#I got serious about brushing after one of my back teeth fell out thats when I got SCARED
Everytime I draw somebody with stained teeth I feel like I need to add in the tags that I have really fucked up teeth to make it clear Im not being mean here. Like Im self referencing here I swear its not making fun of them or other people with fucked up teeth I am one of them. Its rep.
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zmayadw · 4 years
Hello :) 
It’s time for the next part :)
Thanks again to all who read it so far!
I woke up with the sun already out, making my eyes adjust to the light again. I checked the clock above doors. 9.45. Huh, nice, I tought, the nurse didnt lie when she said the pain meds would make me sleep better. I felt more rested today, but still pretty sore. I managed to get up and go to bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror -I looked like hell. I hoped Jessy would come today with my stuff, I needed some fixing up urgently. As I was leaving the bathroom, my phone beeped with new message. My heart jumped with excitement,only to see it was Jessy. „Hey hey, sleeping beauty, im sorry, you will have to manage without my awesomness today, but dont worry, i'm sending the next best person to keep you company! ;D Call you later ,kisses!“ I smiled as I layed back to bed. That sweet nurse from before entered my room smiling. „Good morning, hun, hope you slept well“. „I sure did, thanks.“ I replied, while she settled the food tray with breakfast on the stand. She helped me make myself comfortable in bed, and putted the tray in front of me, when a voice came from the door. „Doris! My favorite nurs!“ It was Dan, and Doris chuckled as Dan came over to the bed. „Oh my, hun, if I knew who your friend was, I would have brought you something stronger then this tea“ I laughed, while Dan made a gesture with his hands, stabing at his heart. „Awww, c'mon Doris, dont be so cruel, you know you like me!“ Doris just waved her head as she went for the door. „If this schmuck starts to bother you too much, you just yell hun.“  I smiled at her „Thanks Doris, I might just do that.“  Dan looked at me. „Is that a 'thank you' I get for coming here?“ he siad, being dramatic as Dans always is. I grinned „Ofcourse not! But its entertaining to see you all squirmy.“ „Tsk,tsk, sure, pick on poor Dan.“ He grabed a chair and sat next to the bed. „You look like shit, Maya.“  „Gee, thanks Dan, thats really what I wanted to hear.“ I said, even tho I knew he was right, I did look awful. „Hey, dont get mad at me, I just say it as it is! Luckily, Dan is here to the rescue..again.“ he said handing me my backpack. „ Jessy went through your stuff, and filled your pack with what she tought you might need the most. She said to text her later if theres anything else you need so she can bring it.“ „Thanks Dan.“ I said taking the backpack from him. „And I mean thanks, not just for this.“ Dan looked at me, and I could read a bit of worry on his face. He quickly tried to hide it „Hey, no need to thank me, I told you once before, if theres a damsel in distress, im here to help.“ „Damsel“ I snorted. „Doubt that a damsel would act so stupid as I did.“ I felt that awfull feeling of guilt taking over me again. „Look Maya, i'm really not the one to judge you here. Yes, what you did was Incredibly stupid, and lets be honest, you almost got yourself killed. When Lily called me and told me everything, I was so pissed at both of you, well you mostly, but also kinda excited that someone actualy took the matter into its own hands.“ I looked at him with awe, I didnt quite expect it. He continued „And frankly, I kinda expected something like this from you sooner or later, well at least the part of you coming to Duskwood. As I was running to my car, calling Thomas and filing him in on everything,I got really angry at you for not turning to me for help. You know I would help you no matter what, I told you that hundred of times before.“  „Yes Dan, I know you would.“ I said, even more of that guilt creeping in. „But you didnt! Then I tought, maybe afterall you didnt trust me enough as you said.“ „I did trust you, I do trust you Dan, you have to know that.“ Now even tears started forming in my eyes. „I know, Maya, its just how I felt at the time. And when I got to the mine, Thomas was already there, with this cop who was close by and responded to the call since I told Lily to inform that inspector guy. He said we should wait for backup, but stuborn as I am, I just rushed in, Thomas yelling after me, but I just kept running. Good thing they went after me, because God only knows what would happen if they didnt.“ I couldnt keep the tears anymore, and I just burst out crying. Dan got up from his chair, sat next to me on the bed, hugging me. „ As I said im not here to judge you, or make you fell more guilty. Heck, I might have done the same thing, or something worse. Things wer starting to get us really nowhere, and something happening was kinda of a kickoff for me. And im not mad at you any more Maya, just to get that out in the opet.“ „Thanks Dan, I really appriciate it.“ I barely managed through my tears. „Yeah,yeah, im awesom, I know.“ He grined at me, as i looked him with eyes full of tears. He huged me a bit tighter, and I rested my head on his shoulder. „You got me really freaking scared there in that mine, Maya. When I saw you like that..“ he paused.  „I cant say how much im sorry about all, Dan. I did more harm then good, and I betrayed all of you guys again.“ „Well, at the end, you did find Hannah, so im sure Thomas wont have that much of a grudge.“ He grined at me, handing me a tissue, wich made me relax a bit. „Yes I did. And how are our little love birds doing?“ i asked wiping the tears, as Dan moved back to the chair. „Oh, theyr fine. Thomas is not letting Hannah alone for one milisecond, wich is a bit too wooshy mooshy if you ask me.“ He mad a face of gaging. „Oh, c'mon mister tough guy, that picture Jessy sent me of you two from last night was quite mooswhy wooshy in my eyes.“ I said teasingly. „If you ever say that to anyone about me, and I mean ANYONE, i swear Maya...“ I didnt let him finish, I just grined „Dont worry, your mooshy wooshy secret is safe with me.“ „Good, good. So when are they letting you go from this shit hole?“ „Oh, come on, its not that terrible here: food is not bad, room is nice and quiet, and I have a killer wiev, what's the hurry?“ „I promised you some whiskey.“ he grined „And Jessy wont let me drink, but when you get out she wont be abel to say no.“ „ You really ARE scared of Jessy.“ I said laughing. „She might be small, but the woman is a dynamite when serious!“ I laughed so hard, the tea I just sipped when out through my nose. „Thanks Dan, I needed this.“ „Dan to the rescue.“ He smiled and winked. „Sooo...“ he starte, and I got a feeling I knew what he gonna ask me. „Did the 'hackerboy' contaced you by now?“ „His name is Jake, could you please not call him that anymore.“ I said a bit too stern maybe. „All right, all right, no need to get all serious on me now. Did 'Jake' contacted you?“  I hesitated for a brief moment before answering „No, nothing yet. And to be honest, might be better like that. I myself am not too eager for that talk .“ „Heh, I can understand that. If I was that much pissed at you back then, I dont want to imagine how much 'hac..' , sorry, Jake is pissed at you right now.“  „Well, I guess I will find out soon enough..if he still wants to talk to me at all.“  Dan putted on his serious face, but with a little grin on it „Hey, if he talks bad to you, let me know, i'll show him off!“ „Ohh, im sure you would enjoy that..maybe even to much.“ I said, him grinning even more. „But thanks, Dan, again, for everything.“ „Yeah,yeah, dont you get all wooshy mooshy on me now also.“ he said, getting up. „Well, I gotta go. You get better soon, and call if you need anything.“  „Thanks, Dan, sure will.“ I replied, and waved him goodby. Doris came shortly after Dan left, and got me off the IV, suggesting I take a shower. I grabbed the pack Jessy sent me, and went through it. I took out some underweare, clean shirt and sweatpants, grabbed the shampoons, tooth brush and paste and headed for the bathroom. The shower did feel nice, but it took me ages to finish it, since I was still quite sore. A big bruise at my ribs was still making me short breathed at the times, and all the other cuts and bruises didnt help with easing the pain either. I had a  cut on the back of my head, wich was the reason my head still throbed a lot. I brushed my teeth, looked myself in the mirror, and already could notice some color coming back to my cheeks. I got back to bed and took my phone, might aswell check those messages and emails, its not like I'm have anything smarter to do. Most emails wer not important, I answered a few I needed, and switched to messages. Most of missed calls and messages wer from the night of the incident, so not much replaying needed here. Cleo sent a message saying shes happy im ok, and she will come to visit soon. Thomas also sent a message, thanking me for everything, emphasising tho that I was reckles and how all could have ended differently, but still no grudges from his side. He was just too happy Hannah was back with him. Ofcourse, they all wished me to get well soon, and they cant wait for when I get out so we can all meet properly.I replied to both, thanking them for good wishess. Staring at my chats screen, I opened my conversation with Jake. He was offline, ofcourse. I stared at the blinking pointer on the text space, but I didnt know what to write. My head was blank, I couldnt think of anything. After few minutes I exited the chat, settling the phone aside, and turning the tv on. Maybe some movie or something will get me relaxed a bit. I switched through channels, till I found something acceptable to watch. I ajusted myself on the pillow, and before I knew, dozed off.
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glumpiglet · 4 years
Beetlejuice meeting his S/O and shes a ghost?
Hi..Thank you for the request.. I had a lot of fun with this one.. It really got away from me lol I hope you like it <3 to those who requested I havent forgotten about you, it’s just easier for me to write on the weekend when I’m not working. K love you guys
Warning: bit of swearing.. basic beej innuendos... thats it.
If you had known that when you woke up that Wednesday, it would have been your last day alive, you probably would have done so not hungover. Stumbling out of bed, sheets still clutching at your legs, you swore at the morning sun shining once again for the high, wide windows in all the bedrooms. It was on the list to replace the sheer curtains, but fabric that long was hard to find and not cheap to buy.
When Great Aunt Gerdy left you her house, the only wish she had was to ‘preserve, protect, and breath life back into Windflew Manor.’
Sweet, naive Gertrude. Spun of sugar more than flesh, your great aunt had been the youngest of twelve and definitely your favourite family member. Growing up, you fondly remembered spending summers here, riding your bike through the halls on rainy days, playing ‘Pirates and Rogues’ in the backyard with Gerdy and her children.
When you got older you begged to still come to the Manor; Gertrude watched you grow and in her own mind, Auntie Gerdy had assumed you would follow the steps of the women in your family, hunker down with a fine man, pop out some kids every few years.
As you said, Gertrude was tragically naive. Never had the heart to ever tell her the truth. That marriage….Children? Had never even entered the equations of goals. You wanted a spontaneous, fun life full of breakable things. Adventure. 
But also it was known that if you didn’t take this house, it would have gone to an auction. It broke your heart the way her children acted, their mother was one of the greatest women you had ever met, a role model. It was what she wanted. You couldn’t do that to Aunt Gerdy. So with hesitant determination, you had set about restoring Windflew Manor.
Due to funds, you were forced to do most of the work, getting help for a few handier friends. But it had been coming along nicely, room by room the cobwebs and mold were disappearing. It was satisfying work.  
Resting your head against the shower wall, however, you didn’t think you could find the strength to tackle the gardens today. It was all your friend's fault, ‘one more drink (Y/N), we’ve worked so hard!’ 
Exiting the shower, wiping the fog from the mirror, you reflected on how tired the image looked as you moisturized, changing into comfy shorts and a tank top without bothering to properly dry yourself. It was a warm day and you liked the cool moisture mixed with the lotion slicking your skin.
Just as you began brushing your teeth, the doorbell rang multiple times. Who the hell was that this early in the morning? The sound came again, more insistent and you had to roll your eyes.
“I’m coming, I’m coming. Hold your horses..” Sprinting down the hallway, trying to steady on the banister, you felt the gravity shift as your feet slid across the hardwood.
You supposed everyone would lament your damned clumsiness, your carelessness. Imprinted on the skin, you held the reminders of how prone to accidents you had been. It had been a joke in the family for years. ‘(Y/N) is gonna kill herself one day!’ 
It was only a matter of time. 
Swing your hand wildly, nothing could be gripped as you felt yourself swinging forward, hurdling towards the twenty-six flight of stairs that as a child, never it was considered it would have spelled your end….  
Turns out, it had been nothing more than a neighbor, wanting to let you know the street sweepers would be out tomorrow. 
Life was funny that way. 
Watching in dull horror as the EMT’s took your body away, trying to process the following information.. It came to you so obviously even though it sounded crazy: You weren’t having some out of body experience… You hadn’t taken any hallucinogenic drugs lately.. You were dead. 
Thinking about what the afterlife would have been: Heaven, Hell, Purgatory…. Haunting Auntie’s empty house had not been on the top of the list. 
Time was meaningless now, you could look at the grandfather clock and see two p.m and look five minutes later and see eleven a.m. it was always cold. You cursed not wearing something warmer than your p.j’s that last morning, not that you thought it would have helped. 
Going outside had been a big no-no. Whatever fucked up colossal worm creature had been out there when you tried the one time to leave, was obviously meant to be keeping you here. So here you stayed.
It could have been only a day you spent dead and lonely in the house. Or a week. A month. Years. You were being a little dramatic, you knew it hadn’t been years. Friends and family came by, grieving openly, making your heartbreak; and removing all your items, which was even worse. Obviously to be sold off or stored in your old room. A time capsule.
On one of the many days that found you aimlessly wandering the halls, a book fell before you without pretense. Equal parts startled and puzzled, well as much as a ghost could be, you picked it up.  
‘Handbook for the Recently Deceased..’
Gripping the pages, intent to open, you were halted as your front door swung open. A dozen or so handsome, young men carrying multiple packed things burst into Aunt Gerdy’s foyer, laughing and chatting loudly.  
“Aw, dude this place is awesome!”
“Look at all the space!”
“Get that pong table over there!”
“What the fuck!?”
Stomping forward, you were about to raise your voice louder before you stopped yourself….Right, stupid... They couldn’t see you… The whole ‘being dead thing’.
Watching in impotent rage as they slammed their things on the hardwood floor, scuffing their sneakers on the expensive carpets you had saved every penny for…
This was not good. Not good at all.
You had been right.
It wasn’t hard to not like these kids. You weren’t really into the whole ‘boys would be boys’ excuse for male idiocy in their youths. 
You didn’t like the way they treated each other, the archaic ‘hazing’ they would often do leaving you feeling ill. You didn’t like the way they treated the girls they used and laughed as they were forced down the traditional ‘walk of shame’ making you furious.
You especially did not like the way they treated the Manor. It was terrible, gaudy streamers and tacky posters were pinned to the walls. Daily parties...Keggers…. Were held here, the place was a war zone. Litter and garbage cluttered every hall and you were beginning to tear your hair out in helplessness. 
They had turned your Aunt’s treasured home and your hardworking project into a frat house. It was just rude.
What were you gonna do? Time passed and you watched as the house grew further and further into decay when a lightbulb burst unexpectedly. 
Realizing your answer, you hoped the discarded handbook was still where you had dropped it. Returning to the living room, you sighed in relief at seeing the odd-looking text where you left it. Walking up to it, however, you noticed something there that wasn’t there before. 
A card, dusty, and sticking out of a random page. Bending down you began pulling at it, fingering the worn edges. You lifted it up into the light, trying to read it under all the dirt caked on. On the card, it just said one word three times, strangely compelled you said it out loud.
“Betelgeuse… Betelgeuse…. Betelgeuse?”
The burst of smoke made you hack instantly, it was like someone smoked weed in an embalming room, pungent and eye-watering. 
It was a man. Well, no. Not a human man in any case. Duh. You would say this was the weirdest thing to ever happen to you, but nothing was normal after you died apparently.
Observing as he waved his hands, stepping out of the cloud, you couldn’t help the widening of your eyes...He was.. Definitely interesting looking.. 
“Geez, did I come late to the party or what-… Woah.”  
He looked awful and smelt even worse, and why the hell was he here?
The… Character that stepped had gone silent. Awkward and stilted, you struggled to speak. It couldn’t help being noticed his... Hair was changing colour… Most certainly going from an almost neon green to baby pink…. What was he? 
“Don’t be afraid. You’re dead. I am also dead.” There was a moment before an incredulous giggle escaped your lips, you couldn’t help but realize it had been the first time you laughed since.. Well..
“Yeah, I figured that. From... You know… Seeing my dead body get taken away.” The two of you stared at each other for what felt like an eternity, the silence deafening. 
Before he pounced. Flouncing over in a comical manner, he began to circle you, the humour disappearing from you at the look in his eye. 
“Huh, that line usually doesn’t work.. You’re surprisingly calm..” Turning your head until you couldn’t anymore, you swiveled striving for eye contact. He completed his journey around and stood in front of you, seeming to be searching for something. Before he held his grimey hand out…. The intense desire to hesitate held you still. 
It didn’t seem to deter him in the slightest.
“Hello! A pleasure to meetcha-” Leaning forward, you realized in just enough time what he was doing before he could press his lips to yours, jumping back. 
“Uh, excuse me!?” 
“Can’t blame a demon for trying, babes. Anyways uh… What can I do for you?” He fidgeted with his jacket, pulling at the cuffs and flapping the lapels, wafting his stench towards you making you gag. Covering your nose you murmured beyond belief.
“What do you mean?”
“Well usually I only get called when someone needs something from me….. Bio-exorcism. Homicide. Sexual pleasure. I do it all.” This guy couldn’t actually be serious… You shook your head, none of this was helping. You had gone to the book for an answer and had only gotten even more questions. 
“I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about dude, I just found this card in this book. Anyways, what is happening right now? Who are you and why can you see me?”
Snickering, he continued to very eagerly invade your personal space and it was getting harder to find the space in the living room. The predator was cornering.
“You said my name, sexy. You called me.” 
What kind of name was Betelgeuse? Deciding immediately to shorten it for ease, you opened your mouth but apparently, he was on a roll, and continued. 
“And I already told you.. We’re dead. Deceased. Post Mortem.” Bumping into the wall, just hearing the words from someone else’s lips made you stop… Well, dead. Pun intended. Before they could be halted tears were gathering in your eyes… You weren’t even that emotional about it anymore, had already spent endless nights sobbing about what-ifs and regrets...Not for a while, still, it never got any easier to think about. 
Trying and failing miserably to hide the sniffles, you peered at BJ’s surprised expression. 
“Shit...shit..shit. I didn’t mean to do that…. Don’t cry,” Wiping at stubborn tears that fell against your wishes, you could see BJ shuffle his feet, looking extremely uncomfortable at your sudden breakdown. You tried to calm him, ironically.
“No, I’m fine. It’s just… Not been that great so far... Sometimes I think I might be in hell.” Staring at the ground, you had the overwhelming wish once again for it to finally swallow you whole and take you where you belonged.
“Is it… Your current occupants?”
“It certainly doesn’t help.” Looking up at BJ’s tilted head and rapt expression, the need to confide was making you continue.
“My Aunt left me this house and… I’ve hated seeing what they're doing to it.” BJ looked to be contemplating something before he spoke.
“I could help you.”
You looked at him “What do you mean?”
“I told you.. Again... Sweetheart, you’re smokin’ hot but your memory’s shit. I’m a Bio-exorcist. Getting breathers out is my forte. Well, most breathers can’t see me… But I can teach you! Breathers are waay more likely to see a ghost than a demon.” Riveted by what he was saying, you didn’t realize his pursuit until you felt his grip sound your waist, pulling you closer.
“Mmm… Get you in a little school uniform.. Give you extra credit...” Blatantly ignoring him, focusing on the important part of what he said. 
“What you’re saying is we can get these kids out of here?”
“Of course babes. I take my job very seriously.” Shooting him an incredulous look, you managed to extract from him without much ease, he was really touchy for someone you just met.
“Yeah, I noticed…”
This was insanity. You weren’t actually considering letting this.. Demon?! To teach you how to scare the young men living in your house. It was dangerous and crazy.
Even more, there was no other option. Desperate times.
“Then you’re hired,”
“Oh, this is gonna be so good!” Once again having to duck away from his advance, you pressed a hand to the dirty front of his suit, holding him at bay.
“Stop that,”
“Hmm... Playing hard to get, I respect that.”
Maybe this wasn’t a great idea.
In hindsight, it worked out perfectly. Beej, as he had assured, was very good at his job. Just because that job entailed scaring the shit out of anyone and anything around him shouldn’t be held against him. 
Once again, incredulously if you had known in your life that your love of horror movies would have come in handy in your afterlife, you would have paid much more attention.  
Beej was impressed with your novice skill. The voice throwing came naturally to you, and your favourite trick was hiding in the corner of one of their bedrooms, positioning your arms and legs at odd angles and whispering to the sleeping boys, stifling giggles as they awoke, petrified and flew downstairs, waking everyone else in the house.
None of them could actually see you, but you had sworn the one redheaded one had locked eyes in the bathroom mirror, the two of you paused before the urge to scare rapidly left and the need to leave arose. Walking out the bathroom his eyes had definitely followed. 
He never told his friends about it, but BJ had said he watched him lay awake more than one night, clutching his sheets a little too tight. 
Possession was something you felt was unnecessary. Beej had often offered to uh.. Show you how it worked but the thought of BJ well.. Inside of you… It made your skin crawl and you didn’t know if it was from repulsion or excitement.
BJ was.. Unexpected in the best way. Devilishly Intelligent. Hilarious and.. You saw glimpses of his sweetness. He bashfully gave you dead flowers from the garden and was constantly sending you praises that would make you blush if you still had blood. How beautiful you were, how great of a scarer you were…. After getting over the whole stink thing, he was really cute and you might have been... Falling for him. Just the thought made you terrified. 
It all came to an end gradually. It was unexpected, you thought it would have been some big final fright, using all of your cunning ghostly powers. But no, one by one they just disappeared. Claiming to be moving back with family, dropping out, or simply leaving for ‘reasons’.
On the day you stood in the kitchen, now empty save for a few left behind appliances, the beaming smile sent to BJ couldn’t be contained.
“We did it.”
“You did it, babes. I was uh- Just along for the ride, I guess.”
Shifting closer to him, you saw with amusement Beej staring at your lips. The BJ of before would have taken your closeness as an immediate seduction, trying his luck. Now the fact he was trying to control himself, made your heart swell. 
The moment was broken by the sound of the front door opening, you held your breath to see who, or what entered.
A beautiful couple entered, followed by an obvious real estate agent, discussing the house. The couple seemed too good to be true, polite, and awed at the house. Seeing the little bundle of a baby tucked in the mother’s arm as they continued their inspection. You supposed in a way Aunt Gertrude had gotten her wish. And that could be enough.
You turned to Beej watching the scene with an odd countenance.   
“Thank you BJ, really. I’ve had a lot of fun.” You finally noticed. There was purple in his hair, something was making him sad.
“Why does it sound like you're saying goodbye?” 
Oh. oh.
Struggling to answer him, you watched as he further sank in himself. “I read the book, BJ..The Netherworld… Shouldn’t I be…”
“Not yet! Once you get there… We won’t be able to see each other this much... Haven’t we been having fun?” 
“Of course but-”
“Don’t leave!” His voice was frantic, higher-pitched than you ever heard, you couldn’t find the words to calm him.
“Please! I’ll… I’ve been looking into something…” The moment took the oddest turn when Beej practically flew to his knees, reaching out to you to clasp your hands between his before clearly speaking two words you never imagined him saying.
“Marry me.”
The words shocked you. Scandalized, you said the one thing you could.
“Beetlejuice!” That wasn’t it, the look on his face broke you. It was pitiful, desperate.
“No nonono say something else babes, let me explain!” You reached out, stroking his stubble as his giant, golden eyes glittered at you with so many emotions swirling.
“I’m not gonna send you away Beej, stop please.” Taking deep breaths between you, the urge to sink to the floor with him ran over you. Somewhere in your mind you realized how stupid this was, two ghosts having a panic attack in the kitchen, but weirder things have happened.
“If I… Marry a breather. I get brought to life. So I’ve been thinking..” Beej was asking to marry you.. Could ghosts and demons even get married? Would you have a wedding? Invite other ghosts to the ceremony?
“I don’t know BJ… We don’t even know if it will work,” You hadn’t said ‘no’ yet. At the moment, you couldn’t find the desire to do so. You liked Beej, it was the little things in death you realized that mattered. 
“What have we got to lose?.. I thought..”
Looking at him, on the floor with you. Overwhelmed with affection, you leaned forward, noting with glee Beej’s astonishment. Kissing the ghost with the most was... Everything and nothing what you expected. His tasted like cigarettes and dirt, still you leaned into him more.
The one thing that could make death totally rad. Being with him. He was absolutely right. Pulling away, looking at his blissed out face, eyes staying closed, you gave him your answer. 
“Yes. Okay. I’ll marry you.”
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Any chance of getting something maybe set in the future or smthng where percy is telling either his kids or young demigods about how good and powerful jason was or just recalling some of their old adventures and its Percy's way of getting closure for jason? Can be angsty can be fluff whatever floats yah boat:)
I am not afraid to admit I teared up writing this. I am an emotional bitch. Anyway I hope you enjoy Anon!
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"Come on boys, your sister's already in bed." Percy got up from the couch to pick up the stray toys and blankets still littered around the room.
"Can we get a story tonight Pops?" Charles looked up at him with big brown eyes.
"Sure baby, what about?"
"About," Lee looked to his twin and then back at his father, "About daddy?"
He released a soft breath, crouching down so he was at eye level with them.
"Of course, I'm always happy to tell you about your dad."
"Thanks Pops!" They beamed and then raced off to get ready for bed.
Percy stood up to lean against the wall, letting the ache of missing his husband wash over him. It pressed against his ribs, made breathing an impossibility. Blue eyes, bright with laughter flashed through his mind. He blinked the tears away, now was not the time to break down.
"Zoe, you want to come listen to the story?"
"What's the story?" She scrunched her nose, "I don't want to hear about the princess and the dragon. Everyone knows she should have made friends with the dragon and gone on amazing adventures."
He struggled to hold in a laugh as she rolled her pale green eyes, "You don't have to worry tonight, it's a story about dad."
She lit up then, smile as bright as the sun, "You're gonna tell us about dad? Yes let's go!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her brothers' room.
He didn't bother to keep his laugh in this time, letting her drag him through the house.
In a matter of moments the boys were tucked into their beds. Zoe was climbing onto his lap as he tried to get comfy on the bean bag sat in the middle of the room.
"Okay you want to hear about a time we killed a monster or time at camp or something else?"
"Monster!" Zoe and Charles cheered.
"Camp," Lee said softly.
"Okay you little gremlins how about both? I'll tell you the story about how your dad accidentally stabbed me."
They nodded, smuggling deeper into their beds and looked at him expectantly.
"It was around the middle of summer, actually your dad's birthday. And I had planned to have a picnic in the strawberry fields. We only had the day to be together because it was Capture the Flag that night and you know your Aunt Annabeth was a tyrant when it came to camp games," He winked, making them giggle.
Lee furrowed his little brow. "Why were you going to the strawberry fields?"
"Yea why not the woods, or the beach?" Charles asked.
"Your dad never really liked the beach. He says there's too much sand and too much water," He laughed softly, "And the woods aren't really that safe. It's better to stay well within camp boarders."
"But why—" Charles started up again.
"Charlie," Zoe scolded, "Let Pops finish the story. You can ask questions later."
"Nobody asked you Zoe," He stuck his tongue out.
Lee untucked his arm and held it off the bed expectantly. His twin sighed and clasped their hands together.
"Later Charlie,"
Percy's heart skipped a beat, as it always did when the twins acted like this. It was Jason's favourite thing about them—that silent understanding, that unspoken bond.
"Carry on Pops," Lee nodded solemnly.
"We had a little party for dad in the dining hall with a silly lightning bolt shaped cake and cloud cupcakes." He didn't tell them that all the drinks were same shade of green as his eyes because that was his husband's favourite colour. Or that Jason had pulled him in and kissed him so hard they had almost started a hurricane right there.
"I had asked my friends to help me set up a picnic blanket and a basket in the fields so we could go after breakfast. But when we got there everything had been trampled and broken."
Zoe gasped, slapping a hand over her mouth.
"Oh no," Lee's face pulled in horror.
"Who did it Pops? What happened?" Charles was sitting up now, his hand still firmly holding his twin's.
He gave them a wide eyed look, struggling to hold back his laugh at their intent expressions.
"Well we were both very confused and quickly took our swords out but then we heard a rustle from behind us. We turned around and sitting on a rock was this huge serpent. It was brown and swampy green with two giant horns on its head. And it was just staring at us."
"Your dad tried to get closer but before he could strike his sword this thing was moving towards us. It jumped on me and I fell to the ground."
They all let out a comically loud gasp.
"My sword fell out of my hand. But your dad was there and he sliced his sword down on it. Except he missed the monster because it moves so fast and his sword hit me instead."
Charles groaned, falling back onto his pillow.
"Come on Pops what happened?" Zoe bounced, looking up at him.
"So I'm injured, the monster is still slithering everywhere and your dad is trying to make sure I'm not gonna die. Before he could get me some ambrosia the serpent is back and striking at him. That's when I finally grab all the water from the strawberries and throw it at the monster. And then it crumbled to dust. Guess it wasn't thirsty huh?"
He didn't tell them he choked that creature till it didn't know the difference between blood and water, didn't tell them he nearly died trying to control so much with an injury. Didn't tell them the fury he felt when it had tried to attack his boyfriend.
"Uncle Grover was not happy with me because all the strawberries died but your dad and i made it back to the infirmary and we got all better. Which was great because Aunt Annabeth and Aunt Clarisse would have killed us if we couldn't participate in Capture the Flag." He laughed.
"What was the monster Pops?" Lee asked, earthy eyes wide.
Zoe frowned, "Yea and how did it get in? I thought camp was protected. "
"And who won capture the flag?" Charles waved his hands impatiently.
"We found out the monster was called Cerastes and it probably dug itself up under the borders. There was a whole maze running under camp, but it collapsed after Aunt Annabeth and I helped the creator out."
Zoe squealed, "Can we hear that story next?"
"Maybe another night, princess. And to answer your question Charlie," He smiled at his son, "Clarisse's team won capture the flag. Your dad and and Aunt Clarisse made us clean toilets for a week because we lost."
"Aw daddy," Lee scrunched his nose.
"Yes Annabeth was very unimpressed with them. Alright, time to sleep now."
"Pops," Zoe hugged his neck, "I miss dad."
He wrapped his arms around her little body, "Me too princess. But someday we will all see each other again."
Lee looked at him curiously, "How do you know?"
"Because your dad is in a very special place and if you guys continue to be brave and kind you will also go to that special place and you will see him again."
"And will you be there?" Charles tugged at his hand.
"I hope so. I think if you all give me kisses I'll be able to trade them in when the time comes."
They pounced on him, dissolving into giggles as he kissed them back and tickled their little feet.
"I love you guys, and your dad loved you more than all the stars in the sky." He looked at each of them, green eyes bright with love and sorrow.
"We love you too Pops." Charles let out a yawn.
"Yea, love you Pops." Lee climbed back into bed, "Are we getting pancakes tomorrow?"
"It is birthday tradition," He grinned at them, "And especially since you're becoming old men. Pancakes are soft so you don't have to chew when your teeth start falling out."
"Our teeth fall out?" Charles gave him an appalled look.
"Only if you don't brush your teeth Charlie." Zoe said matter of factly.
"Thats right," He held in a laugh at her serious expression.
"Goodnight little ones." He picked his daughter up, switching off the lights and closing the door halfway.
"You ready for bed princess?"
"Mhm Pops," She blinked slowly, "Can I help you make pancakes tomorrow?"
"Yes please," He laid her down gently, "You're the best sous chef ever."
Her answering beam made his chest tighten.
"I love you Pops. Thank you for the story."
"Was it to your satisfaction?" He flicked her nose softly.
"I like when you and dad save each other," She burrowed into her blankets, "It's much better when you do things together, instead of those silly princes who want to save the princess but don't let her help."
He shook his head in amusement, "When you go on your own adventures remember to do things together."
"We're gonna be a team." She gave him a determined look and then yawned.
He kissed her forehead and pulled up the blankets before leaving the room.
With a sigh he escaped to his own bed, sitting down with the heaviness of longing.
Jason and him weren't just a team; they were the question and answer, the sun and the moon, the beginning, middle and end.
He picked up the framed picture of them on their wedding day, Jason's blue eyes bright with happiness, and Percy looking at his husband like he hung the stars in the sky just so their glow could shine onto this love.
"I miss you my Saving Grace," He whispered.
And then laughed, as he felt the soft caress of wind brushing over his damp cheeks and dancing between his fingers.
"I love you."
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Hey lovelies,
I gotcha a Beetlejuice x reader this time. All the garden-flufffffffff. Hope you enjoy. 💜
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You smiled fondly at your favorite ghost as he watched your every movement intently, is eyes lit up every time you mumbled softly at the plant before you. Beetlejuice sat next to you, his legs crossed and from the corner of your eye, you noticed more pink streaks popping up between the bright green locks.
It was a warm summer, and you loved being outdoors. Beej didn't particularly love gardening.... but he certainly loved you. He loved watching his favorite breather do someting. Anyting. But especially watching you doing things you enjoyed, admiring you made his hair go pink in a record time.
"Hey babes...?" Beetlejuice mumbled, as you carefully covered the young plant in your hands with some earth.
"Hmmmm?" you hummed in response.
"...whyyyyy... exaclty... do you talk to the plants?" Beej asked you with genuine curiosity.
You chucked at his question. Once you were done with the plant you sweetly whispered to it: "Better grow good for me buddy... you can do it."
You had to hold back a scoff when you saw Beetlejuice shiver unexpectedly at the sound of your cooing voice beside you. Boy... was he sensitive...
You wiped your dirty hands at the coat you were wearing. It was his striped long jacket. He gave it to you to garden in it, it was way too big for you... but the earthy smell of fresh rain clinged to it. It smelled like him, and you found yourself wearing it all the time actually. It just... felt... nice? Beej declared: "You look way too hot in it to not wear it all the time".... You felt like he was near you when you wore it. Which... obviously... he literally was clinging at you, any chance he got. But you loved to have your clingy ghost around.
After you wiped your hands you took his hand into yours, squeezed it a little and smirked at him: "Awh.... somebody betting jalous Beej?"
He coffed and tried to look offended but you noticed the blush that was creeping up his face. And if you missed that delicate clue,
his now hot-pink hair was less subtle to miss.
You felt the incredible strong urge to kiss his stubble in that exact moment, he was just so...vurnable.
You leaned down towards him and soflty brushed your lips against his in a sweet innocent kiss. When you pulled back you heared him whimper a bit at the loss of contact, and you had to chuckle softly at his antics.
You beamed a happy smile his way and chirped: "Everyting grows faster with the right amount of love..." You pecked him on his scruffy cheek and scratched his head a bit. Beetlejuice leaned into your hand and as you massaged his head you heard him purr softly at your touch. You mumbled: "... doesnt it Beej?"
He responded with another purr, and with that you gently brought your attention back to your plants. He sighed and grumpily whined at you: "Babessssss...."
You rolled your eyes but couldn't supress a smile seeping through your face as you replied: "...yeah, what's it dear?"
He really acted like a 5 year old sometimes.
Tugging your sleeve to get your attention he asked with a dramatic flourish: "What's your favorite flower doll? Of alllllll these?" Big hand gestures followed his scentence.
You scratched your chin while you poundered about that question. Getting your chin full of black dirt in the process, Beetlejuice softly snorted at your actions. You were too into your head to notice though. 'He would tell you... Maybe... later. Even when your face was smeared with dirt you was angelic...' he decided.
"Well... uhm... That must be... the lavender." You spoke thoughtfully as you looked at the ghost besides you.
You saw him frowning a bit, he was clearly in doubt about something. You reached out to his knee, and you delicately brushed it with your dirty hands. The gesture to calm him down seemed to work, as his features became less troubled he murmered: "... Hey babes... which... which ones are those? Can you show me?"
You smiled at him and nodded yes.
Beetlejuice already jumped up and was bouncing up and down in excitement, he reached out to pull you up from the place where you were sitting. You smiled widely at a very excited bouncing beetlejuice and took a hold of his hands.
With one swift movement he pulled you on your feet and you blushed as his strong arms caught you as you fell flush against him. Your nose was inches apart from his when you felt him snaking an arm around your waist to pull you even closer to him and heard him hum contently. He booped his nose against yours and purred in a serious tone: "Lavender you said, doll?"
You pecked his lips softly, nodded, took his hand and skipped to were you held your lavender.
"Tadaaaaaah!" You chuckled. "This... sweet sweet Beej... is laveder." You gestured grandly towards were your favorite pland grew. "Go one baby... smell it! It smells so gooooood." You tugged him towards the flowers with a demanding pull on his suspenders. Beetlejuice sniffed the flowers, almost like a dog would snif it too. With very short breaths and sniffs he pulled back and exclaimed: "I like it doll... it smells a bit like... ehm..."
He pushed his nose in the flowers again, sniffing loudly as he did so. With a low growl he pulled back, took a hold of your (or his old) striped coat and pulled you towards him. His nose attacked your neck before you could protest and your breath hitched as you felt his stubble brush against your neck.
Beetlejuice sniffed deeply, inhaling your scent and a low growl escaped his throath again. He pulled back abrubtly, moaning and mumbling under his breath as he did so:
"Smells so nice. It smells just like you babes."
It was a good thing he held onto your coat that tightly, because your knees were like jelly. Your neck was a soft spot, and this combined with his low voice had you riled up in seconds. The smug look on Beetlejuice's face showed exaclty how well he knew all that. You looked at him and murmered: "You... are... a true demon you... Also you're right, i use lavender in my soap."
He winked at you, and released his grip on your coat a bit as he spoke: "Ya betcha, doll."
You stood on your tiptoes and reached out to ruffle his hair, with a playfull giggle. He gripped your wrist and pulled you towards him again, so he could properly kiss you. Between kisses you asked him: "Hey Beej... what's your favorite flower?"
He chuckled deeply, stroking your cheek and said: "Besides you...? I dont know. Let me check..."
He let his gaze wander around the garden for a little while and after a little while you saw his eyes lit up a bit. He snapped his fingers and you were left in a cloud of green smoke for a second. You blinked once... twice... and just when you were about to call his name you were startled by a loud scream behind you.
You squeeked in fright and jumped at the loud sound behind you. Immediately Beetlejuice started laughing hysterically and you slowly turned around, catching your breath again when you did so.
You were about to give him a lecture about not scaring his girlfriend (again) but the corners of your mouth moved upwards as you took in the sight before you.
Beetlejuice was floating on his side, in a semi-wannabe-sexy-pose... with a thistle between his teeth. A freaking thistle. Smiling at you seductively, with a very smug look on his face.
Now it was your turn to laugh.
This man... this demon... certainly had readed way too many romans in his undead life.
Once you stopped lauging he turned around mid air, twirling a circle in the air until he hang upside down above you. He placed the thistle in your hair, carefull not to sting you in the process, and placed a kiss on the top of your head as he shouted unexpectedly: "CATCH!!"
You held your arms out in shock and he dramatically fell into them. A proud smile creeping up his face as he adored you, while lounging in your arms. Dramatically laughing he cheered: "My hero! Thanks for catching sweet-cheeks..."
You snorted and rolled your eyes in annoyance. It was a good thing he was a ghost and therefore was as light as a feather.
He snapped his fingers, dissapearing into green smoke again but this time he appeared behind you. Hugging you tight as his head leaned on your shoulder. You turned your head slightly and whispered in his ear: "... dissapear one more time and I'll let you sleep outside tonight..."
He snuggled closer towards you, kissed your cheek and growled softly: "Okay... i get it doll... i just... really like thistles...?" You smiled at that.
You squeeled loudly when Beetlejuie unexpectedly licked your chin.
"Beej!! Whatthehell?!"
He tickled your sides and chuckled at the high pitched scream he got out of you. He growled in your ear: "You had some dirt on your chin babes... But you are all clean now..."
That demon was gonna be the death of you once. Your knees were once again all jelly. He snapped his fingers and with a smirk against your neck he handed you a thistle "... to make it up?" Beetlejuice softly purred.
Right then you decided that you would never call thistles weed, ever in your life again. They were your new favorite bouquet, together with the lavender.
"Hey Beej.... I know another way you could make up to me..." You mumbled seductively against his scruff.
This time he snapped his fingers again, and the green smoke took you both out of the garden.
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Tagging: @paxenera @heknowshisherbs @hoodoo12 @large-unit @little-miss-shy-goth @thats-specific @vicunaburger @ironmansuucks @h1de-s0urce @go-commander-kim @stranger-strings @bugdrinkss
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
philza being 100000 years old is something I can get behind tbh. my least favourite age hc, which I think I actually hate with a burning passion, is the tommy and tubbo were 9 during the first l’manberg wartime actually ignites a visceral rage in me
yeah!! I managed to make it to pink’s bedwars stream the other day and it was great. yeah lol I was lowkey upset too when foolish was added cause I had no idea who he was but he’s super fun so that’s cool! I like high energy stream more too cause I zone out super easily. unless it’s dream, he can stream anything and I’ll try my hardest to pay attention the whole time
ooooh vet that’s cool. oh my god c!dream going into the dentist after months in prison😭😭😭 I’m imagining c!techno as a beefy pig sitting in the kind of small couch/seats we have in the waiting room. Tommy would 100% bite and then get really mad about getting a toy that we give to little kids after their treatment lol
omg the pet wars 😔😔😔 so sad. everyone in the dsmp is emotionally attached to their animals than anything else and what can I say, I’m the same
oh yeah I also tend to take c!dream criticism to heart more idk why. I’m definitely way more defensive of c!dream apologists than any other they get so much unnecessary shit. though from your other anons it looks like c!sam apologists are getting more shit too which sucks but solidarity ig. oh man I get you I have to tell myself to like take a step back and not take everything so personally. another thing on twitter is that people who vehemently hate c!dream will sometimes just refuse to use /dsmp /roleplay tags like it’s not that hard, tweets without that have already been misinterpreted to hate on cc!dream which just pisses me off like you can have your shit opinion just tag it properly. and like when people tell them to include it they’ll be like “ohh the dream apologists harassed me.” and yeah people genuinely go around calling c!dream apologists abuse apologists and it’s terrible. like I don’t care if you have your bad takes and aren’t willing to discuss them, just tag it properly and don’t shit on c!dream apologists it’s not that hard. though it’s funny the other day, the first time I replied to some shut take on twitter, in a lighthearted manner too, I got instantly blocked and there’s this on person on twt, they’re also on tumblr, that blocks anyone that even slightly disagrees with them. oh well ig
also did you see about that lore that foolish did? it was certainly something
sorry for the late and shorter reply I got halfway through writing this then went to do something then just fell asleep and I just got a notification that ponk is live! and I’m awake so Imma go watch them
Jack Mulletfold I’m on my jack manifold mullet truther arc
The 9 year old thing was bad and I also hated the c!dream was 13 during the l’manburg war thing too like no this is all so much funnier if they are the ages that they are now. And like father like son fundy tried to set a timeline up too (his it’s been a year comment) like no dude stop time doesn’t exist unless it’s real world
With watching streams I’m the exact same way but I usually tune into quackity and tommy’s chill streams as well. I think it’s because I know them enough to care about what they’re saying so the lack of mental stimulation is made up for by my want to care
Wait fuck with the dentist thing would c!techno actually have to go to a vet instead because of anatomy stuff or-
C!Dream is probably missing a few teeth and after not brushing so long ugh
I would joke that c!sapnap’s done nothing wrong but I haven’t forgiven him for henry
I simply don’t user twitter I tried to post a shit post but I don’t understand the tagging system so it flopped. Stopped using it there and then. say what you want about me but you guys gotta know that I’m a petty bitch first and foremost. With the “harassment” stuff I’ve had my fair share of sending anons asking people to tag stuff right and half the time they just say why and then don’t do it. You wanna know why? Please thats why. I have a real issue with the abuse apologist stuff because like bro that’s a serious accusation and it’s overall just seems super inappropriate. It usually doesn’t get to me but if I’m in the wrong mood it can really fuck me up. When cc!wilbur said that every character was morally gray and that c!dream apologists were right & wrong about somethings I was kinda like “oh thank god a streamer I like doesn’t hate me for liking c!dream” and was hella embarrassed that I even let it get me that far skdhfk. Oh yeah about people blocking you there are so many people who have me blocked on here and while I totally encourage using your block button liberally and often I still notice and its like aw man… creeper…… so we back in the mines…….
You’re gonna have to be a little more specific I feel lije foolish has done a lot of lore, though I think I’ve missed most of it. Are you talking about truing to break into the prison? Hilarious that every character despite their opinion on c!dream has at one point attempted to break into the prison. If only c!dream knew that the only common enemy the server needed was a building they were supposed to stay out of
dont say sorry that’s illegal (/j) also the thing I like about anon is that you can come back and respond when ever is best for you? Makes me feel like an old western bar tender who is just vibing. That’s the dream social interaction tbh
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Your Living It
Summary-  (Playing It Cool) He x Y/N (later i will give him a proper name besides he or me) Frustrated with the latest romcom, you two go out for some fun. Smut. Fir @official-and-unstable-satan​ Hope this is what you were hoping for babes. 
Word Count- 2.7k
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“Babes, can you like, not leave notes all over everything?” You playfully scold as you gather the papers he had scattered across the entire kitchen, and he raced in, throwing his hands up rapidly. 
“STOP RIGHT THERE! Babygirl dont you dare move” 
Wide eyed you pause, the papers half shuffled together when he comes over and takes them from your hand. His brows furrow as he studies them, before putting them back on the counter just where they were before. “A method to my madness, just… dont clean.” 
“But how am I supposed to cook dinner then?” You whinned a bit, arms folding over your chest, and he straightened out some of the papers before turning to you. 
“Ummm, pizza? Bowling alley pizza?” You wince a bit and then he adds “With bowling alley beer?” You nod then with a grin and he busts out in a grin to, and wraps an arm around you to pull you in close, kissing your lips quickly. “Thanks for putting up with me, but Im almost done with the script for Bryan and hes been riding my ass for it.” 
Your hands smooth along his chest, and up around his neck, he had been STRESSING over this thing for weeks, “Riding your ass and pulling your hair huh? I should really call Bryan and tell him to lay off or else.” You joked, and he wiggled his brows, tickling along your back.
“Well thats better done in person after all. I need to see his reaction” You lean up and catch that grin of his one more time, a more playful teasing kiss with a nibble and trace of tongue before you step away. “Give me five minutes and I will be ready to go.” 
“Okay! See you in ten then!” He called over his shoulder and laughed when your middle finger shot up at him and you slammed the bedroom door shut, laughing yourself. Once you closed the door, he went over to his laptop, sitting and staring at the screen. Its cursor blinked at him . “fucken hell” He muttered as he slammed the screen down, frustrated at coming up with the ending. 
You pop back out just as he plasters a smile on his face and his eyes rake over your form, even in damn black leggings and a tank, the whole ensamble hugging your curves. Fuck you looked good, You always did. “See! Five minutes.” He gasped as he took your hand to lead you along, fingers wrapping with yours. “A first? One of many? The world may never know.” 
What a dumbass, you thought but couldnt help but laugh regardless. Going to the car, you two headed out, while he was driving you texted Scott. 
‘Hey buddy, wanna play bowl a round or two, or you to caught up in something?’
‘No! Be there, get that end lane if you can.”
Tossing your phone up on the dashboard just as you two pulled in “Scotts gonna play with us.” And he just nodded, making sure his wallet was in his pocket. 
“Good, he whupped my ass last time, time to pay back the favor.” 
Sure enough you were able to lock down the lane on the end, while he went to go get a couple heartburn pizza slices and mildly warm beers, grabbing enough for Scott as well, there was nothing quite like bowling alley fare, you test the balls and set to put the names on the screen. Bowler 1- HottStuff 2.Wifeypoo 3.BlueBallMC. He glanced up at the screen and smirked “You really think im Hott Stuff, Wifey?”
You snort just as Scott comes in and also looks at the screen. “What the hell guys, come on!” 
You look all innocent and make a pointing motion to your man, wrinkling your nose as if in distaste. 
“Seriously dude? Just cause I have a blue ball…. “ he grumbles as he unzips his bag and takes out gloves and a shiny blue ball. You two just pick random ones from the selection. 
“What? It wasnt me.” the two of them bicker about the name calling and you take your slice of pizza, nipping on the end with a satisfied grin, putting your feet up in the seat next to you. He takes the first bowl, making a fist pump when it hit just right and scattered the pins across the alley. “I told Y/N i was kicking your ass today Scott” 
“As if man… “ Scott is polishing his ball, looking all serious, while you to to take yours. You honestly dont care, your just shooting the ball down the lane, and hands on hips, waiting to see how the pins fall. You get three, well your happy with that. The other two though, it was almost a tie torwards the middle of the set. 
“Hey, I will be back, gonna get another pitcher of beer” You offer when you noticed it was down to the dredges, and he poured out the last of it into his cup before handing it over. “Thanks babe” as you walk a little tap on the ass makes you smirk and a little spring in your step. 
Taking a quick break while your away, Scott stretches his arms out front of him to stay loose. “So hows that latest script coming by the way? Last message I got from you was a bunch of nonsense about how you suck at anything romantic” 
Rubbing his head he sighed “I dont know why Bryan keeps laying these lame ass rom coms on me. I cant write them worth a shit, and they just suck. Im so stuck on a ending now, and my deadline is in just a few days, after already getting an extension.” Carrying on, Scott kinda just shook his head at him. “What?”
“You man, you claim you cant write rom coms worth a shit, but come on. The last two were HUGE box office successes for you and look at you. You are basically living in one.” Scott pointed out as he moved to grab his ball, nodding towards the counter where you were chatting and paying for the beer. His head tilted, he honestly never thought of what you two shared in a movie sense. 
“Just saying man…. thats a love story right there without you even knowing it.” 
Yea, I am pretty lucky. He thought as you came back over, setting the pitcher down with the utmost care. He leaned forward and caught your hips, dragging you back into his lap. Wiggling in place, your legs draped over his, you mentioned to Scott. “2 more frames and the best bowler wins. Come on Blue Balls MC! You got this!” Red flamed the mans face and you tipped your head back laughing. He was watching you, but in a different light, just capturing the moment for himself. Fuck he was probably one of the luckiest people he knew. 
So He won, not by much and as the three of you went to leave, Scott promising a rematch later in the week when the whole group could get together and you were hugging Scott goodbye “Game on, I know Mallory wants to see you kick his ass you know.” 
“Oh I plan on it. Im gonna prime up the ball tonight with some new wax.” 
“Thats the stuff Scott” you encourage him, and wave as he left, the parking lot mostly empty with the late hour and He came up behind you, sliding his hands against your hips and you felt him brush the raze of his chin against your neck, tipping back with a light sigh. 
“You can beat him again baby.” 
“I love how you pit us together Y/N” Making you smirk deviously and turn to look up at him. 
“Girls gotta have her fun.” 
“Yea well, the guy does to.” Backing you up against the car and grasping your chin to tilt your face up, his face lowering close enough to brush his lips against yours. “Im thinking we have some fun right here.” You reach to his belt buckle and tug on it lightly, “Back seat or Front seat?” 
His hands were already sliding over your ass and grinding you into his groin. “Mmmhhh back” He let go to open the door, the two of you tumbling in with kisses and hands grabbing at clothes. You laid back as he hovered over you, your legs parting so he could lay between them and continue with sloppy kisses and your hands pushing through the buzzed hairs on his head and down to his back, wrapping your legs around his hips as he rolled them, sure to apply the pressure right at your core, that belt buckle just grinding into your nerves making you gasp right in his mouth. “Fuck baby… “ Scrambling your fingers into his shirt and tugging it over his head. 
He rolled yours up and lifting your head, disposed of the tank top on the floor, dropping his head to bite and suck the top of your breasts that were peeking over the top of your bra, he dragged a cup down enough to expose you, drawing that peak between his teeth and rolling lightly before sucking on it, causing another jolt and moan from you, your nails digging in lightly at his shoulder blades, and dragging down. He didnt stop there, lapping his tongue over the aroused peak and did the same with the other, your bra tightly wound around you while your breasts fell out the top, kneading firmly while teasing the tip. Shortly after that he unsnapped it and dragged it off.  He knew what that did to you, so sensitive and maddening, soon you were wriggling underneath him and in panting pleas. 
“Your driving me insane, I need you. NEED YOU INSIDE ME. Fuck me please?” 
“Since you ask so nicely babygirl” He lifts his head, his blue eyes flashing in the street light illuminating a part of your backseat. He grasps your leggings and panties drawing them down. In your impatience, you shift your legs to be rid of them. He hovered over you, dipping his hand between the two of you, teasing your wet warm folds, slicking your arousal up and down. 
“Cant wait can you baby? So wet and needy.” Dipping into your core and you tighten around him, needing that sensation. “Greedy is what you are, so tight.” 
You nod, and run your hands up and down his biceps, biting your lip. “God yes, so please? Pretty please? Fucking hell, please?” You bucked your hips under his hand and he swept down to kiss you deeply, and jerking at his belt, you purred against his tongue rolling around yours and started helping him, grabbing his belt loops and shimmying his pants down far enough so his cock was free, using your heels and toes to hook in his pants from behind and pull them down further, locking your ankles behind his back. 
He tilted your hips a bit more, and grasping his cock, lined up to your entrance, and started to push in. He was slow going at first, taking his time to not hurt you, but fuck that, you werent having none of that and with a roll of your hips, you deep seated him inside of you, hissing from the pure satisfaction while arching. 
“Oh shit baby! are you okay?” Your reaction misread by him, you grasp his ass that flexed under your hands and you nod. “Fuck yes, I wanted this, go right ahead!” 
Oh babygirl, he did. There was no slowing him down once he knew just what you were looking for. Deep long thrusts filling you, hips rotating to reach all those sensitive spots that had you at first moaning and panting but turned quickly into chanting, your head tipping back against the car door and digging your fingernails into his back, tightening your legs, just drawing him in against you, rutting harder and harder into you. 
The broadness of his chest, was friction to your entire body, burning. His mouth traveled down the length of your neck, nipping right at pulse points, and sucking to leave love bites in place. Yea hickeys were a teenage game, but he loved marking you, and you loved the challenge of hiding them. The car started squeaking with the motion of him pounding into you, and you hid your face in his shoulder to keep from laughing as he grunted over you “Baby, fuck im close…. “ You glanced up, and tipped your mouth up to kiss his straining neck, That spiral that settled in your belly soon caught up to his words, and your pussy clenched around his thrusting cock. Slicking a finger to help yourself along, you twirl it around your clit, and start panting. “Me to baby, together?” 
Tensing up while trying to leave yourself on the edge till he was ready, his thrusts became erratic plunging and seeking out an ending, you to let go, and scream his name, while arching your entire body, waves of pleasure sparking your eyesight, and above you, his mouth fell open with a deep gasp of your name, sinking himself into you that final time and his cum filled you, coating your walls while you milked him for all of it rolling your hips and clenching around him. His thrusts started to slow, and the car stopped swaying once he stopped and using an elbow next to you, he half leaned against you. His ragged breaths blew hotly against your shoulder and you nuzzled your own face into his neck, breathing him in deeply. You two were simply enjoying the moment when there was a knock on the window and a flashlight shinning in on you. 
“Fuck!” He jerked his hand down to the floor and snatched your tank top to cover your chest, lifting his other hand to shield his eyes. Scrambling, him pulling up his pants, and you ducking behind him, he rolled down the window to see a officer looking away on purpose. “Uuuh sorry officer? We were just leaving.” 
“I would say so son, we got a call from the closer here said your car was still parked in the lot, and there was some activity going on. How about you head on home and I wont issue a ticket, kay?” You are entirely red at this point and tugging on your clothes as fast as possible while trying to stay hidden behind him, rubbing your face in his back to keep quiet, trying not to laugh about being caught. Of course you two got caught getting randy fucked in the parking lot. 
“Right now, right away, thank you officer” He said and once the officer headed away, he rolled up his window quickly and fell back in the seat, deep laughter issuing from him. You sit next to him and sputter a bit, but he wraps you in his arms and tugs you in against him, kissing your neck, or trying to. It was mostly him huffing, and you to get caught up in it. “Baby we better get home, were lucky we didnt get in trouble.” 
“Yea, we probably should” He agreed, but was soon distracted in kissing you again and drawing out deep moans, a flicker of red and blue lights light up your car and you two broke apart, opening the back door and crawling out into the front seats. With a turn of the engine, you two left, the cop following you along till you were closer to home. 
Once you two reached the apartment building and made it inside without anymore incidences, you shrug out of your coat while he wanders back over to his laptop and opens it up like hes about to settle into typing again. “Handsome you sure you wanna do that?” You ask as you head down the hallway towards the bedroom. 
“But I thought of a perfect ending” He states, clearly distracted to your actions outside of the bedroom door. But as soon as your bra slingshots right into his chest and falls in his lap, his eyes widen as he looks up at you, your back to him, shimmying down your leggings for a second time, he snapped it shut once again. “Sorry Bryan, day late again.” He he raced down the hallway, catching you and dropping you down on the bed. 
He really was living his own romantic comedy. 
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@what-is-your-plan-today​ @p8tn0lish​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @jtargaryen18​
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jupiterjunebug · 5 years
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@gaytaako here it is, the literal first time I’ve written Moschicane. I hope I don’t disappoint the Master of the Ship (you).
Ned liked to think that, on any given day, he gave off the impression of being pretty good at crime. Sometimes, he thought he might’ve managed it. He did drive a pretty cool car, after all, and that wasn’t the sort of thing incompetent criminals did.
Unfortunately, being a pretty good criminal kind of implied base level competency at, say, hand-eye coordination. Which, well. He’d kind of fucked up at about the same time he gave the guy walking by the volleyball court a concussion. Or, given his upper body strength and general competence at sports, probably “tapped the guy walking by the volleyball court on the head a little bit.”
Which meant that when the guy collapsed dramatically to the ground, Ned was pretty sure he’d found a man after his own heart.
“Are you alright?” Ned asked, jogging over with a look of maybe-exaggerated worry on his face. If it turned out this guy was actually injured, he’d let it leak over into actual worry. Maybe. Depending on how injured.
“Yeah,” the man said, all smooth and some kind of English. He smiled, grinned, showing off one gold canine and several other slightly crooked teeth. There was pain there. Just the right amount of pain for some poor asshole to pity him. “Just caught me off guard is all.”
Yep, Ned recognized something in that smile. Most definitely a man after his own heart.
“Sorry about that,” Ned said, just as sincerely as Mr. Tall Strong and Charming. “I get a little excited when I play volleyball. They call me Robert ‘Spike’ Blithe for a reason after all.”
The man sat there for a moment, face blank, and Ned took a moment to feel satisfied that he’d thrown this guy’s plan to do…whatever it was he was aiming to do for a loop. Then, the guy’s eyes flashed with the kind of satisfaction Ned knew came from finding someone up to the same kind of no good as him.
“No they don’t,” the guy said, voice low enough for the conversation to be between just the two of them.
“No, they don’t,” Ned agreed. “But I don’t give out my real name until the third date.”
The guy laughed, sharp and the kind of charming Ned had to try hard to be.
“Well, mine’s Boyd,” the guy said, flashing his gold teeth in another smile. “Since you’re saving your real name for the third date, figure I might as well save the last one.”
The laugh Ned gave at that wasn’t even fake. Ned was pretty sure that meant he was losing the battle of wills that may or may not have been occurring.
“Well, Boyd, sorry for any serious injury I may have done to your person.”
“I’m sure you can make it up to me,” Boyd said, grin growing sharper. “Say, who’s your mark here?”
“My mark?” Ned said innocently. He knew Boyd could see through it, he knew Boyd knew that he knew Boyd could see through it.
“Come on, Robert. Bob. Do you mind if I call you Bob?” Boyd didn’t wait before continuing, “Bob, we both know what kind of men we are. And we both know why men like us lurk around places frequented by the rich and famous.”
Ned didn’t actually run into all that many other criminals. He had a feeling that he’d get sick of this sort of back and forth fast but, well. He had a type, and Boyd McWhateverHisLastNameWas checked off every single criteria on that list. So, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to play a little mental chess. Battle of the wills. Flirting. He’d figure out what this was later.
In the meantime, Ned leaned forward, examining the spot where he’d nailed Boyd with the volleyball. Best to keep up the appearances.
“Actually, I��d intended to go to the normal beach. Catch some waves, soak up some waves, you know, that whole thing. But hey, I wasn’t gonna say no to playing on a volleyball team with somebody that’s probably got a couple thousand dollars worth of stuff in their gym bag.”
Specifically that necklace that the player in…whatever the Hell the front left position was had taken upon quitting her job as Ann Hathaway’s PA, and then bragged about it to their friends in a place that all kinds of opportunistic bastards could overhear.
“That’s very reasonable of you. So, which bag are you calling?”
“Red bag, my team, off to the left.”
“Oh, good. I was worried you’d want the absolutely hideous snakeskin purse on the other side. That would be terribly awkward.”
Yes, yes it would. Ned could probably have made it work, but it would’ve been an extra pain in his ass, and he’d had to deal with too many of those in the past week.
“So, if you were to, say, get an opportunity to be close to said purse, you’d be satisfied getting me an opportunity to be close to that red bag I’ve found myself…drawn to?”
Boyd tilted his head in what might have been agreement. Ned held out a hand, and he took it, squeezing just a little too hard. Ned didn’t wince, because he still had a first impression to make. First impressions were important in Ned’s line of work, on account of if all went well the first time he met someone tended to be the last time as well.
Ned sort of hoped he’d have time to make a second or third one as well, in this case.
“Say,” Ned said, loudly enough for the schmucks on his team to hear, “let me make it up to you. How about you join our team, and you can have the satisfaction of absolutely obliterating your foes at volleyball?”
Someone on the other team voiced an objection, half-jokingly. Like he was a good friend, and not a stranger they’d met less than half a year ago. The whole lot of them were just a little tipsy; tipsy enough to forget how well they knew or didn’t know a person, but not drunk enough for them to start questioning the meaning of life and therefore how well they knew or didn’t know a person.
“Well,” Boyd said, a spark of something in his eyes, “obliterating my foes does sound rather good, right now.” He got just a little closer to Ned, and Ned tried to pretend this didn’t affect him. “Unfortunately for you,” Boyd continued, danger threading into his voice, “you’re the only foe I see here.”
He sauntered past Ned toward the other side of the court. His new team cheered.
Ned let out a shaky breath and smiled. Oh, this was going to be a good day.
Ned’s team scored two more points before he decided to enact phase two of his plan. As he hit the ball directly toward Boyd’s head, it occurred to him that they hadn’t actually discussed this plan, and Boyd was jacked enough to absolutely destroy him if he decided not to play along.
Once again, Boyd fell back onto the sand with a lot more drama than was necessary. His teammates crowded around him, one of them jeering in Ned’s direction. Ned smiled sheepishly, hoping he wasn’t about to die. Dying wasn’t on his agenda for the day.
Boyd stood, brushing himself off and snarling at Ned. Ned took a step back, fear only half fake as Boyd grabbed onto the collar of the tacky Hawaiian shirt Ned had thrown on as part of his cover. Boyd leaned in close again, and Ned could smell tic-tacs on his breath.
“Only kind of sorry about this, mate,” Boyd whispered, then pulled back his fist and clocked Ned across the jaw. Ned thought he did a good job of out-dramaing Boyd, flopping down and clutching his face like this was the first time he’d ever been punched. Ned’s team let out a series of hey, not fairs and I’m not gonna play against a guy like thats. Boyd threw up his hands and stalked over to the sidelines, coincidentally next to where his team kept their bags. Ned stumbled over to his own side, rubbing his jaw until the game started up again.
Then he reached over and carefully unzipped the bag, sliding out his prize as the owner of the bag scored a point. Ned slid the necklace into the pocket on the chest of his shirt. Then he looked up at Boyd, just in time for Boyd to shut the purse and look up at Ned. Ned winked. Boyd gave a small mock bow. They both went back to watching the game.
When the festivities were over, Ned wandered away and checked his pocket. The necklace was still there. So was a slip of paper with an unfamiliar phone number. Ned grinned. Maybe he’d end up telling Boyd his real name, after all.
Or, well. He’d tell Boyd his name was Ned Chicane. 
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knight-owl-arts · 6 years
from a series of short, un edited and quickly typed fics i wrote of my Dragonborn, part (2/6)
Summary: Signe has a nightmare, which prompts Teldryn to ask about it.
Story under readmore
Nii ag.
"..gne. Sig-!"
Teldryn's paniked hiss rips her out of the dream, and throws her back into reality. Her body lurches in panic, and her lungs force her to cough out smoke that isnt there. Trying to regain her breath, she sits up and pounds her chest in a futile attempt to get out what isn't there.
"Whoa, whoa, calm down, you're okay." Teldryn's voice speaks in her ear again, and she feels a firm hand on her shoulder, squeezing in reassurance. Gods, where would she be without Teldryn.
Calming down a bit, she rubs her eyes from the sudden brightness of the aurora above them. Thats right, they're somewhere in The Reach; camped outside of an old Dwemer ruin that they had planned to delve into int he morning. They're not in The Rift, theres no fire. No fire, no screams, no death.
Taking a deep breath, glad her lungs were cooperating now, Signe speaks. "Sorry, uh...bad dream."
Teldryn scoffs. "I'll say, you we're thrashing about and grumbling things in a different language. I was going to let you be, that is until you Shout fire into the sky."
Shouted? In her sleep? Oh, thats new.
The Nord woman's eyebrows shoot up, and she moves onto her knees, almost ready to spring into action. "Are you okay? I didn't set anything on fire, did I?"
The Dunmer shakes his head, she grip still solid on her, "No, no. Like I said, you Shouted into the sky. Scared me half to death, I nearly jumped all the way back to Solsthiem."
Signe breathes a sigh of relief, and chuckles at her friend. Not a day goes by where she didn't appreciate Teldryn traveling with her, the dark elf was a good mix of serious and comical. The two had been traveling for a month or two now, after she had let him go in order to fight Alduin; Teldryn had been hesitant to let her go alone, but she insisted he head back to Raven Rock where he was safer. The Nord told him that if she didn't retun in a few days, then to consider her a lost cause. Low and behold, when the woman pushed the doors open to the Reching Netch three days later, Teldryn had been to relieved to have her back and in one piece that he was the one to ask to join her again. At no cost. The two were insepratable since.
She relaxes back into her sitting position, and was about to offer to take the night watch and let Teldryn sleep when the man speaks up.
"If you don't mind me asking...what in Oblivion were you dreaming about that made you Shout fire into the air?"
Her eyes caught his, and blue stared into red. Dunmer always did have pretty eyes.
"...It's was a nightmare, obviously. But this one was...my least favorite. I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to tell anyone else, you hear?"
"I've had nightmares before. Simple ones, like showing up to that peace counsil with the Greybeards naked. Then theres the horrid ones, like getting eaten alive by trolls, or being possesed by Daedric Princes. Nightmares are nightmares, so I never really thought too hard on them. But there's one I keep having, and I've been having it ever since Alduin's return.
It's about...what happened to my parents.
When I was young, I used to sneak out late at night to climb the birch trees of the Rift by our home and watch the aurora for a while. I liked it because I was sneaking out, like some rebellious teenager, but I wasn't doing anything bad. But in these dreams, I was an adult, like I am now.
One night I snuck out, and as I was watching the sky, I saw a dragon. Yes, a dragon, far before the time of their return. It flew overhead of me, and straight in the direction of my house. When I saw it land on the roof, I knew I had to go.
I fell out of the tree, and it hurt, but I couldn't stop. It's at this part the nightmare gets worse. I felt like I couldn't move fast enough, no matter how hard I was running. Usually this is where the nightmare would end, with me watching my parents burn while I struggle to run to them.
But these recent ones...I was able to make it to them. I'd run to them jsut as the dragon would open its maw to burn us to the ground, and I'd pull out my shield and sword. But...when I did, I realized my shield and sword weren't there. My armor, my bow, my potions, nothing. I was a child again, staring helpless at this gigantic dragon as the flames formed behind it's teeth.
But, I was okay with this ending. Because I knew, that instead of living my life knowing that if I had been there things would have been different -
- I died alongside them, just as I should have."
Teldryn gazed at his patreon as she finished her story, the woman's eyes landing on the pile of cinders that once was a campire, and seeming to stare into nothing. It wasn't until his hand reaches forward to wipe the tear trails on her cheeks did she even realize she had been silently crying.
Signe snaps out of it, turning her head the other way to avoid contact. "Ah, sorry, it's not really all that interesting. I shouldn't bother you with my personal problems-"
The Nord woman was cut off when a strong pair of arms wrapped around her from behind, and a head was rested on her shoulder.
"Why didn't you say before?" Teldryn asked, voice unsusually soft, but still deep and rumbling.
Taking a deep breath, Signe rests her hands on the other's arms, laying her head back. "Like I said," she started, voice cracking, "I never wanted to bother anyone. Everyone goes through shit, I'm not the only one with relatives who dies at the maw of a dragon. I'm not the only orphan. I felt like if I shared it, it would only be brushed away." She chuckles, closing her eyes, "In Skyrim, death is common."
The Dunmer stayes quiet, and the both of them rest against each other for a while. As the sun began to peak over the horizon, and the sky lightened, Teldryn finally spoke up.
"Don't feel like you have to hide your problems from me, alright? We're friends, at least I think we are." That got a chuckle out of the woman, "There's a smile." He grins, releasing the other from his hold.
Signe takes the chance to turn around and pull Teldryn into a proper hug. "Thank you," she mumbles, resting her head on his shoulder, "I never told you just how glad I am to be traveling with you, Teldryn. There's no one out there quite like you, and I wouldn't trade you for the world."
Teldryn quickly wraps his arms around the woman when she embraced him, happy to oblige in the hug.
"I feel the same," he replies.
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becktwain · 4 years
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It has Been quite sometime since Aquafina was found outside the Lord of Vampires home and Jasmine had awoken from her deep slumber, things had changed a lot aswell..
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Aquafina Was now 8 Years old and totally in love with her father... Elyion had taken over his fathers old business of the towns history and of Course Jasmine Got a Job as a Photographer... 
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Ely had grown quite accustom to just about anything parenting through at him minus a few feminine issues he sent Aquafina to Jasmine for those..
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Aquafina tried to be as normal as she could but never really could the children at school made quite a Fuss about her father and it made her so upset so when she came home from school one day she ran up to her room through her backpack across the room.. She didnt mean to throw it so hard but it crashed into the wall and left a bit of a dent... Ely had ran upstairs due to the noise and found Aquafina crying in the corner of her room... He picked her up and rocked her gently antell she fell asleep, he laid her down and tucked her into her bed then headed downstairs to have a little chat with his cousin..
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“What was that sound?”Jasmine asked as Ely sat down..
“It was Aquafina, She through her backpack through the wall.”Ely said as if it was nothing.
“Wait she what?!?” Jasmine screeched..
Jasmine thought for a few minutes before getting up and rushing down the hall to the bookcase she fumbled through the books and found a very old book she blew on the cover.. Dust flew everywhere making Ely sneeze...”What is that?”Ely asked while rubbing his hands on his pants.. “its something mother gave me when i was younger.. After i got sick for the first time”Jasmine said flipping through page after page Antell she stopped at a page with a picture on it.. The picture was of a women Crying at a grave... Ely didnt unsterstand and shrugged it off heading down to the basement to get some sleep.. But Jasmine seemed to study the image as if it had a secret meaning all its own..
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Aquafina’s odd Strength at times was not her only issue.. She often felt hot to the touch as if she was on fire.. and she saw horrible images of people she didnt even know going through things that no child should ever have to witness.. She kept these things to herself not wanting to worry her father or Aunt... She would also seem like she was in a trance but in her mind she was far away seeing through anothers eyes.. This scared her most of all for once she saw a young girl walk off of a high rise building she had woke up screaming... But when her Father had come running she simply told him it was a dream and left it at that...
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The next day Jasmine headed to the old Graveyard most of her family was buried while Ely Took Aquafina to her doctors appointment...
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Ely and Aquafina wore showed into a room by a nurse and waited for the doctor... Ely’s mouth fell open and a bit of anger rose up inside him as Mark walked into the room.. He had a doctors badge on but it didnt convince Ely..
“Mark!! what the hell are you doing here??”Ely Yelled making Aquafina jump..
“well.. it is good to see you to Cousin.. i went through medical school and now i work here”Mark said simply as he smiled flashing his pearly fangs at Aquafina..
Ely cringed but nodded letting Mark look Aquafina over but his stomach churned as horrible memories flashed to the surface.. 
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“Now lay back young one”Mark said tapping the bed.. Aquafina did as she was told and looked back and forth between her father and this dark natured man..
“Daddy.. Do you know this man?”Aquafina asked Ely with a little concern in her eyes She could practically feel the tension in the room..
“Sadly yes my dear.. This is your Daddy’s Cousin Mark”Ely said through gritted teeth..Aquafina frown as Mark touched her forhead feeling the head rising off her skin..
“my Goodness you are running a very high tempt young lady.. and umm Ely, i didnt know you had any kids”Mark said again grinning up at Ely..
“ya.. well im gonna go get some air.. Dont try anything or ill rip you a new one”Ely said as he left the room.. Aquafina felt a little uncomfortable being left alone with a man her father obviously hated but she didnt feel well...
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Mark sat Aquafina up because he noticed her nose was bleeding.. 
“oh dear”Mark Quickly grabbed a tissue and held it out to Aquafina Who took it and held it to her nose..”Your in pain.. Arent you child?”Mark asked..
Aquafina tried to hold back the tears bit they slipped past her defence and sizzled down her cheeks..”i am sorry”She said as she wipped at them..
“Now now dont be sorry... my name is Mark”He smiled flashing fangs once more he was very proud of his fangs..
“Aquafina”she said sniffling..”Why does daddy hate you?”She asked carefully.
Mark Sighed heavily Aquafina could Practically feel his sorrow, he was very sorry for something and felt very strongly against his own nature..” along time ago i lost someone very close to me... And i didnt handle it in the best way, infact i killed a lot of innocent people.. Your daddy stopped me and made me see reason.. thats why im here now, if i help those in need instead of hurt them perhaps i can make up for my mistakes” Mark said as a lonely tear ran down his cheek he quickly brushed it away.. Aquafina smiled at this man who hated even himself... “im sure Daddy will Forgive you..Uncle Mark”Aquafina said..
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Mark helped Aqaufina off the bed and they headed out to the waiting room where Ely was waiting.. Aquafina sat down at the doll house to play while Mark pulled Ely aside to talk..
“cousin.. I dont know whats wrong with your little girl but it is serious.. its like her body is rejecting something”Mark said worried.
“wait.. are you telling me she is going to die?”Ely asked Dreading the answer.
“i..i Cant answer that”Mark said lowering his head.. Ely Turned around to see his Little girl playing dolls... “Dont tell her..Mark please”Ely said looking back at his cousin with tears welling up in his eyes.. “I promise.. Cousin”Mark lowered his head and headed back to his office...
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A Dark figure peeked around the corner of the hospital waiting room.. Watching the sad scene...
“Are you sure your son can handle this, Vlad”Malcolm asked while fazing through the wall making Vlad jump swirl around...
“Malcolm!! you cant keep doing that!! your gonna give me a heart attack!”Vlad hollered as he held his heart...
“You need a heart first good friend”Malcolm Chuckled while grabbing Vlad’s Arm pulling him closer..”Elyion must take great care with that child.. you know how important she is to us”Malcolm stated looking quite serious..
“i understand... i have faith in my son”Vlad said hoping he sounded convincing for deep down he worried for his sons sanity... Elyion never took Loss very well and Gina had Coddled him a bit to much for his liking, but he believed in him...he could do this.. he hoped.
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bolbianddolanhouse · 5 years
BNHA self insert AU
New to the AU? Start here!
Chapter 36: Miss Keisha, Miss Keisha! Oh My God She Fuckin Dead.
Tenya couldn’t believe it, Shinso was standing right there and the tension was thick. Should he start the conversation? Or should they start? Either way, answers will come out of this.
“...and we’ll have you working out of here” Tenya said to finish the agency tour to Shinso “I’ll get one of the security robos to get you scanned as an associate.”
Shinso watches Tenya summon the boxer sized robo “I can’t believe she did it” his eyes follow the robo “she really is amazing, wish I’d seen her rise to the top.”
“You know, she never told me why you left” Tenya obliviously stated “I know you two moved in together but not when you two split up.”
Shinso went pale and clammy “Wait, you talked to her? Is she okay? Since when? Does she ask you about me?”
“Slow down, I’ve started to talk to her again in early spring” Tenya recalled “when I asked about you, all she said you two broke up before her 20th birthday and the subject never came up again.”
“Oh I see” Shinso sighed “of course it’s like that, why would she want to talk to me again after what I did.”
“If you don’t mind me asking” Tenya leaned in “why did you two break up? You two had an unbreakable bond from what I saw before we graduated.”
“It’s a touchy subject” Shinso felt uneasy again “maybe I’ll tell you after a while but please” he begged “don’t tell her I’m here, it won’t end well.”
“Why? What is she going to do?”
“Just trust me” he sighed and turned to the robo “she’ll lose it if she finds out, I trust that you’ll keep this secret for me.”
Tenya feels the conflict in his heart, on one hand, he’s a trustworthy friend. But on the other, Ita is his love and deserves to know that Shinso is back in town. The weeks go by and Shinso has managed to fly under the radar and is closing in on his term with the Ingenium agency. 
-Ingenium agency, night shift-
“Who’s texting you?” Shinso asked Tenya, who has been distracted by the high amount of texts the past hour.
“It’s Ita” he said as he responded to her text “she’s at her agent job and is not having it with her co-workers again” he chuckled and put his phone back down on the table “her co-worker Hila HATES her for being young and rich, so they try to embarrass her but you know Ita, always ten steps ahead of everyone and it backfired but today was one of those-” the chime of his text tone interrupted his sentence. Shinso saw on his lock screen was a picture of Ita T-posing in front of her coffee maker in the hoodie Shinso gave her on their anniversary.
“Thats...the sweater I gave her” Shinso looked at the text notification, it’s from Sweetheart “Oh, I see you have a nickname for them too. Still can’t tell her huh?”
“Oh um actually” Tenya got red-faced and flustered “she’s my girlfriend now, for a few months actually. Reuniting brought it out of me and she told me she’s always felt strongly towards me, even after hurting her and drifting apart. We’ve been inseparatable since and she’s happier than ever.”
Shinso heart sank but tried not to seem hurt “She moved on huh” he looked at his phone to see his lock screen photo of Ita napping on the couch with the cat on her belly, the memory hurts to look at now that he knows she’s moved on “I’m happy that she’s happy now, the months leading to our end were sucking the happiness out of us, especially her” he put his phone back in his pocket “and all I did was make things worse.”
“I still don’t know the fully story” Tenya said, almost demandingly “why can’t you tell me?”
“Honestly, the memory is so painful to remember” Shinso was having trouble breathing, like he was going to have a panic attack “I’m still hurting over it, but ask her about it, she’s stronger than me and will probably explain it better.”
That scene fucked up Tenya for a few days, Shinso was known for being serious and collected. But to see him on the verge of a panic attack scared Tenya to the point where he wasn’t sure if it was a good idea to ask Ita what happened. In his heart, he knew there was needed closure and there was no other way to get it than breaking his silence.
-Ita’s house, 7pm, dinner time-
“Thanks for dinner” Tenya thanked Ita, for the 10th time “what do you call this dish?”
“Arroz con Frijoles y Carne Asada” I responded.
“I love it when you pronounce your ‘R’s” he gushed “it’s so exotic and alluring.”
“Shut your fuck and thank kami-sama for the food!” I blushed hard and tried to hide it.
They start eating, then Tenya spoke up “It’s been slipping my mind, but Shinso has been a temp at the agency for a while now.”
The sound of silverware dropping on a ceramic plate startled Tenya to look up at a very pale and sweaty Ita “OH HE-HE’S IN TOWN! Coolio! How is he?!”
“Are you alright? You’re being shouty and stressing your words” Tenya started to regret his words.
“Naw this is my normal voice hehehehe! Did he tell you where’s he’s been?!” she starts to hyperventilate and sweat harder “How’s his cat?! Is he back for good?!”
“STOP!” Tenya stands from the table “What is with you? He told me not to tell you he was back because you might freak out” he walks over to her side of the table “I believe him now, but what happened between you two?”
Ita was feeling very cornered but gave in and took a few calming breaths “I guess you were going to find out sooner or later” I motioned him to sit and held his hands “let my preface everything with I love you and I will never leave you unless I have a good reason to and we’ll talk things out if we’re running into problems.”
“I love you too, I’m listening” he squeezes her hands to give her reassurance.
“Okay, everything started around the time I was entering my second term of college...”
Flashback to 3 years ago...
I was going through usual couple things like small fights and compromise with lots of affection. With life picking up the pace and with no signs of stopping, I felt invincible. Everything halted when I found out I was pregnant with Shinso’s baby, college and my want to start up my company had to be on hold. Everything was fine up until the incident that changed our lives.
“Hitoshi! Can you help me put on my boots?” I whined from the living room couch, it was 10am and I had an important day ahead of me.
“Let me just set this here” Shinso set a teacup down on the table and kneeled to rub my feet to ease the swelling “are you sure you’re fit to work? You’re getting huge to be doing fieldwork.” He put on her boots and kissed her growing belly “kick once if mommy should stay home, twice if she should go to work.”
“Silly! I’m only 5 months, they have me on light footwork if I have to go on a mission” I put my hand on his face, a small kick was felt on my left side “just today then I stay home to get the house ready for our baby.”
“I don’t know babe” Shinso looked into my eyes “with all the raiding being done in Sumida lately, it’s becoming dangerous to be in the business district.”
“I’m a toughie! I can manage myself just fine” I sit up and hold my arms out for him to help me up “today I have to do paperwork for the monthly report, you know how I get when I do paperwork.”
“Fine then” Shinso kisses me “just come home as soon as you can.”
I head off to work and my light field-work turned disastrous when the bank I was at to gain intel was getting robbed in the middle of me reviewing security footage. I get the footage and get the workers around me to safety and contact authorities and rescue to get me out. Before they came, a blast was set off and a heavy filing cabinet fell on top of me and my water broke. I was rushed to the hospital to save my baby. The baby didn’t survive and died in my arms, all the guilt of not listening to Shinso to stay home stabbed my heart and ripped me apart. Shinso was in total shock, he wouldn’t even look at me nor speak. He didn’t want to see where I buried our baby, he didn’t want to me to touch him and he didn’t sleep in our bed. He just droned with glazed eyes and barely ate anything for days.
“Hitoshi, are you in here?” I softly asked as I pushed open the door to the office “hey, did you eat dinner?” He didn’t respond, just sat at the desk writing something “look, babe, it’s been two weeks” I take a deep breath “can we talk? It doesn’t have to be about what happened, I just want to hear you.” He stopped writing for a second, like he was considering what I said, but he continued writing “I suppose it is a bit late for talking” I knew I was just making up excuses “well, I’m going to bed, if you’d like to come” I turn to leave “good night, I love you.”
I went to bed, alone. I tried to stay up as long as I could to see if he’d come to bed after-all. In the morning, I see that he didn’t come to bed and I woke up 15 minutes before I was supposed to be up. “Hitoshi?” I called out, no response. “I guess he’s still asleep maybe” I sat up and after rubbing my eyes a bit, I see the room was cleaner than I left it last night “oh he did laundry?” I said as I saw that the basket with overflowing dirty clothes was picked up and maybe in the laundry room. I go to the bathroom and see it was also cleaned “he threw out all the empty products? It’s so cleared of clutter” I brush my teeth and notice his wasn’t in the holder, I check the cabinet and see a lot of his things weren’t there. “Weird, I know he keeps his deodorant and eye drops in here” I finish up in the bathroom and go down stairs “Hitoshi? Why is-” I start but stopped myself because something wasn’t right. The cat’s bed, toys and tower wasn’t in it’s usual spot and the cat was no where to be seen or heard. “Hitoshi?! Biscuit?! Please meow if one of you is there?!” I call out, nothing. I look in the laundry room and all of my clothes were folded but his were no where to be seen. I check the office and it was cleared out of all his things, same in the garage and our closet. “I don’t understand?!” I get worried and I walk into the kitchen to see that coffee was brewed and the kitchen was cleaned. There was a note on the fridge addressed to me:
I can’t talk about what happened and I can’t keep living here. It’s painful to be around here and even more when you tell me you love me through your pain. I need time and distance to really heal from everything, there’s groceries in the fridge and three months of my part of the rent and bills on the counter to last until the end of the co-lease. I cleaned the house and took all of my belongings, including the cat. Don’t come looking for me, please take care of yourself but until we meet again, I love you.
I was devastated and just broke down on the kitchen floor. Unable to move or know what to do, time flew by and everyone at work noticed that I wasn’t there. Mimi got special permission to come check up on me. She found me on my kitchen floor and read the note, they got filled with rage that once again I got hurt by a man. After blowing some steam and consoling me to my feet, they asked “Okay, you’re up now” she put her hands on my shoulders “what’s the plan?”
“I’m not sure” I squeeze my eyes shut to think of something “nothing makes sense in my head, I just want to lay down.”
“No! You are a bad bitch!” she shook me “I’ve seen you pull yourself together when a boy hurts you. You’re going to pick up everything he made you drop for him.”
“What do you mean?”
“Going back to college!” she points to the small dog grabbing the tissues off the ground with his robot arm “start our company! Nothing will come out of you just laying down and waiting for him to come back.”
“You know what....YEAH!” I pump myself up “I’m going to work on myself! And if Hitoshi does come back and doesn’t like the new me, then he can fuck off!”
“Yes bitch!” she yelled and carried me to my office to get started on myself. But the loneliness came back when she left, I found it hard to sleep in that bed. The couch and the floor of the office is were I slept for months. The day I graduated college was when I slept in that bed again, nobody was there to wake up to when I felt lonely. A price to pay when you succeed beyond your wildest dreams in less than a year. I lost the warm and loving part of myself in the process, sex meant nothing and there wasn’t an alcohol strong enough to make the pain go away. I didn’t let anyone come too close to my heart because who the hell would want a broken woman. I convinced myself that if I just work and keep working, there will be no room for things like love to get in the way. Slowly but surely, I changed into this mysterious and unattainable person you see on magazine covers and business articles.
End of flashback
I finish my side of everything with tears streaming down my face “...I haven’t talked to him since the night before he left” I look toward the stairs “I’ve asked around for his whereabouts but lost track a year and a half ago. Amajiki told me he was going north for work but he didn’t say where.”
“North? He did come from Hokkaido” Tenya remembered “he’s a contract basis hero, so he’s never in just one place.”
“I figured” I sighed “now that he’s back, I don’t know if he wants to talk” I wiped my tears “I’ll let him do that on his own time.”
“It’s not like you to be non-confrontational” he questioned “and it wasn’t like Shinso to get all panicked when I mentioned the past. This really hurt you two.”
“Yea, sometimes I imagine how life would’ve been if I had our baby” I rubbed my stomach “our little boy would’ve been turning 3, maybe showing signs of his quirks” I smiled “he had dark purple hair and my nose, probably had his eyes and my personality traits. I like to think that we would’ve been a happy family but at the same time, none of the things I worked hard for would’ve came true. I’d be stuck in that lacky agent job and be a housewife for the rest of my life.”
“Well if it makes you feel any better” he wiped her tear “I don’t think you’re broken, you’re still that warm and loving person and you can start your happy family over with me” she looked up at him “we’ll get married, have as many children as you want, raise them with love and nurturing care to be whatever they want to be, I’ll do housework and cook too when you’re working and-”
I start laughing “Whoa there! One thing at a time Tenya!” I throw my arms around him and squeeze “thank you, for listening and unpacking my baggage. I needed it.”
“It seems like it’s what I do best” he holds her “thank you for being brave enough to retell your past. I love you.”
-One week later, Ingenium Agency-
“Just one more week huh Shinso-kun?” Tenya said as Shinso walked in the locker room.
“Hm? Yeah heh” Shinso takes off his voice changer “I was thinking about staying in the suburbs of Tokyo, I forgot how nice this area actually is.”
“You’re here to stay?” 
“You could call it that” he took off his boots “I have a friend in Chiyoda that’s been looking for a roommate and the work around here is better than up north. So I’ll stick around and see if I can get an agency to keep me.”
“That’s wonderful news!” Tenya exclaimed “I’m happy you’ve settled back, from what Ita told me, I thought you might not want to stick around because she’s so close by.”
“I know and I guess she told you why I left huh?” Shinso turned to Tenya and saw him nod “it’s a lot to unpack but I have to say my side. I don’t blame her for anything, I blame myself for being so selfish. I thought having a baby would solve all of our problems but they were really my problems. She was talking about the future and starting her own things, it was like she was maturing too fast and I wanted to keep her the same laid-back and feisty girl I fell in love with. Getting her pregnant just made her more mature and I was regretting it, I love her but not her ideas and dreams.” he closed his locker “how can I say that when she’s carrying our son! So when she lost the baby, I was relieved but also saddened that he was gone now. My coldness wasn’t her fault, it was all mine. I was afraid to tell her how I really felt, so I just didn’t talk or looked at her when she begged me to. I’ve been planning my move out for a week and the final straw was when she told me ‘I love you’ after begging me to talk to her because she wanted to hear my voice. It was painful to leave her alone in that house, I still loved her enough to leave her a clean house with food and paid bills.” his voice started to crack “I hid away from her and our friends to avoid getting confronted by her. And even after all this time, I’m still not ready to talk to her because I’m deathly afraid of seeing her heartbreak over my truth and selfish ways. I don’t think she’ll forgive me. But on my hardest days, all I could think about is her arms around me as she kisses me and the warmth we share when we make love.” he stops and turns red “but um, I bet you already know about all that now, lucky you.”
“What do you mean?” Tenya asks as he wipes his face with a towel.
“You know...making love” Shinso makes some suggestive hand gestures to fill in the gaps “or I don’t know what you two call it but isn’t she just so warm and freaky in bed? God I miss it.”
“I don’t? Understand what you mean?” Tenya was more confused “I’ve never shared the bed with her.”
Shinso’s jazz music stopped in his head “WAIT HOLD UP!” he tried to hold it together “are you telling me that you, an adult man, have never asked Ita ,your adult girlfriend with a high sex drive, for sex?!” he laughed in disbelief “I can’t believe it! You’re an adult virgin!”
“I wouldn’t know the first step to ask!” Tenya turned red in embarrassment “I don’t even know how to any of the moves!” that just made Shinso laugh harder “don’t laugh! Nobody taught me how!”
“Oh man, I haven’t laughed that hard in years!” Shinso wiped his tears “oh fuck, look Iida-kun, the first step is to have her in that little kissy mood” he puts his arm on his shoulder “get her nice and flustered, then run your hand on her inner thigh, lean in to her ear and say ‘wanna take this to the bedroom?’ or ‘baby, I wanna give you a Detroit Smashing.’ and the rest will follow.”
“Won’t she laugh at the last one?”
“She did, and it was super awkward every time we heard Midoriya yell it in class-”
After that little talk in the locker room, Tenya pondered how he was going to ask her, as he was going to meet up with her later that night at her place. Everything was going the way Shinso said to start out.
“Oh you’re getting handsy” I giggled “don’t be shy, my body is all yours to feel.”
“If you say so” he took it as a cue to do the inner thigh touch “is this too much?”
I start to quiver “N-n-not at all” my voice was choppy “it feels naughty, don’t stop.” 
“It’s so warm” he kept running his hand and observing her expressions “um, can we, um” his mind was blanking on the spot, he had to stop stammering and say something! “can we take this to Detroit?”
“To where?!” I started laughing at his panic sentence “I’d love to see you point to Detroit on a fucking map Tenya but what in the actual fuck?”
He sighs in defeat, her roast was too much “I mean- I meant to say, er, ask if you wanted to, IF YOU WANT TO I’M NOT FORCING YOU TO DO ANYTHING!” he panics again “if you and me, shared a bed tonight?”
“You can say sex Tenya” I looked at his nervous face and put my hand on his “and I would like to partake in intercourse with you” I kissed his lips “I’m consenting.”
“You didn’t have to say it like that” he chuckled, feeling a little less nervous.
“Like ‘can we take this to Detroit’ was a better phrase” I roasted back as I levitated us off the couch “I won’t drag you upstairs, lets go” we get to my bedroom door “welcome to my bedroom, it’s huge” I open the door and flip on the lights.
“This...I see why you don’t like sleeping alone” he looked around in amazement of the opulent aesthetic “that bed is way too big just to have you sleeping in it” he looks at the furniture and the slightly ajar closet “it’s so luxury feeling just floating in here.”
“Heh just a few ten thousands of dollars can really change up the look of a room” I said as I floated onto the middle of the bed and set him down on the edge “Muffin, can you set the lights to ambiance 3 in this room and put the house on Do Not Disturb mode?”
“House set to Do Not Disturb, lights in bedroom to ambiance 3″ the sound of the small robo could be heard from downstairs “now powering down to sleep mode, good night Mom.”
“The dog calls you- Oh wow the lights” Tenya got distracted by the sudden change of light from bright to dimmer and slightly rose in color.
“Where were we?” I sat up to get his attention “come here love, I’m cold” I softly spoke to coax him in “I know it’s your first time, it’s not scary, just relax.” 
He crawled up to her held her “I want to do good for you” he was trying to relax but the anticipation was getting to him “just like you said in the tree the night after the dance.”
“Well, lets start with some visualizing” I straddle him “In second year, after we talked over apples, I touched myself pretending you invited me to stay and we kissed for hours until we gave in and rubbed each other to climax.”
“You’d think about me?” he felt the heat rise from deep inside his body “what made you so turned on back then?”
“I love how your arms just envelop me and your hands are big and soft,” she ran a hand on his chest “your large and strong build is something to fawn over, I imagine myself under you as you just have your way with me” I rest my hips on his “the only time I’d obey orders is in bed.”
“I didn’t know you felt lust over my body” he cleared his throat “is it getting too warm in here?”
I take off my shirt “Ever wonder why clothes get ripped off durning sex?” I felt a poke on my thigh “the body gets hot and bothered, looks like you’ve sprung up to the occasion” I teased as I lift his shirt a bit, showing his tummy “take it off, I want to see my man in his raw form.”
He takes off his clothes and helps me out of mine “Oh wow the tattoos do trail down your back” he commented before I flipped onto my back “may I see your-” I open my legs before he could finish his sentence “Oh goodness me, this just made things more confusing” he scratched his head and oogled at it “how do I...move around in there?”
I laughed “Give me your hand and come closer” I give him a mini anatomy lesson but with hands on learning “...does that make sense now?”
“Yes it does” he touched over it again slowly “if you’re ready to receive me, I’m ready to start.” I nod and he positions himself “I’ll try my best.” It began a bit awkwardly at the start but picked up a bit once he found his rhythm “I love to hear you moan, it feels like I’m doing something right” he kisses her neck “my love, my heart, my everything....I want to make love to you every night and be the one you see in the morning” he goes faster, making me short of breath.
“Tenya~I’m gonna-”
“Hold on to me, I’m close.” he moans right before he finishes, he gives a few final thrusts and drops his weight on top of me “excuse my weight, but was that good? Because I feel amazing.”
“Yeah~ you’re amazing Tenya” I said breathlessly “I thought I could handle your size but you gave me quite the pounding” he pulled out of me “cuddle me, I’m needy.”
“Kiss first” he asked and I obeyed “you weren’t kidding when you said you’ll obey in bed” his arms wrapped around me “was I everything you imagined?”
“I couldn’t imagine something better if I tried” I nested myself on his chest “did you mean what you said?” I got timid “about the every night and morning thing?”
“I did, I don’t think I can go back to sleeping alone” he stroked her sweat damped hair “and I don’t think I want you to go to sleep alone either. You’ve spent enough nights alone with your fantasies.”
“I have, it finally feels like I’m complete” I pull the sheets over us with my telekinesis “stay the night, please?”
“Can I just...move in?” he hesitated to ask.
“Just like that?” I tilted my head up to see his face “well, lets see...it’s November and the new lease starts in January” I muttered to organize my thoughts “can you make a down payment of 220,000 yen by the 1st of January? Co-rent is usually like 22,000 a month if you’re down.”
“That’s doable” he squeezed her lovingly “I love you!”
“Not possible, I love you more!” I squeezed back.
They slept in each other’s arms and dreamt of domestic life. In the morning, as usual, Tenya was the first one up. It was 6am and the mess of black curls under his chin greeted him before the familiar face of squished and sleepy. Not the best look on her but how he adores her and her genuine expressions. He waited patiently for her to wake up, he didn’t want to hold back on his promise that he’ll be there in the morning. Finally, at around 8am, she came around.
“Oh shit, good morning” she sleepily moaned “I lowkey forgot we fucked last night and that it was all real.”
He watched her rub her eyes and stretch her back “It was like a dream” he kissed her properly “I’m here like I promised, so good morning love.”
The door slammed open, ruining the moment “Good morning Mom, you have 20 new client emails, 2 events for today and review documents for this month’s company overview.” Muffins blared as they’ve been programed to rude awaken her at 8:15am everyday.
“Thank you Muffins” I stressfully groaned “I’m up now.”
“Is that-”
“Daily, yeah” I sat up, forgetting I was naked “the life of a CEO should be starting at 5am but I’m a sane person, my day starts when I want it to” I float lazily off the bed and towards the bathroom “you can use my shower if you’d like, I’m not kicking you out yet.”
He blushes as he sees her just do her routine, naked “Can I ask you a weird question, about your body?”
“Sure? What’s up?”
“You have so many tattoos now” he runs his fingers on the sunflower patch on her hip “and they’re beautiful works of art, what do they mean?”
“Well, I got them as I got scars from my agent work” I pulled my hair up in a bun to show the ones on the back of my neck and shoulders better “the one you touched was to cover a stab wound I got before I got pregnant, this koi fish one on my shoulder was from the time I got a bullet wound like a year ago.”
“How are you still in agent work?” He stopped her tattoo tour “if you keep getting hurt like this? Yes I have scars and such but you have so many more.”
“I’ve saved lives too Tenya, not all my scars are because of my recklessness” I point to the tattoo on my left thigh “see this one? I nearly lost my leg in a tussle with a super villain, the one in Ichikawa that leveled the agency there. There was this family that was struggling to escape and I didn’t have time to get them all out of the way of a direct attack incoming, I jumped in front and took the hit that almost shattered my leg and left a lighting scar. The family was safe but I was in the hospital for sustaining a direct hit, when I got discharged and got my leg out of the cast, I got this cool rose tat.”
He traced the rose tattoo with his fingers, feeling the slightly raised scar tissue that was covered by the blue inks “I remember that attack, I couldn’t reach out in time to fight” he felt guilt “it should’ve been me that took that hit.”
“None of that!” I put my hands on his face and squished it to stop his thought “I’m here and alive, you’re here and alive, lets not dwell on the what if’s and just love each other in the moment.”
“But I still worry” he remembered something from the past “when I saw you get that ice shard in your abdomen and your body going limp” his voice cracked, it was traumatic to remember “I carried you to the hospital, running faster than I ever could to save you, screaming to open your eyes and to stay with me. I couldn’t function for days, I wanted so badly to see you and make sure you were really alive because I couldn’t stand the idea of you dead before you had the chance to go back home.” Tears poured from his face, hands trembling to hold her “even in the time we were apart, I worried about you. If you had enough to get by, enough to eat, enough attention, if you went to bed cold or if you got sick , and my worst fear, if you were being loved and cherished enough.”
“Tenya, all that just for me?” I wiped his tears “well, no use crying over spilt milk! Now we can lead our lives, together, and you won’t have to worry if I’m hungry, cold or sick. And I don’t have to worry about being cold, ignored nor feel lonely” I bought him in for a tight embrace “because you’re here to stay and I’m not going anywhere. I love you and your feelings are valid.”
He felt his chest swell with that familiar feeling of genuine emotions after listening to her. She always knew what to say and it was one of the thing he missed the most about her. After a brief moment, he remembered that they were both still naked, in the bathroom “As much as I love you” he started as he broke the embrace “can you cover up and look that way as I’m showering?”
“No, my house, my rules” I got cheeky “you have to look at my naked body until I dress for the day, I paid good money for this art” I turned around and wiggled my ass “or I’ll cut you a deal, take a bath with me and then I’ll cover up in a robe.”
“I- ahem- I’m-” he was flustered “oh goodness, you don’t play fair.”
I walk toward the bathtub and turn on the hot water “When have I ever?” I gave a flirty giggle as I adjusted the temperature of the water “will you join me? I promise to keep my hands to myself.” He didn’t have words, just a head nod and walked toward the running bath. Sharing a bath, trying to get used to her tattooed and naked body just made their bond stronger. To think this was what he was missing all this time, his heart was full and ready for the future they’re going to build together.
-Chapter 36, End-
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“I still don’t get why I’m needed for this.” I groaned as I sat with Richè and Sinai in the studio. Sinai had still been working on Moe’s wedding but it hadn’t been having as big as an impact on her. I don’t know what happened but she was back to her old ways, and a nigga like me was not complaining.
  “Because you’re the only one that knows how to work all of this stuff babe.” Sinai replied walking over to me and sitting down on my lap.
  “Your also his best friend and you know him better than us. So you’ll be able to tell me whether he’ll like the song or not!” Richè chimed in from where she was inside the booth. I sucked my teeth pretending to wave them both off.
  “Yeah yeah whatever, just play the beat back and let me hear what you got.” I responded. She nodded and Sinai climbed off my lap to loop the track.The beat to I’m So Into You started to play and I nodded my head at the choice. That was one of Marcus’ favorite songs.
  Richè began to sing and my jaw dropped for so long Sinai had to pop it back into place. Once Richè finished she came out the booth and looked between Sinai and I for our reactions.
  “I didn’t know you could sing ma, that was really dope! I think he’ll love it. Actually I know he will.” I said genuinely impressed. Sinai grinned and nodded her head agreeing with me. It was ture Richè had taken one of Marcus’ favorite songs and made it about them which was cool as fuck.
  “Alright well Keem I just need you to burn it and do whatever you can and then give it to me. I  have to go though, I need to pick Nyelle up from school.” Richè said hopping out the booth and giving both Sinai and I a hug before exiting the studio. It was kind of sus the way she left so quickly but I decided to brush it off as Richè being Richè.
  “So Keem...I need to talk to you about something.” Sinai said after Richè had left. I licked over my lips and chuckled, now it made sense why Richè ha dipped out so fast. Clearly Sinai had already told her what she had to tell me. “Don’t laugh, it’s serious.”
  “Aigh I’m listening.” I said biting on my upper lip as I waited for her to speak on whatever it was she had to talk to me about.
  “So I know these past couple of weeks haven’t been easy. Just because Moe coming back into my life and everything. But I wanted to let you know I appreciate you and I’m truly grateful for everything.” She said smiling and leaning in to peck my lips gently. I kissed her back but in all honesty I was getting tired of hearing about this nigga. “And so things have gotten a lot better and I’ve decided to finally tell you why.” She paused to look at me to peep my reaction. I kept my face blank and stared straight ahead preparing myself for what she was about to say.
  “Babe you look so serious.” She said giggling and cupping my face in her hands.
  “Come on and tell me what you gotta tell me Sinai.” I replied not really in much of a joking mood.I had a feeling that whatever it was she was about to tell me wasn’t something I wanted to hear.
  “Well okay then...we’ve been going to therapy Moe and I. To work through some issues and get some closure, and it’s really been helping.” My face screwed up almost immediately once I heard her say that and I sat up causing her to fall out of my lap and next to me on the couch.
  “So you been going to therapy with this nigga?!” I asked standing up and squinting at her trying to make sure I heard her correctly. She looked up at me wide-eyed and nodded her head silently.
  “I don’t want you to be mad Keemy. It’s not what it sounds like and it-”
  “Ion wanna hear that shit Sinai. You basically been going to couples therapy with your ex nigga.” I said shaking my head at her. “Now if I start going to therapy with Rose that’s cool?” I asked. I knew that was a low blow but I couldn’t help it, a nigga was hurt.
  “You told me she was just a one night stand Hakeem. This is different, I spent years with him, I loved him. It’s not the same, don’t be an asshole.” She argued looking at me with hurt in her eyes.
  “Why are you just now telling me this Sinai? Matter of fact let me tell you why because you knew it was wrong. You knew I wouldn’t like it, so you went behind my back to do it. Ion like sneaks shorty.” I said grabbing my jacket from the chair and pulling it on. “You of all people should know that.”
  “Keem where are you going?” She asked me standing up and walking towards me.
  “To therapy.” I replied chuckling darkly once more before exiting the studio and feeling the cold air hit me. I turned the corner towards where I had parked and was immediately met with a jab to my lower stomach. I had been caught off guard and couldn’t see who it was or how many people were around.
  I fell to the ground quickly and was immediately met with a pair of boots kicking me in the face. I threw my hands up attempting to block all hits but they were coming too fast and there were too many people jumping me.
  “Let Marcus know we’re taking over.” I heard someone say before I heard car door slams and tires peel away.
  “Keem?” I heard Sinai call out before hearing her gasp. I closed my eyes feeling the pain wash over my body and then everything went black.
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   “Man FUCK MY BIRTHDAY!” I yelled to nobody in particular. Keem had been jumped by some unknown niggas and was lying on the store couch unconscious and everyone was trying to tell me to calm down because it was my birthday.
  “Marcus chill out fam we’re gonna find whoever did this.” Caiden said shaking his head in anger. I glared at him studying his movements and posture, all the things Quis had said earlier this week running through my mind.
  “You don’t know nothing about this right?” I asked him raising my eyebrows in suspicion. He looked at me as if he couldn’t believe I had even asked him that question.
  “Nigga do you hear yourself? Of course I don’t.” He replied sounding a bit hurt that I had even accused him. Quis rolled his eyes and shook his head. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples, I couldn’t deal with this right now. This wasn’t supposed to be how my day went.
  I had gotten a call from Sinai freaking out and just erratic while I was in the middle of dropping Zora off with Nicole, Quis and I rush over to where she’s at and find Keem slumped in the middle of an alley way. I tried to ask Sinai what happened but she was so busy crying and screaming I couldn’t get an answer out of her until we got back to the shop.
  Before I could respond to Caiden Richè burst into the shop with a cake in one hand and shopping bags in the other. “Sorry I was getting all your things together when Sinai texted me.” She said gesturing to her full hands.
  “Aigh Sinai can you tell us what happened now?” I asked turning to Sinai.
  “Basically we got into an argument. I ran after him only to find him laying in the alley and a car was speeding away. I-I I didn’t know what to do, so thats when I called you.” She sobbed before placing her hands in her face.
  “Relax ma, you did the right thing. We’re gonna find who did this.” Caiden said shaking his head.
  “Man shut up!” Quis yelled out his face covered in disgust.
  “Nigga suck my dick. I’m not about to do this shit with you, not right now. If Keem was really your bro you wouldn’t be trying to beef with me right now either.” Caiden shot back, his voice getting louder.
  “MAN ENOUGH. I’m sick of yall and this dumb ass beef shit.” I yelled causing everyone in the room to jump.
  “How the fuck can a nigga be unconscious with yall being rowdy and loud as fuck?” Keem grumbled sitting up slowly and grabbing his head with his hands. I turned in disbelief and looked around the room to find that everyone had the same look on their faces.
  “Yo you good?” I asked stepping towards him before taking a step back, giving him some space.
  “Babe!” Sinai yelled out running over to Keem’s side. He held his hand out stopping her almost immediately and she stopped dead in her tracks looking at him in disbelief.
  “Nah shorty we aint cool.” He said shaking his head slowly and standing up slowly. I could tell he was in pain but it wasn’t enough to make him forget whatever it was him and Sinai had went through.
  “Keem are you serious?” She asked looking at us all embarrassed before stepping closer to Keem. “After everything that just happened you’re still mad at me?!”
  “I’m serious Sinai, just go on home. Ion feel like dealing with you and your bullshit right now.” He replied angrily, glaring at her before sitting back down. The whole situation right now was giving me flashbacks to when Richè and I were broken up and she had shown up at my job and I dubbed her.
  “Bro…” I said trying to let him know he was fucking up. Normally I minded my business but I wasn’t sure if he was sure what exactly he was doing.
  “Stay out of it, you don’t know what’s going on.” He replied shaking his head at me. Sinai looked at me and I shrugged. He was my brother and I had to respect his wishes.
  “Well I’ll go then...Happy Birthday by the way Marcus.” Sinai said sadly before turning to leave. Richè sighed and placed my things down before walking over to me, tip toeing to give me a sweet kiss.
  “I’ll stop by later babe.” She whispered to me before kissing me once more and following Sinai out of the shop.
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primadonnatartuffe · 7 years
RYAN: -tonight is the night ryan would fall off the wagon after spending way too long in a bar singing, fending off offers to buy her drinks as well as her own impulses. but this is what happens when you put yourself in these kinds of locations. it was only a matter of time.- 
RYAN: -pain pills are easy enough to come by, and even easier to choke down when you're drunk. a wild evening results in ryan making her usual commute back home, late at night, on her own... making her an easy target for a mugging.- 
RYAN: -things get a little hazy after that point. but she remembers seeing jack arrive on the scene before blacking out.- 
RYAN: -... and then she woke up, back at the bar where it all began. she snorts awake from a puddle of drool with the bar tender tapping her head and telling her they're closing. she had a half finished drink which apparently made her both sleepy and guilty enough to pass out and have some kind of shitty nightmare. or... something. regardless, it's time to make the trek home, but her mind is still buzzing.- 
RYAN: -she's been having an awful lot of realistic dreams lately. way more than she has her entire life. jack seems to play a role in a considerable number of them, but she finds it unsettling in this case. this isn't her idealizing him rescuing her. it's more like... a very plausible thing if he ever saw her getting into trouble in one of his visions. and the idea of that makes her feel incredibly guilty.- 
RYAN: -she snaps out of her thoughts long enough to notice she's coming upon the alley from her dream. it would be wise to avoid it, but she wants to prove to herself it was just a dream... it would all be alright, like every other evening. and besides, she'd be on her toes anyway. she can fend for herself. still, her heart races as she turns down that street.-
JACK: -It's a feeling that creeps up his spine and settles with a heavy weight in his mind. Nagging and insistent, Jack knows no rest until he's forced to emerge from his apartment and pace the Skaian streets. He knows this feeling by now, like tuning into a radio station full of scenarios that chill his blood in a terribly familiar way.- 
JACK: -He can practically taste the dread in his mouth. His hands feel for a pack tucked into the pocket of his windbreaker until he's fishing out the cig he's searching for. Before too long, Jack has it tucked between his teeth. The tobacco burning in a (failed) hope of stowing off the metallic tang on his tongue.- 
JACK: -While his feet carry him down the turns of concrete and crosswalks, images begin to press to the blanket of sightlessness that were his eyes. Taking him an hour, half an hour, moments into the future. Stringlets of fate belonging to complete strangers, they paint Jack's surroundings to perfect clarity. He can See the darkened street where Ryan turns. Her steps hobbled and uncertain, the very opposite of sober.- 
JACK: -He also Sees when the three figures depart from the bar, having watched Ryan the whole time she'd spent drinking and then finally leaving on her own. A few seconds of context and clairvoyant observation left Jack knowing their intention. They were faceless, strangers in his visions, except for Ryan. Her face he would recognize anywhere and he realizes... He doesn't have much time to revel in the picturesque details he'd been missing out on.- 
JACK: -And so Jack takes a short cut, cutting straight through an alley where he might intercept Ryan on the other side. No need for conflict if he can avoid it. His hand shoots out to catch her at the elbow.- (Ryan.)
RYAN: -as alert as she tries to be, naturally she's glancing around nervously in all directions except the one jack suddenly emerges from. she feels his hand on her, stirring up a yelp and a startled jump.- JESUS FUCK. 
RYAN: -her heart beats right out of her chest and it only starts to settle when she recognizes the dimly lit figure beside her.- (jack???) 
RYAN: (what are you doing here?) -she doesn't sound entirely clueless, but she asks it all the same.-
JACK: -He can sense the group's balk in the distance as they see his interception of Ryan. But it'll only be a moment, just long enough for Jack to take her by the hand and zip further into the alley.- (No time.)
JACK: -Navigates with surprising finesse for a blind guy. Managing to avoid crates, broken bottles, garbage cans, anything that will cut it close to an encounter with their would-be pursuers. Within a few minutes, Jack is pulling Ryan in... only to duck with her into the archway of a backway door. The locked from the outside kind, probably belonging to the grounded restaurant kitchen beyond. His visions told him as much.- 
JACK: -He keeps a hand to her, hushing her while he listened and searched the immediate future. They were certainly out of sight now...-
RYAN: -alright, so much for her calming down. she sputters one last incoherent protest before the pair of them bob and weave through the alley's obstacles. this is all too fucking Real, she thinks, and it certainly doesn't quell her paranoid fears that what she saw was, in some way, her fate.- 
RYAN: -they linger in the archway, but the pause does nothing to quiet her racing thoughts or the unpleasant churn of anxiety in her stomach. she looks to jack, leaning into him a little to try to relax and trust that whatever is going on, he's got it under control better than she does. because what the fuck???- 
RYAN: -exhales after a moment and turns towards him to hiss a whisper.- (we got time now?)
JACK: -As the prospect of danger fades, so does his pseudo-ability to see. Everything takes to the comfort of pitch black and once again, Jack is left alone with the hush of Ryan's voice in his ear. The smell of booze is on her breath, the same way the cigarette smell must be clinging to his own clothes.- 
JACK: -his hand releases her and finds its way to her shoulder, squeezing at her in a way he hopes is reassuring.- Yes. 
JACK: We'll give it another minute or two. -talks as if they're avoiding something like a sudden bout of rain instead of... what just could have been.-
RYAN: alright. -she fidgets, but manages to collect herself as quiet returns between them. there are things she'd like to say that she isn't sure how.- 
RYAN: ... jack? i uh... 
RYAN: -sighs- there were guys following me. right?
JACK: -There's no point in lying... but he doesn't like the tension in her voice either. Despite everything, he would still prefer not to take it as what it could have been but rather what it is now. Ryan, safe because of his own intervention. He would count his lucky stars if he could.- 
JACK: There were.
JACK: But safe to say, they're gone now. -blinks and kind of registers their proximity of one another. Crossing his arms, Jack turns to lean back against the door instead, lining her shoulder up by his own.- Lucky break.
RYAN: ... i knew about them. 
RYAN: but i didnt think it would actually happen. 
RYAN: i mean... fuck. -runs a hand through her hair.- how do i put this? 
RYAN: -she turns her head to look at him again, confused and scared, but if anyone would understand, it had to be him... right?- i keep having these dreams. theyre always about me... things that happen to me. and they feel so real. but they never... theyve never happened. 
RYAN: i saw those guys coming after me. but even in that dream it was different. 
RYAN: ... i dunno. maybe its just a coincidence. im basically a sitting duck walking out here on my own.
JACK: Not always, you know. Just this one time. -gently nudges her with an elbow. He can't see how confused and fearful her expression is, but he can certainly hear it in her words. Jack opts to keep a cool head.- When did you have this dream.
RYAN: -scoffs and nudges him back.- just earlier today. 
RYAN: at the bar. 
RYAN: ... after i drank a little. 
RYAN: i guess i fell asleep.
JACK: -falls quiet and thoughtful at that, focusing on the circumstance. It was unique to say the least and one he couldn't help but identify with.- Is this a recent thing? You say dreams in the plural sense of the word.
RYAN: -nods slowly- yeah. for the past... month or so? 
RYAN: theyre usually about... shit like this. 
RYAN: me making poor decisions or getting into trouble or... 
RYAN: uhh... -glances off, flustered when she remembers the bulk of the things she dreams about. whoops.- mostly just that.
JACK: -strokes a thumb at his chin, nodding. Ohhh if he knew what she was thinking.- It's interesting. 
JACK: But something you can't expect to know the ins and outs of right away. 
JACK: I would suggest you take it with a grain of salt. Maybe... -drops the cane from his sylladex, weighing it in one hand for a moment.- Try not to tempt fate so often. 
JACK: The dreams are there for a reason.
RYAN: mrgg. well that much is obvious to me. -rubs at her head, feeling annoyed with herself when she reflects back on all these potential disasters she's gotten herself into. but of course, not everything she dreams about is regrettable.- 
RYAN: sometimes thats easier said than done. 
RYAN: but hey. im trying to be wiser. 
RYAN: -glances down at the ground, then loops her arm with his.- youre walking home with me of course.
JACK: I can't see an instance where I don't. -ba dum tshh. He's glad to take her arm in his and takes the lead out of the alley way. Truly homefree.- I don't suppose you mean my home. Or yours.
RYAN: well... technically were closer to my place from here but. 
RYAN: i think id rather crash with you. if thats alright.
JACK: I won't oppose you... -when it comes time for them to take that street turn, Jack leads them on.- But on a more serious note. 
JACK: I'm also going to suggest you stay away from the kareoke bars a while. 
JACK: It's... not an easy thing. Relapsing. -squeezes at her wrist a little. As if reminding.-
RYAN: yeah... -as he squeezes her wrist, she finds herself drifting closer to him, brushing elbows.- 
RYAN: guess thatd count as making wiser decisions. 
RYAN: -she quiets, her train of thought bringing her away from him again, though she keeps her hand on his arm.- im... sorry jack.
JACK: -a smile quirks on his face as their elbows brush.- No need to be. 
JACK: I was here this time. I'd say if anything, this night turned out well. It's what's real and it's what matters.
RYAN: -that answer surprises her a little, but it's a relief.- i guess so... 
RYAN: i just dont wanna worry you. that you gotta hunt me down like that. 
RYAN: im... trying.
JACK: If anyone knows how hard you're trying, it's me. -says, squeezing at her knuckles now.- And I won't worry either. 
JACK: I can put off pre-mature grays for only so long.
RYAN: -that makes her smile and she returns to leaning against him, taking his hand up in hers just to squeeze back.- fair. 
RYAN: i can rest assured knowing youre gonna look good gray too. -snickers-
JACK: You know for a fact? -sounds bemused- 
JACK: I don't suppose your dreams tell you as much.
RYAN: i mean its hard to go wrong. 
RYAN: youre somehow pulling off this disheveled gives no fucks look after all. -ruffles his hair with her free hand.-
JACK: Thank you. -smiles, glad for the hair mussings.- 
JACK: The secret is forgetting that combs exist from time to time. At least twice a week.
RYAN: oh yeah. at the very least. id be surprised if you even own one anymore. -the closer they get to jack's place, the more her heart rate quickens. she worries if this is real, and if she's going to do something she shouldn't again. it's only a matter of time before that becomes a reality too, isn't it? she tries to tell herself it's probably in her head, but it doesn't stop the anxiety.- 
RYAN: ... by the way thanks for letting me stay with you so often. i know neither of you would wanna turn me away but you know. i appreciate being welcome all the time. -shrugs a little.-
JACK: -It's just like Ryan to shrug off an honest sentiment. So the blind guy leads the buzzed girl up the stairs and it goes about as well as one expects. He nods, holding her hand and feeling up the stair rails with the free hand.- 
JACK: If it was your house, you would be doing the same for me. -touches the first door but it's obviously not their house. He guides Ryan all the way to the third. He begins fiddling with his keys to get the door unlocked.- I personally enjoy having space to my own. 
JACK: No moms or dads staying up late to make sure I'm home in one piece. I appreciate their concern but nine times out of ten, I'm perfectly fine. -rambles the whole way into the house. Predictably, Audrey the pitbull greets them with a sniff and a boop of her nose at their hands. Oh yeah. Jack should probably release that now.-
RYAN: -NEVER. but it's alright, her hands are now occupied giving this pup pets.- tell me about it... 
RYAN: one of these days ill have my own place again. or i can room with someone i guess. since russet suggested it i kinda feel compelled to resist it with all my being. 
RYAN: plus i just... ya know. dont wanna burden anybody until im in a better place. 
RYAN: ... but then again i guess im kinda doing that already without necessarily burdening anybody so hey. 
RYAN: not that im suggesting i room with yall but uh yeah thats just where my train of thought took me. 
RYAN: ... -wanders inside, but she's lingering a little awkwardly like she isn't sure if she wants to sit or not.-
JACK: All the couch needs is a plaque with your name on it. -He doesn't seem to mind that she lingers, shuffling off for his kitchen like he is. After a few minutes and from the smell of it, Jack is making himself a mug of hot chocolate.- I know Sage would like the prospect of extended sleepovers.
RYAN: -belatedly decides to hover, joining him in the kitchen.- heh. without a doubt. 
RYAN: hey... make me one. -prods at him.-
JACK: -lets her have this drink he's already done preparing.- Fine. -gets to making himself another. Feeling around a cabinet for another mug.- 
JACK: I think you should consider a roommate though. It's a system that works wonders on Sage and I. Hell. 
JACK: It's best if you can find someone you can fuss at the same way they fuss at you. That way you don't feel like it's a burdening dynamic. It's how it works for us.
RYAN: -scoffs...- oh wait youre serious. 
RYAN: i dunno if i know anyone that i can fuss at. pretty much everyone i know has their shit together waaay more than i do. -sips the chocolate as she leans against a counter and thinks about this.-
JACK: It helps not to make those assumptions. -stirs the powder into the hot water with a spoon.- But again. 
JACK: Just an idea.
RYAN: its something to consider i guess. maybe ill get lucky. or however that works.
JACK: You could ask your dreams about it. -licks the spoon, tapping it at his mouth in contemplation.- Another hypothetical thought.
RYAN: yeah right. maybe if i want some insight on the worst candidates for the position since so far theyve only been good for warning me not to be a complete dunderfuck. 
RYAN: or to be like prepared. 
RYAN: for things. 
RYAN: that some people apparently arent prepared for. 
RYAN: since theyre not all bad dreams so. i dunno maybe youre onto something. -STOP WHILE YOU STILL CAN RYAN. she squints at her mug and takes a generous gulp.-
JACK: So if they're not bad, they must be good. -sips his own mug, elbow leaned back against the counter.- I say you give it a try.
RYAN: guess it cant hurt! 
RYAN: -she's feeling flustered all over again now that they're back to this subject. she wonders if it's something she should address, or if that would be an even worse decision. maybe she can be subtle about it.- 
RYAN: heeeeeeey. actually while were still talking about my whacky dream shenanigans... 
RYAN: so some of them arent exactly bad... sure... maybe they are actually really good! 
RYAN: but what if they arent? i mean if the running theme of every other dream is something i shouldnt do then maybe these good dreams could be categorized as the same thing. 
RYAN: and even if they ARENT then what DO they mean? since as you said they mean SOMETHING...
JACK: -fishes out a marshmallow before answering.- Tough question but it's a good one to ask. 
JACK: From my perspective, the visions manifest as... often worst-case scenarios. What would happen if I don't do "x". But your dreams? You can't say they're the same thing. 
JACK: Maybe it's not inherently about good or bad but rather your decisions. And what comes out of them. That make sense?
RYAN: -turns the mug in her hand.- when you put it like that... yeah. it does. -baccia said more or less the same thing, but it still raises some questions.- 
RYAN: but i guess in this case im not sure... what would come out of it... if i did wind up doing those things. and thats why im wary of it. 
RYAN: cuz it could be great. or it could totally set u-- uhh. me... up for disaster and its... 
RYAN: -glances down at the hot chocolate.- its something i really wouldnt wanna fuck up.
JACK: Hmmm. Well. 
JACK: Great or not, I guess... just like with most major, uncertain decisions. 
JACK: You would have to make a gamble on whether it's worth going through with or not. Not that I'm the best candidate to offer such advice. -snorts a little into his drink.- But the possibilities still stand.
RYAN: -quiets, shuffling her feet and letting all this rattle around in her head. then she shuffles her feet over to him, standing shoulder to shoulder again.- 
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: ... 
RYAN: theyre sex dreams.
RYAN: a metric fuck ton of sex dreams. 
RYAN: aboutttttt... yooouuu?
JACK: -He can physically hear the record scratch in his head as he takes a long hard gulp of hot chocolate. Scalding his mouth and leaving him to stifle the wheeze. He deserved this.- Mgh. Ghhhhf. 
JACK: -SWALLOWS.- Metric fuck ton. 
JACK: Of... chronologically probable sex dreams. -Has to repeat it to make sure he's hearing this right.-
RYAN: yeeeeeup. 
RYAN: im only kind of exaggerating. hahaha. 
RYAN: oh god.
RYAN: -hello darkness my old friend...-
JACK: -stands there with his mug like mmmmmmmygod.- "Kind of". -clears his throat and shakes his head.- 
JACK: How often do they occur before you have to qualify something as "a metric fuck ton"? -He's almost afraid to ask but well. Here he is. Staring into the void.-
RYAN: like... i dunno... about as often as i stay over??? 
RYAN: i say... after deciding to stay over.
RYAN: fuck.
JACK: Well. That... 
JACK: ... -ends up holding his chin just to grasp the gravity of all that she's implying.- 
JACK: Certainly... puts things into perspective.
RYAN: lmaoooo. 
RYAN: yeah i... okay im not just bringing this up so we can be collectively ashamed of ourselves. 
RYAN: i figure... if all these dreams are about my decisions and shit then im DECIDING to talk about it instead of jumping your bones. or waiting for you to jump my bones. or for both of us to jump at each other at the same time. 
RYAN: ... -puts her head in her hand and SIGHS- not that those details matter... or i guess maybe they do if these are things that actually couldve happened. 
RYAN: cuz that means... it isnt just me...?
JACK: -he gnaws absently on his thumb as she rambles. Picturing all the times he shuffled around, debating. Knowing he wasn't going to go through with it but wanting to. Fantasizing?? Even just remembering was bringing some sweat to his forehead.- ...Christ. 
JACK: It's... a pickle. To say the least. -chews his thumb.- Sorry. 
JACK: I'm probably not much help with this. -wheezes gently.-
RYAN: -frowns- you could be though? 
RYAN: like clearly theres an elephant in the room we should be addressing. 
RYAN: or!! its something i want to address. 
RYAN: because it sucks just sitting on how im feeling. and i know i suck at talking about it. but i wanna try to be better at that too. 
RYAN: especially... especially with you.
JACK: -takes a deep breath... ultimately nodding. He runs his hand through his hair.- Yeah. 
JACK: You're right. It's just... 
JACK: God. -brings a hand and runs it down his face.- It's fucking insane. -says muffled.- 
JACK: Sometimes... fantasies oughta stay fantasies, huh? -drops his hands back down to his sides.- Sheesh.
RYAN: ... maybe. 
RYAN: but why is it... on our minds in the first place? and so frequently??? 
RYAN: its not... mmrg. 
RYAN: its not just a fantasy for me. its not just about fucking around. okay?
JACK: -he sobers up a little, unsure of himself but dammit. Wanting to give talking it through a try.- I know. That's not what I meant. 
JACK: I just... 
JACK: Thought it was a safe thing. 
JACK: Letting myself be indecisive.
JACK: You know it never works out if we think too much so... often times it's just about the feelings. -He doesn't know what he's saying but whatever it is, Jack is sure it was making him sound like a thoughtless dick. The shame is starting to catch up now that he thinks about it.-
RYAN: -winces and turns away from him, setting the mug down on the counter to use the mindless action as an excuse to process this. it's definitely a little frustrating, but even moreso when she doesn't really understand.- what do you mean... a safe thing?
JACK: -rubs his head in frustration and sighs.- Do you ever see me turning away? In these visions?
JACK: Dreams. Sorry.
RYAN: ... no. i dont.
JACK: -drums his fingers a little bit.- Well, logically speaking. 
JACK: It's not just your own desires that are inducing the decisions behind the dreams. And you're not selfish or crazy for having them.
RYAN: -folds her arms, hugging herself while her stomach does all sorts of acrobatic stunts.- okay so... then what??? 
RYAN: thats what i wanna know. 
RYAN: if youre feeling the same way i am... i just want to figure out what i should do about it. 
RYAN: what... we should do about it.
JACK: I don't... have that answer. I don't See what happens if we go through with.... these hypothetical scenarios. 
JACK: It's not disastrous? You've never been disastrous. -makes a vague gesture. It seems kind of wistful.- You've always been... 
JACK: Just you. A person. 
JACK: Reaching for the good as much as anyone else.
RYAN: -looks at him again, expression softening.- ... well. since neither of us knows where things would go... 
RYAN: maybe a better question is... what do we want to do about it?
JACK: -He has to consider everything in front of him now. It was like living through a dose of ice cold deja vu. Ryan, their relationship, the past, the future... In these few moments, Jack is quiet. The conflict warring on his face, despite being unable to see her. If only he had the reassurance of her expression, then he'd be able to make sense of all the blank spaces.- 
JACK: You're always so close. -begins carefully, his blind eyes worried.- It seems... inevitable. No matter what we do. How hard we try.
RYAN: -swallows dryly as she turns to face him and reaches to touch his arm, gentle and reassuring in the absence of the look on her face.- are you scared?
JACK: -as she touches him, he releases the breath he didnt know he was holding.- Always. 
JACK: You know me.
RYAN: -her hand travels up along his shoulder till she's coiling her arms around him, pulling him into a hug.- yeah. 
RYAN: me too. 
RYAN: maybe we can be... scared together? 
RYAN: im not trying to say that we need to have it all figured out right now... 
RYAN: i just dont wanna... run away from this. i dont wanna do that kinda thing anymore jackie.
JACK: -hardly resists her embrace. In fact, he coils into it. Burying himself against her shoulder and holding her tight.- I know... 
JACK: But habits are hard to put to rest. And it's hard trying to... 
JACK: Tell myself that I'm ready. And that I won't catch myself in the same cycle as before. I've spent so long trying to break from it. But is it enough? 
JACK: -He nuzzles her.- I have no fucking clue.
RYAN: -laughs a little, returning the nuzzles.- well fuck. im right there with you. 
RYAN: im not gonna be reckless about it though and say i dont give a fuck?? cuz i do. like... 
RYAN: i wanna be more aware of my own bullshit. 
RYAN: but i feel like its been easier... cuz ive had help. and ive let people help. i never did before. 
RYAN: -squeezes him a little tighter.- i think we can help each other too. youre already doing that for me...
JACK: -Hugs her so tight, he lifts her a little bit. The stronk hobo that he is.- Yeah... 
JACK: -And with that, he turns and presses a kiss to her cheek.- I just. 
JACK: Love you. Somewhere in all this fuckery of a mess. I do.
RYAN: -her cheeks warm at the contact, butterflies fluttering all around her stomach and chest, inspiring more laughter and the threat of tears.- i love you too. i never fucking stopped. 
RYAN: -returns the kiss, and then once more. leaving behind lipstick stains he unfortunately won't be able to discover later, but they're there all the same.-
JACK: -It's hard being on the receiving end of Ryan kisses. It's hard and nobody understands that when you receive one, you had to receive more. And so Jack leans, bringing a hand to her hair, the back of her head. Angling her chin up so he can press a soft sweet kiss to her lips.-
RYAN: -chills run up and down her spine, an elating warmth settling over her skin when it passes. her hands clasp at his hair, interlocking with messy strands to give her a grip while she returns this kiss too, deepening it with the tilt of her head.-
JACK: -The velvety soft of her kiss was like everything Jack remembered... but in real time. No longer clouded by memory or the passing of time. It was a crystal clear, high definition of Ryan Strider brand kisses. Tinted by the taste of hot chocolate, he knew each time his lips energetically plucked the kisses from hers.- 
JACK: Fuck it all... -says while humming with satisfaction, the more she carded fingers through his hair.-
RYAN: thats what i like to hear. -the shape of her lips form a wide smile against his, but that alone couldn't even express her joy. her hands move to frame his face instead for her to look him over. scruffy as he is, he's still the most handsome man she's ever laid eyes on, and it feels good to admire this without guilt.- 
RYAN: hey jack... its really getting late. shouldnt we think about lying down?
JACK: Late for you maybe. The wicked know no sleep. -he smiles, exhaling with relief and the buzz of warmth in his cheeks. He fiddles with more of her downy soft hair between his fingers.- But I guess I could lie in wait for a while.
RYAN: -snickers at his jokes, nudging into his touch.- alright edward. come on. -captures his hand in hers so she can escort him to his own bedroom. she's visited it enough in her dreams to know every step like the back of her hand. when she passes through the door, she's pulling him in for more kisses, as if she had been waiting another lifetime for them, rather than only a few moments.-
JACK: -follows her kisses into well... His bedroom. He knew the direction and he was conscious of how bold she was for leading the way. The truth was really shedding some light on the situation. Holy moly.- Make yourself at home. -mutters, squeezing at her hands and stealing more precious pecks. The door is closing behind them.-
RYAN: i always do. -guides him to the bed, slowly seating herself and tugging him along with her continued insistence. side by side, she pauses to run her hands over his shoulders, studying his frame as if testing the solidity of him. the reality of him.- 
RYAN: im not dreaming again am i?
JACK: I guess we'll find out tomorrow when you wake up. -for all his griping, he stifles a yawn. Relaxing under the hands that run by his shoulders. One of his own thumb comes to lightly stroke her chin. Coaxing her to relax.-
RYAN: ... yeah. alright. -she's torn between the anxiety to stay awake with him, to savor every moment of this, and getting rest to test out the theory that in the morning they'll actually wake up together. but ultimately, his touch has her lying back against the pillows and sheets, beckoning him to follow.-
JACK: -Here he comes. Rolling into bed and feeling around for a way to get comfortable. Preferably with Ryan gathered up in his arms.-
RYAN: -she helps him out, fitting herself against the shape of him, juxtaposed with her back to his front. and with his arms around her, she can finally start to relax.-
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