#I don’t think I’ve ever been that upset over a character or character headcanon
fivehundredsporks · 3 months
I mean do whatever you want but whenever I see someone frothing with rage over a character I do giggle a little bit
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eternalfics · 11 months
hi, this is the anon who sent regarding the elysia!reader x saiki ask!!
elysia!reader is an elegant, sweet, calm and cheerful person who is always positive, they're described as someone who "enjoys everything", they often flirt and tease their peers here and there + they're a little egoistic (knows that they're pretty, cute n shit like teruhashi for example)
when they don't like someone she passive aggressively and lightheartedly insult them in a way
so they're basically like teruhashi except that they're a really selfless person + is aggressively kind to everyone!! it's only a summary of elysias character but i hope this cleared it up to you!!
saiki with a sweet! reader
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summary: saiki with his annoying true love 😘
a/n: okay, anon. I know I’ve been lazy lately but yk ur girl she just had to snooze for a bit 😴 BUT IM BACK AND READY TO FEED UR SAIKI BRAINROTS 😜 (a bit hyper too)
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okay like the angel you are, your very nice to saiki (why wouldn’t you be? 🤨). as saiki’s s/o, it’s your job to- AHEM
compliment him every second of his life
be the extroverted partner in this relationship 😊
be the definition of an angel
bond with his parents 😉 (might aswell leave you if you don’t)
and many more! so let’s make headcanons for those erm- ✨rules✨ that I made perfectly for you.
COMPLIMENTS: who likes compliments? I do! anyway, compliments are a sort of good and bad thing for your relationship. there’s times where saiki feels down and his insecurities take over which is where you come in! instantly hyping him up. (ur amazing) and there is also times where saiki’s in his ✨confident era✨ (that’s what you call it, I think he’s getting tired of it 😭) and maybe he just wants a little bit of getting spoiled (rarely). but!! there’s also times when you are down and kinda upset. he’s used to your cheerful and happy personality! and he’d rather keep it that way too. so sometimes he just does a little bit of ✨speaking into ur mind✨ (ik I added too many sparkles, stop)
“Did you do something with your hair?” the voice randomly ringed in your head. You jumped, and looked around only to see Saiki putting his elbow on the table while he rested his head on his hand. You instantly move your hand up to wave at him cheerfully. “You noticed! You aren’t looking so bad either,” you thought back at him. You swear you saw the side of his mouth turn up..
MBTI: yay, we’re on personality! fun fact: saiki is an INTP I am too, this is a sign we’re supposed to be together 🤫 . it’s expected to you to be the extrovert of the relationship right? well it’s right! 🤪 but sometimes it’s a struggle-
saiki often panics (mentally) in public if he loses you. you’re like the fan in a hot place, the light in the dark to him, so you can’t just leave him!
sometimes, you encourage him to try something new! e.g: maybe a new outfit when you guys are going out/ going out with friends. he wonders how does he say yes every time 🤔
Note: Ik this isn’t enough soo I’ve decided prob tomorrow or something that I’ll edit my post and you guys get more! Deal? 🤓
Update: so.. it’s been like more than 3 months.. I don’t think I’m ever gonna finish this ❤️❤️🥰
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crazylittlejester · 5 months
honestly, the fandom dismisses wars trauma a little too much. Have you noticed it’s always never brought up in his character studies? And when it is, it’s totally brushed off him and cia had a WEIRDDD age gap. It’s also weird hyrule warriors never acknowledges this. I honestly don’t think it’s gonna be recognized in LU but idk. It’s just weird how quickly the fandom brushed over all that. What’s your opinion? Cuz you have cool opinions lol
Disclaimer: Everything you’re about to read is my opinion and my interpretation of a game. I’m not talking about headcanons (unless otherwise specified), I’m just talking about my experience with the game and everything else. All of this is from MY perspective interacting with the canon material from both Hyrule Warriors and Linked Universe. Also! I am dyslexic, my bad for oddly autocorrected words or weird spelling mistakes
A huge reason I started yapping so much on this blog was because I saw a lot of people either actively disliking Wars, making fucking INSANE comments about his body, overly sexualizing him, or just straight up dismissing him all together and it helped me get over my posting anxiety because it genuinely made me so upset. He’s been my favorite character since only a few posts into LU (i originally liked Twilight better based sheerly on design but it took like only a few posts before that changed), and I love HW Link in general, and I thought it was actually crazy that more people didn’t like him. I’ve written several of my own characters studies on him, some of which I’ve posted, others lay trapped in my old laptop in the form of a full on analysis paper, never to see the light of day
You can send a full grown man to war and he will come back with trauma, imagine what happens when you grab some poor teenager and tell him everything relies on him. Literally forget Cia for a minute, Link as a teenager was taken and shoved into a full on war where his men turned on him and in order to survive, he had to kill. Monsters and hylians alike, it was him or them, and he’s the one who made it out. Not to mention he was constantly running all over the battle field trying to prevent the hylian captains from being defeated, and he most certainly lost many people he cared about just because he couldn’t get there in time. He had to carry around the guilt that this war was started because some sorceress was obsessed with him ON TOP of that
This was said earlier by an anon on a post I reblogged, and I’ve been saying it myself for months but I will say it again: If Warriors had been a girl and been obsessed over that same way, I fucking GUARANTEE you people would be taking it more seriously
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I literally just typed in the character name and the game she’s from and that is what google had to say about her. If an older man was described as ‘harboring serious affections’ and having a ‘desire to claim’ a teenage girl I literally don’t think it would’ve been glossed over or ignored like it is
I don’t think nintendo was ever gonna elaborate or really recognize it in the game, they never go super in depth on anything in Zelda games from my experience, and I doubt Jojo will really get into it in LU mainly just because she has so much going on with eight other dudes and potentially two more (based on the header on the linked universe blog)
I saw a lot of characterizations of Warriors and opinions of him that made me so confused and also a bit mad, such that he is a womanizer or a stupid twink (of which he is neither), and that’s a huge reason I started writing fanfiction for this fandom. Firstly to just create more content for my favorite character because I rarely saw any that focused on him, and secondly because I didn’t like some (NOT ALL) of how I was seeing him characterized. (i cannot emphasize enough: NOT ALL people in the fandom characterized him this way, I saw plenty of amazing and beautiful characterizations of Warriors)
I do not think he is a womanizer at all, in fact I fully believe his flirtatious behavior is a defense mechanism. I think his ‘woman problems’ are the fact that he’s afraid of women (especially older women) he doesn’t know or trust, but also that’s just my opinion. And I am genuinely a bit worried that now that people have stopped talking about how they noticed he seemed off a few updates ago and now that they’re saying he’s back to normal that people are going to start reducing him to a stupid dramatic twink again, as if Warriors was not the one who came up with the initial plan to fight Dink and was not the first one to fight him. As if this is not a man who lead a god damn army. As if everything he’s done and everything he is no longer matters because he’s ‘pretty’
anyways I have a lot of thoughts about him in general and im just glad the fandom has been treating him better as of late, but i am a bit worried it’s just gonna go back to how it was
thanks for the ask!! sorry i got a bit carried away 😭
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sunflowergraves · 1 year
Unpacking Will Solace’s Character
I’ve seen a lot of Will Solace hate since TSATS and it’s really starting to bother me. As a person that relates heavily to Will’s character, it’s upsetting to see him get bashed across the internet, especially considering we’ve never actually gotten to know his character. Personally, I feel like a lot of people are basing his character around headcanons and fanfiction (which I am guilty of) and were disappointed when he wasn’t who we saw him as. 
It doesn’t help that the only time we got to see Will’s POV it was short and through the eyes of others. He’s also not this big hero like all the characters in the PJO universe. His powers aren’t that strong, he’s not a prophecy child, and his talents are mediocre. Will is the most human demigod we’ve ever been introduced to. I can understand why his character doesn’t feel multi-dimensional compared to everyone else, but in my opinion, he was fleshed out very well. 
Yes, there are a few things I was disappointed by. I wish they talked about Will’s past more and his grief over his dead siblings. I wanted him to have his own weapon, even if it was an old bow he never used or a lyre like Apollo used in TOA. But I will always love that they changed him from the calm, collected counselor healer to an anxious, depressed, self-doubting person because it fits him so well. How could he not feel these things after losing friends and family? After being abandoned by everyone around him? Or being forced to take on the caretaker role of the entire camp because he was the only one left? 
I’m going to continue this down below, so if you don’t want major spoilers for TSATS, don’t continue reading. Also this is long as hell in case you just want to skim. 
Every time Will was mentioned in the books, it was from someone else’s POV and it was a few lines at best. 
Will has always been described as the cool, relaxed, go-with-the-flow type of guy. He was the person with a level head and knew exactly what to do. But guess what? Underneath that cool exterior was an anxiety riddled people pleaser who threw himself at every problem because that’s what he was told to do. The Apollo cabin was always the head medic team. After Lee and Michael died, Will was basically thrust into that position of power. He was trusted to take care of his younger siblings, trusted to take care of the entire camp. If he let them down, it was going to cost lives. Of course he’s going to be scared and nervous, but he can’t show that. Would you want a doctor with shaky hands and sweat running down their neck? Would you want to be taken care of by a person who doubted and second guessed themselves out in the open? 
As someone who was given a lot of responsibly and forced to grow up at a young age, I completely understand this. You want to try to make everything better for others around you, you get scared when you fuck up, and you HATE when people can’t rely on you. That’s why you will never show how scared you are to fuck up. You will never let people get inside your head because if they can’t rely on you, what good are you? Breaking out of the role that everyone else gave you because they trusted you is scary and hard. 
Nico is probably the only person who knows what Will really thinks. Will trusts Nico with his anxiety and overthinking because he’s comfortable enough around him to show that side. He knows he doesn’t have to Mr. Hero in front of Nico and that’s such a precious and important bond to make with someone. 
Will was valid for being whiny and irritated for most of the book. 
First, Will has ANXIETY. If you don’t know what it’s like to live with anxiety, count yourself lucky. It feels like your thoughts are attacking you constantly. It’s like an uphill battle between rational thought and absolute chaos. I can’t get in my car without thinking of all the ways I could die before I buckle my seatbelt. Imagine going to SuperHell for the first time in your life! Not only that, but people told Will constantly that as a child of Apollo he was basically fucked. The three strongest demigods that made it back almost went insane! Of course Will is going to be upset, irrational, irritated, and uncomfortable. 
In TOA, he voiced several times how he thought it was a bad idea and that he really didn’t like it. This is not a new thing for Will’s character at all. For him to be willing to cross a line he had made concrete shows that he loves and cares for Nico. But that shouldn’t mean he isn’t allowed to be uncomfortable. 
Second, for anyone saying he could have stayed at camp instead of going has never sacrificed their comfort for someone else. There are so many instances in my life where I went way out of my comfort zone because I knew my friends/family wanted me there. Did I complain? Hell yes. Did I still do it? Hell yes! If Will had said, “Nico, I can’t do this and I refuse to at least try,” I would have lost so much respect for his character. Instead he sucked it up, even when he was already practically dying before they got there. 
Three, Will was worried about Nico. He’s never experienced Tartarus, he’s never been to the Underworld. While Will has definitely faced his share of demons, he’s never stood in Nico’s shoes. So when his boyfriend is having vivid nightmares and hearing voices, he’s going to try and rationalize it for Nico because that’s what he has done his entire life. Will is the “healer.” He is supposed to fix things, not let them traipse off to hell like it’s a vacation spot. 
Four, this is a 15 year old. Fuck, even now at the ripe ole age of 20, I’d still be shaking in my boots terrified at the thought of going somewhere that is practically a jailhouse for the worst creatures in creation. Will has little to no experience on the field (He ran from six guards without even trying to pull out a weapon. The worst thing he’s ever said to his enemies was “anemic loser” and didn’t even want to kill Octavian. Every battle before that he had an older sibling to look up to and care for him). So yeah, I’d just be a tad bit nervous and annoying.  
Will asking Persephone how to love someone from the Underworld was honest and raw. 
This scene broke me in ways I can’t even describe because of how real it felt. If you’ve ever been in a deep and caring relationship (friendship counts) you should understand. Like Persephone said, love is something you choose and it’s complicated and messy even for people who were practically made for each other. For Will to ask how to love someone from the Underworld shows that he is actively choosing to understand and love Nico. 
I get that most people interpret Will’s lines as “How do you love someone so filled with death?” but really he’s asking how do you love someone who acts like he doesn’t want to be loved? How do you love someone that pulls away from your light no matter how desperately you try to give it them? How do you love someone who hides parts of themselves from you? 
Will is a healer, he fixes things. It’s not until this scene that Will realizes the only thing Will needs to fix is his perspective on Nico. That darkness and hurt and trauma is okay. It’s also a scene where Will realizes he doesn’t have to force down his own trauma anymore. 
Will loves Nico and it’s so obvious he scared to lose him. He thinks he’s weak and broken and incapable of helping Nico escape his trauma. His insecurities shadow him and he’s confused about how to navigate this relationship because he thinks he needs to be the leader. How can he lead if Nico won’t let him? How can he help when he doesn’t know how? Persephone’s scene was Will’s chance of finding guidance from someone who could understand exactly what he’s thinking
People in their late 40′s still can’t get relationships down. Why are we pushing unrealistic relationship ideations on a 15 year old who doesn’t even know who he is yet?
Will was not useless. 
Sorry that the relationship duo isn’t Mr. Badass and Mr. Badass 2.0. Will not being a fighter is refreshing to see because honestly I’m quite tired of seeing badass couples in every book/movie. Not everyone is strong and powerful and super awesome. Will is a nerd that likes healing people. Why isn’t that enough? 
“He’s described as having muscles,” “He’s a field/combat medic,” “He fought in the wars,” “He carries people all the time,” “He trains with the Apollo cabin.” Okay and? I was raised to work hard and protect myself. I work out and I know how to use a bow and knife. Does that mean I want to? No. 
I’d also like to point out that almost everyone in camp is described as having muscles. You kind of have to when your life motto is Try not to die or get eaten. Also they train on lava walls, jump eight foot pits, and weapons. I get a little bit of muscle going on my silly little walks, I’d be fucking jacked if I was actively training. 
Second, Will has never once been described fighting monsters/demigods. I don’t doubt that he’s had a few encounters, but the boy practically specializes in RUNNING AWAY. He’s a feral little animal that finds injured demigods and sprints them away to the medic center while occasionally bashing monster heads in. He’s strong because he needs to be, not because he wants to be. Strength also doesn’t equal battle prowess. 
Not to mention, he hates killing! He didn’t want to kill Octavian despite Octavian being the actual worst. He runs away as a distraction even though he had weapons on him. He got upset when Nico threw Sherman Yang out of the chariot in TOA. Monsters are different, but monsters are also scary. Will is terrified of demon pigeons, you really think he’s willingly gonna go one-on-one with anything bigger than his pinky? 
I’ll admit, I hated that he didn’t have a weapon in Tartarus. I thought it was really stupid and out-of-character because my anxious ass would have loaded up. Still, it was kind of funny when they described Will bashing rocks over monster’s heads during their fight with Nyx. 
My final point for this: Will was Nico’s support system and that was the point. Will knew he wasn’t going to throw hands with anyone. He went because he knew Nico needed him even when Nico told him to stay. Will was going to trek through SuperHell with the love of his life and hold his hand to remind him that he was loved. Will wanted Nico to know that he’d literally go to Hell and back for him and that’s what mattered. 
Nico didn’t ask Will to be the Hero. Nico states several times that the reason he loves Will is because he wants to heal and he’s so stubborn to find the good in everything. And that’s exactly what Will did. He offered support, care, and reminders. He was going to understand and love Nico, even through the darkest parts of his life. 
Will is one of the best support systems in a PJO couple duo. 
It makes me incredibly sad to see people call Will toxic when he gave his entire life to support Nico. I won’t deny that he complained a lot and said hurtful things and that he occasionally belittles Nico’s feelings. But Will didn’t know he was doing those things. He thought he was helping Nico navigate his PTSD. How is someone who is still emotionally developing his own character supposed to know how to take care of someone else’s? 
Will also clearly showed love and affection towards Nico. He met all his friends and was polite to them even when they looked scary. Will risked his life several times before they got to Tartarus and still insisted on continuing. Built a Minecraft house for his boyfriend and left him a KitKat bar because he knew he would feel fatigued (also Will brought KitKat bars, meaning he was already thinking of Nico’s health beforehand). He tried to be useful by scouting ahead because he felt like he was being a burden on Nico. He kissed him, called him silly nicknames, hugged him, respected his boundaries (asking to hold him instead of trying to comfort him immediately), and oh yeah, went to Tartarus when he was obviously quaking in his flipflops. 
He also helped Bob when he had no idea who/what he was, comforted Nico when he was beginning to lose hope, acknowledged his mistakes and admitted he needed to try harder, realized he didn’t need to fix Nico and that his boyfriend was perfect the way he was, and learned that Nico wasn’t going to leave him. 
Love is complicated. Love is something you choose. And Will chooses to love Nico. Also for everyone saying a year is long enough to learn/realize these problems already and have them solved, you need to take the rose tinted glasses off. I’ve been with my partner for almost four years, and I’m still learning things about our relationship. We argue, we don’t always meet eye-to-eye. Our own trauma and experiences surface and it gets difficult. But do we just call it quits and throw everything into the trash? No. We talk, we problem-solve, we come back and try to understand each other even if we don’t know how to do that. A year is nothing. A year is puppy love and excitement. It’s like your favorite movie on repeat. All the problems are ignored because you don’t want to see them yet. 
So for a pair of 15 year old's who just came to terms with their sexuality, I think that they are doing pretty damn good at this love thing. 
Anyway, that’s all I really wanted to say. Even though we’ve had Will for years, we’ve never gotten to know his true character until now. It’s raw and weird and doesn’t fit the mold of Will Solace, son of Apollo we all created him to be. You can still hate his character or whatever, I’m not going to try to change your mind. But don’t hate on everyone else who loves him and loves this book. 
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yunhobug · 1 year
Seonghwa NSFW Alphabet
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Seonghwa x Gn!reader
w: Hwa’s a simp, he literally worships you and the ground you walk on
Requested? no ma’am!
a/n: Seonghwa is my ult of all ults so i’ve definitely thought about this more than i probably should’ve
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
so sweet and caring, Seonghwa is incredibly observant from start to finish and is constantly checking in with you
he will do everything you want and more, takes a warm shower with you, helps you with skincare, makes sure you have cozy pajamas
nothing is ever missed on Hwa’s watch
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
obsessed with your eyes, he likes to watch your expressions anytime he goes down on you or while fucking into you
loves the way they squint shut or how your eyebrows furrow
on himself, he loves his tongue, we all knew this was gonna show up sooner or later
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Seonghwa is Ateez’s resident cum eater, sorry I said what I said , no take backs
whether it’s yours or his own it’s going to get messy
also loves to cum in you (we’ll come back to this later tho)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He’s been really wanting to explore more into role play, loves the idea of playing a character and would love to do that with you
specifically would like to play the role of a teacher
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Honestly I don’t think most idols are too experienced especially earlier in their career but that doesn’t mean he isn’t hopeless lmao
Seonghwa has had at least one long term partner and has had enough sex to know what he’s doing
There’s a learning process with hwa though, and it’s one of his favorite parts of your relationship, he loves doing new things together and exploring sex as a couple
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
loves a good ole missionary moment
as i said earlier he is obsessed with the face you make in reaction to him, so he likes positions where he can see your face
he’s also a big fan of you riding him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not at all, in his head being goofy kinda ruins the moment for him
he’s slightly obsessed with making the moment perfect and gets upset when he can’t do that
just make sure to assure him with his efforts
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Prefers to go bare or freshly shaven, he thinks it’s the cleanest and definitely prefers to shave for you
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
it’s almost sappy with how much effort he puts in
you love it so much though
i’m talking champagne, rose petals, slow music, a fancy dinner before hand
he’s going to make you feel so loved
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
not super often maybe once or twice a week?
he likes to give himself the challenge of waiting till you can help him
if he can’t though, I could see hwa calling you to help get him off, which is a convenient Segway into the next letter
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
loves sexting and phone sex, it truly feels like his own personal dirty secret
being able to text you, telling you how he wants you to take his cock all the while the members are sitting innocently next to him
also loves to take pictures and video of the two of you, he has a locked folder in his camera roll full of photos of you together, likes to go through them when he’s needy while on tour
I think we all know about the Hwa breeding kink agenda, loves the idea of filling you with his kids, even if you can’t get pregnant, he’s obsessed with the image of it, the possessiveness nature to his thoughts rule over him
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
the bedroom is always the number one place for him
but he also has major love for shower sex, not only does he love being so close to you but he also likes the easy clean up
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
literally just you, you could innocently kiss him and he could pop a boner
hwa just loves you and loves the effect you have on him
he loves how attractor find him
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Like San, he isn’t much into pain play, definitely isn’t opposed to spanking you, especially if he’s playing a more domineering role but he isn’t going to go to far with it
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
going back to letter C he loves the taste of you, no matter what you may say
he’s literally obsessed with going down on you, he craves for it, he wants you at all times
sometimes it shocks you how much he enjoys giving
cant say he doesn’t love when you give him head though
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Def a slow and sensual guy, loves taking his time with you and is going to make sure you cum a couple times before he does
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
like i said just before, he loves to take his time winding you up with his fingers and tongue
how is he going to do just that when you guys only have 15 minutes
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He loves to explore with you, being able to experience things together is one of his favorite things to do
that being said he’s not the biggest fan of being caught, he knows the members would never let him hear the end of it
he also hates anyone seeing you in that type of position
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He knows he can only cum once in a round so he takes his time to pull a few out of you before hand
So one round, maybe two if you take enough time between them
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Loves using toys together, is obsessed with watching how much a vibrator can affect your body
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he teases a little bit but Seonghwa will give you anything you want if you ask for it
you have to ask for it though, a big fan of asking you to use your words
“use your words precious, tell me how you want me.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
definitely moans, they’re so pretty too
especially when you give him head
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
loves when you act innocent for him, if you’re truly inexperienced he loves the idea of being your first and showing you the world of pleasure
on the other hand, even if you aren’t inexperienced, he would love if you played it up for him, goes into his role playing fantasy
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s definitely one of the bigger members of ateez
Probably like 6 1/2” maybe 7”
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He would prefer to have sex 4 times a week if he can
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Not quick at all, he’s going to make sure you’re cared for before he even thinks of shutting his eyes
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mangora · 19 days
Emma (TD23) or Beth for the ask game, perhaps??
Emma (23):
Sexuality: Sapphic; I’m not sure if she’s a lesbian, bi, etc. but she definitely likes girls
Gender: I generally think of her as a cis girl (she/her) but I’ve also seen hc’s where she’s non-binary/a demigirl/etc. and uses she/they or she/bun, which is pretty fun
Ship: My favorite for her is definitely Zemma, but tbh I like her with a lot of characters; I could see her with Priya, MK, Julia, Caleb, Damien, Wayne, Axel, Nichelle, or Scary Girl tbh
BROTP: Her and Bowie had suchhh a fun friendship, I’m so sad they never reconciled. I also like her and Scary Girl as friends. And her and the Hockey Bros
NOTP: Don’t even think I need to say it but Chase, get a job stay away from her ‼️
Random Headcanon: She really loves musical theatre, she’s in her school’s theatre program and tries out for every musical despite how awful her singing is. Her favorite musical is Cats, but she likes pretty much everything that’s ever been on Broadway. Or anything that’s big on tumblr. I know she was so annoying when Hamilton came out and she watched those Heathers animatics every day in middle school
General Opinion: Emma’s so fun and also adorable, she’s just so silly. She’s such a girlfail and I want good things for her. However I’m kinda sad by how much she was sidelined in the show, I really wish we could’ve seen more of her ignoring or rejecting Chase in season two and becoming a stronger player, making friends and being more confident. If there’s a season three I hope she makes the merge
Sexuality: Pansexual
Gender: Definitely girl, not sure whether she’s trans or cis but she’s girl as hell
Ship: Beth and Lindsay are very cute but I also love Beth and Leshawna, as well as Beth and Courtney
BROTP: Her and Cody were such a fun duo, I miss them. I also think her and Harold or her and Noah would’ve been fun
NOTP: Her and Justin as a ship makes me kind of uncomfortable tbh
Random headcanon: She roleplayed Warrior Cats as a kid and bit the other children
General Opinion: Honestly I love Beth, everyone’s so mean to her and sure her writing could be a bit annoying at times (mainly when she was talking about Brady or fawning over the boys), but overall I loved how authentically herself she was in season two, and how she was mostly nice and helpful. Sure she had slip-ups and could be a bit uppity while looking down on people like Courtney or even Leshawna, but I think its because kindness is genuinely important to her and she gets upset when she or others aren’t kind. She was trying her hardest and I honestly think she deserved to win. You guys just hate to see an autistic girlboss succeed /hj
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sailormoonsailorstars · 2 months
Hello tumblr :3 I have some thoughts for both the Sailor Moon / TBHK-JSHK fandoms and the OSDDID community.
For clarification I am a host of a dx’d DID system. Traumagenic.
tw for like… idk ranting, abuse mentions, and things along those lines!
I have felt since system discovery that the take of “this character trope, this character in media is not accurate representation therefore this is bad and you supporting it is bad and you are bad” is kind of … stupid?
For one, everyone experiences dissociation or plurality differently. Saying people cannot enjoy Touko Fukawa & Syo as a system because it’s bad rep is weird. Saying people cannot headcanon Izuru and Hajime as a system is also weird. Personally, it’s none of your business what people find comfort in especially if they are a system or plural.
Anyways, I’m starting off with this because I think people forget that you do not have to literally interpret things like possession, mind control, or illness in media as those things. I think you can see those things as symbolism for being a system if you want.
Case 1: Hotaru Tomoe (& Sailor Saturn with Mistress 9)
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In Sailor Moon- no matter which adaptation you consume Hotaru Tomoe is clearly shown to be separate from Saturn and Mistress/Messiah all while residing in the same body. In order to access herself as Saturn she has to literally meet her and be reawakened. This is a really similar experience to my system discovery and I think other systems might see it too! Mistress 9 is one of the stereotypes that people would disagree with since in canon she is a demon possessing Hotaru- but even that I feel like could be interpreted differently.
Saturn is protective of Hotaru and her friends. Hotaru is sweet, and kind. She is there most of the time. And mistress 9 could be interpreted as a persecutor. I’ve always seen Hotaru in this light.
And for anyone that wants to go by the DSM: Hotaru has severe childhood trauma. She lost her mother in a fire/explosion that she was apart of. Her and her father were possessed by demons- her father was straight up neglectful and abusive medically. And his “partner” Kaori was abusive towards Hotaru.
Case 2: Aoi Akane (and her “fake” personality.)
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This one is less implied, more of a headcanon but- Aoi has outright said she puts up a front for people around her. The Aoi people know vs. The Aoi that she is are completely different. On top of this, when Hakubo (No.6) gives her that potion she acts completely different than either side of that spectrum.
And again for DSM truthers: I’m not sure how much of this is canon to the main timeline but Aoi has a neglectful and shitty dad in general. It’s never out right stated that she’s been abused but I would think she is. On top of that, she’s extremely popular and has to live up to the standards that people put for her… which she can’t ever reach because they’ll always get higher and higher.
Case 3: Mei Shijima (and Shijima San of The Art Room)
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This one has always grinded my gears tbh.
Mei and Shijima are shown to be two separate people from the start. Shijima being Mei’s own creation to cope with what is most likely cancer / terminal illness and the fact that despite her passion she is going to die soon.
But people get upset or confused when it’s posted that they are separate characters? And get even more upset about shipping them together. Like, I don’t know how to tell singlets this but inner system dating is not unusual. They also hardly look the same which seems to be most peoples problems. They don’t have the same hair color or eye color and also just all around are physically and emotionally different.
Shijima is extremely protective over Mei and became very very upset when people made rumors spinning Mei’s illness related death into Mei hurting herself over her parents.
I think they’re a beautiful representation of plurality. Mei forgives Shijima for persecuting her, because she knew Shijima was just trying to keep what Mei actually stood by while she was alive there.
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Anyways I’m sorry this became a super long info dump. TL;DR let systems or any plural person have their headcanons. They are not hurting anyone. And also keep an open mind to things in media! Hotaru’s character is very special to me but I often don’t talk about her being a system to others because the sailor moon fandom is very very tricky. Especially the millennial side of it.
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aemiron-main · 2 years
hot take but people should be able to analyze whatever they want in the show and analysis of Mike’s sexuality and criticism of other analysis of it can and should absolutely exist. not baseless hate but analysis and I’m not gonna lie I don’t like the idea that we should just “keep the peace” and not analyze it because a.) it doesn’t have to be a fight/something that disturbs the peace?? if you’re that pressed about a different analysis that you disagree with, go for a walk. and b.) things in the show don’t just stop existing because people stop analyzing them. and they shouldn’t stop analyzing them. people can and should have different opinions and instead of trying to push for nobody to share their analysis/thoughts on it, we should push for everyone/whoever wants to share their thoughts on it to do so.
like sorry but I don’t see why it’s a big issue for people to disagree with analysis over a fictional character’s sexuality. people don’t have to agree and that’s okay. people can criticize things that they disagree with and that’s okay. people can be opinionated about what they believe and what they don’t believe and that’s okay.
im not talking about anons being random asshats about it because fuck that noise 100%. I’m saying that I will end up “criticizing” (which sounds too harsh) other viewpoints in my gay Mike analysis, and not even intentionally but simply because I interpret the evidence and text of the show differently in a way that conflicts with other viewpoints. like sorry but that criticism shouldn’t be a big issue?? i don’t get upset when somebody criticizes my gay Mike analysis. I respond to it, match the tone of the person sending it/try to respond as evenly and nicely as I can but I am a passionate person so I get more excited unintentionally.
like sorry again but sometimes analysis involves saying things that conflict with other viewpoints??? and we should be able to coexist with that conflict?? again this is analysis over a character’s sexuality, if you find it so deeply offensive to analyze it and think that we should just keep the peace and not analyze it then idk what to tell you because imo everything in this show is fair game for analysis.
My gay Mike analysis is going to talk about other interpretations of Mike’s sexuality! I get asks asking me about bi Mike vs gay Mike and I don’t think it’s bad to analyze or draw comparisons between the two from an analysis perspective and explain why I feel like gay Mike checks some narrative boxes that no other sexuality for Mike does.
Everyone absolutely has their right to their headcanons, but I shouldn’t have to agree with those headcanons. The exact same thing goes for analysis.
Like sorry for pointing out that IMO Mike doesn’t express attraction to women?? Sorry for pointing out that IMO he doesn’t align with definitions of bisexuality but instead aligns more with homosexuality?? That’s my opinion, based in analysis, just like how other people have other opinions based in analysis, opinions that oppose mine. We should be able to criticize others’ opinions (hell not even in a direct attacking way but literally in a what I’ve been DOING way where I just make my own post about any general criticisms I have).
Anyway I just heavily disagree with the “everyone keep the peace and nobody disagree ever” rhetoric and some of the double standards I’m seeing. I’m going to analyze this stuff and draw comparisons between various interpretations of his sexuality and explain why I do or don’t feel that those interpretations are supported by evidence because I want to, because it’s in the show, and because I disagree with the idea that such analysis and comparison is inherently harmful. I will draw comparisons between bi Mike vs gay Mike vs unlabelled Mike and talk about not why I think the others are inherently “bad,” but rather whether or not I feel like there’s evidence in the show to support them. Either deal with that or don’t, but that’s what I’m going to be doing! If you see analysis as “drama,” then please perhaps sit down and consider why you’re so personally offended by differing opinions/analysis. I’ve been talking all day about how people can’t seem to look past their own biases and instead want to make everything into a personal issue and see it solely through their own elms, and the same applies here. My differing analysis and criticism is not a direct attack on anybody. If you think it is, reconsider some things about your perception.
I’m literally a random dude on the internet doing analysis. If you are so deeply upset by me doing analysis that you disagree with, please go calm down or something. You don’t have to listen to me! You don’t have to give my analysis any weight. But I’m allowed to do that analysis and am not morally in the wrong for doing that analysis or comparing those interpretations and drawing conclusions about them.
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I wish that people who hated Nightheart wouldn’t be so, like,,, hostile about it towards his fans, I guess? Idk I personally relate to him to an significant degree (like I don’t think I’ve ever related this much to a character before ngl) in spite of his flaws. And yet, in saying this (on both tumblr in the past and on other sites), I have been attacked verbally and accused of being somehow misogynistic (uh,,, what? Many of my favorite characters are literally the she-cats, such as Mothwing or Frostpaw or Hollyleaf or Squirrelflight) or even accused of being ‘abusive’ for liking him, which really doesn’t make any sense to me either? He’s not, y’know, Bramblestar or something. This is especially true when it comes to trans headcanons: I personally like to view Nightheart as transmasc like myself because I find a lot of his story elements regarding his name change and identity issues ofc. But,,, whenever I say anything abt this headcanon there’s always some ppl who use it as ammo to accuse me / others of awful stuff. I even got told to unal1ve myself by someone before over this which is,,, not cool. I try not to let this sorta thing get to me but I do feel that it has gotten pretty extreme over this past year and I don’t think it’s okay at all. People can like or dislike whatever characters they want imo (unless we’re talking about, like, Thistleclaw supporters. That’s a bit weird) and they should never ever be sent literal hate or harassment over it. I just kinda want people to chill a bit and maybe consider that there are better ways to discuss any disagreements they may have over the books and not jump straight into being cruel / accusatory towards them, if that makes sense.
I agree, I understand why people may not like Nightheart but it is completely unacceptable for people to be harassing people like that, I’m very sorry you’ve experienced that. I understand people are frustrated about how the female characters around Nightheart have been written in Sky. But that’s a writing issue and not a reflection on Nightheart himself imo, and it is extremely unfair to judge people for liking him. Especially with as you say Nightheart not being problematic in himself.
Of course it’s not excusable to harass people in any kind of character debate such as this but I feel that the Nightheart hate has become extreme in certain areas given how unproblematic the actual character is, if people enjoy the who he is then let people enjoy him. I find him funny, I like Nightheart, and although I can definitely see the issues with how some characters have been presented to suit his narrative more I still like the character.
Obviously this isn’t all Nightheart dislikers I’m talking about, not by any means, but the minority that do harass people like this are just ruining it for everyone.
I do wonder, obviously without reading Shadow myself, if this is inherently an author issue this stems from. In River the world warped around Nightheart much less and the female family members in his life were treated with more consistent and sympathetic characterisation. That was a Cherith book. People after River disliked Nightheary sure but it was more of a “I find him annoying” thing. Sky is where it all went wrong and where I’ve noticed people taking it out on Nightheart for being understandably upset about Sparkpelt’s and Finchlight’s characterisation changes in that book. That book does have much more emphasis on the Firestar thing from characters who are not Nightheart (in River his frustrations were largely self imposed), and the TC female characters act a lot more unreasonable than they usually would in general. That was a Kate book. Meanwhile I have heard that Shadow, another Cherith book, treats his female relatives much more sympathetically again. So I can’t help feel that author bias may be influencing the writing associated with him here? Sorry to go off on a tangent at the end here but it’s just a thought, and one I wonder if could cause a change in fandom perception of Nightheart again once shadow is out.
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kai-keda · 2 years
how do you feel about s4 of lmk having a different showrunner and headwriter? it makes me concerned 😬😬
I’m not surprised because the Embrace Your Destiny specials had such a book-ending to them. Everything from the first season onward was tied up nicely at the end. To be perfectly honest, and friends from Discord can confirm this, I was Lowkey upset that the show was even CONTINUING after I saw that ending.
The series started with Tang having a narration about how “the story is never truly over” and it ends with Tang having a narration about how “the story is never truly over”. It’s beautiful. So it makes sense that the head writer and show runner have stepped down from the project. It’s a perfect point for it to either end or transition to something new.
Honestly, even if it was the same exact crew, my brain would be separating the first three seasons from whatever comes next because no matter what they do, it’s gonna feel disconnected from the previous stories due to that solid opening and ending.
Because that disconnect is already there for me, I’m not too worried about how future content will make me feel. That being said, there are some concerns I have based on previous experiences with fandoms and based on how I’ve seen this fandom act about “being right”.
Worst case scenario is we get another Dragon Ball Super situation. I don’t mean this in regards to the actual quality dropping, but more in how the atmosphere of the greater fandom will shift MASSIVELY.
Example Hypothetical:
DBK and PIF are shown in Season 4 to having not gotten their act together and continue treating Red Son like garbage which leads to a character arc of Red Son disconnecting himself from them entirely and fully joining the Monkie Kid Team.
Remember, whether this scenario sounds appealing or is well executed or not isn’t the point of this example.
Imagine this happens and you are left with half the fandom being excited because this is exactly what they wanted and have had all of their feelings on the subject validated by this. Meanwhile, the other half feels betrayed. There’s evidence of DBK and PIF doing better so why would they suddenly be so awful, right?
Now the part I’m concerned about is how these two halves would interact going forward.
The Dragon Ball fandom is a god dang WAR ZONE between people who don’t want to acknowledge DBS as a part of their personal canon of the series (cough cough - me) and the people who argue you HAVE to accept it (elitist dumbass assholes).
Now, don’t get me wrong, the Dragon Ball fandom is worse than the Monkie Kid fandom when it comes to forcing personal interpretations, analysis, headcanons and beliefs on other fans. But that doesn’t mean the LMK fandom doesn’t have those problems at all.
The LMK fandom ABSOLUTELY struggles with this.
See also “Wukong is canonically a father figure to MK” and “Red Son is canonically genderfluid” as only two examples. Both statements being objectively false because neither thing has EVER been stated in the canon of the show.
With the understanding that there’s a new show runner and head writer, there are - without a doubt - going to be fans who choose to say “I only go by the first part of the show”. Whether it has to do with relationship dynamics or characterization, there are going to be fans who have their current interpretations challenged by the new material and they’re going to blame the show runner/head writer rather than it just being something that filled in gaps they originally filled on their own.
Here’s my concern of how this is gonna turn out:
Rather than everyone coexisting, there’s going to be a shit show of a war between fans who don’t acknowledge anything post new crew and fans who think everyone HAS to accept everything from the show.
There’s going to be an overwhelming sense of who is “right” and “wrong” and the great LMK Civil Fandom Wank of 2023 - [whatever-year] is gonna pit brother against brother.
With the hypothetical I gave, we would see fans of the newer seasons putting the people who WANTED the Demon Bull Family to heal on blast with a sense of moral superiority via calls out stating “This user thinks you should never run away from abusive households!” (Which would not ACTUALLY be true of said user)
This isn’t GUARANTEED to happen, but I think it’s worth pointing out the possibility ahead of time. After all, being aware going in that there IS MOST DEFINITELY going to be people who don’t like what the new show runner and head writer have planned will be able to prevent us from going down a nasty path of proving why one side is “morally disgusting.”
If you or someone you know has been a victim of a Civil Fandom Wank of this type, you may be entitled to financial compensation
If you know the term “Fandom Wank” without having to look it up, you may be entitled to financial compensation
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what kinda problems does tma have? i haven’t finished listening to the whole thing yet but i don’t mind spoilers. asking because i wanted to gauge if it’s something i haven’t gotten to yet or something i’ve missed!
oh yeehaw i will gladly tell you!
full disclosure i haven't actually finished listening to it, I still need to pick up again after s3 but I've listened up till then
also spoilers below for anyone planning on listening to it!
anyway, tma is overall a VERY good podcast and especially in the horror genre, its incredibly well written and effective and genuinely fucking scary and unsettling, and manages to do that without using misogyny or homophobia/transphobia as a device to achieve the sense of dread you get in pretty much every episode. that being said there's a few instances of casual (unintended) racism, such as episode 72 which has a case of anti-chinese racism where the villain is a Chinese cannibal that owns a takeaway shop. that is the most blatant example I remember, there are likely others I have missed because I am white and these things go over my head, but if other people remember better than I do I encourage them to respond to this!
in terms of other problems, to be honest I think what I'm talking about is just my engagement with the show - namely Daisy Tonner. she's a police detective who gets involved with the main cast during s2 and is an avatar of the hunt, sometimes headcanoned by fans as being werewolf like in nature. she's not a nice person, nasty and blunt and rude and brutal, and there are several instances in the show where she kills others and justifies it with reasoning ranging from 'suspected to be a vampire' to 'my boss told me to'. she's violent and cruel and her morality is tied to the law, in that she takes the orders she's given and works to uphold an unjust system based on her perception of other people as a threat, and this comes out in almost every interaction she has with anyone, especially jon, the main character. at one point she kidnaps him and holds him at knifepoint in the woods, fully intending to kill him, before something stops her (its been a while since I've listened to it I can't quite remember what gfjkds).
as a character i fucking adore her. i love female characters who are actually seriously vicious and cruel and horrible people and allowed to be awful, the narrative doesn't shame them for their personality. to me daisy means a lot and I see a lot of myself in her horrible attitude and nasty demeanour (take that as you will ghjfdksl).
but i can't deny that she's a cop and comes with everything that entails. she's suspicious of everyone, she threatens legal action that she can take, and failing that threatens violent action instead, sometimes acting on it. she's part of a group that works to protect their own and target suspects for their own personal agenda rather than any actual sense of 'justice'. as much as I love her for being a female character with bite and attitude, she is like that for a reason. she's also incredibly emotionally dependent on Basira, her coworker-turned-magnus-archives-employee. their relationship is quite homoromantic but its never confirmed as actually romantic or anything because fuck cops, lesbians or not.
(if you're worried about queerbaiting in the show tho, don't, I promise there's none, because no one ever advertised the show as being queer friendly/having canon queer relationships so they literally didn't bait anyone at all, and people who say that don't actually know what queerbaiting means)
i love daisy as a character and I do think she is a very interesting exploration of police institutions, especially with the lens of the hunt and the horror that all that entails, I think its very well done as horror literature. but there's a reason people hate her and it'd be unfair of me to not warn you of the kinds of things she does in the show, in case that's upsetting for you.
in terms of the actual show content, trigger warnings range from gore, body horror, insects, depression, mental health, paranoia, unreality, and many more, and various times they intersect with instances of marginalised characters that don't come across as well-intentioned as the creators probably wanted.
this is a list of trigger warnings by episode (all 200 of 'em) and is generally good for checking if you can listen to the episode, especially the earlier seasons, because it wasn't until about s4ish that they started including trigger warnings for really graphic things in the episode introductions.
this is a folder of transcripts of all the episodes, which I personally found helpful when starting the show. i'd often read transcripts and if I could handle that, id listen to the episode (until I binged half of s1 in a week and got used to the general sense of dread the show gave me and after that I just dived in lmao).
thats mostly what i talk about in terms of bad - the show is good, so good, but it is a tragedy and it is horror and it has some horrendous people, some of which will be worse than others, and being horror it's gonna upset you in some areas. tread with caution, look at the trigger warnings and transcripts if you need to, and maybe avoid the fandom for the most part, it was not very pleasant when the show was airing, but overall, this series is so good and I do gladly recommend it to anyone looking to branch into horror. i think if you follow me and enjoy the same things I do you won't regret giving tma a shot ^^
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shina-moon-art · 8 months
People talk about Ann and Kuzan on this blog a lot could we have some headcanons of Ann and Mihawk I'm curious what you think of their dynamic/past...
Hello Anon you are now my favorite, I love Ann, I really do. She’s in my top three favorite characters I’ve ever designed but lord am I not a Kuzan enjoyer. I appreciate his character, and before getting involved in this fic I was just kinda meh about him, I still am but now it’s like your daughter dating some boy you don’t have any strong feelings towards but you want her to be happy so you don’t really say anything.
hmm, Mihawk is a very interesting character to me and I’m gonna be taking a crack at writing him soon but for Ann? She was a challenge, just another swordsman to overcome. Honestly when they first met he was probably already stronger and better at the blade than her. As we’ve seen in the story already, Ann uses her blade both as an extension of herself and as a tool, but not the same way Mihawk does. Mihawk almost seems to treat himself as an extension of the blade rather than the opposite, most swordsman operate similarly even if they often say when teaching that the blade should feel like an extension of you. To be fair the line is a little blurry, when you get good enough the line where the weapon ends and you begin matters less and less. But anyway Ann was well… amateur at best, but she had two things going for her, she had amazing reflexes and brute strength.
So while she didn’t battle with the usual grace of a swordsman she was strong, strong enough that if he hadn’t been using Yoru (or any other graded blade) the blade probably would have snapped. Mihawk, confronted by a challenge not dictated by skill decided to quite simply beat sword knowledge into her. Ann learned most, if not all of her swordplay knowledge from Mihawk which, whenever the fact is brought up he will always say it was just a whim ( true, but he praised his own foresight to forge a worth opponent himself after Shanks lost his arm) and despite his lamentations of loosing such a rival, Ann’s desertion of the navy and subsequent joining of the red hairs means he still has an excuse to visit. (Both events he’s learn about long after they happened, as isolated as he is. The navy thought it better to not notify him of Ann’s status due to their knowledge of his opinion of her [a surface level opinion, a strong opponent yes, but that is not all he thinks of her].
It was only after he’d sailed into marineford demanding a duel that he found out what happened (dead they say, lost to the flaming shores of Ohara) what a joke he thinks, someone like her would not die from a dive into the sea. He was right of course, not that he’d tell the navy that, nor would he tell them of where he knew she would be. Garp was the one to tell him and if it weren’t for Mihawk’s natural disposition he may have actually laughed, he promptly called Garp a fool and left without another word.
Marine ships and bases were not so lucky however, it was obvious to anyone who knew him that he was going out of his way to destroy them, well, barely out of his way. To the marines it just seemed like he was more irate than usual (Sengoku assumes it’s at the loss of his marine sparring partner, Garp knows otherwise). Mihawk is not the kind of man to get upset over someone else’s honor, but Ann was one of the few who could actually contend with him and they had the gall to not only say she was dead but to brand her a traitor (not to mention that now he has to go searching for wherever Shanks had run off too EVERY time rather than just some of the time.
It’s late so im gonna stop here but I hope you enjoy!! Mihawk was another character where I was like yep he exists but I’ve read a couple really good fics that he’s in and well, he’s one of the favs now
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crazylittlejester · 4 months
Jes would you like to yap about anything?
I LOVE YAPPING!! I always wanna yap about things, but sometimes it’s hard to wrote my thoughts coherently
Anyways today’s yap subject is Time because I have such THOUGHTS about him (and a lot of headcanons!!) (disclaimer: again these are just my THOUGHTS and HEADCANONS)
To me, Time is a character who often struggles with social cues and his own tone. It’s hard for him to pick up on dry sarcasm (sometimes Four, mostly Legend) and actually realize it’s sarcasm. Sometimes people think HE’S being sarcastic because he speaks so flatly and he’s incredibly direct.
“What’s the biggest thing you’ve ever fought?”
“The moon.”
He’s direct and to the point, and he doesn’t use a whole lot of words. Sometimes that’s seen as sarcasm, and I have a feeling when he was a kid a lot of adults accused him of being rude because they thought he was being sarcastic when he wasn’t.
Joy/Excitement/Happiness are the easiest expressions to read FROM him. He smiles a lot and he’ll talk more quickly about things he’s excited about, and also use a lot of hand gestures. Worry/Concern is also an easier emotion to read from him because he’ll very awkwardly hover or frown. For people who don’t know him it might just look like he’s upset or mad about something, but for people who do they know what the frown means
Anger, or Sadness, or even Fear are a lot harder to read from him unless it’s someone who’s known him for quite a while. He has little signs and tells, but the average person might assume he’s indifferent or isn’t reacting strongly enough for the severity of the situation. He feels very deeply but he doesn’t express it in the way the average person would. He might have a straight neutral looking expression but be having the time of his life, or he might be sitting in a corner frowning while watching over someone who is incredibly hurt. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t care, he just struggles to show exactly how much
He does cry, especially when he’s really stressed or frustrated with himself because sometimes he feels like he CAN’T properly express himself and people just won’t understand, or when he reaches a point where everything gets to be too much, but that’s not always sobbing. Sometimes that’s just tears running down his face while he sits there
He’s a bit awkward when it comes to physical affection, but by GOD has he mastered the shoulder pat. A shoulder pat from Time is the equivalent of a bear hug from Sky. Hugs from Time are less frequent, and he’s better with giving them to certain than he is others (like his wife, Tune/Wind and Warriors, and eventually Twilight, because he’s used to that with them), but sometimes he’s just stiff and awkward about it. He does his best
I’ve said this a LOT but I don’t think he does anything fatherly on purpose. He cares about the boys and looks after them, but in his mind he is not a dad. The others just have daddy issues /hj
This one is DEFINITELY just a headcanon I have that’s based on absolutely nothing I’ve seen from him in game or in LU, but i believe in my heart he kept his hair short as a kid because he hated the feeling of it growing out on his neck, and if he were to cut it now, he’d never get it this long again because the growing out stage was miserable for him. I think sometimes he still gets overwhelmed by hair on his neck, but he can just tie it back because it’s long enough
i’ve been thinkin a lot about Time recently, he’s the character who’s pov i’ve written the most words in, which is odd to think about since a few people have dubbed me the wars guy, but yeah Time is a special blorbo to me too and i love him 🫶
hopefully this was coherent and doesn’t have TOO many spelling mistakes 😭
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shewhoeatssand · 1 year
1, 5, 9, 14 asks^^
1) fave characters
y’all already know the answer here is Kaneki ❤️❤️ but other characters I really like to see are Shikorae/Rio, Shuu and Hinami (pre-aogiri. I like to pretend :re never happened outside of Haise cooking.)
5) weird headcanon
Shuu would be soooo lactose intolerant if he was a human. I get that he would be half european and should be able to eat it but shhshsh he CANNOT have milk. He’d still stand and lick ice cream from the cone whilst looking so beautiful at the dock by a lake on a summer’s afternoon, though
ALSO Hide used to eat his boogers until he was 10. And if Rio was human he would have a strange obsession with bananas and would eat them at least twice a day (he can tell you the entire history of the banana plant and how bananas are traded across the globe alongside a very wide variety of recipes from memory).
9) which character had the worst use?
I haven’t read the manga in a while, but I vaguely remember a firefighter guy being introduced in :re as the cousin of one of the other more important CCG dudes and then being immediately killed after a couple pages, so I would have to say that guy. He was really pointless.
I think this might mean characters who were wasted, though? I’m not really sure. Maybe Amon towards the end of the manga since I can barely remember him doing anything after being turned into a ghoul outside of a chat with Kaneki and being broken out of a tube. They could’ve just let him die? But again, I’ve only ever fully read :re once and that was a very long time ago. So apologies if I can’t answer some of these very well.
14) which death made you cry?
I’M SORRY BUT NO CHARACTER DEATH IN HISTORY HAS EVER MADE ME CRY. I’m an alpha male, we don’t have emotions 💪 but I did come pretty close with Kaneki. For some reason I confused :re as an alternate storyline as Kaneki in the CCG instead of being a sequel, so when he died in the OG manga I genuinely thought he died for real. Which I was very upset about. Yet somehow I still didn’t cry? I have cried over Kaneki when rereading or just while thinking about him, though. Sometimes it was tears of joy and sometimes it was over what he’d been through, mostly it was just me making up bad scenarios. I’ve also gotten teary over Shuu because I just wanted to be his friend So So Bad. So while the source material can’t really hurt me, I know I can always depend on myself to 👍
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felinedetached · 3 years
Fandom Ableism in the MCYT Community
[Edited 14 June 2021]
One thing I’ve noticed about the MCYT (Dream SMP, specifically) community on both Tumblr and Twitter is that when informed of things that are ableist, or harmful to ND people, a lot of people ignore the post/tweet, derail it or actively fight against it.
“I’m ND so I can’t be ableist” is a common statement, which is blatantly untrue. Even I’ve used ableist terms and phrases before, without realising they were harmful. So as a neurodivergent person, with autism, BPD, depression/anxiety, dyslexia, psychosis & brain damage*: here’s some common ableist things both CCs and fandom say almost constantly**.
*note that not every neurodivergent person will agree with me on these, but these are commonly ableist things people have previously talked about online, and/or have been discussed between me and other neurodivergent friends. No minority can ever speak for the entire group.
**note that a lot of these are common outside the MCYT community as well, and that some of these are just considered societally acceptable. This isn’t okay, but it explains why a lot of people don’t recognise jokes or comments like these are wrong, and it means that it’s not a direct moral failing of people that they don’t immediately or directly recognise these comments as wrong.
Now, let’s get into the things you might not have realised are potentially ableist:
1. Use of “Psychopath/Psycho/Sociopath/Schizo” and other demeaning terms for people with mental illnesses as insults, or to describe characters who are considered villainous. Psychopath/Psycho/Sociopath are already terms that people with ASPD dislike using, even not as an insult, but using these terms to describe people or characters who you disagree with or see as villainous only contributes to the villainisation of people with ASPD and other mental illnesses. Using c!Dream as an example: Dream as a character is not confirmed to have any of these mental illnesses. He is, however, commonly labeled as psychotic/psychopathic, incapable of any kind of compassion.
He is also a character that fandom largely insists that nobody is allowed to sympathise with. This is a huge issue, and has hurt a lot of people, especially people with low empathy, or mental illnesses that cause them to relate to some of c!Dream’s actions (e.g. pulling away from all his friends, desperately grasping at straws to gain control of situations etc). Insisting that these characters are characters it’s impossible to sympathise with, all while calling them psychotic/psychopathic/sociopathic, is extremely harmful, and I hope this post draws attention to that.
Here’s another post that talks about that.
2. Use of the term “freak”, in general. As an insult, “freak” has been typically used to insult neurodivergent people, people with visible physical disabilities (ex. “freakshow”, and the term was reportedly created with the intent of insulting people with physical disabilities), or people who display any kind of abnormal/atypical social behaviour/physical aspects — people who are usually ND people who lack a diagnosis or people with physical disabilities. Recent usage has come to mean “people who do things that hurt other people”, but this is harmful as well; using words like “freak” or “weirdo” which mean “socially atypical behaviour” to refer to people who are actually doing things that hurt other people conflates the two, and often has a side effect of hurting disabled people who see it.
3. Calling ND ccs like Technoblade monotone/emotionless. While the term “monotone” isn’t ableist in and of itself, the fact that it’s being used against a neurodivergent man who emotes in a different way to neurotypical people rubs a lot of ND people the wrong way. I’ve partially discussed this here, in a tweet responding to a person who said that c!Technoblade, quote, “has no human capabilities like emotion for example”. This, however, is not something contained to c!Technoblade — one of the most common jokes in this fandom is how rare it is to hear emotion in Technoblade’s voice.
The issue with that is that neurodivergent people almost universally agree that Technoblade emotes perfectly fine, and, in fact, emotes more freely and clearly than a lot of others do. Hence, calling him monotone perpetuates the idea of ND people as emotionless/less able to be hurt/less expressive, which often hurts us. It also contributes to the dehumanisation of ND people — related to how ND symptoms are most often seen in robots or monsters in shows — and is generally extremely harmful, on top of being untrue.
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4. Related to point 3: the infantilisation of ND ccs like Tubbo and Dream, usually paired with assigning “caretakers” of their friends, like Tommy and George. This is about the posts that spread like “omg, Tommy helps Tubbo with his dyslexia, that’s so cute” or “omg George is so patient with Dream, I could never sit through that” on videos of Dream vocally stimming because of his ADHD. This is another post that talks about this, but I wanted to talk more about why this is harmful here.
4a) With Tubbo’s dyslexia, from someone with dyslexia, it isn’t harmful to correct his spelling and move on. Personally, I think this is helpful — others will think it’s condescending, because not all ND people are the same — but as the above linked post mentions, this is not what Tubbo’s twitch chat does. This is not what the comments say. It’s all things about how it’s “so cute” that Tubbo can’t spell, how Tommy/Ranboo are “so patient” with correcting him. This is rooted in the need to constantly watch over ND people while acting like we can't live our lives without someone having us under constant vigilance. It feels like savior-complex ableism, like people are trying so hard to not be ableist that they spin back around to hurting us instead. And it feels like we are being treated like children. Like we are lesser than, and need to be monitored/watched over.
4b) Similarly to what people do with Tubbo, the comments on posts about Dream’s vocal stimming are often full of people calling George “patient” for “dealing with it”, or claiming they “wouldn’t be able to handle it”. This is inherently ableist. They’re praising George for basic human decency towards ND people, and claiming in the same breath that they wouldn’t be able to do that themselves. And then there’s these.
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These comments infantilise Dream — claiming he “wouldn’t be able to stop/calm down” without George’s help, implying he’d “spiral out of control” or claiming “everyone is now my child”. It’s all related to the infantilisation of ND people, and the belief that without help/a caretaker we cannot take care of ourselves.
5. The way people treat ccs who likely have undiagnosed neurodivergencies, like Wilbur. Wilbur has openly admitted on stream before that his parents considered getting him an autism diagnosis. He also openly admits on stream that he has habits he doesn’t understand why he does, and hyperfixates on things for months at a time and doesn’t know why. Posts like this have gone around Tumblr, in which Wilbur displays blatantly ND traits.
And fandom generally calls him weird for expressing those traits. This video where he talks about eating sand because he likes the texture? That’s an ND trait. This video where he talks about his irrational hatred for anteaters? While mostly a joke, irrational hatred of something when you can’t explain/understand/articulate why is also a common ND trait. He spends 20 minutes during a Philza stream info-dumping about self-sustaining ecosystems (sharing the photo, because I think it’s really cool) and fandom begins calling them “Wilbur’s weird jars”. It’s demeaning to people who infodump, and as a ND person who hyperfixates and infodumps it’s really upsetting to see. It’s also upsetting to see other ND traits being called “weird” or “freaky” & made out to be soley some funny joke for NT people to laugh at us about.
Additionally: It’s strange to me that people think it’s okay to make fun of ND traits just because they know that or perceive that the person they’re making fun of is NT. It’s still making fun of ND traits. It’s still insulting ND people. It’s still ableist as hell. Why is it okay just because the person is NT?
6. Implying that c!Ranboo’s enderwalking is inherently violent. Ranboo has shown us time and time again that the enderwalk state isn’t a violent state. That the enderwalk state isn’t a seperate version of c!Ranboo that does horrific things. Why, then, is it so common to imply that Ranboo would be violent and hurt people why he’s enderwalking?
It comes back to the perception of c!Ranboo as a character with “two halves”, or as a character with DID. Ranboo has made it clear that his character does not have DID, but this headcanon about his character persists, and it persists in a way that is directly harmful to people with DID — and to people who dissociate or sleepwalk. We do not commit horrific acts while we dissociate, while we’re sleepwalking, because the majority of the time we’re just checked out, our body is on autopilot. Insinuating that we do is harmful. Insinuating that Ranboo has “another half” that’s inherently violent or evil is harmful to people with DID. I’m not going to ask you to stop writing these headcanons etc, but please consider the effect you have on people before you do.
7. Related to point 6: the perception of c!Ranboo as “soft” and “cute” and/or perfectly moral because of his canonical anxiety. This is really harmful, and comes once again from the infantilisation of disorders like anxiety and depression. Ranboo has made clear time and time again that his character isn’t moral, and in fact is extremely inconsistent. He’s portrayed his character as inconsistent, as someone who hurts his friends unintentionally and often due to his want to please everyone, and yet he’s constantly seen as “soft/pure/the only moral one” because of his anxiety causing to have repeated and consistent spirals on-screen. These spirals are not healthy. They don’t indicate his “perfect morals” or make him more moral than anyone else on the SMP. Please stop infantilising people with anxiety, it’s really hurtful.
8. Implying that c!Technoblade is inherently a violent person because of his voices. I’ll admit here: my hallucinations are visual. I do not get auditory hallucinations, and I cannot speak for people who do. But many people have spoken out about this, and discussed how talking about Technoblade as an inherently violent character because of his voices is harmful, and a stereotype of people with schizophrenia.
Technoblade’s character is, in and of itself, inherently a stereotype (despite the fact that his chat are more likely to be a supernatural entity than a symptom of a disorder such as schizophrenia) in that the idea of “hearing voices that encourage violence” is a stereotype of people with schizophrenia. As an actual symptom, is a very uncommon one. More common auditory hallucinations for people with schizophrenia or psychosis are, reportedly, whispers or unrelated conversation. One of my friends hears screaming.
But the issue is with the implication that c!Technoblade is “driven to violence” by the voices. Canonically, he has dealt with the “bloodlust” of chat by grinding withers. He’s perfectly capable of being peaceful, even with “voices pushing for violence”, and he’s perfectly capable of being violent without the “voices” influence. It’s the connotations and the history that fandom has in demonising and villainising c!Technoblade for even having the “voices” in the first place, and acting having them makes him inherently violent and unstable. There’s precedent for that already in society, and it’s not okay to perpetuate it.
[Edit: as of 22/05/2021, I do experience auditory hallucinations, and I can confirm that I am not any more violent, and the voices I hear don’t push me to violence. The clearest one just said ‘click’ in my ear.]
9. Jokes about brain damage and the use of “brainrot” as a term. I made a post about how common jokes about brain damage are here, and I would like to reiterate bits of it.
Jokes like these are really really normalized in modern society. I’m sure a lot of you didn’t even register it as wrong, and that isn’t a moral failing! It’s a norm in society, and that means the majority of people arent going to register it as something hurtful, because it’s said so often. But it does still hurt. The idea of using a disability as an insult is really harmful and it feels dehumanizing, like our disability makes us lesser, something that should be laughed at.
“Brainrot” as a term originated in Skyrim, as a disease that literally rotted your brain. However, as a term, it has very similar connotations to “brain damaged” and has been used in similarly joking and insulting ways. It’s something that feels really off to me and other neurodivergent people to see used by neurotypical people. It even sometimes feels uncomfortable when used by neurodivergent people, even if it’s used in positive ways. I know quite a few people who have removed it from their vocab completely because of the connotations, and I have personally done the same. Once again, I am just asking you to please consider your words before you use them.
10. Calling c!Wilbur during his Pogtopia Arc “Vilbur”. Yes, he was a villain. Yes, he hurt people. But c!Wilbur during the Pogtopia Arc only has one major difference from c!Wilbur during the L’Manburg Arc: a visible depiction of mental illness, specifically paranoia and psychosis. Treating him as a seperate person and calling that seperate person “Vilbur” comes across as extremely hurtful, and contributes to the villainisation of mentally ill people. His mental illness does not excuse him from hurting people, but calling c!Wilbur “Vilbur” upsets a lot of us, because wether or not it’s intended, it feels reductive, hurtful, and insulting.
If you got to the end of this post, thank you so much for reading. I hope that this helped you recognise things that you might not have known were ableist, and that you consider what I’ve said here. I also know that I haven’t addressed everything ableist that’s spread through the MCYT fandom community, so if you’re ND and have something you’d like to add, please feel free.
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iwannawritelots · 2 years
Can you do a oneshot of Solomon x Mammon relationship reveal and how everyone is reacting to it? With some Protective/Possessive Solomon? With a dash of Jealous MC or Asmodeus?
Sorcerer and Thief
Originally written June 2022
Genre: fluff
Ship(s): Solomon X Mammon
Trigger/content warnings: mentions of sex but nothing NSFW
Headcanons/notes from the author: I ended up not using MC. I’ve been working on this in weird spurts. I never considered this ship before lol, I’ve only seen like, Solomon X Satan besides Solodeus for matching a brother with Solomon? Genderfluid Asmodeus, non-binary Simeon. I hope I wrote it okay, since I only had the reactions of three characters. It was getting really long and I didn’t want to make it bad lol
Brief Blurb: Solomon and Mammon ended up together. They decide it’s finally time to tell people.
It wasn’t supposed to be a serious thing. Mammon just wanted to have a casual thing with someone who wouldn’t mistreat him. He wanted to be given aftercare, and he wanted it to last more than a few minutes. One could only imagine his surprise when Solomon swiped right for him on Akudr. He almost didn’t accept the match, not wanting to cause any weirdness within his social circle… but did it really matter?
After they hooked up the first time, he found his crush revealing itself once again. Why were his eyes so beautiful? Was his kindness real? Did Solomon consider him a friend?
At first he pushed it off as purely a sexual bond. Of course he would find Solomon attractive again after hooking up with him! That’s how brains worked sometimes, after all. He shoved his feelings down, and refused to acknowledge the way his heart pounded in his chest whenever Solomon was around. Even if he did still have a crush on him, it didn’t mean that it was all that serious.
Eventually, though… one thing lead to another, and they ended up dating. Neither of them really wanted to say anything, since Asmodeus was bound to be upset about it. As time went on, though, it was getting more difficult to hide. They were a bit sick of it.
“Mammon,” Solomon muttered, snuggling closer to the demon. “Do you… think we should say something?”
Still in a bit of a haze from sleep, Mammon hushed Solomon and wrapped an arm around him. “‘m sleepy, babe.”
“It’s noon…”
“Sh.” Mammon growled and squished him close to himself. “Sleep.”
Chuckling, Solomon rolled his eyes and nuzzled into Mammon’s neck. “You’re grumpy.” He cackled when Mammon shushed him again, then kept his mouth shut. Listening to Mammon’s heartbeat was soothing, and he fluttered his eyes shut. “I love you…” he muttered.
After taking a deep breath, Mammon muttered, “I love you too, ya shady wizard.”
“I’m still shady when I’m your boyfriend?”
“Did ya change your shady ways or somethin’?” Mammon mumbled, then kissed Solomon’s hair.
Solomon decided to not say anything and kissed Mammon’s neck instead. “Since you’re still sleepy, why don’t I make breakfast?”
“Suddenly I have motivation to make breakfast,” Mammon announced, sitting up and making Solomon whine. “Ya gotta rest. You work too hard or whatever.”
“Why don’t you ever let me cook?” Solomon asked with a pout.
“‘Cause, uh…” Mammon gave Solomon a nervous smile. “I’ll tell ya later.”
Frowning, Solomon watched Mammon get out of bed. “If you insist, I suppose.”
“I do.” Mammon leaned over and kissed Solomon’s temple. “Ya mentioned somethin’ while I was still sleepy. What was it?”
“Oh, right.” Solomon sat up and rubbed his eyes, then yawned. “It’s getting exhausting not having anyone know we’re together.”
Mammon hummed and nodded. “That’s true.” He opened Solomon’s closet and dug through his clothes. “I mean, I think Simeon knows by now.”
“If Simeon hasn’t figured it out I would be surprised,” Solomon stated in agreement. “I… feel guilty about not telling Azzy in particular, though…”
Pausing his actions, Mammon turned to look at Solomon and crossed his arms. “I mean, you two used to fuck, right?”
“Genuinely,” Mammon reassured him. “I ain’t mad, obviously. I’m kinda feelin’ bad about not telling Asmo too, but honestly they’re the person I really don’t want to know. They’ll get all jealous.”
“Isn’t that more reason to tell them now…? They’ll be even more upset if we wait longer. It’s been a few months.” Solomon sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. “Azzy is my best friend. I’ve stopped sleeping with them, of course, but I didn’t really give an explanation. I’m sure they can tell I’m dating someone.”
“Well…” Mammon sighed. “I know you’re right. Damn wizard.” He resumed digging through Solomon’s clothes, then added, “Sorry. I love ya. It just… stresses me out. Not just ‘cause of Asmo, though. Lucifer doesn’t really like ya, y’know?”
Solomon rolled his eyes and laughed. “I know, babe.”
“Plus, my last few relationships have been rocky and ended on bad terms. Especially my last one.” He put on one of Solomon’s shirts, then went to put on his own discarded underwear and pants. “Like, I trust ya, I promise, there’s just a lot that makes me worry.”
Solomon stood up and joined Mammon at his side, then wrapped an arm around his waist. “I know. It’s okay. We can just start telling people, and if they have anything to say about it, they’ll have to go through me.” Mammon sighed and leaned into Solomon, nodding. “There’s nothing to be afraid of. I won’t let anyone hurt you over this.”
“I’m more afraid of what will happen to you,” Mammon admitted in a mutter. “Lucifer can be an asshole, y’know?”
Solomon chuckled and rubbed Mammon’s hip. “Yes, that is the case sometimes.”
After a while of physical reassurance, the two finished making themselves presentable before heading downstairs. In the kitchen, Simeon was already making breakfast. “Good morning, you two.”
Mammon felt his face heat up, realizing he was wearing one of Solomon’s shirts. “H-Hey, Simeon. I thought you angels were like, not home?”
Simeon raised an eyebrow, then glanced at Mammon. Biting back a smirk, Simeon turned around to face them. “No, we weren’t last night. We decided against staying the original three nights because Raphael got violently ill.” They watched Mammon nervously nod. “Is there a reason why we shouldn’t be here?”
“W-Well, no, I mean, y-ya live here, so…” Mammon hid his face in one of his hands, the other trying to push Solomon in front of himself.
“We were just being a bit loud last night,” Solomon stated plainly. “Mammon also probably expected that we’d have breakfast alone.”
“I thought that may be the case.” Simeon resumed cooking, humming a bit to themself. “Is there anything else?”
Solomon raised an eyebrow at Mammon, who gave a shaky smile, then nodded. “Mammon and I are boyfriends.”
Not looking away from their task, Simeon told him, “Thank you for telling me.”
The couple had entered the House of Lamentation, and Mammon wouldn’t stop fidgeting as he watched Solomon take off his jacket. “Are ya sure you’re okay with Lucifer knowin’?”
Solomon perked an eyebrow. “Are you okay with Lucifer knowing?”
“I am!” Mammon exclaimed quickly, fumbling with his hands. “I-I jus’… I jus’ don’t want him to like, kill ya or something.”
“I don’t plan on being killed,” Solomon told him softly.
The two ascended the stairs, then made their way to Lucifer’s office. Mammon knocked on the door, half hoping Lucifer wouldn’t be on the other side. “Come in.”
Slowly, Mammon opened the door. “Could we talk for a minute?”
Lucifer set down his pen, then folded his hands on his desk. “Of course.”
Mammon pulled Solomon into the room, face growing in warmth every second he stood before Lucifer. “I… I am Solomon’s boyfriend.”
There was a pause. “Alright…” Lucifer scrutinized Solomon for a moment, then resumed his attention on Mammon. “This isn’t… some sort of scheme?”
“Solomon isn’t forcing you?”
“N-No, Lucifer,” Mammon carefully hid Solomon behind himself a bit, suddenly feeling very protective. “It’s all genuine ‘n’ stuff, so… d-don’t be rude.”
Lucifer took a deep breath, closed his eyes, then exhaled and shot daggers at Solomon. “I expect you to treat him well.”
Solomon gave a smile. “Of course.”
“If that’s it, then… I need to get back to work.”
Mammon quickly ushered Solomon out of the room, then closed the door behind them. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Th-That was… smoother than I thought it would be.”
“Indeed,” Solomon gently brushed some hair from Mammon’s face, then ran his fingers along his cheek. “Do you want to take a break before we tell Azzy?”
Mammon shook his head. “N-Nah, I’d rather Asmo knew before the others.”
“Alright.” Solomon gently interlaced his fingers with Mammon’s, then led him to Asmodeus’ room. He knocked, then called out, “Azzy?”
There was commotion on the other side of the door, then it swung open, revealing a very pink-faced avatar of lust. “Solomon! Hi!” They noticed Mammon was holding the sorcerer’s hand, then felt their heart squish. “What’s up?”
“I wanted to talk to you about something,” Solomon told them softly. “Could we come in?”
“Um, okay!” Asmodeus attempted to keep up their cheerful façade, but Solomon could hear the twinge in their voice. They stepped aside, allowing the couple to enter the room before shutting the door. Mammon carefully took his hand away from Solomon’s, feeling a bit guilty despite there not being an actual reason to. “What do you want to talk about?”
Solomon watched Asmodeus sit down, examining their body language as he spoke. “Mammon and I are together, as a couple. Exclusively.”
Despite being well versed in pretending, Asmodeus’ face fell for a moment. They quickly forced another grin, blinking back tears that threatened to fall. “Thank you for telling me.” Solomon furrowed his eyebrows, then attempted to reach towards Asmodeus, but they quickly stood up and away from him. “I… am really happy for you two.”
The shaking in their voice was making Mammon’s heart break, and he had half a mind to go back on Solomon’s statement. He knew it wouldn’t do any good, but he couldn’t stand his little sibling being upset. “Asmo, um…”
“It’s okay!” they assured him quickly. “I’m just… surprised is all.” A tear rolled down their cheek, and they quickly wiped it away with their palm. “I just… am surprised. I’m just surprised.”
Solomon watched them carefully as he grabbed Mammon’s hand. “Alright. We have to go do something, so… thanks for listening.”
“Mmhm,” Asmodeus watched them leave the room, then slammed the door behind them and locked it.
The two heard them let out a guttural scream, then a loud sob. Mammon carefully examined Solomon’s face. “Are ya okay, Solomon?”
“Yes,” Solomon made a weary, small smile. “They will get over it.”
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