#I know this is technically two eps but it’s the ARC of it all ok
66sharkteeth · 4 months
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Weekly thoughts Ep 173-
Well i said last week that I'd definitely have more thoughts this week, but here I am again, kind of just empty headed as I start this. I was actually pretty excited for this episode, just because it's the first time we see Jericho undeniably as the villain, as well as his scion's first canon lines technically.
But I dunno, feedback lately is kind of killing my enthusiasm. I know the majority of readers are still enjoying the comic, but it's exhausting to see the negative comments increase, ranging from people just being disappointingly moronic about there being LGBT themes in the story, to people telling me the story is going down hill. To which... I'm sorry! But! How?! Like I'm trying to wrap my brain around it. I'm not immune to criticism, there are plenty of points in the story that I agree were not the best writing, but this is not one of them. I've seen comments ranging from "not enough is happening" to "things are only happening for the sake of conflict" and both of those points baffle me. How is everything that's transpired in the past 10 episodes alone nothing? Sorry, do I have to kill off ALL of the cast for it to be "something"? And as for conflict only happening for the sake of conflict???? I literally don't know how to respond to that. Conflict is how a story progresses. Should Rex and Jericho just have...hugged it out?? Should Jericho just have been like "Actually, you know what Claude, I think I do just need therapy. This world domination thing was a bad idea." Should Rex have, back when everyone was betraying him and joined the bad guys, been like "Actually, the systemic treatment of me is fair. I guess I'm just gonna go to jail now instead of going into hiding with these guys. See ya!"
I dunno. I've been SO sad and down the past two weeks, but typing this out I've progressed to angry haha. Mad at homophobes and media illiteracy taking away the pleasure I get from sharing this comic. In a venty way, to be clear. I definitely don't think I'll post this one anywhere else because I can see people saying I don't take criticism or something, but man. No. I can and I have. But the points made this week would make for a flat out bad and BORING story. And I'm so mad people just want my story to be so BORING because they just don't like facing negative emotions in a story. There will be a light at the end of the tunnel of this story eventually, but we're just in the tunnel currently. I'm not gonna hurry up the tour for everyone else just because you're afraid of the dark.
Raugh ok, I guess this wasn't actually much about the actual episode, was it? Ironic that the big villain monologue episode is where I finally kind of lose it and monologue myself. I guess for the sake of actually commenting on the ep...
Yes, I had lots of fun drawing this ep. I've been waiting a long time to have Jericho's scion finally "speak." There's also a lot of cracks showing in Claude that I'm glad people are taking note of. I've said it before, but Claude's development has been some of my favorite to write in the entire story, and we're still in his arc. Excited for things coming up for him.
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jewishcissiekj · 9 months
A few people decided to hear me out on Mon/Asajj so👍no they don't have much content but here are some of my favorite moments of them
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WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS ABOUT. This is like Latts and Asajj but worse. "I'm not an enemy of the Republic by choice. I mean to destroy the Jedi" ok kiss her then? why are you going out of your way to let this random Senator you just met know that you want to kill Jedi but not her. And then letting her go back to Coruscant like that? idk something was going onnnnn (from TCW Season 2 ep 23 Enemies of the Republic)
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GFDDGFDFGGFG listen. I did not like that they didn't have Mon wear some kind of disguise when she goes to meet her but that's like my only problem with their part of the episode. Their bond and the fact that they kept in contact after their first meeting??? I'm reading into this but also. come on. I get that it's to serve Ahsoka's arc by getting Asajj to Courscant but it's soooooo (Season 4 Episode 24 - Hidden Alliances)
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I feel like a lot of people don't remember/ignore this scene in To Catch a Jedi but it's my favorite. It's a neat follow-up to the previous two and it's such a cool reveal that they're still working together and shit. love it.It kinda contradicts the ending of HIdden Alliances but it's TCW so it makes sense lmao
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This one's technically not a moment of them and more Mon talking to Leia about her old Republic Senator days but they are in the same panel so I think it counts and it's nice as a reference to their TCW interactions (from Star Wars Adventures: Tales of the Republic #4)
yeah ok they make me ill that's all for today
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chainofclovers · 1 year
i love reading your TL episode thoughts, and im curious for your opinion on something i noticed. s1 had 10 episodes, s2 had 10 but they added two non-linear eps after the fact. s3 is technically the first to have 12 straight connected linear episodes, do you think that having 12 episodes in s3 wasnt in the initial plan for the overall arc of the show when it first started so that's why s3 is a bit clunky?
Hi, thank you so much for this nice ask! It's an interesting question--although I suspect they've known since they started working on s3 that they'd get 12 episodes, mostly because I don't think they'd have such a surprising "make extra episodes!" thing happen twice. (I don't have a source to cite on that, I've just assumed that even though they didn't film perfectly chronologically, they knew the size and shape of the season from the time they began it.)
I also don't have a source to cite for this, but I feel like I remember reading somewhere that when Apple ordered two additional episodes for s2, they already had a variety of stories mapped that they'd chosen to scrap, and they chose the Christmas one and the Beard one from there! Which makes me very happy. I like that 2x4 and 2x9 feel distinct and even nearly standalone, yet in both cases they do slot chronologically into the narrative and--at least in my own viewing experience--greatly enhance our understanding of who the characters are and what they're experiencing. 2x4 taught me tons about Ted's dad-grief, and I can't watch Beard onscreen without thinking about the inner life revealed in 2x9.
There have definitely been clunky moments in s3 (although I've loved the season overall, and largely have enjoyed it more than I enjoyed s2). Without knowing anything about anything, if I had to guess those moments where a scene clunks along a bit is more about the passion/pressure/intensity of landing the plane on a very long-planned, very personal story than it is about the writers/producers/etc. having to fit more narrative into the season than they'd planned for. However one feels about the new characters and plotlines, they're all part of a continuous timeline in s3 rather than dropped into episodes that could stand alone. I'm not interested in criticizing individual writers for telling personal stories (even though I was critical of the writing of certain scenes in 3x8) or in criticizing the entirety of Ted Lasso for the ways it has reflected or intersected real life. (Which I realize is not what you are doing in this ask! My reply is meandering, lol.) Art is about life, and that's OK. But I definitely get this feeling that if they started pre-s1 with this massive blob of material and potential, and then started pulling that massive vision into individual episodes, and that when they got to starting in on s3 they were staring at a whoooole lot of vision left to go and the attempt to honor that is, simply, imperfect.
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shadowed-dancer · 2 years
Thoughts on Episode 124 (S6 E11)
Reeling reveals, devilish dancing, and brutal broadcasts. Let’s talk about it
HUGE spoilers for the episode but nothing for the manga. That said, it is wild that the contents of this episode are no longer considered a spoiler
Oh boy these Dabis sure do be dancing
I am going absolutely feral this episode was so good!
However I will do my best to stay composed
I gotta start with a nitpick just to get it off my chest. Way back in episode 1 of this season, they added a frame when Twice talks about the League that showed Dabi sitting in a chair. Many people (myself included) assumed this was a reference to his video, but the chairs were different colours (ep 1 it was blue, now it is red)?! WHAT?! WHY?! I know it’s random but it just bugs me. This season has been really good with keeping little details straight and then they do something like this. Given the fact that Dabi was wearing clothes in that scene, it is now my hc that he filmed multiple versions of this and picked the one that felt the most dramatic (must have decided that shirtless with a red chair was the way to go lol)
And I need to reiterate: that is absolutely a nitpick that in no way takes away from the rest of the episode. I just found it odd that they went through the trouble of adding such a scene to episode 1, but didn't keep it consistent
Ok anyways as for the episode itself
ueah this good
Brain happy
The first, Dabi-less half is honestly wonderful, which surprised me that they put so much effort into it
Ochako and Toga both looked gorgeous, and the tension between the two was done lovely
Then the episode switched to Endeavor and like one insanely smooth shot and this episode went from a 10 to a 10 billion
However, I’ll admit it, I kind of didn’t like the rearrangement regarding the broadcast. I loved how the manga had a little hint in the Toga section of tvs losing their signal, then the chapter starts with Rei, goes to the battlefield, and then cuts back to the broadcast
The bit with Toga made it all feel connected, like it’s happening at the same time, but it’s fine that it’s gone
I’m more disappointed by the rearrangement with Rei. It gave it a bit of build up that the anime adaptation now lacks, and honestly I was a bit taken aback by how sudden the moment popped up
I mean I guess props for showing how Endeavor must have felt lol
Upon a rewatch it doesn’t bother me nearly as much, but still. It’s probably just because I’m so used to the manga at this point
That being said, the second the monologue started all my complaints totally melted away
The voice acting! The animation! The DANCING! They really made him clap and spin around and I LOVE IT
and on that note TINY BABY FUYUMI
Any and all nitpicks I made previously are now null and void because of that scene of Fuyumi with a flower and Touya clinging to Enji’s arm
Oh man I love this episode
Also! Confirmation that the Sekoto fire was red! I’m glad they kept it, because many people were pointing out that that was likely the main reason Enji didn’t suspect Dabi
Im curious to see how they handle the soccer flashback when we eventually get there (mostly regarding hair colour lol. I want to know if they are going to give an explanation why it was red, or if they’d gonna colour it white and pretend they didn’t mess up haha)
I don’t know how I felt about Best Jeanist starting and ending it. I knew it was coming because I read the manga and had a feeling they’d sandwich the episode like this, but it almost felt like it was taking away from Dabi’s big moment
Which ha! I guess he technically was!
Still, it reminds me of the upcoming arc, which I am reluctant to think about
I don’t know what else they could have done, I just wanted Dabi to have a moment I guess (and I also wanted to forget how many cliffhangers the upcoming arc has lol)
Ooooohhhh and the ed hurt. I had a feeling they’d do a young and old Touya thing, but MAN did they do it well. Everything about it. The bright yellows to the cold blues, the big smile to the scream, oh my gosh
Anyways, overall 10/10. If you think this review sounds nitpicky it’s because there’s only so many ways I can express my absolute joy, yet it takes time to explain my grievances (however slight they may be)
I’m away for family stuff this week but you can bet that if I weren’t I would be watching this episode on constant repeat
Guess that will have to wait for next week lol
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pearlaqua-eevee · 1 year
ok and the rest of ep 22 liveblog
Urahara always showing up like that. Shady neutral until the end I see
Renji too obviously lol
"You guys are pissed at Uryu Ishida too?" lmfao Bazz-B
"I can give you a hand to go a kill him!" honey thats their FRIEND lmao sit down
hi protective-over-Uryu Rukia and Renji yeesss
ok but I do like that everyone actually gets a reaction to Uryu's betrayal, kinda shuts up the "he wasnt significant" naysayers in the fandom--BITCH HES SIGNIFICANT TO HIS FRIENDS AND EXTENDED FAMILY
"What dont you like chickens" LMFAO Renji woke up ready to sass because between this and the fight against Mask....
aaa they did such a good job with the nostalgic parallels on this, ugh it makes me wanna go watch SS arc again back when the stakes were technically way lower but just because the core cast was ignorant lol
lol the dual Ichigo Orihime head tilt was cute
loved that shot of Ichigo, Orihime and Chad lookin badass and ready. Protect them!!!
"whats with that brat" people dont like to be misgendered, is whats up (no seriously they couldnt fine a single extra alt line for the reason that Gigi got pissed? We had to keep the phobia in? ok -_- )
sorry but as a writer, Yumichika suddenly being this observant and picking up on what the audience already knows just on observation, without any indication of how or why he's make the leap from "theyre bombs" to "they make whatever they touch explode"....its such a ooc-for-ic-knowledge moment to be able to have these two have a prayer of fighting back. So while the rest of the fandom is made about like 1 frame or not getting Bambi with her top unzipped, I'll be over here rolling my eyes at how this wasnt changed
I know people are probably mad about the pervert line too but because they actually did edit that line, it becomes directly about what Gigi said about being "excited" and yeah thats sick and twisted, hi, psychopath serial killer energy
"Um I wasnt asking why youre shining" LMFAO ROAST HIM GIGI
the fact that I know the fandoms been saying that scene was "hot"....and it actually is so much worse in the anime because of the voice acting....theres a reason that dialogue reads R rated, its meant to, and its meant to disgust you and theres a reason I stay away from like 95% of the fandom thats all im gonna fucking say on that
"you think im ordinary when you just said I was outstanding?" "dont take it personally, compared to me everyone is ordinary"
not me thinking about how Uryu might outwit the use of those reishi locking things
yeaaah like I know Gigi's powers are fucked up but really imagine fighting these people and realizing that not only can one of them create zombies they can control, but theyve done it to people you know and recognize. Again, no wonder the Quincy are viewed as abominations?!
"I came to see that four-eyed Quincy to make him pay for what he did to me" what, so he can absolutely destroy you again? (lol sorry, I LOVE Cirucci, shes one of my fav Arrancar but GIRL. He's gotten stronger since then, I don't think you wanna actually go for him again. Love the shoutout to that tho!?)
characters being able to be revived like this really takes tension out tho lol
so like....we're all in agreement that Mayuri is a "just like what you're fighting" type character, right? Like I get loving him for being twisted and honestly open and obvious about it (unlike other villain characters and in particular some of the Quincy)... like on the one hand as a PERSON, I'm like "love to hate this character, kinda badass in a sick way". but yeah like. He's just as bad as the Quincy and I think it puts a lot of his actions in this arc into perspective in a really interesting way
Gigi singsonging while healing Bambi is really disturbing and I love this character archetype a lot so its nice to see it done well. Shes MEANT to disturb you
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homoose · 3 years
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Day 1: Favorite Episode
↳ Valhalla/Lauren
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charmixpower · 2 years
Rewatching season 1 (and actually paying attention to Sky to figure out what the fuck everyone is talking about): Part 5
EP 21:
Bloom will barely react to near death but will shun herself after a break up, nothing about her priorities are normal
✨⭐ Shine bright like a diamond ⭐✨
Stella should be exhausted from melting all this ice
Daphne is suddenly blue now
Who the FUCK is that voice when she grabbed the crown
"the king and queen of Domino, convinced they lost both their daughters chose to go into exile to grive."
.....I forgot that up to the first movie was planned, yeah them bitches were always ment to be alive huh
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If Bloom is about 5'6, and Daphne is more than full head taller than her
Daphne is at least 6'0 ok???
Also blue Daphne!!
"I'm off to find you!" Daphne is alive??? And hiding??? Also Bloom referring to Daphne in third person
This episode has one to the best pre transformation scenes!!! They way they all jump up!!!
I guess we all know if Flora would of passed the bringing life to a desolate planet exam now :)
Tecna should turn her hood into a helmet more often
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Musa finally using her focus in combat!!!!
(magical tools like Stella's "sword" and Nabu's staff are called focuses now bc they help focus magic, yes I'm bad at names)
"Isn't there a saying that goes the best defence is a good offence!"
Stella takes only offensive magic and basic magic classes confirmed
Tecna cracking so many jokes about Bloom being a princess
Musa's speaker spells are the best, just under her disco ball spells
I love how Bloom just hits shit when she can't transform, love her
Flora doesn't have any true offensive spells (spells that hurt on impact) she creates plants to attack (which is technically categorized as defensive and I need better names)
Stella: Cool ✨💖
Stella: wait I'm supposed to be mad at you, I retract that cool
Holy shit I didn't realize how fucking big that thing was until now
Bloom being a leader and telling Tecna what to do even while she can't do anything herself...it was ment to be
They could use version of convergence in s1, the mixing of magical spells, but cannot use true convergence, the mixing of raw magic
Stella is being so nice to Brandon for how angry she was
Bloom you are accepting Sky's apology wayyy too fucking fast
He doesn't get that apology accepted until at least the season finale, come on! Cheating is like one of the the biggest dick moves you can make in a relationship!!
Sky really really said "you always said I was your friend and nothing more", trying to put this on her omg, are the writers ok???
Bloom should of smacked the shit out of him for that one 💕💞
Winx club acknowledge that you have two of your male leads starting off as huge pieces of shit, and not just one 💗
"I forgive you" NO TF YOU DON'T
Oh wow this is making me angry at the writers. You had a another perfectly good meow meow in need of a redemption arc and a scene where he confronts the bad parts of himself and you throw it away to let Sky be the prince in shining armor
*ripping Sky out of the hands of the writers* I'll give him consequences!!!! And a character arc!!!!! AND ITS GONNA HAVE BLACK JACK AND—
Hmmmm of course the Sky Riven rivalry needs to be less one sided, to make it more obvious that their both bastards. Add a couple parallel scenes of Darcy/Riven, Sky/Diaspro (if I'm smart enough to do that), to set up Diaspro mind controlling Sky in s3. A few moments of each girl commenting on how Sky can be kinda a dick, a jokingly slightly snide comment about how "at least Riven isn't hiding he's a jackass", make a little Brandon glaring a hole though Sky's head all though out s1 on the top for flavor.....tbh I don't know what anyone was expecting. My favorite characters are Riven and Musa, I like it when characters are kinda bad people and have to learn to be better. Thats fucking god tier
If they just leaned into this angle of Sky being raised wrong and trying to unlearn his worst behaviors but still fucking up royally, with maybe a heart to heart about why he makes these horrible decisions sometimes, I'd like him a lot more!!
Idk in arguments with Bloom it's like he's not allowed to be straight up wrong, it's like none of the girls are allowed to be straight up wrong, cringe. I'm going to hit Sky with a stick labeled "character development" and "flavor" I'll be back
I'm actually going to punch Sky 💕💞, who told you your allowed to be happy rn? Your supposed to be as miserable as Riven rn, go to your corner cheater
EP 22:
Bloom should be way more unhappy about the Knut thing after her parents nearly died lol
Red Fountain castle....these schools are castles
Literally all of the Winx are making eye contact with eachother when Fragona says "the boys will stay here for now", Tecna may be aroace but she loves and supports her allos
Riven does (1) self reflection
Can he hear Stormy and Darcy talking out side of his cell about messing with his head???? Wait, kids show nvm
Why is Riven reacting so strongly, like he knows this is just Darcy right?
What is that thing??? Is that one of the army of decay but recolored or is that Darcy's original monster do not steal
Riven regains his sense of self with free help from Darcy!
Darcy's illusions...can be touched bestie
"There are many things I don't like about myself but I'm far from being a monster"
Would of loved if you expressed any of this BEFORE this moment
"I have a heart!!!!"
I'm not crying shut up
Ughh I just wanna give him a hug, is that so bad??
Riven bby understanding that becoming a better person isn't about making people forgive you, and no one owes your forgiveness if you become better
Sky definitely would struggle with that *laughs maniacally*
"I have a few friends too"
Hmmm I mean in the context of "hey I was manipulated and also Darcy was literally in my head" yeah
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My meow meow is more pathetic than yours
"hey! Kiddo!" Glad you finally decided to speak up Griffin
"it would of been impossible to guess what their planning"
They tried to kill people. Are we forgetting that?
"I've always been good a picking locks [....] The person hasn't been born yet who can keep me locked up."
And then this trait is never shown again
He just walks out
Griffin got a cooler lock than him lmao
Riven with magic is a fun headcanon exclusively if you don't give him enough to over power anyone, then he has to use his ingenuity—which is one of his best traits!!
Like Riven with enough fairy magic but can't transform and vice versa with witch magic
I think witch magic seems more complicated??? Compared to fairy?? Which would make it more fun to give him bc then hed have to really work to do weird shit
All of this to say:
That's the only thing Riven having magic is necessary for, bc then magic locks CAN keep him locked up and thats just not right babes
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Background characters that could of been main characters with designs that pretty number 1, the witch Hecate
Goddamn rocking that light blue and red combo
That chick in the background comes from the same planet as Riven, you can tell by the shonen anime hair
Griffin sounds genuinely scared for Riven
He changed into his specialist uniform...but didn't bring any weapons?? Wouldn't that just be on his suit?
"Is this were it ends? No. You'll never get me."
Riven going from "I'm going to die" to "I'm too spiteful to die" to "the only one that kills me is me"
Salidin remembering that Faragona is a lying liar
I need to think more about thoese twins that work at CT
Bloom????? Are you ok????
She doesn't feel fear apparently
Sky agreed too quickly for how upset he seemed
Icy: NO—! Oh well he chose his own fate
All of the Trix have pretty strong on Riven apparently
"it's the same story as always, your stubborn as a mule" SAY IT MUSA
You'd think that Bloom would have a suit or something rather than her nomral clothes
Stella: So. Your not a prince.
Brandon: unfortunately, no. I'm Brandon, Sky's page
(First a squire, now a page, which...his job description is still bodyguard)
Stella: So Sky tricked Bloom and you tricked me
Brandon: and that changes everything
Stella: maybe, maybe not
Brandon, unlike Sky who attempted to push blame off of himself and instantly apologized, seems to have done the emotional equivalent of rolling over and dying
Man's has given up
Stella should not have enough magic to go on this mission. She should of collapsed after unfreezing Domino Palace
Icy wants to torture Alfea
Knut is a fucking dumbass 💕
The fact that Stella hasn't set him on fire yes is astounding, I wouldn't have enough patience for this
You know, CT is alive but I wouldn't assume the tunnels under it would be too
Why does CT have a personal garbage dumb?
Oh that's why, they have bugs that eat them
"No! Wait! If we attack we run the risk of blowing our cover!" "True. If we kill one the witches will sense it and we can kiss our surprise attack goodbye."
What? Are the BUGS apart of the tower??
These bugs are made of metal what the fuck
Bloom is definitely up there with the girls that can get along fine in a fight without magic, she's so unhinged
I love it when Bloom growls
(no seriously why are these bugs made of metal)
Good afternoon blorbo
There has to be like different tracks one can go into at RF. What ever Riven is in he's clearly the best at it bc everyone is freaking the fuck out over him
Is this an excuse to make all the boys "top of their class" by having them in different sections? Yeah, absolutely. Why?
You should of broken so many bones
Sky is so excited to see Riven, did you to not hate eachother the last time you saw— you know what whatever, this is admittedly adorable
Riven tries to apologize and Sky accepts it before he can even finish
Bloom is even jumping on Riven
Y'all are too nice around here
He's so pointy
EP 23:
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Riven, babe, when did you have time to change clothes
This show is so poorly made (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Brandon sassing Sky and Riven in quick succession. What ever Brandon is being paid it's not enough
That eye thing is fucking disgusting
"I still can't get over what's happening! I mean....this should of been a normal school year. Instead, were involved in a major crisis and we've got to safe Alfea! And the magic dimension!"
Musa having some very normal thoughts
"Look at it this way. This experience is teaching us so much more than school books could. We're part of historical events. We've had to come up with spells that can never be reproduced! We've got to fight alongside some of the most powerful people in the dimension!"
Tecna being fucking badshit (affectionate)
"you find all that thrilling do you! Well I don't like it at all! I'd rather be safe!!! At home!! With my parents!!!"
Nomral thoughts from a very interesting looking background character (seriously. Spot the main character is weirdly hard in Winx)
Musa: Flora's right!!!! We're like a big orchestra!!!! And each one of us has a very important part to play!!!!
Shut up I love her
Musa: each one of us is absolutely essential
I could write an essay about this moment, I won't tho. Just understand that Musa is perfect and I love her
Musa, Flora, and Tecna rallying the troops fjsndne
Tecna, talking about love: it can't be that bad
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Knut: See! Over there is where they hide all their secrets!!
Riven: are you trying to make me homesick?
I—what the FUCK was your home life like to warrant this comment
How can Bloom not recognize her own power????
When Bloom growls >>>>
"most powerful", get swatted aside by Griffin
When did all these background witches get cloaks
Where are the other two teachers??? :(( Where are the other members of staff that I care about so deeply???? Cruel
And they can't teleport off planet?
Sky is really dedicated....to everything but taking responsibility for his own actions ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖💙
Hi Stormy, I see you've made it out of the cage
EP 24:
Adults stop being upset in front of the kids
Some of these characters look like normal humans and others are so obvious alien. That's never more clear than when Griffin and Faragonda talk
Griffin and Faragonda are divorced
Sky is a kind guy™ but he's also a weird selfish inconsiderate person, at the same time. Layers
I now hc that Sky is specifically Codatorta's best student (even tho it should really be Brandon)
Where is Alfea's magical barrier???
The only thing the weird s3 call back had on this was the dedication on maintaining the barrier
Separate then incinerate, guys, come on
What the fuck is Salidn's and Codatorta's relationship?? They seem like they should be related or something.... Son in law maybe?
Brandon: don't be scared, I'm right here with you
Stella: well that's exactly what I'm afraid of my darling prince
Brandon: I want to ask you to forgive me for-
(Brandon runs his hands though his hair when nervous)
Stella: making me believe your a prince when in fact your just a simple attendant
Brandon: yeah
Stella: dont worry about that Brandon, I don't care if your a prince or not. My parents are royalty and it hasn't done then any good, has it!
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What is with this show and giving characters horrible undercuts?!
I see people, rightfully, mocking Riven for his stupid hair and not enough people dragging Brandon for this tragedy on his head
Musa: Hey love birds~! What are you doing? It seems we can't leave you alone for a second
Flora: oh leave them alone, they're so cute together
Stella: don't you two have something better to do? *Magic's a pillow at Musa's face*
Brandon: Ha! You were three feet off the ground
Stella: Please. Be nice to my friends. I'm the only one allowed to torment them
Flora may be the mom friend of all mom friends, but Stella older sister friend reigns supreme
Sky really said as you wish, sir, did your tutor teach you that
There's nothing quite as cool as Stella teleporting mid battle
This music is so depressing
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Magixs is going to have a very strong therepy industry soon methinks
EP 25:
How have they not saved Mirta yet?
Omg Musa is so sassy about helping Mirta
Daphne is so pretty 🥰
I feel so bad for what I wanna do with this scene, but tbh Daphne makes no sense in canon (with the way she just disappears after s1) so I think I'm justified
Bloom how are you breathing underwater
Anyways Charmix should of been it's one transformation
Magic Winx gets a cutesy theme, Charmix would get a more metal one (like the RF theme), and Enchantix would keep the hauntingly beautiful one it has
And suddenly BOOM Charmix transformation
Bloom is BACK BABY!!!
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I can't believe they fridged Mirta for a whole season, that has got to be a crime
"don't be silly! I think I'll go for a walk."
Musa is so adorable and obvious about her crush. She tries to hard to not be like other girls, but in reality she's a blushing school girl though and though
Mirta being smug about them lmao
Stella: Riven!!! I think she's coming down!!!
Riven: oh god, oh fuck, I'm not ready—
This has got to be in Sky's top ten list for trauma, just the whole city dead
Tecna: must you always be joking Stella?
Stella: what do you want me to do! When I get serious I think of Bloom and I go nuts!
Tecna will always be bothered by Stella's main coping mechanism
"the children are beginning to show effects of battle fatigue" BEGINNING?!
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The chairs are fucking dope, ngl, this is sick as fuck
So much time dedicated to Sky fighting this thing, not enough time dedicated to Sky realizing that being a cheater makes him a fucking dick, cringe fail writers—
Hey Bloomy! Your amazing as always
Bloom absolutely carried Sky all the way to Alfea. This is just a fact
Icy's number one weakness is her pride
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onceuponamirror · 3 years
just watched the new nancy drew ep! here are my thoughts:
1. firstly, i’m for equal-opportunity-pining. nancy realized Feelings last season and has been low key not low key pining since then---for whatever was going on in ace’s mind while she was with gil, he was also with amanda and clearly, from the writing, was not acknowledging Feelings As Feelings. so i do not mind to see some active pining on both their ends, tbh.
2. let’s not call this a love triangle; an attempt it may be, and i respect all thoughts on why that’s not fun for viewers, but two points of the triangle are main characters. one isn’t. it’s math!! 
2a. i don’t even know park’s first name. that’s how little fleshing out he has had. 
2b. ok technically i don’t also know ace’s last name. but we all know it’s hardy
3. from a character pov, honestly, this makes sense. sure, on one hand we can look at it from a basic writing pov: we have 3 more episodes and there needs to be an emotional arc to carry us into the finale. ace and nancy can’t get together til end of ep 12, maybe 13, and there needs to be x obstacle. is it disappointing that it’s another love interest?
maybe. but it’s incredibly in character for nancy to hide her actual feelings with the rush of a fresh fling and to use sex as a distraction. is it healthy of her? is it a backslide? should she have sat with what she thought was rejection from ace and waited for an explanation rather than take the easy option that she’s not as emotionally invested in? duh. but it’s also classic her. she’s a brick wall. 
but this is also part of the pay off i’m expecting for nace as we get towards the finale. some kind of vocalization that nancy knows she’s using park as a temporary bandaid for what she is stifling and expecting rejection, because with ace it’s been building for so long that she’s terrified of implosion and actually reliving her hurt and abandonment issues. 
4. that said, poor park, right? but i’m not convinced. he seems like a nice guy, but it also seems a bit too tidy. he accepted the supernatural way too easily (maybe it’s plot, but), he and temperance have had a few weird moments, where he dropped everything for her, and then i haven’t forgotten the hand shaking bit that definitely felt like an important moment. i’m not convinced he doesn’t have an agenda that’s tied to a larger plot, and felt like he was very careful in how he answered questions under a truth serum. 
so that’s it. i wouldn’t worry, bebes, and i’m ready for the next part of the ride!
and i love angst. so. viva angst
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nevermiind · 2 years
TW: techno and kenkla (LBC/LBC2) // TW: SA // TW: I may offend some people
BUT whenever i see someone saying anything remotely positive or shippery towards techno and kenkla i get so fucking pissed cause i really can't get how people ship this two characters WHEN ONE R*PED THE OTHER. R*pe is NEVER a start of a relationship. I HATED their storyline, i skipped them in LBC and in LBC2 cause i was so uncomfortable watching them knowing what was gonna happen and after what happened. Mame writes some pretty fucked up shit (cof cof *Type kidnapping Fiat in TT2* cof cof) but the TechoKenkla storyline continues to be the one I hate the most.
And I'm NEVER gonna understand people that ship them. NEVER. Everything about them was SO wrong and Techno deserved better. He deserved to be happy without having to interact with the person that r*ped him. Also, Technic is also a fucked up person that never got shit for what he did.
But, Kenkla having a redemption arc is something that really boils my blood. He doesn't deserve redemption. He should've payed for what he did.
This is the Lhong special ep all over again. WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!?! The fact that he has personal problems should never be an excuse to act the way he did. I'm not invalidating his issues but i don't excuse his HORRIBLE behavior and actions because of them. Ok, rant over
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glassesandkim · 3 years
ok so anon sent me a rant that i asked for and I want to answer it but under a cut so we don’t have to spam the dash. 
Click under the read more if you want to read me and anon’s rant on grey’s anatomy s17 finale
anon said: “Magston... what the hell lmao. They literally had a whole plot in 1716 about postponing their wedding so they could do it right (with family) and then winston was getting all mad about it and thought maggie was backing out (even though its a pandemic and theyve only been engaged for like what? 3 months tops). Then they flew their older parent/grandparent out (in the middle of a pandemic and severely affects old people), only to have them object to the wedding at the ceremony and then they postpone anyways???? What???? They couldnt have done that over the phone lmao like I liked the idea of magston a lot in s16 but their arc this season made me hate them so much lol. Sometimes I think theyre less developed than schmico (like which writer decided to marry them this season ????? Fireable offence imo considering they have no previous relationship history Im pretty sure and Im pretty sure they were only dating/engaged for like a year???? Even if the show was ending a moving in together/dating/engagment endgame would have worked for them? Anyways).”
First of all: what the fuck is grey’s obsession with marriage?????
It might just be me, but take it from someone who worked in the wedding industry for 3 years, and lemme tell you: weddings are fun, beautiful, amazing, but they’re also hella for the privileged. YOU KNOW IT CAN COST UP TO $700 CAD TO HIRE AN OFFICIANT??? So the job Richard had? He could’ve made an easy few hundies. 
I really hate how fucking fake and badly acted that scene was when Maggie’s dad and Winston’s grandma objected to the marriage. Why did they wait until then and EMBARRASS both of them???? Like you said, what the hell was the point of last episode’s whole debacle???? They could’ve just not done that plot in ep 16 and had them get married anyway in ep 17 and had someone object to their marriage. 
Can’t believe Maggie flew two old people around the country during a goddamn pandemic. How irresponsible is it???? Again, I don’t know if it’s because they’re just way more relaxed in the states than where I’m from but wth....
anon said: Okay and then amelink. I LOVED how amelia was written this episode, but in the context of the time jump it was kind of weird? Like amelia was feeling this way about marriage/more kids for 8-9 months and never even hinted to link that she wasnt interested? And I like to think link respects amelia a lot, so why didnt he bring up marriage again before proposing? Or ask mer/maggie what they thought about him proposing? I can understand her not talking to link about her concerns but I find it hard to believe she didnt bring it up with mer/maggie once in that time frame? Idk it was just rushed and weird. And amelia clearly wasnt okay with the fostering thing and he still went with it anyways lol.
I can’t remember and I don’t care enough to go watch the ep, but did Amelia and Link move out of Mer’s house? 
The only good thing about this episode was Amelia, especially her conversation with Richard (in that not very Seattle courtyard rofl HONESTLY GREY’S PUT SOME EFFORT IN YOUR SETS. YOU KNOW YOUR ENTIRE SHOW IS SET IN SEATTLE RIGHT/???? LIKE MAKE IT RAIN IN THAT COURTYARD TO REFLECT HOW AMELIA FEELS IDK GAWD)
I also can’t believe Amelia would just be like, welp! I guess I’m a double mom now of my own child and this random crotch child that my baby daddy promised to his best friend. And oh ya, I don’t want anymore children but shhh its a secert.
I mean, I know Amelia technically fostered before but ............. (i’ll continue this in the next segment)
anon said: And the fostering thing... Jo’s plot was weird this ep too lmao. Like maybe Im just dumb but they never explained why she failed her background check? Idk this plot would have been a much better season long arc than a one episode arc lol. Although I think the single parent thing might be fun next season (the weird jo/levi friendship will be worth it if we get schmico babysitting)
They didn’t really explain why she failed her bg check. I also don’t know how money can fix her failed background check.
Also how fucking shady is it that Link and Amelia fostered a child? Wouldn’t the foster people want to give a child to a stable family who, let’s think, ARE MARRIED and HAVE A HOME OF THEIR OWN?
Who’s the dumbass in the writer’s room that thought of this ludicrous convenient solution for Jo? Only people with that much money and power can steal children. 
I really thought Jo’s fight for Luna should’ve started earlier and when it didn’t start, I thought it would bleed into next season. It’s not easy to adopt a child. 
anon said: Also is our last jackson appearance on this show really a random facetime with jo? Would have much rather had a face maggie to congratulate her on her marriage (why wasnt he there???) 
Maggie’s kind of his step sister or whatever the f they are. Jackson could’ve taken a break from solving racism to attend his family member’s wedding, right?
anon said: Okay and then the interns... we never actually saw mer teaching them? Im hoping that theres a bigger intern/resident focus next season because of mers new job but now Im not optimistic haha. And why are the residents and interns grouped together? And why was levi so involved with mer’s patient that he wasnt pulled from the wedding to help???????? Its a double lung transplant get the upper year resident in there PLEASE!!! Or at least let him take over the surgery when mer passed out. Cristina would have been doing this shit in her intern year. I assure you he would much rather be at the surgery than the wedding of someone he has never interacted with. And Surely that surgery would have been better if more than 2 surgeons were working on it?????? my ONLY hope is that the time jump means we’re getting helm and levi aged up to 5th years and we get some chief resident/specialization/boards plots for them next year.
i hate grey’s and their ridiculous time jumps and blatant disregard to HOW THIS WILL AFFECT THE CAREERS OF THEIR RESIDENTS. 
I bet, like Teddy’s child, Levi and Helm are gonna be residents for 10 years and never choose a speciality. I want to revoke grey’s rights to call themselves a medical drama. There’s nothing medical about this show.
(Okay, I’m also sure the basin would be sterile but I can’t. I can’t believe in real life, they’d have the same hands hold a basin and a human organ. Someone who’s a doctor or works in the OR, tell me if I’m right. I need to know. )
Also, Bailey taking off her mask when she’s hugging Mer after the surgery. Right TO JAIL!
anon said: And finally... not half of maggies wedding guests ditching the wedding to go stand in a hallway and clap for mer LMAO like they couldnt have done that the next day??? Like I said before, most of this episode was comedy lol.
it’s COVID. Why are people going into the hospital unnecessarily??????
Yes, but you’re right. I gotta watch these eps like it’s a comedy or I’ll LOSE MY FACKING MIND
anon said: Redeeming parts of this episode: merhayes still has potential, need them to stop having the same scene over and over again though. Nico ily and alex get that cheque for sitting there, dancing, and clapping for ellen. Jo selling her shares to koracick... lmao. Bokhee and the other nurse getting their vaccines :’)
LOL @ merhayes having the same interaction. I was telling some people that I’d love for Hayes and Owen to have some scenes and for Hayes to kick Owen’s ass. Because like @schmico-ing said, Owen is a child collector and Hayes would absolutely fucking hate him.
YES ALEX LANDI GETTIN’ THAT DOUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. What an amazing job. I hope he gets paid in the 6 figures for his time at grey’s.
I don’t know how I feel about Koracick. I love caring Koracick. I hate asshole Koracick. I feel like they’re two different people. 
Anyways, love your rants. I look forward to them when s18 starts or even whenever you have the odd urge to rant!
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daylighteclipsed · 4 years
“This is another reason most of future lost rights” May we hear your thoughts?
Now that I have officially finished watching the original Steven Universe series, I have many Thoughts about the continuation. Prepare for some detailed salty takes.
-- My biggest gripe is that Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst lose pretty much all of the emotional intelligence they gain in the original series to maximize Steven’s suffering.
So like the gifset that prompted this ask for example, where Garnet realizes she’s hurt Steven with her future vision and apologizes? Makes her reaction in Future to realizing she hurt Steven again OOC. The OG series also teaches us and Steven that Garnet can’t see definites, because there’s so many possibilities, and the future’s always changing, and the future can always be changed. So her line about how there was no universe where Steven didn’t propose to Connie as her reason for why she didn’t try to stop him, is bullshit.
The Volleyball episode gives away that Steven is clearly not OK, and Pearl does nothing about it. Neurotic, mother hen, let’s make a plan Pearl does not ask Steven if he’s alright and makes 0 plans to train him to control his new alarming powers. Pearl, who now has a better sense of how trauma works because she has it herself, who we have seen in the OG series suspect Steven is dealing with some post traumatic stress after being taken to Homeworld and reach out to him about it, does not in Future reach out to him after he expresses blatant distress over having to deal with more of his mom’s problems. I’m supposed to believe this? Seriously?
And Amethyst? I think she’s the most obvious offender since a big part of her arc in the end of the OG series is emotional maturity.There’s a whole episode dedicated to her putting Steven’s feelings first. Acknowledging the pressure he’s been under and the shit that’s been dumped on him for years and the horror of finding out Rose was a Diamond which makes him a Diamond and recognizing that he’s not OK. He can’t be. Learning that Steven deals by distracting himself with other tasks and people. But sure when Amethyst notices Steven throwing himself into his work in Future, her response is just “When did you become such a prick?” Yeah. Totally sounds right.
There is a whole arc about these two emotionally connecting through their insecurities and the strength they find in having each other to relate to and rely on and confide in. It is one of my favorites in the entire story. And it is totally thrown out a window in Future. If no one else you’d think at least Amethyst would reach out to Steven in Future before he spirals, but no.
Literally it’s like the entire Gem trio’s emotionally sent back to square 1 and their perception’s lowered to 0, which is lower than it was to begin with, because it was the only way Future could work. Seriously, after Prickly Pair nobody tries to talk to Steven? Nobody insists they need to talk about what the fuck just happened? Nobody goes after Steven when he runs away, twice?! Once after crashing the van with his dad inside, in which he disappears for 3 whole days. Another time after talking about how they can’t help him anymore, which is really alarming! Then they all just let Steven go when he returns from Homeworld glowing with Diamond pupils?! are you kidding me, are you fUcking KidDing me am I supposed to believe they’re even his friends in Future what the fuck I hate this 
-- And framing everything like the Gems have never been there for Steven? Hate that too. There’s countless episodes in the OG series proving that’s not true. Steven himself says it’s not. At one point that’s what keeps him from literally falling from the sky.
“I just need something that makes me happy, something I can always depend on to cheer me up. My guys. They spent all night out here just to keep me company. No matter how much I mess up they’ll be there to help me.”
It’s the biggest reason why the Gems are foils to the Diamonds!
“Remember back when I was little and maybe kind of annoying, and I couldn’t come along on adventures? You guys would still drop everything to hang out with me.”
Garnet, Pearl, and Amethyst begin kind of oblivious and inattentive, but they don’t stay that way. They are always learning, and apologizing, and changing when they realize their behavior is harmful. To themselves, to the team as a whole, to strangers, to Steven. They do very early in the series start setting work aside to spend time with him. Together breakfast (which ends up meaning so much to Garnet that it becomes her wedding cake), mini golf, cards, board games, movies, the arcade, the amusement park. They’re Steven’s band in beach-a-palooza. They become, not only better caretakers, but his friends.
A team. For the main Crystal Gem quartet so much of the show is about them learning to become a team by learning to understand each other and helping each other grow, leading to a stunning display of teamwork in the finale with Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, and Steven all fusing together into one kickass warrior, Obsidian. It’s so perfect that this didn’t, couldn’t, happen until the end, after all that development. It’s so satisfying.
-- Like I mentioned before, there’s no reason why the Gems, including the others like Peridot, Lapis, and Bismuth, wouldn’t try to help Steven learn to control his new powers in Future.
-- A lot of the, uh, conflicts Steven faces in Future also feel ignorant to the OG series.
Steven in future: i just feel like i can’t make mistakes in front of you guys and cant be honest cause its mean and i have to be nice and perfect :(
Steven in og series: oh geez I really messed up sorry guys; [feels like the worst Crystal Gem cause he’s always fucking up]; (Garnet: You’re making Pearl very upset) “IM very upset!“; “What Rose wanted--ARGH! What about what I want?! I’m sick of you always lying to me!”; “Home’s been awful! Here’s been awful! Everyone’s been acting awful too!”
Steven in future: idk how to be a friend to someone who’s not a miserable sad sack with no direction in life
Connie: hey what the fuck
What was the point of all the townie episodes if we’re going to act like Steven never connected with the human part of his life why would the og show bounce between gem eps and human eps if not to show how Steven connects with both worlds ad’g;ajfgjfagjLAFKJS
Steven in future: why didn’t my meddling advice work? this has never happened before. am i losing my touch. who am i
- Why wasn’t Mindful Education revisited? Steven’s a fusion technically, right, so if he’s feeling, you know, deeply conflicted about his 2 halves, doesn’t that mean he’s out of harmony? There’s a way for 2 halves of a fusion to communicate through meditation and address what’s causing the imbalance, but I guess that would’ve solved Steven’s problem too easily. That’s the only reason Connie’s kept out of Future for so long too, right? Ugh. Never mind the fact that Mindful Ed taught Steven that it’s really important to face upsetting thoughts and feelings and traumas before they tear him apart. But whatever! what ever
- God this isn’t even half of the issues I now have with Future, but I don’t want this post to be 8 miles longer than it already is. Basically I feel like Future does a disservice to the characters and story being told in the original series, which I am very fond of now. It reminds me of an OOC fanfiction. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
I really do not want to argue about this. It’s just my opinion. I’m kind of venting. If you agree, great. If you don’t, please keep scrolling. Thanks.
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dragon-ball-meta · 4 years
Just discovered your blog today and am enjoying it immensely. I do have some questions about which is more "valid" between the DBS anime and manga though. The manga at least on a surface level has a tighter adherence to the manga's continuity, such as the lack of Gregory, no showing the Trunks' first SS transformation from the anime version of his past, and the SS Caulifla and Kale fusion churning out a SS fusion, which would seem to be what Old Kai meant when warning Goku and Vegeta 1/2
“2/2 But those are ultimately minor I suppose and perhaps they have explanations like "Trunks wasn't transforming for the first time in the Super flashback". I'm not a Toyo stan by any stretch and can't stand how he butchered my boi GOATku among other things but it seems like the manga would be just as valid/canonical as the anime. Toriyama works closely with Toyo as with the anime team and calls the manga a continuation. Sorry if this has been asked before, and keep up the good work“
Well first and foremost, welcome. Glad you’re enjoying this blog. As for the question, I’ve touched on it before, but I’ll dip into it again.  There’s definitely a bit more of a hierarchy than people want to admit, at least in terms of which would be “more canon” when it comes to the mediums of Super. To that end, I like to look at continuity, characterization, and lead platform.  See, the thing about Super, as it stands, is that it was never meant to have an ongoing manga. At all. It was written, conceived, and meant to be an anime series with Toriyama’s involvement. The “manga”, as it were, was originally meant solely to be a preview/promotional series for said anime, something to hint at things to come. That’s why the Beerus arc is so short and rushed.  When it came to the Resurrection F arc, however, that was when Toyotaro pitched the idea of letting him turn the series into an actual, full-fledged series, something Toriyama was ok with more or less because it meant that at least he wouldn’t have to draw it, and because he was interested in seeing how the anime and manga writers respectively would adapt his storyline ideas.  In that sense, the anime was the original, intended medium and means by which the series was meant to be carried forward, hence why I would consider that the lead platform. Beyond that, let’s look at continuity. Truth be told, neither manga nor anime are 100% flawless in it, making references to things that were filler in the name of comedy, or simply forgetting or ignoring a detail or two from the past. But even in cases of references to filler, I’d argue that they don’t INHERENTLY represent continuity errors per se, as they don’t directly contradict events depicted, and on occasion don’t even necessarily indicate that the exact filler events actually happened; in some cases, they’re just in-jokes or references for longtime fans and viewers.   Trunks’ “first time” transformation also doesn’t necessarily pin it as his first time in continuity, so much as simply reuse the animation and have the boy transform in a moment of grief. Don’t recall any direct reference to that being his first transformation at all. Similarly, I wouldn’t say Gregory inherently means Filler Gregory is meant to be who this one is, as Gregory in Super really doesn’t speak or have anything close to the same personality.  Similarly, Android 18 being as mad as she was about the mispronunciation of Marron as Maron can be seen as a nod to Krillin’s filler ex-girlfriend without actually acknowledging her. (As well as clearing up the whole “she’s named after her” thing since even the pronunciation is different in Japanese.) They’re not necessarily baking these things into continuity, just referencing them. One big problem the Super MANGA has, however, in an internal continuity issue. Toyotaro often feels a need to EXPLAIN things that don’t necessarily need to be explained, in an effort to feel like he’s fleshing things out more. The problem is... he often writes himself into a corner that way, as he doesn’t seem to run his ideas by Toriyama or check them against the man’s notes as much as he should, and thus finds himself in trouble later. Case-in-point: His decision that Super Saiyan Blue’s use had a mandatory cooldown period between uses, or else the multiplier the user receives from the form drops exponentially each time. Seemed a good way to potentially limit the form at the time, keep it from being “overused”, except... they very quickly found themselves in situations where it would HAVE to be used, to say nothing of the narrative issue of having Vegeta be in a reduced state of Blue by the time he faced Hit, thus making Hit’s win less shocking, and Hit himself a bit less formidable, to say nothing of downplaying Goku’s skill and reaction to it; he should have had a far easier time naturally, after all. This also causes some issues with Vegeta’s tactic vs Zamasu of popping into SSG for a speed advantage and then quickly in and out of SSB to strike, as that should have lowered the effectiveness each time, and THAT was done to deal with ANOTHER restriction Toyotaro had baked into the form of it draining ki almost as quickly as SSJ3 had back in the Buu arc, and that Godly Aura was actually just wasted ki. All of this then had to be negated via Toyotaro’s own version of SSB Kaioken, which was just... “Perfected” Blue. Which is just Blue without an aura. Which then leads into Goku knowing how to use Hakai despite not actually being a God of Destruction, not having ever even practiced it to know if he could do it, and only allegedly having seen Beerus use it once offscreen, which has to be inferred by the reader.   These are actually just a FEW of said issues in the manga version of things, but in my opinion, the biggest signifier and offender comes in the final category: Characterization.   It’s no real secret that Super does retread some characterization ground, but there’s a reason for that. New viewers, same characters, etc. Vegeta was sort-of given a full arc already, but due to popularity and ‘demand’, he has to be given a central role and can’t sort of fade back like Piccolo, Krillin, Tien, etc. were able to do once their respective arcs were done. (This also allows their own mini-arcs in the anime to feel more fulfilling as they’re not constantly shoved in your face, and they can touch on things happening or building up in the background of episodes, BUT, let’s move on.) As a result, one of the purposes of Battle of Gods, and how it was handled as an arc and the eps that followed it, was to establish a new sort of rivalry between Goku and Vegeta so as to renew that arc/dynamic for this particular series.  
And that’s where the manga... sort of falls flat. Vegeta is kept in prominence despite a lack of any sort of established/renewed rivalry with Goku; BoG was done in shorthand, after all, and the events following that, as well as the entire Resurrection F arc, were skipped wholesale. In fact, Vegeta himself seems to have gone through a VERY radical personality shift in that... he’s... nice. And I don’t mean nice-ER, he’s outright nice. He shows open affection for his family, he literally runs over to embrace his baby in happiness and rejoices that it’s a girl, he engages in pleasantries with the rest of the cast before the Tournament of Power and asks about their wellbeing, he’s got almost none of his original character traits other than a flair for the dramatic... and bear in mind, Vegeta still has that hardass-ness to himself in the End of Z, which these events are supposed to lead into. And this isn’t even touching on how the narrative seems to shift frequently toward him being THE hero of the series, often actually placing Goku in near-helpless situations and having Vegeta inexplicably bail him out, or just have Goku be in awe or starstruck at how awesome Vegeta is now. The Future Trunks arc, for example, has Vegeta healed only to the point of being able to stand, yet when Goku is shrinking back in fear at the sight of TWO Fused Zamasus coming at him, Vegeta... transforms, swoops in, rescues Goku, AND nukes both Fused Zamasus with a single blow. (It doesn’t “win the day”, no, but it’s a mite riduculous). The current arc is also trying to wholesale shift focus away from Goku onto Vegeta in a leading role, which is a distinctly non-Toriyama move.   And now, let’s talk Goku himself. HOO boy, where to begin...   For all the talk of flanderization of Goku in the Super anime (which I could write entire rants on but I’ll refrain for now), the manga does him ten times worse. Almost every negative fandom meme or interpretation of Goku is reinforced in this arc, sometimes even to the point of literal, direct lampshading of it. For example: Goku in the anime makes a comment on how he doesn’t see why Bulma would “kill” Vegeta if he’s not right there when Bulma starts labor, as he was dead when Goten was born and Chi-Chi doesn’t hold ill will over it. The manga? It quite literally has Goku state he wasn’t around for the birth of Goten OR GOHAN. He couldn’t even be bothered to be there for the birth of his son he was alive to see. When Whis pops baby Bra out via magic so Vegeta can attend the ToP, Goku is... apparently still so dumb that he legitimately wonders aloud if that’s how ALL babies are born. Goku, in this same tournament, has ZERO strategic or technical skill, and relies solely on brute force and powerups (which is actually how VEGETA typically fights but I digress) and even has both Roshi admonish him for it and even has Goku agree with it and declare himself a “bad student” and say that he’s “done letting everyone around him down”. This manga also has Goku and Gohan’s relationship visibly strained, with Goku seemingly trying to cut himself out of Gohan’s life completely as the kid has no interest in fighting. To top this off, rather than attending the tournament in a gi fashioned after his father, whom Gohan canonically does admire, the manga has him deliberately ask to have another carbon copy of Piccolo’s. Hell, Gohan is so far from Manga!Goku’s mind here, that it doesn’t even occur to Goku to ASK Gohan if he wants to fight in the ToP after Buu falls asleep. In fact, Piccolo suggests it... and Goku PROTESTS the idea, saying the kid’s got no stomach for fighting and they should look elsewhere. The only time Goku seems to show an interest in Gohan is when he shows off his power in a fight vs Kefla. This is distinctly, demonstrably, simply NOT Toriyama’s Goku, in any way, shape, or form.   Now, to speak on the other characters and their characterization... when it does exist, it’s one-dimensional and also often based around fan conceptions and memes. Krillin? Comedic coward who can’t fight. Goku even says that he thinks Krillin’s sole usefulness in the ToP might come in the form of him “being really good at running away”. He’s literally only in because Toriyama said so, and is literally immediately ringed out before he can so much as move. Tee hee so funny. Tien, who has no personality of note, is then also immediately out. Piccolo is just Gohan’s coach, really. Android 18 shows no emotion at all, even for her brother’s apparent death; this is later played off as her knowing he didn’t have his bomb anymore (something even Krillin somehow forgot???) so knowing he couldn’t have self-destructed... even though there are other ways to do that besides a bomb but w/e. 17 literally shows more care and affection for 18′s husband than she herself does as well, and their bond is pretty much non-existent. Chi-Chi and Goten pretty much do not exist. Trunks’ reunion with Gohan, meeting his family? Never happens. And Bulma... OH BULMA. What he did to that woman is criminal. She mostly plays the role of the worried Soldier’s Wife, fretting as she awaits her dashing husband’s return from war! The Bulma that wouldn’t take no for an answer? The Bulma that always insisted on going to the front lines to try to see things for herself? The Bulma who would be eager to see this future and see if she could find the notes of her other self and what else she may have discovered? That Bulma does not exist in this manga. HELL, the Bulma who was the smartest woman in the world barely does; what was Pilaf noticing one small math error in an equation in the Super anime becomes Pilaf “WELL ACKSHUALLY”-ing both Bulma and Future Bulma here and PERFECTING Time Travel so they can go to any point they desire, with Bulma being visibly upset about being upstage-aaaaaand she’s pregnant. It’s just... not good at all in this arena.   Now one last thing to mention: Toriyama himself actually did explicitly state that his canon Broly movie, which he did write himself, was set to follow the events of the Super anime specifically, with him saying the manga would probably continue telling its own story. And indeed, there are things about the Broly movie that do tie into what people thought to be just “filler” in the anime, such as the number of wishes Shenron had left tying into the episode where they summoned him and then fought over wishes. The fact that he DOES specify that he wrote it to follow the anime, however, seems like a firm establishment of heirarchy to me personally. I’m sure some will disagree but... that’s life. lol Anyways, hope that helped clarify my stance on it, at least.
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dustofsouls · 4 years
Soooo another post about outer banks because I'm definetly not finished bitching about it ok (even though it's like three in the morning and I could really use the sleep).
Where do we start? Well for starters the Plot, nothing new, the ol' classic dangerous treasure hunt that would probably kill most of actual 16y olds but heeeey I loved the raven cycle so you now what? I don't care about this aspect, it had a very strong buildup until like what the last 2\3 episodes (they felt more like a huge single episode in my opinion) the bits were all there, and while I understand that resolving everything in the first season would've been quite problematic for building suspense for the, I hope, second one I really think they could've pulled something better out of those last ten minutes (I was ready to bloody murder John B and Sarah) but overall it's a good first season.
Now's the time for the characters (I adopted them all already, someone wants to coparent?) :
John B: little idealistical angel who's trying to be a grownup without anyone but himself cause I just realized, while the others had some kind of family, yes even JJ's father who i would personally beat the shit out of, poor John was literally ALONE for three months at the start of the season so he had also fucking school to survive goddammit. He still fits the classic hero trope while being a bit (being generous here) more dysfunctional but that's what his friends are for (remember the breakdowns because OH I DO)
Kie: she's precious and will probably end the patriarchy by noon so she can hang out with the rest of the pouges, so yeah even though it's not all that apparent, she finds solutions to problems not solvable by normal means (lighting the screen on fire my god) and is in a headbutting competition with JJ apparently (girl you got my never-ending respect cause I wouldn't do that), I wish the writers would've brought more nuances to her character, like they did for her male counterparts (I WANT WELL ROUNDED CHARACTERS FFS) but she has room to show us that in season two, so I'll wait for more judgement.
Pope: man I feel you for the college admission, almost got reported for presiding a manifestation against neo fascists that could've costed me my admission to med school, so yeah If you don't get that scholarship I swear I will find the way to pay for it by season two. Jokes aside, he's the plotter and the one who always needs to feel in control, boy do I know the feeling, but little by little we see him change and become a different person by ep 9, reprocessing his priorities and feeling like shit for the missed opportunities, like any 16 yrs old would in his shoes, and while the thing with kie felt a bit forced I still feel like he had a good growth arc and I hope to see more.
JJ: IF SOMEONE EVEN DARES TO TOUCH A HAIR OF HIS I SWEAR I WILL KNOW ABOUT IT AND YOU WILL SUFFER. So, now that you know how to behave let's talk about this sinnamon roll who's too sweet to actually kill someone but will still fuck you up or steal your money if you try to hurt him or his friends. At first i hated the character cause I felt like he was the classic dumb friend who fucks shit up and has the emotional depth of a puddle but OH MY GOD I WAS WRONG, this boy suffered a lot, didn't show it cause he didn't want his friends(who am I kidding they are his family) preoccupied, so when the tub scene arrived I cried, like A Lot, the only thing I thought pope would've interacted sooner than kie due to previous lines and events between the two (I ship them okay) he made me laugh, cry and amaze at how he puts all of himself for his friends, even prepared to go to jail, so yeah 10/10 I need to protect him and tell him that all is going to be all right
Special mentions: the murder granny sent me flying, while she's probably horrible hey she got mad respect for going around blind with a shotgun and an iron thing? (I don't remember the naaaame fuck) and hacking doors to pieces like she's the fucking terminator.
And last but not least the ships (only the non canons because I do not talk about the shit show that went on in the last ep) cause oh boy do we have a lot of material:
Jpog (it's a dumb joke about the fact that JJ has chemistry with all the pouges and it's similar to jpeg): a poly ship, while yeah technically they're only friends/found family we can't deny that platonic or not they could all work together and y'all know it (ep 1 and they look like they like all together at lest for a year)
JJ/Pope (I need full names for christs sake, what do they think we work with?): what can I say they have chemistry (not just sexually speaking ok) they care a fuck ton about each other and there was some homoerotic subtext, but that was to be expected no? Also it could power so of the tropes that break my heart into a million pieces and that's exactly what I need right know.
Sarah/kie: c'mon, y'all telling me that when kye got all fussed up about JB and Sarah and started with a I know exactly what you will go through doesn't smell of past relationship?
A side note that I already said I would talk about: IT SCREAMS RAVEN BOYS IN MY FUCKING Guts, ok listen to me apart from the plot (that's already been used countless of times), JB on par with gansey, kye as blue, Pope as Adam and JJ as Ronan (I know abusive household screams parish but the rest? Oh god if it's not ronan) and also Sarah as Henry (initial distrust between her and kie but becomes friends in little time) the almost death like twice I mean it had some of those vibes (yes I'm waiting for that goddamn adaptation into TV show like there's no tomorrow so I'll depressurize also here which is marginally related)
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Personal Opinions on Rapunzel and Cassandra’s Friendship
Ok so this is one post that I’ve been wanting to make for a long time, especially since this is perhaps one of the relationships in the series with the most polarizing views ever (maybe even the number one relationship that is) ranging from people who ship them romantically to people who hate their friendship all together and think that they should’ve never been friends to begin with. So I thought it would be worth a share for me, mostly focusing on S1 and 2. This is not meant to be any hate for either of these girls because they are both among my faves in the series!
ALSO: I will NOT tolerate any hostility or rudeness on this post. If you don’t agree with my opinions, either lets have a friendly, respectful discussion or just scroll by and leave this as it is, thank you!
If you don’t know by now, I personally do not ship them, and never have I since I first started watching the series. I also never interpreted any of their interactions as romantic or saw the two of them as a “potential couple.” I would say this could mostly be due to the fact that I am a hardcore New Dream shipper who strictly believes Rapunzel and Eugene only have romantic feelings for each and I personally don’t think they would have any romantic feelings for anyone else. And I’m also the kind of person who values platonic love so much I also don’t like when they’re shipped (this applies to male-female platonic love as well).
However, I do think that their friendship really made for an interesting story. Now in my opinion, I personally don’t think their friendship was 100% toxic, or devoid of love or happiness, and nor do I think it was entirely a healthy one either, otherwise it wouldn’t have fallen apart by the end of S2.
To start off, I’ve always felt and stand by my opinion that the friendship was very flawed from both sides. The problem with Rapunzel, esp in S1 and less in S2, was that she was a socially stunted teen who was barely out of the tower and barely had time to learn about healthy friendships and boundaries, and this has caused her at several times to unintentionally step on Cass’s personal boundaries, be extremely pushy and at times annoying. Cass on the other hand, as we all know has a super “bitchy”, distrustful personality and has her own insecurities and struggles with self-esteem that negatively affect her own judgments and actions. I feel like a lot of Cass’s trust issues and tough, bitchy exterior stem from her trauma of being abused, neglected, and eventually abandoned by her own mother. I have this headcanon that even though she has no memory of this incident (PTSD can cause a person to forget a traumatizing memory but still continue to suffer as a result of it), she basically has this idea that if her own mother didn’t stay and love her, why would anyone else do so? Cassandra grew bitter to a point where she pushed people away and avoided attachment to avoid the same trauma from happening again. Of course that was until she befriended Rapunzel after Rapunzel persisted in making this friendship happen even after all the pushing away Cass was attempting to do. Based on the canon we got, I would definitely conclude that this was each of the girls’ very first close female friendship in their lives and both had a whole lot they needed to learn in order to grow and build healthier relationships in general. In my opinion, despite the flaws of this friendship, both girls did need it (Rapunzel needed a blunt gal pal who, along with Eugene, could help her discover more of the real world around her and learn more about social interactions, whereas Cassandra needed someone to help her to open up her heart more and know that she is worthy of being loved).
The reason why I don’t agree with a lot of the “Cassandra is malicious and evil to Rapunzel” or “Cassandra’s entire goal and purpose in the whole series (Even in S1 & 2) is belittle and demolish Rapunzel” claims is because I feel like they erase all of Cassandra’s positive traits and great sacrifices she has made for Rapunzel, whether it was their TBEA sneakout adventure which put her at risk of losing her job and home just to make Rapunzel happy or Cass getting her hand charred to get Rapunzel to snap out of the reverse incantation, just to name a few. To also say that Cass was never nice to Rapunzel or never cared for her erases the fact that there were several times she got out of her comfort zone to apologize and make peace with Rapunzel after a conflict (her hugging Raps in Challenge of the Brave after she completely Effed up and in Rapunzel Day One after she opened up about her feeling hurt) or whenever she comforted Rapunzel in her pain (QFAD and BTCW).
As for the claims that “Rapunzel is selfish” or “takes all of her friends for granted” claims, I’m equally opposed to that and they leave an awful taste in my mouth. Rapunzel, as we all know, was trapped in a tower for 18 whole years and has NEVER interacted with anyone besides Gothel and Pascal. Of course Eugene was the first human outside of the tower she interacted with, which throughout the events of the movie and all the trials and sacrifices that they went through, their relationship has so much stability to it. However, not every person Rapunzel interacts will share the understanding she has with Eugene. Rapunzel lacks so much social understanding and skills that there are times she doesn’t know when to have the right type of interactions (remember the bear hug?), let alone experience in royalty. However Rapunzel herself is a major people pleaser and will do whatever it takes to make those around her happy (even if gets really pushy and annoying at times) but she will eventually stop with her pushiness especially when she sees how harmful it can get. Just like Cass, there were several instances where Rapunzel will willingly fight for her, like in BTCW with Adira, even though Cass was technically in the wrong or in Freebird (An episode I’m not a fan of but enjoyed some aspects of it) when both of them fought to save each other or even Rapunzel sacrificing the last egg to turn Cass back.
As for the flaws of the friendship, I would definitely say that alot of it had to do with both lack of proper communication and understanding of boundaries. As we all know Cass doesn’t always have the “fluffiest, kindest” ways of communicating her feelings or her pain and can in turn lash out really badly and come off as condescending and rude. Rapunzel on the other hand, wasn’t really the best at reading social signals (Challenge of the Brave is the best example of super flawed communication and understanding on both sides) or understanding personal boundaries. I personally don’t believe that Rapunzel would “put up someone else’s shit to please them” but she would be more like, if they’re not pleased, Imma force them to be pleased (mostly in a cute, clumsy way, namely Under Raps when she felt the need to constantly “cheer up” Cass or “comfort” Cass in Big Brothers, even when Cass told her she didn’t need it, other examples include Rapunzel’s Enemy with Monty and Goodbye & Goodwill in Vardaros).
However I would say I saw so much improvement throughout S1 and mostly the first half of S2, where we do see them have so many friendly and goofy interactions (In Like Flynn with the pranks, the “game face” in Pascal’s Story, the Island eps, etc).
Then there comes the midseason and this is were I would say the friendship completely fell apart. And I think this is mainly where the argument that Cassandra is controlling over Rapunzel comes into play. Cassandra at the very beginning of the season, as we know the King assigned her with keeping Rapunzel safe, she basically gave up her dream of potentially becoming a guard to accompany Rapunzel. At the same time, Rapunzel is out in the real world outside of Corona and wants to discover more. We see these two have clashes of views and ideals that lead to certain debacles (Freebird is a prime example, tho I personally wish they did something else besides the whole bird plot lol) and then Rapunzel and the Great Tree, especially when Cass expresses that Rapunzel should take caution (which in itself feels "limiting" Rapunzel's desired freedom). I know that there is alot of anger over the argument that Cassandra was belittling Rapunzel by calling her naive (which I agree was a shitty move on her part). But I personally never thought it came from a place of wanting to "bring down Rapunzel and seek control over her" but more of a panic over the fact that they were in a dangerous location and the fact that the gang was nearly killed in it. Adira's points were also valid but Cassandra's insecurity and jealousy of her lead to her reacting hysterically and to make extreme accusations against her. Rapunzel was also stressed from being overwhelmed by the reverse incantation, which also led to her to shut down Cass in an unhealthy, humiliating way.
I feel like this along with the progression of S2 led to the betrayal and I feel like the whole Moonsandra arc should've been more focused on the problems with the friendship and Cass's insecurities rather than the whole Gothel drama. However, I always felt that it was a very complicated friendship that needed lots of mending and better communication on both sides, and I feel like that's where they got to in Plus Est En Vous. Both Rapunzel had grown to better understand social skills, communication, and boundaries a whole lot better than when we first saw her and Cassandra (tho S3 needed much better writing) she had grown to reclaim her self worth and accept that she was worthy of love.
As much as I was upset Cass left Corona, realistically that was what they both needed to give each other space to grow and learn in a healthy way.
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#31)
5x08 (I watched this ep and 5x09 last week and have been busy since but I am in the last arcs here and I never want it to end meh!)
all the recapping and flailing and reacting under the cut:
Aw Vince’s first interview! The quality of the tv they’re all watching!!! it reminds me of childhood omg
Vince’s dad is pulling him away from the teamwork attitude and more about him....yikes this is not cute and Jess is cringing. Same gurl.
“You barely talked about anyone but yourself.” Yepppp you right, Jess! No stop defending him, dad, ughhh
Is Becky too freaked to fuck Luke in his house where the terrifying anti choice mom lives? Bc I feel that. And last time they fucked she had to have an abortion they caused a townwide scandal! Like I get it gurl! do you, go slow!
“Oh how DARE he!” Me when TA Fuckface shows up at the door.
“PUNCH HIM!!!!” Me at Eric
Oh yeah he escorted Derek off the property, yes! Get out of here, you predator fuck!
Oh shit the rest of the team is making fun of Vince’s interview and tryna bring Jess into it lol
“I mean with a face like this how could you not, right?” Oh honey no, yeah that fell as flat as it should.
Oooop Epyck’s fighting again! “I’m on your side here, but you gotta help me.” Oooop and she asked for Tami’s sandwich and there it is—she’s food insecure?
What nonsense is Billy doing?? Showing the defense team a “pre war dance” —definitely culturally appropriation of indigenous culture and cringe af?? Absolutely not lol
Aw Buddy Jr. got hurt!
Omfg now TA is showing up at Tami’s office????? enough!
Talking to her is not the way to make this right, fuckface! You resigned? Cool now fuck off and out of Julie’s life!
Lol MAMA MINDY TIME with all her friends encouraging Becky to enter a beauty pageant I love it
Ew these illicit recruitment lunches with Vince and his dad and old creepy white dudes make my skin crawl
I’m sorry, so—they’re bringing two conventionally attractive women to tour Vince around? Yikes—college rally girls?
“I should have gone to college” says Vince’s creepy dad as he stares at 19 year old girls GROSS
AW Becky didn’t tell Luke about the pageant?
“When we win you have to sneak into your boyfriend’s room with only a tiara.” Lol I love all the girls hyping Becky up.
Oh shit they didn’t know about the previous abortion? Aw she’s crying and opening up to Mindy and her friends, my heart!
“I lost my virginity in the back of a truck I mean who does that” and they’re all like UH ME?? Lol Texas
Oooh Vince blew off practice for recruitment and didn’t tell Jess? Or is she covering for his ass?
Is there someone taking a photo of Vince on the field or am I crazy
Ew all this talking in Vince’s direction to be overheard on purpose so they don’t *technically* break the rules is so scummy!
Omg Tami found Epyck fighting on the street and was like, get in my car! Hilarious.
“You know what, I’m gonna feed you right now, is what I’m gonna do.” Are you sensing a pattern?
Ugh Epyck talking about how there isn’t a lot of food to go around at her foster home, my heart!
Aw she doesn’t want Tami to call social services bc she’s finally doing ok with the help of Tami WOW
Eeeek Vince talking about the visit is yikes! Jess telling ar him that it’s against the rules, ugh this is so rough
“There won’t be so many distractions.” You mean teenage girls to prey on, Derek??
Stop telling Julie she’s gonna realize y’all had a “rare” connection she’ll later look back on as she gets older! First of all, as she gets older she’ll realize even more how predatory and not okay you pursuing her was, and second of all, she HAS experienced rare connection but not with you, sir, with Matt Saracen! Amen.
Now Julie, go off on TA Derek in this restaurant like he deserves. Rip him a new one, punch him, you know
Lol really, ARE you getting a divorce? Wild
Ew don’t give her your address in Tennessee after telling her to go back to school!
Ewwww their hands touching on the piece of paper with the address. Gross gross gross please let this be the end.
Lol Eric and Tami shoving at each other fighting over who’s morning it is to get Gracie, classic.
Yay Julie’s going back to school?! I love how she apologized and Tami was all yay I’m so proud and Eric was like can you make some coffee 😂
How dare he! Omg Vince is blaming the recruitment visit on his mom’s addiction???? Does Eric know he’s lying?
Epyck lied about her foster home sitch, ah
Aw the little ones love Epyck? Her backstory with parents who died from AIDS and living on the street oh poor babe
YESSS I was right about the photographer on campus! They did get a photo of Vince at Oklahoma Tech!!! Aghhh
Damn Vince’s dad has really drilled this very individualistic mindset in and it’s not cute.
Omg Mindy and her fellow Landing Strip workers getting ready for the beauty pageant! Love it?
“I actually like you. No, look at me: you’re strong and you’re smart and you’re feisty. I believe you have a future.” OMG TAMIIIII I love you, I love that Dillons girls like Epyck have her looking out for them.
Yesssss Becky having the loudest, most raucous cheering section at this pageant is so adorable!
Lol all of them booing when Becky got second runner up I’m dying
“I think you should take a hard look at the company you keep.” Fuck off, old white lady, they’re way cooler than you’ll ever be!
“You don’t hit my quarterback when you have that red shirt on.” Oh shit Luke is pressing Vince about Oklahoma...yeah everyone else on the team has had it with Vince at this point.
Aw Julie is really leaving to go back to school now?!
Eewww Derek called Julie “to get her back,” not to go back to school??? What a douche! “That’s what I thought,” she says then turns around??? Plz tell me this means she’s leaving Derek behind for good!
Oh god it’s gonna be another showdown between Eric Taylor and Vince’s dad huh? “I won’t have any one player bigger than my team. He misses practice again and I’ll bench him.”
Oh god his dad knows Eric is being called by the colleges too??? Well fuck!
Aw Becky leaving a lil sharpie note on Luke’s car windshield? Cute.
Lol Billy is getting in a fight with the old school coach! This team is falling apart!
Oh god a classic team fighting as they’re supposed to be coming out at a pep rally shot! What a trope!
Aw Buddy jr. on his crutches in his jersey
Everyone’s faking it, everyone’s uneasy, and the music is playing as they show everyone—
“I want to introduce the man who taught us to have pride in East Dillon again: Coach Taylor.” And then the camera flashes to Vince’s dad watching him well DAMN
YESSSSSS JULIE’S IN CHICAGO??? Omg so I was right; TA Derek’s thing about special connections totally made her think of Matt!! He looks so GOOD and delighted to see her!!!
Ok I’m going straight into the next one now xo xo
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ok so we all know we’re being set up for romans arc rn (/are in it, despite Janus being accepted also having just happened) right? The whole ‘I thought I was your hero’ thing, giving up the callback for the wedding- we’re 100% gonna get it in the next ep or two and whether or not sfs and sfsr are part of his arc eps is something we can argue if and when Thomas releases a vid that goes into romans room (it might even be a two parter for Old Times Sake and if so I’d argue that those are both his arc’s eps and this is technically set up).
So, I just gotta say.
I’m excited as hell to see what Roman’s room looks like.
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