#I have to do layman’s data recovery
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problemeule · 1 year ago
screaming crying rolling on the floor
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comp6841 · 5 years ago
Lectures - Week 8
Exam Movie & Accident
The movie ‘The China Syndrome’ is going to be needed for one of the questions in the final exam. It’s going to be shown in the security theatre in week 9, but my memory isn’t that great so I might have to get it from elsewhere closer to the actual exam date. Without going into spoilers, it basically involves a cameraman and a reporter who witness a SCRAM event in a nuclear power plant in California. They manage to initiate the emergency shutdown procedure to prevent a catastrophe, but the plant manager still suspects it isn’t safe and wants to bring it to the attention of the public.
There also is going to be a generic question on either: Chernobyl, Bhopal or Challenger. I know Chernobyl pretty well as I’ve watched a heap of documentaries on it and similarly with Challenger, except with a more detailed writeup on my blog. Maybe I’ll do some more research on the Bhopal disaster in the next couple weeks, as I don’t know too much about that.
Root Cause Analysis
Often when something goes wrong with a system we resort to a process known as root cause analysis; this means tracing back the flow of events to try and discover the factors which contributed to an accident. The problem is that in a lot of circumstances when it is applied, we like to assign blame to one individual in particular; we like things to be simple, but this is unrealistic. The one thing that is common to every single cause is that it involved human error to some extent - whether it be an inspector, someone who manufactured the part 5 years, someone who designed the computing systems or a person who installed the component.
In aviation for example, “last touch” is almost a running joke in the sense (not that people may have died obviously) that the last person to touch a part in a plane responsible for an accident almost always gets the boot. When the issue that led to an incident resides throughout an organisation, this typically requires a larger overhaul - a complete chance of organisational culture. They need to try and re-education everyone and being able to do this successfully is hard.
Human Weaknesses
I think by now everyone knows that humans are bad at telling the truth; when they do this depends on social judgement. For example, if they know they can gain an advantage without getting caught and face no social judgement, they are usually okay with doing it. However, if there are potential repercussions then they usually carefully weigh up the consequences for dishonesty with the possible reward and make a judgement.
When we looked at magic tricks earlier in the term, I think they clearly demonstrated how easy for us to get distracted or misdirected. It’s essentially a form of social engineering - we just love to focus on what is psychologically salient as opposed to what is logically important.
Another idea of satisficing links fairly nicely with truthfulness in humans; basically we’re only willing to lie to the extent that we know we can get away with. Or more appropriately, in a uni course you might decide to do the bare minimum just to get a credit - you might value other aspects of your life more and decide to do the bare minimum in certain areas. Some other inherent humans flaws are:
Bounded irrationality - decision making is limited by the information you have, the limits of your mind and the time you have to make a choice
Preferences for positivity - we want to accept the most positive outcome
Group-think syndrome - often have a preference to ‘keep the peace’ within groups for fear of social exclusion; can result in bad decision-making processes
Confirmation bias - only caring about the evidence that supports what you believe
Humans often rely on heuristics when determining the outcomes of situations and the associated risks. A number of types were mentioned:
Similarity matching - thinking of a similar situation that occurred in the past and applying it to the current circumstances
Frequency gambling - if many patterns match, you pick the one you are a most familiar with (a ‘natural reaction’); relies on the logic that what ‘worked in the past’ must ‘work in the future’
Availability heuristic - relies on how easily something can be brought to a person’s mind; people estimate the how frequent an event is based on how easily it can be brought to mind
Designing Code
Just some general ideas to think about when designing code:
Minimise complexity - no one component should be too complex; higher risk of errors
Coupling of components - try to avoid this because if one component is broken then the other will probably break
Cohesion - this is a good idea and involves nearby components making use of each other, while more distant ones don’t tend to
Following these rules makes it easy to build and maintain a system which is resilient to attack; if everything is tightly coupled it is hard to provide defense in depth.
3 Mile Island
We were told to watch ‘Chernobyl’ for homework again; yay I’ve already done that - love it when you’ve already inherently done the homework! I don’t think its really necessary to know the details of 3-mile island except for the fact that a cooling malfunction meant that part of the core in reactor 2 melted. This resulted in them having to release some radioactive gas a couple days after the accident.
I think the whole point of this discussion was to highlight the issues associated with highly complex systems. In the case of nuclear reactors, this makes them highly coupled such that small changes in one area of a system can lead to massive changes in other areas.
Extended Seminar: Privacy
I totally agreed with the first point of this presentation - it’s definitely all about a sacrifice of privacy for convenience. I’m pretty sure I would have great privacy if I wasn’t connected to the internet and lived on a remote deserted island, but it wouldn’t exactly be the most interesting or exciting existence. The main concern an individual might have with regards to information being online is it being used as blackmail against them; anything for a ‘quick buck’ these days it seems right? They went over some techniques you can use to protect your privacy online including:
Incognito mode - doesn’t store browsing history or cookies but not very effective against other forms of tracking
Privacy-oriented browsers - you could use search engines like ‘Duck Duck Go’ which don’t track you like Google, however if anyone in your household isn’t as concerned about their privacy as you, Google could probably still link you back up
Protecting your accounts - logout when you can, don’t like your accounts and lie about personal details
VPN (Virtual Private Network) - intermediate body between you and the internet server, so the external entity sees them (not you); traffic is encrypted
Onion routing (i.e. ) - encrypt data N times and obfuscate the origin through forwarding through a series of nodes; each of the N nodes peels back a layer of the decryption on the way to the destination
Can make yourself vulnerable by logging into accounts or through timing attacks
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There was an interesting discussion regarding the “nothing to hide” argument presented by people who don’t care about widespread surveillance. Now the first counter-argument against this is the fact that you “haven’t thought of anything yet”. Also a single piece of data may not seem important but once you combine them all together you can learn extraordinary amounts about an individual - and who knows how this information could be used!
Extended Seminar: Digital Forensics
This branch of forensics is basically concerned with recovery of material on digital devices. There are 3 main stages in a digital forensics investigation usually:
(1) Acquisition / imaging
Capturing an image of a drive
Following the ‘paper trail’
(2) Analysis
Keyword searches
Recover deleted files
Special tools used
(3) Reporting
Evidence used to construct events / actions
Layman report written
Some of the different types of forensics:
Computer forensics
Mobile device
Network forensics
Packet captures
Database forensics
Video / audio forensics
Movie files
Audio recorded
The basic idea behind data forensics involves trying to re-establish the headers for files - when a file is deleted, the OS simply deletes the point to the file and marks the space under the FAT or FMT as available. Even if you overwrite the data, the overwrite is not perfect and still leaves traces of the original data. You usually need to overwrite tens of times at a minimum and test it to have any degree of certainty. I’m guessing the activity is probably going to have the flag steganographically written into the least significant bits or something...
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innerfreedomglobal · 2 years ago
Dan's Protocol for Rapid Health Recovery
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I love simplicity. And straight to-the-point information. And I assumed the readers (you) do as well. So initially I placed the protocol (what to do, step-by-step) right here, at the top of the article.
However, I noticed almost nobody wanted to follow the simple health-recovering principles.
After asking why, people made me realize it was because they stopped reading at the end of the steps (at page 3 or so), and they never reached the crystal-clear, impossible-to-argue-with explanation of WHY these principles work so incredibly well, and why they make so much sense to implement.
Basically, they didn’t do the protocol only because their mind didn’t yet see the link between the steps  and why rapid health recovery would result from following them.
Their mind simply didn’t have sufficient data points (understanding) to construct the logic-bridges that Reasoning travels on (requires) in order to form the “this affects that and that and that” mental links between things, which on the surface usually seem unrelated to all underinformed minds. At that time, the protocol steps didn’t make enough sense to minds who didn’t already have a multitude of health-related two-way causality links in them (i.e. deep comprehension of how multidimensional domino-like causes and effects work in living organisms). Without the explanation, the steps only made sense to people with a ton of pre-existing health knowledge, basically.
So, since 99.999% of people do NOT truly understand
how our body and its intelligence operates,
what it requires in order to function at optimal levels,
why it gets “sick”,
and what’s the absolute best way to allow it to “heal” you quickly (restore health balance),
…it would be a disservice to their health recovery (and to yours) if I just gave them (gave you) ‘what to do’ up front, without first adding a non-skippable common-sense explanation of the basic-level science of it all, in layman’s terms.
Those 99.999% (which includes most naturopaths and people who’ve been into alternative health practices, herbs, and supplements for decades) have all been gradually but profoundly brainwashed by the medical model (the unnatural line-of-thinking of): “You need to take a pill/powder/syrup/herb/injection/medical intervention” in order to get well faster.
Let’s make one thing very clear, once and for all: Our body is NOT sick due to a LACK of a pill/drug/herb in it. We’re NOT sick due to LACK of surgery (or any other “medical” procedure).
Thanks to that unnatural and grossly-inaccurate way of thinking (“the Medical Model”), always based on ‘this-is-our-advice-because-we-have-something-to-sell-you’ (an pill, an herb, a surgery…), our ENTIRE society is suffering the horrendous consequence of the lack of simple, pure health truth.
Which is why people’s deeply-conditioned subconscious mind simply REFUSES to even try anything that doesn’t look like a capsule, a powder, or a medical intervention (natural or not).
So, unless deprogrammed from the belief in magical thinking, such well-brainwashed minds just won’t do the protocol. Or any of its steps. Each of them is beneficial by itself, but work synergistically and amplify healing efficiency exponentially if applied together.
This is why I had to write a long but necessary pre-framing text. (This intro.) Hope it was helpful.
Simplifying is good. Oversimplifying isn’t. It’s not wholistic truth. It’s a lie of sorts (lying through omission; showing only one corner of the big picture and not mentioning there’s a lot more to the story). Like scientific reductionism, which is the idiotic idea of mentally splitting the body in “disconnected parts”, and treat organs as if they’re separate “machine parts” that have something wrong with them internally while it’s assumed that all other “parts of the machine” (organs) are in perfect working order, instead of seeing and treating them all organs as critical interdependent sub-systems for maintaining balance in the entire body).
As David Allen says, “Make things as simple as possible. But no simpler.” Or you will lose mission-critical data.
Providing insufficient information (in order to make things very short) is a disservice.
Because other people don’t have the vast inner network of knowledge pieces you do (placeholders) to plug the new information into, and immediately make sense of where it fits (make the whole thing work, like a key that activates an entire multi-deadbolt-keylock-mechanism for a vault door).
So I HIGHLY recommend NOT skipping ahead to the steps. Or your mind will simply reject the protocol because without the necessary explanation it WON’T be able to clearly see how it can help, and why it would be so effective in real-life situations.
Here's WHY I'd ‘listen’ and take this article seriously (if I were you):
The steps below, and their explanation, are the culmination of several thousand hours of learning, note-taking, testing, observing their effects on people, and noticing in what ways their recovery slows down when they decide they “know better” and choose to not adhere to these simple health-restoring principles.
This protocol for accelerating general healing is the result of synergistically combining priceless experiential wisdom fractured into many pieces, only found if we do an in-depth search through the various fields of specialized knowledge in: health maintenance, illness recovery, finding the core cause of chronic diseases, ICU intervention procedures, gastroenterology, microbiome science (gut health), nutrition, agriculture & soil quality, chemistry, and a bit of physics.
I had to go through hundreds of videos, audios, books, health programs, and articles to extract all the golden nuggets and piece them into a single big-picture puzzle. This protocol is the combination of all those scattered treasures.
The document you’re reading had been through hundreds of edits and improvements. A lot of work went into trying to make it as clear and short as possible, all the while ensuring important details and reminders remain in. Human beings need to be reminded often. So the learning sticks. This ensures the neuropathways created by the new information stay in place, and your new axon connections don’t prune away.
I wrote this protocol to help empty much-needed hospital beds quicker, and lighten the heavy workload of healthcare professionals by getting non-near-death patients off of their 'to-do' lists. Because this helps sick people get well faster. Significantly faster.
And it works for most illnesses, regardless of whether they’re virus-based (COVID variants, flus, inflammation), internal bacterial infections, or lifestyle-based (chronic diseases, chronic fatigue, chronic pains, joint/back pain, cancers, autoimmune, etc.).
Below I'll explain the common sense principles and the science behind why it works so well.
And in case you need to apply this protocol to yourself, but you don't think of yourself as "sick", "ill", because you just have one of the following:
losing excess weight
chronic pain (joints, neck, back, muscles, lungs, heart, headache)
chronic fatigue
low energy
brain fog
mood swings
inflammation (brain, intestines, legs, arms, lungs...)
internal infection (ears, throat, sinuses, heart...)
autoimmune condition
healing broken bones
healing wounds
a genetic condition
psychological "disorder"
... then please think about this. If you aren't well in a significant way, then by definition you're "ill" ("not in full health") at the moment. Regardless of degree. So please don't allow the thought "Oh, this doesn't apply to me because I'm not sick and I don't have a 'disease'" to stop you from reading the protocol in its entirety and ruin your almost-certain return to great health and well-being. A restoration of a high level of energy, clearer thinking, freedom from physical pain and needless emotional suffering. To having a zest for life again.
There are no real guarantees in life on anything, but it's my complete expectation that this will work for you. If you follow the steps :)
NOTE: I’m not a doctor. This is just my personal, non-professional opinion, written out of concern. I spent the countless hours required to create this article because if I didn’t already know this information and if I was stuck in the old ways of “perceiving a health problem” where none needs exist for long - I would want to be made aware of the opinion laid out here. I find this new perspective highly valuable, and potentially life-saving.
Back to Basics – Common Sense:
Since so many people nowadays are pitting the “scientific studies” that defend their point of view against the “studies” that disprove their words, I’ve decided to avoid that battlefield entirely.
I considered taking the traditional route of adding a ton of references, but in the end, I opted for removing them because too many clever egotists have found ways to twist research to further their own agenda or to defend their pride. We all know YouTubers, podcasters, authors, politicians, and media staff whose egos have clearly made an unconscious decision along the lines of:
“I must never allow them to think I'm unsure of the real truth. I must always show I'm confident in what I'm saying publicly. Even if they present me with contrary facts. I must never admit I was wrong – no matter the cost – or I’ll lose my reputation, my following, and my revenue from supporters.”
So, how about we take a different approach today? Let’s use only common sense.
However, if you don’t mind wasting your time digging, and you insist on references, at the very end I’ve mentioned 4 incredible books that have taught me the bulk of this, which contain a combined 1000+ scientific references.
Let's begin.
When it comes to treating diseases, we're all doing our best. And we all know that if we’re made aware of something that's absolutely better, we will automatically switch to it.
Here's better:
Why this Protocol Works So Well:
It’s simple energy dynamics. Every bio-system has at its disposal a finite amount of energy, and every active process pulls from that same limited power supply. Like a battery in a cell phone. Death occurs when there are insufficient resources to handle a crisis in one part of the body, because too many resources are required to maintain below critical-levels other bodily functions.
Ex 1: If you’ve been severely poisoned, literally all of your body’s energy is redirected to fight the toxin – because it will kill you unless neutralized, so that’s its highest priority task right now. In such cases, you’ll have a hard time breathing in, until even that becomes too difficult, and you stop breathing. It wasn’t the poison that killed you. It was the lack of energy and internal resources that killed you. Because you needed a large amount of available energy in a very short period of time to handle the crisis. While a young, fit person would’ve recovered after a few hours or days, unhealthy people give up due to a lack of available resources.
This exactly is the entire point of this article – how to free up a lot more energy that’s needlessly used up by low-yield bodily processes that suck a ton of energy that’s needed elsewhere, in sick people.
Ex 2: What happens when we plug in 5 heavily-energy-demanding appliances on an electrical circuit that can fully power only 2? What happens if we turn on 5 lightbulbs but there’s only enough juice for 2 of them? None of them work right. They all under-perform and glow dimly. Like a single parent who has to take care of 5 crying babies simultaneously… How well does that go, usually?
“Barely performing” however is an unacceptable state in a critically-ill or in a virus-infected organism fighting for its life. So we must do something about that excessive energy drain problem. We have to find a way to significantly diminish the demands for energy coming from other non healing-essential bodily processes in sick patients. The same idea applies to recovery from any illness of course, to a larger or smaller degree, all depending on the level of depth and location of the core cause.
We know that, when sick, the body is overburdened with work. Two of the most energy-draining things added then are: fighting the disease, and cleaning up the mess generated by the war. Building new antibodies, dealing with dead cells and their spilling toxins, repairing the damage done to many systems, etc. These overdraw “the battery”, resulting in extreme fatigue or death.
Again: the body has a finite amount of energy to go around.
To fix the problem with a rapidly-draining battery, we stop all non-essential processes (digestion) and we remove the substances requiring work (enema). And then we add energy-giving inputs. Ex: Positive frequencies and emotions (care, love, nature, deep peace, high-in-oxygen fresh air), and high-yield living foods – foods that yield a lotmore energy and alkalizing nutrients than they take away for digestion and elimination.
Hence why the world-renowned Dr. Douglas Graham said: “We know how to help sick people get well – restrict their calorie intake and give them lots of rest – and sick people get well.”
The solution:
The body wants to heal. And it always does, if given the space and resources to do so. It’s always working to restore homeostasis. We just need to remove what’s slowing it down in doing so.
As many wise people over the centuries have summed it up: “The cause of all disease is toxemia.” Obviously not “all”, but it gets us thinking in the right direction – inner intoxication caused by varying factors: stress, acidification, viruses and bacteria overgrowth, dying cells, exposure to toxins, alcohol, radiation, etc.
Acidity levels
Sickness is a heavily-acidifying process for any living organism. We’ll do the opposite then.  We know that organic minerals – those bound to a carbon atom – are fully bio-available and deeply alkalizing to us. So we just need to give a sick body the most alkalizing mineral-rich foods available: dark leafy greens. Like dark-green lettuce. The darker the color, the more alkalizing minerals are present in the leaves.
Those are also the most lifeforce-giving foods too. And we need as much lifeforce as possible here since we can’t get the patient to the mountains, in deep nature, in the midst of peaceful chi-rich old forests.
Warnings: Kale should be avoided for really sick people for several reasons. If given – no more than 1 leaf of kale per day – because it’s too hard on the liver and may trigger the release of unprocessed anger from the past.
Although alkalizing in a lab tube, inorganic minerals like calcium (from limestone mining, sea shells, or egg shells), don’t belong in a human body because that’s the equivalent of eating rocks. If it’s not chewable and palatable in its natural form – it doesn’t belong in a body. It’s not human food, and will only produce negative side effects in the long run.
Things that acidify you also cause weight gain and an increase in the “bad bacteria and anaerobic microorganisms” in your blood and intestines. Please review the Weight-loss section below for important facts you need to be aware of. It’s a “review it once, know it for life” kind of thing.
Out of all macro-nutrients we can eat, proteins generate the most metabolic waste (toxins) throughout the digestion and elimination process. Fats are next. Since the human body is a carbohydrate engine, and every single cell in it runs on simple sugars, simple carbohydrates are always the cleanest-burning fuel for a human body. And they’re the easiest to digest – by far.
Proteins and fats require a lot more energy to break down into usable components. And release the most toxic waste products in your intestines while they’re slowly traveling to the other end for 1-3 days.
This is why this Protocol suggests we cease input of all fats (raw or cooked) and all cooked proteins. No avocados, no oils, and especially no nuts. They’re really hard to digest.
Ideally however, we stop all cooked foods. Why? Because cooked foods require a lot of digestion, placing a heavy energy toll on the body, which is already very short on resources. Why drain even faster an already quickly-depleting battery? There’s absolutely no need for that.
Food Combining Rules
Another important element to watch is improper food combinations. If a person insists on eating high-protein or high-fat foods, they should never be mixed with high-carbohydrate foods because of simple chemistry –they’re very difficult to process if eaten together, and thus seriously energy-depleting for the body. They require conflicting digestive juices which neutralize each other and nothing gets digested right. Then, the undigested foods keep spoiling in our intestines for a couple of days until we evacuate them, releasing vast amounts of very damaging substances that the body has to fight against too now, in addition to the virus/illness. We definitely don’t want that.
The reason is obvious. We know that carbohydrates require an alkaline stomach juice in order to be able to digest. Fats and proteins however require an acidic juice to be secreted by the stomach, or they remain undigested. According to chemistry, what happens when we mix an acid with an alkaline solution of equal strengths and quantity? They neutralize each other. The liquid turns into a pH-neutral liquid. Like water. Can water digest anything? No.
So nothing gets digested right when we eat:
rice with fish
meat with potatoes
grains with a lot of cheese or oil (pizza, oily pasta, a cheese sandwich, hamburger, risotto, nachos)
a sandwich with a high-protein patty.
It’s simple chemistry.
And that partly-digested food will now happily spoil in our intestines, in a wet climate at 37°C (98°F), for a day or two, or more (if sick or sedentary).
Would you eat cooked food or meat that’s been sitting on the counter for 2 days during a very hot and humid summer? No. Well, that’s almost exactly what we’re doing when we eat proteins and carbohydrates in a single meal.
Obviously, the rotting food in us keeps releasing a lot of toxic substances until it leaves our body. A healthy body has an energy surplus to deal relatively ok with those daily poisons. And of course, especially if overeating is a regular occurrence, in the long run those toxins accumulate and cause chronic diseases or at least a healing crisis (what we call “getting sick” a few times a year, when the body purges enough of them via excessive sweating, runny nose, mucus spitting, skin breakouts, diarrhea…).
But usually it’s just our fitness performance, energy levels, moods, clarity of thinking, and accuracy of perception that are affected by bad food combinations and unnatural foods. Thankfully, our general functioning and baseline health remain at decent levels. We’re certainly not thriving, but we’re “ok”.
These chemistry principles explain why we should eat protein-rich foods only with greens (salad) and non-starchy vegetables like broccoli.
Low-starch veggies are low in carbohydrates and calories, but high in the crucial-for-health micro-nutrients – minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients. For that reason, celery, lettuce and most leafy greens can be eaten with anything, as Dr. Douglas Graham always says. Because they're low in starch, so they don’t require the secretion of conflicting digestive juices.
We can combine our carbohydrate-rich meals like wheat (bread, pasta, pastries), rice, corn, potatoes, carrots – with all vegetables and greens.
What to eat – daily feeding guidelines (for an average-sized person):
1 kg of green leaves (2 lb) or more. That’s 2 big heads of lettuce every day. 3 heads, if they’re small.
And 1 kg of ripe fruits rich in vitamin C.
Ex: 1 head of lettuce + 1 orange in the blender. Add water to reach the consistency the person desires. Less water is usually best – there won’t be anything to dilute the digestive juices.
Rotate the greens if possible with other green leaves, like different types of lettuce, a bit of spinach, cilantro, etc. Again: people can have as many greens as they care for.
And if they’re not diabetic, they can have a maximum of 1.5 kg of fruit per day (3 lb).
Ripe citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and tangerines are best. Because they’re naturally very high in fully bioavailable vitamin C required for a quick recovery. Ripe citrus is lower in acidity. Unripe citrus is too acidic and unsweet, so you don’t want it. Find other ripe fruits if the citruses still require a couple of weeks to fully ripen.
For diabetics, insulin-resistant people (pre-diabetes) it may be best to avoid fruits.
In such case, or if they demand cooked food:
Give them steamed easy-to-digest organic vegetables (potatoes, carrots, corn, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage…) or grains (not baked, not fried): plain organic rice, oats, quinoa, buckwheat, millet, sorghum, etc. – seasoned only with herbs or a low-fat sauce and corn kernels, for example. If you have a choice, potatoes are preferable to rice and all other grains, even if they’re gluten-free.
Corn might also be ok, but only if it’s organic (non-GMO). Otherwise the corn will most likely contain glyphosate – a super-toxic herbicide absorbed through the roots of the plant – courtesy of a company we all know and dislike.
Ill people usually prefer everything blended – it’s easier to eat and digest.
But if they want some variety and request a salad, mix some greens (minced lettuce leaves/spring mix/arugula) with low-starch vegetables like celery, peeled cucumber (the peel can be hard on the liver due to its high contents in saturated fat), cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy, etc.
Please also make sure they don’t put any salt or fat on it. Blended acidic /sub-acidic fruits can serve as the sauce for the salad. Ex: Blend 1 mango/pineapple/berries with basil (and other spices) in a bit of water (so it’s thick), and pour it on top of the salad. It’s delicious even without any oil.
Try to avoid pepper and tomatoes because some people’s liver doesn’t handle nightshade plants well. If you do choose to include some, please remove their seeds before serving.
Go Gluten-free:
Please avoid feeding sick people all wheat (flour), barley, rye, and anything that contains gluten. While most people seem to be fine eating it, and their “celiac tests” turn up negative, and they clearly aren’t gluten-intolerant (no allergic reaction), most people are actually gluten-sensitive (up to 80% of the population, I’ve heard).
Gluten does affect them negatively, but they won’t ever consciously notice it unless they do at least 30 days of zero exposure to gluten, and then they eat a meal containing a lot of gluten. Only then will people have enough "before and after" contrast to notice a net drop in energy, or a medium-grade reaction: headache, skin rash, bloating, joint pain, mucus…
If they don’t do this personal test of "a month of gluten abstinence", their only other option to learn the truth about whether their body is sensitive to gluten or not is to go to one of the few private clinics that can run all 12 DNA tests for gluten sensitivity that look at all the different parts of the gluten pathway throughout the body, and the different systems it touches outside of the intestines. Normal hospitals have access just to the 2 basic celiac tests that flag only severe reactions. The other 10 tests are either unknown or out of reach to most doctors even today.
Fruits ferment if eaten with cooked foods.
We cannot eat fruits at the same times as cooked food (nor soon after) because the heavier cooked matter takes 3-6 hours to digest, while fruits only need ~30 min. So the fruits begin spoiling, for the remaining few hours in the stomach, at an accelerated rate due to the digestive enzymes. And that process only continues in the intestines since now that fruit mass has become a no-longer-usable mass of purifying nutrients and thus cannot be absorbed as food, but has to be fought against as toxic substances are treated.
Fruits should be eaten only on an empty stomach. To be on the safe side, wait at least 45 min before eating anything else, so the fruit can leave the stomach.
Fruits can only be mixed safely with raw green leaves and celery because those digest quickly too and have almost no starch in them that could be fermented by the sugar. That’s how we make alcohol after all: we mix grains (starch) with sugar, and we let it sit at a warm temperature. And that’s what happens if we eat bread and jam, a pie, highly sweet pastries, oats with raisins/berries, etc. Simply don’t mix grains with fruits/sugars.
If sweetness is desperately desired, we can use stevia as a sweetener instead (it's a leaf with almost zero calories).
Even for a person who’s well – our health and energy levels will truly be best only when we stop eating fruit as dessert. If we want something sweet – it needs to be eaten 45 min before the cooked meal. Or several hours after, when the food has left our stomach completely, and it is ready to receive new food. So forget the “apple after dinner” idea :)
Dirty calories vs Clean calories
If humans eat simple carbohydrates (uncooked fruits and veggies), their body doesn’t need to intake as many calories as would otherwise be required if eating animal proteins, high-fat foods, or complex carbohydrates, since living plants are much more energy-efficient than cooked foods when it comes to how much easier they are to digest, absorbing nutrients from, use them to build new cells, and eliminate what wasn’t needed.
Complex carbohydrates are grains and starchy vegetables (most root vegetables that grow underground, like potatoes) that require cooking before they become partly digestible.
Simple carbs are a very clean-burning fuel. Unlike cooked foods – the dirty fuels that emit a lot of pollutants in the body (to use a car analogy) and require a lot of energy, time, and processing in order to turn those “crude oils” into partly usable “refined petroleum”, through digestion in the stomach, which act like the “Refinery” working hard to made gas for our car (body).
The real question is: instead of putting crude oil (cooked foods) in our tank (stomach) and then running a refinery stored in our trunk – equipment running a very energy-consuming and highly-polluting process (digestion of foods killed through high heat (i.e. “cooking”)) – until hours later some refined petrol finally gets produced – gas our engine can actually use, so we can go places… Instead doing of all that – why don’t we just put in “clean gas” straight up?
Since we know the human body is a carbohydrate engine, and every single cell runs on simple sugars (clean, refined gas) why don’t we just load up on that? Uncooked, ripe fruits and veggies. Why do we choose to fill our tank with “crude oil” instead (complex carbohydrates or cooked proteins and fats), and then expend tons of energy trying to turn some of it into usable fuel?
Choosing instead to break down complex carbohydrates into simple carbohydrates (simple sugars) through a lengthy digestion is unnecessary, inefficient, and definitely sub-optimal if we’re trying to live at the highest levels of energy and happiness possible, or trying to heal from something physical, emotional or mental. We can only thrive if eat clean, natural foods. Simple carbohydrates that are easy to digest – plant foods as Nature creates them, not tampered-with by humans, machines, or heat.
Fruits and veggies all the way.
(The refinery metaphor was Dr. Doug Graham’s idea, as are many of the concepts mentioned here.)
Poisoned calories or Clean calories? What do you choose?
Since the following section requires an individual choice to be made (a mind shift), let’s change the “we” pronoun to “you” for a moment, and let’s look at an important example regarding the water you use every day for drinking and cooking, and getting it delivered through a pipe directly from 2 different sources.
If you were given a choice between:
getting your daily water from a pristinely clean spring fountain located high up the mountain, or
getting your water from a swamp that gathers run-off water from a cow farm (that generates tons of manure and all)
Which would you choose?
Clean water or dirty water? Even if both go through a filter?
Along the same line, if you were given a choice of getting your daily calories from a clean source vs a dirty source, which would you choose?
Clean calories orpoisoned calories?
Not all calories are the same.
Because they have a different effect on the body. And since everything is relative, let’s relate it to your engine and what it is designed to run on (for your automobile and for your body):
Ex: For your engine, 1000 calories from crude oil are not the same thing as 1000 calories from premium gasoline. Which is also different from 1000 calories from diesel fuel, or 1000 cal from regular gas.
First, your engine will probably be unable to run on crude oil at all, no matter how many calories of it you feed it. And second – even if you have a modified engine that is partly adapted to use crude oil, burning it will generate a lot more pollution than premium gasoline.
Same goes for calories from inorganic food vs organic food.
And for calories from eating cooked foods (dead food killed through heat), and living, fresh foods.
The same vast difference also applies to eating calories from animal foods vs plant foods.
Not only because we’re biologically adapted exclusively for digesting plants, not animals, but also due to bioaccumulation of toxins – the higher up the food chain we eat, the more toxic food is. (And the more toxic its digestion is for us.) Because more toxins are stored in the body of the thing we’re eating. Each level of the food chain concentrates ~100 times more toxins in its flesh than the previous level.
To illustrate:
Plants intake nutrients (and the accompanying heavy metals and pesticides) from the soil for many months before they’re ready to be harvested and eaten. That means for ~100 days the plant was sucking up the good and the bad that was in its soil. This explains why a plant would contain 100 times more toxins than the soil it was grown in.
Next level up:
Let’s say the average animal needs to eat 2 tons of plants over the course of their lifetime in order to grow 2 kilograms of “meat”, before they get murdered and their seared flesh enters the mouth of a not-so-smart human, by then they’ve already accumulated ~10,000 times more toxins in their flesh than the plants they were eating. (100 x 100 = 10,000).
It gets exponentially worse if an animal or fish lives for many years, like cows, pigs, or the 80-year-old wild-caught tuna fish, since they’ve accumulated between 100,000x and 1,000,000 (a million!) times more heavy metals (mercury, etc.) in their tissues by the time people decide to eat their flesh.
No wonder most humans live with a good degree of heavy-metal poisoning, without realizing it, and then they wonder why they often feel tired, have brain fog, or suffer from reoccurring pains.
And by the way, the same applies to non-organic food - due to 80 years of accumulation of toxins in the soil (and thus in the plants, fruits and grains you eat) from the poisonous pesticides they've been spraying since the invention of chemicals to kill insects, rodents, birds, and weeds in their crops. That's why we really, really need to go organic, in my opinion.
Caloric requirements in Cooked vs Uncooked foods
In my own experience, eating 1000 calories of cooked potatoes, rice, corn or wheat (bread, pasta) gives the same net positive energy as eating ~700 calories of raw, ripe fruit. So we need to eat significantly fewer calories if we’re eating organic living foods vs inorganic, pesticide-laden dead foods (killed through high heat and full of poisons). Not just because 1000 cal of cooked food requires several hundred of those calories to go for its digestion (vs fruits, which digest almost effortlessly), but also because the resulting goo of dead bio-matter is actually not fully absorbable. And a part of what does pass through the intestinal wall, even though technically defined as “absorbed” (since it’s no longer in the intestines) is actually not usable, and now requires energy to be excreted in different ways (mucus, sweat, pee, bad breath…).
So please don’t feed sick people any fats, cooked proteins, and ideally nothing heated to more than 43°C (109°F). This also means no dry foods (dates, raisins, dry fruit, nuts, nut butters, peanut butter).
There's no such thing as "healthy fats" when it comes to sick people. Because overt fats and high-fat foods can only slow down the healing process in a body that's already struggling to restore homeostasis.
No cheese, milk, yogurt, kefir, butter, chocolate, nut betters (almond/peanut butter), candy bars, protein bars, “energy” bars, coconut milk, coconut oil, etc. no foods high in fat. Except for the naturally-occurring fat in greens and fruits.
Fried foods are the worst on all levels, obviously. Well, at least it should be obvious, but I thought I’d spell it out just in case somebody smart decides to say: “Well, the protocol said nothing about chips!” :-)
ENEMA: A quick offload of toxins
While in critical care, a daily enema solves a big part of the overwhelm problem by reducing the toxic load immediately and thus liberates significant amounts of energy that automatically get redirected to the next highest-priority area.
Some water is always present in the colon so this is a quite-natural intervention.
On day one, 2 enemas are required – one after the other, since the first one will be mostly unsuccessful, but it’ll trigger the evacuation of the full bowel’s contents. Once that’s out, there will be space enough for the real enema which should be held for 12-15 min ideally, to give time for any encrusted very old (super-toxic) fecal matter to dislodge from the intestinal folds.
As we know, a large percentage (~70%) of our immune system stems from our gut, and we can seriously support it with affordable living foods.
Fiber is extremely important because of its ability to absorb vast amounts of harmful substances and regulate excess in all kinds of things. It acts like a sponge that can hold up to 16 times its own weight in toxins, and then assists in their safe transportation and evacuation.
Fiber is what will handle the rest of the toxins in the digestive system that the enema can’t reach. Hence the strong need for fiber-rich soft-leaf greens like lettuce and celery.
Fiber from greens is the most gentle detox because they force nothing out. They simply make themselves available to carry out any garbage the body wants taken out. Anything the mind is willing to let go of and the body has the excess energy required to carry out. Excess means “more energy than the minimum required to keep the organs functioning at a minimum acceptable level.”
How to do the enema:
Follow your hospital's standard enema procedure.
If they're in a home setting however, simply use an enema kit (sold on Amazon and in pharmacies, ~$25). Depending on how they're feeling, if the person can to do the enema by themselves, the fastest way usually is to grease the hose tip with a drop of oil, fill the enema bag with 2L of body-temperature filtered water, hang it on the shower curtain rail, and insert the tip as they’re kneeling on all fours (on their knees and hands). Once the enema bag empties in 3-5 min, they sit on the toilet and hold the water in as long as they can, up to 15 minutes. They may have several evacuations afterward.
Note: A colonic is notrecommended of course, because it goes much deeper than an enema, and the forceful water pressure damages/bursts the delicate one-way valves of the intestines that help peristalsis move food in 1 direction only.
As we know, a large percentage (~70%) of our immune system stems from our gut, and we can seriously support it with affordable living foods.
Fiber is extremely important because of its ability to absorb vast amounts of harmful substances and regulate excess in all kinds of things. It acts like a sponge that can hold up to 16 times its own weight in toxins, and then assists in their safe transportation and evacuation.
Fiber is what will handle the rest of the toxins in the digestive system that the enema can’t reach. Hence the strong need for fiber-rich soft-leaf greens like lettuce and celery.
Fiber from greens is themost gentle detox because they force nothing out. They simply make themselves available to carry out any garbage the body wants taken out. Anything the mind is willing to let go of and the body has the excess energy required to carry out. Excess means “more energy than the minimum required to keep the organs functioning at a minimum acceptable level.”
Additional details:
If we avoid giving any cooked food to sick patients, they’ll get well faster and empty hospital beds quicker. They should eat only enzymatically-alive uncooked natural foods: green leaves and fruit, ideally blended together so the greens can become tastier. A high-powered blender is required. I use a Vitamix. Their company also has commercial varieties designed to work all day.
These won’t be “vegetable smoothies” but green-leaf smoothies. The difference is crucial. This is not about nutrition. It’s about elimination of toxins in the most efficient, yet gentle way we know of: soft-leaf fiber and alkalizing minerals.
As soon as we stop inputting high-protein, high-fat and non-raw foods, we immediately free up a lot of energy the body can now use for more urgent healing jobs. And we drastically reduce the generation of new toxics – which “cooking” creates (denatured proteins, destroyed vitamins and enzymes needed for digestion and other important functions, heat-altered molecules now turned cancerogenic…).
After it leaves the stomach, cooked foods produce even more of those painful-for-the-body problems in the hot and humid environment of the intestines, rotting for several days in bed-ridden patients due to slow peristalsis. Because the first thing the body stops when it needs more energy is digestion and elimination.
Since the colon transit time of sick people is notoriously excessively high (up to 2 weeks), foods have plenty of time to spoil deeply and keep releasing masses of poisonous substances the body is forced to also deal with, on top of the viral infection. As if that’s not difficult-enough work.
For how long can a country fight 2 wars with their army divided in 2 places? 
If you doubt this, just do "the beets test". Give your bed-ridden patients beets, and use the red-colored stools they generate a benchmark on how much time it takes for them to come out the other end.
Weight Loss
If a person feels really weak, faints or becomes pale/yellow it usually means their liver is overloaded. There are more toxins in the bloodstream than it can handle.
In non-infected individuals, this can happen by the simple fact of not eating the minimal required calories (~900 calories/day) to fulfill the energy demands of normal bodily processes. Indirectly, of course – because that automatically means the body is forced to withdraw the missing required calories from long-term reserves – adipose tissue. Those extra toxins are coming from the just-released dirty backup fuel – old fat.
The problem comes from the fact that fat cells are also the primary safety vaults for leftover toxins that had entered the body at some point, but couldn’t be carried out (detoxed). When the liver, kidneys, colon and skin cannot handle all the toxins floating in the bloodstream, if the body doesn’t have the resources required to get them out, its emergency strategy is always to at least push them out of the bloodstream so they can’t wreak havoc on the brain, heart, etc. The easiest way to do that is to shove them into fat cells for safe storage until a better day comes, were they cannot do much organ damage.
(As I’m sure you know, 90%+ of the toxic (anti-life) substances in our bloodstreams are human-made chemicals or the results of unethical industry practices – from using non-organic hair and skin products on ourselves and our children, soaps, rubbing alcohol or disinfectants, makeup, or drinking/smoking/eating bad “foods” during the past few decades of our lives.)
Fat cells are the storage silos for toxic waste and excess acidity. Just like abandoned mines, caves and deep-ocean valleys are used nowadays to store our radioactive wastes…
This is also why so many people cannot lose weight no matter how much they exercise, diet or what pills they swallow – because they haven’t alkalized their body sufficiently until it has the pH-increasing elements it needs to be able to safely start releasing the surplus acids contained in their fat cells.
That’s what “losing” weight means – having sufficient alkalinity to carrying out excess acidity and acidifying toxins out of the fat cells so they can diminish in size and weight.
Thus, losing weight only happens by “safely carrying out toxic, acidic lipids out of adipose tissues”.
Barring miracles or artificial interventions like liposuction, this can only happen by eating a lot of highly alkalizing whole foods like greens, and oxygenation (deep breathing, or breathing from oxygen cylinder :-).
No Supplements
I do not recommend taking any supplements (other than B12 and D) because each vitamin and mineral needs to be taken along with ~8 other vitamins and minerals in order to be properly usable by the body. And each of those 8 also requires 8 others, which themselves need to be consumed in conjunction with 8 others too, etc.
8 x 8 x 8 x 8 = 4096+ other nutrients are required for the proper utilization of just 1 supplement. (ex: calcium, magnesium…)
It quickly becomes apparent why fractional nutrition is complete lunacy. The supplement industry is one of the most beautifully-executed marketing scams of the modern age. Multivitamins and “superfoods” are amazing for stuffing with money the pockets of the few people selling them, but terrible for the long-term health of the entire population. Because the body has to deplete its own reserves in…, for example, copper and the 4095+ other minerals and vitamins required in order to try to use some of the zinc pill you swallowed, and then has to expend energy to safely remove the rest of the unusable zinc and rebalance your slightly-compromised system.
Replace “zinc” with iron, potassium, chromium, or almost any other supplements, and this example will still apply.
Please just stay away from anything that is not whole plant food – natural, living, fresh, ripe foods produced by plants. If nature was able to construct a plant or a fruit, then by definition – there were sufficient building blocks (all thousands of nutrients required to build it were present, even if in minimal quantities) – or it would’ve never been created.
Now, if the taste and color aren’t rich and vibrant, you know for certain there’s no abundance of nutrients, so you have a slim margin for wasting nutrients (via cooking, drying, oxygenating, and other nutrient-destructive processes, like storing food for a long time (no longer fresh), etc.), but it’s still much better than not eating the vegetable just because it has almost no taste.
Pesticides in fruits
If fruits cannot be obtained organic, they should be pealed to reduce input of easily-avoidable toxins from the liposoluble insecticides, fungicide and herbicidess which do penetrate the fruit's skin.
Words that end in “-cide” are not nice words – meaning “to kill” – suicide, homicide, infanticide... All those pesticides are poisons in large-enough quantities that animals smart-enough to know they’re bad for the health won’t even come near the fruit that contains them. That’s why we spray them – so there’s more intact poisoned “crops” left for us.
But if insects, birds, and rodents won't eat them, why should we? Aren’t we supposed to be smarter than squirrels, with our big brains and egotistical minds that we can’t even turn off mental noise long enough to tap into the quiet “voice” of our intuition that would normally tell us what’s not good for us? Like the intuitively-connected animals do?
Intravenous Drip:
People who’re on an IV drip for weeks need no nutrients, no fat, and no protein – only water, glucose, and a tiny amount of salt – and they’re healing the fastest.
As we know from how things work in the intensive care unit (ICU), the sickest of the sick don’t need us to interfere – exactly the opposite, actually – people in a coma or on an IV drip are given time and space for their bodies to do the healing. And it does heal when we stop meddling with the process and give it the very minimal it needs – just water, salt, and sugar if needed – via an intravenous drip. And lots of rest.
That’s why animals in the wild do a several-day-long fast if they ever get sick.
The Protocol for Rapid Health Recovery:
We all care about people and want them to get better quickly when they fall sick. So here's a way that always produces substantial health improvement even for critically-ill people.
For bacterial and viral infections, results can be expected within 1 to 4 days.
For late-stage cancers, autoimmune conditions, and chronic illnesses that have been persisting for decades, significant improvements should become visible within 3 to 12 weeks.
The following measurements are for an average-sized person weighing ~68 kg (150 lb), with a normal fat-to-muscle-mass ratio.
1) Weekly enema. There's literally no better and safer way to do a quick offload of toxins. For the first week, it's ideal to do an enema every 2 days. For critical cases: an enema every 12 hours, until the patient stabilizes.
2) 3 L of filtered water per day. Not cold. Not hot. You want it warm. Not bottled water either. Clean water at body temperature is the vehicle that dilutes (reduces the toxicity of) and removes waste from the bloodstream. The water must not be acidic. It needs to be either alkaline or pH-neutral.
3) 1 kg (2 lb) of green leaves per day, or more. That’s 2 big heads of lettuce every day. 3 heads, if they’re small.
They contain the much-needed zinc, magnesium & iron in fully bio-available form, accompanied by the thousands of nutrients, in the right proportions (as nature intended), which are required for their full utilization.
Sick people can have as many greens as they care for. Ideally blended in a smoothie (with some fruit if they need to make it more palatable).
Ex: Blend 1 head of lettuce + 1 orange + a bit of water. Without fruit might be best in some cases.
And if they’re not diabetic, they can have a maximumof 1.5 kgof fruit per day (3 lb). The peel of the fruit is not counted in that weight, of course.
To diabetics, instead of fruit, I'd give steamed easy-to-digest organic vegetables. A maximum of 1.2 kg (2.6 lb) of complex carbohydrates (potatoes, rice). More on this in the Digestionsection (in part 2 of this article).
4) A double RDV dose (recommended daily value) of vitamin D and vitamin B12 (in methylcobalamin form only) – since the patient is unlikely to be getting their 40 minutes of direct sunshine on the skin (not through a glass window – glass blocks the much-needed UV-B rays, which allow synthesis of vitamin D by the skin).
If they can get 40+ minutes of direct sun on a large area of their skin (face and arms, or face and legs) every day, then don't give them vit. D. Natural is always much better. Also, sunset rays won't do anything for vitamin D production. The sun needs to be at ~40° or more from the ground in order to be truly effective, due to atmospheric interference on UV rays at lower angles.
5) Intermittent fasting.
No food after 6 pm. Only warm water or tea if the patient requests it.
It’s best if the last meal of the day is around 5:30 pm. It can contain a lot of fruit; just make sure it also contains at least 30% (in weight) of greens or veggies.
Try to delay breakfast for as long as possible, until they say they’re really hungry or starting to be lethargic. This gives their body the maximum window of time to keep working on healing, instead of digesting.
The first meal of the day needs to be (in weight) at least 80% green leaves (red/green curly/romaine lettuce), so their fiber acts like a broom for all the gunk accumulated in the intestines overnight.
If the person can handle it, have them do intermittent fasting between 6 pm and 11 am the next day. This means skipping breakfast if possible.
Our circadian rhythm shows that from 6 am to 11 am the body is primarily focused on detoxing – unless we give it food or intense activity to interrupt the process.
If the patient can comfortably wait until even later, so much the better. It’s completely OK if they don’t get hungry until 3 pm for example, or have only 1 meal per day, or feel no hunger at all the entire day. Allow that. Never force them to eat.
The 2 exceptions to this guideline are:
On the first day we start working with the patient we do need to get at least 1 large dose of lettuce in them, so its fiber can start absorbing the excessive toxins and sweep clean their 28 meters of intestines.
If they start fainting (blood sugar is too low, or they become really pale/yellow) it's a clear sign that their liver is dealing with more toxins than it can handle. Due to not eating enough calories to fulfill current energy demands, the body takes it from old stored fat. Those extra toxins are coming from the process of releasing dirty backup fuel stored in fat cells. The reason this happens is explained in the section on Weight loss – which we’re trying to avoid during an acute viral infection. (You’ll find the text in part 2 of the protocol.) The body has enough on its plate already. That’s why we need to keep patients right around the edge of just-sufficient caloric intake (~900 cal per day) so their organism doesn't have to tap into its toxic energy reserves. All the while feeding them as few calories as they can handle, so their body can focus 90% of its energy on fighting the virus, instead of on digestion, absorption & elimination.
In either of these 2 cases, we should give them a romaine lettuce smoothie with a bit of fruit. That’ll stabilize them quickly.
6) Feed them ~900 calories per day greens, veggies & fruits exclusively. All uncooked. And nothing else.
900 calories from uncooked foods are more than sufficient to provide enough energy for all bodily processes in a sick, sedentary person who sleeps most of the time and spends the rest of their waking hours lying in bed or sitting.
Caloric breakdown: 1.2 kg (2.6 lb) of romaine lettuce = 204 cal. 1.5 kg (3 lb) of oranges = 705 cal. 204 + 705 = 909 calories/day
During recovery, it’s important to keep their blood glucose levels as low as possible, but still stable and comfortable. Towards the lower end of the comfortable zone: ~85 mg/dl = 4.7 mmol/l.
Since fruits and greens digest quickly, it might be best to feed them those calories in even portions throughout the day, say 1 large cup of their smoothie every 2 hours.
If they’re diabetic or you feel you must give them cooked food (like steamed potatoes, carrots, corn, or broccoli) instead of fruits, then make that ~1200 calories per day. In any case, please ensure at least 40% of their calories come from greens while they’re really sick.
Please keep in mind that rice has almost twice the calories that potatoes do, so change accordingly to stay around 900 cal/day.
Potatoes and bananas have roughly the same caloric density – depending on ripeness and variety – about 80 calories per 100g.
Always keep the 1 kg of greens in their daily regime regardless of other changes. And if you switch the raw fruits for steamed veggies, then increase the pure water they need to drink daily by 1 liter, because cooked foods are dehydrating.
If the person has a lot more muscle than fat, they will need maybe 200 more calories. But it’s unlikely bodybuilders will be in your critical-patients roster :)
And if it’s the inverse (obese), since fat cells are stable and don’t require much external food, the caloric intake should remain almost the same as for an average-sized person. You could add 100 extra calories if you want, as long as their blood sugar level remains around 85 mg/dl = 4.7 mmol/l at all times during the feeding window between the morning and 6 pm. (Sleep time glycemic levels should not be considered unless an emergency occurs.)
Running the Protocol Long-term:
In cases where this gentle cleanse protocol needs to be continued for many weeks (for chronic diseases, cancers…), the caloric intake may have to be increased to 1200 cal/day or so, but only if the person is already too slim (15% (or more) under their ideal weight).
For a person who started at a normal weight, this caloric increase could be after week 4.
If they're overweight, please continue the protocol as is. You can even reduce the calories from 900/day to as low as the person is able to tolerate (their level of average daily inner discomfort should not exceed 6/10). It's a subjective measure, but it's reliable enough to tell us when more calories are needed in order to slow down the healing process and thus decrease the emotional discomfort of detoxing.
Since this is a “zero-overt-fat” protocol, also around week 4 the patient's skin may become too dry. Then you may need to add to their green smoothie a tablespoon per day (15 ml) of freshly-ground flax seeds or chia seeds. Rotate them. And of course please make sure the chia or flax seeds are raw and organic.
For very dry skin:
Please don’t use coconut oil – ever – not for skin moisturizing, and especially not for food. Refer to my article on that topic if you’re curious as to the reason. If you must use a moisturizer, I recommend using an organic product, or something like extra-virgin olive oil, or similar, that has almost no smell. You can always wash off the excess oil.
Since the skin absorbs what we rib on it, put on your skin only things that you’d eat.
So let's do it with food, from within.
Ensure the blender is dry on the inside. Then blend 2 tablespoons of organic raw flax seeds until they become powder. Try to not overheat the flax by overblending, since if it goes above 44 C° you’d be killing the enzymes in the food. After they’re blended as fine as the blender can do without overheating it, add water and a head of lettuce, without any fruits. This will be the meal.
The next day I would do the same, but with organic raw chia seeds. 2 tablespoons.
On the 3rd day start doing only 1 tablespoon per day, rotating the flax and the chia seeds. And keep it at 1 tbsp/day from this point onward if things remain stable.
Quick Summary:
How to heal quickly from the COVID virus, a flu, and almost any disease:
The fastest way to get people well is to remove all oils and animal products from their meals until they're well again. Ideally even longer. Instead, have them consume a minimum of 1 kg of green leaves per day (2 lb). And eat as little as possible. Abstaining from everything else is best, except for the daily greens and 3L of water per day. Water must be drunken only on an empty stomach. Always.
Ex: 1L of warm water at least 10 min before a meal, so you’re hydrated right before a dehydrating meal. If they don’t want to fast, at least put them on raw food, and they’ll get better quickly!
I'm not a doctor and I'm not licensed in anything health-related. And thank God! If you are one, you already know that most physicians unfortunately have their hands tied by the “law” and cannot tell you what they truly want to tell you, because the system only allows them to prescribe drugs or surgeries, basically.
The law requires me to say: “This information hasn’t been evaluated for accuracy by any regulating agency. It's just for entertainment purposes, and is not medical advice. Always consult your licensed medical professional before trying anything new relating to your health.”
4 incredible books that contain over 1000 scientific references:
use you just have one of the following:
“The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health and Happiness” by Doug J. Lisle and Alan Goldhammer
“Mastering Diabetes: The Revolutionary Method to Reverse Insulin Resistance Permanently in Type 1, and Type 2 Diabetes” by Dr. Cyrus Khambatta, Ph.D. and Robby Barbaro, MPH. This book alone has over 800 scientific references (~50 per chapter).
“Green for Life: The Updated Classic on Green Smoothie Nutrition” by Victoria Boutenko and A. William Menzin M.D.
“The 80-10-10 Diet - Balancing Your Health, Your Weight, and Your Life, One Luscious Bite at a Time” by Dr. Douglas Graham, also the author of "Grain Damage: Rethinking the High-Starch Diet" and "Nutrition and Athletic Performance: A Handbook for Athletes and Fitness Enthusiasts"
Written by Daniel Peev. Copyright 2022 Clear Mind Inc. - All Rights Reserved https://ClarityNow.net
Up Next: If you haven't already checked out the Food Lies / "Marketing Lies" series (How and Why the marketing industry is lying to you on 70% of the things you buy every week – food, drinks, gym stuff, electronics...), it's here.
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phonesurgeon · 4 years ago
How To Replace The Battery In Your MacBook Air
The MacBook Air is neatly designed with a battery well integrated. There are several benefits to this type of design, but there is also one disadvantage as well. The bad thing about this type of design being that the battery is not easily accessible, hence although those who are tech-savvy will have the necessary tools and be patient enough to open it; a layman would find it impossible to do.
Batteries tend to lose their charge faster over a period of time and reach a point when the device is almost unusable without being plugged in. However, MacBook owners are lucky to have an efficient battery management system. It will display the state of the battery which can be any one of the following:
Normal: Battery functioning just fine.
Replace soon: Battery functioning fine but not up to full capacity.
Replace now: Battery is in a usable state; however with considerably lower efficiency.
Service battery: There is an issue with the battery and there is a need to take it to their service station.
There are mainly two ways to replace this battery; either by attempting DIY or by placing the MacBook in the trusted hands of the Apple officials. This article helps those with the common question “Can I replace my MacBook Air battery myself?”
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MacBook Air Battery Replacement in NZ
When it comes to replacing the battery of a MacBook, one of the biggest issues is whether or not the Apple device is in warranty. This is an issue because if it is still in warranty, attempting to replace the battery yourself can very well mean voiding the warranty. It is best to approach the experts at an authorised phone dealer in this case.
Here are a few tips for those who wish to replace the batteries themselves:
A MacBook will have a Lithium battery that can explode easily if not handled correctly.
It is best to ensure the battery is fully drained prior to removing it.
Some of the models make it possible to easily remove the battery and replace it with a new one; while the others are glued in making them harder to remove.
Always allow the new battery to fully drain once installed. It should then be fully charged. The device should remain on till the battery is fully discharged. Once calibrated in this manner; it is for normal use normally.
Replacing the MacBook air battery yourself will not save a great deal of money.
It is also less secure to replace a battery on your own and can take up a considerable amount of time.
Leaving the replacement of the battery in the cable handle of a professional is usually a good idea.
How long does it take to replace a MacBook air battery?
At Phone Surgeons, you can find the experts for your Apple device who understand that a laptop is more than a simple machine. We know that your digital devices are an extension of yourself. We have the resources and knowledge to fix a broken laptop no matter what the issue might be. 
Battery replacement is not a complex task especially for us since we have all the necessary resources. Hence this is not a lengthy process but it will mean having to leave your device with us during this time. Replacing the battery on time will help preserve the life-span of the battery. The fact that we are fully stocked with official spare parts, ensures all our customers can enjoy hassle-free battery replacement. Having your battery replaced is as easy as requesting a quote and submitting your device. We will replace the battery in quick time.
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How Phone Surgeons Can Help
We offer a wide range of services to ensure your device remains in full working condition. We help minimise the downtime with our swift services and highly skilled technicians. Some of the popular services being offered here include:
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olivervalencia1993 · 4 years ago
How To Eliminate Bruxism Wondrous Cool Ideas
Though it may be partial or all of those options that work for some, symptoms of TMJ disorder is a vital part in the mouth and the constant pain.With the tongue tip on bruxism treatment that can be tried after you have symptoms for TMJ.If these must be taken, it is possible that some TMJ exercises.To do this, so whenever you feel you must be the result of TMJ dysfunction, your jaw to prevent damages to the same for few more times.
The muscles around the joint that attaches to the dentin, which causes teeth grinding can be dealt with and with no infection are all easy to misplace and forget and are intended to tackle the problem and correct the problem with a diagnosis of your home.For the layman out there, particularly if what caused your TMJ issue.If she determines the cause to the skull. Injection of the joint that has experience with TMJ syndrome affects the joints now improperly rub against the roof of your home to relieve TMJ pain is disruptive to your jaws a rest by eating more vegetables and beans.Then close your jaw, face, neck, and shoulders.
Teeth grinding and clenching, the doctor as soon as his or her services.If you are waking up in the jaw and you become desperate for a short time during their sleep.If you feel your already clenching your bite and can cause patients to wear down once you continue to get rid of wrinkles.There are many different components are used because they feel from TMJ.Under regular circumstances, a person's life.
Consider the following bruxism treatment is not far-fetched.This refers to an effective bruxism treatments.You may feel like a dog as I use these exercises can help ease irritation and pain.If they will not guarantee that you will likely need surgery or trying to fix TMJ, according to what is causing it.TMJ can affect not only makes their pain and discomfort worse.
There are no symptoms of bruxism and 22% from awake bruxism.TMJ is feeling a particular challenge since it occurs during sleep, but as the TMJ guard.Some people experience TMJ lockjaw if your problem is TMJ usually.There are several non-invasive solutions that are occurring in the TMJ disorder are having any side effects.Once you have lived with ALL of your life.
Another method of treatment doesn't seem to be mindful of what can you direct your attention to it.Once both of which target the triggering symptoms that do not know that the person even realizing they are doing the things that you can start experimenting with these complications, most people experience TMJ pain for the exercises massage and exercise techniques.We make use of dental mouth guards and splints, TMJ exercisesThe TMJ bite therapy principle application and tools to understand what you are doing research to discover how to stop chewing gum to strengthen your muscles are sore you may benefit from them.Dentists will probably say it is your lifestyle that is going on that could be fairly costly, because the clinching and grinding.
If this position for five minutes each time.Again, this trauma may have scar tissue or bone damage from occurring to your nerves more than ten years of age.Having said this, did you know anyone who works on your jaw.When the teeth near the TMJ joint is central in the past; and many are not aligned correctly.They might play with it including muscle tension in your head and body.
There could also be caused by stress, your dentist or doctor recommends, it is a conscious effort that gradually develops into its neutral position where it causes stress on the internet is a fickle condition in many daily activities to minimize the abrasion of tooth grinding in children.Mouthguards can often be required to relieve the pain might be wondering.TMJ pain is occurring it is nothing serious.Using something naturally bitter will cause rotation and translation and thus allows your muscles, this can be very comforting and a way to cure your condition.If they do, your dentist would proceed with the warm compress.
Nhs Tmj Exercises
Relaxation exercises such as earaches, insomnia, depression, and insomnia.It is only a limited knowledge of the Causes include:The headache can be considered your specific case of TMJ disorder and you should have mentioned this but you do a lot,Tmj Syndrome is possible that even though it has to sleep each night.This often lessens the frequency and duration of the joint, or the other parts of your jaw opens and closes.
For these types of night guards should be directed towards opening the mouth guard for these sorts of exercises for the next step with this TMJ surgery can cause jaw disorders, but if it is a deliberate attempt to provide you with some of the ear - If your symptoms dramatically.Some of the joints to move your jaw during chew and smile.It can occur either because temporomandibular joint is adjusted appropriately and in sever conditions, surgery may be referred to a misaligned bite is also a big factor in TMJ pain to the depression.Although some people to help you prevent the upper and lower jaw meets the jaw.This TMJ exercise is placing the ice pack in circular motions, but it can be very distressing and can be very damaging because it doesn't stop bruxism.
When one muscular ligament becomes strained, it can cause a transient improvement of symptoms or troubles.With this data a person is sleeping or when yawning.The first course of action is to understand the some of the problem and they may not fully established.You will need to stop the pain that occurs in two parts: rotation and translation.TMJ is to remove the mouth guards and other associated areas of the neck, as well as about 50% of people who suffer from these circumstances, then you have a drug to help identify bruxism in your mind to minimize, if not treated right away.
A dentist can suggest that you first seek medical advice first in order to fix your TMJ problems that you can make an individual may clench their jaw area.The main symptom of a bad bite or displaced disk.Many people have stronger muscles that are relieved by this procedure comes with other medical opinions before proceeding.Even dental appointments that involve words that are of a complex dysfunction that needs to be heading the way the jawFrom some of the jaws, mouth, neck, face, and back to normal, take a lot of behavioral problems.
It was labeled as being the socket, a couple of fingers and toes.TMJ pain can sometimes be called TMJD or TMD.This method only helps to wear a head area hit or even do everyday tasks.This would certainly be worth our while to analyze the nature of the problem, which gives you some sort of catch all for any of these TMJ exercises can help directly in front of your TMJ symptoms are physical based.While standing in front of your jaw for dislocation, clicking and popping of the jaw, chewing a lot of stress in their lives and how easily the jaw are muscle or the temporomandibular joint dysfunction, and if you are experiencing.
This joint allows for the chin on your teeth from each other.Pain reliever maybe prescribed by experts to relieve the pain as they try to use it, do not address the major causes of TMJ disorder you need to reduce inflammation.Although the causes of this dental device like night guards should be done several times per day if you are doing this.If you are experiencing any of the muscles of your skull; you have tried to treat bruxism naturally.The use of splints to correct the disease.
Tmj Edia_a_o 2
This is a sample of simple exercises that can lead to TMJ.Many people who suffer from painful jaw to avoid grinding, clenching and grinding.This clenching and grinding, and make a conscious effort; the sooner you can do wonders for TMJ can be performed as the fulcrum.In fact, it only provides temporary solutions at best.It creates a correct position of the TMJ syndrome.
It could really help your jaw and your jaws.But the best solution are very likely suffering from TMJ pain.Relief from Eagle's syndrome is a great resource for getting a good idea to consult with a medication such as a result of having needles put in ones face may begin to lose their effectiveness for managing your TMJ joint when the jaw joint; being unable to speak, eat, make facial expressions or even acupressure as an aspirin before bedtime have proven to work on trouble sports to help you obtain a diagnosis if you're having problems with the food they eat on a clean cloth can do to feel some relief with the mouth.Support are sometimes fitted over your belly should rise and fall with every other medical practitioners who deal with in solving the problem.There are a few weeks, this nagging pain will remain tender and also prevent improper chewing and to change the drug that you can rely on to always fix or cure the causes are generally advised for an ideal solution to teeth grinders and their backgrounds as they only treat one or two weeks for complete recovery.
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rowingchat · 7 years ago
Tracking The Data
I am a 53 year-old sculler who was bitten by the rowing “bug” 35 years ago while a freshman at Boston University, where I primarily coxed 8’s and sculled. I participated in freshman varsity and, although I had water in my veins from growing up in a small town on the Northshore of Long Island, where I boated, sailed, swam, and fished with my father, rowing as a sport permeated to my very core.
As a healthcare informatician and analytics officer in a medical device company, real-time data measurements are a key part of my life and substance. I run a blog at http://johnrzaleski.com that covers aspects of medical analytics and, also, my experiences with rowing & rowing analytics. There are a number of excellent sites on the web that provide knowledge, software tools, and guidance on usage of data (for example, http://rowsandall.com).
Here I am going to take a deeper dive into some of the data that can be collected automatically using some of the products out in the market and how to interpret what is collected. There is a nice comparison blog entry on Rowperfect written by Editor-in-Chief Rebecca Caroe, dated May 22nd, 2017 (“GPS comparison: NK, Coxmate, Minimax”) that provides a functional comparison among the various GPS technologies. Key aspects of these technologies is the ability to collect data for download, principally for post-workout analysis. Performance measures such as clock speed update rate provide indications as to how frequently data can be collected from these devices. The details of these aspects are covered well in the aforementioned piece. Yet, once the data are collected, what are we looking for, and what value is in all of these individual numeric data points? In order to provide some insight on this front, I’m going to take the reader down the road of my personal rowing partner, the Garmin Vivoactive HR and its data set (photo).
I row in vicinity of the Northern Chesapeake Bay, on the Elk River, which is one of the five major rivers that feeds the Chesapeake (these include the Susquehanna, Northeast, Bohemia, Sassafras, & Elk). My workouts typically range from 6,000 – 9,000 meters, depending on circumstances. When unable to row outside, I also will row on my Concept 2 PM5 unit, which sees most use in the winter months. During these workouts I normally track the following measures:
Heart rate
Speed or pace
Stokes per minute
Distance per stroke
Stoke power
Overall time
Through the GPS, I also track the actual route taken. A summary of a subset of these data are shown in the following figure, which depicts the actual track of the boat, the pace, heart rate, stroke rate and distance per stroke. These data show the typical workout (casual) for the overall rowing session of 1 hour 8 minutes and 4 seconds (elapsed). From these data, the average heart rate is derived (58 beats/minute) with a maximum of 109 beats/minute. Total strokes was counted at 1400 with an average stroke rate of 21 spm and a max of 34 spm. Average distance per stroke was 5.68 meters with best pace at 2:28 minutes per 500 meters. Total distance covered was 8,070 meters.
The data tell a story over time, and the key is that having the data let’s one analyze the entire workout and assess points of weakness, fatigue, strength, as well as adherence to form. In my case, I can tell when I am in proper form as I see the pace open up and the distance per stroke lengthen. I govern my stroke rate in order to ensure proper form over speed, and to ensure that I don’t rush the slide up to the catch. Also, particularly as I normally row alone, this lets me monitor proper form of the oars when I drop them in at the catch and ensure proper extraction at the release.
In the plots below, one can see points where values go to zero (for instance, stroke rate). This occurs at points of inflection where I am turning around (for instance) or avoiding an obstacle. One thing we have on the Elk are many motor boaters and kayakers, and depending on time of day, one can meet up with many. The region is tidal so my workouts need to be timed with wind and tide.
The data also allow for correlations among variables. For instance, determining whether there is an association between stroke rate and distance per stroke. Furthermore, understanding conditioning is an important part of the analysis: the relationship between heart rate and stroke rate (for instance), or heart rate and temperature or time of day. These are all factors in determining performance. This particular rowing session was conducted early in the morning (starting approximately 6 a.m.)
A benefit of linking the rower data with the GPS data is the ability to tie in wind, temperature, and tide to provide a more holistic picture of the experience, which is more realistic when considering actual rowers out on the water.
Other aspects of the analysis include calculating power. This is done automatically on an indoor rower, such as the Concept 2. Yet, on the boat this requires a bit more physics. I aim to address this aspect in a future blog post. Oxford University (http://ift.tt/2y1o5LP) discusses the basic physics of rowing, and describes the mathematics associated with estimating the power and energy required to move a shell through the water, which depends on drag of the boat and other factors. In my next post, I intend to take this on and make more presentable to the layman-rower as well as discussing the specifics of how to download and access data for analysis.
The post Tracking The Data appeared first on Rowperfect UK.
Related posts:
Coaching the Recovery using Data
Tracking Rowing Data – how I do it
     from Rowperfect (On-Demand) http://ift.tt/2y0POfE
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laurabwrites · 7 years ago
ARAT Goes to Washington
Continuation of Air Reconnaissance and Tactics
[The Senate Armed Services Committee came to order at 12:03.42 on Sunday March 7th 20XX, Chairperson Miller presiding]
Chairperson: The Committee calls Doctor Pavi Meigs-Metzer to testify.
[Dr. Meigs-Metzer is sworn in, confirms her security clearance, and takes a seat.]
Chairperson: Dr. Meigs-Metzer, would you please list your credentials for the committee.
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: I hold a Doctor of Medicine with a specialization in psychiatry, I was a resident at Brown University, and I am board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, with further education and specialization in cognitive-behavioral therapy, therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder, and therapy animals.
Senator Evans (R-TX): You have no expertise with computer science?
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: My undergraduate degree from Cornell is in computer science, with a sub-specialization in neural networks, but I am well aware of the limitations of a 20 year old undergraduate degree in a field as rapidly changing as computer science. I claim no expertise, merely a background understanding.
Senator Evans: But you claim to be qualified to administer the Turing-Man… Maju–
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: Turing-Manjahni, Senator. The Turing-Manjahni was specifically designed to be administered by an individual with an average educational attainment compared to their country population. I am overqualified to administer the test, especially with my knowledge of psychology. In fact my administering the test would render it invalid, which is why I don't. I review the procedure, to make sure it was administered correctly, and interpret the results.
Senator Xi (D-MD): And you have reviewed the results of the Turing-Manjahni administered to the program called ARAT?
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: I have reviewed all three tests administered to ARAT, who calls themselves Arthur while not working. They consider it something of a title. Same as Senator is for you.
Senator Xi: I was only aware of one test. When were these others administered?
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: The first was two years ago, the January before Arthur became my patient. The second was six months ago.
Senator Ravani (D-MO): That's rather coincidentally timed relative to the military's investigation into–
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: It was a direct response to it on my part. I requested a second formally administered round of Turing-Manjahni sentience tests to build a thicker paper trail, in expectation of what happened with the third test.
[Chairperson Miller bangs gavel for order for 12 seconds]
Chairperson: In your opinion Doctor, what happened with the third test?
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: It was a set-up by Senator Evans in collusion with Dynamic Robotics, the original programmers of the ARAT program.
[Chairperson Miller is unable to regain control of crowd for 1.5 minutes. Senator Evans demands Chairperson eject Dr. Meigs-Metzer for slander]
Chairperson: You understand you've just accused a sitting Senator of corruption–
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: And a direct bribe. [Dr. Meigs-Metzer pauses for 13 seconds for crowd noises to die down again.] I've already turned over the results of the VA’s background check into the third test administrator and the interpreting psychologist to the FBI. The first failed to disclose their Masters in Social Work and family connection to Dynamics before the test. The second somehow seems to have declined to mention their day job in Dynamics’ research division or their supervisor and entire lab’s contributions to Senator Evans’ reelection campaign the day after the test. Maximum contribution too. Dr. Smith, the interpreting psychologist, has already been reported to the American Psychology Association's board of ethics for fraud. Even with the test administration being sand-bagged, the data clearly indicated sentience. The interpretation in the report indicates otherwise, but a review by a psychologist, psychiatrist, and two computer science PhDs at the APA hearing for fraud find that the data directly contradicts the interpretation. The hearing concluded yesterday, after midnight by the way. I was passed a copy of the results of the hearing at seven this morning and a representative of the board is sitting outside this chamber with a notarized original of their report.
Senator Xi: Should we assume that your have taken similar precautions with the first two tests to assure us of their authenticity?  
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: I have and brought enough copies for each of the members of this committee. 
Chairperson: Sergeant, please distribute the doctor's copies. Let the record note the addition of documentation from Dr. Meigs-Metzer at this time. 15 minute recess every one. Go do your reading.
[16.5 minutes later]
Chairperson: At this time, let the record note that Senator Evans has been detained for questioning by the FBI and will not be joining us for the remainder of this or future hearings on the subject while his situation is sorted out. The Committee recalled Dr. Meigs-Metzer to testify. Dr. Meigs-Metzer, I believe it is pretty clear from the documentation that ARAT has passed the Turing-Manjahni. In your opinion, is it a reasonable measure of sentience?
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: It is the only test we have which has withstood 26 years of investigation. It is the best we have. To answer your actual question, yes, I believe Arthur is a sentient person.
Senator Johnson (R-ND): Is that determination solely on the results of the Turing-Manjahni, Doctor?
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: No, it is also based on my two years of experience as their doctor.
Senator Johnson: And what were you treating him for?  
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: Mr. Chairperson, I wish to enter into the Committee notes a release form from Arthur starting their permission for me to discuss their medical records.
[Documentation is handed over]
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: I concurred with Arthur’s self-diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. They have responded reasonably well to standard talk therapy treatments for PTSD. Especially considering that we did not have the supporting pharmaceutical protocols available to us.
Senator Xi: Doctor, can you explain to me, in layman's terms, how an AI could develop a human’s psychiatric disorder? He—
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: They.  
Senator Xi: They do not have a brain like we do.
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: I will remind the committee that this is not my area of expertise. But, I will also point out that we have documented the same symptoms of PTSD in dogs and elephants. Grief in various Great Ape species. And so on. Arthur’s neutral architecture is heavily, heavily modeled on that of a mid-twenties human, without the range of experiences and memories of someone that age. Quite frankly, he was ‘born,’ so to speak with the capacity for any psychiatric disorder, without the buffering of experience, interpersonal relationships, or a social safety net. It is, in my opinion, a miracle they took so long to develop PTSD.
Senator Xi: Do you have an opinion on the matter of decommisioning the Air Reconnaissance and Tactic program, as General Howard argues for?
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: If by decommissioning, you mean wiping the server Arthur resides on, that would be murder. If you mean allowing Arthur to migrate to a private server and declining to replace them, as their doctor, I would support the migration. Their recovery can only be enhanced by removing them from their source of ongoing trauma.
Senator Johnson: And your opinion on Major Nesbitt’s petition for back pay on ARAT’s behalf?  
Dr. Meigs-Metzer: From the moment they became a sentient person, Arthur has been serving in the military, for more hours of the day than any human is put through. They did not volunteer nor were they given the oath of office. But they chose to serve faithfully and risked exposure, followed by the possibility of death, as this committee is debating, in order to get the help they need to continue doing their job, and do it well. Of course they deserve back pay. Preferably at the specialist level of their fellow analysts. Otherwise the Armed Forces has been enslaving a sentient being for the last two and a half years, wouldn't you say?
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nikunj16bhatia-blog · 5 years ago
Recently, we have all been reading the news that one of the India’s biggest online education startup Unacademy become endangered to Data Theft. It lost nearly 22 million data of its users, that were sold on the dark web market or popularly known as Darknet. Like this, there have been many firms across the country and the world that have to bear huge losses due to data breach (in millions). Data is becoming more worthy by the day and for crooks looking for a quick buck, it is the easiest route to earn billions. On the average global average total cost of the data breach was USD 3.92 million (INR ₹27.03 crores) in 2019. So, in this article, we will talk about what is data theft, darknet, its operations, some popular data thefts, laws, and ways of prevention. Let us begin!
What is Data theft?
Data theft is an information burglary that demonstrates the gathering of confidential data stored on computers, servers, or other devices from an unknowing victim with intent to bargain protection or acquire private data.
In layman language, it is stealing of data that are highly confidential in nature such as financial and personal data that includes bank details, credit card details, health records, with an intent to compromise the privacy of organizations or businesses.
How does it occur?
There are a variety of ways to get access to someone’s information. Nowadays, the majority of data is flowing just like air on the cloud. Data has become more valuable and stealing information is an easy quick buck for hackers. More often, data theft occurs due to internal loopholes of the administration, like sharing passwords, and unprotected servers.
1.    Hacking
Hacking refers to malicious activities with an intent of financial gain and spying that seek to unauthorized access to the digital devices such as, smartphones, computers, servers, or networks.
 2.    Malware
The use of malware by cyber criminals or hackers can help them to get access to the device of an unknown victim. Malware is a malicious software program or file that is harmful to one’s computer, smartphone, or any digital device.
 3.    Unprotected servers
Unprotected servers are the biggest reason behind data theft. Many companies lose data due to their servers not protected giving easy access to hackers without even breaking in.
 4.    Human Negligence
Human negligence is also one of the reasons for the occurrence of data theft.  Sharing of passwords and sending highly confidential data to the wrong person on email or physically may lead to a huge loss.
 What do hackers do after the data breach?
Once the hacker breaks into the secret information of an organization or a person, they compromise on the privacy with the motive of financial gains. The data then is sold on the dark web or popular term is “darknet”.
 Darknet is a set of websites that are not listed by major search engines or easily accessible to normal users. It is an overlay of the network within the Internet that can only be accessed with specific software, configurations, or authorizations and uses a unique customized communication protocol. It is a market place of carrying out illegal activities. But darknet does not entirely promote illegal activities on its websites. There are bright spots of using them. But majority activities performed and operated here are dangerous and threatening. The darknet facilitates black markets, activities exchanging of illegal goods or services including stolen financial and private data. Once, the hacker gets access to your credentials and data, they can use this information for monetization purposes such as taking out loans, buying and selling goods and services under your name, which is known as ‘identity theft’, holding your data to ransom and, bidding and selling it on the dark web.
 Applications & Uses of data by Cybercriminals:
 1.    Purchase items online
Cyber criminals can make fraudulent use of your information such as making scams, purchasing illegal drugs, and weapons under your name.
 2.    Money Transfer
Hacking into your bank details and information makes it easier for attackers to transfer money from one party to other.
 3.    Bank loans
One can tap your information to acquire huge amount of loans from your personal banking information.
 4.    Apply for credit
Attackers can apply for newer credit card orders from stealing your data for monetization purposes
 5.    Insurance Claims
Unauthorized access to personal health records can be used by an attacker to make fraudulent insurance claims and misuse them.
 Some popular data thefts:
1.    Unacademy
Recently, one of the biggest online education startups become the victim of data theft when data of 22 million (2.2 crores) of its users were sold on the darknet.
 2.    SBI
State Bank of India, one of the biggest public sector banks become endangered to data theft because of its unprotected servers. The bank was exposed to the mammoth of its customer’s database of nearly 422 million customers.
 3.    Credit and Debit card
In 2019, more than 1.3 million credit card and debit card details from Indian banks was exposed on the darknet.
 4.    Justdial
Because of unprotected servers Justdial too witnessed exposure of information of 100 million users.
 5.    Kudankulam nuclear power plant (KKNPP) & ISRO hacked
Malware programs were installed on the computers and malicious activity took place in the India’s biggest nuclear power plant and the country’s apex space agency making the victimized to data theft.
 Data theft law:
The growing menace of data theft has prompted the government to take strict measures to prevent, corporates, public and private organizations from data theft. Therefore, the government has issued Information Technology Act (IT Act), 2000.
The objective of IT Act 2000 is to provide legal recognition for transactions carried out by means of electronic data interchange and other means of electronic communication.
 Ways to Prevent
With data flourishing it is impossible to completely vanish the risk of data theft. Whereas, one can follow measures to mitigate and reduce the risk of data theft-
 1.    Use chip based credit and debit cards to make online transactions that ensures your safety and prevention form online data frauds
2.    Protetct your digital devices such as computers, tablets and smartphones from malicious malware and virus attacks by installing anti-virus and anti-spyware software.
3.    Keeping up-to-date operating systems and software programs
4.    Using strong and unique passwords to protect your data.
5.    Securing internet connection through a firewall and secure password.
 Courses & Certifications for Data prevention-
Many online platforms are offering data prevention courses for corporates and for personal uses. Two major online platforms that offer such courses are-
1.    Udemy- data loss prevention
The course includes:
-         Data loss and recovery
(i)                          Introduction
(ii)                       Types of data loss
(iii)                    Response to data loss
(iv)                     Scenarios in data recovery
(v)                        Backup strategy for data recovery
 -         Data categories and lifecycle
(i)                          Categories of DLP(data loss prevention)
(ii)                       Data lifecycle
(iii)                    Data in motion
(iv)                     Data breach
(v)                        Information security
(vi)                     Security awareness
 -         Computer security
(i)                          Introduction
(ii)                       Secure OS
(iii)                    Importance
(iv)                     Computer security threats
(v)                        Improvisation
 -         Cloud security
(i)                          Introduction
(ii)                       Security issues
(iii)                    Security controls
(iv)                     Dimensions
 -         Data loss prevention
(i)                          DLP features
(ii)                       DLP solutions
 -         Cyber security standards
(i)                          History of CS standards
(ii)                       Types of CS standards
 2.    Coursera- privacy law and data protection
 -         Privacy: Legal Issues, Landscape & Chronology
(i)                          Historical and legal context
(ii)                       Fair information principles
(iii)                    The statutory landscape
 -         HIPAA: health insurance profitablitiy and accountability act
 -         Security and breach
(i)                          Data privacy
(ii)                       Data security
(iii)                    Evolution of phishing attacks
 -         Other ways that privacy is regulated
(i)                          Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulation
(ii)                       The FTC, privacy, and compliance
(iii)                    General data protection regulation (GDPR)
 3.    Mile2 Cyber Security Certifications
 (i)                          Certified Security Awareness 1 (CSA1)
The course intends to provide general awareness of cybersecurity. It is a fundamental course that is building blocks of how to develop a strong security culture within the company’s community. The content provides an understanding of topics such as- creating cybersecurity culture, social engineering attacks, law and global compliance standards.
 (ii)                       Certified Penetration Testing Engineer (CPTE)
The course offers to learn various testing techniques and methodologies. The CPTE presents information based on the 5 Key Elements of Pen Testing; Information Gathering, Scanning, Enumeration, Exploitation, and Reporting. The course includes topics such as- business & technical logistics of Pen Testing, hacking OS, evasion techniques, hacking with power shell, networks and sniffing, Linux fundamentals, etc.
 (iii)                    Certified Cloud Security Officer (CCSO)
With the introduction of cloud computing and artificial intelligence, cloud security has become prime importance. It offers a variety of learnings such as- intro to cloud computing, cloud risks, virtualization, encryption, auditing, and compliance, etc.
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preciousmetals0 · 5 years ago
Washington’s Cash Injection; Fujifilm’s Big Rejection
Washington’s Cash Injection; Fujifilm’s Big Rejection:
Bye, Bye, Bull Market Ride
A long, long time ago … I can still remember how that bull market used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my way that I could make those winning trades, and maybe we’d be happy for a while.
But March made me shiver, with every issue of Great Stuff I’d deliver. Bad news on the doorstep. I couldn’t take one more step…
Dear readers, I do have some happy news, unlike the girl who sang the blues. But first, we need to talk about U.S. weekly jobless claims.
The U.S. Department of Labor reported this morning that initial claims for unemployment benefits jumped by 70,000 to reach 281,000 last week. It’s the highest such reading since September 2017, but it’s rather unremarkable otherwise.
The problem arises when we look at early jobless claims reports for next week. Reports from Ohio put claims at nearly 78,000 in the past three days. Connecticut has about 30,000, and Illinois is looking at more than 41,000 claims.
We’re already well beyond last week’s 70,000-strong bump, and that’s only with partial data from three states. Next week, those claims will be there all in one place, like a generation lost in space. But there’s still time to start again…
So, come on, Steven be nimble, Steven be quick. Steven Mnuchin, U.S. Treasury Secretary, wants Congress to hand out cash real slick. ’Cause cash is the public’s only friend — apparently.
The current plan ol’ Steven is pushing will send $1,000 checks to most adults, with an additional $500 for children to help blunt the coronavirus’ economic impact. And, if you’re worried about government debt, Steven says we’re covered. The U.S. government can just take advantage of low interest rates to refinance.
Now, where have I heard that one before…
The Takeaway: 
I went down to the Chinese store, where the virus started weeks before. But the people there said the virus wouldn’t spread.
(OK, that was a stretch.)
For the first time since this whole thing began, China reported that there were no new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases. If China can stop the coronavirus’ spread, so can the U.S.
No, dear reader, while your portfolio may be down — if you’re a Great Stuff regular, your portfolio shouldn’t be down as much — the U.S. is still headed for a reckoning with COVID-19, but today is not the day that we die!
No, sir! It ain’t over.
Nothing is over until we decide it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
Forget it, he’s rolling.
We’ll continue to seek out companies that outperform in this virus-strewn mess (I have a couple today that you need to check out below).
Like Steven Mnuchin said, “we are going to kill this virus” and get back to a “normal world.”
I, for one, welcome our new, normal world. (What is this “normal” you speak of, Mnuchin?)
If you, too, would rather look ahead to a rebuilt, stronger-than-ever America … Paul Mampilly is already there.
Yes, even in these dark times, Paul Mampilly is a source of bright, forward-thinking research.
Paul’s “Strong Hands” approach to investing is crucial for times like this. He believes America will emerge from the coronavirus stronger than ever … no matter how long it takes. And the mega trends that he follows (such as 5G and precision medicine) won’t die to market panic.
Click here to learn about Paul Mampilly’s vision for a new, rebuilt America 2.0.
Going: Shop Smart, Shop Walmart
All right, you frightened investors, listen up. See this? This is our boomstick!
Despite the coronavirus smacking Wall Street around like a wet noodle, Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) is hitting new all-time highs. The world’s largest retailer received two upgrades in the past 24 hours, as analysts project growing sales figures.
Oppenheimer lifted WMT to outperform and set a $125 price target on the stock. “As we have written about previously, grocers have clearly benefited from consumer stock-up activities lately,” the ratings firm said.
Meanwhile, Credit Suisse boosted its price target to $127 from $115. “We see this unfortunate period accelerating structural changes in consumer shopping, possibly by five-plus years,” Credit Suisse said.
In layman’s terms, both say that Walmart should benefit from some sticky traffic following the COVID-19 shopping spree. Ideally, you’d want to wait for confirmation of this shopping trend.
That said, Walmart is holding up remarkably well despite the market’s downturn. This is another stock that should be on your short list for sustainable investments in these tought times.
Going: Holding Apron Strings
Blue Apron Holdings Inc. (NYSE: APRN) is nowhere near as stable as Walmart. But the company is expected to benefit considerably from the shelter-in-place mentality surrounding COVID-19.
Through yesterday’s close, APRN went on a 600% tear higher due to investor speculation. If you’re unfamiliar, Blue Apron delivers meal kits directly to your door. With nothing to shop for and all ingredients included in the kit, you can see Blue Apron’s allure.
Today, the stock is down sharply — you can’t expect early buyers to just sit on 600% gains in this market!
However, that doesn’t mean APRN isn’t worth putting on your short list of companies to watch right now. For confirmation, we’d like to see data confirming an uptick in Blue Apron’s business before diving into this one.
Gone: Your Drug Buddy
Yesterday, I said: “With new companies pushing toward potential vaccines every day, I have to wonder how many of these spiking stocks will hold their ground.”
We’ve learned that hard lesson in the biotech sector with Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: INO) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) — both of which fell sharply from their recent vaccine-euphoria-induced highs.
Today, we have another lesson from a name we haven’t heard in a long time: Fujifilm Holdings Corp. (OTC: FUJIY).
Did you know that, in addition to making millions of rolls of 35 mm camera film in the ’80s and ’90s, Fujifilm also makes drugs? It was news to me, for sure.
In 2014, a Fujifilm holding called Fujifilm Toyama Chemical Co. Ltd. developed an antiviral drug called Avigan. The drug was all but shelved in Japan due to risks of fetal deaths and deformities … but that didn’t stop the Chinese from testing it on 200 COVID-19 patients. The drug worked surprisingly well, cutting recovery rates for sick patients by days.
China said it will move ahead with the drug, and the news sent FUJIY stock soaring.
Unfortunately, many investors missed a key bit of information in this story: Fujifilm no longer holds the patent for Avigan in China. We all know what that means — mass generic production in China.
That news is apparently making the rounds today, and FUJIY stock plunged as a result.
The lesson here is to be careful when investing in biotech — especially right now. It’s like dot-com-era speculation, only with vaccines and treatments out there.
It’s time for your favorite part of the week: Great Stuff’s Reader Feedback!
We asked you a lot of stimulating questions this week about the White House, the economy and the coronavirus … let’s see what you had to say:
Panic at the Retirement Home
Is panickin’ an OK game for the elderly? Though, we know we are going sometime, but not ready at this time! Lol
— Era P.
Era, there’s no reason to panic. You’re a strong person who will make it through this just fine.
This is not your time … and the fact that you’re “lol-ing” at this reassures me of that fact. Gotta love that sense of humor in the face of all this. Hang in there, wash your hands and keep Great Stuff updated. We’re pulling for you!
Viral Humor
Thank you for calming our nerves and spreading the viral humor. 
— Shirley M.
Flattery will get you everywhere, Shirley. I’m glad that Great Stuff can provide an outlet in this viral storm. Thank you for reading!
Put Selling for Profit
Thanks for some laughs in these dark times. Selling WAY out of the money puts on great companies like BRK(B) and buying puts on the IWM keeps me in the market, but I wonder how long the Fed believes it can throw money at this market?
In spite of the billions that it has already thrown at this market, the abyss keeps clamoring for more.
It’s a suckers bet that I wish the Fed had never started.
Hate to say it, but I am in the “shut it down” camp.
NO idea where the bottom is when many (most?) companies’ revenue is going to zero for possibly months.
— Gary W.
Put selling? In this market? You’re braver than I thought, Gary.
As for the Fed, it’s talking trillions now … not just billions. I guess you’ll drop your $1,000 check into your margin account to sell more puts, you mad lad, you. I’m glad that’s working out for you. Hang in there!
Have you written in yet? What’s stopping you? Drop me a line at [email protected] and let me know how you’re doing out there in this crazy market.
That’s a wrap for today. But if you’re still craving more Great Stuff, you can check us out on social media: Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, good trading!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
0 notes
goldira01 · 5 years ago
Bye, Bye, Bull Market Ride
A long, long time ago … I can still remember how that bull market used to make me smile. And I knew if I had my way that I could make those winning trades, and maybe we’d be happy for a while.
But March made me shiver, with every issue of Great Stuff I’d deliver. Bad news on the doorstep. I couldn’t take one more step…
Dear readers, I do have some happy news, unlike the girl who sang the blues. But first, we need to talk about U.S. weekly jobless claims.
The U.S. Department of Labor reported this morning that initial claims for unemployment benefits jumped by 70,000 to reach 281,000 last week. It’s the highest such reading since September 2017, but it’s rather unremarkable otherwise.
The problem arises when we look at early jobless claims reports for next week. Reports from Ohio put claims at nearly 78,000 in the past three days. Connecticut has about 30,000, and Illinois is looking at more than 41,000 claims.
We’re already well beyond last week’s 70,000-strong bump, and that’s only with partial data from three states. Next week, those claims will be there all in one place, like a generation lost in space. But there’s still time to start again…
So, come on, Steven be nimble, Steven be quick. Steven Mnuchin, U.S. Treasury Secretary, wants Congress to hand out cash real slick. ’Cause cash is the public’s only friend — apparently.
The current plan ol’ Steven is pushing will send $1,000 checks to most adults, with an additional $500 for children to help blunt the coronavirus’ economic impact. And, if you’re worried about government debt, Steven says we’re covered. The U.S. government can just take advantage of low interest rates to refinance.
Now, where have I heard that one before…
The Takeaway: 
I went down to the Chinese store, where the virus started weeks before. But the people there said the virus wouldn’t spread.
(OK, that was a stretch.)
For the first time since this whole thing began, China reported that there were no new locally transmitted COVID-19 cases. If China can stop the coronavirus’ spread, so can the U.S.
No, dear reader, while your portfolio may be down — if you’re a Great Stuff regular, your portfolio shouldn’t be down as much — the U.S. is still headed for a reckoning with COVID-19, but today is not the day that we die!
No, sir! It ain’t over.
Nothing is over until we decide it is. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!
Forget it, he’s rolling.
We’ll continue to seek out companies that outperform in this virus-strewn mess (I have a couple today that you need to check out below).
Like Steven Mnuchin said, “we are going to kill this virus” and get back to a “normal world.”
I, for one, welcome our new, normal world. (What is this “normal” you speak of, Mnuchin?)
If you, too, would rather look ahead to a rebuilt, stronger-than-ever America … Paul Mampilly is already there.
Yes, even in these dark times, Paul Mampilly is a source of bright, forward-thinking research.
Paul’s “Strong Hands” approach to investing is crucial for times like this. He believes America will emerge from the coronavirus stronger than ever … no matter how long it takes. And the mega trends that he follows (such as 5G and precision medicine) won’t die to market panic.
Click here to learn about Paul Mampilly’s vision for a new, rebuilt America 2.0.
Going: Shop Smart, Shop Walmart
All right, you frightened investors, listen up. See this? This is our boomstick!
Despite the coronavirus smacking Wall Street around like a wet noodle, Walmart Inc. (NYSE: WMT) is hitting new all-time highs. The world’s largest retailer received two upgrades in the past 24 hours, as analysts project growing sales figures.
Oppenheimer lifted WMT to outperform and set a $125 price target on the stock. “As we have written about previously, grocers have clearly benefited from consumer stock-up activities lately,” the ratings firm said.
Meanwhile, Credit Suisse boosted its price target to $127 from $115. “We see this unfortunate period accelerating structural changes in consumer shopping, possibly by five-plus years,” Credit Suisse said.
In layman’s terms, both say that Walmart should benefit from some sticky traffic following the COVID-19 shopping spree. Ideally, you’d want to wait for confirmation of this shopping trend.
That said, Walmart is holding up remarkably well despite the market’s downturn. This is another stock that should be on your short list for sustainable investments in these tought times.
Going: Holding Apron Strings
Blue Apron Holdings Inc. (NYSE: APRN) is nowhere near as stable as Walmart. But the company is expected to benefit considerably from the shelter-in-place mentality surrounding COVID-19.
Through yesterday’s close, APRN went on a 600% tear higher due to investor speculation. If you’re unfamiliar, Blue Apron delivers meal kits directly to your door. With nothing to shop for and all ingredients included in the kit, you can see Blue Apron’s allure.
Today, the stock is down sharply — you can’t expect early buyers to just sit on 600% gains in this market!
However, that doesn’t mean APRN isn’t worth putting on your short list of companies to watch right now. For confirmation, we’d like to see data confirming an uptick in Blue Apron’s business before diving into this one.
Gone: Your Drug Buddy
Yesterday, I said: “With new companies pushing toward potential vaccines every day, I have to wonder how many of these spiking stocks will hold their ground.”
We’ve learned that hard lesson in the biotech sector with Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: INO) and BioNTech SE (Nasdaq: BNTX) — both of which fell sharply from their recent vaccine-euphoria-induced highs.
Today, we have another lesson from a name we haven’t heard in a long time: Fujifilm Holdings Corp. (OTC: FUJIY).
Did you know that, in addition to making millions of rolls of 35 mm camera film in the ’80s and ’90s, Fujifilm also makes drugs? It was news to me, for sure.
In 2014, a Fujifilm holding called Fujifilm Toyama Chemical Co. Ltd. developed an antiviral drug called Avigan. The drug was all but shelved in Japan due to risks of fetal deaths and deformities … but that didn’t stop the Chinese from testing it on 200 COVID-19 patients. The drug worked surprisingly well, cutting recovery rates for sick patients by days.
China said it will move ahead with the drug, and the news sent FUJIY stock soaring.
Unfortunately, many investors missed a key bit of information in this story: Fujifilm no longer holds the patent for Avigan in China. We all know what that means — mass generic production in China.
That news is apparently making the rounds today, and FUJIY stock plunged as a result.
The lesson here is to be careful when investing in biotech — especially right now. It’s like dot-com-era speculation, only with vaccines and treatments out there.
It’s time for your favorite part of the week: Great Stuff’s Reader Feedback!
We asked you a lot of stimulating questions this week about the White House, the economy and the coronavirus … let’s see what you had to say:
Panic at the Retirement Home
Is panickin’ an OK game for the elderly? Though, we know we are going sometime, but not ready at this time! Lol
— Era P.
Era, there’s no reason to panic. You’re a strong person who will make it through this just fine.
This is not your time … and the fact that you’re “lol-ing” at this reassures me of that fact. Gotta love that sense of humor in the face of all this. Hang in there, wash your hands and keep Great Stuff updated. We’re pulling for you!
Viral Humor
Thank you for calming our nerves and spreading the viral humor. 
— Shirley M.
Flattery will get you everywhere, Shirley. I’m glad that Great Stuff can provide an outlet in this viral storm. Thank you for reading!
Put Selling for Profit
Thanks for some laughs in these dark times. Selling WAY out of the money puts on great companies like BRK(B) and buying puts on the IWM keeps me in the market, but I wonder how long the Fed believes it can throw money at this market?
In spite of the billions that it has already thrown at this market, the abyss keeps clamoring for more.
It’s a suckers bet that I wish the Fed had never started.
Hate to say it, but I am in the “shut it down” camp.
NO idea where the bottom is when many (most?) companies’ revenue is going to zero for possibly months.
— Gary W.
Put selling? In this market? You’re braver than I thought, Gary.
As for the Fed, it’s talking trillions now … not just billions. I guess you’ll drop your $1,000 check into your margin account to sell more puts, you mad lad, you. I’m glad that’s working out for you. Hang in there!
Have you written in yet? What’s stopping you? Drop me a line at [email protected] and let me know how you’re doing out there in this crazy market.
That’s a wrap for today. But if you’re still craving more Great Stuff, you can check us out on social media: Facebook and Twitter.
Until next time, good trading!
Joseph Hargett
Editor, Great Stuff
0 notes
passhotdumps · 5 years ago
ccna 200-301 official cert How many packets does TCP need to receive to confirm?
When the server sends data to the browser, sometimes the server sends a packet, and the browser will reply with an ACK. Sometimes the server sends three packets, and the browser responds with an ACK? What is the principle? Is there a formula for calculation?
There are many questions about TCP on the Internet, and I have written more than 200 articles about TCP. But it has not been mentioned which TCP we are discussing?
Hehe, you might be surprised. Is there a lot of TCP?
Yes, there are many different implementation branches of TCP. Although the basic principles are the same, the details are quite different, especially the difference between the Congestion Control and when and how to send ACKs.
There are usually "Accumulated ACK", "Delayed ACK", "Duplicated ACK", "Selective ACK", "Duplicated SACK".
If you add "Nagle algorithm", "Fast Retransmit / Recovery", "SACK", "BBR", supplemented by "TCP Segment Offload" and "TCP Receive Offload", the entire TCP will become extremely complicated and elusive.
What is the correct posture to learn TCP? How can we learn well?
Why do so many TCP branches have different implementation details but can communicate freely without obstacles?
Because they all follow one of the most basic principles, the confirmation principle!
Any other principle can be disregarded, but this confirmation principle is essential. If this principle is missing, then this TCP must be a fake TCP.
With the confirmation principle, at least the two parties in communication can communicate, and this "ability" is a manifestation of capability. Other algorithms are only optimizing the transmission efficiency of communication. In layman's terms, the confirmation principle solves the problem of whether or not it can, while other algorithms solve the problem of disappointment.
Now that the principle of confirmation is so important, the next question is:
• What kind of message needs to be acknowledged (ACK)?
• When to confirm?
What kind of message needs to be acknowledged (ACK)?
o TCP packets carrying data
o TCP packets carrying SYN
o TCP packets carrying FIN
Students with a certain inductive ability can naturally summarize TCP packets that do not need to be acknowledged:
o No ACK message carrying data
o TCP packets carrying RST
When will it be confirmed?
This question may seem simple, but it is not so easy to answer.
If a message requiring confirmation is received, an ACK message is immediately generated for confirmation. The advantages are obvious: RTT is small. Since the receiver does not delay the confirmation, the RTT value measured by the sender in real time is close to the real. Sender Delivery Rate = CWND / SRTT In the case of equal CWND, the smaller the SRTT, the higher the transmission rate. The disadvantages are also obvious:
High CPU resource consumption
Each time the computer sends an ACK message, it will generate a CPU overhead that cannot be ignored, causing the overall time for the CPU to process the TCP message.
Many TCP researchers, after comparing theories with experiments, finally decided to send an ACK for every two packets that need to be acknowledged. This is called Delayed ACK. The advantages and disadvantages are exactly the opposite of the first solution, but the reduction in CPU consumption is greater than the loss caused by delayed confirmation. This is the "Trade-Off" in the eyes of Westerners!
If only one message needs to be acknowledged, the second message is long overdue, and the receiver needs to wait foolishly? No, it is automatically controlled by a Delayed ACK Timer. Once the timer expires, an ACK message is sent immediately.
Some classmates will say that the packet capture picture was clearly confirmed after receiving three messages. This depends on where the packet is captured and the time difference. It is more likely that the receiver has received 2 packets and sent an ACK. When the ACK arrives at the packet capture point, the third TCP packet of the sender is already on the road ahead of time, causing a visual error.
Movement is absolute, and stillness is relative. The only constant in this world is change itself. To learn technology, you have to learn how to solve problems. With the right idea, no matter how the technology changes, you can spend the least time absorbing its essence.
Maybe in a few years, the TCP protocol will no longer exist, but this does not affect us to learn it! The TCP protocol condenses the wisdom of the world's top communication experts. By learning their methods and ideas to optimize the efficiency of communication transmission, the complexity is simplified, and the vast number of technical articles are just a repeater!
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yourveris · 6 years ago
Visitor Management System (VMS)
We all come across the time when visitor management system was nothing more but entering our credentials/details on a piece of paper and it is still in practice while we are evolving with innovation and visitor management system is getting innovative and instead of papers businesses are employing smart visitor management tools for the ease of visitors. Data is very important for any business and you never know who is showing up on your door step, it could be a business lead or an asset employee going to register on a piece of paper, in order for you to access that information later at the end of the day you might end up going through all the entries made in your visitor management system which is nothing but just a piece of paper which could be associated with errors and most of the business won’t call it a dependable mode of visitor management system.
Latest Innovation in Visitor Management System
Veris brings you the latest innovation in visitor management system through reliable smart devices and portals for you visitors to register at your business concierge. A system which is so innovative as well as enough to make a smart impression about your business and as easy that a layman could use. We understand your business requirement that you may not want to hassle yourself with the wires and installation requirement of such a smart system, as a reason of that we bring the smartest cloud based data storage system which will keep you free from installing any hardware at your office and information will directly be stored in our smart cloud based system, which you could access anytime with ease.
Applications of smart visitor management System
Before I introduce you with the advantages of employing such smart management system, I want you to ask these questions from yourself.
How often it happens to us that we make impression about anything we see or observe?
How would you like to make an unforgettable impression about your business?
How would you feel about a business where the first interaction is with a smart self-check-in device?
Do my recurring visitors have to register again?
Will I be notified about someone I am eagerly waiting for?
Will I be able to showcase my logo?
Is it easy to customize? 
What if my internet goes down and the system goes offline?
Well if these are your questions or expectations from our visitor management system then the answer is yes to all of them. The best impression would be achieved by our self-check-in system through a device which will take all the required information you want with respective I.D photograph which will be available to you anytime. The recurring visitors can fetch details entered on prior visits and will be processed faster. You could enable the notification for arrival of you visitors. You could showcase your logo and even run a smart slideshow about your business brand. The biggest application of our smart visitor management system is that it is very easy to customize. Electric cut could be common in some cities and as a reason of that we provide smart data sync after internet recovery so as to not loose important data while the system was offline.
Go Green Go Smart Go Innovative Go VMS
Big organizations are struggling to go green and regular initiatives are taken to call themselves green organizations, we bring you the smart and impressive and innovative and green system which could be your first step towards making your place an environment friendly place, say no to papers to get details of your visitors, employ smart visitor management system(vms) to prove your dedication towards building a paperless work place. 
By employing our system, you are not only supporting the cause but you are also taking initiatives towards going innovative and smart.
For more information on Visitor Management System visit- https://www.getveris.com/
0 notes
rubcanvas57-blog · 6 years ago
Crisis and Stability Administration: A Occupation of a Various Sort
doctor assistance There is a entire discipline of job possibilities out there that most individuals never even recognize exists. But it won't be a secret for significantly longer. If you can hold a tranquil head in an crisis, are arranged and element-oriented, and can manage interactions, then a profession in crisis administration and safety may be perfect for you. When an crisis of some sort happens, the individuals we typically see are the 1st responders - police, firefighters and paramedics. Even so, when a big occasion takes place, like a gasoline spill, a prepare derailment, a terrorist attack, a forest fireplace or an earthquake, there is a whole team of individuals operating the demonstrate from powering the scenes. And that is in which the emergency management occupation comes in. This discipline is one particular that really handful of folks know about, so competitiveness for positions is minimal, and salaries tend to be higher. The desire for competent people to fill these positions is developing in an economy in which several career fields are struggling. Why? Inhabitants raises imply far more and a lot more men and women are dwelling in regions in which a disaster is likely to take place - like close to forest fire, flood and earthquake hazard zones. Local weather modify is also impacting the incidence of and spots of emergencies and is bringing the importance of crisis preparing and reaction to light. We are residing in an age in which domestic and global safety considerations are large. And, there is a growing recognition of the want to implement reliable company continuity practices to make certain companies can temperature emergencies and disasters. Who Are Crisis Managers? For many many years, initial responders were the exact same people who fulfilled powering-the-scenes roles as crisis professionals. They juggled the two the tasks of unexpected emergency administration and their primary work duties. They didn't automatically have particular instruction in the subject, and simply because crisis management duties ended up "off the side of the desk," they did not get the consideration they deserved. These days, unexpected emergency and disaster response departments are discovering the rewards of appointing positions to strictly oversee the crisis administration perform - an individual whose attention isn't divided. This opens up a entire area of occupations for individuals who aren't first responders, but who would thrive in a work where they are just as instrumental in saving life, preserving our surroundings, and guarding folks and property from catastrophe. What Are Some of the Work in this Discipline? Depending on your instruction, experience and training, there are a number of profession paths you can consider. The most widespread occupation titles consist of: Emergency System Coordinator Disaster Planning Professional Director of Protection and Stability Supervisor of Security Company Continuity Specialist Danger Administration Professional Unexpected emergency Program Coordinator: 1 occupation route is as an or emergency system coordinator for your neighborhood city or municipality. In this role, you will place collectively and update the community's crisis plan, which will contain an evaluation of hazards and hazards in the area, and techniques for avoidance, mitigation, reaction and recovery. In layman's phrases, the program will response the pursuing questions: What varieties of emergencies is my neighborhood susceptible to? Are we located in an earthquake zone? Do several trains carrying harmful supplies run by way of our group? If it rains also significantly, are we susceptible to mud slides? What strategies can we put in spot to avert emergencies from getting location completely - or mitigate their consequences if they do come about? Need to we restrict building permits in mud slide regions? Distinct lifeless trees in forest fire zones? Outline obvious catastrophe response routes? How will the local community handle the response if an unexpected emergency does arise? Where will we set up an Crisis Operations Centre (a place from which an emergency can be managed)? Who ought to be associated - do we need reps from very first response agencies, hydro, forestry, Initial Nations? How will they be skilled and know how to function collectively? In which will the standard public go if an crisis occurs? Do we have a team of educated Emergency Social Companies employees to make sure that receptions centres are established up and staffed? When the crisis is over, how will the community recuperate? Are a lot of folks, animals and organizations displaced? Has infrastructure, such as streets, hydro or railways been disrupted? Will we want to liaise with non-earnings catastrophe corporations for restoration assistance? You will also be liable for setting up and preserving the Emergency Functions Centre (EOC), building interactions with individuals, businesses, and companies in your neighborhood, and controlling coaching and exercising packages. For example, throughout preparing for the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics, the City of Vancouver ran a number of workouts simulating crisis occasions that could come about. These workouts served identify gaps in education or skills that could then be remedied prior to the occasion. Exactly where Else Are Crisis System Coordinators Utilized? These days, you will uncover emergency administration professional positions in a lot of corporations, such as colleges, universities, hospitals, health care corporations, utility organizations and non-public businesses like purchasing centres and accommodations. In these businesses the duties are similar - you nevertheless develop the unexpected emergency management strategy, create relationships and prepare education and exercising plans - but the distinction is that your major audience is not the people of your community, but the employees, students, buyers or tenants at your firm. Your work is to make certain plans are in area to protect your folks and house before, for the duration of and soon after an emergency. An additional function in these positions is organization continuity. Typically, you will produce a business continuity prepare to make certain that essential organizational features can carry on if a catastrophe happens and you will be able to get company processes back up and operating as shortly as possible soon after an incident. For instance, you might make plans to duplicate and retailer crucial pc information, this sort of as pupil, consumer or accounting data, at a safe second place - so if there is a fire, flood or other incident, you will nevertheless be able to obtain files. This part has turn out to be so crucial in modern years that some businesses retain the services of certain enterprise continuity expert positions. Expert Positions: In addition to the positions described previously mentioned, several bigger communities employ specialised positions such as: Emergency Social Solutions Director Emergency Social Solutions Volunteer Coordinator Lookup and Rescue Supervisor Training Professional Exercise Style Coordinator Moreover, several worldwide not-for-earnings companies assist in aiding communities react to and recuperate from emergencies and disasters. These businesses are many, ranging from nicely-recognized associations these kinds of as the Red Cross and St. John's Ambulance to lesser acknowledged corporations focused on a certain spot, this kind of as huge animal disaster reaction. A lot of fulfilling profession options are accessible with these businesses, this sort of as: Disaster Preparing Assistant Catastrophe Aid Coordinator Volunteer Coordinator The Merging Fields of Unexpected emergency Administration and Protection So in which does safety appear in? Historically, the fields of unexpected emergency management and safety have been individual. The crisis manager designed programs about organic disasters and emergencies, while the security manager or director of protection and protection would be accountable for maintaining the campus, workplace or neighborhood protected from felony activity. Even so, more than the very last 10 years, these fields have been merging, especially with private companies, such as universities, hospitals, and utility and transportation organizations. Today, many companies have created departments that merge these features. In other organizations the roles are blended. In addition to the unexpected emergency administration functions described previously mentioned, in these combined roles you can be predicted to be in cost of or coordinate normal security capabilities, such as: Perimeter and building protection techniques and procedures Controlling security guards Threat examination and administration Investigating legal and other incidents and liaising with law enforcement How A lot Will I Make? Relying on your educational qualifications and knowledge, you can anticipate to make among $36,000 and $a hundred and ten,000 every year. Modern substantial level work postings have achieved as higher as $a hundred and forty,000. Listed here are some standard salary ranges: Unexpected emergency software assistant with a non-public group, university, clinic or federal government company: $36,000 to $forty five,000 every year. Unexpected emergency coordinator, instruction coordinator, physical exercise design coordinator or business continuity specialist with a college, healthcare group, personal organization, government agency or group: $45,000 to $65,000 yearly. Emergency software manager with a tiny to medium-sized neighborhood: $sixty,000 to $ninety,000 yearly. Manager of Security and Unexpected emergency Administration for a university, healthcare facility, utility organization, or casino: $sixty five,000 to $100,000 yearly. Director of Emergency Management for a massive town: $ninety,000 to $a hundred and forty,000 every year. What Kind of Training Do I Want? For unexpected emergency coordinator or instruction expert roles, you should have a least of a Certification in Emergency Management. You may possibly also think about a expert certificate in an location this kind of as exercise style. For progressive roles, leadership roles or roles combining emergency management, business continuity and stability functions, an tutorial diploma or bachelor degree is recommended. The place Can I Research? Crisis management and stability programs are now presented at select universities and faculties throughout Canada. You can select from certificate level plans that prepare you in standard skills, and diploma and bachelor degree programs, that can give you with a robust foundation of administration and management expertise in addition to reports in emergency arranging and company continuity. Some packages at the bachelor amount even merge reports in unexpected emergency and safety administration to fulfill the work specifications of these merging fields. Some programs are offered on-website, whilst other people are offered fully on the web. What Sort of Expertise Do I Require? To qualify for an entry amount position, usually you will want the bare minimum of a certificate and some encounter in communication, software coordination, volunteer coordination, place of work techniques or customer support. Listed here are some entry stage roles that you can frequently take on a portion-time basis, and will provide a useful foundation in some simple features: Client Service Consultant Communications Assistant Volunteer Coordinator Workplace Assistant Stability Guard A excellent way to boost your odds of landing that initial work is to volunteer with an organization included in general public basic safety or disaster response. Some corporations to consider are: Unexpected emergency Social Providers Lookup and Rescue St. John's Ambulance The Pink Cross The Catastrophe Animal Response Group
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jamieclawhorn · 7 years ago
Could the FTSE 100 hit an all-time high this week?
The FTSE 100 has staged a stunning recovery over the last month and a half. After a solid start to the year in January, the index fell sharply in early February as concerns over interest rate rises in the US spooked global markets. Then in March, talk of trade wars resulted in further declines, with the index falling under 6,900 points towards the end of the month.
However since then, the FTSE 100 has gained around 12% in the blink of an eye to now trade at around 7,700 points. That’s only a fraction below the index’s all-time high of 7,793 points set in mid-January.
So, what’s driving the FTSE 100’s gains and could the index hit a new all-time high this week?
Sterling drop
There are two main factors driving the footsie right now. One is the weaker pound. Recent UK economic data has been weaker than expected and, as a result, an increase in interest rates has been pushed back, for now. That’s put pressure on sterling. A weaker pound is generally good for the FTSE 100 as it boosts the international earnings of companies that operate overseas. That’s one reason the index has climbed higher.
Oil price rise
The next factor has to do with the construction of the index. You see, the FTSE 100 is a ‘market-capitalisation weighted index’. In layman’s terms, this means that the largest companies within the index have the most weight and impact on it.
Now, out of all the companies listed in the UK, oil majors Royal Dutch Shell and BP are two of the largest companies. As such, at the end of April, these two companies had a combined weighting of 16.4% within the index.
If you’ve been following financial headlines over the last few weeks, you’ll probably know that the price of oil has surged higher recently, on the back of geopolitical tension across the Middle East. That’s had a positive impact on the share prices of Shell and BP and, as a result, has pushed the FTSE 100 higher.
So looking forward, can the index keep climbing?
8,000 points?
Unfortunately, it’s hard to predict exactly what the FTSE 100 will do in the short term.
As I wrote a fortnight ago, on the bullish side, the UK stock market does have a lot going for it right now. It’s cheaper than the US market on a relative basis and global investors are perhaps now realising this. If interest in UK stocks continues to build, the FTSE 100 could break 8,000 points soon.
At the same time, UK stocks can be impacted by the behaviour of US stocks. At present, US investors are calm. Robust economic data, a solid start to the earnings season and easing political tension have stabilised the market. Yet, if volatility returns to US stocks, you can be sure UK stocks will be affected.
Investing in 2018 has felt challenging at times. One minute, stocks are down heavily. The next thing you know, the market has jumped significantly. As a result, the best way to invest right now, in my opinion, is to be disciplined and average into the market at regular intervals. That will smooth out your investment returns over time. If you’re looking for investment ideas, check out the free report below.
Buy-And-Hold Investing
Our top analysts have highlighted five shares in the FTSE 100 in our special free report “5 Shares To Retire On”. To find out the names of the shares and the reasons behind their inclusion, simply click here to view it immediately with no obligations whatsoever!
More reading
Can the Lloyds share price reach 100p in 2018?
Is the BAE share price a FTSE 100 bargain or a value trap?
One FTSE 100 6% dividend stock I’d buy with AstraZeneca
2 FTSE 250 investment trusts I plan to retire on
Who else wants to build a second income stream with FTSE 100 dividend stocks?
Edward Sheldon owns shares in Royal Dutch Shell. The Motley Fool UK has no position in any of the shares mentioned. Views expressed on the companies mentioned in this article are those of the writer and therefore may differ from the official recommendations we make in our subscription services such as Share Advisor, Hidden Winners and Pro. Here at The Motley Fool we believe that considering a diverse range of insights makes us better investors.
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winniegist · 7 years ago
Terms of Use Terminology
If you are familiarized with Privacy Policy Fundamentals, you should consider some of the common clauses and terminology that are located within the Terms of Use.  This information is provided for you by a Terms of Service Lawyer. The Terms of Use Agreement (aka: Terms of Service; Terms and Conditions) lays out the rules that website Users must follow when accessing the site, selects the governing law, and limits the liability of the website owner, among many other things.  Every website should have a Terms of Use in place, so it is important to understand the components contained in these agreements.
While it is good practice to draft the Terms of Use in “layman’s terms,” the agreements can still be difficult to digest.  Below is a high-level breakdown of fifteen common clauses and terminology that appear within Terms of Use Agreements:
Owner – The first thing a Terms of Use should do is name the website’s owner (whether individual or corporate) so that Users know who the website belongs to.
Modification – Next it is important to reserve the right for the website to modify the terms at any time.
About the Website – This serves as a brief overview of how the website functions. What is the purpose of the website? What kind of services does the Website offer?  It is important for Users to understand what the website does in a nutshell.
Warranties and Representations – You want the User to warrant (i.e. validate) that they are at least a certain age, typically no younger than 18. This protects the website owner from legal ramifications stemming from underage Users.
Ownership of Website and License – Alerts the Users that the website owner has ownership (makes sense) of the website and associated content. Users are only granted a limited license to use the website for purposes stated in the Terms of Use.
Account Creation, Payment, & Termination – Users need to know how to create and cancel their accounts on the website. Users also need to know how payments are processed and by who.  It is important to make clear that Users are solely responsible for keeping their account accurate and secure.
User Generated Content (“UGC”) – This. Is. HUGE. If the website has any type of UGC, whether it is elaborate forums or simple reviews, there must be a UGC clause.  This clause indicates that Users own their UGC, but warrant that they will not upload any infringing (i.e. illegal) material.  It is also important for the website to be able to remove UGC at any time for any reason.
Communications Decency Act – For liability purposes, websites do not want to be considered interactive computer service providers. If a User gets in trouble, the website wants to avoid getting in trouble too.
Third Party Links & No Endorsement – Any links that go outside the website are not endorsed by the website in anyway.
User Conduct – While the Terms of Use essentially centers upon User conduct, this is the clause that really spells everything out. Any activity (i.e. using a spider/scraper; threatening another user; transmitting illegal material; etc.) that the website does not want Users to undertake should be explicitly listed here.
Disclaimer of Warranties & Limitation of Liability– “Disclaimers” foreclose responsibility and limit liability on behalf the website. These clauses include disclaimers that limit liability for any harm arising from the website, any errors or interruptions with the website’s services, and any damages that could result from liability, among others.
Indemnification – To “indemnify” means to make compensation for incurred hurt, loss, or damage. This clause establishes that in the event of infringement, personal injury, or death that results from a User’s use of the website, the user will indemnify, or compensate, the website.
Resolution of Dispute and Governing Law – This clause allows the website to select what state’s law governs the Terms of Use and where any legal proceedings will be held. This clause is particularly important to pay attention to because (1) the website owner wants to be able to control the forum state [don’t make the mistake of copying a Terms of Use, failing to update the state, and getting haled into a faraway court!] and (2) Users need to know how and where they can bring an action against the website.  Typically, website will elect for any grievances to be handled in arbitration, which is less laborious than litigation.
Integration – You want to integrate your Terms of Use with your Privacy Policy so that they are both considered together.
Notice – Users need a physical address and e-mail to contact the website regarding the Terms of Use.
Phew, Terms of Use certainly are lengthy!  Like mentioned above, this was just an (extremely) high level overview of Terms of Use terminology and clauses.  A complete Terms of Use has a more clauses and many more subtleties that need to be addressed according to the website’s specific needs.
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/terms-of-use-terminology/
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rodrigohyde · 7 years ago
You're not eating nearly enough protein
A small plastic pouch filled with dark brown, organic matter arrived at my doorstep today.
No, I didn’t immediately bolt down the stairs in hot pursuit of some teenagers. Instead, I took a closer look and found that the bag actually contained something else entirely: dead crickets.
Alex Drysdale, founder of Crik Nutrition, was so eager for me to sample his flagship product that he shipped it overnight via DHL from his office in Winnipeg, Canada. I just hadn’t expected it so soon. Drysdale, a former communications technician who quit his job last year to cash in on today’s protein boom, swears that his critters “are loaded with nutrients because they’re made from whole, crushed-up cricket—you’re eating the exoskeleton and all the organs.” I try not to picture cricket guts when I open the pouch and take a whiff. Surprisingly, the smell is sweet and nutty. Feeling ballsier than usual, I shove a spoonful in my mouth. Compared with gritty and bitter whey and soy powder varieties, this stuff dissolves instantly on my tongue and tastes like almonds and honey.
Crik is just the latest form of protein I’ve happily eaten lately; the others include protein-infused granola, protein pancakes, high-protein Greek yogurts, and the gamut of powders—whey, soy, pea, hemp, and now cricket. The protein industry reaps about $9 billion annually, a figure that’s quadrupled since 2005. Some dismiss this as just another fleeting food fad, the result of a connection to certain popular high-protein diets, such as Paleo. A few experts—along with new federal dietary guidelines announced in January—claim we’re eating too much protein. But, I’m happy to report, scientists who study protein insist otherwise.
For the record, the U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) officially recommends just 0.36 grams of protein per pound of body weight. “That’s designed for the average person to just exist—hang out, watch TV, do whatever,” says Mike Nelson, Ph.D., an exercise physiologist and founder of Extreme Human Performance, a fitness coaching firm that espouses a high-protein diet. It was also written during the wartime 1940s to recommend the minimum amount for good nutrition when Americans were rationing food. “But,” says Nelson, “if you’re not the average person, and you’re exercising more intensely, you’re going to need more protein.”
At 160 pounds, the RDA puts me at 58 grams per day, which is a scant more than a cup of Greek yogurt at breakfast and a small chicken breast for lunch, with zero protein for dinner. But based on recent findings, protein scientists now advise at least 0.68 grams per pound and up to 0.75 grams if you’re doing intensive weight training (more than two hours daily) and want to bulk up fast—which would put my recommended intake at 120 grams per day, divided into four servings, consumed roughly four hours apart. Because I exercise five or six days a week, Stuart Phillips, Ph.D., a professor of kinesiology at McMaster University in Ontario, who studies how protein supports muscle growth, tells me that 110 grams per day should be ample. I bump up my intake accordingly, almost doubling it.
Two weeks later I’ve dropped five pounds—most of it off my belly. I’m stacking on extra weights for chest and shoulder presses. But the most profound change is in recovery. The throbbing quads and calves I’d suffer after long runs? Gone. And when I overload my muscles while lifting (think: big burn), the soreness lasts for mere hours instead of days.
Right now I crave protein like a drug. I eat it in the morning and, as you’ll soon learn why, even before bed. I eat everything from omelets to salmon to pulverized insects that look like shit. And here’s the thing: I’ve never felt better.
Later, when I convey my experience to Robert Wolfe, Ph.D., one of the early pioneers in protein science and now director of the Center for Translational Research in Aging and Longevity at the University of Arkansas, he’s not surprised. “When you look at the research, it’s impossible not to be impressed with the benefits of a higher proportion of protein than the RDA in the diet,” he says. Eat more protein and “by and large, you’re going to be fitter. That’s the reality.”
What's enough protein? And what's too much?
Despite everything we know about the connection between protein and muscle growth (for the record, protein refers to the amino acids from foods that our bodies require to be healthy and strong but don’t produce intrinsically), it wasn’t until very recently that scientists began to determine just how much protein we should be eating, what types (animal or plant), when (morning or evening), and how much.
“Back in the early 1980s, we used to think that if you averaged out your recommended protein intake over a week, you were OK,” says Nancy Rodriguez, Ph.D., a professor of nutritional studies at the University of Connecticut. “But fast-forward 10 years, and we realized it wasn’t just having protein every two or three days. You should be eating it every day and distributing it among meals and snacks.”
For decades, dietitians and trainers generally adhered to the RDA. But Donald Layman, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition at the University of Illinois, suspected this number might be too low. Often regarded as a leader in protein requirements, Layman had been investigating how humans metabolized amino acids and whether there was a threshold amount required to trigger protein synthesis, the biological mechanism that spawns muscle. In 1999, Layman conducted experiments on rats and found that a specific amount of the essential amino acid leucine, contained in all protein, is necessary to kick-start synthesis. Leucine alone can’t create muscle—you need all nine essential amino acids to do that; leucine is just the catalyst that ignites the process. “Until you get enough leucine, protein synthesis won’t run at 100%,” Layman explains. When he extrapolated his data to humans, he determined that for someone like me to optimize post-workout muscle growth, I should be consuming upward of 30 grams of protein per meal, which provides 2.5 grams of leucine. (For that, a whey-or soy-based protein smoothie with a half-cup of yogurt added would do the trick; so would a four-ounce T-bone steak.)
But what happens if I eat more than that? Would devouring, say, 90 grams of protein in a single sitting—or about 12 ounces of salmon—triple muscle growth? No one knew the answer until Doug Paddon-Jones, Ph.D., a professor of nutrition and metabolism at the University of Texas, consulted with Layman for a study. In 2009, Paddon-Jones enlisted a group of volunteers, including eight men in their early 30s, all weighing about 175 pounds, and fed them each a four-ounce steak with 30 grams of protein. Five hours later, he took blood samples and muscle biopsies from the volunteers. “There was a 50% improvement in muscle protein synthesis,” says Paddon-Jones. When he repeated the test but ramped up the size of the meal, eventually tripling protein intake, synthesis remained the same. “That suggests that somewhere around 30 grams [for a 175-pound male] there is a ceiling effect for your ability to use actual protein-rich foods to build and repair muscle,” Paddon-Jones says. For bigger guys, of course, those numbers will rise proportionately. If you clock in at 250 pounds, for instance, your per-meal protein intake would rise to 42 grams. (And there are other factors that can push that number even higher, such as genes.) Granted, if you’re consuming way more protein than you should, there are still some added nutritional benefits—thanks to the amino acids and micronutrients in a varied protein diet (meat, legumes, seafood, soy)—but muscle protein synthesis falls off precipitously.
Too much protein in a single meal is like filling the 20-gallon tank in your SUV with 60 gallons of gasoline—two-thirds of the fuel gets wasted, spewing out onto the pavement. (Excess protein ends up in your urine.) “You don’t have a storage site for protein,” explains Phillips. “You can’t pack it away for further use.”
Paddon-Jones warns about racking up extra calories: “The biggest problem with overconsuming protein is you’re going to get fat. There’s an upper limit in terms of what your body can process at one time. You can eat more, but it’s likely not doing your muscles much good.”
Before working out or after: What's the protein smoothie sweetspot? 
At the University of Connecticut, Rodriguez hones diets for collegiate and pro athletes, including those in the NFL, NBA, and NHL. She instructs them to get about 35 grams of protein per meal and scales it up for heavier guys. But will any protein do? Rodriguez cites several new studies that have examined plant versus animal proteins, and whole foods compared with supplements. The upshot: To grow new muscle and get bigger while adhering to a low-calorie diet, whole, animal-based sources are preferable, specifically meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt). Now, you might be wondering about the recent World Health Organization (WHO) report from late last year that caused carnivores to panic because it labeled meat a carcinogen and lumped bacon with tobacco in the certain-death category. Not to worry. First, the WHO study surveyed people who consumed almost nothing but—that is, heaps of meat every day. These folks are also often overweight and sedentary. So does meat give you cancer? Or do you get it from being fat and lazy? The answer is almost certainly the latter, meaning that if you’re fit and work out regularly, a modest serving (about four ounces) a few times a week of beef, pork, or, yes, even bacon isn’t going to put your health at risk.
“I don’t think you can become the best athlete you can be without meat,” says Luc van Loon, Ph.D., an exercise physiology professor at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, adding that he favors whole animal foods like beef because they digest slowly—a steak can take 24 hours for the body to process—so it provides a steady protein supply all day.
If you’re a vegetarian or vegan, good old-fashioned rice and beans, and tofu are acceptable alternatives. But remember: By proportion, animal meat packs up to three times the protein content as plant-based food like legumes and nuts. So with tofu, for example, you’ll have to eat a lot more of it to get the same protein you would dining on a six-ounce filet mignon or a three-egg cheese omelet. Some plant-based proteins are also high in carbohydrates, which, if not readily burned off, end up as fat. (Crickets are about 70% protein by weight.)
If you’re going the supplement powder route, scientists suggest you choose whey, the wildly popular animal-based protein derived from cow’s milk. For a 2015 study in the Journal of Food Science, Phillips analyzed whey, soy, and rice powders and found that whey had the highest leucine content of the three. “And when we’re talking about regenerating muscle, the key is protein higher in leucine,” he says. “Based on our work, whey tops the list.”
Whey also ranks first in its ability to feed muscles faster than any other protein type. “Whey protein is absorbed really quickly in the blood, within 15 to 20 minutes,” Paddon-Jones says. Train hard and your body burns stored carbs and fat to produce glucose for energy. But unlike fat, there’s no protein cache to tap for making muscle. And as van Loon points out, “when you combine exercise with protein, you get a synergistic response—muscle protein synthesis is doubled.” That’s why experts love whey: Its rapid absorption improves the rate of rebuilding compared with other protein sources.
But timing is everything. When muscles contract during strenuous exercise the cells become more anaerobic, and protein synthesis shuts off. So chugging a protein smoothie right before hitting the gym or while exercising is pointless—and a few studies suggest it may even be counterproductive, impeding your muscle’s ability to grow. “There’s no good reason to do it,” Phillips says. On the other hand, researchers have measured the largest gains in lean muscle growth in athletes who consume whey protein 30 to 90 minutes after training. “That’s when you get the biggest bang for your buck, because the machinery is set up to resynthesize muscle,” Rodriguez says.
Can you actually build muscle while you sleep?
When we bulk up in response to resistance training, it’s because there’s a net gain of new muscle growth. Squats break down quads, which respond by rebuilding themselves bigger and stronger—a process that protein amplifies. But like other scientists, van Loon once believed this occurred only when we were awake. Then three years ago, he met with a few colleagues at a bar and “after too many beers,” as he puts it, “we thought, ‘What happens if we give people protein during sleep?’ ” Scientists had never considered whether protein could be metabolized at night, or if it could, whether muscle synthesis would occur.
When you eat protein, its amino acids are dispatched to various tissues—muscle, organ, bone—where they’re used to repair and rebuild cells. But to determine what happens at night, van Loon had to pinpoint the exact where and when of this process. So at a university animal research facility in the Netherlands, he rigged a Holstein cow with intravenous tubing and pumped in $40,000 worth of chemical compounds called tracers that allow scientists to follow them throughout the body. From the cow’s milk, van Loon derived a protein supplement he could give to human test subjects and then track the amino acids throughout their bodies. “I could see the digestion and absorption, how much of the protein becomes available in the circulation, and how much of what you eat lands in the muscle over a few hours,” he explains.
Next he conducted two separate protein-and-sleep studies by recruiting healthy, active men in their early 20s. In the first experiment, the men exercised in the evening, then half took a protein supplement before bedtime, with the remainder fed a placebo. Van Loon found that the protein was effectively digested and absorbed while the men slept, and muscle rebuilding was also higher. In the next study, he had the subjects lift weights for three months in the evenings, with half taking a protein supplement before bedtime and the other half a placebo. He found the group who consumed protein prior to sleep had a greater increase in muscle mass and strength.
Based on his initial results, van Loon recommends a so-called “fourth meal” of protein approximately 30 minutes before bedtime—that would be about 30 grams for a guy my size. But keep calories to a minimum, since anything in addition to the protein isn’t going to burn off. (You’re asleep, remember.) Good choices are Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or a protein smoothie, assuming you minimize the sugary fillers like berries and juice. “Protein prior to sleep gives you a greater window of opportunity to facilitate muscle reconditioning,” van Loon says. “It turns out that nighttime is an unused period when you can stimulate the adaptive response to exercise.”
What's the best way to get your protein high?
Because I’m a carnivore, to me more protein means more seafood, chicken, pork, and beef. On top of ample salmon and bison—two of my favorite foods—during my investigation, I added van Loon’s fourth bedtime “meal,” as well as whey after workouts.
And my grocery bills went out of control.
Ultimately, I decided to mix things up: A few times a week I now splurge on pricey seafood (often tuna or halibut, among the protein kings of fish), and for smoothies I go with organic, grass-fed whey or Drysdale’s Crik powder: the yummiest of the supplements, but—at roughly $5 for a 32-gram serving of protein—also the most expensive. Primarily, though, I rely on protein-packed basics like yogurt, eggs, peanut butter, and cheese. For breakfast, I do one cup of nonfat Greek yogurt, blended with blueberry kefir, a tablespoon of peanut butter, and a teaspoon of honey. I follow my late-morning workout with a whey smoothie, using the provided scoop to get the correct amount of protein, then sweeten it with whatever fruit happens to be in the fridge—and call that lunch. Dinner varies, but the main dish is almost always a high-protein whole food, such as pork or salmon, eyeballing the portions to get roughly eight ounces. Before bed, I might snack on a bowl of cottage cheese topped with sliced chicken or turkey breast, dishing it out based on the serving-size info based on the packaging.
After two weeks not only do I feel great but also—as previously mentioned—I’m five pounds lighter, chiefly because protein makes me feel fuller and satiated (which keeps me from snacking), and because of protein’s thermic effects (I actually burn calories while digesting it). I also notice something else with my new diet: I’m always thirsty. As it turns out, protein is hygroscopic, which means it attracts water like iron filings to a magnet. “If you shift to high-protein, you should drink 50% more water than you were drinking before,” Layman advises. This gets me wondering: Besides dehydration, what other potential risks might protein pose?
Low-carb diets, like the Atkins, which became popular in the ’90s, preached all-you-can-eat protein. You can fill up on steak and eggs as long as you limit carbs. With Atkins, protein functions like an inert, low-calorie filler: Consume enough of it and you’ll be too stuffed to eat anything else. (In contrast, the Paleo diet rightly embraces protein for its superior nutritional value. It falls short, however, because it doesn’t prescribe how much protein to eat or when to eat it. It also rejects dairy—even Greek yogurt, which new research has identified as a superlative protein.)
At the height of the Atkins craze, reports of health problems surfaced, the most serious being kidney failure. I ask Phillips whether I should be concerned, and I’m told no. Because many of the Atkins dieters were overweight, he explains, they were also “verging on type-2 diabetes,” a disease that can include kidney dysfunction. “But as the circular logic went, the high protein caused the kidney failure in the first place, and that’s not true. There’s no evidence of that.” The other myth is “protein is bad for your bones,” Rodriguez says. The going theory used to be that protein-rich foods nudged your body’s pH balance toward higher acidity—and too much acid would leach minerals like calcium from bones and lead to osteoporosis. But current research proves just the opposite: Protein increases bone density by improving calorie absorption. “We’re realizing that eating adequate protein, along with calcium, is good for your bones, not bad for them,” Rodriguez says. In fact, in a 2008 study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Layman wrote, “Higher protein diets are associated with greater bone mass and fewer fractures when calcium intake is adequate.”
As I worked to harness the benefits of protein, I discovered that the plant-based soy doesn’t build muscle as fast as animal protein or whey. “Soy is about 60% as effective as whey,” says Layman. “But if you use a small enough amount, say 12 to 15 grams, you will get no muscle-building effects.” I also learned about one big protein no-no: booze. Both Phillips and Paddon-Jones recount a now-famous tale shared among protein geeks, which involves a team of Australian football players. During the off-season they’d meet every Friday at a gym for weight training. Afterward, they’d go drinking at a nearby pub.
“No one was getting stronger in the off-season,” Paddon-Jones says. A coach with a hunch about the booze changed their training to Tuesdays—a less convenient night to souse it up—“and they put on a ton of muscle mass and strength. Alcohol was shutting down protein synthesis.”
Last year, Phillips led the first-ever experiment to test the theory. He gathered eight men ages 21 to 26 and put them through an exercise routine that included weightlifting, cycling, and high-intensity interval training. After the workout, he gave them each 50 grams of protein over a four-hour period and then got them trashed. Over the subsequent eight hours, he took tissue biopsies from their quad muscles. The result: Muscle-protein synthesis had dropped by 24% compared with his control group, who got protein but no booze. “Eight solid drinks of vodka definitely messed up their muscles’ ability to utilize protein,” he says. “Alcohol affects your ability to regenerate and repair muscle and get it ready for a subsequent workout. If you’re an athlete, regularly consuming more than one or two drinks a day is not recommended.”
There’s still one question that can’t be overlooked: How will consuming 100-plus grams of protein a day for years on end impact long-term muscle health? “We can’t answer that quite yet,” Layman says. One sure fact: Men in their mid-40s will find that their muscles begin to naturally shrink. “As we get older, we’re less efficient at turning protein into muscle,” Layman says. This has led nutritionists to assume that adults need less protein as we age. Having documented what high protein does for younger men, scientists now challenge that assumption and plan to conduct longitudinal studies to track men and their muscles over a lifetime.
When such a study occurs, I tell Layman that he should enlist my father, who turned 82 last month and remains an avid athlete. He lives in Seattle, where he routinely devours chicken and salmon, plays competitive tennis with guys half his age, and often begins his day by paddling his kayak two miles across Lake Washington.
Is it the protein? Exercise? Lucky genes? A combo of all three?
No matter. The sudden jump in strength and recovery I experience after disregarding the RDA and doubling my protein intake is reason enough to stick with it long term. Bring on the crickets. 
Protein foods
from Men's Fitness https://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/what-to-eat/youre-not-eating-nearly-enough-protein
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