#I know NETFLIX is itching to tell me this show is cancelled so just something to numb that would have been great
Take Direct Action, Get More Benefits
There are two things I’ve been hearing a lot during this quarantine. One is a question and the other is more of an uncertain statement:
“I feel lost, unmotivated, unsure what to do.”
“How can I help the struggling people/organizations that I love not go under?”
I must admit - although these are both tinged with the sadness and anxiety of our present moment - I’m heartened by the love and care that has poured out of our communities online. A desire to do something at all is a marker of self-care, and a desire to give is a marker of care for others.
And that is beautiful.
But acknowledging that beauty doesn’t provide an answer to the above queries, both of which are searching for fulfillment.
So, how can we take some direct action - for ourselves and those around us - that will provide fulfillment? And are there other benefits as well?
Here are some thoughts.
Direct Action
First of all, what do I mean by “Direct Action”?
We take tons of actions all day, every day. Little decisions that affect the course of our lives.
When we take a direction directly, it means that we are the masters of that decision.
We are in control and no one else was involved in the process, either as a middleman or an agent to alter our decision. Now, that doesn’t mean that you didn’t consult with others before taking the action, but when you took it you, did it alone and were the direct cause of change.
This could be anything, from small to large:
Cooking, shopping for, or ordering food
Turning on a movie or TV show
Helping someone complete a task
Putting a down payment on a house
These are actions you are choosing to take and are in total control of.
Indirect action is making the decision to let others take full or partial control.
Something will still occur, but you are not the direct cause of change. These things can also be big or small.
Things like:
Letting your spouse make dinner
Handing over leadership on a project to a colleague
Giving to a charity organization
Signing up for a guided tour
Ultimately a change is occurring, and you made the decision to not stand in the way of that process, but you also don’t have full control over the specifics of the result.
“But Michael, I’m not a ‘control freak,’ so why should I care which action type is being taken?”
Because, if you’re feeling a little lost right now and want to do something about it - as so many of us appear to be - you will find the greatest personal fulfillment and affect the greatest change by taking direct action.
And there a few ways to do this.
Gift Yourself
I don’t meant give a gift to yourself.
Well, I kind of do. But not directly.
What I mean is to give something that comes from you out to the world - to a friend, to a loved one, or just out into the interwebs!
What is something that you like to do that can provide some sort of service, kindness, information, or gesture to someone other than yourself? (And yes, this idea is very similar to the blog I wrote on Craftivism!)
I’ll start.
For my sanity, I write these blogs.
Writing is something that I love to do and do pretty well. I enjoy doing the research, gathering my thoughts, testing my opinions, and then structuring it all together into a piece of writing from my personal perspective, which I hope provides some information and comfort to people in my communities.
These are my personal thoughts and stories, and I share them with others as a small gift to the world. I don’t make any money from this, and the time I take to write them isn’t coming from my “free time.”
So why do I do it?
This is a direct action I take every week that has done a little bit of good for some people. Every time someone tells me they read my blog and - enjoyed it/learned from it/needed to hear it/etc. - I am rewarded with positive feelings of giving, accomplishment, and satisfaction. It’s a little fulfillment.
But that’s me, personally. What about other people?
Right now I know approximately a dozen people who are spending their time using their skill sets at home to create much needed masks for health professionals across the country. And I think this is brilliant.
Are they getting paid to do this? Nope.
But is taking this action for someone else giving a sense of purpose and fulfillment? If their posts are all to be believed, then hells yes!
“Michael, I don’t have any useful or creative skills!”
Sure you do!
Do you have the ability to go to the store for a neighbor who cannot? This counts!
Can you recommend a great comedy show to a friend who needs some humor right now? Great!
Are you able to call or video chat with a family member struggling with their anxiety or depression? What a fantastic act of service!
Direct actions, all of them. And these are actions that you can take to fulfill your desire to just do something.
You’ll feel useful, others will feel better/supported/loved, and in turn you’'ll then feel even better.
Join Up
Community is everything in a time like this, and yet it’s so easy to ignore that fact and stay more isolated than we have to.
So, what to do about that?
Join up with a group of people online!
“What group? Like an online support group?”
I mean, you could if you feel you need that. But what I’m talking about is taking a group that you either already belong to in in-person-land, or one that you don’t belong to but is of interest, and joining up together online!
Some examples:
That friend group you’re always texting with but never get to see in person? Have an online happy hour!
That craft club that’s too far of a drive for you? Check out their online get-togethers!
Book discussion group can’t meet in person? Online!
Best friends movie night cancelled? Try Netflix watch party!
Miss cooking with your mom and grandma? Try doing it remotely at the same time!
Love your board game group and miss them? Find some online apps and play together, with or without video chat!
Want to more directly follow the journey of an artist/band/activist/etc. that you know and love? Check out their online community on their webpage, twitter, facebook, or wherever they do it!
Waiting for someone else to put it together won’t benefit anyone involved, and just wishing things were back to normal won’t help you either.
But reaching out to organize or join a group is a direct action that will make you - and everyone else involved - feel far more fulfilled.
Gift Directly to Others
This one is more of a monetary idea.
I know that not everyone is in a position to give financially right now, but if you are and you’re feeling the itch to help out a person or organization who isn’t as lucky, here are some ways to do so directly - aka make the greatest impact!
I’ll speak from the arts, since this is an arts blog after all!
A couple days ago, the people behind patreon.com put out a call-to-action video called Creativity Over Everything. (Do watch, it’s very short)
The basic idea driving this video and webpage is this:
The pandemic crisis and quarantine have made the flaws in our current system of Creativity and Compensation more apparent and also more detrimental to Artists.
And boy is it true!
As we’re all stuck at home and using all kinds of art to entertain ourselves, the people who created that art are - for the most part - not the people reaping the benefits of that creation.
“Then who is?”
The major companies and corporations behind the financial backing and distribution are the ones who often get the lion’s share, even though they wouldn’t be getting anything if it weren’t for the artists in the first place. For the most part, artists are treated as contractual freelancers and gig workers - therefore they have no safety net and must share the fruits of their creations with distributors.
Sound unfair? Well, it is.
“But what can I do? I can’t change a whole system from quarantine!"“
Actually, you can.
Do you have a favorite artist or musician? What about crafter, podcaster, or entrepreneur? Do you know one personally? Is there a creator you love who is struggling?
You can give to them, directly. No middleman, no company. How?
Websites like Patreon and OnlyFans were made for exactly this. Not only can you give financial support to your favorite artists (and usually receive great benefits by doing so!), but you can often purchase their art directly from them!
It’s like a crowdfunding campaign with no end date or limitations and better benefits. And you have the ability to connect directly with the artists in need! (Also, check if they have a crowdfunding campaign going for a specific project as well!)
For a personal example, on my Patreon page you can connect with me directly as I post snippets of all kinds of creative work - daily hellos, videos, musical demos, in-the-making, blogs, and more - and much of it is only for my patrons, who then have direct access!
[Here are a few examples of non-public content:
Daily Hello video
Unreleased Musical Demo from The King’s Legacy
Something silly
Other behind-the-scenes creative work
And plenty more is being created daily]
And what about arts organizations?
If you personally want to give to an organization directly, all it takes is an email or phone call to find out how to do so. If you want to help fundraise for them - if they’re non-profits - you can use the FaceBook fundraising feature to set up a campaign, which is super easy and very quick!
I’ve seen a few of these campaign casually come across my feed over the past two weeks, ultimately raising thousands of dollars for arts organizations that are struggling during this shutdown.
I mean, is there a better way to feel helpful than to be able to give directly to those who need it? Talk about fulfillment.
I again recognize that not everyone has the means to do this, but if you can and want to find a way to help, give your favorite creators a quick search and see how you can best help them, and directly!
More Benefits
Honestly, I’ve just scratched the surface of the benefits that can come from these actions.
Sure, you might:
Feel useful, feel better, enhance someone’s life, get gratitude, get personalized benefits, get perks from giving pages, find a community, etc.
But you might also:
Gain new friends, find new joys, change a life, change your own life, discover a passion, or create something new of your own.
You may feel lost and want to help, and I get it.
So take a breath, take a direct action, and help change the world for the better. Cheers!
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You're my Best Friend// part one
HS!joe... thing that I wrote.. I've written shit on Wattpad before but this is the first thing I've written in a really long time so bear with me && I hope you enjoy!!
I'll be using my own character that I made up like five minutes ago whoops. If y'all want I can give a faceclaim.
Warnings: mentions of sex (no actual smut lol I can't write that), drug use (just marijuana, don't worry y'all), and swearing, angst? Maybe?
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Joe and Jane had been friends since they were babies. Their mothers, best friends since high school, had unintentionally become pregnant and had decided their children would also be best friends.
Fast forward seventeen years, and Jane and Joe were even closer than their mothers. The two were seen everywhere together, cuddled up to each other and making vine references. Just about everybody thought you were dating, but each time the question came up, the two friends would laugh. To tell the truth, Jane hadn't even thought about what it would be like to date her best friend.
One downfall of having Joe as a best friend was that girls found him irresistible, and apparently Jane knew everything about him,so girls would come to him, asking if he was available just about every weekend. Another downfall was that Joe was kind of a manwhore. Jane had nicknamed him Roger Taylor because of his constant hookups.
One time Jane had walked in on Joe with a girl, and thank god they were still mostly covered because Jane probably would have vomited otherwise. He had called her and apologized about a hundred times after he was done.
Otherwise, Jane and Joe were closer than two peas in a pod, one never not knowing something about the other.
"Hey Joe?" Jane asked, laying on the boy's bed, playing on her phone. Joe was sat at his desk doing homework. Despite being a bit of a whore, he was incredibly focused on his grades, never handing in an assignment late. He often tutored Jane in Physics, as she sucked.
"Hm?" He replied, writing out vocabulary words in his notebook.
"Would you still be friends with me if I shaved all my hair off and glued it to my face?" She asked, glancing up as Joe gave her a look, his signature side-smirk on his face.
"Don't you already look like that?" He asked. Jane laughed and threw a pillow at him, yelling out a 'Hey!' He chuckled and set his pen down, turning to face her completely. "Uh, hey, I know I said I'd hang out tonight, but this girl Sarah wants to hang out and I told her I would.." Jane rolled her eyes as Joe trailed off. He had cancelled on her for the third time in the past two weeks and she had become sick of it.
"Again? Didn't you fuck her last weekend?" She asked, rolling her eyes. Joe gave her a sheepish smile, nodding. "Jeez, Roger Taylor, you can't keep cancelling our plans or I'll be forced to break up with you. I'm starting to think there might be someone else.." Even though you were upset, it was hard not to crack a joke.
"No, Jane! I've loved you for a hundred years! If you leave me I'll die!" Joe replied, dramatically flopping onto the carpeted floor, writhing as if he were being stung by jellyfish. Jane laughed, crawling to the edge of the bed and jumping on top of the boy so she was straddling him. She held his arms over his head and slapped him lightly across the face.
"Joe! Don't leave me! I didn't mean what I said! If you die I'll be cursed with ugliness for the rest of my days!" She cried, flinging her arms into the air for dramatic affect.
"Wait," Joe stopped, breaking character, "aren't you already cursed?" Jane stopped, breaking character as well as she slapped Joe lightly but repeatedly. "Stop!" He yelled, laughing as Jane hit him.
Joe's laughter ceased as he watched Jane's blissed out face, laughing so hard her eyes were shut and scrunched, smile lines adorning her cheeks and the corners of her eyes that Joe always loved. Eventually Jane noticed that Joe was no longer laughing and he eyebrows furrowed, a confused smile on her face.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked.
"Why do you have those things in your nose?" Joe asked, quoting the inappropriate but hilarious Tik Tok that they had watched a few days prior.
"Joe," Jane laughed, sitting herself so she was still straddling him, but was no longer leaning over him. "be serious for a second!" She giggled. Joe held his hands out and Jane pulled him up so they were eye level. She wrapped her arms around the boy's neck, looking him directly in the eyes. Their intimate position meant nothing to them, as they had grown up showing very close affection with no affectionate feelings.
"I'm just looking at you," He replied, leaning his forehead against hers. "what's wrong with that? I catch you looking at me all the time." Jane was usually unfazed by Joe's funny looks but there was something different about this one. There was a glint in his eyes that she had never seen before. Shaking it off as nothing, Jane climbed off of Joe's lap. She checked her phone, finding that her mother had texted her asking her what time she would be home.
"Hey I should go, don't want to stay too late and risk your date thinking something was going on." Jane teased, grabbing her textbook and her backpack.
"Ok," Joe replied, standing from the floor. "I'll text you after Sarah leaves. Maybe we can still hang out? If you pick up a movie from Walmart we can watch it later? Or I could come to yours and we could watch some Netflix?" He asked as they walked together to his front door. Jane slipped on her shoes and sling her bag over her shoulder.
"Joe, it's gonna be at least midnight by the time you're done, and we have school tomorrow. I think I'm just gonna go to bed early tonight." Jane gave him an apologetic smile as she slipped out the front door, leaving a disappointed Joe behind. She didn't really care, if she was being honest. She was still upset that he cancelled their plans again for another booty call. It was obvious that Joe hadn't been taking Jane's feelings into account as of late, and it really bothered her.
Jane called her other best friend Sage as soon as she got home. Truth was, she didn't want to go to bed early. Since Joe had cancelled on her multiple times, Jane has had many early nights and she was itching for an adventure. Usually her and Joe would sneak out of their houses and run around town, playing late night games of mini golf and bowling, and sometimes breaking into gated parks after hours to fool around on the jungle gym.
"Sage? I need to do something tonight or I'm going to commit homicide." Jane spoke as soon as her friend picked up.
"Sebastian got his new order in yesterday. Let's get stoned."
And they did. Jane dressed herself in one of her flashiest outfits, sneaking out of her house as soon as her parents had fallen asleep. Sage was waiting, sitting criss crossed in the middle of Jane's driveway, also dressed quite flashy. Sage liked to hook up with Sebastian every time they got high together. Jane never minded. She was used to Joe hooking up with girls, and she honestly didn't care about getting kicked out of his house when she was stoned enough.
Five joints and two bong hits later and Jane was ushered out of Sebastian's house, Sage hooked to him like a fly on sticky tape. She walked aimlessly through the streets, not really caring where she was going until she reached Joe's house. She hadn't even realized she walked all the way there. It wasn't too far from Sebastian's, but Joe was never a fan of Jane smoking, so she rarely went to his house after she smoked.
Yet here she was, standing at the base of his yard, staring from afar into his window where he would most likely be with Sandra, or whatever her name was. Something itched in the back of Jane's mind and she fished her phone out of her pocket. Her body and mind were on autopilot as she dialed his number, not seeming to care that he was busy. He picked up after two rings, out of breath.
"Jane?" He spoke, his breathing laboured.
"Why did you answer the phone? Aren't you having sex right now?" Jane asked, forgetting why she had called, or perhaps she hadn't figured out why she called in the first place quite yet.
"Yeah, what's up? Why are you calling? Are you okay?" Even after cancelling their plans, Joe still picked up the phone almost immediately. Jane's chest fluttered at the thought.
"Why did you cancel our plans again?" She asked, not thinking twice. She suddenly grew angry. She was sick of him cancelling on her. She would drop anything to be there for him and would never even think about cancelling on him, and yet here he was, hooking up with some girl instead of being there for his best friend. If he hadn't been there with her she wouldn't be stoned and cold, standing outside of his house, confused. She shivered, wishing she hadn't dressed like such a slut, or had at least bothered to bring a jacket.
"What?" Joe asked. There was rustling on the other end and a hushed apology before he spoke again. "Jane, can we talk tomorrow? I'm kind of busy. I'm sorry."
"Bullshit you're sorry!" Jane spluttered, angry tears brimming in her eyes. She was so confused. Why was she crying? Why had she called Joe. Why was she so bothered by Joe hooking up with a girl? He had been hooking up with girls since they were fifteen, why be upset now? Still, she kept talking.
"You've dumped our plans like three hundred times now! Do you hate me? Am I ugly? Am I too ugly for you to hang out with me? Are you gonna stop being friends with me?" Jane couldn't stop the tears from flowing as she yelled at Joe through the phone.
"Wait, Jane.. Are you outside right now? I can hear you.." Joe's voice faltered as she could only assume he was looking out his window. "Holy shit! What the fuck are you wearing?" Joe asked. She watched him peek through his blinds before turning and muttering something to the girl he was with. "Shit, Jane, give me a minute and I'll be right out." He hung up shortly after and Jane waited, not bothering to wipe her tears.
Joe emerged from his house shortly after, wearing a pair of boxers and carrying one of his blankets. He jogged over to the shivering girl and draped the blanket over her, taking in her appearance.
"W-why aren't you still in there fucking that girl? Why are you out here when you can be in there?" Jane blubbered, staring into Joe's confused eyes.
"Jane, what the fuck is going on? Just four hours ago you were fine, and now you're bawling about bullshit. Are you stoned?" He asked. Jane tried to turn away from him but he was quick to grasp onto her hands, pulling her to face him. He took her face in his hands, staring into her eyes.
"I know you don't like it but you cancelled on me again and I just wanted to do something fun and-" She couldn't continue speaking, her tears taking over. Joe wrapped her in a tight hug, squeezing her as tight as he could to calm her down. He did this whenever she went on one of her stoned rants and started freaking out, as she often did.
"Hey, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I promise I won't cancel on you again. Shh, calm down." Joe muttered, kissing the top of her head. "Hey, let me get dressed and I'll walk you home."
"What about the girl?" Jane asked, sniffling and wiping her eyes.
"She wasn't any good, anyway. Don't worry about it." Joe said, once again kissing her head as he guided her inside. "Do you want some of my clothes, by the way? You look like a stripper." He joked. Jane pushed him lightly, having calmed down, and snuggled into his side, breathing in his scent that never failed to calm her down.
Hi everyone, I hope you liked this! I hope this isn't too much all at once lol. I was watching the office as I wrote this so I got a bit distracted... Many times. Let me know what you think && I'll try to write a part two soon!
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tamboradventure · 5 years
7 Ways to Scratch the Travel Itch Without Traveling
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Updated: 3/17/2020 | March 17th, 2020
Once at a reader reader meetup, a fellow traveler approached me. He had just returned from an overland drive from New York City to Patagonia.
After I peppered him with questions about his trip (I mean really, how cool does that trip sound?), he asked me one:
“How do you deal with coming home, staying in the travel mindset, and keeping the lessons you learned alive?”
It’s a great question and it touches on something a lot of travelers get blindsided by: the post-travel blues.
Post-trip depression is something many long-term travelers struggle with.
Coming home is often harder than leaving (or adjusting to life abroad) because it’s so anti-climactic.
Before your trip, there is this massive buildup of emotions, preparation, and excitement. You’ve been planning a trip for months, imagining yourself in foreign lands, meeting interesting people, and going on an adventure.
You’re moving toward a goal. You’re excited. A bright future of possibility lies before you.
But then you come home after months (or years) abroad and it’s suddenly “now what?”
There’s no more buildup.
Just a complete stop.
You don’t come back with a bang; you come back with a whimper. Your friends are only kind of interested in your trip, but soon their eyes glaze over at your travel tales. Before you know it, you fall back into your old routine and it’s as this trip never happened.
So what can you do to recreate that sense of travel when you get back home?
And, given the times we live in, what do you do when you are quarantined because of Coronavirus, flights are grounded, and the travel industry has come to a halt?
How can you keep that sense of adventure alive while you are home (literally in your home and generally in your community)?
Well, here are 7 ways to bring the world to you when you can’t go to it:
  1. Read Travel Books
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The easiest thing you can to bring the world to you is to visit it through a book. Read about people’s adventures and stay inspired as you dream about all the places you’ll go in the future. Get new ideas, learn about other cultures, satiate your wanderlust, and grow your “to visit” list.
Let your mind travel when your body can’t.
Here’s a list of some travel books to get you started:
The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho
Wild, by Cheryl Strayed
The Beach, by Alex Garland
In a Sunburned Country, by Bill Bryson
Turn Right at Machu Picchu, by Mark Adams
Ten Years a Nomad, by me! (Which you should deflintely get because it’s the best and supporting the team and I during these times would mean a lot!)
For more suggestions, here’s a larger list of my favorite travel books.
And here’s a list of 13 non-travel books that changed my life (because if this quarantine lasts for awhile, you might want to read some other genres too!).
Additionally, if you want regular book suggestions, we have a travel book club where, once a month, I send a list of some of my recent reads.  
2. Watch Travel Movies
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From far-fetched classics like Indiana Jones to biopics like Wild to documentaries like A Map for Staurday, travel movies are another great way to satiate your wanderlust. Here are a few of my favorites:
Lost in Translation
Up in the Air
The Beach
Midnight in Paris
The Way
For more, here’s a full list of the best travel movies out there.
And, if you want some TV or Netflix suggestions, here are a few shows worth binging:
Parts Unknown with Anthony Bourdain
An Idiot Abroad
The Long Way Round
The Amazing Race
Dark Tourist
Someone Feed Phil
Ugly Delicious
  3. Start Planning Your Next Trip
Eventually, the current situation with the Coronavirus will pass and we’ll be able to travel again. So, while you are at home with lots of time on your hands, start planning your summer or fall trip. After all, we’re all gonna really need to get outside once this crisis is over! Trip planning will keep you busy and help make the days and weeks fly by.
First, buy a guidebook. I love getting lost in guidebooks and plotting itineraries and dreaming of the sights I’ll see. They’ll help you get the lay of the land, outline your budget, and give you an introduction to the destination. We have 7 in-depth budget travel guidebooks to some of my favorite destinations around the world, including:
New York City
They’re the product over over ten years of backpacking the world and are chock full of insider tips, budget suggestions, itineraries and much, much more!
For other destinations, I suggest using Lonely Planet guidebooks. They’re my go-to company whenever I’m planning a new trip. They have the widest selection of destinations out there. You can check out their selection here and pick one up for your next trip! (Amazon is delivering so you don’t need to leave your house to get one!)
Next, check out this comprehensive step-by-step guide to planning a trip. It will walk you through all my best tips on planning a trip so you can be ready to go the second we’re allowed to travel again.
Being at home can lead to a lot of boredom but I’ve always found trip planning – even for places I never end up going – a great mental escape that helps me pass the time and occupy my mind.  
4. Start Travel Hacking
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While you’re waiting for your next trip, sign up for a new travel credit card so you can earn points and miles for free flights and hotel stays. This is how I travel so often without spending a ton of money. Accommodation and flights are two of the biggest expenses you’ll have so being able to reduce that to near zero ensure you’ll be able to travel a lot more!
Here are some posts to help you learn more and get started today (because the sooner you start the sooner you can earn a free trip!)
How I Earn 1 Million Frequent Flier Miles Each Year
Is Travel Hacking Really a Scam?
The Ultimate Guide to Travel Hacking
The 6 Best Travel Credit Cards for 2020
  5. Join Online Communities
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A wonderful way to connect with other travelers and keep the spirit of travel alive is to join an online community. There are a lot out there these days (including the one we started a few months back). Being at home can be isolating and, as you dream and plan future trips, connect with other travelers. Share trips, advice, stories, and keep your spirits high!
Here are a few of the best online communities you can join today:
The Nomadic Network (This is our travel community)
Lonely Planet’s Thorn Tree
Girls Love Travel (women only)
Reddit’s Travel and Shoestring subreddits (for general travel and budget travel respectively)
Couchsurfing (they have groups and destination-specific forums)
  6. Read Travel Blogs
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Whether you’re planning a trip or just looking for something to read, travel blogs have a wealth of on-the-ground information, insider tips, and stories that can give you a lot of helpful advice and suggestions for your next trip.
Not only that but, as the travel industry grinds to a halt during this pandemic, reading blogs helps you support those of us who rely on advertising as part of our income. So, not only will you be getting lots of information but you’ll help keep bloggers from going under. Win-win!
Here are some suggested blogs to read:
Uncornered Market (sustainable travel)
View from the Wing (travel hacking, airline news)
Wandering Earl (adventurous budget travel)
The Blonde Abroad (travel and lifetsyle)
Neverending Footsteps (travel and anxiety)
Be My Travel Muse (solo female travel)
For even more awesome websites worth reading, here’s a list of my favorite travel blogs.
And since we’re also struggling traffic-wise, here are some of our most popular posts in case you feel like browsing (thanks in advance!):
Why Travel Makes You Awesome
Everyone Says I’m Running Away
How to Realize You Dreams & Travel Anywhere You Want
The Ultimate Guide to Traveling When You Have No Money
Why It’s Never the Perfect Time to Travel
  7. Meet Travelers Near You
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(Note: At the moment, this tip does not apply due to the quarantine but, once it is lifted, this can be a way to meet people in your local area.)
Having a support network is vital. You need people who won’t think you’re weird when you tell them you want to hike across the Amazon. You need people to say “Can I join?”
That why we started The Nomadic Network. It’s an online and in-person meet-up group for travelers all around the world. We host regular events every month in cities across the globe (at least when this crisis is over. Sign-up, use our forum to chat with people virtually, and, when this all over, come meet up in person!
Some other great websites for meeting people in real-life are:
Meetup.com – There’s a group out there for everything. I use this site frequently.
Couchsurfing – Couchsurfing is more than a website that offers accommodation. It has lot of local groups that hold events all the time. It is a wonderful way to meet other travelers and locals – at home or on the road.
Coming home can be hard. We all need a community that supports and understands us. And, while we can’t meet that community in real life right now, there are many ways you can bring the world to you while you are at home.
Use these tips. Keep your travel spirits alive. Plan a future trip. The world will be waiting – and ready – for you when this is all over.
Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines, because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is being left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld as they have the largest inventory. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com, as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and hotels. I use them all the time.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it, as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those 70 and over)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all those I use — and they’ll save you time and money too!
Photo Credit: 7 – OuiShare
The post 7 Ways to Scratch the Travel Itch Without Traveling appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
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nateharris · 7 years
Train Getaway Part 2 ~ @PJ_Jaymes
I hadn't expected to sleep through the night. I thought the noise from the train would keep me awake, I was wrong. The combination of the train rocking and being tangled in Nate’s arms actually made it easy to sleep. I didn't want to move in case Nate wasn't ready to wake up yet. It wasn't like I could get up, even if I wanted to, without untangling myself and that would wake him up. I was content in laying here, wrapped up with him, listening to the train and his heartbeats.
When I finally woke up, we were somewhere between Del Rio and Sanderson, TX. It was early, but my stomach was rumbling. Peyton was already awake. I could tell by the way she tried hard not to laugh at my stomach. “Morning, babe,” I grinned as I kissed the top of her head. “Sleep ok?” I thought it might be tricky to fall asleep, but I think I slept pretty soundly. The train whistle and movement becoming white noise in my head. I helped Peyton untangle herself from me and from the bedding so she could use the bathroom. “We should probably get dressed and try to get some breakfast in the dining car. Sound good?” I sat up and ran a hand through my hair yawning with a grin.
I smiled and nodded, “I slept great, which surprised me. I thought it'd be almost impossible to sleep.” I stood and stretched, “Breakfast sounds great. I'm sure your stomach would appreciate some food!” I laughed as I disappeared to use the bathroom. Once, I got done, I brushed my teeth and then my hair while Nate used the bathroom. We reached for each other's hand at the same time and grinned as we carefully made our way to the dining car on the swaying train.
Not too many people were up this early. The sunlight was so warm and inviting in the dining car. We sat side by side again, but no one joined us. After ordering coffee and juice for both of us, we took a look at the menu. “Anything look good to you, babe?” I asked as I thought about the French toast. I couldn't decide between that and the omelet. Whichever I decided on, I knew would be good. I also had a feeling a nap was in my near future. The warm sunlight was making me sleepy. Not too sleepy to eat.
“I think I'm going to go with the French toast. It sounds good. And you can never go wrong with it.” I grinned as Nate chuckled. After we placed our order, I looped my arm through his and laid my head on his shoulder, watching the scenery pass us by. “I think one day, I'd like to take this trip by car and stop and see all the sites along the way. What do you think?”
“How about I get the omelet, and we can share?” I grinned and kissed her cheek. She laughed. “Works for me!” We placed our order and sat back enjoying the view, Peyton's arm nestled in mine and her head on my shoulder. “A road trip along this same route, huh?” She nodded against my arm. “I suppose we could rent a car and drive back if you really wanted to. Get a voucher when we cancel our return trip. Would take a little longer. You need to be back for anything special?” I liked the idea, but wasn't sure if now was a good time or if we should save it for….the honeymoon? If I ever asked and if she ever said yes.
I shook my head, “I don't. But I'm sure your job wouldn't like you being gone longer then what we are. We can always wait and plan the trip for a later date. We would have more time to plan it out better and find all the different places we want to see.” I knew Nate’s job was important, and I didn't want us extending our trip to cause any issues. Besides, I was enjoying the way this trip was going now. Being able to see what we were seeing and just enjoying each other's company was amazing. This way neither of us had to focus on the road and driving, we could just focus on each other.
“All I’d have to do is make a phone call, babe, but you’re right. We should hold off and plan where we would want to stop along the way. Decide if we want to drive one way and take a train the other or drive both ways. Things like that.” I kissed her temple before letting go of her arm so she could sit up since our food was being set down in front of us. “This looks delicious,” I grinned. The French toast was lightly dusted with powdered sugar, and the side order of bacon we got to share smelled so good. “Do you want some more coffee or juice, Peyton?”
“Hmm, I think I'm gonna go with...juice. Maybe another cup of coffee after this good food.” I licked my lips as I looked at my food. “I don't even know where to start. It all smells so good.” I poked Nate when I heard him chuckle. I picked up my juice and smiled, “To us and our adventure!” I leaned over and kissed him softly.
I toasted my beautiful girlfriend and proceeded to divvy up my omelet, croissant and potatoes for her. We used the plate the bacon came on to help split our meals. The food was delicious. Maybe not restaurant quality, but really good considering we were on a train somewhere in Texas. After breakfast, I got her an extra coffee and myself an extra juice so we could wander into the sightseer car and watch whatever movie they were showing as the scenery went by. Until naptime called our name that is.
I’m not sure how long we slept. But I woke in a tangle of legs, arms, and blankets again. Also with a smile on my face. I didn’t want to move. I was very comfortable to lay here, for however long, wrapped in his arms. I don’t know how long I was awake for, but eventually the gentle rocking of the train and the warmth of his arms lulled me back to sleep.
After a lazy, relaxing nap, I thought maybe we should stretch our legs a bit. I knew there was a longer stop coming up in El Paso where we could step off the train and get some fresh air. It was just about 12:30 so I talked Peyton into grabbing lunch first. By the time we finished, we’d be able to step off the train. I ordered the Thai-spiced Pulled Coconut Pork Sliders and Peyton ordered the Chicken, Bacon & Cheddar Quesadillas since we knew they both be perfect for sharing. We enjoyed lemon citrus tarts for dessert. Lunch was as good as breakfast had been. We met a nice guy traveling from coast to coast taking photos. He’d been on three previous trains before this one. When we finished eating, we joined him in the lounge car to see some of his photos since we were not quite in El Paso yet.
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While looking at his photos he told us stories about some of the places he's visited already. It seemed each place had interesting backgrounds or stories. He asked what our final destination was and we told him. As the train came to a stop in El Paso, he suggested a few places we should really visit once we arrived. We all stood and said our goodbyes, parting ways as we stepped off the train and looked around.
It felt good but strange to stand on solid ground. I pulled Peyton close and twirled her under my arm as if there were music playing only for us. Our photographer friend snapped our picture and handed me a business card. He told me to email him and he’d send us a copy of our photo. I laughed and thanked him before escorting a blushing Peyton back up to our bedroom. In about two hours we would be in New Mexico. Just enough time to read up on some of the sights we might see from our train windows.
Once we were settled back in our room, I pulled my phone out so we could read about the sites. We found a few that we were excited to see and made sure we remembered where they would be. I set my phone to the side and grabbed a deck of cards so we could play a few games of rummy. “Do you want to go to the sight car in a little or just stay in our room?”
“Let’s stay here and hide away from everyone for a while,” I grinned before leaning over to nibble on her ear. “I like having you all to myself.” She giggled and unfolded the table under the window so we could play cards. I reluctantly moved to sit across from her. “I love seeing the changes to the landscape. You can tell at a glance that we are nowhere near Louisiana.” We started to play rummy and talked about maybe getting a large cactus or a small succulent garden for the house when we got home. Something to remind us of our trip.
Eventually we gave up on the card game and opted for snuggling and watching Netflix on my iPad. We were getting pulled deeper and deeper into the series and always had the itch for just one more episode. I was glad my phone could double as a hot spot, especially for this trip. It meant we could hide away and get lost in a show, snuggled close. As the last episode ended, we moved to look out the window again, noticing the change in scenery around us.
There was a knock at the door which startled us. Laughing, I unlatched it and found the dining car attendant standing there taking dinner reservations. “How about the 5:30 time, babe?” Peyton smiled and nodded at me. “5:30 for us please.” The attendant filled out our reservation slip and handed it to me. I latched the door closed once more after thanking her. I tucked the slip in my pocket and returned to Peyton’s side. “I think we’ll be in Arizona by dinner time. Let’s check the schedule.” She grabbed the schedule from the slot by the window and scanned it with her finger. “You’re right. Looks like Benson, Arizona at around 5:18. Ooh! Looks like we have one of those longer stops in Tucson. Can we get off the train and stretch our legs again?” How could I resist that face? “Sounds like a great idea, babe. We can walk around a little get a feel for the warmer desert air. After that we should probably call it an early night since the train get into California so early in the morning tomorrow.”
I smiled and nodded, “As much as I’ve enjoyed this train ride, I’ll be glad when we get to California. It’ll be nice to stretch our legs and explore!” Although, I was excited to get to our stop, I was going to miss being this close to Nate all the time. It was times like this that I couldn’t ever understand how I could've walked away or stayed away for so long.  Of course, the moment that I think that, I’m reminded why I left. I sigh as I look down at my stomach. When I felt Nate squeeze my hand, I shook the negative thoughts away and smiled, “I’m sorry, I was lost in thought. What was that?”
Something had passed over her features. Too fast for me to catch it. I squeezed her hand and told her we should start getting ready for dinner. “I’m sorry, I was lost in thought. What was that?” Leaning over to kiss her cheek, I smiled and repeated my comment. “We should probably get cleaned up for dinner. Have them turn our bed down while we’re eating.” She nodded and moved to use the bathroom. I sat back and rubbed the back of my neck wondering if something was bothering her that she didn't want to tell me about.
I quickly splashed some water on my face and tried to push the thoughts from a few moments ago away. Nothing good would come of it, and there was no sense in making this trip go from something wonderful to something depressing. I wasn’t going to let our past have an impact on our future. A future that I very much wanted with him. Once I knew that I could force the thoughts away again, I finished cleaning up for dinner and returned to Nate with a smile, “Your turn.”
A few minutes later we were making our way to the dining car. I settled on the Chicken & Bacon Fettuccine Carbonara while PJ was trying to decide between Seared Shrimp and Chicken Tinga Enchilada Trio. “Don’t think you can go wrong with either, Sweetheart. We get shrimp at home a lot. Why not try something more southwestern since we’re in Arizona?” She laughed and agreed with me. I ordered wine for both of us hoping it would help her relax so we could get some sleep later. We were soon joined by an older couple on their way back home after visiting their grandchildren. I was happy to let them do most of the talking while we focused on our delicious meals. I snuck a bite of PJ’s enchiladas between admiring pics of the grandchildren. It was not too spicy and very flavorful. After saying goodnight to our new friends, we took our lemon citrus tarts and cups of herbal tea back to our room. Dessert had sounded like the perfect way to unwind in bed with PJ and Netflix. Tomorrow we’d be waking up in California!
At some point in the night I woke from a nightmare. I wasn’t sure what it was about, but once I remembered where I was, I quickly calmed down and snuggled back into Nate’s embrace. It wasn’t long before I drifted back off to sleep, with happy dreams this time. When I woke again, it was as the train was slowing down and the announcement that we had reached our stop. I smiled and softly kissed Nate awake, grinning when he said something about it being a nice way to wake up. “We’re here!” I whispered excitedly.
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wbwest · 7 years
New Post has been published on WilliamBruceWest.com
New Post has been published on http://www.williambrucewest.com/2017/06/23/west-week-ever-pop-culture-review-62317/
West Week Ever: Pop Culture In Review - 6/23/17
  It’s gonna be a quick one this week, as I’ve got too much real life stuff going on. Plus, there was a lot of little news, but no big whammy.
Last Saturday I took in Awesome Con which, in its fifth year, was being held at the Washington Convention Center. Normally I’m all about con reports. You’ll see my cosplay pics, and hear about all the stuff I bought. Not so much this time around. I don’t know what it was, but it didn’t feel very Awesome this year. I hate cons that are filled to capacity (like NYCC), but I felt like this one could’ve been better attended. Sure, there were a lot of folks there, but I still bet they fell short of the numbers that had been expected. No cosplay really caught my eye. There were only, like, 7 comic vendors. The show really doesn’t seem to know if it’s a pop culture con, like a Wizard World show, or if it’s a comic-con for the DC area, rivaling Baltimore’s.
It wasn’t all bad, though. I got to hang out with my buds @KeithDavidsen and @ClassickMateria, plus I had a great conversation with 2/3 of the 3 Black Geeks Podcast. Oh, and I totally gushed over Christopher Hastings, who currently writes I Am Groot and The Unbelievable Gwenpool for Marvel. I’ve been a fan of his since his indie series, The Adventures of Dr. McNinja, and I’m a huge Gwenpool fan. I pretty much went just to meet him, and he was totally gracious and nice. Meanwhile, I was gonna confront Scott Snyder and get him to sign my Dark Days: The Forge book. And then ask him why he blocked me on Twitter. But the stars were not aligned, as his line was capped before I got there. I suppose it was for the best. So, while lacking in awesome, there’s still room for improvement, and I’m sure I’ll be right back there next year.
While a lot of folks are getting excited about it, I have some problems with the way Netflix’s The Defenders series is being marketed. Something seems off with the tone of everything. See that poster above? As I remarked on Twitter, it looks like a TV Guide ad for a show Fox canceled in 1994. I can hear the promo now: “The Defenders, followed by an all-new New York Undercover. Thursday, at 8/7 Central.” There’s nothing about it that *pops*, and it just looks so pedestrian. Are they a rag tag group of NYC street-level heroes, or is it a coming of age drama about 3 guys and a girl trying to make it in New York City? I still have 3 more seasons of Marvel Netflix shows to catch up on before I can even watch this, so maybe I’m not the target audience. It’s just all so formulaic now, though. “Hey, look – a hallway fight!”
We finally got a premiere date for the long-delayed Star Trek: Discovery, bowing September 24th at 8:30 on both CBS and CBS All Access. What’s with the 8:30 start time, though? I guess we’ll get some kind of half-assed, 30-minute Trek retrospective before the show. And, taking a page from cable shows, the season will be split in two, with the first 8 episodes airing in the fall, while the remaining 7 will air starting in January. I couldn’t be less excited for this show. So many damn hoops to jump through, so many broken promises regarding its premiere date. At this point, I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if they requested a blood sample before allowing you to watch it. That’s how crazy this has become. What was once thought to become the most pirated series of all time, I’m now starting to think most of us aren’t even gonna bother.
I had no clue that Phil Lord and Chris Miller were the directors on the Han Solo film (how’d I miss that?), and I would’ve told anyone who’d listen that they were a terrible choice – which is why I’m not surprised that they were fired this week, citing “creative differences”. Sure, The Lego Movie was great. The Jump Street franchise was great. But I don’t see them fitting into the “Star Wars vision” that Kathleen Kennedy clearly has. They would’ve given us something great and entertaining, but I don’t know if it would’ve been a “Star Wars movie”. Then again, I’m not the biggest Star Wars fan, so what do I know. I’d like to think there’s room to do a lot of stuff in that franchise, but I just don’t see their style fitting into what’s already been established. And then Ron Howard was announced as their replacement. I really don’t know how I feel about this. I mean, gifted director, but this seems sort of out of his wheelhouse. Any of y’all have strong thoughts either way?
Meanwhile, somebody needs to make up their mind about whether these Spider-Man spinoffs are gonna be set in the MCU or not. We were basically told that only Spider-Man was crossing over, and even that’s been threatened as a possible one-time deal. But then Amy Pascal did a press junket earlier this week, where she danced around the matter, saying that the Spider-Man spinoffs would build upon the world that is being carefully crafted, leading some to believe they might actually be set in the MCU. That’s how some folks saw it. I just saw it as Pascal trying to keep her job. I guess time will tell. Meanwhile, Spider-Man Homecoming 2 is already being discussed (which I hope is called Spider-Man: Sadie Hawkins Dance), and there will reportedly be a cameo by another MCU character who’s not Iron Man. Keep it in your pants, boys. Let’s see how this one does first, OK?
Song of the Week
Yup, it’s a Taylor Swift song, but it’s NOT sung by Taylor. She gave this song to Little Big Town, who have ridden it to #1. It’s got her trademark juvenile lyrics, but I still think it’s beautiful. I kinda wish I didn’t know she wrote it, but I think that was part of the push that got it to #1. Anyway, here’s “Better Man”.
Things You Might Have Missed This Week
Shonda Rhimes had to fail eventually, which is why her summer Shakespeare series, Still Star-Crossed, has been moved to Saturday after 3 low-rated episodes. Stick a fork in that turkey!
Speaking of dead shows, CMT couldn’t make the numbers work to revive Last Man Standing, so the sitcom is officially dead
Dule Hill’s real-life fiancee, Ballers actress Jazmyn Simon, will play Gus’ love interest in the Psych reunion movie
Apparently Nickelodeon is prepping a one-hour reunion, called Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling. I didn’t have cable growing up, but I know this means something to some of you.
Virginia Madsen won’t be back for season 2 of Designated Survivor. I was kinda hoping she and Kiefer would bang, so now I have the sads…
Six cast members are out at Taken, amid a major shake-up prior to season 2. I guess you could say they didn’t have the right set of skills.
They’re teasing a Downton Abbey movie for 2018. I hope it’s called Downton Abbey: Matthew’s Revenge!
There are rumors that Damon Lindelof is in talks to do a Watchmen TV series for HBO. That network is really into dongs lately, so I guess this is a perfect fit.
Daniel Henney is shifting his Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders character over the main Criminal Minds series, following the former’s cancellation. Remember that when your CBS-watching grandpa asks you where he’s seen that “Oriental fella” before…
The CW is interested in a Supernatural spinoff called Wayward Sisters, which would star recurring guest star Kim Rhodes. I don’t watch Supernatural, but she was Zack & Cody’s hot mom, so I’m a supporter of giving her more work!
After a thorough investigation, Warner Bros found no evidence of misconduct on the set of Bachelor In Paradise, and production has resumed on the season. Now it’ll probably be the most-watched season of the show, but there’s no way they saw that coming, right? Right?
As a reward for being the #1 daytime drama for the past 28 (!) consecutive years, CBS has renewed The Young and the Restless for another three seasons
NBC is scrambling to do some damage control, as Megyn Kelly’s highly publicized interview with Sandy Hook truther Alex Jones was beaten by a rerun of America’s Funniest Home Videos. That’s right, it was beaten by a show that’s been rendered virtually obsolete since the proliferation of the Internet
Heroes is coming to Crackle on July 13th. You know, that free streaming network that nobody watches? So, if you’re still itching to save the cheerleader, there ya go.
The sequel to Jurassic World will be called Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. Meh. That shit ought to be called Jurassic Galaxy. Take those dinos into space already!
Daniel Day-Lewis has quit acting, meaning we’ll never get to see him in the Fast and the Furious franchise like we’d always dreamed!
Fresh off his mistrial, Bill Cosby plans to give speaking engagements where he will instruct folks how to dodge sexual assault charges. I couldn’t make this shit up! “If you put the pudding pop in the Jello, make sure you’re not caught on any Kodak film!”
Transformers 5: Bad Touch had the lowest opening day box office for the franchise, with $15.7 million.
In the ultimate Fuck yo’ Father’s Day move, Beyonce’s dad announced to the world, via tweet, that her twins had arrived. I hear he was dragged away by wraiths soon afterward.
Adam West’s unaired episode of Powerless can now be seen on DC All Access, as well as Hulu.
No one had the West Week Ever this week. As Nina Simone sang, “It be’s that way sometimes”. I do have a correction from last week, though. Like I said up top, I’ve got some real world stuff going on and I wasn’t really thinking clearly. I inducted Adam West into the West Week Ever Hall of Fame, when my pal @zacshipley pointed out that a better honor was staring me right in the face: that honor should be called the West Life Ever. So, the post has since been corrected and, going forward, that is what will be bestowed upon those greats that we’ve lost along the way. Adam West had the West Life Ever.
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