#I hopethis makes sense one day I do plan in going on more detail about his rise to fame..
kaibacxrps · 3 years
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@mahoushojoumonster​ has sent: Write about His/ their relationships with pop culture.
send me a topic to write a meta about my muse on  [THIS IS LATE. Always accepting]
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// It is interesting to look back at that time period, and realise how the idea and prospect of an idol started to take off at the late 90′s and early 2000′s. It is important to point out that, Kaiba corporation’s impact in the pop culture long preceeds Seto’s take over the company.
KC’s relationship with that culture has undergone drastic changes over the years, for obvious reasons. It once was a corporation that manufactured weapons so, needless to say it’s reputation has always been a negative one, within that circle. Interestingly, it seemed like Gozaburo somewhat cared about that reputation, enough for him to try and build something distinct for the owner of such kind of company (a benevolent and generous man, but still ran his buisnesses with an iron fist. That iwas what, he seemed to be trying to achieve). It is like he was trying to save his personal image, despite his ties to the company he ran.
It isn’t until the shift into softwares and games development, that the public’s perception of the company started changing.
It is also important to highlight the fact that Seto became a public figure, way too early in his life. He overthrew Gozaburo at the age of 13 years old, and has been on everyone’s radar since then. As imagined, it has brought all the problems that come with rising to stardom while very young.
Thankfully, Mokuba isn’t that well known publicly, all thanks to Seto garnering the attention to himself. His over the top behavior? The outlandish stunts? Those were things done in order to keep the attention on himself.
Seto’s popularity however wouldn’t skyrocket, until he became a professional duelist and started working closely with Pegasus. This is when he effectively has succeeded, in severing ties with the old reputation KC used to have.
Japan has a strong culture surrounding idols, and Kaiba has taken full advantage of it around this time period. Although, by the time GX’s events are close to start, Seto has distanced himself from it. It coincides with him secluding himself in order to seek treatment for his ED and mental health. After that, his relationship with fame changes, quite a lot. The best way to describe it would be: he takes the back seat, and no longer tries to seek out the same kind of attention he once did.
Even though Kaiba over the course of his life distances himself from the life of an idol. It’s undeniable, the impact he has left on pop culture, as well as the impact that lifestyle has had on him.
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