#I got salty but I’m 😤 about this
foundfamilynonsense · 2 years
Alright anti jedi people who say “the Jedi shouldn’t have joined a war bc they are becoming hypocritical and against what they believe” look me in the eye. In the eye. And tell me you’d like the Jedi if they didn’t enter the war.
Picture, if you will: Count Dooku, a former Jedi who we now know is a Sith Lord (y’know, the people who want to destroy democracy and are against everything the Jedi stand for) has just MURDERED a SENATOR for no other reason (that they know of) than to please the trade federation, a group that had overthrown a whole planet before.
He then appears on planets with a whole ass army of droids that he has been making in secret for years now and goes “ok my planet now” and he makes the droids kill any civilians who fight back and enslave the others. Since we see the separatists constantly trying to take planets and widen their reach, we have no reason to assume they’ll stop. So they keep doing this, meeting no resistance except of the attempts at the native people of each planet they conquer.
Obviously the Jedi can’t let a known Sith Lord just walk around the Galaxy killing people and taking what he wants until he reaches the senate and crowns himself emperor. So when do they stand up against him? Is your argument really never? Yes, palpatine’s plan involved them joining the war. But do y’all really think he’d be upset if they didn’t? “Oh the Jedi are just going to let me take over and let my apprentice cut a bloody path through the galaxy before crowning me emperor? Sweet!”
Or the senate goes to war Without the Jedi. And the Jedi just… sit back in coruscant, fight crime rings in the outer rim, and let the clones fight a Sith Lord by themselves? Is that what anti-Jedi folks want? Bc they also complain the Jedi are too privileged sitting in their ancestral home on coruscant soooooo.
So perhaps the real complaint is not “the Jedi should have stayed out of the war entirely” and is actually “the Jedi joined the war too quickly and shouldn’t have been generals” and like. Nope still a weird take.
Dave Felony tries to say that the jedi were too hasty to join the conflict in Rebels but like.
Ok. Please give me a list of planets the jedi should have allowed the sith to colonize and enslave before fighting back. The jedi saw a droid army. They knew what dooku planned to do with it. How long should they have waited before it was morally okay to stand up against dooku?
As for them not being generals: A) why do we assume they wanted those positions in the first place or got to choose said positions and B) ok who would you prefer to be generals? Bc like. Not people like tarken who join the empire afterwards, I’m sure. Clone commanders? Like heck yeah I’m totally on board for certain clones being made generals.
But like. Jedi have sensy powers that kinda help? They have life long tactical training? We see in tcw they’re very good at being generals? So like… why? And don’t get me started on the idea any Jedi would sit back and let a clone take point in dangerous missions. We only ever see jedi fighting up front leading clones and protecting them. Except for jedi who have fallen, like krell.
What I’m trying to say is that if the Jedi stayed back and watched others die without doing anything they wouldn’t be jedi. Saying “they could have just not joined the war” suggests they would be better people if they just sat back and watched. I will never understand
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11queensupreme11 · 2 months
OKKKKAY IDK IF YOU STILL NEED HELP FOR PERCY’S SCENT! But as someone who used to work as a fragrance chemist this is up my alley 😤 you should’ve said something sooner girlie.
Also please note idk why but it won’t let me put the pics with each perfume I’m talking about so I’m putting the pics in order from what I typed
BVLGARI AQVA MARINE… hear me out.. it’s for men 😭 BUT GIRL look what it has… I LIKE THIS ONE CAUSE WHEN I SMELLED IT ONCE IT HAD A NICE SALTY SEAWEED VIBE LIKE SMELL and our girl is called seaweed brain 🥹 and look at the bottle … it kinda matches her eyes
So the rest aren’t best to worst just a whatever and what I remember 😭
Heeley's Sel Marin (unisex) Okay so this one is nice it def got a salt water smell almost like you walking on the beach when it’s sunny and you kinda smell the saltiness the ocean has to offer when walking near the ocean and it does have a seaweed funk to it not as much but it’s there.
Tom Ford Oud Minerale (unisex fragrance) Okay so here is this one… I go shopping for perfume/ cologne a lot so I have smelled this one recently, so I add the description if you wanna read it, if I remember this one does capture the fragrance of the ocean but it does have a bit of “fresh water” but it’s a bit brackish (so it’s between fresh and seawater) so it’s does capture the sea heavily almost like when you go walking during the night and the breeze is blowing in the air and you can smell the ocean a bit more than the day ( that how I see it)
Armani Privé - Bleu Lazuli Okay so this is not like beach or ocean but it does have nice smell (the description explains it nicely ) I know of this one cause I used to buy it 😭😭 the design is so pretty and it match daddyseidon aesthetic too 😭 # bias
Jo Malone Wood Sage and Sea Salt (Unisex) So this one is nicceee I put this cause it says salty in the description but tbh it leans toward freshie and it captures the smell of the ocean quiet nicely but it’s a little woodsy tho and it made me think of her daddy cause of this chapter where Anubis said she got her dad scent all over her (isn’t the mf scenting her or something???). So it made think how they may smell alike but people can smell her dad’s scent so that’s where the woodsy comes in to tell their scents apart.
Sea of Gray
I honesty came across this one when doing my research and the description seems on point for you tbh I haven’t smelled it but what it says sounds like it may be but if has that ocean like feel I am not sure … also the first website I clicked said it cost $22 which is cheap if Percy ever wants to buy it compare to the rest of them 😭 this I couldn’t add the description but you can search them up
Anyway you can see that even tho they have a salty/ fresh water based to some they always have an extra thing added like spice or vanilla so don’t think toooo much on it. Cause even these things aren’t 100% close to smelling like the actual sea. But hopefully the description of them can help you!!
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i picked mermaid's embrace from deep midnight perfumes
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literally i just googled "perfume mermaids sirens" and then a reddit post came up and i saw this one listed 😭 i liked the description so i went with it 💀
BUT YOU USED TO WORK AS A FRAGRANCE CHEMIST????? omg i remember your super detailed post about the yanderes scents and that explains so much lmaooo that sounds so cool though!!!
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peachdues · 1 month
Oh my favorite perfume connoisseur-
Any fragrance recommendations for that dark academia aesthetic?
Love you hope you're drinking water and resting welllllll 😤🫶🤍
Okay I *started* answering this and then tumblr cancelled on me bc it’s a hating ass bitch.
A lot of these are fall-coded but that’s because fall 🤝🏻 dark academia. I tried to throw in suggestions that can be worn in all seasons, though! I also tried to vary the price points too
Without further ado!
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Novel by ALT fragrances — inspired by whispers in the library from Replica which is one of my all time favorites and I’m STILL salty they discontinued it. I haven’t personally smelled this one but I know so many people who swear it’s almost an exact match!
Notes: top (vanilla) • middle (pepper, cedar wood) • base (tonka bean • woodsy notes)
Indigo by Nest New York — this is one of the best tea scents on the market. I discovered this one last year and honestly it’s a personal favorite. I’ve been through two bottles. Dark and a little sultry but not overpowering and it still has some freshness!
Notes: Italian lemon • orange bergamot • Moroccan tea • Kashmir wood • wild figs
Invite only Amber by Kayali — I associate this fragrance with a snowy night at the library with old Christmas jazz playing in the distance. It’s on my rotation for this winter!
Notes: Amber resin • benzoin • Ceylon cinnamon
Monday by Arielle Shoshanna — ever wanted to smell like a London fog latte? Here’s your perfume!
Notes: bergamot • lavender • lemon zest • black tea • steamed milk • ISO-E super • sandalwood • vanilla • amber
City on Fire by Imaginary Authors — this is THEEEE dark academia perfume. One of its notes is literally labdanum. It doesn’t get more dark academia than that!
Notes: Cade oil • spikenard • cardamom • clearwood • dark berries • labdanum • burnt match
By the Fireplace by Replica — I mean it smells like a bit ol’ crackling fireplace and marshmallow. This smells fucking divine in the cold air in winter (bonus if you have a leather jacket!!). And it’s unisex!
Notes: clove oil • chestnut accord • vanilla accord
Gris Charnel by BDK — another wonderful tea scent. Something about tea scents just screams dark academia!
Notes: fig • black tea • cardamom essence • absolute of iris • bourbon vetiver • sandalwood • tonka bean absolute
L’eau papier by Diptyque — I meannnn it’s a paper-based scent but it smells HEAVENLY. I got stopped like five times wearing this once.
Notes: white musks • mimosa • blonde woods accord • rice steam accord
Coffee break by replica — this is my tried and true. The number one perfume in my collection and my most repurchased. It’s just perfect.
Notes: coffee accord • lavender • milk mousse accord
Honestly look through the entirety of Vilhelm’s perfumery. So many good dark academia scents. My favorites are Dear Polly, Poets of Berlin, and Opus Kore!
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I hope the move went well!! Have you gotten settled in??
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
So I just finished the latest chapter
I’m crying in my room at 2am instead of sleeping
The fact that it was Shepherd who helped her, wow….I guess even though he is against Price he’s still a human who has empathy unlike those two shits
And I really didn’t expect the whole 141 being mean thing, like wtf?!?!?! My poor canary has been through so much and this is how you treat her (I know they thought she betrayed them but really?!?! salty water raw food and spilled wine??? Valeria is lucky cause she accidentally did the thing that makes them find the truth)
here I thought Soap is gonna be the one Canary has the most trust with (aside from Gaz)
I'm officially announcing that he's off the visitation list when Canary woke up (if she did, which she did….right?🥺)and Gaz is now the only one who can visit her without anxious her.
And ghost being the one who find her and calm her down? I thought he’s going to kill us the second he sees us especially when the whole 141 thought she’s the traitor, I guess it’s because he saw how frightened canary is he scents something very wrong….at least he did something right this time 😤😤
even in that condition Canary still didn’t say it’s Ghost who let the info out??? God ghost you better beg for forgiveness when she wakes up, you know what, all of them need to, and Gaz is going to be the only one that gets canary’s huggys. I wonder if the drugs Graves gave her would affect her health, like the doctor said she got poisoned and tortured for months and they realized the reason canary looks so happy on stage is because that’s the only time she can relax 😢
My poor canary……fortunately it will only gets better now that the toughest part is over
Your work always left me an emotional mess, I’m sure when I wake up from sleep my eyes are going to be so puffy….I rlly rlly love your writings!
kajdhdk you’re brave going through all of that again 💀 if you have puffy eyes make sure to use a cool compress and gently massage the area around your eyes!!! and thank you so much for enjoying the series 💜
i feel like shepherd’s in this weird area where he wants to take down price, but is realizing that this may be going too far than he expected. like he’s never going to outright help canary maybe but he is gonna do little things to make her more comfortable. mostly for his own conscious and not really for her but still ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
another fun fact: canaries have really good memory, so much so that they’re considered a “model species for discovering how the vertebrate brain learns, consolidates memories, and recalls coordinated motor movements”. so it’s safe to say our canary is def not going to forget how the 141 (including soap) treated her when they thought she was working with graves and she’ll remember who stuck by her side the entire time.
with my headcanons for ghost (in general, not just this au) i’d think that even if canary was a proven traitor, he’d still decide to help her the moment he saw the bruises and her breaking down. same with valeria. i think i explained it in another post but those two strike as people who would help a beaten woman no questions asked or at least get her to safety to question her themselves.
now that’s interesting, we haven’t really talked about the drugs graves was giving canary, have we? we know they were def more than just painkillers, but what exactly were they? i don’t think graves would poison her or risk killing her, but he very obviously wouldn’t mind her getting hurt or maybe having her under the influence of something to make her more cooperative and get information out of her? very interesting. 👀
yes, it’ll only get better from here!! there maybe some bumps and arguments (and a little death) but we’re gearing up for the happy ending!!!!
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mountttmase · 4 months
guys let’s not be so negative, let’s all manifest mason has his best ever season next year and stays fit 🤞🏼🤞🏼he’ll be back in the England squad next time
Yes thank you 😂
Maybe I’m being salty but I get anons like that sometimes and I’m like 😤 cause I don’t feel like there’s any need to be negative about him and point stuff out like that. He hasn’t played for a while, so what? Doesn’t mean he never will again and it does t need to be pointed out at every opportunity
Not just ones like that ask, I’ve got tones I never answer cause they just piss me off. We don’t need to sit here and point out everything bad that’s happening with him like let’s try and be positive
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debbiechanclub · 1 year
I just saw the post about all in and you’re COMPLETELY right especially regarding the fact that mjf and Adam cole are working two matches. Not only because there teams on the roster more deserving of this shot but also I just don’t want to have Aussie open reign cutter to short. C’MON THONY KAN MARK JUST GOT BACK FROM INJURY
So yea let’s all hope that nothing bad happens because if it does then I will be 😤😤😤
Too sweet
Ps I’m also kind of salty that in the only female match is not that exciting because there are,apart from the champ, the usual people. I think it’s time to push someone new in the roster
I swear I'm not trying to be negative or shit on the show. But like... there are things happening that don't need to/shouldn't be and also things happening that are just disappointing (mainly surrounding the women) that I think people are well within their right to call out without it being dismissed as a "you" problem? Also, I didn't even consider the fact that Mark just returned from injury, but I'm definitely not as concerned about that as I am Adam Cole's fucking brain. And I have a feeling the tag match is either going to be worked extra cautious and boring in effort to protect Cole and MJF for the sake of the main event, or they're just going to go balls to the wall like they're invincible. (Also I'm not even going to entertain the possibility of Cole and MJF winning because. No.)
And as for the one women's match... I'm pretty sure most everyone would like to see both Britt and Saraya replaced by other people. But the thing is, I can also see WHY they're in that match so, my solution would be to put another fucking women's match on the card. It's not that hard.
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sakura-gyarugal · 2 years
Just me ranting about Sasuke vs Deidara because it’s funny!
Some dude decided to spend 30 minutes fighting with me about how Sasuke beat Deidara. I have no idea why people take the fight so seriously! Like I love the fight for how funny it was. And that’s just cap. If you generally believe that…das just crazy. Anyways it’s so funny how Deidara is triggered and Sasuke is just unbothered and Tobi is being Tobi.
Okay Unpopular opinion they both suck… I’m sorry this fight wasn’t their best. They nearly canceled each other out. I kinda expected way more from Sasuke and I understand he wasn’t trying to kill Deidara because it wasn’t his style and he wanted information from Deidara. Well um Deidara was being hostile. If I was Sasuke I never let that slide 🥱 I would’ve straight up bodied him the moment he threw a bomb at me. 😤 like who do you think you are? Twink 😒And I always wondered why Sasuke didn’t go after Tobi? And why did Sasuke attack Deidara.?Whew the anger issues in both of them 💀 he heard Itachi’s name in Deidara’s was like aight imma kill this ho. And then he straight up tells Deidara he got a big mouth. I would never let that side.
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Sasuke I know you ain’t talking. Tobi falling down in the back. ASGJFFJFJlkhgg
Also Why is Deidara purposely trying to fight a kid? Why is he fighting with a 16 year old who he doesn’t even know him!?. This man was like “hmmm should I go after Itachi’s brother or the nine tails?” Right in front of Itachi too! And I’m just like well you finna lose anyways. Deidara would’ve still been alive if he wasn’t so salty but nah he wanna be the entire Atlantic Ocean. Literally all of naruto is Deidara just being petty pffft.
I gotta give it to Sasuke for being a baddie. He flawlessly ate…as usual! But again he was at an advantage the whole fight obviously. He has sharigan, orochimaru’s curse mark, and he’s lighting nature which apparently beats lighting. Pokémon said otherwise but whatever. Anyways Deidara is complete opposite. The problem is how cocky both of them are. Sasuke thinks he all that which yes may be true and so does Deidara. Lmao and it’s so funny on how both of them were so cocky yet one gets killed and the other one almost gets killed. The fight was so mid. Sasuke counters all of Deidara’s attacks because he’s LIGHTING. That’s nothing special about Sasuke yet you guys praise him so much for it. He did the bare minimum. Be so fr guys. It didn’t matter what jutsu Deidara would do he would’ve still lost to Sasuke. (Which he didn’t) Sasuke didn’t try at all, in fact he was bored the whole time💀 and in the the middle of the fight they start having this long deep conversation about their powers it’s actually kinda wholesome too but…like do I care? No. Stop talking and starting throwing hands.
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“By the way my technique is called chidori.” 😛stop flexing on Deidara. Deidara honestly is amazing. I gotta give it to him. Bro was a disadvantage the whole fight yet he still gave a good fight and was still able to get Sasuke to use a lot of his chakra which was pretty good, but I hate how much chakra he used. I hate how he let Sasuke anger him and make himself lose control. It’s so dumb. He literally starting hating on Sasuke because Sasuke “killed” orochimaru and he was supposed to do it. It’s so immature, like come on Deidara. Deidara is a a strong character but his main weakness is himself. He has all these op powers which I wish were shown more in the anime. He literally can counter sharigan! Do y’all realize how impressive that is? And he trained his own eye, that’s crazy!! It was so dumb how his eye scope just falls off 😤 it would’ve made more sense of Sasuke just ripped out his eye, like straight up yank it out. Because can’t deidara still be able to counter it? Or is just the eye scope? And C4 is insane! It’s such an op power. He makes bombs that are so tiny that it’s the same size as an cell! Deidara is so talented, smart, and strong it’s mind boggling. He took off Sasuke’s wing, he saw through the genjutsu at first, he avoided Sasuke’s blitz, survived falling on the land mine, and used his legs to get unstuck from Sasuke’s shurikens. Bro is just amazing! 😍 plus he’s super sweet! He warns Tobi several times to move when he’s about to set off his bombs and even decides to not set one of them off putting himself in danger but he put Tobi’s life before his! And when he died he even apologized to Tobi 😭😭.But his big problem is that he gets too angry and overworked. He got pissed because he thought Sasuke was disrespecting his art when Sasuke was literally just trying to not get attacked by his bombs. Like deidara he’s not going to let himself get hit by the bomb just to make you happy.💀
But at least Deidara was funny in the fight. The subtle “ows” or he would just let himself fall or him just talking himself. He said “I’ve won!” About five times in the fight like he was trying to convince himself so badly. And then in the middle of the fight he has a mental breakdown and starts to bite his lip causing himself to bleed. He saw Sasuke and had a memory of Itachi beating him. Deidara sweetie it’s not that serious. 😭😭 Sasuke is mostly quiet during the fight too, and that sets Deidara off. Sasuke is like: … and Deidara explodes, literally. Sasuke is so sassy, and Deidara was getting pissed by his smart mouth. He probably mad because he finally found his match. They both got a slick mouth, sometimes I just wanna smack em 😒
And then these moments that make me laugh so hard. He’s so awkward and weird.
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Is he being /j or /srs!? Another thing I found so funny what is when Deidara is ripping off his shirt and stitchings and Sasuke is just watching. Stop staring and MOVEEEE!!!! You would think he would’ve transported or try to run away but he just stands there for a good minute. And then when deidara is like imma blow myself up and is a second from doing it, he actually does something. And then after he’s like “yeah he was stronger that I thought.” 💀💀💀 Sasuke you dumb fu-
You had all that time to leave. It was obvious Deidara wasn’t going to give you information yet you stayed there.
AND HE KILLED THE SNAKEEEEE! That poor snake did nothing wrong and Sasuke just sacrifices it. That snake would’ve still been alive if Sasuke wouldn’t have just left 🙁 RIP snake 🙏 Deidara also killed a salamander. PETA would be disappointed in both of them.
Also Obito was so funny. He had zero faith Deidara was going to make it. This man really said, “oh, you’re still alive?” BRO THE SHADE 😭😭. Like Obito chill you can’t even dodge a rock/j. Then the high pitch screams every now then LMAOOO. Tobi go play in some dirt or something. And bro doesn’t even stay to watch the fight. Bro just left 💀
I also love how Deidara solo’d himself. he’s the definition of “if I kms at least a real bad B killed me.” And I gotta respect him for that. People love to talk about how Sasuke beat Deidara as if Deidara didn’t take himself out. No one won. Sasuke escaped barely while Deidara just straight up beat himself. Ugh they’re both so amazing! But like Deidara was so confident with himself I lowkey felt bad when he was resurrected and he’s so proud of himself for taking out Sasuke while everyone is like
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Poor Deidara. And then his own sister is like
“Deidara you’re too obsessed.” Kurotsuchi transforms into Sasuke and makes him chase after her and then says that. I was like 😧😟 And deidara is so heart broken. He’s so dramatic, standing the moon light thinking about how no one respects his art 😟goofy!!! Sir there is a war going on and you’re think about your art??? while Sasuke out here chasing after his dead brother. Be so fr 😭 laughing and sobbing rn. Love those two dorks so much </3
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ajamlessbaby · 2 years
Tag Game: tag people you want to get to know better. 🖤
Tagged by: @grimmfitzz I’m sorry for being so late, work got to me 🥺
Three Ships: Ronance, Steddie, SuperCorp (the one that got away!)
First Ship Ever: Omg, so like embarrassing or not, Johnlock (it’s a tie with Destiel tbh) but I was 13 and reading the SH books and was like … hmmmm, this friendship feels a bit different than all of mine, sir.
Last song: Fall Out Boy - Love from the Other Side will be all you hear me listen to until the album drop 🤭 to add someone else haha, Girls Like You by Anna Clendening is exquisitely queer and I love it!
Last film: I bit the bullet and finally watched Free guy. No thoughts, just vibes but in the best possible way. Also how do Jodie Comer and Joe Keery have such insane chemistry in like the last 30 seconds???
Currently Reading: Murder Isn’t Easy by Carla Valentine which looks at how Agatha Christie utilised forensics and knowledge of criminology to write her mystery novels.
Currently watching: The Christmas Prince trilogy on Netflix, honestly it’s the most comforting nonsensical trash I’ve seen and it’s marvellous. 😤 It’s my fourteenth rewatch and by now I know all the lines.
Currently consuming: ✨Butter toast✨ - just like 70% of my food consumption last week. It’s my depression food since it’s quick but also like it’s good???? It’s warm and salty and you can put jam on if you are feeling adventurous, idk there’s something about it.
Currently craving: Poached eggs (on toast, on rice, with avocado, any way really). Just want some with English Breakfast tea.
Tags: No pressureee @steviesbicrisis @navnae @itsfreakingbats @pancakewithamace @alleiwentcrazy @eyeslikewildflowers111 💗💗💗
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jinkicake · 2 years
Albedo stupid ass didn’t come home so I’ve been beating his ass in my dreams😒 gunna pretend like I don’t want to wrong his neck while I stroll into the lab asking what he’s doing and then he’s getting tied up like idc im very salty😭 gunna bite his neck bc he can’t do anything to stop me and IK he sounds cute when he whines i know he does!! Then I will kiss sucrose bc I love her( like if you check the data she FR has the thickest ass in mondstat like the graphs aren’t lying) and I will let her sit in the table as I go down on her and she’s just making eye contact w albedo he can’t do a single thing but listen to her moan and grind her hips into my face😔💖 rip chalk man, also I have a bc for sucrose she pretends to be all shy and submissive but when it’s time to get down she’s like “alright hands up I got the handcuffs” SHDHSJ she purposely puts on a shy act to make them lower their gaurd; but this man has been on my mind In the cycle of 7 men who are always on my neck at all times, and it’s so funny bc I didn’t care about him at ALL like I came here for Kayea and Venti and that’s who I’m gunna talk to😤 but then I saw his clone how he’s kinda mean,,, like idk my weakness lies in men who can be cruel without even blinking. Xiao vibes where he’s working and you need attention and he will completely ignore you, this man however will make you cockwarm him for years bc who knows how long all that paperwork could take, your either on your knees or in his lap while he doesn’t even look at you. I feel whining would just make it worse?? Bc then he’ll just play w you until you give up, the king of edging I fear😔😔 he just whispers sweet words in your heart w his honey like voice as he mindlessly shoves his hand between your legs, while his hands are magic is voice is doing most the work he’s definitely top 10 filthiest mouthes in mondstat bc I know his teasing is unmatched!! He would casually mention breeding you as he walks past you in the halls of the kof HQ and it looks like he’s just asking about the weather bc he has no expression on his face. Hmm I feel like riling him up in public is pretty easy tho, probably just have to bend over for no reason, drape yourself over him the boy is chronically touched starved so an extra firm handshake could get him hard💀 but he’s always so quietly demanding, he doesn’t need to raise his voice or squeeze your thigh to get you to freeze in your spot, just gives you a sharp look like “behaving like this won’t get you anywhere” clutching your pearls bc as soon as your out of earshot he’s getting you on your knees while reprimanding you like sir I’m sucking your dick not at a seminar🙄 overall definitely top 10 best dick game in mondstat! Like idk WHAT it is about the Khaenri'ah men,,,, but they’re all fine asf🥵 like dainsleif on my radar too bc ik it’s heavy I know it is
NOOOOOO?! omgggg im so sorry.... you need to kick his ass... i can't believe him! albedo suckssssss for that, how many wishes did you spend on him???
omg?! revenge sex that doesn't include albedo? that's perfect,, i feel like sucrose would let you do anything you want to her.... but i also agree that it's a front like she plays the roll of shy and innocent but when she gets really into it she'll fuck you harder than someone like childe LOL as long as you don't touch albedo then i think that is a fitting punishment for him since he didnt want to come home!!! it'll make him think twice next time!
'men who can be cruel without even thinking' you just explained my current scaramouche obsession like i told myself i would never be interested in him because he's short and a puppet but like..... yandere crazy scara is..... nice. LOLLLL the puppet thing really makes me laugh tho...... and it's not like hes fucking hot like raiden is soooooo she can get away with being a puppet.... on her it's sexy and on him it makes me laugh hehehe
omg ya know albedo kinda reminds me of barbatos.... with how much work they have and how seriously they take their work like.... they would both cockwarm you while they do their jobs since both you and their tasks are equally important to them.... barbatos has to deal w devildom shit and albedo has to deal w destroying mondstadt shit,,,,, they also have to deal with fucking their s/o shit too!!!
EEEEEEK the THOUGHT OF ALBEDO PUNISHING YOU AFTER A WHOLE DAY OF BEING BRATTY MAKES ME SQUEALLLLLL,,,, omg.... he would be so mean and have no mercy since you had no problem teasing him all day.... you'd take him and his evil twins cock at the same time!!! it'll fit, trust him, he researches this stuff AHAHAH
khaenriah men have my heart.... there is just something about them...... i need to stop before i go off on a tangent about pierro. hes so fucking hot,,,, so big,,, i need him BAD.
honestly, between you and me, i don't care for dain that much LOL like his voice is hot and that is it.... you'll probably find a way to get me to like him more though just like w albedo LOL
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003 enji
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: It’s been established (I think) that I severely dislike this man, I hate him as a person and I hate what he did to his family. However, I do think he adds to the story, and I wouldn’t get rid of him if given the chance to because while I prefer his kids over him and would love to hear more from their perspective. I think his perspective was important to have as well, and I believe him dying would be a horrid outcome for the Todoroki storyline!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: absolutely no one, I don’t tend to look for ships of characters I hate, I find that a bit odd because if you dislike a character surely you’d want to avoid content on them. Other than the canon content that you can’t really avoid!
My non-romantically OTP for this character: I guess his family, I’m rather enjoying the Todoroki family storyline and given he’s part of that I guess I’ll go with that. Though I don’t tend to really look for fic involving him or look for OTP’s surrounding him. Also my dislike for him comes from how he treated his kids and wife so…..yeah I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ I’m con-fuddled!
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t find him at all attractive, I mean I don’t know if that’s an unpopular opinion but the thirst for him has grown so yeah. It’s actually got less to do with my hate for him, and more to do with I really am not into over the top muscular men. The dudes thighs look bigger than his head, and he looks like he’s souped up on steroids no thanks!
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon: I kind of wished we had seen the conference for when Touya died, I wonder how he approached that but meh I don’t know can’t think of anything!
I’m going to skip the ships and the kink one for this character because…..
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A headcanon fact: I actually did have a headcanon for this dude, and I am forever salty over Bones shitting all over it 😤! So basically I used to headcanon that the reason he always had a flame beard and mustache is because he couldn’t physically grow one, and so he chose to have a fire beard instead! The one time I legit had a funny headcanon(in my eyes), and the anime team went “fuck your headcanon it’s dead” 😭!
My gender bend: I have once stumbled across a gender bent Enji and I can’t really say anything my mind went blank 😂🤣!
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josephqunnies · 6 months
Its actually pretty amusing how much the Buddie shippers are twisting and turning and going back on themselves. Firstly there is the turn around on Ryan and everyone conveniently forgetting the sketchy things he did as soon as they get interview clips of him saying We are giving you what you want. Then, when the Tommy rumours started they were like Buck would never go for him as apparently in some Begins episode he wasn’t nice to Hen and Buck would never “do that to her” or like “that kind of man”, now it’s all, I’m sure it was forgiven off screen he’s a good guy. Then there’s the whole, only ever obsessing about Buddie and it has to be Buck and Eddie to now saying if you just want Buddie you’re ignoring Bucks journey etc. To be fair there now seems to be a split with those who no longer care or need Buddie as they got Bi Buck to those who just seen Tommy as a stepping stone to Buddie and hate on Tommy as they’ve done with all female partners. They are happy for one day then the arguments start again. Also hating on Tarlos but now desperate for Buck+someone double dates with them?? Always hating how Tarlos started so quickly but loving how Tommy who has appeared out of nowhere an episode previously went straight in for a kiss. Blaming FOX for never letting Buddie happen when Tarlos is right there (just accept Tim Minnear decided it last min due to conflicting schedules. Yeah Oliver can now say he always thought Buck was bi but that gives me the same vibe as Rafa/Tim saying they always planned for Carlos and Iris to have been married *eyerolls*). And lastly, though there are maybe more examples, Henren and how they always used bring them up or brush them aside depending what argument/point they are trying to make.
salty salty salty
I didn’t know he was in hen beings lol sorry I don’t really remember anything 🤪
I think people are valid for accepting bi Buck without buddie ya know 🤷🏽‍♀️
But yeah the unnecessary tarlos hate is never cool in my books fr 🤬😤
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oddinary4bts · 1 year
Once “SHE’S MOVED ON”?! Why is he acting like OC is the only one upset about this whole thing? 🤨 whatever Jungkook, Oc can find someone better than you who would ACTUALLY treat her better and MAN UP and talk things out instead of date other people. Nah stay with Laura, she can keep you 😤
(Still rooting for them but i’m salty now lmao)
I’M DEAD HAHAHAHAHA he’s got his head stuck in his ass I told you😭 and maybe…. Maybe he thinks he’s not going to be able to move on from her but refuses to admit it to himself yet😶
(That’s all I’m going to say bc I’m tired of my poor baby getting hate hahah even tho he deserves it)
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picklesgrowontrees · 3 years
first off, thank you to the writers room people the new video was a banger! Also, Thomas’s acting is getting better and better every day
I am just barely holding off on screaming about everything into my pillow and I’m most likely going to hyperfixate on this for the next month but here are some things I need to point out from the Special:
Thomas, you lost an excellent opportunity to say “it sure feels like a dream….come true!” In your opening scene.
Our favorite boys with all of our favorite nicknames in their bios —🥺🥺🥺
Roman, are you okay? Your makeup be on fleek tho
Virgil = Rocket Raccoon x100
“My bestie, Patton” Janus omfg he’s your husband
Also, Logan—nice. So proud of you. I cant believe you learned a new word today
Janus is literally out-drama-geeking Roman. I never knew that was possible.
Excuse me what was that you said about eyeshadow? Janus is teasing Virgil about his purple glitter. Virgil reacts like a violent caveman
I’m…pretty….sure….that Remus…doesn’t, have his pants on backwards???? Maybe??? In any case👌 his bosom is emblazoned
‘Whose hand is that? Jesus’ —also, what. Thomas you should run
Janus you passive agressive bitch we all know you literally made that sandwich for Patton
LOGAN—calm down with the size of your glass man, I’m pretty sure that’s enough wine to kill a small child
Thomas you’re really killing me with the angst JUST LISTEN TO LITERAL LOGIC FOR 1 MINUTE
So Remus found the mindspace, huh? Alright y’all, time to throw every single fanfiction involving the creativitwins’ split kingdoms into the canon garbage can
#deviousgaming4life #gotem #secretlife
A-huh,A-huh, now say that again, but slower Virgil
I really can’t look at Virgil transforming into a puppet the same way again after those bloopers 💀
Seriously, guys.😤 Everyone who's here at my awesome party...🍾🎉 🤪this huge crowd of people that's definitely here right now...Somebody😠🤫 broke 😩my grandma's👵 vase✨✨🏺✨✨And that was the last thing she gave to me... before she died!!!! ☠️I swear 🔫😀to all things football ⚽️?🏈? AND/OR skateboarding... 🛹 …that I will find you….🪓🗡⚔️🔪😁Don't make me cry these incredibly manly 💪🏻🧔‍♂️tears! Anyone can speak up here 👀and be a part of this scene. 👀👀👀Especially those of us who aren't imagined🙂and... are actually here on the stage.🧨
The angst is packing in hard, TheatreMan.
Virgil you bastard😂😂 I demand a petition for Janus to have a solo number, and I would very much like to see the raw caught-in-4K footage of Janus dancing and hyping up Virgil for the lie song in the background
Remus you bastard😂😂
*ahem* ✍️📝 “Scare-amore”? Amore as in Amour? Amour as in Love in Spanish? We can’t escape the prinxiety
I swear they all had to restrain Remus from saying something rated r about Nico
Don’t worry Virgil you’re not the only one. Thomas being straight is one of my sleep paralysis demons
So that’s why Janus wears a hat. How many fanarts are we gonna get of Janus with a hamster? Like, what do you say, 500? Thousand?
Virgil is a mood. Except mine is an endless script in my notes app. So classy
(Edit) Roman is not okay. And neither am I
Janus is still salty about the others’ wardrobe upgrades
Did no one else notice the way that Roman said virgil’s name? I swear the prinxiety
Virgil I think you want to set the type of goal Remus was going for…at the beginning of his idea anyways. Praise, man
So—let me get this gay. Patton wants to be married to Logan. I can feel the love tonight
Logan I do not blame you for your wine glass update, where can I get me one of those?
Also—Virgil is the cousin because Remus and Janus are the aunt and uncle so they are LITERALLY HIS PARENTS OMG
Janus I’m scared and terrified and afraid and terrified what more do you want
The Roman series. Is in fact; a Prinxiety Dungeons and dragons AU fanfiction. I could not be happier 
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oreosmama · 4 years
You Use the Safeword (Haikyuu!! Headcanons)
*GIFS not mine*
Kuroo and Kageyama Version
A/N: I’ve got like a million ideas for these, so just be prepared. (PS: someone needs to tell the star wars writers to get some yandere kylo ren out here😤 like yall im thirsty)
Word count: 1269
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Bokuto Koutarou:
He’s the type to spring to the other side of the room the second he hears the word “Chumbawumba” fall from your lips. 
It’s a mewl and whimper all wrapped in one that swiftly and harshly rip his heart in two. 
While you crush a pillow against your chest to try and assuage the pain, a wave of horror dawns on Bokuto’s face. He’s watching every move you make to ensure you’re still actually breathing just as the first tear slips. 
Soon, it’s not alone as he starts bawling, his whimpers and sniffles leaving his face a damp, mucus-drenched nightmare.
“Oh Bo...”
You could physically watch as that fact ate him up from the inside out. First, he crumpled to his knees, and then he hugged them to his chest. Muffled sobs echoed around the room louder than your cries of pleasure ever had, leaving you to wallow in pity as your boyfriend beat himself up. 
“Bo, I’m okay, I promise.”
It’s a struggle at first, but you still attempt to ease yourself off the bed. Bokuto’s ears perk and his head raises but the second he spots you reaching out for him he springs to his feet.
“NO!” Tears start falling even faster when he notices how you flinched at his cry.
“Please, YN,” he continues, voice lowered, “I don’t want to hurt you again.”
Pursing your lips, you try to take another step but he presses himself harder against the door, hand scrambling for the knob. Just as he finds it, you pounce on him, snatching his wrist and yanking it towards you.
“YN wait-”
“Shut up,” you huff out, gripping him even tighter when he starts twisting and tugging his arm. Without missing a beat, you yank the hand towards your body and press it just over your heart.
His fingers are cold against your hot, sticky skin, but that doesn’t stop you as you watch his expression, waiting for a reaction. 
“Because Bo,” you roll your eyes and press both hands over his own, “my heart is still yours, no matter how many times you get a little rough in bed.”
He’s silent as he studies your hands on his, even more so when he raises his other to wipe the saltiness from his cheeks. 
“I... I never wanted to hurt you, YN. Not in a million years.”
“I know, babe. And that’s what the safeword is for,” you gesture back to the bed. “Remember? We came up with it so you wouldn’t accidentally hurt me, and that’s all that was--an accident.”
He sniffles once more before nodding. “Okay.” The hand on his own cheek transferred to yours with a hesitancy you had never felt before. When his fingertips met your skin, he sighed in relief, cupping the side of your face and running a thumb just over the rosy apple of your cheek.
You smile and press a kiss into his palm. “All right, how about we watch a movie instead?”
“I don’t think-”
“If you go out and get my favorite candy, I might just give you forgiveness cuddles.” His eyes glowed with anticipation. 
As always, Bokuto was only willing to accept your kindness by working for it; he never thought he deserved it otherwise. That’s why the second you suggested the offer, he zipped out of the room in only his boxers and T-shirt.
“Bo, don’t forget-”
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Tsukishima Kei: 
He knows it before you even whisper “ginger shrimp.”
Your lips formed into an “o,” but not a good “o.”
Tsukishima’s eyes widen before he turns away, climbing off you and reaching for his glasses. They clatter to the floor and he leans down to grab them, trembling hands unfolding the lenses and pushing them up his nose. 
“I’m sorry,” he grunts. His voice is hoarse and quiet; less scathing than you had ever heard it. Even in a moment like this, you wish you could see his face but his back is turned toward you completely. 
“I’m going to... go get you an aspirin and a glass of water. E-excuse me.” 
Shock encompasses your face the second you hear your boyfriend--your overly-critical, always-sarcastic boyfriend--stutter for what must have been the first time in his life. 
You don’t bother to point it out though because the door is already closing behind him the minute you shake yourself out of the daze. 
His bedroom is silent, but not the comfortable silence you and him are both used to. It’s painful and awkward and worries you about whether Tsukishima will even bother talking to you for a while. 
You can’t even hear a sound in the rest of the house because the atmosphere is so dark and heavy. A lump forms in your throat and you glance at the clock. 
Ten minutes.
Ten minutes have passed since he said he would leave to get you a painkiller. It didn’t even hurt anymore at this point, and truly what surprised you the most was how hard Tsukishima took it on himself. 
You decided to go investigate after another five minutes ticked by. 
The hardwood floor left a flood of chills racing up your body as you tiptoed through his room and out into the hallway. With only his thin sheets to keep you covered, you sneaked down the stairs and padded into the kitchen.
No luck.
His white blanket dragged along the floor as you traveled past the small opening into the living room, finally spotting your boyfriend.
Long fingers tangled into blond hair as his back curled over, elbows stuck on his knees while he cradled his head. 
You chose to stay silent and not disturb him, instead making your way over and plopping onto the cushion next to him on the sofa. He raised from his position and turned to you, eyes snapping open. 
“Sorry, I didn’t get your-”
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you twisted your body to trap him in a hug. The sheet slipped down your body but you didn’t bother adjusting it, not when there were more serious matters to handle. 
“Shut up,” you dug a hand into the nape of his neck, shoving his face into your collarbone. “I’m fine, you doofus. You didn’t kill me; I’m not as fragile as you think.”
You felt his jaw clench against your chest before he huffed, not-so reluctantly returning the hug with his arms around your waist. 
The living room was silent for a moment, just you and Tsukishima soaking up each other’s presence in the early midday hours with only the birds outside to keep you company. His skin was warm and bare against yours, but, unsurprisingly, his fingers were colder than ice. 
“I told you that was a bad idea, you know.” And there it is. 
At least it was nice while it lasted. 
Tsukishima pulled away and glanced your body up and down in what he must’ve thought was a discreet way. 
“It sounded like fun, you know. At least I thought you would’ve liked it.”
He set his jaw. “If it meant you never getting hurt again, I’d say we should stick to vanilla from now on.”
“Aww, but where’s the fun in that?”
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hypaalicious · 2 years
older noctis got so much disrespect. the team probably didn't do much for the timeskip because he was gonna die anyway and IM STILL MAD ABOUT IT AFTER ALL THESE YEARS!! but also bearded noctis over clean shaven anyday
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I can only agree with all of this because… I’m…
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but no, Squenix said “lol what if we really just ripped everyone’s hearts out and have it end like this.” AND FOR WHAT? 😤 A WHOLE GENERATION OF GAMERS NEEDS THERAPY AFTER HEARING “STAND BY ME”!! And not even a damn FFX-2 type adventure where the boys go on an adventure and somehow bring Noct back. I’m salty.
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fallinforgyu · 2 years
hey bunny bun!
I’ve been seeing everything that’s happening with the whole minor stuff on tumblr, it sucks a lot >:( why are people so shitty????? 😤
i know I can’t really do much but do know that if someone starts something with you (or any of your moots, hello 🤠👋🏻❤️) we got you back babe 😈❤️
hope it’s not ruining your mood that much, please take care and know that if u need some breaks from the whole stress this might cause (or any stress) you should take it! 💗💗
to distract you some, I saw that an ask (idk how to call them, let’s call them someone heh) asked you if you’ve read ‘under the sky in room 553..’ and omG BUNN! this wrecked me so much 😫 I’m not lying or exaggerating when I tell you that after reading that story I kept crying for a whole month straight 😔, it’s really beautifully sad haha and yes while beomgyu does quite suffer in the story (actually everyone lol) it has an actually happy ending (side but happy, it’s like a very poetic ending if I say so myself) but at the end it’s one of my favorite stories ever (I even made a playlist for it but man every time I listen to paper hearts by Tory Kelly, just the fucking intro makes me wanna cry), bUT if u really are like very sensitive with those kind of things it’s totally fine to not read it, I’m actually quite sensitive myself but when it comes to stories the more they hurt the more I like it hahaha I feel like the purpose of it (which was make me feel something or like impact me) has been accomplished. but I totally advice to not ready it if u don’t feel like u might tolerate it! (my sister is quite salty with me cause she also read it because of me and also it’s a beomgyu biased bitch and yes she kept crying more than I did)
(on a little side note: now that I think about it I think that reading that story kinda helped me choose what I want to study in university haha)
n e ways hope I didn’t bore you and actually made u feel a lil better or at least get a lil smile out of you, in exchange of you always taking time to answer not just my (but everyone’s) questions I’ll offer you these cut pics of gyu + an actual picture of me attacking them minors/haters :)
1) https://pin.it/52Fdo9k
2) https://pin.it/7AATOvA
3) https://pin.it/2PYJBcr
4) https://pin.it/5WQIhDq
5) https://pin.it/3JTJjp2
(I didn’t know u cant send pics while being on anon so I’m sending the links ㅠㅠ )
-🦔 anon
omg you're too sweet anonie this made me smile so big 🥺🫶 i'm just trying to ignore the annoying people so i can appreciate the amazing people like you bff!! :D
and omg omg see i don't think i could read that fic without going into hiding for a month i literally can't even think about beomgyu crying without getting sad there's simply no way i would be able to do it 😭😭
you didn't bore me at all lovey this made me so happy!! and the beom pics are so cute and the rat pic at the end made me laugh SO HARD omfg i love u so much thank u so much for this precious 🥺❤️❤️❤️
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