#I have many thoughts and about 7 of them are yjh and yma
beeehar · 2 years
Ppl need to talk about the (pre scenarios) Yoo siblings more I think. I am staring so hard at every orv fanfic writer ever rn
Yjh waking up to a tiny elbow digging into his side and a foot in his mouth bc mia had a nightmare and broke into his room in the middle of the night but didn't bother waking him up bc his presence alone is comforting enough for her to no longer be scared. no I'm not screaming and crying what r u on about
them playing mario kart together and Mia thinks she's winning bc she's looking at yjhs side of the screen so she is super excited and yjh doesn't have to heart to tell her that the one crashing into the wall is actually her character
BAKING TOGETHER!!!!;!! Mia in a chef hat she made from paper and having to pull up a stool to stand on bc she isn't tall enough to see over the counter yet. Yjh reading out the method and Mia repeating it to him as if she's Gordon Ramsey or something and him being like On it Boss bc he loves his little sister dearly and will humour any of her shenanigans. Theres flour literally everywhere and more icing has been eaten than there is on the food, and everything's a bit more lumpy than it should be but it tastes good so that's a win in everyone's books
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