#I guess it's just doing business but damn I didn't know he wanted so badly for the bounty hunters to get off his planet
I just read your mando episode 1 thoughts and I’m really glad you also didn’t like the Nevarro changes like I love Nevarro and I watched the episode and was like hm… Nevarro is… boring now…
Hello there, Anon! Finally getting around to this ask but it's been on my mind. It just really, really bothers me how flat and boring Nevarro is now. I liked the appeal of a grimy, hardscrabble planet that scraped by with work by the Bounty Hunters Guild, trade, and shadier, more illicit activities. It was a fun and fascinating look into the Outer Rim away from the likes of Tatooine, and now that's gone. Now Nevarro looks and sounds like a freaking Renn Faire trying to eat its cake as some cleaned up and respectacle independent trade center, and I feel like a joke watching it.
The entire season premiere was a mixed bag of decisions and the choices made with Nevarro really damped my already low expectations. Really hope the only way now is up.
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Murder Sibling Tuu
So concept
Yuu is the eldest and comes from a HUGE family with lots of siblings that are part of criminal legacy. Literally all of them are some sort of mafia boss, assassin, drug lord, or bank robber except for Yuu.
This isn't because Yuu hates it, nope its just not their thing. Their little siblings always go to Yuu for ideas on their next murder/heist/ect and they always give the best advice ever despite not being a criminal.
When they get isekaied, they didn't know that their family also came with until its too late.
Let's say they're dating Floyd since that was the original context. Under cut cause length
It's Vargas camp and as things come to a close there's another attack, the masked person overpowers Vargas and locks onto a group.of Yuus friends, chasing the first Years, Riddle, Malleus, Jade and Floyd.
The others scatter, just to get stuck in (non lethal) traps to be picked off later. The killer is smart and though Malleus is powerful he is outwitted when he caught in magic resistant trap— this damn killer was PLANNING it.
Floyd and the group fight back. But they are all beat up pretty bad, thankfully, there is no stab marks as the psychopath seems to be dragging this out for their enjoyment.
As they kick Floyd onto the ground as they spill the first drop of blood of the night as the killer slashes them and leaves a "superficial", but concerning wound on Floyds abdomen.
Jade screams out at his brother in horror, show more emotion than he ever has in this damn life, despite where he's trapped, he risks blot and shoots out a simple spell at the killers head just for them to dodge.
"You want to see my face that badly?" The voice was filled with a sickeningly honeyed tone of amusement. "I guess that's fair since I intend to kill you... may as well let you see who killed you."
"You wont get away with this!" Sebek shrieks. The killer takes off the mask just to see... Yuu?
"Yuu? No...nonono not my shrimpy... why?! Why would you—"
"Wait wait wait. Did you say Yuu? How the fuck do you know that name?" The killer asks but something was off, this wasn't yuus voice.
Just then Yuu comes out and slide in front of Floyd protectively, ready to fight before freezing.
"Yuu?! Oh God, oh shit. Don't tell me these are your friends..."
"You stabbed my fucking boyfriend!"
"Fuck! Sorry I didn't know— oh geez...." Tuu facepalms. "Hold on, I actually have a few healing potions..."
"Um... can you explain???" Riddle wheeze.
"Everyone this one of my my Octuplets, Tuu."
"OCTUPLET??" Sebek shrieks.
"Yeah that's not even all my siblings either, don't ask I lost count"
"Damn I'm sorry about that everyone, I would have never attacked if I knew Yuu was here. But dammit, I had it all planned out and everything! I would kill off some of you and leave your bodies out so that others would warn of this place and bam! A buncha idiots would explore and I get to practice my assassinations and murder techniques! Can't believe I wasted all that time though now....".
"Wait, Yuu why aren't you surprised?" Ace gawks
"Oh big sibling Yuu over here is weird. Literally everyone in our family's a murderer EXCEPT yuu which is suprising since they always have the best ideas for maiming!" Tuu giggles
"Wait... if your here does that mean—" a new voice interrupts Yuu
"Sort of! I assume our entire family is out in this new world but we haven't all been able to find each other. Thankfully, me and Tuu happened to be summoned together!"
"Who the fuck is that?!" Jack barks
"That's Kyu." Kyu stands proudly in their formal attire that's decades old as they twirl a cigar.
"Why didn't you reach out to me? I know Tuu is to busy murdering things but I know for a fact you knew where I was. Im the oldest! You report to me!" yuu scolds
"You're older by 10 minutes." Tuu interrupts as they pour the potion on Floyd.
"Shut up!"
Kyu shrugs. "I'm building a criminal empire."
"What" Deuce blinks.
"I said im building a criminal empire. I was the leader of several mafias and other organized gangs back in my world and now its back to square one! I need my underlings I'm not just gonna light my own cigars now, cmon!"
"That sounds like Kyu alright..." Yuu sighs.
"Plus then I'll be able to magically enroll our whole family into NRC just with a little blackmail as we learn about this world!"
"Crowleys pathetic you don't need a criminal empire you just need 5 dollars" Epel sighs.
"Perhaps." Kyuu shrugs again and takes a puff. "But having an interdimensional drug empire once we find away home is an opportunity I must not let pass by. Speaking of which, give me your phone, Yuu."
Yuu hands over the phone to Kyu. "Now you should be able to contact us and I'll keep you updated once I find the whole family. Oh yeah, be sure to send pictures of all your friends to the group chat along with their full names so we know who not to kill, maim, target—"
"I get it." Yuu sighs before helping Floyd up. "I love you guys but damn!"
"You love th—" Ace covers Deuces mouth.
"Sorry Floydie!" Tuu chuckles cuteley. "I hope this doesn't make things awkward between us! Oh just forget about this encounter! I can't wait to meet you when Yuu brings you home for dinner!" Tuu waves
"Eat shit." Floyd huffs. "Awe you're adorable, just take good care of Yuu! If you break their heart ill slaughter you like the damn animal you are!~" tuu practially sings
"Yuu can do that on their own." "But they won't that's the issue"
Tuu sighs again. "Now im gonna have to release everyone from their traps now ueueueu... there were so many boys with such wearable skin! I already had the suit planned out for when I got them!" Tuu mopes.
"Right just tell our parents—" "bosses" "tell our bosses i love them and to please take it easy with all the murder please."
"No promises Yuuie!~ bye bye!~" Tuu cackles and they run off into the woods and Ryu dissapears
The rest of the night is Yuu profusely apologizing and having to skirt around questions for legal reasons
And also
"Why are all of you named Yuu or something similar"
"My bosses named the second oldest Tuu. Do you really think they're good with names?"
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Prompt: “Do you want me to leave?”
For Kaz Brekker x Reader please!!
Get Out Of Ketterdam, Damn You - Kaz Brekker
Content Warnings: Kaz's Trauma. Canon Barrel Appropriate Backstory, Threat and Violence. Not Beta/Proof Read. Unhealthy Relationship With Kaz Brekker, Like There Could Be Another Kind.
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Kaz looks at the payment in front of him, your share of the last job, and he knows exactly what it means, it means you finally have everything you need to get the hell out of Ketterdam. And you should. Kaz knows you should. There is nothing for you here, nothing but bad memories and constant reminders of how everything has always been in the barrel: unfair and lonely. Nothing is given freely in the barrel, and anything good is hard to come by, and is quickly snuffed out. The barrel isn't a place for those who still have hope, and as much as Kaz wanted to keep you here, you were still full of in, despite everything. The barrel hadn't burned it out of you yet.
"You wanted to see me?" you ask. Kaz flickers his eyes up to meet yours but quickly looks back down to some papers he is arranging. You didn't spend much time in the slat. It never really felt like somewhere you could be be, you always felt just outside of it, like you needed to be invited in.
"Your free," is all Kaz says, waving a hand absently at the table. He wants this over, he wants you to take what is yours and leave and never look back. He cannot have this take too long, he is finding this hard enough.
"I'm free?" you ask.
"You got your justice, you have your money, you belong to nothing and no one," Kaz says, "free to leave Ketterdam, isn't that what you wanted?"
"Oh, right," you nod, thinking it over. Kaz won't look at you, and you hate that feeling, like he isn't trying to send you away to never return, like this is just some other business interaction. You guess, to him it is. “Do you want me to leave?”
He didn't expect you to ask him that. No. His mind screaming at him, no he didn't want you to leave. He wanted you to stay. He wanted you to always be this close. Within reach without needing to reach for you. He wants what he wants to matter, to be more than this childish desires he thought he had boxed away in the years it took for him to get to where he is now. He wanted to not want you. He wanted to want you to leave. He wanted to not have to want to want you to leave. His feelings wrapped in more feeling felt like they started to choke him and he clears his throat.
"I will not ask you to stay," he says. It's true. He won't. He couldn't. He couldn't ask you to stay when he knows you would for him. When he knows that he cannot give you a reason to. He cannot be enough of a reason to stay. He cannot ask that of you.
"That's not what I asked," you say calmly. You know Kaz Brekker is not an easy man. He is as far away from convenient as you can imagine. Of all the things you've wanted in spite of how badly they treat you, Kaz may be the top of the list. But he is like the last piece of chocolate, or that one extra shot of kvas. You tell yourself you shouldn't go for it, that you know you'll only feel worse, that its not going to fix you, it's not going to make you feel better. It'll probably make you feel worse. It always makes you feel worse. But you never are strong enough to stop yourself.
You once looked at Jesper, placing another bet he should not place at a table he was losing at badly, and you wondered for a moment why he couldn't just walk away. Then you'd seen Kaz watching the game and you understood entirely.
"Do you want me to leave?" You ask.
"I want you to be so far away from the barrel, I want you to have a life somewhere better than Ketterdam, I want better for you," Kaz says, each word having to be dragged out of him, his voice tight and strained.
"But do you want me to leave?" You ask, the need to hear him say it apparent in your tone. His eyes meet yours and that killer, that shark, stare down death, look that you have gotten so used to seeing is nowhere to be found. You don't recognise him, he isn't Kaz Brekker, Dirtyhands, Bastard of The Barrel as he looks at you now, he is someone entirely different, someone you've never truly seen.
Kaz knows if he tells you he doesn't want you to leave, you never will. You will stay in Ketterdam. You will stay in the barrel. You will stay with him, beside him, always at this distance, until the barrel claims you both. He knows now is the time to lie, to tell you that he wants you gone. To make you leave while you can. To make you choose yourself. To make you finally put yourself above him. He who has done nothing to deserve the fealty you've shown him. He who is not capable of having the life you are steps away from taking for yourself. He is broken, he is not even sure he is entirely human. And he has stopped trying to convince himself that he could mould himself into something that resembles a better man. He cannot fix himself, and he will not ask you to try. But you are not broken, you are not beyond repair and you can be free. All he has to do is lie to you.
Kaz Brekker has told enough lies in his life, pulled off much less convincing falsities, this simple mistruth should be no harder than than a single breath, but Saints he has never found it harder to breathe than right now.
One lie, and you're free, and you can have everything you deserve, everything better than the barrel has to offer, everything better than he has to offer.
One lie and you can have everything, except the truth.
Everything except him, but he was something you could never truly have anyway, a truth you both know too well.
"Kaz," your voice cracks as you say his name. Your eyes are pleading with him, begging him to not make you ask again. But you do anyway. "Do you want me to leave?"
Kaz could do this one thing, this one... selfless thing. For you. He could do it.
But he doesn't. "No," he says, "I don't want you... to leave."
♡ Tag as requested: @the-girl-in-the-shadows ♡
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ohsayit · 4 months
Fishing out voiced lines (part 1)
So, I have been trying to datamine for the cut Absolute Zevlor. I can't seem to get the parser to work so I have only been looking at the dialogues from 1.0 onwards.
Couldn't find anything other than the one line on the top of one of the files that says he reveals himself a traitor in a conversation but with no actual dialogue being shown. At the moment, I am going through this video from 3 years ago, so pre release I believe. I am trying to fish out bits that sticks out to me that may possibly be part of the cut Absolute Zevlor lines, and also cheery pick some lines for my own liking. They will possibly will feed into the unknown HC of Absolute Zevlor of mine : )
I'd ask who you are, but I've heard of the Blade of Frontiers. I've heard he was a hero though, not a thug.
I have no idea what you mean, my friend.
Allegiance is a murky thing, particularly for a drow.
This is it. I pray I haven't led them all to ruin.
Who in the Nine Hells do you think you are?
(Speak with the dead) Finish..the plan...
(SWD) Go...where...they belong...
Just how much did that damn goblin tell you?
I..I didn't expect to meet a True Soul here.
I know how to pick my allegiances toom, and the Absolute has already won this war.
Ready, at last. Gods, how I've waited for this day.
That was close. Far far too close.
She was not yours to kill. We Might have bought save passage with her.
And you name me the traitor? Gods above, you are working with them!
It's good to know about your story at true.
Looking for information about her tribe. The same fellow who attacked at the gate.
And the Absolute wants them, badly. I will have my reward. I am sure they will be taken care of.
No matter this idiot overheard me. The others will never believe their reluctant leader Zevlor follows the absolute.
You, however, don't factor into it at all.
And so are you. If you ever interfere in my business again, that I promise you.
Shh. Not in mixed company, my friend.
To that point, there is something I'd like to speak with you about, but not in mixed company.
If you stop shouting, they might not find us!
Tilly, there will be time to explain, but we cannot let ourselves be divided now.
Do you have any idea what you have done? What you have ruined?
(SWD) I would have...sacrificed...them all! For the Absolute...
If these sheep can buy me a place among the wolves, then I will use them as I will.
What did you just say?
Ah, a new deity the goblins have taken to. I hoped the prisoner might be more forthcoming about their plan if she thought me had sympathise her.
Tell me what you know.
These people are mine. She can't have them.
I don't know what waits and I don't care. They chose to put their lives in my hands. Why thank you.
Around here? That sounds...dangerous. There is only so far you can push people.
You will soon find out how wrong you are...
You throw away everything I worked for. Why?!
(SWD) I heard tells...whispers...a new power...could raise up those who had been cast out...
Unskilled in the liar who convinces only himself
But they flocked to me when Elturel rejected us. When they needed a sword arm.
You..! Where did you get that mark?
What do you know about the Absolute?!
This one is interesting. It says he is not a Rider. I thought about if he was lying about it, but it doesn't make any sense. It's interesting to see there was an alt background for him. Though I am still die hard fan for Rider Zevlor. Delicious old man.
"I am Zevlor, by the by. Former school teacher, presently, well, something of a defacto leader to beleaguered people"
And he also have some voice lines that belongs to Aradin? lol
We've got a contract to track down some relic. And he wanted in on the job. Eyes lit up when he heard about it.
Well, this is going to make a part 2 to it when I am in the mood to carry on with my English listening test I guess :P I am half an hour in for 1hr 25mi ish audio recordings. Though I feel like a chuck of them are repetitive as I've already listened to.
Sorry I have to put the tag headcanon with this one. I don't have another tag for character analysis (my more written up gibberish) and these sort of bits of information and what not.
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Ikemen Sengoku (JP)
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Kicho's Main Story Chapter 2 Part 1
Please do not repost. Expect mistakes.
Translation under the cut.
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After Kicho left, another subordinate came to show me my room.
(Ugh, I'm so tired.)
As soon as I entered, I took advantage of the room's privacy to lie down on the tatami mats and relax my tense and stiff body.
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(To think he almost allowed me to go to his business meeting一Ugh! I screwed up pretty hard.)
(How many guns did he buy? What is he going to procure next? That's the kind of information we need.)
I remember Mitsuhide saying I should be more careful acting like a spy.
(To avoid failing, don't step in recklessly, and don't act on your emotions.)
(I've broken it pretty badly, but I got a small glimpse of Kicho's goal.)
Mai: “I think conflicts will happen if more people get their hands on weapons.”
Kicho: “That is my goal.”
Kicho: “I’ll incite the forces of various regions and disturb Japan. This trading post is for that purpose.”
Mai: “A lot of people are going to die.”
Kicho: “…………..”
Kicho: “It’s a necessary sacrifice.”
---------Flashback Ends---------
After hearing his words, it sounded like his goal was not to defeat the Oda forces.
He wanted something much bigger than that, something that would disrupt the very country we were living in.
(One other thing that bothered me was the pause he made.)
(I wonder what he was thinking right before he said it was a necessary sacrifice.)
(If I could just talk to him a little and know everything about him, I wouldn’t have a hard time right now.)
Mai: "Alright!"
I sat up and rubbed my sore calf lightly under my kimono.
(Yeah, I can still move. I need to start doing my chores.)
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Maid: "Are you sure you're okay?"
Mai: "Yes, of course. Sitting still actually makes me feel restless."
Maid: "Really? Well, then, I'll leave it to you."
Maid: "Lord Kicho is out of the house right now, and we don't have any visitors, so I wanted to clean up the furnishings."
Mai: "Okay! Leave it to me."
As I left the room, I called out to a maid passing by and got a job.
(Perfect. Now, I look like a maid.)
(After what happened earlier, it's probably best not to approach Kicho again today.)
(Good thing he's not here right now.)
And so I began to explore the trading post, pretending to be a maid working hard at cleaning.
(This one looks really expensive.)
I lightly tap a finely decorated vase in the hallway with a duster.
Like the guest room, the inside of the hall was furnished with luxurious-looking furniture that was probably imported abroad.
(The maid already said it, but there’s almost no dust on the floor. I guess it's cleaned every day.)
(Like Kicho, this trading house doesn't have any openings at all.)
(That means the important documents are kept in a safe place. For example一)
???: "Miss, that's dangerous."
Mai: "-----!"
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(W-Who is it!?)
???: "I'm sorry. It wasn't nice of me to call you out so suddenly."
???: "You were preoccupied, so I got curious."
Mai: "You got curious?"
???: "Yes. Also, that vase is pretty expensive as far as the decoration goes."
???: "I've never seen someone hit it so hard like that with a duster."
Mai: "I-I'm sorry!"
(I didn't realize I was putting too much force on it.)
(I almost left this trading house because of this damn vase.)
Mai: "Um, thank you for the warning."
After thanking him, I look up at the man in front of me again.
He has brown skin and magnificent silver hair, giving him a unique air different from Kicho's.
His red eyes, reminding me of a pomegranate, are faintly narrowed.
Shojumaru: "Sorry for the late introduction. I'm Shojumaru."
Shojumaru: "I'm a trader. I often come here."
Mai: "I see. My name is Mai, and I got here today for my apprenticeship."
Shojumaru: "Lady Mai, huh? And what are you doing now?"
Mai: "Well, as you can see, I'm cleaning."
Shojumaru: "I didn't mean that."
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Shojumaru: "You were thinking pretty hard about something, so I thought maybe you have something else you want to do."
Mai: "------!"
Shojumaru's words almost made my face scrunch up.
Somehow holding back, I pulled the hand holding the duster in front of my chest.
Mai: "I was just worried I'd get lost here."
Mai: "I was trying to remember the route I took so that I could at least return to my room properly."
Shojumaru: "I see."
Shojumaru: "As I said before, I often come here, so if you have any questions, just ask."
Mai: "Okay, thank you!"
(He's such a nice guy.)
I got a little defensive, but all he just wanted to do was to make sure I didn't drop the vase.
Maybe he just asked the question simply out of concern.
Mai: "By the way, are you here for some business?"
Mai: "If you want to see Kicho, he went to the port a while ago."
Shojumaru: "Port?"
He asked me curiously.
Mai: "Yes. So, if you're looking for Kicho一"
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Kicho: "I'm listening."
Mai: "That's right. Wait, what!?"
I took a step back, startled by Kicho standing beside me.
Mai: "Are you done with your work?"
Kicho: "No, it got pushed back to a later date. Apparently, the captain is not feeling well."
Mai: "I see."
Kicho: "Shojumaru. If you need me, I'll be in my room."
Shojumaru: "No, it's okay. I'm just here to pick up something."
Shojumaru: "More importantly, Lady Mai there seemed to have something to say."
Mai: "Huh?"
Kicho: "Oh, what is it?
Mai: "No. I didn't一"
Shojumaru: "She's worried that she might get lost because this place is too big."
Still flustered by what was happening, I watched on, not wanting to interrupt, as Kicho nodded in agreement.
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Kicho: "I see. Then, Mai."
Mai: "Yes?"
Kicho: "Follow me. I'll show you around."
Mai: "You don't need to do that! I'll just ask the other maids."
(I just decided earlier that I shouldn't approach him.)
Shojumaru: "Lady Mai, I don't think you need to hold back."
Shojumaru: "This is also a job of the head of this place. Right?"
Kicho: "Yeah. You also need to keep this information in your head."
Mai: "I guess."
(I can't say really say no. I never expected he'd care like this.)
Shojumaru: "Good luck with your work."
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After Shojumaru left, I followed Kicho as he showed me around the trading post.
Kicho: "That's all for the first floor."
Kicho: "There are a few rooms for visitors, but for the most part, they are reserved for those who work in this building."
Kicho: "You will be using them every day. Remember that."
Mai: "I understand. Still, this place is very spacious."
Using a piece of paper and a brush that Kicho gave me, I jotted down the floor plan of the building.
(This is the kitchen, and this is the room I was shown earlier.)
(From there, down the hallway, near the doorway, is the guest room, and further back is the hall.)
Mai: "Oh..."
(I need to put some ink on this.)
(Using a brush as a writing tool is pretty inconvenient.)
I dipped the tip of the brush into a small portable inkstone and slid the brush onto the paper again while Kicho stared at me as I repeated this several times.
Mai: "Sorry to keep you waiting."
Kicho: "It's okay. Have you never used a brush that much?"
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Mai: "Yes. I've been in that kind of environment all my life."
Mai: "If only there was a brush that never ran out of ink, it would be useful in this situation."
Kicho: "You're right. If I had a ballpoint pen right now, I'd lend it to you."
My hand stopped after hearing something unexpected.
(What did he just say?)
I was wondering if I should mention it, but before I could, he spoke up.
Kicho: "By the way, Mai."
Mai: "Y-Yes. What is it?"
Kicho: "Shojumaru told me earlier that you were cleaning up."
Kicho: "I already told you that you don't have to do anything today. Why were you wandering around the building?"
Mai: "That's..."
Mai: "I was rude to you earlier. I didn't want you to fire me, so I decided to help."
Kicho: "You already said that earlier. Does it bother you that much?"
Mai: "Yes. If I get kicked out on my first day, I don't know how to face everyone back home."
Mai: "Well, going home might not be the right way to describe it."
Kicho: "..............."
Kicho nodded a little, perhaps satisfied with my response, and started walking down the hallway again.
I took it as a sign that the tour was back on track and followed him.
When we reached the end of the second floor without any particular conversation, he stopped.
Kicho: "The second floor is basically used for guests, document storage, etc."
Kicho: "I'll skip this part since you won't be using it much, but just keep this in mind."
Mai: "Okay. What about this room?"
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Kicho: "This is my room. Never enter it for any reason."
With that, he put the key into the door’s keyhole and turned it firmly.
Kicho: "Wait here for a moment."
(So this is his room. There are no guards, but it's always locked.)
(I bet there are tons of important things in there.)
(I'm curious, but I can't get near it.)
Is it because of the lock or my feelings?
The door, supposed to be only one wooden board, looked like a thick iron plate, keeping me away.
I patiently waited as I was told, hearing only small noises, until Kicho came out of the room holding a small wooden box.
Kicho: "Sorry to keep you waiting."
Mai: "No, it's okay. What's that?"
Kicho: "It's called perfume. It's a fragrance you can put on yourself by spraying the liquid inside."
Kicho: "I prepared it as a gift for you."
(Perfume, huh?)
(This must be expensive in this era. So why the hell would he give me this?)
He didn't even comment on my surprised expression as he handed me the box, which I opened at his urging gaze.
Mai: "Oh..."
Immediately, an elegant and distinctive sweet aroma wafted through the air.
Kicho: "It's an item made abroad. In some places, the fragrance is considered part of one's appearance."
Kicho: "It's important to make a good impression, so I always order everyone to wear this when dealing with VIPs."
(It's amazing they made this thing at this time.)
Mai: "Thank you. I appreciate it."
Kicho: "Yeah. Well, this is the end of the tour."
Kicho: "This time, you can rest in your room."
Kicho only said that and walked away in response to the voice of his subordinate who called him.
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That evening
After eating my dinner, I returned to my room and lay on the futon.
Mai: *sigh*
Mai: "Finally, it's night."
I didn't know how this day would end, but I'm glad I completed my first day as a spy.
(Meeting Shojumaru and learning about the layout of this place was nice.)
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(Although I think Kicho has become even more mysterious.)
Mai: "If only there was a brush that never ran out of ink, it would be useful in this situation."
Kicho: "You're right. If I had a ballpoint pen right now, I'd lend it to you."
---------Flashback Ends---------
(I'm pretty sure I heard him say "ballpoint pen" at that time.)
(But there's no way he could've known that.)
I gently took out the handkerchief I tucked away in my pocket.
I left my bag and other stuff behind to avoid suspicions, but somehow I felt uneasy about that, so I brought this one thing.
Unlike the towels of this era, this handkerchief has a pleasantly fluffy feel to it.
(I probably just imagined it because I was feeling nostalgic.)
Mai: "I need to pull myself together."
I said it aloud to encourage myself and sat up, reaching for the small perfume Kicho gave me.
The slightly cloudy-colored glass bottle with a unique design showed it had crossed a distant sea to get here.
(I feel like I don't fit in here.)
When I took the lid off and lightly dabbed it on my handkerchief一
Mai: "-----!"
I opened the door a little to peek at the end of the dimly lit corridor and saw a white cloth with a fuzzy outline fluttering.
(Kicho? What's he doing here at this hour?)
(I might be able to get some information. I need to follow him!)
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Mai: "H-Huh?"
I followed Kicho, keeping my distance, as he walked out of the building and toward the town.
(Damn it, I lost him.)
(Anyway, I should go home一Hm?)
(I think I just heard something.)
I listened carefully and heard voices talking from around the corner.
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Man's voice 1: "Three Matchlocks. I'll pay you in advance."
Man's voice 2: "Yeah, okay. Then, tomorrow morning."
(Matchlock? Wait, that's a type of gun!)
(So, they're talking about weapons?)
I tried to step toward the voices to listen a little more carefully, but一
???: "Mai."
Mai: "Mhmp!?"
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Previous Chapter╏Chapter 2 (His POV)╏Next Chapter
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thefoxtrot008 · 11 months
The Readers Blog
Here is part 4 of the dialogue prompts! Just had a bit of inspiration for a new story, so there are a LOT OF THEM. Enjoy! :)
"So, who do we have then, if they're dead?"
"I've heard that expression before."
"Is that a threat?"
"These concerned parties need to have themselves heard otherwise I can't give you clearance."
"How uncomfortable are we talking?"
"He's a nice kid, love. Not too bright though."
"It was easy. Almost too easy."
"I'm a very busy woman. Okay? Next time, make an appointment."
"Get straight to the point detective."
"This is quite an establishment that you've got going here."
"Well, we both know that's bullshit."
"Give me one good reason as to why I should do that."
"You should let them go because it's the right thing to do, but I doubt that means anything to you."
"And that's how you did it."
"You come into my facility, you lie to me, you make threats and you low ball me? Please, I've got better things to do than to waste my time with you. Get out. Get out now!"
"You don't get it do you?"
"How could we have messed this up this badly?"
"Do I look like a person that would do that sort of thing?"
"We got away with it!"
"They don't have any evidence? No fingerprints? Nothing?"
"We don't even know why they were attacked."
"And no one is asking that question!"
"I mean, I'm being framed here, but it's not like anyone cares."
"And yet, I'm not allowed to see my client."
"This is a wrong accusation."
"You have a witness?" "I do."
"Did you see that video?"
"And there's always that one family member that shows up late for everything."
"Not to worry. I have a backup plan."
"I'm going to keep asking, until you give me a good answer."
"It's because it seems like this whole universe is against me!"
"You ain't even from here are you?" "All you've done is lie to these good people."
"You can't tell me who I can and can't sleep with. You are not my mother!" "I might as well be."
"We're not taking any visitors at the moment."
"Let me see what I can do. The full works. Make some phone calls, talk to people. You know, stuff that you don't do."
"I saved your skin here, let's not forget."
"You know, maybe we should run. Pack up our things and go."
"It's not against you or anything."
"It was too late. They had gotten to me first after you left."
"Now, they're after me. Not you darling."
"I'll go!" (everyone: "NO!")
"Oh, I'm not ignoring what happened between us earlier. I'm using it to my advantage here."
"You do understand that if they catch you, they will kill you."
"I'll be down the hall if you need anything."
"You won't do any of that."
"Go after her. GO!"
"I hate seeing you like this... so, we're going to do you a solid mate."
"Those traitors! I'll get you back for this!"
"You still remember how I take my tea?" "Of course, I do. It's you."
"Why'd you disappear on me, all of those years ago?" "It's not that simple. If it's any consolation, it didn't have anything to do with you." "That makes me feel loads better. But it's still not an explanation!"
"This calls for a celebration!"
"It'll be an in and out job, love. I'll be back before you know it."
"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she doesn't want to be found?"
"It's none of your business!"
"Oh shit, I grabbed the wrong one." "It better be a damn good funeral."
"I am... a freaking genius! LETS GO!!!"
"What kind of organization are you running here?!"
"I am asking you, because I know that you can handle it."
"I want to read the card."
"You didn't have to make a big deal out of it."
"Give me the keys, I'm leaving."
"You know what?! Maybe I should take the transfer!"
"Can I say something?!" "NO!!"
"Waste of time, huh? Guess who got these documents, from him? Oh, wait. It was me. All me! You're freaking welcome."
"Cancel everything! I have an important announcement to make!"
"I want to do it on my terms." "I was thinking about this earlier."
"We're considering all options." "Like what? Like handing over the kid?" "I told you. We're considering every avenue."
"This is where it all starts." "I haven't told them yet."
"We did give you a bit of a warning."
"You knew?! All of you knew? How come she didn't tell me about it?!"
"Because we'd knew you'd react like this, that's why!" "Fine then. Let's go the extra mile, shall we? I forbid you from seeing him!" "You can't do that!" "I believe I just did!"
"Don't you have anything to say about this?" "I think he's got a point."
"Oh, sure! Way to side with him."
"I should be able to make that decision, I'm older than you!" "Not by much though."
"I can have it reversed if I need to."
"And that's a major if okay? All of this isn't going to be enough. We need hard evidence! Not something that you stole!"
"Way to piss her off man."
"You really have to tell that story again?"
"That was so rude of me. I do apologize."
"She's listening to that song again! It's been nonstop for hours! Make it stop!" "Go talk to her!" "What do you expect me to say, huh?"
"I think you're making too much of this. You do have a tendency to overthink." "I do not. Okay, fine, maybe I do."
"Hopefully it gets a little bit better for you."
"I know. I'm just teasing." "Welcome to my world."
"Yea, but I didn't want to see that." "He didn't seem to have a problem with it."
And... that's a wrap! :) For now at least!
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domdannyandrews · 10 months
letters to nate
danny passes the time and anxiety by writing letters to his boyfriend while he's locked in a cell
mentions: @dom-i-nate @daisyblossomsub @switchingolliesmythe @switchreggie @noah-andrews
It's only been eight hours since you were taken, Ares. This might be a little pathetic of me, but I miss you already. Daisy and I both do. I'm incredibly aware that my experience is nothing compared to what you and Ollie are going through, but this feels like torture. I can't talk to you, touch you, kiss you - we haven't even been official for a month and I already feel like you're such a part of me that I can't be whole unless I know you're all right.
Which, I know is intense. I know I can be intense when it comes to how I feel about people. I've had a lot of self-control practice with Daisy, so I can tone all this down if I'm too much at any time. I know you've been through hell, and having a overenthusiastic golden retriever of a boyfriend might be a lot sometimes. You just have to let me know when I'm being too overwhelming.
Only exception is when you come back. I think I'm allowed to be a little overwhelming then. (Daisy just read this over my shoulder and laughed. Not sure if I should be insulted or not. I pinched her ass either way.)
71 hours.
Day 2. At least I got to see you for a little while today. I wanted to punch that fucking guard that made me leave you. And the one who put those marks on your beautiful body. As stupid as it would be, and I know it would be. I'm well aware of the consequences I would suffer - but none of that matters when it's you being hurt. Or Daisy, or Ollie, Noah, Reggie - you get the idea.
I need to stop thinking about it so I don't punch something. I went to the gym for a while after, wailed on the bag. My shoulders are killing me from how hard I went. I swear I wrapped my hands, but I guess my rage was stronger than wrap. Daisy gave me hell for coming back with a couple split knuckles. I honestly didn't even notice until she mentioned it. Blind rage can be fun like that.
All this to say - there's no limit I can think of to how I would go to bat for you, baby.
I gotta cut this short - it's late, and I would give anything to have you in my bed between our girl and me.
39 hours.
Day 3. Daisy had to hold me back while we were forced to watch that damn auction. You looked worse than yesterday. And Ollie - Daisy had to physically block me from running to him when I heard him scream for you. Neither of you are ever going back there. Not for one of these stupid trips, and definitely not for real. I don't care if I have to find a way to smuggle us all to some commune beyond the system's reach. It's not happening.
Speaking of - what are you looking to do after we get out of here? I always thought I would wind up running my dad's business, but when he passed away, I had to pivot. I couldn't do that and come here. His old supervisors have taken over, and while I'm cool with being part of the big decisions, I don't think I want to run it. I was thinking of trying to become a vet. I've always loved animals. It would be hard work, but I think it would be worth it to try. and the good thing about that is we don't have to be anywhere in particular. So if there's somewhere you want to go, or Daisy or (hopefully) Ollie, we can plan around that - because right now I can't see a future where you're not in it with me.
18 hours.
You'll be back in an hour. 60 minutes, and I can hold you again. Daisy and I have been losing our minds - but she's got everything set. I helped, I swear. I did the heavy lifting like laundry and all that.
Words can't describe how badly I need you back in my arms. How I need to see you and Daisy together, you and Ollie, to know this is real and not some dream. I know I'm jumping the gun, nothing is set in stone, but in my gut, this feels right, Nate. I'm not naive enough to think there won't be roadblocks or hard times. I just know this is worth it. We're worth it.
It hasn't even been half a year and I know I was meant to find you. There's no other explanation for how we just click. You're the reality check when I get too far ahead of myself. The brute strength when I can't summon my own. And I can't think of anything that would make me change my mind about you.
47 minutes.
This is crazy. It's sudden and wonderful and scary. I have to say this though, before I absolutely lose my mind. There's no pressure to say it back, because I want you to be sure if you ever say the words to me. But you need to know this.
I love you, Nate Mantle.
23 minutes.
See you soon, baby.
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shrimplymoray · 1 year
TENA TENA TENA TENA can u write an eri x cody drabble where cody smiles at eri genuinely for the first time (and maybe praises her a lil) EHEHEHEHE thank you 🤭🥹🥹🫶🫶🫶🫶
Yes yes yes yes I will write them being cute and fluffy and everything, they are my entire world I love them I will kiss them on the forehead goodnight and bring cookies to them.
Genuine - Eri x Cody
The day started as noisy as ever on the manor. Creeps walking from side to side, doing their businesses. But a certain someone gets her spotlight in between them, with her very pink and girlie clothes, which if you squint hard enough and maybe close one it would sorta resemble what it should be: lab clothes. Eri made her way, with a pile of papers, to her "oh so lovely" Sir Cody. Her gas mask having a pink undertone and cute heart filters around her face, and her goggles being very impractical with their heart shape but when does she actually uses it? It destroys her makeup, damn it! She entered quickly the lab, receiving a groan of annoyance in return
"So sorry Sir Cody for getting late, I didn't remember if it was pink bow day, or white bow day, oopsies!" She did her apologies, but with a way too cheerful tone for Cody's liking.
"Did you at least bring the right papers this time around?"
"Yes they are right here!"
She run to the big office table that Cody did his reports, but misplaced her foot and fell, getting the papers all around
"Uhm... Teehee, I'll guess I'll have to clean up" she put her index finger on her cheek, giving a very... Anime girl style apologetic smile.
"Ugh... I hate my job sometimes... At least I can perform my test on you without you squirming around."
Eri was quick to pick the papers... To the best of her abilities, with acrilic nails so long, it was difficult, but she managed in the end.
Cody, though, was not on his best today. Maybe that helped worse his annoyance. He had a mad headache from overworking, and is now working solely on caffeine to function. Due to Eri's shenanigans, he had to rework his reports twice now, and he is getting tires pretty fast of her bullshit.
"Sir Cody Sir Cody!! The papers on your table! Do you want something to eat? Some water maybe? Or maybe you could use a nap?"
He... Didn't want to admit, but he really needed to sleep... After his reports, that is. His sleep deprivation started to make him have weird thoughts, for him at least. He never noticed how the pink Bimbo always tried to make him take more care of himself. Sure, EJ did that too before, and Toby tried, but it didn't have as much effect as her insistent way of doing it. He may be treating her a bit too badly, recently. It's not exactly HER fault she is a dumbass who doesn't know anything remotely related to how to act inside a lab, maybe she was homeschooled? Anyway, he maybe... Maybe should try being nice to her for once.
"Hey, Eri..."
"Yes Sir Cody, right at your way!!" She exclaimed with a big smile.
"no need to. Just... Thank you for taking care of me when I don't do it." He took his gas mask off, turning to look at her with a soft smile. Eri thought her heart would explode from that, and she, for the first time, was lost for words.
He... Never smiled at her. I mean, not like this at least... His sweet smile is so precious to her that she thought she would start crying.
"And... And I guess you are not so bad... You can actually be entertaining when you aren't a human hazard."
Tears were streaming down Eri's face after the closest to a praise he has ever given her. She run after him, to hug him, and she did reach him, but she hit her head on his microscope, which was way too tall for her.
"Mr Codyyy... I am the happiest girl on earth and moon and stars for being with you! Thank you so much for never pushing me away!" His sweet smile turned into a deadpanned face. That is literally all he does to her, everytime. But he noticed her head was with a cut from the sharp edge, and her forehead was bleading.
"Sure... Now go WALKING and sit on your chair so I can clean the blood"
"What blood?"
He groaned just like when she first came into the lab. It was gonna be a looooooong day...
I got a bit carried away with dialogue, you know I love then just... So much... They are just the silly little goobers. The yippies.
Hope you enjoy it!!
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unhingedselfships · 1 year
Kimi goes to a party without making sure anyone was available as a safety net, things go badly
(CW : sexual assault (off screen, referenced), spiked drinks/involuntary drug use)
Kenshi had called to tell her he'd be back in Tokyo in a couple days, that business was almost wrapped up, and she'd impulsively told him to stay.
She'd had to back track quickly to explain that she just meant that she'd come up to him, rather than that she didn't want to see him.
"I want you to show me around, that's all. I bet there's a lot to see. And I haven't gotten to explore Sapporo, much less the rest of Hokkaido, as much as I'd like. Is that ok?"
He'd agreed and she was meant to be flying up on Saturday.
She did know a few of her friends she rarely got to see were in the area, so instead she booked a flight for Friday afternoon. She'd hit a few clubs, crawl her way back to Kenshi's place, and they'd have all of Saturday until whenever she went back to Tokyo.
Unfortunately, somewhere along the way, things went wrong.
Her friends were great, until some other people they knew showed up. And things got… uncomfortable. They knew who she was, it wasn't exactly secret. And seemed a little too interested in the fact.
She'd texted Kenshi.
KW : Are you awake?
And a moment later
KW : Can you come get me?
But no answer.
One, two, three calls across the next hour. 
She hoped he was ok. 
Slipping back into her seat, she threw back the rest of her drink.
Surely it'd be fine. She'd be fine.
The wooziness, the way the world spun, told her she was wrong.
Everything after that was a blur, until it faded into nothing.
Later, she'd be kind of glad she couldn't remember.
"What do you mean you don't remember?"
She blinked at him, looking up from the release paperwork they had her filling out. She'd been thoroughly checked out and advised on what to do. Had a handful of scripts to pick up. 
tried very hard not to think about what that one specific one was for
"I mean, drugs tend to do that? Well. Some of them. Not that I knew I was going to be taking anything but-" she trailed off, before shooting a smile at him, forced and terribly fake, "Well shit happens right? My fault for being careless and stupid."
the good news is that the tearing is minimal
The examining doctor's words echoed in her head and she focused on breathing.
No one needed to know the details.
No one needed to know what happened.
She was going to be fine.
She was.
but we are still worried about the risk of infection and possibility of transmittable diseases
At least she was here, with Kenshi. He didn't want- Well. She wouldn't have to explain why she was saying "no" to him.
"What do you mean you didn't know? And what drugs? Kimberly-"
"I didn't plan on taking anything ok! It just happened," that made it sound like just a bad decision, right? "And I don't know. They'll tell me what it was when the bloodwork’s been ran I guess."
"You don't know? Are you stu-"
A half hysterical laugh cut him off, "Stupid? Yes. Very. You know this. Can we go? I'm done."
and of course there is the risk of potential conception 
She handed the papers to the woman at the desk with a forced smile, and the woman smiled back at her in sympathetic commiseration. 
Some things, well. You could just tell. Privacy laws be damned. Call it intuition if you must.
Kenshi kept side eyeing her, and the way she limped just so. She couldn't quite hide it entirely, despite her best efforts.
you should consider filing a report
"Just a little sprain, love," and she'd smiled at him, the lie falling a little too easily.
He hummed but seemed to accept that answer. 
"We'll swing by the pharmacy and get you home and off it then."
"Thanks, Kenshi. Really. I appreciate it."
He'd helped her into the car, and when they got to the pharmacy she knew he was irritated with her insistence on getting her prescriptions herself. 
"I'll be right back out, it's fine."
But well, pushing her was not the best thing right now and she knew he knew it, so with a bit of grumbling from him, she was in and back out on her own and they went home.
Picking her way slowly through the manor, the full brunt of exhaustion was starting to hit her. Tossing the bag of medications to the side, she made her way into a bathroom.
It hadn’t hurt this much to pee since she’d had Kichi. She tried not to cry, she’d done enough of that already. And she really didn’t want to let on how bad things actually were. 
With a shuddering breath she eased her way back out and into the room Kenshi insisted on settling her in, freezing as she spotted him.
He was so terribly still, a box she hadn't wanted to think about, about what it was for and what it meant, in his hands.
"Just a little sprain, was it, Kimberly?" his face was blank as he turned his head to look at her.
Swallowing hard, and lip trembling, she choked out a near silent "sorry" before her knees buckled and she dropped.
Everything she'd buried until that moment clawed its way up her chest and out her throat, great heaving sobs, as she broke.
She curled in on herself, trying to be as small as she could. Maybe if she curled tight enough she could disappear entirely. 
To go away and not hurt anymore.
"Alright alright, that's enough," as he tried to scoop her up off the floor, "let's at least make it to the couch, hmm sweetheart?"
It took effort but they got her moved and curled under the blankets in the pillow nest he'd built for her. 
"There. Now. Anything else I can get you?"
He seemed uncomfortable. He wasn't good at the nurturing thing like she was but well.
She needed him. He'd try his best.
Chewing her lip he saw when she withdrew, held herself back.
"None of that, tell me."
Sighing she finally met his eyes, "Would- um. Would you make me a grilled cheese? And 'mato soup?"
He blinked and sighed fondly. 
"Yeah sweetheart, I can do that. I'll keep my phone on me, call if you need anything alright?"
She hummed an affirmative and curled down into the bundle of throws and pillows. 
The thoughts, what vague sensation memory held, kept circling, and she needed a distraction. She couldn't focus enough to read. So she sang. Soft. No particular genre or mood. Just focusing on remembering words and tunes. 
She didn't know how long had passed, how many songs she went through. Couldn't be that many. Grilled cheese was pretty quick.
Still, it was long enough for her attempt to lose effectiveness.
Shifting slowly she grabbed the pharmacy bag and sorted through everything she'd been given. Most needed to be taken with food, so it was good that it was already on its way. 
Eventually she couldn't ignore the little box anymore. She tried not to think about the look the pharmacist had given her. Condemnation.
Like she'd chosen this.
Maybe it was her fault.
She shook, and wondered absently how such a tiny box could be so terrible.
Emergency contraceptive. Morning after pill. Plan B. 
Kenshi returned, unnoticed, and unheard over the keening, the soft whine she let out. 
His hands closed over hers and she jolted, looking up at him wide eyed, devastated.
"What if it doesn't work?"
"It will," his answer was firm.
"But if it doesn't?"
Pressing a soft kiss between her eyes, "We'll figure it out. Whatever you decide, sweetheart." 
He took the box from her hands and replaced it with a glass of cool water. Just under room temperature, the way she liked it.
Settling her up with a tray, and the comfort food she'd requested, "Eat, I'll get these sorted out."
Humming, she listened, slowly picking at the sandwich, cut into triangles the way she liked, soaking up the soup, slightly too peppered the way she loved, and when he handed her a handful of pills she obligingly took them. 
Setting the tray aside once she'd finished, he carefully caught her attention again.
"I have to pop up into my office for a bit. I won't be gone long, I'm just going to clear my schedule for the next week."
"You don't have t-"
"I'm going to. The weekend was mostly clear already, but I want to take a little longer than that anyway. I'm not going to leave you alone."
She sniffled, and let out a soft "ok" and he squeezed her hand as he rose.
"I'll be back soon."
She hummed and curled down into the nest, digging her phone out to find something mindless to do.
He slipped out of the room, and left her to her Pinterest or Reddit or whatever she was doing.
It had been maybe an hour, half of one perhaps, when the text came through.
DD : Don't go online, I'll do what I can to handle it
The text was odd, seemingly out of nowhere
DD : Phe is on her way
DD : Are you alright?
Did- Did they know?
She shot back a quick, I'm fine I love you, to her husband and promptly ignored his first text.
It didn't take her long to regret not heeding his warning.
As much as Kadokura Kenshi liked to present himself as a heartless bastard who didn't care about anyone but himself, that image would have been summarily destroyed by how quickly he moved when he heard her wail.
He'd heard her cry, she did it all the time. But this? What had happened? Was she dying? Was it one of the kids?
He found her not quite where he'd left her, but on the floor nearby.
Curled, rocking, and sobbing.
This was- he wasn't sure what to do. He found himself floundering.
He looked her over as he strode across the room, looking for new injuries but she seemed fine.
Well, no worse anyway.
Hesitating only a moment, he reached for her, and she quickly threw herself into his arms, trembling and so… broken.
Her phone lay nearby, carelessly discarded, but he didn't dare let her go to reach for it.
She gasped to catch her breath, and choked out a quiet, wavering, "they recorded it" and a chill shot down his spine.
First order of business was getting his Kimi sorted and settled again. 
He had calls to make.
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castleofclouds · 2 years
7 Days A Week.
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Genre ; fluff, friendship, humor
Warnings ; Has a lot like a lot of lame joke or overused and a spice of swearing, badly written story, ignore the cursing.
Summary ; Do You ever? just ever once thought how it would be If you befriended 7 different people with 7 different personalities? Pretty sure it will be fun! So here is how the story of YOU and THEM as a bestie for life, basically how F.R.I.E.N.D would be if its including you and them in it, Enjoy this weird and odd life of you.
Part 4 ; Changes.
How you can put this into words?
One way to describe is probably, changes.
You hate changes, but not as much as pineapple pizza but it's a whole different cases.
This one are not so bad..
Who are you lying to?
It is bad, you see them as a little kids, your normal not so normal actually friends, are starting to look a bit different, are you on your puberty? Why do you start to feel sentimental?
That day is the same like any other day, another day of Renjun talking about alien conspiracy, and Jaemin babying Jisung just like any other day, Mark just chillin at the back of the room, Jeno with his eye smile smiling from ear to ear hearing Chenle gossip.
Well what's different?
It's Haechan, he seems different.
He would always joke and tease Renjun out of nowhere, constantly hugging Jisung and even shared some funny stories for Chenle to laugh.
He doesn't do any of that, oddly.
He just there.
Looking out of the windows, very sentimental you think? Yeah it is, but the only problem is that, it's Haechan, he would do it to get attention but today is different he didn't care at all if people giving him attention or not he's just busy staring at the blue skies out there with their cute white cloud.
You as a friend must fix this!
“Heyy.. Whatcha doin?” You ask sneakily with your awkward posture and facial expressions.
He laughed at that, he knows you well, 13 years of friendship he knows what you were thinking.
“I'm fine yn, you don't have to worry about me!” He sounds sincere, knowing you wouldn't believe that he made a finger crossed.
“But.. Why are you just sitting there and watch, it's so not like youu..” You whine like a kid.
“Come here, sit next to me,” He asked you, you without a doubt sit next to him.
“You do know that I'm an extrovert right?” He started the conversation.
“You know damn well yeah! You are the most extroverted person I've ever known!” You answered excitedly.
He smiles.
“Welp guess who's the introvert now?”
“Me! I just test my MBTI and it's changed haha,” He laughed about it even though it's not so funny you laughed about it.
Then the information starts to fill your brain.
If the most extroverted the life of the party and most fun person ever exist suddenly turn into this introverted person and more calmer where's the extrovert person you know??
You are in disbelief.
Since then Haechan had been different, he would dodge all kinds of social gatherings even the most famous party where he usually attends, or those time where he prefers to stay home than going out with the seven of you.
He seems wiser and calm, you love this side of him, but you missed the old funny and teasing Haechan you know.
Not only you who saw this, your friends to! Jeno who usually tell Haechan to calm a little bit can't believe how quiet Haechan is.
So that day the seven of you made a plan, the name of the plans called.
How to turn Haechan back plan.
Yeah it's sounds stupid, but that's how you and your friends like to called it.
To make this plans worked the seven of you must visited Haechan house.
His house are actually quite bigger he had a really big mansion with a water fall in front of his house.
He's in his normal look but it's seemed so earth tone, the Haechan you guys recognize are this very wild and love all darker color outfit.
“Hi Chan!” You greeted him.
“Hi Yn, what's bought you all here? Want to study together?” He asked.
THAT is a whole different Haechan, Haechan you know would never asked for study thingy, in fact he never study unless he wants or bored, he's the type of students who says they don't study but always get the perfect score.
Why do he needs to bother to have study date or such?
“Hey channie, soo we been thinking how about we do slumber party today?” asked Mark while giving signals to the others the boy are in a deep thoughts about it.
“Idk guys, lately I have a lot of projects to do, and assignments! Ugh I can't seem to not doing it.” he reasoned, while making those sad faces.
Jaemin being his clingy self start clinging to Haechan, he put his hand behind haechan waist and start whispering.
“Why don't you just do it? We'll help you with assignment, okey? Please just once.” and then he gives those really big doe eyes, Jeno start nudging renjun who is standing right next to him.
Haechan who is a softy just nod and start clinging back.
Jisung checking one part of the plan, Haechan start acting like usual at the slumber party he even start talking more loudly later.
“Haechan,” called Chenle, the boy are getting his attention back to the dolphin guy.
“How about we play simon says?” he asked smiling widely, Jisung nodding his head on excitement, everyone are focusing on haechan.
“Hmm.. Sure why not?”
“Simon says, touch your nose!” Jeno shouts on top of his lungs everyone are laughing especially Haechan.
It looks like he's back to his usual self, but when the clock hits 8 PM he started to feel panicked.
“I need to work on my assignment guys, gotta go.”
“Come on why are you so hurry? Tomorrow we don't have any class the lecture who is supposed to be teaching cannot attend.” Renjun talked making the boy calmed a bit.
“Btw why are you so different lately Haechan?” my question somehow make him startled.
“What's different about me though?” he asked.
“Hello? You've been ignoring us for quite sometimes, and even seen quite quiet lately.” Jeno finally giving his thoughts.
The aftermath are just Haechan just rolling on the floor laughing.
“What? So you guys thought I'm changing or what? Sweetheart, just because my MBTI are turning into introvert shit, it's not always correct tho, I can be extrovert and introvert from time to time, I'm not going to be a quiet kids at the back of the class out of nowhere, even if I would, I would tell you guys the reason for it, I'm not turning into an antisocial otaku I can assure you that.” he explained, everyone are sighing in relief.
Other than Jisung who seems to feel offended.
“I'm not trying to offend you Jie.” Haechan continuous making Jisung stop sulking.
“Then why always turn down any of our invitation? Genuinely ask.” Renjun opened his mouth again.
Haechan just giggle as respond.
“I'm actually trying to be a gamer lately, I found this very fun games on app store now I can't stop playing it.” he said again.
“I'm still confused about why are you suddenly love to studying tho.” Jisung comment make haechan sigh.
“Lately I heard my scored isn't that high so of course I want to be better at it.” he finally gives his actual reasons. Everyone are silent for a moment before laughing loudly.
“Dudeee I thought you are in some trouble or shit we worry for nothing.” Mark spits out.
“Welp at least we know who is trying to be a pro gamer lately, admit it you want to be a gamer just like me!” Chenle bragging about his game skill of course it's tingling Haechan competitive ass he started bragging as respond.
“Can I join?” Jisung opened his mouth, everyone is awwe-ing the moment, Renjun laughing and hugging Jisung from beside.
“Why are you so cutee?” Renjun states, Jaemin next to him side eyeing for a moment.
“What is this? Why are you suddenly so close to my son?” Jaemin satire caught Renjun attention.
“Welp he's my son to from now on!” Renjun exclaimed.
Jeno just watching everyone in peaceful, you as your usual self scooting over to him.
“So what do you think?” you asked the other party respond.
“I knew this would happen actually, Haechan wouldn't just just by one night, neither you or anybody at this place to be honest, we know each other too much so when this thing happened we started worrying, but that worry will turn to be a thin air since we don't need to be worried at all, everyone is changing, but I'm happy we got each other backs.” He muttering his thought you then proceeded to hug him.
He hugging you back getting everyone attention.
“What's this? Nobody telling me we have a hug session, I'm jealous of you to!” Jaemin came barging and hugging Jeno and you very tightly in the end the 8 of you had a really big hug session for solid 10 minutes untill Jisung stating that he needs to breath oxygen.
Well, things changing, you can expect everyone to stay the same, maturing is real and maybe Haechan went through that, in conclusion is that no matter how many things changes you still have them, they never leave your back, you basically stuck with them for the rest of your life, the question is would you stay with them?
Previous / Next.
A/N :
Wow, another long parts, how's everyone? It's been so long isn't it? Sorry if it tooks to long to update, college are such a pain in the a** really, so many assignments. Different than highschool tho.
Anyway I'm still new with tumblr updates seriously I either like it or not, I'm still deciding.
Anyway everyone have a nice day, if you still like this weird stories you can give feedback I love every each of them!
Tag ;
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Do you think Kisho apologized to you both even if you say this? Do you even know what he does at the time? Or are you going to be fine?
"Well, he did try to call us to the office but the other guards had to bring us. So, they were too scared to get near our cells." Yuji thinks about it but sighed to remember.
"However, he came to get us himself to take us to the office to...'Talk' Yuji said in quote.
"Listen, I know what I said was.....off but understand I Don't mean that in that sort of way. I never meant t..to.." Kisho was trying to speak to the prisoners but they were looking quiet while he speaks.
"I....I understand what I said seems like I am telling you two to just stop with this b..but..I was just trying to keep you safe." he simply said this but this made Yuji and Megumi blink with them remaining quiet.
"But officer Hashimoto, we thought you wanted us to be good. We were only trying to do what you asked." Yuji said simply with his eyes closed even if he was behaving and was fine. Though, he could tell even in this office it smelled heavily of a wet needy sub. Though, he wouldn't question it.
"......That's...I mean yes I'm glad you both are behaving and I do thank you both f..for keeping me safe over the last few hours......" he rubs the back of his head looking to the side. "It's just.."
"I....just....wanted to...protect myself and you both as well. It's nothing against you or anything..I was just..unsure." he said but he was sitting in the chair but thank goodness the desk covers the bulge in his pants. Seeing them in front of him right now was making him wet but he keeps a straight face.
"...I see." Yuji sighed but he looks quiet to his fingers intertwined with each other. "Well, we are sorry too Officer Hashimoto. We had no idea our activities have gotten you scared of us. We were just doing what most inmates would do. Seems we crossed a line. Didn't we Gumi?" he said as Megumi was quiet looking down at his lap but he knew he was feeling the same.
The burning heat in his own lower stomach. It ached so badly just like his cock wanting the claim the officer over and over. He was thinking about it while making him moan, scream, beg. It was a lot to take in but he couldn't. "Gumi?"
"Did you hear what I said?" he asked. "Or what Kisho said?"
"Megumi, are you going to be okay?" Kisho asked worried even if Megumi said nothing for a moment to close his eyes.
"..O..Oh...yes, I heard but I accept his apology so it's fine..." he mutters.
"Heh, see? All good between us. Now we don't have to worry about it now do we?" he said smiling to Kisho as he was quiet looking to the side but he was feeling his legs shaking. The ache was getting worse. And it's taking everything in his will power not to tackle one and make out with them. He wanted relief so fucking badly!
"I guess we should return to our Cell right Megumi?"
"Huh, you both wish to be sent back? So soon?"
"OF course. We know you are busy with work so it's fine right? We don't want to keep you." he said as Kisho said nothing but he only looks quiet to sigh.
"I.......U..Understood." He looks seeing the door open showing two officers that goes to take them back as Yuji and Megumi leave. However, Kisho looks quiet to only grip the chair but he looks quiet to be flushed. He didn't know he just came while his legs were shaking.
"But I'm sure he's fine..he's a strong man...." Yuji said smiling.
Later that night, In his own quarters, the loud sound of something wet being thrust inside only shows a weak heated Kisho laying on his bed. He was too dazed to stop his hand but he wanted some relief even for a second.
'It's...mmm...It's not enough..n..not enough. No matter if I use my fingers or the toys, it just comes back worse. I...I want t..them..I need them. Damn it why did I open my big m..mouth..I was just trying to do what was right...to keep them s..safe.' he thought still slamming the toy deep inside but he bit down on the pillow while grinding against it.
'It burns so much...aching..i..it's not even going d..down....why won't this ache go d..down? Please....please!!!' He whimpers to suddenly feel the tip of the toy hit his nerves again tensing up.
"MMMM!?" he shook sweating from the feeling but his pink glowing eyes were hidden before remembering what the two would do to him. How deep they would be. How rough they were. It always made him feel full even after but with this....it's like he's being punished.
"Mffffmmmm!!! MMMM!! Mfffmmmm nmmmmm!!!" He whimpers to bit down on the pillow more drooling on it, the toy was still deep inside but he was bucking his hips back against it.
'Even now..I..I can't..I don't know how long I can t..take this!!' he moans quickening the toy to hit deeper and harder. He adjusted himself still trying to get relief for a while but he lets the pillow go, moaning out lustfully in the room as he was drooling and crying. Slamming his hips down on the toy to feel it push even deeper. It made him twitch still bouncing on it as the bed creeks.
"Ahhhh...ahhhhh...F...Fushiguro s..sama....Itadori s..sama...f.fuck...fuck fuck..f..fuck...." he was still moaning out loudly before he arches his back once more. "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!"
'I'm gonna c..cum...I'm gonna cum!!!!' he screams in his thoughts only to bit down on his bottom lip cumming suddenly. He felt some hit his chest and caused his hips to buck as he panted laying back. He shook falling on the bed but was shaking to look up with his eyes rolled in the back of his head.
'I...I'm going crazy..this is....I.......I'm going crazy....'
"Though, I think our little bird is having a bit of trouble but he's fine. I know he is but....It makes me wonder how long he can hold on. I know Megumi is feeling a little..under himself." He said seeing Megumi laying down but he was flushed trying to calm down but he grips the pillow even if he was reaching a hand down. He needed some relief. Anything to ease the burning away. He wanted Kisho or Yuji but that's when he was about to slip his hand down to do that-
"No no no Megumi. Remember your being punished just as much as he is." Yuji held his wrist as he pulls it out but looks to his fingers. Some pre-cum was seen that he licks it off two fingers seeing Megumi blush.
"Besides, this game is pretty fun...don't you think?"
"....You seriously think this is fun? It's..t..torture. How long do we have t..to be punished like this? I-"
"You said you and him can last right? I don't know about our little bird but you said you would be fine. Unless your giving up?" he asked but Megumi said nothing to shake. He sees Yuji look down at him with a hungry look in his eyes that he got excited himself.
"I..I'm fine. I can...l..last..it's fine." he said only for him to smile to lower his wrist. 'Good pup..' he whispered against Megumi's neck before looking at the anon.
"As for the little bird..I'm wondering how he's dealing with this himself?" he smiled. "But I'm sure he's...okay. But I hope that answered your question."
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Just what the healer ordered
Summary: Anders notices something is wrong with Avery. Luckily for him, he's just the man to help her.
It wasn't hard to miss that day.
"Damn, Hawke, you knocked his head clear across the field."
"Would've gotten it over the mountain if I'd have swung right. You gotta angle it just so..."
Avery wasn't riding on Moses' shoulders that day - he was off doing something with the other half of the party. Instead, she was on the ground, walking alongside Varric and giving him her side of the gory details of their latest fight. She was laughing, grinning as she pantomimed her head removing,  but then she stopped.
She winced.
She is in pain.
Anders didn't need Justice to tell him that, he could see it in how she was walking. Avery normally walked on her toes, even in heavy boots, and her gait was usually a lot more animated. Even accounting for the fact she was in full gear, she was a lot more subdued, as if making larger movements hurt.
She didn't look injured... but she was good at hiding her pain. He knew that from hanging around her.
"You have a special talent for gore, Hawke." Varric chuckled as he thumped her on the back - she let out a strangled noise in response and practically jumped. "Whoa... everything ok there?"
Avery's voice was strained as she attempted to rub at the place between her small shoulder blades - right along her spine if Anders was guessing right. "Yeah, just a little sore. I guess I need to stretch when I'm out of armor."
Her voice lifted as she nudged Varric forward. "If you loved me, you'd move faster so we could get back to Kirkwall quicker so I could get out of it."
The dwarf chuckled and playfully swatted her hand away, but Anders could see the concern in his eyes - it helped to be so tall. "You wound me, Hawke, I'm going at top speed over here. You should know from experience short legs can only do so much."
Avery's laugh carried over the Wounded Coast's crashing waves, but it was hard to ignore the pained expression she wore when Varric wasn't looking. It was brief, but it was there. No doubt it was bothering her badly as they made their way back to Kirkwall.
Lucky for her... he could handle that.
Hours later, Anders was back at his clinic.
Do you have everything ready?
"Yes, I think so." He frowned, glancing over his shoulder towards the door. "Where is she? I told her to meet me here once she got settled in."
Perhaps Leandra required something of her.
Maker, he hoped not. That would only make her mood worse.
Luckily, Anders didn't have to worry long. The door to the clinic opened and shut, followed by the near silent footsteps of his favorite warrior. When he turned to face her, he saw that Avery was out of armor. Just as he expected, her frame was tense and she looked rather stiff.
"What's up, Anders?" she cocked her head to the side - judging by the brief flicker of pain in her eyes, it must have hurt to do. "Usually once we get back you're busy with the clinic stuff."
He motioned for her to follow him to his examination table. "Just wanted to check something I noticed in the field."
At least he had the sense to glance away as she used the step stool he provided for children to vault her way onto the table. Avery wasn't sensitive about her height usually, but this wasn't the everyday situation.
"Noticed what?"
He reached out his hand, placing it on her back in between her shoulder blades. Anders didn't even need magic to feel just how tight her back muscles were. There was carrying tension, and then there was this. It was a miracle she wasn't vibrating from how much stress her muscles were under.
"How badly does your back hurt, Avery?"
She winced - he expected that. "It's nothing, I'm-"
That was when the healing magic tingled at his finger, releasing a point of tension. Avery's protest turned into a quiet moan as the pain and relief rushed together. He was a fan of that sound, even more when it helped her sit a little easier. It was worth the relief to get a dirty look from her once she recovered.
"That was a dirty trick, Anders."
She's right, it was.
He got the sense Justice didn't mind, especially when it came to that noise...
"Only way I could convince you to let me help." He motioned to the table. "Lay face down, please."
Avery didn't. Or at least, not immediately. She grumbled, but then gave up. Color still rushed to Anders' cheeks though as he watched her grasp her shirt by the hem and lift it over her head. Shirtless, she then sighed and laid on her stomach on the table, propping her chin up on her arms.
"Figured I should at least help keep my shirt out of the way for this."
She has a very well defined abdominal structure.
Yes. Yes she did. Anders felt the heat in his face as he approached his patient, his large hands making her back look even tinier. Much to his surprise, she had pale freckling along her shoulder blades and back. More surprising was just how defined her back muscles were. He knew she was strong, but...
Damn. She was fit.
"Thank you, that does make things easier." He cleared his throat as he began to feel the worst of the tension. "Your back is an utter mess, you know that, right?"
Avery snorted as she managed a nod - that brought another wince. He added checking her neck muscles out too - no doubt they were just as tense. "So I've been told. You mean to tell me Leandra was right about the whole posture thing when  was a kid?"
Anders found himself chuckling as his hand traveled along the bumps of her spine - she needed to eat more. "Unfortunately, yes. Posture is important, especially when you're fighting as much as you do."
His hands glowed softly as he activated his healing magic, watching as the glow trickled across Avery's pale skin. Down below, she quieted and settled in as he began to rub at the soreness in her back. Even without his magic, he would've known how tense she was. Her entire back was a mess of knots and unresolved tension.
So much for stretching.
"You using the spirit stuff or the regular shit?" Avery's voice was quiet, half muffled by her arms as he continued to work. "It feels different."
Anders paused mid rub. "I didn't realize you could tell the difference."
"Tingles differently. Regular shit stops at a certain level, this one goes different." Avery winced as he worked out a knot between her shoulders, but then relaxed. "I might not be a mage, but I get hurt enough to know the difference. Besides, Bethany used to practice on me when I got hurt. Her stuff felt different than yours."
It was a rare thing for her to mention her sister these days - Anders knew that all too well. The other Hawke sister was still in the Circle, though Avery was doing her best to figure a way to get her out. Maybe that was why she was so concerned with helping him - she was a vocal supporter of the mage underground.
It may have been selfish, but he was glad for her help.
"You're right, though, it is the spiritual magic." Anders kept rubbing, feeling her muscles relax under his hands. "Justice was worried about you too."
Avery chuckled softly as she leaned into the touch. "Sorry to worry you, Justice. I promise I'm keeping it more or less in one piece over here."
That is not encouraging.
Anders found himself chuckling at that. "It's as good as you're going to get, Justice."
Avery made a confused noise at that - he had been around her enough to know what it meant - so he added, "Justice didn't find much comfort in your words I'm afraid. They've come to know you a little too well."
And he leaned heavily on 'know' in the Chantry sense of the word. He might not have been conscious for it, but he definitely got the feeling whatever was between half-elf and spirit was... definitely something. If only the Wardens at Vigil's Keep could see Justice now... well, there'd probably be jokes about going from one warrior's body to another.
Maybe he was glad he couldn't see it. Mahariel and Tabris had truly terrible senses of humor, and it got even worse when they were in the same room. Maker forbid Oghren or Sigrun added their two sovereigns...
"Well, can't help you there, Justice." Avery chuckled softly as she went back to resting on her arms. "I'm doing the best I can with what I got, my dude."
Justice felt warm in Anders' mind for a moment - the spirit was fond of that term. Why, he had no clue, but maybe it was like a pet name at that point? He wasn't going to ask too many questions - the whole thing was still kind of weird for him. But as long as Justice didn't turn into Vengeance, they'd be fine.
"Your shoulders are feeling much better." He gave them one last rub - she sighed underneath him. I'm going to start working on your neck now, you felt really tight there."
Anders moved up to begin the work there, but he frowned. Avery's ponytail was in the way, much to the detriment of his work. He shook his head and did his best to move it out of the way, but as it turned out the warrior had pretty thick hair. It just went right back to where it always was, as if to mock him.
"Avery, could you put your hair in a bun or something? I need access to your neck."
Below, he watched as the tips of Avery's pointed ears turned pink. She muttered something, but it was muffled by her arms. Then her ears turned even redder.
Anders cocked his eyebrow at that. "I'm sorry?"
"I don't know how to do that." Avery finally spat it out, ears lowering. "Moses hasn't taught me yet because it just got long enough for a ponytail."
The mage blinked. "I can teach you later if you want, but for right now I can handle it."
"Thanks." Her ears were still red, but at least she wasn't fighting him. Instead, Anders shook his head as he motioned for her to sit up. He ignored the fact her legs dangled from the table like some of his... ahem... younger patients... and instead focused on working the ribbon from her ponytail.
It is getting long.
It was. Avery's shoulders were completely covered by the somewhat messy copper-brown locks. He was honestly surprised he hadn't noticed - then again, she never made much of a deal about her appearance. That was more her brother's area of expertise, which she was usually fine with.
"Your hair's gotten long." He watched her body tense - shit. "It looks nice down."
Her shoulders relaxed, but the tips of her ears turned pink. "Moses has been helping out... you know I'm shit at that kind of thing. It's the first time it's been long enough to tie back, so you know I'm fucking it up probably."
Anders shook his head as he started to pull her hair into a bun to keep it out of his way - it was surprisingly soft for someone who got covered in blood a lot. And her hair was wavy too - not sure how he had missed that. Maybe it was the whole demon in battle thing distracting him.
"You're a beginner, it's ok you don't know how yet." He finished the bun, using her ribbon to secure it. Now her neck was free to access. "Alright, just relax. You have a lot of knots in your neck."
Avery gave a weak nod as she laid back down, chin on her arms. Anders' hands glowed as he started to apply the healing magic to the sore, tight muscles that made up her neck. Down below, his patient winced, but she never reared up in the classic reaver way. Instead, she stayed down.
"We can take a break if you're close to your reaver activation point."
She shook her head - and winced. He must have upset the delicate balance. "I got a ways to go. As long as it doesn't hurt too badly, I should be fine."
"Let me know just in case, you're a lot stronger than me when you're like that and I don't want to wind up slammed into a wall." He paused at that. "You're a lot stronger than Warden Tabris too, actually."
"Moses thinks it's cause I drank way more than I should've." She shrugged - another wince. "You were there, wasn't like I had a recipe. I just chugged the shit and tried not to die."
Yes - he was still trying to forget that. The sight of Avery, covered in blood and convulsing, wasn't exactly pleasant. She was honestly lucky to be alive based on what they guessed she had drank. Warden Tabris had gone for a quarter of that, and he had over a foot of height and a lot of weight on her.
No wonder she was a little... off to say the least.
"I would hope that's the last time you do that." He shook his head as he continued to work on her neck. Slowly, it was beginning to loosen. He could still feel problem areas, but they were becoming manageable with the combination of his hands and healing magic. Not only that, but Avery was wincing far less, and she was growing still.
"Just a bit more, and then we'll be done."
Avery didn't answer. Confused, Anders stopped rubbing and moved to where he would find her face. Much to his surprise, her eyes were closed and her breathing was slow. Somehow, even with the pain, she had managed to fall asleep while he was working on her.
She must have been exhausted. Look at the dark marks under her eyes.
Justice was right - Avery definitely hadn't been sleeping well as of late if the dark circles were anything to go by. It was a side effect of the reaver specialization, or so Tabris had told him when he had asked. Avery usually worked at night - so she definitely wasn't getting as much rest.
He frowned at that. "Maybe I should figure out something to help her sleep."
"'m fine..." Avery's eyes fluttered open as she yawned. It must have been a cat nap. "Guess I dozed off."
She sat up, rubbing the back of her neck. "Shit, that feels amazing."
Anders smiled at her reaction as he watched her flex her muscles. "You were carrying an insane amount of tension, Avery. Do you even stretch?"
Probably not - warriors, especially self-trained ones like the half-elf, usually neglected it.
"Only when I need to get something off a high shelf." She chuckled, reaching for her shirt. "But seriously, you're a miracle worker. I haven't felt this good in ages."
With that, she pulled her shirt over her head. As she did, it loosed the tie from her hair and caused it to fall back around her shoulders in a messy spray. For once, she didn't go to immediately tie it back - instead, she just brushed some of it behind one of her pointed ears in a surprisingly subtle gesture.
Avery Hawke was as subtle as a mace to the head, to put it bluntly.
"Thanks, Anders. I guess we should do this more often." She paused, glancing over at him. Her expression was unreadable in the moment, and Justice was on the same page judging by the haze of confusion that washed over their shared body. What was she planning?
"Not a p-" his words were cut off as she leaned up and gently planted a kiss on his lips. Usually, when they kissed it was a lot more energetic - and sometimes it involved her sharp teeth. There was none of this there - it was downright tender. Anders' arms went around her small waist without thinking, pulling her close.
She smelled nice.
After a while, she broke the kiss, smiling rather sheepishly as she backed up. "Sorry... guess the whole touching thing put me in a weird headspace."
I do not see a need for an apology for that.
Neither did Anders.
"No complaints here from either of us." He reached over, brushing hair from her forehead and back behind her ear. "Feel free to repeat it sometime."
She chuckled, but her cheeks turned a pleasant pink. "Eh, not really my style, you know? I'm all bluster and high energy."
But still, she was smiling as she hopped off the table and landed. "I gotta get home. See you later, Anders, Justice."
With that, Avery grabbed her ribbon and left the clinic behind. At least she closed the door behind her - and then he listened as her footsteps disappeared. No doubt she was climbing the stairs that would take her back to her house as he stayed there, standing as if frozen in place.
She is... an odd one.
"You can say that again, Justice."
She is an odd one. But... a good odd one.
Coming from Justice, that was high praise. Anders was going to remember that kiss and how Avery looked as he began to straighten up his examination room for whenever the next patient arrived. It would definitely get him through some bad nights when the ghost of the archdemon gnawed at his bones.
She was right - they would need to do that more often. He was looking forward to the next time to say the least.
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
They are letting people off of private jobs too and they really have to a lot of them interact with the government jobs and they need to get them hell out of there it's the same damn people and it's gross. They are acquiring the businesses they have acquired a lot of them and there's only a few that can't get to yet and soon they will. Right now they want people out of the food industry you completely and it's a tough equation it has to be looked at every day the testing is sampling every day and it's horrible it takes a while and they don't want these assholes out there.
*JCPenney there's not many people that work there he says it's already a nightmare you can't find anybody they have like four people or less they want to fire one person you know and no they have 20 people that work there and nobody ever shows up and they're collecting paychecks and they're going to fire people that don't show up it's horrible they're a bunch of assholes too to the people that work and it was coming and someone said he's interested cuz we're trying to help him they keep ordering s*** and leaving and trying to get us mad and f*** them they're a bunch of morons you have to have a life but if you have a life and there's they suck there's no way to go we don't have anything we have no ships and it suck and what's wrong with them so they did some testing another kind of stupid it might be zombies
*Dillard's and bells and other stores in the South here they're in Florida but really right there in the mall and there's other places like Target and even Walmart they're going to lay off the half the people because they don't show up and if they do they're in and out she disturb our son when he goes there and they're going to get arrested every time he goes somewhere and they really showed their stupid pukes
*it says to make two good you're doing the job but really this took forever and people will poop it all over him and these idiots were encouraged a little bit by you guys but I know it's like to live near them and they think they have the balls and they're just dumb I don't know what to tell you I'm very young I don't care for all the stupid s*** and you put me in the hospital and I resent it a very badly very much presented place and Bob Mars went there and she sympathized with me and it's funny you guys didn't like it and reported it and I guess Thomas and Connor started to try and get me out and it's a tragedy he said this place he's stuck in too right down the hall kind of helps out because he was stuck there too for real I mean nobody wants to be there and his mumbling he's got a catheter and they're treating him bad so one day one day they're like room service and they found a weapon and Mike's like so and it was his pain like bayonet saber solid steel and it's a message and it was heard and it's still in back off and now they're going to be dead and sex to them that they don't want to follow orders and be bigger they blow they're morons I'm tired of talking to them they never respond ....so they're firing people from private companies. A lot of them but these companies are really big this is Walmart and really all the department stores and clothing stores out here and sneakers specialty anyway that people actually go and yeah we're tired of their s***** little Piggly s*** stores that don't do anything I'm sending stuff and they're letting them go today and they're going to be out running around being huge assholes and it's not funny it is annoying and they think it's fun and that's what they do and they get arrested and I'll tell you this this pile of loser is cruising for a bruising and after time they won't be missed
*there's a bunch of them that are wearing helmets and it's not because they're stupid it's because they're injured okay they are stupid but there have been injured recently too and the trumpets do it too and they're dumb as hell so I hope everybody feels better now but really though so screw you you look really f****** stupid and you're rich and it's real money people going to kill you and that's an excuse we can use
*and there's a lot of people after you people and we're not going to put effort into stopping them
*other private companies that are firing tons of you today and yeah today into tonight our places that we have to go and others have to go and you're just screwing around with everybody there it looks disgusting you're like in a mental hospital you need to leave in these grocery stores and so help me God I think people are going to screw around with you out there in the West cuz you're so nasty they should really but here you're a huge assholes you don't belong working there you really don't you're trying to contaminate stuff he wrote that letter and it keeps going up higher and right now it's stuffed in the middle management level I can't seem to understand what it says and they'll keep pestering our son and also I got something from you idiots you just want to sit here and bother people you should know that you're being killed for doing it you're getting killed bothering our son very very often and fully some of you over and over you're gross disgusting pigs if you need to leave but you're going to be forced out by what's going on tonight and next week some of it's this weekend but not much unfortunately it should be firing people on the weekends beer delivery bartenders those jobs will be fought over and people like doing that just give a chance good night look at it fast food places too
*there's more and more happening here and it's going on now the jobs are there letting them go from are numerous and all over the place in Florida there's a lot of positions that are private that people do important stuff and they're firing them there's a lot of contractors who work for sewer stuff there's a lot of contractors who are linemen cable TV and Dot jobs that are subbed out huge huge numbers of jobs like that and they're going through the top people now and it won't take them long to figure out that a whole bunch you need to leave and there's going to be evacuations and you figure out you've been blacklisted like you did to them and you did to our son and yeah this is warlock you're a bunch of jackasses you're full and we know that it's cuz you're fools
*in addition to that type of job it's more public work than Parks and recreation and some of it is law enforcement there's a lot of that they're actually fire you from those positions today can't fire you it shouldn't and all this and they are and they plan to and the doing it now. These are a lot of jobs he's Park jobs there's a lot of parks here and they're laying them off and they didn't put them at stuff in there and they're getting rid of them on top of playing them off because they have to and more shortly
Thor Freya
There's a huge bout of layoffs then nothing for months if not I almost a year there's probably they're saying you're only 4 months and it's true they tried 4 months ago and nothing now they're trying again and it's hard going but the more or less have to because nothing is proceeding there's a lot of projects that are completely stalled out private and public all over Charlotte county and Florida you see jobs have been sitting there for a year or two but more some of them is horrible these people stink they reek of stupid they think they're going to sit there and cling to this job it's my job no one else can do it and really they are completely out there I mean they've got to be sick very sick they don't have a care in the world about stuff that nobody's coming here and they see a lot of different people new people but they run around changing their disguise and they're like this more on next door they're complete idiots
And that was Hera the last paragraph from this place is rancid it needs New Management and they're coming in and it's about time and yeah our son's pressured way too much we put a lot of effort in and he does it's just not enough for his massive pile of f****** a******
*in addition to the parts department in public works and county DOT type jobs and local Town DOT type jobs there's a huge number of jobs at schools and they're really all old and it sucks real bad and they don't want to do it hardly anybody goes there during the school day and nobody cares too you'll find like 30 people who are injured they want to start getting educated and they have a good time the teachers still work but for the most part nobody's really doing it they're putting it together a huge series of layoffs and that is going to be enacted today meeting paid go to the bathroom and they don't clean it up and they're laughing about it all day there's a there's a problem that ruins it for the people that wanted to heal and they're really zombie like and they need to be killed they're the ones running around our son all day long and we want them the hell out of here today I don't want to put up with this s*** anymore I don't want to see this thing in the window any of them I want them out but this is happening right now and the teachers are upset and you know it's a huge thing but you have to actually understand I don't want pressure from you either you're doing a job that's illegal these people have been through school hundreds of years ago no more than that what you doing is misrepresenting and trying to train them to capture it's just something that we don't support and you don't give us gruff because you're getting fired cuz you suck so bad and that's asking on s*** yeah it still is by the way still is still is well we'll throw you from the steeple okay after your heads cut off it's kind of the way we are but okay you know all about it right assassin's Creed and stuff so in addition to the teachers we have a couple more positions we'll get to in a moment
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
0 notes
ocean-anchored · 11 months
Dear future self... November 13, 23
I haven't written an actual update on things in a while now. I've been pretty mentally burnt out, especially emotionally with the whole Zack situation which I'm not going to touch on, so I thought I'd get another recap out. Work. Well things with Ed have still been going really well, we've downsized back down to just us two essentially as a team, things with Jordan didn't work out which is ok because he was tough to deal with and Orlando sometimes is in the background but wants to do his own thing. Ed still appreciates me hugely and encourages me a lot so things are still really great. Hoping our Funding might come through in the next week or two cause we could possibly go to Florida the last week of the month which would be awesome. GSU is kind of at a hold which has taken a lot of work off my plate. I'm in more meetings down which is great, keeps me busy but sometimes I wish I had a bit more work, but the flexibility is amazing, I really can't complain, he takes really good care of me. Things with Danny aren't good. I've been saying now for like 6 months that his company isn't going to last long, which still is true. I don't understand most of his business decisions, he's just so all over the place and brutally annoying and hard to deal with. He makes my life and work very very hard, always changing procedures etc and then micro managing when Chrystal & I have never been an issue in the 5-6 years we've been there. I already knew we shouldn't have gone into the meeting 3 weeks ago because he was in sour mood already, but I bit my tongue that meeting a lot, till he continued to push my buttons and nit pick everything so badly so I decided to comment on how he doesn't follow his own damn processes which resulted in him getting very angry and essentially raising his voice yelling at me and cut me off multiple times for the stupidest thing that also had no relevance because HE changed his stupid procedure 6 months before then. Anyways, I've been dodging him since, I guess we'll see if he ever apologizes, right now its just easy money for me to go in, do my work and leave so whatever. I finally met a new girl friend from Bumble, Sandra, last night for a drink and she's so sweet. I was super intimidated initially because shes's super pretty & would be labeled as one of those super hot fake looking girls which she's SO down to earth. We had so much more in common than I imagined, it was really wild talking about relationships, going to therapy, attachment styles, and what growing up in a narcassistic household was like. I don't think I've personally met anyone that has had a "worse" story than I have, people have always looked at me funny when I say things I dealt with growing up because no one could relate, but she definitely topped mine and it was baffling. She's really strong and knows her worth now which is incredible to see what she came from and who she was. She's really sweet and we had a great time so I'm really happy to be adding her to my circle, hopefully someone I can grow with over the years. It was mine & Ambers 1 year anniversary yesterday, she did remember which was nice as she's in Dominican right now. Man I just can't say enough how much I love that girl though, she's really my little soul mate. It's nice to have some other girls though cause sometimes I feel like she can't really relate to my relationship issues because she's been with Naythan forever, which is amazing but just sometimes hard for me to talk about with her so thats why it was so nice to connect with Sandra. Things are good with Sasha still as well, had a nice dinner out a week ago with her an Shruti & we're going to the grape escape this weekend together which should be fun. I definitely have got some really good girls around me that I'm really thankful for, our relationships are really growing and strengthening and I couldn't be more grateful.
0 notes
waterforlorn · 11 months
day three. october 9th. 9:02am (it's crossed out a bunch of times)
we've been making slow progress with driving. i think nico doesn't like it, but he's too stubborn to tell me and thinks he's got to like .. do it for me cause he's the one taking me out on this ...trip or whatever. i don't mind slow progress, i always enjoyed long drives, i always felt free on the road - always moving with no end in sight. yeah, it's a pretty good feeling actually. i almost forgot how much i enjoyed it.
i'll ask him later if he wants me to drive for a while, but he said he has some place in mind for today, so i'm .. letting him. as for emotions and thoughts. doing pretty well. a little restless, i guess, but what else is new. it's been a bit rough, but i'm holding on. i think nico's helping even though he isn't doing anything specific. but with him i feel .. calmer. it almost feels like i can control the urge.
not forever, though. i can feel it scratching inside me, begging to be released. i'm not giving up, though. not for now, not for a while i hope. i know my resolve is gonna falter at some point, but i hope that by then we'll be away from people so i can't hurt anybody. actually.. right now would be okay. it's just us on this long-ass fucking road for miles. although... i dunno if letting go's gonna fix the issue, never really did that, did it?
i remember that little fuckwad carter in school thinking that his height gave him the right to push other kids around. other kids being me. the little boy who always sat alone and not ONCE got to unpack lunch in school cause my mom never fucking MADE any for me. she didn't even think about it, or what it meant for me in school. cause kids notice these things. a kid coming to school with bruises, no lunch and second-hand clothes? pfffht. fuck her. took me a few weeks to get vengeance on him, but ... yeah, i'd do it again. but the voice never quite shut up, not for long. he had to get stitches when i was done with him. he never dared fucking touching me again.
but the calm lasted for like what? a day? it wasn't even always me looking for trouble. it always found me regardless. kind of a little like now, only that i signed up for it this time. fuck, no idea why i'm thinking about all that shit, or writing it down even. nobody's business but mine.
guess i'm just tired of fighting it. i do miss the army. every. single. day. sure, camp's ... fine and i wouldn't do much different if i got a second chance, but army was simple. do or die. fucking sarge johnson saved my life, i wonder what happened to him. wonder if he ever looked for me to see if i stuck to his program. i did. i am. mostly. i try. i can't just drop a mission mid-way for meditation, or lunch - or training, but i AM trying my best. i don't think nico realizes how bad it's looking inside me. i'm not sure how to tell him.
i suppose part of me is still hoping i won't have to. i also don't want him to feel guilty. it wasn't HIS fault he triggered it. it's my fault for being unable to fucking control myself. which only shows in how i keep hoping one of the cars passing us stops - or for someone to stop us. cops. anybody. how badly i want one of them to challenge me so i can let go. fuck. i've been fine for so long. why the fuck am i so restless lately? nico helps, but i can't rely on him for every minute of the damn day.
ugh anyway. emotions, thoughts. blah.
emotions... i'm annoyed at myself. thoughts? we've left the interstate and nico said we're taking a detour. wonder what he's up to, but he won't say. we're gonna sleep in some motel in minnesota tonight. safe to say i'm curious. no doubt it's gonna be something sappy. but i'm kinda waiting for it.
0 notes
minouyujis · 3 years
friday | new message from: y/n
y/n: i just got done having a breakdown ohmygodh
megumi: hello to you too
megumi: "girl"
y/n: i'm so sad they had no reasob to beat up jaden smith this badly in karate kid
megumi: you're watching a movie
y/n: yes
y/n: it's called karate kid
megumi: ...so i've been told
y/n: yeah its about a kid learning karate idk
megumi: i would have never guessed
y/n: ok anyways im so sad stop before i cryi again I CANT ALL HE WANTS IS TO HAVE A CRUSH on the violin girl
megumi: why do you type like that
y/n: it's impulsive pls 😭😭😭😭😭 I CANT HELP IT
megumi: i don't get it
megumi: i'm going to bed
megumi: goodnight
y/n: 🖕
monday | new message from: y/n
y/n: pls this is so boring
megumi: ....
y/n: what
megumi: why are you texting me... we're literally right next to each other...
y/n: um maybe bc we cant speak 🙄
megumi: ok
y/n: can we do like random trivia questions while we wait for this to end
megumi: ok
y/n: ok
y/n: whats ur fav color
megumi: i don't know if i have one to be exact
y/n: black?
megumi: kind of basic. it's just a color i feel fits best for me most of the time
y/n: ok so ur favorite color is black got it
megumi: i didn't say that.
y/n: next question
y/n: whats ur favorite music artist
megumi: do you mean who?
y/n: ok anyways i'm thinking ur like an alternative music listener person idk
megumi: sure
y/n: whats ur spirit animal
megumi: dog
y/n: so boring OH MY GOSH
y/n: i'm going to need u to step ur game up
megumi: these are literally getting to know a person questions and you're getting mad at me for giving you honest answers
y/n: maybe it u said something else i wouldn't be snoozing 😴
megumi: wouldn't that be lying about myself?
y/n: focus on ur work NOW
wednesday | new message from: megumi
megumi: HEY 🥺💝🤤🤪😍😵🤩🥰
y/n: what..
y/n: who kidnapped u omfg
megumi: what are u talking about bestie its me 🥺😍🤣🤣 LOL
y/n: hi yuuji
megumi: hi
megumi: nice convos u got up there ROFLLL
y/n: STOP LOOKING THROUGH OUR MESSAGES me and my associate have very private lives and would like to continue to keep it that way.
megumi: ok
megumi: wyd im bored
y/n: um first of all wheres megumi
megumi: sleeping LOL i saw his phone on the floor and just grabbed it
y/n: omg dont scroll too far 🙊
megumi: please don't ever text yuuji back if he manages to take my phone again
thursday | new message from: y/n
y/n: can you check to see if i left my phone charger in my room pls i cannot believe im back home without a charger
Megumi has read your message
y/n: ok
y/n: so is it in there
Megumi has read your message
y/n: this is feeling like us meeting for the first time all over again
Megumi has read your message
y/n: i will now take it upon myself to find someone more useful than u tyvm
friday | new message from: megumi
megumi: sorry for the late response, i was busy and left my phone on while you texted
Y/n has read your message
Y/n is typing...
y/n: ok then why didn't you text back after you WEREN'T busy
megumi: i was busy all day?
y/n: u don't sound so sure
megumi: i'm not going to do this with you
y/n: okay bye
megumi: alright
sunday | new message from: megumi
megumi: are you done being mad?
y/n: megumi
y/n: you... you double texted
megumi: ...
megumi: is it a crime? i don't get it
y/n: DID U MISS ME aww 🥺🙊
megumi: i'm just wondering if you're done being a crybaby over a charger
y/n: it's ok i'm coming back tomorrow anyways and we can go back to binge watching ur boring ass documentaries 😍
megumi: you're the one who asks me what i want to watch though
y/n: do u wanna watch
megumi: no thanks
y/n: um i didn't finish
megumi: i already know what you were going to say
y/n: what was it then huh u freak
megumi: some idiotic joke that nobody uses anymore from five years ago
y/n: deez nuts is a joke from 2013 pls take up on ur knowledge
megumi: my fault for not analyzing that joke as much as you do
y/n: u wanna know what u should analyze
megumi: what
y/n: ur dogs 😍
megumi: ....what
y/n: i tried to make it sound like a ur mom joke because i didn't wanna say ur mom if u didn't grow up with her
y/n: that would be so rude omg
Megumi has read your message
Megumi is typing...
megumi: that's kind of thoughtful coming from you
y/n: u wanna know what else is thoughtful
megumi: Stop.
monday | new message from: y/n
y/n: hey i miss you
megumi: yeah thanks
y/n: "i miss you too y/n 😍"
megumi: sure
y/n: wyd
megumi: waiting for you
y/n: wait u actually miss me?
megumi: i guess
y/n: ur such a softie megumi gumi gumi)):
megumi: are you almost here?
y/n: yesyesyes
y/n: do u wanna cuddle
megumi: sure
y/n: movie night?
megumi: yeah
y/n: OK OMG
y/n: im so excited ahh i missed u so much
megumi: me too
megumi: i got those candies you like
y/n: wtf
y/n: i love you ))::
Megumi has seen your message
Megumi is typing...
megumi: i love you toSkdjsjjddjndd
Megumi is typing...
megumi: ily
Megumi is typing...
megumi: i love you Hmdoskdfg oh my fucking god
Megumi is typing...
megumi: shut up
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