#I have our thread btw just been slow
nicholas-wolfwood · 2 years
🌸 //only if you want to though!
🌸 What I Like About You
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"Hm.... Dunno enough to give three, but Vash seems to like him, so that's gotta mean somethin'."
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pvremichigan · 2 years
love u guys :)
#but seriously I'm sorry to those who wait months and months for me to respond to you#I promise I'm trying to get any motivation to write. At this point the adderal (prescribed) isn't even helping.#I'm a lil burnt out especially since my dumbass likes to hoard asks and drafts and never touch them#but i adore that so many people want to write with me.#I promise you are not forgotten. I'm just very slow with getting to things. Especially long threads.#Eugh shit's hard. And this year has been a pain in the ass too.#Within January#we got covid#then my roommate said she doesn't feel welcome and she's leaving#so we have to wait a whole year to get another roommate#and our rent went up to over 1000#so Jay and I are going to be busting ass trying to afford bills#I'm mostly active on Discord and somewhat active on my server#dm me btw if you want in. It's dead bc no one wants to interact there but if you throw a character into one of the channels i promise you#will be responded to#anyways it's just been extremely rough and my energy to write has been non existent#but I'm always here to talk on Discord and plot and discuss character stuff and just make friends#I do want to interact I promise#I do a lot of dash com to get small spurts of motivation going so that way when it dies I don't have to draft it up#Please come talk to me about your muses#please#and please come talk to me to just talk#Tumblr dms are ass I'm bad at responding to them#But just come talk to me#discord is Heck1497#lmk who you are if you add#I wanna interact and answer asks and I will! It will just... Take a bit. just be extra patient with me if you're able to.#If not I completely understand if you want to softblock#Otherwise I'm here. I see you. You're not forgotten. All nearly 20 of you that I have a draft/ask from#I SEE YOU. I WILL REACH IT WHEN I FINALLY CAN I PROMISE
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jolyneart · 5 hours
This'll be a long-ish post about my The Locked Tomb themed MTG deck and how I made like 20 versions of it before I decided to build it (and how I'm still working on it).
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(I want to do legit art for this card)
If you are part of the Venn diagram of these two interests, or you want to see my slow descent into madness ovear a year of trying to put cardboard together, check the spoilers below.
So, I haven't been playing Magic for too long (a bit over a year). Weirdly I have owned cards since original Ixalan, but I never bothered learning to play until a friend invited me to play commander. I just wanted them for the pretty pictures, I have always admired Magic artists and they have been a huge inspiration on my art career.
Anyways, not too long after I started to play, I got this idea into my head that I should do a Locked Tomb commander deck.
"That'd be fun!" I thought
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All of these are over a year old (and are not my only first attempts, but I'll talk about those later).
I had two main issues when starting to build this deck:
1- I have never been interested into deck-building before in a card game
2- I have no fucking idea of what I'm doing
The first commander I chose to lead this deck, that I still think thematically fits within TLT universe, is Ratadrabik of Urborg
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This Rat of a man has given me so many headaches, I'm sure that now I'd be able to do make a half-decent deck with him in the lead, hell I do have a black/white aristocrats deck that he could command just fine.
But my issue was that I had no idea how to balance his legends theme and zombie kindred theme at the same time, in the same deck. I was just incapable. And all of my results, budget or not, were jank piles that did very little or exploded into an infinite combo with cards like Boromir, Warden of the Tower or Nazgul. It just didn't feel right and the Locked Tomb theme was barely holding on by a thread with the things I was putting in there. There were barely ANY skeletons in any of these! (this will keep happening)
Anyways, after giving up on Ratadrabik (which btw I think would make for a great Ianthe proxy) I moved on to find some other commander and color combination that'd enable something else that wasn't a pile of legendary creatures.
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Queue in Varina, Lich Queen
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It's a Zombie Wizard! She cares about zombies, those are kind of early skeletons! She raises the undead herself!
Well, I do think Varina is great, and in other world where I knew how to build decks back then, she might just have been my Harrow commander deck
I don't even think the decks I made for her were that bad at all, just extremely expensive. And also the zombie theme, while much better supported mechanically, I didn't feel really represented the kind of necromantic powers we see in the books at all.
Shoutout to Mikaeus, he'd make for a great Jod if anyone wants to make a deck about our lord and savior the undying emperor.
Ok, now I'm going to take a bit of a detour to talk about what I actually like playing in mtg (not just commander). I predictably really enjoy playing black and graveyard strategies, but also really love putting big idiot beaters into the field with those strategies .I know, groundbreaking. But it is what it is, two of my favourite decks do this in one way or another.
God's perfect deck, my Sauron deck, was my first precon, that has left the lands of preconstruction long ago and is my dearest possession. Is it my most powerful deck? nope. Is it unbeatable? Not really, I almost never win with this deck.
What BIG Sauron does is, in an extremely thematic way, become a problem for everyone at the table, do evil things, and have everyone beat me down for my reanimation crimes.
If you are interested, you can check out that deck here.
Anyways sorry, back to the locked tomb, SO I like the graveyard right? Wouldn't it be nice that there'd be a famous woman necromancers in mtg? What if she leaded the deck?
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Well, the most that I can say is that there really can be too much of a good thing. I'm talking about swamps.
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Initially I had these two running around in the Ratadrabik deck. I still stand by the idea of having these flip walkers be young Harrow/Gideon and flip them into their "First House" versions. The Gideon/Kiriona and Kytheon/Gideon thing still drives me insane.
I was too sad discarding them, so I grabbed the Lilly card and tried to make it work, I really tried, I put on a lot of effort and care. But it didn't work, it wasn't her, it was me.
I built a pretty generic aristocrat shell, but I think that type of archetype really benefits of having more colors to work with (specially white).
So, with three commanders locked in the tomb (I also tried a Gut rakdos deck but I'm not even going to talk about it), what was next? I spent months on these and still had nothing to show for it. Was I the problem? Was I cursed with bad deck dissease?
No, that cannot be. I'm building other decks while this is going on and those are doing just fine. Lae'zel//Master Chef, Gandalf Big Artifacts. The issue might be that the head of the deck is always caring for just the one thing, there was not much diversity. I kept making Necromancers but had no Cavaliers to back them up.
If there could just be a way to have two little guys up there in the command zone. Wait a minute...
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So, this was truly a jank fest. Partner is an extremely strong mechanic in commander, and Tymna is specially strong as a card to have access early. So I decided to justify using these to make the biggest pile of nonsense happen.
Equipment? check. Initiative? check. Skeletons? check. Zombies? check. Graveyard? check. Lifegain? check.
While goldfishing I realized that while the commanders do a great job to sustain the rest of the deck, the ammount of themes and archetypes made this a pile of cards that I can barely call a deck. And worst of all, they enabled two pretty strong commanders, and that didn't feel that'd be satisfactory at all in actual play.
I even prepared proxies for these! Feel free to use them if you want.
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Also, I tried the whole partner thing swapping out Tymna for Ikra Shidiqi. Bringing out another whole color didn't help with the theme soup I was working with.
So I wholy abandoned the idea of both partners, and maybe even making this deck.
Maybe my hopes and dreams of having a functional silly lesbians and skeletons deck were doomed (yuri) from the beginning.
Months pass, I built 3 or 4 other decks in the meantime that work, can compete and be fun, sometimes all at the same time if you'd believe it. I had completely lost faith in this deck idea.
All until one day, were I was checking out a pile of cards I had pulled from the recent MH3 set to put them into my binder. And then I see it. There he was, this fucking guy with a shovel(?), looking at me.
I read again his fairly big wall of text, what does this guy do again?
Oh, he does necromancy stuff? attacks? wait wait, he draws POWER from the GRAVEYARD?? in JUND?
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He really saved it. Not only I feel this perfectly represents the dynamics of Cavalier is in charge of creating enough thanergy for their necromancer, but ALSO does the necromancer thing, and ALSO loves having like 10 power and beating down face. This was a message, the dream was still alive.
So, I make a list, I order cards, I scrounge cards from my other black decks. And there it is. It's real
The Locked Tomb Griddlehark Commander Deck
But... that's not how my list looks right now. Yeah I know this deck is cursed into being always changing I think. But, the main issue here was what I said before. It had to pull cards from multiple decks to sustain itself. And I learned quickly that I don't like having my baby, my Sauron, being not functional, and that keeping track of what cards are where and swapping them out constantly sucks tremendously.
So, I pulled back most of the cards to their original decks. What was left was a corpse, a beautiful incomplete deck. So I selected cards from my collection, lower powered ones, niche ones, weird ones, and put them in for their more powerful counterparts.
It's function is extremely simple, it fills it's graveyard quickly, ramps, and with Coram on the battlefield, you turn that self-mill into card advantage, the graveyard into a power source and bring back powerful creatures like the Resurrection Beasts (Eldrazi)
There also are skeletons in there, of course.
This deck needed to die many deaths to exist. But isn't that the theme?
I'll make sure to put up the new decklist on my moxfield whenever I get a few upgrades.
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matthewmurdockswife · 8 months
Nick comforting you after a tough exam grade 💙🩵 (pls, I need this)
Just if you want, btw, love your blog, and work, and everything in general!! 💖
Nick Sturniolo x Reader Platonic
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Tw: swearing, negative self talk kinda
It had been hard, You work with the triplets helping edit and when you joined university they offered to take over for a while. But you convinced them you could handle it, you had convinced yourself too. You were managing at first you had a schedule you would edit from 4-6 and then do homework or study whatever you had to do. But the work started piling up when youd finish editing there was no time to study and when you studied there was no time to edit and the threads were running thin.
“Shes been moping all day chris I know something is wrong” Nick complained to his brother “ Shes probably tired Nick just let her be”
Nick always knew you better than anyone else had he always picked up on minuscule mood changes really all the small details and its part of why you appreciated him so much so him ignoring chris advice and coming to check on you anyways wasnt a big suprise to anyone.
“Heyyy kiddo” he opened the door holding a bunch of your favourite candies and a pepsi “whats wrong” you went to open your mouth but nick cut you off “Dont lie to me I know there’s something”you sighed and unzipped your bag and pulled out The test the one you failed the one you couldnt do good enough on because you were busy. Nick sighed he set the test down and held my shoulder “I know you said you can do both and I believe you, But maybe we should focus on one, school is a lot and its going to take extra effort and time that you wont have if you’re working kid” “I dont want to freeload” he only laughed “freeload? You paid for half of this house im not sure how you’d think you’re freeloading. Y/N you do above and beyond for the three of us. You were the only one who looked after chris while he was sick. And then matt when chris gave it to him, you buy all the groceries and you always buy our favourite things even when we dont ask for them, You look out for us you take care of us and you’re always there to talk to when we need someone. You’re one of the greatest people we’ve ever met so no you’re not freeloading when you slow down to focus on school” Nick was always great at comforting he always made me feel safe and loved “ But nick i dont feel complete look at that grade” he didn’t even need to look at the paper he took my face in his hands “I dont care what any piece of paper says, No grade will define you. I love you girl and Some stupid ass little quiz wont change that” i smile softly at Nick “ I love you too” “so you promise to slow down?” He always made me laugh even if it wasn’t something particularly funny nick always found a way to make people laugh “I promise” “Good now lets go terrorize matt to take us to macdonalds”
My next grade I got back was a 96% the boys took me out to get mcflurries. I always knew that they all had my back but Nick always looked put for me in a special way, and I would forever remember the love he gave me.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// A/N
yall im tired its like 6 Am and i wanna sleep so i did not edit this im sorry pookies 🫵😔
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flamesignite · 2 months
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my body hurts right now, so idk my brain doesn't wanna do drafts rn. I'll just do what I want and feel like doing right now. I'm honestly at the point where I don't care and will do what my muse feels like doing.
I usually make myself feel bad because i know i owe people replies, but I realize that if those people are understanding they won't mind me taking time on what i feel like doing and if we have a thread that i havent worked on yet and you still wanna interact you're free to send roy asks. our thread doesn't have to be the only one we have. It def helps me know whos actually interested in writing with me and him.
I have been anxious to state this in all honesty, but I have to remember there are people who are understanding about it, but i always fear people don't understand and think I'm not interested in all with writing with them and that's just not true. (Not talking about anyone in particular btw this is just a general thing and my anxiety overthinking.)
Anyways thanks for reading this, I just want to state those that are interested and haven't interacted with me or are wanting to and i haven't replied to our thread yet feel free to throw yourself at Roy. I just wanna say that because I don't want people to think I am not interested when I am very interested I am just slow, and if you can be patient with me with threads then thank you for understanding.
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orangeshinigami · 9 months
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Mutuals only / Slow replies & low activity blog. Multiship / Multiverse / OC & Crossover friendly! Mun is 21+ so mature themes may be present, everything will be tagged accordingly though. Est. Nov. 2023.
Discord available upon request for plotting & rping purposes.
( Header credit: RIDLEEY / Icons credit: THE-CURSED-ICONS & LOCKEDTOWERS / icon border credit: TOSKASRPH & as of Jan. 2024 I started using a border made by POOHSOURCES )
Update March, 2024: Icon border / post divider / banners credit - CROWDITS
MAINS: @adversitybloomed (ship exclusive) / @lockedtowers & @cautionsissued / @glacialdeath / @toomanydamnmuses
Mobile friendly guidelines under the cut.
Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read these!!
You can call me Bibis, I’m 26 years old and roleplaying has been one of my hobbies for over ten years, I’ve been a part of the Bleach fandom for about that same amount of time too. However, I still haven’t finished reading the manga (I’m always working and when I finally have some free time I have no energy to do anything guys, help). But I’ll eventually finish it, I swear… Or I’ll at least watch the anime bc I’m super hyped about this revival. ANYWAYS, yes, this is just a heads up that I do know some things about the last arc of the manga but not everything. But don’t worry, depending on what we choose to write, I’ll do my reasearch!! <3
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ichigo or Bleach obviously, also no icons / headers and stuff used here were made by me unless otherwise stated.
I work 44 hours a week (sometimes more) and I’m still finishing my university course, so my activity will be low, especially from monday to friday. Please understand that I might take a long time to reply – this doesn’t mean I’m not interested in writing with you / don’t like your character or anything, I’m really just super busy most of the time.
No godmodding please. You control your character and I control mine, thank you very much.
Plotting!! I love plotting SO MUCH and can get super excited over it and come up with 5415114 AU’s, hahaha. Seriously, if you have an idea about how our characters could interact or want to build a whole new AU for them, PLEASE do not hesitate to hmu!! 
Feel free to turn memes / asks into threads, just make sure to make a new post for it rather than just reblogging the answered ask.
My discord is available to mutuals upon request, we can plot or even rp through there too!! Given my busy schedule, it’s easier for me to be active and reply to stuff there.
Shipping can be super fun, but only if there is chemistry. So there has to be a lot of plotting and our characters need to interact a few times for me to consider shipping them!! Instant shipping / pre-established romantic relationships are not really my cup of tea. I won’t write romantic ships with minors, btw, please don’t insist. 
My main verse is set when Ichigo is around 18 years old and finishing up high school!! But if you wanna interact with older Ichigo, or have a plotting idea that would work best with the older version of him, do let me know!! Like I said before, I truly love plotting, so don’t be afraid to throw your ideas at me, I’ll most likely be just as excited as you are to discuss them.
Since I’m well over the age of 18, you might see NSFW themes (such as violence, drugs, sex) on this blog from time to time. I have no triggers and I may be a little forgetful when tagging that sort of thing. Please if you see anything that’s triggering to you that you believe I didn’t properly tag, send me a message and I’ll fix it right away. I want this to be a safe and fun enviroment not only for me but for my writing partners as well!!
That’s about it!! I’m super friendly ooc, I promise. So send me memes and questions whenever!! I’ll be happy to answer all of them. :]
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brawlqueen · 1 year
PSA * !
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while i don't need or really....like? to make these posts, and i try not to be personal unless my mutuals are people that i am comfortable sharing it, but i've definitely been struggling to write period. writer's block, call it what you will, but it's definitely been causing me anxiety when it shouldn't. so i decided to start replaying uchikoshi games of course, i just finished ai.tsf and am onto a.ini, as much as i have some gripes with it, oh well, we make our own canon - but i wanted by choice, to kinda explain that.
one thing that's really really important to me is mutual communication. that doesn't translate to: 'tell me everything that's going on and every personal detail. ' it just means, i feel that if something is up with me that's affecting my fun on the dashboard, then i wanna just bring it up.
most of my friends here know i've been having a lot of social anxiety. which is kinda weird for me since i'm a fairly confident / extroverted person! but you know what that's okay, but i've been kind of a ghost on my discord. i keep second guessing everything i say to most everyone, and it has nothing to do with a single person, there's nothing wrong i feel about any of my friends. i'm just /anxious/.
i also, am just accepting that due to some personal health issues, nothing major, (ex: insomnia amped up, for mental reasons ) that my adhd is all over the place. most of the time when i get to be home i'm snuggling my bear uh -- i mean, my rescue great pyrenees sasha or just doing 'icon therapy' which is me making batches of screencaps and converting them to icons.
i'm not ignoring anyone, and i just don't know what to really say right now in a lot of conversations. i stumble over my typing and delete little sentences because my anxiety has been so bad. but also for me, with that adhd, sitting in it is infinitely worse, and i'm sorry if this sounds like i'm complaining. i just like being upfront!
so yeah, dm buddies i'm not ignoring you, or purposefully being slow. roleplay partners / friends, new mutuals waiting on meme asks or threads, hell even mizuki's birthday stuff, which is FOREVER btw to this stan, i am not trying to make it seem i'm disinterested or quite frankly i don't drop threads unless you would like me to. i just may not be at the speed you like. and that's okay! we meet each other half way.
but yeah i kinda really have wanted to address this because i can feel mizuki kinda coming back if that makes sense? there's so much to explore with her, but even mutuals i don't even know that i dearly want to interact with, please know you can send random asks or throw people at mizuki any time. i know this isn't a job. i know not to force myself, and trust me, i don't.
but i just...didn't want to leave the wrong impression that may be 'lily's ignoring me / lily dropped our stuff / ' it isn't so much bluntly, for anyone as much as it is me wanting to tell you i just don't operate that way i guess? i wouldn't treat someone like that. everyone has their way of operating on this site and as long as it's not hurtful i think it's fair and valid. i just wanted to explain. for myself, and hopefully clear up if anyone is confused about me.
i appreciate everyone's patience and the talent they bring to the dash, even if i don't know your muse(s), but i do know that i followed you for a reason so please be patient with me as i get through this. i think writing is so relaxing for me, so slowly feeling mizuki come back is a very, very comforting thing. she's my favorite girl ever, the girl ever period for me, and i never aim to make this a job.
so i'm gonna be gentle to myself and these asks and threads you might go 'well that was ages ago' and that's okay. what's important for me is that my intentions are always clear, and hopefully, always seen as they are as best i can: well meaning. that said, since i don't wanna make this a job, please don't do it either okay? - lily.
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cursedfortune · 2 years
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so i think going forward what i’m going to do is finally finish making the blog adjustments i’ve been wanting to. just tidying up a little is all.
when it comes to threads: i’m messaging all my current partners i have ongoing threads with. i want to slim down on what i have to make room for new ones. seeing what my partners want to continue, drop or keep paused until we finish up other stuff is my current process. if i haven’t gotten to messaging you yet, it’s coming. if you see this message (which i’ll reblog a few times to be safe!) i ask you consider if you want to continue our thread(s). i don’t, at all, intend to drop the rp partners i’ve been writing with - this is just me revising threads!! :)
initially i was going to go through my moots/followers but it has been so long i changed my mind. please bear with my low energy, i intend to start messaging folks directly to see about writing together and if we vibe. if you haven’t noticed, i’m trying to break the ice a little bit more in the ways i feel comfortable at the moment. being a little more active in what people are posting when i see it, as well as trying to drop a few asks here and there ranging from ooc to ic.
i intend (and have started already in burst sessions) to do the following: go through my followers list, reread rules and send ooc and ic asks, catch up a little on recent posts. ^this is just my design, i work better with lists these days.
i’m going to make an effort to be more active and engage with everyone since i’ve been mia for a while now. i’ll give it a comfortable amount of time to decide if i feel it’s mutual. when i’m more confident on this, then i’ll go through moots/followers. but i want to restart coming back here (and my other blogs) on a positive note instead. i look forward to talking more with everyone and discovering new people to write with!
as always, i appreciate your patience and generosity. btw, if anyone has thoughts or feels in mind - you’re 100% allowed to also message me about them or send an ask to inquire. whether it’s ooc chat, plotting purposes, ic stuff. i’m making myself available even if i might be slow still. <3
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whiskeysmulti · 8 months
G O K U D E R A for… you guessed it, Gokudera ((OOC: Vday meme btw))
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(     *     VALENTINE’S DAY ALPHABET   !  - accepting!
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G : GIFT. is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right? I think if he was tasked to do it alone he'd suck at it? If that makes sense. Because I feel like he'd over think it too much and not realize that Haru loves him enough that just spending time with her makes her happy.
O : ODE. does your muse have a way with words? Oh we've seen just how colorful his vocabulary is sometimes. Honestly, I don't think he's that good with his words, as we've seen with all their fights in canon, but as far as our ship development, he's learning I feel to be a bit softer and more patient sometimes.
K : KISS. is your muse a good kisser? why / why not? Fun fact, I always headcanoned that he sucks at it at first because she's his first and he doesn't know what he's doing so they need some practice together, IE: making out. U : UNREQUITED. has your muse had their heart broken? -gestures vaguely at the anime for making him look like Tsuna's lost puppy- verse dependent as I've mentioned I do RP him as bi or at least curious, originally I had a headcanon that he might have had feelings for Tsuna at some point and not been able to freely express it. But reading into the manga more it came across clearer that it wasn't romantic it was loyalty to his Boss as we've discussed, he's very ingrained with mafia culture and heavily yankee coded (the rebel, the bad boy, the street smart kid, etc.) and Mafia code is actually really homophobic in a lot of cases so I scratched the whole Tsuna was his first love thing in favor of there possibly being a girl in Italy once but it was like first unrequited crush when he was just a kid kind of thing or possibly a girl he met when he was still on the streets and it wasn't too serious, but like that feeling of admiration because she might have been the first to treat him kindly. Haru thus far is the first girl in our verses that he's ever been serious about as we've seen how he reacts to his fan girls and others like Shittopi.
D : DATE. what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc? NGL he's old fashioned so it would probably be dinner and watching the stars or something with Haru, just something relaxing and peaceful as I don't see him being too big on crowds like at bars and such. He's more likely to invite her over to have dinner and watch conspiracy theory videos in our verse for them honestly.
E : EMBRACE. does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like? Not in public, as we've discussed on discord, he's not big on PDA. But when they're alone, whoo boy. He's a cuddle bug and will hold her for hours if she needs him to, it's just the macho persona he puts on that makes him kinda "later honey, not in front of the boys" about it. But when they're alone he's the one clinging to her. I even headcanon if he's away from her he takes an extra pillow with him to hold at night because he's used to cuddling her and can't sleep without holding something.
R : ROMANCE. is your muse a romantic or a cynic? Cynic turned romantic if that makes sense. Didn't believe he'd ever be like this until he did get into a relationship. Always thought she was stupid for being such a dreamer, and chasing the 10th, which we revealed in our threads as far as plotting goes was because he wanted her all along and was jealous.
A : AFFECTION. how does your muse show affection? As mentioned, he can be a little slow to catch on and rough with her when people are watching, but when they're alone he's holding her, kissing and cuddling, running his fingers through her hair, gazing in her eyes and so on. Absolute putty in her hands.
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clonehub · 2 years
Starting the finale!
It's been quite an uneventful journey I will say!
Oh muffled volume! You don't get that often. The coolest was when mace had his moment in s1
The pause in this clones when he says Kaminos been destroyed :(
"and I will be left here on my own" :((((
Damn crosshair is really down
Oh he's up
Why was it not in AZs instinct to help 😭
I wonder who taught her to swim
Damn is crosshair really this stubborn
This almost sounds like I think the clones theme from tcw??
Yeah being this deep underwater.....nah
"all those missions together and you threw away" bitch BE SERIOUSSSS
"soldiers follow orders" notice how he didn't say "good"
Ok crossie baby part of the reason they're all nearly dead is bc of you you know that right
They looooove shoulder bumps in tcw
Kinda crazy that AZ can just weld through two feet of metal
No this was driving me insane. All this running bc you knew y'all was finna drown now that you're on the ocean floor in a cracked tube you want to WALK
How is this the finale and they really had to slow this shit down 😭
"something on your tiny mind, wrecker"
See look. Wrecker getting the emotional development that everyone should have been getting simultaneously
But tech essentially saying Crosshairs severe and unyielding personality is in his nature is rubbing me the wrong way. It's like. Essentialst idk. Like a long that same thread of eugenics that's been undergirding this show more than an actual plot has, saying oh well Crosshairs never going to change he simply cannot help it. Form one PoV this could be tech being just as uncompromising as crosshair is. Another is the contrast between tech and wrecker as a mind/heart thing which theyve been semi doing for this season. But also does this not essentialize his fascist tendencies too. Nooo he can't help being a fascist or having a personality that lends itself toward authoritarianism it's in his nature and you cannot change nature. Which kinda goes against the whole choice thing Hunters been talking about up to this point. Idk.
"understanding you does not mean I agree with you" this line annoys me sorry it just sounds like. Every Single -Ist and -Phobic person I've come across who's like "yeah I ~understand~ you but I don't have to agree!!" Babygirl I think actual understanding at least on the level as deep as ideology (or in my case various positions of marginalization) would require......nvm I can see here that there's two ways to understand "understand" but also the line is still corny soz
Ok if there's a problem why did you stop walking.
"run!" You should been doing that--
Man Crosshairs run was so dumb
Az was strong enough to carry fives I'm sure he could lift omega up some of these places
Stop calling them defective lmao
"you take things too personally" stay on topic crosshair let's talk about the empire leaving you for dead 🧐
"kamino regs the Republic" wild wild wild
"the empire will control the entire galaxy and I am going to be a part of it" see how he's a fascist guys
Why is he having headaches
LMAO not even omega gave up on him
They've got buttons on the inside?
Oh btw omegas 10 which means tbb is like. Probably 7 if she remembers them being created.
AZI :(
I mean at least they have him now 😭
This is the whitest they'll look in this series
"we want different things" I mean. Yeah. But like fascism is kinnndaaaaaaaa
Second use of the word brother in this series lmao
This Forgive a Fascist ass plotline
You don't get a lot of characters with bangs
Quite uh. I guess uneventful as a finale all things considered.
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Whitesnake: Melt Your Heart, Melt Your Mind, Melt Your Body (Vore Story)
When I first saw that Whitesnake: Melt Your Heart scene in the anime, I immediately went to search up vore-related content inspired by it. I was positively flabbergasted, however, when I could not find anything at all. So, I decided to make some myself. Enjoy!
(I think I am FINALLY getting a proper grasp on writing gooey digestion btw, so yeah, I am super happy about that!)
     “...Stone…Free…” Jolyne weakly called out, whilst desperately attempting to bring out her stand. Thanks in part to the bone that Emporio had previously given her, the newly transferred inmate had been able to escape the dream which Whitesnake, although currently unknown to Jolyne, had put her under, leaving her awake and well aware of the true nature of her true situation as a result. If she were unable to escape the visitation room soon, however, this would not remain the case for very long.
     As Jolyne’s remaining energy only continued to drop, the slimy, white, gurgling, acidic goop stuck to her body went on to melt even deeper into her skin, utterly engulfing the cells, and further depleting her ability to resist. The still unseen Whitesnake knew, however, that more important than preventing her resistance, was keeping Jolyne away from his target.
     Jotaro Kujo had met with his daughter inside the prison visitation room not even thirty minutes ago, and just like Jolyne, had unknowingly fallen within the trap of Whitesnake. Unlike Jolyne, however, Jotaro was yet to awaken, and as a result lay unconscious and unmoving on the other side of the table, utterly smothered with Whitesnake’s melting goo, and utterly unable to be reached.
     Jolyne heaved her breaths in and out as she once again attempted to use her stand. “...Stone…Free…” she practically choked on her own tightened throat as she extended her stand’s blue thread out over the table towards her sleeping father. Jolyne’s body, mind, and spirit strained profusely in accomplishing this task, causing her to clench her fist vigorously around Emporio’s bone in order to once again receive pain from its sharpness, in an attempt to block out her weariness. Finally, Stone Free became strung around Jotaro’s arm, leaving Jolyne with nothing else to do other than tighten the hold. If she could successfully do this, there was a significant chance that Jotaro would be snapped out of his dream, a chance which Jolyne knew she must clutch even harder than the bone.
     In the meantime, however, the gooey, white walls around the room, as well as the somehow still functioning light fixture hanging upon the ceiling, only continued to melt from the slimy digestive juices slathered generously across their form, dripping the goopy contents down towards the ground, where it subsequently started to pool. A light ambiance of growling and glorping positively enveloped the air around its occupants, whilst the temperature therein continuously rose slow and gently. A considerable glob of goop proceeded to plummet from the ceiling and land upon Jolyne’s back, just as her stand, Stone Free was finally able to cause Jotaro to start bleeding out. 
     “Ungh!” Jotaro grunted out in a disturbed, slightly startled tone.
     Jolyne, now that her father was awake, proceeded to release Stone Free from his arm, before causing the stand to disappear entirely into her body. She now needed to focus on getting the two of them out of the room, and in order to do that, Jotaro would first have to understand what was happening.
     “J-Jolyne…” Jotaro suddenly stammered out after taking a few seconds to reorient himself. “Is this reality?”
     Jolyne silently gave her dad a blink before responding. “I wish I could say that it wasn’t, but I can’t…this is in fact the real world.” she murmured softly in response.
     “I see…” Jotaro stoically replied in his usual deep tone. “Our stamina is being exhausted fast from this goo. I don’t know who or what is behind it, but it certainly isn’t Johngalli A.”
     Johngalli A., user of the stand Manhattan Transfer, had been using the thing’s aerodynamic sensory capabilities to track down Jolyne and Jotaro, so he may be able to line up a shot all the way in the men’s prison. They had become utterly straightforward pickings by this point, being ensconced deep within Whitesnake’s gooey, gurgling trap of a acidic-slime-coated visitation room, and both of the wakened victims knew from this fact that they needed to escape right away, in order to avoid this deathly fate.
     “Jolyne…” Jotaro’s voice slightly wavered from how drained the man was. “Can you bring out your stand…just a little?”
     Jolyne shakily bit down on her lower lip. “I…don’t know if I can…” she was ultimately forced to admit.
     Jotaro slowly gave a grunt of comprehension. “I see. Then in that case…” he eventually continued on whilst clenching his fists in determination and steadily bringing out Star Platinum.
     Jolyne was only able to watch as Star Platinum progressively became more and more solid, until at last, the stand was opaque enough to be able to interact with physical objects. Jolyne, having only become a stand user recently, was not entirely aware of this distinction quite yet. It was for that exact reason, then, that it came as even more of a surprise when Star Platinum finally made a move.
     “ORA!” Jotaro hollered out as his stand sent an utterly unhesitatingly brutal punch straight into Jolyne’s side, causing her to instantly get yeeted into the the visitation room door. Jotaro presumed that doing so would give the two of them an opportunity to escape, so they could finally get out of this prison. Rather unfortunately for them both, however, instead of also getting flung into hyperspace and leaving a great gap in its wake, the visitation room door simply stretched out like rubber, causing Jotaro to gasp from realization. 
     Successfully absorbing the impact as a result of this, the visitation room door then proceeded to fling back with a rather fine yeeting of its own. Bounding poor Jolyne all the way over to the other side of the room, the similar resulting impact upon the opposite wall left her splashing straight down into the goopy, liquid-covered floor, something which also appeared to be made of the same material as the walls.
     “Whatever or whoever is behind this…must have considered this before…” Jotaro finally commented whilst his daughter remained still in irritation.
     “....uuuuuuuurrrrrrgh…” Jolyne at last let out with a groan, as the relatively shallow pool of present goop began sloshing over onto her being. “Thank you, captain obvious! Now do you mind pulling me out of this gunk?”
     Rolling his eyes with a sigh, Jotaro once again began struggling to bring out Star Platinum, in order to rescue the fallen Jolyne. It wouldn’t take very long, however, before he was once again halted from his goal.
     “You’d be best holding onto your remaining sliver of strength, Jotaro Kujo.” an unknown voice suddenly spoke, their voice echoing around the chamber walls, all amidst the constant gurgles and growls. “And the same goes for you, as well, Jolyne.”
     “Unh-urng-STAR PLATINUM!” Jotaro immediately cried out, practically forcing himself to bring out his stand, in preparation for a coming fight.
     “...it seems that my master had heard correctly…” the voice responded quite calmly. “...you Joestars really are extremely stubborn when it comes to admitting defeat. Very well then, I suppose I shall just have to end this right now.”
     “...w-who are you?” Jolyne breathlessly asked, her lungs significantly struggling to take in yet another bout of precious air. “...and who is your master as well?”
     “Hmph. Well, I suppose if I am to bring the both of you to your deaths, it would only be fair for me to reveal my name.” there proceeded to be a slight pause, before the voice had made up their mind.
 "Listen well then, for my name is Whitesnake. My master’s identity, however, shall forever remain as a secret.”
     Jolyne’s strength continued to falter as the acidic goop around her continuously slathered her form.
     “J…Jolyne…” Jotaro attempted to heave out to his daughter.
     Jotaro was still desperate to find a means of escape, even as his body slumped down onto the desk. Star Platinum had completely disappeared by this point, and he was unsure if he could manage to even manage to bring out the stand anymore, with his energy rapidly depleting due to the goop. Still, Jotaro resolved to stay awake. He absolutely refused to give up until he knew that their options were zero. He had no doubt been in similar situations before, yet no matter how many battles he scoured, he still could not find an applicable answer.
     Jotaro’s attention would soon be snapped away from this search, however, as he suddenly felt something warm and slimy brushing up against his cheek. Instinctively diverting his eyes towards the side, Jotaro was suddenly jolted with yet another bout of realization.
     “...since when…” Jolyne mumbled out. “...since when did the room get so much smaller?”
     Poor Jotaro’s body went on to heat up significantly, partially due to the mortal terror that had been slowly seeping into his brain, and partially because of the natural warmth that was to be present inside where he knew they now were.
     “...no…Jolyne…look closer…” Jotaro feebly replied.
     Jolyne gave a subtle noise of confusion before gazing about her field of view. Almost immediately, she noticed what Jotaro had prior. 
     “...the walls…the walls…they’re not just dripping…” she immediately vocalized her thoughts despite her draining reserves. “...they’re…they’re…WAIT…W-WHERE’S THE DOOR?”
     It was right there and then,  within that singular moment, that everything finally clicked.
     The rapidly churning, soft walls proceeded to tighten in further and periodically slosh about its contents as Jolyne simply processed reality.
     “...so you’ve finally figured it out, haven’t you?” Whitesnake mockingly commented. “I hope you both understand, then, that there is no hope to escape from within me. Both of your bodies are now destined to melt down to gooey mush deep inside of my stomach. I highly suggest you lie down, now, and get out your final goodbyes.”
     The shifting, smoothened walls of Whitesnake’s heated, gurgling gut proceeded to tighten in even further, leaving hardly any room for Jotaro to lift up his head from his position onto the desk, and forcing the formerly shallow body of liquid that had been helping to digest Jolyne, to form into a considerably deeper swirling pool, leaving the poor woman without any room to breathe one could speak of. Her instincts kicking into overdrive as she vigorously raised up her head, Jolyne splattered the thing’s sopping form up against the slick, pillowy walls of the stomach, an action which proved to be the one to empty her energy.
     Jolyne was not even able to close her eyes before her body drifted into unconsciousness, leaving the gaze frozen and still with the deep-set horror and desperation of its formerly conscious, dying owner, full on display for her father. That was the moment when Jotaro finally caved in.
     “Rather wise decision there, Jotaro. Now you will go out in peace.” Whitesnake cooly addressed the poor man. “...and now, there is nothing in my way of doing this.”
     Squelching in slightly more in order to gain a slight grasp upon Jotaro’s unmoving left hand, Whitesnake went on to engulf the thing within the walls entirely.
     “It's much faster to do this from the head, but here, there’s no need to rush.”
     Whitesnake proceeded to focus with a rising sense of thrill in his being on bringing the disks out of Jotaro. Upon being able to sense two slim, cold, metallic objects lying against the walls of his stomach, he immediately gave a pleased smile.
     Without skipping a beat, Whitesnake began phasing the items through the rumbling layers of the chamber, before at last pulling them out the rest of the way with his fingers the moment that they could be seen upon the other side.
     “...at last…” the stand lamented to himself. “...at long last, they are mine in my grasp.”
     Heaving out a cathartic sigh as he readjusted himself against the form of the visitation room walls, Whitesnake gave a contented pat over his giant, bulging stomach, churning away his two victims whilst it casually rested upon folded legs.     
     “...and now…” Whitesnake continued on. “...there is only one single thing left to do.”
     Deep within the churning gut of the stand holding Jotaro and Jolyne’s bodies captive, the white, viscous stomach acid was finally able to melt down its prey unimpeded. Both of the Joestars’ gooey bodies were positively dripping forth cells and cloth by this point, the searing, sloshy acids seeping deep into their flesh. Layer after layer of skin, muscle, and blood became melted away and transformed by the slimy goo, breaking down the recognizable traits of their bodies as more and more slush of their cells pooled into the liquid contents of the stomach. 
     Even the metal and wood desk and chair which Jotaro had been laying upon weren’t safe from the brutality. The legs of the objects were barely able to hold themselves straight anymore, due to their structures melting down, ultimately causing themselves, as well as Jotaro himself, to take the deep plunge inside the sloshing pool as well. Now having joined with his daughter, Jotaro’s goopy body could hardly keep its own form intact as it continued to melt and fall apart. Finally, it simply collapsed upon itself and became a mere pile of mush. The multi-colored glob of cells and cloth were then broken further along with the equally as digested remains of Jolyne, swishing and swirling around inside the unforgiving chamber. 
     Eventually, however, nothing at all was still left. The only trace that remained of the two living humans locked inside the deathly trap of the stand Whitesnake was merely a homogenous, soupy, cellular chime.
     Rubbing both hands firmly across his protruding, growling gut, Whitesnake absorbed the disks back into a different part of his body, in order to ensure they were safe, before tranquility closing his eyes. Laying himself back against the wall with a smile, Whitesnake thus began the process of gleefully enjoying his prize. His prize that was the remnants of two of the formerly living descendants of Jonathan, churning helplessly away in his stomach. Able to impede the plans and progression of his stand master, Pucci, yet far more importantly, his stand master’s master of DIO, no more.
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outofthiisworld · 4 months
idk if this was a meme or something but not me seeing you talking about ophelia and needing to come in here to say that I LOVE her. never mind that I'm slow af and need to send more memes but I catch myself reading a lot of your threads on the dash when I'm on it, especially ophelia's because I love her energy and the way she has this liveliness to her, this almost devil may care whoops!! something went wrong how awful air but she's actually!! hnnnnnn. and I love the way she shows her affections
she brings a hell of a lot of life to the dash in a super neat way. PLUS I am such a sucker for interconnected muses and sprawling storylines and even just seeing the way your (yes I have to specify hahahaha) doc and ophelia interact with each other in your posts and the relationship they have and the way they care makes me feel some type of way.
RE: Red being an absolute doll !!!
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Apologies for the hot minute it took to respond to such a lovely message; every time i’d go to respond i kept getting rendered speechless and rereading this a la [tails gets trolled.png here] <- BEYOND AFFECTIONATE BTW !!!! IM JUST !!!!! WAAAH WOW !!!!!
i’m extremely ecstatic that you think so highly of her and even more flattered that you take a peek at her threads too when they pop up!!! She’s a character that really took to her own once i decided to let her be goofy, playful and lackadaisical while still trying to go for an underlying haunted horror when creating her so i am just ✨🌷💖🌈⭐ :”””) thank yoooooou <3
In a way, I really think I took a lot more inspiration from back to the future than I realized (doc’s name aside that one is obvious sdrfgisdfgh it was supposed to just be a placeholder name when i first name him). Something something parallels between our dynamic duos going through so much together and coming out the other end despite everything with an unshakable, unbreakable familial bond and oh man ........ im stopping myself there cause im feeling a certain kinda way too aaaugh
also 🤝🤝🤝 heard felt and seen dude, from one slow writer to another: there’s never any pressure or time restraint at all for anything, we are simply here to vibe (there’s a lil coffee thread in my drafts between our docs thats been there since february so truly #mood 🫡 oopsie!) — i absolutely adore seeing you pop up on my dash be it either ic or ooc! the fun-loving and super welcoming, high-spirited energy you bring to this community never fails to brighten up my day!!!
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greenhillzcne · 3 years
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Casually shows up after disappearing for a month just to steal your chili dogs.
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moriiartist · 2 years
hi! can i request some pinning headcanons for mumbo? i loved your recent grian fic btw!
 ۫  ּ   ִֶָ  ࣪✦ PAIRING(S) \ C!Mumbo Jumbo x GN!Reader
 ۫  ּ   ִֶָ  ࣪✦ SYNOPSIS \ Pining HCs for our local homicidal spoon- Mumbo!
 ۫  ּ   ִֶָ  ࣪✦ WARNINGS \ Mild language
 ۫  ּ   ִֶָ  ࣪✦ A/N \ I think I missed the peak time to post this during the Mumbo Drought, but I hope you guys will still appreciate this little fic about one of my favorite block men :P (also for some reason I really thought that the song rises the moon fits this, so do with that what you will)
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For Mumbo, the way he feels and expresses his care has always been something that sets him apart from the rest of the Hermits. 
Where Grian’s emotions burst and explode like fireworks, and Scar’s cheerful but mischievous presence curls like the corner of a Cheshire grin, Mumbo’s is much more unassuming.
Mumbo’s affection is slow, threading through his bones and wrapping around his heart like the gossamer-soft tendrils of an ivy vine.
Before he realizes it’s even there, the roots have burrowed so deep that it would be madness to try and imagine himself not spending the rest of his life without that care, without that friendship.
It happened with Grian, with Scar, with almost every friend he’s ever made, and… you.
With you, though, the feeling is different- it runs so much deeper than anything that could be misconstrued as platonic.
If you asked Mumbo when he fell in love with you, he might say that a part of him has always been.
Or, alternatively, he might burst into flames on the spot.
Even before he really recognized how he felt about you for what it is(which is, spoiler alert, complete and total endearment), he was still noticeably… softer, perhaps, when it came to you.
You’d have to be looking for the signs of his budding crush to notice it, but the signs are definitely there.
Stopping in the middle of his sentences whenever you had to say something, never hesitating to offer his help even when he might’ve had to put his projects on hold- just little things like that.
Some part of him is always tuned into you, your needs, whatever you’re doing.
“Mumbo! Are you out here?” you called, trotting towards where the tall Hermit had made his base, a hill that overlooked the winding river that cut through where almost all of the players had decided to settle. It had taken a lot longer than it should’ve to get the thing constructed, what with Grian determined to wax all of his copper blocks to be a nuisance, but now it stood proudly silhouetted against the limpid blue sky.
The sound of voices grew as you approached, and you picked up your pace, your focus now locked onto the small hut that Mumbo had built next to the contraption that housed all of his wealth.
“Mumbo?” you asked, poking your head in through the door. Two figures greeted you on the other side, both Mumbo and Scar huddled over a table in the middle of the room. Mumbo was the first of them to react, trailing off in the middle of whatever he was saying as he made eye contact with you. Scar wasn’t far behind.
Realizing that you had probably interrupted something important, you cleared your throat, pointedly ignoring the slight heat that had risen in your cheeks. “Oh, were you two busy? I can leave, it wasn’t urgent-”
“No, no!” Mumbo said abruptly, one hand shooting out to stop you before you could slip back through the door. “It’s alright! I’m happy to help.”
He looked a little tired, with faint circles under his eyes and his usually neatly kept hair wild like he had been running his hands through it while he thought. His suit jacket was missing, too, baring his semi-rumpled button-up shirt, which had been carelessly rolled up at the elbows.
“Are you sure?” you murmured, your eyebrows ticking down into a soft scowl. You certainly didn’t want him to feel obligated to help you out when he really didn’t need to. He looked busy enough as-is.
“It’s fine.” he asserted again, more calm this time. His eyes were genuine and pleading, and you felt your hesitation fade even as he turned to look at Scar “You don’t mind waiting for a bit while we sort this out, yeah?
The brunette shrugged, his signature cheery smirk slowly spreading across his face. His green eyes, however, were sharp as they bounced between you and the dark-haired Redstoner. “I was going to have to go feed my Jellie cat pretty soon, I don��t mind putting our plans on hold.”
A hint of relief passed over Mumbo’s face. “That sound good. Now, uh, what did you need?”
“I really didn’t mean to intrude, but I was trying to build a stasis machine and I just realized that I’m out of ender pearls…”
Grinning somewhat sheepishly, you tugged on the straps of your armor. “Well, I suppose I was wondering if I could borrow some? I promise I’ll pay you back later, maybe with an IOU? If that sounds good?”
Mumbo laughed, a slightly breathless sound, and ushered you over. “I have a few in my inventory. And I’ll be taking you on that IOU, so you might want to start regretting it.”
Rolling your eyes, you accepted the pearls he handed you, thinking nothing of the way his hands lingered a little too long on yours.
“Yeah, yeah- just don’t get to used to the power trip, mustache man.”
You’re like the Earth, and he’s a satellite bound to your orbit- but one that’s completely oblivious to its ensnarement.
Hell, it took Grian point-blank telling Mumbo he had a crush for it to even begin to register, and the second that it clicks, well…
He’s in a bit of a Crisis™
On one hand, putting a name to how he felt about you was cathartic, leaving him feeling like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
On the other- what the hell is he supposed to do now.
It’s not like he can just act normal, right? He’s just had this huge revelation, and he’s bound to act differently, and Oh Nox, what is you figure it out-
Despite his fears, Mumbo isn’t actually all that obvious.
Sure, he’s a little more nervous around you, more hesitant to try the casual touches that you had grown acclimated to over your friendship, but again, it’s nothing you wouldn’t notice if you weren’t looking for it.
He finds himself staring at you all the time now, and not even just admiring how you look, no. One of his favorite pastimes is just watching the expressions flit across your face while you read a particularly good book, suppressing a quiet chuckle the more dramatic they are.
Mumbo just likes you, and he’s terrified about it.
Give him some time to work up the courage, but he’ll confess to you eventually.
He may be a patient man, but the sooner he can embrace you without having to worry if you can hear his thundering heartbeat through his skin, the better.
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fxrtunas · 2 years
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An RP multimuse blog for Allan Kier, an original NPC based on the FFXIV world!
current draft count: 50+ current inbox count: 80+
owed starters: 0 owed asks: 8
Guidelines (UPDATED 9TH NOV):
hewwo!! call me termi (25+, any pronouns)
Allan is a non-wol oc btw in case the following information is confusing!
am a filthy multishipper hehehe
hey look at allan’s sausage fingers in the pic above
this is p much a multimuse blog but all the other muses basically revolve around allan so expect to see 80% of allan content kljalksjf
allan is likely to gravitate to extremes for what he wants, so torture/manipulation/etc. may be present on this blog!
i am v bad at rmbering all ffxiv lore but i will do my best ljaflksjf
i tag 'trigger tw' for any sensitive content!
i have a busy irl and other commitments! bc of this is i am naturally very slow and will take random hiatus’!
pls don’t rush me into replying to things or remind me in any way ;w ; this is a hobby for me and i tend to withdraw and get slower if i feel stressed fjlkdjsg
i do drop threads quite a lot; this is just to keep drafts from getting bloated. the reasons range from not knowing how to repond, not having the muse for it, it was a casual thread, or feeling like our muses’ relationship has progressed past that in other threads! it’s nothing personal at all, and i’m always happy to initiate new stuff!!
^ that being said, i tend to keep drafts if its the only one we have between our muses and/or we have anything planned for it!
my main rp partner is @echobled​ so replies to their muses tend to be prioritized!
feel free to turn any prompt u sent that i answered into a thread!
i have a very low social battery so if you see me around on the dash and not responding to dms, it’s nothing personal! i’m probably just mentally drained and its easier for me to do small stuff while i recover ;w ;
Permanent Interaction Call (like at ur leisure no matter how long its been :3c)
Gentle wishlist ;w ; (pls also feel free to send me ideas u wanna do for ur muse!!)
Replying to one of my open starters is the easiest way to interact with me! i love doing one-liners as much as multipara/novella stuff, and oneliners require much less brain so! its my fave way esp since it can Evolve into smth more so don’t be afraid to jump in on em!
i love angst, hurt/comfort, romance, smut, and dark themes the most, but am happy to rp everything else, those are just faves kljaklsjf
open to familial/platonic/antagonistc dynamics and pre-est stuff if we can plot chemistry ;w ;
allan is an original NPC! the easiest way to look at him is as a blue sidequest giver LKJASLKFj completely missable, u get like. idk a handshake or a kees on the cheek (or more) LKJASKLFj but he does have a backstory that helps lend darker elements to plotting. its v flexible too in how light or dark it can get to make sure i don’t go too heavy with my rp partner if that’s not what they prefer. that being said, i did mention i love dark themes, so hmu if that’s what ur interested in!!  also love to explore deeper plots connected to my rp partner’s muse too!!
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Allan Kier (main muse)
Age: appears mid to late 20s Gender: cis male Orientation: gay Eye colour: purple Hair colour: purple Skin colour: light brown Height: 170cm | 5'7 Notable features: tattoo on his right cheek (further back, mostly hidden), several dotted scars on left side of waist, a long scar from his left shoulder blade to his lower right back Job: Astrologian (abilities similar up to lvl 40; grows or changes class depending on story) Alignment: chaotic neutral
Brief History:
Not much is known about his earlier life. However, he lived in Sharlayan for a significant amount of time as a low profile arcanist.
Was secretly banished from Sharlayan for [redacted].
Went to Ishgard since he had some contacts there, making it easier to hide from [redacted]. However, due to starting over completely and relying on those contacts, he owes a major amount of debt that he pays off with his special ability, [redacted].
At some point during this, he becomes an Astrologian.
After the Dragonsong War, he travelled around more often, figuring it's safe to do so after the time he spent in Ishgard. He still revisits Ishgard to deal with his remaining few debts every so often.
More on Allan!
Asclepius (the Ancient Allan is a shard of):
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Gender: cis male Orientation: asexual demiromantic Eye colour: glowing pale purple Hair colour: orange/light brown Skin colour: light brown Notable features: scar down his right eye, tattoo on his right temple Job: DRK (more proficient as a WHM, but abandoned it) Special abilities: soul sight - able to see and interpret the essence and shape of souls at will. prophetical sight - receives uncontrollable visions when he rests; this ability only got more wild in his waking time the closer the sundering came. Brief history: 
was known to have talents in medicinal care and healing, and had prophetic visions that would lead him to isolate himself often. 
was even offered the Seat of Emmerololth which he turned down quite fast. 
after receiving visions of the Final Days and the Sundering, he disappeared from society for some odd years, then came back as a DRK and sought adventure in an effort to forget all that he had Seen. 
he was running around... somewhere... when the Sundering happened lkJKALSJF 
he is p much a v big hermit and had like one (1) friend that returned to the star (verse dependent, he could also have Azem as a friend but... that’s probably it....... wheeze)
more on asclepius!
Selene (shard of Allan in the First)
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Age: appears in her late 20s Gender: cis female Orientation:lesbian Eye colour: red Hair colour: black Skin colour: light brown Height: 196cm (6′4) Notable features: jagged scar from her chest to her left hip, scar on the back of her left thigh, another three scars across her right shoulder blade Job: BLM main (abilities up to lvl 80)
Brief bio: 
born of Eulmore to high-ranking soldiers in the army, Selene served and protected her home for many years. 
she defects to the Crystarium after learning the dark truth behind Eulmore’s inner machinations and rejecting them.
more on Selene!
Naila (Voidsent shard of Allan)
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Age: ??? (appears in her mid to late twenties) Gender: ??? (she/they mostly) Orientation: aethersexual (she will lay with anyone to have aether basically LKJAFK) Eye colour: gold Hair colour: purple Skin colour: light brown Height: 150cm (4′9) Notable features: the biggest floofiest tail. her voice will also become quite gutteral/demonic when indimidating someone or when she loses control (either from anger/pleasure/shock). Job: WAR
Brief bio: 
the person that summoned Naila into the Source swiftly met an end when they prepared horrendously poorly for her arrival. Now Naila runs around in their body. 
she doesn’t necessarily need aether considering she’s in the Source, but she still has a craving for it. 
she only wants to have fun; she found the Thirteenth boring and dull but the Source? The Source is full of people she can play with to her heart’s content. 
recently, she’s caught a whiff of aether so enticing, so delicious that she’s can’t quite bring herself to think about anything else. 
she otw to eat Allan
more on naila!
Asclepius 2.0 (yet another shard of Allan)
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Age: early 30s Gender: cis male Orientation: pansexual Eye colour: purple Hair colour: black Skin colour: brown Height: 209cm (6′10) Notable features: long scar across right cheek to right eye Job: ??? FSH
Brief bio:
bascially a reincarnated shard of asclepius that has fragmented memories of ancient times 
what shard who knows
he is vibing and just wants to fish 
was p much mistaken as one of the Fourteen upon recruitment but then they found out he’s just a normal dude back in ancient times so they just kept him subservient LKJASKLFj
more on asclepius 2.0!
Mahalina (Allan’s sister)
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Age: appears late 20s/early 30s Gender: cis female Orientation: asexual panromantic Eye colour: emerald green Hair colour: magenta Skin colour: brown Height: 192cm (6′3) Notable features: very scarred up body, indicative of heavy torture. she wears heavy-duty make-up to hide burns on her face. Job: GNB
she’s a filthy pvper LKJAFSLKSJf
a big sister so she takes on responsibility a lot + has/had a lot of pressure from her mother when in sharlayan, so she can seem v snobbish and arrogant. she loosens up a bit during post-hw!
starts her search for allan during post-hw as well and finally finds him in post-sb T___T
then she suffers a near-fatal injury and disappears during ew... smadge...
more on mahalina!
OTHER BLOGS: @omnirush, @chacss
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wangxianficrecs · 4 years
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Sweeties, it’s time for
I’m In The Mood For A Fic Where…
1.  Ahhh mojo your blog makes my world go round and back and around again.  [You’re so sweet!] I was wondering if you could help me out with your next "I'm in the mood for a fic where".. I'm looking for two types of fics
A) fics in which WWX regains his core somehow (either by working on it, divine intervention, core sharing, anything!!) I so desperately want my boy to have his precious and favourite sword back (◡ ω ◡)
B) fics where WWX (or LWJ) *almost* marries someone else.
Thank you for your help!!! (~ ̄³ ̄)~❤️ ~ @akyra-talanoa​
nothing gold can stay by rikke (M, 10k, wangxian, my post)
❤️Ghosts Shouldn't by ShanaStoryteller (not rated [G], 15k, wangxian, my post)
the path to heaven / immortal wangxian by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 51k, wangxian)
Chimera by nirejseki (T, 18k, wangxian)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Different Paths to the Same Route by JustAWanderingBabbit (T, 184k, 3zun)
24 Hours by tailor31415 (E, 6k, wangxian)
Core-Thieving Hand by x_los (T, 5k, wangxian)
Field Trips with Wei Wuxian by antebunny (G, 43k, wangxian)
to swim through the fires by littledust (M, 37k, wangxian)
❤️Neatly Arranged by thunderwear (T, 46k, wangxian, my post)
Rebound Betrothal by mondengel (not rated (G), 2k, wangxian, my post)
History Will Call Us Wives by silvermarie (E, 17k, wangxian)
today was a smoking sky by typefortydeductions (E, 38k, wangxian)
2.  hello! any recs wangxian modern au/mpreg? please and thank you!
Here’s my mpreg post (mostly current) and also
Brilliant Mistake by brooklinegirl (E, 54k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Winter Moon, White Rabbit by nachttour (E, 62k, wangxian, WIP)
Stale Spice, Sandalwood, and Nests by Tyongslips (M, 18k, wangxian, WIP)
3.  Hello!! This might not be specific enough to find anything, but I was looking for modern wangxian fics that have a very distinct italicized 'oh' moments together? Like both of them or either of the pair doing something that makes them suddenly realize
every time we kiss i swear i could fly by sarahyyy (T, 3k, wangxian, my post)
【那夏天的我們】a stroke of fate by puddingcatbeans (G, 60k, wangxian)
not in so many words by jaws_3 (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
4.  In the mood for fics where WWX is genuinely afraid of LWJ, believing that he will kill him/hurt him/cast him out/haul him back to Gusu for punishment; with emphasis on LWJ's reaction when he realizes and it hits him like a sack of bricks, and ideally on his efforts to regain WWX's trust. Not looking for something where LWJ really does wish WWX significant harm, but it's ok if he has well-intended ideas that he doesn't realize would hurt him. Any time period, canon version, or AU is good. Example: decay by antebunny.
5.  Hi there! First of all thank you for making such a helpful blog. I have been reading tons of great stories due to you.  [I’m so glad!] Secondly I would love to read a fic (a) where lwj is a single dad and then meets wwx (b) Best modern au fics with lots of angst. Thanks!!! ~ @pastashouldbeeatenwithafork​
❤️A Flower That Blooms In Adversity by thunderwear (M, 62k, wangxian, WIP, my post)
like wildflowers (we grow) by moonsteps (T, 80k, wangxian)
say it's here where our pieces fall in place by Lirelyn (E, 69k, wangxian)
plant a little happiness (let the roots run deep) by fleurdeliser (E, 48k, wangxian)
tear out the thread one by one from your skin (’til your bones feel embarrassed by all the attention) by lightningalwaysreturns (E, 41k, wangxian)
paint smears on sunny days by SnowshadowAO3 (E, 54k, wangxian)
love thy neighbor by wincechesters (M, 7k, wangxian)
No Need to Change a Tune by yeolinski (T, 10k, wangxian)
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 108, wangxian, my post)
A Sequence of Coming Outs by kippalittlefox (M, 24k, wangxian)
new york, i love you by Anonymous (T, 7k, wangxian)
leading tone by silencemostofall (G, 32, wangxian)
An Ocean Between Us by feenwitch (E, 11k, wangxian)
总有一天; a place to hide (can’t find one near) by yiqie (E, 76k, wangxian, *mind the tags!*)
me and you, always and forever by fyredancer (E, 150k, wangxian)
Momentum Deferred by DisasterBiAlert (T, 13k, wangxian, my post)
After the Final Rose by azurewaxwing (E, 55k, wangxian)
there's no promised goodbye here by Anonymous (T, 54k, wangxian)
defective requiems by Misila (M, 9k, wangxian)
❤️Common love isn't for us by feyburner (M, 8k, wangxian, my post)
twice by Misila (T, 8k, wangxian)
one good thing by Yuu_chi (T, 27k, wangxian, my post)
6.  Hey! Can you rec some fics with wangxian being in cloud recesses or modern au of college?? Thanks!
I have tags for #students at cloud recesses and #college/university au
7.  Would you happen to know any fics where lqr and wwx actually get along and have a good relationship? Lqr the scholar he is and wwx the inventor/genious ???? There are a lot of possibilities there.  Thank you so much have a great day and stay hydrated!!!
❤️To have and to hold by Moominmammashandbag (M, 79k, wangxian, my post)
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
Just Say Yes by edenwolfie (M, 312k, wangxian)
Post-war baby! by like_a_bird_that_flew (E, 23k, wangxian, WIP)
Righteous at a Cost by thunderwear (G, 21k, wangxian, my bookmark)
8.  Hello! I love your fic recs and the hard work you do! I've discovered so many new favourites thanks to you! [Yay!] I was wondering if you know of any fics where they're shapeshifters or some such? Animals or wing-fics or something similar? ❤
I have an official tag for #animal transformation, and on my AO3 wangxian collection (which returns more search results than tumblr) here is the search for shapeshifter, and wingfic
over forests and mountains by beechtree (T, 9k, wangxian, WIP)
9.  hii do you know any fics that focus on lwj and lxc and their relation?? thanks <33
❤️Begotten by ecorie (G, 37k, wangxian, my post)
Brotherly Concern by Ibijau (G, 11k, wangxian, my post)
10.  hellooo! do you know any fics where jiang cheng finds a-yuan instead of lwj? thank you for all your recs btw, they're super helpful!!! [Thank you!]
grieve the living by Misila (M, 161k, wangxian)
Overflow the autumn pools by Mhalachai (T, 74k, jiang cheng & lan wangji)
11.  I love your blog! Thank you so much for all the wonderful recs! [Thank you!]  I don't suppose you know of any fics where WWX is a non-human entity of some sort, but presents or is disguised as a human? (Or maybe he even thinks he is human?)
Cruise the tags mentioned above in #8, too.
❤️Spellbound by Latios (T, 37k, wangxian, my post)
When fish soar by mondengel (G, 2k, wangxian, my post)
Breathing Firestorm by ladyshadowdrake (M, 111k, wangxian)
flame and rust by cl410 (M, 29k, wangxian, WIP)
❤️The Tiger has Destroyed his Cage by updatebug (G, 55k, wangxian, my bookmark)
Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (M, 376k, wangxian)
Ever Distant Shores by fuddy_duddy (rainier_day) (T, 69k wangxian, WIP)
12.  Hiii do you know any fics where wwx or lwj OR wangxian leave the cultivation world/retire/grow old together away from cultivation drama? Something like And They Have Escaped The Weight of Darkness by cosmicmilktea , All that is solid melts into air by huxiyi , and that fic where post resurrection wwx just decides to not bother with dafan mountain and opens a flower shop:  focal, filler, and line by bosbie.
Dan Tian / Heaven by ArchiveWriter (T, 20k, wangxian, WIP)
The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Moonpuddles (T, 3k, wangxian)
Pair of Swallows, you and I~ by Moonpuddles (T, 13k, wangxian, series in progress)
13.  Hello! Do you know any fics where wangxian has some incompatibility issues/dysfunctional relationship that isnt because of canon typical one braincell wwx, but because of more structural things like their mental age gaps, how wwx will prolly hate cloud recesses after the honeymoon bliss is over etc. Generally fics that show wangxian having to work to build the relationship
14.  Hi! Any wangxian onlyfans au fics? I read For a Good Time, Call by ScarlettStorm and the ongoing sequel KILF (Knits I'd Like To Fuck in) and those were so good!!! I'd like to find more similar fics!
Temptation's Mask by threerings (E, 58k, wangxian, camboy wwx)
A ghost by the light of the phone by shibrogane (E, 10k, wangxian)
15.  Hey, do you have any fics where lxc doesn't like (or outright despises) wwx?
❤️to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian, my post)
I don't like your boyfriend by lazulisong (G, 3k, wangxian, my post)
16.  Do you know of any fics where the Lan Elders (unsuccessfully) try to make Lan Zhan marry someone other than Wei Ying?
Lie Open To One Another by levament (M, 41k, wangxian, WIP)
17.  Hii! Do you know any fics that similar to Ardent Desires by crestre / Baby Of Mine by pupeez4eva ? I've been searching for it and want to read fics that similar to those so bad. I hope you and your followers can help me! Thankyouuu
The Trouble with Talismans: a Treatise on Time-Travel by Young Master Lan Xiaohui (Age 6) by stiltonbasket (G, 17k, wangxian, WIP)
18.  Do you know any wangxian fics where either one or both of them are models/actors/musicians/famous in some way?
The Fault in Our Stars by Vamillepudding (T, 18k, wangxian, my post)
Patient came so hard from prostate exam he kicked me in the dick by Hades_the_Blingking (e, 17k, wangxian, my post)
An ocean in a drop (not a drop in the ocean) by dea_liberty (E, 10k, RPF, yizhan, my post)
how to fall in love with a catfish: a guide by wei wuxian (disaster rat) by Anonymous (T, 55k, wangxian, my post)
Make It Count by wearing_tearing (E, 47k, wangxian, my bookmark)
❤️Love wakes me by dea_liberty (e, 46k, wangxian, my post)
life, drama and action by Akai__hana (G, 13k, wangxian)
call me, beep me by myung (T, 39k, wangxian)
Rest by sassybluee (T, 115k, wangxian)
19.  hello, i'm searching for a fic where wwx like... transmigrates into mdzs/cql? like i think there were a couple of them and but i can't find them for some reason?
Untitled. by c11to (M, 61k, wangxian, WIP)
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