#I have a horrible feeling that this might be the event at which I finally get covid
omgg lol [guy who won't stop going "more like scapeGOATED" voice] now hold! on!! lmao [same guy just saw encanto voice] Hold on!!!
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#& [it might be 5am but i'll still see if i can draw some] trackpad homemade reacts. inhales & hands to head/face x9 then walking off#site giving pretty random Suggested assortment there where i was like oh right sure. prob not tumblr keywords captures lmaooo#(plus happened to have it open in firefox) but my god Not the scapegoated literal seers lmfao. whoooo. my god#also it was just really good anyways like right nice. damn#the (queerrr) seerrr the perceiverrr the truth tellerrr the ruinerrr the scapegoat be-errr the internalizerrr the neurodivergerrr#& now i Know there is 0% chance ppl weren't putting ''always a gay cousin or it's you (avuncular edition)'' in that thing#family tree design not even leaving space for the hypothetical kids of this relative we mostly pretend is nonexistent hmm#also that necessarily. it's giving all intents & purposes Disability abt a dozen ways & it's saying [accept that] vs [we'd better fix him]#you don't cite said [it's giving disability] as part of the We All Hate The Horrible Little Freak scapegoating justification & then be like#''actually we don't have to do that anymore b/c he's sooo normal :)'' or not if you're serious about [don't scapegoat your family] anyways#which like oh ok they Are serious so The Weirdo's scapegoating / casting out / lack of support Isn't justified#so he's still weird & you just gotta get over that b/c otherwise. bye. having a natural rat affinity is such a slay btw#& we've all been there like ''you NEVER want two scapegoats talking it's Over if they do'' + littlest kid is like um. they're the best#plankton voice Correct! inhale i'm so impressed like. getting to go ''finally someone Normal'' (serious abt letting someone Be Weird(tm))#which also always counts as like mm hard time suggesting someone's Not queer & also autistic for a start lmao. an award#adding in suggested layers like talking to oneself; talking Oddly / w difficulty; physical uncoordination; rituals ; acting; animal friend#the layer of ''& all that's fine? like?'' again rather than him ever suppressing or even changing it so far as it's suggested#besides that it's observed as Weird like but so? or else what? nonrhetorical: hostility / rescinded support & driving someone off is what?#& that Truth like the [worse treatment / exclusion / scapegoat] oft recipe for someone giving the support they're not getting themself#again Never let the [ppl both experiencing this] talk oh it's So over. or the child who's all i like family support & kindness actuallyy...#obviously also like the complete opposite of billions. knowing what they're about & letting this Just As Beloved crucial guy be So Weird#but billions Also [hmm feels right for our scapegoated guy to Perceive / Tell Truths / openly want/need & then be hurt] now get his ass#anyway [guy who could always go way on could go way on but only has thirty tags & it's 6am & i still mean to try some drawing] voice#remarkable amt of So True & ''it feels like ppl on the same page w/exactly what they're doing are all behind this''#remarkable amount of concentrated My God That Is So A Slay located in bruno all at once. what a gift#sticking to ''sometimes someone In Your Group is Weird. Disabled. deal'' firmly enough there's no ;) oh u can bet we'll Fix Him in the end#everyone always assumes the worst so....me when i'm [always as a kid yearning for Living In Secret Passages]. emile gtmpota?#oh congrats to whatever rando who will be having his dramatic gay reunion w/bruno just out of frame obviously. i perceive#now imagine if That rando was....emile gtmpota! what a crossover event. haunting4haunting. do i have enough tags for this lmao. yea#& having 1 more tag to say: as though the [endless serving] isn't enough bruno's also as close to gender envy as it gets. incl rats; sure
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consolecadet · 1 year
What a day.
I spent four hours sculpting a vaguely creepy face in air dry clay over a styrofoam wig head. Then I drove to the Bolton, Mass. agricultural fair to see my first demolition derby.
I found it shocking, obscene, and fun. The first collision scared me, but by the end I found the less violent impacts almost routine. I fit into the crowd better than I expected. There were a lot of other people with canes, earrings, and tattoos, though theirs tended more toward rosary-with-death-date and sleeve-of-skulls-and-Boston-sports-team-logos than mine.
Highlights included: Several broken axels. A car with 'CRASH INTO ME" spray painted on the side. A woman playing peekaboo with her baby while cars hit each other in the background. A car ploughing into the perimeter of Jersey barriers and coming like 10 feet from hitting the audience. An engine fire that made the driver leap out in a hurry so firefighters could douse the front of the car with fire extinguishers. Explaining what a cervical collar is to a drunk person.
The demolition derby trophies were purple. Just one driver was a woman. I wonder what it's like for her. I heard someone near me in the audience derisively say something about how women are bad drivers when the announcer mentioned her. 😬
I offered to make change for a group of people who had made bets on the derby and discovered that they were also from Worcester. They invited me to join them at Vincent's that night (did not go) and the Pride block party at our local gay bar in September (probably will go). I only remember one person's name, and that's because she, Jackie, had hair that was black underneath and bleached almost white on top, with stripes of red and orange, and a car-themed t-shirt that said either CLUTCH or possibly CLITCH.
I decided to leave around 9 and then had to stand in a slow-moving line with drunk people and miserable families for, I kid you not, one hour and twenty minutes as we waited for shuttle buses back to the parking lot. That's not that long to stand for some people, but for me, especially with a backpack, it's way too long. By the time I got on a bus, my whole lower back was one big cramp. When the bus dropped me at the parking lot I hurried into a portapotty to check that I didn't have any numbness in places one really shouldn't. (I didn't.)
I didn't get home until nearly 11:30. I feel much better after sitting down for a while. I do not regret drastically overpaying for a big cup of lemonade. Catch me googling 'monster trucks near me' soon.
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psychuan · 5 months
y'know having read them multiple times i don't understand why people say that Night Watch is the darkest City Watch book when Thud! is right there.
like, Night Watch is pretty grim when you focus on the inevitability of it, but throughout the book the whole like... THING of it is "being told something is inevitable, and fighting it anyway." it's a story about hope and inspiring it in others even when you're not sure you're going to make it through either way. right up until the final melee with Carcer, Vimes does what he can to forestall the inevitable, and for most of the book, he *wins.*
Thud! on the other hand is about fighting against the weight of deep ancient grudges, and the outcome of it SEEMS inevitable. Koom Valley Will Happen Again, and throughout the book there seems no way to stop it. the resolution comes right at the very end, although the book 100% earns the reveal. but it's one man and a small team fighting against bigotry and hatred and figureheads stoking war.
that's not even TOUCHING on the actual Events in the book, which include a hit squad armed with flamethrowers very nearly torching Sam Vimes' infant son to fucking death. then there's the whole thing with the Summoning Dark which keeps trying to push Vimes' rage to the point of murder, there's the part where it *succeeds* and drives him into an unstoppable berserker rage, there's people dying slowly in dark tunnels, and the Vurms which feasting on putrefied corpses.
it's also the first time we've seen Vimes in an actual Murderous rage. every time beforehand he's been angry but it's been "oh i'm gonna arrest the SHIT out of you. i might put the boot in for good measure but you're coming with ME, sunshine." but no, this time he's literally chasing down a hitman screaming "i'll kill you" over and over again.
Thud! is a properly dark book. and yet despite it's unrelenting horribleness... Love Still Wins. Love for your fellow "man." Love wins in all Pterry's books, you can tell, it shines off the page when you read them just how much that man loved humanity, warts 'n' all, but in this one it feels like it's the most optimistic ending. it's the one that goes "in spite of it all, the bigots and warmongers and the narrow minded Will Lose, because there are always people willing to go to the ends of the earth for Love, Love of one another."
i think that's why it's my favourite book in the series.
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chloe-skywalker · 11 months
Protection - Jaime Lannister
Jaime x fem!reader Stark
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 2,033
Summary: Reader is a Stark stuck in King's Landing after everything and including her fathers death. The only one that seems to care about her is shockingly Jaime Lannister.
Authors Note: I think after the changes Jaime’s character made from being held captive by the Stark’s and losing his hand plus his time with Brienne that he would be protective of the Stark girls. The oath he made to Catelyn he didn’t want to break, so I think that means something. Just like he couldn’t himself but he helped himself and Breinne by sending her to go look after and find Arya and Sansa. - I couldn’t decide whether I wanted to be romantic or him protecting her because she resembled what he thought a daughter of his own would be like or if he was honoring his promise to Catelyn. I tried to leave it open.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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Y/n didn’t understand what she had done in life to deserve this treatment. To have the recent events happen in her life. To watch her little brother almost die from a horrible fall, to then having to watch her father be executed, she didn’t know where her youngest sister was, she had to watch her other younger sister be tormented by a brat that was only going to become a awful king, and her older brother by a year had started a war to get them back with their mother by his side.
But how she had managed to have the Queen’s rath bestowed upon her in physical abuse. Y/n didn’t know how that happened and she knew for fact she hadn’t done anything to deserve it.
But Y/n had been in Kings Landing long enough to know that Cersei and Joffery didn’t need reasons to be cruel. It just seemed to be part of their personality.
Tyrion was the only kind one to Y/n and Sansa. Along with his friend Bronn and man servant Podrick. Y/n didn’t trust anyone else in the Red Keep.
Lately Y/n noticed Jaime, ever since he got back he had been trying to get close to her and Sansa. But neither Stark knew what to make of it. He really was trying to get closer to Y/n, but Y/n was worried that it was some kind of plan from Cersei.
It was a normal sunny day, Y/n actually thought it’d be a good day to go out and walk or ride but leaving her room? That didn’t feel like a good idea, given her appearance.
Suddenly in the incredibly quiet room there were sounds of knocking on her chamber doors. Y/n gave a soft ‘come in’, just loud enough for the person on the other side of the door to hear.
Upon seeing Jaime Lannister Y/n nervously started ringing her hands at what they might have planned for her now. “Ser Jaime. To what do I owe this visit to?”
Jaime shook his head. “I’m not here on any business.”
“Oh?” Y/n was curious but she still wanted to be cautious. So she kept her head down. For more than just that reason though.
Jaime noticed the way she was holding herself and it reminded him of a scared animal. So he raised his arms to show he didn’t mean her any harm. Her behavior made his eyes fill with concern. “Y/n, I’m not going to hurt you.”
Y/n realized that this could be very bad so she needed to back track. “Ser Jaime, I-I meant no o-offense.” She stuttered shaking her head but still keeping it down with her hair framing her face to cover her face from his view.
“You made none. No reason to apologize.” He quickly reassured.
As they stood there Jaime took more notice of things. Things that were making him more concerned by the second. So he took enough steps to be standing right in front of her.
“Y/n, look at me. Please.” Jaime asked, but when he noticed how she was so hesitant to do as he asked. Jaime slowly raised his hand to lift her chin, as gently as possible to not spook her. When she was finally looking him in the eye, face to face is when Jaime noticed. She has a bruised cheek bone which to him looked almost like it belonged to a fading black eye, and she had a cut on her eyebrow and her lip. No wonder she was hiding her face, he thought. “Who did this?”
“No one, Ser Jaime. I fell that’s all.” Y/n quickly tried to dismiss, hoping he’d let it go. If she said something and he was sent by Cersei, then it’d get worse. If he was genuinely concerned for her and she told him, he might not believe her. His twin sister did it after all.
“Please don’t lie to me, Lady Y/n.” He pleaded with her. His concern was growing more and more. But he also had his suspicions. “Who did this?”
Y/n cast her sight back down to the floor, not wanting to lie to his face. With how much genuine concern was in his eyes and actions, she felt bad lying to him. “No one, Ser.”
Jaime let out a sigh, he could clearly see she wasn’t going to verbalize her answer. Which inwardly gave him his answer anyway and he could feel anger bubbling up inside of him. He knew in his gut who did this, and he wasn’t going to let it go. “Can I see you later Milady?”
Y/n nodded, stepping back still not lifting her gaze. Of course she said he could. He seemed to be one of the only people who cared as of late, but also she didn’t really have a choice. Not in her situation. “If you so wish to, Ser Jaime.”
Her behavior honestly scared Jaime slightly. She didn’t seem like the same girl he met in Winterfell or the same one that was in Kings Landing when he lft and was captured.
Ever since that encounter Jaime had been visiting and spending a lot more time with Y/n Stark. No one would bother her with him at his side.
But Jaime had yet to have that talk with his sister. But today was the day, he had heard some concerning things from the handmaidens assigned to Y/n and he was fuming.
“Ah, brother. What is so urgent that you came barging into my chambers without knocking.” Cersei spoke sarcastically as he barged into her room.
“What did you do to Y/n Stark?” He asked, getting straight to the point, face red with anger.
“The little bitch. Well, what did she say?” Cersei scoffed at even turning to look at her brother.
“Nothing. She said nothing. I came here to you on my own.” Jaime wanted to yell, how could she be so cold.
“How do you know it was me? The girl is quite clumsy.” Cersei smirked, and Jaime wondered if Y/n’s excuse of falling was something she was told to say.
“Oh, I know your handy work when I see it.” He scoffed stating a fact that not even Cersei could argue with.
Cersei could tell he wasn’t gonna drop it once she looked at him, so she sighed and said. “I assure you she deserved it.”
“I can guarantee that she didn’t.” He countered. Jaime knew how petty his sister could be and revenge was something she enjoyed. She wasn’t going to fool him.
“You weren’t here.” She shook her head and growled out her words. Why was he even bringing this up?
“Doesn’t matter.” Jaime didn’t need to be there to know Y/n didn’t deserve his sister's warth.
“Why do you care for this girl?” Cersei asked with a furrowed brow.
“No. Why? Why do you care for her so much? After everything her family’s done to ours?!” She yelled at him getting up from her vanity table and stormed over to where he stood.
“She had no part in that!” He yelled back, done with trying to be social.
“Why do you protect her?!” Cersei spat with clear jealousy. Of course she noticed him protecting her but why was what she couldn’t figure out and that angered her more and more. Someone having her twin's attention other than her never sits well with the golden haired Queen.
“Don’t touch her again, Cersei. I mean it.” Jaime stated in a low voice. His expression and tone shocked Cersei. He’s never used either on her and deep down it did shake her a bit. He’s never been this mad at her, or this deeply apparently.
Jaime was going to make sure that Y/n was taken care of. No one would harm her ever again. That he’d promise her. Not even his sister. If Cersei did she’d regret it because he was done with her cruelness.
“And what will you do if I do decide to touch her again?” She questioned as he looked at her so seriously she honestly was starting to feel uncomfortable.
“You don’t want to find out.” He stated before turning to leave, as he opened the door Jaime felt pride in himself. He stood up to his sister for something he believed in.
“Is that a threat?” Cersei asked with narrowed eyes trained on her brother's back.
“Its a promise.” Jaime said before slamming her door behind him. He felt good and now he felt a weight lifted off of himself and Y/n. Sure he still had to watch their backs but Cersei wouldn’t do anything to go against him if she was as smart as she acts.
^     ^     ^
It had been a pretty normal day but Y/n just felt that they all blended together since so much had happened. Things had shockingly gotten better since Jaime and her had become close. But nothing good ever lasts is what she had learned being in King's Landing.
“Come in.” Y/n said upon hearing knocking at her room doors. She turned to face the door after hearing it open, seeing Jaime enter with caution. “Ser Jaime.”
“Lady Y/n.” He bowed his head with a soft smile on his lips, but as he looked around the room and noticed the uneaten food sitting on the table. Jaime’s concern came bubbling back up 10 fold. The handmaidens had told him she was skipping some meals and it worried him. But seeing it was worse. “The handmaidens said you haven’t eaten today.”
Y/n shrugged looking away from him. “Not very hungry.”
Jaime knew that part of it could be the stress of what's happened. It could also be her injuries that made it painful to chew, or it could be something Jaime really hoped it wasn’t. He didn’t even want to think about that idea.
Jaime stepped over to her, brushing her hair away from her face with his hand. Uncovering the still recovering injuries to her face. “Does it hurt?”
Of course it hurt still but he had been so kind to her she didn’t want to worry him. So she shook her head softly. “Not much anymore, Ser.”
“You don’t have to keep up the formalites with me, Y/n.” He smiled softly hoping to make her more comfortable around him. Show her he meant no harm.
“I shouldn’t-” She looked at him with wide scared eyes.
“I’m telling you you can. So you can.” Jaime stopped her calmly, looking her in the eyes. He could see how scared she was to do anything that might cause her to be harmed. Anything that might make it so she could be punished. “I won’t hurt you like my sister.”
“I-” Y/n’s eyes widened, just when he made her a little more comfortable again he say’s that. Y/n shook her head at him in fear. She didn’t tell him who did it so how did he know? Now that he knew what would happen to her? What would the Queen do to her now? Y/n was panicking on the inside.
“You didn’t have to tell me, and don’t worry I’ll protect you from Cersei.” Jaime told her, she had to know. But seeing her so panicked made his heart clench, so he started running his hand through her hair to comfort her and calm her nerves and mind. Jaime grimaced at her reaction for a second. This poor girl was terrified and it was all because of his family.
“How?” Y/n asked him while looking at him like he’s crazy. How could he, a knight, protect her from the Queen? Nobody could control Cersei.
“In any way I can, and I will. She will never harm you again. No one will. Not on my watch.” Jaime vowed to the poor girl that was stuck in this predicament. Not by her own choosing had any of this happened to her. And he was going to stop it and make her life better.
Taglist: @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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urlibragirl · 5 months
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summary : you and eren were childhood friends, but you guys drifted apart. One day, Eren decide to stick the pieces back.
warnings/content : mdni!, fem!reader, jealous!eren, eren is a virgin, little bit of angst, p in v intercourse, unprotected sex, oral sex(m receiving)
word count : 1271
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Sighing heavily, Eren rubbed his forehead as he tried to recall the events leading up to your falling out. You guys had been inseparable during childhood, always playing together and sharing secrets. But somewhere along the line, things changed. 
He remembered the day clearly, it was after Jean had joined your group of friends. There was something different about you, you seemed happier, more confident. And yet, at the same time, she seemed distant too. Like there was part of herself that kept hidden even from him.
Grinning widely, you clapped your hands excitedly as you talked to your friends about the tv-show you watched the night before. Your laugh echoed through the hallways, drawing attention from everyone around you.
You may have been known for being somewhat wild and carefree, but there was no denying that people enjoyed being around you. Even though Eren preferred quieter gathering, he couldn’t help but admire your ability to light up any room you entered. Watching you interact with others made your heart ache just a little bit more. 
He wished things could go back to how they used to be, but he knew that ship had sailed long ago. Instead, he forced himself to focus on his studies, hoping that one day he might finally gain control over his feelings. Little did he know, your paths were destined to cross again under unexpected circumstances.
One fateful evening during winter break, Armin hosted a party at his place which included most members of their original friendship circle. Despite initially declining due to personal reasons, Eren eventually caved in under pressure from Mikasa and Jean who insisted he needed some time off studying. Reluctantly agreeing, he arrived at Armin’s house.
As the night wore on and the party reached its peak, Eren found himself drawn to you, despite the animosity that had grown between you two over the years. With a determined stride, he made his way through the crowd until he stood in front of you, his heart pounding in his chest.
"Hey," he said, trying to keep his voice casual despite the butterflies fluttering in his stomach.
You glanced at him, “Oh, hey Eren,” you answered “It’s been a long time.”
You guys stood in awkward silence for a moment, the weight of your unresolved issues hanging heavy in the air.
“Look, I didn’t mean to ignore you or act like a jerk. It’s just that seeing you with Jean made me realize how much I missed having you around. We were best friends since forever, and suddenly, you were gone. I tried to move on, but my heart wouldn’t listen. So yeah, maybe I acted immaturely sometimes, but deep down, I was hurting too.” 
Your eyes widened in surprise as you listened to Eren pouring his heart out. You hadn’t expected such honesty from him. For once, he sounded vulnerable instead of aloof. “There’s also something I need to tell you,” you began, your voice barely above a whisper. “Something I’ve been wanting to say for quite a while now…” You paused for effect, taking a deep breath before continuing.
“The truth is, I’m in love with you. From the moment we met all those years ago, I knew there was something special between us. And as time went by, that feeling only grew stronger.” you finally said.
“But what about Jean?” Eren asked with a surprised tone. “Oh, with Jean it wasn’t anything serious,” you said. “It’s going to sound horrible but both of us needed someone to forget about the friend they were in love with, me with you and him with Mikasa, but apparently it wasn’t really effective”
“So why didn’t you say something?” he asked. “Well, I could ask the same thing to you Eren?” you answered, teasing him a little bit.
“I guess I was just scared,” he admitted sheepishly. “ Afraid that maybe you really had moved on without me – I’ve missed you Y/N,” he confessed, his voice shaking. “More than you’ll ever know”.
As your faces drew closer, the world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you in a bubble of intense emotion. Your hearts raced in unison, beating wildly against your chests as you prepared yourselves for whatever laid ahead.  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, your lips met in a tender, passionate kiss.
It was as if all the pent-up frustration and sorrow from your tumultuous past had suddenly vanished, replaced by a powerful wave of desire and affection. Time stood still as you were both lost in the moment, savoring every second of your long-awaited reunion. 
When you guys finally pulled apart, you gazed into each other's eyes, lost in the depths of each other's souls. "I love you, Eren," you whispered, your voice shaking slightly with emotion. "And I love you too, Y/N," he replied, his voice equally strained.
As your lips parted, Eren found himself struggling to catch his breath. This was new territory for him; he had never experienced such intense passion before. He looked into your eyes, wondering if she felt the same way. 
To his relief, he saw a mix of lust and tenderness reflected back at him. Gently guiding you towards the nearby bedroom, he led you inside and closed the door behind you. The room was dimly lit, casting eerie shadows across the walls. 
Undressing each other slowly, you were revealed in the sight of each other's naked forms for the first time. Despite being a virgin, Eren couldn't hide his excitement or nervousness. You sensed his apprehension and decided to take charge. 
Kneeling down beside him, you ran your hands up his thighs, stopping just short of his erection. Looking into his eyes, you gave him a reassuring smile before taking him into your mouth. Eren let out a moan as you teased him expertly, sucking gently on his cock while running your tongue along its length. 
Overwhelmed by pleasure, he reached down to touch your hair, encouraging you to continue. As you worked him over with your skilled tongue, he couldn't help but wonder how lucky he was to have found someone like you. 
Meanwhile, you moved up to straddle Eren's lap, grinding your hips against him suggestively. You wanted this to be special for him, and you intended to make sure it was. Slowly lowering yourself onto his hardened member, you gasped as you felt him slide inside your wet folds. It was tighter than he expected, but in a good way. 
You began moving up and down, meeting his thrusts halfway as you both sought release. The sounds of skin slapping against skin filled the air, punctuated by gasps of pleasure from both parties involved. Eren grabbed hold of your hips, pulling you closer as he buried himself deeper inside your warmth with each stroke. 
Your rhythm became faster and more urgent as you neared climax. Just when it felt like neither of you could take another moment, you both cried out in ecstasy, your bodies shuddering together as you reached orgasm simultaneously.
"Oh god," Eren groaned, his voice hoarse from exertion. "That was incredible." He pulled you closer, burying his face in your neck as he savored the scent of your skin. "I don't think I've ever felt anything like that before." You smiled contentedly, tracing gentle circles on his back. "Oh don’t worry, we're just getting started." 
With renewed energy, you two began exploring each other's bodies once more, lost in the heat of the moment. Every touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through you, heightening your senses and deepening your connection. 
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a/n : i wrote this at 2 a.m, so there might be grammar mistakes sorry
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lightningonatether · 2 months
Why c!endersmile were actually friends
ALTERNATIVELY TITLED: my crazy thesis on two bad bitches with not a single moment of screentime fueled purely by my own insanity
ALTERNATIVELY alternatively titled: to all loreheads please be nice i dont usually lorepost. feel free to engage though
So my return is courtesy of litchi, who mentioned c!endersmile like once a month ago, and got me thinking about them so hard I couldn't just walk away.
Namely, litchi reminded me of a few theories I have concerning c!endersmiles relationship, that I developed back when i was watching the SMP live. This might make my recollection of some events a little fuzzy, but everything should be canon compliant cause I was thinking about all this as I watched.
I was already watching ranboo pretty regularly at the point the prison arc started, I cant resist a really weird guy with horrible debilitating anxiety. I already thought the whole hearing dreams voice in his head was really interesting, but as the prison arc evolved it became clear that ranboos relationship with dream wasnt just some hallucination inside ranboos head and actually had some substance.
My theory really started to develop into what it is now with the explosions on the prison roof which led to the lockdown and tommys death; these were confirmed to be set by ranboo in his enderwalk state. He was one of the only people online at the time, ranboo found tnt in his inventory afterwards, and I think dream also told sam he knew ranboo did it at some point, although I can't find the exact stream.
At that point it was obvious that enderwalking ranboo held a different set of beliefs, alliances, and likely more memories than the "awake" ranboo we saw most of the time on streams, and was acting against amnesiac ranboos wishes. The explosions above the prison along with the reveal that ranboo had been regularly visiting dream in prison confirmed that dream and ender!ranboo were some sort of allies.
At the time, my assumption was that ranboo had simply made an attempted prison break. It wouldnt be a stretch to assume, if ranboo had visited regularly, that he would have noticed the poor conditions and tried to break his ally out. However, after the confirmation of the staged finale, and a better look at cdreams motivations(wanting to provide protection for punz, separating himself very publicly from his only known ally to keep them safe) the idea that enderwalk ranboo, an ally of dreams, would go against dreams explicit wishes to stay locked in that prison began making less sense.
It would only make sense if either:
enderwalk never knew about the plan or
enderwalk knew about the plan but went against it anyway
1 is a very tempting explanation. c!dream rarely lets anyone close. even punz, who knew the plan intimately, wasn't aware of dreams true motivations to bring the server back to a peaceful time before conflict. but..... it didnt sit right with me.
Two reasons for this: I know some people may have stopped watching/never watched ranboo lore, but towards the end of the prison arc, ranboo began seeing flashes of "lessons" appear on screen. These lessons all had that utilitarian and paranoid feel a lot of dreams actions/reasoning have, like "dont trust anybody"(paraphrasing, thats just what i remember the core of that message being) or "never hesitate to gain a favor from someone, you can use it to get something from them later". anyone remember technos favor to dream? It was heavily implied these lessons were meant to be from dream, directed at c!enderwalk. This would mean the two spent a significant amount of time together. not only that, dream was sharing his *life philosophy* with ender!ranboo. thats not just something dream would share with anyone, and implies a close allyship at the least. its almost like he was teaching a pupil. yeah, sure, some of his lessons were a little fucked up and weird in that dream sort of way, but he was looking out for the kid. and it seems that enderwalk wasnt hesitant to act on those lessons either. he promised to keep a shulker safe for foolish, gaining a favor, and didnt sign a single one of those prison visitation waivers, on top of sam discovering they were corrupted into enderian when he checked LMAO.
This alone would be enough to persuade me enderwalk HAD to have been let in on the plan, at least so he wouldnt cause any problems (such as trying to get his ally out of prison).
but the other reason is... ranboos stated philosophy against conflict. he doesnt like sides, he wishes they wouldn't exist. I remember watching a stream and nearly jumping out of my seat when he told chat he just wished the server could just be one big happy family! because that is nearly word for word what a bunch of loreheads were saying about dreams motivations at the time(and now obviously lmao). if we keep in mind their contact for those "lessons", ranboos visits to dream in prison, AND the fact that dreams and ranboos motivations coincide on a level even Above dream and punzs(punz seemed to have been unaware of and also not particularly motivated by dreams wish for peace) i cant really imagine dream not letting this guy in on the plan.
which leaves us with 2) ranboo tried to break dream out against dreams wishes.
Maybe ranboo was just an ally and chickened out after he saw dreams mistreatment in prison and went against the plan, but... dream missed him after sam barred him from visiting. he asked sapnap to deliver a note to ranboo(just a smiley face, likely with the hopes of triggering an enderwalk) despite fearing for his ally punz enough to lock himself in prison. it feels reminicent to how dream sounds when he comments on george not visiting him once. like he missed a friend despite trying so hard to separate himself from the ones he'd had.
Maybe ranboo tried to break in because he saw a friend being mistreated, and couldn't leave the plan stand.
And that kind of makes sense doesn't it? that dream, someone whos paranoid about how peoples connection to him puts them in danger, would choose an amnesiac who spends most of their time terrified of dream, and wouldnt remember any of his plans or their friendship to use against either of them in the first place?
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skiller0dani · 2 years
The Morning After (NHoG Short) | Ominis Gaunt
M A S T E R L I S T Other Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
smut | slytherin!reader requests info w.c | 2.3k summary | You have a soft morning with Ominis after the traumatic events of last night.
I wasn't ready to leave The Noble House of Gaunt (NHoG) behind yet lol this is just a short thing. I might write more blurbs but I really doubt it. This is the final piece I wanted to add, enjoy! I have some ideas for Sebastian & Ominis I'll be working on soon.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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The first thing Ominis felt the next morning was pain. It was quickly succeeded by joy, happiness, and a flurry of butterflies swarming in his stomach. But the pain remained nonetheless. His entire upper torso was so sore it felt hard to breathe, and every muscle felt as though it had been put through a meat grinder. He nearly forgot what this pain felt like- nearly. He had endured it during his childhood more times than he could count. He had endured the horrible ache that lasted the week preceding the curse, and he was determined not to sully the wonderful night the two of you had by making you worry. Lest of all feel guilty for something that was never your fault in the first place.
The second thing Ominis felt when he woke up was you, snuggled against his bare chest. Your cheek was pressed against his collarbone, and his arm was curled around your torso. He felt your bare skin beneath his fingertips, felt all your soft dips and curves. You were enough to make him smile through the residual pain. Your hand was resting on his chest, and he felt so at ease to have you here in his arms first thing in the morning. He wished you two could wake up like this every morning. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and breathed in your scent, like lilacs growing in a strawberry field. Ominis had no idea what time it was, there were thankfully no classes today so there was no rush. The Great Hall was likely serving breakfast, and he wanted to make sure you ate something.
He carefully sat up, smiling when he hears you whine softly, your hands reaching for him to protest him standing. He reaches for his clothes, which is a bit of a task as they got strewn about the Undercroft the night before. He groans softly as a sharp pain runs down his back, unfortunately the sound stirs you awake.
"Ominis? Are you okay?" You mumble, your voice still thick with sleep. He gave you the best 'I feel fine and not like every inch of my body is bruised' smile he could muster.
"Of course my love, just going to get you breakfast." He says sweetly, and you smile widely. You pull yourself to sit up in bed, goosebumps appearing on your skin as you pull the blankets around your naked body. You eye him suspiciously as you watch him slowly put on his clothes, wincing when he has to lift his arms or bend over. You swing your feet over the side of the bed and make an attempt to stand, which doesn't go well due to the wobble in your legs and the deep ache from between them.
"-shit." You curse, stumbling against the bedframe. Ominis is quick to reach in your direction, his arms encircling your body once he locates you. You lean against him, nuzzling your nose against his like you always do and you try to ignore the worry on his face.
"Are you alright, my heart? Did I hurt you last night?" He frets, helping you sit back on the bed. His hands smooth up your bare thighs before one reaches up to gently brush through your hair. You lean up to kiss him, its short and sweet but it stops him from nervously rambling.
"No darling you didn't. I just feel a little sore is all." You explain, and he cradles the back of your head as he presses his lips against your forehead. The gesture is sweet and romantic and it makes you fall in love with him all over again.
"Let me get you something to eat, you stay here and don't you even think of putting any clothes on." Ominis teases, and your cheeks color. You lean back against the headboard, pulling the blankets and enveloping your body in warmth. Ominis pulls out his wand and smiles, heading towards the entrance to the Undercroft.
"I love you!" You call after him, and it makes him smile.
"I love you more, be back soon sweetheart." He calls back, hearing your beautiful laughter before the gate closes behind him.
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Normally Sebastian sat with either you or Ominis at breakfast, but seeing as neither of you are here he had no choice but to sit with Imelda. She would make much better company if she didn't ask so many personal questions.
"You sure you don't have a thing for Y/N?"
"Because I thought at first that you might, especially during 5th Year."
"We're just friends Imelda, she's definitely in love with Ominis." Sebastian sighs, trying his hardest to tune her out.
"But if she wasn't in love with Ominis..."
"I still wouldn't have a thing for her. Can you stop please?" He asks, his tone getting snippy. Imelda grinned, resting her chin in her palm. She picked at her oatmeal, with you gone she felt nearly as bored as Sebastian. Which is why she kept pestering the poor boy with questions she already knew the answers to. She knew he didn't like you, of course she did. She was only asking to irritate him.
"Why? Is this a sore subject?" Imelda teased, laughing behind her palm when Sebastian throws her a glare.
"Like when she beat all your fastest times? Shall we talk about that instead?" Sebastian fired back, playful grin on his face.
"Okay, not funny Sallow."
"Why? Is this a sore subject?" Sebastian says casually, but there's still a teasing glint in his eyes.
"I swear if you-"
"Now that is unbecoming behavior at the table, Imelda." Ominis scolds, feeling as Imelda shakes the entire table trying to punch Sebastian.
"Ominis!" Sebastian says happily, smiling up at him. Ominis doesn't sit, he smooths out a bandana he brought with him on the table. With a wave of his wand, tarts, biscuits, and some fruit all float neatly into the bandana. He reaches down to tie the top, and lifts his neat little package before turning.
"Woah hold on, where are you going?" Sebastian asks, scrambling to catch Ominis before he walks away.
"Nowhere." Ominis says dismissively, Sebastian eyes the food in Ominis's hands suspiciously- and the fact that you're nowhere to be seen.
"Where's Y/N?"
"Nowhere." Ominis says his cheeks steadily flushing, and Sebastian smiles wickedly. He's beginning to figure out what's going on here.
"Ominis you sly dog!" He laughs, and Ominis huffs in annoyance. Though his ears have begun to turn red.
"Poor thing can't walk can she? Ominis I never knew you had it in you..." Sebastian continued his teasing and the only reason Ominis hasn't slapped him is because it's only Sebastian. If some other guy were to speak of you in that way, he'd be on his way to Nurse Blainey by now. Sebastian is harmless, Ominis knows he doesn't mean any disrespect, and won't tell anybody.
"Though I suppose it wasn't you that had anything in-"
"Sebastian." Ominis's voice was low, a gentle warning that Sebastian is about to push the teasing too far. Sebastian raises his hands in surrender with a chuckle, following Ominis to the Undercroft. Once they reach it, Ominis pauses.
"You can't come in."
"Why not?" Sebastian is playfully smiling, though he knows Ominis can't see that.
"Because Y/N is indecent." Ominis states firmly, sure to block the entrance to the Undercroft with his body.
"Oh is she? Prove it." The teasing tone hasn't wavered, Sebastian is likely going to be teasing Ominis about this for weeks. Ominis reaches towards Sebastian's direction and punches him, not caring where he hits. His fist lands square in the middle of Sebastian's chest, pushing him backwards lightly.
"I'm kidding!" He laughs, and Ominis has nothing but an irritated look in his face. Ominis turns back to the Undercroft with a huff, though he doesn't move to open the entrance.
"Go away." He says, and Sebastian laughs again before Ominis can hear his footsteps on the marble flooring.
"Go!" Ominis snaps, and he hears Sebastian laugh from behind him again.
"How on Earth do you know when I'm faking?" He says, actually walking away this time. Ominis doesn't bother giving him a reply as he enters the Undercroft.
"My love? I've brought breakfast." Ominis calls out and he can hear your squeal of excitement, probably because you've already sniffed out something he brought for you.
"Strawberry tarts?" You're overjoyed once he unwraps breakfast, and he can't fight the smile that appears on his face. You immediately grab one, taking a big bite as Ominis sheds his robes. He sits back against the headboard next to you, reaching for a banana.
"I missed you, what took so long?" You whined, scooching closer to him to feel the warmth coming from his body. Why do men emit heat like furnaces? You're always cold, and he's always warm.
"Sebastian was being a pest." He says, his eyebrows furrowed slightly.
"What did he do now?" You ask, though there is a smile on your face. You're so happy Ominis is spending time with Sebastian, even if he complains about him afterwards.
"Um, nothing." Ominis evades your question with a blush dusting across his cheeks. You look at him curiously.
"He figured it out." Is all Ominis says eventually. He looks a little embarrassed.
"Figured what out?" You ask, though you're fairly certain you already know.
"What we got up to...last night." Ominis says softly, and if you didn't know better you'd say Ominis looked shy. You smiled fondly at him, he's the cutest person you've ever seen.
"You're right. He is a pest." You agree, coaxing a chuckle out of Ominis. You wait a few moments before you swing a leg over Ominis's lap, straddling him. Your arms circle around his shoulders, pressing your forehead against his.
"You're far too clothed." You mumble softly and Ominis smiles at you.
"Are we not leaving the Undercroft soon?" He teases with a loving smile.
"Eventually, but there are a few things I want to try first..." You say softly, and Ominis is already fumbling with the buttons of his sweater. You stop him with a gentle hand, you're practically aching and you don't feel like waiting.
"Trust me?" You ask him, as if you even need to ask.
"Always." He replies firmly, clenching his jaw when he feels one of your hands traveling south. You've begun to rock against him, and he can hear the soft whines leaving your lips.
"You took too long Ominis...I've been craving you." You whisper softly, and Ominis feels a shudder go down his spine. Now that you two have crossed this threshold he knows now you'll never go back. He's turned into a beast.
"I would have sent Sebastian away sooner had I known you were needing to be taken care of sweetheart." Ominis whispers back, his lips brushing against yours. He feels the wet, warm heat of your cunt grinding against his cock through his pants. He feels blood surging south, and you moan when you feel him getting hot and hard underneath you. You reach down to undo his belt clasp, leaving is displaced enough to work the button of his trousers open. You reach into his pants, your fingers encircling his shaft as you take him out and jerk him a few times. Ominis groans softly, feeling your thumb swipe over his head. His hands have cupped your cheeks to pull your lips against his.
You lean up on your knees, positioning yourself over him before you carefully lower yourself until his tip is nudging against your entrance. You continue to lower yourself, sighing in relief as his cock breaches your folds and slides into you. You continue traveling downwards until you're sitting on his lap, your pelvis flush against his and his cock stretching you open. You're gasping into each others mouths as you raise, only to carefully sink back down on him again. Ominis's hands reach up to explore your bare skin, his hands massaging your breasts as you sweetly bounce on his lap. He swears he's in heaven, nothing on Earth or beyond could be better than this.
You begin to moan louder, the sound becoming desperate and hoarse as you slide down on his cock again. This angle is delicious, it reaches even deeper places that you didn't know could be reached. Ominis's hands have found your hips, helping to control the pace. He is, as you're discovering, a bit of a control freak. He likes to have a say in how fast you're going, and you wouldn't have it any other way. Ominis reaches forward to thumb at your clit, causing you to cry out as your nails bite into his shoulders.
"C-Can't come inside you." Ominis gasps, and you whine in annoyance.
"No my love please, please I love feeling you come inside-" You protest, bouncing on his cock faster now. You're close to release, and so is he. But he won't risk getting you pregnant, at least not until he can properly provide for you and the baby. Besides, the two of you are way too young for that right now. Ominis's arms curl around your body, flipping you over after ensuring the mattress is beneath you. He sweetly thrusts into you, leaning over you on his forearms. He's still fully clothed, and you're stark naked. The image shouldn't turn you on as much as it does.
"Please-" Your plea is so carnal, so desperate that Ominis almost complies. But luckily his rational thinking is breaking through the haze of lust clouding your judgement. He thrusts harder, groaning as he feels you clench around him as you come. Your back arches and you cry out his name, your cum drenching his cock. Ominis thrusts a few more times and just as that band snaps, he forces himself to pull out, coming in white ropes across your stomach. You groan in annoyance, you know why he did it, but the feeling of being full of his cum is euphoric. His body is trembling as he lays down next to you, and you can see how badly he hurts.
"Are you okay?" You ask, taking his hand. He smiles and presses a kiss to the back of your hand.
"Never better."
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TAGLIST: @abbiesxox @nekee-lilac02 @atomictrashcollectorme @idcabouttumbl @thevintagevictorian
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 5 months
HotD Take: the Tragedy of Queen Aemma
There's something I've just realized about HotD involving the character of Aemma Arryn.
I've noticed that pretty much the whole of episode 1, when we do see Aemma...actually right at the beginning of the episode as a matter of fact, the beginning of the show, she is seen as being pregnant, presumably with Rhaenyra, as this was around the time Viserys officially named successor to the Old King Jaehaerys.
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This made me realize that pretty much the WHOLE of this episode, the whole of seeing Aemma's screentime, we basically always see her in a pregnant state.
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I might be reading a little too much into this observation, but I wonder if this is to showcase how Queen Aemma's basic role in all of this was to produce an heir...a MALE heir at that.
The woman has only had one daughter so far, any other children she has had between Rhaenyra and the last child she had before dying, they were either stillborn or died in the cradle before they could even been given proper names.
Aemma herself did say this in the show:
"We have royal wombs you and I. The childbed is our battlefield...we must learn to face it with a stiff lip."
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Basically Aemma's life as queen has revolved around getting pregnant with the hopes of producing a suitable heir for the realm after Viserys passes, but she was never able to do that...well she actually did but that realization came too late.
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It was not until AFTER Viserys made the call to have Aemma subjected to a brutal involuntary C-section did he realize that the heir the realm needed had been there all along, which was Rhaenyra.
But again, this was something he didn't realize until AFTER Aemma died, AFTER he put her through that torture procedure and AFTER the son Aemma had finally bore died in the cradle a few hours after that event.
While I have no doubt that Viserys did love Aemma, it's kinda hard to not see that Aemma, even though she was queen, was basically treated as a broodmare, made to produce heirs until she either succeeded in producing a healthy son...or until it killed her,
and that was something Rhaenyra had noticed at a young age, hence the reason why the girl was so hesitant about getting married, why she rebelled against her father when he 'nudged' her to find a husband.
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The fact that we only see Aemma being pregnant during her whole time on the show, I feel, conveys the nature of her role as a queen and highborn lady in the patriarchal society that is Westeros, which was essentially that of a broodmare.
Realizing that just now makes her death all the more depressing.
Aemma Arryn, it seems, had made her peace playing that role, she learned to embrace it...but that peace she made end up doing little to save her in the end, it did very little to save her from the horrible death she endured to bring her son into the world- a son who, again, only lived a few hours after being born.
I also do see the irony in that Aemma was only able to bare a daughter and could never produce any sons, while Rhaenyra was able to bare five healthy sons, but ended up losing a daughter in the womb.
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I also do see the irony in that Viserys, even though he realized that Rhaenyra was the heir in his dreams, he ended up caving to pressure from the Small Council to take a wife who did manage to give him sons- emphasis on sons PLURAL.
Sons that he ended up neglecting in favor of his "only" daughter from his late wife that he subjected to a brutal and fatal and INVOLUNTARY C-section, but I digress.
That's all I gots to say on this matter.
Have a nice day :)
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sirfrogsworth · 5 months
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It might sound silly, but one of the most difficult aspects of taking care of my dad was... NCIS.
He had trouble concentrating near the end. And his tired brain just couldn't absorb new things very well. But all he was able to do was watch TV. He tried watching other shows he was familiar with, but they didn't have a lot of episodes and he would get through them very quickly. He loved The Mandalorian, but there were only 16 episodes at the time.
But NCIS had hundreds and hundreds of episodes. The main show (his favorite) was up near 400 at the time going all the way back to 2003. He could remember them well enough but by the time he got through the entire series, he could start over at the beginning and those episodes wouldn't be so fresh in his brain. So it didn't feel like he *just* watched something.
The thing is... I don't like NCIS.
At all.
My mom loved Law & Order and I found those much more tolerable. But NCIS is just narrative hell for me. Every episode followed a strict formula. The characters never developed. They never grow or change. If they experience a traumatic event they will take an episode to deal with it and then that event basically never happened.
It's like if "status quo" manifested as a television program.
I eventually convinced him to watch a movie in the evening. And then I would try to get in some extra naps when he watched NCIS. But when I couldn't stand watching any more episodes I bought some giant over-the-ear headphones and just watched YouTube videos on my laptop.
Sadly, my headphones still couldn't drown out that theme song—which has not changed one bit in 20 years. It's this horrible electronic music that was dated even in 2003. It sounded like one of the producers asked his nephew to whip something up in Fruity Loops.
My biggest relief was when the baseball season started. Finally we had something we could both watch and enjoy together. And when the Cardinals ended up losing I was more sad about NCIS returning than I was about the team failing.
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teejaystumbles · 5 months
Against all odds (part 7)
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 // Part 6
This is all I've got so far but I figured I'd let you have it and hopefully I'll have more soon :3
Hob works at a news agency. As someone with hundreds of years of experiencing political and societal change he has a keen eye for news-worthy happenings. Often he can predict very well which events are important, which will have historical influence or be the talk of the nation for a long time. Hob edits his colleague’s articles and reports, chooses which ones are worthy of printing and which aren’t, tries to remove or at least mitigate the xenophobia and fearmongering in what he hopes are the last days of the Cold War. People don’t need fear to grow, they need hope. He thinks he’ll stop doing this soon, though. His name - Robert Goulding at the moment - pops up in too many places and he doesn’t like being recognizable for more than a few decades. He takes care to not become chief editor and stay out of the limelight but he thinks he’ll move on soon. Maybe he’ll take a break and live off his stock profits. Find a quiet place for him and his stranger, somewhere in the countryside, with a garden…
Hob shakes himself out of his fantasy and laughs at himself. Wishful thinking will hardly be of any use. He’s been wishing and hoping for more time with his stranger for so many centuries. Now it finally seems like he might get lucky enough to have regular contact, via journal entries, and maybe even visits. That is enough. He shouldn’t be greedy.
With a sigh and a silent curse that he stopped smoking he goes to finish his work so he can get home and write an answer to his friend.
In the evening Hob pours himself a whiskey and sits down at his desk, open journal before him. He looks over to his bed. His stranger had sat here last night, watching him. Hob swallows reflexively and takes another sip of his drink, trying to not let his thoughts go down a slippery, horny slope before he starts writing.
June 15th, 1989
Dear friend,
I am glad you felt you could come and visit me and that you feel safe in my presence. I consider it an honour and I want to assure you that I do not mind in the least if you stop by whenever you feel like it. I trust you. Feel free to come here anytime, no matter if I'm awake or not, or if I’m even here. If my place can be a retreat for you from your everyday worries or workplace (as I assume you are busy doing something somewhere), I would be very happy. Leave your shoes off the sofa, that’s all I ask. ;-)
But seriously, my home is your home. I mean it. I look forward to seeing you again as well.
Reading about your ordeal was horrible. I am so sorry this happened to you and that I didn’t hear anything about it. I would have moved everything between Heaven and Earth to free you, my friend, please believe me. You say the ones responsible have been punished but I cannot stop myself from imagining visiting vengeance upon them for your sake. To imprison you someone, anyone, for such a long period of time, in the conditions that you described, is barbaric and the rage I feel at the mere thought is nearly blinding.
I am deeply sorry for your loss and for all you had to endure. I would give you anything in my power to make you feel safe, dear stranger. If you ever need my help, please call me. I don’t know if you had any means to call for help, you probably didn’t, but please - should you ever be in any trouble or danger or in need of help, I urge you to call on me! I will come and help you the best I can, I will not allow you to be trapped ever again. After all, what are friends for, if not for helping one another?
Your problems with closed spaces and strangers are completely understandable and I would never hold it against you if you never want to meet inside a building again. I hope we’ll be able to find a suitable replacement for the old haunt, at least until you feel more at ease again. These things take time, at least for humans, and although I would not dare to insinuate that you are not more robust than the average human and probably not subject to the same physical and mental limits I’d wager a guess that you will need time to heal, my friend. I sincerely ask you to take that time. You strike me as the type to jump headfirst back into work and duty after getting free and that is not recommended, no matter what or how powerful you are. You were imprisoned for 80 years and subjected to torture, you cannot expect to be the same after that. No one should expect you to be the same, to not be changed by it or in need of healing and time to recuperate. 
I am only human but in my long life I have met a few other immortal beings, not all of them human but all of them with very similar needs and wants. I know you’re probably bristling right now because I dare to suggest you might be unfit for whatever it is you do but I hope you believe me when I tell you this only because I care for you - you need a break. Please, stranger, promise me you’ll take care of yourself, if you cannot let others do that for you. I would be happy to help in any way I can. Visit me at your leisure, I promise I will never turn you away, or look down on you for showing weakness. You have seen me at my lowest and I have always trusted you to still respect me after that. Just like that, I would never think any less of you for any of this.
I’ll be happy to help you learn more about humanity, get to know humans again. I am honoured that you have elevated me in your mind to something else but I am as human as they come. So if you like me, you can like other humans as well, right?
I will think of a nice place to meet and let you know as soon as I’ve decided. Remember, in the meantime this place is always open to you. Even including watching me sleep. ;-P
Stay safe,
Your friend Hob
Hob puts down the pen and skims over his lines. Yes, that’s not too forward but inviting enough to let his stranger feel safe and welcome. It’s a bit daring, calling his stranger in need of a break, but it’s the right thing to say and offer.
He nods, downs his whiskey and gets ready for bed.
Part 8
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timetobeaghost · 10 months
The Noah hate mob is so much worse than I thought. Finally saw the story pic going through someone's blog. Cluelessly I had kinda figured a "sticker" is something you can add to your pic, like a filter. And I thought he might have made a dumb sexy pose maybe with a hot dude and put "zionism is sexy" on it. I thought he might have been somewhat douchy and insensitive, because that seemed IC to me, making a dumb post in a serious situation.
But no. He is making a selfie with a friend who seems to be involved in anti-antisemitism activism and wears a (literal, yeah everyone but me knows what a sticker is, I guess) "Hamas is ISIS" sticker, which is a very important message (because people did not use to like islamists cutting off people's heads and raping girls back when it wasn't happening in Israel, maybe they could remember that feeling) and holding Stickers in her hand that apparently read "Zionism is sexy", which is meant to proudly support Israel and Israeli jews, which is healthy and understandable considering it is a reaction to a horrible terror attack on Israel and to a reminder that its very existence in in danger. No, Zionism does NOT mean war! Zionism does NOT mean ethnic cleansing. To say this is antisemitic trash. Jews wanting the tiniest bit of land to live in peace and thrive is the farthest thing from evil. Do you know how many Jews used to live in the Middle East. Do you know where their offspring is now? ISRAEL. And nowhere else because they were ethnically cleansed out of everywhere else.
And no Israel is not perfect, radical settlers and a right wing government supporting them and all that. That needs to be solved. That in no way means Israel's existence and with that Zionism is evil.
Now still those ZiS stickers could be criticized as dumb, I guess. As flippant in a serious matter, but any hate boner can only be explained by antisemitism, and Noah really didn't do shit to deserve anything. And then he was told he should be put in a blender by Hamas. Hamas being a terror organization who really does specialize in slaughtering jews in creative ways. For context.
The only proper reaction is 💯 support for Noah!
If you are part of a hate mob you are those people, oh they had good reasons for their spontaneous anger, I am told. Spoiler alert: history has already decided you suck. And I can guarantee you the Duffer brothers deepest revulsion. No one dreams of appeasing you people! Leave ST fandom and enjoy your jihadism fandom, if that's where your priorities lie.
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If you are on the side of: "Yes I know he kinda deserves criticism, but lets not overdo it. Bullying is not nice either", congratulations for being human, but you are the majority Germans in the mid 1930s and you can do better.
Because someone asked me what I say to a 6-year -old Palestinian being murdered in the US, I say this is utterly VILE. It was a crazy, violent murderer's reaction to the terror attack and it is endlessly tragic that this happened. It was not a reaction to solidarity with Israel's people. The pos was reacting to the actual event. Peaceful, loving support for the victims is the antitheses to that. I wanna ask back what you think of hundreds of children being brutally murdered or kidnapped in Israel on October 7th. Can we agree that this shit is utterly vile as well? Can we agree THOSE HOSTAGES NEED TO BE BROUGHT HOME? Btw?
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joylovesfluff · 1 year
Dabi x reader. Angst.
A/n: ngl i didn't have an actual plot for this when i started writing it, but fuck im inlove now with dabi and him just being a little obsessed with you.
Lovesick! Part 2 (in progress)
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Troublemaker touya! Who would throw rocks on your window (taylor swift style) just to suprise you on your birthday even if it ended 2 hours ago.
Troublemaker touya! Who would give the world to you just to make you happy, but for now he had to settle for flowers he just picked fresh from his neighbour's backyard, he gives them to you with a small smile hoping that they'll be good enough for your special day, and he prays to whatever god is up there that you aren't allergic to any kind of flowers cause this sure as hell wont be the last time he'll get scolded for plucking out flowers at 3 am.
Troublemaker touya! Who goes to you before finally disappearing for years, he tells you all about his plan in a form of a joke, he'd definitely be like "and yknow what? Maybe one day id finally kill him, that would be a nice birthday present right?" and you'll cluelessly reply something along the lines of "one life sized endeavour packed in a coffin bow coming right up!" You laugh at the silly imagination you made, not even thinking of the odds of it happening.
Troublemaker touya! Who lowkey stalks you all the time to see how youve been doing in life, he wont admit it but he would do anything to make you happy even if it includes killing all your academic rivals for you, as long as he can see you with your awards and certificates on your social media with the caption 'i made it!' as your graduation post.
Troublemaker touya! Who wouldve loved to graduate with you and to finally confess his feelings for you so you both can live in a beautiful apartment like you have always dreamt of, but now all of it is impossible now that he has his eyes set on his new career.
But as he was watching you walk home in the dark alley ways, definitely not stalking you. He caught onto a sight that shattered his heart and soul into millions on pieces.
"oh hi i thought you weren't ganna come haha"
"ofcouce i would, who in their right mind would let their girlfriend walk home in the night?"
Girlfriend? When? How? He was sure that you weren't seeing anybody, but now you have a boyfriend? How could this happen???
He stopped on his tracks, and started panicking but why would he? Its not like youre his girlfriend or anything, he didn't even got to tell you how he feels which felt much worse than the sight he's seeing.
As he continues to look at your back wishing that this would just be one horrible dream. You and the guy your boyfriend stop walking, dabi panics again worried that you might see him but as he was about to hide at a near by alleyway he looks at you as you bend down to pick something up from the ground.
"What happened?" He asks as he hold your hands so gently like you would break any second.
"oh its nothing i just dropped my phone" you replied after you picked up your phone from the ground.
"you good to go?" He frantically ask looking around the dark streets as he hold onto your hands tighter, 'hes a fucking pussy' dabi thought.
"Yeah, i just thought i saw something" you say as you look behind his shoulder to the dark alley way that looms the corner.
He whisperes something to you as you both start to walk, if dabi remembers correctly your apartment would be somewhere near here, he remembers as the time where he was the one to walk you home after long class hours especially that time where the school was preparing for the sports event.
Lovesick dabi! Who would get excited at the thought of meeting you again, showing his new self, his true self to you. But then he'll remember that maybe you'll hate him for what he has done, for leaving you, for hurting other people. So maybe one day you'll meet him again, maybe one day you'll be able to understand and you both would be able to exchange stories of what youve been through without each other.
He just hopes that youd be able to wait for that day, to wait for him
Lovesick dabi! (Coming soon)..
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stars-and-inkpots · 7 months
Ok- sorry I’ve never done this before. But I was wondering if you could do a Gale fic/ oneshot where tav/reader somehow finds a way to like remove his orb but instead of getting rid of it all together it goes to them? Like now they have the orb in their chest and they have like all the pain and the possibility of going boom? If not that’s completely fine- I just had that idea and I felt you’d be amazing for it! I hope you have an amazing day!<3
OKAY! I know I've been gone for like five months, but I finally got motivated again! (Those new patches have thrown me right back into my hyperfixation) I know this is so very very late, but I hope you enjoy! I really liked this idea, and it honestly might end of a part of a multi-chapter thing if I get around to it. This is set before the events of the game.
(p.s. it's 3 am and I haven't really read through this, so I'm sorry if there are some mistakes that I won't catch till I've slept)
What's Yours is Mine | Gale x Reader
After months of research, you finally find a way to get rid of the volatile orb in Gale's chest. Of course, things don't work out exactly the way you intend them to.
Pairing: Gale/Reader
Tags: hurt/comfort, angst, brief allusion to suicide(kinda?)
Ao3 Link: Baldur's Gate 3 Requests
Word Count: 1249
You know it isn’t going to be easy. It’s taken months of research, and even now as you look through the large practically ancient book, you aren’t entirely sure that this is going to work. Gale is sceptical too, he doesn’t want to get his hopes up. He also knows that when it comes to old magic like this, there is always the chance of something going wrong. It wasn’t like this was simple magic either. The nature of his condition is complicated and volatile, and this could easily cause problems.  
Gale sits in the centre of the chalk circle while you finish drawing the runes around it. 
“Are you sure about this, my love?” 
You’ve been talking in circles like this for the past twenty minutes while you’ve been preparing for the actual ritual. 
“Yes, Gale. We’re so close to a solution now.” You draw the final line of a rune and walk over to kneel in front of him. “I’m sure. If there’s a chance to help you, I want to take it.” You kiss his forehead and he gives you a small smile. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?” 
“I’m sure,” he answers, and kisses you quickly before you stand again. 
With the circle of runes finished, you move to grab the book. The page you need is bookmarked, and you flip to it to study the words on the page once more. Between the lines are notes and annotations in both Gale’s and your own writing. You added reminders on how to pronounce some of the words, and Gale had marked the translation. You look at Gale once more, and he gives you a reassuring nod. 
You start reciting the lines from the book. Immediately, you can feel the air begin to buzz with magic. Three lines in, and you can taste copper, which is a common side-effect when it comes to older magic like this so it’s not too concerning yet. What is a little worrying, is the sheer amount of power you can feel moving through your body while you speak, and the slight purple glow that is spreading across your arms and steadily growing brighter. You chance a glance at Gale and notice that he too seems to be feeling the same effects. There’s a growing apprehension in both of you as you continue to speak the words on the page. By the time you reach the final line, the feeling is almost unbearable. It’s like the pressure in the room has increased tenfold, like a weight has been dropped on your shoulders and bears down on your lungs.
Once you utter the final word, everything seems to slow for a moment. 
Then you feel it. 
A horrible pain wracks through your body. You let out a scream. It feels like something is tearing open your chest- or is it clawing its way in? You can’t tell; you can’t think. Your vision is dark, and you aren’t sure if it’s because you’ve blacked out or because pain has forced your eyes shut. Everything feels cold, far, far too cold, but also so terribly hot. 
Finally, the pain lessens enough that you can take a full breath, though it is interrupted by a sputtering cough. When you eventually open your eyes again, you realise that at some point you must have fallen to the floor. You can feel Gale’s arms around you, he is shaking. 
“Did it work?” You ask, despite how much it hurts to speak. The burning feeling in your chest hasn’t entirely left yet. 
“That doesn’t matter. Are you okay?” 
You try to sit up and wince with the effort. Gods, your chest hurts. 
“I’ll be alright. Gale, did it work?” You ask again, looking for the tell-tale mark on his chest and neck. You find the scar still, skin sunken in some parts and raised in others, but it is no longer the usual, shimmering purple. Now, it just looks like a normal (save for the shape) scar. You smile, because at least the spell did its job. Then you see a look of horror cross Gale’s face. 
“No, gods no,” he whispers, tentatively brushing his fingers along your collarbone. You hiss in pain. It feels like he’s brushed his hands across a fresh burn. 
You bring your own hand up to feel the centre of your chest, and your stomach drops. You know the shape, having memorised it from the number of times you ran your hands across Gale’s scar. This spell worked, but not in the way it should have. 
“We have to do it again,” Gale stands, pushing a still shaky hand through his messy hair. He stares at the special candles that have already burnt far too low to make it through the ritual a second time, and lets himself believe that they will be enough. “I am not going to let you carry my burden like this. Get in the circle and I can start the ritual again.”
“You know that won’t work. The candles are out, and all the herbs and incense are burnt, not to mention the crystals. It will take ages to find those again.” You don’t blame him for this, no matter how much he might blame himself and how much he might want you to blame him. “I’ll be fine, Gale. You managed it for so long, and now it’s my turn. We’ll figure it out.” A part of you remembers what Gale said of his power and how the orb drained it, but you quickly silence those thoughts before you can worry too much about your own magic. 
“No. This wretched thing is the consequence of my mistake. I will not let you suffer through it. I can’t.” He’s kneeling in front of you again, cradling your face in his hands. “What if it becomes unstable? I can’t-” Gale tries and fails to keep his voice steady. “That cannot happen to you.” 
“And it would be better if it were to happen to you? It is fine for you to die with it?” You return, perhaps too harshly, but surely now he might understand how it felt to hear him say such things when it was him with the magic bomb in his chest. 
“I’m sorry,” is all he answers after a few moments of silence. You aren’t sure what exactly he’s apologising for, but you wrap your arms around him and rest your head on his shoulder. 
“We’ll figure this out. We always do. I promise.” The pain still hasn’t subsided completely. You can’t imagine how Gale has managed to grit his teeth and bear it on his worst days if this is how the orb feels when it is, more or less, stable. You feel him press a kiss to the crown of your head. “It’s like we always say, remember? What’s yours is mine.” The phrase was common between you two. It was one of the first things Gale had said when you moved into the tower with him. ‘What’s mine is yours,’ he had said with a grand sweeping gesture. Since then it has been used whenever either of you had to borrow something from the other, anything from books to warm wool sweaters you had no intention of returning anytime soon. It seems strange to say it now, but you hope it gets your point across regardless; by the slight shake of Gale’s chest as he laughs softly, you figure it has. 
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yanderes-galore · 2 months
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I love Blitzø, I hope I made an okay plot for this....
Prompts Here
Yandere! Blitzø Prompts 18, 30, 15
“Don’t say you’re lonely. You have me!”
"Red is the perfect color for your skin.”
“If you ever stop loving me, I’ll kill who you love instead.”
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Insecurity, Fear of loss, Manipulation, Possessive behavior, Stalking, Trust issues, Blood, Violence, Murder, Delusional behavior, Suggestive themes, Swearing, Toxic relationship, Consensual turned Forced relationship.
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Insecurity has a tendency to drive a person... Especially when it comes to Blitz.
Blitz was told by nearly everyone that no one would love him. Past partners, past friends, even Stolas wanted nothing to do with him. Such events could easily cause insecurity within anyone.
Which is why Blitz is baffled as to why you've stuck around so long.
When dating you he fully expected you to use him when he asked you out. A one time thing to forget about his issues, that's it. Then you suggested another date.
It kept going until you two were officially a couple.
Even with you two dating and him being showered with affection, Blitz couldn't believe it. There's just... no way? You must love someone else... You must just want him for intimacy.
Blitz feared you were playing him. He fears you're cheating on him. He fears that everyone else you talk with might win your heart from him.
He's so scared when you go out with friends. Perhaps someday you'll just... never come back to him. He knows he should trust you...
But it's so hard when he sees you smiling all happy with others.
You aren't happy with him, are you?
Selfishly, Blitz has had thoughts of... getting rid of your friends. He's a skilled assassin, if he wished to, he could. Yet... He's been trying his best to reign himself in for you.
You were no doubt used to Blitz's insecurity in your relationship. You had heard of what he's gone through, how he's been horrible with relationships. However... you vowed to stay beside him.
But even you couldn't ignore the odd behavior he began to exhibit.
"If you ever stop loving me, I’ll kill who you love instead...." Blitz had once whispered to you when you were both cuddling in his apartment. Such a saying was your first warning, yet you brushed it off as a heat of the moment thing.
"You don't mean it, do you, baby–?" You whispered to him that night, hoping he was joking. Blitz makes a small noise of comfort, eyes flicking to you.
"Mhm..." He says, but you always felt... uneasy.
Another warning you had noticed was when Blitz and you were talking on a date. This was months into your relationship... just about where you started to notice previous friends distance themselves from you.
Some ghosted you, some actively avoided you on the street, and some were just gone. Such a thing made you wonder if you were the problem. You could only turn to one person after such an event...
"Don’t say you’re lonely. You have me!" Blitz replied when you admitted you felt unwanted. You told him you were worried and just wanted friends.
Blitz was quick to distract you from the situation. He merely offered to get your mind off of it, nipping your neck and curling his tail around your waist. Why should you bother worrying about them?
You won't be able to once he's done.
You had clung to Blitz for a while after that. For a long time you didn't want to bother trying to make new friends. You only ever gave Blitz attention.
Although... Soon came your final warning once you decided to change things.
While Blitz was at work, you tried to reconnect with people and make new friends. You hoped things could be different. Blitz made you feel wanted... maybe you could finally make friends again?
You soon found out you weren't the reason for feeling so alone....
You had found another person to speak with and hang out with. In fact, when Blitz was out, you spent your entire day with them. You both got along so well you offered to walk your new friend home.
Yet during the walk... blood splashed onto your clothes... your skin... your face....
You're stunned for a moment. The dark red blood, nearly looking black, spills down you in a warm mess. You can't even manage to say anything before you hear footsteps behind you, the click of a rifle echoing through the street.
"I fucking knew it..."
The voice of your boyfriend rings in your ears as you quickly turn around. The imp stands in front of you, his rifle in his hands as he glares at the corpse beside you. You shake but Blitz merely grins.
"I knew you'd cheat on me the second I turned my back—!" Blitz continues as he stalks closer, tail thrashing. "I just thought I could get rid of the fucker sooner like the others...."
Blitz didn't bother with a facade anymore. It was clear he's the reason you're so isolated. Like the assassin he was, he viewed your previous companions are merely targets.
"Oh, baby..." Blitz sighs, both in a defeated yet excited tone. "Red is the perfect color for your skin...."
You felt disgusted at his tone, as if he felt gratification for seeing you covered in blood. You keep your distance, beginning to hyperventilate. Blitz was unpredictable...
As he soon proves when he lunges for you, pinning you down.
"I should've known to lock that damn door...!" Blitz seethes as you struggle against him. "Should've known you'd try to leave me... even after everything I've done for you...!"
"Let me go!" You plead, only for Blitz to growl before wrangling you with his tail.
"Let you go? Doll... I could never let you go even now!" Blitz hums, restraining you. "I just have to try harder... let's go home and clean you up, yeah? I'll take care of everything...."
"I'm not going back to your apartment!" You snarl, Blitz looks unamused at such an outburst.
"Okay, fine. We'll go back to yours if you want." Blitz continues before you roughly push against his chest again.
"I'm not going anywhere with you!" You argue, only for Blitz's claws to dig into your flesh.
"Oh, baby..." Blitz sighs before pulling you along with him. "You think you have a say after everything you pulled?"
You yelp as Blitz grips your chin, tail wrapped tightly around your waist.
"You've always been mine. No one can take you from me, I'll make damn sure of that."
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angel-of-the-moons · 7 months
Pavitr x reader where his wife or gf does end up pregnant? Idk maybe one where they find out they are and how they'd react to it, or one where reader has been pregnant a while and they do some...activities.
Canon Events
Pavitr x Wife!Reader
TW/CW: Anxiety, Miguel's Canon Event™ PTSD, Pregnancy, Pregnancy anxiety, baby talk!
Pavitr is obviously aged up in this fic
A/N: I'm going to work through my asks a bit to help take my mind off the grief and stress, so I simply had to make this fluffy. I might make a second part to it where it gets spicy, once I feel better.
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"Wuh-oh." Lyla said, swiping through the pop-up monitors surrounding her tiny yellow frame.
"What is it, Lyla?" Miguel asked, sipping his coffee. His deep chocolate eyes focused on the AI's persona as she squinted at the data.
"New canon event detected, Migs." She said, typing faster than any human could ever fathom.
"Where." He said, immediately setting his coffee down to furrow his brows at her.
Already he could feel his body tense at the news, after what happened with Miles and his canon event, not to mention Miguel's own...
He couldn't handle another mutiny, not when everything had finally been settled back into place, the web repaired and strengthened.
"Whose universe is it? Which one?"
"It's... Pavitr's." Lyla said, her eyebrows rising considerably behind her heart-shaped glasses.
He sighed deeply, pinching the bridge of his nose. Great. What horrible situation did fate have in plan for that particular Spider-Man, now? His Aunty Maya dying? One of his friends? You?
He knew Pavitr understood the importance of canon events, but...
"How bad?"
"Actually it's..." Lyla let out a startled chuckle, tipping her head to grin at Miguel with her crooked teeth. "It's... well, okay, depending on your point of view it could be good or bad, but I think Pavitr might consider this a good one--"
"Lyla..." He sighed, tapping his foot.
"Alright, alright big guy, don't get your panties in a twist." She snorted, "Pulling it up now."
Miguel turned his thick frame to peer at the hologram as an image of you materialized behind him.
It looked like you were in some kind of doctor's office. Judging by the pictures on the wall, some sort of women's health center.
He squinted at the posters, every inch of the room, until his eyes finally focused on you, holding papers in your hand, shaking, the gold band on your ring finger catching the lights above and glinting a little too brightly for his eyes.
Miguel slowly began to circle your image as you read the papers. Your face looked cold and clammy, a bead of sweat trickled down your brow.
Cancer? No, no, Lyla said this was good news, for once.
So, what...
His brows shot up, the creases in his tanned skin deepening as he leaned in to peer over your shoulder at the paperwork.
He rapidly scanned each word. Your flu tests came back negative, no allergens to report, no life-threatening diseases...
But the blood results are what intrigued him.
Estrogen levels were elevated...
As were prolactin and progesterone levels.
Miguel had to step back and let his jaw go slack as he looked at you, holding the papers that, printed at the bottom...
Reported a strong, tiny little heartbeat.
You were pregnant. And judging by the levels of hormones in your system, you were halfway through your first trimester.
He watched as your eyes welled up, fat tears burning hot as they broke over the dam of your lashes, dripping down your cheeks. Your doctor handed you some tissues and rubbed your back, smiling sweetly as she calmed you down.
"I know, I know, honey. It's overwhelming... Just breathe." She coos.
You wipe at your eyes and take a few shaky breaths. "I just... I'm sorry, it's hard to control it all. Ugh, I've been wondering why I've been so moody lately, but my period was late!"
"Mhmm... hormones will do that to a mama." She says patiently. "What will you tell your husband?"
"I think--"
Miguel raised his hand to Lyla to stop the hologram. This was something deeply personal, and it didn't sit right in his gut about this, that he found out before Pavitr...
He pulled up his gizmo and pulled up Pavitr's frequency, his fingers moving a little too fast so he had to backtrack a couple of times.
Finally, the voice to the chipper, younger hero came through.
"Hi, boss! Uh... What's up?" He said awkwardly.
"Go home, Pavitr, I'm assigning someone else to your workload." He said, his tone a bit softer than usual.
"I--whuh--huh?" He could hear the bewilderment in the man's voice as he stammered for a reply.
"Just go home, Pavitr. That's an order."
"I... Eh. Uh. O-okay?"
Miguel sighed as he terminated the connection.
He hoped Pavitr was ready for this.
"Heee-llo my beautiful wife!" Pavitr called out, dropping his duffel by the door, a bit of a pep in his step as he walked through your apartment to look for you.
Pavitr called your name once or twice, and his brows creased with worry when you didn't respond. Were you out? No... No. Your shoes were by the front door.
He spotted you, sitting at the island in your kitchen, a cup of hot chai in your delicate hands.
You giggled softly as he kissed your shoulder and cheek on excessive pecks and loud "mwah's" before dropping his chin onto your shoulder.
He looked at your social media feed (actually it was some kind of forum that you quickly closed) and chirped, "Whatcha looking at?"
"Oh, just... stuff." You say evasively, squirming in your seat.
"Oh? What kinda stuff?"
"Oh, I..." You say, splaying your hands over an envelope. The logo on the sticker was from your usual doctor's office, and his brows pinched in concern.
"Sweetheart, what's up? You said you had a doctor's appointment today. Is everything okay?"
"W-Well, I... I mean..." You swallow thickly. "It's... I-I mean..."
"Are you okay???" He spun your stool around to hold your shoulders, his big dark eyes wide with concern for you as he scanned your face for any signs of... anything.
"I..." You cast a glance back at the envelope. The words felt like cotton in a dry mouth, choking and unable to utter.
Why were you so nervous about this? You talked about this together, brainstormed the "what-ifs" a million times during late nights, limbs tangled as sweat cooled on your bodies beneath the sheets.
You knew Pavitr would never be... angry about this. With you.
So why was there a nasty pit in the deepest part of your stomach right now?
Pavitr looked at the envelope, and slowly reached out for it, waiting for you to tell him to stop or if you were uncomfortable.
You wrung your fingers together and chewed the inside of your cheek anxiously as you watched him read your papers, mumbling about how everything looked okay.
Then his eyes got to the last page. Your pregnancy test results.
He lifted the paper--almost comically--close to his face.
For agonizing milliseconds that felt like ages, the papers hid his face from view. All you could see was how he trembled, his fists clenching around the paper.
Finally, he lowered them, and those big, beautiful, dark eyes were glistening with tears and his lip was wobbling.
"I'm l--I'm--I'm gonna be a dad?" He blubbered near-incoherently.
"Y.... yes." You peep.
The papers were immediately forgotten as he buried his face into your chest and full-on started to ugly cry, babbling about how much he loved you and how happy he was.
Why on Earth were you ever afraid of how he'd react to the news?
You sniffled and hiccuped, his high emotional rollercoaster hitting you, too.
Immediately, he lifted his snot-covered, tear-stained face to look up at you, and his hands went to your cheeks, wiping your tears away.
"Hey, hey, hey! I love you! I love you so so so so so so so--"
"Pav..." You sniffed.
"Right, right." He muttered lifting his head to look down the hall. The room you two had turned into a room for your sewing projects was across the hall from your room. A little small, compared to yours, but...
"So if we can move stuff around, your machine can come out here, then we can put the crib in there..."
You blink dumbly at him.
"W... wait so you... You're serious? About.... about this?"
Pavitr turns to you with a grin, grabbing a paper napkin from the counter and completely cleaning his face, taking a fresh one and dabbing your tears away.
He kissed the tip of your nose, then your forehead, your cheeks, and finally, your lips.
Pavitr's hands moved low, pressing over your belly ever so gently. His eyes flicked up to yours once again.
"You and this... our little baby, are the most important things in my life." He swears. "I'm never going to back out on either of you."
He kisses you on the lips one more time, pulling away enough to touch your cheek, a grin on his charming, handsome face.
"So! Wanna look at baby stuff online? We can order takeout and chill!"
You didn't know why you were ever worried in the first place.
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
I have too many theories going to really nail one down, but: oh thank god, a reason for Durge defaulting to Storm Sorcerer to (sort of) make sense if I reach a bit even though I don't use the class it bugs me:
'Wisps of thoughts, lost memories, forgotten ideas, minor musings, subconscious fears, important concepts - these things are drawn to the Astral from the planes it touches. Psychic energies generated by thinking creatures drift unbidden onto the Astral Plane every moment, where they gather and collect. 'As mental energy swirls, congeals, and interacts, it forms what planewalkers have always called the psychic wind. The wind moves through the Astral, but it doesn't really feel like wind to a traveller. One planewalker (whose name is now forgotten) described it aptly as the plane itself rebelling against the thoughts that make up the wind. The moving, active mental energy disrupts the normal fabric of the plane, itself primarily a construct of the mind. ' When the psychic wind strikes, it occurs in an area stretching anywhere from 3-300 miles in diameter, or at least what passes for such in the nonspace of the Astral. From the outside, this affected area looks much like a storm on the Prime Material Plane — dark, roiling skies, punctuated by occasional flashes of energy. Within the storm, everything grows dark (travelers can use fire or magic to create light, but infravision does not work). It remains dark but calm for two to three minutes, after which everything in the area begins to vibrate, warp, and distort.
Storms appear like literal storms, although they instead overload the minds of those caught with them with whatever they are made of - which may be active thoughts, emotions or dreams. So you know you could (amongst numerous other possibilities) be overwhelming people with thoughts of death, hate, homicide ideation...
'As dangerous as a normal encounter with the psychic wind is, a psychic storm is much more horrible. These very rare occurrences result directly from an influx of dangerous thoughts from some other plane. “Dangerous thoughts,’’ in this case, are those of strong fear, hatred, or other emotion found in great amounts. When a great disaster strikes, a huge battle occurs, or some unique event results from belief (like the passing of a gate-town from the Outlands to another plane) [or hey, what if a prophecy came to pass and mass death and war and chaos due to a certain god was wrecking a continent, or if an entire forest of elves and an avatar of their god was being spiritually torn apart also by that god...], the ripple of thought carries to the Astral and forms a true storm of psychic wind. 'When this occurs, a huge, almost immeasurable section of the Astral is affected. The storm carries with it the same threats as those detailed above (adding 20 to the location and mental effects rolls), as well as the ability to literally tear the Astral asunder. If a psychic storm strikes, there’s a 10% chance that it rips a hole in the plane itself. This causes everything within 10-1,000 yards to be thrust from the Astral to a random plane that touches it and tears a like amount of matter from the other plane and deposits it on the Astral. If no matter is near enough to be moved (on either or both sides of the hole), the hole remains open for 1-4 days, functioning as a gateway between the two planes. The Astral repairs this rent by forming a color pool that leads to the affected plane.'
Heeyy what if a chunk of Bhaal's 'flesh' ended up on Toril, where there's enough ambient faith and leftover divine essence to work with...? Like that might not be my final theory but it is now a factor.
Me: Durge being born on the Astral from Bhaal's corpse makes sense, but how did they leave?
Planescape: What if they were born from a massive storm of pain, rage, death and hate that tore the fabric of reality asunder?
And if you want your Durge in this theory to be older or younger than certain events:
'Because the Astral Plane exists outside of time, the thoughts and memories that form psychic winds don’t always have to be from a time concurrent to those experiencing them. That is to say, thoughts from the distant past or the future (relative to the traveller in the storm) can buffet a victim caught by the psychic wind. This facet of psychic wind does not actually change the effects of a normal encounter, but it does open up the possibility of gaining images or ideas from’ the distant past or those that haven’t even yet been conceived.'
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