#I just met coal ball baby but i love them
birdinabowl · 6 months
This you??
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Yeah :3!!
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the-stage-manager · 8 months
Here he is, his name is Urzire. He is (was) a pirate.
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(Look at how pretty he is in these blue robes. He's so tranquil UwU)
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He is a tiefling charletan bard, college of swords, former pirate captain. He fell in love with Astarion while committing scams. Unfortunately he has a condition where he only gets the Brain CellTM during the full moon (dumb of ass)
He was actually born 150ish years before the events of BG3, in a small village. His parents were farmers and he has 8 siblings and is the second youngest. He was 5 when his younger brother was born, and made it his life's mission to protect him. His parents were farmers and, unfortunately, their village was razed when Urzire was 15. He lost his entire family, and was captured and sold as a slave.
For the next seven years, he labored deep beneath the surface of the earth mining for coal and rare minerals. At one point, he and a handful of others were trapped in a cave in, where they were stuck for over three weeks waiting for rescue. So... Yeah. He's not a big fan of the Underdark. Or the caves.
He secured his freedom after seven years and found work as a sailor. Though TBH he wasn't very good at the whole "honesty" and "not stealing" thing and he was a within like three months. It was a real quick turn around.
He met Astarion in a bar—Astarion, at this point, was only eighty years or so into his slavery, so he was, admittedly, in a different mindset. A little more desperate, a little less jaded, just starting to lose hope. They met at a ball Cazador dragged his spawn to; Astarion claimed to be a magistrate, Urzire claimed to also be a magistrate, and they then proceeded to seduce each other. Astarion wanted a victim for Cazador, and Urzire wanted a victim to hold as ransom. Unfortunately neither succeeded but, by sheer happenstance, they met up again in a bar months later.
Look, it's the perfect meet-cute: boy meets boy, boy1 confesses to being a vampire, boy2 confesses to having a hostage in the basement that needs to die so "I guess I wouldn't mind so terribly much if you happened to steal her away to eat..." Look, they both think they're manipulating each other, okay? Astarion thinks he's putting on a sob story to gain a powerful ally, Urzire thinks he's doing favors for a powerful vampire who will be in his debt. UNFORTUNATELY THEY BOTH CATCH FEELINGS FOR EACH OTHER.
Honestly, who could have seen it coming?
The truth is revealed, they fall in love, Urzire makes plans to kill Cazador, he also reunites with his long-lost little brother (who is married and has. Tiny baby eee!) It's all very lovely and nice.
Except then it goes to shit.
His ship sinks, and he washes ashore on a tiny island in the Feywilds, because the fey who rules the island, Callipso, fell in love with him and wants to make him her husband. He resists as best he can, but Urzire is trapped with her, and she's a fey. She charms him, and takes what she wants, even though he doesn't want to give it. Every time they are intimate, he loses a piece of himself—literally. His skin turns grey, he loses his ability to play the violin, to sing, to do much of anything, and he's losing his memories. After 12 months, Callipso finally releases him and when he washes up on the shore back in the mortal plane, he barely remembers who he even is. All he knows is that he's in love with somebody, and they're suffering, and he has to find them.
He wanders aimlessly around the city, like a zombie, before a Nautoloid appears out of nowhere and BAHM! Tadpoled.
Except, here's the thing: time passes differently in the Feywilds. While only 12 months passed for Urzire, 120 years passed in the mortal plane.
And Urzire has no idea. In fact, when he meets Astarion, he doesn't recognize him, his memories are too fractured. But Astarion looks at Urzire and sees the ghost of a man who abandoned him, who betrayed him, who left him to rot for over a century. He doesn't believe it at first. But once he realizes... It's bad. He bites the Tiefling that night with 100% the intention to drink him dry. But Urzire seems completely in the dark and that throws him off.
They fall in love slowly. Urzire continues to show Astarion relentless compassion and, at first, the vampire wants none of it. But slowly, he warms up to it. He pieces the story together from the bits and pieces Urzire tells around the campfire—the Tiefling was just as trapped as he was, in many ways. He's still bitter... But it fades. He falls in love.
By the time they reach Baldur's Gate, Uzire still doesn't recognize him, but he's fallen in love, and he feels guilty about it—after all, he loves somebody back in the city, somebody who needs him.
Astarion tries to hint at the reality of the situation but doesn't have the courage to tell him outright. So when they reach the city and Urzire realizes how much time has passed... It's a doozy.
But it gets worse. Remember that bit where Urzire reunited with his long lost little brother, who is married and has a child? Well, when Urzire disappeared, Astarion didn't handle it well. He hoped for a long, long time but eventually gave up and his hope died and became rage. He took his anger out on Urzire's brother by stealing their young child in the dead of night (Astarion had been invited into the home, he had been Urzire's partner after all) and presenting him to Cazador to be eaten.
It's a secret that Astarion intended on taking with him to his grave. Until... They arrive in Cazador's palace and three guesses who's in that cell with the rest of the malnourished spawn? That's right. It's the little boy. Urzire doesn't actually recognize him, he'd only been a baby when he saw him last, as Calliope fried his memories pretty badly. In fact, Astarion doesn't even realize he's in there because he's too emotionally charged after the confrontation with Sebastian.
But after Cazador is dead, and they're climbing up the stairs to leave the palace, the realization hits Astarion in the chest like a fucking freight train. To his credit (perhaps he's only able to do it because he's already so emotionally numb), he tells Urzire and they go find the little boy, and Urzire insists on taking him back to camp.
He and Astarion do stay partners, even though their relationship is a little bit strained for a while after, understandably so. But they work it out, and Urzire goes on to adopt his nephew. Instead of living in the underground with the spawn after the game, he and Astarion and the boy immediately head to Waterdeep with Gale (because they are homeless lol) to start researchih cures for vampirism. Which they eventually find! Because it really isn't all that hard to cure vampirism in DnD.
So that's it. That's the story of my son.
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inkykeiji · 3 years
break my heart in two, but when it heals it beats for you
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character: zenin naoya
genre: smut + angst
notes: aaaaah this is my lil submission for the sewer’s soulmate syndrome collab (and my first collab ever waaah!!!) it’s a curseless soulmate AU with the tiniest hint of the zenin’s being a prominent crime family. please please heed the warnings!! | title credit: back to you by selena gomez
warnings: 18+ minors do not interact, incest (reader and naoya are half siblings), mentioned death of a family member (mother), naoya being his misogynistic self, excessive use of the word ‘Daddy’ to refer to their biological father, one (1) instance of physical abuse, size kink/size difference, mentioned relationship between a university student (reader) and their TA, infidelity, one (1) mention of Daddy being yakuza, age difference, spanking done by reader’s biological father, toxic relationships, minimal prep, rough sex, a hint of degradation
words: 9.5k
Except the torture doesn’t stop, even when you’re gone, because he’s assaulted with thoughts of you the very moment you leave—what you’re doing, who you’re with, if he plagues your mind as much as you plague his—you’re like a fucking sickness, a parasite that burrows deep between the folds and tissues of his brain, infecting it, and he’s hopeless to find a cure.
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It’s a few days after his twenty-ninth birthday, the night you appear—unannounced, uninvited, and an absolute fucking mess—falling into his father’s arms the moment he opens the door, fingers curling in the material of his cashmere button up and tugging as powerful sobs rip through your entire body, violent tremors following.
It’s fucking disgusting, the way his father reacts. Naoya watches the entire thing unfold from the shadows of the living room, nose wrinkled in distaste, features twisted in aversion and saturated in abhorrence.
Because his father lets you cling to him like a child—a grown woman, gripping a seventy-one year old man like a sniveling little girl—as he manages to scoop you up into his arms, collapsing onto his favourite armchair with you in his lap, hushing you gently as he rocks you back and forth, large hands stroking your shuddering back as you nuzzle your puffy, snot-stained face into his chest, wailing out Daddy!
It’s the first time Naoya’s ever seen his father behave in such a way, revolt churning his stomach as he observes the quite frankly unfamiliar man in front of him. It makes him fucking sick to watch, acidic bile rising in his throat until it stings the back of his tongue, face souring as he swallows it back down.
And you can’t even manage to force words through your stuttering breathing and hiccupped little sobs, unable to explain the situation at all without being overwhelmed by another fresh wave of tears, crashing over your body as you fall back into the sanctuary of his father’s arms, face buried in his neck, now soiled with spit and salt water.
“Naoya,” his father calls, voice curt and stern and demanding, snapping Naoya’s gaze to his own in an instant. “A glass of water, please?”
Naoya scoffs, narrowing his eyes. “What the fuck do I look like to you? The help?”
And Naoya’s no stranger to the level gaze his father fixes him with, has seen that same look etched into his father’s face more times than he can count, eyebrows pinched and mouth pressed in a firm, fine line, chest rising as he inhales slowly, calmly, deeply, then exhales through flared nostrils.
“You look like a good big brother who’s on his way to get his baby sister some water,”
Ah, right, that’s who you are—the bastard, Daddy’s little mistake, an ugly, irreversible stain on their family’s prestigious name.
“That bitch is not my sister,” he grumbles as he stomps from the room and towards the kitchen to fetch you a drink, huffing under his breath about being treated like a fucking woman, yet obeying his father’s orders nonetheless.
It turns out, Naoya learns, that your mother has passed away, leaving his poor bastard of a baby sister all alone in the world, with nowhere to go—and you’ve come here to ask for shelter and food, just until you get on your feet.
It’s fucking pathetic, as far as Naoya’s concerned, shaking his head in condescending disbelief with a cruel snort. It’s almost difficult to believe that you, undoubtedly the family disgrace; you, with your dirty blood and the dishonour you haul around everywhere with you, have the balls to come crawling to his father begging for support. You’re an adult, for Christ’s sake, and you should act like one, should be out scouring the earth for some equally pathetic man to serve like you ought to, like you would have, if you knew your place. Maybe then, Naoya would have a shred of respect for you.
“How selfish. Daddy already pays for your tuition, why should he provide you with housing, too? Are you really that incompetent? Can’t do a thing for yourself, huh?”
Your head whips around to face him, almost as if you’re startled by his presence, by his voice addressing you directly, a sharp gasp falling from your lips the moment your eyes meet.
It’s the first time you’ve actually looked at him since you’ve arrived, the first time your gaze has connected with his, eyes bloodshot and gleaming as crystal tears stream down your cheeks, excess water clinging to spidery lashes, clumped together in spikes.
God, you’re beautiful.
It kicks him right in the motherfucking chest, hard enough that he stumbles back a few feet into the stone fireplace, a hand gripping the mantle for stability while his body caves in on itself. A spear of agony sears through his body, slicing clean through all of his vital organs as you choke out an apology punctuated with an honorific, head shaking in jerky little motions as your tongue struggles to form words to explain yourself.
And he’s never felt anything like it in his entire life, skin feeling as though it’s been set ablaze from the inside, thick black smoke filling is lungs as he wheezes on an inhale, strangled by it.
“Naoya,” his father snaps, eyes wide and scorching. “Leave.”
Each step away from the living room feels heavier than the last, as if his blood’s been replaced by lead, by rapidly drying concrete, rendering him incapable of lifting his feet from the floor, dragging them against the tile until it’s fucking painful, calves and thighs tingling as if the blood flow’s been entirely obstructed, muscles quivering and exhausted.
“It’s okay,” he can hear his father’s faint voice soothing you, each of your sniffles feeling like a sharp little thorn straight to his heart, each of your tiny I’m sorry’s carving out a vacant, phantom wound in his chest. “Shh, it’s alright, Daddy’s here, Daddy’s got you,”
“Pathetic,” Naoya spits to the empty hallway, though the word wavers, catching a little in his throat, letters scraping the gummy walls as he forces them from his mouth, leaving scalding little blisters in its wake.
It’s then that Naoya decides he hates you; standing motionless in the dark  hallway, feet inexplicably bolted to the floor and chest burning with some unknown emotion, a fire that blazes and rages, flares and thrashes, with each of your hitched little apologies, his teeth clenched together so tightly he’s surprised they don’t crack.
But it’s only after your sobs have calmed, father having reduced them to soft sniffles and half-hiccups through tender words and sweet affirmations, only after Naoya knows that you’ll be staying here for the night—that you’ll be safe—that he regains control over his limbs, that he rips his cement-filled feet from the floor and trudges towards his bedroom, scalding inferno dulled to simmering coals and faint flickering cinders.
He doesn’t think about it—isn’t going to think about it, refuses to waste his time or energy on such absurdity, refuses to allow his father’s preposterous decisions and ridiculous sentiments soak up space in his consciousness.
And he absolutely refuses to think about is the way your sudden presence punched a sharp gasp from his chest, the way he suddenly feels incomplete, like something’s missing, now that you aren’t within arms-reach, the way that he lost control over his entire body for the first time in his fucking life, in that hallway, just a few moments ago.
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His father—your father—falls in love with you almost immediately; having only met you briefly a few times before this, despite sending your mother multiple cheques every month for over twenty years.
It’s truly deplorable, positively sickening to watch the way his eyes light up when you come skipping into the living room after your afternoon university classes, dropping a fat, almost obscene kiss to Daddy’s cheek before plopping down on his lap as you chatter on about your day—about what you learned in lecture today, about the essay you got back (top of your class, of course), about your cute TA with the white hair and crystal eyes who always seems to conjure a bashful expression the moment you mention his name.
Naoya watches the entire thing unfold day after day, a deep sneer etched into his face, jaw clenched so hard it begins to ache, light eyes glaring daggers in your direction.
Something akin to jealousy, a creature with glowing emerald eyes and gnashing teeth and razor claws that slash and tear at the pit of his belly, roars and rattles the ribs that keep it caged within his chest, gnawing on the bones every time his—your—father makes you giggle, your eyes sparkling with adoration as you gaze at him; every time lithe fingers brush hair back from your face or a large palm settles on the crown of you head, petting you gently; every time you nuzzle into his neck, curling up comfortably—perfectly—in Daddy’s big, strong arms that keep you protected from all of the bad, from all of the evils of this world, from him, the big brother that loathes you.
It’s unsettling, almost sad in a sense, seeing his father fall from grace, observing the way you decay his persona so quickly, eating away at it like corrosive acid, rotting him from the inside out; the way he morphs from one of the most powerful and feared Yakuza bosses into soft, sticky, sweet putty in your hands the moment you appear; the way your presence shatters his tough, hard exterior and renders him gentle and tender—gentler and tenderer than he’s ever behaved with Naoya or any of his older brothers.
He can’t fucking stand to watch it, despises every single thing about it, positively detests the inexplicable, uncontrollable sensations that thrash and thunder inside of him, an unusual mixture of envy and melancholy, of wrath and desire, combined to create something toxic, something hazardous, something uncontainable that erodes his senses and mind, leaking into his bloodstream and poisoning his thoughts.
Because his gaze stays glued to you the moment you enter a room, like he’s bewitched by you, cursed by you the way his father has become, unable to rip his eyes from your form until you exit.
Except the torture doesn’t stop, even when you’re gone, because he’s assaulted with thoughts of you the moment you leave—what you’re doing, who you’re with, if he plagues your mind as much as you plague his—you’re like a fucking sickness, a parasite that burrows deep between the folds and tissues of his brain, infecting it, and he’s hopeless to find a cure.
And the worst part, the worst part is that he hasn’t a clue why. He doesn’t know why he feels the way he does, why you evoke such strong emotions—emotions he’s never felt before, emotions he doesn’t have a name for—or why, suddenly, everything feels wrong, off, whenever you’re not around.
It’s fucking annoying. Those tiny, raised bumps on the inside of his wrist—shaped in the form of a zodiac constellation, a mark everyone is born with, a mark that supposedly hints at your soulmate—burn and tingle as he meditates on these notions, blunt nails scratching viciously at his skin.
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Daddy grants you permission to stay at the estate for as long as you’d like, because of course he does, a victim to the spell you’ve cast. He even gives you your own room, helps you pick out furniture and takes you shopping for new clothes. You promise to do your share around the house—pinky swear—and, to Naoya’s immense dissatisfaction, you don’t disappoint.
No. Instead, you excel.
Those pretty little words weren’t empty promises—you begin cooking all of the meals, taking on the task to do the dishes entirely by yourself, tending to the house and the garden outside, even going as far to aid the help in their daily cleaning routines, until Daddy tells you it isn’t necessary.
And you manage to capture almost everyone’s hearts through your deeds and duties, through your kind and compassionate nature, through your being attentive and, for the most part, obedient—but most important of all, being family oriented.
You do the laundry when it needs to be done. You keep the house spotless and the kitchen sparkling. You learn everyone’s favourite dishes and then dedicate hours upon hours to perfecting them.
Naoya observes you throughout it all, sharp eyes following your movements, watching as you expertly tend to everyone’s needs, almost as if you know what they’ll require before they do.
You’d be perfect wife material, if you weren’t his sister—he catches the thought as it drifts through his mind—a sentiment that’s almost involuntary, unthinking in nature— and strangles it with his bare hands, stomps on it until it’s nothing but dust.
Because what’s more infuriating than anything else is that you are a good woman, a perfect woman, a woman who—for the most part—understands her place and duty in the household; or, at least, you did, before Daddy began spoiling you rotten.
It earns you the nickname princess from your favourite nii-san, hissed through gritted teeth with narrowed eyes and scrunched up noses, drenched in condescension and sprinkled with artificial icing sugar—a nickname Daddy irritatingly and affectionately adopts, extracting all of the patronization Naoya had imbued it with and stuffing it full of love.
You aren’t invincible, though, no matter how precious you are, how sweet your voice becomes when you bat your eyelashes and fix a pout on your lips, how much Daddy is barely able to deny you.
Because Daddy’s incessant spoiling does eventually bite him in the ass, just like Naoya knew it would.
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“But Daddy,” you whine, wearing your prettiest pout and cutest puppy-dog eyes, lethal weapons that are nearly foolproof, your most cherished expressions that grant you almost everything you want. “It’ll just be for a little, I promise! Just a drink or two!”
“I said no—”
“But everyone’s going! Even my professors will be there; I’m expected to show up!” Voice rising in pitch, your arms cross over your chest as eyebrows knit deeply and a lip juts out further, looking about two seconds away from stomping your foot.
Naoya would be amused, really, to see a grown woman acting like a petulant fucking child over some inconsequential party being thrown by the department, if he didn’t feel like his heart was ripping itself to pieces with your teary expression and soft half-sniffles, with the knowledge that, if you attend, you’ll be with him.
“You have an exam tomorrow,” Daddy reminds you in a sigh, dipping his head to scrutinize you over the rim of his reading glasses. “Are they not all required to write the same exam as well?”
“Well, they are, but—”
“But they didn’t spend their study break out gallivanting with their TA, did they?”
Your eyes widen for a second, shocked by the words leaving your father’s mouth, but the expression is gone in an instant, morphed into incredulousness, eyes rolling as your tongue tuts in disbelief.
“Please, we were studying,”
The chuckle that escapes your father’s lips is anything but warm; it’s cruel and condescending, a sharp slap to the face, your bottom lip beginning to tremble as he snaps his book shut, the sound echoing throughout the living room.
“You must think me a real fool,” he’s almost snickering as he throws his glasses on the coffee table, grunting a little as he stands from his armchair and raises himself to his full height, towering over you. “Do you think Daddy’s stupid?”
“What? No, of course not—”  
“Then why are you lying to him?”
“I-I’m not—”
“And you’re doing it again?”
Head shaking in jerky, quivering movements, your lips open and close, emitting nothing more but little squeaks of breath as you try to backtrack, managing to stammer out an apology.
“It’s a little late for that,” your father’s saying sternly, a large hand curling around your bicep as he yanks you towards him, beginning to haul you down the hall. “Good girls do not lie to their fathers,”
Naoya sits tense and coiled in his father’s armchair, a symphony of your cries mingled with harsh slaps of Daddy’s calloused palm against your smooth skin carrying throughout the house, and he swallows thickly, past the lump that’s lodged itself in the column of his throat, past the bitter acid rising in his chest, past the irregular thumping of his heart against his ribs.
Because he doesn’t know why your wails and squeals of Daddy! M’sorry! Daddy! make his cock throb and his chest ache—ache with longing, with want and desire, with jealousy—doesn’t know why he finds himself fucking his fist to those memories that same night, mind fixated on the quick glance he had caught through the sliver of the open door when he couldn’t stand it anymore, when he had to sneak down the hallway just to make sure everything was alright, images of you thrown over father’s knees, bare ass spanked raw materializing in his head.
Or maybe he does know. Maybe he refuses to admit it. Maybe he just pretends he doesn’t, because he wishes he didn’t.
Still, you always get off fucking easy, as far as Naoya’s concerned. He’s never witnessed his father allow any woman to talk back to him with such horrid disrespect, to whine and plead and roll their eyes without a backhand so heavy, so hard it knocks them to the floor.
And yet, you receive a few measly spanks to your ass—a punishment that’s more embarrassing than anything else, terribly unfit for a grown woman—and get sent to your room for the rest of the night.  
“She truly is Daddy’s Little Girl,” his mother had snarled after one particular punishment, features curled up in an unattractive sneer.
Naoya can’t help but begrudgingly agree.
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“Oh, lighten up,” one of his brothers nudges his foot with the toe of his slipper before collapsing next to him one abnormally cold evening in early October, interrupting Naoya’s nightly routine of glaring at you, cuddled up into Daddy’s side as you watch a show. “Just because you aren’t Daddy’s favourite anymore doesn’t mean you have to skulk around looking like you just ate a whole lemon,”
“What’re you on about,” Naoya seethes through clenched teeth, glancing at his older brother through the corner of his eye.
“You know,” he responds airily with a knowing smirk, nodding his head in your direction. “She’s taken your place, huh? Or is that not what’s upsetting you?”
And that hurts—it hurts, because he used to be Daddy’s favourite, Daddy’s youngest—the baby—Daddy’s spoiled brat. He’s used to being the center of Daddy’s attention, used to being the object of his praise, used to being the golden child, the prized child, the destined son nurtured and conditioned to take over the Family Business once his father retires.
Light eyes roll back in his skull as he tsks in disapproval, shaking his head and clearing his throat to rid the tremble from his voice. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,”
“Mm, I think I know more than you believe,”
The words are spoken in a murmur, only loud enough for the two of them to hear, but Naoya’s gaze snaps back to his face immediately as he calls your name, gently pulling you from the hushed conversation you were having with Daddy, full of giggles and murmurs, nonchalantly asking, “When’s your birthday?”
No, Naoya wants to hiss at his pathetic excuse of a brother, large hands curling into quivering fists, nails biting into the fleshy heels of his palms as teeth grit, forcefully swallowing back down the two letter refutation.
No-no-no-no-no, he doesn’t want to hear this. He doesn’t want to know, doesn’t need to know, throat constricting as you inhale to speak, chirpily responding.
Blood turns to thick ice in his veins when he hears your birth date, when he realizes those raised little bumps he was born with on the inside of his wrist match your zodiac sign. Heavy dread, black and poisonous and akin to thick disappointment, sinks in his chest, latching onto the floor of his stomach and spreading quickly, sticky as it engulfs all of his surrounding organs, coating them in acidic pollution.
He’s up and out of his seat before his brother has even finished asking you his next question, stumbling out of the room on unsteady legs, nearly tripping over his own ankles in his haste to get away from you, to escape.
He doesn’t want to know what the bumps on your inner wrist are, tells himself that it doesn’t matter, that he doesn’t care, that this is all bullshit anyway, century-old myths created by the dreamers and the sentimentalists. It isn’t like the prospect hadn’t already crossed his mind—drifting through a sick orgasmic haze after fucking his fist to the memory of you—the potential that you may be his ‘soulmate’, a cruel trick played on him by the gods. Except…
Except it isn’t real. It isn’t real. There’s no science backing it up, nothing to concretely prove that the zodiac constellation embedded in his skin has anything to do with his ‘soulmate’—or anyone else’s. It’s just a legend, an old wives tale made up for the romantics and nothing else.
In his alacrity to resist it, he turns fucking ruthless in his verbal assault, but nothing seems to deter you; it barely seems to phase you at all, carrying on your tasks or your cute little babbling as if he hadn’t just insulted you.
Because you’re incessant, almost desperate to gain his approval, continuing to treat him like a god—doing more for him than you do for anyone else, including Daddy—regardless of how many how many expletives and offensive sentiments he hurls at you.
And eventually, he goes a little too far.
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The night before Halloween is dark and dreary, thick grey clouds stuffed with rain that continuously drizzles over the estate, brutal winds whipping the tiny droplets against the windowpanes, tiny specks and splatters of water decorating the glass, rearranging themselves every time the wind throws another smattering of rain towards them.
You skip into the living room, full of bashful giggles and muted squeals as Daddy fawns over you, awestricken as he murmurs about how beautiful his princess looks.
His princess.  
Naoya’s not quite sure what you’re supposed to be, nor does he care, tearing his gaze from your scantily clad form before his brain can even register what the costume is, before blood can rush to his cock, before he can witness the shy little smile on your lips and the pretty way your eyes glitter as you twirl for Daddy.
No, the only thing Naoya cares about is the fact that the dress of your costume is way too short to be considered decent, fluffy petticoat barely covering your ass, fanning out to reveal the edges of dainty pink lace clinging to the supple flesh of your ass as you twist and turn.
And he hasn’t a clue what you’re chattering on about, isn’t listening, can’t hear anything over the roar of blood rushing in his ears as he stands from his seat and stomps towards you, strong, callous voice cutting off your excited babbling as he glowers expectantly at his father.
“Jesus Christ, Daddy, you aren’t actually going to let her go out in that, are you?”
“Why?” you ask before your father can respond, genuinely confused, head tilting cutely. “What’s wrong with it?”
“What’s wrong with it?” he repeats incredulously, thick eyelashes fluttering as he blinks several times, eyebrows raising and huffing out a sarcastic laugh in disbelief. “Are you joking?”
Your head shakes slowly, a frown beginning to materialize on your lips as your eyebrows knit.
“It’s entirely inappropriate,” he scoffs, enunciating his words slowly, like you’re stupid.
You stare up at him cautiously, bottom lip jutting out in a pout so deep your chin puckers. “But nii-san, it’s Halloween—”
“Oh? And what are you going as, a slut?”
A little strangled gasp of Naoya-nii! hitches in your throat, your entire expression crumpling at his disapproval, hands running over the costume in an almost protective manner, smoothing it down.
“N-No, I’m—”
“I don’t care,” he hisses. “There’s no way you’re leaving the house in that—go change. Now.”
The direct order surprises you, shock saturating your features before resentment begins to bleed through. Blinking hard, you force the tears from your eyes, expression hardening and shoulders rolling back, spine straightening.
“What did you just say to me?”
“Is there something wrong with your hearing? I said no,”
That sharp, self-assured smile drops from his face in an instant, face screwing up from such defiance, such disrespect. “Excuse me?”
Shivers skitter up your spine, tiny spikes of ice chasing them, but you refuse to back down, even though your voice is beginning to quiver.
“Y-You’re not Daddy! You don’t get to tell me what to do, I don’t care if you’re older!”
And just like that, the sharp smile is back, stretched abnormally wide across his lips—like it had been cut, carved, into his handsome face—uncanny and inhuman as his eyes glint with malevolence, words flowing from his mouth slowly, calmly, almost serenely, as he prowls towards you.
“You’re right—I’m not Daddy, because I would never let a woman speak to me the way he allows you to speak to him, you ungrateful little brat,”
A large hand, decorated with chunky, glittering gold rings, cuts through the air, striking you across the cheek with such force you stumble backwards from the impact, nearly tripping over your own feet only to have Daddy wrap a strong arm around your waist, catching you with ease and pulling you to his chest.
And it’s intense, so intense it kicks the breath right from your chest, barreling up your throat where you choke on it as it tangles with a sharp yelp. Hands fly to clutch your cheek immediately, throbbing thorns of pain shooting through the side of your face.
Daddy’s yelling, but it all sounds muddled, muffled, like your deep underwater and he’s shouting from above the surface, despite the fact that you’re clinging to him, pressed up so tightly against his side you can feel the vibrations of his voice in his body.
Naoya-nii isn’t saying anything, hand dropped limply to his side, pretty gold adorning his fingers coated in gleaming crimson. He isn’t even looking at Daddy—no, his gorgeous light eyes are focused on you, on the sticky scarlet leaking from the wounds his rings left when they collided with your cheek and the glistening tears shielding your eyes.
And for once, he has nothing to say, no sarcastic remarks or cynical little comments, voice evaporating in his throat as his chest burns, scathed with regret, remorse, repentance—all unwarranted, undeserved, unnecessary. Because—because you earned that slap for being so fucking disrespectful; you needed it, were practically begging him to put you back in your place, back where you belong: below him, behind him, and never beside him.
Because no matter how cute you are, how sweet and precious and good, none of it permits you to speak to him in such a manner, to act as though you’re equal.
So why has this inexplicable agony taken root at his core? Why does he feel like his heart is mutilating itself, tearing itself to shreds, with each of your pitiful little whimpers? Why does he feel the overwhelming urge to make it better, to make your pretty tears and precious sobs stop?
Inevitable anger surges through his veins—furious at you, for eliciting such bothersome emotions; furious at himself, for being so weak, so vulnerable, and allowing such pathetic sentiments to take over, to rob him of his control, of his autonomy.
And despite everything, all of his rage and loathing and confusion, his hand buzzes from it, from the sensation of touching your soft skin for the very first time, even in such a brutal and malicious manner, and instantly, he craves more.
    ✰          ✰          ✰
You don’t speak to him after that. You stop making his favourite meals, stop asking him about his day and then uninvitedly reciting your own in that cute, excited chatter that is so distinctly you, stop doing all of those extra little chores—washing his clothes and changing his sheets and scrubbing his bathroom until it sparkles. You put an end to everything.
And he fucking misses it.
He shouldn’t, but he does.
It’s painful to admit, but he can’t ignore it, notices your lack of presence almost immediately, that gaping void spreading, growing, as it roars in protest, claiming more and more of his body every day, like some sort of inky disease that only your presence seems to calm, to cure.
It fucking sucks. It fucking sucks, because he can’t stop it, regardless of how hard he tries, an impossible ailment he can’t void himself of. It fucking sucks, because you’re eating him up, consuming his very soul, devouring him from the inside out without even sparing him a goddamn glance—and you don’t even know it.
And it’s getting exhausting, putting up this front all the time, fighting against the intense feelings you swirl around in his chest, in his cock, without a hope, without a chance in hell. Fighting for nothing, because he knows he’ll never win. Fighting for nothing, because he isn’t sure he wants to anymore.
They’re unruly, voracious and rabid, tearing up his chest, his lungs and his heart and his throat, with sharp piercing claws and becoming increasingly difficult to overlook, to disregard.
Still, he’s too stubborn, too proud, to give in, to give up, even though the thing living inside him grows stronger every day, even though he knows that one day, it will overpower him.
    ✰          ✰          ✰
It’s windy—the estate quiet as the wind howls softly through the dense pines outside and ruffles them—the night it finally does, the night it takes over entirely, bursting through the barriers he keeps rebuilding and repairing around his soul and his sanity, writhing inside him when he hears soft sobs, muffled by the wood of your bedroom door, just past three in the morning.
It possesses him, like some sort of eternal spirit sinking deep into his bones and sewing itself into his soul, revoking his control over his body as a sudden, intense need to comfort you, to find out what’s wrong and make it all better, courses through his veins, entirely unaware of his actions as he pushes past the door and into your room.
It’s the first time you’ve spoken to him, the first time you’ve even looked at him, since he struck you.
And he aches to apologize, I’m sorry’s and I shouldn’t have done that’s blistering his throat as they linger, just behind the back of his tongue.
But his pride outweighs them by a hair, despite how much his chest stings with the need to make things better, to make things right, for a reason unbeknownst to him. It’s just a sense—vague in meaning but strong in feeling—that longs for reconciliation, that’s desperate to rid your pretty face from the permanent scowl his presence etches into it.
That’s the first time he creeps into your room, the first time he loses his autonomy to the thing inside of him as he takes you into his arms and comforts you, the first time he allows you to cum from grinding on his cock.
Except it becomes a habit, an addiction, a nightly routine, cravings becoming stronger and stronger with each passing night. And for a brief span of time, it’s enough to appease the creature, the short nights spent with you in his arms, body trembling against his as you whimper out his name and his honorific, tangling on your tongue.
Because it feels right. It feels righter than anything in his life ever has, uncharacteristically gentle hands guiding your hips as they rock against his, soaked cunt gliding over the flannel of his pajama pants with ease as you huff out the prettiest little mewls into his neck.
It feels right only when he’s here with you, alone with you. Suddenly, it’s like everything makes sense again, like the world is in colour again, like the planet balanced again. He can no longer deny this feeling, this ache deep at the very pit of his soul that throbs and stings and burns mercilessly without your presence. You’re the only thing that can heal it, that can quell it, that can complete it.
So he gives in. It’s just for the nights, he promises himself, vows never to allow such sentiments to trickle into the daytime, to save it for when the sun sinks beneath the horizon, pledges never to permit these nightly escapades to advance from anything more than dry humping, nothing further than your cum on his fingers and your thighs stained with sticky cream.
But eventually, that isn’t enough, either.
And he was stupid to think it would be.
    ✰          ✰          ✰
The harsh slap of Testoni loafers against stone echoes out among the immaculately landscaped front yard, bouncing off thin tree trunks and being absorbed by tall, thick shrubs. Silver light, cast by the haloed moon hanging high in the clear navy sky, illuminates the garden, the foliage faded and washed out, painted by the moonbeams. Somewhere in the distance, the gentle trickle of water mingles with Naoya’s harsh breaths, cellphone gripped tightly in one fist as he paces back and forth like a rabid dog, small rocks popping under his feet.
It’s late. It’s too late—you were supposed to be home hours ago. Naoya’s tried calling—seven times, now, his phone buzzing in his palm to warn him of a low battery—but you haven’t picked up once. But that isn’t new, nor is it unusual; you rarely answer his calls while you’re out with Satoru.
So, really, this shouldn’t be cause for alarm. It shouldn’t.
Except he knows the man you’re out with, knows what you’re doing with him, and he can’t get it out of his fucking head, assaulted with fabricated images of you trapped under a large man with ivory hair and crystal eyes, back arching in ecstasy, his name leaving your lips in the prettiest gasps, in the way Naoya’s name leaves your lips during his habitual sneaking into your room in the middle of the night.
He’s terrified it’s going to drive him insane, eyes pricking and throat burning as his nose twitches with the threat of tears, eyelids shut so tightly his whole face scrunches up, tense and crumpled every time a new wave of contrived memories of you cumming all over that asshole’s cock crash over his mind.
Copper stings his tongue as sharp front teeth nibble at the raw cuticles surrounding his nailbed, face puckering at the taste and ripping his thumb, glistening with saliva, from his mouth.
This is pathetic, goddamn it! It shouldn’t even matter who you’re with and what you’re doing with them, shouldn’t be any of Naoya’s concern at all whether you’re safe or not, shouldn’t fucking hurt nearly as much as it does, a heavy ache that weighs on his chest more and more and more as each second ticks by, ribs caving in and splintering under the force, snapping into sharp spikes that puncture his lungs and make it painful to breathe.
“This is such a waste of fucking time, I don’t even—” he’s muttering to himself when you step out of Satoru’s car, his internal monologue beginning to leak from his head out his lips, your presence immediately cutting it off as his head snaps up, light eyes paler than normal, practically glowing in the moonlight.
A startled little whimper pries its way past your lips when you see him, stomping towards you with a heaving chest and a growl ripping from his throat.
“Where the fuck have you been?” he’s seething as a large hand seizes your arm, wrapping around your bicep and yanking, bring your face closer to his. “Huh? Do you know what fucking time it is?”
Frenzied eyes search your face, wild and erratic in their movements, sharply zeroing in on the tiny galaxies of swirling lilac and cobalt peppered with little pinpricks of scarlet that’ve been sucked into the flesh of your neck.
He chokes on something—a gasp or a snarl or a sob, maybe a mixture of all three, you aren’t entirely sure—pearly teeth gnashing together. “You’re a little slut,” he spits the word out like venom, harsh and biting as it whizzes past your cheek, slicing into your skin.
“That’s it, that’s all—that’s all you’re fucking good for,” his grip tightens with each word that flows from his mouth. “At least you’ve picked a rich man to sell your pussy to, at least you aren’t a total idiot, just like your mother, huh?”
“What is your problem?” little hands claw at the fingers latched around you, finally breaking free from him, ripping your limb from his grasp with such vigor you nearly fall on your ass, teetering backwards on unsteady feet. “You know, just because you can’t own up and face your feelings, doesn’t mean you get to take it out on me. This,” you gesture between the two of you. “Isn’t my fault.”
“This?” he spits, face screwing up in scorn. “There is no this,”
“Oh my God,” eyes rolling, you shake your head, exhaling a dubious laugh. “Shut up. There’s no one here—you can be real with me, I’m not gonna tell anyone,” you snark, arms crossing over your chest as you level your gaze with him.
He glares back at you, sharp jaw rhythmically clenching and unclenching with the grinding of his molars, large hands balled into tight, trembling fists on either side of his body.
“You know there’s something here, between us, within us, even if you refuse to admit it,” you continue after a beat of silence, voice softening.
His whole form is beginning to quiver and he jerkily shakes his head, exhaling harshly. You think he may be crying, but in the faint moonlight it’s hard to be sure.
Holding your wrist up, you swallow thickly, glancing at those little bumps embedded in your skin, watching the tiny shadows that form when your arm twists. “I have your sign,” your voice is quiet as you look back at him, flashing the inside of your wrist to him. “And I know you have mine,”
A cynical smirk spreads across his lips, but it looks more like a grimace, like a flimsy mask desperately attempting to cover something else, tongue tutting in disbelief. “Yeah, and there’s millions of people in this world with any given sign. It’s all bullshit—it could be anyone,”
“It could be anyone,” you agree, nodding. “But it isn’t.”
“You don’t know that!”
“I do! I know you feel it too! Christ, why are you so—so adamant on denying this, even when it’s just the two of us? What’s the point?”
“You’re my fucking sister, that’s the point. This is inappropriate, it’s wrong,”
“If it’s so wrong, then why do you sneak into my bedroom every night? Why do you let me cum on your fingers? Why do you fuck my thighs?” your footsteps speed up, jogging a little to catch up to him. “Huh? Huh? No answer? Or do you know the answer, and you’re too afraid to say it?”
“I don’t know!” he explodes, whirling around on you and trapping you against the brick, palms laid flat against the wall. “Alright? I don’t fucking know why I do those things. They make me feel sick afterwards, but I…”
But I can’t stop.
But I need you.
But I love you.
Chests heave with harsh exhales that mingle and echo in the garden, your eyes studying his face intently, in a way that makes him feel naked, exposed, makes him want to turn and hide from you.
“I’m not asking—” you start, words catching in your throat and blinking hard to clear rapidly welling tears from your eyes. Your voice is softer, more fragile and weak, when you speak again. “You don’t have to marry me, for Christ’s sake. I just—I just want you to—I need to know you feel it too,”
“Why?” he hisses, acidic envy bubbling in his chest, beginning to erode his resolve, walls crumbling to rubble. “What is there to know? You already have him,”
“But I’d rather have you,” the words materialize on your tongue before you even know what you’re saying, earnest eyes boring into his.
“God, don’t—” eyelids shut tightly, lithe fingers tangling in blonde hair and tugging. “Don’t say shit like that,”
He can feel them, those three little words thrashing in his chest, desperate to claw up his throat and spill from his lips, but he grits his teeth and swallows them back down, letters lodging and forming a painful lump.
And you notice. You notice, because you’ve studied him extensively, have learned to read him—his mannerisms, expressions, behaviours—well.
And you’ve just found his weakness.
“Do you want to know what I think of when he fucks me?” you ask, eyes searching his face in an almost frenzied manner, breath accelerating as you quickly push the words from your lips, worried if you don’t speak fast enough, if you don’t vocalize these sentiments now, you’ll lose him again. “It’s you. It’s always you. I’ve tried—I’ve tried to think of someone else, of anyone else, but you just…you just won’t leave my brain! It’s like a—a sickness, or something. Like a chronic illness, and it’s only getting worse,”
A strangled growl rattles in his chest as he tears himself away from you, fists violently rubbing at his eyes.
He knows. He knows, because he’s tried the same thing, attempted to desperately forget you, to disintegrate the weird feelings you endlessly evoke in his chest by losing himself in women night after night, often multiple women at once, drowning himself in their moans and gasps and soft bodies to no avail.
“There’s no cure,”
He doesn’t even mean to say it, words slipping from his lips unconsciously as he gets tangled in his thoughts, flipping through the countless memories of faceless women of all shapes and sizes, faceless woman that somehow always mange to morph into you.
“No,” you respond, shaking your head. “There isn’t. But at least I’m trying!”
He spins around, gleaming eyes flashing, brimming with bewilderment, features falling in surprise for just a moment before they harden again, varnished in offense.
“What’re you talking about,” he seethes, eyebrows furrowing deeply as his eyes narrow into sharp slits, scrutinizing, analyzing, dissecting.
“I-I’d rather have you, yes, and he’ll—no one will ever compare, will ever even come close to how much I—” you cut yourself off, swallowing the thought, then clearing your throat and beginning again. “At least I’m trying to find someone, though. At least I’m trying to find just a shred of what I feel for you, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself, alone and miserable,”
“Oh,” he laughs humorlessly, a callous little sound that viciously tears from his chest, that scrapes his throat and comes out strangled, full of incredulity. “You don’t think I’ve tried? You don’t think I’ve tried endlessly to forget you? To cleanse you from my mind? To move the fuck on from something that had never begun in the first place? You’ve imprinted yourself in the tissues of my fucking brain in a matter of months. It’s tiring. It’s hopeless,”
His voice breaks on the last word, some of the merciless heat fading from his features as he glares at you, eyes almost pleading for you to understand.
Because you’re the only one that can.
You’ve been in this together the entire time, right from the start, from the moment you walked through that front door.
And he’s been resisting it, fighting against it, against himself, all while the current only becomes stronger, only continues to grow in strength and size, and he’s motherfucking exhausted at this point, sick of battling some invisible force he was convinced didn’t even exist, sick of waging a war he will forever be destined to lose.
You’ve broken that wall, shattered it to dust, destroyed all of his weapons of defense and robbed him of his sovereignty, and now it’s all pouring form his mouth, an endless, uncontrollable stream of confessions, of thoughts and desires, of agony and misery.
“But it doesn’t even fucking matter, because I love you. I love you and I fucking hate you for it. And I’ve been trying, alright? I’ve tried not to, I’ve tried every single trick in the fucking book to stop it, to get over you, to forget you—and none of it has ever fucking worked, not even for a second. I don’t want you; I—I don’t want to be, but I’m in love with you,”
It looks as though your breathing has ceased, chest halting in its rapid movements, body gone still, static, stagnant. Your silence is deafening, has his ears ringing and his heart pounding, thrashing against his ribs as it aimlessly attempts to crawl through the cage, to present itself to you, bloody and beating and all yours. It’s all yours—take it, kill it, end its suffering.
“And there’s nothing—”
Surging forward, your lips crash into his, body following as it smacks against his own, effectively cutting him off. Naoya freezes, eyes wide and breathing stopped, entire body turned to ice, rigid and tense, but you are not deterred, arms winding around his neck as fingers thread through the gold and ink at the base of his skull.
“I love you, too,” you mumble into the kiss, refusing to break contact for even a second, lips brushing his as you speak. “I love you so much,”
The confession—an admission he already knew, deep down in his very bones, an admission he can no longer ignore, now that you’ve said it—snaps him out of his trance, and something switches, something breaks. Because then he’s kissing you back, tongue forcing its way through your lips to assault your own as calloused hands find purchase on your hips, squeezing your flesh hard enough that you yelp.
He chuckles against your lips, and then he’s pushing forward, forcing you to walk backwards, too fast for you to keep up, his legs longer than yours, body bigger than yours, stronger than yours.
Even with all of his shoving, you still aren’t moving quick enough for him, clumsy and stumbling over your own feet, whimpering hushed apologies into his mouth, a response to the growls that rumble in his chest each time you trip, your pitiful little sorry!’s consistently being cut off by his tongue.
Large hands hoist you up without breaking the kiss, mouth still attempting to devour you whole, to suck up your very soul, and your legs automatically wrap around his waist, latching onto him.
Either of your bedrooms are too far, and he can’t take it, he can’t wait—not with the way your fingers are tangling in his shirt and tugging, the way needy little whines are hitching in your throat, the way you’re squirming in his grasp, trying to grind against his half-hard cock.
You’re fucking desperate, but so is he, thigh whacking off the edge of the wooden coffee table as he blindly staggers towards the kitchen, tongue hungrily dragging against yours while he does so.
The cold marble stings your skin as he deposits you onto the nearest countertop, hips wedged between your thighs keeping them spread.
Little fingers immediately go for his belt, nonsensical whimpers sounding in the back of your throat as you fumble and struggle, hooking your fingers through his beltloops and pulling.
“Eager girl,” he chastises, a little breathless as nimble fingers find the soaked lace at the apex of your thighs, pushing it to the side. “Nii-san has to prep you first,”
“No,” you whine, pitched high and much too loud. “M’wet enough. Want you, want you now, nii-san, please, just give it to me, been waiting so long, please,”
The words are slurred together as they tumble from your lips, infused with a potent lust that casts a dense haze over your mind, rendering you capable of only focusing on what you need.
Light eyes dart up, holding yours through fanned lashes for a moment, as if they’re searching for any hesitancy, before his lips form the most genuine smile he’s ever given you.
“Yeah?” he huffs out, finally breaking your stare to watch his hands undo his belt, continuing to speak as he shoves his jeans down his thighs and frees his cock. “You think you can take it?”
“Yes, nii-san,” you nearly mewl, gazing at him with blown, glazed eyes and a cute pout. “Please, give it to me, I-I want it, please,”
His gaze finally flicks up, that sincere smile stretched wider across his face, a playful glint in his eye, voice void of any of its usual derision. “You want what? Hmm, baby? Come on, nii-san wants to hear you say it,”
A low whimper leaves your throat and you shift on the countertop, as if trying to wiggle closer to him. “Your cock, nii-san, want your cock, please-please-please, gimme-gimme-gimme,”
It sounds as though you’re close to tears, voice cracking and thick with desire, Naoya’s cock twitching in his palm in response to the sound, and, God, he doesn’t think he’ll ever get used to that, absolutely adores it when you beg, thinks you sound so pretty when you’re pleading for him.
“You’re a greedy little girl, you know that?” he pants while he pushes in, a muffled yelp prying past your lips. “Shh, hush now, nii-san will give you what you need,”
The stretch is incredible, cute little cunt throbbing around his thick cock as it struggles to adjust to the sudden intrusion, feeling as though he’s going to tear you into two, leaving stinging micro-fissures in the delicate flesh.
Yet despite the burn, the ache that settles deep in your core, that feels like he’s splitting you in half, a satisfied moan leaves your lips, head falling forward and resting against his broad shoulder, fingers curling in the cotton that adorns his torso and pulling him closer, closer, closer.
Because, finally, you feel whole, more whole than you’ve ever felt in your entire life, satisfying an inexplicable desire buried at the crux of your very soul, something you didn’t even realize you were missing until you finally had it.
“S’not enough,” you mumble into him, nuzzling your face against him like a cat. “Need more, nii-san, need more,”
“You really are a selfish little fucking brat,” he grunts as fingers flex on your hips, tips digging into the pliant flesh and gripping, singeing his name into your skin in rapidly blossoming indigo and ultramarine.
“Nii-san was going to try and be nice,” the words, strained and husky, spill from plush lips as his hips begin to thrust, slow and hard, winding back as they draw the force to ram forward, slamming a cry from your chest as his cockhead pounds against your cervix. “But you’re too impatient for that, aren’t you?”
It’s a fucking lie; his self-control had been hanging by a thread, barely restraining the primal need to wildly buck into you, but you just snapped it, just tore the last of his treasured discipline to fucking shreds with nothing more than a few words.
The pace is ruthless, your head bouncing off the cabinets with each powerful snap of his hips, an endless stream of cries pouring from your lips, one hand curling around the edge of the counter as the other grips his shoulder, nails burying themselves in the hard muscle through the thin cotton of his shirt. Sharp bones carve a spot just for him, made for him, between your legs, into the tender flesh of your inner thighs.
“You’re mine, you hear me?” he pants out, eyes so bright they’re practically glowing. “Mine.”
“Yours!” you gasp out, head nodding in sloppy little movements against his shoulder as you fall forward, wrapping your arms around him and squeezing. “Yours, yours, yours,”
Everything feels hazy, almost dreamlike in a sense, vision blurring over with a thick shield of tears that you can’t quite explain, his name and the honorific becoming muddled on your tongue, fusing into one as you wail it out, clinging to him in a way that’s almost possessive.
“Nii-san’s here,” he promises you, voice hoarse. “Nii-san’s yours, too,”
“Mine,” the arms thrown around his neck tighten, fingers tangling in soft gold and wrinkled cotton. “Mine, mine, mine—”
“Mine,” he echoes, hips never faltering even as you wind your body around his, large hands keeping your hips still as he fucks into you. “And only mine—”  
“Forever and ever and ever—”
“You belong to me, were made for me, put on this earth for me,”
Words of confirmation are escaping from your lips, you’re absolutely sure of it, can feel them vibrating up your throat as you speak them—but it’s so much, too much, all of the feelings swirling around in your chest, sending spikes of pleasure and thorns of pain shooting through your veins as they clash together. A sudden wooziness settles over you, brain fogging over as he becomes the only thing you can think of, the only thing you want to think of, nonsensical babbling still slipping from between parted lips in hitched puffs of breath.
“So full,” you nearly sob, one of Naoya’s hands tangling in the hair at the back of your skull and yanking, pulling your face from the sanctuary of his neck and exposing your expressions to his scrutinizing eyes, devouring the beautiful tears streaking your cheeks, the contorting of your features as pleasure washes over them. “M’so full, nii-san, it’s so much,”
“Yeah? Better than he could ever stuff you?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you’re wailing out, affirmations falling from your lips with each brutal piston of his hips. “More, need more,”
Because it’s like an addiction, an innate need for more of him, for all of him, ravenous and unquenchable, that’s always existed within you, that his cock stretching you out, filling you up, has only just awakened.
His aura is positively intoxicating, overwhelming your senses and becoming all you can see, all you can hear, all you can smell, taste, touch. His taste lingers on your tongue, faint notes of minty pine and sharp nicotine dancing with your tastebuds; his touch brands itself into you, bruises and bitemarks carving his name into soft skin; his scent assaults you, envelops you, overpowers everything else as it wraps you in a shackled embrace of expensive aftershave and cedar wood.
A growl tears from his chest, so rough that it vibrates throughout his entire body, and his pace quickens, cock plunging into you and an incredible speed, dragging against that one spot that has you nearly screaming, that has your eyes rolling back and your little hole fluttering around him as a blistering fire sparks to life in the pit of your belly.
You can feel it, furling in on itself with each vicious rut of his hips, each relentless bang of his cockhead against your cervix, a concentrated ball of scathing heat pulsing, quaking in your stomach as it curls tighter and tighter and tighter with each plunge forward—until it bursts, a fiery explosion that buzzes through your veins as your cunt clenches, gushing on his cock as he praises you—yeah, that’s it, make a mess on nii-san—entire body coiling from the sheer strength.
“Tell me,” he keens almost desperately, voice pulling you from the clutches of post-orgasm unconsciousness, hips stuttering for a moment before he regains his finesse. “Tell me how badly you need it,”
And you don’t need to be told what, pleads pouring from your mouth in an instant, before your brain can even comprehend what you’re saying, an instinctual reaction to his command. “Need your cum, nii-san, need you to full me up, fill my tummy with it, stuff me full of it, need it so bad, nii-san, please gimme your cum, please, please,”
The words are all jumbled together, thick with tears and wet with saliva and imbued with delirium, quivering and breaking as your body trembles from overstimulation.
“Fuck,” he chokes on the curse, hips stilling, pressed flush against your ass as his cock throbs, filling you with spurt after spurt of thick cum, a broken whine catching in his throat as endless words spill from yours, peppered with the sweetest moans—yes, nii-san, thank you, nii-san, fill me up, fill my body with it, my brain with it, I need it, I need it.
And he does, pumps you full of so much that it begins leaking out from your abused little hole—still stuffed with him—and down his cock.
And it’s then—after he has filled you up, with your precious little cunt still pulsing around his length, whimpering out his honorific as you hold onto him, voice raw and wrecked and cracking with residual tears—then that Naoya’s sure you were meant for him, made for him, perfectly tailored to him; he knows you were, his very own gift from the gods.  
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faghubby · 2 years
I guess everyone has the fantasy talk in a relationship. Mary and I had been dating for about a year. One night I layer next to her in bed after we had made love.
"Mary, what is your fantasy?" I asked.
"To do that every night" she cuddled me.
"No the one thing you always thought about trying but didnt" I said
"You mean never going to happen stuff" She said.
"Well let's see" I smiled.
" threesome with two men" She laughed thinking I would never go for it.
"OK, We can do that" I told her. "Do you have someone in mind?"
"No one we know, you would never follow through with it" She told me.
"Find the guy" I told her. She smirked and searched tinder.
"Your on" over the next week she searched for a guy. We had fun talking about it.
"I keep finding bulls" Mary told me one night.
"Bulls?" I asked
"Yeah, these men want me but want to dominate you as well. Ask if your a sissy" She told me. She went further explaining how I would watch.
"Well I don't mind watching then having you after" I told her
She found this one guy who seemed alright was good with anything.
"Tom, he has a big cock" She told me. She showed me a pic of a large black man with an enormous cock.
"I wonder if I could take that?" She told me.
"Only one way to find out." I told her. The whole thing turning me on
She started chatting with him everyday. One day she bought a big dildo.
"I want to be able for Tom to fit" She told me. "Will you help me?" That night I fucked her with her toy she came so many times. She jerked me off after.
"This is what I would do if I cuckold you with a big black bull" She teased. It was two months before she agreed to invite John, her online friend out to the house to fuck her.
She bought new Iingerie and got me silk boxers. She planned everything. We had not had sex in over a week. She wanted to want John. She told me.
When he arrived she led him straight to the bedroom. I got him a drink then met them in the bedroom. Mary already had his cock out. John was a big man. And as black as coal.. Towering over my 5'9" frame. And his cock was enormous only semi hard his jeans around his ankles. Mary held it with two hands. Unable to touch fingers it was so fat.
"She won't suck my dick" he told me as I entered
"Its so big" She said. She was afraid of choking.
"Fo ahead baby give it a try" I encouraged her. She motioned for me to strip to my silky boxers. I did a little embarrassing in front of someone so much bigger then my 5 inches. I stripped as Mary stroked him. I was the only one not dressed even with John's cock out I felt wierd.
"Come here" Mary patted the bed next to her. I sat next to her as she stroked John.
"I will suck his cock, if you help me" She smiled. She rubbed my hard dick thru my boxers.
"They are softer then my panties" She giggled
John's hand gentle held my head and guided it down. On my knees in front of him as Mary sat legs spread behind me.
"Help him get out of those jeans" Mary suggested. I removed his shoes and jeans he wore no underwear.
John's massive hand caressed my head. I leaned forward and let it slide in my mouth. I could just fit the head. But I sucked and licked it. He just let me. I took it out and licked the shaft then back in my mouth. After what seemed like eternity. Mary's hand caressed and held his balls.
"Lick his balls too, baby" her other hand running over my silk encased dick. They where so heavy as I took one in my mouth washing it then the other. I tried to take more then the head but I would just gag. I drooled and slobber all over his cock though stroking it as I sucked the tip and balls. No one said a word but I felt Mary Lean against me as she stood kissing John. She must have removed John's shirt as well for I saw his abs when I glanced up. Mary teased my nipples as I sucked John.
"Are you going to let him cum in your mouth?" Mary whispered in my ear. "I would love to watch him cum in your mouth"
"Your so wet" Mary giggled. I glanced down to see a huge wet stain in my boxers as my dick leaked. I doubled my efforts and John came in my mouth. I spit and gagged as he covered my face with his cum. Mary kissed me. My jaw, and throat hurt.
"Don't touch this wait for me. Mary patted my penis thru my boxers. She now only wore her new lingerie which John tore from her. First her bra. Kissing her breast biting them. I sat on the edge of the bed still covered in cum. As John picked her up and tossed her to the center of the bed. He then ripped her panties off of her and climbed on top of her. He went slow allowing Mary to become accustomed to his size but soon all 11 inches of his massive cock slid in and out of her.
Mary seemed barely conscious as John moved and postponed her a dozen times. She just moaned and called out as John fucked my wife for over an hour. John finally released a torrent of cum into her waiting pussy. He filled her so much it flowed out freely when he pulled out. He presented his cock to me.
"Clean it up" he ordered I bent down and licked him clean. When I looked up Mary curled her finger spreading her legs. I crawled to her and she waited.
"Do you want to clean me as well" She asked. I moved closer and lowered my mouth over her and sucked his cream from her. I licked and sucked until I was sure I had gotten I all. When I looked up it was late. And John was gone.
"What got into you?" Mary teased. She rubbed my dick still hard in my silk boxers.
"That isn't what I thought would happen" She smiled.
"It was so much better" She laughed
"Your a cuckold now baby" She told me I could take anymore and came in my boxers. We fell asleep in each other's arms wondering what the future will bring.
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emjiroki · 3 years
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Firsts Collab! Yuuji Itadori: First blowjob (aged up)
Word count:1.5k (I did a bit more than intended 😅)
Warnings: NSFW Explicit scenes and Language, oral sex, virgin first time
Had to write our baby Yuuji for this glorious prompt! Thank you again so much Yuli for letting me join your collab, it was super fun to write this 🤤❤ Everyone please please please go check out the Firsts Collab Masterlist to check out all of the other amazing creators and give some much deserved love to our host @anime-nymph​ 
Every muscle in Yuuji’s body was tense, straining hard not to squirm as your soft hands rolled over his abs, tshirt rucked up past his bellybutton as you sat on your knees between his legs. 
“Are you sure this is okay Yuuji?” you asked, smiling pridefully up at him when his hips twitched as you dragged your nails down his happy trail to the waistband of his jeans.  
“Y-Yes” He stuttered, mouth going dry as you popped the button open.
“If you get uncomfortable, you tell me okay? I want to make your first time good” You said, not moving until he nodded his confirmation, cheeks flushing at your intensity. The butterflies in his stomach was a feeling he hadn’t really understood until he had met you. Yeah he was twenty and sure he had gone on a few dates here and there, but a full on relationship had just never happened. And thus no perks of said relationships, so he had been going in blind when he had asked you out and it had progressed to this kind of intimacy within a few weeks. And Yuuji was more than willing. Eager to please and a mile long stamina, but you had insisted that you go slow, not wanting him to feel uncomfortable or regret anything. The way you looked at him, fighting the lust to keep a clear head enough to check on him, had his stomach fluttering and cock throbbing. A soft sigh escaped his lips as you palmed his growing erection through his jeans, leaning down to nuzzle against the bulge. Yuuji’s breath hitched as you pressed your mouth against him, suckling a wet spot in the denim right against his cock. He hadn’t noticed you undid the zipper until your hands were moving up to his hips, nails scratching in burning pleasurable lines, and lightly tugging them down. He dug his nails into the couch cushions as his underwear slid down along with his jeans, a quiet groan huffed through his nose in relief as his cock bounced up against his abdomen. 
“What am I going to do with you and this big cock of yours Yuuji?” You asked, cupping his balls in one hand and running the other up the velvety skin of his shaft, rolling through the precum on the head with your thumb. 
“Anything you want. Please” He panted, trying desperately to control himself and not buck up into your fist. You smiled so sweetly at him, the pleased look you gave making his knees shake as you hummed thoughtfully, stroking him until his hands were curled into fists against his legs. The low groan that poured from his chest when you took his head into your mouth should have embarrassed him, the flush on his cheeks a product of the lust coursing through his veins. He couldn’t think, could hardly breathe, as you pressed down until his cock was bumping the back of your throat. 
“Oh fuck” Yuuji whimpered, sweat beginning to form on his brow at the intensity of your wet, warm mouth gently sucking and your tongue massaging the underside of his dick. You hummed appreciatively at his tone, the vibrations running through him like electricity caused his fingers to twine into your hair. The moan that was gargled out around him had his hips thrusting, a low whine in his throat as drool began to spill down your chin and drip onto his balls, eyes rolling back involuntarily when your warm hand massaged them.  He felt like he was on fire, a pleasurable burn so great he nearly had to pry his eyes open to make sure his skin wasn’t scorched. 
Then it was gone. The flame extinguished leaving only burning coals in his abdomen as you stroked him slowly with your hand. He opened his mouth to protest, a pleading pout on his lips as he looked down at you with watery amber eyes, but you squeezed him firmly with your slicked hand and stole his breath. 
“Can’t have you cumming too quickly” You said with a devious smirk that had his ears burning. Was he in love with you? 
“Pl-Please” He groaned, hands still holding your hair away from your face making him really want to press you down, “I’ll do anything”. Heat rose to your cheeks at the earnest look he gave you, puppy dog eyes pleading, always so eager to please. 
“There’s nothing to do but sit there” You whispered, pressing a kiss against his tense abs before moving lower, swiping your tongue against his pulsing cock. “Be a good boy”. He went rigid, toes curling into the carpet to keep himself from cumming against your lips. He felt a drop of sweat roll down his back.
“I can do that” He said, gulping down a heaving breath of air and the saliva pooling in his mouth. He fought everything in him not to just readjust his grip on your hair and fuck into your throat till he was spilling white. And his resolve was running dangerously thin as your tongue laved against his head and collected the pearly fluid copiously pouring out. You groaned as he thrust up against your mouth, slipping out and smearing your lips with precum before driving back into your throat and gagging you. 
“It feels so good” He whimpered, face flushing as your tongue circled around him. You popped off and moved your mouth down to pull one of his balls between your lips. The whine that left his lips as you sucked had lust boiling in your core, loving every second of breaking Yuuji apart then putting him back together again with only your mouth. A hiccupping sob pulled itself from his chest as you moved your hot mouth away, depriving him of the silky pleasure dragging him so close to absolute divinity. 
“Are you getting close, Yuuji?” You asked with a teasing smile as his hips jerked against your ghosting fingers. The sound of his name on your lips nearly made him cum.
“Fuck yes!” He cried out, sweat now dampening his chest as he strained above you, hands curling into your hair and tugging your mouth back to him, moaning when he rubbed against your closed lips, “Let me cum”. His back arched with a gasp as you wrapped your fingers around him.
“What’s the magic word?” You teased, spitting loudly against his throbbing cock and smiling as a shiver wracked his body. 
“Please. Please let me cum” He said, his pleading whimper turning into a groan when you finally opened your mouth and let him slide in against your tongue. The last of his resolve broke at the sight of your eyes watering due to the stretch of cock between your lips. He thrust his hips forward, barely letting you breathe as he buried himself in your throat, nails digging into your scalp as you gagged around him. 
“Yes, god yes it feels so good” He moaned, snapping his hips a little harder against you, testing your limits until he couldn't hold himself back. Yuuji pressed your head against him, your nose buried in his soft pink curls as he battered the back of your throat with the spongy head of his cock. You choked around him, his hips stuttering flush against your lips. Your breaths came in heavy pants through your nose, your nails digging into his thighs to keep from pulling away as he fucked into your throat, drool and precum dripping from your chin. 
“God fuck I’m gonna cum!” Yuuji groaned,eyes clenching shut as they rolled back “Let me cum in your mouth baby please”. You both knew he was going to no matter what you said at this point, not like that isn’t exactly what you wanted. You hummed your approval and you could feel his balls tighten in your hand as he whined. One more harsh suck and his was spilling into your throat with an almost breathless groan, hands clutching you tightly as his cock spasmed against your tongue,flooding your mouth with his hot cum. Yuuji whimpered as you swallowed around him once before pulling away with a soft laugh. 
“So? How was it?” You asked, voice almost gravely. His forehead and neck were wet with sweat, cheeks flushed as his chest heaved deep breaths. 
“That was amazing,” He said with a soft moan as he tucked himself back into his pants. “But can I be honest?”. Your heart sank into your stomach until a beaming smile broke across his face. “I’m starving now”. You both laughed as he stood up to fix his pants and help you up.
“Well I’ll go make us a pizza if you find a movie” You said, kissing his cheek and making for the kitchen.  
“Sure thing” Yuuji said with a grin, head still spinning from that mind-blowing orgasm. As soon as he had flicked on the tv and you were out of sight, he fished his phone from his pocket, heart pounding as he opened up Google. He took a deep breath to calm his shaking fingers.
‘How long does it take to fall in love?'
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Do You Trust Me?
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Pairing: Arvin Russel x Reader
Summary: When Lenora finds out she’s pregnant and another girl turns up pregnant and murdered, Arvin and Y/N take matters into their own hands. 
Warnings: Violence, Murder, Sexual Assualt, Teen Pregnancy, Cursing, Mentions of Rape, Bullying, Dark Religious Themes, Talk of Abortion  DO NOT READ IF THESE BOTHER YOU (Very similar things to the movie)
Word Count: 7000
A/N: So Lenora doesn’t die in this but that part is instead replaced by the Reaster girl being found dead (I named her Jeanette... I didn’t remember if they gave her a first name)
A/N 2: I know I’m writing characters that exist already but like I feel like I’m going to Hell for writing this. Any other Christians feel that way about liking the movie?
Secrets were hard to keep in such a small town as Coal Creek. Everyone knew everyone and if one person saw something, the whole town knew about it by next morning. That’s why Lenora had kept her secrets with Reverend Teagarden from all except you. Other than Arvin, you were her only friend in the world. It felt nice to have another girl to talk to because as much as she loved her brother, it was nothing like having a sister. Though you weren’t related, just friends from school, it was the closest thing she had. 
The two of you had bonded over the harassment from boys at school. Unlike Lenora, you had no problem dishing back threats and abuse. You were more like Arvin in that sense, not always terrified that the Lord was going to smite you for defending yourself. You and Arvin were close too because of it. 
The day you two met, he’d gone to pick Lenora up from school one day to find the two of you cornered out back by Dinwoodie and his boys. They called Lenora ugly, as per their daily routine, and said they wouldn’t fuck her with a bag on a her head. Tommy Matheson had a paper bag held over her face, holding her down while she squirmed. 
“There ain’t nothing alive that would willingly let you touch them, Dinwoodie!” You spat while Orville Buckman held you back, his arms wrapped around your body, keeping your arms . pinned to your side, “You’re a vile thing. Hell, I’m sure a dead pig wouldn’t let you fuck it.” 
Dinwoodie spun around and blew a hard smack across your face, “Lenora here ain’t much different than that. But you on the other hand, I’d take you whether you wanted it or not. I like a girl with a dirty mouth. And lucky you, I won’t make you wear the bag.” 
He fisted your hair and pulled your face close to him, trying to force a kiss from you but spat in his face, a massive drip of saliva landing in his eyes and smaller particles spewed across his lips. “You nasty bi-” Gene Dinwoodie reared back, ready to hit you again when suddenly Arvin came out of nowhere, sending a solid blow straight into Gene’s face, sending him flying to the ground with a crack. 
Orville let you go to go after Arvin and Tommy did the same to Lenora. You ran over to her and pulled the bag from her head, seeing evidence of her silent tears all over her face. Once you saw she was okay though, you ran over to help Arvin, who had found himself dragged to the ground by the three boys. Lenora got up too, screaming for them to stop. 
“Stop!” You yelled, pulling at Gene’s arms to try and get him to stop kicking Arvin. He shoved you back harshly by the chest but you caught yourself, returning with a sharp blow to his face with your locked fist. 
The enraged boy smacked you even harder than before, sending your ass to the ground with thud that you knew would leave a bruise. Your hands and knees got skinned up as you skid slightly on the pavement. Lenora kept pulling on the boys too, begging them to stop but to no avail. 
“Ha, sister fucker!” The three of them called out to Arvin before leaving the three of you alone. 
“Are you okay?” You asked the boy that you hadn’t met before, who was curled up in a ball on the ground and holding his stomach. He groaned in response, trying to push himself up but requiring your assistance. “Thank you for what you did back there. I’m sorry this happened.” 
He stretched, flinching at the slight movement. He sent a small nod towards you but then turned towards Lenora, “I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner, Lenora.” Words couldn’t describe the guilt he felt for allowing this to happen. 
“It-it’s okay, Arvin. It wasn’t that bad this time. Y/N here took the brunt of it, unfortunately.” Lenora turned to you, “‘M sorry about that, by the way. You didn’t need to step in for me.” 
You had stood up about the same time Arvin did, brushing as much of the dirt off your bleeding and scraped up knees as you could without flinching, “Those guys are ass holes, Lenora. I did need to.” 
Lenora piped up, “Oh, um, Y/N, this is my brother Arvin. Arvin, this is Y/N. She just moved here.” 
“It’s nice to meet ya.” You greeted the boy with a pained smile, your face hurting from the blows you’d just taken. 
Arvin nodded, “You too.” He paused for a moment, “Can I give you a ride home? I don’t need them boys catching up with you again on the ride home. Besides, your face is getting mighty red. I might have something back at my house to keep it from bruising up too bad.” 
You looked over at Lenora, sending her a questioning look, like asking if you could trust this boy who had just come to your rescue, which may have seemed like an odd inquiry to have since he just tried to take on the guys harassing you, but your encounters with boys in this town hadn’t gone all too well thus far. The girl looked unfazed though with almost a hint of excitement that you could possibly be going to her home. 
“Um, yeah, I’d like that. Thank you.” You tucked a messy strand of hair behind your ear before looking back up at Arvin to see that he was already staring at you. 
That was months ago. You’d gotten settled into Coal Creek by now and the abuse from Dinwoodie had stopped entirely after Arvin had gone full vigilante to beat the shit out of them all. Speaking of Arvin, the day he saved you and Lenora, he asked you on a date and the pair of you had been going steady ever since. If there was ever a couple to not be fucked with, the town had learned it was you two. 
This weekend, you’d gone over to the Russel’s home for supper at their Grandma’s invitation. It was delicious, as usual, as that woman had the God-given ability to produce miracles in that kitchen. As you all finished up, Uncle Earskell asked Arvin to help with something upstairs so he left without a second thought to help his kin. 
Lenora had been looking at you funny all night, as if trying to catch your eye. After helping Grandma (which she insisted you call her as well) clean up supper, Lenora pulled you off to the side, “Y/N, let’s go on a walk. I need to tell you something.” 
The weight in her eyes told you how serious this was so you just nodded, “Yeah, yeah, of course. Let’s go.” 
She grabbed a lantern on her way out the door and towards the barn. It was already dark, despite only being seven in the evening. Lenora led you out there and then closed the door before sitting on the hay. “So what is it?” You asked nervously. Normally, you would have made a joke but something told you that this wasn’t a joking matter. Anxiety buzzed all around her. 
“Y’know the new pastor? Preston Teagarden?” Lenora began, wringing her hands together and beginning to hide under her long red hair. 
You nodded, the question having an obvious answer as everyone, including your God fearing Mama and Aunt, went to church every Sunday. “What about ‘im?” 
“Well… um… y’see. We… we had sex.” She whispered the last word like it was the dirtiest thing she could fathom saying. 
Your eyes blew wide and your mouth dropped open, “You what?” You whispered back in shock. 
“Shh!” She held her finger up to her lips, “He said that to bear yourself as God made his first children was to truly turn yourself to Him.” 
You were having a difficult time processing this new information. Arvin and you had both agreed that there was something off about that new preacher since the first day you met him but you wouldn’t have guessed it was anything like this. “Lenora, that makes no sense. God sees everything. He’s already seen you in your birthday suit. He doesn’t need the preacher to see it too.” 
Part of you felt bad for the way you were reacting, especially when you saw the way your best friend shrunk back a little in embarrassment. Clearly, he’d manipulated her into getting what he wanted, using her faith as a weapon for her sexual exploitation, but of course she didn’t see it like that because his words were specifically tailored to get her to believe him. Now as you said these things, though, it was becoming clearer to Lenora that she had been manipulated. 
“That’s not all…” She continued. 
You held her arm gently, “What is it?” 
Her eyes got wide with fear, “You can’t tell anyone okay? You gotta promise.” Her hand covered yours, gripping tightly to ensure that you grasped the severity of the situation. 
You swallowed hard, honestly scared by her reactions to whatever was happening. This wasn’t like sweet, simple, calm Lenora. Nonetheless, you nodded, “I promise.” 
“I think I’m pregnant.” 
You actually choked, “What? Are you sure?” This was bad. This was so bad. 
Her eyes began to well up with guilty tears, “Yeah, I am. I was pretty sick a few weeks back. Couldn’t eat nothin’ cause I kept throwin’ up. And I haven’t had that time of the month in  two months.” 
“Two months, Lenora? Shit…” You whispered, leaning back against the hay. Even before moving to Coal Creek, you came from a small town in Pennsylvania where this had happened to a few girls. In fact, it wasn’t uncommon in that particular town. Your daddy had been a doctor before he died so you’d seen more than a few cases of teenage pregnancy. For Lenora, though, this was practically unheard of. Good Christian girls don’t have babies before marriage. “Did you tell ‘im?” 
Lenora’s breath shook, “Yeah ‘nd he said I was crazy and delusional. Just imaginin’ things. Said we never did nothin’ in the car. Then he said that I had to get rid of the baby or I’d be branded as the town whore with a bastard son. Even said it’d kill Grandma from the shame of it all if anyone found out.” 
“That is not true, Lenora. None of it. You’re not a whore and it would be best for everyone if that baby inside you was a bastard. That disgusting man isn’t fit to walk the Earth we live on, let alone be a father.” It felt like the blood was rushing through your veins with full force, internally panicking about the situation. This was a big deal and, unfortunately, you weren’t sure if Lenora was emotionally capable enough to handle it alone. She’d always been quiet and lonely and an easy target for cruel people. “Are you keepin’ it?” 
Her breathing shuddered as if she’d started crying, “I can’t kill the baby inside me and go on livin’ with that. But I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared,Y/N.” Lenora threw her arms around you and you held her as her body rattled against yours. 
“Shh, you got me, alright? Me and Arvin. And I’m sure Grandma wouldn’t be ashamed if she knew what Teagarden did to you.” You insisted but she shook her head. 
“You must think I’m stupid for believin’ that man.” She sat up wiping her eyes with her sleeve. 
“No! I do not think you’re stupid at all. That monster took advantage of you, told you things to make you believe that his dirty, lustful thoughts were vindicated by the Lord. And he’s going to fucking pay.” You were furious now as you began to stand up, unsure of exactly what you’d do but you knew you were gonna do it. 
Lenora grabbed your arm and pulled you back down, “No! Wait! Please-” 
“What’s going on here?” Arvin opened the door with a concerned face. 
Both you and Lenora jumped at his sudden intrusion but were even more nervous about what he’d heard. 
“How much did you hear?” Lenora asked her brother, rubbing her hands on her thighs. 
He walked in and slammed the door shut behind him, kneeling down in front of you and his sister, “That someone took advantage of you and Y/N was gonna make ‘im pay. Now what happened? What’s going on?” 
This was one of the things that you’d always loved about Arvin. He had this protective nature over what he loved, ready to do anything to keep his loved ones safe, whether that was his sister, his girlfriend, or his grandmother. His brown eyes held so much sincerity and understanding for his younger sister but also fear for what had been done to her. 
When she didn’t respond right away, Arvin looked over to you with questioning desperate eyes but you chewed your lip, knowing that it wasn’t your secret to tell. Instead, you looked back over to Lenora sadly and nudged her slightly. 
“C-can you say? Please? I don’t wanna say it again.” Lenora begged you quietly, avoiding eye contact with Arvin. Though you could never truly know she felt, you tried to understand all the emotions that must have been running through her. 
Arvin met your eyes, begging you to tell him what had happened. “She’s pregnant. It’s that Reverend Teagarden’s baby. Said that he told her that the only way to get close to God was to show him her in the form of Adam and Eve. But now he’s saying that she’s delusional and that it’s not his.” 
Arvin’s temper flamed inside his chest. That explained the Reverend’s intense sermon about delusion this last Sunday. Nobody did this to his sister and got away with it. “I’ll kill him. I’ll fucking ki-” 
“Arvin please-” Lenora tried to calm him but it was a weak attempt, still trying to stay quiet so Grandma wouldn’t notice.
“No, I’ll end his life for what he did to you.” 
You watched your boyfriend reel around, hands holding onto his hat. He was livid, understandably so. 
Lenora wasn’t quite sure why she wanted to protect Preston Teagarden after what he’d done to her but she thinks it’s that she was more concerned for her brother. Besides, no matter what Teagarden had done, did he really deserve to die for it? 
“We don’t have to hurt him,” You spoke to your boyfriend, “If she wants, she can just have the baby and we’ll help raise it.” 
“But he said it’s not his and that I’ll just be considered some no-good whore. He said it’ll kill Grandma. I don’t want to kill Grandma.” She was almost crying again at the thought of their grandmother ending up six feet under because of the shame of having her as a granddaughter. 
“He said that?!” Arvin nearly yelled. 
“But what if he’s right?” Lenora thought out loud, “I couldn’t live with myself if I got rid of the baby but I can’t risk killing Grandma. Maybe it would be better if I were dead-” 
“No!” You and Arvin both said firmly in unison. You held her hand tight and Arvin knelt down again. 
He swiped his thumb comfortingly across the back of her hands, “Don’t you ever say that. We have both already lost too damn much to lose each other too, ya hear me?” 
Lenora nodded, tears falling down her cheeks when she closed her eyes. 
“Why can’t we just ruin him? You can have the baby and let everyone know what he did. Everyone will know that he’s the father and it’ll destroy his life.” Arvin suggested, all of the miserable ways this could end for the man twisting his heart in sadistic pleasure. 
You shook your head though, “No, they won’t. It’s different for girls in small towns like this. Doesn’t matter what happened, you’re still the dirty no good whore, even if you were raped. The man is treated like a victim for even having the inkling of an accusation brought up.” After a few minutes, you suggested, “Why don’t we run off. We’ll all go to a new town, somewhere where nobody knows none of us. We’ll tell ‘em that your husband died in the war, leaving you with the baby. I’ll go with. I’ll help you raise it.” 
She shook her head, “But what about Grandma and Uncle Earskell?” She did have a point. They were both getting on in age and would need more help than they already did. 
You all sat in silence for a few moments, brainstorming ideas of what to do. Eventually, Arvin looked at his sister, “Don’t worry. We’ll figure something out.”
The three of you went back to the house for the rest of the night, knowing that everyone would be getting suspicious if you were out any longer. 
The three of you kept the secret quiet, barely even speaking about it to each other. You’d been doing as much research on babies in the libraries at school, which earned you quite a few disapproving looks from people who assumed that you and Arvin were expecting. You were serious when you said that you had every intention of helping Lenora and so was Arvin. 
Weeks had gone by with relatively no news. Well, that’s what the town thought at least. After finding out about what the Reverend had done to Lenora, Arvin had told you about his plan to watch him. 
The pair of you had spent several afternoons staked out near the church, watching as he went to the place of worship and then left at night. But then you started noticing a frequent visitor. Jeanette Reaster. The pair would drive off to a little secluded field and, sure enough, Teagarden would have his way with her. Though you couldn’t hear what was said, it was clear that they’d been praying beforehand before she submitted to him fully. Now, you knew Jeanette Reaster and, much like Lenora, she was the last person you’d imagine having premarital sex for the fear of being struck down by God. Whatever this man had said to them must have been real convincing. 
“Piece of shit…” Arvin leaned forward against the steering wheel of his car while you sat beside him. You both watched on as the Reverend laid the girl down and began his assault of falsely “holy” acts. 
For respect of Jeanette, you both looked away during the actual act but when you saw her ride off, Teagarden got out of his car, a bunch of fabric in his hands and sniffed them as he watched her. “That fucking perv. How does nobody know about this?” You asked, disgusted. Reaster was a good girl. She didn’t deserve this abuse. 
“We know about it.” Arvin said, putting the car in reverse, “And that’s enough.” Less than a week later, word got out that Jeanette Reaster had run off. Grandma had told Arvin and Lenora that her mother had said to her privately that Jeanette left a note saying that she was pregnant but the father refused to believe that he was the father. To spare her family the shame, she ran away and begged them to just say that they had no idea what had happened to her. That’s what her parents intended to do for their daughter’s sake but had entrusted Grandma with the secret just so they had somebody to talk to about it.
The day after she disappeared, they found her body on the side of the road just a few towns over. Nobody had any idea of what had happened except for you and Arvin. Both of you were convinced that Teagarden had murdered her to keep his secret from getting out. 
The anger that was held between you and Arvin both was unparalleled. In part, you both felt partially responsible for her death. If only you’d said something, maybe you could have saved her. But neither of you even knew she was pregnant. That monster did to her exactly what he had probably planned to do to Lenora. 
“We have to set things right.” Arvin said, sitting in his car one night with you in the woods, “That girl is dead and I can’t help but feel like it’s on me.” His head hung sadly, the weight of another death weighing on his heart. 
You shifted sideways in the seat, your jeans rubbing against the vinyl car seats. You placed a hand gingerly on his cheek, “This is not your fault. This is the evil of a wicked man.” 
“A girl is dead, Y/N. He got her pregnant and murdered her. He got Lenora pregnant and tried to convince her she was crazy. He’s taking advantage of innocent girls out here and then tying up the loose ends.” Arvin sat there, so much hurt behind his brown eyes. Then an idea dawned on him, “Do you trust me?” 
The question took you off guard and it showed but you answered honestly, “Yes.” 
Perhaps being quieter in church was for the best for this particular scenario. You’d never been as religious as the rest of your family or the rest of the town, for that matter. But this morning, you found yourself on your knees by your bedside. “Lord, please forgive the things that I am about to do. Please understand that I do this with the best intentions of protecting every other girl to cross paths with Preston Teagarden and to avenge the death of Jeanette Reaster. I pray that you please forgive Arvin as well as I know he is a man with nothing but good and love in his heart. In Jesus’ holy name, amen.” 
Almost on cue, your mom knocked on the door to see you on your knees, “Arvin is out front waiting for you.” She announced with a warm smile, noticing your outfit, “You look nice, sweetie! Since when do you clean up all cute for that boy?” She teased, a loving smile on her face as you smoothed out your yellow dress that hung just below your knees. The sleeves were tight and went about halfway down your biceps. It was far from revealing with a neckline that stopped just below your collarbones but it still was tight enough to accentuate the shape of your concealed breasts. A brown belt was tied around your waist, showing off your figure. 
“Yeah, well I figured that for once I might as well dress up and do something nice.” The lie slipped out smoothly despite the racing of your heart in your chest. 
She pulled you in for a hug, “Well you tell Arvin that I want you back by nine tonight! I’ll be going over to Mrs. Hadderson’s for quilting today, just so you know, in case I’m not home when you get back.” 
You picked up your bag and pulled her into a side hug, “Alright, Mama. Love you!” You hollered, running out the door. Arvin was dressed normally, just his blue jeans and t-shirt, but he still looked great as always. 
When you slid into the passenger seat of his car, he perked up and looked over at you, “Not used to seeing you like this on any day but Sunday.” He attempted to joke but found it difficult considering what the two of you were planning on doing. 
After driving a ways down the road, he asked, “Are you sure you want to be a part of this? Because I can drop you off with Lenora and I’ll take care of this myself.” 
Looking over at him to see his eyes scanning your face for signs of hesitation, you placed your hand on his leg, “I’m not letting you do this alone.” 
Not too deep down, Arvin felt terrible for allowing you to partake in this. Death had always seemed to follow him wherever he went; he didn’t want you to be stuck with the same curse. The two of you developed a plan but Arvin had created a backup just in case you decided you didn’t want to partake, not that he would blame you. He was terrified beyond belief himself but he’d decided that for the sake of every other girl in this town and any other one’s Teagarden had harmed in the past, he had to do this. 
The only thing making him feel remotely at peace with your involvement was the fact that you weren’t actually doing the killing. You were the diversion, he was the trigger man. Arvin sighed, relenting to the fact that you were in on this, “Did you bring the rope?” He asked, eyes flicking over to you and your bag between glances at the road that moved beneath the wheels of his car. 
You dug around in your little bag and pulled out a small length of rope, a weapon chosen for the lack of clean up. “Got it. You got the gun?” 
Arvin pulled his denim jacket back just enough to show the handle of the Luger that once belonged to his father. This weapon was chosen for its reliability. Once you guys started, you had to finish otherwise he’d tell everyone. 
Before you knew it, the tires were coming to a crunching halt on the rocky sideturn just around the corner from the church. A sudden wave of nausea came over you and you had to breathe deeply to settle it down. “You okay?” Arvin asked, reaching out for you. 
You swallowed hard, “Yeah.” Sweat began to bead up on your brow as a million different images of what could happen in the next few minutes ran through your head. 
Arvin watched as you zoned out on the dashboard and he knew exactly what was going on in your mind. It was the same inner conflict he’d had this morning before picking you up, when he first pocketed the gun.  “Whatever happens today, I need you to know that I love you Y/N.” 
You sucked a quick breath in. Neither of you had ever used the L-word before. Arvin was scared to because he’d lost so many people and the fewer people he loved, that fewer people he could lose. You had just never loved anyone romantically before and were too terrified that maybe you’d say it too early or think you felt it when you really didn’t. With Arvin, though, you knew it. “I love you too, Arvin.” You leaned forward and kissed him on the lips deeply, wanting nothing more than to stay against his skin for the rest of your lives. But, unfortunately, there was something you had to do first. 
“Remember, just get him to bring you to the field. I will be there waiting. I won’t let anything happen to you, you hear?” Your faces were close together, so close your foreheads almost touched, as he went over the plan one last time, trying to make sure that you knew that you were safe as long as he was around. 
“I know.” You gave him a small, reassuring smile, though it was far from a grin of actual happiness.
Arvin watched as you got out of the car, leaving the small bundle of rope behind, and walked down the dirt driveway to the church. You looked just like someone that pervert would fall head over heels for. There was an innocent sway to your hips and the way you held your bag close to your body screamed insecurity, but the kind of a young girl who doesn’t know how beautiful she is. The funny thing was that this wasn’t something totally out of character for you. Sure, you had a mouth and fist that could dish as much as it could take, and yeah, you and Arvin had been together for almost half a year, but there was still a youthful innocence to you. There was still a brightness in your eyes and a pep in your step, one that hadn’t been beat down by the tragedies of life yet. It was one of the things that Arvin found most attractive about you but it was also one of the things that Preston Teagard would as well. 
The doors of the church were cracked open just slightly when you approached and you could see the Reverend sitting in the pews, reading his Bible, through the gap. Taking one less final deep breath, you pressed the door open and stepped in, the heels of your little white chucks padding against the hardwood. Teagard turned around at the sound, “Why, hello, there.” He greeted warmly. It disgusted you how this man could act no different after knowing what he’d just done but the worst monsters were human. 
“Uh, hi there, Reverend. I’m sorry to bother but I just needed to talk to you about something.” You began, accentuated your Appalachian drawl while trying to make your voice sound as young and innocent as you could. 
He patted the pew beside him, “Well, my child, you’ve come to the right place. That’s what I’m here for. Now, why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?” 
Skin crawling as you walked, you forced your feet to move towards the man and sit beside him. Right away, his arm stretched behind your shoulders as he sat uncomfortably close. At first, you avoided eye contact, “Well, um, you see, I’ve been… straying from the light and I really want to get right with God.” 
This had to be the first truth you’d told anyone other than Arvin today. You felt too terrible lying in the presence of God so you’d found a way to genuinely get your feelings off your chest while still luring Teagarden into your trap. 
He rubbed his chin and hummed, “The fact that you acknowledge this means you haven’t strayed too far. God always comes back to his flock, even to those little sheepies who’ve gone astray. Why don’t you tell me more.” He urged. 
Your hands squeezed the strap of your bag tightly, “I… I have lustful thoughts sometimes.” 
Preston was lucky he’d had a lot of practice concealing his emotions because he’d be lying if he said that those words didn’t stir something in him, “Now are these just thoughts or have you acted on them?” 
“Oh, just thoughts, Reverend. I’ve never acted on any of them.” You reassured, finally meeting his eyes. They seemed to look at you with such understanding that you could see why Lenora and Jeanette had fallen for him. 
He nodded in approval, “And who are these thoughts about?” 
This was where you’d have to do a bit more lying, “I don’t really want to say.” You blushed bright red. You knew that Preston must have taken this as a sign that it was about him but it wasn’t. Your dirty thoughts never strayed from Arvin. 
Preston looked away and then back down at you, “You’re going with that Russel boy, right?” 
Silently, you nodded, not wanting to incriminate your boyfriend too much in this process of confession. 
“Has he ever touched you?” Preston pressed, his body getting closer to yours inch by inch until your legs were nearly touching. 
The red in your cheeks wasn’t part of the act anymore but genuine. You shook your head, “No, never.” You felt almost panicked at the question. 
“Have you ever touched yourself to these thoughts?” His voice became slower, more cautious as his inquiries got riskier and riskier. 
You found yourself unable to maintain eye contact with him anymore and looked back down at your shoes instead, just shaking your head, “No, I feel too weird. Like it’s a violation or somethin’.” 
Preston looked away, as if considering something, before turning back to you, “Can I show you some place? I find it helps me feel closer to God when I feel like I’m goin’ astray. Perhaps I could help.” 
Hook and sink. He’d fallen right into the trap. With a shy nod, you agreed sweetly, “Yeah, yeah, I’d like that. Is it far?” 
Teagard shook his head, “Oh no, not too far at all. But I’ll drive so we don’t have to walk.” 
Getting him to drive you to the spot was just as easy as you imagined it would be. With a quick glance in the rear view mirror, you noticed a car in the far distance behind you that you immediately recognized as Arvin following. Preston’s car came to a stop in the same field you’d seen him take Jeanette Reaster to a few weeks ago, facing the woods ahead. 
It really was quite peaceful and would have been a pretty sight if you weren’t with a sexual predator. Again, his arm slid around your shoulders and you breathed in deeply, the intense sexual tension making you uncomfortable even though you had every intention of finishing him off before he even got a hand up your skirt. 
“You said that Russel boy has never touched you. Have you ever shown him yourself?” The fact that this man had the nerve to ask you such questions disgusted you beyond belief but you kept up the facade. 
“Like naked?” You clarified, seeing him nod, “No, not naked. We went to the lake one time so he saw me in my bathing suit then but that’s not exactly the same thing.” 
Preston chuckled at your naivety, “No, no, not the same thing at all. You know how you’re supposed to save yourself for marriage to be right with the Lord. But there is nothing that brings you closer back to our heavenly father than to be as Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden, the garden of pure paradise.” 
“How is that so?” You cranked up the childlike inquisitive nature as you looked up at him with big doe eyes. 
Preston had to fight the urge to take you here and now, looking at you like this, but he remained strong for the sake of the process. “They were made in his image. We all were but they were his original children. The pure, unaltered image of God himself, before the sin of man tainted it all. By showing yourself in your pure, unaltered image, you bring yourself closer to the light.” 
Your brows furrowed, “But didn’t you just say that premarital sex is a sin?” This may have been jeopardizing your mission but you felt inclined to point out the hypocrisy before you offed the man. 
He nodded, chest falling and rising with a heavy sigh, “It depends on who you’re with. I’m a man of God myself and I like to model myself after Jesus. I’d like to think that makes me an extension of His love and power and therefore an outlet for you to feel safe to do whatever you need to do in order to be right with Him.” 
With a shaky breath, you bit your lip, “Alright. H-how do I-?”
Preston watched as you fiddled with the hem of your skirt and let his mind wander to what else those fingers might be good at. “First, let us pray.” He reached over and held your hand, “Lord, Y/N is showing herself to you. See her Lord, as you made her. She presents herself to you. Give her strength. Amen.” 
“Amen.” You muttered after him, your fingers slowly going to unbutton your dress. This wasn’t how you’d imagined the first time a boy seeing you in your knickers going. In your mind, it had always been on a nice romantic evening with Arvin and a selfish part of you wanted it to stay that way but then you remembered why you were doing what you were doing and sucked down the reservations. At least you weren’t actually losing your virginity to the monster. 
Nervous fingers fuddled with the button for just a moment too long and Teagarden twisted sideways, hands coming to cover yours, “May I?” He offered his assistance. 
Your heart thumped so loud you could hear it but you nodded silently, letting your fingers fall onto your thighs. With deftly skilled fingers, he had your blouse unbuttoned before long and had pushed it off your shoulders. Your breath caught in your throat at this much exposure, your breasts just barely concealed under only the fabric of your bra. Lord, you prayed silently, please let this be over with quickly. 
Your eyes slid closed, trying to imagine that it was Arvin touching you instead of Preston Teagarden but then the mere thought of comparing the two made you sick to your stomach. They were nothing alike. 
A set of chapped lips kissed your forehead gently, then your cheek, and then, finally, your lips. At first, you drew back, but still kept your eyes closed, trying to mask the disgust with untouched hesitance. You forced your body to relax again and Preston took that as a cue to continue with what he was doing, his lips returning to yours. 
Wasting no time, he’d crawled over you until your back was flush against the seat. You placed your hands awkwardly and haphazardly on Preston’s shoulder’s, trying to feign inexperienced confusion. You and Arvin may not have ever gone all the way, but you’d at least gone this far. 
Preston’s lips moved down your neck and your breath got caught in your throat. As much as you hated it, he knew what he was doing. This man knew all the right buttons to push to make a nervous girl submit to his every desire and, though you were well aware of the game he was playing and had zero attraction to him, the physical reactions were almost impossible to stop. Your body shuddered when his stubble, something Arvin lacked, scratched the sensitive skin of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. Your eyes were open wide now, just waiting for your boyfriend to finally show up and save you from this situation. 
Arvin approached the car and slowly and quietly as he could. The windows were up so it wasn’t too big an issue as long as he wasn’t clanging metal but he figured he didn’t want to take any chances. When approached the driver’s window, his heart wrenched and he immediately regretted putting you in this position. 
Preston was on top of you, his hands roaming all around your semi-exposed chest. He knew that you’d never been exposed like that to anyone before and he suddenly felt sick with himself for allowing the first time to be with anyone beside him, let alone Preston fucking Teagard. 
He expected to have to psych himself up for the actual kill, to have to convince himself to do it but when you locked eyes with him, a silent plea to get the man off of you, it came unnervingly natural. With the rope already wrapped around both of his fists, Arvin reached for the handle and threw the door open, looping the rope around Preston’s neck and dragging him back out of the car. Preston’s eyes were wide with shock and fear, “What the fuck?!” He hollered in fear, the words turning to gagging and choking. His hands grasped at the rope but Arvin had it pulled too tightly. 
Preston’s body was kicking against the grass but his neck and head were pressed against Arvin’s chest, who was kneeling in the field. 
“You really thought you could get away with what you did to my Lenora? To that poor Reaster girl you murdered? And then I bet you were willing to do the same to her over there too, huh?” He seethed, notioning over to you with a flick of his chin. 
The reverend tried to say something, anything to defend himself or get himself out of this situation but Arvin never let up so the words came out as disgustingly graphic chokes. You crawled out of the car, not knowing what you could do to help or secure the situation but feeling useless now. 
In a few minutes time, his lips had turned blue and the thrashing of his body had stopped. Arvin finally let up and the body slump into the grass. He crawled back and away from the man who had only moments ago been all over you, touching you. 
That was when he remembered that you were there still. He’d gotten so blinded by rage that he almost blacked out, caught up in the task at hand. But when he looked up, his heart began to beat again and he stood up, rushing to you, “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” 
Your face was pale and blank, almost as if you were in shock. Your top was still totally unbuttoned, white modest bra still exposed to the world but you didn’t look like you cared at all. If Arvin was being honest, this wasn’t how he’d pictured seeing you topless for the first time going. He always hoped it would be romantic and with more than enough time to compliment every inch of your perfect body. Instead, you looked scared and shocked and almost like you could be sick. 
“Y/N?” He urged, coming stand between you and Preston’s body, attempting to break your view of it. He reached down and began to re-button your blouse for you. 
“I’m fine,” You said flatly, only moving to look up at him, “Are you okay?” 
With a glance down at his knuckles, the rope burn was clear to see, but Arvin had been through much worse, “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine. I’m so sorry that I let him do that. This whole idea was stupid and now-” 
“No,” You interrupted, finally snapping out of your shocked state and bringing your hands up to rest on his, which were on your chest now, “He can’t hurt anyone anymore.” 
Arvin didn’t actually feel remorse for killing the man. The only thing he wanted was to take you back home, or rather far away, where there weren’t any reminders of today’s events. He wanted to show you how special you were, how much he loved you, and how brave he thought you were for being willing to be Teagarden’s last victim for the better good of the world. 
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hidden-otaku-stuff · 4 years
Different but the Same (pt. 10)
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Word count: ~6.3
Rating: R18+/M
Omegaverse AU, Rating: 18+/M
Pairings: Iwaizumi x fem!reader, Ushijima x fem!reader
Summary: An unexpected encounter at the Inter-High tournament tossed you into a whirlwind. Being tugged between two males, two different packs, who will reign supreme in this battle for your heart?
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ch. 10: A Seijoh Summer
“Hey!”  The black shades were plucked from her face, causing her to blink at the sudden light. “Are you just going to lay here instead of hanging out with me?” Kyotani crouched down beside her, glaring at the Omega. She sighed, propping herself up on her hands. She had been leaning against Iwaizumi, who was napping, acting as his shade as she read a book. 
“Iwa-chan! (Nickname)-chan! Come play with us.” Oikawa towered over the trio, casting shade on her face. Iwaizumi groaned, plucking the book away from his mate to cover his face. “We came here to hang out, not lounge around like potatoes!” 
“We never get peace, do we, Haji?” The Omega giggled, elbowing her mate. He grunted in response, face still hidden in the book. She stood up, dusting the sand off. “What are we playing?” Oikawa pointed off the distance towards the other third-years. Mattsun and Makki were playing 2-on-2 with Kindaichi and Yahaba. Kumini was wading in the ocean along with Watari. She furrowed her brows. “I call playing with Hiro and Mattsu!” The Omega announced, sprinting off into the distance.
“Oi!” Iwaizumi shouted after her, sitting up as the book slid off his chest. He scowled as she high-fived the two third-years. 
“There’s one more spot,” Oikawa teased. “Mine!” And he raced off. Iwaizumi cursed, jumping to his feet as he darted after his best friend. Kyotani growled at being left behind, and quickly ran after them both. Iwaizumi had always been faster than Oikawa and Kyotani, so it was no surprise that he managed to beat them to the court. Oikawa pouted before he joined Kindaichi’s and Yahaba’s side. 
“I’m gonna beat you,” Kyotani challenged, as he stood in the middle blocker position, opposite from Iwaizumi.
Iwaizumi smirked. “Good luck.” 
After each set, they ended up switching players. One of the last games they played featured (Name), Oikawa, Kyotani, and Mattsun against Makki, Yahaba, Iwaizumi, and Kindaichi. “Chance ball!” (Name) shouted, holding her arms out to receive the ball. 
“Mad-dog-chan!” Oikawa yelled, setting the ball to him. Kyotani spiked it, only for Iwaizumi to narrowly tap it.
“One touch!” 
“Makki-san!” Kindaichi called, sending the ball that way. 
“Iwaizumi!” Makki set the ball up high for the ace, only for Iwaizumi to send the ball flying towards his mate. With a startled yelp, she narrowly brought her arms up to block her face. Sand kicked up as she stumbled.
The ball bounced off her forearm, flying towards the net and fell to the ground. “Sorry!” She panted, bending over as she rested her arms on her knees. Redness dotted her forearms.
“You okay, babe?” Iwaizumi slid under the net, running to her side. She smiled at him, patting his face.
“I’m fine! I’m so glad I never have to play you,” she teased, standing up. She surveyed the group. “The sun will be setting soon. I’m gonna go get the fire started!” 
“I’ll go with you,” Iwaizumi offered, but she waved him off.
“Stay and play.”  By now, the other boys had stopped playing in the water and were sitting in the sand watching. She looked at them, waving Watari over. “Watari-kun can help me. Kumini-kun, can you sub in for me?” Kumini made a face, before standing up and making his way to Oikawa’s side. Mattsun and Iwaizumi switched.
“What are we doing?” Watari asked as he walked beside the Omega.
“I wanna get the fire going for the bonfire,” she smiled at him, patting his head. As they made their way back to their stuff, she talked to him about school and asked how he liked being a part of the pack. By the time the boys had made it back, the fire was already stoked, logs had been pulled over to make artificial benches, and (Name) and Watari were digging into some meat that they grilled beside the fire.
“Hey! I didn’t know we brought this,” Mattsun grinned, plopping down beside the grill as he eyed the meat. 
“You know (Name)-chan wouldn’t let us go hungry,” Oikawa grinned. 
Iwaizumi leaned down beside her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. “You really do too much for this pack,” he murmured, rubbing his nose into her hair. A pleasant hum was given in response as the strawberry scent clung to his nose. She affectionately patted his arm with her left hand as she tended to the meat with her right. There were already trays of cooked meat out, so the boys made quick work of it. 
“There are rice-balls in the cooler over there,” she gestured with the tongs. “And the cooler-bag beside that one has drinks.” 
Brown eyes gleamed at her. “You shouldn’t have brought us alcohol, (Name)-chan!” 
She threw her empty bottle at him, shooting the captain a disgruntled look. “Don’t be stupid, Oiks. I’m not going to promote underaged drinking here.”
“But the third-years are already 18!” Makki complained, sitting down at the log opposite from her. 
“There are still underaged kids here, and this is a team excursion,” she reprimanded, (e/c) eyes hardening. “You four are more than welcome to drink in the comfort of your own homes, but not at team gatherings.” 
“Ugh, she’s stricter than Iwa-chan,” Oikawa muttered, only to be nailed in the head by his best friend. 
“Someone has to be responsible,” the Omega retorted, clicking the tongs at him threateningly. Iwaizumi sat down to the side of his mate, his legs encasing hers as her back met his chest. An arm was loosely slung around her waist. Besides them, on (Name)’s other side, was Kyotani watching the fire. Across from them, Oikawa sat with Makki and Mattsun. The third bench held Watari, Kindaichi, and Kumini. Though all faces looked tired, they all looked cheerful as they idly chatted about random topics.
“Thanks for planning this,” Iwaizumi whispered into her ear, the warm ear blowing the loose strands apart. She pulled the last of the meat off, snuffing the fire out as she did so. 
(Name) hummed in response. “You guys have been working so hard. You definitely deserve it.” The Aoba Johsai volleyball club had just finished their week-long summer training camp, and as a reward, she and Watari had planned this beach trip. It was tradition for them to have a bonfire after each training camp, regardless of the weather. They sat in silence as they enjoyed the company. Oikawa’s bluetooth speakers blew as some pop songs came on. The boys were all joking, shoving at one another to compete for the last pieces of meat. Mattsun and Kyotani had an arm-wrestling match for the last rice-ball only for Kindaichi to end up eating it because he didn’t know what was going on. “We have marshmallows and stuff if you guys wanna make s’mores!” 
That ended up being a disaster - which, to be fair, they should have expected. Oikawa ended up being overly excited about roasting his marshmallow that he ended up putting his fingers too close to the flames and dropped his skewer. Kyotani had laughed so much that he didn’t notice his own marshmallow falling off into the flames until it was too late. When Oikawa laughed at Kyotani, the younger Alpha began pelting Oikawa with marshmallows, nailing him right between his eyes. The other third-years were about to join in on the food fight when they were stopped by a fierce glare from (Name). At that point, the Omega just shook her head and confiscated the marshmallows, roasting them for the rowdy boys. “We can’t take you guys anywhere,” Iwaizumi grumbled, holding two skewers into the flames as he helped his mate put the s’mores together. 
Soon, the flames began dying down as the night got darker. “Hiro, Mattsu, do you mind going to get the van ready? Haji, Kyo, can you throw the coals out of the grill? There’s a bag there for that.” (Name) asked, pointing at all the tasks that needed to be done. Kindaichi sneezed, pulling his sweater tightly to himself. The Omega pulled out a blanket, wrapping it around his shoulders. She surveyed the scene, tapping her chin lightly. “You can go with Makki and Mattsun,” (Name) smiled. “Actually, if you’re already finished packing your stuff, feel free to head back first!” A majority of the things had already been placed into the trash-bags that they had brought so there wasn’t much left to clean-up other than the bonfire and the grill. The first and second years headed back to the van first with their senpais, Oikawa eagerly leading the pack as they carried away; the captain hated the cold.
As she stood there, pulling her tote bag over her shoulders, she let out a sigh of relief. “You did good, baby.” A chaste kiss to her forehead, his arms wrapping around her waist. Kyotani started walking back, carrying the grill with him. The Omega turned in Iwaizumi’s arms, wrapping her arms around his neck as she leaned in. Their lips met, and she shivered at the electricity that shot through her body. She would never get used to that. “God I love you.” He decorated her faces with kisses, causing her to let out a soft laugh.
“And I love you.” Warm lips pressed against his. “Always.”
“Hurry up lovebirds or we’re gonna leave you!” Mattsun shouted, and they looked up to see their friends waving their arms laughing at them. 
“Race ya back!” The Omega winked, shoving the tote bag into his arms as she took off. 
After a moment of confusion, he tore after her, slipping in the loose sand. “That’s cheating!” He snapped, easily catching up to her. With a loud squeal, he had her over his shoulder as he climbed the hill.
“Haji!” She screamed, playfully beating at his back. They arrived at the van, and most people were already loaded up.
“Here are the keys,” Mattsun handed them to Iwaizumi, who pocketed them. Mattsun climbed in, taking his seat next to Makki. 
“Get out the front seat, Trashykawa,” Iwaizumi growled as he opened the door, abruptly yanking his best friend out.
“You’re so mean to me, Iwa-chan,” Oikawa whined before he sat next to Mattsun. “It’s not fair that (Name)-chan can sit in the front, she’s literally the smallest out of all of us!” Iwaizumi placed his mate into the front-seat, buckling her in and stealing a kiss despite the noises of disgust from his team-mates. 
“You’re just jealous you haven’t found your mates yet,” (Name) teased, turning around and winking at them. Iwaizumi climbed into the driver’s seat, starting the van. Kindaichi, Watari, Yahaba, and Kyotani were squeezed into the back, though Kyotani looked annoyed at being pressed up against the others. Makki, Mattsun, and Oikawa were in the middle row. She let out a happy chirp as she turned to face the front, her comforting scent filling the car. “Will you be okay to drive?” She asked, glancing at her mate. He hummed in response, one hand holding hers as he rubbed her knuckles. He faced forward, focusing on the road. “Let me know if you need me to switch off, okay?” 
Iwaizumi chuckled, pulling her knuckles to his lips. “I’ll be fine, sweetheart.” 
The melody of gentle snores filled the car. “I love you,” she whispered looking out the window as the radio placed soft love songs. 
“Love you too.” 
“I love you too Iwa-chan, (Name)-chan!” 
Mattsun elbowed the captain harshly for his comment, causing him to let out a soft whine of pain.  
“Love you too, Oiks.” (Name) giggled, squeezing Iwaizumi’s hand. The scent and warmth of her mate, along with the sounds of their pack, filled her with comfort. He squeezed her hand as a low purr began in her chest. The steady drumming noise soothed her pack-mates who all slipped into various degrees of sleep.    
“Hey, are you ready yet?” 
“Almost!” She called, readjusting the golden kanzashi. 
Iwaizumi opens the door, poking his head in. The Alpha was wearing a navy blue yukata with a silver obi while the Omega was wearing her own navy blue yukata with light purple and white flowers. She was wearing a matching silver obi.
“Yes?” Iwaizumi straightened, meeting (Name)’s father’s gaze.
“We have a gift for you.” (Name)’s mother handed him a box. “Go change in the restroom and meet us in the living room.”
“Yes sir.” Iwaizumi bowed, taking the gift before disappearing into the restroom.
When he returned, he was greeted with the sight of his mate wearing a matching yukata while she chatted with her parents. “Oh perfect!” (Name)’s mother grinned. “I was hoping that it’d fit.” 
“Thank you very much,  (L.name)-san.” Iwaizumi bowed again, causing her mother to wave her hand.
“Nonsense, you’re a part of the family now, Iwaizumi-kun.”  
“Let’s go to the festival, shall we?” (Name)’s father asked, clearing his throat. 
As they left the apartment, Iwaizumi slid his fingers into his mate’s hand. “Your parents didn’t have to get me this.” 
She chuckled, squeezing his hand. “What, you don’t like matching with me?”
He rolled his eyes, scratching at his neck awkwardly. “I feel bad.”
(Name) stopped slightly, tugging him back as their eyes met. His heart stuttered at the soft expression on her face. “Don’t. You’re my mate, and this is how they wanted to welcome you to the family, ok?” 
Iwaizumi’s face cracked into a smile. “Ok.”
“Good! Now, let’s have fun at our very first festival together,” she chirped.
Iwaizumi let out a low whistle, eyes sparkling as he committed the look to his memory. “Damn, you are looking absolutely beautiful tonight. Whoever is your mate must be a lucky guy.” 
(Name) giggled, fiddling with the hair-piece once more. “What can I say, my mate has excellent taste.” 
Iwaizumi chuckles, coming to stand behind her to fix her obi before he wrapped his arms around her waist. He buried his face into her neck. “Do we have to go?” 
“Do you remember what happened last time?” She chided, sinking into his warm embrace. “It took Oikawa forever to forgive us.” 
He snorts in response. “Yeah, and he definitely took advantage of you. Remember how much milk-bread you ended up baking?”
She giggled, nodding. “C’mon, they’re probably waiting for us already.”
Iwaizumi sighed, nosing her scent gland. “Lemme just scent you real quick.” When the Omega had told him what had happened at the Tokyo festival, his blood had boiled. How dare those Alphas corner an Omega? Not to mention, Ushiwaka had to go in and save her. It had taken every bit of his self-control to admit that Ushijima had done him a favour by doing so, but the words and the idea still left a bitter taste in his mouth. 
(Name) softly hummed, waiting patiently for Iwaizumi to finish scenting her before turning in his arms to scent him back. His eyes fluttered shut, taking in deep breaths to appreciate her scent. “I think we’re finally ready,” she teased, causing him to open his eyes. 
“Hmm, I think I’m forgetting something.” He playfully tapped on his chin.
“What is it?”
“This.” He leaned down, capturing her lips with his. She made a soft noise in the back of her throat as she leaned into it, fingers playing with the folds of his yukata. “Alright, now I’m ready,” he said in a soft tone, leaning his forehead against hers.
“Me too,” she breathed. The couple remained still for a moment longer until Iwaizumi’s phone went off. 
He growled, picking it up. “What?” The Omega giggled, hearing Oikawa’s voice on the other line. (Name) gently tugged Iwaizumi out of her apartment as they made their way down the street towards Seijoh. “We’re on the way, Shittykawa.” Iwaizumi’s brow furrowed. “No, I’m not buying you food.” He laced his fingers in hers as the Omega scanned their surroundings. Other couples and families were making their way towards the festivities as well.
“Why not?!” Oikawa whined loudly. 
“Because you can buy your own food, and I want to spoil (Name).” The named Omega flashed him a grin before looking back forward, watching with fondness as a mother and father swung their child in between them. Iwaizumi smirked slightly, squeezing her hand. “We’re almost there, we’ll see you soon, Stupidkawa.” Iwaizumi abruptly hung up, shoving his phone back into his pocket. “That idiot will be the death of me, I swear,” he muttered.
(Name) laughed, pressing a chaste kiss to his knuckles. “Hopefully not before we’re officially mated.” He hummed, warmth sweeping over him. Her birthday was coming up soon. Iwaizumi couldn’t wait to finally have her as his and only his. 
“There they are!” Makki called, waving at the couple. (Name) waved back, pulling Iwaizumi so that he moved faster. 
“You guys took forever,” Oikawa groaned, pouting. 
Iwaizumi smacked the Alpha over the head. “Yeah, well we’re here.”
“Is everyone else here yet?” (Name) asked, scanning the group. 
Mattsun shook his head. “We’re just missing Kyotani. But I’m not sure he was coming. He never said if he was.”
(Name) pursed her lips slightly before shaking her head. “I’ll shoot him a text. Let’s just go ahead first, yeah?”
“(Name)-san!” Yahaba called, waving.
She turned, grinning as Kindaichi, Kumini, Yahaba, and Watari surrounded her. “We missed you so much!” Watari said, blinking innocently up at (Name).
“Will you go explore the festival with us?” Kindaichi asked, scratching at his neck awkwardly as he tried to look anywhere at the Omega. Kumini rolled his eyes as he noticed the redness that crept up Kindaichi’s neck.
“Of course, I’ve missed you guys so much.” (Name) said warmly, pulling them into a warm hug. The boys grinned at each other, holding the Omega tightly before pulling back. Watari and Yahaba grabbed onto her arms and led her towards the festival. She glanced over at Iwaizumi who was still chatting with the rest of the third-years. “Shall we head out?” She called to them. Warm brown eyes met hers as her mate gave her an affirmative nod. 
The Seijioh pack made their way down the street as (Name) pulled out her phone to text Kyotani.
(Name): Hey Kyo! We’re missing you at the festival. Please feel free to come join us, even if you’ll be late. Hope to see you soon!
“Who are you texting, (Name)-san?” Yahaba peeked down at her phone. 
“Just Kyotani,” she hummed before tucking her phone away into her sleeve. Looking up at the festival sign, she glanced at the mix of Alphas and Betas with her. “So, where are we headed first?”
“Ooh, I wanna look at the games!” Kindaichi’s eyes brightened.
“Food sounds really good though,” Watari mused, eyeing some teenagers with takoyaki.
“What if they run out of the good prizes though?” Yahaba argued, crossing his arms as he looked at the rest of the group.
“There were some food stalls near the games,” the Omega interjected. “So Watari-kun could get some food while the rest of you guys play the games.”
They all exchanged glances before nodding. “I forgot that you came here yesterday,” Kumini muttered as he fell in line with the Omega. The other three had already sprinted towards the games.
(Name) chuckled, nodding her head. “It’s been a tradition for Iwa and I to go early.”
“That looks good, doesn’t it?” Iwaizumi asked, pointing out a new booth. The Omega’s eyes brightened at the prospect.
“I’ve never heard of rolled ice cream at a festival,” (Name) mused, licking her lips.
Iwaizumi grinned, pressing a chaste kiss to her forehead as they stepped into line. She leaned into him, facing him with her arms around his waist as he ordered her favorite so that they could share. “What do you want to try after this?” He asked, glancing around to the other booths. 
“I don’t mind what we try as long as it’s with you.”
Iwaizumi chuckled, feeding her a spoon of ice cream. “You’re lucky this only happens once a year. I can’t imagine how much sugar you’d consume if this happened more often.”
She shrugged, leaning up to kiss him. He shivered under her cold lips. “But you’d still indulge me!” (Name) looked over as a child ran past her. “Ooh! I think I want a custard taiyaki now.” 
He rolled his eyes, scooping another spoonful of ice cream for himself only to have the Omega steal it. “Oi!” 
“Love you Haji.” She grinned before tugging him towards the taiyaki booth.
He stopped, glancing over at the booth on the opposite end. (Name) turned back, tilting her head until she realised what he was looking at. “C’mon.” He handed her the ice cream before heading under the cover of the booth. Rough fingers gently carded through the choices, pulling out a white yukata with roses on it. “This one please.” Iwaizumi looked at the clerk. 
As he left the store, (Name) peeked into the bag. “Y’know, you don’t have to get me a new yukata every year.” 
Iwaizumi shrugged. “Why don’t you just let me spoil you?” 
“Will you buy me my taiyaki now?” 
“Never mind, I don’t want to spoil you anymore.”
“Don’t you get tired of going though?” Kumini asked, glancing over at the Omega.
“Not at all,” she replied as they watched Yahaba and Kindaichi playing a ball-toss game. She glanced over at Watari who had gone to the takoyaki stand across the aisle. ���It’s always nice for us to go alone, but I really enjoy going with the pack too.” Kumini remained silent, just giving her a stiff nod in response. He personally didn’t particularly care for the festival, but he had missed (Name)’s presence and so he went. 
In the corner of her eye, she spots the rest of the third-years playing the goldfish game. She shakes her head, amused as Iwaizumi yelled at Oikawa for bumping into him. 
“(Name)-san, look!” Yahaba called, bringing her attention back to the second year. Watari had just come back and was standing beside Kumini, looking very happy with his purchase. Yahaba held up the succulent that he had won. “Here you go,” he grinned, handing it to the Omega.
“Aw, thank you, Yahaba-kun.” She took it while ruffling his head, causing him to stick out his chest in pride. 
Kindaichi eyed them, determination flaring in his eyes. “I bet you I can win something better for (Name)-san!” He challenged. 
“Bring it on, first-year,” Yahaba turned back to Kindaichi. 
“Now, now, you guys don’t have to win anything for me,” the Omega interrupted, stepping between them. “I want you guys to have fun! I don’t need any of these things.”
“No buts!” she corrected, before shoo-ing them towards the rest of the games. “Now go play to your heart’s content.”
Kumini snorted, watching as his team-mates sprinted off towards the next game, which was the balloon popping game. The Omega flashed him a grin, waiting for Watari and Kumini before they trailed after the two boys. 
“Is that (Name)-san?” At the sound of her name, she turned to see some familiar faces. “It is!” Goshiki grinned, sprinting towards her. “Hi (Name)-san!”
“Hello, Goshiki-kun.” Kumini and Watari turned, eyeing the males who had interrupted as the Omega stepped forward slightly. “Hi Shirabu-kun, Taichi-kun!”
“Hello (Name)-san.” Shirabu replied, hands shoved into his pockets.
“Hello!” Taichi offered the girl a smile. 
Shirabu eyed her company. “I’m guessing you’re here with Aoba Johsai?” He asked haughtily, his eyes flickering. 
(Name) ignored the malice that was laced in his voice as she nodded. “Yep! Gotta spend time with my pack,” she grinned.
“(Name)-san!” The Omega turned back as Kindaichi and Yahaba approached them. Yahaba’s lips were pursed as Kindaichi sported a massive Vulpix plushie. “Look what I won for you!” Kindaichi grinned, holding it out. 
“Wow, thanks Kindaichi-kun!” (Name) smiled, ruffling his hair and taking it. “I’m going to run out of arms soon,” she teased the two. Behind her, Goshiki was glaring at the first year. How could a Beta win her prizes when Goshiki himself couldn’t win her anything?
Taichi, sensing the heavy tension that was building, cleared his throat. “Anyways, we’ll see you at practice, (Name)-san.” 
“Oh! Right, bye boys! Take care of yourselves okay?” (Name) smiled, waving at them as Taichi dragged Shirabu and Goshiki off into the opposite direction.
“Was that Shiratorizawa?” Yahaba asked, eyes narrowing. Out of the group, he was the only Alpha. Kumini and Kindaich were Betas whereas Watari was an Omega. 
“Yep.” Kumini replied blankly, sending a text to the team group-chat. 
“Never mind them,” Watari interjected. “They’re leaving, let’s go back to having fun, ok?” 
“Yeah, let’s do that.” She encouraged them to try more games. As Kindaichi and Kumini went off to check out one of the booths, she exchanged looks with Yahaba and Watari. They were the only ones who could smell the bitter tang of jealousy from the other boys. They both decided to stick close to the Omega this time, keeping an eye out for other members of that pack. Kumini sighed, hoping that there wouldn’t be any more unnecessary drama. 
“Look who finally made it,” Mattsun teased from his position against a tree. “We’ve been waiting forever for you.” 
“It’s been like three minutes since I got your text, Mattsu,” the Omega dead-panned, rolling her eyes. She turned back to the rest of the group. “You guys go off and get whatever you’d like. Iwaizumi and I will set up while we wait for you.”
“Thanks (Name)-san!” Kindaichi dipped his head to the Omega before dragging Kumini away. 
“Oi, wait up!” Watari protested, as he and Yahaba followed the eager first-year towards the food stands.
“Alright, we’re out,” Makki added, giving them a two-finger salute before he dragged Mattsun away as well. Oikawa hadn’t joined them and was preoccupied flirting with some Omegas in the distance.
“How were they?” Iwaizumi asked, looking at his mate as he put down the bag of blankets. 
(Name) hummed as she withdrew one of the blankets, laying it out. It was tradition for the pack to claim this spot. Iwaizumi and the Omega would set-up the picnic area so that they could watch the fireworks together as a group while the rest did whatever they’d like. “Pretty good,” she said finally, smoothing out the fabric. 
Iwaizumi glanced at the plushie and succulent. “Did they win that for ya?” He teased.
She rolled her eyes, nodding. “I told them I didn’t want it, but Yahaba and Kindaichi got into a competition about who could win me the best thing.”
“Lemme guess, Kindaichi won the plush?”
Iwaizumi chuckled. They both worked in peace, unfolding another blanket until they’d set-up four blankets in the area. The Alpha plopped down, tugging his mate down to sit beside him. She was facing the festival while Iwaizumi was overlooking the hill. He carefully laid her so that her back on his lap as he pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead. “Did you have fun?” He asked softly.
A pensive expression filled her face. “Yeah, I really missed them.”
“They’ve missed you too,” Iwaizumi admitted, glancing up at the sky. They both stared at the stars, hearing Oikawa’s voice pointing out and naming the various constellations in the back of their minds.
“Is that right?”
He hummed, a finger lightly stroking her cheek. “They always ask about you, every week. They look forward to Wednesdays ‘cause they know that’s when they’ll be able to see you.” Iwaizumi chuckled, looking down at his mate and adjusting the hair-piece.  
“Alright, ten more receive drills and then you guys could take a break!” Oikawa clapped his hands, surveying his team-mates. They were all on-edge, continuously glancing at the door in anticipation. Kyotani froze, tilting his head to sniff the air before throwing the ball away. Oikawa opened his mouth to protest, only for Kyotani to sprint towards the door. The other team members exchanged glances until Yahaba’s eyes widened. He too ran towards the door as Kyotani threw it open. The third years glanced at each other, amused at their underclassmen’s antics. 
A yelp echoed around the room as Kyotani threw himself at the Omega, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. “Kyo!” She laughed, “how did you know?”
“Smelled ya.” He grunted as Yahaba joined him. Kyotani glared at the second year setter before huffing and allowing him to hug her as well. Excitedly, the rest of the underclassmen exchanged looks - making a move to head towards the Omega while they ignored the captain who was desperately trying to restrain himself from running to (Name) and hugging her as well. 
“Oi!” Iwaizumi called, amusement flickering in his eyes. “We’re in the middle of practice. You can say your ‘hellos’ during the break.”
Kindaichi exchanged a look with Kumini before reluctantly dragging his feet back to the court. As soon as they’d finished their drills, they immediately sought out and surrounded the Omega once more - each clambering for attention. 
“Man, they really missed her, huh?” Mattsun commented, beady eyes surveying the crowd.
“It’s not like they see her every weekend like us.” Makki glanced at Iwaizumi. “Or every day like Iwa.” 
They chuckled as they watched Oikawa weasel his way into the center of the mass, attaching himself to the Omega as he vyed for her attention. Even though there were other Omegas present, the atmosphere had lightened significantly when (Name) had walked in. Iwaizumi shook his head slightly, a bittersweet taste in his mouth. If only she had gone to Seijoh instead of Shiratorizawa. 
“Omega-chan!” They heard someone sing. 
Iwaizumi’s jaw clenched, his nostrils flaring slightly as a familiar scent washed over them. 
“Tendou?” The Omega’s eyes widened as she sat up, her heart-rate spiking in alarm as she glanced at her mate. Tendou and Semi had approached. The red-head was hovering over her, pulling her onto her feet as he attempted to pull her into a hug.
“Oi!” Semi scowled, putting his arm out to stop the other Alpha. “Sorry, Iwaizumi.” Apologetic brown eyes met darkened brown eyes. Iwaizumi gave him a stiff nod. 
“Ooh, are you here with your mate then?” Tendou asked, pouting slightly as he turned back to (Name). “Is this why you wouldn’t win me more prizes?”
As the Omega launched into a calm explanation on how she had plans and that she had already told them that she wouldn’t go with Tendou just for the sake of winning prizes, another scent joined the fray. This time, Iwaizumi struggled to suppress his urges, his fists clenching and unclenching as brown eyes turned black. “Ushijima.” 
Besides them, the playful argument got more and more heated as the Omega started ranting about how she never saw her pack anymore because she’s always with Shiratorizawa. A wave of satisfaction coursed through Iwaizumi at her words. 
The two Alphas stared at each other, sizing up his rival. In the corner of his eyes, Ushijima noticed a familiar golden hair-piece, causing his own satisfaction to peak. Iwaizumi’s eyes narrowed, wondering what could possibly be making Ushijima feel satisfied when a bitter mint scent greeted them. “Ushijima. Leave my pack-mates alone.” 
The Seijoh pack members glanced up to see Oikawa standing there. He had his arms crossed, his eyes and voice cold as he stared challengingly at Ushijima. The other third-years were there as well, arms laden with boxes of food. Behind him, Kyotani had made his appearances, knuckles white as he clenched his jaw. The youngest Alpha glared at Ushijima, his scent bitter and sharp to their noses.  
Ushijima took a deep, steadying breath before glancing at Tendou and Semi. “Come, let’s go find the rest of the pack.”
“Fineee,” Tendou said, before moving to pat the Omega’s head. 
Warning growls were issued from the Seijoh pack-members, causing Semi’s hand to catch Tendou’s wrist. “C’mon, let’s go.” Semi waved apologetically to (Name) and Iwaizumi once more. “I’ll see you later, (Name).”
Oikawa’s brown eyes followed them, sneering as they disappeared into the crowd. Kyotani snarled at them as they brushed past him, causing Semi to flinch slightly. “Good riddance,” Oikawa muttered before turning back to his best friend and the Omega. “Are you alright, (Nickname)-chan?” 
She nodded, relieved that a fight hadn’t just broken out. 
Iwaizumi plopped back down, yanking the Omega down and twisting her so that she was seated between his legs. He leaned forward, scenting her. Mattsun and Makki exchanged small glances before settling themselves on Iwaizumi’s left side. Mattsun leaned against Makki’s chest, swinging his legs onto the Omega’s as he placed their food onto his lap. “Got you guys some food,” he offered, giving (Name) a soft smile. Kyotani plopped down in front of Oikawa, laying against the Omega’s legs possessively. 
Iwaizumi grunted, eyes slowly lightening as he continued to scent her. 
“Thanks Mattsu, you guys are so sweet,” the Omega smiled at them, her heart rate just settling. Oikawa plopped himself down on Iwaizumi’s right side, pulling out a jar of konpeito and plopping those onto (Name)’s lap. “Oooh, Oiks! You didn’t have to,” she squealed, leaning out of Iwaizumi’s grip to hug Oikawa.
He shrugged, puffing out his chest slightly. “Anything for my favorite Omega,” he winked at her as she released him. Iwaizumi fixed him with a hard stare, causing Oikawa to swallow. “Oh, look! There’s the rest of the pack.” He stood again, waving the others over. 
As the rest settled onto the mess of blankets that Iwaizumi and (Name) had spread out, (Name) leaned deeper into her mate’s chest. One of her hands scratched at Kyotani’s head. “I love you,” she whispered, peeking up at his tense face. She reached up, smoothing out his forehead. “If you keep doing that, you’ll get premature wrinkles,” she teased. In the corner of her eye, she could see Oikawa wanting to make a comment, but after scenting the air and sensing the residual bitterness from Iwaizumi, it appeared that he thought better of it.
“I love you too,” Iwaizumi muttered finally. 
(Name) leaned up, pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of his mouth. “You’re the only Alpha for me, promise.” 
He let out a sigh, his warm breath fanning her face as he forced his muscles to relax. “Yeah, I know.” Loud explosions filled the warm night air, redirecting most people’s attention to the sky. Instead, Iwaizumi just leaned down, capturing her lips. “I love you so much,” he mumbled against her lips. 
“I love you too.” 
“Is this how we do it?” Kindaichi asked, looking down at the ball in his hand frowning.
The Omega glanced over from her work. She had been measuring out ingredients for the marinade. “Try wetting your hands a bit, Kindaichi-kun. It’ll prevent the rice from sticking to you.” She looked over at the ball in Watari’s hands. “That’s looking really good Watari-kun!”
“Thank you (Name)-san!” He grinned, carefully adding the seaweed to make a cute face.
“What type of filling should I use, (Name)-san?” Kumini asked, eyeing all the various containers out.
“Anything you’d like! These are for you guys, remember?” She grinned, before turning back to her own.
“Well, what type of filling do you like?” Watari asked.
She paused, blinking. It had been a really long time since she thought about it. “Salmon or egg has to be my favorite.”
Needless to say, a majority of the onigiri made that day ended up being salmon and egg.
[Kumini]: Shiratorizawa is here
[Capt. Oikawa]: Why tf are they here?
[Mattsun]: You can’t gate-keep a festival Oikawa. Did something happen, Kumini?
[Yahaba]: That first year wanna-be and the two second years went up to (Name)-san earlier while she was with us
[Makki]: No Ushijima?
[Kumini]: Not with them at least
[Iwaizumi]: Don’t let her out of your sights.
[Yahaba]: Yes sir
[Capt. Oikawa]: how come you guys never call ME sir?
[Mattsun]: they’d have to respect you first
“I’m literally Captain! Why don’t they respect me?” Oikawa whined, crossing his arms. 
“Because you do shit like that, Shittykawa,” Iwaizumi rolled his eyes. The third-years had stopped playing games and were heading towards their picnic area. 
“Ooh Kageyama!” A body ran into Iwaizumi causing the entire group to stop.
“Karasuno,” Oikawa growled, glaring at Kageyama who appeared suddenly. 
“S-Seijoh!” Hinata stuttered, stepping back and falling into Kageyama. 
“You better be training hard,” Iwaizumi commented, brushing off his yukata. 
“No matter how hard you train, we’ll beat you at the Spring Tournament,” Oikawa snapped, pointing at his rival. 
“C’mon, let’s go before (Nickname)-chan gets there,” Makki intervened, grabbing Oikawa’s collar and dragging him back on track only for the Captain to get distracted by his fan-girls.
Hinata shivered, looking over at Kageyama who had his arms crossed and a dark expression on his face. “They’re intimidating.” Turning to look for the rest of his team, he ran into a hard chest. Looking up, Hinata almost screeched.
“Hinata Shoyo. Kageyama Tobio.” Ushijima looked unimpressed at the two underclassmen. “Enjoy yourself. You’ll have more time for fun after we beat you at the Spring Tournament.” After this, Ushijima made his way towards Tendou and Semi who were checking out a food stand.  
“We’ll beat them!” Hinata’s eyebrows furrowed, determination coursing through him.
“Get better first and then you can make threats.”
“So mean Kageyama!”
Fun Facts
💟 Kyotani and Omega were very close - which wasn’t a surprise to most of the pack considering how approachable (Name) is
💟 Omegas in Seijoh were in charge of planning fun activities like the beach outing 
💟 Watari and the first years were extremely happy to spend quality time with her while they were cooking and learning how to make her special onigiris. The others were jealous when they found out, leading to (Name) promising to host more cooking sessions to placate them
💟 Iwaizumi had to step in when Kyotani threatened Kindaichi for eating the rice-ball
💟 The first years were a little sad that (Name) didn’t have a nickname for them, though they’d never tell her that. 
💟 Yahaba had a tradition of getting (Name) succulents. Her bedroom had a shelf dedicated to them
💟 Since meeting, Iwaizumi and (Name) had a tradition of going to festivals together. They’d go for one day alone, and then the next night with the rest of Seijoh. One time, they’d skipped the Seijoh outing. The other third-years ignored them for over a week until they hosted a sleepover and gave each individual apologies
💟 Whenever (Name) says “her pack”, she’s almost always referring to Aoba Johsai - a fact that isn’t missed by the Shiratorizawa pack members, which makes the underclassmen a little upset
💟 Kyotani has the best sense of smell out of Seijoh 
💟 Tendou had known that Iwaizumi was there, but he wanted to provoke both him and Ushijima into action 
💟 Iwaizumi didn’t know that Ushijima had been the one to buy her the hair-piece
💟  The only reason why Iwaizumi didn’t start a fight was because he knew that (Name) would be upset with him. Oikawa also wanted to start a fight, but decided not to ruin the mood. Kyotani on the other hand only stopped because Iwaizumi glared at him  
AN: I’m celebrating 400! Please feel free to send in requests for matchups & song-fics  💞  More info here.
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artificialqueens · 4 years
I Have Loved You (Crygi) - Leda
A/N - Hi there ! i wanted to put a little note here , please read the trigger warning before reading , other then that i really hope you enjoy this one shot!
ao3 link here
Methyd, Crystal. Another hospital band to add to the ongoing collection when she gets home. It’s not a small collection either; in fact, in the last 2 years of collecting them, the box began to overflow. 103 hospital visits and 72 overnight stays, 3 diagnoses, 2 years, 1 best friend through it all. Gigi Goode had been her best friend since they met at a college party when they were 18. When Crystal got sick, everyone would come to visit her. But as time went on people slowly stopped coming. Gigi, however, always showed up.
They were inseparable. Gigi visited every day, and when Crystal wasn’t in the hospital they spent all their free time with each other and their families.
However, lately, Crystal had been getting worse and worse. Her speech was impaired whenever she was tired, and she had trouble walking. She had been in the hospital for 132 days now - Gigi's been counting. Crystal doesn’t seem to be getting any better either, yet the girl is nothing but positive.
“Geege, I’m o-kay. Whatever he sa-ys I’m okay.” Crystal explains, struggling on a few words but managing to articulate after a moment. Gigi was nervously pacing around the room. They had run more tests to try and see how long she had left, or if she was getting better. They both knew she wasn’t, but Gigi insisted they test her and Crystal couldn't say no to Gigi.
A small knock on the door startles Gigi enough to sit on the bed with Crystal. The doctor walks in with an apologetic face. “Crystal, I am very sorry to say you aren’t getting better. Your heart is getting weaker ever time we see you” The doctor kept speaking, but Gigi had already tuned him out. She isn’t getting better. If she isn’t getting better, she’s dying.
“There has to be something you can do!” Gigi practically begged the man. She was on the verge of tears, the cracking in her voice making it evident. Crystal places a hand on her knee, signaling her to breathe.
“I’m sorry girls.” he sighs and turns on his heels, padding out of the room. Gigi couldn’t turn to look at her best friend. She knew that if she did, she would break down in tears, which isn’t fair. She isn’t the one dying, and yet it feels like a piece of her is. In fact, Crystal is a piece of her. A piece of her IS dying.
“Gigi, look at me” Crystal murmurs out, reaching down and grabbing Gigi’s hand. “I’m here still, I am alive.” she says and smiles softly. When Gigi won’t look, she puts her hand on her cheek and turns the other girl's face to meet hers. “Babs, I’m alive”
“Crys, I don’t want to lose you.” Her voice breaks and the first tear slips. Crystal sighs and pulls her into a warm embrace. Both of them crying into each other for god knows how long. Love. Love is the word anyone who could see them would use to describe them.
“Crystal, oh my god!” Gigi squeals as Crystal sprays her with water in her backyard. It was the middle of summer and a hot LA day, but Crystal didn’t have a pool. Gigi did, but they were already at Crystal’s house and didn’t want to leave. So Crystal got her hose. “You bitch! That’s cold!”
“Oops,” She says simply and shrugs, spraying her again. Gigi continued to squeal and run away, Crystal chasing her quickly. 18, they had no worries. The world was theirs. They had just graduated and they could do anything they wanted. 18.
“We’re 24 Georgina, get me a fucking beer,” Crystal said, jokingly. Gigi laughs and sighed, handing Crystal a beer from her fridge. Crystal was finally out of the hospital and it felt like she was getting better, they couldn’t be happier. “Thank you m’ lady” the redhead joked, making Gigi snort.
“You’re such a fucking dork!” Gigi giggled and sipped her wine cooler. Crystal was about to say something when their song came on. “Cryssie! Our song! Dance with me?” she asked and stood up, offering the girl in front of her a hand. Crystal smiled softly and took her hand, slowly standing up and placing her hands gently on Gigi’s hips. They danced as the song played loudly through the speaker in Gigi’s house.
“So kiss me where I lay down, my hands pressed to your cheeks, a long way from the playground” Crystal sang quietly to the other girl. Little did the shorter girl know, Gigi felt the lyrics on a deeper level.
Gigi was sat next to Crystal’s hospital bed, her guitar resting on her knee as she listened to Crystal’s song requests.
“Can we sing our song?” Crystal asked, her voice was hoarse. Gigi smiled proudly at her and strummed the opening lines. “I’ve got a heart” she opened.
“And I’ve got a soul” Gigi sang back. They both knew their parts by heart.
“Believe me, I’ll use them both” The two girls sang in sync. “We made a start, be it a false one, I know, baby I don’t want, to feel alone” They continued to sing. However, Crystal’s breaths became shallow and she struggled to sing. Her solo for the ending had been approaching and they both knew she couldn’t sing it.
“To be loved and to be in love” Crystal tried, but she couldn’t take in enough air to continue.
“And all I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you, And I want a love like you made me feel, When we were 18, I want a love like you made me feel, When we were 18, I want a love like you made me feel When we were 18” Gigi sang effortlessly, a few tears glistening in her eyes at the thought of her best friend not even being able to finish her favorite part of their song.
“I love you Geege” Crystal struggled to get out. The taller girl stood up and handed Crystal the oxygen mask next to her bed.
“I love you to Crys” The blonde spoke quietly, a single tear falling down her cheek, unbeknownst to the other person in the dimly lit hospital room. “I love you more than you know” She adds with a sigh, but Crystal had already fallen asleep, snoring quietly.
Crystal was still in the hospital today, but she seemed to be doing much better, and Gigi was sat in her room giggling and joking with her when she got the sudden urge to tell her something, rather serious.
“Crystal, I, I need to tell you something.” Gigi rushed out in a panicked voice. The sick girl tilted her head and smiled at her friend, urging her to continue.
Do I tell her? If she lives and doesn’t feel the same it could ruin our friendship. But, if I don’t tell her and she dies I’ll regret it forever. Fuck it.
“Crystal Elizabeth Methyd” she breathed in deeply before continuing. “I like you. I mean like, I like you, more than in a friend way. In a ‘I want to kiss you’ way” she finally let out a breath of relief when she realized she had said it completely. Now all of her feelings were out on the table.
“Gigi Goode, stand up” Crystal demanded. Gigi swallowed hard and obeyed, not sure what the girl was about to ask of her. “Walk your ass over here” again, Gigi did as she was told, slowly and nervously padding over to the shorter girl sitting in the hospital bed, the cheesy one direction blanket laying on her lap. As soon as Gigi was hovering her Crystal, the girl below her reached up with her hand, the IV poking out of her wrist, it all caught Gigi’s eye as her hand balled in her own shirt, pulling her down as Crystal crashed her lips into Gigi’s. The blonde froze for a moment, feeling as if she had been dreaming. She was snapped back into reality as Crystal pulled her closer, and she allowed herself to kiss the smaller girl back. The kiss felt like fireworks were going off in her stomach and someone held burning coals to her lips at the same time, in the best possible way. After what felt like hours, but was most likely only a few seconds, they pulled apart, forehead resting on forehead, Crystal, hand still balled into her shirt, Gigi’s planted on the wall behind them, holding herself up. “I like you too. In an ‘I want to kiss you’ way” Crystal admitted, a light blush appearing on her tan cheeks.
“You have my heart” Gigi breathed out quietly, causing Crystal to giggle.
“Mi Cielo” Crystal hums and moves over, making room for Gigi to lay with her, the taller girl gladly laying next to her. Gigi hums as she holds the girl with messy red hair in her arms, hearing the quiet snores after a few moments. Slowly, she stands up, careful not to wake her sleeping partner and grabs her bag, blowing a kiss in Crystal’s direction before leaving for the night.
“Dulzura!” Crystal shouted, calling Gigi over towards her from across the beach. Crystal was in the water, Gigi had been laying on the towel in the sun. The blonde stood up reluctantly and made her way over to the freezing ocean where her best friend was floating happily. “Come in with me”
“Nope, it looks freezing” Gigi shook her head, arms crossed tightly over her chest. Crystal, however, was not taking no for an answer. She walked over to Gigi and picked her up, throwing her over her own shoulder, causing the taller girl to squeal. “Crystal Elizabeth put me down!”
“Okay” Crystal said with a smirk, tossing Gigi into the water in front of them.
“I’m going to kill you” The 19 year old cried out as she was now soaked by the icy cold water.
The next day rolled around, Gigi waking up an hour before visiting hours started. She applies light makeup and throws on her boots, quickly heading out the door. 30 minutes until visiting hours. Gigi arrives at the store, buying a bouquet of colorful flowers and a little stuffed puppy. Visiting hours were now open. She quickly arrived at the hospital, walking in with a smile on her face that nothing could take away. Or so she thought. That’s when she saw Crystal’s mom. She was crying.  She was crying.
“Miss Methyd, are you okay? Is Crystal okay? Can I see her?” Gigi asks many questions very quickly.
“Gigi, honey, Crystal, she didn’t... she passed away late last night”
Those words hit Gigi like a truck.
“Her last words were for you. She said ‘Tell Gigi, I have loved you since we were 18, long before we both thought the same thing, to be loved, to be in love. All I can do is say that these arms were made for holding you, I wanna love like you made me feel, When we were 18:”
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kenzieam · 4 years
Save My Life - Chapter Two
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@jewels2876​ @moonbeambucky @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @iammarylastar​@captstefanbrandt​ @badassbaker​ @pinknerdpanda​
I know I’m forgetting people, sorry. If you want in, hit me.
Warnings: Definitely M. Language, violence, adult situations, graphic mentions of horrible things, traumatic death and descriptions.
!!!!!TRIGGER WARNINGS!!!!! I ain’t playing, this story is coal-black.
Paramedic Bucky Barnes has seen it all and it’s definitely taken a toll on his mind and body, witnessing senseless death, all but wading through it at times as he is the first responder to so many ghastly accidents and mishaps. The widow of one of his former patients haunts him long after his brief, chaotic contact with her and destiny conspires to cross their paths again. Can the broken man and grieving woman find peace together?
Feedback is life, y’all.
Although Steve threatened to tell somebody, he never did or maybe the department was so hard up for good paramedics that the fact that one of their own shot up heroin wasn’t a concern until it actually started affecting his work. Despite his growing addition, Bucky was still one of the best medics in the city, if only for the fact that he got so personally invested in his patients, doing all he could, to his own detriment, to help them.
It had been a bad week, and Bucky missed the next meeting. He couldn’t have handled the let-down at not seeing her again, and instead drank himself unconscious, because he was out of H and his dealer wouldn’t answer and he at least respected himself enough still to not inject illicit drugs from a random stranger.
Lev had attended however and felt a strange dissatisfaction at not seeing him. It was balm to her wounded soul, to have someone seeming to look for her, to make the effort to talk. Apart from Wanda, her friends had drifted away after Clint, uncomfortable with her persistent levels of anguish.
Had she pushed him away too? Was her pervasive sorrow a physical cloud around her that he’d given up on trying to push through?
She told herself scornfully that she thought about this man, little better than a stranger, far too much.
He didn’t need her bullshit weighing him down, not when he seemed to carry enough on his broad shoulders. It was highly unlikely he thought about her to the extent she found herself imagining him, wondering about him and his life, what he chose to surround himself with, his family, what had led him into such a taxing profession. He had begun to infiltrate her dreams, guilty musings of what lay beneath his clothes, clothes that stretched so finely over such luscious and defined musculature.
Was he a snuggler, would he lay beside her after they’d made love, gazing at her tenderly and stroking a large hand so gently across her skin? Clint had and she’d enjoyed those moments more than the physical release sometimes, that deep connection.
What would it feel like to rest her head on such a powerful chest? How safe would it make her feel again to be cradled by arms like his?
She couldn’t find out, it was all too soon, and she’d had her happily ever after, it had just been taken from her early.
Despite himself, Bucky couldn’t stop and, although he just knew he’d be gut-kicked again because she wouldn’t be there; he attended the next meeting, arriving early because the dark thoughts had started swarming his brain, hungering for the oblivion H promised and he needed the distraction of others around him, the multitude of voices that rose and fell with the waves of sorrow they floated on.
She arrived late, as if she’d decided not to come but then relented at the last moment, sneaking furtively in through the double-doors just as one of the regulars stood to recount her week, how she’d managed not to cry at seeing the building where her son used to work, but losing it that night when she’d seen his picture on her mantle again. A few heads turned her way as she winced, struggling to help the heavy doors to close without their customary slam and Bucky felt a surge of heat under his skin.
She was even more beautiful than the last time he’d seen her if that were possible. Her hair and eyes were shades rarely seen, a vibrant auburn and trapped-galaxy-amethyst; eternal, unending pain darkening her irises to bruises in her flawless face. Hidden under a flowing sundress were the promise of sweet curves, a woman’s body he could bury himself inside and feel peace, serenity like he’d never experienced, passion like he’d never encountered.
He’d never even touched the woman, but his body wanted her, his soul knew the home it had never managed to find before.
She took one of the empty seats partway across the circle from him and he watched her from under a heavy brow, fighting an incongruous grin when she sat so carefully, wincing again as she expected the old chair to creak, her silent sigh of relief when it didn’t.
She fiddled idly with a tissue as she listened, not because she was bored by any means, but to distract her from the tugging of agony the other’s stories started in her, the memories their words dredged up and Bucky had to ball his fists to hold back from standing, yanking the weaselly man out of his chair beside her and taking his seat, then draw her to him, crush away her sadness because the sight of it slayed him, gouged deep in his jaded and exhausted heart; wringing blood from the nearly dry stone.
After a few other people, Lev was asked if she’d like to speak and she nodded quietly, seeming to collect herself before beginning. Her voice started low and hesitant and Bucky strained to hear her, but as the words left her mouth, drawing some of the pain with them, she began to speak louder, even managing to lift her head and meet other’s sympathetic gazes.
“I met my husband, Clint, in university. My roommate was his sister, so we saw a lot of each other and, while I hated him at first, he grew on me.” She gave a half-hearted smirk, twisting the tissue tighter. “He could be such a goof-ball but… at the same time, so caring. Everyone’s big brother. He saved me once when some guy slipped something in my drink, not enough to knock me out, but I wasn’t in any frame of mind to help myself, and he sat up with me all night, making sure I was okay, until morning.” She shook her head ruefully. “His girlfriend at the time wasn’t happy but he didn’t care, said he couldn’t let anything happen to one of his friends.” She pulled distractedly at a cuticle, exhaled a shuddery breath. “We started dating in junior year and that was it, I’d found my soulmate.” She sniffed, wiped at her nose, keeping her head lowered now as she continued.
“The morning he-” she choked on a sob but regained her voice, “the morning he… died we’d laid in bed and talked. Clint wanted to try for a baby, and I told him we’d talk about it more that night, but he kept pushing and I got mad, said some things I wish I hadn’t, like it was real easy to want kids when it’s not like you’re going to help out with them after; it was just bullshit, I was scared and acted like a total bitch and he left for work early, pissed off. I felt bad after and called him to ask if he’d meet for lunch… I wanted to apologize.” She exhaled tremulously, wiped at her eyes. “He worked across the street from the diner I chose, and I was…. standing there out front, waiting for him. And suddenly none of it mattered anymore; he saw me waiting and gave me this beautiful little smile and that was it, I was willing to do anything for him.” She paused and when she spoke again, her voice struggled to remain steady. “He stepped off the curb to cross the street and… he was so busy staring at me he didn’t… see the bus…”
Bucky winced, despite himself. He’d known the facts of the accident, but not the story behind it.
“I ran to him, screaming and there was so much blood…. God, so much blood.” She wiped her eyes, shook her head slightly. “There was nothing anyone could do, I watched him die and I knew it was my fault.” She lifted her face, opened red-rimmed eyes to the beamed ceiling as tears coursed down her pale cheeks and swallowed, then closed her eyes again, sagging slightly with what looked like relief. Raw relief at having laid bare the pain and shame, drawing the wound and letting it drain.
“Thank you,” Tony whispered quietly from across the circle, fresh tears in his own eyes.
Lev nodded in reply, lowering her head again, the tissue now rags in her fingers. She remained silent the rest of the meeting but seemed more settled than she had before. She listened, nodding in sympathy and commiseration as others told their stories, crying when they cried, smiled at the good memories.
Bucky found himself lost in watching her, everything around him fading away. He couldn’t begin to explain the effect she had on him, the way his soul just seemed to take a deep breath around her, even as his blood ran hot and fast with desire. He wanted to surround her, to capture her and make her his, feel her writhe beneath and on top of him, explode so sweetly around him and know that he was there, he would always be there, for her. But more importantly, more urgent than the physical connection, he just wanted her, his rock and purpose by his side, in this plane and the next.
The meeting ended with a few soft words from Tony and Bucky shook himself awake, flushing guiltily at the direction of his thoughts. He’d barely even spoke to the woman, yet he had already pledged his heart, his whole being, to her.
He glanced around, looking, and spotted Lev a dozen feet away, nodding and even offering a smile to another woman as they spoke in a loose group. There was an easiness about her now, a sense of relief and clarity; she’d shed a burden tonight and her beauty was indescribable to him.
Bucky hovered nearby before joining the group and Lev offered him a tentative smile, something sparking in her eyes, not quite an invitation, but definitely not rejection.
After a time, Lev bid goodbye to the group and drifted away, engaging in brief exchanges with others as she made her way to the door. There was as definite lightness to the meeting today, as if everyone were experiencing some relief from their grief. Eventually, Lev made it outside and Bucky fell in step beside her, offering a nervous smile when she glanced up at him.
“How are you?” She asked quietly, then stopped and extended her hand. “I don’t think we’ve ever been formally introduced, I’m Lev. Levka Riel.”
Bucky fumbled for a moment before extending his hand. “James Barnes, but everyone calls me Bucky.”
Lev raised a brow in question and Bucky chuckled quietly. “My middle name’s Buchanan.” He hesitated. “I thought…. Your husband’s last name was Barton….” He trailed off uncomfortably, wishing he could take back the last few moments, cursing himself for spoiling so spectacularly whatever olive branch she had been trying to extend his way.
Her eyes dropped a moment before she answered. “Maiden name. It didn’t make much sense anymore to keep Barton anymore, with Clint gone….” She shifted uncomfortably, as if she’d been given a hard time for her decision and expected the same derision from him.
He hurried to assuage her guilt. “Your first name is so unique; I don’t think I’ve ever heard it before.”
Some life again in her eyes, a smile of appreciation. “It’s Russian, my mother is enamoured with the Romanov dynasty but ‘Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna’ or ‘Czarina’ were a little too on the nose.”
Bucky snorted a laugh, shaking his head.
Lev smiled in return, and Bucky felt his laugh die in his throat.
“God, do you know how beautiful you are?” His traitorous tongue asked, and he immediately reddened, looking away, approximately two sec0nds from running and finding a dark corner to pound his head against something.
Lev breathed a laugh, shaking her head and it was suddenly important to Bucky that she realize he wasn’t just talking out of his ass.
“No, I mean it.” He stopped; they’d reached her car anyway in the dark corner of the parking lot, and he’d have to speak to her about that, he’d been on enough calls where the victim was a woman who’d been caught in a location just like this and paid for it with either her life or her sanity. “You are… stunning.”
“And you are smooth, Mr. Barnes.”
He huffed in frustration, shaking his head. She was missing his point, whether deliberate or honest and it was suddenly vitally important that she realize he was sincere. He reached out, grabbing her upper arm in a move that, while not rough, was surprising to them both and Lev’s eyes widened, flicking from his hand to his face again and he dropped his hand hurriedly, rubbing his palms hard against his jean-clad thighs.
“I’m sorry,” he babbled, feeling the situation begin to spin out of control. A crazy, desperate part of him wanted to run, run away and hide in his apartment, cook a spoon and find a vein and dive into temporary abyss, while another part of him was desperate to draw her to him and hold her, kiss her and murmur his love to her until she believed it too.
He was fucked up. He’d watched this woman’s husband die, washed the man’s blood from his hands, filled out the report detailing his gruesome demise and restocked the supplies used to try and save him. A large majority of the screams he heard in his nightmares were this woman’s desperate pleas to that dead man to stay with her, even as his life drained away and streamed onto the floor of the Bucky’s ambulance, as his hands had crushed his chest trying to resuscitate him.
Lev eyed him silently, watching all this in his eyes and he saw sympathy there, a, if not commiseration because she’d never worked as a first responder before, then at least an empathy for what horrors she was capable of imaging he’d seen. Her eyes dropped to his mouth and she licked her lips, a clear invitation from her body even if her mind hadn’t yet caught up.
By now, only a few inches separated them and Bucky closed them, feeling the magnet in his chest drawing to hers and she lifted her head, eyes fluttering shut as he lowered his, their lips crushing together in a desperate, heated kiss.
A bolt shot through him and he groaned, blinking torpidly, blood rushing through his veins loud enough to block sound, when she pulled away suddenly. His eyes opened, awash in confusion, for his body was racing in one direction at a thousand miles an hour, leaving his brain in the dust and, based on the struggle on Lev’s face, she was fighting the same war.
For the space of a heartbeat, she simply gazed at him and then, before either could collect themselves enough to speak, Lev launched herself forward, lips locking on his again, fingers curling into the front of his shirt.
A bomb went off in Bucky’s body and, looking back later, he wouldn’t be able to explain what exactly was running through his head and that was most likely the problem, the way his mind just seemed to shut off around her.
Frantic sounds of need escaped them, lips crushing together with bruising force, tongues tangling and sweeping against each other. Lev’s deft fingers yanked deliberately at his jeans, his belt buckle clanking, button popping, the zipper a sharp rasp and he groaned sharply as she reached inside, cupping his raging-hard cock, half-hard throughout most of the meeting already, giving it a squeeze through his boxers.
Her dress was no barrier as his hands reached under, finding silky underwear and a growl of pure masculine hunger tore from his chest as he felt her soaked beneath his touch, her folds slippery and wet as he brushed them with his fingertips.
“Fuck-” he managed to mumble as she pressed against him, widening her legs, rocking her hips against his hand.
“Please,” she moaned, but what was she pleading for?
He pulled his mouth away from hers, panting through parted lips, eyes black with desire. “Please what, baby?”
“Fuck me, make me feel good again.” She whispered, fingertips trailing fire along his jawline, a heartbreaking mix of desire and sorrow in her eyes.
Bucky couldn’t fight it, a stronger man may have been able to resist and they’d both probably regret this in the morning, but right now, he didn’t care, he couldn’t and didn’t want to stop.
With a sharp yank, he ripped his jeans down his hips enough to free himself then grabbed the back of Lev’s thighs, lifting her to wrap her legs around his hips. His cockhead, slick with precum, prodded at her centre for a second and then he drove forwards, filling her with one push, dropping his head back with a roar as ecstasy beyond his wildest dreams crashed around him. Lev arched, trapped between Bucky and the driver’s door of her vehicle, crying out as he impaled her, at the sweet stretch and burn, the utter heaven that followed.
This, this was what she needed, right now.
Her legs tightened around his hips, urging him to move and he dropped his head, crushing their mouths together again as he started to thrust, hips snapping sharply. Lev moaned, hands reaching up to clasp at his face, curl into his hair, pulling it from the messy bun, scratching at his scalp and he growled against her mouth, nipping her bottom lip. One hand gripped her hip, rocking and driving her body in time with his thrusts while his other hand wrapped around her throat, holding her in place as he kissed her, devouring her mouth, literally feasting on her taste.
It was a hard, brutal, desperate fucking, too frantic to be tender and slow, too fevered and eager. They’d both been starved too long, were ravenous for sensation and release, meeting with the mutual goal of experiencing even just a few moments of peace and bliss in their dark lives.
Bucky pulled back a hairsbreadth, searching for Lev’s eyes, finding matching hunger and fire, his body incinerated at her expression.
“Fuck,” he growled. “Fucking take it, take my cock.” The filthy words fell unheeded from his mouth. He wasn’t usually a dirty talker, preferring to listen to what he was bringing out in his partner instead but something about Lev loosened his restraint and he felt his blood raging, racing fire through his veins as she responded, moaning and clenching around him.
“B- Bucky-” his name devolved into an incoherent groan, her eyes rolling closed as her thighs started to shake, trembling around his hips. He drove into her with everything he had, throwing his fuck into her like it was essential for both their lives and maybe it was, for Lev took it with a hunger like he’d never seen before, a need that rivaled and maybe surpassed his own. “I’m gonna-” she broke off with a whine.
“Come for me,” Bucky grunted, his world narrowed down to this moment. He wanted, he needed to feel Lev around him, her walls shiver and grip him as she succumbed, he needed to feel her bliss before he could surrender to his own. “Give it to me, let me feel you-” his voice cracked as she climaxed, muffling her cry against his sweat-slicked shoulder, squeezing him like the sweetest vice and he couldn’t hold back anymore, his thrusts growing sloppy as he let the tsunami she created crash over him.
Dropping his face into her throat he let go, roaring as the most powerful and visceral release he’d ever experienced tore through him. His hips drove forwards, compelled by some animal instinct to press his pulsing seed as deep into her body as he could; his cock throbbing almost painfully as rope after rope of thick cum exploded from him and he decided in that moment that if this was his end, if his heart was going to give out from the exertion, then what a way to go, embracing his personal heaven.
Finally, his orgasm crested, the drop leaving his legs weak and shaking. He sagged forwards, bowing into Lev, pressing her harder into her vehicle behind her and she clung just as desperately back, trembling with aftershocks. Her walls still cradled him, still pulsed faintly and he relished the visceral connection, wanted to stay joined inside her forever but, slowly, their surroundings reappeared, bleeding back into his tunnel vision and he glanced around furtively.
A half-block down, on the steps of the gym, stood a few others from the meeting, they congregated in a loose circle, music playing from the beat-up old tape-deck inside, talking and hadn’t seemed to have noticed them yet, but that could change in an instant.
Reluctantly, already missing her, Bucky withdrew from her body, letting her legs drop gently to the ground and pulling her dress down to cover her; at some point, he’d torn her panties from her body and he stuffed them, sticky in his hand, into his pocket absently as he tucked himself gingerly back into his jeans, the zipper’s rasp loud in the sudden quiet.
Lev moaned almost inaudibly, leaning into his chest before jolting, lifting her head with huge eyes as reality reasserted itself.
“Lev,” Bucky began, not sure what he was going to say. For a few minutes they’d both been under a spell, both given into their baser instincts and while he didn’t regret it, if it was going to scare her away then he wished he’d at least been able to exercise some goddamn restraint. “Wait-”
She glanced at him, a myriad of emotions in her eyes. Chief among them was realization, fear and guilt. Although she hadn’t truly, in her mind she’d just betrayed her husband and Bucky felt a pang of agony when her beautiful violet eyes shuttered right in front of him, her walls slamming down.
He took a compulsive step back as she threw open the door but reached for her, her name falling like a plea from his lips and, for a second, her eyes answered him and he saw the struggle but then she was screeching away, the door slamming with finality.
It was fortunate that Bucky didn’t have a shift the next day, for he woke sometime in the late afternoon, sore and bruised, bloody in a half-dozen places and syringes scattered across the floor. The last twenty hours were gone.
The last thing he remembered was pausing in his search for a vein to take a swig of whiskey straight from the bottle as Ramirez thumped in the background.
For a while he lay there, face-down on his dingy carpet, waiting for all the various aches and discomfort in his body to coalesce into one big knot of pain he could focus on to push away and bereted himself for his actions. Around him, his playlist had gone full circle, working its way through his whole library while he’d lain there senseless, and a ghastly appropriate live version of ‘Comfortably Numb’, complete with the haunting sound of the crowd singing along, floated ethereally through the heavy air.
What the fuck had he been thinking? What the hell had he done?
The fact that Lev had been just as eager as him was no excuse. Vulnerable from the meeting, she’d not been in the right frame of mind, indeed, hadn’t been since her husbands’ bloody death, to make any type of informed decision.
He’d taken advantage of her, let his own needs and desires overpower him and he hated himself, more so than usual.
What’s worse, he’d fucked her raw. No condom and he’d come deep inside her, felt his seed pulsing thickly against her womb, seen it glistening and trickling down her inner thighs as he’d pulled her skirt back down.
It had been the best orgasm, the best experience of his life, almost painful in its intensity, seemingly never-ending until he’d been drained and empty, and he regretted it to the very core of his soul.
He would never forgive himself if his own hunger, his weakness, had just driven her away forever.
The phone broke into his obsessing, a bracing, glaring sound that made his eyes squeeze shut against the headache it instantly produced and he groaned, lifting his head painfully to find it. Inching forwards he managed to snag it, pressed it to his ear.
“Where the fuck have you been?!” Steve snarled. “I have been trying to get a hold of you all day, I was this close to calling it in!”
Bucky winced, both the words and the vitriol behind them, and at the meaning. He knew as well as anyone, was called out to these types of situations regularly, what would eventually happen to him if he continued down this road. Did he want to leave that for Steve to find? His only true friend in this fucked up world?
“I fucked up,” he whispered, voice breaking. “I… I fucked up, man.”
“What happened?” Steve’s voice went instantly clinical, ready for triage.
“Who?? What did you do?” An edge now, a warning.
“The girl.”
“Goddammit Buck. What did you do?!”
Pulling himself up into a seated position, hunched into a painful ball, Bucky whispered his sins.
For a long time, there was silence on the other end, then a heavy exhale.
“This is not okay, James. You need help.”
“I know-”
“She wasn’t in her right mind, that was rape-”
“It might has well have been! Do you think she’d have done that if she were thinking clear? Goddammit, James. This is bad. I’m coming over there-”
“No! Just give me some time…. We go way back man; I’ve covered for you-”
“Fuck you.”
“Yeah, fuck me.” Bucky agreed tiredly.
Steve took a deep, heaving sigh, exhaling heavily. His voice cracked as he continued. “You don’t want me helping you, fine. But get your shit together and don’t show up for work until you do. I can’t keep covering for you like that, Fury’s already asking questions.”
“I know-”
“Then stop the fucking dope!”
“You make it sound so simple,” Bucky snapped irritably.
“You shouldn’t have started that shit!” Steve threw back. He exhaled, realizing this was going nowhere and no longer having the strength. “Listen man, Nat’s pregnant.”
“Nat. I was going to tell you on our next shift. She’s going to have a baby and I need you there with me, man. I’m scared shitless and I need my brother at my side, but not if you’re going to be fucked up, I won’t have that shit near my kid.”
Bucky exhaled long and hard, letting his hand and the receiver fall into his lap. Once upon a time, he’d wanted that too, a family and while his heart swelled with happiness for his friend, he wondered if he’d just destroyed his last chance at the same.
After a long, painful beat he lifted the phone again. “I’ll talk to you later.”
“Buck?” Steve instantly sounded wary.
“I’m fine, just… I have a lot to work through.”
Steve hesitated, clearly debating.
“I’m not leaving yet, buddy.” Bucky tried for light, but the words fell flat.
“Don’t leave ever,” Steve retorted. “I love you, you asshole.”
“Love you too, brother.”
Bucky stopped and took stock of his surroundings. He walked now, a lot, and let his mind wander as he did.
Four days ago, he’d set the phone down after talking with Steve and cried, hard enough that he’d lost his breath and ended up gasping and heaving on the floor, clawing at his throat for air and, when both his lungs and his tears had finally given up, he’d lain there for a while, trying to work through his next steps.
Finally, he’d sat up and phoned Fury, his boss.
“What?” Fury was an abrupt man, hard to read and even harder to like, but he got the job done.
“It’s Barnes.”
“And? I ain’t got all day, man.”
He took a deep breath, but if he didn’t have the sack to tell his boss, how would he have the balls to fight his demons? “I gotta take some time off, I’m… I’m not feeling good.”
“Yeah? I’ve been noticing you’re looking a little off.” The dry implication in the man’s voice was almost suffocating. He knew, of course he’d known, how had Bucky deluded himself into thinking he’d been hiding it?
“I just need some time-”
“Save it Barnes. You got two weeks. When you get back, I want you healthy, you hear?” The emphasis on the word ‘healthy’ hinted at a lot more than just Bucky’s physical wellbeing.
“I will.”
“Prove it.” Fury barked, then paused, his voice softening slightly, something Bucky wouldn’t have believed if he wasn’t literally hearing it with his own ears. “I mean it, James. Get yourself healthy. You’re a hell of a paramedic and I’d hate to lose you. You and Rogers are my best team.”
Sudden emotion socked Bucky in the guts, somehow hearing his hard-edged boss, the original iron-willed asshole himself, say that hit him harder than anything else so far.
“I will, Sir.”
“Good.” Fury hung up abruptly, reassuring Bucky with the familiarity.
Now, he walked, he ran, he read books, he worked out; hell, he’d even dusted off his old guitar and started playing again, picking the strings haltingly as his fingers slowly woke back up to the beat. Anything to keep his mind off the drugs and his solitude.
He wanted Lev and he had nothing to offer her if he was just a worthless junkie. He wanted, no… he needed to be clean.
Only then could he try.
The coffee shop in front of him looked good enough, and Bucky was thirsty, in the mood for maybe an iced coffee. The bell above the door tinkled as he stepped in, and the delicious aroma of roasting beans and vanilla hit him, even stirring the beginnings of hunger in his belly. A few customers stood in front of him and he shuffled into line slowly, never totally comfortable in his large skin, always almost tentative in his movements, lest he hurt someone.
That was why heroin was so compelling to him, the oblivion, the chance to let go of all the worries he held, no clutched, so frantically, his nerves raw and drum-tight, afraid to let go lest the fallout was too much to bear.
His inner arm itched, and he scratched absently, then pulled back in shame. Normally so careful, and almost unparalleled in his field for his skill, the man that could find an IV on even the most difficult cases, he’d screwed up the last time, chosen a thick, inviting vein in his elbow, when he’d been so distraught over his and Lev’s frantic union after the meeting, and fucked up, blowing the site and making a visible track mark. It itched like mad now, thankfully healing, but scratching at it, even absently, would make the evidence of his weakness that much more visible.
He whirled at the sound, breath locking in his chest.
She took a step back, eyes widening before relaxing again, lifting her gaze to meet his, those one-in-a-million violet eyes drawing him in even as he desperately clawed back.
“Lev-” He fought to keep a steady voice, almost succeeded, sure she could hear his heart pounding, his blood roaring through his veins. “I-”
“How are you?” She forged ahead, a faint pink coloring her cheeks.
He froze for a beat, confused. He’d violated her, he’d taken advantage and stolen something from her he still wasn’t sure she’d willingly given, and she was asking him how he was doing?
“Help you?” The barista called and Bucky winced, torn between two points.
Lev nodded encouragingly at the woman then, seeing Bucky still struggling, stepped beside him. “Green tea with lemon and…” she trailed off, turning to regard Bucky with a raised brow, a gentle, encouraging smile on her face.
His mind a chaotic whir, he babbled something that sounded like an order then reached on autopilot for his wallet.
“I’ve got it.” Lev said softly, her hand resting briefly on his, sending a jolt up his arm. “Find a table? We can talk.”
Feeling like he was watching the scene unfold from a distance, Bucky glanced around, noting with the beginnings of panic that no tables were free.
“Outside looks nice.” Lev offered kindly and he nodded almost frantically, rushing out to secure a spot.
Spots danced in his eyes as he sat and he took deep, almost panicked breaths, gripping the edge of the table. The certainty that Lev was here to publicly crucify him, announce his sins towards her to all gathered around and let the crowd mete out the appropriate punishment was fading quickly and he winced at the tentative hope that bloomed in its place.
An emotion so strong it cut through his chaotic thoughts like a blade hit him as she reached the table and he raised hesitant eyes to gaze at her, melting under the gentle smile she offered as she set a cup in front of him then sat across, waiting, giving him time to speak first.
“Lev, I’m so sorry-” he began, already babbling, falling silent when Lev lifted her hand to stop him.
“Don’t.” She murmured. Her cheeks were darkening again. “What happened was…. a surprise. But not… that.”
He winced, shamed that the idea had ever tainted her beautiful mind. Had she struggled with it? Lain curled on her floor playing their rough coupling over and over in her head, trying to chew it down into a manageable bite to swallow? Had her calm words for him now been born from a crucible of shame and pain and sorrow, a by-product of a mind that had been so traumatised in the past that something as horrific as his actions could be dismissed in a manner so calmly?
“Stop it.” She ordered softly, startling him out of his tailspin. “I can see what you’re thinking, and it’s not good.”
He opened his mouth to speak, closed it again to contain the whimper that threatened to escape.
“Yes, at first I was shocked.” She continued, reaching to rest her hand gently on his. He stared at it avidly, breath picking up again. “But at myself, and my response.” She squeezed his hand, encouraging him to look up and Bucky did, feeling the sudden warmth of her gentle smile. “I hardly acted like the grieving widow, jumping on another man like that-”
“But I-”
“You didn’t.” Her voice sharpened. “You didn’t force me. I could have stopped you; I believe you would have stopped if I’d asked, but I didn’t want you to.”
His heart thudded painfully in his chest, and Bucky stared at Lev, hardly believing what he was hearing.
“I wanted it, Bucky.” She continued, voice soft and somewhat timid with shame. “I wanted it and I wanted you and for a few minutes I felt good again; so how can it be bad?”
He fumbled to respond, falling silent again when Lev continued.
“I’m sorry, for leaving like that. I can’t imagine what you thought.”
Feeling like he’d been kicked in the guts, Bucky struggled for words. “Lev, I… I hurt you.”
“No. I hurt myself, I hurt my vision of myself as the perfect widow, grieving her dead husband for the rest of her lonely life. But I don’t regret you.” Her eyes lifted, locking on him. Finally, her lips quirked into a grin. “We probably could have chosen a better place-”
Bucky snorted a laugh, half-crazed and half-relieved.
“But I’d like to see you again and see where this goes. For the first time since Clint died, I’ve actually wanted something else besides getting him back. You… you do something to me, Bucky. You calm something in me and it’s a welcome reprieve from the last year and a half of hell.”
God, did he understand that. Lev was the one thing that made his chaotic mind rest, softened and relaxed his jagged soul, quieted the ghosts that haunted him constantly.
Words still failed him however but, thankfully, Lev seemed able to read his mind.
“Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?” She asked, the tentative smile on her face kryptonite to his soul.
He would kill for her, he realized. She was his all and for a man so swayed and ruled by his emotions and desires, that could be the end, for both of them.
But he was too weak to fight the pull. “I’d love that.” He replied, his voice hoarse.
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shipmistress9 · 5 years
HW2020 -- 5: Buying Flowers For Each Other
Part 5 of my Hiccstrid Week Project.
t-rated; RTTE-canon-verse
This one, I had a lot of fun with! 😁 Partially because of the scenes and conversations themselves, but also because of a certain headcanon that wormed its way into this prompt/one-shot which affects how I feel about many things.
I hope you’ll enjoy it! :)
(Also, linking back to the master post for all the wonderful additions 😊)
. o O o .
“So, any ideas what you’re getting for her this year?”
Hiccup grimaced at Snotlout's question. “What do you mean?” he asked, aiming for nonchalance. He knew exactly what Snot meant, but he didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of playing his game. 
“Uh, Astrid’s birthday, I guess,” Fishlegs helpfully threw in. “It’s in two weeks.”
Hiccup sighed. “Is that so?” As if he would ever forget that. 
“I wonder why I ever bothered thinking about you as competition,” Snot muttered under his breath, then said in a louder voice. “Well, I know what I’ll get her as a gift. All women love flowers. And jewellery. So that’s what I’ll get for her. The biggest bouquet of flowers you can imagine and the most special bracelet you’ve ever seen. She’ll fall in love with me right away, you’ll see.” And with a last sneer in Hiccup’s direction, he left the clubhouse. 
“‘The most special bracelet we’ve ever seen’?” Hiccup repeated, his eyebrows furrowed in puzzlement. “And flowers?”
Fishlegs nodded, eager to share what he knew. "Oh, yes. Snot's been talking about little else lately. Apparently, he asked Johann to get him the most ostentatious bracelet he can find. I wonder what it'll be. Can you imagine the wonders foreign cultures may produce? I can't wait to see it!"
Bemused, Hiccup blinked at his friend but then decided not to say anything. Maybe Snot should give that bracelet to Fishlegs instead, he certainly would appreciate it more than Astrid. 
Or so Hiccup hoped at least.
Because even though he'd been aware of her upcoming birthday for weeks already, he still had no idea what to give her for this occasion. He wanted it to be something special, something she'd truly appreciate, something unique. But no matter how much he thought about it, nothing would come to his mind that felt right. 
The only thing he knew was that Snot's ideas sucked. Because Astrid wasn't like all women. She was special and unique in her own ways, so strong and independent, a warrior. The only worth flowers had to her were when they had any practical healing effects or the petals could be used as a dye. And jewellery? That wasn't her thing at all. Any elaborate adornments would only get in the way during fighting. Sure, she owned a few pieces, a pretty comb for her hair and a brooch to go with it. But those were family heirlooms, pieces she valued because of their meaning and not because they were 'pretty'.
No, there really was no need to worry about how Astrid would receive Snot's gifts, not about any meaningless jewellery and certainly not about some flowers either. But that didn't change that Hiccup still had no idea what to get for her…
. o O o .
Hiccup was still scouring his mind for a suitable gift for Astrid when they all flew back to Berk a few days later. He thought about looking through Trader Johann's goods himself but directly ruled that idea out again. True, sometimes he brought interesting things… but somehow, Hiccup felt like that wouldn't do. The friendship between him and Astrid had evolved and grown since they were living on Dragon's Edge, so she deserved something more personal.
As soon as they'd landed and greetings were dealt with, he headed over to Gobber's forge – or, more precisely, toward his old workshop. 
"Okay, let's see what we have here," he muttered to himself as he pulled out a stack of papers and let them drop onto the desk. There were so many things he'd invented during the rather lonely years before he'd met Toothless, so many ideas he'd come up with but hadn't pursued further beyond making simple sketches. There just had to be something sensible, something he could refine during the next days, something more personal and useful than a big bouquet of flowers. The thought alone made Hiccup roll his eyes. 
Humming to himself, he sifted through the papers, getting out a second and eventually a third stack. It was a fun walk down memory lane that often made him smile fondly or laugh at his younger self. Some of these ideas were absurd. However, once he’d looked through all three stacks and had hunted out every other loose sheet of paper he could find, he had to admit to himself… that he still had nothing. 
Astrid had no need of a splintered twig that could hold a piece of coal. He'd designed that one for his dad once, to keep his hands from getting too messy when he took notes for his chiefing duties. But Stoick had never used it; the twig had broken between his meaty fingers almost instantly. And she also didn't need that utterly ridiculous sword-axe-mace-thing he'd designed when he was thirteen and thought all he would need to get her attention was a cool weapon.
No, none of these sometimes bizarre inventions would work as a gift for Astrid.
Sighing, he let his head drop down onto the table with a dull thump. “What am I supposed to do?” 
The knock on the door made him jump up with a surprised cry. “Wha-what? Who’s there?” he asked as he hastily pushed his old notes aside. 
To his relief, the door opened to reveal only Gobber, a strange grin on his face. “Is just me, laddy,” the blacksmith announced cheerfully. “I just wanted tae check if yer okay. Heard ye laughin' an' cursin' in here all day.”
Hiccup, who’d gotten up to join his old mentor in the main workshop, blinked at the light falling through the window in surprise. Gobber was right, the sun was already setting.
“I… well, I was just going through my old notes. I hoped to find something... Ah, never mind. I’ll just have to think of something else.” 
Gobber frowned. “Yer sure? Is there a problem ye need help with?”
For a short moment, Hiccup actually considered asking Gobber for help. But he sincerely doubted that the older man would come up with an idea for a sensible gift either. Astrid also didn’t need a hand prosthetic that could be used as a cooking spoon, after all. 
“No, I’ve got this. But thanks,” he said politely. Gobber didn’t seem convinced though, so he quickly changed the subject. “Anyway, how are you? Any news to share? How’s the forge going?”
Gobber gave him a confused look, but then shrugged. “Ah, just the same as ever. Lots of work an' too wee time. Just today, I got five old swords tae recycle intae somethin' useful.”
Out of reflex, Hiccup’s eyes shifted to the pile of metal in a corner. “Do you need my help with anything?” Maybe working with his hands would help unstick his mind. 
“Nae, nothing urgent. But yer always welcome tae work here if ye want.” 
Hiccup nodded. “Alright. I’ll stop by tomorrow as long as nothing else comes up.” Casually, he sifted through the mangled and broken weapons, feeling nostalgic when he recognised a blade or a handle he’d made himself. Then he paused, frowning as his hand lingered over one particular sword. “Is this…?” He threw Gobber a surprised look.
“Huh?” Gobber glanced over and then shrugged. “Aye, that’s Gronkle Iron. Grandpa Larson retired an' young Gustav doesnae want it. ‘Too short’, he said.” He rolled his eyes. “A shame. But aam sure I can fin' a new purpose for that metal.”
Hiccup eyed the sword again, an idea forming in his mind in rapid speed. Grinning broadly, he took the sword and turned toward Gobber again. “Would you mind if I used this metal? I already have an idea.”
. o O o .
“Here, these are for you. Happy birthday, beautiful.”
Astrid looked flabbergasted, and Hiccup really couldn’t blame her. After all, Snot had all but thrown an entire armful of flowers at her the very moment she’d appeared at the clubhouse. 
“What the–” she cursed, dumping the flowers onto the nearest table. “Snotlout, are you out of your mind? What am I supposed to do with these?”
“Ah, don’t be like that,” Snot drawled. "Beautiful flowers for a beautiful lady, that's what these are for.”
Astrid’s hands balled into fists. “Are you serious?” she snarled.”Odin, when the Gods handed out intelligence, you really were hiding in a cave and screamed 'I don't want any!', didn't you?"
Hiccup chocked on his laughter, both at Astrid's comment and Snot's puzzled expression. The twins weren't as considered, bursting out laughing and wiping tears off their faces.
However, Snot wouldn't give up that quickly it seemed.  “Well, no,” he hastily backpaddled. “I mean, of course, no stupid plant will ever outshine you, Astrid. They can only ever compliments your beauty and–"
"Okay, stop right there before I'm getting sick," she interrupted him, visibly shuddering in disgust.
"But it's your birthday, baby!" Snot apparently wasn't done yet.
Hiccup was beginning to enjoy the show, and certainly not least because of how little Astrid obviously cared for Snot's attention. It helped kindle the tentative hope that lately had started blooming in his heart. Maybe, just maybe she felt the same…
"Yes, it's my birthday," Astrid snapped back. "So what? Does that mean I'm obliged to suffer even more of your stupidity?"
Snot gaped at her for a second but then seemed to pull himself together again. "Ah, I know why you're upset. You thought those flowers were your only gift and were disappointed, right? But don't worry, the Snotman is your saviour in every situation.” He snatched the box with the bracelet off the table and held it out to her. “Here, this one’s your true present. Come on, look inside. You’ll love it.”
Astrid took a moment to take a deep calming breath. She rolled her eyes but otherwise stayed clam which, given that Hiccup could see the tension in her jaw, was impressive. “All right, what is it this time, Snot? Let’s get this over with so that I can tell you to shut up and leave me in peace.” She inspected the box and the intricate bow that was bound around it, certainly not by Snow himself but rather by Johann or maybe even the one he’d bought it from. She tugged it open and–
“What, in Loki’s name...” She lifted a note and a simple braided leather cord out of the box, staring at them in disbelief. From where Hiccup stood, he couldn’t make out what exactly was tied into it, only that it was about half a dozen charms, all white and of a rather… phallic form. There was a moment of silence, then... 
“Are you kidding me?” Astrid screeched, turning furious eyes on Snotlout. 
Snot had turned an interesting shade of white, backing away with his hands raised in defence and his eyes switching from Astrid to the bracelet she’d dropped onto the ground and back again. “I… I’m sorry! I didn’t know what– It was Johann’s fault! He–” He seemed to realise that no excuse would save him, stumbling back a step or three before he turned to make a run for it – Astrid hard on his heels. 
“That really is the most special bracelet I’ve ever seen,” Ruff snickered. She’d picked it up and inspected it. “I think those are carved dragon teeth. I never would have thought of giving them this form though.” She held it up for everyone else to see which led to Tuff covering Chicken’s eyes while Fishlegs picked up the note that had fallen to the ground next to the bracelet. 
“Uh, no wonder she was so mad,” he muttered after reading the note. “According to Johann, this is a special talisman from somewhere far in the south. Traditionally, it’s meant as a betrothal or wedding gift and is meant to bless the donor and the receiver with...” he paused, blushing a little, “with fertility and never-ending passion. Johan even added a personal note, wishing Snot good luck and happiness with his bride-to-be.”
Tuff looked up, bewildered. “Wait, what? Snot’s getting married? When? And to who?”
Ruff just burst out laughing. “Oh, Snot is so dead!”
Bemused, Hiccup watched in silence from his place in the back of the room. He wasn’t quite sure what Snot had been thinking, whether he’d been thinking at all, or whether it really had just been Johann’s exaggerated enthusiasm. How could he get her something like this and think she’d like it, how could he misread her signs so thoroughly? 
Or, could it be that…? 
No, he didn’t want to think about the other option; that, maybe, it was Hiccup who was misreading her. Surely, there was something between him and Astrid, something that had developed over the past years, right? He wasn’t as stupid sn Snot for getting his hopes up… right?
He was still brooding, a little worriedly, when Astrid came back. Her body was tense with repressed anger. “Get that thing out of my sight, Ruff, or I swear I’ll shove it somewhere nobody will ever find it again,” she growled.
Still giggling, Ruff pouched the bracelet. “So, did you kill Snot?” she asked, mirth clear on her face. Apparently, she was enjoying herself greatly.  
Astrid shot her a glare, then let out a defeated sigh as she slumped down on a nearby chair. “No, I didn’t. He flew off before I could reach him, all the while yelling how sorry he was. I just wish… why can’t he leave me in peace, for Odin’s sake?”
“Same reason Legs would never leave Meatlug and my brother takes Chicken with him wherever he goes,” Ruff prompted, grinning. Both boys looked at her in clear confusion.
Astrid growled at her but then paused when her eyes fell on another box lying on the table in front of her. It was only adorned with a rather simple bow, but it was enough to identify it as another present. Hiccup wished he could rush forward and snatch it away, not wanting to annoy her further, but it was too late.
“And what’s this?” she asked, her voice saturated with annoyance. “If that moron got me even more, then...” She let the threat trail off and grabbed the box.
“No, that’s from–” Fishlegs began but got cut off by Hiccup frantically shaking his head. If she got this angry and annoyed by getting gifts, he rather didn’t want her to know he’d gotten her something, too.
However, Astrid didn’t pay them any mind, eyes fixed on the box’s content. Without a word, she reached inside and lifted one of the two objects out, inspecting it. It was a dagger, sleek and sharp, perfectly balanced, the handle wrapped in practical leather. It was elegant in its simplicity – if Hiccup was allowed to think so himself. What Astrid thought, however, he had no idea.
Mutely, she stood up and walked over to where he stood, her eyes not leaving the sharp blade until she stood right in front of him. “You made this.” It wasn’t a question. She knew his handiwork to well not to recognise it. 
Gulping, Hiccup nodded. “Both of them,” he mumbled, hoping she wasn’t about to gut him. The old sword had been big enough to turn it into two daggers, and while he’d worked away in Gobber’s forge, making them had felt like a fantastic idea. Now, he wasn’t so sure anymore. 
Astrid shook her head, gaze dropping back to the dagger in her hand and face twitching. “A Gronkle Iron dagger,” she murmured. “Two even.” 
“You… you once said you’d want one…” he mumbled, feeling more stupid with every passing moment. That had been ages ago, he should have known better.
Again, she shook her head, but when she looked up again, there was surprise in her eyes, even something like a smile on her face. “You remembered?” she asked. “I… I didn’t think…” She trailed off, her face softening into a grateful smile. “Thank you!” 
There was true gratitude in her voice, but Hiccup barely noticed anything anymore as she stretched to press a quick kiss to his cheek; Not Ruff’s snickering, not Fishlegs’ happy smile, and not even the blush on Astrid’s cheeks as she quickly turned away and left. All he knew was that he was grinning like an idiot, his hand rising to brush over where her lips had touched him. 
So, he’d been right after all. Astrid wasn’t the romantic type and getting her flowers of all things would never do.
. o O o .
Aah, I really liked this one! 😊 I hope some of you did, too.
* - . - * - . o O o . - * - . - *
If you want to support me you can buy me a coffee. I love coffee 😊 (Ko-Fi)
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iamthegaysmurf · 5 years
Just because I love your writing so much and I'm feeling soft, would you be willing to write a short little fic about Nicole taking care of Waverly on her period?
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These two went pretty well together, so I combined them.  I hope that’s okay.
I’m sorry these are taking me so long, but I promise I’m still working through all of them, however slowly it might be.
Also, once again, I demonstrated my inability to write a “short ficlet.”  This one is very close to 5k words.  WHOOPS.
Set during Season 2, after the events of 2x06, but before the beginning of 2x07.
“…right on my front lawn.”
If disdain could take a tangible form, Mrs. Berg would be dripping it all over Nicole’s desk.  She’s been carrying on like this for over thirty minutes already, and Nicole knows that Nedley recently reminded her about the importance of protecting the ordinary, innocent citizens of Purgatory, but she’s hard-pressed to believe that this is what he’d had in mind.
“And then…”
She continues droning on, but Nicole is no longer listening.  Waverly just entered the station, heading for the Black Badge office, and Nicole can immediately tell that something is…  off.  Setting aside the fact that she’s over an hour late, Waverly’s hunched forward as she walks, her eyes downcast, and the bag she has slung over her shoulder seems like it’s weighing her down in more ways than one.  Her entire body sags under the burden of it, and it looks like she’s dragging ass so badly, Nicole is sure she’s leaving tracks behind her.
There’s usually only one thing that can harrow Waverly to this extent, but given the recent pregnancy revelation, Wynonna has actually been on her best behavior the last couple of weeks.
That only leaves…
Nicole subtly glances at the calendar on her desk to confirm her suspicions:  it’s that time of the month, and from the looks of it, Mother Nature is dragging Waverly over the coals this time around.
All Nicole wants to do is go and take care of her disheveled girlfriend, but instead, her attention snaps back to Mrs. Berg as her spiel finally draws to a close.
“And that is why I’d like to file a formal complaint against Ms. Doucette and that…  that…  hell hound of hers.”  She clutches at her farmer’s market necklace as though it’s some heirloom string of pearls.  “Honestly,” she continues to mutter under her breath, “spawn of the devil, that thing is.”
It takes all of Nicole’s finely-tuned control not to roll her eyes right in front of Mrs. Berg, and Ruthie’s blatant snort from across the room is not helping.  Ruthie and Miss Linda have been friends for over sixty years, and Rosie – Miss Linda’s springer spaniel mix – is the furthest thing from a hell hound Nicole has ever seen.  And she would know, because she’s pretty sure she had a run in with a real hell hound out behind the old boot factory a couple of months ago.
Still, Nicole knows she has to keep a straight face and take this complaint just like she would any other.  Nedley told her he had big plans for her future, and part of being a good Sheriff is knowing how to keep the peace for all of her citizens.  Even the ones who think they’re somehow above this backwater town they’ve chosen to live in.  At least Waverly is teaching her how to master the smile and wave.
It’s perfect for situations like this.
“Of course, Mrs. Berg,” Nicole says patiently, letting her dimple show as she smiles warmly at the hag of a woman standing in front of her.  “If you could just fill this out for me.  In triplicate,” she adds, handing Mrs. Berg the complaint forms for Bylaw 23M2006, the Responsible Pet Ownership ordinance.
“You’re saying I have to fill out all of this paperwork myself?” Mrs. Berg asks, clearly offended by the notion.
“Oh, yes,” she answers.  Despite the fact that Ruthie is snickering from her desk again, Nicole manages to put on her best serious face.  “I’m afraid it’s protocol, ma’am.  All official grievances must be filled out and signed by the complainant, otherwise they’re null and void.”  She holds the forms out again, doing her best to hide the smug grin that’s fighting to break through.  “You can have a seat over there and use one of the clipboards if you’d like to get started,” she continues innocently, pointing at a row of chairs with cracked vinyl coverings lined up against the wall on the other side of the counter.
“I don’t have time for this nonsense,” Mrs. Berg scoffs, pushing the papers back in Nicole’s face.  She grabs her faux-designer handbag off the counter and practically stomps back down the hall to the front door, her high heels clacking dramatically all the way.
“Have a nice day, ma’am!” Nicole calls after her, unable to help herself, and Ruthie finally loses it completely.
“Well, that’s one way to handle the bullshit, kid,” she manages through her cackling, and Nicole doesn’t even try to stifle the little giggle that bubbles up as she slumps back in her chair, pinching the bridge of her nose.
“Honestly,” she sighs.  “Rosie is the sweetest dog I’ve ever met.  The kids love her, the officers love her…  everyone loves her.”  She drops her hand and shakes her head, looking over at Ruthie.  “How could anyone want to file a complaint about Rosie or Miss Linda?”
She makes a note to bring some extra treats for Rosie the next time she checks in on Miss Linda.  Maybe even a new bandana for her to wear around her collar.
“Listen, Haught.  There’s something you’ll learn reeeeal quick about ol’ Laura Berg.”  She leans in, like she’s about to impart one of life’s greatest secrets.  “That woman is so full of herself, she’s nothing more than pompous old blowhard.”
Nicole snorts, not expecting that kind of candor.  Ruthie’s never one to hide her opinion, but she’s not usually so blunt about it.  Nicole raises a curious eyebrow, and Ruthie waves her hand dismissively.
“She’s been like this since we were in school.  Used to call her Hexie when she wasn’t around because she’s such a witch about everything.”
“Seriously?”  Nicole chokes out, unable to hide her laughter any longer.
“Still call her that most of the time,” Ruthie answers with a wicked grin.  “If you don’t believe me, just ask Mama Lou when you head over there to get your girl some coffee.”
“Wh-what?”  Nicole was certainly planning to run across to Mama Lou’s for some fresh coffee and maybe a snack, but unless she’s completely lost her mind, she’s pretty sure she hadn’t actually said anything about that yet.
“I’m not stupid, kid,” Ruthie laughs at the face Nicole is making.  “I saw you watching her from the moment she set foot in here, and she definitely looks like she could use a pick-me-up.  You know I’m not wrong.  I’ve told you before…  I know everything.”
“Right.  I’m beginning to believe that…” Nicole mumbles, her face burning red as she scratches at the back of her neck.  “Well, uh…  can I get you anything while I’m out?”
“Nah, I’m good.  Just steer clear of Hexie.  Wouldn’t want her to cast a spell on you,” Ruthie says, wiggling her fingers dramatically.
Nicole crumples up a Post-It and throws it at her on her way out.
“Mmmm…  You smell good…”
“Thanks,” Nicole chuckles, leaning down to kiss the top of Waverly’s head.  She’s been standing in the doorway to the Black Badge office for several minutes now, but Waverly was too focused on the books in front of her to notice.  “But it’s not me this time.”
“It’s not?”  Waverly finally looks up, confused.  Nicole can see the bags under her eyes, and immediately feels something squeeze in her chest.
“Well, I suppose it technically is,” Nicole considers for a moment before dropping a small, white paper sack on the desk next the coffee she just placed in front of Waverly.  “But I brought you some vanilla donuts from Mama Lou’s.  You looked like you could use them.”
“Thanks, baby,” Waverly says with a weary smile, sagging slightly against the desk.  “I’m just so exhausted lately.”  She digs into the sack, making an obscene noise when she bites into one of the donuts.
“I know.  It’s that time, isn’t it?” Nicole asks, taking a sip of her own coffee.
“Yeah,” Waverly sighs.  “But it’s usually not quite this bad.  I think I’m just rundown from everything else that’s going on, too.”
“Hey,” Nicole says gently.  “You’re allowed to need a break, baby.  Nobody expects you to go balls to the wall, twenty-four-seven.”  She places another kiss to Waverly’s temple.  “Can I rub your back for you?”
“God.  Yes.”  Waverly slumps forward, resting her forehead on the desk, exposing the litany of knots that run up and down along her spine and across her shoulders.  “Please,” she grunts, when Nicole’s fingers find their way to the small of her back.
Nicole spends the next fifteen minutes carefully working out the knotted muscles, the silence only broken by the occasional short gasp or drawn out moan.  She half expects Wynonna to come crashing through the door at any second with a smug look on her face when she thinks she’s performing another Wynonnus Interruptus.  For once, she’d be completely wrong, and Nicole would love to give her some shit for it.
“I hope you’re not drooling on that page,” she finally says after checking her watch.
Waverly grumbles and shoves at her playfully, but wipes the back of her hand across her mouth just the same.
“As much as I wish I could stay here and do this all day, I’ve gotta get back to work, baby.”  Nicole strokes her fingers through Waverly’s hair a few times.  “My break’s over, and I’ve got a lot to do before my shift is over.”
“Everything okay?” Waverly asks, suddenly concerned.
“Yeah, it’s nothing bad,” Nicole reassures her.  “Just Nedley giving me a few more responsibilities around here ever since he mentioned the…” her voice drops to barely a whisper, “…the Sheriff thing.”  She looks around before continuing, as if anyone else would be in the Black Badge office with them.  “I’m taking my new duties seriously.  I don’t want to let him down.”
“You won’t,” Waverly says, her voice going soft to match the look in her eyes.  She reaches out to take Nicole’s hand, squeezing it gently.  “I’m so proud of you, Nicole.”
Nicole melts a little at that, a warmth blooming in her chest.  She dips her head and smiles up at Waverly.  How did I ever get so lucky?
“I think we’re both the lucky ones, baby,” Waverly answers, still squeezing her hand, and Nicole realizes she must have said that last part out loud.  She blushes and moves to hide her face, but Waverly tilts her head up for a proper kiss, and Nicole could never deny her that.
“I’ll be right out here most of the day if you need me,” Nicole says when they break apart.  “Unless a call comes in, but Ruthie will know how to find me if it’simportant.”
“It’s okay, baby,” Waverly says, smiling softly again.  “Go be the best Sheriff-in-training you can be.”
“Shhhh…” Nicole giggles quietly.  “That’s not common knowledge, you know.”  
Waverly grins and pulls her in for another kiss before shooing her toward the door.  
“Gotta go make sure no one casts any spells on Ruthie and me,” Nicole says, letting a hint of conspiracy creep into her voice.
“What?  Someone’s casting spells?”  Waverly’s already half out of her chair before Nicole can raise a hand to stop her.
“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” she assures Waverly.  “There’s no spells.  It was just a joke we had from this morning.”
“You sure?”  Waverly narrows her eyes, but settles back into her chair.
“I promise,” Nicole says, making the Scout’s Honor sign.  “How long are you planning on working tonight?” she asks, her hand dropping to rest on the doorknob.
“I’m not sure,” Waverly sighs.  “Until I figure this out, I guess.”  Her eyes drift across the stacks of books spread out in front of her.
“Well, I don’t have any plans for the evening.  I’ll be back to keep you company when my shift’s over.”
“I’ll be looking forward to it.”
Nicole pauses in the doorway.  There’s more she wants to say, but they’re not quite there yet, so she hesitates for a moment and then blows Waverly a kiss as she pulls the door shut behind her.
There may be a lot of things she’s still learning, but there’s one thing Nicole knows for sure:  Her girlfriend works way too damn hard.
“I’m 10-24 from this last patrol, Ruthie.”
“10-4, Haught.  Everything secure?’
“All good.  You need anything before I head back in to call 42?”
“Negative.  Stanton is already 41, so you can do the handoff when you both get here.”
“10-4.  Mark me as 10-7 while I pick up some dinner on my way in, and then I’ll be there with these patrol logs.”
Nicole had already called in her order before starting the walkthrough for the final security check on her list, so it only takes a matter of minutes for her to run in to Golden Moon, pay the bill, and pick up the brown paper sack full of fresh, hot Chinese food.
Her stomach rumbles at the smell, and she’s fairly certain Waverly hasn’t eaten anything since the donuts she brought her earlier.  She just wants this day to be over so she can get back to her girlfriend, and though she’s normally very by-the-book about these things, she allows herself to drive a little faster than usual on her way back to the station.  
The handoff with Stanton goes smoothly, given that there’s not really much to catch him up on.  It had been a slow day – a rarity in Purgatory, which makes them all the more appreciated.  Nicole had not only been able to finish up several reports, but was also able to spend some time working on a list of guidelines for the new visibility directive that she and Nedley had recently discussed.  She’d even had time to complete the entire first round of security checks on the daily patrol log that she’d worked out with several of the local business owners.
By the time she’s finished filling Stanton in, Ruthie has already said her goodbyes for the evening, and Nicole pops her head in to the dispatch office to say hello to Cooper and wish him a good shift.  With all of that out of the way, she can finally sit down for some dinner with Waverly.
“Hey, baby.  I brought so–”
Nicole stops dead in her tracks, halfway through the door to the Black Badge office.  Waverly is still in exactly the same place Nicole had left her this morning, with several books open and spread out in front of her, and a pen in hand, poised above the pad of paper that she’d been scribbling notes on.
Except that she’s fast asleep.
Her other elbow is resting on the table, with her hand propping her head up, and she’s fast asleep.  Mouth hanging open, quiet little snores, and all.
It would be adorable if it wasn’t so goddamn heartbreaking.
“That’s it,” Nicole mutters, backing out of the office quietly, shaking her head as she hurries out to where her cruiser is parked just outside the door.  She slides into her seat long enough to secure the bag of takeout in her center console and turn the key in the ignition, making sure the heat is on and the vents are all pointed at the passenger seat.
Back inside, she kneels down next to Waverly, not wanting to scare her when she wakes her up.
“Hey, sleepyhead…” she says softly as she reaches out and brushes some of the hair out of Waverly’s face.
Waverly jerks awake with a snort, startled, eyes wide as she tries to place herself in her surroundings.
“Easy, baby,” Nicole coos.  “Easy.  It’s just me.”
Waverly’s body immediately relaxes at the familiar voice, her confusion melting into a sleepy smile.
“Hey,” she rasps, her throat dry.  She clears it a couple of times, grabbing the bottle of water next to her on the table.  It’s gone warm, and she frowns, wondering how long she’s been out.
“It’s time to go,” Nicole says, rising up to kiss Waverly’s temple before reaching out to close the musty tomes so she can start stacking them up.
“What?” Waverly asks, her brow furrowing.  “We can’t go yet.  I have so much work to do…”
“Not tonight, you don’t.”
Waverly opens her mouth, but Nicole presses a finger to her lips before she can say anything else.
“No arguments,” Nicole says firmly.  “All of this will still be here in the morning.  But tonight, I’m taking you home, and you’re gonna let me take care of you.”
“But, I–”
“Nope,” is all Nicole says before leaning forward to silence Waverly with a kiss.
Waverly allows herself to get lost in it for a moment, and when she finally pulls away, she nods breathlessly.
“Good,” Nicole grins.  “Now let’s get you bundled up.”
She grabs Waverly’s coat and scarf from the other chair they’re draped across, and once Waverly has found her feet and buttoned up, Nicole locks the Black Badge office behind them on the way out to her cruiser.  Waverly sighs happily when she settles into the passenger seat, soaking up the warmth from the vents that have been running this whole time.
Nicole rests her hand on Waverly’s knee, and smiles warmly when Waverly absentmindedly laces their fingers together.  It’s only a short ride to her house, and before long, she’s depositing the takeout on the kitchen table and hurrying back to help Waverly strip out of her coat and boots.
“Why don’t you head up and take a hot shower to loosen up those muscles a bit while I warm up our dinner?”  Nicole reaches out and takes Waverly’s hands in her own.  “You know where the, uh… supplies are in the bathroom, and you can grab something to wear from my dresser when  you’re done.”
“Are you sure?” Waverly asks, frowning slightly.  
“Of course, baby.  Tonight is all about giving you a well-deserved break.”
“Thanks, Nic,” Waverly sighs wearily.  She pushes up on her toes to kiss Nicole’s cheek and then begins trudging up the stairs.  “I won’t be long.  I promise.”
“Take your time,” Nicole says, waving her hand as she starts back toward the kitchen.  “I’m not going anywhere.”
“Blankets, blankets…  Need more blankets…”
Waverly reappears on the stairs less than twenty minutes later, just as Nicole is finishing up her preparations for the rest of the evening.
Nicole loses her train of thought for a moment when she looks up and sees Waverly standing there in a baggy UBC basketball hoodie and pair of her old sweatpants with the waist and legs both rolled enough so that she’s not walking on them, still drying her hair with a towel and looking slightly more rejuvenated.  
“Feeling any better?” she finally asks, shaking herself out of her stupor.  She’s seen Waverly wear her comfy clothes before, but it never ceases to have this kind of effect on her.  Every damn time.
“Just what the doctor ordered,” Waverly grins, padding softly across the floor to join Nicole at the end of the couch.  “What’s all this?” she asks, pointing at the pile of blankets on the cushion and the covered tray on the coffee table.
“Just trying to make sure you have everything you need,” Nicole answers with a shy half-shrug.
“You’re everything I need,” Waverly murmurs, stepping closer to pull Nicole into a tight hug.  Nicole’s arms immediately wrap around Waverly’s shoulders, cradling her as she buries her face in Nicole’s chest and stays there for nearly an entire minute without moving.  It makes Nicole feel warm all over as she rests her cheek on top of Waverly’s head.
When Waverly finally steps away, she settles into the corner of the couch, tucking her feet up under her.
“Whatever’s on that tray smells amazing,” she says, rubbing at her belly.  “I didn’t realize how hungry I am.”
Nicole lifts the cover to reveal a large bowl of sweet and sour soup with a little cup of peanut butter resting next to it.  There’s also a bowl of egg drop soup and an order of crab rangoon, all of which are producing little columns of steam that twist and curl around the lid in Nicole’s hand.
“I know soup is your favorite when it’s your time, so I hope this is alright for tonight?” Nicole asks hopefully.
“Baby,” Waverly says dramatically, her mouth watering.  “It’s perfect.”
“Good,” Nicole breathes, slightly relieved.  She hands Waverly a bottle of water and a couple of Midol.  “I’m just gonna go jump in the shower real quick.  Just long enough to wash away the smell of the station.  But you go ahead and get started, and I’ll be right back, okay?”
“I can wait…”  Waverly says, chewing on her lip.
“Don’t be silly.”  Nicole rolls her eyes and grabs one of the wooden TV trays she keeps next to the couch.  “I’ll just be five minutes.  Eat,” she says, pushing a spoon into Waverly’s hands after she’s taken the painkillers.
Waverly giggles as Nicole grabs the nearby blankets and wraps them around her until she’s just a bundle with arms and a face.  She sets Waverly’s soup on the tray in front of her, gives her a quick peck on the lips, and hurries up the stairs.
True to her word, she’s in and out of the shower in just over five minutes, throwing on her academy sweats and hoodie as she heads back down the stairs to join Waverly on the couch.  She pretends not to notice that one of her crab rangoons is missing, but Waverly teases that she took it as a “tribute.”  They make quick work of what’s left of their dinner and Nicole hops up to clear away the empty containers.
“Nooooo…” Waverly whines, making grabby hands at Nicole as she starts to walk by.  “I need my bonus blanket!”
“Your bonus blanket will report for duty in just a minute,” Nicole laughs, stealing a kiss as she goes.  “Just stay right there and don’t move.”
Waverly pouts, but acquiesces, and Nicole scurries off to the kitchen.  She sets some water to boil in the kettle and pours some milk into a mug and sticks it into the microwave.  It doesn’t take long before she gets a beep and a whistle in short succession.  She quickly adds her cocoa powder to the milk and leaves the marshmallows to melt across the top before turning her attention back to the kettle.
Nicole hates tea.  Hates it.  Most of the time, she can’t even stand the smell of it.
But Waverly loves tea, and Nicole loves Waverly, so she keeps an entire shelf in one of her kitchen cabinets stocked with all of the teas she knows Waverly likes, just in case she ever wants any when she’s over.
Tonight calls for something special, so she reaches to the back of the shelf and pulls out the small canister of Whittard Dreamtime instant tea she keeps hidden back there.  It’s one of Waverly’s favorites, and she orders it special from the UK, so Nicole started keeping a small stash of it on hand for special occasions.
Waverly told her once that the special blend of honey and apricot and vanilla gives it soothing properties, like a lullaby in a mug.  Nicole wrinkles her nose while stirring in the tea, much preferring her own French vanilla hot chocolate with marshmallows, but if ever someone needed a lullaby in a mug, Nicole figures Waverly deserves one tonight.
“I hope this was worth the wait,” Nicole says when she returns to the living room, carefully setting Waverly’s tea on the tray in front of her.
Waverly reaches forward to wrap her hands around the steaming mug and leans in to take a deep breath.
“You made me Dreamtime tea?” she asks, gasping slightly.  “Wow, you’re really pulling out all the stops tonight,” she grins.
Nicole’s shoulders sag slightly as she sets her own mug down.
“Sorry,” she mumbles.  “I was just trying to help.”
“Nicole,” Waverly breathes, reaching over and resting her hand on top of Nicole’s.  “Thank you.  I love it.  Everything is perfect,” she says seriously, her eyes soft and genuine.
“Yeah?”  Nicole looks back up of at Waverly, her cheeks red.
“Yeah.”  Waverly leans in and kisses Nicole, stroking her cheek gently in the process.
“I thought maybe we could just curl up and watch something tonight?”
“That sounds great,” Waverly says, leaning her head against Nicole’s shoulder.  “What do you want to watch?”
“Anything you want, baby.”  Nicole kisses the top of her head.  “I’m all yours.”
“Hmmm…” Waverly ponders, tapping her chin.  She takes a sip of her tea while she thinks.  “God, that’s so good,” she groans, her eyes slipping closed like it’s a religious experience.  
Nicole can’t help but chuckle as she sips her own hot chocolate.  She reaches out and toys with Waverly’s hair, still slightly damp from the shower.
“Oh!” Waverly says, her eyes going wide.  Nicole jerks her hand away, afraid she startled Waverly or something.  “What about Big Little Lies?” she asks, her face lighting up with excitement.  “We keep saying we want to see that, but we never have time!”
“That sounds like an excellent idea,” Nicole agrees.  She loves watching shows that let her sharpen her deduction skills.  She loves them even more when she gets to watch them while snuggled up with her girlfriend.
Waverly sets her mug back down and claps gleefully while Nicole finds the remote and navigates the menus until it’s ready to go.  She glances at Waverly, who gives her an enthusiastic nod, and she presses ‘play’ before settling back into the couch next to Waverly.
They remain upright so they can both still enjoy their tea and hot chocolate, but Waverly shuffles closer until her leg is pressed along Nicole’s, and she draws random patterns on her knee while they watch the opening scenes of the first episode.
At some point, they finish their drinks, and Nicole sets the mugs aside and folds the tray down so it’s not in the way.  She has Waverly turn slightly next to her and begins running her fingers through her hair, gently parting the strands while they continue to watch.  By the time the first episode is finished, Nicole has folded Waverly’s hair into two matching French braids on either side of her head.
“Thanks, Nic,” she whispers, tipping her head back to kiss the underside of Nicole’s chin.  “Now where is that bonus blanket you promised me?”
“Bonus blanket, reporting for duty,” Nicole laughs, but stands next to the couch and holds out a hand to pull Waverly up next to her.  Waverly looks confused, but Nicole just continues to grin as she rearranges the blankets on the couch.
“How about this?” she finally asks, lying down on her back with her head propped up on the armrest.  She opens her arms wide, indicating for Waverly to join her.  
Waverly’s smile could blind the sun as she climbs on top of Nicole, stretching out along her long body and resting her head on Nicole’s chest.  Nicole reaches over and pulls the blankets on top of them, making sure Waverly is completely tucked in.
“Comfortable?” she asks when everything is settled.  Waverly nods against her with a happy sigh.  “Can you still see the TV?”
“Good.  You ready for the next episode?” Nicole asks, grabbing the remote.
“More than ready,” Waverly says, squeezing Nicole slightly in the best attempt at a hug she can manage from the awkward position.
“Okay, here we go.”  She hits play and reaches behind her to click the lamp off, leaving them happily snuggled up in the soft glow of the television.  
Nicole keeps one of her arms wrapped around Waverly’s shoulders, making sure she’s still secure and not going to roll of the couch, and she lets her other hand gently rub soothing circles into her lower back.  Waverly’s body radiates contentment, and it’s all Nicole could have asked for tonight.
They start out discussing the episode as it plays, but it doesn’t take long for Waverly’s comments to peter out, transitioning into mumbles more than anything else.  The episode isn’t even half over before Nicole hears the first soft snore.
It melts her heart, thoroughly and completely.
She’s hooked on the show, but it’s something they really wanted to watch together, and she’d never keep going without Waverly.  Careful not to disturb the sleeping lump lying on top of her, she stretches out her arm toward the coffee table, just barely able to grab the remote with her fingertips without having to actually move from her position as a combination bed and bonus blanket.  She flips through the channels quickly until she finds the one she’s looking for.
At least the Raptors are playing tonight.
133 notes · View notes
forlornmelody · 5 years
Traitor, Martyr, Spy Chapter 7: Home Sweet Home
Rating: Explicit (some chapters have smut)
Ship: Miranda Lawson x Femshep
AO3 Link: Here
Summary: The horror of Sanctuary behind them, Miranda’s ready to enjoy some peace and quiet with Artemis Shepard on her shore leave. But nothing is so simple, is it? 
“You alright?” Miranda knows the answer before Artemis opens her mouth, but she needs to hear her talk about it. 
Artemis herself paces back and forth out of the field of view. The dark, nondescript background doesn’t say much about where she’s at, but the spaciousness of it suggests her spectre office. Ah. That’s it. “Hackett grounded me.”
Miranda raises an eyebrow. “Are you in trouble?”
“No,” Artemis spits. “But they ordered the Normandy into dry dock, and Joker won’t fly his baby out until she gets serviced.”
“You want to go after Kai Leng.”
Screeching to a halt, Artemis gapes at her. “Of course, I do. You know what he’s capable of. And we finally have his location.” She pulls at her hair. “And I can’t do anything about it.”
How badly Miranda emphasizes with her. She wouldn’t have waited to go after her sister. Miranda didn’t wait to go after her sister. “You have the location of Cerberus Headquarters.” But that’s not what Shepard needs to hear. “The Illusive Man isn’t like the Shadowbroker. He doesn’t move around.”
Artemis’s lips curl ever so slightly, but she says nothing. Instead she sighs heavily. “All that to say. If you have time,” she scratches the back of her head, glancing away from the camera. “I got some too.”
Miranda leans forward, smirking. “Are you asking me out?”
Her lover furrows her brow. “Have we ever gone on an actual date?
Shit. She’s right. 
“Fix me something while you’re back there, would you?”
“Drinking in is not the same as going out, Miri.” Artemis ducks behind the bar anyway, rummaging around.
“Forgive me for wanting a moment with you. Alone.” Maybe she said that last part too strongly, for Shepard’s head pops around the bar, staring at her.
Their eyes meet, and Artemis scoots back into hiding. “I missed you too, Miri. Cocktails coming right up.”
“You don’t drink.”
“One mocktail and one cocktail coming right up.”
Miranda laughs out loud. “It sounds so filthy when you say it like that.”
“Thought you liked to get dirty.” She pops up, with two tumblers in hand. 
“Only when you’re involved.”
Popping some bottles and cans on the counter, Artemis snickers. “Aww, I’m touched.” She stands up, mixing the drinks with surprising finesse. How many cocktails did she make and drink before she went sober? “So, what brings you over?”
“You invited me.”
“Oh! Right. You’re the one who called.”
Miranda clears her throat. “I heard some strange things in the news. And then you weren’t responding to coms for nearly a day. Something about a clone?”
Part of Artemis’s drink spills on the counter as she jolts. “That was on the news?”
“They had a field day. You alright?”
“Did you know about it?”
“I didn’t know what to make of the reports. You sounded like you had lost your mind.”
Miranda barely hears Artemis when she answers. “I mean about the clone.” Her eyes watch her closely as she continues. “She was a Cerberus project, wasn’t she?”
“It--she was a backup plan. In case I failed to bring you back.” Miranda rolls her eyes. “Which I knew wasn’t going to happen.”
Artemis stares at her glass. “But she was a whole person. And Cerberus just made her out of thin air.”
“We made her from your tissue. We’re not gods. Despite what the Illusive Man thinks.”
“Mm.” Artemis takes her drink with her, leaning against the floor to ceiling windows.
Miranda follows, sipping her own Old Fashioned. And then she sees the view. “Aww. They shut down my favorite sushi place.” They talk about Brooks, the exploding fish tank--sipping their drinks as the traffic flies by. 
“How do I know you’re not a clone?”
Artemis smirks slowly, pulling her into a kiss full of heated promises. Who knows when they’ll see each other again? This whole night feels like a fever dream. Any moment they could wake up alone. Miranda means to make the most of it.
“A compelling argument.” Miranda matches her expression, eyeing her up and down. “But I’m not completely convinced.”
“Are we…?” Artemis sputters, but her eyes darken with want. 
“Are we what, Artemis?”
She swallows and starts to look away as Miranda draws her attention back with her finger. “Is this...a scene?” A gulp. “A roleplaying scene?”
“Do you want a roleplaying scene?”
“Heh.” Artemis’s gaze falls on her lips, and then rises to her eyes. “Sounds fun. Are you gonna…?” She makes a face. “Gonna dominate me? Again?” 
Miranda cups her cheek. “Do you want me to dominate you?”
Artemis’s cheeks color ever so slightly, and she nods. “Yes,” she says thickly. 
“Dim the lights.” Miranda releases Artemis, trailing a hand down her chest. “In fact. Turn them off.”
“You catch that, Glyph?”
A floating ball of light floats toward them. “Right away, Commander.”
Miranda makes a face. “How long has it been watching us?”
Glyph turns its ocular lens toward her. “Not long, Operative Lawson. The Commander activated privacy mode before you walked in.”
“So, you’ll erase any information recorded for the duration of this visit?”
“Yes, Miss Lawson.”
“Good. Go back to sleep.” The VI dissipates in pixels of energy. In the now dimmed light, Miranda can only see her lover through the pink haze of the Silversun Strip. And not a soul can see them. Miranda leans her back against the glass, turning her gaze towards Artemis. “Now why don’t you continue with your reasoning.”
“Always the skeptic.” Artemis’s olive skin flares like hot coals in the filtered light. She starts at Miranda’s mouth, taking her time tasting her, before trailing her lips down her chin to where it meets her neck. Mm--she remembers that spot. Oh--and that other one where her neck met her shoulder. Why had Miranda avoided relationships for so long? 
Miranda’s hand winds into her hair, pulling pin after pin out as Artemis makes her way down to her chest. Her hair finally comes free as her lips close around Miranda’s nipple. “Mm. Artemis.” Two eyes spark with mirth as she glances back up at her. Artemis lingers there, freeing her other breast so she can cup it with her hand. Neither satisfies her lover for long, and Miranda licks her lips as she watches her trail her kisses down to her belly button. She tries to stay in character, but Artemis doesn’t make it easy, her silver tongue outlining her argument across the carved lines of her abdomen, touching her nose just above where Miranda yearns for her to touch. 
“Mm.” Miranda then swears under her breath, and Artemis grins against her, licking her lips before giving one wet kiss against her thigh. 
“Still skeptical, love?” Artemis’s eyes glow with mirth. 
“Mmhm.” She knows words. Lots of words. However, the only one coming to mind in this moment is fuck. But Miranda wants to draw this out. Tease Artemis while she teases her. But she’s making it so bloody difficult. 
Artemis makes a point of sighing dramatically, letting her warm breath ghost between her thighs. “Fine, fine.” And she kisses her pussy again. 
Bugger it all--why don’t these windows have grills? Or anything Miranda could hold onto? Her legs shake, and Miranda’s half-convinced they’ll pool into a puddle on the floor if Artemis isn’t more careful. “Oh god.”
“Shh. I got you.” Miranda swears to any deity who might possibly exist, Artemis bloody well holds her up with one arm, flexed and pressed against her stomach. If Miranda Lawson wasn’t a sodden mess before, she certainly is now. Bloody show off. Artemis uses her free hand to slip a finger or two inside her, and Miranda practically screams. Hopefully this apartment is more soundproof than the SR2’s cabin. 
Artemis finally allows her to sink to the floor, and they cuddle together against the glass. “Convinced now?” She laughs, brushing the sweaty strands from Miranda’s face. 
“Never doubted you.” Miranda takes her chin with one finger, pulling her into a breathless kiss. She can still taste herself on Artemis’s lips, and it stirs her loins anew. “Mm.”
“Even when we were enemies?” Artemis asks when she pulls back for air. 
“Especially not then. I only doubted you’d keep from turning us in.”
“I would have if I could have, but I’m glad I didn’t.” Artemis pulls her into another kiss, and Miranda can taste her hunger. She’s hungry too, but she’s not going to take her on the living room floor--not in this lavish apartment. 
But Artemis is ravenous, with the pull of Jupiter in her touch. “Mm,” Miranda manages as her lover nibbles on her ear. “Artemis….”
“Yeah?” Artemis brushes her fingers against the inside of Miranda’s thigh, and they both shiver. 
Another moan slips out of Miranda’s mouth as she manages to tear her hands away. “Not here,” she says with her voice full of gravel.
Artemis pouts. “Fine, fine.” She rises from the floor as slow as a mountain, but she brings Miranda with her. “Where?”
“Have you even used any of your beds here?”
“They’re not my beds.” Artemis sobers, staring off into the kitchen. “They’re Anderson’s.” Perhaps sex against the living room windows wasn’t entirely Miranda’s idea after all. 
He’s not coming back, Artemis, Miranda wants to say. She’s seen the reports of Earth. Concentration camps, indoctrinated governments, wholesale destruction of age-old cities--no one fighting back will live long, especially not long enough to return to a Citadel apartment. “They’re beautiful beds. He wouldn’t want them gathering dust.” 
“A cleaning drone comes in once a week, but I get what you mean.” Artemis sighs, trailing her fingers along the piano keys, playing a scale without rhythm or direction. 
Miranda joins her, wearing nothing but her bra, and she decides to put it to use--letting the lace brush up against her lover’s back. Her nose grazes the ridge of one of her ears. “Guest bed?” Baby steps. 
Artemis closes her eyes, taking one breath and letting it out as she nods. “Alright.”
Taking her hand, Miranda leads her to the bed next to the shower.
“How do you feel about bondage?” Miranda leans over Artemis, clasping each of her hands in her own. She straddles her, too, but only enough to let their bodies heat the air between them. 
Artemis grimaces. “I’m not really a fan.”
Miranda suspects Artemis’s feelings go deeper than distaste, but she doesn’t press the issue. She’d much rather press other buttons. “Sensory deprivation?” Her breath ghosts over Artemis’s mouth, and her lover’s lips part in anticipation. 
“Like a blindfold?” Artemis gazes up at her so softly and openly--not a view most people see. Perhaps it’s something she only shares with Miranda. Her heart aches at the thought--along with her loins.
“That’s one form, yes.” She turns her head, whispering into Artemis’s ear. “Would you like to try a blindfold?”
“Yeah.” Artemis swallows, but she doesn’t tense, not even when Miranda leaves the bed to procure a silk scarf. She saw some very nice silk ties but decided against it. Her lover would not appreciate seeing any of Anderson’s belongings in bed. 
“Close your eyes.” Miranda straddles her, tying the scarf around her head, but not too tightly. “How’s that feel?” she whispers into her ears. 
Artemis shifts beneath Miranda, her head turning each way as Miranda moves her hands up and down the sheets on either side. “Weird. But good. I think.” Goosebumps crest across her skin, and Miranda draws her biotics across them, from Artemis’s collarbone down to her hips, never quite reaching between her legs. “Mm,” her lover says, squirming a little. “Tickles.”
“In a good way?” Miranda whispers into her ear, letting her breath ghost across her skin. 
“Y-yeah.” Artemis parts her legs, but Miranda doesn’t take the bait, not yet. She does travel down her body, breathing in the scent of her arousal.
“So wet already, and I haven’t even touched you.” 
“Cheater,” Artemis mumbles. 
Miranda sits up, and Artemis reaches for her. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Then hold still.” Miranda soothes her hands, drawing them above her head, licking her lips at the way it stretches her abdomen. Unable to help herself, she traces her tongue across those muscles, reveling in the way Artemis twitches and moans. “You’re so beautiful,” she whispers, letting her fingers and wisps of her biotics travel down her thighs. 
“Miri.” Artemis gasps, her hips lifting Miranda with her. 
“So strong. And stubborn.” Miri pushes her back down, pushing her thighs farther apart. Mm. This angle won’t do for how long she’s going to be down here, so she shoves a pillow beneath Artemis’s firm ass, squeezing it for good measure before she lets her settle down. Blowing a puff of air against her inner thigh, Miranda pulls back. 
Artemis groans, but she holds still, mostly. 
“Patience,” Miranda murmurs, kissing the inside of her ankle, then her calf. Artemis’s pulse quickens as her mouth nears her core, and the heat between them rises. She pauses at her lover’s knee, sending biotic vibrations up her skin ahead of her mouth. By the time her lips meet the spot between her legs, Artemis’s breath has gone ragged, and her underwear is soaked. Pulling it out of the way, Miranda kisses her again, harder deeper, tracing her entrance with blue sparked fingers. 
“Oh, fuck, Miri,” Artemis whimpers and begs. “I can’t.” One of her hands twists inside Miranda’s hair, and she looks up to see the other gripping the headboard for dear life. 
“Yes, you can,” Miranda murmurs against her clit, kissing and sucking as her lover writhes beneath her. “Are you close, Ari?” She can already tell by the words slipping out of her mouth, but Miranda wants to hear her say it.
“Miri,” Ari’s fingers dig into her scalp, “yes,” she manages as her hips thrust into her touch. “So close.”
Miri lies beside her so she can watch her face, and she whispers against her ear. “Then come for me, Ari.” She twists her fingers, pulling on Ari’s clit with her biotics, and her lover’s whole-body arches toward the ceiling. When the orgasm fades, Miri dims the lights, and undoes the blindfold softy, bringing her back slowly. 
“Damn,” she gasps softly, staring across the room as her breathing slows. 
“That good, was it?”
Artemis swallows several times, looking over at her finally, her skin flushed. “I had no idea.” Her fingers touch Miranda’s face, before drawing her into a kiss, grinning as she tastes herself on her lips. “What you were capable of.”
“Few do.”
Artemis stares at the displays of cabinetry, saying nothing. It’s not until Miranda taps her shoulder that she realizes her girlfriend is glaring at the varnish. 
“Ari?” Miranda lays a hand on her shoulder. 
Shaking her off, Artemis pulls back. “I can’t do this.” She heads toward the kitchen.
“Artemis, wait.” 
“Miranda. This isn’t negotiable. Just leave it alone.” Artemis plops down on the kitchen island, holding a glass full of sparkling water. Her eyes distantly watch the bubbles pop.
Sighing, Miranda stops in her tracks, eyeing the stack of datapads next to the Normandy display. So much for making the apartment their own. It shouldn’t bother her so much. She’s never been much for interior decorating. But now Miranda has someone to decorate with, and it makes all the difference. Can’t Artemis see that? If Miranda helped jumpstart the process, maybe she would? Leaning over the table, Miranda reaches for an empty box, and the nearby rustle makes her heart sink.
The pile of datapads scatter off the desk, and Admiral David Anderson’s voice echoes throughout the apartment at full volume. 
“.... Few people know what Shepard's been through.” 
Artemis freezes, her eyes wide.  
“I'd like to think I come pretty close. And I worry sometimes she forgets there's a whole bunch of people who lose sleep over her getting back home. Maybe it doesn't need to be said. Maybe--”
“Turn it off.” 
“It fell on the floor.” Miranda says lamely.
Artemis slams her glass down, swerving off the counter and out of the kitchen. She kneels on the floor as all the datapads start playing Anderson’s voice all at once. Her arms shake as she tries to silence them one by one, but the stack keeps sliding out of her hands. Throwing one across the room, Artemis covers her ears, and her breath shakes. “Please turn it off.”
“Later.” Miranda touches her gently. “Let’s get you upstairs, away from the noise.”
Artemis jumps slightly, but she doesn’t pull away. “But--”
“Shh.” Miranda wraps an arm around her shoulders, guiding her to the room they slept in earlier--away from the master bedroom. She helps Artemis out of her clothes, and under the covers, jacking up the climate control so they can lie under all the blankets. “They’ll still be there in an hour.”
Her lover says nothing, only resting her head against Miranda’s chest. Tears drop one by one on her skin, but Miranda doesn’t say a word, just runs her fingers through Artemis’s hair until her breathing slows and her body stills. She’s almost asleep when Artemis finally breaks her silence.
“He was the one that found me after the Raids.”
Miranda frowns. “On Mindoir.”
“Yeah.” She burrows her head against Miranda’s collarbone. “He’s not coming back, is he.”
“There’s always a chance.”
“He’s on Earth, Miri. In the thick of it.” A sob escapes her mouth and her body shakes with the impact. “There’s no chance.”
Squeezing her tight, Miranda answers. “We never hand a chance, but we’re still here, aren’t we?”
Ari breathes in and out, mulling it over, or maybe remembering how she did everything short of mutiny on the SR2 when they first met. “Y-yeah,” she says thickly.
Miri takes a breath and lets it out in a sigh. “And you know what? If Anderson hates the new cabinet color, we can always change it back.”
Artemis snorts. “Fine.” Not that Miranda disagrees about Anderson. But if Commander Artemis Shepard loses faith, so does everyone fighting behind her, and Miranda’s fought so hard to get where she is now. She can deal with the bloody consequences of her lie later. 
“You sure you want to go out?” Artemis lingers by the counter, leaning over it and bracing herself on her elbows. 
“Ari. I did not buy this dress just to stay home.” They had finally finished refurnishing the place and making it their own, and it was nice, but good God, Miranda needed to see something besides that backsplash behind the waterfall before she changed her mind about the color again.  
“To be fair--the last time I went out all fancy I destroyed your favorite sushi place, and someone died.”
“Wasn’t Elijah Kahn dirty?” Miranda also braces her elbows on the counter, her face inches away from Artemis’s.
Artemis doesn’t even bother to hide looking down at the windows in the front of her dress. Her next words come out warm and husky. “He’s still dead.”
Miranda runs her fingers down her lover’s forearm. “Like the dress? If you want to keep seeing me in it, you better take me out somewhere nice.”
Grinning roguishly, Artemis whispers. “Not like you’re going to be in that dress for long.”
“I didn’t even bring anything else to wear!” Miranda groans as Artemis starts pulling frying pans out of the cupboards. An apron goes flying towards her face. 
“Wear that.”
Miranda holds out the apron in front of her like it’s been soaked in varren pee. “I don’t cook.”
“Oh, come on, it’ll be fun!” Artemis decides to help her with it, sliding it over her neck and tying it behind her back. She steps back, admiring her handiwork. “Damn. You look good in that.”
“Do you even know how to cook?”
“I know a few things.” Artemis turns away, pulling out pans and butter and various ingredients Miranda did not even realize Anderson had stocked in this kitchen. No. It’s been too long. Miranda’s girlfriend must have done it herself. When did she have time for grocery shopping? She tosses a dash of salt into the water to make it boil faster and gets to work opening a box of dry pasta. 
“Could we at least go out for drinks after?”
Artemis stares at her, hearing the sharpness in her tone. “Miri?”
Miranda rubs her face, leaning heavily against the counter. “Sue me if I want to go out on a normal date with my girlfriend.” She’s probably making too big a deal of this, and Ari’s sure to notice. Why did she have to make such a scene?
Her lover says nothing, turning off the stove and settling next to her, squeezing her hand. “Did you have a place in mind?” She’s biting her lip, studying Miranda closely, her voice soft and quiet. Miranda almost has to lean closer to hear it. 
“I hear the bar at the Silversun Casino has excellent drinks.”
“Do they have soda?” Ari traces the seams of Miranda’s dress with her finger.
“If they don’t I’m burning the place down.”
Artemis has to muffle her laughter into Miranda’s shoulder after that.
Long after James Vega has made eggs, and Kaidan Alenko has made coffee, and Artemis and Wrex have fished Grunt out of the shower, and everyone has filed out of the apartment to pack their bags, Miranda lingers. She borrows the downstairs shower (it’s seemingly seen the least amount of action during that raging party), cleaning up with what she hopes is Ari’s shampoo. Miranda wouldn’t feel quite right using Kahlee Sanders’s stuff with everything going on. 
With a pang, Miranda realizes she forgot to check on Ari after the party got going. She seemed...alright? Was she just faking it for her guests? Miranda hurries, probably missing some of the conditioner at the end, but it can’t be helped. Some things are more important than having perfect hair. 
Wrapping a towel around her, Miranda finds Ari sitting by the window, a stack of datapads next to her, turned off. 
“Want to talk about it?” Miranda sits next to her, handing her the mug of coffee that she had originally prepared for herself. 
Artemis says it so quietly Miranda almost doesn’t hear her. “I listened to them. All of them.”
“Oh,” Miranda says softly. “Are you alright?”
Her lover’s face brightens like the sun. “Better.” She reaches over, hand still warm from holding the mug. “Whatever happens. I’m ready.”
“Me too.” Miranda kisses her, ignoring the nagging feeling. Surely this shore leave is just the dream. Only a matter of time before the nightmare follows. 
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angstchim · 6 years
Maintenance | jjk
Bunny Hybrid Jungkook x Reader
First Installment of my Hybrid Series
➻!!: SMUT, Degrading names, heat sex, Hair pulling, rivalry, an Inferiority complex ( hinted), jealousy, possessiveness, guilt, light smacking, pregnancy sex, lactation kink, language, cum play, unprotected sex, dirty talk, aggressive behavior?, Snowballing ;), maybe some sub jeon, food play, violence, angst, tit fucking, hybrid hate, hoseok is kind of a jerk, hosoek x Yuki anyone, mommy kink,  fighting, insecurities, office sex, birth
➻Rating: M
➻Words: 9.5k
A/N: I recommend Sunday Classes and drinking water three times a day after this. 
Prev: II. Equals
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Ebony ears tucked meshing into a disarray of coal locks. Nose nuzzled into the crook of your neck, gentle breaths inhaling your scent. A slumbering bunny, happily burrowed in your bed, arms tightly wrapped around your waist holding you in place. A strong, alluring, gentle scent wafting in the air, tickling the buck's sensitive nose. A smell so gentle yet strong, the buck's eyes springing open. Soft brown orbs darkening, a low growl erupting from Jungkook, the smell surrounding him, aroma driving him over the edge.  His hands exploring your body while you slept, his curious hands searching for his favorite form of amusement. Your breasts.
He loved your breasts. He loved having the soft mounds of flesh in his hands. He loved the feeling of his thumbs running over your pert buds. He was fascinated by them, he loved to suck on them, the feeling of his teeth grazing against the supple flesh was addicting. He loved to fuck them, he loved weighing you down, using his hands to push the mounds together creating an awfully lewd display. He especially loved the way his cock slid between your breasts, the sight of his cum painting them white drove him mad.
Quite accustomed to the bunny's advances, you lay sound asleep soft mewls escaping your lips, however today the bunny had more on his agenda then fondling you.  Your scent was putting him through a rut and he had only one thing on his mind. Kits.
Lips leaving soft marks against your neck, his tongue flicking at your nape before he latches himself to you. Ears starting to droop, grip tightening he slides himself into you, inch by inch he burrowed his cock into your sweet essence. A soft groan muffled by your neck as he started to buck his hips. His strong hands keeping your thighs spread, his soft ears pinned back the more he aimed his thrusts. 
His tip kissing your cervix. Eyes springing open, mouth agape, his fingers quick to fill the void. Aware of your consciousness his fingers plunged into your wet cavern, your tongue quick to coat them. Body wreathing as he pistoned his hips further and further into your core.
"That a girl. Suck them." His tongue giving the lobe of your ear a languid lick before he inched his fingers deeper into your wet cavern. Quick to oblige, your mouth wrapped around his digits, tongue exploring their length as your teeth gently grazing his skin.  "You thought you could get away with this? Huh?" His other hand grabbing your jaw as he proceeded to slam his hips into you. His pace causing him to release low grunts against the small of your neck. "Thinking I wouldn't notice? I can smell that you aren't on birth control." He flares his nose and huffs his chest as he lands a light-handed smack against your cheek. His growls low, "I'm gonna fill you up real good. Breed you like the good little bitch you are. You'll like that won't you?" His point emphasized with an especially harsh thrust. "I'll bury my cock in your tight little pussy." He chuckles.
"Fuck do it please!!" Your cries filling the room, his pace reaching it's maximum. Switching positions he now has your back against his chest, his fingers plunged into your mouth, hands gripping your jaw he slams his cock into you. Your soft gags filling the room, his hips vigorously filling you with his length. His tip abrade with the walls of your cervix, his climax nearing, his grip on your jaw tightening. Your hands scratching along his forearms as he lightly slips a hand down to your neck. His grip putting you in a light choke. Rolling your hips against his, friction increasing tenfold as the two of you made a disarray of the sheets. Heads thrown back the two of you succame to the pleasure. Froths of white escaping your slit as the bunny emptied himself in you. 'Ahh fuckk babe." His groans weak as he gave a final weak thrust.
Releasing you the buck quickly dropped down to your core, his nose twitching as he tucked the pearly slick back into your heat, his tongue gently lapping up whatever he couldn't tuck back in. The slightly salty taste melting into his tongue, gentle slurps filling the room. "Guk, ahh relax I'm sensitive."
His nose nuzzled against your folds, your scent clouding him. "I'm almost done, let me enjoy this." He pouts, his tongue lapping against your folds, the wet muscle having a bit of texture to it. It's roughness tickling your sensitive core. "G-Gukk.." your hands lightly tugging at his coal locks. The bunny collecting the pearly liquid as he laps at your core. His lips carrying a glossy sheen to them as he lifts himself from your core and connects them to your lips. A light moan escaping you, the both of you sharing a languid battle of the tongues. The salty sweet taste of the two of you filling your mouth, the buck's tongue slipping a  pearly ball of froth into your wet crevice.
Blush dusting your cheeks, the pearly ball sitting on your tongue as the buck kisses down your neck, your hands leading his chin back to your mouth, a gentle squeak escaping your lips as his tongue spread your cavern and took hold of the pearly froth, the lewd cocktail sitting on his tongue now as he bit and pulled at your lips. His eyes lidded, ears drooped as he once again slid the creamy mixture back into your mouth. "Swallow it, baby." His voice thick and heavy, his lips glossy and swollen. His large thumb prodding your lip, smearing its remanence against your bottom lip. "You can do it, baby."
His gentle encouragement made your abdomen flutter. Giving a gentle nod you swallowed the snowball the two of you created. "Such a filthy girl." His lips pecked your cheek.
"Guk, when I first met you I  didn't expect you to be such a pervert.." a gentle rose dusting your cheeks as you averted your eyes from the cocky male.
"Hush baby, you love that I'm like this." His voice sultry as he gave a light chuckle, his forefinger and thumb delivering a loving flick to your nose. "Let's get cleaned up for breakfast." He smiled while rising from your body, not forgetting to give your clit a harsh smack just so he could watch the gentle nub twitch. You gave him a swat. "Jungkook! I told you I was sensitive!!" You hotly hissed, getting up from the bed marching over to the washroom.
"Baby I was just playing!!." He called out rushing after your, his hands pulling at the knob to the bathroom door. "Hey let me in, you know we always shower together!!" He whined, giving the door a light scratch as he stopped his foot against the floor as a bunny would.
"You can go a bath without groping me." You shot back, running the water as you slipped into its warm embrace.
"Babe!!! Let me in!!" He scratched at the door again, giving another stomp against the floorboards. His perky ears flopping against his face. A pout spread across his features as he gave up. The dejected buck stomped back to the bed. Tugging the sheets from the mattress he set them in the wash. "Always so testy." He griped. Ears perked once again as he heard a click coming from the bathroom door, like clockwork you came out from the bathroom in a towel. Quick to meet you the bunny pulled the towel from your body, once again spreading your legs, prodding at your core. A pout across his face. "I'll have to fill you again later." He pulled away.
You swatted him once again, "You can't just say things like that Guk!!" Slipping on a nightie, blushing furiously, lightly huffing your chest. "Go clean up Guk, I'll get started on breakfast."
The buck giving your ass a smack, his chuckles bouncing off the walls. "Alright, Alright." You smiled once he shut the door to the bathroom, shaking your head. "Such a dork." Putting your hair up, feet making their way down the stairs, you got started on breakfast. French toast on the menu today. Hips swaying as you began to cook, lightly humming a gentle tune as your hands mixed ingredients.  
As quick as the bunny had entered the shower he had exited. His large hands once again roaming your body as he rolled his dick against your hips. "Guk, relax let me cook. We also have things to talk about before I let you play with me again." You giggled, head leaning back resting against his chest.
"Talk about what?" The buck complained, nibbling on the straps of your nightie, his ebony ears folding back to show his annoyance.
You gave him a light swat, "What did I tell you about biting on my straps. You keep biting through them and then  I can't wear them. And I want to get you a job." You smiled at the larger male, his grip around your waist tightening as his ear twitched.
"I'm a hybrid though babe ... I'm practically a pet." He muttered, nuzzling into your shoulder. Your hands froze, quickly turning to face the male.
"I don't give a flying fuck." You voice crass as you gave him a harsh cuff over the ear, hoping to knock sense into him. "Has you being a hybrid ever stopped me from doing what I want?" Giving him a glare, "You forget that I own a whole conglomerate and I don't care whether or not you're a hybrid." Turning your nose, "If I feel like hiring you and other hybrids I can."
"But .. everyone else considers hybrids to be pets." He growled back, averting his gaze, eyes focussed on the floor.
"Those are the people who've never met a hybrid. Guk, you seem to not realize that there's a large number of people who view you guys as equals. Stop belittling yourself over being part bunny, just because you have ears and a cute little tail doesn't mean you don't feel and have a heart." You once again reassured the insecure buck.
Stomping his foot against the floorboards in agreement he kissed down your neck, scenting you. Your ovulation triggering his protective side. "Alright, Alright don't beat me over it." He whined in your ear, stealing a strawberry he took off, his tail twitching as he gave the corner a sharp turn. His eyes gazing over his gaming console and a paper bag sitting nearby on the coffee table. It's insides keeping the bags paper walls stuffed.
Curiosity eating the rabbit, he nosed around the bag as he picked it up, one ear flopped as he poked around the bag. Tearing the bag he opened it, finding coloring books, googly eyes, markers, and glitter glue. Buck furrowing his brows. Why would you have children's art supplies?
Looking over his shoulder at you he narrowed his eyes, not one to think too hard about things he tore into the bag of googly eyes. Finding their obscenely large pupils amusing, a not so bright idea gnawing at the raven-haired bunny. The male checking the backs of the plastic eyes, pleased to find see that they were stickers he got to work.  A devilish smirk tugging at the male's lips, sneakily he pulled himself from his boxers.
Checking your whereabouts, making sure you were occupied the mischievous hybrid stuck two googly eyes against the tip of his dick. His chuckles muffled as he bit them down. Getting up from his seat on the couch he stalked back to the kitchen, dick out, googly eyes giving his cock a personality of its own. His fingers giving a light tap against your shoulder. "Hey babe, look." He chuckled, his enthusiasm reminiscent of a child.
"What ?" You sighed, focus mainly on the stove as you flipped sizzling bacon.
"Look." He repeated with a Cheshire grin.
Giving in turning your head, eyes looking down to his penis. "Guk what the fuck?!"
"It's a snake." He proudly proclaimed.
Your cheeks a harsh crimson, you bit down a laugh, "What the hell take those off or I swear to god I'll never put my mouth on that thing ever again!!" You screeched, completely taken off guard by the bunny's oddball sense of humor.
The buns ears dropping, "So mean." He whined, before flicking the stickers off, tucking his length back into his boxers, "Why do you have those kids things anyways?" His voice filled with curiosity while he washed his hands.
"I have to watch my brother's son."
"Your brother?" Jungkook's ears perked, not really knowing much about your family. You didn't talk about them much knowing that Jungkook doesn't have much of a family unit and you felt awkward talking about yours in front of him.
"Yeah, Siwon has a son and he asked me to watch over him for a few hours today so I got some things to keep him entertained while I do some work for the company here."
"I can keep him entertained, I have some games on the Tv I can play with him."
"That's a big help too. I feel like Jung Soo will enjoy that." You smiled, pulling plates from the cabinet, setting the table. Jungkook pulling down glasses. His tail lightly twitching at your praise.
"He'll be coming over later so we have time." You giggled, setting the french toast on the plate. Bunny pouring glasses of juice for the two of you. Table set. The soft smells of syrup wafting in the air, the bunny quickly taking his seat at the table. His legs spread lap wide open as he pats his thigh. "C'mere." His voice light, syrupy goodness inches from him.
You furrowed a brow at the male, "Why?" Hands occupied, you doused your toast in syrup, a small spread of peanut butter on the edge of your plate for dipping.
"I want you on my lap." He bluntly responds, giving his lap another pat, he tugged on the hems of your nightie to pull you closer. His ears flattened a pout across his lips. Giving a sigh of defeat, "Alright." Picking up your plate you placed it next to his, bum in his lap the two you ate. However, there was no way the mischievous buck would let you be, just innocently sitting in his lap. He couldn't keep his hands off you anyways, but now that he's thrown in a rut his pawing increased tenfold.
His lofty digits venturing over the searing skin of your thighs. His fingers not wasting time with the commodities as they slipped under the hem of your shorts. Inching closer to your bud. His other hand happily holding his fork, as he ate. Buck having no shame as he continued to eat while his free hand was mercilessly flicking your sensitive bud.  "G-Guk!!" You bit your lip, trying to push his hands away only to get a warning bite on your neck. "Still." He growled, his tongue lapping over where he nipped you, "I told you I wanted you on my lap, I can't have you anywhere else while you're in estrus." His voice one holding authority as he continued his ministrations, "Now eat." He demanded, giving your cheek a gentle peck.
Understanding how much your cycle must be affecting him you heeded just this once. Letting the buck have his way, you continued to eat. Doing your best to not shove his skilled hand away from your delicate nub. Gentle huffs escaping you as he picked up his pace the more you squirmed, "You smell so good." He growled in your ear, "Fuckk" He grunted, his nose buried in the nape of your neck, his breakfast finished. His eyes wandering over to the syrup nearby. An idea popping into the young buck's head.
Your eyes following his to the maple syrup bottle, a burning sensation in your abdomen. "Guk don't you dare.." You weakly warned. His ears folding hack, his grin Cheshire as he leaned over grabbing the bottle. "Eat up baby, I want to experiment with you." He lapped at your ear, giving your nub a pinch to emphasize his point.
Stubbornness tugging, you remained still. No longer eating, giving a silent protest to the dominant buck, your lip trapped between your ivories as you tested him. "I don't want to get sticky Guk." You stated, trying your best come across with an essence of authority. His coffee browns seeing through you, lip curled he moved the plates aside. Quick to pin you to the table, he looked down around, his eyes skimming over the kitchen. His keen glare landing on a bag of zip ties, a foxy grin crossing him.
With an outstretched arm, the coal-haired male had no issues snatching the bag of zip ties. "I don't want to shower again!! I just cleaned myself." You whined, trying your best to deter the male's curiosity with no avail. His glare a cold one as he bound your  wrists together, voice gruff, "Take another one." He bluntly stated, lowering his head to your ear, "This time with me." He growling, giving your ear a nip.  He leaned back, keeping your legs wrapped around his waist he ridded you of your nightie.
"I really like this one." He commented holding the silk fabric in his hands, pads of his thumbs skimming over the fabric before he tossed it into an unknown corner of the kitchen. A gentle squeak escaping you as he smacked your breast. "I can't wait to see these filled up with milk. I'll have lots of fun fucking them then." He let out a bellowed chuckle, this forefinger and thumb rolling your nipple in his hand as he pinched the sensitive bud.
His other hand pulling down your panties, a growl escaping him when he caught a whiff of your scent. Ripping your panties from you, he lifted the fabric to his nose, inhaling you. His tongue lightly lapping at the pool of slick you gifted him. "You taste so damn good." he growled grabbing syrup, "Time to make you sweeter."
Wrists tugging against the confines of the coarse ties. Your whines of protest doing little to get your point across as your body writhed with pleasure under the wet muscle of the buck as he lapped stripes along your abdomen. "Gukk!!" You cried, goosebumps covering your skin as he stripped his wet appendage further and further till he reached the valley of your breast. His eyes lidded as he gave languid, wet opened mouth kisses to the underside of your breasts. His large hands grabbing the maple syrup, lightly he drizzled the thick maple onto the valley of your breasts, his tongue making work of the sugary drizzle.
His grunts echoing throughout the kitchen as he lapped further and further down your stomach his tongue dipping into the divots of your navel as he continued his journey down south. His tongue leaving a wet, tacky trail from where he has licked up the syrup.
His eyes lidded, "Fuck this is nice, you taste so sweet, baby. I even taste strawberry." He licks his lips looking down at you, his hands taking your legs leaving you spread eagle for his taking.  You blushed,
"I put on strawberry body lotion..."Your whimper light. His chuckles filling the room.
"Keep using it, I like the taste."
Giving a coy nod you diverted your gaze, too flustered to look at the male whom was between your legs ravaging your core. The young buck gathering an array of condiments to douse your body with, first, he reached for the sugar grabbing a small pinch he sprinkled the sweet particles on his tongue before dipping down and lapping at your clit. The sweet tastes of the sugar and your arousal creating a sweet cocktail in the buck's mouth. His eyes closed as he raveled in the flavor of you.
The sugary grains making his saliva thick and sugary as he messed with your bud. Buck lapping up the sweet mixture between your legs. His hands massaging your thighs, keeping them spread as he did his bidding. His tail giving a twitch as he pressed his length against your thighs. His cock still against your cushiony flesh.
"This is too good!" He growled as he pulled away from your rosebud. A lewd string of saliva connecting the two of you. Reaching for the sliced strawberries you had nearby he placed the thin pieces against your thighs. With caution he bit them off, leaving both a hickey and mix of the fruit’s juices. His lips swelling, his tongue lapping at the tumid flesh.
Young buck eagerly placing more of the fresh fruits along your body. Repeating the process of sucking and biting. Blessing your body with a hickies and wet kisses as his tongue lapped at the puddles his snack left behind. His eyes lidded, "You taste amazing, so fucking good, I could eat you forever, god I'm so lucky to have you as my bitch." He praises, pecking your lips, he reached over to your glass of milk, he dipped his fingers before dousing your breasts with he pearly liquid. His growls and groans echoing throughout the kitchen as he watched the liquid coat your breasts. Drops and trails traveling down your fleshy mounds.
Giving them a harsh smack the buck dipped down lapping up the creamy drops, tastes of sugar and maple flavoring the creamy liquid. His eyes darkening in color. "So sweet.." He grunted. "I bet the milk you make will be even sweeter. You'll let me taste you, won't you? You'll be a good bitch and let me fuck my baby into you? You'll let me milk you for every drop won't you?" He growled, giving your cheek a light-handed smack.  
Your mewls high pitched the more he growled those filthy words, your pussy twitching with anticipation. Your protests about the mess long forgotten. "Ahh!!" Your frustrated cry filling the kitchen. You wanted nothing more but to feel his cock spread your walls. To feel his tip kiss your cervix as he coats your walls with his seed.
"Answer me, bitch." He growled, biting your nipple as a warning for what to come if you didn’t comply.
"Yes, Yes, Yes!! I will let you, just please Guk. Fill me up I need it !!!."  You shouted, wrists pulling at the tough plastic of the zip ties. Back arched as you pleaded with the dominant buck.
"Such a good girl. Such good manners. Just because you said please." he smirked, lapping the rest of the milk from your breasts. Dropping his sweats he ran his tip along your slit, it's crown spreading your sugary folds.
His hips thrusting his length deep into you, your walls tightly suffocating his member. "So tight, I need to loosen you up hmm? Don't you agree baby?"
Furiously nodding your head, you gave your approval. Back arched, wrapping your legs around his waist, his hands keeping your hips in place. Arms crisscrossed over your hips he assumed position, latching his lips to your neck his rut took over.  Instinct driven he plowed through you, hips kissing yours, every touch accompanied with a lewd squelch. A hot mess of sticky flesh on display as he buried his cock in your sobbing cunt. Sticky bodies creating more friction as the two of you brushed against each other. Leaving the two you weak, moaning disarrays of lust.
Your squeaks partnered with his moans as the two of you embraced atop the kitchen table, ears pinned back he feathered kisses along your jaw and neck. Not leaving a single area untouched.The table's legs giving off creaks as the two of you picked up the pace, with an arm around your neck he gave a gentle squeeze. His light choking making your pants and moans breathy, his guttural groans clouding your head as the familiar coiling feeling of your orgasm reared its head over your abdomen. With his cock's tip relentlessly kissing your cervix and the grip of his hands around your neck, you felt your peak nearing. His eyes dark and lidded as he looked at you, his eyes holding lust and affection as he rammed into you.
He was intent on getting you pregnant, he wasn't just doing it because of his heat. No, he genuinely wanted to start a family with you. The thought alone filling you as your orgasm peaked. "Ahh G-Gukk, I-I !!!" Barely coherent with curled toes, your back arched your walls closed around him. Engulfing his cock in a warm embrace you released yourself around him. With a thrown back head, his nails digging into your thighs he came. His chest heaving as he used his hands to push your ass together as he released himself.
Hair sticking to his forehead, bottom lip ensnared in his ivories he gave your clit a loving slap. Dipping down he gave it a gentle kiss, your bud twitching against his lips. "Such a good girl." He chuckled, cutting the zip ties he kissed your forehead. "Give me a baby okay?"
You gave his arm a light swat, cheeks a bright crimson. "Hush... Help me shower." Lifting you from the table, with gentle arms he carried you to the bathroom. Warm water filling the tub, he set you down. However, not before he bent you over his knee, his cold finger prodding at his handy work, he slipped a plug in you. "I just filled you up and I don't want it going to waste just yet." He smirked fitting the plug in you snuggly. Giving your ass a love tap he set you into the warm water.
"Pervert." You hissed, head hot you slipped deeper into the tub.
"I'm trying to get you pregnant can you blame me for being cautious?" he countered as he slipped into the tub behind you, his arms snuggly wrapping around your waist. His jaw tucked in the crook of your neck.
"Getting me pregnant doesn't mean you have to make me a human snack!" You pouted, leaning against the rabbit. His chuckles echoing in the bath. "You liked it and you know it brat." Giving you a light smack he washed the two of you up. However not without lighting groping you here and there.
Two weeks passing since Jungkook's attempts to impregnate you, never one to give up he tried many times throughout the duration of his rut. True to his bunny nature he was sure to make his attempts multiple a day. With his rut passing along with your estrus he was back to normal. His constant pawing still a daily occurrence but not as extreme.
With nimble fingers and tired eyes, you glanced in the mirror, buttoning your blouse and flattening your skirt you could feel the gaze of the buck as he watched you from his seat on the bed. "That skirt is too tight!" He whined as he glared at the offending pencil skirt. His ears drawn back and lip lightly curled. His feet not failing to tap against the bed to emphasize his disappointment.
"Kookie, I always wear these types of skirts." You raised a brow, tights a light beige as you slipped on pumps, your ass eyeing him as he watched you apply your makeup.
"And they are always too tight!" He retorts, his black nub of a tail twitching as he nibbles on his bottom lip. Leaving the soft appendage of skin swelling.
"Kookie, all my skirts and pants fit like this." You rolled your eyes, "Anyways today I'll be holding aboard meeting with my branches and we will be ruling whether to let hybrids work or not." You smiled the buck looking back at you, his ears perked as he listened. His tail twitching. "Wish me luck so we win okay?"
He gave you a smile. "Good luck but once I start working there you are going to wear baggy pants." He pouts, "No one is going to see that ass in anything but baggy pants."
Letting out a giggle with the shake of your head you grabbed your bag, "I'll be back in an hour or so. I made breakfast already."
Not one to let you walk away his instincts kicking in he quickly latched onto you, his mouth leaving small marks on your neck, his scent covering you. His need to scent you. Even though he knew no one would be able to pick up on it because you worked with humans, but he still felt better knowing he had left his mark on you. "Mine." He growled.
"Yes, yours Guk."  Giving the buck a quick peck you made your way to work,
Hopes high, you strut your way down to the meeting, your aura confident. Slamming your stack of vanilla envelopes on the table you took your stance. Voice holding authority you pulled out all your cards, shooting down each opposing protest. With crossed arms and a leg slightly stepped forward you laid down your rules and strakes. With your conditions clear and all their questions answers, you were able to leave the meeting a victorious woman that day.
With your job finished you made your way back to the car garage. With your keys in your hands pointed at your car you pressed the unlock button. A familiar form seated on your car, in a grey suit and blue tie sat Hoseok. "What's this nonsense about letting hybrids work here?" he asked, getting into your passenger seat.
"Just what it sounds like, and it's not nonsense its reality." You sighed, "Why are you in here anyway?" Looking over at the handsome man, his eyeglasses not failing to catch you off guard.
"Well one, I work here too and two we need to talk about that night at the club. Three we need to discuss these files over either your house or dinner sometime." He stated, holding more of those wretched vanilla folders.
"Hoseok, what about that night at the club, do we need to talk about?" You sighed as you began to drive, trying to keep your focus on the wheel.
"What do you mean why do we need to talk about it? Don't be coy, you can't just grind on someone's dick and make out with them only to pretend that shit didn't happen. You even turned down my offer to use me..." Hoseok's voice trailing off as he growled lightly.
Making a sharp turn, "And who's idea was it to go club that night to go piss off Jimin? I don't recall it being mine Jung." Your voice cold but holding authority.
"So just because I suggested it doesn't mean I stuck my tongue down your throat without permission, you were just as much as willing as I was," he growled, fixing his glasses as he peered at you through your peripheral.
"Hoseok it was just drunken flirting." You left out a sigh, "I told you then and I'll tell you now I didn't mean for it to go as far as it did."
He left out a huff as his chest heaved, "Don't tell me that. Not when you know how I feel about you. Fuck it new topic." he growled, "Why are you pushing for hybrids to work at the company. They need the experience to run a business, and no offense but they are pets."
A low growl escaping you, "Internships, we can teach them. They aren't pets, they are practically human except for a few behavioral differences." Your harsh tone evident as you took your stance as you continued to drive to Hoseok's apartment.
Giving up on that fight the brunette tried again, "Well what about jobs? we don't have that many spots available unless we fire other employees." He shot you glare, "I don't want to think you'd fire valuable workers to hire hybrid interns I hope."
"Of course I wouldn't do that. I didn't say that we were firing anyone, we are employing some hybrids as we expand a new branch. Over the months we will hire more and more. Don't underestimate me, Jung, I'm no fool."
He scoffed, "Oh, really like a sane person would publically announce they are hiring hybrids into their million dollar conglomerate."
"Quite the jest huh?" Your tone cold, "Nothing is wrong with making a change, especially when it comes to hybrids, they need this." Your tone challenging, "Jung don't try me you won't win."
He laughed, "I love you I really do and this really is an eye-opener for me. The strong woman I used to admire now tripping over her royal garb the moment she got on her knees for a damn rabbit." He growls, "You may be a minx but you're also a fool. Tarnish the name you worked so hard to build for the sake of hybrids. Save the social justice shit for a blog and leave our stocks and name out of it. I love you but you are a damned fool for this plan. Hire hybrids and watch our company hit rock bottom. No one will do business with us, No one." With that shpeal, he exited your car carrying the vanilla envelopes as he trudged up to his apartment.
"Damned fool my ass Jung, nothing is wrong with what I'm doing!" You called after him before driving off, seething.
Unlocking the door to your apartment, kicking off your shoes you were greeted with the warm embrace of Jungkook. His ears tucked, a low growl emitting from the male. "Why do I smell Hoseok?!" His grip tightening, teeth latching to your neck.
"I drove him home, relax he didn't touch me we just talked about business." Giving his cheek a kiss of reassurance.
The buck shook his head, "Doesn't he have a car?" His ears twitching as he leaned against the wall. His strong arms crossed. "He doesn't need to pester you for a ride." growled the buck. His nose flared as he huffed his chest.
"We talked business. Anyways, we had the meeting today." You gave a smile excited, arms wrapping around the young buck as you gave him an embrace.
His hand rested on the small of your back, "And?" His voice hopeful, ears pinned he twitched his tail, lip quivered as he awaited your answer.
"Time to get you fitted for suits, we can't have you working in your boxers and white tee shirts." Giving his chest a light smack you pulled away. Eyes scanning the younger's face for a reaction.
The buck standing still as he processed what you told him. Ears now perked, a toothy grin crossing his features. "I get to work?!" His question a rhetorical one as he let a sigh of relief. His tail and thumps of his feet against the floorboards gave away his composure as he tried to conceal his excitement.
The mood light, you headed to the bedroom. "Let me get changed and you can help me cook dinner."  The buck skipping behind you.
"You'll let me watch right?" He asked.
"Watch what?" You giggled, as you pulled out your pajama shorts and tank. Letting your hair loose from the tight bun you had it wrapped in for work. Sore scalp relaxed as your locks spawled across your shoulders.
"Watch you." He smirked, "Give me a little show before dinner?" His voice deep as he took a seat on the bed. His legs widespread as they proudly displayed his bulge. Buck having no shame.
Lip quivering as you watched him, setting the nightie aside you slowly began to remove your suit jacket, nimble fingers unbuttoning your top. Your gentle mounds held up by a modest bra, it's cups doing your girls justice. Cleavage eyeing the buck.
His gaze heavy, teeth ensnaring his bottom lip, the buck lowered his sweats. His cock standing tall, his crown an angry red as it twitched under your gaze. Veins running along his shaft, his large hand wrapping around it as he gave gentle pumps. His eyes focused on you as you continued to remove your blouse. Discarding the silk blouse you began to unzip your skirt, the soft grunts of the buck filling the room as he continued to pump his shaft.
Your cheeks dusted pink as you watched his large hand work his thick girth, the image one you'll never forget. Hair sticking to forehead as he threw his head back, his ears laying flat against his disarray of coal locks. His free hand gripping the sheets as his chest heaved with pleasure. Knowing just what the buck wanted you strut over to him, giving his cheek a chaste kiss, you pulled him back from his euphoric bliss.
Unclasping the plain bra, you tossed it to an unknown corner of the room as you dropped to your knees. Sitting in your sheer pantyhose and thong, you pressed your breasts together, eyes carrying a sheen as you eyed the male.
His smirk growing as he chuckled, "You know me so well baby girl. I trained my bitch well." With a light hand, he gave your face a light-handed smack before he gripped his shaft once more. His tip beaded with precum he rubbed his crown against your soft mounds. The valley of your breast wet and coated, he slid himself between your fleshy mountains. His voice lighter as he filled the room his abrupt moans, his cock swimming between your breasts, his bottom lip swollen eyes dark as he looked at you. "Keep pressing those tits together baby." You obliged, pushing your breasts so that they sandwiched his cock even more.
Squelching sounds filling the room as he thrust himself between your breasts, ebony haired male moaning out in bliss. "Ah fuck, keep them like that! So fucking wet." He growled as he bottomed out, his cock spreading your breasts as he continued to bury himself in them.  Your eyes lidded as you watched him come undone as he fucked your tits. His groans louder as he continued to chase his high.
"Do me a favor and open that pretty little mouth for me. " His eyes dark as he eyed your mouth, his free hand thumbing your lips, he spread them, your tongue wrapping along his thumb as he pushed it into your wet crevice.  Your chest heaving and sticky, mouth opened you eyed the male. Tits pushed together you enveloped his cock. Trembling the male quickly lowered your head, ropes of thick cum shooting from his tip into your mouth. Closing your jaw shut, he growled, "Swallow it."
Nodding, you swallowed the salty-sweet mixture he gifted you. "Clean up baby I'll get started on dinner."
"Don't burn the kitchen down." You giggled, rising from your knees your legs wobbly. "Every time you're finished with me I have to shower. So messy." You pouted in a good manner.
The buck letting out a chuckle, "It's always better when it's nasty and you know it." He smirked, slipping on his sweats. "Now get cleaned and help me downstairs. You know I'm only good for cutting vegetables."
Two weeks pass, your scent stronger, the buck noticing a change in your scent but it wasn't one he could decipher. Something was different about you, but what it was he couldn't put his finger on it. You acted the same, you smelled the same but there was something slightly off about the sweet smell you carried.
The buck eyed you from his place on the couch, his ears flopped as the Iron Man movie he had on became background noise. Your hair tied into a bun as you typed away on your laptop. Fingers clashing with the keyboard. A constant clicking sound filling the apartment. Glasses sitting on your face, the buck continued to blankly stare at you. Something was off and he was determined on finding out on what it was.
His eyes glossing over your glasses, a dirty thought invading the mind of the buck. He knew you weren't one for messes but he very much wanted to cum on those glasses. The buck continued to eye you, his gaze traveling over your hoodie and sweats, the coffee you had sitting in a nearby spot giving off a hint of hazelnut in the air. He could only imagine how warm and sweet your lips tasted, he watched you nibble them as you worked.
A knock on the door tearing the buck's gaze from you. "Get the door Guk?" Your voice monotonous as you continued to type. "Alright." He got up from his seat on the couch and trudged to the front door swinging it open, he pinned back his ears in eager as there in the threshold stood Hoseok and Yuki. The brunette bunny hybrid standing behind him holding a stack of manila envelopes.
"The fuck are you doing here?" Growling the buck menacingly as he crossed his arms. The brunette male clambering past him, hanging his suit on the rack nearby.
"What does it look like rabbit, I'm here for work," Hoseok grunted, his voice gruff as he walked over to your dining room table, taking a seat next to you. Yuki shyly setting the envelopes down taking a seat next to him.
Jungkook growled and huffed his chest, he quickly took a seat next to you as he glared down the human male who challenged him.  Your fingers tapping away, "Hoseok would you mind getting started as I finish typing up this?"
"Sure Hun." He smirked getting to work, grabbing an envelope he clicked his pen and began scribbling.
"Don't call her that." Jungkook huffed, his arms crossed as he glared knives at the brunette.
"And why not?" Hoseok tested as he continued to scribble on the documents in hand.
"Jung drop it." You intervened, as the buck tensed. Not liking where this was going.
"I wasn't doing anything, just asking him a fair question." Hoseok shrugged, Yuki lightly clinging to his arm, her ears pinned back. A tense atmosphere present.
Closing your laptop you grabbed your stack of documents, "Guk mere," You smiled, grabbing an extra pen for him. "I'm going to teach you how to fill these out. I'd be good for you to learn since you'll be starting work soon."
The brunette male scoffed the second Jungkook took up a pen, the buck curling his lip and pinning his ears. His foot violently tapping against the floor as he took an aggressive posture.  The female doe, cowering at the menacing aura your buck gave off. "You're really trying to teach a pet to do paperwork. That's a new trick I haven't seen yet." Snarled Hoseok.
You gave a deep sigh, "Hoseok shut it, get this paperwork done."
"This pet can beat your ass though, fucking try me." Jungkook threatened ears pinned back, Yuki letting our a shaky breath. The poor doe feeling the full extent of Jungkook's rage as it was her natural instinct to cower when a dominant male becomes aggressive.
Hoseok's gaze darkened, "Keep him on a tighter leash."
Jungkook growled, "That's it, motherfucker." With that, the buck lunged for the brunette his ears pinned back as he dragged Hoseok to the ground. The two males in a fury of rage, fists flying, and curses filling the apartment as the two rolled around, the buck landing heavy hits on the brunette but the brunette aimed for the buck's soft spot. His ears. The brunette landed a few heavy hits on the base of the buck's ears causing the buck to retaliate even more as he hissed out in pain.
Yuki, crying out running to take cover behind you. "Get them to stop, please don't let him hurt Hoseok!!" She cried out, tears flooding her cheeks. Panic filling your being as you watched the two men brawl on your apartment floor. Getting up from your seat you ran over, keeping a safe distance you cried out, "Jungkook off of him. Now!!!" The buck hearing your cries of distress looked up, his nose picking up on your scent clearly now that you had gotten up.
A sweet milky scent that flashed memories of a nursery through his mind. You were pregnant. That's what was different about you. The need to fight leaving him, the instinct to care for you taking over, he lifted himself, limping over to you he buried himself in your neck. "H-He has to leave." He grunted in pain, ears pinned back as they twitched in pain.
Yuki quick to run over to Hoseok as he laid on the floor, his chest heaving and his nose bloodied. "Seok! Seok!" She cried, nudging him. You felt a sense of pity as you watched at the poor doe fret over her asshole of an 'owner'. You could tell, from woman to woman she truly loved him. Yet, all Hoseok could see was her being a hybrid, he didn't look past the exterior. You wondered why she stays with him, why she deals with him constantly handing her off other bucks when her heats come around, or why she deals with his constant comments about her kind.  
You turned your attention to the buck nuzzled into your neck, "You okay babe."
He groaned, "A little bruised up and my ears hurt, but that's not important right now." He looked at you, keeping his arms around you in a protective embrace he pecked your lips. "You're pregnant."  You paused before letting out a squeal. "I am?!" The buck buried his nose into your neck, "You smell of milk. We did it."
The brunette gasping from the floor as he looked up at you, "Y-You joking right?! You know how I feel about you..please say it's a joke. " His voice pained, but the pain was not from his injuries, this was pain from the heart. You looked at the doe holding him in her arms, her ears flattened as she wore a pained expression.
"Yeah, she's pregnant and with my kits."Jungkook growled, "Mine."
Hoseok looked at you with a broken expression as he laid in Yuki's arms, gathering your courage you spoke, "Hoseok I can't reciprocate your feelings because I have someone who's precious to me and even if I didn't have someone who was precious to me even then I wouldn't love you back because it wouldn't be fair to her. The one who's had her eyes on you, loving you even though you don't even notice her when she's right under your nose."
Hosoek furrowing his brows, Yuki looking you in the eyes, her eyes teary she bit her lip looking away. "Time for you to leave Hoseok." Yuki carefully supporting him lead him out. With him leaned against her shoulder she stood in the entryway to your apartment looking back at you, she gave you a smile. Without making a noise she mouthed, 'Thank You' before exiting the apartment carrying the brunette.
With Hoseok gone you peered over at Jungkook, he was little bruised and scraped. "Did you really need to fight him?"
The buck huffed, "He's had it coming for a while now."
You couldn't deny that letting out a sigh, you dragged the buck to the bathroom. Getting the first aid kit you disinfected his wounds, eyes peering up at the buck. "Don't do anything like that again, please. You really scared me." Your voice shaky as wrapped the buck's knuckles, kissing them. The buck leaning down to peck your lips, "I won't, not with the little one on the way."
The buck never failing to make you blush.
"All the fucking paid off after all." He commented.
You choked, letting out a squeak, "Hush!!!" Getting up you looked over at him, relieved that he can still joke. "Come I'm teaching you how to fill out those documents and then I'll make dinner."
Months passing since then, you were now well into your pregnancy, your belly round and breasts full as you were in the midst of your third trimester. Yet being pregnant didn't slow you down, much to Jungkook's disdain you continued to work.  Jungkook now worked at the company the young buck a quick learner picked up on the in's and out's of the company and now it had become second nature to him.
He never failed to visit your office during a break, and his pawing was even more intense during lunch. The buck had an ever watchful eye on you, he would intimidate any hybrid male who dared to look your way. His scenting increasing tenfold the further along you were with the pregnancy.
The clock ticked as each minute neared closer and closer to lunchtime. Breasts painful as you typed away. "Fuck, this hurts so much." You cried out, eyes peering over at the clock. Deciding to start your lunch break a little early you pushed your work aside, reaching for the pump you kept in your office. Leaving the door locked, no one could enter except for Jungkook as you had given him a key, your unbuttoned your breasts, carefully pulling out your swollen breasts you began to pump.
Letting out a relief sign as the pain began to go away, eyes closed you leaned back as you continued to pump. The jiggling of the door handle causing you to open your eyes as the buck entered. Right on time. He let out a low growl seeing you.
"Is mommy sore?" He asked, setting lunch down on the table by the door of your office, he walked over to your desk sitting down it, his ears pinned back as the suit-clad male took off his jacket rolling up his sleeves. His tongue swabbing the inside of his gums as he looked at you. "I am." You sighed, "Sore and frustrated." You smacked your lips.
"Mhm," He hummed, as he unbuttoned your shirt further, removing the pump form your sore breasts, "Will you let me help with that?"
Never one to turn the buck down you gave him a nod of consent. Quick to please, he carefully switched places with you, letting you sit on the desk he hiked up your skirt, he mouth quickly latching onto your puffy nipples.  His hands lightly cupping your sore mounds as he sucked, his light kneading making the creamy liquid flow from your breasts to his tongue. With light grunts he suckled you, the sweet taste driving him over the edge. Your head thrown back, "F-Fuck, so eager."
His suckling continued as he unbuckled his trousers, his erection standing tall as he rubbed it against your slit. His tongue abusing your sore numbs as he continued to suckle, being mindful of your belly he adjusted his position so that he could enter you with ease.  With a firm grip around the male's shoulders, you slid onto him, a light mewl escaping you.  His girth stretching your walls as you tightened around him. The buck growling as he gave your nipple a light bite, a small trail of milk trickling down his chin as his eyes darkened. "Fuck mommy, so round and sweet. So tight!" He moaned as he began to move his hips.
You hands moving to his hair, tugging on his tresses as he gave you slow, cautious stroke, his mouth busy sucking your swollen teets. The more he sucked the more relief your breasts got. "Mommy tastes so fucking sweet." He growled, his cock piercing you deeply, his face buried in your breasts. "Fuckk! Deeper!" You whined, arching your back as you lightly bounced on his cock the deeper it slid in you.
Obliging he picked up his pace and thrust his hips deeper into your core, his grunts low and muffled as he continued to suck the sweet pearly liquid from your breasts. Your cries filling the office, raising a hand to your mouth you lightly bit it order to muffle yourself. His hand trailing down to your clit he gave it gentle rubs, his cock kissing your cervix the deeper, "I bred you so well, such a good girl. Fuck mommy you spoil me with your sweet little cunt."
"I-Is that so baby boy?' You squeaked, your hands tugging more on his tresses, your climax nearing the deeper he pierced you, desk wobbling as the two of you continued. With shaky thrusts and one last moan, he emptied himself in you, his tongue swirling around your swollen nipple. His thumb fiercely rubbing your clit, his cock lightly thrusting in you deeper. With those final actions, you were thrown over the edge your walls tightly clamping around his cock as you came. Your cries filling the office as you lost yourself in your climax.
Buck doing the cleaning the two of you looked at the clock, "We don't have much time to eat now." He chucked.
"And who's fault was that?" You retorted
He gave you a smile as he fixed your clothes, cleaning the desk thoroughly before setting down your lunch. "Not mine." he jokingly lied. You gave him a light swat. The two of you seated at your desk while you ate lunch, a light knock on your office door.
"Come in." You called out.
Entering your office was none other than Hoseok, the brunette now healed from his run-in with your buck, his head held proudly as he set more of those wretched folders on your desk. Jungkook pinning his ears back giving off a low growl at the male. "More documents from the other branch as well as other applicants." He said nothing more before walking out, however, the brunette's sleek appearance and calm composure didn't deter your eyes from noticing the hickies on his neck. Normally that wouldn't have caught your attention, however, it did.  Soley from where on the neck they were placed, the hickies decorated the back of his neck close to the lobe of his ear.
The same area Jungkook placed his. You let out a little giggle. "Seems like the little doe made her move." Jungkook relaxed once the brunette left, "Yeah you're telling me, he stinks of her."
You furrowed your brows, "You're saying before that wasn't the case?"
The buck shook his head, "Before he smelled of shitty cologne like I could smell her but the smell wasn't strong, her smell wasn't there to warn off other hybrids. But now?" He laughed, "Now he fucking wreaks of her and that smell is definitely there for a reason.  
You smiled, "Maybe they're together now?" You rubbed your belly as you continued to eat.
"Most definitely."
You stared up at the plain ceiling of the hospital, it's bright lights a little blinding as your legs were spread. The doctors, nurses, and Jungkook, giving you encouragement their shouts mixing together as they told you to push.
The buck tightly grasping your hand, nuzzled into your neck as he comforted you. "Push, Push for me, push for the little one."  You squeezed his hand, your chest heaving teeth clenched as your pushed, your bottom half sore, and the feeling beyond painful but you continued on. No one to back down or take breaks you pushed on. Jungkook counting to keep you focused, "One, two, breathe." He continued voice shaky as he squeezed your hand, "One, two, breathe."
You pushed, your cries bouncing off the walls of the room, the doctors urging you to push. "Almost there, the little one is crowning!! Keep pushing you are almost there."
The buck's ears perking, "You hear that babe?! The little one is almost here. Our baby is almost here." He chimed.
You growled, "Once I deliver this baby you better run, it's your fault I'm lying here!!" You cried out in pain, giving a few more final pushes, your energy spent. Your ears greeted with the loud cries of a child. A sound so pleasing to your ears.
The doctor holding the new life in his arms, "It's a boy and by the looks of it he takes after his father." the doctor chuckles while handing him off to Jungkook. The nurses patting the child down. The little one crying, small grey bunny ears atop the baby's head, a small grey tail decorating his bum. Shaking Jungkook took the child. "L-Look at him." His lips quivering, "Hi there I'm Daddy." he smiled, rocking the child he set the young one in your arms.
"Meet Mommy" He smiled, the small child having Jungkook's features, the little boy quickly latching himself to your breasts, his little mouth eagerly suckling. "Relax little man, no one is gonna take it away from you." You giggled, "I love you so much already."
Doctors and nurses leaving the room the three of you remained. "We made this." The buck smiles, kissing the top of the kit's head.
"Our little family." You smiled, your thumb weakly caressing the child's cheek.
"What will we name him?" Jungkook questioned, his head slightly tilted. His large hand holding the child's tiny one. "Ji Tae?" he suggested.
You didn't oppose, "Welcome Ji Tae."
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papermoonloveslucy · 8 years
Lucy Builds a Rumpus Room
S1;E11 ~ December 10, 1962
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Lucy and Viv both have plans to entertain their dates at home on the very same night. When the conflict can't be resolved, Harry suggests they build a rumpus room in the basement to solve the problem. When they can't afford to have it professionally done, they resort to a DIY kit that comes with some very sticky glue.  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carmichael), Vivian Vance (Vivian Bagley), Jimmy Garrett (Jerry Carmichael), Ralph Hart (Sherman Bagley), Candy Moore (Chris Carmichael), Dick Martin (Harry Connors)
Guest Cast
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Don Briggs (Eddie Collins) makes the second of his seven appearances on the series as Viv's on-again, off-again boyfriend. The last time we saw the character was in “Lucy Digs Up a Date” (S1;E2).  
Eddie Collins apparently travels a lot as part of his job.
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Chris Warfield (Dr. Rudy Warren) started his acting career in 1953. This is his only series appearance. In the 1970s, he began working as a producer / director / writer of hardcore porn under the name Billy Thornberg. He died in 1996.  
Dr. Warren is a dentist.  He is a gourmet and his favorite dish is trout almondine. This is the second doctor Lucy has dated.  The first was Dr. Sam Eastman (Frank Aletter), an ear, eyes, nose and throat man in “Lucy the Music Lover” (S1;E8). 
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Jim Boles (Delivery Man for Barney's Catering Service) was a character actor who began acting on television in 1949. He will make one more appearance on the series in “Lucy and the Runaway Butterfly” (S1;E29).
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Episode #11 was originally intended to be a show titled "Lucy and Viv Fight Over Harry," but it was shut down during rehearsal. Jimmy Garrett (Jerry) remembers that the audience wasn't laughing. The main reason, however, is that it would have firmly established Lucy and Harry as having deep feelings for one another. Dick Martin (Harry) was not available every week and Lucille Ball did not want her character to have a steady boyfriend. It had already been decided to phase out Harry, so this storyline would have been at cross-purposes with Lucille Ball's long-range plans for the show and her character. As executive producer, Desi Arnaz was consulted, and agreed to abandoning the episode before filming. This was the only episode of the series to be shut down while in production.
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The rumpus room first appeared during the 1950s and 1960s of the baby boom generation and was usually built in the basement where kids or teenagers and friends could play or hang out (make a rumpus) away from the other rooms (adults) in the house.  
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Lucy says it costs $2,000 to convert the basement into a rumpus room so Harry suggests a DIY paneling kit that costs only $69.50. In today's money, that $2,000 is equal to more than $17,250!   
Viv reminds Lucy that when they moved in together it was under 'girl's rules': if either of them had a date, all other plans were automatically canceled.  Lucy says it's been so long since she's had a real date, she'd forgotten.  Actually, dating was the subject of “Lucy Digs Up a Date” (S1;E2) just two months earlier.  This part of the script may be leftover from the abandoned episode’s script. 
Lucy's home is heated by coal but she is behind in the bills.  The coal is provided by someone named Mr. Turner.
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Lucy remarks that her check from the bank is gone and Viv's alimony hasn't arrived so they are in the “Twilight Zone” again. “The Twilight Zone” was an anthology suspense TV series that aired from 1959 to 1964 on CBS.  Jim Boles (Delivery Man) was seen in two episodes of “The Twilight Zone,” one just two months after this appearance on “The Lucy Show.”  The show was inspired by an episode of “The Westinghouse-Desilu Playhouse” titled “The Time Element” produced by Desi Arnaz, who also hosted the episode. 
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Lucy met her date at the Simmons' dinner party, a reference to Lucy and Viv's friend Audrey Simmons played by Mary Jane Croft.
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This is our first look at the home's basement, although Lucy mentions that there was a sofa down there in “Lucy is a Referee” (S1;E3).  
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For the scene where coal fell on Lucy and Viv, the actors wore quilted suits under their overalls to provide protection from the falling ‘coal’. 
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When they mistakenly glue the brush and a glove to the wall, Viv suggests framing it and passing it off as a Picasso. Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) is regarded as one of the greatest and most influential artists of the 20th century. He is known for co-founding the cubist movement and the invention of constructed sculpture.
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Preparing to cook for Dr. Warren behind Viv’s back, Lucy hides food all over the house, just like Lucy Ricardo did when she faked a hunger strike in “Lucy Gets a Paris Gown” (ILL S5;E20) in 1956.  
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The gag is repeated when Lucy Carter discovers cleverly hidden food in a 1968 episode of “Here's Lucy” starring Shelley Winters.
Lucy says she can't afford to have the basement professionally remolded into a rumpus room. On “I Love Lucy,” it was Ricky's who constantly told Lucy “I can't afford it.”  In this series, Lucy Carmichael is a woman in charge of making ends meet and raising two children. Off screen, Lucille Ball was just as budget-conscious trying to keep Desilu Studios out of the red and raise her two children. 
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The DIY solution to decorating is also the subject of “Redecorating” (ILL S2;E8) where Lucy and Ethel wreak havoc with wallpaper instead of paneling.  
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Lucy Ricardo and Ethel Mertz had many fights and reconciliations over the years. In this episode, however, Viv packs to leave, but immediately returns. This fight gets less than two minutes of screen time.  
Blooper Alerts!
Toaster Malfunction! During the breakfast scene, Lucy pulls down the lever on the toaster and walks away, but the audience can hear that it has popped up again. When she walks back to the toaster, she pushes the lever down again, a bit more firmly. Lucy stands near the toaster for a bit, then goes to sit down at the table with Viv. The moment she sits down, you can hear the toast pop up. This snafu is ironic, since one of Lucille Ball's favorite props on “I Love Lucy” was the toaster.
Table for Two! Viv should have known that Lucy was planning to double-cross her and cook for her date: there are only two chairs at the dining room table!  
Wardrobe Malfunction! When Dr. Warren rings the doorbell, Lucy's shoe isn't completely on and she nearly trips on it.
Clatter Matter! When Lucy passes Viv carrying a long a plank, Viv moves back against the furnace and noisily knocks over a shovel.  Viv picks it up and Lucy's dialogue goes on uninterrupted.
Cooking Chaos! Lucy's trout almandine burns to a crisp after only six minutes in the oven! When Lucy rushes to the smoking oven, she nearly slips on some of the food on the floor from Viv's catering delivery. In the chaos, Vivian Vance opens her mouth to say a line that she never gets out. She is interrupted by Eddie Collins shouting from the living room. 
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The Stopped Clock! The kitchen clock reads 8:10 throughout the episode. That time works for the breakfast scene but later Lucy hurries Viv so she won't “miss the 7:04.”  We can assume that is the time Eddie’s train arrives.  Three minutes later, Viv returns with Eddie. It is still 8:10 in the kitchen! 
Continuity! After Lucy and Viv glue on the first piece of wall paneling, the camera angle changes and there is a second piece of paneling glued next to it.
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Watch Your Step! Harry momentarily loses his footing when he is walking on the mountain of coal in the final scene. This is an extraordinary amount of coal for a two-story home.  
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“Lucy Builds a Rumpus Room” rates 4 Paper Hearts out of 5 
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sheriwallace123 · 8 years
Toilet Trouble
Hey guys, my first omo story! I hope you all like it. If you have any comments or criticism don’t hesitate to message me but please don’t be a dick about it. Also, I edited it so if I fucked up anymore please let me know. Otherwise, enjoy! Also, it gets pretty sexual towards the end so if that’s not your cup of tea, you can read just the omo. :) 
As Emma began to wake up, she felt her bladder's fullness before she even opened her eyes. Squirming a bit, she smiled and decided to have some fun. You see, Emma has a secret: she loves to hold her pee until she's so desperate she can't stand it. And then either go to the toilet like a good girl, or wet her pants. Yes it was a weird fetish but it turned her on so much she didn't care. A jolt from her bladder roused her from her thoughts so she opened her eyes to see the time. 'No wonder I have to pee so bad' she thought. 'It's noon and I haven't peed since last night'. Rubbing her stomach, she figured it was a 7/10 and that she could hold it a bit longer. Crossing her legs, she grabbed her phone to distract herself; a little porn always took her mind off things. At least, it would if her type of porn wasn't watching girls piss themselves. As the sexy girl in the video moaned in relief and released a torrent of golden piss into her jeans, Emma whimpered and shoved a blanket between her legs. Seeing that video made her need shoot up to a strong 9/10 and her arousal wasn't helping. 'Alright alright, I'll get up now' she decided. 'As fun as it would be I don't want to piss the bed'. Taking a breath to calm herself, she gingerly got out of bed, doubling over in the process. Just standing made things so much worse and to avoid leaking all over the floor she had to grab her naked pussy with a hand. Emma waddled as fast as she could without losing it to the bathroom only to be met with a running toilet unable to flush. "Fuck!" she yelled as she crossed her legs tighter. Now she would have to call a plumber and pray they got there soon. She wasn't quite at her limit yet, but she would be soon. Normally she would just pee in the shower but she was feeling stubborn and didn't feel like having to shower after. No, she would hold it. Or at least try. Taking one last sad look at the toilet, Emma left to get dressed. A form fitting t shirt over her D cup breasts and loose yoga pants that felt tight over her distended bladder. Moaning a little, she quickly sat down on the bed, bouncing through a wave a desperation before calling a plumber. "You can be here in five minutes?" Emma breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank you so much!" Hanging up the phone, she gave herself a pep talk. "Ok Emma, you can do this. Do not piss yourself!" Believing she could do it, she distracted herself with making a late breakfast of bacon and toast. Other than a little dribble here and there, that went off without a hitch. Feeling confident, she poured herself a glass of water before realizing that was a big mistake. All the leg crossing in the world couldn't stop the leak and by the time she got it under control, there was a ping pong ball sized wet spot on her crotch; thank goodness for black pants. But of course, as soon as that was controlled, the plumber knocked on her door, scaring her into losing a few more droplets. Cursing under breath, Emma let the man in without anymore issues. "Hi, thanks for coming. I don't know what's wrong but it's making a weird noise and won't flush". The man nodded and made his way into the bathroom. "I'll get it fixed miss. You just go about your day". Emma just nodded and walked away, not trusting her voice as another strong wave wracked her body. Her bladder was consistently throbbing now and had she been willingly holding, now is when she would have gone. Running her fingers through her coal black hair, she tried to focus on her food, feeling not very hungry. After a few minutes of not knowing what else to do, Emma texted her girlfriend of six months, Belle. If she didn't focus on something else, she was going to flood the couch. 'Hey babe' she wrote, grinding into the cushion. 'What's up?' A few minutes went by before she saw an answer. 'Hey! :) Not much, just sitting here missing you. Can I come over?' Emma blushed at these words. She had no problem with Belle coming over, but she would have to tell her about the plumber but that meant Belle possibly picking up on Emma having to pee. For 'normal' people, this was no problem. But she was terrifyed of Belle finding out about her fetish and thinking it was gross. Shaking that thought away, she typed back 'sure! But a plumber is here fixing my toilet so I'll let you know when he's done.' Thinking that was it, Emma drank some water, squirming as all that liquid sloshed around. 'This is getting really hard, please be done soon' Emma desperately thought. As if the plumber read her mind, he came out with an update. "I'm sorry miss but it'll be another hour before you can use the toilet". Emma's jaw dropped as another severely strong wave hit her. Praying the man didn't notice the leak, she squeaked "an hour? Why?" The gruff man replied "I'm finished but what I did has to set so in about an hour you'll be good to go". Feeling the full weight of those words, Emma tried not to look too disappointed as she paid the man, shoving both hands in between her legs as soon as he left. "Fuck it!" she yelled. "Shower it is". But before she could take another step, her phone rang, playing Belle's ringtone. Groaning, she hobbled her way over to the phone, answering with one hand still down there. Trying to sound calm, she answered, her voice betraying her by shaking. "Hello?" Belle's kind voice came back. "Emma? You ok? It's me". Emma perched on the end of the couch, not able to stay still if her life depended on it. "Hey baby, yeah I'm ok, just upset. The plumber just left but said I have to wait an hour before I use the toilet and I really, really, have to pee". Admitting that made Emma blush so much but she couldn't lie to Belle. There were a few minutes of silence and right when Emma thought the call was dropped, she heard Belle mumble something. "What?" A sigh was heard. "That's really hot ok?" A sense of disbelief washed over Emma as she took in those words. Could it be? Had she really found a girl that likes piss? No way! "You find that hot?" She could hear Belle blushing over the phone. "Y-yeah, I do...I'm sorry Emma, I can't believe I just said that. I hope I didn't freak you out". Emma, grinning from the ear to ear, got so excited she forgot how full her tortured bladder was. "Oh my gosh! You're not going to believe this but babe that's my fetish too! Oh this is so incredible, I love you!" As soon as those words left her lips, she wished she would take them back. She did love Belle but worried that was too soon to say it. Thankfully Belle took no time in responding. "Oh baby I love you too! Oh my gosh I can't believe it! This is the best day ever". Emma let go a huge sigh of relief, smiling so hard her cheeks were sore. "Oh baby I'm so glad-" her words were cut off as her bladder made its presence known once more. It spasmed painfully before forcing a leak out onto her hand. Belle immediately became concerned and asked "babe, what's wrong?" Emma could barely talk she had to pee so bad; she was going crazy. "Fuck babe I have to pee so fucking bad. I was about to piss in the shower when you called" she moaned before continuing. "It's never been this bad before. Belle's voice quivered with desire. "Hold it! If you and I truly have the same fetish, we have a lot of catching up to do". Those words sent a lightning bolt of arousal to Emma pussy and she groaned, this time with pleasure. "Well then you better fucking hurry. I have maybe ten minutes, maybe less". Belle chuckled. "I'll be there in five". Emma hung up the phone, her pussy physically trembling at holding back all that liquid. She wanted nothing more to just release and piss all over her couch, but Belle's words made her wait. She would hold it as long as she needed to. Even if her bladder was screaming and she couldn't stand up straight. It was as if her bladder was so heavy it was pulling her down and she had to fight every instinct to just let go. It was only a matter of time before her body would just let it go without warning. Right when she thought that time had come, Belle knocked. Not able to move, Emma yelled out "come in!" Her beautiful copper haired girlfriend let herself in, locking up before looking at Emma with cloudy, desire filled eyes. "Oh baby I want you so bad!" Emma, squirming from side to side, growled "well then you better take it. I'm about to fucking explode!" Emma had never had to pee this bad was dying. Belle wasted no more time, running to the couch and placing down towels. In a matter of seconds, she was seated and patting her lap for Emma to sit on it. "No way! I'll flood your jeans! And the couch probably..." she trailed off, blushing. Belle smirked, chuckling. "I know, that's what the towels are for". Being too desperate and turned on to argue, Emma straddled Belle's lap, facing her. Immediately, without control, she ground her pussy into Belle's, moaning from the little bit of relief that pressure brought. She was so desperate she was shaking and that slight pressure on her pee hole was helping her barely hold on. Belle moaned too, going crazy with desire. In a husky voice, she whispered the two words Emma craved. "Let go". With those words, Emma fully relaxed for the first time that day and let the flood gates open. She was powerless to hold back the primal groan of relief as hot piss gushed out of her, soaking her pants and Belle's in a matter of seconds; claiming the towels as their next victim. Piss just kept pouring out of her in a loud hiss, the stream lasting well over a minute; not to be stopped even if Emma wanted to. The heat and the thrill of everything sent tingles all over Emma's body as she whimpered, both from relief and desire. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, her stream ended and everything under Emma was soaked, dripping with strong, first of the day piss. Her pants clung to her like a second skin and it rubbed deliciously against Belle's sodden jeans. Even the towels were fairly wet. Until Emma was able to catch her breath, Belle rubbed her back, enjoying every second of this. Soon enough the silence was broken by Belle laughing. "Wow babe! You really had to go!" Emma blushed but laughed as well. "Yeah, I really did...did you enjoy that?" Without answering, Belle tenderly kissed Emma, pouring all her love into the kiss before replying "words can't describe how much I loved that baby. That was fucking incredible". Emma grinned and resumed the kissing, getting more heated and passionate as the time went on. Tongues poked around and hands explored bodies until Belle began squirming, causing Emma to moan and chucke. "Someone's horny". Belle blushed, responding shyly "yes, but I also have to pee fairly bad. I had to go when I called you but I felt bad going before you. What?" Emma was grinned a devious smile before whispering in Belle's ear, her hot breath causing her lover to sigh. "Well since you made me hold it, I'm going to make you hold it. How bad are you?" Belle playfully whined before laughing. "I should have seen that coming. 7/10". "Excellent!" Emma replied excitedly. "How does a shower sound?" Both girls got off the slightly wet couch, showing off their wet pants, darkened by Emma's release. Hormones were running wild as they stripped and took care of anything wet. Now naked, Belle bit her lip, rubbing her bulging bladder. "Do I have to hold the whole shower? I really do have to go and feeling you piss on me did not help". Emma, feeling bold, flashed another grin. "We'll see". The girls made their way into the shower, the warm water washing away their fun from earlier; Emma was relaxed as the water cascaded down her pale back. Meanwhile Belle was enjoying the shower, but had to keep her legs tightly closed. Emma noticed and laughed. "What's the matter? The running water too much for you?" Belle moaned and put a hand between her legs. "Yes! I have to pee so bad. Please baby, let me go". Emma paused in fake thought for a moment before rubbing her girlfriend's soft nipples. She enjoyed the whimpers of desire before answering. "Tell you what: If you cum before you pee, I'll let you go. But, if you pee at all before you cum, I'll stop and you'll have to finish me off first. Sound good?" Belle was taken back by how dom Emma was being but it sent tingles to her pussy. Nipples hard and pussy soaked, she eagerly nodded. Emma chuckled before pushing her against the shower wall and attacking her lips. Belle instinctively wrapped her arms around Emma, pulling her as close as she could; lips feverishly kissing and tongues battling for dominance. They finally parted for air and Emma took the opportunity to trail kisses down Belle's smooth, pale skin, suckling and nibbling on her neck. The sensations caused the girl to squeal and moan, wanting desperately to cum. Emma took that as a good sign to keep going, taking Belle's nipples into her mouth; licking, sucking, and nibbling until Belle was shaking with desire. She was so horny and couldn't wait for Emma's tongue to bring her to ecstacy. Right when Belle thought she would go crazy, Emma finally moved on. Kisses trailed even farther down until finally reaching her lover's throbbing pussy. Emma's mouth was so close to Belle's clit, her breath carressed it. "What do you want?" Emma purred. Belle groaned loudly, bucking her hips. "Make me cum!" With those words, Emma began softly, exploring every inch of Belle's horny cunt. Licking back and forth before lightly licking the clit, which was on fire. Belle couldn't stay quiet or still even if she tried. Her moans filled the bathroom and her hips ground against Emma's face. Emma smiled against her lover's pussy, proud of herself for doing such a good job. Not wanting to fail her now, she pulled out every trick, alternating between fast and slow, little nibbles on the clit, and tongue fucking like her life depended on it. Belle was going nuts, but for a different reason. Every time she was about to cum, Emma stopped, mercilessly edging her. Belle's poor body was trembling and her bladder was screaming for release; finally, she snapped. "Please, for the love God, let me fucking cum! Please baby, I'm fucking desperate, in both ways. I'm aching to feel the orgasm that only you can bring and I have to pee so fucking bad. I love you, but please, let me cum!" Emma huskily replied "That's all I wanted to hear". Not waiting another second, she went to town, sucking on her clit and fucking her pussy with a couple of fingers. It was a sensation overdrive and within seconds Belle's earth shattering orgasm came crashing down on her. Nothing stopped the screams and moans that came out of her and her body was going wild. Her pussy was contracting against Emma's fingers and she stayed there until the fingers in her hair lossened their grip. Standing up, she said the words that would make things even better. "Piss for me". Without any hesitation Belle let go her torrent of piss, it noisely splattering against the shower floor. She sighed in relief, relaxing against the wall as she finally emptied. Once the stream ended, Emma could hardly control herself. Her pussy was on fire and she was so fucking desperate to cum. Drinking in Belle's deliciously naked form, she asked "Did you enjoy that baby?" Belle grinned. "Yes! Oh my gosh yes! That was so good baby, thank you. But now I think it's your turn. We should retire to the bed". Emma nodded so hard she almost got dizzy. "Please!" The girls got out of the shower and dried off, Emma moaning when the towel rubbed against her hard nipples. Finally making her way to the bedroom, she lied down, her body begging to me touched. "Please Belle, make me cum!" Belle chuckled as she flicked a nipple between her fingers. "How do I say no to that?" Belle began by licking Emma's nipples, laughing at the girls tortured whimpers before making her way to her lover's dripping pussy. "Oh my!" Belle exclaimed. "You must be dying to cum". Emma growled, bucking her hips. "Yes please! I'm so desperate!" Belle finally took mercy, diving into Emma's cunt, eagerly lapping at the juices and exploring every spot. Emma gripped the sheets as moan after moan left her supple lips. Without control, her legs wrapped Belle's head, pushing her farther into the center of pleasure. Belle didn't mind, and took this as a sign to keep going harder, sucking on Emma's clit as good as she could. Then, right as Emma was about to cum, she stopped, causing the girl to growl angrily. "What the fuck!?" Belle chuckled. "What? I had to get you back". Emma could hardly catch her breath. "Fine, I deserve that. But PLEASE! I'm dying Belle". Belle laughed before slamming two fingers into Emma's quivering cunt and sucked on the pulsing clit. Emma wriggled against Belle with all her might until her orgasm hit her like a truck. She screamed as she came, bucking against Belle's hand and the waves of ecstacy. Her knuckles were white as she gripped the sheets and her pussy was convulsing so much Belle's hand was stuck until the orgasm ended. Once over, Emma relaxed and gulped down some much needed air and when words were able to be spoken, Emma looked over at Belle, who was now lying next to her. "Holy fuck baby! Words can't describe how good that felt. Thank you so much! I fucking love you". Belle smiled and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend, cuddling her. "Same goes for me baby. I love you too". Exhausted from all the fun, both girls fell into a deep, blissful sleep, as their bladders filled for more fun later.
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durifmdarchived · 4 years
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      wind through cherry blossoms is a playlist that puts emphasises on the spring and songs that help him get through the walking underneat cherry blossoms, helping him to remember a happy memory that hasn’t vanished from his childhood. these are the things that whisper through the cherry blossoms, hiding itself as simple wind; but there’s simply more to it.
001. into the unknown by idina menzel from frozen two.    ⏤ i can hear you but i won't. some look for trouble while others don't. there's a thousand reasons i should go about my day and ignore your whispers which i wish would go away, oh. whoa. you're not a voice, you're just a ringing in my ear and if i heard you, which i don't, i'm spoken for i fear. everyone i've ever loved is here within these walls. i'm sorry, secret siren, but i'm blocking out your calls. i've had my adventure, i don't need something new. i'm afraid of what i'm risking if i follow you... 002. spring again by cao lu, kisum, & yerin.     ⏤ spring, spring, spring has come again. like flower pollen that tickles even when i’m standing still. this street is filled with couples. there are more couples than fallen flower petals, or is that just me? why am i the only one alone at lake seokcheon? i’m pretending to make a call in case i look like a loser. baby, where are you? i’m here so hurry up... 003. where are you? by clc 7rophy.    ⏤ i t might be nothing but these days, i get nervous when i see you. why, why, why, it might not be true. why, why, why, it might not be true. even if you take your eyes off of me for just one second, that makes me mad. i don’t know, don’t know, why am i acting like this? i don’t know, don’t know, why am i acting like this? did my growing feelings tire you out? i feel like you’ve gotten farther away, i never knew... 004. so-so by baek a yeon.     ⏤ it's not that the eyes are high, i'm not really attracted. even if you meet once or twice, only awkward air flows. it's really stuffy. things that go wrong, what is the problem? no matter who i meet, so-so being alone is so-so. feelings that are neither exciting nor bad (so-so.) losing my senses, what was it like to love more and more. i don't remember well... 005. travel by bolbbalgan4.    ⏤ my youth shined without rest, it was like a dream. right when i was getting hurt and ruined. i got tired, i went crazy, i’m gonna leave, get out of the way. i fly away. take me to london, paris, new york city. falling into these beautiful cities like i’m a bird bird, like the flying birds. freely fly fly, i can breathe. take me to new world anywhere, wherever it is. if i can escape this frustrating place. shining light light, my shining youth. freely fly fly, i can breathe... 006. hallelujah by haim.   ⏤ i met two angels but they were in disguise. took one look to realize. tell 'em anything and they will sympathize. these arms hold me tight. old fears, helped to ease them in my mind. new tears say that they will dry in time. why me? how'd i get this hallelujah? hallelujah. laughing together like our thoughts are harmonized, been that way since '95. give me direction when it is hard to fight three roads, one light. now and then i can lean my back to yours, travelin' like our feet don't touch the floor... 007. hey, ma by bon iver.    ⏤ i waited outside, i took it remote, i wanted a bath. "tell the story or he goes,” "tell the story or he goes." full time, you talk your money up, while it's living in a coal mine. tall time to call your ma, hey ma, hey ma. tall vote, you know you mope it up. well, you wanted it your whole life. you're back and forth with light... 008. love story by taylor swift.    ⏤ we were both young when i first saw you. i close my eyes, and the flashback starts. i'm standing there on a balcony in summer air. see the lights, see the party, the ball gowns. see you make your way through the crowd and say, "hello." little did i know that you were romeo, you were throwing pebbles and my daddy said, "stay away from juliet" and I was crying on the staircase begging you, "please don't go, " and I said romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone. i'll be waiting, all there's left to do is run. you'll be the prince and i'll be the princess. it's a love story baby just say "yes"...
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