved and her presence is required. other than that, ruby is typically absent from whatever political campaign her father does. 
ever since ruby was a toddler, she loved the spotlight and performing. she loved acting and she loved when the cameras were on her whether it be for performing something or posing for something. since her mother noticed this, she was quick to put ruby in auditions for acting and modeling and since ruby was a natural, her acting and modeling career began at a very young age. she acted in children’s shows, movies as the younger version of a character and modeled for campaigns and spreads for brands like guess kids. 
due to her career being a success at such a young age, ruby never experienced “real school” and was homeschooled her entire life. when she was on set for tv shows where she had to act in a school setting was basically her only experience as a student in a “real school”. 
although her siblings would grow up differently (attending private schools instead of homeschool), ruby never minded this and never felt like she missed out on anything because she still learned how to socialize and got to act out wtvr she was possibly missing out on
career/college/the elites
luckily, as ruby got older and went from being a child to a pre/teen, her career didn’t stop and just kept growing. she filmed some tv shows and mostly focused on movies. when she turned 16/17, that was when her modeling career began to become more prominent because she was “old enough”, looked old enough, and was taller. she was having fun, living life, and traveling the world. 
since she was a politician’s daughter, she was getting tutored on information about law and politics by the time she was 13. she had interest in law especially so she could spite her dad by telling him what he was possibly doing wrong, but also so she could negotiate her own contracts and understand what’s being said during the meetings. as a minor, she can’t sign contracts without a guardian but she sat there at the meetings feeling lost and wanted to know what they were saying. 
although she loved spotlight when she was younger, by the time she was twenty she was starting to get over the fame. her career was successful, but she was starting to see and feel all the negatives that came with fame (especially in the modeling world where they criticized her looks often) and simply wanted out
when she turned 21, as a gift to herself she decided to take a break from her career/the spotlight so she could attend school and actually get a degree in law so she truly could negotiate her own contracts and understand all the legal terms being used during those meetings. she applied to yale and luckily she got accepted (mostly due to her career and philanthropy and because of yale being her father’s alma mater). 
her father was a member of the yale elites, which makes ruby a legacy so that made her entrance into the organization very easy. 
she still does modeling when she has the time, but her acting career is on hiatus until she finishes her bs in law. 
don’t really know where to put this, but her stage name is odette im (her middle name) and only those that actually know her like friends & family call her ruby. she prefers to be called ruby because it’s her actual name, but professionally and in the tabloids she’s known as odette. she will still respond if you call her odette in a non-professional setting and honestly if ur muse met her while she was working then they probs know her as odette 
out of all my muses, i think ruby is the most genuinely nice one with no ugly intentions. silvia used to be like this, but silvia was also just willing to do shady things versus ruby who only does shady thing when shes truly hurt or angry or doing it for someone she loves (like ruining a person’s career to avenger her mom) 
like taking care of people because shes an eldest daughter but also loves being taken cared of much more. whenever she’s being babied or treated as the youngest she’s happy because she’s used to have to take care of other people instead of herself
is honestly tired of the constant spotlight because she experienced it for so long, so think she’s more lowkey now except for those moments when shes modeling and partying at extravagant places and cities 
believes honesty is key and the biggest way to lose her as a friends is to lie to her. she grew up away from the political setting, but it was still something she was apart of nonetheless and she knows how shady that area can b. knowing this, she tries to b as honest as possible and likes to hold people at a very honest level too like pls just be real with her and she’ll be real with u
doesnt mind talking about herself because thats what shes used to (her having to do interviews n shit all  the time makes it easy for her to talk about herself) 
basically an open book and even tho shes an award winning actress, shes terrible at hiding her real emotions infront of people who know her on a non-superficial level 
can be very superficial with others due to her job and having to present herself a the best possible version of herself, but shes usually genuine for the most part like. if ur her friend then ur her friend she wont treat u like a professional associate or wtvr like??? does that even make sense
probs actually enjoys philanthropy work so shes involved n shit 
can cook because she was the eldest daughter and also because she had to take care of herself while being in different cities by herself bc she couldnt eat out everyday 
cant bake for shit tho like.. that shit is just not her thing. cant even make box brownies
fiercely loyal to those she loves and will legit do anything to protect them. also loves spoiling her friends bc like. if she has the money for it y not 
someone that her father loaned money to! ruby is aware of her father’s business and is also aware of the clients because her dad doesn’t keep it a secret within the family. maybe your muse borrowed money and still hasn’t paid her father back for the loan so now the father found out information about ur muse and is holding it against them. ruby could be aware of this and attempt to help you-- if the muses get along tho :) 
someone she met thru work! whether it be thru acting or modeling but i think that’d be so fun!! could be a good experience where they became friends or maybe they’re rivals in their careers that the media loves to put against each other. maybe they were even costars who didn’t get along, but the media loves making them out to be bffs! 
bffs! friends! close friends! 
enemies! betrayals! negatives!
cousins! because why not! 
romance! ex flings! flirtationships! someone who leads her on! 
ruby isn’t the type to do fwb or non-attachment style relationships because she gets attached to people very easily. with her job shes constantly surrounded by people and while she loves traveling, it can get very lonely. if she fell in love with u then she fell in love with u genuinely and whole heartedly. i think of all my muses, she falls in love the easiest
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hwangskz · 5 years
in another life (pt. 1) | soulmate! minho
part 1 of the uwma! au series !!!! i was so excited to get this up bcs, if u hadn't realised alrdy, i LOVE uwma with my entire heart :( (ps if any of u watch any bls or even just uwma pls hmu thank u) and pls read this post b4 or after ur done reading this fic so u don't get confused in the next part!! +++ tw suicide !
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• "y/n….do u like him?"
• ur automatically reminded of the time u first met
• u remember it as clear as day
• u both had taken film as ur major and on the first day, ur college held a lil gathering
• u picked up the nearest headband and read it's label
• 'belle'
• so….were u supposed to find ur beast now???? JSGSSHE THAT'S WHAT THEY SAID
• "10 seconds to find ur partner!!!!"
• u looked around bcs u were NOT standing in front of that huge crowd, later trying to find ur partner
• when a boy caught ur eyes
• he stood on the side, his hand limply holding the blue headband as he looked around
• and he looked ?? sad :( ??
• "last 5 seconds!!!"
• u turned around one last time and ?? EVERYONE HAD FOUND THEIR PARTNERS ALREADY??
• so u RAN towards that boy
• and caught him off guard as u pulled him down to sit on the ground as the announcer continued talking and giving out future tasks 
• "hey."
• "???"
• wow this boy is worse than YOU at communicating
• "are u sure we're partners??"
• "..."
• "right, yea. i was the one who dragged u..haha..sorry.."
• so u pulled his hand up to view his headband
• 'prince adam'
• u probably looked really confused rn bcs u just made the guy speak up
• "beast."
• u looked up, OBVIOUSLY confused
• this new voice box working??? wonder whose it is
• ":o huh?????"
• he sighed and held it up for u
• thank u nameless boy bcs ur hands kinda WERE getting tired JDKHD
• "prince adam is the real name of the prince in disney's beauty and the beast."
• ":OOO REALLY???? wait but how do u know"
• "..... google?"
• "... RIGHT sorry haha"
• even after the lil gathering ended and u got to go to ur class
• ur mind was still thinking abt the guy
• u probably didn't even notice u had entered the class w that DULL ASS look until
• "ouc- WHO THE F-???????"
• "still in ur dreams?? lmao dumbass"
• "this group needed the following of a sane person so im here too. hello to u too, y/n"
• "MISS YEJI??? PEOPLE THAT I KNOW AND CHERISH????? ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚ OMG HELLO TO U TOO"
• and there it was, once again, ryujin trying to get ur over affectionate ass off of her as yeji laughs 
• and when u take a seat
• u can't help but follow the movements of the boy who enters the class
• his moves aren't rushed; they seem calm. too calm.
• and that's when u hear all the whispers around u
• "is that blood on his shirt? is he already following in his dad's footsteps?"
• ‘what footsteps?’
• "i heard he dragged his partner today for the freshman gathering today?"
• ‘but i was the one who dragged him..then how-’
• "y/n?"
• "h-huh?" 
• yeji's third call woke u up from ur train of thoughts
• "are u ok?"
• "yea.. i'm fine. dw!!"
• "see i told u they’re thinking abt their fantasy boys and/or girls again it's fine"
• "yes y/n l/n i totally believe that"
• ur group's laughters echo in the room, along w the other friend groups'
• except for that boy who now sits in front of u
• u wonder if he's waiting for his friends
• but they never seem to show up
• even though it's alrdy been over 5 months now
• and that pretty boy in front of u is DISTRACTING u from the lesson (๑•ૅㅁ•๑) !!!!!
• and this one particular day..yeji and ryujin were absent..
• so u were kinda lonely anyways
• and hearing ppl continue to whisper abt that guy..it made u wanna talk to him again
• u don't know exactly why ?? but u did
• so u gathered up ur stuff from ur desk
• and sat at the desk next to his
• and immediately u could hear the whispers getting a bit louder
• and he ducked his head and turned towards u
• and u decided to ignore those words, and looked at him, with a bright smile on ur face
• "don't worry about them. i'm here now."
• it was something abt u
• something abt those words that made him feel some type of way
• he took in a deep breath as he looked down and then looked at u again
• "......thank you, i guess"
• u nodded and he turned towards his work
• a small smile on his face
• he had found someone
• "so?"
• ryujin asked u, bringing u back from ur flashback
•"yea..i think so.."
• yeji and ryujin sighed
• ur mind : ALERT
• IS IT BAD??? THAT U LIKE HIM???? (๑´╹‸╹`๑) ??
• "y/n...do u not know abt him..?"
• "(o゜ー゜o)??"
• they share a Look and turn towards u, worried looks on their faces
• "he's the son of a mafia... that's why ppl talk abt him in such..hushed tones..and basically isolate him"
• "and look y/n..we know that isolating him is truly bad, but maybe get a little away? from him? what if u get involved in smthg bad?"
• u...ur honestly a lil shocked
• not fully by the news that his dad is a mafia
• but by the fact that they think something bad can happen when ur with him
• with HIM
• "but it's his dad who is a mafia. he's not at all like that !! he's a bit shy, and is just scared to express himself. and don't worry, yeji. i am not going to get myself in trouble"
• they muttered an "okay" and leaned back against their chairs again
• "but wait.."
• ryujin spoke up again
• "when did u even hangout w him? enough to, well, get feelings for him?"
• "uh well..that day both of u were absent, i went and sat w him in class..then shared some of my lunch w him when i saw him on the rooftop..and kind of having been bringing him lunch and staying w him..during that time.."
• they laughed, and u could feel the tension easing away
• "never knew y/n's a dom lmao"
• "they seem like a switch tho"
• and so u did join the guy 
• (who's name u had learned to be lee minho)
• whenever u found him to be lonely
• and even tho minho seemed to be against the whole idea of u joining him all the time
• trust me he's a whole softie inside
• he just ;;;; he gets so happy whenever u come by
• and not just bring him lunch
• and not only during lunch breaks
• but all the time
• whenever he passes by u
• u always greet him, and 
• wave at him and u just feel like a shield from everyone and all the bad things everyone says and he just
• he can't thank u enough
• but it's not just that
• and he knows that
• even when he sees u coming towards him in the library
• sneaking in some food bcs it IS lunch
• so technically u ARE supposed to bring him food
• "hey !! :D"
• u take the chair in front of him
• and take out the food, both of urs, and shove his one towards him
• "WHY-"
• minho shushes u and u turn around to look if u made anyone else angry
• and perhaps...... u DID.... AJSBBE
• so u just duck ur head as an apology and the furious students go back to studying
• "why are u studying rn???? it's lunch!!!!!"
• "ok and??"
• "rest is important!!"
• "what makes u think i haven't rested enough alrdy?"
• "well i've seen u w the book the ENTIRE DAY ??"
• minho sighs, but then perks his head up
• "u..u watch me..?"
• "!! im not a STALKER-"
• minho shushes u again and ur pretty sure the other students r staring daggers at u rn JDVSJE
• "-im not a stalker,, ur in my class.. right in front of me.."
• minho chuckles silently at ur words
• "sure"
• u were flustered until u realised u just
• u just made the biggest tsundere chuckle
• c h u c k l e
• "did u just …….. chuckle at me…….."
• minho looked down, scared to meet ur eyes bcs shit ur rite
• "no…….what makes u think that………"
• u giggle at his failed attempt to delete that successful moment from ur memory
• minho smiles a little
• he was so happy
• even tho it was abt u
• even tho u had made it CRYSTAL CLEAR that u like him
• like at random times u would be like
• "damn i can't believe i fell for u"
• or
• "oh good lord!! i always try to hangout w the guy i like but he pretends to not like spending time with me!!!!!!! what did i do to deserve this !!!!!!"
• and in these situations what does minho do??
• just a bit bcs he's still under that tsundere cover JSGSJSB
• but like !!!!!!! in his defense !!!!!!!
• that too w his first ever friend..................
• little did he know he was truly so engrossed in his thoughts that he had stopped eating and had been staring at the sky above for like ??? more than 5 mins now ??
• "MINHO ???????"
• he flinched and moved away a bit at the sound of ur voice suddenly piercing his thoughts
• "w-what"
• "bitch i thought u died or smthg...u have been staring above for so long pretty sure some flies even touched ur food and it's now UNHYGIENIC"
• his eyes met urs and, as if he got some idea, he suddenly kept his lunch box away to look at u
• "wait im pretty sure the flies didn't sit on the food!!!! it was a joke-"
• minho exhaled loudly before he spoke
• "y/n?"
• "yes…?"
• "can i ask u smthg…..?"
• "sure!!"
• minho inhaled sharply before continuing
• "do u ever feel uncomfortable? when ur with me?"
• u thought for a while, before giving him a smile and answering him
• "why would i? idk if ur referring to the rumors here...or if they're supposed to be involved here but...they don't affect me. firstly, i don't even know if ur dad truly is a part of the mafia-"
• "he is."
• minho was staring at u intently, wondering how u'll respond to this
• "well, uh, nice for him? i guess? but it's him right? not u? then there's nothing to worry about."
• minho shook his head as he tried to look anywhere but at u
• "but what if u ever get in trouble? bcs of me?"
• "that's on me. not u. and if it's through u, or if u ever get in trouble or smthg-"
• u picked his hand up, holding it tightly, which seemed to catch him off guard
• "-i will protect u."
• he could do nothing but give u a soft smile, before turning his head away
• and so did u bcs damn y/n since when did u become so confident huh JDVSJE
• so u decided to go for it
• "y/n, will u be my partne-"
• u gently pecked his lips before moving away real QUICK JSGEJE
• WAS HE ABT TO CONFESS ???????????
• "i-i'm sorry….i didn't mean to-"
• and u looked up in time, only to see minho leaning in, before he connected his lips to urs
• it was a slow kiss
• it took u a while to get the fact into ur head that he's right here
• he is kissing u
• and so u snaked ur arms across his shoulders, as he held u tight, even closer
• and when u both pulled away
• both of u were flushed red
• and it did feel kinda quiet so u just
• "damn im glad we have lunch on the rooftop, huh"
• minho chuckled as he moved away
• "kinda ….. yes"
• and so for the next months u continued to tease him with this JDGSJS
• even tho yall are technically dating now uwu
• but he never tells u he likes u
• which is : frustrating
• and the fact that EVEN THO he's ur bf and u KNOW it, u continue to be curious if he even likes u :(
• so u just slam ur spoon on the table
• which makes him look up
• "what? is the ramen too spicy?"
• u shoot ur head towards him, a pout on ur face
• "do u like me?"
• ".........what"
• "u never….u have never said u like me…...and yea sure im not supposed to question this bcs ur my boyfriend and i know that but im sorry i overthink alot and it's just me saying i like u all the time but not u and i just can't help but-"
• "i …….. i like."
• "huh?"
• u shoot ur head upwards at minho, who now gets up to keep his empty bowl in ur kitchen sink, with a grin along ur face
• "u heard me."
• and u wish u could still be as happy as u were on this day
• when he first confessed
• well, half-confessed
• but u couldn't be
• even as he stood in front of u, saying that he loves u
• and he's grateful for u
• u couldn't stop the tears that continued to stream down ur cheeks
• ur eyes could only focus on the gun that he held right beside his temple
• his dad used to send people behind minho whenever u two went on a date
• "he wants me to go on w his job after he resigns" minho had once told on one of ur dates
• "do u want to?"
• "no, obviously-"
• he held ur hand in his
• "i want to be with u"
• then why
• why was he standing there, with that gun
• that stupid gun aimed at his temple?
• today while u had closed ur eyes, wishing for something, like minho had told u when he brought that birthday cake for u out of nowhere while u and minho were having ur date
• u opened ur eyes when u heard a muffled voice screaming loudly
• only to find it was minho's
• which confused u when u saw the hand covering his mouth
• but surprised u, when u saw his dad standing right behind him
• he kept pulling minho away from u
• minho yelled, tried to free himself away
• but couldn't
• until u yelled at his dad to stop
• and minho dropped on the ground, with his wrists red from being grasped so tightly
• u went on and on abt how he has made minho feel and what minho truly wants
• u had shut ur eyes out of fear
• but u had opened them to see what minho truly wants
• death ;
• an escape
• from all of this
• and so he spoke one more time
• "y/n. remember, i love you, okay? i….i'll always keep my promise."
• and then, a gunshot.
• u weren't sure if time had stopped or if it was just u frozen
• but u could only hear a beep sound going in ur ears as his body dropped on the ground
• limp.
• and at once u leapt towards him, sobbing, u fell to ur knees, ur hands grazing his cheeks and gently hitting his chest
• "y/n…. i don't know how to go on…"
• he had told u this months ago, when u guys had been dating for abt 5 months then
• "minho, we'll always be together, no matter what. i, at least, will be there for u, always."
• minho had looked at u with tears in his eyes 
• he rlly was so stupidly in love w u
• "but what if i...die...someday?"
• u sighed and turned to look at the night sky
• at least none of his dad's assistants had found out abt ur place yet
• (thankfully)
• u turned to look at him again
• "then...i'll die too."
• so that's what u were gonna do
• u searched for the pistol, as u blinked several times to focus properly
• when u finally found it, ur hands shakily reached for it
• and then as u aimed it at ur own temple
• the last part of that conversation popped into ur head again
• "then, will we meet each other in next life?"
• minho thought abt it for a few secs
• "probably"
• u nodded
• "i once heard that...when u fall for someone at first sight, it probably just means that we're recognising our partner's soul from our past life….do u think that will happen w us? do u think we'll…. we'll recognise each other?"
• "...i hope so…."
• u both let out a stifled laugh
• and so u stick ur pinky finger out, asking for his 
• "minho."
• "yes?"
• "promise me."
• "promise what?"
• "promise that…...that we'll find each other.."
• minho was abt to argue w u but seeing ur lil pout
• he had no choice but to agree
• "promise."
• and so, another gunshot was heard.
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Ayesha Liveblogs Cardcaptor Sakura S2-S3
“If you had called me, I would have fixed it for you” Get u a man who wants to fix ur bike’s flat tires
“I wonder which teacher will be in charge of us this year” I’m going to hazard a guess that it’s the one that you keep having prophetic dreams about battling in the moonlight
“Ms. Mizuki is kind, is pretty and she makes me all dreamy” lmao @ this criteria for justifying whether ur sensei is up to no good
U know, Sakura melting like 10 feet of snow bc she lost a present from her crush is exactly the type of emotions I expect from these preteens
Syaoran liking Sakura is also very funny because she’s very observant of other people so it’s like [Syaoran blushing and glancing at Sakura] [Sakura glancing back in befuddlement]
“But when you do, it means you’ll see him as well” WILL U STOP THIS OMINOUS MOONSHADOWING 
Does EVERYTHING Mizuki says have to be some kind of prophecy
Syaoran is really just becoming progressively more infatuated and embarrassed with every scene
“You’re always watching over Sakura, aren’t you?” Tomoyo doesn’t need a voice to call people out LOL
You see this is exactly my point what is the reason for having a voice card if you have a song card or vice versa what’s your logic Clow
Sakura: Why r u both here
Toya: It’s Take Your Boyfriend to Work Day
“Sakura is cheerful as usual today” “That’s all she has going for her” Very older brother kind of statement
That shot of Syaoran showing his strawberries to Yukito (and Sakura, by extension) cutting to Toya, cutting to Ms. Mizuki.... the interpersonal dynamics at play here
“You know her from before, right?” THAT’S ONE WAY TO PUT IT
**Go to jail Mizuki
“I’ll tell you in a little while” Toya is not prepared to have discussion about his Relationship History at this time
I mean I’m not an expert but isn’t Sakura’s main magical item a key wouldn’t that help with this Lock situation
YFDHSKHFKJSHFK Mizuki could you be more threatening
I assume the wind will cover up the noise of this loud magical chant
“Don’t tell dad I have a fever” 😭😭😭😭😭 Sakura you’re so little someone needs to take care of you
“If I do [stay home], I’ll trouble everyone else” SAKURAAAA 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Well if the living plush toy didn’t give it away, the fact that Toya has already met and identified Mirror as a ghost will
Ddfhjkdhfkj Toya didn’t even pause he was just like [Sigh] ‘Guess I’m gonna feed a ghost now’
“I have a vague idea of what she’s up to” OH MY GOD TOYAAAAAA
Awww Meilin holding Sakura up to capture the Clow Card you know what that is? Growth
This kind of domestic shopping nonsense is the shenanigans I NEED
Syaoran is physically winded from running away from his feelings
Gljlgkdjlkgjlkf I still cannot believe they let 11-year-olds roam this freely they don’t need an adult to BOARD A TRAIN??
“They’re foretelling dreams” So if we believe this, here are the future facts:
1. Sakura’s gonna do a fashion show for Tomoyo 
2. Syaoran is going to give Sakura all the Clow Cards and maybe propose 
3. Yukito and Toya will definitely know Kero is a living creature and they’re gonna be chill with it
4. Normal battle prophecy stuff
“Seeing Ms. Mizuki... it makes me all dreamy”
*Sakura really only crushes on people that her older brother had feelings for first this is like when I was into Yugioh and Beyblade bc my brother was into them first 
**Go to jail Mizuki
“I don’t want to be the prince” Will u want to if it’s u and Sakura tho
This was pointed foreshadowing I could not have predicted
“I just woke up” u LIAR Toya you wanted to make your baby sister breakfast
“Isn’t that a guy playing the Queen” are you in any place to make a judgment Toya
“Please, seal us together” Light and Dark confirmed as Lesbian Icons
U know if I did not have very hazy memories of who Yue is I could be tricked into thinking it was Mizuki lol (but then again TSUKIshiro soooooo maybe it’s obvious always lol)
“That bath sponge” “Kero is at Tomoyo’s house” ‘BATHSPONGE’ MEILIN PLS
AW rescuing lost birds turns out Syaoran has always been a sweetheart
Meilin finally gets to use her martial arts skills and help again!! Good for her
“I’m your fiancee until you find the girl you like the most” Not to put a damper on ur cousin marriage dream (stop) but that ship has sailed twice over Meilin 
“Being with you is rather useful when capturing Clow Cards” is Syaoran’s way of saying “<3 <3 <3″
Syaoran is really conflicted bc he likes Yukito and he likes Sakura but when Sakura likes Yukito he wants her to like him instead this is truly a broad range of emotions for Fifth Grade Romance
Ddfjhdskfhk Kero looks so serious scouting out the intentions of the Toya’s Magical Exes Club but his face is like “>:[”
“You’re the one that uses the powers of the moon” What does this MEAN that’s supposed to be Yukito???? I am confused
“There’s no such thing as a coincidence...” “...There’s only inevitability” So now Toya’s joining the prophecy game? This is A Lot
Omg I do love the big lion version of Kero I forgot what he looked like
“Too lenient as always” “And your personality is as bad as always” I don’t think I care for Magical Yukito he’s being a little harsh
“He completely cuts all ties between his disguise and his consciousness, so that the candidate doesn’t sense him until the Last Judgment” so his subconscious just happened to feel like being a 17-year-old boy who wanted to date Sakura’s brother LOL
This is so fucked up kjhgkfhdg Sakura’s family forgetting her mother, Sakura and Toya forgetting Yukito, Tomoyo forgetting about caring about Sakura, Syaoran forgetting about caring about Sakura ahhhhhhhhhhh
**Still jail tho
“I want you to be friends with me, nothing like Masters or stuff like that” SAKURAAAAAA
“You knew that Mr. Tsukishiro wasn’t a human” “Yeah” TOYA WHAT!!!
The fact that Yukito doesn’t know his other half is kind of a bitch has very Yami Bakura energy I can’t believe what I needed in my life was Yugioh but less Heterosexual
“If you leave that early, Yuki won’t be there yet” So... is Toya just chill with the fact his boyfriend is the moon
I don’t want Syaoran to leave!!! He is a sweetheart and I love him
“He seems like a nice boy” is thiiis the rude boy I remember from watching this when I was a kid bc ngl I was confused when Syaoran was nice bc I remember someone being a little shit
“I didn’t mean to surprise you” said Eriol, after popping out suddenly from behind a tree
Syaoran said ‘I will only share Sakura’s affection with one (1) boy and that is Yukito’ 
“I’m not going back. I’ll be here for a while.” I can’t tell if this is a New Magical Person thing or a ‘I love my friends and don’t want them to forget me’ thing
DHJKGHKJHG this random girl just clinging to Toya’s back and eyeing Yukito like “WHATCHA GONNA DO ABOUT IT MISTER”
I guess since Meilin’s gone Nakuru’s going to fulfill the role of Unrequited Crush Gal Who Cannot Read The Emotional Room
Clow Reed really appearing to just throw Sakura’s entire life in disarray
“This is the first chance to film you in a while!” Tomoyo you have filmed Sakura going strawberry-picking and playing whack-a-mole since when do u need an excuse lmao
“I don’t think we made plans like that” again Toya since when do u and Yukito need plans aren’t you together like 22/7
Syaoran refuses to show Sakura that he’s feeling anything beyond blushing and yet he gets mad when other people are more forthright with their emotions and honestly what a teen mood
“I.. you” rude I can’t tell if Nakuru interrupted a love confession or a I Know You’re the Moon confession but either way rude 
“You don’t know? Then I’ll take him” WHAT DO U MEAANNN THAT’S NOT HOW IT WORKS
“Eriol is a kind person” [Thor meme voice] Is he though?
As much as the jury is still out on Yue I really do love these magical girl transformations
These group meet ups have gotten even less subtle you might be able to hide some cosplay and a plush toy but a full grown man and a lion with wings??? Gjkghkjdhgk how did they get to Penguin Park with no one noticing
There is some satisfaction in there finally being an adult (or at least a kind-of-18-year-old) on their team
Poor Toya it’s worrisome when ur baby sis is a magical superhero
It’s interesting and hilarious that Yukito’s appetite is proportional to his alter ego’s use of magic
“Because she’s like you” Toya IS trying to tell Yuki that he’s a moon person awwwwwwww
If we’ve learned anything from Tomoyo’s choir recitals it’s just that perhaps singing is more dangerous than any of these kids would prefer it to be
Nakuru aside from the fact I’m pretty sure you’re a new Big Bad leave Toya alone he doesn’t want to be touched and he’s with someone already
I like that no matter how many times Yamazaki lies, Sakura always takes it in good faith
I have given up on this show having anyone have a normal relationship with their teacher (except Wei who has done nothing wrong ever in his life)
“I’m sure that the person you like is happy” shout-out to Tomoyo for being semi-well-adjusted I guess 
If I know my shojo manga tropes it seems like this Friend vs. Friend battle is going to lead to a Hug of Passionate Restraint
Psych it was a Hug of We Are Tired From Magical Force
Who are you British Bitch Boy with your Bitch Cat haven’t they been through enough
“I’m surprised you’ve held out this long without a single bite” do NOT eat TOYA
“And I’m not a human in the first place, so gender doesn’t really matter” I am so tired of anime creating non-binary characters only to make them evil and/or inhuman blah
“Why did I buy this thing anyway” u know why Syaoran 
“The only times I turn red or feel like my heart will explode is when I see him” Incredible it has taken Syaoran like... 18 episodes to realize his feelings for Sakura. Bisexuality be like that sometimes
“The reason why you are confused when you see Yukito is because of the magic powers from the Moon that you feel from Yukito” did Yue just say ‘ur not bi ur just confused’ kjhkjdhdgkj Yue confirmed for biphobic
Really how many things does Eriol have to ruin before Sakura realizes he’s evil? The piano.... thread... a teddy bear
You know if Elementary School Clow is NOT evil this is a really fucked up way to be teaching a lesson
Toya come help ur boy Yukito is exhausted and he doesn’t know why :(
Ahhhhhhhh this tree leaning scene is the exact and only thing I remembered about the interactions between these two before watching this now
“I don’t want you to disappear” THE ROMANCE RETURNS
“Are you doing this on purpose” Toya has had it up to here with his confessions being interrupted
BOOO Toya was right I don’t want Yue-kito to disappear either
“You knew this would happen if you called Tomoyo” I mean... Kero’s right
I don’t know that Erase in particular was necessary for the sheep but it does make me giggle to see Sakura lift playground structures
I was gonna say I’d wager ten dollars something happens to that bike after Eriol touches it but then I remembered this episode is called “Sakura and the Panicky Bike” so it’s not really even worth betting
Of course your family members are going to worry if you suddenly develop magical narcolepsy Sakura 
I LOVE that Toya’s magical powers seem to be developing more as well
I feel like not enough people are giving Sakura credit for the fact she is like 11? She hasn’t had a lot of time to work on this stuff
“I can’t let [the cards becoming ordinary] happen! I finally got to be friends with all of them” 😭😭😭😭😭 Sakura’s good heart always gets me
“What are you going to do?” SHE’S GONNA PUT HERSELF IN A MAGICAL COMA 
Cell phones are a hilarious addition to the plot and I love that they are like top of the line bc it’s the 90s lmao and that Li is include in the phone tree 
“If you collapse, I’ll catch you” KERO NO. 1 SAKURA STAN (tied with Tomoyo and Syaoran)
Lmao these siblings would be born on a Leap Day and April Fool’s respectively
SCREAM at least it’s on brand for Eriol to be a pathological liar (also RIP Sakura and Syaoran for their gullibility still)
Sdkhkhkjdhkd Toya failed confession count: 4 this time feat emotional piano ballad
Also also I will say it’s not like Yuki doesn’t come to your house VERY frequently Toya couldn’t you just tell him what you need to say the numerous times he is visiting or going with you to school
Oh hey! I share a birthday with Sakura’s great-grandfather that’s funny
I know Kero being seen on the TV is for giggles but the implication that magic makes you playable on VCR... incredible
I want to know what Toya’s gift was!!! 
Hahaha I guess that the Alice and Wonderland size-shifting would have more of an impact on Sakura’s empathy than most people 
“Two-thirds of all cats on earth right now are aliens” I mean... if we go by the cats we have met in this show.... Yamazaki’s right
“Actually, I have a rather mischievous personality” NO KIDDING ERIOL
“Where are you going” “To where the queen is” I will DIE if the Queen is Toya but I assume the Queen of Hearts will be Sakura’s mother actually since that’s the kind of anime trope that u should expect
Yue dropping Sakura like a hot potato is a little funny he can stay 
What is more ridiculous Syaoran hiding the sword behind his back or the fact it worked
“Then... it’s not Yukito?” that was one whole crush ago keep up Sakura
Current list of things that Eriol has ruined: Pianos, threads, teddy bears, sheep plushies, bikes, leaves, 
The transition to Eriol’s deep adult voice always trips me up
“Don’t hug me” “I’m going to hug you” Respect! Toya’s! Boundaries! Nakuru!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL @ Spinel’s drunken tirades I won’t lie I love this erratic behaviour
Guess Syaoran is over his Yukito crush for real but boy cannot stop running away from his feelings for Sakura poor guy
“I’m glad for you,” said Eriol/Clow, who has repeatedly mildly traumatized these kids but seems to be like ‘it all evens out if I do some preteen matchmaking’
“Hey, can I call you Syaoran too?” Awwwwwwwwwwww that’s cute also it’s wild that in the pacing of this show despite like probably at least thirty episodes of them being friends THIS is the first ep (Ep 57!!!) that they address each other by first name
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“So that even if [my dad] was reincarnated, he would still fall in love with [my mom]” Interesting reveal that Yue was actually in love with Clow (makes sense; he’s the ‘I’m gay I’m homophobic we exist’ meme) but the only romance I will accept for Yue is if he ends up in a Greedlingfan-esque triad with Yukito and Toya and that’s that on that
Poor Yukito he must think he’s going nuts he just appears places with no memories 
Well this is hardly a fair match up Syaoran can’t be expected compete with a reincarnated ancient wizard
“It feels more like [Eriol] is watching over someone very dear to him” Tomoyo correctly discerns that Eriol is the bearer of fucked up magic lessons
Wow Tomoyo is really here to talk Syaoran through a whole journey of emotions 
It’s okay Syaoran you did your best no one in your immediate social group can finish a confession it seems
“You were trying so hard so hard to confess your love for Sakura last night” Tomoyo really doesn’t pull any punches when it comes to her romantic pep talks huh
Awww Syaoran wants to tell Meilin how he feels about Sakura first 
Uh oh post-battle Meilin has taken note of Syaoran and Sakura’s use of each other’s first names
“If something happens, please think of me” AWWW Tomoyo looking out for Meilin’s feelings that’s my girl
“What makes me even madder is that I still can’t grow to hate Ms. Kinomoto” awww Meilin  
“You’re a tardy little monster” suspicious Toya is one of the best parts of this show   
The fact that Sakura doesn’t think Toya knows because he’s not making fun of her... tru sibling energy
Failed confession count: 
Toya: 5...6
Syaoran: 2
Sakura loves the cards and the cards love her I love one (1) Cardcaptor
“But now, he helps me out a lot” “That’s why I don’t like him” AWWW TOYA 
“I will see you again in your dreams tonight” could you be a bit less creepy Eriol
Tomoyo is an impeccable wingman for Syaoran she has had his back at every step
"I don’t ever want you to disappear” Toya’s declarations are getting more passionate with each failed confession (also I see that when he grabs Yuki’s wrist he stops fading)
“If you use magic in here, you don’t know who might see you” so they’ll notice her hiding behind a half rock wall but somehow a glowing waterslide will escape their notice???
“If Sakura had used her card any later than when she did, you were going to stop your magic” I feel like that is the LEAST Eriol could do
“You’re just lacking experience now. I’m sure that you will be able to do it. Skiing... and other things.” “You said that before! What does that MEAN” Syaoran is tired of Eriol’s Cryptic Sports Advice too
Dghgfjdgfjhg Sakura crossing herself in preparation for hearing a scary story lmao
Current failed confession counts:
Toya: 7
Syaoran: 3
Eriol confirms he will not kill preteens in an avalanche just to teach them magic I guess they had to draw the line somewhere
“I know the truth... that in reality you are...” Does it count as a failed confession if it’s for a scene?? Also are they the leads of this student film bc if so wow
“I know what’s really going on. That you are...” Well we’re definitely up to 8 now
:(((((((((((( It really hurts Toya to see Yukito like this SAVE HIIIIIIIIM
“At this rate, Toya’s important thing will be taken away” like what his love virginity LMAO
“If I don’t see you, I can’t give you what I want to give you” a kiss?? LOL
“I want you to protect Sakura, and also protect yourself” OH OH OH 
“It’s obvious that you, a child, can’t support all of it” Ahhhhhhhhhh so many reveals at once poor Sakura, Toya was only helping
In truth I did not think the power exchange would happen all at once I thought it would be like recurring boyfriend whack-a-mole:
Yukito, sleepy: I’m off to battle
Toya: K bye Yuki [intimate embrace]
Yue: [Catches sleepy Toya]
“I want Yukito to know my true feelings” I mean I’m gonna tell you right now Sakura I think he’s in love with your brother and also you’re like 11 but u do u I guess
“It doesn’t matter what you are. As long as you don’t disappear and are at my side, I don’t care about anything else” Toya ur so romantic
“I’m all right. Just a little sleepy.” Oh how the narcolepsy turntables.....
I know all I want to talk about is Toya right now but he is so PATIENT and GENTLE with his sister’s feelings god
“But the person that you like the most isn’t me, Sakura” why do both halves of Yukito feel the need to moonsplain people’s feelings to them jkhfgkjjhfjhfjkh
HAHAHAH I was wondering how Yuki was going to handle this preteen love confession and he just went ‘No. Family-zoned.’
“You realized this because you have someone you like the most as well, Yukito?” 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
Omg the vowing to yell at each other’s future boyfriends khkdhfkdhfs I love this friendship good for them 
Eriol really DOES trap people in enclosed spaces to work out their interpersonal problems this reincarnated 11-year-old relationship therapist my god
“But if I cry or make a sad face, I’m sure Yukito would be troubled” poor sad Sakura but also I’m kind of glad she didn’t abide by Yukito like... telling her how she felt? It would’ve felt a little insincere to walk ALL of it back but I think she was mostly doing it so Yukito and Toya could be together in peace
“It’s all right. I’m sure you will find him” SYAORAAAAAAAAAAANNN
Awww Syaoran is so happy about this Grand Gesture scarf <33333333
“I knew that Sakura’s feelings for me weren’t completely the same as her feelings for her father... But I can’t delay her finding her true number one because of her feelings towards me” no shit Yuki but also maybe it was an okay call it gave Sakura a simple out
Toya’s gentle head touch as he gives Yukito reassurance aaaaaah
“He’s going to steal away something that I’ve been cherishing all this time” this is Toya’s weird way of saying he gives Syaoran and Sakura his blessing lol (lot of these blessing going around lately)
Toya’s love language is touching Yuki somewhere from the shoulders up
“I feel like he’s still alive and he’ll come to make fun of us at any moment” ur not wrong Kero
“But I’m still not you, Mr. Clow” U JUST BE URSELF SAKURA!!
What we have learned from this trip to the past so far is that Mr. Clow has always loved to give people cryptic messages and then disappear
“It’s Clow Reed’s fault,” said Clow Reed, eleven years old, about himself
“Why did he have to trouble Sakura so much?!” Kero said FRIENDSHIP ENDED WITH CLOW REED SAKURA IS MY NEW BEST FRIEND
I appreciate that Yue was like, ‘Gotta bring Toya with me to the battle I can’t just leave him in the street’ 
Sidenote: What made them start running in the first place was it the loss of light or was it just Yukito/Yue going ‘MY SAKURA SENSES ARE TINGLING’
Make that six cards but STILL
“Light and Dark are the first cards under our jurisdiction” I AM RIVETED 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀
“We are friends with you, right Sakura?” KEROOOOOOOO YUEEEEEEEEE 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
“I like you” [Cut to classroom] Oh awkward seems like Sakura kind of verbally left Syaoran on read for that one
“Wouldn’t conversation be more pleasant when there are tasty sweets around” Sdfhkjshfkjshfkj unbelievable Eriol-Clow wants to have his final words of wisdom delivered via tea party
“There were a couple of things that happened that weren’t expected by myself or Clow Reed” LOL he means Syaoran and Sakura and also probably Yukito and Toya jhjhdfjkh fair it’s just the never-ending charisma of these siblings 
Oh hey Ms. Mizuki what are you doing at this weird tea party (go to jail)
If Mizuki was in college when she met him he was what???? A baby??? How old ARE you Eriol
“You’re not going inside, Yue?” I was WONDERING why Yue wasn’t part of this ridiculous gathering lmao
“But I can talk of old memories... If it suits your fancy, I will talk whenever you want me to” Ahh Eriol trying to provide Yue some closure 😬
Omggg Sakura created a new card for Syaoran ahhhh they’re really very cute
“That bear... Can I have it?” The way these confessions were written is really VERY GOOD
What a WEIRD SHOW but u know it did something to my heart 
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poisxnyouth · 5 years
neighbors. chapter 7. (d.d)
A/N: heyyyy guysssss. long time no see. it’s done tho. sorry it took me so long. yay. pls enjoy, send me ur thoughts, all that jazz. love u babies <3 -hailey
w.c: 3.1k
warnings: uhhh light smut, nothin too heavy
Upon your return to LA, things had returned to mostly normal. You had met with David quite a few times over the following weeks, mostly after hours. Almost every time, he had you doing the walk of shame out of his house and down the sidewalk to yours. It was fun and lighthearted; Dave had since deposited at least ten grand in your account. Things weren’t as romantically involved as they had been when you first met, mostly due to the avoidance of the topic of Liza. It was a slow process, though, that both of you still had to trust. There were still the cuddles and make out sessions and minimal date nights, but neither of you took it too seriously yet.
You had been debriefing at work, packing your belongings up as a text from him popped up on your phone.  I’ll buy you another Chanel bag and whatever you want from Cartier if you come over and tease me all night while I edit.
On my way. Leaving work now
Good girl.
He didn’t preface it with a “Hi, how are you?” or any variation of a general nicety (he never did), but you wanted to see him. He’d never texted you while you were at work before, leaving your kinky romps solely for the weekends.
Of course, as soon as he had even texted, you had begun out of your office and down the hallway. You took your time on the way to see him, going the long way home and then some. You took your time as you sat in his driveway, scrolling through Instagram and Twitter before you decide to get out of your car and knock on his door.
You’re met with a very tired looking David, messy hair accompanying his strong five o’clock shadow.
“You don’t have to knock, you know? You can just walk in,” He says, pulling you in the house by your hand, “Is that what you wear to work?” Business apparel meant you were practically bound to pencil skirts, bodycon dresses, flowy tops, button ups and heels.
“Yeah, pretty much,” you admit, kicking your heels off at the front of his foyer and following him through the house. You hear him murmur a small yeah? under his breath, hand still laced in yours.
“Nat’s in Chicago. I have to get started,” David says, letting go of your hand and sitting on his couch. He pulls his laptop onto his crossed legs and you feel his eyes following you as you go to make yourself a drink, slowly unscrewing the cap and grabbing a glass. He watches you slightly spill the drink as you pour it, the vodka dribbling down your fingers before you slide your fingertips into your mouth, sucking the liquid off with a slight suction. You quietly place the bottle back where it belongs in the neat rack, bringing the cup to your lips and taking a long swallow as his eyes follow your throat’s movement. He’s too easy.
“Do you have any clothes I can borrow? I’ve been in these all day and I just want to get out of them.” You’re walking slowly, stirring the drink and looking at the paintings on his wall, barely paying any attention to him.
“Yeah. Go in the back room on the right and you can pick whatever.”
“Yes, Daddy,” you say under your breath, loud enough for him to hear as you make your way down the hallway. You look through the boxes, and while you had expected to get something of his, something that would reek of his scent, you realize it’s his own merchandise. They’re the clothes that pay his bills, that paid for your shopping trip back in NYC, that are paying for your company tonight, and that people spend their hard earned money on. They spend it on David, who spends it on you. If only they knew.
With that being said, there is absolutely no hesitation in your mind as you slide on matching underwear, clickbait printed on the waistband (whatever that means). Drink in one hand and phone in the other, you return to the living room, placing yourself on the opposite side of the sectional facing David.
“You might wanna put some clothes on. My buddy Zane is coming over in a few to film, unless you wanna stay like that for me,” his poker face is exceptional, eyes darting in between you and his computer screen.
“I’m good,” you confirm, eyes meeting his briefly before returning to your phone screen, “Why’d you invite me over if you’re gonna film?”
David bites his lip, not looking at you as he continues, “You’re not my dirty little secret, you know?”
“What if I want to be?” He looks up at you, almost surprised.
“Then...after this...we’re just friends.”
“What?” You’re having a full conversation now, eyes glued to each other, devices still in your hold.
He ignores your question, “Are you cool with being filmed?”
You finish off your drink, “Is it gonna be posted?” He shrugs his shoulders, face twisting.
“No, I don’t think so. It shouldn’t be. Just for me.”
“Then...what’s the point? And how does it mean we’re just friends?” You drawl, getting up from your spot to fill your cup once more.
“It’s about you, baby. I can tell Zane that we’ve never fucked before and that this,” you turn your head to look at him as he motions between you two, “is just a one time thing that I want to film for myself. No one has to know about what we do. Except for maybe Nat, but she’s tight-lipped. That’s what I pay her for.”
“What do you mean it’s about me?”
He tuts at your bewilderment, lips smacking as he cranes his head to look at the ceiling, mentally searching for a way to word his desires correctly. It’s vital to him he uses an adequate diction, not wanting you to immediately back away from him.
Even with this, the words that manage to escape his lips are laced with miserable failure: “I’ll give you five thousand dollars, plus the Cartier and Chanel, if you let Zane film us together.” You’re taking a sip as he says it, nearly choking.
“Like, a porno? A sex tape?”
“What? No! We have careers. That’d be weird, anyway,” he’s standing now, making his way over to you in an attempt to persuade you. “I just, um…” He’s reprehending himself for not being able to find the words, and he knows he should have asked you in advance. To him, however, you not knowing what he wants is part of the fun: the random texts, FaceTime calls, or even the clothes that have begun to show up randomly at your door.
“Whatever you were gonna do to tease me tonight, just...do that. That’s all I’m asking for.” David stands in front of you, head dropping and his fingertips digging into your hips. You feel your arm reach behind you, placing your cup down and your fingers tangling in his hair. You push his face closer to yours, Dave drawing in a breath as he opens his mouth in an attempt to kiss you. You keep your distance, watching as one hand leaves your hip and comes to grip your chin, holding it tightly in between his thumb and index finger. It almost feels like punishment for not allowing him to put his mouth on yours.
“So? Yes or no?” He whispers, voice low as his eyes remain locked to your open mouth, mirroring his.
“I don’t want something like that to get out.” You’d worked so hard for so long to be able to provide for yourself and to not mooch off of your parents’ money. You know that if it ever did get out, your family (as every Manhattan family) is highly skilled in damage control. Still, though: you don’t want to throw that work away.
His eyes soften slightly, “It won’t. Your face won’t even be in it. Okay?” David now feels bad for even trying to put you in that position, even worse that he did. “Zane’s only filming because I won’t be able to. He’s one of my best friends, baby. It won’t be weird. I promise. If it makes you feel any better, I'm the one who's going to edit it.”
“It’s both of us, then? And it’s not gonna be a sex tape?” He nods, lips parted.
“I swear. You always have the option to say no. But…”
“But?” His digits are still gripping your chin, his eyes sweeping across your facial features.
“Um,” he falters, “I’m gonna be honest. I really want this. Again, just for me. I think you’d be so good on camera, baby.”
“Um, and you’ll tell me what to do?”
“Always.” There's a small pause as you mull it over.
“Okay, Daddy,” you affirm as his eyes lock with yours. There’s a glint in his eyes at your willingness for him. He kisses you, wet and quick, fingers still on your chin before stepping away from you entirely.
“Good girl. Put some clothes on. I don’t want him seeing you like that unless it’s for me,” his eyes scan you up and down before he turns away, pulling out his phone.
You still didn’t quite understand the purpose of this; you understood it was for him and him only, but what could it possibly be besides a sex tape? If it’s both of you with no faces, there’s not much room to work with. You ultimately decide to trust him and follow his lead.
You silently obey him, snooping through the house in search of his room to allow you to steal his clothes. You decide on a very conservative pair: a hoodie and a pair of sweats.
He can’t help but stifle a giggle at what you’d decided to wear (knowing it’d be coming off in half an hour) once you make your way to the living room. David beckons you over to sit with him, arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you closer into him as he sorts through footage for his vlog. You sip on your drink, his fingertips pushing up the hem of your hoodie to rub circles into your hip. The physical exchange is wordless; you eventually finish the drink, placing the cup on his coffee table before settling in his touch once more. He pushes his laptop to the side, his free hand reaching to tip your chin towards his as he leans in.
It’s soft at first, both hands rubbing up and down your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. He chases the taste of the liquor on your tongue, kissing slowly and intimately.
You hear his front door open and immediately attempt to retract from him. David tightens his hold on you, whispering a “Baby, it’s okay. Keep going. He knows what to do,” before relaxing his hands as you allow yourself to melt into his mouth.
Your total trust of him amid your timidness makes him beam with pride. He’s still kissing you as your ears perk up at the sound of what you assume is a camera bag unzipping.
You feel weird, if you were being completely honest. You want to forget about whoever the hell  Zane is and his looming presence; you want to focus on the way Dave’s hand is sliding up the back of your hoodie, flattening against the warmth of your skin, but you can’t. Not yet, anyway.
Dave seems to sense how in your head you are, leaning his body back against the couch, sideways to allow Zane to film, mouth still on yours. One of his hands reach up to wrap gently around your neck and the whimper that escapes your throat is mortifying. He smiles into your kiss at the noise, squeezing the sides of your throat slightly as your hands run down his clothed chest.
All Dave wants to do is make you feel comfortable and to make you melt into his touch like you normally do. You’re stiff and timid, and both Dave and Zane can tell. Zane doesn’t want to say it and make you more uncomfortable, quietly turning the camera off and putting it down, placing himself on the opposite side of the couch. He begins to scroll through his phone, waiting it out until you get situated.
David senses his lack of presence and pulls away from the kiss, eyes searching for him. “Zane! Seriously?” You’re wiping your mouth as you look between the two of them.
“She’s not into it, man. She’s uncomfortable. I was just waiting it out! Y’all need to go to your room and figure something out,” Zane doesn’t look up from his phone.
Dave huffs, mirroring a little kid. He knows Zane is right, standing and beginning to tug you into his room.
“Baby, are you sure you’re cool with this? Like, one hundred percent?” he asks, standing in the middle of his floor, concerned. He trusts your minimal nod as you step closer to him and lean in.
Leaning in had always been his favorite part of kissing; the heavy breathing, hands flying to each other’s bodies, the overwhelming anxiousness in his heart rising the closer his lips get to the other person’s, the eyes fluttering closed, the list goes on and on.
David knew he was a good kisser; after the catastrophe that was his first kiss, he had spent hours in his room making out with that same girl, silently vowing to himself to increase his technique as he grew a pair of balls and grabbed at her waist. He had put in the work, and he knew Liza never seemed to be affected by that fact, even though every time he had kissed another girl (before Liza and after Liza) he left them breathless, muttering a “Wow.” He received that specific kind of gratification with you, making noises from the back of your throat into his mouth as you tugged at his hair. He loves the deep give and take he always has with you, one hand wrapped around your neck as his tongue slides against yours and you whine into the kiss.
David takes the opportunity, while you’re malleable, at least, to whisper a jump and catch you, hands splayed across your thighs, legs wrapped around his torso, as your arms drape around his neck and connect your mouths once more. In a failed attempt to blindly shove the door open more with his knee, he shuts it, pushing you both into it with a loud thud. He releases a soft grunt into your mouth, fingertips digging into your thighs and pressing his clothed dick into your core. You whine against him, pushing against his hold in an attempt to grind yourself on him.
He releases one of your thighs, legs still wrapped around him, to push your hair out of your face, pressing wet kisses down your neck before his fingers replace his lips.
It’s this reaction he’s constantly craving, however, it’s rarely ever fulfilled. He knows he is more than capable in the bedroom, reeking of self-confidence and unabashedness. David knows he doesn’t think solely with his dick, he doesn’t only want his dick inside of you; he wants the chase. To him, the reward means nothing without the work that went into it. He doesn’t want the sex without the teasing, the build up, the subtle touches, etc. You, without fail, always seem to give him the sexual fulfillment he has always wanted, while he gives you the sexual gratification you had always dreamed of.
So, to him, as far as he is concerned, if he does not get out of his room right this second and off of his door, he might just fuck you right there. It spurs him to push you both off of the back of the door, hand finding the handle and turning it as you tug at the roots of his hair. David manages as he makes it down the hallway, fingernails accidentally scratching down your thighs as he pulls you closer into his body.
He leans out of the kiss to quickly ensure he doesn’t push you both into his coffee table and place himself on the couch, facing opposite Zane. David couldn’t care less about the video as Zane fiddles hurriedly with his camera; whatever Zane got, he got. He was probably about to ask Zane to leave, anyways. You can always do this another time.
You’re placed in his lap, David looking between you as he unties the strings of your sweatpants, shifting to allow him to tug them off ungracefully. One after another, his hands are pushing up the hem of your hoodie and pulling it off. He tilts his hips up, hand flying to his back pocket and pulling out his wallet.
He pulls out five hundred dollars (you count the twenties as he does), folds them in half, tosses his wallet onto the coffee table, and slides them into the side waistband of the underwear you stole from him. Dave watches your face as you look between the money and him, leaning in to attach your mouths once more.
“You still owe me five thousand. And Chanel. And Cartier. Why are you still paying me?” He’s holding your face, hand on your cheek as you look into each other’s eyes.
His eyes drift down in between you, free hand pushing your hips onto his dick. “You’re a good girl for me. Yeah?”
You nod in his hold, his eyes searching your face.
“Rich family and you still want my money, baby. You’re dirty.”
Zane had never seen him like this before, granted, he was never there when Liza and David fucked. Zane was confused; were you a prostitute? A stripper he got along with or liked way too much? He was still close with Liza, and he definitely would have known if David had some weird fetish for this shit. He’s always been a control freak, though, and it’s not his business; you never know what goes on behind closed doors. Even worse, closed doors with Liza behind them.
Zane obliged with his filming instructions, though, before David politely pulled away from your kisses and tugging at his shirt to ask Zane to “Fuck off to another room, please? I need to fuck her, dude.”
So he does. And he listens. The whole time.
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kathillards · 6 years
rangerstop day two
uhhh sorry how do i move on from that how do i even think about anything else. the panel room was CROWDED people were FILMING kat and tabby had gone up to ask questions (which were HUGE hits) and come back and sat down AND THEN AZIM SAID THAT in the middle of a question about. i dont even fucking remember. something about what great community values power rangers has or something? and i guess we were related to power rangers being a community or whatever but bitch. BITCH. he said it and like pointed at us and they all started clapping (this sounds fake as hell i know BUT THERES VIDEO PROOF SOMEWHERE???) and everyone turned to look at us and we were like hi and then like two minutes later azim went “oh wait i have to make a correction, its not a group of girls its three girls and one guy because i think abigail isnt here? right?” and we were like ya so uh moral of the story... azim rizk i would murder ten hundred men for you
ok other things happened too, this will probably not be in chronological order bc i cant think right now 
- mike ginn stopped when he saw me and looked for tabby who was hiding behind me when she saw him and he looked around for tabby and did his pointing thing again and it was so cuuute
- kat was talking to christina about how we avoided the cast all day yesterday and she was like “yes but i saw you anyway ;) and i was wondering when you’d come over to say hi!” shes so CUTE and then they talked about her rescue puppy and she was so happy to talk about her puppy
- ciara and christina made ben sign the art presents he gave them, ciara did it first and christina was like OMG WHY DIDNT YOU AUTOGRAPH MINE and made him sign hers too
- christina and i did a WHOLE photoshoot we did a normal pic then a silly pic but then she didnt like so we did a kissy face pic and she was like “oh i think i did a duck face” and im like thats ok so did i AND OUR PICS ARE SO CUTE AND SHE HUGGED ME SO TIGHT I. WOULD. DIE. FOR. YOU. CHRISTINA. MASTERSON.
- selwyn called tabby his girlfriend when i showed up without her he was like “wheres my girlfriend” bc he remembered us from last night and then she came over and he was like THERE YOU ARE and gave her a free selfie (and signed her space dvd with “tj is the real leader of in space” but refused to X out andros’ face bc that was mean) and he covered up najee’s face on her kevin t-shirt and then was upset bc it looked like he was touching her chest and tracy lynn laughed at him over it AND THEN HE TOLD US TO COME TO THE TGIF IN THE HOTEL AFTERWARDS BC THE RANGERS WERE GONNA GO THERE AND GET DRUNK AND HE INVITED US TO HAVE DRINKS W/ HIM but we stood him up because... we are tired... he was like “yeah we have this stupid vip dinner but like we’re gonna try to leave early and just go get fucking smashed” and we were like ur so valid selwyn. i love you.
- kat showed azim my tweets defending megaforce and he had to put the phone down to run his hands through his hair and be like “wow that was such a specific takedown” and kat was like “yeah she just says this shit all the time bc shes seen megaforce five hundred times” and he was like “she was so detailed though she didnt just say ‘you suck’ she put THOUGHT into her takedowns” 
- (later when he signed my super megaforce green print he called me “my sista in social media smackdown!!!” complete with that many exclamation points)
- brennan said “i like your hat” to ben five times and he also signed tabby’s as well with his three catchphrases (she asked for him to write “awesome!” and he was like “i had more lines than that....”) he also told us he and the dino charge team were invited back for a dc/nsteel teamup but they kept cancelling them bc of budget reasons till it was just him and yoshi and he was finally like “i told them to just bring yoshi back because like thats his brother” and i was like “but then they didnt even INTERACT” and he was like “i KNOW”
- tabby’s tracy story: she asked tracy if it was uncomfortable fighting in crop tops and short skirts and tracy said “it wasnt uncomfortable but it was hard to not show everything” and she was like “idk why a power ranger would dress like that” and tabby told her ashley should have her own fashion line of athletic wear for fighter girls and tracy was like YES and tabby said she should have been leader of turbo bc she was into cars and tracy said that when they told her that ashley was gonna have a car plot she was like “ew no i dont want to touch greasy car oils” but that she was happy that ashley got to challenge herself
- kat was standing around azim the entire morning and he was introducing her to everyone who came up to him like she was his handler and at one point accidentally implied that she was his girlfriend and kat was like no im not and he was like “oh whoops it did kinda sound like that...” and his actual handler was like “why did u correct him” and kat was like “NO I LOVE HIS GIRLFRIEND” 
- when i was taking my pics w/ the megaforce cast and andrew was the sweetest angel and he kept making poses over my shoulder while i giggled and then he asked me for a hug and KISSED MY CHEEK and hugged me so tight and was like “love you guys” I WOULD DIE FOR YOU ANDREW GRAY
- john mark is literally the funniest person alive and he was constantly going around the megaforce booth when we were there like (to ben when he was giving art to ciara and christina) “WHERES MINE” and to me when i was having them sign my megaforce prints “WHERES MINE” hes so funny and i love himmm
- ciara was signing my prints but she got distracted when we asked about her dogs and she stopped and opened her phone and started showing us pics and videos and she was soo happy to talk about her dogs too and then we took our pic and checked it to make sure it looked good and tabby was like “you look gorgeous” and she was like “we BOTH look gorgeous” i cannot believe. AND THEN she threw in a group photo for FREE and we all got in there
- kat was telling us and azim about some douchebag vendor who was like hitting on her and inviting her to an afterparty and was like “are you over 21″ when she was just trying to look at his spd toys and azim was literally “which guy. where. where is he.” HE WAS GONNA KILL THAT GUY FOR KAT HE LOVES HER
- we somehow got on the subject of azim SHAVING HIS BEAUTIFUL BEARD and he was like “oh well we went to the make a wish foundation to meet kids and the beard scares them so i had to shave” and i was like “thats racist” and he was like nooo but u could tell his mind was blown and i was like “cameron didnt shave” and he was like “well cameron is white” and i was like SO YOU ADMIT ITS RACIST and he laughed also im correct
- related but michael copon came over to jessica rey’s table while we were there and she was like “hi michael these are my FRIENDS” and they were talking about how they’re cousins and they’re both half filipino and tabby was like “why didnt they give you any scenes together in the teamup!” and jessica was like “because i was with erin!” and michael was like “because they couldnt have two filipinos together in one scene” power rangers got WOKE man
- kat to andrew: i have a huge troy plushie!
andrew: oh my dogs would rip that up immediately
andrew: do your dogs not rip things up
kat: i dont... i wouldnt let them...touch my troy plushies...
(we love you andrew. he doesnt even know hes at a con. hes just here to chill.)
- someone at the panel asked a stupid question about “if you could cameo in any other season which season would you pick” like they dont get asked this all the fucking time and the rangers were like hmm like beast morphers or dino charge and then andrew, my husband my light my life, was like “fuck power rangers, i wanna go to the dc universe” (he didnt cuss obviously) but like... king. legend supporting legends. AND THEN CHRISTINA WAS LIKE “oh mood i wanna be in the pokemon universe” and john mark was like “as what” and she was like “i dont know i didnt watch it” QUEEN OF POKEMON she kins jigglypuff
- tabby was at ann marie crouch’s booth and telling her how she loved that princess shayla was the wild force team’s mom and she was like aww yeah i felt such a maternal instinct even though that was before i had my actual child!! shes so cute!! shes so pretty!!
- jessica rey is literally SO WONDERFUL AND FUN TO TALK TO we went to hang out bc tabby wanted her wild force dvd signed and she was just telling us her stories of hanging out w/ the other boys and how she went to drink w/ azim just to keep him company (bc peter and yoshi were there and they were like “we dont drink” nerds) so cuuute and then she had that pic of her and peter and yoshi and they’re making stupid faces and she’s smiling like an angel and she’s like THEY DIDNT TELL ME IT WASNT A SERIOUS PHOTO and i asked her jokingly how much for it and she was like take it its $30 and i was like pls charge me more have my money take my soul
- tabby and kat were at the megaforce booths and jessica rey came over and was like “excuse me what are you guys doing with MY GIRLS” and john mark was like “uh they’re OUR GIRLS” and then cameron pulled jessica over and was like “actually this is MY babe” and then she tried to leave bc she was in the way of ppl in line and azim stopped her and was like “no no stay you’re part of our FAMILY”and uh basically the power rangers family is the cutest family in the whole world thank you good night
- taylor swift wrote gorgeous about andrew gray
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beverlyr0ad · 6 years
crimes of grindelwald thoughts
alright obvious spoilers not that it matters bc i have one follower lmao but !! i need somewhere to scream abt this movie
first of all i love jacob and newt so much. best parts of this movie honestly i love them and i want them to be happy 
but to be fair i actually rlly rlly enjoyed watching this movie!! like,, there are a looot of things i dont understand about it and i have no idea how they happened or why theyre happening but thats Okay i would still recommend everyone watch it! its so good!!!
good things:
- grindelwald !! i mean,, no hes not a good thing but i really liked how they wrote his character. like i can UNDERSTAND the power he has over people and how hes manipulating them. hes really not just a Voldemort 2.0 and i respect that a lot bc thats not what an entirely different villain should be like. but casting issues and all aside i really liked this
- i also liked the interaction between leta lestrange and dumbledore that was some good stuff and the actors were rlly good too !!! - i like the direction queenie is going in. i mean i dont actually of course but it seems realistic and i think its important and its good character development n stuff so hhh hope that works out later tho !! i am Suspense
- jacob walked into that movie and i was like !!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD i love him so much and it was rlly nice to see him back even if i dont think it was that neat to have him lose his memory of everything that happened for significance and in this movie have everything go like WHOOMP hes back but i uhhhh loved it anyway so this is not a complaint its a good thing - i still loved newt and having a good main character makes the whole movie a better watch in general. ive seen sequels where i just Cant get attatched to the new characters but wow i didnt really have much of a problem with that here
- it was also never boring and i really just loved n enjoyed this movie a lot!!!  okay hhh bad things/things that i personally disliked:
- ive seen different opinions on this but??? what was that blood pact????? what are u doing??????????????? i cant even be coherent properly so here are the main reasons that was rlly dumb
1- w-who does that in a romantic relationship ever :o and yes jkr has literally said dumbledore n grindelwald were in LOVE HELLO feel free to correct me if im wrong on anything but if ur gonna say it u should show it,,,, Continuity Please. anyway separate issue but if u love someone youre not gonna be like “hey lets make SURE we dont fight each other ever” because youll trust that the other person?? isnt gonna fight u???!!!???? im
2- thats literally not the reason he “cannot move against grindelwald” okay like it shouldnt be. this conversation literally happens in dh and dumbledore says he was scared of facing what rlly happened when ariana died!! there was no actual physical thing stopping him!!! the only acceptable justification is that he doesnt want to face this ghosts of his past and that moment and he is SCARED okay so COME ON give dumbledore his faults! hes scared of his past and that IS the reason!!
3- wait how did grindelwald, aberforth, and albus fight if they had already entered a blood pact. like i dont think albus would aim for his own brother EVER but could he even attack grindelwald if they had a blood pact?? not sure how this works lol but who was he aiming for then??? just firing everywhere randomly without intention cause that sounds,,, significantly harder to believe and makes that scene loads messier esp if grindelwald couldnt aim for albus either so
4- the blood pact was so frickin unnecessary im sobbing. like there was the scene where its all like “oh some say you were as close as brothers” and dumbledore is like “oh we were closer than brothers...” and im like OK! the little scene in the air doesnt explicitly reveal anything either so thats ok but the closer than brothers line was rlly revealing for me. at least for like two minutes and then dumbledore looked in the mirror and saw himself making a blood pact w grindelwald. like ok is That what u meant by closer than brothers bc thats what everythings pointing to but it shouldnt be and i.............ugh
5- im honestly just kind of hhhhhhhhhhhh. i can concede that the blood pact might be significant in later films and i look forward to watching them! but. at the same time i. wish that if you were going to say dumbledore was gay it would actually be explicitly referenced in the movie, instead of dancing around that and dropping it in hints and pieces that fans of the series who know this information will understand and others can just dismiss as friendship! there were So Many good places in this movie to include this fact (altho feel free to disagree w me haha) and i think that not including this fact was honestly tiring.
- nagini...........obv this isnt a huge problem bc idk where her story will go next n it might develop n become important but as of rn, i have no idea what her role in this movie is. i wonder if her reappearance in the harry potter series will actually be of significance and if itll be explained how she will end up under servitude to voldemort bc i genuinely dont understand right now. it just seems like a cameo to draw attention in the trailer ghgdjh
- leta lestrange’s death didnt feel right or impactful and im sad . definitely a huge opinion here but it felt like a mandatory character snuff to make the movie sad and ghdsjgfh oh well :(
- little continuity issues?? dumbledore being DADA professor instead of transfiguration bc Boggarts Are Important For Foreshadowing. also how is mcgonagall an adult or actually how is she even alive and um of course the fact that this movie doesnt confirm what jkr has said about dumbledore and grindelwald beforehand. 
- im actually going to totally repeat myself bc this deserves a separate point umm why arent dumbledore and grindelwald actually shown as in love with each other as young men. its completely relevant to the movie and its not hard to put it in there instead of the bLOOD PACT (ask anyone irl ive been screaming abt the blood pact ever since i came out of that movie). anyway i know david yates said he wouldnt be including that as part of the movie as fans are aware of that aNyway but its not that hard to understand. people are asking for actual representation?? not smt vague??? because this is just here to Please People. if u refuse to see this ship, ure just gonna see them as having a friendship! maybe u havent heard about what jkr said or maybe ure choosing to ignore it bc,, idk that says smt about u, or maybe another reason idk! but if u go into this knowing they were In Love and hoping to see confirmation of dumbledore being canonically gay, youre going to hear that “oh, we were more than brothers” line and be like oh yeah we been knew, or more seriously like hey! maybe we’re getting a canon confirmation, not just floaty young people leaning towards each other! like when he looked in the mirror i was like okay This Is It this is gna be confirmation but then it wasnt oop. it was the !!! bloooood paaact !!! which means that people could interpret the “closer than brothers” line as meaning oh we done did a blood pact that means we blood related look at us go! Wow! so this is basically just a half azzed attempt at pleasing people w stereotypical viewpoints and people happy to see representation. hmmmmmmmmmm.. (psst if u actually ship older dumbledore n grindelwald tho What Are You Doing Stop !! thats not a healthy relationship, grindelwald is an awful person and dumbledore deserves to grow from the person he was before!!! he deserves so much better!!! im not saying to ship them but im saying that if we’re gonna say they were in love as young men and if we are going to confirm that dumbledore is gay well,,, lets put that in canon pls!!!! we need canon representation but we dont need to pretend this ship is healthy or good bc its representation either. this isnt shipping this is asking to acknowledge that dumbledore was gay and in love with grindelwald and its confirmed that grindelwald was in love with him too. in the place the story of tcog is now, that relationship is not ever going to happen again and if u actually think it is ure suffering from some next-level delusion. just be definitive and acknowledge that your characters are LGBT tho pls!! u said they were!!! actually i would be so much happier to see a Happy And Healthy LGBT Pairing can we have that? please?)
- big spoiler but hOW IS CREDENCE ALBUS’ BROTHER WHAT IS HAPPENING DKFJDKSH i need to separate my thoughts again
1- AGE DIFFERENCE........apparently dumbledore is like 46 in this movie right?? credence doesnt look over 20. okay percival dumbledore is put in azkaban before albus starts school right?? so the maximum age albus can be is 11. now im gonna say that kendra was not having any more kids w anyone else after that incident fs so the oldest albus can be when ariana is born is 12, leaving room for some other stuff okay. ALBUS AND CREDENCE DONT LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE A 12 YEAR AGE GAP WHAT IS HAPPENINF
2- i saw people theorizing that credence is ariana’s son and NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PLS NO
3- not an actual issue but i thought grindelwald said his name was berrylius dumbledore which i later remembered as berrylium dumbledore and anyway thank god for the internet
4- okay at this point i cant tell if this has just been brought in for shock value or smt like. is this relevant to the plot. is grindelwald even telling the truth. w-why did the movie end there. help....... i think thats it but i do want to say that i respect the rights of the creator jkr to do whatever she wants w these characters. its her world! but i can have a whole bunch of opinions n feelings about this movie and still support it. after all, i love harry potter and the whole wizarding world w my whole heart. 
did anyone even read that LOOOL that was so long sorry
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m0onbean · 7 years
Movie Dates with ASTRO
this is a long thread!
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would probably choose a comedy movie
would buy the largest size of popcorn and accidentally spill some on the way to your seats
you actually die of embarrassment around him
he would laugh at the serious moments in the movie
i kid you not this grown man would very quietly not so quietly murmur "that's what she said" 
you wanted to die but it was amusing
would embarrass you by turning around to the kids sitting behind you
"this is my girlfriend (Y/N)"
"MJ what are you doi-"
"isn't she pretty?"
the kids would nod their heads and MJ would smile not before growing serious and suddenly snapping
"she's mine though, understood?!"
poor children would widen their eyes and you would give MJ a >:( look
MJ would give you a ;) look
whenever something remotely funny happened he would look at your face to see your reaction
turns out you kept a straight face the whole movie
the movie wasn't funny
after the movie ended MJ would act clingy and cute
"did you like the movie?"
"hmm it was okay"
he would whine
"you're not satisfied?"
"no if you had fun then i'm satisfied"
"let's movie hop to whatever movie you would like"
"isn't that illegal"
"it's not illegal as long as you don't get caught"
MJ would make sure you had fun by randomly snickering comments in your ear which made you two burst in laughter
throw popcorn at eachother and look away pretending as if nothing happened
annoy the employees by constantly refilling popcorn
end up watching every movie in the theater
you two are probably banned tbh
in the end it doesn’t matter
the funnest time you’ve ever had at the movies
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lets you make all the decisions
doesn't care what movie it is
just wants to spend time with you
ends up watching a movie about dogs
jinjin would subconsciously coo "aww" under his breath whenever a dog showed up
so like
during the whole movie
you learned that jinjin loves dogs
he would mutter in your ear
"let's get a dog"
seveRAL times
"how about that breed?"
"what do you think? small or big dog?"
you would just scoff but squeeze his cheeks
"you're so cute"
would hold your hand during the entire film
would randomly tap on your shoulder
"what do you want?"
"can you hold this?"
he would stick his hand in his jacket
his hands pops back up with a finger heart
would look at you proudly
"i'm such a cute boyfriend"
you would roll your eyes but return the heart
"jinjin look here"
you would pretend to look for something in your pockets
"did you forget your wallet? it's ok i paid" he would worriedly ask
"found it!" you would exclaim
sticks your hand back up
BAM! finger heart
he would uncontrollably smile
by the time you two are out of the theaters
guess what
a dog died at the end
jinjin is literally sobbing
you hug him and soothe him
"it's ok jinjin... he's in a better place now"
he cries harder and grips onto you tightly
"snowball didn't deserve that..."
"i understand"
he would be sniffing continuously on the drive home
he takes out his phone and starts typing passionately
"what are you doing?"
"i'm writing a five star review on the movie"
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chose whatever movie you wanted
paid for your ticket although you insisted it was fine
"(Y/N) i'm supposed to be paying you'll make me look bad"
"fine but i'm paying next time"
loves how stubborn you are about it
constantly asking if you want anything
"want some popcorn? or anything else? ice cream? mozzerella sticks? nachos?"
in the theater he would laugh inside at you
because you were like
about to fall asleep
your eyelids were giving up on you
your head kept falling
you tried your best to stay awake but
he would notice how tired you were
wouldn't say anything but would lift the seat divider up
tucks you inside his humongous winter coat
you would snuggle inside since it was warm
wraps his arms around you 
kisses your forehead when he notices you fall asleep
lowkey grateful the date turned out like this
he was never interested in the movie in the first place
your eyebrows would scrunch up suddenly
he would be alarmed
it would look like you're in pain
he would rub your back soothingly
gives you multiple kisses
your expression would wash off your face upon feeling his touch
now you're smiling in your sleep
his heart is aching
he's trying not to fanboy right then and there
he loves you so much
when the movie ends he would nudge your shoulder
"(Y/N) wake up sleeping beast"
when you fully regain conscious you would be embarrased
"u-uh sorry if I ruined the date"
he would laugh
you made the date better than he would even imagine
"let's do this more" 
he would say and wink
you die out of humiliation
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moonbin would buy the whole food shop
"hi can i get two large sodas, large buttered popcorn, an ice cream bar, oh do you guys have chicken nuggets? yeah? i'll take that 2 lmfaO. no wtf im not done. some mozzarella sticks, chicken tenders- what do you mean the bill is over $50? scuse me im an idol"
s m h
during the movies you two would just be talking the whole time
honestly what was the point of going if you two were just gonna have  nice conversation
everybody looking at u 2 because
on moonbin's lap are the chicken tenders, mozzarella sticks, and drinks
on your lap would be the chicken nuggets, and whatever tf he ordered
a F E A S T
everyone lowkey hates u guys
the chicken nuggets smelled good
and u two were conversing so casually
a kid actually kicked your guys' seat
"can u shut up i can't hear"
"scuse me i'm an idol"
"u dont look like one"
you had to restrain this GROWN man from fighting some 10 year old
don't worry about leftovers
legend says that moonbin inhales the food
you two would be having a pick up line war
"hey baby. tie your shoelaces i dont want u falling for anybody else"
"are you a laptop? bc you can make my lap warm."
"wtf was that dirty"
"no omg i swear i didnt mean it like that"
"lets break up"
a forceful kick to moonbin's chair
you 2 were kicked out
what gives
the food wasnt that gr8 anyways
"its the theater's fault. shouldve put more interesting movies so we wouldnt chatter so much"
"yeah" you groaned "long movies are boring anyways"
"you know what else is lon-"
legend says that moonbin still flinches whenever you slightly raise your foot
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very quiet around people
but around you??
he's actually jumping around on his toes
"omg i'm so excite!!"
"minhyuk can u calm down"
"but the new lego movie came out and i'm really excited bc my fav character was the unicorn cat girl bc she's really nice and stuff but when shes angry shes ready to fite and i think that represents me bc u kno how im all fluffy and stuff when we first meet but like if somebody messes with me or you or anybody i am friends with they get beat up even tho im smol"
"...we're not even watching the new lego movie."
you would massage your temples in frustration
angry -> happy when the manager lets him exchange it
in the theaters he'd be so happy
"u can be the wyldstyle to my emmet"
he would pout
"babe i put a lot of thinking into that pickup line so i really dont appreciate it when you start doing this to me because like i put so much in this relationshi-"
u would stuff popcorn in his mouth so he can shut up
his eyes would intently follow the movie
hes so into it!!
would laugh a little too loudly at the jokes
scrunches up face when the bad guy does something bad
widen eyes at intense scenes
when unikitty popped up on the screen
"OMG UNIKITTY!" he would scream
rips open his jacket and reveals a unikitty shirt
whole theater glaring at him
you are actually hiding in your sweater
"pls kill me"
after the movie
"minhyuk this relationship isnt working"
"wdym lol"
"you're a disgrace to me"
"i only wear my idol's merch <3"
u would sigh
he would put his jacket back on and hug u
"sry babe next time ill get a shirt with YOUR face on it"
"wow thanks"
"mhm np"
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"w-why'd u choose a horror movie"
you had to drag this tall baby in the theaters
"i don't want to..." he would whine
"please sanha"
you would perform your aegyo on him
shooting him finger hearts and comfort
"sanha u r a man u can do this"
upon hearing he's a man he'd be like
"oK i can do this i'm a man"
clinging onto your arm during the whole movie
would close his eyes and bury his face in your arm
"tell me when its over"
you would pet his floof hair
"its ok sanha, you're my brave knight arent you?"
he immediately recomposes himself and sits up straight
"yes. your majesty i will save u"
few minutes in and he gave up
is actually hugging you full on
not even watching the movie
"sanha... the movie's done now"
after u two are out the theaters
proud of himself
it was cute but
"really? wanna watch the sequel?"
sanha would loudly gulp
when he would drop you off at your house
he would be stalling time
"sanha you can go now"
"r u scared lol"
"lolololol hahahah wdym"
ends up staying the night at your place
cuddling with you the entire night
he would sort of flinch in his sleep
or his body would jump suddenly
u would kiss his forehead and wake him up
"are you ok?"
he would stare at you
"pls go back to sleep and never wake up"
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wannasoftimagine · 7 years
imagine being daehwi’s friend on p101 s3
a trainee after his own heart :’)
(( AS REQUESTED! // i love ur writing !! can i get a daehwi scenario where you guys are best friends bc you're also a trainee from brand new music and you participate in pd101 s3 and come in 3rd place like him,, and he confesses to you afterwards bc he's so proud of you ?? as fluffy as possible pls and thank u have a great day/night 💓 ))
u and daehwi have known each other ever since u became a trainee at bnm
altho u were a little intimidated at first, he was always ready to approach u with friendly tips and a smile, so it was only a matter of time before u became best friends
hes the type of friend to hype u up whenever u step on stage
(ure p sure one time he came to a performance w a sign tht said u were the “inventor of rap” lol)
u can both b super extra when ure supporting each other tbh
to u guys, theres nothing too grand or too extreme to express how proud u are of each other
of course when u decide to enter produce 101 for the 3rd season, hes super excited for u
(hes also super nervous but he doesnt want u to know tht)
he gives u constant tips and advice, always guiding u
“be careful of their editing,, evil mnet is no joke”
daehwi sends u so much support tht even when u cant contact each other once the filming starts, u know he’s cheering u on
and listen. the show is STRESSFUL
daehwi already knew how hard it could be so he kinda didnt want u to go on it
but he also wanted u to show off how talented u were?? what a struggle
ur initial performance was with a couple labelmates, some girls u were close with but now super comfortable with
u did a song tht daehwi helped produce bc hes a king of music and u adore everything he makes
ure proud to say tht u gave it all, and u end up with a b ranking
its not as good as daehwi, but ure still rlly proud of urself
as the days go on, things only get more and more stressful
bc of how well so many of the s2 boys did, this season everything is 1000x as intense bc they want to make sure tht only the most talented people move on
as hard as it is, u step up to the challenge, practicing as much as u can whenever u can
still, sometimes ull see other ppl struggling
even tho theyre not from the same company as u, u have the kind of heart tht makes u want to try and help them even if just a little
at first it was a little awkward for u to offer advice to the other trainees, but with everyone cramped and tired together, its hard not to start to bond
soon enough, word spreads abt how ure one of the sweetest and hardworking trainees in the competition, and it sends a huge boost in ur popularity
it helps tht ure cute as heck and a lot of fans noticed how brightly ur smile was even before the first ep aired
altho ure not super close with any one person in particular, a lot of the girls there are super friendly so its easy for u to drift around to hang out with different groups
mnet seems to love u bc when u watch some episode clips, they show how ure always flitting around and seem like a v popular trainee
plus theyve decided to highlight u as one of the rising stars of the show, editing clips to show off the amount of time u practice and improve, even from ur already-amazing initial performance
ure super lucky and u dont forget it
but ure still pretty sure tht all of daehwis advice from beforehand helped u a lot
u dont get a lot of time to think abt him tho, just bc everything moves so fast in the competition
still, sometimes when ure trying to rest after another long day of practice, u cant help but reminisce on some of ur more playful and relaxed memories with daehwi
somehow, word didnt really get out abt how close u two were until midway thru the season
it wasnt like u were intentionally keeping it a secret, but it didnt rlly come up for awhile
not when u were all busy just trying to get some airtime and become a better idol
when word gets out, all of the other girls are So Jealous
luckily for u everyones really sweet and only tease u abt it instead of being jerks
still, now a lot of them are asking u for his number
tbh although u and daehwi had never talked abt it, u dont remember him saying tht he ever liked anyone
and honestly, u didnt rlly think abt him dating someone until girls were coming up to u left and right, asking what he was like
with time, everyone calms down a little bit, but ure left trying to focus on practice instead of why the thought of him dating someone else bothers u so much
(its hard bc u know exactly why ure upset, but u dont know what ure going to do abt it)
u rlly cant talk to daehwi often, but there are some occasions where the p101 staff let u make a phone call
if ure not calling ur family, u always use it to call him
u use the limited time to catch up, and he always showers u in support and compliments, telling u how hes watching every ep when it airs and is cheering u on
even tho u cant see him, u can imagine the way he smiles as he says it, and its enough to make u smile as well
as the days and performances move on u get closer and closer to the final stage
u havent always been at the top of the rankings, but uve still been doing pretty well esp recently w all of the positive attention tht uve been getting
u make it to the finale, and u cant help but hold ur breath the entire time
in this mass of people in the audience, its impossible to make out anyones faces, so u cant recognize if anyone came to support u
u cant help but hope tht somehow daehwi made it, but u know hes been so busy with his own practicing tht he probably doesnt have time
theres a section of past p101 winners somewhere else, but its even further away and harder to see with all of the bright lights
the next couple of hours go by both achingly slow and annoyingly fast
as the names slowly start to get called, u watch with a heavy heart as more and more people are cheered their way on to safety
honestly ure still kinda surprised tht u made it this far, since u started out only hoping to gain experience and a vague fanbase with the show
but now tht ure here, u cant help but hope tht u make it to the end
despite everything u find urself cheering on the other girls whenever theyre announced as a finalist
everyones crying and ure no better tbh
its getting to the top, just before they decide to go back and announce the final member of the group, and ur ranking of 10 last week suddenly seems far too low, esp as 3rd place is about to be announced
then out of nowhere, ur name is called
ur hands are shaking and u keep looking around bc is this rlly happening?? but everyones screaming and hugging u and ure like ??????????
u cant even string together proper thoughts at this point
somehow u make it to the other stage where one of the staff puts a microphone in ur hands and the cameras are all aimed towards u
honestly half the things u say are just random words of gratitude or names tht u can never forget
ur busy telling ur parents, rhymer, all the other girls, ur fans, abt how much u love them, tht for a second somehow u almost forget abt daehwi
thts when ur gaze flickers to a screen in the stadium where the camera is focused on daehwi cheering and tearing up from his spot somewhere w some of the other p101 boys
of course u have to end it with a “lee daehwi!!! i love u too!!!!!!!” bc even if u know most ppl will take it platonically, ure not sure if he’ll see it the same way
(u dont even know if u want him to or not)
u say one last thank u before ure practically skipping over to ur seat and u cant help but think tht ure SO HIGH UP
still, now tht u know where daehwi is, even tho u cant make out his face, u feel ur heart stutter knowing that he’s there cheering for u
the rest of the night goes by in a blur honestly
as soon as ure all let backstage to meet up w ur family/friends, u find urself being tackled by a combination of familiar faces
daehwi is laughing into ur side, arm slung around ur shoulder, as ur parents try to congratulate u thru their tears, and uve never felt happier
after an embarrassingly long time of hugging and crying, daehwi manages to pull u to a slightly less crowded and loud area
n hes like “listen,, y/n,,,, u know im rlly proud of u too right?? like i love u a lot”
and ure not even thinking abt what u said in ur speech, just nodding along happily bc above all else, daehwi is still ur best friend
but he looks at u and he cant rlly stop smiling either, but he grabs u by the shoulders to say “no, i rlly love u a lot”
so ure like “okay??? and??????”
and he keeps staring at u with this stupid grin on his face and then it hits u and ure like “oh. oH. OH!!!!!!”
so ure both just smiling at each other like idiots n ure like “i think i love u too??”
at tht he has this mock-offended face like “u THINK”
but ure both so so happy teasing each other and feeling like ure both on top of the world
tbh u spend so long standing there and giggling tht ur parents eventually drag u away from ur private spot bc “u cant stand there grinning forever” and “ur bf isnt the only one whos proud of u!!!”
ure both embarrassed but its impossible for either of u to wipe the smiles off of ur faces
u all spend the rest of the day celebrating and enjoying each others company and the company of the rest of ur family/friends, and u cant help but think tht this is one of the best moments of ur life
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Not Nineteen Forever (12) (Branjie/Scyvie/Ninex)- Ortega
a/n: hey friends! here’s chapter 12 of Not Nineteen Forever, i’m sorry it’s so late but i want to thank everyone who waited patiently and was so polite and encouraging while waiting. it really made me smile! remember i always love and am so grateful for sweet comments either on AQ, through reblog, or on my blog, so keep them coming bc they motivate me no end!! hope u all enjoy this chapter (p.s. finally accepted the ninex in this fic is not in any way background any more xo) xxxxxxx
trigger warning: alcohol n naughty texts xo
please note: this fic contains young adults often behaving in irresponsible/unadvisable ways with regards to alcohol, drugs and sex. if you are someone who feels as if they could be heavily influenced by fic and incorporate what happens in the plot into ur own life, pls steer clear!
summary: Brooke, Yvie and Nina are three flatmates who forged a friendship in their first year of university and picked up some other waifs and strays along the way. Now in their final year, there are feelings that need to be unravelled and confessions to be made whilst navigating drunk nights, hungover mornings, takeaways, group chats, library meetups, cafe gossiping, and the small matter of getting a degree.
last chapter: Monet and Nina continued to be adorable, Yvie and Scarlet continued to be cute, but Brooke wasn’t sure if she wanted the same for her and Vanessa.
this chapter: there’s library woes, a flat party, a lilac-haired, tattooed bombshell, and Yvie confides in Scarlet.
Scarlet let a long puff of air out of her cheeks and blinked at her laptop, bored. She’d been so eager for Uni to start back again, so excited to get back to the city and see her friends that she slightly forgot about the whole academic aspect of everything. Lectures had started that week and in between trying to force four different modules’ worth of information into her head she had caught up with Vanjie, chatting before, after and in between lectures when they could. It was interesting, Scarlet thought. Before Christmas she could never get her to shut up about Brooke and how things were going with her but ever since the holidays it seemed as if Brooke was a subject to be avoided. Scarlet knew something must have changed but she didn’t want to push Vanjie for information if she wasn’t ready to share it. They still seemed to be together, anyway, even if things seemed a little strained.
At least she could say that wasn’t the case for her and Yvie. After many long evening Skype sessions during the holidays, the pair of them had decided that they couldn’t bear to be apart a moment longer and so Scarlet had taken the six hour train to go and stay with her girlfriend at her family home for a few days. She had been a bag of nerves at the thought of meeting Yvie’s family, but her Mum had been lovely (and seemingly just relieved that her daughter had settled down), her Dad had been welcoming, if a little quiet (“He’s under strict instructions not to speak because every time he opens his mouth he embarrasses me”), and the brothers and sisters that were still at home and not out somewhere or back to uni themselves were kind and friendly. In the three days they spent together, Scarlet and Yvie went for cold, crisp walks along the beach, curled up on Yvie’s old battered leather sofa the family had had since she was small and watched Disney films, gone ice skating, and looked out over Yvie’s city on a rickety ferris wheel that had looked as if it would take one good sneeze to knock it down.
But all that movie-screen romance was behind her now, as the most romantic Scarlet had been with Yvie in the week since they’d been back at uni was a Tesco Finest £10 meal deal cooked in Yvie’s flat and then watched in front of the TV as a perfect accompaniment to Coronation Street. They were both busy and waiting for their academic life to slow down a little again. The same could be said for their whole friendship group, really. The whole gang hadn’t done anything all together since their Christmas dinner, and Scarlet was itching for a night out where she could get absolutely off her face and forget that she was working towards the degree that would define the rest of her life. Sighing again and feeling the words on her laptop merge into a big blur, Scarlet looked up at the big clock on the wall. Five o'clock. She turned to Akeria who was sat at the desk beside her. She and Silky had come to join her mid-study, the latter having been dragged into the library by her flatmate because she still hadn’t handed in an essay that had been due since before Christmas and Akeria was quite frankly concerned.
“Akeria,” Scarlet whispered, the other girl quickly finishing a sentence she was working on, turning away from her laptop towards Scarlet and pushing her reading glasses up the bridge of her nose. “I want a night out. This is shit.”
“This is what we signed up for, baby,” Akeria gave a small laugh and shrugged, turning back to her laptop. Akeria’s dissertation wasn’t due until May but she had already started writing it, which struck the fear of God into the majority of their friendship group and made them all feel like slackers. “This is uni. This is our fuckin’ degree, girl.”
“You’re really making me feel better,” Scarlet rolled her eyes, Akeria giving another laugh under her breath.
“Hey,” Silky said from her position at the desk across from them, her voice entirely at speaking-pitch and causing a few heads to turn their way. “What’re you hoes talkin’ about? I want in.”
“We’re bitching about you,” Akeria deadpanned, tapping away at her keyboard.
“Fuck off, Kiki.”
“I want a night out,” Scarlet hissed over to her as quietly as she could. “But Little Miss Law Degree wants to stay in the library from dusk til dawn every evening until she graduates.”
Scarlet’s face lit up as Silky bellowed a laugh so loud it caused the girl beside her to put a set of earphones in. Looking at Akeria and hoping she hadn’t been offended, she was relieved to see the other girl giving her a wry smile.
“This bitch can be so savage when she wants to be, Jesus. Ouch. No, I’m just sayin’! This was what we chose to do, so quit complaining,” Akeria rolled her eyes, leaned back in her chair and stretched. “That being said…I do think I’ve earned a night out.”
“Well me fuckin’ too, bitch!” Silky exclaimed incredulously, Scarlet laughing in spite of herself.
“How much have you written, Silk?” she asked, the girl opposite looking down at her laptop, clicking a few times, then looking back up to the girls in front of her.
“You know what…it don’t matter how many words I’ve done, it’s the level of mental energy I have needed to use in order to-”
“Silky, how many words,” Akeria demanded, fixing her with a stare that looked as if it could slice her in half.
“Jesus Christ on a crystal meth binge,” Akeria sighed, Scarlet letting out a splutter beside her. Silky looked at them both pleadingly.
“Hey, now don’t make me feel bad! We only been in here-”
“An hour and a quarter,” Akeria stared at her.
Silky threw her hands up. “Well I been doing readings an’ shit! Do you know how hard it is to get any articles that have the exact quote ‘Boris Johnston is a piece of dog shit’? Fuckin’ hard!”
“Why the hell are you looking for that?” Akeria blurted out, unable to keep herself from laughing. Scarlet was laughing so hard she thought she would pass out.
“Because, bitch! I want to use that exact wording in my essay but I need some academic shit to back me up.”
“Fuck me.”
“To be fair, that is the worst,” Scarlet shrugged, not wanting Silky to feel too demoralised. “Searching for three hours to find one reference that can back up one of your points. Like, why can’t you just make the point because you want to? You know? Why is your opinion only valid if it’s been previously thought up by a white man in a suit?"
"Very profound,” Silky nodded emphatically. “Anyway, this bitch needs to get her drink on. I’m going to ask the girls."
As she watched Silky pick up her phone, Scarlet was reminded to check her own. She’d deliberately sat on it and put it on flight mode in an attempt to force herself to do work. Now, she felt as if she could excuse a small break. Turning off flight mode, she watched as a small flood of notifications came through. There had been fifteen new group chat messages, Nina had tagged them all in a meme, and she had two messages from Yvie. She checked the latter first, wondering if she would ever get tired of the feeling of her heart soaring like a balloon every time she saw, heard or spoke Yvie’s name.
Y: if i told u i was considering buying a set of faux-leather underwear would that be weird or a turn-on
Y: also that lasagne is even better on the second day u need to have some of it when ur round
S: Sorry this took me so long!!!!!! I turned my phone on flight mode in an attempt to get some work done
S: No such luck
S: Leather look underwear is a yes from me but i’m inclined to ask for pics first xoxoxoxoxo
S: Also yes i want lasagne
S: That’s not a euphemism btw i actually really do want some lasagne
Y: 😈
As Scarlet gave a soft laugh to herself, she checked what had been going on on the group chat since she’d been studying. She wondered what exciting plans could have been made, or what drama could have happened, or if anyone had any exciting or interesting news.
Okay Then: oh my god
Kim Kardashian-West: ??????
Okay Then: has anyone seen the state of Simon Cowell’s face
Scarlet gave a colossal roll of her eyes. She should have known that, at times, the groupchat could become one massive shitpost.
Kim Kardashian-West: No??? What’s he done to it?? Has he been in a crash?
Okay Then: he might as fucking well have been
What followed was a picture of what seemed to be a man whose face had been partially melted with a blowtorch, until Scarlet looked closer and realised that it was indeed the TV talent show judge.
mose: Jesus Fucking Christ what’s he done to himself
Scarlet’s bitch: that’s frightening
Okay Then: RIGHT???
Scarlet’s bitch: that’s what i see in the corner of my room when i have sleep paralysis
Kim Kardashian-West: That is TRULY the stuff of nightmares!!!!
Brooke’s Ford Transit Vanjie: Fucking hell Plastique don’t fucking frighten us like that!!!
mose: He must surely see that he looks like shit? Like how could you not?
Okay Then: how can he see anything when his eyebrows are now entirely obscuring his eyes
Kim Kardashian-West: I am actually quite frightened guys
At this point, Scarlet caught up to the current conversation.
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: AS TERRIFYING AS SIMON COWELL’S FACE IS
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: CAN WE TALK BUSINESS FOR A SECOND?
Kim Kardashian-West: Of course!
mose: I’m all business
Brooke’s Ford Transit Vanjie: Sure you are baby xxxxxxx
Scarlet’s Bitch: that is fucking vile keep that shit off the groupchat u big gays
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: YA FAV BITCHES ARE IN THE LIBRARY AND WE ARE GAGGING FOR A NIGHT OUT
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: WE AIN’T HAD ONE IN AGES
Okay Then: yaaaaaaaaaas bitches let’s do it
Okay Then: thursday night fever
Kim Kardashian-West: Well Monet invited me to this flat party she’s hosting tonight
Kim Kardashian-West: I could ask her if you guys could come too?
Brooke’s Ford Transit Vanjie: Omg yes I’m down!
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: YES BITCH FLAT PARTY!!!!
Kim Kardashian-West: SILKY!!!!!!!! THAT IS DISGUSTING!!!
Yvie’s Bitch: We were all thinking it xoxo
Brooke’s Ford Transit Vanjie: AHAHAHAHAHA SILK
Okay Then: YES Scarlet
Kim Kardashian-West: You’re all horrible. And uninvited.
mose: Ninaaaaaa
Okay Then: Nina pls
Scarlet’s Bitch: fuck i’m not even sure i can do tonight ladies
large incongruous silkworm spiced praline: YVIE DONT YOU DARE
Scarlet’s Bitch: i’ve got a 9am tomorrow and i want to get that first u know
mose: Yvieeee the last time we were all together was literally over a month ago
Scarlet pouted to herself, disappointed at the thought of Yvie being the only one not out. Suddenly, an idea began to form in her head. Biting back a smile, she took to her chat with Yvie.
S: Yvieeeee
Y: Scarleeeeet
S: Please come to the flat party :(((((((
S: I’ll do anything you want
Y: anything i want?
S: Yesssss
Y: that sounds like a challenge princess
Scarlet crossed her legs and felt herself squeezing her thighs together. Looking around at the rows of silent people, she turned her phone brightness down to make extra sure nobody could see her messages, just in case the conversation turned the way Scarlet thought it was about to.
S: Well it depends on what you want me to do x
Y: wellllll
Y: i’ve been wondering if u can take a strap like a good girl
Scarlet felt briefly as if she’d been shocked by a defibrillator. Yvie always seemed to go from 0 to 100 real fucking quick, and Scarlet couldn’t help but love it.
S: You know I could baby
Y: i know you could, you’re such a good girl
Y: so how about if i come to this party i get to watch u bounce on my dick until u cum all over it
Scarlet could feel her face growing red. She and Yvie had messaged like this before, when they had been at home and miles away from each other and alone and very much not-in-a-public-place, but this was so fucking different.
S: Christ Yves I’m in the library!!!!
Y: shut up u started all this!!
S: Yeah I kinda did
Y: deliberately getting me to tell u what i want to do to u later when ur sitting in public in a fucking silent building
Y: jesus fucking christ Scarlet that’s so hot
Scarlet felt an urgent pulse of heat between her legs and she squirmed in her seat.
S: Where are you just now?
Y: i’m in bed
Y: touching myself at the thought of u sitting absolutely soaking wet and being able to do fuck all about it
S: So you’re coming to the party baby?
Y: how about
Y: if u can get to the flat before i cum i’ll fuck u into the mattress and i’ll come to this party or whatever
Scarlet nearly jammed her fingers in her laptop in her haste to get it shut, wrenched her charger out of its socket so hard it almost broke, and muttered a near-breathless goodbye to a confused Akeria and Silky all in the space of about twenty seconds as she struggled into her coat and sped out into the stairwell.
Five hours later Scarlet had managed to fit a lot in. She’d hurried round to Yvie’s to find her in bed in the black lace underwear she knew drove Scarlet crazy, and they’d fucked twice (fast, rough and passionate then sweet, tender and gentle) before Scarlet had reluctantly dragged herself out of Yvie’s bed to head back to her own flat and get ready for the party. Nobody seemed to know what the dress code was, least of all Nina who had sent about nine different outfit options to the group chat for opinions, so Scarlet settled on a tight black bandage dress that stopped at her calves, with trainers to dress it down a bit. She’d hurriedly munched down a bowl of pasta a la whatever-was-left-in-the-fridge, then set off across town to meet the girls at the edge of the park, where they had decided they would all meet then walk together to Monet’s flat.
Scarlet heard her friends before she saw them, Vanjie’s distinctive laugh ricocheting off trees and mixing with Yvie’s Bond-villan one letting Scarlet know she was heading in the right direction. Finally reaching the group, Scarlet gave them all a hug in turn and took in each of their outfits. It was still icy and cold, so most of them had opted for trainers over heels- save for Plastique, who always wore them for any night out and Vanjie, who was wearing chunky heeled boots. Much of their clothes clashed with the weather, though. Plastique and Akeria were in tight dresses, Brooke and Silky were in short skirts and tops. Vanjie had chosen some loose-fitting ripped denim jeans and a tiny bodysuit which left little to the imagination. Nina had gone for a light blue t-shirt dress and a chunky pair of trainers, her nerves palpable even in the group dynamic. Scarlet thought Yvie looked the best though in her burnt orange velvet skirt and tight black long-sleeved bodysuit, her unruly hair tamed and brushed into two huge bunches.
"You look nice, Nina!” Scarlet complimented her in an attempt to calm her down.
“Aww, Scarlet! Do I actually?” Nina smiled brightly, then cringed at herself. “Fuck! Why can’t I just take a fucking compliment like a goddamn normal person? I do this with Monet all the time!”
“Because you got a big-ass crush,” Silky shrugged. “It’s almost as big as Akeria’s ass. Not quite, though.”
“Shut up,” Akeria rolled her eyes and shoved her friend.
“Does it even count as a crush if you’re seeing the person in question?” Scarlet wondered out loud. Plastique shifted her weight from one foot to the other.
“Don’t know. Ask Brooke or Vanjie.”
The group exploded into laughter, something about it not quite meeting Brooke or Vanessa’s eyes. They were both standing close together, hands entwined, but Scarlet didn’t know. There seemed as if there was something off. Forced, even.
“Okay, let’s go, motherfuckers. I’m freezing my vagina off,” Vanjie said decisively, Nina moving first and making to lead the way.
“Right, a few things before we arrive,” Nina began speaking at a mile a minute before Scarlet could even compliment Yvie on her outfit. “Monet has somehow got it into her head that you guys are cool enough to be invited to this party. She doesn’t know the truth yet, so just try to act like a group of normal fucking human beings?”
“The truth? What the hell is that meant to mean?!” Brooke let out a laugh.
“That you’re all fucking weirdos! And she, for some reason, still likes me, so I am not having you all put that in jeopardy, capiche?” Nina snapped back, only half-joking.
“Jeez, thanks,” Akeria rolled her eyes, Nina instantly protesting.
“I’m joking! I’m joking. But not really. Like Silk, please try not to overdo it tonight?”
Silky raised her eyebrows and sucked her cheeks in. “I’m making no promises, girl.”
“Akeria, please don’t accidentally make out with anyone’s boyfriends?”
“Oh my God Nina! That happened ONCE!” Akeria cried out incredulously.
“And Vanjie, don’t-”
“Nina. We’re not going to embarrass you. Chill the fuck out,” Yvie rolled her eyes and squeezed the shoulder of the girl in front of her.
The girls all finally reached Monet’s old, red-brick building and her front door, and Nina pressed the buzzer nervously. There came a crackly screech of mayhem through the intercom which contained unintelligible speech, and then the girls were all quickly buzzed in. Scarlet looked to Yvie questioningly as she wondered if she’d heard any words, but she also appeared to be as clueless as she was. It didn’t seem to faze any of the other girls though, as Vanjie was already bounding up the stairs with Akeria as fast as her chunky heels could carry her. They didn’t have to walk far, as Monet’s flat was on the first floor. Vanjie moved to open the door first when it was suddenly wrenched open from the other side to reveal a tiny, skinny blonde girl with her hair curled and loose on her shoulders. Her pink dress was as tiny as she was, but regardless of her size she looked ready to fight.
“Who the fuck are you?” she addressed Akeria, barely acknowledging the others. “You here to sell us girl scout cookies, or an Avon catalogue, check our meter readings maybe?"
Just as Akeria looked as if she would instigate a full-scale fight, Nina poked her head out from behind Brooke’s tall frame. "Cracker, don’t be a dick!”
The girl’s face immediately relaxed into a wide, shameless smile. “Nina! Oh my God, you bitch, I never saw you! Come in, God!”
Akeria still bristling and Vanjie not too dissimilar, the girls all trooped into the flat which immediately struck Scarlet as something out of an American teen Netflix special. The hall was dark with the occasional string of fairy lights, and was packed full of people. Scarlet instinctively reached for Yvie’s hand in the crowd and got a squeeze back without even having to look at her. Nina and the girl, Cracker apparently, led them through to a huge bedroom which had obviously once been a living room but had been repurposed by a money-hungry landlord. The room was quieter but still had its fair share of people dotted about in amongst the Morrocan market wall-coverings, tiny elephant incense stick holders, and swathes of printed photos and posters that covered the walls like tiles. A huge bed sat to one side where Monet sat sprawled out with her shoes kicked off, chatting to a black girl with a huge afro that otherwise looked so identical to her Scarlet assumed they must be sisters. Cracker flung herself down on top of the mattress and joined them, gesturing vaguely to the girls.
“Neens!!” Monet suddenly squealed as she looked up, throwing her arms out as Nina launched herself half on the bed and half on top of her. Monet continued, muffled, as the rest of the girls awkwardly lingered. “I’m so happy you came, oh my God, this is so amazing!”
“I brought everyone too. Is that still okay? They can leave if not,” Nina instantly reeled off, Brooke bellowing out a laugh. Monet’s face lit up.
“Oh my God of course not! Brooke! Scarlet! Yvie!! Oh my God, come and hug me,” Monet beamed, her intoxication showing ever so slightly as Brooke graciously leaned down and hugged the other girl them got instantly pulled onto the bed. Monet gestured for everyone to come closer. “Guys! It’s so good to see you all, thanks so much for coming! There’s, like. Endless booze in the kitchen. Feel free to just drink us out of house and home.”
Silky’s face lit up and she immediately grabbed Akeria and Plastique, making to drag them through. “Vanj, you comin’?”
“Get me something? I'mma stay here with my girl,” Vanessa shouted back, giving a smile back to Brooke but finding the other girl looking down at her phone instead. Scarlet frowned involuntarily and then was suddenly distracted by a squeeze of her hand from Yvie (who still hadn’t let go).
“I’m going to go make sure Silky doesn’t give herself alcohol poisoning. You want me to bring you back a drink?” she offered, Scarlet unable to help the smile that spread across her face.
“You’re a sweetheart. Surprise me.”
“A pint glass of tequila it is,” Yvie deadpanned as she walked away, too quick for Scarlet’s hand that swatted at her in response. Scarlet tuned into the conversation that the girls were all having on the bed. It was big, but it was still a bed in a student flat, and so Brooke had her elbows resting on the mattress and her lower body on the floor and Scarlet had had to squeeze up to make room for Vanjie to sit beside her.
“She was guarding the place like fort fuckin’ knox,” Vanessa was saying, a playful side eye being cast to the blonde girl, who let out a laugh.
“You’re an animal,” Monet’s potential sister rolled her eyes. “A living guard dog. We should put a collar on you. One of those ones with spikes.”
“Nah. That’s only reserved for people who want to fuck me. Do you want to fuck me, Bob?” the girl asked easily, before taking a swig of the cider bottle she was holding. Monet hooted a laugh and the other girl didn’t even break her expression.
“I wouldn’t eat your pussy if it was made of chocolate fuckin’ fudge cake. Get the fuck out,” she retorted, Nina looking up at them all from her position on Monet’s tummy.
“Is that not that Lana Del Ray lyric? My pussy tastes like chocolate fudge cake…”
Scarlet let out a laugh that was more like a scream, the others on the bed doing much the same thing. Monet wiped her eyes and took in a deep breath.
“Oh my God, okay. For those of you that haven’t met before- this is Cracker and Bob. Two out of the three girls I have the blessing or curse of living with, I haven’t figured out yet,” she gestured to the two girls in turn and then turned to Scarlet. “And this is Scarlet, Vanjie and Brooke Lynn. They’re Nina’s friends, so they’re obviously amazing.”
“Nina could throw up on your bed and you’d say it was amazing,” Cracker looked pointedly at Monet. Monet shrugged and threw her arms around Nina.
“And what?"
"Nice to meet you guys. Are you two sisters?” Scarlet asked, curiosity getting the better of her as she pointed between Bob and Monet. Monet laughed and Bob rolled her eyes.
“Are you saying that all black people look the same?” Bob asked her with a piercing stare, Scarlet’s entire stomach dropping at the thought of having offended her.
“Oh my God, no! No no no, I just thought-”
“She’s kidding, Scarlet. Being a dick, as usual,” Monet cut off Scarlet’s frantic protests and immediately calming her down. “No, we’re not related. We just look spookily alike.”
“You fuckin’ wish you looked even a tenth as good as me. Hey, where the fuck is Monique?” Bob asked suddenly, both Cracker and Monet shrugging.
“Flatmate number four,” Monet quickly cut in to explain.
“Away making some chaotic cocktail, probably,” Cracker shrugged. Bob gave another roll of her eyes, then turned and smiled at Brooke, Scarlet and Vanessa.
“Nice to meet you anyway. Are you all flatmates too?” Bob asked politely, ignoring the position of the slit on her long skirt as she crossed her legs.
“Not us three exactly. Brooke lives with Nina and Yvie, that’s my girlfriend,” Scarlet explained, her stomach full of fizzy fireworks at being able to say that for real. “Vanj lives with Silky and Akeria over on Antigua Road.”
“They’re the best hoes in the world. They’re through in the other room getting drunk, but you’d love them,” Vanjie cut in. Cracker let out a laugh.
“Oh yeah, shit. Sorry I was so mean to you.”
Vanessa smiled easily, the free alcohol that the flatmates were providing clearly making up for any perceived slight. “Don’ worry about it, girl. We’d probably do the same if some hoes we didn’t know turned up at our party.”
“What about you, Scarlet?” Bob asked politely, instantly seeming far less intimidating.
“I’m over on the South Side. Kinda far out. I found this girl on SpareRooms to live with, but she’s a bit of a dick,” Scarlet explained awkwardly. Cracker leaned in, her eyes shining excitedly.
“What’s her name?”
“Fuck, I don’t want to say in case any of you are friends with her!” Scarlet laughed, but no protestations came. She lowered her voice as she continued. “It’s Ra'Jah? Ra'Jah O'Hara?”
“Oh, FUCK!” Bob cried out, holding onto Cracker for support as she almost fell off the bed. “I know who that is! She’s in my Econ tutorials! Oh my God, she’s an actual fucking moron. I had a group project with her once and she did literally nothing but talk about drugs and bitch about people on our course.”
As Scarlet was about to launch into how horrifically messy a flatmate she was, Yvie came back from the kitchen with two bottles of beer and a tall black girl with a shock of lilac hair swept up into a ponytail and a matching straight fringe. She was wearing a black pair of jeans and a tiny black cropped t shirt which showed off her many tattoos, and in her hand looked to be an elaborate mojito-style concoction.
“I made a friend!” she cried, before slumping herself down beside Vanjie, Scarlet growing ever more squashed up against the bedpost.
“Oh, the wanderer returns,” Cracker deadpanned. “What did you make?”
“Margarita mojito,” the girl shrugged, sipping her drink to punctuate her sentence. “It’s basically a mojito with a big-ass shot of tequila in it. Guys, this is Yvie! She’s Nina’s friend!”
“Oh, you’re Scarlet’s girlfriend!” Bob smiled at her in recognition, Yvie clambering into a tiny space on the middle of the bed, handing one of the beers to Scarlet, and casting her a look through narrowed eyes.
“What have you been saying about me, bitch?” Yvie smiled playfully, the look she was fixing her causing a sudden flash of heat to strike between Scarlet’s legs.
“All good things, baby,” Scarlet smiled innocently, Yvie relaxing and leaning back against Scarlet’s chest.
“This is Bob and Cracker. They’re my other flatmates. You’ve already met Monique, then?” Monet introduced the girls to Yvie.
“Yeah, we bonded over watching Akeria flirt with people. The bitch is a fucking mastermind. She walked into the kitchen and had a guy talking to her within, like, one minute.”
“Introduce me, introduce me!” Monique bounced on the mattress excitedly. Vanjie came dangerously close to falling off the bed and Monique quickly noticed, reaching a hand out to her and pulling her up with it. “Shit, sorry girl!”
Scarlet watched as Vanessa swept some hair out of her face and cast a quick appreciative glance to Monique’s toned arm. “Holy mother of Jesus, I gotta start goin’ to the gym.”
Monique let out a bark of a laugh. Cracker caught her other arm and held it steady, the tequila/rum combo threatening to fly out of its glass.
“Brooke, Scarlet and Vanjie, meet Monique.
Monique, this is Brooke, Scarlet and Vanjie,” Cracker pointed to each of them in turn, finishing with Vanjie who still seemed to be casting her eyes over Monique.
“Well, Vanessa. But these girls call me Vanjie. Or Vanj. You choose, really,” Vanjie explained to Monique, the girl’s ponytail swishing as she cocked her head.
“You ever get called baby?” she asked, feigning innocence. Scarlet couldn’t help her eyes shooting wide and her brain almost went into meltdown trying to register everyone’s expressions at once. Vanjie was laughing, but her face had flushed pink, clearly flattered. Cracker was screeching a laugh, Bob looked long-suffering. Nina and Monet were looking at each other urgently, and Brooke was properly looking at Vanessa with interest for the first time since they all sat down on the bed. Scarlet couldn’t see Yvie’s face, but she’d felt her tense up, and she couldn’t blame her.
“Yeah. By Brooke Lynn over there,” Vanessa finally said through her laughter, Monique not seeming fazed as she cast a glance to Brooke, who was smiling patiently but inwardly seething if the red tips of her ears were anything to go by.
“Oh, sorry girl! I didn’t know she was taken,” Monique laughed pleasantly.
“Yeah, we’re a thing,” Brooke opened her mouth, breaking her silence. Vanessa was smiling at her from across the bed, and Brooke met her eyes and smiled back.
“A thing?” Monique let out a short laugh, spilling a little of her drink. “A thing is, like, a noun. Not a relationship.”
“Technically a girlfriend is a noun too. Thing, place, person,” Nina piped up, presumably in an attempt to diffuse the increasingly awkward vibe.
“Are you a primary teacher, Nina?!” Cracker asked, clutching her chest in faux-surprise. Nina sighed.
“If I could reach a pillow, I’d thump you."
"Monet, you hearing this? Your girlfriend is practically chatting me up,” Cracker laughed, then stopped suddenly as her face became a mix of horrified and regretful, Bob giving her a not-so-subtle thump on the arm. In lieu of gauging Monet and Nina’s facial expressions, Scarlet whispered her thoughts to Yvie.
“When the hell are they actually going to become official? It’s been ages!” she hissed into her ear, Yvie craning her head round to reply.
“Nina would have to be on a cocktail mixer of cocaine, Es and alcohol to gain even half the confidence it would take her to ask Monet, so she’s waiting on Monet to do it for her. The thing is, I think Monet’s not as confident as we all like to think either. Maybe sometimes Nina’s panic can present itself as disinterest.”
“So Monet’s maybe waiting until she knows where she stands with her?” Scarlet nodded in realisation.
Yvie sipped her drink and took Scarlet’s hand, tracing round her fingers absent-mindedly. “I think so. I mean, we all know Nina’s absolutely ass-over-tit in love with her because we’re her friends, but she’s not going to let that show to Monet until she’s ready.”
Scarlet watched as Yvie played with a large turquoise ring on her finger. Her brow was furrowed as she thought about the situation, and Scarlet’s heart felt like an enormous water balloon- incredibly fragile and full and feeling as if it was about to burst. She thought back to Yvie’s words on Christmas dinner night, the ones she hadn’t been able to stop thinking about since she’d said them.
Suddenly, she was pulled out of her thoughts by a screech from Vanjie, who was looking at Monique with enrapture as she told a story. Admittedly, most of the other girls were looking at her too, but Scarlet didn’t miss the sparkle in Vanjie’s eyes as she listened.
“And there it was, I swear by almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit…a whole baggie of weed, in the bin, covered in Cracker’s vomit.”
It was an odd moment for Scarlet to tune into the story but judging by the roar the girls on the bed gave, it seemed to be over. Vanjie had doubled over laughing and was clinging to Monique’s arm for support, the girl in question smiling down at her as if her reaction was the only one that mattered. Scarlet frowned and leaned into Yvie once more.
“Hey. What the hell is the deal with Brooke and Vanjie?” she whispered, making sure to keep her voice extra low. She instantly felt Yvie tense up in her lap.
“What do you mean? They seem fine to me?” Yvie murmured back. Luckily for Scarlet, she knew that Yvie lied so rarely that it was easy to spot when she was telling one.
“You know something. What is it?” Scarlet hissed urgently in Yvie’s ear. Hearing her give a big sigh, Yvie shifted and then rose on the bed.
“Me and Scarlet are just getting another drink, save our seats,” Yvie announced to the circle, receiving a cheer from Nina.
“Enjoy your sex!” she cried after them, and Scarlet, confused, simply followed Yvie to another room. The hall was quieter now, but the same could not be said of the kitchen, where as they walked in they saw Silky, Akeria and Plastique ringleading a game of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. Ignoring their friends, Yvie turned to Scarlet urgently, concern covering her face.
“Okay, Brooke told me this in confidence but you’re my girlfriend so I kind of can’t really keep anything from you, right?” she began, Scarlet nodding quickly and desperate to hear what Yvie knew. “But you CAN’T tell anyone about this, babe. Honestly, it needs to stay between us. Do you promise?”
“I promise,” Scarlet said instantly, her mind in overdrive. Yvie pulled a pained face for a moment, seemingly incredibly conflicted, and then looked to the floor.
“Brooke is having second thoughts about being with Vanjie.”
Scarlet’s face dropped. “What?!”
“Brooke told me that she felt everything was getting too intense, and that Vanj wanted more than Brooke felt she could give her. She’s sticking it out to see if it’s just a blip, but…yeah. Now you know why they’ve both been so weird,” Yvie explained, biting her lip and looking at Scarlet with concern.
Scarlet didn’t know what to think. It all made so much sense, the oddly distant vibes between them both, the strained atmosphere, Vanjie flirting with Monique. Suddenly, a thought occurred to Scarlet. “Does Vanessa know?”
Yvie rolled her eyes. “Yes absolutely, Scarlet, Vanjie is very happy staying with someone who isn’t even sure if she wants things to go further with her, Brooke’s told her everything!"
Scarlet’s mind seemed to fuse. "She needs to know.”
Yvie’s expression dropped. “Oh my fucking Christ, you literally just promised not to tell anyone.”
“Well I didn’t know what it was you were going to tell me! I mean shit, Yvie, imagine that was me and you and I was having second thoughts! Would you want to be kept in the dark?”
Yvie bit her lip and looked to the floor. Scarlet gave a snort. “Exactly, bitch. I’m going to go find her right now-”
“Scarlet, please,” Yvie stopped her quickly, reaching out and grabbing her hand. “Brooke would be fuckin’ raging at me. I told you this shit in confidence. I know it’s hard because you’re close with Vanjie, but can you please…I mean hold off at least. If she asks you about it then, fine. You can tell her. But don’t run through there just now.”
Scarlet’s head felt as if it was a mess. She tapped her foot against the linoleum floor. “Who’s she told?”
“Just me,” Yvie said sincerely, looking into Scarlet’s eyes. “Nina doesn’t know. It’s just us.”
Scarlet rolled her eyes. “Fine. But I’m pinning all the fucking blame on you if she finds out I know, you know that?”
Yvie nodded understandingly. Scarlet let out a big sigh. The silence between them hung heavy in the air, at odds with the party happening around them. Suddenly, Plastique tottered into their line of vision, her eyes glazed and drunk.
“Oh my God guys! I haven’t seen you like all night! Selfie!!” she cried, sticking her phone in the air. Scarlet felt herself smile weakly but luckily the photo seemed to be too blurry for anyone to notice. Plastique immediately walked off again.
“Okay bye, nice seeing you,” Yvie deadpanned after her. Scarlet pressed her lips together to stop a laugh escaping them. Yvie caught her eye and snorted, and Scarlet couldn’t help but let out the laugh she’d been holding in. The tension had been diffused by a drunk Plastique, and Scarlet was relieved. She ran her hand down Yvie’s arm and squeezed her hand.
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m sorry. I should’ve just kept the fucking secret,” Yvie sighed, lacing her fingers through Scarlet’s own. She smiled at Scarlet, showing the little gap in her teeth, and Scarlet felt her heart jump. “Hey, I kind of want to go get chips, cheese and gravy and then head back to the flat and watch the Scooby Doo movie. You down?”
Scarlet smiled. She was kind of over the party. She’d been so eager for a night out, but all she wanted right now was a night in with her girlfriend. “Sounds amazing. Let’s go.”
The two headed back through to the bedroom to grab their jackets and say goodbye to the rest of the girls. Notably absent from the room were Brooke and Vanessa, and Scarlet was about to mention this to Yvie when they walked back out into the hall and spotted a tall, blonde girl and a small brunette kissing furiously in a darker, quieter corner. As Yvie opened the front door, she turned to Scarlet.
“I feel like they won’t be far behind us. Brooke must have sorted her shit out, then.”
As Scarlet grabbed one last look at the two girls against the wall, she desperately hoped Yvie was right.
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wydblue-blog · 8 years
hi babes, i’ve been gone for a few days and have been drunk every single one of them, god bless st. patty’s day, but there’s a lot of new ppl and i’m an oldie here/admin just finna tryna reach out n plot w everyone, so below is a cheat sheet of all my babies, message me if u wanna plot (still need to get back to some ppl) or like this n i’ll come to u!!!!!!!!
blue silver rockwell (ashton irwin fc); 21, sophomore, vp of kappa alpha lamda, scorpio, film studies major. blue’s parents actually met at nyu, basically had a one night stand, realized they were pregnant and a month later decided to get married; their careless and tbh kinda reckless lifestyle passed down to blue. he’s beyond chill, but has abandonment issues up the ass, esp now that he found out that he had a twin (sage) that he thought was his cousin while growing up (their parents were just too immature and young to take care of two kids tbh), plus at 6 months blue’s grandpa on his mum’s side passed away, they didn’t rly know him but inherited his crazy amount of money and he spent most of his life traveling so until he was finally 19 and demanded to just stay in ny and go to uni he didn’t have stable relationships, so now he thinks everyone is his bestie and is scared of ppl leaving. still, has no mean bone in his body and loves w all his heart, has maybe frowned once in the last 5 years, married to wyn, the actual love of his life, just takes everything in stride and doesn’t worry if he doesn’t have to.
rocky emerson fairchild (richard harmon fc); 20, sophomore, pres of nu sigma phi, leo, human kinetics major. tbh if his family didn’t have the receipts, they’d probably think rocky was the nicest person on the planet. he’s been hurt and rejected by so many ppl that he doesn’t know how to love rly any more unless you’re a fairchild, but even that’s hard. their dad was shit and abusive to them, their mum was too tired to rly try and do something about them, and his older brother (leo) who he legit worshiped ran away, so growing up fcking sucked. but his older sister (luna) and adopted brother (bruno) pretty much saved him, they’re the ppl he loves the most in this world tbh. fiercely loyal to those he’s actually let in and absolutely vile to anyone else it’s a mystery that he hasn’t been sent to jail for being a sociopath ngl, but it’s just a way to protect himself from being hurt again since he’s got a good track record of that.
*greer albany parker (tyler blackburn fc); 23, junior, member of theta beta pi, pisces, bio med major. tbh greer is probs the biggest cry baby and most anxious mess u will ever meet, god bless his soul for making it this far. he has all of maybe 4 friends but that’s all he needs to be happy. grew up in a loving family until his mum passed away, his dad then became an alcoholic and verbal abuse soon turned to physical, the only thing they rly talked about and got along was when greer talked about military school (which he joined just to make his dad happy/follow in his footsteps) but it did nothing but give him anxiety so bad he had to be hospitalized after passing out during a drill. he ran away from cali after saving money to buy a shitty car and maybe $8 in his pocket, the sweetest most hard working boi u will ever meet who doesn’t think he deserves love and has literally ruined relationships bc of it, but if he trusts u it’s genuinely an honour. pls just love him he needs it.
jesse myrtle torrence (sam claflin fc); 23, senior, member of psi delta, gemini, law major. dumb??? actually so dumb but in the best way possible, jesse means well and is a bit of a fuckboy tbh, will hit on u 100%, but he just likes to have fun and will respect u if ur not down. he has a twin (hunter) who is legit his entire world, when his family didn’t accept her when she came out to them and banned her from seeing her gf he refused to let her run away from home on her own and they both just ditched everything, were legit homeless for 2 years and worked their asses off to save up money for community college then worked even harder to get into nyu. he’s so dramatic, literally the most dramatic person you’ll ever meet, he’ll sneeze and think he’s got some sort of tumor i swear. he’s not very good when it comes to trusting others but he’s working on it and literally wants everyone to be his friend so always feel free to slide into his dm’s.
*sherwood lance king (grant gustin fc); 21, sophomore, member of psi delta, capricorn, physics major. if you were to ask sherwood what time it was he’d probs just shrug and say ‘whatever time you want it to be, it’s a social construct’. is a true believer in all things science, loves to do random weird side projects and will probably interview you five times a week bc of them, is constantly busy and constantly trying to come up with new scientific theories and discoveries. doesn’t really get social cues and is sometimes obscenely rude without even noticing/meaning to but he’s actually a sweetheart. he loves his sister (bellamy) and lil brother (isaac) w all his heart but when it comes to his twin (chaol) it’s a little hard, chaol put everything on pause after he came back from the army (which sherwood was extremely upset by since chaol hardly said anything) to take care of their ailing mother and while sherwood wants to reach out to his twin he doesn’t know how. tbh this kinda goes for any sort of social interactions sherwood has tho, he’s painfully oblivious and can be so obnoxious it’s annoying but he’ll make a good friend once u make it clear that ur interested in actually being friends.
*ted ‘teddy’ james morgan (nick robinson fc); 18, freshman, pledge of kappa alpha lamda, aquarius, sociology major. my weird ass lil weed smokin people lovin hippie. laid back, no worries, in love with everyone, dresses and talks like he’s from the 80′s since his fave things to say are ‘wicked’ ��bitchin’ ‘radical’ and ‘vibes’. not too long ago he was with his older brother (wyn) when they got into a car crash that ended up killing their little brother rex, and he’s still not over it and hasn’t forgiven wyn fully yet since he feels like the role of older brother has been stolen from him, but he super loves his sister (lux), basically worships the ground she walks on (was the same with wyn until this moment). studying humans cause he just wants to make peace and understand everybody, would have 1000 bf’s/gf’s at once and just let everyone love him always if he could, doesn’t really have any sense of direction with life but just knows that when he’s high he can’t be sad, so he hasn’t admitted it to himself but that’s a big reason why he smokes sm. is harmless and will love u.
*are the ppl that i rly need more plots for but ofc i am 1000% down for almost any plots w all my ppl!!!
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diogenesthegrouch · 8 years
ok i literally have no where to put all of this down and im tired of feeling like i’m !!!! at people about this and they are either sympathetic but only human and can’t do much besides what they have said, or they are wanting 2 be sympathetic and can’t be bc reasons that are out of their control.
and that’s fine like really.
and if this is read by said person it’s about i don’t even care
i’m like totally okay calling it what it is: scout is thirty but sometimes situations draw her back into the awkwardness of youth and it’s just how it has to be for a limited amt of time.
right so!!
context: i am thirty years old and i am not the most attractive/easy to be into person around. this is my opinion of myself. i think part of it might be that i’m not my own type to a degree physically and that isn’t even bc i’m a bigger girl but more so bc as a bigger girl at this point in time i don’t have what i’d consider my perfect and ideal way of presenting myself. in an ideal world i’m never as exhausted as i usually am. i have energy and i use it to wear more things i like, to wear more make up more often, to do my hair, to do things for ME that are aesthetically pleasing.
i am aware that even lacking that part of stuff at times bc of my exhaustion (pretty much brought on by meds and depression, which is stupid BC THE MEDS ARE FOR THE DEPRESSION JFC.) does not mean every person ever looks at me the way i look at me.
however i am prone to thinking the MAJORITY are just not into my physically and i’m usually okay with it for reasons to be discussed below, re asexuality.
easy to be into? well i’m honest. i’m TOO honest. i try to have some tact but often i think if something is hidden behind tact it lacks the sharpness needed to puncture something needing to be punctured, you dig? i am very logical. i may also be pretty emotional (music, films, books, random rogue thoughts make me sob like a baby or crow like a rooster) but i’m CONSTANTLY seeing myself as i react and at this age i have this neat ability to really catch my own wrists before i do something really rash. out of body experience, in a way.
sometimes tho, i can’t catch myself or i see it happening and can only go WELP it has to happen and at least i’m ok knowing that much.
so yeah ppl like me can be tough to deal with. top that all off with the fact that i can be extroverted in THAT way but very often need time to recuperate through quiet periods lacking mega social shit.. i just have gotten used to the idea that i will be by myself forever.
i might have friends and family but i won’t have A Person who would want to be MORE and that’s fine.
mostly bc i tend to not like a lot of people i meet and i’m also not physically into them. for the second half of that statement i’ve come to the conclusion i’m likely asexual too. i’m ok admitting it might be partially bc of my depression and self loathing of my own look/body to a degree, and i know part of it is not trusting anyone to want to get to know what i need/want and respecting that. i do not feel so !!!! about sexual things that i need to make it a priority.
so, asexual right?
and now the fun part:
so then i meet someone. it is NOT out in the real world but on a website. this fuckin hellhole tbh. one of my biggest and most important hobbies is writing and more specifically writing norse myth muses and even MORE specifically doing so to sort of explore my own spirituality regarding the gods. you can see how something like that feels nerdy a fuck and weird and not a thing you can match up with other things to make a perfect person to be into.
sure u can get friends and shit out of it but i never think of more tbh. reasons being: most are much younger. most are asexual and aromantic irl. most i’m just not into physically or they have others or we don’t have a lot more in common besides wanting to write and a few random things.
so again i meet someone. on this website. who does that writing thing. relates they like norse myths. reveals it’s not just a small thing (maybe just medium but i can’t tell yet tbh) and then comes more fun revealed things over casual conversation where i am nosy bc i am with all new people i meet.
older than me! likes the same music (so important so fucking important) a heathen???? has a job! (i mean this sounds dumb but knowing someone can hold down a legit job and they are of an age u feel comfy with can be huge) is the most beautiful fucking person u have ever seen and doesn’t think so themselves but holy SHIT wowowowow at them being literally ur physical fuckin type 2 the max. so far tolerates all my questions and !!!! chatter has a really good, charming personality!! is struggling with their own mental issues and is honest about it! is dominant in the way i’m mega into like crazy is also someone who likes personalities like yours, possibly, esp the part where u need time to be quiet and chill.
but the issues are:
lmaooooooooooooooo i literally only met this person LAST WEEK lives not near me ofc ofc ??? ???? like am i totally one sided?? last one is the doozy. assumption currently: yes, but that’s aight. bc i’m used to it and that SOUNDS sad and makes me kinda sad but not like, in a way where i want anyone to feel guilty lmao. it’s just what it is and life sucks and that’s ok. it has to be ok bc there are bigger problems in the world and being sad all the time over ur own stupid life is stupid in the big picture sort of way i guess.
also if i were him and someone were as !!!!! about me this quick, despite them being you know.. my age... i’d be like “pls simmer down.”
bc like i said waaay up there i am mega aware that i sound like i’m fucking sixteen. it’s the worst. it feels really out of control and i don’t know what to do besides hope they can tolerate me long enough for me to realize nothing is ever going to happen. so we can just be friends.
i dont know that posting this even helps in those regards.
i just have to get things out somewhere in one big chunk or i’ll lose my mind.
i hate being a girl, too, bc i can tell u right now this ENTIRE thing (as in this post and my emotions as of this second) are magnified bc of my time of the month. fuck OFF with all that. why can’t i just be a robot?
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Ayesha Liveblogs Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card S1
Not to be someone born in the 90s but wow this is a change from the more simple animation style new anime truly likes things shiny, intensely bright and round lmao
Ah I guess the prologue is just a reanimation of the original anime finale? That’s fair it helps you reintegrate if it had been nineteen years for you
“That way, you’ll realize who you consider to be your Number One” Eriol’s advice has gotten less cryptic since he stopped lying
“The person I love the most... is you” Lmao didn’t Syaoran ALREADY do this confession in the final battle this is like in Naruto the Last where Naruto just forgot that Hinata had already said she loved him
Fdshkfjhkjdfhksjhfkjh wow Yukito appearing with a flower background and shine effect and softened face is this a style choice or is this just Toya Vision™
I think Toya’s voice IS different rest in pieces I still respect u bro 
“How do I feel about Syaoran” [Pan across Syaoran in floral background] It is a style choice how very shojo manga of you
I’m really very confused by the references to Tokyo Tower bc I’m pretty sure they were battling at Tsukimine Shrine did I miss something??
No I just checked it was definitely at the shrine in the anime did THEY not check or were they like ‘hmmm not enough drama only Tokyo Tower for our battle backdrops pls’
This is the third or fourth flower backdrop in the first ten minutes jkhkdjhg the floral effect artists said ‘I WILL BE SILENT NO LONGER’:
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I DO NOT understand the chronology of this the bear exchange was the last scene in the anime is this before or after the finale???? If it’s after then why is Syaoran still in town
Rjhkjhgkj is the entire point of redoing this episode so Sakura could also give Syaoran a bear
“Toya was too embarrassed, so he had me bring it over and went back to his room” Lmao @ Toya sending his boyfriend to be nice to his sister in his place 
If this show does not stop the floral cutaways I will not be able to take it seriously it is Ouran High School Host Club levels of intensity jdshfkjshdfkjhsdk
“Will you wait for me?” “Yes! I’ll wait! I’ll be waiting!” I think they threw out all continuity just so they could establish that these feelings were for sure mutual for the setup of the sequel series
That, or the original series so heavily discarded manga continuity that they are trying to walk it back to something more accurate without any real explanation
Rffkghkfghkdfhgkj if they’re referencing the original anime bear scene what was the point of that stupid prologue SO WHAT IS THE TRUTH
“My name is Mike. I’m from Portland” LOL references to Americans in anime are always so funny 
“Now I can stay in Tomoeda forever” did u bring ur mom and sisters orrr
Gosh I’m actually quite thrown by how quickly this romance escalated it took them 57 episodes to just use each other’s first names and now it’s taken them one (1) episode to Commit 4Ever At Age 13
HAHAHA do they have smart phones now? Always on the cutting edge
“I Am a Stuffed Animal” some of the quirky captions ARE worth it
“Make sure you tell him... even the smallest things” Yue has become more of a romantic since he got closure and a part-time boyfriend 
“I never knew! Thanks for telling me!” “Never change, Li-kun” kjhgkjhdkj STILL MY GULLIBLE BOY some things don’t ever change
Is that a dragon?? They are really expanding this magical universe
It bears repeating the polar opposite levels of pacing from the two shows it’s only episode one and they’ve already established so many new rules and powers 
I don’t blame them for it though bc they have to put forward some kind of plot progression
There were so many visual effects in that scene I couldn’t even tell what was happening lmao it’s like reading manga battles
“But why are these things happening in Tomoeda again?” I mean not to point fingers but Syaoran’s arrival is fairly recent
“Did Wei-san come back with you” “No, just me. But he said he’d come to check on me in a while” HE’S 13?? CHILD. WELFARE. LAWS!!!!
“I wish that I could’ve used it as a reference” “For what?” “To make something that would look wonderful on you” LMAO now that Syaoran and Sakura are a thing He is Included in the outfits 
“’Great to have you’ so you can do what?” don’t bully ur sister Toya, u r both happy with your respective relationships now
I understood “Gale” but what exactly is a “Siege” card this feels a little abstract 
“We managed to keep him in the dark” did u tho? Again. Moon boyfriend
“So it happened in her room” Did u put a protection spell on that bear or something Syaoran 
I genuinely do not tire of Syaoran and Sakura’s shared gullibility this couple is morosexual solidarity
How convenient that Sakura’s new key just announces whenever there’s a new clear card to collect lmao
I meant what I said about Toya’s love language being touching Yukito somewhere above the shoulders 
“You’ll find out when the time comes” Dfddjhfjkdhf Toya what are you going to DO 
Two cards in one episode is quite a bit for ep 3 I guess they’re trying to give her some more fighting options lol 
Is the implication of the way Sakura just happens to be coming across magical phenomenon that Clow Reed didn’t make his cards but just harnessed magic that existed in nature 
For no reason other than my own suspicion I think that something funky is going on with Syaoran’s powers
“That person was almost the same height as me” I mean so was Eriol
“Sakura and the Lovely Transfer Student” we know by now transfer students mean that shit’s about to get real
“And then you slept with your belly uncovered” “I did not!” Toya’s gentle bullying to distract Sakura is always weirdly sweet
“Your brother is so funny Sakura” CHIHARU’S RIGHT STAN TOYA
“I hope we can be friends” if I know anything about this show this means she’s going to do something very shady immediately
I wonder if this will be the season that Tomoyo’s filming of everything Sakura does finally becomes plot relevant
I do think it’s weird that Sakura trusted a new key without questioning it
I KNEW Syaoran was being suspicious!!! Talking about Sakura with Eriol in secret phone calls
“I came here to be ready for that time, when it comes” current theory is that Syaoran has NO powers and that’s why he is not running out of his classroom for teenage battles with the Forces of Nature
“How much has Yukito-san been eating?” “Not as much as he did when you were in elementary school, but he still eats a lot for his size” This must be a strange conversation for their dad to listen to but I like how this is code for Does Yukito Have Magical Chakra Exhaustion
“Um, I just... Phone call” said Sakura, as she was forcibly moonwalked away right in front of her friends’ eyes
LOL is Tomoyo being unable to film Sakura going to be a recurring joke 
“Don’t worry about it” “I have to, when it’s about you” Syaoran really going Full Boyfriend Mode huh
I’ve never questioned it in until precisely this moment but who pays Kero’s phone bill?? Is it Tomoyo? Who is the account holder for this stuffed animal did she establish Kero as a legal person
“Momo-chan, let’s be friends okay?” I feel like this has to be immediate foreshadowing for Momo being alive
[Cucumber cut incorrectly] “Gotta show Yuki” hjkfhksjdhfkjhd rude of Toya but the caption kills me
Ddjkhfkjdhfjkdhfkjh the pure juxtaposition of this energy:
Tomoyo: They have other things to do
Chiharu, thinking that it’s a romance thing: [Winks]
Syaoran and Sakura: [In the shadows while threatening music plays]
“I didn’t feel... anything” oh NO why r their magic senses NOT tingling
I feel like I have been had, they had an episode called the “Song of the Moon” and Yukito didn’t even show up?? Rude
SCREAM this magical FaceTime call is much funnier than I could’ve imagined
“Yukito is in a recitation club, which he takes very seriously” GDGJFGJGJHGDG Yue very respectful of not occupying Yukito’s time with magical shenanigans LMAO
“And we’ll make them the cutest oxygen masks you’ve ever seen” Tomoyo, like the background effects artists in this anime, will not be stopped
Well colour me inaccurate I guess Syaoran can use his powers and he can do a fancy new sword thing
I like this flying scarf it’s the first of the new cards with a personality
Poor Syaoran always so serious to being a Teenage Wizard is hard
Wow I bet there’s NOTHING weird about the fact Akiho lives in Eriol’s house it’s just pure happenstance (said no one)
“Could we um, go out together?” I think this is the first time someone has explicitly scheduled a date in all 80+ episodes
I really do enjoy Toya’s never-ending list of temp jobs lmao 
“Still going on, huh?” Toya’s older brother senses are unparalleled
Ghgjhfjfjhfjh what is the scale for these heights why is Kaito twice the height of these 13-year-olds
Unsubtle shot of this man’s pocket watch echoing Sakura’s dream
I’ve never seen a more Rich Person Reaction than Akiho getting upset that Katio, a service worker, stated that taking care of her was his job hfkjdhfkjh
“I came to Japan because there was a book I wanted”
1. VERY Rich Person thing to say
2. Wow I wonder which of you has a MAGICAL BOOK that’s been doing weird things lately
“What language is it” “I don’t know, but I’ve learned to read it” me when I hear people speak South Asian languages LMAO
Why does everyone keep referencing the Time That’s Coming? Toya, Syaoran, Eriol... they’ve all caught Mizuki’s affliction of vague and unhelpful prophecies
*One more go to jail Mizuki for the road
I hope that these stupid FaceTime calls with Yue are in EVERY episode from now on
Does the fact that he’s listed as Yue-san in Sakura’s phone mean that there’s a phone for each personality omg
OMG I just realized the ep title (Sakura’s Thrilling Aquarium Visit) must be a throwback to “Sakura’s Heart-Racing First Date” which was not a date but took place at an aquarium. Cute!!
GJHGSHJGFSGH Yue is me whenever people talk about video games:
Kero: Hey, Yue, play an online game with me
Yue: [Hangs up immediately]
“I made you wait” “Nah, I got here too early. It’s still twelve minutes before our meeting time.” I think she and Yukito had this exact exchange in that early ep
“She doesn’t have magical powers, but she’s oddly perceptive” I hope that Meilin’s one and only magical power is precognition lmao
Omg every time someone in this show speaks English I am so thrown 
“I wasn’t sure how I should look at him” awww Syaoran trying to re-establish himself in the family
I guess this aquarium HAS changed in that it developed a security system for when the tank breaks [youknowwhathatisgrowth.gif]
LOL I guess it’s convenient to have an invisibility cloak when ur breaking and entering I was wondering how they were going to deal with their criminal behaviour in the age of cameras
Ep 10. Sakura’s Unbelievable Juvenile Detention Centre
Weel weel weel looks like Sakura isn’t the only one with new powers nice ice Syaoran!! I missed their tag team fights
“You want the person you like to eat good food” Besides the fact Kaito is twice your height and therefore probably an adult... u should not make advances on people u employ - this is all very bad-vibes-no-jutsu
I am shocked that it took this long for Sakura to notice that her new cards paralleled the old cards
Syaoran is staring at Kaito like he murdered his spouse in a previous life 
Also very unclear why Eriol keeps leaving her on read if he’s talking to Syaoran what
I love how Kero has independent friendships and communications with both Yukito and Tomoyo lmao
How many times has Penguin Park been destroyed by now
“Perhaps your dream is gradually progressing” Progressing into what exactly the Battle of the Nice Thirteen-Year-Olds
Why is it that magic in this universe comes with above-average athletic ability LOL
Once again, without a body/personification, these cards seem harsh
Kaito seems like too much of a red herring a la Mizuki so I’m going to assume the other presence we see is someone we either haven’t met yet or smth really fucked up with the rest of the main cast 
I’d lose my mind if it was Toya but I genuinely hope not he’s too nice
I honestly missed Meilin ever since she chilled out a bit she’s very fun
“The emoji in her message definitely looked thrilled” [Bob Dylan voice] For the times they are a-changin’.....
“I don’t know when it’ll happen, but when it does you’ll know” Toya.......
Toya’s absolutely nonplussed reaction to his Moon Boyfriend never ceases to amaze
Yukito: [Sighs and floats into the air to wrap in a wing cocoon]
Toya: [Sitting and staring unfazed] 
Also am I crazy or was that transformation on purpose bc it really had the energy of ‘Fine if you won’t talk to me maybe you’ll talk to Rude Magical Me!!’
“Did I change again?” GUESS NOT LMAO 
Also it’s fun how as different as Yukito and Yue are, their shared brain cell says ‘TOYA COMMUNICATE WITH MEE’ 
“But ever since Syaoran came back, he’s had something important on his mind” People don’t give Sakura enough credit for her emotional intelligence
Can we take a minute to appreciate Sakura’s outfit fashion ICON
What is this Furry card that makes u dress up in ears and a tail lmao
“I’ll treasure [these cookies]” “I’d rather you ate them” LOL
My Furry card prediction gets more and more accurate with each passing second (even a broken clock’s right twice a day)
Uhhhhh Syaoran what did u sell to the moon devil to be able to cut through the space-time continuum
SCREAM this family and their circle of hair cutting (also if Yukito cuts Toya’s hair, does Toya cut Yukito’s? Or does it not grow bc magic jfhkfh)
“I’m pretty sure that was middle school English” Sakura hearing English is me hearing French LMAO 
“Sucks, doesn’t he?” MEILIN PLS
Djhfjkdhkjfhjk Tomoyo’s immediate rage at being the centre of attention
“Surround the entire mansion” Very subtle Sakura I’m sure no one in your whole town will notice
“I hear her father specializes in archaeology, so he might have some interesting books” “Have I mentioned Sakura-san’s father to you before?” [Dramatic cut in music] WELL
Oh my GOD did Kaito just turn back time bc he regretted what he said immediately? Honestly a mood
“You’re so alike, and not just because of your names” I have to say I’ve been thinking since her first appearance that Akiho looks like Nadeshiko so if they’re not related I will be surprised
“Sometimes watching good people makes me feel sad” well damn Meilin
I’m going to guess this Teenage Robot is the equivalent of the fight card that Meilin fought upon her introduction
“Aren’t you and Syaoran doing too much for those you care about, and forgetting to care about yourselves?” WELL DAMN MEILIN U R THE NEW TEENAGE SUPERHERO THERAPIST
 “Can I call you ‘Sakura’ from now on, too?” AHHH THESE KIDS
“We are indeed progressing... toward that time” I feel THREATENED
Once again I cannot stress strongly enough how much I love physical comedy
Sakura: They don’t seem to be causing any harm
The dessert rolls:
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GOD the roll cakes eating each other to form one giant monster Babushka doll roll cake jhfjkdhgkdjhgkj incredible
“Please laugh again” Akiho is v nice I really hope Kaito isn’t mean 
“Once a magical contract is formed, it can’t be broken, unless something really serious happens” [Quirrel voice] Can anyone tell me what foreshadowing is?
“What do you feel” “I think it’s a card” Very observant Sakura I think they gathered that
When Sakura gets all four of the base elements is Momo going to turn into a 200 pound giant rabbit
I like that every time Toya is concerned about Sakura, Yue appears suddenly to discuss the matter seriously with him [Gay and Wondorous Life of Caleb Gallo voice] He’s in this relationship!!
“When you’re angry or upset, it shows on your face, even if you don’t say it” Yue IS in this relationship woooow
“When humans realize they’re talking to a fox, they won’t sell you mittens. In fact, they’ll catch you and put you in a cage.” UH who is the fox in this metaphor not Sakura I hope???
Years later Syaoran is still winded if Sakura makes too much eye contact khgkghkjg 
The fact that Yukito reads at a children’s hospital... truly one of The Nicest Not-Humans On Earth
Well with each passing episode we have less and less reasons to trust these cards and Kaito the Young Magical Butler
Ever since Kaito reversed time, I cannot shake the persistent thought that Akiho IS Nadeshiko. That’d be weird but u know... I’ve seen this show do weirder
“Your sweets look better” “No, yours!” Grandpa witnessing this date
“Also if Sakura-chan goes to college or wants to do something else, he wants to help” TOYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
“Any further, and you won’t be able to return” NADESHIKO BE MORE SPECIFIC 
“It was my robe” Wait what ur family is a magical society or smth and somehow u don’t know Akiho??? How in the whomst
Everyone in this anime is like, ‘Haha Yue looks mad’ as if Yue does not look mad every second that he’s alive
“Nadeshiko would talk to things that weren’t there, and try to reach an understanding with things that couldn’t talk” 91 EPISODES LATER AND MR. KINOMOTO FINALLY ACKNOWLEDGES MAGIC?? OKAY
“I want me to tell me [about your pain] too” wow this is the CALL-OUT EPISODE
“The house they live in was once torn down and replaced with an amusement park” were the continuity errors of accepting the second movie... A PLOT POINT?!?!?!
Yue: Evil magic looming overhead is bad for your wifi signal actually
“I will obtain these new cards. So I can use the relic I took from the association to activate that magic spell” Kaito really laying out his motivations out loud in a library. Insensible. Vague and probably misleading. 1/10 villainous monologue 
Sakura’s powers are WILD she can duplicate the strength of her magic 
“Power that’s too strong will bring unhappiness to its owner” SYAORAN :((
I feel like the only way this can end is Toya giving Sakura magical noogie so she doesn’t have to carry all of her powers like the reverse of what he did for Yue-kito 
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