#I feel really stupid and childish šŸ˜‚
thecowboykatsuki-anon Ā· 5 months
Yknow that scene in Euphoria where Cassie does all this stuff to look pretty so that Nate notices her and he doesnā€™t even bat an eye? Thatā€™s how Iā€™m feeling today.
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pan-imagines-ig Ā· 1 year
Donā€™t Mess With Panā€™s Lost Girl p10
Warning: mention of murder? šŸ˜‚
Word count: 1242
AN: genuinely didnā€™t think Iā€™d ever be back
Felix tightens his arms around me, squeezing.
Iā€™m screaming, can barely catch my breath, the sobs are covered by the celebratory shouts and singing of Panā€™s return. The lost boys donā€™t care about the childish drama. They donā€™t care about the very real feelings Iā€™m feeling, neither does Pan, if anything this is all very entertaining for them. Theyā€™re just happy to have their precious leader back.
I stopped crying five minutes ago, after about an hour of nonstop tears. My throat is raw and my eyes are stinging. I feel Felixā€™s lips against the top of my head, leaving gentle kisses, just a sweet gesture and nothing more. Comforting. Heā€™s rocking us slowly, still on the floor, and I feel absolutely drained.
ā€œWater.ā€ My voice not even a whisper.
ā€œLet me get you to bed firstā€ he stands slowly and pulls me up while supporting my arms.
I shuffle to the bed, his arms on either side of me as if waiting for me to collapse again. I gently wave him off as I curl on top of the covers. He folds the other side over me and leave one final, sweet, kiss on my nose before leaving the tent. When he opens the flaps the bright fire light shows shadows of dancing boys. And for a moment, just a fraction of a second, I see Pan in the middle with Wendy. His hands were reaching up to cup her face. The flaps closed before I saw them make contact.
I donā€™t have enough energy to cry anymore. So I just lay there, numb, waiting for Felix to return.
ā€œI brought you some food tooā€ he returns with a small plate with just a couple things to pick at; some bread, cheese, blueberries, and a cup of water.
I sit up and take the cup so he lays the plate on my lap. I donā€™t look at it and take slow thoughtless sips of the water.
ā€œBetter?ā€ I look up at him and his face softens. He can see that Iā€™ve drained myself of all emotion. ā€œI can kill him for you, we can do it together, if you wantā€ he snickers.
I donā€™t respond. Just quietly turn my head back towards the boy I once loved. I can see him, the tent is closed, but I can still see him in my mind. Itā€™s racing with the image of his hands on her face, pulling her in, kissing her. I didnā€™t see it happen but I know it did and the thought is very vivid, projected on the door of the tent.
ā€œLay with meā€ my voice is somewhat better now. I put the cup and plate on the floor and get properly under the covers as Felix joins me.
We lay quietly for a while and I can feel my sadness turning to painful anger. My thoughts are racing and my heart pounding.
ā€œLetā€™s kill herā€
When I wake up I almost knock over the water and, instead, step on the plate of smelly cheese and smooshy berries. Felix walks in at that moment and lets out a small laugh. I look at him, irritated, as I wipe my foot on my pant leg. I reach for my satchel and my fingers grasp around nothing. I look down at the chair and notice none of my things are where they should be.
ā€œWhere-?ā€ I begin looking towards Felix.
ā€œYou have to make me a promise before I give your stuff backā€ Felix says slow and calmly with his hands up.
ā€œPromise what? You canā€™t just steal my things, who do you think you are?!ā€ My voice is getting louder and Iā€™m getting anger with him.
ā€œHey, Mariana, Iā€™m your best friends, thatā€™s who. And as your best friend I want to make sure you donā€™t do something stupid. You said something pretty stupid last night and I just want to make sure youā€™re in a clear state of mind todayā€
ā€œOh come on I wasnā€™t serious, Iā€™m not gonna kill her!ā€ Is he being for real? He really thinks Iā€™d kill her, Pan would kill me. ā€˜At least Iā€™d get his attentionā€™
I roll my eyes at myself but Felix takes it personally. ā€œIā€™m just trying to look out for you, I know youā€™re not stupid, but I also know youā€™re not one to hold back your emotions. I donā€™t want your emotions getting the best of you, this is serious.ā€ He puts one hand on my arm the other brushes through my hair.
I look up at him and let out a calming breath, ā€œok, I promise. Iā€™m not going to kill her. But I canā€™t promise I wonā€™t bully herā€ I say with attitude.
ā€œThatā€™s fine.ā€ He laughs and his smile makes me smile, ā€œBullying is expected, and Iā€™ll be here to protect you when you inevitably piss Pan off.ā€ Another kiss to the top of my head.
ā€œAlright you gotta stop with those little kissesā€ I giggle.
ā€œWhy? Falling in love with me?ā€ He grins down at me and quickly raises one eye brow.
I canā€™t help but smile back up at him, shaking my head I response, ā€œI havenā€™t fallen in love these past couple months, I donā€™t think itā€™s gonna happen.ā€
ā€œThen why do I have to stop?ā€ He says leaning in to give me 1, 2, 3 more soft kisses down to my forehead.
ā€œCause Pan will kill you.ā€ I say he just smiles and kisses my right cheek. I think it over for a second, ā€˜maybe making Pan jealous in return wonā€™t hurtā€™ , ā€œok fine, itā€™s cute and makes me happy. Plus, if Panā€™s gonna rub Wendy in my face he canā€™t get mad about a couple sweet nothing kisses.ā€
ā€œOk so weā€™ll bully Wendy and make Pan extremely jealous. We both know thereā€™s nothing between us so itā€™ll be his fault if he gets overly offended. But are you trying to get him back or just get him mad?ā€ Heā€™s really pondering over this but when he hits me with this question I have to sit down to think.
ā€œI donā€™t know, I know I want to piss him off, but getting him back isnā€™t something Iā€™ve thought about in a couple weeks.ā€ Do I want to get back together with him? I hate him right now so itā€™s hard to imagine how or if I would get him back, but my heart still yearns for him.
ā€œLetā€™s just head out to practice, mind our own business, go about the day as normal. We probably wonā€™t even see him today. If we do, you can decide in the moment and Iā€™ll be with it.ā€ Felix says reaching out to escort me to the shooting range.
I take his hand and stand from the bed so he can walk me to the hiding spot of my belongings. I quickly slip on my shoes and holster my sword.
We hold hands and swing our arms as we walk to the range, chit-chatting and laughing. I feel the pit of anxiety in my stomach but Iā€™m doing my best to act like everything is ok, Felix makes that easy.
When we get to the range most of the boys are already working through their arrows or up in the obstacle course. We head towards the issue station and I stop still, stomach out my ass, when I see Wendy handing out bows and quivers.
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dujour13 Ā· 1 year
During my little holiday I wanted to get back in touch with my main muses and wrote some Act I stuff, just messing around with a different kind of pacing. I might insert it into L&C but it would take some retrofitting so just throwing it out here while I decide.
Warning - it's long, 2000 words under the cut. No one is under any obligation to read this šŸ˜‚
Cross-legged on his narrow bed in the Defenderā€™s Heart, using his flipped-over guitar as a writing desk, Siavash sat staring into the distance. The last few dozen letters heā€™d written to Kristov had ended up in the fireplace instead of the post, tearstained and torn up for shame. He didnā€™t even know how to open this one. ā€œDear Kristovā€ was too cold, ā€œMy dearestā€ worse, and no diplomatic training could prepare him for how to break terrible news to an ex he was supposed to be over. Tears of grief, frustration and no small measure of self-pity burned his eyes as he restarted for the third time.
He pressed his thumbs to his eyes and asked himself once again whether he really needed to write personally, knowing even as he did that there was no getting out of it. The Ambassadorā€™s attachĆ© had been a good friend to both of them; surely letting Kristov find out about her death without a word from him would be cruel. Yet every time he set pen to parchment he caught himself wanting to spill his whole heart.
I donā€™t understand why everyoneā€™s dead and Iā€™m not. Iā€™m wounded and it wonā€™t heal. Demons have besieged the city. Itā€™s cold in Mendev and all they drink is terrible beer. Iā€™m alone. Iā€™m scared.
I miss you.
Maybe what he really missed was someone intimate enough to complain to. It had been two years since they separated and it wouldnā€™t be fair to put all this on Kristov. He needed to fight the urge to write things that would hurt or upset him, just as he had when writing to his own family about his wonderful adventures in Mendev.
For someone with no shortage of friends and even less difficulty making them, it was surprising how empty he could feel at times, especially haunted by the faces of his friends and colleagues who had died in the demon attack. What a merry band of Andorens they would all have made, leading the city defense like itinerant heroes, bonding over the bad beer and the glaring example Daeran made of the dangers of nepotism. And oh, how he would be fawned over with his strange (and still quite painful) wound.
Instead, the awful task fell to him to write letters to their friends and families bearing tidings that would destroy them. And here he was, still alive for no good reason.
Hovering, his pen let a black drop spill onto ā€œMy dearest.ā€
Stupid. He was over Kristov, as much as could be expected. It was just a childish need to be felt sorry for. He gave himself a wan, condescending smile. Just write the damn letter, play a sad song, cry a little and buck up. There are things to do.
Just when he had it under control, the Count walked right into his room and tossed his coat on the other bed like it was his own. ā€œWeeping again?ā€
ā€œLamenting whatā€™s become of the last of Mendevā€™s great families,ā€ he returned with a brittle smile, shoving the parchment aside. ā€œThat bedā€™s occupied. Youā€™re just helping yourself to it?ā€
ā€œI am indeed moving in. Donā€™t take it personally; Iā€™ve rather had my fill of sappy Desnans.ā€ He patted his stomach and grimaced as if heā€™d overdone it on the sweet rolls. ā€œIn fact, what would it take to get you to push the beds together and clear out? Your former roommate went for six monthsā€™ salary. Heā€™s sleeping on the floor in the common room for that and the dignity of the realm, so that my precious person should not suffer calumny.ā€
ā€œI thought heaping calumny on your family name was your favorite pastime,ā€ said Siavash. ā€œAnyway no luck, Daeran. Iā€™m wounded. Iā€™m keeping my bed.ā€
The Count gave an annoyed sigh. ā€œFine. Well, I suppose one learns to make do in a siege. Go ahead and push the beds together, if youā€™re so keen.ā€
ā€œYouā€™ll have to find someone else in need of a couple monthsā€™ salary Iā€™m afraid. You know, the more you open your mouth the more you reinforce my opinions on hereditary wealth.ā€ Siavash grabbed his guitar and headed for the stairs in search of more agreeable company.
ā€œOpinions we happen to share,ā€ laughed Daeran behind him.
As he padded down to the common room in his stocking feet he was only half aware that he was seeking a certain charcoal-blue face in the crowd, someone he was sure could cheer him up.
There he wasā€”the tiefling Woljif, chatting animatedly with Father Rathimus in the corner. Selling the priest something at a siege mark-up, no doubt. But just as Siavash headed that direction, Seelah beckoned loudly from the bar. ā€œHey, if it isnā€™t the best bard in the house.ā€
ā€œAnd the worst,ā€ he winked. He glanced again at the tiefling across the room, who quickly shifted his gaze away when their eyes met, but not without a spontaneous brightening of the smile he was putting to work on the priest.
ā€œNeed something to grease the wheels before you get started?ā€ Seelah signaled the bartender.
He hesitated. Not only did he balk at the beer, he would rather trade tall tales with Woljif than play a set, although the tiefling seemed occupied anyway. Still, Seelahā€™s grin was hard to resist. ā€œSure, thanks.ā€
She passed him a mug. ā€œBoy am I glad some god or other tossed a bard into the mix. Gotta keep morale up for another couple days until we can mop up the Gray Garrison.ā€
ā€œIā€™m not sure I feel so lucky,ā€ he chuckled, forcing down a mouthful. ā€œGlad I can do my humble part though.ā€
ā€œHa, you mean besides brandishing an angelic sword at the head of the heroic city defense?ā€
ā€œCome on, all Iā€™ve been doing is aiming everybody else in the right direction and shouting encouragement from behind you.ā€
Seelah winked. ā€œGot news for you. Thatā€™s what leaders do.ā€
ā€œHey chief, you gonna play a tune?ā€ He hadnā€™t even seen the tiefling make his way over to the bar but there he was, wearing a surprisingly unguarded expression, tail flicking eagerly.
ā€œI was thinking about it,ā€ Siavash said, suddenly much more interested in playing than heā€™d been a few minutes ago. ā€œLooks like this crowd could use some cheering up.ā€
ā€œYou oughtta charge,ā€ Woljif said. The shifty, calculating look was suddenly back. ā€œOr at least pass the hat around afterwards.ā€
Siavash laughed. The man was a paradox. At times undisguised innocence, like looking forward to a little music or demanding an apology from Sister Kerismei, and at other times three steps ahead of everyone devising a scheme to lighten someoneā€™s purse. ā€œWith a captive audience thatā€™s likely to damage my popularity,ā€ he said. ā€œUnless I pledge the coin to a charity reconstruction fund or something.ā€
The tieflingā€™s eyes lit up. ā€œHells, youā€™re good at this, chief. Sit tight, Iā€™ll find you a hat.ā€
He settled on an empty mug instead of a hat. After the first set Siavash saw him making the rounds and decided not to say anything about it, just to see where it was headed. Thus as he sat with Seelah choking down another beer he was surprised when Woljif came back and threw a leg over the bench next to him, carefully pouring the jingling contents of the mug onto the table and sweeping the coins together with both hands, eyes glittering.
ā€œWhaddaya say, chief? Good catch. So I was thinkinā€™, Iā€™ll set aside fifty percent for the charity and cut you in ten.ā€
ā€œAnd the other forty?ā€ he asked out of curiosity, just to see what the tiefling would say.
ā€œOverhead.ā€ Woljif waved a dismissive hand.
ā€œWhere are you planning on setting aside the charity money? Under the floorboards?ā€
ā€œNah, Iā€™ll invest it. Great opportunities with the city in this condition.ā€ And Woljif proceeded to explain how fresh food transport was currently at a standstill except for a few more intrepid ox-driversā€”by which he meant smugglersā€”who could be prevailed upon to make the risky journey given a sufficient injection of capital.
Siavash listened rapt. Woljif seemed to ā€œknow a guy who knew a guyā€ for just about anything and could turn a profit on a minimum of risk all while getting desperately needed food into the city center.
Not to mention the way the corner of his mouth curled appealingly in a conspiratorial smile, and the way his eyes shone excitedly in the lamplight as he talked. Although some might see in his yellow irises the touch of the Abyss, Siavash saw only a golden gleam of intelligence and that occasional surprising softness. Hope. An eagerness he kept forgetting to hide.
Which in turn brought out Siavashā€™s most reassuring manner, his gentle yet soul-penetrating smile that said What is good in you is safe with me. And what isnā€™t strictly good too. He watched him count out the coins, sorting them into small stacks, and wondered if heā€™d already pocketed a handful or two of ā€œoverhead,ā€ but also, interestingly, whether this ā€œinvestmentā€ could actually help keep the halted economy of the city alive until the demons could be chased out.
Just one detail. ā€œSounds good. Except I think ten is a little low for doing all the heavy lifting.ā€
Woljif looked up from his stacks of coins and searched his gaze, eyes narrowing slightly.
ā€œAll right, chief. Twenty-five, that suit you?ā€
ā€œThatā€™ll do. In fact, Iā€™ll tell you whatā€”keep it and invest it for me.ā€
There was that look again: clear-eyed and hopeful. ā€œYou can count on me, chief. Iā€™ll double it for you.ā€
ā€œYouā€™re trying to pull a profit in a city under siege?ā€ Seelah huffed, knocking her mug on the table with a frown.
Something in Woljifā€™s gaze shut down. He leaned back and sighed.
ā€œWe need food, Woljif needs money,ā€ shrugged Siavash. ā€œSounds like a win-win to me.ā€
Woljif blinked at him.
ā€œAre you serious?ā€ Seelah echoed the look but for a different reason.
ā€œYes, and I think you should invest too.ā€
She glanced back and forth at the two of them. ā€œYou know what? Fine. Iā€™m gonna trust you on this one. Donā€™t make me regret it.ā€ And she placed a handful of coins on the table, which Woljif quickly swept into his stack.
This time when his and Siavashā€™s eyes met they were both on the verge of bursting out laughing.
Siavash helped himself to a couple coppers. ā€œLet me get you a drink, Woljif.ā€
ā€œUhā€”sure.ā€ Woljif watched the coin disappear and this time he really did laugh. ā€œTea, lots aā€™ honey.ā€
As he headed for the bar, Woljif caught himself eyeing the chiefā€”not for the first timeā€”and wondering if he could actually have found the real deal, the business partner of his dreams.
Yet even if so, Desnans didnā€™t tend to linger in one place for long. The chief had hinted to Seelah he might stay on a bit and see through whatever mission the Andoren government had sent him on here, but heā€™d be off to Andoran again soon enough and that would be the end of it. Or would it? Maybe that was even better! An excuse to head south to warmer climes. His ticket out of here on a whole other level.
But of course, it was only a matter of time before the partnership went south, and not in the geographical sense. On the other hand by then maybe Woljif would be set upā€”a tidy investment fund and a few connections around Inner Sea ports from Augustana to Merab, some new business partners on the horizon.
Orā€¦ maybeā€¦ maybe it wouldnā€™t go sour. That was supposed to be possible, like in the ballads or the storybooks. Sure would be nice. He could get used to that smile, that music, the nice way the chief listened and didnā€™t interrupt.
Hells. Last time he thought he had himself an actual, well, business partner, reality had punched him in the mouth. Literally. Repeatedly.
He decided heā€™d have to keep a close eye on the chief, figure out his angle. See how the pieces fit together: the bardic charm, the angelic sword, the Desnan visions, the sensible approach to morality. And not get his hopes up.
The moment the chief turned his way with the tea Woljif realized he was staring, and whatever expression he was wearing it earned him the most dazzling smile he thought heā€™d ever seen in his whole life.
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not-souleaterpost Ā· 6 months
opinion on gopher
Well no shade at any Gopher fans but not really positive so dont read further if you dont wanna be sadšŸ˜‚
To me Gopher kind of is one of the reasons for my controverial oppinion of the anime being better than the manga:
The most simple and least pretentious way of describing my thoughts and reasons is - I find him unfunny and obnoxious, while also feeling that he is a pointless charachter with wasted potential at the same time.
But to get more into detail...
When did he get introduced (if I remember correctly?): During that whole mini-arc about Maka wanting "to be an angel".
I have many problems with that part of the story, especially with how it turns Maka into some generic "tsundre kawaii girl who not so secretly likes the guy who she is bitchy too"
But I wont get too much into that, just the fact that I get the point - Gopher gets introduced as foil to her in that arc, to kinda give her a reality check of how unlikeable and childish she is acting.
But the point is, that even with the most charitable interpretation of the arc, Gopher IS just by his nature a charachter tailor-made (literally) to be obnoxious and annoying.
And unlike Excalibur, I find the way in which he is just groan-worthy and not charming and soothing (Yeah Excalibur is great, shout out to the OG)
But ok, maybe thats just bad impresions, does he improve later? Not really cause his whole gag stays this kinda creepy quasi incestious obssesion with Noah and idk, dont even wanna write about that part too much lol
But even if one just looks at it as a charachter trait with possible development, it leads nowhere, Gopher being static besides his final gag (which I admit is funny but also a bit ehh with the whole implication of what hes gonna do with 7 naked unconcious bodies...)
Still, one could say why am I'm expecting something out of a gag charachter? Just dont overthink it - maybe I wouldnt if Ohkubo didnt kinda setup a situation where it seemed there could be more to him, only to be just wasted panel time in the end:
What I mean is, the whole setup of him torturing and integoriating Kid - which seemed to be a perfect opportunity for charachter development for both of them - because they actually have some simmilarities:
Both are "created" and "reverant" to their Father-figure, both have unhealthy obssessions and both start throwing childish tantrums when things dont go their way. (also surface details like both seemingly being anime pretty boys appeiling to a specific demographic, with the dark hair and proper dress-code etc)
Yet all that didnt lead to anything - neither Gopher realised that his "master" is horrible compared to the other side, nor did it make Kid reflect about his own obssessions and how obnoxious and ridicolous he must look to others.
Neither was there anything about being sorta non human, "created" not born - but thats excusable cause that was revealed after the fact in Kids case.
Hell, still there could be even some strengthening of both sides negative traits, the tragedy of communication being impossible, but all lead just to an ok gag of Kids face being made unsymmetrical.
But also on a tangent, the whole "black wings" thing also just seems to be derivative - especially when the much stronger parallel of "angel vs demon" with black and white wings was between Maka and Crona, so yeah I think the whole obnoxious Maka and Gopher thing kinda deluded that meaning, but thats more of a pet peeve.
Still, to leave of not with just bitching, but an interesting thought, or atleast kinda funny in a stupid way (enough that I will prolly use it as filler in my iceberg videos):
So Gopher is a creation of Noah. But Noah is just one of seven other creations. Who are made by the Index, which is just a manifestation of a part of the Book of Eibon, which was written by the Wizard of the same name.
How many layers of being a tool is that?šŸ˜‚
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ryuichirou Ā· 2 years
What's with that adorable sassy little lost child? šŸ˜‚ Any headcanons for our lil prodigy?
Iā€™m pretty late with this reply, but we got this ask right after we posted a sketch of little Idia, the one that we sketched when we found out that Toboso initially wanted to make him a child prodigyā€¦ what an adorable sassy little lost child he is šŸ˜­
Iā€™m glad you liked him, Anon! The moment we read that, the image of that cheeky boy appeared before me so brightly and clearly, like, we know exactly what type of a character he would be. Absolutely insufferable in the best way possible! Not so different from Idia as we know him though lol
Oh the headcanons, the headcanons! I do have a couple of thoughts when I look at him, so, here they are.
He is as annoying as regular Idia, sometimes even more-so because heā€™s a brat, but at the end of the day he is an antisocial shy kid. So if you donā€™t know better, you might even think that he is cute. But then he opens his mouthā€¦
Idia doesnā€™t consider himself a kid, he believes that he is even more mature than some of the older kids; he is definitely smarter than them, thatā€™s for sure. But at the same time he can still pull a ā€œwhy are you being mean to a child, how could youā€ card whenever itā€™s beneficial to him.
Ortho carries him around a lot, and sometimes Idia piggybacks on him; in general he is lazier about moving around than his lanky 18 y.o. self. Why not let Ortho do that? He doesnā€™t mind. It also lets Idia be taller than people heā€™s talking to. And get away quickly and easily when they get mad at him lol
Adult Idia would cringe very hard if he saw a younger version of himself. A younger Idia would also die of cringe is he saw an adult Idia. They would be horrible to each otherā€¦
His taste is almost the same as his 18 y.o. selfā€™s, and heā€™s seen a lot of the stuff he probably shouldnā€™t have seen at his age; heā€™s never had anyone restrict what heā€™s doing on the internet, so you canā€™t really shock him with anything. But he is not very interested in the ā€œadult worldā€ of 18+ content.
Despite being a snarky smart-ass and a resident of the anonymous boards who is in his edgy ā€œeveryoneā€™s stupidā€ phase, he is still a bit naĆÆve, especially when it comes to actually genuinely talking to people instead of either trolling them or hiding from them.
He is small, but not super small, itā€™s just that heā€™s slouching and stuff. Heā€™ll definitely get taller than Riddle pretty quickly and be very smug about it. God, his relationship with Riddle is probably even worse in this universeā€¦
The tweels are even more terrifying to him than usual, because they are waaaay too tall for his liking, and are way into chasing him. Floyd especially, he chases Idia around a lot, pretty much every time he sees him, because he looks cute and funny when he tries to get away from Floyd. Another reason for Idia to always have Ortho around to pick him up and fly away.
Jade teases Idia a lot and says stuff like ā€œIdia-san, why are you misbehaving, arenā€™t you our senpai? Shouldnā€™t you set the example for your underclassmen?ā€, which irritates Idia a lot. Idia also hates the fact that Jade (and Azul) call him with this honorific, because it always sounds like they are mocking him, especially Jade.
Azul plays boardgames with Idia in this universe too, and he tries very hard to befriend him. He believes that Idia is going to be easy to manipulate because he is younger and more naĆÆve, but itā€™s not that easy: Idia sees through his bullshit and sees his schemes.
Whenever they play, Azul either complains that Idia is ā€œtoo childish, but well, he is a child so itā€™s understandableā€, or complains that Idia is ā€œway too smart for his age, but heā€™s a prodigy, so itā€™s understandableā€. Deep inside, playing chess with a kid younger than him (even though theyā€™re not that different in age) pisses Azul off, he feels foolish when he loses, but if you were to tease him for that, heā€™d instantly say that itā€™s an honor to play with Idia-san, who is a such a bright young genius.
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coraniaid Ā· 7 months
There's so many good ones so I wanna ask one more! (Feel free to ignore of course!) Fuffy + 91. "I can't breathe." Happy writing! (Tbh I am team full season rewrite tho if/when you feel up to it! šŸ˜‚ I'd love to see another! You did so incredible with the first one)
You sent this prompt in months ago, I know, but ... uh, better late than never?
(This is canon compliant and set in late Season 3, so I hope you like angst.)
In her whole short life leading up to today, Faith's only ever memorized four phone numbers.
The first of them was the phone number of the tiny apartment sheā€™d lived in with her mother ever since she was a kid.Ā  The dismal too-small box back in Southie that sheā€™d spent years dreaming of escape from. Not that she ever had any reason to call that one, or to invite anyone else to call her either.Ā  Unlike some people, she didn't exactly have a fawning little gang of sycophants and hangers-on to arrange late night gossip sessions with.Ā 
She used to have to give that number to teachers though sometimes. Before she was smart enough to just take the hint and drop out of school entirely.Ā  They used to demand it after summoning her to some principalā€™s office or some classroom for after-school detention, then get pissed at her when nobody answered.Ā  As if it were Faithā€™s fault her mom was too busy enjoying the drinking and passing out parts of life to pick up the phone.Ā  As if sheā€™d ever asked for her to do that.
(Hell, maybe if sheā€™d just asked her to carry on drinking herself to death then her mom wouldā€™ve stopped.Ā  God knows sheā€™d never given Faith anything else sheā€™d ever asked for.)
Anyway, that was one number she could go ahead and forget.Ā  Good riddance to that.
Then there was Diana's number. Diana Dormer.
Diana was her first Watcher, and ā€“ in every way that mattered ā€“ her last Watcher too.Ā  Snobby Rupert Giles had only ever looked at her like she was a cheap, flawed copy of his favorite golden Slayer, and lying Mrs Post had only ever been using her to get her hands on that stupid glove, and that jailbait-chasing creep Wesley was somehow worse than both of them put together. But Diana had been okay.Ā  For a Watcher, anyway.Ā  Sheā€™d been all right.Ā 
Diana had given her her number early on, shortly after sheā€™d first invited Faith to stay at her place.Ā  "In case of emergencies," she'd said gently.Ā  ā€œOr if you just want to talk.ā€Ā Ā 
Faith had never known when to use it.Ā  Never been sure what Diana wanted from her until it was too late to ask.Ā  Her Watcher's house had been real nice, the few times sheā€™d gone round to visit, but she'd worried that there was some kind of trick she wasnā€™t spotting, some strings attached that sheā€™d not be able to escape. Ā  So however much sheā€™d wanted to, she'd never actually called her on it.Ā  Not really.Ā Ā 
She'd rung the number once, for the first time and the last, only after Diana died.Ā  When even a stupid little kid should've known it was way too late.Ā  Driven by some weak childish impulse on a very bad night, after a string of at least a dozen bad nights, when she was already halfway across the country.Ā  It rang and rang and rang and however long she waited nobody had ever answered.Ā Ā 
Well, what had she expected to happen anyway?Ā  Diana was dead and sheā€™d not been good enough to stop it and no amount of wishing would ever change that.
She could probably go ahead and forget that number too.
The Mayor had given her his number, as well, last of everyone. ā€œSaving the best till last as usual, are you Faith?ā€ he might have asked her, beaming at her in his office over another plate of cookies.Ā  (The Mayor hated crumbs and mess and disorder, that wasnā€™t a secret, but somehow he never seemed to mind her eating at his desk.)
It was his private office number, direct line.Ā  Not the one most people had to call.Ā  The real one: the one Trick had used, and Mr Finch, and maybe some other dead losers Faith had offed without knowing it.Ā  That was good. it meant he trusted her, that she was useful to him.Ā  That she was safe.Ā  She didn't think she'd ever call him on it either though.Ā  What if she said something stupid and pissed him off?Ā  What if he decided he could do better?
Mayor Wilkins wasnā€™t Diana.Ā  The Mayor wasn't all right. Not really. He was a monster, and a killer, and he was wicked gross. Only ā€¦ he was on her side, wasn't he? Heā€™d set her up in this place, hadnā€™t he? A little nicer than that dump of a motel sheā€™d been left to rot in.Ā  Heā€™d given her a chance.Ā  He got her, the way nobody else in this town did.Ā  The real her.Ā  After all, she was a monster too.Ā  Everyone knew it.Ā  She belonged, with him, in a way sheā€™d never belonged anywhere before.
Use it or not, she'd be hanging onto his number for a while.Ā  It wasnā€™t as if she had a choice.
And then there was the third number.Ā  The one she didnā€™t want to think about.Ā  The most important number.Ā  Her number.Ā  Buffy Summersā€™s number.Ā  The Buffy Summers, the one Diana had told her about almost a year ago. The one Faith had known about, somehow, even before that, the face sheā€™d glimpsed in her dreams the night before sheā€™d woken up stronger and stranger and different than before.
The other Slayer ā€“ the real Slayer, Faith supposes, the good Slayer ā€“ had given her number to Faith herself on her third night in Sunnydale, after the big fight with Kakistos.
Theyā€™d been hungry, after dusting that old monster.Ā  Both of them.Ā  Starving. Ā And, maybe, they'd both been feeling something else.Ā  Something that Faith had been sure sheā€™d seen, deep in Buffyā€™s eyes, that very first night theyā€™d met.Ā  A feeling sheā€™d never been able to talk about it with anyone else, because they wouldnā€™t have been able to understand.Ā  The feeling sheā€™d always gotten after a good slay.Ā  The high that kept her going, night after night, vamp after vamp.
They were hungry, but the only place open that late at night was a crappy little diner a few blocks away from the vampsā€™ old hideout.Ā  It had been nearly deserted when theyā€™d shown up, no other customers at all, and for a minute Faith had been worried theyā€™d be turned away.Ā  She probably wouldā€™ve been, she thinks, if sheā€™d been on her own.Ā  Something about her just had that effect on people.Ā  She was trouble, she was a problem, and it was like everyone could smell it on her.Ā  Like a stink she couldnā€™t ever wash away.
But sheā€™d been with Buffy, Sunnydaleā€™s golden girl, and nobody in the world had ever known how to say no to her.Ā  That was why, not long after arriving, theyā€™d been sitting together squashed up at a little plastic table, a table piled high with more burgers and fries and milkshakes than Faith had seen in one place for a long time.Ā  More food than sheā€™d ever had since sheā€™d lost Diana.
Buffy might have claimed to crave nothing more than low-fat yogurt back when she was with her friends, but Faith hadnā€™t bought it.Ā  No way that could be true.Ā  And that night, when it was just the two of them, Buffy hadnā€™t bothered to pretend.Ā  Sheā€™d torn through the burgers almost as fast as Faith, almost as if she didnā€™t have a mom at home whoā€™d stay up late waiting for her and cook her hot food any time she asked.Ā  Almost as if she was as empty inside as Faith was.
At one point, sheā€™d looked up at Faith, mouth still slightly smeared with sauce, and Faith had had the weirdest feeling.Ā  Because, fuck, this was Buffy Summers, the girl sheā€™d dreamed about being the first night she was Called.Ā  This was the girl whose death sheā€™d lived through in her nightmares, just like sheā€™d lived through a second death bleeding out on the library floor at some vampireā€™s feet, and falling through the air to the ground far below, and hundreds of other deaths before that.Ā Ā 
Buffy Summers, who Diana had told her stories about as if she were some kind of fairy tale.Ā  Buffy Summers, who sheā€™d dreamed about again as she fled across the country, running for her life, not knowing where else she could turn to.Ā  Buffy Summers, whoā€™d drowned but lived to joke about it, whoā€™d never lost a fight, who blew up demons with rocket launchers and was really real.Ā  Who was real and alive and warm and sitting so close to her, and who ā€“ even disheveled and dirty after a fight, even with fading bruises on her arms and ketchup stains on her fingers ā€“ was the most beautiful girl Faith had ever seen in her life. Buffy Summers, who was like her, but better.Ā  Perfected.Ā  Perfect.Ā Ā 
Sheā€™d looked up at her, and Faith had felt her heart lurch in her chest in a way that had nothing to do with all the greasy junk food they were eating.Ā  And for the first time in the longest time, sheā€™d dared to let herself hope that maybe everything was going to be okay.
If things had been just a little different back then, if Buffy had given her just the smallest, slightest sign, Faith thinks she might have kissed her right then and there.
Not a quick kiss on the forehead, like she had after their big fight back in Angelā€™s mansion, but a proper kiss.Ā  The sort of kiss a girl like Buffy deserved.Ā  Romantic.Ā  Slow and deliberate.Ā  Gentle and soft and forgivingĀ  in a way that Faith could never make herself be.
But things hadnā€™t been different.Ā  They never were.Ā  Everywhere you went things were always exactly the same forever.Ā  Buffy had glanced away; a tired-looking waitress had shown up to ask if they were going to be done soon; the moment had slipped out of her fingers, unseized.
So Faith had just helped herself to the last few fries on Buffyā€™s plate when she was almost finished, smirked at her with her mouth full when the other girl protested, then left her to foot the bill and made her way alone back to her motel room.
Sheā€™d been alone for months, out on the wrong part of town, and nobody had cared.Ā  Not really.
Giles had come round to see her once, much too late, almost a week after sheā€™d arrived in Sunnydale.Ā  Heā€™d looked over the place, peering over his glasses, barely managing to hide his distaste, and asked her haltingly if she was looking for somewhere else to stay.Ā  Well, nice try.Ā  Faith wasnā€™t about to fall for that one.Ā  What was he going to suggest: putting her up in the spare room in his place?Ā  Out of the goodness of his heart, or something? How dumb did he think she was?Ā 
ā€œIā€™m five by five here, G-man,ā€ sheā€™d smiled insincerely, almost as keen to see the back of him as he obviously was to leave.
You couldnā€™t trust guys, even older guys who seemed okay at first.Ā  Even guys you were supposed to be able to trust.Ā  Especially not those guys.Ā  Faith wasnā€™t naive enough to think otherwise.Ā  She hadnā€™t been that naive for a very long time.
Buffy had come around to see her a few times, too.Ā  Not so much after theyā€™d fought over Mrs Postā€™s glove ā€“ well, to be fair, Faith hadnā€™t exactly wanted to see her then either ā€“Ā  but a couple of times.Ā  The last time was just before Christmas, when Buffyā€™s mom had guilted her into inviting Faith over for the night.
She might have kissed her that night, too.Ā  She might have, if she couldā€™ve gotten away with it.Ā  Found some way to play it off as a joke.Ā  Lurked around the mistletoe and surprised her with a shy and furtive peck on the cheek at the stroke of midnight.Ā  She might have kissed her, if that damn vampire hadnā€™t shown up to ruin everything.
As it was, Buffy hadnā€™t even hung around to open Faithā€™s crappy little presents.Ā  She hadnā€™t even cared.Ā  Just abandoned Faith again, the way everyone else did.Ā  Left her to guard her mom like she was some kind of dog.Ā  Like she was a stray sheā€™d briefly felt sorry for and invited into the warmth for a night, only to regret it when she realized how flea-bitten and mangy and disgusting she truly was.Ā 
She always thought she was better than you, Faith reminds herself angrily, hating the way she always forgets. Right from the beginning, and you never ever let yourself see it.
Sometimes she still thinks about calling her, even now.Ā  What for, she isn't sure.Ā  It's not like they were ever friends, is it?Ā  Not really. Buffy was just using her, same as everyone else. She gets that now, even if she'd never wanted to admit it.Ā  There was no way Buffy had ever been going to let her into her life for real.Ā  There was no way Buffy was going to admit that they were alike.
Still, she thinks about it, some nights.Ā  Most nights.Ā  Sheā€™s been thinking about it tonight.
Itā€™s idiotic.Ā  Sheā€™s idiotic.Ā  Sheā€™s embarrassing herself again.Ā  it's just like Red had told her, back in the Mayor's office.Ā  It's too late, it's way too late.Ā  She knows that.Ā  Sheā€™s known it for a while.Ā  Sheā€™s not a stupid kid anymore.
Only ā€¦ sheā€™s never going to get another chance, is she?Ā  One way or another, itā€™s all going to be over soon.
It's well after midnight when she finally screws up the courage to pick up the phone.Ā  Not long to go until graduation day now.Ā  Not long to go until the Mayor's big ascension.Ā  This town will get whatā€™s coming to it, and so will Buffy Summers.Ā  And so will she.Ā  Everything will be different.
"Willow?" Buffy says sleepily on the other end of the line, when Faith finally has the guts to dial her number.Ā  "Is that you?Ā  Are you okay?"
Faith feels herself scowling at the mention of that little witch's name, the smile sheā€™d not been able to stop when she heard Buffyā€™s voice curdling on her face.
Red.Ā  That smug little witch.Ā  Of course Buffy would ask about her.Ā  Of course Buffy would choose her over Faith, again and again.Ā  Willowā€™s not a Slayer.Ā  She isnā€™t like them, she isnā€™t important.Ā  Sheā€™s soft and weak and shy and coddled and sheā€™s got a family and a house and a future.Ā  She doesnā€™t need Buffy the way that Faith needs her.Ā  Why canā€™t Buffy see that?
Too late, she realizes how long itā€™s taking her to answer.Ā  Now Buffy's getting impatient. Sounding a little more stern.
"Who is this?Ā  What do you want?"
Faith freezes.Ā  The little script sheā€™d pieced together in her mind all evening fades into gray nothingness.Ā  What does she want?Ā  Forgiveness, maybe.Ā  Absolution. For somebody else to really see her and agree that this was the only way that things could go.Ā  That, really, none of this was anybodyā€™s fault.Ā  Or maybe she just wants a chance to say goodbye.
I should have kissed you, back then, she thinks.Ā  That night after we dusted Kakistos.
She can see in her mind exactly how it would have played out. Like a scene from a movie ā€“ not one of those grainy black and white flicks she used to watch on the broken television in the motel after patrol, but a real movie, on the big screen, so bright and colorful and sharp and real that it almost hurts to look at.
You'd have tasted sweet, but just a little salty, between those fries you were demolishing and the specks of strawberry milkshake waiting on your upper lip.Ā  Youā€™d have tasted just like I imagined, all those summer nights on the run.Ā  And afterwards ā€¦ afterwards, youā€™d have gone all shocked and wide-eyed for a second and neither of us would've said anything. Then you'd have turned all pink and protested and pretended you hadnā€™t been into it at all, and maybe youā€™d not have talked to me again for weeks and weeks afterwards.Ā  Youā€™d probably have been weird about it for months.Ā Ā 
But I think it wouldā€™ve been worth it.Ā  To show you. Who I was, and who you were.Ā  To take what I wanted, just for a moment.Ā  To have what I was sure we both wanted, deep down.Ā  What we both needed.Ā  To know that I was right, and that the two of us were the same.Ā  To taste it.
And now it's like ... it's like I'm drowning, like I can't breathe.Ā  Iā€™m in that quarry the kids used to fool around in, back in Boston. Iā€™ve jumped in from way up top like always, only somethingā€™s gone wrong. I'm stuck. I canā€™t get out, I canā€™t even move, and I'm waving for help but nobody can see me.Ā  Nobody wants to see me.
Itā€™s just like it was back then, after I failed Diana, except I know nobodyā€™s going to take my hand and drag me out this time.Ā  I know thereā€™s nowhere left for me to run, and no other Slayer I can trek across the country to find is going to save me.Ā  I know the only way out is down into the dark.Ā  The only thing left to do is let the water in and drown.
Faith opens her mouth.Ā  Hesitates again, for the last time.Ā  Buffy doesn't give her another chance.
"I don't know who you are or how you got this number, but I know this isn't funny," the other girl whispers furiously.Ā  "Itā€™s the middle of the night and Iā€™m trying to sleep.Ā  Don't ever call here again."
The line goes dead before Faith can say a word.
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dreamwritesimagines Ā· 17 days
bucky opened up šŸ„¹ he actually said itttttt, I thought the "I'll make sure you get that crown" was the closest we'd get to a confession at least for now but he actually said it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ now they both know omgggg I wonder what they're gonna do with this information and if they're gonna fuck it up somehow :)))
also Rhett may be a problem but damn someone really needed to put Ian in his place like that AGES ago, it's one thing knowing your cousin and all "her friends" don't respect you, but for someone from the outside so to speak to come over, take a look at you, deem you laughable, and say it to your face so bluntly, that must have stung in a different way omggg šŸ’€ also in this context why would you say to someone "you need to respect me" literally that sounds so pathetic and childish Ian has absolutely no idea what he's doing! in this context respect is EARNED! you can't just tell someone to respect you that just makes you look so stupid omg he's so annoying
also my love what do you mean Logan called Sunshine princess šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ and I love her so much, she goes "isn't this fun? we're explorers!" while stressed out of her mind and having a terrible morning, ugh she's so cute and she's the best mom ever I literally got a little bit emotional over it bc that's just how many young mothers are really šŸ„¹ always trying to keep things positive for their kids, I think you're capturing that perfectly!
she's so cute she shows gratitude by hugging šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ idk how Logan is gonna keep it together honestly she's so cute and funny, but also poor woman she's horny af I bet she loves sabrina carpenter šŸ’€ and I'm 100% with her ok I deserve jail time for the thoughts that came to my mind when he said "are you always this polite princess" ???????? like sir imma need you to tone it down or you'll get me arrested ugh he's so flirtyyyyy he called her pretty and why do I feel like maybe his love language is acts of service???? like every grumpy man in the world?????
anyways love THANK YOU for the improvement on my weekend and my Monday, you're really giving us the best content anyone could ask for!!!! šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·
Bucky totally said it! ā¤ļø And he was so so sure that Charm would turn him down, or reject him like he rejected her šŸ˜
Oh Rhett was sooo so right to say it to Ian's face! šŸ˜‚ Like, Charm and Bucky and all others, they were being kinda soft on him without even realizing purely because of Charm's father, and Rhett did not hold backšŸ˜ˆ Chicago rules are different and he does not care whether the person's feelings are hurt at allšŸ˜
Respect is definitely earned in that business! ā¤ļø Like, Rhett earned it, Bucky earned it, Charm is definitely earning it, and Ian just expects people to respect him because of his uncle šŸ˜‚ And Rhett was like "Nope" šŸ˜
Aaaaaa it's so wonderful to hear that honey! Yesss I think Theo's health, both mentally and physically is the priority for Sunshine, and she is being very careful to make sure he grows up in a very loving and peaceful environment even if her own environment isn't exactly peaceful ā¤ļø So even if she's stressed out, she will make it look like a game to Theo and keep things totally positive ā¤ļø
Lolll oh Logan is trying to keep it together but between her hugging him, and him sniffing her hair, and her being all cute and rambling with him, he is finding it very hard šŸ˜‚
Sunshine sooo listens to Sabrina Carpenter ASDFGHJKL I LOVE ITšŸ˜‚
He called her princess! šŸ„° He will do that a loooootšŸ˜
I totally agree with you on acts of service! ā¤ļø And Sunshine will be so clueless about it, while Logan is like, fixing everything around her and making sure she's safe and it will be so cuuuute! ā¤ļø
Aaaaaaaa I'm so giggly honeyyyy, thank you so so much! šŸ„° You are so sweeeeet! ā¤ļø
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like-rain-or-confetti Ā· 1 year
Yoo what's upp dork squad! Anyways over been doing mental health screening tests on my computer and I'm well aware that it's not the proper diagnosis and ik I'd have to see a doctor for an actual diagnosis but LOOK
(Sorry if u cant read them properly I have a night light setting on so it doesn't hurt my eyes also sorry if their blurry)
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Anyways how was your day? Hope it's good.
Mr. Jervis what's your favorite type of tea?
Mr. Nygma what's your favorite trap?
And Mr. Crane what's your favorite book? I've been looking for something interesting to read since nothing has caught my attention I've been very tempted to check out "Mein Kampf" mostly because I'm curious but please recommend me a book ā¤ā¤ā¤
Hope your having a good day author especially with your little fur baby!! ā¤
Well atleast you know it's not concrete and should go see a professional! Im glad im not the only one who makes the pokemon jokesšŸ˜‚ Fur baby is now 5 months old and I can't handle it. She's so big-
Alright, that's enough out of you. The people aren't here for you. They're here for us! Jonathan you're the psychiatrist get a load of this.
I'm getting my glasses, Nygma. Calm down.
The people missed me! I know they did! They're just too stupid to realise it!
Dork squad? What on earth? ā™ ļø
Ignore it, Jervis.
Oh tea! Oh my dear, you should have different teas for different occasions and moods! I tend to go for the regular tea or earl grey but hibiscus tea is a delight for when the red queen is around, yes yes! ā™ ļø
No, the red queen! Keep up!ā™ ļø
You do realise you call Harley the red- nevermind, what a waste of time.
And fruit teas are delightful when feeling extra excitable! Remember the sugar!ā™ ļø
My favourite trap? All of my creations were of high intellect and unique in their own regards but I must say I recall one fondly. When I made Cash and the others walk around and around and if they stopped their heads would go kaboom! Childish, yes, but I'll remember those memories fondly.
Now let's get a look. Bearing in mind that none of this really means anything. Google is a handy tool but not a doctor. Hmm...high likelihood of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder...post traumatic stress disorder...you know, dear, I have a serum that could fix all of this fear for you?
As for your book recommendations, I haven't read many since I became a psychiatrist, and...other things took my attention. However, I do encourage your curiosity. I see little advantages to a censorship of books. It's healthy to broaden your mind and make your own conclusions on what you read.
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pedrospatch Ā· 1 year
Why do you feel like you donā€™t belong here? You do belong here.
Tbh I think itā€™s just me but I feel like everyoneā€™s got their groups theyā€™re apart of and maybe itā€™s because Iā€™m older? Iā€™m 27 and donā€™t fit in with the younger kids around here lmao. And this is going to be so stupid and so childish but people who would talk to me donā€™t talk to me anymore, and I see them all over my feed happily talking to other people and they kind of forgot about me Iā€™m like oof there go my abandonment issues šŸ˜‚
itā€™s all really dumb, and tbh I just need to sort it out. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be back and Iā€™ll be just marching to the beat of my own drum ya know? My goal is to just get back to posting and not caring that Iā€™ll be a lone wolf of sorts because to be honest thatā€™s how I started out when I posted my first fic! I put my work out there without having any kind of hype team and it never bothered me. I want to get back to that. I will get back to that.
Logically I know I belong here, I know my writing belongs here because everyoneā€™s writing belongs here no matter what. Emotionally, Iā€™m working on that.
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mikuni14 Ā· 1 year
Be My Favorite Ep 4
The end of 2022 and 2023 now is such a strange time in the BL series. It has a lot of new and unusual things, for example, this is the third series this year where ML's friends suck so muchĀ šŸ˜  Every scene with Kawi's ā€œfriendsā€ was painful to watch, but the worst thing is, I knew these people, I met them in my life and Kawi's every reaction was familiar to me. His discomfort, thinking he has to indulge them because he's afraid of looking like someone who can't have fun and ruin the good time for others... Thes groups trying to appear fun and cool, that really is a cover for sexist, childish and bullying behavior (notice, how there are always girls in such groups). Them being cool means the most boring stuff like drinking, making fun of others, focusing on their own fun at the expense of others. Someone like Kawi is completely defenseless against such people - that's why people like him must always rely on others, on good people to notice their discomfort and help them (like Pisaeng and Pearmai did). Iā€™m so happy he was not alone in this šŸ„ŗ
For me, Kawi and Piseang are currently the only BL couple I enjoy watching on all levels, including fun and intellectual reasons. There is always something going on with them, there are changes all the time, there is action and reaction. They make the most compelling couple at the moment, they don't give me any negative feelings, I donā€™t question the logic of their behavior and the logic of the plot (so far) and they are currently the only couple that I WANT to end up together, which is something I don't care about other couples (ODT is over anyway, and yes, I cared about them).
What impresses me about this series is that every conversation in this series is so interesting, not only between MLs. And the characters talk about many other thigs, it's not like everything revolves around the main couple and their romance. For example, Kawi and Max's scene? So awesome! And most importantly, this conversation was about them, about their relationship, about their friendship. šŸ„°Itā€™s just... every minute of this show draws me in and entertains me.
Iā€™m not at all surprised that Pisaeng has a crush on Kawi, because he is a very interesting character,Ā so much happens around him and heā€™s never boring. And Kawi's greatest tragedy is that heā€™s the only one who doesnā€™t see it.Ā 
The other weird thing this year is that almost every show I had high expectations for ended up disappointing me. On the other hand, the series that I avoided because I was sure that they would turn out to be bad, or have a bad ending, or would be simply boring, turned out to be little gems. I thought NMF will be stupid and the main pair will be awkward together. I was so wrong! šŸ˜‚ So I'm going to raise a toast or three for Be My Favorite to keep its good quality till the end šŸ»šŸ»
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thisandthat-whatever Ā· 1 year
Before I forget I need to write this..... OK , so I mentioned here before how I donā€™t like it when Claire records videos while sheā€™s driving. Even a split second of looking at the screen may cause an accident.
So I was bored a few days ago, and when I saw a story of hers that again was shot while she was driving, I sent her this DM:
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And some hours after I sent that DM, she made a story saying (paraphrasing): ā€œthose concerned that I shoot my stories in the car, you can see that I am not looking at the screen (she said that while she literally glanced at the screen šŸ’€) so if youā€™re concerned about that, you can keep it to yourselfā€. šŸ˜¬šŸ™„šŸ˜‚
Well first of all , I am glad she didnā€™t say ā€œif youā€™re concerned about that then fuck youā€ because in that case I wouldā€™ve really really clapped her back hard . This bitch is like 55 or 60 years old or something like that and acts like a completely emotionally immature teen in her rebellious phase and also reliant on stupid self-help quotes to feel any semblance of self-worth. She cannot separate an objective and rational sentence from one where somebody is insulting her.
Anyway I wrote back and said ā€œyou know what? I gain nothing personal from having said that to you. I donā€™t really care one way or another but if you end up in an accident you may cause harm to somebody else too, not just yourself. Next time you react like this to something somebody says to you, think about the intention and whether the intention is valid or notā€. And that was it. She didnā€™t block me after that, and in the stories she shot afterwards she was parked in the car. I donā€™t know; weā€™ll see if she will keep recording while driving or not, but like I said if she ends up in an accident, I will have zero sympathy for her.
Anyway this was another case of Claire ( just like Dom) being immature and childish for their senior age. šŸ˜¬
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nightglider124 Ā· 2 years
titans fans think they own the dickkory tag but seem to forget that in no way did they invent it. Dickkory has been the ship name for decades for the two characters for the comics. It so happens that other versions of the ship (like titans) have tacked onto dickkory tag to make it easier to enjoy content. Robstar is used solely for the 03 cartoon. I donā€™t mean to hate, i like titans as well but it comes off as belittling other media forms to prop up others. Ie putting down the cartoon for the show even though they are completely different but still star our favourite dc characters and the reverse as well. I dont get why fans fee the need to be negative like cartoon fans hating on titans - they are completely different but they are both still valid. Just cos you donā€™t like one of the versions, doesnā€™t mean they need to be dicks about it. Sorry to vent, night but I see the bullshit on twitter and now here too. Its so stupid.
Sigh. In a way, I feel this, anon. I get what you mean with the end part of that - it is stupid. Titans, 03 show, ttg, dcau, comicsā€¦ at the end of the day, i stay out of that bs drama with what is better or whatever cos that is childish af.
I very clearly have a favourite version which has always been the cartoon. Its what got me into DC and i grew up with it when fics and fanart were going strong and it was back in the early 2000ā€™s, you know. The good olā€™ days. šŸ˜‚ But, despite that being my favourite, I also really enjoy Titans cos its a gritty version that is aimed at an older audience. I think that is what a lot of fans who prefer comics or the cartoon etc struggle with. I think they lean towards flat out disliking it bc it isnā€™t what they know and itā€™s different. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with not liking Titans. It isnā€™t everyoneā€™s cup of tea; hell, i dropped it for s3 bc i was so uninterested in what they were doing by the end of s2. I also did not care for all the side characters taking spotlight over the main ones but I digress. But, keep it out of the fanā€™s faces, you know?
Its rude and really annoying when you have fans shitting on your good time. Titans has had a good time so far with dickkory and so fans are allowed to enjoy that. The fact that other dickkory fans who dont like Titans are being dicks about it is weird, in my opinion.
Same as, i think fans who try and shit on fans who love the cartoon are lame af. Like so what if its old? So what if it was aimed at younger audiences? So what if you dont like it? Point is, other people do so leave them to enjoy it. My biggest gripe with the cartoon is people saying it was childish considering it actually tackled some deeper topics, despite being a kids show.
Main point here is, people who gatekeep tags and shit are losers. Like, no one owns anything and anyone acting like that is sus, imo.
I get so sick of seeing people fight over different versions of a ship considering at the end of the day, its all the same?? Like dickkory for example. You may not like them in one format but you do in another. Personally, i am so fucking starved for dickkory content, i will take it from anything. Any version is allowed to be in the tag, old or new like jeez.
They are all valid formats if it means i get to see my two idiots in love.
A lot of people hate the DCAU but i really enjoyed those animated movies cos of, you guessed it, dickkory. They showed their relationship so nicely in that. It was wholesome as fuck but was also a little flirty so it was aimed at the adults more so. I think some people see animated stuff and immediately think its shit and childish which literally isnā€™t the case at all.
The comics are the og sources for these characters and Iā€™ve seen a lot of ā€˜comic gatekeepersā€™ moan about other forms of the characters as well through the years. Now, iā€™ve got knowledge of the comics but im not some purist who has read every single one, more so bc fuck, I canā€™t keep up and comics contradict all the time cos of dumbass writers (looking at you T*m T*aylor šŸ‘€) but, i still appreciate the comics being the thing that started it all off. Without the comics, I wouldnā€™t have my baby Koriandā€™r šŸ„° so anytime something remotely to do with dickkory comes out in comics, im rooting for it, purely cos i like seeing some form of life for my ship.
TTG is also valid; its silly and fun and thatā€™s okay too. The titans are like a chiller version of the justice league and they are a team that notoriously is a bit less serious in all formats; they still have very serious storylines but they are the younger team ya know? Again, i think thats why a lot of people donā€™t like TTG either which is FINE but dont be going into ttg tags and mouthing off about how shit you think it is. Like its bad fandom decorum. Personally, I donā€™t care much for ttg; i did at first. I liked it and watched it regularly but now i just dont. But again, im not out here bitching about how it isnt the og cartoon so its crap or it isnt titans so its stupid.
I didnā€™t mean to rant like this but I just find it so fucking ridiculous that weā€™re still at this point in fandom where people canā€™t just let others enjoy shit. It is pathetic especially when shit like this comes from people who are literally adults like come on ffs. Get a grip.
I will continue to stay in my dickkory bubble, enjoying it in all forms which I advise fans to do lmao, itā€™s much less annoying and bitter when you just let yourself enjoy your ship In whatever formats there are.
Need I remind people that dickkory, despite being hella popular and loved, hasnā€™t had anything substantially canon in a long time so if shows like Titans are feeding fans, donā€™t be a dick and rain on parades. Itā€™s not fair when people just wanna enjoy it and it just makes you an ass.
Sorry, this got hella long lmao. Also, anon, i would avoid twitter. Itā€™s too toxic there, i have found in the past. Though Tumblr has had its moments too and by the sounds of it, people be just as bad here. šŸ™„
I could literally write a book on this, thatā€™s how many thoughts I have. Iā€™ve been around the DC fandom and dickkory tags for a long time and I canā€™t believe people still canā€™t help themselves. Just let people enjoy things all round, ugh! šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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exsqueezememacaroni Ā· 28 days
Ā«I think that to a certain extent because he is very cautious about his personal life, he wouldn't want people to know about his sexual orientation, so it makes sense that he has trouble coming out publicly. but even with this theory I can't believe that he is 100% gay, and I don't have much basis for this argument other than in some interviews where he either seemed to be flirting with the women that was interviewing him or he kept checking them out... apart from a few other issues of a more personal nature that involve his marriage: for example, I don't believe he would dedicate an entire album to a friend or learn their native language just out of consideration and friendship. So I think that in some way he feels sexually and romantically attracted to women too, but I don't know to what extent this is more common in relation to men. because as I said, I don't believe he is 100% straight, so I think he is somehow attracted to the "male figure" šŸ˜‚Ā»
Can I answer Anon too? I wouldn't put much weight on how Mike behaves during the interview. It may seem like he's flirting with the interviewer (male or female). But we all know what a joker he is. He doesn't like doing interviews, he's often bored, so he trolled the interviewers. He just liked to embarrass people to have fun. It's just childish. I think people who don't understand him take all the stupid things he says and does seriously, at the same time they don't believe him when he tells the truth. As for Mondo Cane, I agree that this project was more of an homage to Morricone. Also, the fascination with Italian music and all things Italian started before Mike got married. It was a shared passion between Mike, Trevor and Trey. As we know, Trevor and Trey have musical backgrounds, and in college they studied 20th century classical music, including Morricone's music. And Š°t least Trevor was a big Morricone fan. I think Trey and Trevor instilled their knowledge in Mike, as Mike said he was fascinated by his friends and how much they knew about music.
As we know, Trevor and Trey have musical backgrounds, and in college they studied 20th century classical music, including Morricone's music. And Š°t least Trevor was a big Morricone fan. I think Trey and Trevor instilled their knowledge in Mike, as Mike said he was fascinated by his friends and how much they knew about music.
This, I love this so much like....I love that feeling of getting really into something because someone you love and trust and admire loves it, and then it becomes a bigger part of your life - I'm so happy for the idea (and hopefully the truth) of Mike having so many of those things with Trevor and Trey both. Like....they found each other in that bumblefuck town (affectionate).
But also ya, I hear on the above...I mean, I do kind of hold that there is a small part of the true him also in those childish comments and whacked out stories, but just like....through this super interesting, aquarius, strange creature brain filter? Like it's not the truth in this earthly sense but....he's saying true things about himself nevertheless?
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fighting-these-demons Ā· 3 months
B*cch*giri Episode 8
Starting off strong with a flashback!
Aw they're SO CUTE!!!!! How Precious!!! šŸ„ŗ
Aaaaaaaaaa so THAT'S why Arajin is so bent outta shape. The pure of heart/pure intentions bit. He let Matakara down and his shame from that and how it's deeply affected his self worth is what's eating him about the Honki bit.
I knew it wasn't just the childish aspect because his room is COVERED in childish bullshit despite him being 16 so like. It wasn't that lmao! šŸ˜‚
Now we have a clear answer on that front!
Paused less than 30 seconds into this and already writing shit up I feel like now that we're back into the story proper and with this only having 12/13 episodes that it's gonna get long here.
They've got a LOT of ground to cover.
Kuwabara - I mean Matakara's spirit awareness has kicked in and he's rightfully scared.
A thing that sneaks in through the Crack of weak people's hearts Huh?
I wonder why after all those years why Matakara isn't hung up on Arajin running away? Why only Arajin is? Why the running away bit doesnt mentally exclude Arajin in Matakara's mind?
Is it just the devotion?
oh man I hope he's taller than his brother that'd be so funny
I love the sweet sunshine little brother being tall as a weed trope.
Lord help me. It's terrible. If she liked literally anyone else in the cast I'd be her #1 fan and cheering her on as a funny spin on typical anime bullshit but like. Eugh.
Love her attitude towards Arajin though; and I gotta say, I'll be pissed if they get together in the end as a tidy way to tie up and no homo the whole thing.
LMAO Matakara! Arajin just ask him out! He likes you just fine!
Dude he ABSOLUTELY wants to take on that responsibility! Please just GIVE HIM A CHANCE!!!!!
Love you forever Blondie! You're a real one and the most relatable for sure! šŸ’›šŸ§”šŸ’ššŸ’›šŸ§”šŸ’š
Teal Terror I live you despite your ain't shit attitude and your multitude of flaws and I am ALWAYS rooting for you but like.
Damn dude let him have this one.
But like I get it I'd feel the same. He's so tired of Arajin's shit. šŸ’™šŸ’œšŸ§”
I really do love how like. This feels so much like a YYH au where Yusuke is more awkwardly insecure and Kazuma is still absolutely fixated on him but in modern day where expectations aren't so gendered its in a bit of a softer way.
And like there's a Double kurahi special between Teal Terror and blondie being some of the softer aspects of Kurahi's team dynamic and Javascript and Pink PETALS being the more serious side.
All that to say I love Teal Terror being so dang pouty and jealous and cute and thinking "damn that dude ain't shit why do you care??????" Every minute if every day like. He's so stinking cute I can't take it! šŸ˜­
DUDE WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!,!,
This man said "If I keep "Merging" with him I can get him pregnant!"
I LOVE age gap but Not Like This!!!!! šŸ˜­
Augh but I love Big Red Genie's goofy ass so much. So Like. I guess if I self insert it'll be fine?
But I kinda hate self inserting. šŸ˜£ uhg.
It's a damn shame too because I love his aesthetic.
All those purple straps.....
MATAKARAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
GET EM!!!!!!!!
Uhg . What's the stupid plan that this piece of shit has cooked up????
It's probably his Genie doing.
Oh I called him IvySoulCaliber that's right.
Babe do you think he forgot what you did to him and that you had his crush stripped naked????????
He hates your ass and he's just being nice because hes a good guy.
Damn he really did his research on how to twist Matakara. Then again he's not too hard to read I guess. A little stalking would have gotten that easy.
I wonder if anime fans are aware of just how Gay being huge and stacked is viewed as in Japan? I feel like the wrestling bits of this anime play into that. Just reminds me of Gief's whole deal.
His mom is hilarious. She has awful taste sometimes but she's hilarious. Also how dare she ship Arajin with Matakara's Older Brother when she was rooting for Matakara until just now! WHERE IS HER LOYALTY????
I love how AYusuke (get it?) Is still a great cook!
I really do love how this is sort of a heart nod in that direction in so many ways with the main duo.
Oh how funny he lives at Ara-bath! šŸ˜‚ Bet you that's been on his mind for years!
Oh God. He Missed A Call on his way out!!!
Something happened. And all this cute music and scenery is getting you hyped just before they hit us with it.
Did he get killed on his way out? Jesus they wouldn't do that would they???
KEN SAN!!!!!!!!!! šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
Not him waiting in the rain for an hour!
Oh no. God I hope he's not dead but geez.
Man Arajin had finally just let his guard down and it's right back up.
Damn Teal Terror is calling in Arajin/the cavalry on this one.
Teal Terror!!!! šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ He's so worried about Matakara and even broke down and pretty much begged Arajin and STILL THIS ASSHILE WONT BE REAL LIKE FUCK
That goddamn evil genie
Oh shit it got him. šŸ˜­
Well. His heart is shattered into pieces and his brother is probably dead but at least he got to have a tender sweet moment with his crush to cherish in his heart.
Oh man yeah I mean I could chalk him being able to see arajin's genie up to his spiritual awareness but I think when Evil Genie got him he must have been handed the gun and tried to shoot himself because he has that side fringe that would cover it so it wouldn't be immediately apparent and also he has the blue genie and it's tied to the image of his brother who is dying or dead and is probably his wish so like.
I'd say he tried to kill himself and made the wish.
And that's part of why he sounded and looked so fucked up when he got to Arajin's house before the sight of Arajin sleeping comforted him.
Oh shit. He woke bith of them up and neither noticed?????
You know if they'd paced this anime better I wouldn't be watching 5 episodes in 1 so late in the game but like. Here we are.
Anyway it's surprising IvyDoulCalibur still has his genie. I wonder what the spirit coming after Matakara is then?
Well hey at least Arajin is looking for him. Even if he did leave him to rot to see a girl that don't give a shit about either of them. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
Dang Matakara. šŸ˜­šŸ’”
Oh shit dude do you think the best time to tell him is when his brother is dying?????????????
Like I'm white American and even by our standards Now Is Not The Time.
Save that shit for confession or some shit.
Why are you hurting him when hes at his absolute lowest?????
God Fuck Arajin just when I think I cN get behind this kid he goes out of his way to hurt people selfishly
Huh. Well. I don't like it. But I do ship it now. (Matakara/IvySoulCalibur)
I wonder what happened to IvySoulCalibur when the Evil Genie transferred to Matakara?
What a shame that Evil Genie is wearing leggings. šŸ˜•
Oh hey! Green Gobblin ending! Woo! šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
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m4nga-stills Ā· 1 year
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I love what she says here because it isnt simple to change and shelly isnt experienced nor educated enough to understand that
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But this webtoon likes to give stupid advice so imma debunk that shit šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤
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Shelly, YOU CANT SPEAK ON THIS TOPIC BECAUSE YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS TOPIC. The way shellys brain reacts to certain situations and the way mias brain reacts ARE TOTALLY DIFFERENT making shellys opinions on this topic completely invalid and irrelevant. They way she's talking to mia has me ready to bitch slap her
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Secondly Minu, Hannam, Vinny, etc all made their own choices that day you cant guilt trip mia that shit don't work. Mia wasn't even aware they fucking did that so ??? Fuck off??? She's so arrogant here its infuriating
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Again they made their own choices. Should mia reach out to them and talk to them? Absolutely but that shit has nothing to do with how she's feeling, and it's ill to use it against somebody as a form of guilt tripping
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THE. BOYS. MADE. THEIR. OWN. CHOICE. This type of gaslighting is beyond childish, it makes shelly look stupid and annoying. I really wish someone hit her here, I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY SHELLYS TALKING šŸ˜©
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For fucks sake i cant stand this dumb bullshit and the obscene fact this webtoon is taking shellys advice as something useful and profound šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜© what a joke šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
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yanderememes Ā· 2 years
Mista/Narancia would HATE Darlingā€™s admirer. Especially when Darling denies their romantic advances and date requests and they STILL wonā€™t let up. Darling said no! Donā€™t they know Darling doesnā€™t want anything to do with them? Are they stupid or what?!
The idiot is, uh, taken ā€œcareā€ of and thenā€¦ Mista/Narancia does the same thing they criticized the admirer for doing, except they take it a step further and kidnap Darling when she continues to refuse them. Darling says no to dates? Mista/Narancia figured itā€™s not her saying no to going out with them, but rather itā€™s the activity Darling is declining. Darling says she wants nothing to do with them? They love jokes, but donā€™t find that one very funny. Darling doubles down and makes it clear that it isnā€™t a joke? Oh, Darling must be shy then! Thatā€™s okay, they donā€™t mind taking initiative and helping Darling overcome her bashfulness by forcing her out of her comfort zone.
I feel like most of the yanderes would be like this to some extent (rules for thee but not for me), but Mista and Narancia immediately came to mind. They really donā€™t know how to take a hint and always spin Darlingā€™s words and actions to their favor.
Absolutely, anon!
For the most part I feel like they do know but just choose to ignore darling. Or they are actually just stupid šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
They twist darling's words to best suit their own needs and then frame it in such a way where its darling's fault for some reason. Perfect form of manipulation for these idiots.
How they deliver it can differ too. I imagine a yandere like Narancia would be quite childish in his ways when trying to convince darling that what's he doing is for them. Versus someone like mista who is a bit more mature can play it off as a joke so casually.
Apart of playing darling's words is for their own sake as well. It's more a defense mechanism because deep down they know what they're doing is wrong and against darling's wishes. But they don't want to accept that reality so they twist words around to form a new reality.
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