#I hope they all appear in “spill the beans” episode
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iamnotoriginalphil · 6 months
First of all your writing is amazing!!! Second of all hope you are having a good year so far! I was thinking for a request maybe reader x Rebecca Welton based on the line If lies keep falling from your lips then I’m out the door” where it’s the episode Keeley confronts her about the picture. Rebecca and reader ended up starting dating after the night in Liverpool, ends up finding out about Rebecca’s whole plan for the club and confronts her too where Rebecca tries to defend herself but reader isn’t having none of it wants to know why she was doing this, if what they have going on is just part of her plan to get back at Rupert since reader used to work under Rupert and he tried to make advances on her in the passed. With a Happy ending
Sweet Little Lies (Rebecca Welton x f!Reader)
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Words: 2k
Warnings: swearing, lying, talking about Rupert
You’d known it was too good to be true. Of course it was. Why would a woman like Rebecca Welton ever be interested in someone like you? With her elegance and her poise, she was easily the most impressive woman you’d ever met, and without a doubt the most beautiful. You’d always thought so.
You were standing outside her office door, pacing backwards and forwards, trying to build up the courage to go inside. You hadn’t expected Higgins to break down after finding a stress rash creeping down his arm and you certainly hadn’t expected him to spill the beans about Rebecca’s plans. Admittedly, he’d thought you already knew, that you were in on your girlfriend’s plan, and felt worse upon realising you weren’t. But that still left you deciding how to bring it up with her.
You froze as the door was pulled open from the other side. Rebecca took a half step out before freezing when her eyes landed on you. You felt your eyes widening, the issue coming to a head before you felt ready.
“What are you-?” she began to ask before stopping herself.
“We need to talk,” you said.
“Uh oh,” she said, a brittle smile appearing on her face, “are you about to break up with me?”
You took a step towards her, finding her hand with yours. You stepped around her, ignoring the way just the touch of her palm against yours made you feel more grounded. And also made the butterflies in your stomach turn into a tornado.
You guided her back into her own office, closing the door to keep from being interrupted. Worry was etching itself on Rebecca’s face, eyes flicking over your expression as if trying to figure out what you were going to say. You weren’t sure what your face was doing but you thought it must have been grim. She was slow to sit on her sofa, hesitant when you didn’t join her.
“What’s going on, love?” she asked.
Having her blue eyes staring up at you weren’t making it easier for you. The amount of worry, and the fear you could see hiding behind that worry made you want to reassure her. You hated being the cause of her distress but you had to talk to her. You had to get to the bottom of it all. Because if you didn’t, when she revealed that she’d never actually wanted you, it would crush you.
“I’ve been talking to Higgins,” you said, “or I guess it would be more accurate to say Higgins talked to me.”
“That’s never a good start to a conversation,” she said, with one of those uncomfortable laughs that let you know that she didn’t like where the conversation was going.
“He told me about your plan,” you said, “about destroying Richmond and taking everything Rupert loved. He thought I already knew since I’m, you know, in a relationship with you.”
“Oh,” was the only reply you got.
“You’ve been lying to me this entire time, Rebecca.”
It sounded harsh to your ears and from the way she almost reeled back as if slapped it was clear it sounded harsh to her as well. But it was the truth. You had to remind yourself of that or else you’d find yourself apologising and begging for her forgiveness. You were in the right. You knew you were.
“I didn’t lie to you.” Her voice was so small.
“You didn’t tell me the truth,” you countered.
Your hurt was turning into anger and you were scared about what was going to happen. If she kept denying it, or minimising it you weren’t sure what you were going to do. You needed to hear her say it, just once, so you could know. If she couldn’t admit it, then you weren’t sure you could trust her about anything else.
“I thought you would hate me if you knew,” she said, shoulders slumping.
“If you can’t be honest with me, that’s going to be worse. I don’t care about you trying to get back at Rupert for fucking you over. I care that the way you’re doing it is hurting other people,” you said.
“The team will be fine. No one will blame them,” she said.
“They’ll blame Ted and he doesn’t deserve it. You know he doesn’t. He’s a good person,” you said, “and I know you set up Keeley so don’t even pretend. Is everyone else just collateral damage? Is it worth all of our pain?”
“Everyone else will recover. They can come back from this. I just want to destroy the club,” she said.
“Then I can’t stay,” you said.
Those large eyes looked at you, a sense of panic beginning to overtake her expression. The worry and the fear were gone, slipping away in the face of your statement. You waited, needing to hear her response before you could move on.
“What do you mean you can’t stay?” she asked.
“Well, if I’m all just part of this plan to get back at Rupert, and this entire relationship has been a lie, then I won’t be putting myself through dealing with the indignity of staying in this relationship,” you said, ignoring the way just the words coming from you made it feel as if you were cleaving your own heart in two.
“You weren’t… you were never… I didn’t plan for you,” she said, seemingly not able to come up with the right words. You weren’t sure there were right words to come back from this.
“Of course I was. You got what Rupert could never have. Surely that will make him sting just a bit,” you said with a shrug, trying to make it sound casual, like you didn’t care, like your heart wasn’t being torn to shreds.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said, “darling, our relationship was never part of my plan. It was unexpected. Wonderful, the most wonderful thing to come out of all of this, but I couldn’t have planned for falling in love with you.”
You felt your breath leave you.
“Don’t you… how dare you try and sweep this all under the rug by saying you love me for the first time?”
All attempts at remaining calm were all out the window. There was no calm in the face of what she was doing to you.
“I’m not trying to sweep the things I’ve actually done under the rug, but you’re not one of those things. You were never meant to be part of this whole fucking mess. I don’t know why you even would be. It’s not like he was in love with you,” she said.
“No but he tried to get off with me,” burst from you. You’d never told her because you never thought it was relevant. Only now it really felt like it was, especially if she’d known all along.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” It was the first sense you got that she was getting angry.
“Back when he owned the club. He would hit on me all the time. He made it very clear he wanted a shag, and I made it very clear I didn’t want that but he kept trying to change my mind,” you said, “but you knew that because now I’ve shagged you when I wouldn’t shag him. Just another up yours to him.”
“Darling, I had no idea.” Anger was mingling with sadness, pity perhaps in the mix too. “I wish I’d known.”
“Don’t pretend you didn’t,” you said, only your conviction felt shaky.
“You think I would sit idly by if he was harassing you?” she demanding, finally standing up, the anger getting to her. You’d always loved the way she towered over you, and even in her anger you weren’t worried it would be turned on you. You had that much faith in her, even if the rest of it had been rocked by the revelation.
“ I don’t…” You looked up into her thunderously angry face, “no, I don’t think you would.”
“Of course I bloody wouldn’t,” she said, but she seemed to calm at your words.
“So I really wasn’t part of your plan to back at Rupert?” you asked.
“No.” She brought both hands up to cup your cheeks in her warm palms, “you’ve been a wonderful surprise. The best thing to come out of this whole fucking mess.”
You looked up at her, feeling a flush of warmth for her. She hadn’t lied about your relationship. That had all been real.
“You have to tell Ted,” you said, “no more lies. If you keep lying to everyone then I can’t do this anymore.”
“I know. Of course. I was on my way to tell him when I found you,” she said.
“Good because I know you’re better than this. You’re better than your pain,” you said.
With both hands still on your cheeks, she tilted your face up towards her. She was slow as she approached, giving you plenty of time to move away but you didn’t. You couldn’t. She’d enchanted you, body and soul, and you were under her spell. The brush of lips was soft, still giving you enough time to pull away but you didn’t. If anything, you pressed closer, your arms curling around her body.
She was slow to draw back and when she did you whimpered. You never wanted to stop kissing her once you’d started. She was gentle as she pushed some hair behind your ear, blue eyes twinkling, lips curling up at the corner.
“You’re so lovely,” she whispered.
“Did you tell me you love me?” you asked, the thought finally penetrating through the fog of your heartbreak now it had stopped.
“I suppose I did.” Her smile faltered for a moment before stretching a little further.
“Did you mean it?”
She seemed to soften before you, a glow lighting her up from the inside out. You found yourself leaning closer, never able to fight against your impulse to fall into her. Her thumb brushed along your cheekbone.
“I did,” she said, voice soft, almost reverent in her confession.
“Say it again,” you requested.
“I love you,” she said, a little louder than before.
“I love you.”
You gazed up at her, feeling the intensity of the moment. Your heart was pounding and your skin was buzzing and all you wanted to do was melt into her. The first time you’d seen her, walking through the halls on Rupert’s arm, you’d felt yourself fall for her. Every day since it had only grown stronger. You still reeled from from the fact that she seemed to want you too.
“I love you too,” you whispered.
Her face split open in pure sunlight. Her smile widened and the joy was practically rolling off her. She pulled you in, kissing you without restraint. You were grinning into the kiss, not even caring when your teeth clashed together. She was laughing into your mouth and you found yourself following suit, until your cheek was pressed to hers and you were revelling in the moment.
It was an unexpected end to your conversation.
“You should go speak to Ted,” you murmured once the laughter had died down and you didn’t feel as if your heart was going to run away from you.
“Can’t we just stay here for a moment longer?” she asked.
“It’s time, Rebecca,” you said, “you have to tell him.”
“What if he hates me?” she asked.
“It’s Ted. I’m not sure he knows how to hate anyone,” you replied.
She paused a moment before her shoulders slumped again.
“Fuck, you’re right. I know you’re right. The bastard will forgive me,” she said, sounding unhappy about it.
“And afterwards, we can go home and watch Wizard of Oz and eat garlic bread,” you said.
“God I love you,” she said, pulling you into another kiss.
“Go on. Stop trying to distract me,” you said, tapping her on the arse.
The smile she flashed you over her shoulder as she left her office had you needing to suppress your own smile. Yeah, you loved that woman.
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rosemariad · 10 months
Supernatural Season 12
only 3 more seasons after this...aw...
so mom's back grk mm the dead...okay...Mary's returned from '83 - boy is she in for a shock. her baby boy Dean is a grown man pushing 40 😱
wild how Dean recounted his parents' love story from their first meeting to their elopement! how did Dean get John to spill the beans on that I wonder...
Sam was taken by the bitch ass Men of Letters, and here lies the beginning of the misfortune that is the MoL arc, ugh! I'm going to like this as Much as I did Metatron 🙄
Sam's a fucking trooper, I know he was tortured by the devil personally but still, taking a blow torch to the foot...damn
Mary is naturally feeling out of place and Dean's just dancing around that like it's a problem to be solved on its own...oh Dean.
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Castiel reunites with Dean after Mary points a gun at the handsome angelic stranger in the bunker 😆
Dean's tender smile when Cas grabbed him🥺 the way Mary cocked her head when they hugged 🤣
Mary was down to hunt - interesting considering how hard she supposedly tried to avoid it. now the show insinuates she wasn't wholly retired????
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Sam & Mary hug when he returns to the bunker - is this technically their first real hug????? the last time would've been when Sam was a literal baby 🥺
But after 3 episodes, Mary just bails? really? the showrunners are giving her the Cas treatment - where she appears every so often. Why is she back then if she's not gonna stay with her sons? they're literally all she had left in the world. everyone else she would've known is long gone. they could've just brought back John (which I now they do in season 14 for 1 episode) to get John's reaction on how his sons have changed since 2006 when he died. they could've discussed Adam - that would've been fun 🤣🤣🤣
if they're gonna keep Mary around, the one whose death started the Brothers on their journey, keep her around! have the boys & their mom struggle to reconnect, get to know one another - let Mary see her sons as they are for better or worse and let them talk about it! let them talk about her and John and their parents' marriage, the good the bad and the family of if all. let them talk out their issues or try to Even if they fail! just cuz they talk doesn't mean they're able to solve and heal their trauma in 1 sitting. that shit takes time. it could take months, years. wasted opportunity.
back to Mary hunting, back in 1980 she saved a boy who grew up to be a hunter on his own, living his best life, being more Dean than Dean Winchester 🤣 until he was killed by his fellow hunter friend by accident (wow).
how dare Asa's mom bitch at Mary for Asa's grown ass man decisions? Please. nobody put a gun to his head! he made his choice and kept at it.
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Dean got snippy at his mom cuz she left his ass - Dean she's been dead for 30+ years. her resurrection was your wildest dream/hope, Amara knew that, that's why she brought her back and the 1st thing she do that you don't like and you bitch at her?! ask her to stay then! beg her to stay, say anything and everything you need to so she sticks around! tell her about your drinking, about bow you're almost 40 with no kids or a domestic partner! about how little you Sleep and all the things that haunt you! Give her a reason to be needed!
when Mary says I am your mother, but I am not just your mom - that's 💯 percent facts right there, sorry folks! people are more than just 1 thing, but on the other hand, your sons need you, Mary! ironically, if she remained at her sons side, she wouldn't have suffered the way she does later this season 🤕
it's sad how east the MoL got to her, wearing her down. she's haunted and fucked up from being dead so long. this is why dialogue is important! she seemed to be opening up to Castiel since hers an angel instead of her sons - so be it, talk to the angel man, bare your soul, anything other than making shady deals and getting into bed with those British motherfuckers (see what I did there 🤣😅)
Gavin (imma call him Crowley jr.) got iced, sucks for Crowley I guess. good for Gavin though, stepping up to do the right thing for his girl, bittersweet.
I love that Cas & Dean are in regular contact with each other! too bad we don't get more scenes of their conversations!!! cmon showrunners - don't fear the emotional man on man scenes between men who aren't family, embrace the potential gayness!!! explore it!!!!
Cas & Mandy the waitress - interesting - too bad he's only interested in Dean, at least not anymore - that may be April the reaper's fault!
"devastatingly handsome" - you not low Dean!!! this is how you choose to address your angel bestie?!?! okay 🤣
later after Cas narrowly avoids death (again, thanks Crowley!) the look of relief on Dean's face
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and awwww Cas said I love you! to Dean's whole family, how romantic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you not low Castiel!!!!
sadly now Dean truly believes that Castiel only loves him as a friend. This is why you don't call Castiel your brother Dean 🤦‍♀️😅🤣
The Alpha vamp died - so much for next season. considering his supposed age and power, shouldn't be impossibly fast? and Ramiel. you're telling me that he struggled fighting a couple of normal people when he pwned Crowley so easily when Crowley himself is a centuries old demon, aka king of hell, after beating Castiel an ancient celestial being?!?!??! but the very mortal Winchesters took him down...yeah sure okay 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Dean Winchester gave Castiel a mixtape
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a mixtape? 😱😱😱 really?!?!?! that's one of THE romantic gestures to make in the 80s and 90s (before CDs came out) to declare your feelings for someone you wanted to be with, as more than a friend. that's not to say friends and family didn't but it was fairly recognized as a something to do for romance too! also it's a labor of love since you'd have to use the radio or get more cassettes to record & compile the music you wanted AND people like to record a personal message before the music starts in the tape they male. you can see it certain TV/movies like the Goldbergs as an example - Adam made such a thing for his school crush when he wanted to declare his feelings for her.
And it's not just that Dean made a mixtape for Cas - he specifically chose Led Zeppelin songs- the love language of his parents, the very union that led to Dean being born in the first place. And the little xx's - hmm wonder what those mean...
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and we just gloss over that?!?!? the showrunners - y'all are NOT slick! ya can't stop the Destiel bandwagon cuz after all this times in the year of our Lord 2023 peeps keep shipping it precisely for moments like these.
while we're on 12x19 - when Cas FINALLY returns to the bunker, Dean gives him hell like only a bitchy girlfriend can while Sam was like OMG glad you're back but Dean was PISSED cuz how DARE Cas not just show up & return his phone calls (what about prayers? 👀) Dean kept saying "we" but let's be honest he's talking about himself - u not slick Dean. And this is AFTER Cas tried returning the mixtape cuz he feels he is no longer worthy of Dean's gift given how much he pissed Dean off 🥺
When Sam suggests siphoning out the grace from the nephilim due to be born Dean runs to his precious angel only to discover Cas is gone (again!) just as soon as he appeared.
The betrayal. the deceit, the DRAMA!!! Dean, you didn't put the Colt in the safe?! Rookie mistake, bro.
He kept talking about Castiels feathered ass but then didn't actually fight him, just slams him against the wall, standing very close & maintaining intense eye contact - classic Supernatural 😉 🤣 😀
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I wonder what Kelly saw that makes her believe that her child is good because suicide isn't an easy choice but Kelly went through with her attempt out of fear of what her child was capable of given how many times everyone kept saying such things to her face. But it didn't matter cuz her child brought Kelly back from the dead anyway. That's terrifying TBH.
When Cas booked the brothers 🤣🤣🤣 did they really not see that coming? cmon Dean, he did that to Bobby when you first met.
***during Lucifer's mini arc this season I'm reminded of Misha's commentary on the acting advice he got from main devil actor Mark Pelligrino on portraying the infamous figure - he either wanted to kill/fuck the one he's talking to - it definitely seemed that way this season during Mark's scenes. ironic considering his previous work on Lost - anyone remember that show?
Thankfully the MoL are FINALLY dealt with after a rousing speech from Sam fucking Winchester who leads the charge to take those British tarts down, complete with exploding their makeshift headquarters! Dean meanwhile stayed behind to help his mom who's been completely brainwashed by the MoL - which is indicative of Dean's characters as a callback to season 1 - he just wanted his family together!
What Dean told his mom in her head is what he should've said from the very beginning- sure it would've hurt her feelings, possibly cause a mild heart attack but it needed to be said so Dean & Mary could heal as a family!
Thank God Ketch is as dead as the rest of the MoL he was such a creep!
Rowena got killed offscreen? Damn, that's cold. I know she's coming back though 😊
Kelly died 🥲
Crowley died - he was THAT determined to take the devil down. in the long run its not gonna work since Luci will be back eventually but there's something to be said about Crowley's arc considering this is the last we see of the cheeky little devil. I recall prior seasons where he seemed downtrodden in certain scenes, about the futility of his plays for power, his schemes going tits up often because of someone else. I think Mark Shepard said something about taking his character as far as he could or something like that.
Castiel died (again)
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Mary disappeared into that AU with the devil and he is Piiiiiiiiiiiissssed 😱
Given what Kelly gave birth to, all those diapers Cas got were a waste of money...
season highlights
not many TBH I didn't like this season much cuz of the wasted potential with Mary and the brothers and the lack of Castiel. and Crowley for that matter. the season had a good start and it finished in a way that was interesting BUT
12x10 - Dean and Castiel fighting was HILARIOUS. They seriously should've gotten a spinoff even if they only ever remained as innocent platonic friends. it would've been so funny.
and awww...Dean is Castiel's human weaknesss - YEAH NO SHIT HONEY!!!!!
Dean is apparently a natural at riding - mechanical bulls included - did he ride it to completion??? lemme stop 🤣 I mean for the duration of the bull ride for however long - he never fell off? if so, kudos to him and his hips 🤣🤣
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miss-bluerose · 9 months
TDI23 Season 2 ep 7 and 8 thoughts and theories. Spoilers ahead.
Ep 7: Put in teams by Chris, gather ingredients from a barge floating on the lake, choose a remote that could help you and/or hinder your opponents and bake a cake for the judges that looks like Chris. Fun episode and I enjoyed most of the references to movies and TV shows throughout the episode. Owen as the guest judge was great. That chicken cracking its eyes was hilarious.
- Cornucopia Bloodbath from The Hunger Games
- This is Sparta! from 300
- That escalated quickly from Anchorman
- Paint me like one of your French girls from Titanic
- Seductively shaping clay from Ghost
Ep 8: Carry a giant coin up a mountain, put it in a slot, enter the play area and gather the most points to win. The fish delivery lady was funny. This ep had its issues but I liked most of the references.
- Immitating the twins from The Shining
- Courtney
- Duncan
- Scary Girl and her jackhammer
- The Canadian Goose from last season
- Izzy
He looks the exact same and thought that Cake Chef was the real Chef and had died 😂. Still goofy, friendly and obsessed with food but even he thought MK's cake tasted bad. I laughed when he ran away with Cake Chef.
Sounds like he's still mad at MK about the hairdryer when he called her team greasy lol. I laughed at him talking about physical money as if it's extremely old, like prehistoric times old. I want to know which secret he stopped Zee from saying. Him pelting Priya with marshmallows was mean.
It's sad that no one in universe thinks he can cook after all these years. Got calf implants for some reason and it looks kinda gross tbh.
Eliminated contestants:
16th: Lauren/Scary Girl - she's "shown up" in ep 4 and ep 8 so my theory that she's going to appear in ep 12 (fear challenge) is looking extremely likely at the moment.
15th: Chase
14th: Millie
13th: Emma
12th: Nichelle
11th: Bowie
10th/9th: Axel/Ripper - Both of their development came to a halt after they got together and it was annoying to watch them constantly make out so I'm not really sad to see them go. I did feel bad for him being upset about her leaving but I didn't expect him to just grab onto her like that. And Chris just decided to count it as a double elimination, wtf?
8th: Zee - Didn't do much in ep 7 tbh. I didn't enjoy watching him put his shorts in his mouth/being in his underwear for most of ep 8 but the squirrel was funny. He should have told Priya the truth when she talked to him before the challenge, that would have been the perfect opportunity. Spilled the beans about Caleb after he kissed Priya which was bad enough but then he kept talking and exposed a few secrets about the others. There is no way he should have been voted off over Caleb who is clearly the bigger threat in every way but because he still has a plot to be resolved he gets to stay. One of the most forced eliminations in the history of the entire show I swear to god. It should have been a tie in which Caleb would probably still win but at least he would have had to fight to stay in the game instead of just getting lucky with the voting. At the very least I hope the friendship between Zee and Priya isn't ruined for good, I liked seeing them talk to each other and stuff.
She shouldn't have tried to use natural yeast, just let the cakes be flat. I'm not ok with 99% of PDA so I didn't enjoy watching her and Caleb try to kiss while people were around. They finally kiss and then she runs off crying after hearing what Zee said and doesn't talk for the rest of the episode. I don't want her to get back with Caleb even after the misunderstanding gets cleared up but I don't think that'll happen.
I don't like him and he should have been voted off instead of Zee no question about it. It's going to be annoying to watch him stick around.
It's awesome to see that his confidence has grown and that he has found his footing in the game. The squirrel doing the finger guns back at him was cute. I can't believe he found the immunity idol by accident while the others were actually looking for it and he did the Family Guy knee gag 🤣. I hope it doesn't get stolen from him. It looks like he's still terrified of Scary Girl. Change your undies my guy. He'll probably comfort Priya in the next episode.
It's lame that he and Wayne decided to work with Julia in the cooking challenge instead of against her. Hopefully that changes soon. Also seems to have lost some IQ points but not as bad as Wayne I think. I don't even want to bring up his secret 😨.
He seems to have gotten dumber at some point? It took forever for him to get to the pinball challenge and then he was knocked out of it right away. I don't know what to think of him.
I laughed at her getting chest bumped by the hockey bros and the two of them slowing her down unintentionally. Of course she knows how to bake and mill raw ingredients, why am I not surprised? 🙄 She sicked Owen on MK and sounded upset about it enough that she's avoiding her at the start of the next ep. I didn't like her trying to pry the secret out of Zee. I'm not surprised that she stole from her own grandma. Her plot armor is ridiculous jfc.
I enjoyed her suffering in the cake challenge. I'm disappointed that her monstrous cake didn't come to life, could've been a funny reference to some SNL sketches. Isn't mad that Julia betrayed her in the cooking challenge apparently. Struggled to carry her coin up the mountain and then got crushed by it lol. She's a gamer and was able to figure out how to get more points quicker than the others. Bit Caleb's leg which was funny to me. Sleeps with a stuffed unicorn, awwww.
Five episodes left and I really hope Julia doesn't win. I procrastinated typing this because of the holidays and Zee's totally BS elimination but still got it done before 2024, woohoo!
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who did randall cheat on lala with work 7YIO&
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Lala Kent claims her ex-fiancé, Randall Emmett, was hooking up with a year-old the month she gave birth to their nowmonth-old. Vanderpump Rules star Lala Kent spills the beans on who told her about Randall's Cheating escapades in Nashville, and reveals that Randall. Lala Kent claims ex-fiancé Randall Emmett was a 'repeated' cheater for the past THREE YEARS with 'many' partners: 'I don't know how I didn't see. Not long after, Kent called off their 3-year-long engagement and confirmed that Emmett had cheated on her. In a bombshell new interview, though. 9 The film producer appeared on the March 23 episode of Golnesa Gharachedaghi 's Genuinely GG podcast , and although he did open up about that the fact that he and the Vanderpump Rules star are no longer together, Randall did not address the cheating allegations she's waged at him in the months since their October split. Citing his desire to "never disparage or talk ill" about Lala because she's the mother to his 1-year-old daughter, Ocean , Randall explained, "I just have to always look at the big picture I just can't talk badly about the mother of my child. I just can't do it. No matter what is said about me. Nevertheless, Randall went on to say that both he and Lala made "mistakes" and insisted that "there's always two sides to every story. She's a strong woman. And, you know, I just hope that in time, that kind of all mellows out. Lala most recently spoke out about her ex on March 2, accusing him of creating a "toxic environment" for her and Ocean prior to the couple's split. She ended her engagement to Randall in October of last year—a decision she's since attributed to him allegedly cheating on her with "many" women —and, according to a source close to her, is now focusing on the release of her upcoming paperback book Give Them Lala , her nationwide tour and Ocean. But should the public allegations continue, "I'll just really keep my head down," Randall said. Randall is also dad to London , 12, and Rylee , 9—whose mom is his ex-wife Ambyr Childers —and London "has access to stuff on the internet," Randall said. That's the worst part for me," particularly because people online are often nasty to him and his kids. They know nothing about my life or my childhood or my upbringing and things I've been through, the struggles that I've gone through as a young person and even today. And they just sit at a computer and fire like the nastiest, most evil stuff I've ever seen. At the same time, Randall acknowledged that he's "been in this industry for a long time," and as a result, "my friends and my family know who I am. In keeping with the positive approach, Randall expressed gratitude for the good that came out of his relationship with Lala. And when I think about all the chaos I just try to think, you know, we have this beautiful girl and she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for us. And that is worth all of the turmoil and the heartbreak and the pain that has gone on. I'm not saying that I'm happy about any of it. I'm not, I'm sad, but at the same time, I have Ocean, she has Ocean, and I think we both would say that we have her out of this and how can we not be grateful? The couple is currently communicating through an app, and as Lala previously stated , they talk only about Ocean. Randall described Lala as "a great mother," and said while he's "optimistic" they'll get to a better place in the future, "Ocean's very lucky to have two parents who love her as much as we both do. At the end of the day, that's all I can ask for. Co-parenting aside, Randall revealed that, like Lala , he's back in the dating game but not seeing anyone exclusively. To hear more from the film producer, listen to the complete Genuinely GG podcast episode here. You can also catch up with past seasons of Vanderpump Rules on Peacock. Randall Emmett is finally talking about his split from Lala Kent—sort of. Trending Stories. Peacock is live now! Check out NBCU's streaming service here.
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who did randall cheat on lala with work 2UG+
💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Lala Kent claims her ex-fiancé, Randall Emmett, was hooking up with a year-old the month she gave birth to their nowmonth-old. Vanderpump Rules star Lala Kent spills the beans on who told her about Randall's Cheating escapades in Nashville, and reveals that Randall. Lala Kent claims ex-fiancé Randall Emmett was a 'repeated' cheater for the past THREE YEARS with 'many' partners: 'I don't know how I didn't see. Not long after, Kent called off their 3-year-long engagement and confirmed that Emmett had cheated on her. In a bombshell new interview, though. 9 The film producer appeared on the March 23 episode of Golnesa Gharachedaghi 's Genuinely GG podcast , and although he did open up about that the fact that he and the Vanderpump Rules star are no longer together, Randall did not address the cheating allegations she's waged at him in the months since their October split. Citing his desire to "never disparage or talk ill" about Lala because she's the mother to his 1-year-old daughter, Ocean , Randall explained, "I just have to always look at the big picture I just can't talk badly about the mother of my child. I just can't do it. No matter what is said about me. Nevertheless, Randall went on to say that both he and Lala made "mistakes" and insisted that "there's always two sides to every story. She's a strong woman. And, you know, I just hope that in time, that kind of all mellows out. Lala most recently spoke out about her ex on March 2, accusing him of creating a "toxic environment" for her and Ocean prior to the couple's split. She ended her engagement to Randall in October of last year—a decision she's since attributed to him allegedly cheating on her with "many" women —and, according to a source close to her, is now focusing on the release of her upcoming paperback book Give Them Lala , her nationwide tour and Ocean. But should the public allegations continue, "I'll just really keep my head down," Randall said. Randall is also dad to London , 12, and Rylee , 9—whose mom is his ex-wife Ambyr Childers —and London "has access to stuff on the internet," Randall said. That's the worst part for me," particularly because people online are often nasty to him and his kids. They know nothing about my life or my childhood or my upbringing and things I've been through, the struggles that I've gone through as a young person and even today. And they just sit at a computer and fire like the nastiest, most evil stuff I've ever seen. At the same time, Randall acknowledged that he's "been in this industry for a long time," and as a result, "my friends and my family know who I am. In keeping with the positive approach, Randall expressed gratitude for the good that came out of his relationship with Lala. And when I think about all the chaos I just try to think, you know, we have this beautiful girl and she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for us. And that is worth all of the turmoil and the heartbreak and the pain that has gone on. I'm not saying that I'm happy about any of it. I'm not, I'm sad, but at the same time, I have Ocean, she has Ocean, and I think we both would say that we have her out of this and how can we not be grateful? The couple is currently communicating through an app, and as Lala previously stated , they talk only about Ocean. Randall described Lala as "a great mother," and said while he's "optimistic" they'll get to a better place in the future, "Ocean's very lucky to have two parents who love her as much as we both do. At the end of the day, that's all I can ask for. Co-parenting aside, Randall revealed that, like Lala , he's back in the dating game but not seeing anyone exclusively. To hear more from the film producer, listen to the complete Genuinely GG podcast episode here. You can also catch up with past seasons of Vanderpump Rules on Peacock. Randall Emmett is finally talking about his split from Lala Kent—sort of. Trending Stories. Peacock is live now! Check out NBCU's streaming service here.
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sepublic · 3 years
           I really like how Amelia’s takeover of the Infinity Train, at least what we’ve seen through Ryan and Min, is so, well… normal, honestly! Obviously there’s a lot we’re missing out on, probably some BRUTALLY dark moments when she did the actual usurpation, but in that brief period afterwards, where Amelia is no doubt resting, reveling in her victory, before she remembers she has to get back to business, she has no more conflict with anyone;
           Like, there’s no ominous tone, no mwa-ha-ha moment of villainous triumph from her; She just kind of awkwardly spills the beans about everyone being on their own, and then does her own thing! The way it’s handled, you could really see the whole thing out of context, as Amelia the misguided but well-meaning protagonist, getting into some hijinx and mischief and being a bit selfish, but it’s not THAT bad… It’s like watching Tulip take control of the Steward’s arm for herself!
           Except… Well, we know what happens. We know the slippery slope Amelia slides down, we know how her problems get worse as she becomes more and more detached. Even what we see isn’t great, considering she basically admits, even if it’s in an awkward, nothing-personal sort of way, that she’s going to completely neglect the train. Again, out of context, you could see the whole thing, and it could just as easily be an episode of some show where the protagonist gets in over her head and decides to be selfish, only to learn her lesson at the end not to do this sort of thing, etc.
           Only… It takes Amelia decades to figure this out, on her own- And she causes a LOT of tragic damage! It’s only really through Tulip that Amelia has her wake-up call… But by the end of the day, it’s both charming and down-to-earth, refreshing and even scary, how it all plays out; Because you really can see how one innocuous thought leads to another innocuous mistake, as Amelia slowly descends into worse acts, doing things that she KNOWS is a bit bad, but clearly she’s not conducting herself as some villain, but just some regular person who just needs guidance and to learn their fantasy lesson at the end…
           …And she does, but after several decades and irreparable damage, an indirect cult, and also her own child, lowkey??? Just the way Amelia clearly isn’t fit for this role, like she’s wearing something several sizes too big, how her tone is lowkey apologetic, kind of sheepish, she just needs to get on with this. Amelia clarifies that they’re ALL alone, but in a way that’s almost saddened and regretful, with resignation; She really does NOT want to do this! Like she can understand how the others must feel about this, she gets it, she really does, Amelia knows what it’s like and she’d really love to apply her own help, but she NEEDS to do this for herself, and she thinks she does…
          It’s similar to watching the protagonist get into mischief but it’s FINE, it’ll be fine… And normally there is a disaster, but a controllable one, and not for too long, but then we know how things REALLY spiral for Amelia- And you can see exactly how, you can see her as the hero of her own story, etc. You know that she recognizes a similar situation in herself with others, so you trust that she’s capable of doing the right thing as a result.
          We even see her make a silly mistake when she accidentally blows up the Steward! She’s not perfect, she’s clearly trying her best, and it makes her feel so much more HUMAN to me… Amelia really is someone who’s misunderstanding things, being a bit willfully ignorant, and you have faith in her to turn around, but boy howdy is patience required for her! In a completely different context, this could easily be a dark humor joke from the perspective of a learning protagonist who’s clearly coming to terms with caring for people, but you know it’s going to turn out fine in the end so it’s not THAT big a deal… But Infinity Train really spins an uncomfortably realistic downward spiral on this kind of tale.
          It’s like watching an episode where the hero gets blindsided by their selfish yet understandable wants and hopes, briefly crossing a moral line… But then she just keeps doing it, over and over, and progressively farther past that moral horizon, until we see a sad, bitter old lady who tries to attack a literal child and ‘kills’ her Corgi companion. A neglectful, apathetic opportunist who appears as a dark and intimidating god to a young and scared Grace. You were rooting for Amelia, but also wincing and cringing at each mistake, holding onto the hope and faith that eventually she’ll realize what she’s doing is wrong… 
          And as I said, it’s gonna take a LOT of patience. You know she’ll eventually learn her lesson and turn around, you cheer on her to do so… But the mistakes keep piling up! You can understand why at the initial beginning of the story, you can mind and tolerate it because ultimately Amelia’s meant to figure out and apologize, you can even sympathize even if you know it’s wrong, and thus make some light of it… But, OH Amelia!
           And now she’s jaded and tired, and Amelia’s no doubt wondering where it all went wrong- But at the same time, reliving it in her head, she can fully understand WHY she did that, and it kind of makes her more reluctant to admit she was wrong. That sure, it WAS a mistake, but really, anyone would do it in HER position… Amelia really thought and hoped she was the good guy, that she was doing the right thing, performing the wonderful heroic tale of bringing back her lover; But now it’s crashing down as it dawns on her that all she did was become the ‘villain’, so to speak.
          It’s a painful denial in the wake of her mistakes, she WANTS to turn better, she at least knows she can’t keep going on like this- But she can’t help but have the pride to think that her course of action was just so sensible. I really think this could tie into Duet, and how people like Kez, Ryan, and Min learn to take responsibility, accountability for their actions- That yeah they didn’t mean it, yeah it was an accident, yeah they were trying their best, you could hardly blame them; But they still messed up and hurt people, and they shouldn’t have done that. There’s enough maturity to recognize that sometimes, both parties messed up- That Amelia can criticize One (now One-One) all she wants, but she still chose to make her mistakes when she shouldn’t have and knew it, that this was no justification for what she did.
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lovecolibri · 2 years
SaL anon here friend and, finally, after the last 100 years of S4, i have a song for you. So I do want to do something for the joy and love you could see in our boys during their reunion/engagement, but I'm afraid today we're coming at this from a different direction, so let's talk about Homesick (I know, it's title appropriate even!). The lyrics for this just fit too well for this episode, especially from Alex's POV. The intro being him trying to get back to his home with Michael (and yeah,
this can also apply to the accursed blue filter) only for Michael to appear and the "compass needle stands still". And then the "if love's elastic verse" makes me think of their promise to always find each other and Alex looking so sad to know Michael thought of going to the Oasis, but wanting to let him go since he thinks he won't be with him anyway. And then the final verse just hurts because it makes me think of how they must both be feeling in the moment Alex reveals he's  reveals he's dying, Michael wanting to cry/scream/be angry, but Alex already did that and now he just wants to spend the time he has left happy, with Michael 😭😭😭. So enjoy this feeling trip my friend (sorry any emotional damages)!!
Okay I hope everyone is ready for a feels trip because this song is coming for the throat! We talked about this song briefly last spring so it’s definitely an appropriate time to revisit it and as you said, very title appropriate! We can do all the good mushy love stuff when Alex isn’t dying anymore! All aboard! Next stop, pain. 
you spend your whole life just to remember the sound when the world was brighter, before we learned to dim it down.
Oof, coming out of the gate hard with the “lost in a strange alien dimension that’s making me feel sick, all alone and unable to find a way back to the love of my life” vibes (plus ALL the shade at that blue filter from hell), but also hitting the Lost Decade vibes of both Alex and Michael trying so hard to remember that time when they were so bright and happy. They both learned at far to young an age how to dim who they were to appease other people, but they really let their true selves shine forward with each other (you know Michael would have spilled the beans about being an alien at some point if things with Rosa didn’t happen like that), and that pilot kiss felt very much like them trying to remember that feeling but not quite getting there. While here, they’ve grown so much and we are seeing those bright, happy boys starting to shine through again (Michael just swinging his legs while holding hands with Alex just killed me!).
call it survival, call it the freedom of wills; where breath is borrowed our compass needle stands still.
our resignation only comes on beaten paths.
when the world was flat, we dreamt of its edges…
I’m also thinking of all they have done in the name of “survival” and “freedom” over the years, even up until now with Alex figuring out how to survive this place, and Michael finally exercising his freedom of will to say forget everything else, my priority is Alex (we will NOT be discussing how the writers failed this storyline right now). We see them first in a flurry of movement when Michael tackles Alex, but when we come back they are just standing still, sharing breath and it is beautiful! I mentioned in our other post about the callback to West with  “sometimes our compass breaks, and our steady true North fades” for when the couple is separated, and “it’s a matter of time ’til our compass stands still” when they are back together which is very on brand for them since we’ve seen a very manic and busy Michael all season, but he’s so still and at peace just sitting with Alex 🥺
Also don’t get me started on that last line about resignation on beaten paths, because it’s soooo Alex right now, who has been thinking his dad would kill him most of his life, then that his death would come in the desert during war, and how he has been resigned to dying before his time for so many years and that’s the path he’s on again. But Michael will not allow him to resign himself to his fate! They are going to carve a new path, with the brightest future and follow those dreams they never thought they would have.
if love’s elastic, then were we born to test its reach? is it buried treasure or just a single puzzle piece?
it’s poison ivy beneath our brave and trusting feet… but all revelations come to us in recovery.
Okay this line always gets me in the Lost Decade Malex feels but also it’s sooo perfect for right now and Alex being missing and Michael telling him that no matter where they were, they would always find their way back to each other because the pieces want to be together. They have certainly tested the bounds of their love’s elasticity but they of course found their way back, over and over again. I also love the “buried treasure” line because Alex was literally buried in a hole 🤣 but also the puzzle piece line since that’s such a prominent image on the Malex merch!
Also hitting in the Lost Decade/Season 2 feels is the next line about love being poison ivy under brave and trusting feet because OOF the kind of love they have required so much bravery and trust, and consequently is also the kind where the betrayal is stinging and sticks around long after initial contact 😭😭😭 But I love how as they have recovered and worked on themselves, they are now seeing things in a new light and are able to joke about things like the drive-in date that hurt so much at the time. They have come so far and I love that for them! (Wish we could have seen some of it, but at least Tyler and Vlamis make it believable with everything they do!)
cry wolf, cry mercy, cry the name of the one you were raised to believe; cry hard, cry yourself to sleep, cry a storm of tears, if it helps you breathe. if it helps you, if it helps you breathe.
Okay, I don’t want to get too attached to the handprint agenda because we have been waiting for this since season 1, but whooo boy if this last bit isn’t a whole lot of handprint agenda feels! These two did not have the kinds of childhoods that allowed them space to cry and healthily express those kinds of emotions, but I want to see Michael screaming, crying, raging at the universe to keep Alex, followed by the two of them breathing together, finally safe. Also I honestly thing both of them having time to scream and cry and just rip open every wound and drain them out would make both of them feel soooo much better (which is what I wanted from season 2 but alas).
Thanks for picking a great, gut punch of a choice for this week! It matches the gut punch we got of Alex dying in that awful blue filter. Here’s hoping we can milk one more epically sad song out of this season before going into the joyful wedding songs! 
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A few thoughts prior to the season 9 finale.
Episode 21 had me going for a minute. I really thought that the reason Marvin was able to find Red was that Chuck, the driver, had gone over to Marvin. Especially with that conversation between Marvin and someone who mentioned how much money Red normally paid, and Marvin offered to double it. I was so relieved that it turned out to be just a bug in the car! Yay for loyal Chuck! I see he's appearing in the finale, I hope he makes it out.
I wonder why we're getting a flashback to Young Agnes. I originally thought that they needed her to reveal something about the day Elizabeth died. Now I'm thinking more about how Elizabeth once said she was going to train Agnes to face dangers, as Elizabeth was trained when she was a child. I've also wondered if they might do a parallel where Agnes is the one who actually shoots and kills Marvin to protect Red.
We know that the Xiu sisters will not be in this episode. I hope we've seen the last of mierce, her calling him the god of death or whatnot certainly seems like she's done with him. But she was done with him pretty much from the beginning. I didn't buy for a moment that Red would actually leave Agnes and go back to the mountains. But I would be okay with Weecha coming back. I need to know more about their relationship, but she seems to be a solid friend for Red. And he doesn't seem to have many of those right now.
I miss Red and Dembe's relationship, and episode 9.21 gave a weird taste of it that was all wrong, with Dembe splitting hairs to betray Red twice. So while I want them back together, I think it's going to be a long haul if it ever gets there. And so it should be, they're not in a good place right now.
What is going to happen with Park? She isn't fit for field duty anymore, but I find it weird that they would simply keep her in the post office all the time. They've already got Aram doing that, and Park and Aram's relationship is good, but it's not that great that I would want to see it in every episode.
I wonder if there's a card left to play here for Panabaker. She had a much bigger role this season than ever before, and I really enjoyed it. She's now on terrible terms with Reddington, I hope the show capitalizes on that.
I feel weird about the promo pictures of the task force all dressed up at Liz's grave. I realize they're probably trying to put a bookend scene in where everyone says farewell to Liz. But I don't think it's necessary for them all to be at peace with Liz's death. Reddington certainly never should be, and it feels a tad disrespectful to both Liz and to Red that the rest of the task force seem to be getting there, especially on Dembe's part.
I think it's fairly obvious that Marvin is going to spill the beans to Wujing about Red and the task force working together. That is possibly the most dangerous thing that could happen to Red, and the task force as well. Every criminal Red has ever had dinner with will be gunning for him, and the task force too, as who knows what Red might have told them. I think Cooper should be paying a great deal of attention to that possibility. I'm very curious, I'm not sure how they put that cat back in the bag once it's out.
Honestly...this is gonna be a gas.
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queenbeean · 4 years
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welcome to queenbeean’s masterlist — i write for chris evans’ characters, bucky barnes and the walking dead’s rick grimes and potentially daryl dixon and negan smith
likes are really appreciated and it costs nothing to reblog and give more exposure; comments really make my day but of course i’m not going to force you into anything; i just hope my stories resonate with people; happy reading!
last updated — february 18 ‘22
ps. most of the stories have mature content MINORS DO NOT INTERACT; ONLY 18+
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why are you awake right now? — in which you can’t sleep because chris isn’t with you — fluff
two part story: busy morning — in which chris wants to be with you but you are busy — fluff
leave a message — in which chris is drunk and spills the beans — fluff
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forbidden series (dark!nomad feat. brief appearances from bucky barnes, sam wilson, baron zemo, etc.) (ongoing) — in which steve is no longer the golden boy; he’s the owner of a nightclub where you find yourself working — heavy content: very dark themes, SMUT, dubcon, prostitution; blackmail
three part story: truth untold — in which steve and natasha need to lay low after discovering shield is actually hydra; with little to no people to trust, natasha decides to take themselves to the person they were dishonest to — angst, a bit of fluff, SMUT | truth be told — in which steve and nat leave you again to stop a mass killing spree ordered by hydra — angst
teachings — in which (pre!serum) steve asks you to teach him stuff — high school au — bit of angst, fluff, SMUT
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she's mine — in which ari is the alpha and you are his mate but he doesn’t accept it; his hate towards you cause you to be kidnapped by his nemesis — werewolf au — angst, bit of fluff
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taken — in which you are taken to the front of the train against your will as part of wilford’s plan to have curtis lead his train — angst, dark themes, violence, non-con sexual acts (not from curtis)
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worry — in which andy hadn’t heard of you all day long and he punishes you — fluff, slight angst, SMUT — 2.5k words
beacon of hope series — DISCONTINUED
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for better or for worse — in which you doubt whether or not bucky and you were in it for better or for worse — fluff, a bit of angst, SMUT — 2k words
too late — in which you want to confront bucky by trying to force his hand but instead get an unexpected response — angst, slight sexual content
the king’s whore series — in which king james buchanan barnes selects his own personal whore — SMUT so far, more will be added
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two part story: unpredictable — in which after finding new shelter at the prison, you and rick share a moment but you didn’t count with an outsider ruining the group’s stability — a hint of fluff, angst, SMUT — 7.2k words | unaware — in which michonne arrives at the prison with news that you, maggie and glenn were taken by someone known as the governor; rick and the rest of the group plan your rescue — angst, violence, a hint of fluff
just in case — in which the group arrives at alexandria; based on season five episodes twelve and thirteen — fluff, ANGST, smut, violence
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annapogorilayas · 3 years
here's a bunch of my rambling, incoherent thoughts LoD S6, H, and the show's overall trajectory since S4
under the cut because it's LONG, these are just my personal opinions and feelings
the show's trajectory
i've been disappointed with the show's overall direction since S4 for multiple reasons. to be fair, the show had an uphill battle to maintain the level of quality that S2/S3 had. lindsay denton was this show's most interesting character and keeley hawes was phenomenal, and her storyline tied in perfectly with the conclusion of the caddy storyline. that was always going to be a tough act to follow.
the show has always had shocking twists and explosive action sequences, but when the show moved from bbc2 weeknights to bbc1 the show began to lean more heavily on them. in S1-3 these scenes fit in with the plot. after S4, it began to feel more like the show was a series of shocking twists/action sequences with a plot written around it.
the OCG is way too big and powerful
after S4, the OCG(s) became very big, powerful, and all-knowing, without actually showing us how they were achieving this, making it hard to believe. in S2, we had an ambush, the murder of hunter and trotman in the hospital room, the setup of dryden for blackmail, and lindsay's abduction from custody. these events were carried out/enabled by five characters: prasad, cole, dot, akers, and lindsay. we met them, we spent time with them (except cole), we had at least a rough idea of what motivated them or how they got involved, and how they pulled off what they did.
in S3, two important events (steve's firearm paperwork being forged and Urgent Exit Required) were enabled by one corrupt AFO. we didn't meet him or find out what his motives were, but i don't think we needed to - he was probably just one of dot's lackeys. but it's not that hard to believe that dot could get one corrupt AFO to do his bidding.
in contrast, since S4, it seems like the OCG has an endless supply of corrupt prison officers, AFOs, and balaclava men that they can deploy at a moment's notice, and these people are pretty disposable - how many of these people have been arrested, imprisoned, or murdered since S4? how many balaclava men died in the 6x04 ambush alone? aren't the OCG(s) running out of people to send on suicide missions by now? a story driven by a revolving door of disposable, mostly nameless people is much less compelling than a story that revolves around a small, familiar cast of believably corrupt/bent/blackmailed coppers. i think S4 and S6 could've been better if more of the plot was driven by the other officers on huntley's and davidson's teams, or just... any recognisable named character, rather than these disposable hired guns.
additionally, the OCG just silences/pays off/kills people off so easily the plot has become very predictable
the problem with H
so H wasn't an evil criminal mastermind, just some guy in it for the money. that part i had hoped for and expected - LoD is almost never about criminal masterminds with grand motives who just want to watch the world burn. LoD's antagonists/villains fall into the following categories:
a) people who make decisions that spiral terribly out of control (tony gates, roz huntley)
b) people who do bad things for the right reasons because the system offers no alternative (lindsay denton wanted to save carly; danny waldron killed his abuser; john corbett believed his crimes were the only way to unmask H because peartree was dragging its feet)
c) people who do bad things out of self-preservation because they've been blackmailed or groomed (dot, jo, maneet, ryan, hargreaves, hilton, hari baines)
d) bad people who do bad things out of self-interest, whose behaviour is enabled or incentivised by the system that fails to protect people (hunter, the murphys, fairbanks, prasad, cole, gill). these guys are not geniuses and they don't have grand motives, they do bad things because it benefits them directly and they can get away with it.
i think (?) Buckells falls into this last category. i don't have a problem with him being H in theory. i don't mind that he turned out not to be the "top man" bc i never liked the idea of there being a "top man", it's way too close to "a bad apple". i'm much more intrigued by the idea that there is a loose, semi-transient network of officers who are all acting out of a combination of self-interest (money, power, access to vulnerable people) and self-preservation (they all have an incentive to be loyal to the network because they all know dirt about each other, but if there's a motive and opportunity to take someone down without it coming back on them, they will). for this reason, i don't find it necessarily disappointing or implausible that buckells was the last man standing and that he was motivated by money.
however, the way the reveal was set up throughout S6 and executed in 6x07 was anticlimactic to me. buckells had a laptop in prison? he ordered kate's murder FROM PRISON? of course he did, that whole prison appears to be run by the OCG. this is the same problem i mentioned earlier, the OCG is just too powerful to be interesting. the reveal could've been way more effective if buckells hadn't spent the last half of the season in jail. i also would've liked to hear more from buckells about precisely what motivated him, exactly how he came to be involved, and how the other corrupt officers fit into his story. i would've loved it if, for once, someone just said fuck it and spilled the beans instead of going down the "i'll tell you a bunch of useless nonsense in exchange for WP" route.
that being said, i think this whole clusterfuck could've been avoided entirely by simply not making H into such a big deal. way back in S4, the fixation on H worked as a plot device to get hilton to issue ted with a reg-15 and cast doubt on him, but i was bored of H approximately 1.5 episodes into S5. the idea of this shadowy figure calling all the shots was inconsistent with everything this show had been about, and it dragged on for way too long. i wasn't opposed to the idea that H is a group of people not a single person, but morse code? srsly? you couldn't just have them sit down and say "hey, maybe dot just blinked on H because he'd had his eyes open for a while and also he'd lost a lot of blood so he was probably confused anyway?"
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omegafan101 · 3 years
The Death of Tommy Innit Chapter 10
Summary:  Feeling hated by everyone, and fed up with Dream's treatment, Tommy fakes his death and sets out to live a brand new life without having to worry about the interference of Dream. Leaving everyone to react to his death.
Warnings: Suicide mention
Word count: 2163
This was written during Tommy’s exile arc and before the “beach episode” and will continue to be written in that context.
Chapter 9
Chapter 10: Tommy
Several days ago
Technoblade was looking out his window watching the snowfall and drinking a hot cup of tea. It had been a while now since Tommy told him he was leaving, since he told everyone he was dead. Keeping the secret from Phil was the hardest part, but Techno was good enough at staying quiet. Although it felt… Weird being the only person knowing such a huge secret.
“Hi, Technoblade!”
Technoblade looked away from his window and down to his floor, where Ghostbur had his head poking through with a big smile on his face, “Hello, Ghostbur,
Ghostbur floated all the way through the floor and rested next to Techno, hovering in the air, “You look rather cozy.”
Techno just responded with a quiet, “Mmhm,” before taking another sip of his tea.
The two of them sat quietly for a moment, the winter air filling the silence, before Ghostbur spoke up again, “Tommy would love this coziness.”
The piglin’s ears twitched as Ghostbur brought up their… “late,” little brother, “Yeah… I’m sure he would have.”
“I hope he’s cozy wherever he is.”
“Well, hopefully he and Alivebur are having a good time together.”
“Huh? Oh no! That’s not what I mean! I mean on the little vacation he’s taking!”
Technoblade sighed, “Tommy’s not on vacation, Ghostbur…”
“Sure he is! He told me himself! But apparently he told everyone else he died…”
Technoblade sat in silence for a short moment as he processed Ghostbur’s comment, “Heh!?”
“Oh… Right, I guess he told you that too… Oopsie…”
“Wait. So Tommy told you he was alive, too?”
Ghostbur let out an elated gasp, “He told you!? Oh, yay! I’m not the only one that knows!”
Technoblade pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration, “That kid’s gonna be the death of me.”
“So you saw him after he left? Where did he go?”
Technoblade sighed, “I don’t really know. I just gave him some supplies and your old coat. Then he kept going north. No idea how far he went.”
“Aw… That’s too bad… I was hoping to visit him…”
“Who knows. Maybe he’ll come back sometime.”
“I hope so…”
The two of them sat in silence for a little while longer, simply staring out the window as the wind began to die down.
Ghostbur suddenly gasped, “Technoblade look! A blue sheep!” he wasted no time in flying out of Techno’s window and up to the sheep, petting it and waving at Technoblade, “I’m gonna head off and take him home! See you later Techno!” he said as he put a lead around the sheep’s neck and floated home.
Present day
Technoblade was out tending to his animals on another cold day in his Antarctic abode. Keeping Tommy’s secret was certainly easy when he was isolated from the rest of the world. Although he didn’t know if he could say the same for Ghostbur.
“Hi Technoblade!” Ghostbur said, appearing behind him, “Um… So something bad may have happened…”
“What happened, Ghostbur?”
“Well, oh! First of all. You remember my sheep!” Ghostbur gestured to the blue sheep from a few days before right beside him, “I’ve named him ‘Friend.’”
“That’s fantastic, Ghostbur. Now what happened.”
“Um… So let’s say, hypothetically, there was a large can of beans that held all of the secrets I’m supposed to keep inside of it. And let’s say, hypothetically, that I… Spilled the beans-”
“Who did you tell Tommy was alive?”
“Um… So here’s the thing… That’s not all I told them…”
Technoblade looked confused before his ears perked at the sound of snow crunching over someone’s feet. He quickly turned to face the intruder as he saw Tubbo walking slowly towards him, wearing a thick brown coat with fur lining the hood, ankles, and waist.
Fearing the worst, Techno began to reach for his sword, before Tubbo raised his hands, “I’m not here to fight…” he called out, “I just want to talk…”
Technoblade stared at him for a moment, before relaxing and gesturing for Tubbo to approach. He invited him inside where the two of them sat down with some tea to talk.
“I’m guessing you’re here about Tommy?” Technoblade asked.
“… I need a more reliable source than Ghostbur…” Tubbo said, staring down into his cup.
Technoblade sighed, rubbing his eyes, “Well… It’s true… Tommy is alive.”
Tubbo’s head shot up at the news, his eyes wide as tears began to form.
“He visited me on his way out. Said he wanted to get far away. And I guess he didn’t want anyone following him so… He faked his death.”
Tubbo sat in shocked silence for a bit before placing his hand on his head in disbelief, “So it’s true… But why didn’t he tell me?”
“Probably because you exiled him, and he thought you hated him.”
Tubbo winced at Techno’s brutally honest words. But he was right. Why would Tommy trust him with that kind of secret? But then again… Why did Tommy feel the need to fake his death at all? “Which way did he go?”
“Last I saw he was just going straight north.”
Tubbo looked down at his compass, useless now, but still special to him, “I have to find him.”
“Tommy. I have to find him.”
“What, you’re just gonna walk north till you stumble on Tommy?”
“No… Not alone at least… Thanks Techno,” Tubbo ran out the door and back to the nearest Nether Portal, a new found determination in his eyes.
Quackity was taking a stroll down the Prime Path when he heard the voice of his president calling for him, “Big Q! BIG Q!!!”
“Tubbo!?” Quackity exclaimed as Tubbo ran towards him, “Hey man! I haven’t seen you in days! How are you doing?”
“Tommy’s alive!” Tubbo exclaimed as he grabbed Quackity’s arms.
Quackity just stared at him for a little bit looking really confused, “Wait what?”
“I’ll… I’ll explain everything! But we need to get everyone together. Everyone we trust. Fundy, Niki, Ranboo… Anyone else trustworthy you can think of. Gather everyone in the camarvan! I’ll meet you there!” Tubbo ran off without another word, looking exasperated but excited.
Quackity looked really confused as Tommy ran off, quietly saying to himself, “Tommy’s… Alive?”
A few hours later, the camarvan was packed with L’Manberg’s citizens, all together there was Tubbo, Quackity, Fundy, Niki, Ranboo, and Sapnap.
“What’s this all about Tubbo?” Fundy asked.
“I’d like to know too,” Quackity said, “What the hell is going on?”
“Okay everyone…” Tubbo began, “What I’m about to say doesn’t leave this room… Tommy Innit… Is alive…”
Gasps filled the room as everyone stared at Tubbo in pure disbelief.
“Are… Are you serious?” Ranboo asked.
“I know it doesn’t sound true… But it is. He faked his death and fled to who knows where.”
“Why would he do that!?” Niki exclaimed, frustrated.
“I… I don’t know… But I have a bad feeling it has to do with Dream. So… I’m going to go find him. The only clue I have is that he went north… But that’s enough. I’ve called you all because… Well I don’t think I can do it on my own. So who’s with me?”
Quackity wasted no time to place his hand on Tubbo’s shoulder, “Tubbo. Of course I’ll help you.”
“Me too!” Fundy exclaimed.
“I’m with you, Tubbo.” Ranboo said.
“M-Me too!” Niki raised her hand, “I’ll help look for him!”
“Wait then… Who’s gonna run L’Manberg?” Fundy asked.
“Karl,” Tubbo said.
Everyone in the room looked at him confused, “He’s the Creative Head Director… Did everyone forget he’s a member of the cabinet!?”
“We’ll come along too,” Everyone’s attention was turned to the entrance, where Technoblade and Philza stood.
At the same time, Ghostbur poked through the ceiling, “Hello everyone!”
“Techno!?” Quackity exclaimed looking for a weapon.
“Hold on, Big Q,” Tubbo held him back, “Why do you want to help us, Technoblade?”
“Listen. You guys wouldn’t know survivalism if it stabbed you in the gut.”
“I got stabbed in the gut,” Ghostbur mentioned.
“I know, Ghostbur.”
“Phil did it.”
Phil sighed, “We know, Ghostbur.”
“Besides…” Techno continued, “I don’t hate the guy. I wanna make sure he didn’t die on the way.”
“And you, Phil?” Tubbo asked, turning to the man in question.
“Of course I wanna find him! I gotta smack the little shit for making me think he was dead!”
“Alright… It’s settled.” Tubbo said, “Tomorrow, late in the night, the seven of us-”
“Can I come too?” Ghostbur asked.
“… The eight of us will leave and try to track Tommy. And hopefully… Bring him home… Above all else… Dream cannot hear about any of this… Meeting adjourned. Go home and pack up.”
Everyone started filing out of the camarvan before Sapnap stopped Quackity, “Quackity wait. There’s something I need to tell you.”
Sapnap told him all about the final page they found about Dream, and how Dream tore it up and kept it from everyone else. He told him about all the disgusting things Tommy said Dream did to him… And Dream made it seem like they were all pretty true.
Quackity stood in shock, “That… Green BASTARD! Who does he think he is! Now we REALLY need to find Tommy…”
“Do you want me to come?” Sapnap asked.
“No. I need you to stay behind and watch over El Rapids. Plus, you need to make sure Dream doesn’t catch on.”
“Yeah. I can do that.”
The following night, the search party of eight had all gathered outside of L’Manberg, stacked up in gear and all with horses to ride out on, aside from Ghostbur.
“So what do I tell Dream if he asks where you all are?” Karl asked.
“Colonizing!” Tubbo responded, “Tell him we’ve gone out to find good land to expand L’Manberg!”
“Okay… But what if you’re not back in time for your reelection?”
“Well, as acting president, you’ll run for me.”
“Woah… So I could be president of L’Manberg!?”
“Only if we take several months,” Tubbo giggled, before seeing Eret approaching them with his knights behind him.
“Mr. President,” Eret greeted, bowing his head slightly.
“Your majesty,” Tubbo greeted, doing the same.
“I hear you’re looking for Tommy.”
“Wha- How did you-”
“Puffy told me.”
“How did Puffy know!?”
“Niki told me,” Puffy shrugged.
“What happened to ‘this doesn’t leave this room,’ Niki!?”
“She’s my girlfriend!” Niki exclaimed, “I can’t just leave for who knows how long without a word!”
“Tubbo, don’t worry,” Eret said in a reassuring tone, “I won’t say anything to Dream. I promise. I just wanted to see you off.”
Tubbo calmed down and smiled, reaching out his hand to the king, “Thanks Eret, really.”
Eret took his hand and shook it, “It’s the least I can do for Tommy. Dream won’t know a thing. Good luck out there.”
Niki and Puffy hugged goodbye, “You’re sure you don’t want to come along?” Niki asked.
“The majority of the cabinet leaving is already suspicious enough,” Puffy said, “If one of the king’s knights leaves too, Dream will start to catch on.”
“Okay…” Niki sighed.
Puffy lovingly brushed her hair out of her eyes, “Hey don’t worry, we’ll write to each other. It won’t be too long.”
Niki smiled and leaned in, kissing her girlfriend goodbye before pressing her forehead to hers, “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“You sure you’re gonna be okay without us?” Sapnap teased Quackity.
“What’s that supposed to mean!?” Quackity asked.
“I bet he’s gonna be a blubbering mess without us,” Karl said, joining the teasing.
“Aw shut up I’ll be fine,” The three of them all chuckled, “I will miss you guys though…”
“Well then here’s some motivation to find him quickly,” Karl said as he and Sapnap shared a glance, leaning in and kissing Quackity on each cheek.
“Hurry back to get more of that,” Sapnap said.
“You got it! Gonna find that kid and run back as fast as possible!” the three of them all laughed again before embracing each other.
Tubbo hopped on his horse, “Is everyone ready?”
“Raring to go!” Quackity said.
“Let’s do this!” Fundy exclaimed.
“I’m ready, Tubbo,” Niki nodded.
“Friend and I are ready to go!” Ghostbur said excitedly.
Tubbo turned to Ranboo, prompting a nod from the half enderman, “Let’s go find Tommy.”
“I think everyone’s ready to go,” Phil mentioned.
“Techno?” Tubbo asked.
“If everyone’s ready we can start heading out.”
“Okay then… Let’s go find Tommy everyone! Technoblade… Lead the way.”
Technoblade kicked Carl lightly and started leading the whole group back back to his house, where they would pick up the trail and head north. Everyone left behind waved at the departing party as they galloped into the night.
Tubbo took one last look at his compass, gripping it tight before looking ahead. This was it, they were going to find him. The time for mourning was over. Now was the time for--
The Search For Tommy Innit.
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serenasoutherlyns · 3 years
a/n: part one (lmao maybe) of me writing Serena being gay into episodes of L&O. you cannot tell me that Serena Southerlyn and Kay Hartley did not have an epic, tortured (for Serena, anyway) love affair in law school; and you cannot convince me that Serena isn't nice enough to fall for her tricks again. without further ado... any notes or feedback is appreciated! i love you all more than i love chocolate covered espresso beans.
Serena’s mind is buzzing. Her fingertips are on fire. She presses her tongue to the roof of her mouth, hoping that the rage isn’t showing on her face beyond a clenched jaw. She can’t believe she let this happen again.
Kay Hartley’s reputation looms higher than almost anybody else’s. She’s that 1L with a look that pierces, the one who’ll do anything to get what she wants, the one who’s LSAT score may as well have been perfect. She hangs in the back of classes, but the only thing that does is raise her air of mystery, she still answers correctly when called on. Kay never shows up to parties, because she’s always already there. You could call it sulking, but she prefers to think of it as observing. Tonight, she’s watching Serena.
Serena is beautiful, but no grand assumptions follow in front of her wherever she goes. She’s a couple years older than Kay, but only one ahead. She’s probably Catholic. Just a smidge below rich— she’s skirt suits, not sweater sets. Serena seems like the kind of girl who would be proud if someone said she couldn’t hang. Kay’s seen her going off on feminist rants at guys on the quad but they’ve all seemed friendly. She doesn’t seem militant. Kay can’t decide if she pings or she doesn’t.
That question is answered. Serena’s been playing beer pong (seriously? They aren’t undergrads) with a group of guys. When she misses two in a row, instead of getting all giggly, flipping her hair around, and hanging off some guy’s arm until he lets her win; she focuses in on the ball (strike one), ties her hair up in a ponytail (strike two), and high fives the guy beside her when she scores (strike three). She pings. Kay wants her.
Kay always gets what she wants. Serena’s kicking herself for forgetting that.
“She played me, Jack,” she says, trying to maintain a work-appropriate amount of poison in her words. “I all but handed her that stupid defense.” Jack tries to say something, but Serena, once in rant mode, is not about to leave it. “She comes to me, looking all forlorn and doe-eyed, telling me all about how much she loves her poor aunt, and I believed her, like an idiot--”
“You’re not an idiot, Serena--”
“She used me, Jack! As though she could have suddenly developed real emotions--”
“Don’t beat yourself up too much, I mean, Arthur and I signed off on it too--”
“Because I convinced you to! And now, a murderer might walk because I let Kay Hartley and her ways” she says the word “ways” like they’re something criminal themselves, “convince me to work for her side.”
Serena’s more distressed than she ought to be. Kay’s new defense is flimsy at best, Jack isn’t all that worried. “Imminent” is a rather clearly defined word, at least in case law. Oh. Serena is-- crying? Nothing legal is likely to help here anymore. “How well do you two really know each other? If you don’t mind my asking? Because it seems like there’s something else here, I mean, did she do something to you in school? Spill coffee on your notes, steal your boyfriend?”
The glare she shoots his way reminds him that a) for some reason, the old McCoy charm has always been lost on Southerlyn and b) sometimes he should think about shutting up.
“No, Jack, she didn’t steal my boyfriend.” Serena has given up on keeping the poison out.
What a fucking joke, Serena thinks. Six months. Of, frankly, mind-blowing sex; soft mornings in each others’ beds, late nights studying with Kay in her lap, anxious looks across crowded rooms. Certainly she’d heard the whispers. Serena didn’t believe them. When they were confirmed to be true the first time, Serena thought she could fix her. Evidently, that would not be possible.
They’re at another house party. Serena honestly doesn’t like them very much anymore, but, and she hates this the most, social connections would likely turn out to be a blessing for her upon graduation. Hers aren’t built in like Kay’s are. Serena has a job. She makes so many expensive lattes a week that the texture of milk foam makes her gag now. She does it with a smile, and then she goes to class all day, and then she does her studying, and then she gets up at 5 AM to make more lattes. All things considered, it’s not a bad gig. At least she’s not footing the bill for school itself. Still, watching Kay catch up with kids she went to prep school, summer camp, with at every party and lecture had been hard to learn to handle.
Serena’s getting a cup of water in the kitchen when she hears a song she actually likes finally come on over the speakers. She sips quickly. Surely, she can get Kay to dance one dance with her before the night is over, despite her usual routine of hanging back.
Clearly, that won’t be happening. Because, when she gets out into the main room again, Kay is practically in Bobby Myles’ lap, laughing along to something he’s saying. Bobby Myles is a sexist pig, Kay has said about as much to her before. Serena guesses that doesn’t matter in the end.
It’s not like she has to shout it from the rooftops. Serena’s not stupid, she knows that neither of them are going to be coming out any time soon. It would be a lot easier to handle if Kay could at least pretend to respect her.
It’s the most relief she’s felt at a conviction in a long time. She gets the jury’s sympathy, she really does. But the look of, not despair, but panic on Kay’s face-- priceless. Relief might be the wrong word. Serena feels smug. It feels good to finally win one. Kay even called her to try and grovel for a sentencing recommendation. She’ll do what she can, for Mrs. Payton’s sake, though thought of Kay not getting something she asked for is tempting.
“We all deal with things in our own way, I guess,” Jack says.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Serena asks him. Wherever this is going, she wants to see its conclusion.
“Just that,” Jack is off to a running start, it would appear, “there’s got to be something deeper here, right?” Serena raises her eyebrows at him, curious as to what on earth his guess is. “I mean, it’s one thing to squeeze you once, Serena, but a second time? She must know you’re not going to fall for it again.”
“You’d be surprised, Jack,” Serena says, wondering how much hinting she can get away with, “Kay can be quite,” she pauses looking for the words, “convincing.”
“How so?” Jack seems to truly not have a clue here. Serena decides to throw him a line.
“How did Kay look at you?” she asked. Jack is not going to bite, so Serena does her best desperate, seductive, emotional look. “Like that, right?” Jack laughs.
“Guess so, just about. Lots of women look at me like that,” Jack says, cutting himself before he finishes that sentence with not you, though.
“Good for you. How did Kay look at me?”
Serena has, at this point, led him to the conclusion. It dawns on him. He says all he can think to. “So she definitely didn’t steal your boyfriend, then.”
“No, no she did not.” Serena says, glad that he didn’t freak out on her. It’s impossible to avoid the rumors about Jack, and at first she’d been worried that he wouldn’t want a deputy who wasn’t interested in extra-curriculars. She wasn’t going to bring this up, but Kay had waltzed onto her turf with her ways; and Jack was not a man who could leave curiosities alone.
“Maybe keep this away from Arthur?” she asked “I’m still sussing him out.”
“Of course,” Jack says. “And I’m glad it wasn’t me all this time.”
Serena rolls her eyes at him as they step onto the elevator.
tags: @nocreditinthestraightworld @imaginaryoperagloves
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moonstruckholland · 5 years
I Need You (p.p)
Tumblr media
Word Count: 2,171
Warnings: angst? Little bits of fluff?
A/N: This was loosely inspired by an episode of Gilmore Girls 😂 I hope y'all enjoy and if ya do, I'd definitely love some feedback 💕 also shout-out to @hoe-forharry and @theadventurousqueen for reading this and helping me out 💖
Dealing with a breaking up was one of the hardest things you've ever had to do.
Barely a full twenty-four hours had passed, mostly spent in your pajamas, practically permanent tear stains on your cheeks from all the crying, and all you wanted was to be with the one person who could always make you feel safe; your best friend.
But what is one supposed to do when their best friend just happens to be the one that broke their heart in the first place?
You can't even remember how the argument started. One moment you were having a lovely dinner with the love of your life, prepared to have the movie marathon of a lifetime, and the next the two of you were spitting out things you were sure both of you would regret the next day. The night ended with your body going completely numb as you heard the words, "I think we need to break up," come out of Peter's mouth.
He was gone before you could manage to come up with a coherent thought, before you could beg him to stop and talk things out with you. You stared at your apartment door for a good 20 minutes in shock, hoping he would come back. He never did. You crawled into bed shortly after, a heaviness in your chest as you started to cry.
You weren't sure how long you laid there, tears flooding your face, never stopping, the numbness eventually going, leaving pure misery around to linger and force you to replay his last words to you in your head over and over. You fell asleep shortly after, only to continue the process again in the morning when you woke up to an empty bed and realized this was going to be your new normal from now on.
You tried everything to distract yourself. Well, everything that was within the vicinity of your bed, which included watching tv, reading your psychology textbook, and scrolling on your phone until you were forced to leave it alone to charge.
Nothing really worked, your mind coming back to Peter each time. You had to see him, talk to him, anything. You just needed him.
Before you knew it, you were unlocking your phone with a shaky hand, your fingers immediately tapping over the phone icon, Peter's number the first one to show on your call log. You hesitated over his name. Were you really about to call him?
Your body seemed to decide for you, pressing down on his contact before you could even really process or talk yourself out of it.
It rang a few times before disappointingly going to voicemail. You would've hung up if it wasn't for Peter's cheery voice ringing through your ears as his voicemail message started playing.
"Hey, it's Peter! Please lea-" you suddenly heard your own voice, saying something unintelligible in the background, making Peter laugh.
"Two seconds, babe, I'm trying to set up my-oh shit, it's still going. Um," you must've moved closer to him, your voice becoming clear as day you said "leave a message after the beep" with him, the two of you a mess of giggles.
You sounded so happy. What had changed from then to lead to heartbreak you were feeling now?
Your eyes were watering as you heard the sound of the beep.
"H-hey, Peter. It's me," you took a deep breath, trying to calm yourself, "Um, I know it's against protocol to call your ex after a break up, especially when it's only been a day, but I usually have my best friend here to talk me out of doing that."
You could feel the small resolve you had starting to break down, "I'm not really doing too great right now and I really need my best friend. Could you please come over? I need you, Pete."
You were full on crying now, sniffling in between your words. You were sure you were barely making sense at this point, "I-Um, please? Come here?"
Something inside of you snapped and you came to your senses, a gasp escaping your lips as you immediately hung up the phone. You felt so humiliated, how could you do that?
You threw yourself back on your bed with a groan, hoping more than anything that Peter would somehow not get that voicemail and you could save yourself from dying of embarrassment.
You spent the next hour contemplating your options on keeping Peter from hearing that message, your best ones being somehow getting into his apartment and deleting it or learning how to hack into his phone. Though you figured by this point he either hadn't heard it or had and didn't care. You almost hoped it was the latter, feeling guilty for calling him in the first place.
Suddenly there was a familiar tap on your window and you looked up to find your favorite masked hero sitting on the fire escape, giving you an awkward wave when your eyes met his. You rushed over to let him in, for a moment feeling like everything was normal.
"You're here," you mumbled, feeling breathless as you backed away to give him some space.
You watched as Peter crawled in, very ungracefully, immediately pulling off his mask, "I'm sorry it took me so long to get here, I was out patrolling and Mr. Stark said if I broke another phone, he would make me use an old flip phone."
You would've laughed if you weren't in complete awe of the boy standing in front of you, the one who no matter what, would always have your heart. "I just can't-you're here."
"Of course I'm here," he hesitantly reached out, as if contemplating what he was about to do, before setting his hand on your cheek, "Are you okay?"
Out of habit, you leaned into hand, savoring the feeling of his skin against yours. You sighed both out of content and sadness, "I could be better."
"Yeah, me too."
He stepped away from you, leaving an aching feeling in your tummy at the lack of contact. He took in your appearance, making you look away self-consciously. You knew you looked like a mess, with your puffy, red eyes, and makeup smudged around your face. Your room didn't look much better, wrappers and tissues thrown across your bed, some on your floor. You didn't have to look at him to know Peter most likely had a look of concern and probably pity on his face.
"Have you eaten any real food today?"
You gave him your signature guilty smile, "Do mini kitkats and oreos count as real food?"
He sighed, "I'm ordering dominos."
"Peter, wait," you gently touched his arm, wanting to feel him under your fingertips one last time before saying what you were sure you would regret later, "You should go. It was selfish of me to call you like that and I feel horrible. I'm sorry."
Peter looked down, "Don't, feel horrible, I mean. I would be lying if I said I didn't need this, need you, too."
You felt a pang of guilt in your heart at his words, realizing you'd been so selfish you hadn't thought that Peter would be hurting too.
"So, uh, pizza," he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, "Pepperoni and bacon?"
"Yep! Can we get those wannabe garlic knot ball things too?"
"Is that even a question? Of course we can."
You smiled, your first smile of the day. You knew nothing was normal and this was a temporary happiness, but a whole pizza and many episodes of friends later, that thought was far away in the back of your mind.
You found yourself laying beside Peter, you head on his chest and his fingers playing with your hair. You talked about everything, reminiscing about high school and your childhood together, all the embarrassing stories that haunted the both of you at night, the classes you were going to take when your next semester started in the fall, anything to avoid the topic of your break up.
"You wanna know how I found out you were Spider-Man?"
Peter paused his soothing movements on your scalp, "What are you talking about? I told you I was Spider-Man."
"Do you remember the first time I went and visited you at the Stark tower junior year? Well, Tony must've thought you told me, because he dragged me over to his lab to show me the new suit he was making for your birthday."
"Wait, so Mr. Stark spilled the beans and you never told me?"
"He made me promise not to!"
Peter pulled away from you, dramatically laying back against your pillow, a hand clutching his chest, causing a burst of laughter to escape from your lips. "I'm offended! How could side with Mr. Stark over your boy-" he cut himself off with a cough, a blush on his cheeks as he realized what he was about to say, "um, best friend."
The air seemed to shift, that heaviness from the night before making a reappearance. You wanted to change the subject, make him laugh and see his heart stopping smile once more, but now that it was on your mind, you knew you couldn't put off talking about it anymore.
So much for avoiding the breakup.
"Peter," you sat up, crossing your legs underneath you, "I think we have to-"
"I know."
Your teeth tugged on your lips nervously as you heard Peter take a deep breath. You kept your eyes glued to your bedsheets, hoping if you didn't look at him you'd refrain from crying.
"I'm not happy anymore."
"With me?" You held your breath, waiting for the confirmation you knew would shatter your heart into tinier pieces than it already was.
"No! I-I love you, y/n. I always have."
Your eyes shot up at him, full of hurt and confusion. "I don't understand?"
"You're one of the few things I've always been sure about, a constant in my life I can always count on, but right now, you're all I'm sure about and I need some time to figure everything out."
"Maybe, I could help?"
He shook his head, "This is something I have to do on my own."
You didn't know what to say, a hundred thoughts going through your head. The insecure part of you questioned his explanation, what if was just trying to spare your feelings?
No, you knew Peter wouldn't lie to you, not unless he was trying to protect you.
You wanted to ask him more about what was going on with him, he'd always come to you when he was in trouble before, but you didn't want to push him.
"Maybe I should go," Peter said, bringing you out of your thoughts.
"No, please don't," you pleaded, "I want you here."
You shifted, laying back down beside him. You laced your fingers through his, a small wave of relief washing over you when he didn't pull his hand away. "Can we pretend everything's normal for tonight?"
"I'd like that."
In hindsight it was probably a bad idea, but neither of you didn't care. How could you when you got to spend the night in Peter's arms?
You stayed up almost all night, kissing, talking, being wrapped up with each like you would any other day. The two of you fell asleep around 4 am, Peter's head nuzzled into the crook of your neck, his arm around your waist. You knew in the morning the hurt would be back and you'd have to deal with it on your own, but at least you were content, that feeling following you in your dreams.
Peter was the first one to wake up, the small bit of sunshine peeking through your blinds hitting his face. You looked so peaceful beside him, mouth slightly ajar, letting out the softest breaths, the sunlight behind you making you glow. He wished more than anything he could stay.
He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, softly whispering, “I love you,” against your skin, before carefully crawling out of bed. He quickly changed out of the clothes you'd given him last night, his clothes, your favorite shirt and pair of sweats you'd stolen from him a long time ago, and back into his suit.
Pulling his mask over his head, he slipped out the window, giving your sleeping figure one last look before closing it behind him. He hesitated on the fire escape, thinking about the lies he told you last night. He considered telling you the truth, telling you about the impending doom on it's way to shred the whole world apart and how he was apart of the solution to stop it.
'It's safer for her not to know,' he thought, convincing himself he was making the right decision, even if it meant losing precious time with you.
As he started swinging away, he sent out a silent prayer, hoping he'd come back from it all to make it up to you.
Tagging: @fangirlwithasweettooth @bravest-at-heart @constellatinq @devildisguiseasangel @hollandstea @ravenclawmarvel​ @rachramblesstuff​ @fairytaleparker​ @angelhaz11​ @parkerpuff​ @petersmparker​ @nedthegay​ @spaceship707​ @parkeroffline​ @lovinnholland​ @tomhollandsumbrella​ @awkwardfangirl2014​ @officiallyunofficialperson​ @babebenhardy​ @sleepybesson​ @its-the-unknownspidey​ @antoouu​ @petersstarcadet​ @kxrtwxgner​ @styles-balor4eva​ @80sthottie​ @meghan-8520xx​ @marshyrebelcloud​ @jillanaholland​
323 notes · View notes
thesomberfest · 3 years
Star Wars: Timestamps and Thoughts; The Empire Strikes Back
Salutations to all. Welcome back to my blog thing? Anyways today is the one and only The Empire Strikes Back which I think may be the most iconic Star Wars movie. But, don’t quote me on that. I’m only saying that as someone who has heard about Star Wars movies from the outside and honestly out of all the movies The Empire Strikes Back is the one movie I’ve always heard about; name-wise. I don’t think I know any spoilers about this movie, so we’ll see. I’m new to this and I don’t know what I’m doing so please have mercy and help a sister out, thanks. I have some idea based on what the movie is about based on the name but I’ll just take what Disney Plus tells me. I honestly have nothing to say. Should I start writing predictions before writing the timestamps and writing my reaction if I’m right or wrong based on the last movie I watched. Does that make sense? I can’t think of any other way to word it differently but if it makes sense then okay, let’s continue. This isn’t a prediction but um is this the movie where Luke finds about his parentage? Or is it a bit too early? Am I too early? Oh well. While adding timestamps I thought it would be a cool idea to add a “Favorite Scene” section under my “Final Thoughts” sections, I hope y’all like it.
03/9 Edit: Y’all sorry this is late but tomorrow is my birthday and I decided to not do my schoolwork and instead watch Star Wars and write. Before y’all get any ideas: yes. I am in fact still a minor. thanks. 04/3 edit: I AM SORRY THIS IS LATE I HAVE NO EXCUSE
Movie: Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Release Date: 1980
Summary(?): So obviously the Empire is going to strike back right? And Luke has to find Yoda to learn the ways of the Force? No? Oh and a final show down with Vader? Am I wrong again?
Warning: spoilers (yea no duh bibi) and mild language on my part
00:00:06- 20th Century Fox is here, hello.
00:00:22- the words on the screen have made an appearance
00:01:41- the iconic words have left, bye-bye
00:04:28- Han Solo
00:04:43- It’s Chewie
00:05:04- Ya’ll it’s my queen Leia. She’s looking badder than ever
00:05:22- so the guy we first saw was in fact Luke, whoops.
00:05:40- Han is leaving? What about Leia? Am I missing something?
00:06:00- Okay so I’m convinced that something happened between Han and Leia, right? She looks pissed, he also looks pissed. Uhhh...
00:06:03- Oh shoot, she called out his name and went after him.
00:06:27- the way Leia feels about him? Sexual tension?
00:06:34- does Han want Leia to admit she has feelings for him? Does she have feelings for him?
00:06:42- “Afraid I was gonna leave without giving you a good-bye kiss?”- woah there Han
00:06:47- yeah, something did happen. I’m calling it
00:06:53- YES 3PO and R2
00:07:12- Oh shoot, Han doesn’t want to talk to Leia no more
00:07:19- ain’t nobody know where Luke is
00:08:06- aw Han said Luke is his friend. Character development
00:08:36- um is that Luke being hanged upside down?
00:08:47- uh oh, it’s the abominable snowman, let’s uh call him Yeti for short
00:09:00- Lukie-boy that might be a bad idea 
00:09:34- he’s using the Force to get the lightsaber, nice
00:09:40- oh no, the Yeti noticed
00:09:48- he got the Lightsaber yayy
00:09:50- did he just cut off Yeti’s arm???
00:10:00- run forest run
00:10:40- aw R2 :( I want to give them a hug
00:11:58- Leia looks really nervous. Uh-oh
00:12:53- I’m sorry but Chewie wailing/crying a few minutes earlier makes me sad.
00:13:42- omg Yoda? Han found Luke I repeat he found Luke
00:15:16- I wondered where they filmed or if this was effects or something.
00:16:01- are they going to be found? oh I hope so
00:16:13- yay! Found at last!
00:16:35- i’m sorry. is that a man baby???
00:16:48- oh wait was that man baby Luke? Oh god i kinda feel bad now
00:17:02- aww Luke and Han. Their friendship gives me life (junior)
00:17:05- my queen!!!!
00:17:15- ok but seriously what happened between Han and Leia? I know something happened.
00:17:25- I know Han did not just call my boy Chewie a FUZZBALL, please
00:17:31- alone? South passage? was that when Han claimed he was leaving? Her TRUE FEELINGS
00:17:50- why does Luke look sad? Is it... is it because HE HAS FEELINGS FOR HER???
00:17:58- (lets out a female lead in horror movie scream) OH MY GOD. I KNEW A KISS WAS TO HAPPEN BUT SO SOON? AND ON THE MOUTH WITH A PEANUT GALLERY LEIA HAS SOME BALLS. SO IT WAS NOT A PECK LIKE I’D ASSUMED HUH OMG tho I feel bad for Luke ‘cause (i think) she only did it to spite Han also if my math is correct IT WAS FOUR SECONDS LONG. But like is this the only kiss between the two or is there more cause ummm...... AREN’T THEY RELATED? SIBLINGS? TWINS I THINK? *Sweet Home Alabama now playing*
00:18:13- why why does he look so smug? also Han about to kill Luke a man
00:19:14- idk what’s happening
00:19:18- pew pew
00:19:44- THE IMPERIAL MARCH omgg yess... I live for the movies music
00:20:32- oh no, the music ended
00:20:38- wait nvm it’s continuing we stand
00:20:40- breathing problems much?
00:20:52- It’s Darth Vader
00:21:47- wait, didn’t he (Luke) almost die? shouldn’t he like oh I don’t know RESTING?!
00:22:47- have i mentioned that I live for the Imperial March? ‘cause I love it
00:23:39- OH
00:23:51- he really dying in the background huh
00:23:57- so he’s like dead, right?
00:24:02- what’s happening? Are they gonna go against Vader?
00:24:12- what the hell is a stardestroyer?
00:24:44- i’ve been told the dark side has cookies so uh peace out. If you would like to reach me please send me a letter via mail. thanks.
00:25:39- once again shouldn’t Luke be resting???
00:25:53- aww I want those binoculars. Is that what they’re called? Idk but I want one
00:26:05- what the hell are Imperial Walkers?
00:26:27- oh. are those Imperial Walkers? Those robot-looking dogs? omg I thought they were talking about Stormtroopers.
00:26:30- laser beam robot doggies did not hesitate
00:26:40- aw look at Luke being leadership material
00:27:09- wow these walkers are slow huh as to be expected
00:27:50- OH NO DAK bruhh nooo
00:28:09- are those robot dogs really gonna win?
00:28:21- LANDING? You mean Vader isn’t even fighting down there? Is he going to join? Or just find Luke and kidnap him and spill the beans? Or is that just my active imagination running too far?
00:28:39- the music...*beautiful*
00:28:58- tying the feet and tripping the doggies seems to be the moves huh
00:29:15- ooh and face first into the snow. how embarrassing...
00:29:20- I just know someone is losing their job or life like that one dude from before
00:30:18- i like the explosions
00:30:52- while one of the those little planes fall i’m sitting here thinking: most book/movie/tv shows that have the whole two sides thing (good vs bad) there always seems to be a traitor which makes me wonder if the good guys have a traitor? possible plot? idk, we’ll see won’t we?
00:31:18- the way these little doggies walk keep reminding me of some eerie Tim Burton movie and idk whyyy
00:33:04- two robot doggies down one more to go
00:33:25- man I just know someone from the Dark Force is gonna be dead fired
00:34:08- are those stormtroopers? They run funny
00:34:12- Darth Vader!
00:34:45- wait i’m dumb. did Vader invade the building/camp they were hiding at?
00:35:18- what does Vader want exactly? Princess Leia? Luke? the so-called “rebel plans”? What am I missing?
00:35:42- they really said: “peace out”
00:36:30- not regrouping? and what the hell is the Dagobah system?
00:37:30- did two ships just crash?
00:39:10- the music really makes this asteroid field detour awesome
00:40:25- did they--did they just go in a asteroid? Orr..?
00:41:18- and just what the hell is Luke thinking? he putting my baby R2 in distress?
00:42:04- where in the HELL are they?
00:42:21- did my baby R2 just fall in the water? Can he even swim? Is it safe? Is he going to die? Idc how cute Luke is, I will hurt him if 2D dies!
00:42:33- what. how is R2 okay? I thought--
00:42:53- Is that R2 whistling?
00:42:57- oh god, is that Nessie? oh no--
00:44:01- YEA LUKE it was a bad idea going there! You put my sweet summer child R2 in danger! He almost got eaten as dinner!
00:44:18- ughhh the music is just AMAZINGGGG
00:44:38- whose brain is that? Is that what’s left of Mr. Anakin Skywalker? ooh now that I think about: what does Darth Vader look behind the helmet? I feel dumb for never thinking about that
00:45:34- hey you leave my man 3PO alone Solo
00:45:46- oh did Leia just fall into Han’s arms? ooh
00:45:56- “Captain, being held by you isn’t quite enough to get me excited” Leia woke up and choose violence 
00:46:56- oh OH Luke is looking for Yoda?
00:47:22- omg it’s YODA
00:47:48- man idk but lighting does wonders for Lukie-babe
00:48:26- is Yoda mocking Luke? ‘Cause I’m here for it
00:48:57- why is Luke lowkey being a pushover?
00:49:09- I KNOW Yoda isn’t hitting my baby R2 with a STICK the disrespect I-
00:49:56- at this point Yoda is just pulling on their legs for kicks and giggles huh
00:51:02- oh? alone? Leia and Han? my oh my
00:51:30- oh so now they hand-holding?
00:51:50- OMG when did they get so close to one another? I’m nervous
00:52:04- ofc it’s 3PO to be the one to interrupt the kiss
00:52:14- oop-- Leia just left the crime scene. She’s going to pretend it never happened isn’t she?
00:53:04- wait. Vader isn’t emperor? Someone else is omg. I’m so dumb eye-
00:53:07- ew his side profile is not so good
00:53:10- the front is even uglier 
00:53:23- “young rebel”? my bby boy Luke?
00:53:25- “offspring of Anakin Skywalker”? wait a damn minute. Isn’t Vader oh idk ANAKIN SKYWALKER? Does that “emperor” guy not know? Or have I been lied to? WHAT AM I MISSING?
00:53:57- does this mean Anakin is considered to be a different person from Vader? I’m confused, someone explain please!
00:54:00- “could be turned”? say like Kylo? *dun dun dun* orr am I thinking too far?
00:54:16- “master”? you mean to tell me that Vader isn’t even the one pulling the strings? how embarrassing...
00:56:07- Luke my beauty dumbass just realized that Yoda was with the whole time
00:59:19- What is it?
00:59:29- Mynocks
00:59:35- oh hell no. I’m out
01:01:39- satan works hard but man does Luke work harder
01:01:57- “skinny boys are still the best oh i love when they slam and sweat.”-- Jack Off Jill, Lollirot (jolly good song) this one sentence describes it all :)
01:04:19- idk what’s happening but man does he look good. How long until y’all get tired of me simping over Luke?
01:05:01- but like, why it feel fake? Is this a dream? 
01:05:09- OH--[luke just decapitated Vader I-]
01:05:20- wait. it couldn’t have been that easy. This feels wrong-
01:05:29- omg. it’s luke! Wait what does this mean?
01:05:50- when i enter a room I would like the Imperial March to play, thanks.
01:06:26- uh, is that Boba Fett? If not I’m so sorry I’m new.
01:06:52- y’all I have a cofession to make: I have a fear of driving and my mother is forcing me to. How does this relate to the movie? Well, Han is steering the ship(?) so...
01:09:16- titanic part two?
01:10:31- my poor baby luke
01:11:37- luke please don’t give up :(
01:12:32- my man yoda showing up luke huh
01:13:35- uh oh. just like the first guy, he dead too. they’re just dropping like flies huh
01:16:05- and another kiss. a small peck, luke.
01:16:34- so is that Boba Fett or not? someone tell me please.
01:16:38- someone please run my baby R2 a bath
01:16:44-y’all the only time I can do a handstand is when I’m underwater (fun fact: i don’t like the pool)
01:16:51-[R2 is being levitated rn] if he falls and BREAKS into tiny pieces i’m quitting star wars
01:17:28- R2 good, he good “... I saw a city in the clouds.” you mean heaven?
01:17:37- “friends you have there” THEY’RE ALL GOING TO DIE WAIT--
01:19:50- they’ve [leia, han, chewie, 3PO] landed they’re safe, for now (i think)
01:20:25- [chewie replying “gahh!” to han] tell me why I laughed. I actually laughed like Chewie made a joke oh my...
01:20:34- uh oh [some dude just called han a slime(y)]
01:20:49- [they’re hugging now?] oh, wait. so they good now? or is this a joke?
01:22:01- i like the interior design of the building
01:22:49- [3PO gets blown up I think] what the hell just happened? 
01:25:13- he’s not coming back is he? [luke left to save han and leia]
01:26:13- finally. someone save 3PO or what’s left of him also I like leia’s new hairstyle it’s pretty
01:26:44- was 3PO decapitated? dismembered?!
01:26:55- good for chewie to fight for the parts of 3PO hopefully it’s all of his parts
01:27:35- my man 3PO in a box freaking dismembered and Lando out here flirting? 
01:28:30- what the hell? [its vader sitting at the head of the table] wait did Lando say a deal? as in turning in the princess? I--this is all happening so fast
01:28:41- [han and co. are now surrounded by boba fett and troopers] i bet they wished they’d stayed back in their rooms huh
01:30:31- oh so i’m assuming it was a stormtrooper who shot 3PO. what are they doing to han? omg is han being cooked alive?
01:31:33- wait I thought boba fett was a good guy? what the fvck.
01:32:05- what happened to han? mans looks traumatized 
01:32:34- oh leia...
01:34:14- i had also assumed all these years that vader was top boss and now i’m being told about some emperor guy? what 
01:35:18- i don’t understand why does boba fett want with han so bad? it can’t just be money, can it?
01:35:54- oh and another kiss and with an even bigger peanut gallery
01:38:22- what’s gonna happen to han now?
01:40:30- wait, is this where the showdown happens?
01:41:06- why is vader (his breathing) so loud?
01:41:10- OMG red vs. blue lightsaber
01:41:19- so this is it
01:42:01- oh, is lando helping them? does he feel guilty?
01:42:17- [chewie is currently choking the life out of lando] fuck yeah chewie
01:43:14- oh thank god R2 & 3PO have reunited once more
01:43:34- is it too late to save han now?
01:44:01- [back to the showdown, luke just lost his lightsaber] uh--this is why you never get too cocky too early, luke
01:44:27- [luke just flew?!] did he just fly like superman? what
01:44:31- who’s the emperor? I had assumed it was vader but i’m being told it isn’t?????
01:44:56- this showdown is a beautiful fight and those lightsabers are freaking cool 
01:46:15- it’s a beautiful dance and the Imperial March is giving me chills
01:46:32- [vader is throwing random objects at luke] aw that’s cheating. and nobody likes a cheater.
01:46:42- luke just flew out the window oh wait he good, now i think
01:47:12- hold up I just realized that they (han, chewie, leia) put 3PO in a fishnet bag (?) chewie really running around with 3PO like a backpack
01:47:49- [the citizens (?) are running] i’m getting titanic vibes and idk if i like it 
01:49:17- i hate to say it but these stormtroopers have really bad aim.
01:50:26- [vader just cut off luke’s hand] *shock* I-omg. He just did that. But, at the same time, I now understand the ERB Harry Potter v. Luke Skywalker so much more, make sense.
01:51:08- “father”? oh my...
01:51:17- “i am your father” oh my god. people this is not a drill, it happened, it happening uhh---
01:51:28- i feel so bad for luke. he looks like he’s about cry.
01:51:41- probs a bad time but luke’s kinda an ugly crier
01:52:14- [luke just fell & left vader standing] luke really said “i’d rather die”
01:54:04- wait, how does leia know where luke is? this some kind of force thing? maybe twin thing?
01:54:37- oh thank god they found luke
01:58:01- does vader care for luke? I mean probably not a lot since he DID chop off his sons own hand so idk
02:01:58- credits/the end
Final Thoughts? Wow. No yeah, I totally understand why Empire Strikes Back is a loved by all. It was amazing. I understand why it’s so talked about. This movie is beautiful; Leia/Han romance, 3PO and R2 banter, the good action. The soundtrack-THE SOUNDTRACK is SPECTACULAR and I would often fins myself rewinding scenes just to listen to the music. The visuals were so striking and appealing and it really showed during the showdown between luke and vader. 
Favorite Scene? Luke meeting Yoda and not knowing that Yoda was Yoda and every scene that included the Imperial March in the background.
If you have made it this far, thank you. I hope none of you people get tired of me fangirling over the Imperial March whilst simultaneously simping over Luke. Thank you for joining me on my adventure of watching Star Wars for the first time. If there’s any grammar mistakes I apologize. Also I got a cute R2 lego keychain from the lego store. Also if you want leave some comments I’m lowkey lonely. Thank you once again for joining me.
x bibi
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doof-doofblog · 4 years
"I'm Taking Ben With Me!"
Tuesday 17th November 2020
Hello again everyone! Hope you're all doing okay! Now this the episode that the majority of us have been anxiously waiting for! Is the robbery going to be a success? Or is something going to go horribly wrong and someone gets caught? I'm really looking forward to writing about this episode, something tells me it's going to be gripping and explosive!
The episode begins with Phil, Shirley, Ben, Kat and Kush all arriving at the Insurance building to make a start on their robbery. Phil instructs the group that he wants things to be over as quickly as possible, it makes sense that they shouldn't be there for as long as they specifically have to! He makes it perfectly clear they need to be in and out, end of! Kat informs them that the security guard won't be there until 8am, which really should leave them plenty of time! But then again is it 8am or 8pm? Who knows? I'm sure that will come to light as the episode goes on. They quickly go off in separate directions - Ben and Phil together, Shirley and Kat together and then Kush.
Ooooh, meanwhile back on the Square, Ian enters the Vic after calling the police about the robbery. The look on his face looks like guilt to me - maybe even dismay, jealousy, shock - maybe all of them rolled into one? Max once again calls out to him as he's sat in a booth, as to whether he's got the money to pay him back - Ian ignores him and turns around to see Sharon behind the bar approaching him, asking him where he had been, he ignores her also and makes his way upstairs of the Vic. Max and Linda giggle as they think he's giving everyone the silent treatment because of their actions earlier in the day, sneaking behind the bar and giving out free booze! As they giggle about Ian, Max is looking through Linda's portfolio of her idea of making superhero costumes for autistic children. Sharon watches them as they seem to get cosy. Max is complimenting Linda's work and pushing her to go for her new business plan, even though Linda admits she can't afford it, even if she did want to go ahead with it. Max then asks whether Mick knows, but Linda bows her head and admits that she hasn't told him yet, considering he's been going through a lot lately, she feels perhaps this isn't the right time to be informing him about her new idea. Max looks at her almost with sympathy, but it does look as if he's contemplating something - will he somehow give her the money to start her business? Will he end up helping her set it up? What do you guys think?!
Across the Square, Tina has packed her suitcase after overhearing Iqra and Ash talking about her moving out. She tries to reassure them that their decision is fine and that she completely understands, Iqra appears to be really sympathetic and Ash apologises for her finding out the way she did. When they ask where she's going to stay, Tina jokingly says "The park bench seems free!" - they look at her with shocked expressions but she reassures them that she'll be okay. But in all seriousness, where is she going to go? It's not like she can go back to the Vic, will Gray maybe take her in as he has with Shirley? Could she go and stay with Mick and Linda for a while until she finds her own place? I'd hate to see her be homeless!
At the police station, DI Thompson is playing the recording of Phil and Kat discussing their robbery, whilst Callum is also in the room hearing the discussion. Thompson pushes for Callum to inform him about what he knows, but Callum insists that that is the first time he's heard anything about it, he even insists that Ben wouldn't tell him anything like that! Thompson begins to get frustrated until a fellow officer rushes in telling them that they've had an anonymous tip-off about a robbery and the culprits disguised as cleaners. Thompson knows that that is where Phil and Ben are, he instructs Callum that no matter how he does it, he wants someone arrested! Callum begins to panic and we see him send a message to his boyfriend, warning him to get out of the building! But back at the Insurance company, Ben, Phil and Kush have found the parking lot with the expensive cars, Ben and Phil work separately on different cars whilst Kush stands and watches - he questions how he can help in any way, but they just inform him not to touch anything. Kush watches with a (quite a cute) smile - must be the adrenaline!
Returning to the Vic, Ian is starring into space, almost in a world of his own. Are the events of his actions running through his mind? Does he actually realise he's put his brother and his Dad in danger? Does he feel no shame or dismay?! As he sits alone, Lexi is stood in the doorway and calls him a "Snake!" - which takes Ian completely by surprise. I love little Lexi, she's such a superstar! She informs her Uncle that that is what her Dad calls him. As she continues to insult her Uncle further, Kathy appears and informs she'll be taking Lexi home shortly. As Lexi disappears, Kathy informs her son that she's come deliver his mail, Ian appears thankful to his Mother, she informs him that not everyone is against him, even though it must feel like it right now. She then shows him that one specific later that came was the first payment of the Cafe remortgage is due, suddenly Ian's face drops as his Mum asks him to take care of it, he then sheepishly asks her whether she can pay for it for the month and he'll start to pay from the following month. Kathy instantly looks really disappointed in her son, she questions whether that was his plan from the very beginning, put her into debt and then her be the one to pay it all back. Ian insists that that isn't the case and tries to explain that he needs a few weeks to sort things out - I think that Ian has got himself into something he can't control, he can't pay Max back, he can't pay his Mum back, he can't even pay for the remortgage payments. I think he's on a big downward spiral. Kathy refuses to pay for it and tells her son that it's on his shoulders, but just as she turns to walk away, Ian starts acting like a child and saying that she would do it for Ben - so he is! He's jealous of his brother! Is that it?! - He claims that Ben is the Golden Boy and can do no wrong, but when he drops the insult that she's an unpaid baby-sitter, Kathy hits back! She informs her son that she actually doesn't want paying to look after her granddaughter, because that's what families do!!! That's what Grandparents do! You'd think by now that Ian would understand the concept of "Family" instead of always focusing on money. Kathy states that she would've hoped that Ian would've had a conscience after everything he's done, but it looks like he well and truly hasn't got one!
Back at the parking lot in the Insurance building, Phil and Ben are attempting to jump-start the cars. Ben appears to get his car going pretty quickly as Phil is struggling with the wires of his car. Ben looks over and queries whether his Dad is having problems, but Phil is adamant he's almost got it working. Kush then asks whether he could help, but Phil insists that his only role is to get the gate open when they're ready to leave, but Kush checks they only have 40-odd minutes remaining. Kush makes the valid point that getting the gate open will only take him 5 minutes, Phil then passes Kush the crowbar, instructing him to get the last car working. As he does so, Kush once again gives Phil an excited smile, I do feel it must've been the adrenaline rush of the possibility of doing a successful robbery and the chance of getting a good amount of money at the end of it. Phil laughs and comments that the job they're doing now is much better than selling boob-tubes!
Returning to the Square and at the Prince Albert, Tina walks in with her suitcase to find Kathy drinking on her own. As she joins her, Kathy notices that she has her luggage with her, she informs the poor girl that she can't sleep in the bar again. Tina then comes to the realisation she'll have to bunk up with Shirley again. It's then that Kathy responds to her by telling her that she has family who care about her, Tina can see that Kathy is upset about something and asks what's wrong. Now whether it's the drink that causes her to spill the beans or whether she just needs someone to talk to, Tina pours her another glass of wine and promises not to say a word to anyone, Kathy confides in her colleague about Ian committing fraud by forging her signature and re-mortgaging the Café, much to Tina's shock.
Back at the Vic, as Ian quickly sneaks out into the back in the background, Sharon is at the front and appears to be on the phone to a solicitor, she's informing them that she's knows what is owed to her and what Phil's solicitor is offering can think again about their offer. Ahhh, it's all coming to light now! Max has approached Bobby and is trying to convince him to change the age on his leaflet, and the only reason that Max has done that is so Linda can apply for her business idea. Bobby seems doubtful at first as his thought process is that his sister would want the opportunity to go to someone who was her age, but Max tries to push him to change the age limit, as that way there would be more applications from older ladies. Bobby asks Sharon for her advice, seeing as she and Max are both trustees for Bobby's charity, and she voices her opinion - on what good it'll do for Max? But he insists he's just doing right with a business attitude. Suddenly Linda appears and asks them what she's missed and when she realises that Bobby has agreed to change the age limit on his applicants, Max smiles at her and Linda instantly knows that he's done that for her. She thanks him for helping her and she starts to wonder how she'll make a start on her new business plan, however she needs to send in the application first - what if she's not successful?! She's getting in a bit over her head isn't she? Well Max also?! Or is it written in the stars - she'll apply and she'll get the money to start her new business. Max encourages Linda to call her husband and tell him the good news, however she seems reluctant to do so. As Max approaches the bar to get them another drink, Sharon confronts him head on - she knows what he's up to and warns him to stay away from her, even though Max plays dumb, Sharon can see right through him and warns him that she is her best mate and doesn't want her ruining her marriage to Mick, she doesn't want their marriage ending in divorce - she states that Mick and Linda are meant for each other. Max tries to reassure the blonde vixen that he and Linda are just friends, so she has nothing to worry about. But Sharon gives him one last warning, she'll be watching him from a distance!
Back at the parking lot, Kush successfully manages to break into the car, he seems so proud of himself and so excited, once he knows that he has managed to get into the car, Phil sets things in motion, for them to get into their cars ready to driver off and he instructs Kush to get the gate open. However, when Kush goes over the gate and types in the code, nothing happens. He tries for a second time and once again, nothing happens - has Kat given them the wrong code?! Or is he simply putting in the wrong code?! I don't know whether you guys noticed but the final digit of the code looks like either the number 6 or the letter B (In lower case) - Kush only types in the number 6, something is telling me that he's simply typing it in wrong and it actually is the lower-case B. But I could be wrong, maybe Kat has got the code wrong. Kush looks over to Phil and Ben in a slight realisation of panic that they might not be able to get out. Meanwhile, Kat and Shirley are trying their best to clean the offices, well Kat is however, whereas Shirley is being typical Shirley and is casually sat whilst Kat does all the work. As Kat asks her to make more of an effort, Shirley declines and Kat is quick to announce that she's done good when it's come to the robbery plan. Suddenly, a member of staff comes into the office and finds her and Shirley there.
Ian has found his way into the restaurant and appears to be in such dismay he throws a stash of paperwork all over the floor. As he does so, Suki walks in and see the state he's left the restaurant in, as she approaches him, Ian makes it clear to her that he doesn't want her in the restaurant. However, Suki is quick to make a proposition for him, she informs him about her plans for the Slater household and with him being a member of the council, she thinks he can help get her application get the attention she's wanting. In return she will give him £10,000! Ian is left stunned by her offer and tells her that he's actually not to be bought, but in his desperate need for money, will he take her up on her offer? It may just be the only way to get the money he needs to pay people back with. But of course, that would mean even more trouble for Slater's, once they find out that Ian helped Suki with her plan, he'll only have a few more people out to get him! Something tells me this whole situation isn't going to end well for Ian! What do you guys think?!
Back at the Insurance building, Shirley and Kat are in a blind panic as they're trying to get rid of the gentleman that's walked in on them. Shirley pushes Kat to try and get rid of him. They very subtly and quickly leave the man in the room as he appears to get distracted by sirens approaching the building from outside. Downstairs in the parking lot, Phil is frantic for Kush to get the gate open, Ben quickly notifies Kush that the police are approaching and Kush finally realises that he's been putting the code in wrong, finally he manages to put the code in correctly and franticly, Kat and Shirley dash towards the cars as Phil is shouting for them to get going. Kat pleads to Kush to come with them and leave the one car on it's own, but he's adamant he can do it! As Ben and Shirley drive ahead, the police are gathering outside the building, Kush is frantically trying to get his car to start as Kat begs him to just leave it and go with them. Phil shouts at Kat that they need to move quickly before they get nicked, Kat takes one last look at Kush and simply just says "I'm sorry!" before getting in the car with Phil and leaving him behind.
Kush is absolutely stunned that she's just left him to face the police alone. Callum arrives outside and manages to see Ben leave the scene in his car, only when Phil follows in his car, DI Thompson sees him very clearly and instructs his fellow police officers to go after him. He then instructs Callum to go into the parking lot to see if there is anyone else about. Unfortunately Kush is still struggling to get his car to work, Callum comes face-to-face with Kush and tells him to simply exit the car peacefully as police forces are surrounded everywhere, there is no easy way for him to get out of this now. Kush realises he's backed into a corner, he does everything Callum instructs him to do, only he decides to quickly make a run for it! Callum quickly dashes after him and follows him into a room on the third floor of the building. Kush attempts to hide, Callum comes into the room and spots Kush's reflection, however what he does next is a very interesting thing, he informs his boss that Kush actually got away, much to Kush's relief. When Callum shuts the door, making Kush think he's left the room, Kush attempts to make his escape but is surprised to see Callum still standing there. For a moment, I truly did think Callum was going to let Kush go, but instead he insists on arresting him. Kush begs to let him, but when Callum states he can't simply do that, Kush makes one last threat - if Kush is going to be sent down for this burglary, then he's going to make sure that Ben does to!
Ooooooo what is Callum going to do?! Is he going to let Kush off the hook so he can protect Ben? Will the police catch up with Ben and Phil?! What does this mean for Kat and Kush's relationship?! This has been a brilliant episode to watch, really gripping! I don't think I've seen one as gripping as this for a while! I'm really looking forward to finding out what happens next! What are your thoughts on this episode? What do you think will happen next?! I'd love to hear your thoughts, please feel free to comment or message me, I'll always find the time to reply! Thank you so much for reading! I'll be back again very soon to see what the aftermath of this robbery will be! Love you all xXx
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